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한줄영작연습 자료 올립니다.
설명문/실용문(Unit 10)을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 


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필요에 따라 변형해서 사용하세요.
유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다~♡


혹시 자료에 오류가 있으면 댓글 달아주세요. 
바로 수정해 놓겠습니다. 



블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






파일 다운로드

[고1] 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 - 한줄영작연습.pdf
[고1] 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 - 한줄영작연습.docx




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[고1] 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 (전지문) - 한줄해석

한줄해석 올립니다. 설명문/실용문(Unit 10)을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 그리고 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 때 참고하세요. PDF & Word 파일 다운로드 파



[고1] 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 (전지문) - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

오늘은 의 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다. 설명문/실용문(Unit 10)을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 그리고 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 사용하세요. 유용






<[고2] 2023년도 6월 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다.
자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  
지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 때 참고하세요.



블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






파일 다운로드

[고2] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석.pdf
[고2] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석.docx




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[고2] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고2 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 



[고2] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT 4.0

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고2 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료를 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT 4.0)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일 제공)  





전체 내용


[2] 2023 06 – 18결석 사유 제출 안내  협조 요청 공문

① Dear parents,

 친애하는 부모님께,

② Regular attendance at school is essential in maximizing student potential.

 학생의 잠재력을 극대화하는 데는 학교에 규칙적으로 출석하는 것이 필수적입니다.

③ Recently, we've become concerned about the number of unapproved absences across all grades.

 최근에우리는  학년에 걸쳐 승인되지 않은 결석 수에 대해 우려하고 있습니다.

④ I would like to further clarify that your role as a parent is to approve any school absence.

 저는 부모로서의 당신의 역할이 학교 결석을 승인하는 것이라는 것을  명확히 하고 싶습니다.

⑤ Parents must provide an explanation for absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence.

 학부모들은 결석 첫날로부터 7 이내에 결석에 대한 설명을 학교에 제공해야 합니다.

⑥ Where an explanation has not been received within the 7-day time frame, the school will record the absence as unjustified on the student's record.

 7일의 기간 내에 설명이 주어지지 않을 경우학교는 결석을 정당하지 않은 것으로 학생부에 기록할 것입니다.

⑦ Please ensure that you go to the parent portal site and register the reason any time your child is absent.

 반드시 학부모 포털 사이트에 들어가서 자녀가 결석할 때마다 사유를 등록해 주십시오.

⑧ Please approve all absences, so that your child will not be at a disadvantage.

 자녀가 불이익에 처하지 않도록 모든 결석을 승인해 주십시오.

⑨ Many thanks for your cooperation.

 협조해 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다.

⑩ Sincerely, Natalie Brown, Vice Principal

 진심으로교감, Natalie Brown


[2] 2023 06 – 19우편물 수령  기쁨의 상황 묘사

① Ester stood up as soon as she heard the hum of a hover engine outside.

 밖에서 호버 엔진의 윙윙거리는 소리가 들리자마자 Ester 일어섰다.

② "Mail," she shouted and ran down the third set of stairs and swung open the door.

 "편지,"라고 외치며 그녀는 계단을  칸씩 뛰어내려가 문을  열었다.

③ It was pouring now, but she ran out into the rain.

 비가 쏟아지고 있었지만 그녀는 빗속으로 뛰어나갔다.

④ She was facing the mailbox.

 그녀는 우체통을 마주하고 있었다.

⑤ There was a single, unopened letter inside.

 안에는 뜯지 않은 편지  통이 들어 있었다.

⑥ She was sure this must be what she was eagerly waiting for.

 그녀는 이것이 그녀가 간절히 기다리고 있는 것임에 틀림 없다고 확신했다.

⑦ Without hesitation, she tore open the envelope.

 망설임 없이 그녀는 봉투를 뜯어서 열었다.

⑧ She pulled out the paper and unfolded it.

 그녀는 종이를 꺼내 펼쳤다.

⑨ The letter said, 'Thank you for applying to our company.

 편지에는 '우리 회사에 지원해 주셔서 감사합니다.

⑩ We would like to invite you to our internship program.

 우리는 당신을 인턴십 프로그램에 초대하고 싶습니다.

⑪ We look forward to seeing you soon.'

 우리는 당신을  뵙기를 기대합니다.'라고 쓰여 있었다.

⑫ She jumped up and down and looked down at the letter again.

 그녀는 펄쩍펄쩍 뛰며 다시 편지를 내려다보았다.

⑬ She couldn't wait to tell this news to her family.

 그녀는  소식을 가족들에게 빨리 전하고 싶었다.


[2] 2023 06 – 20새로운 기술의 지속가능한 발전을 위한 영향 평가의 필요성

① The introduction of new technologies clearly has both positive and negative impacts for sustainable development.

 신기술의 도입은 지속 가능한 발전에 긍정적인 영향과 부정적인 영향을 분명히 미친다.

② Good management of technological resources needs to take them fully into account.

 기술 자원을  관리하려면 그것들을 충분히 고려해야 한다.

③ Technological developments in sectors such as nuclear energy and agriculture provide examples of how not only environmental benefits but also risks to the environment or human health can accompany technological advances.

 원자력과 농업과 같은 분야의 기술 발전은 환경적 이익뿐만 아니라 환경이나 인간의 건강에 대한 위험이 어떻게 기술 발전에 수반될  있는지에 대한 예를 제공한다.

④ New technologies have profound social impacts as well.

 새로운 기술은 또한 심오한 사회적 영향을 끼친다.

⑤ Since the industrial revolution, technological advances have changed the nature of skills needed in workplaces, creating certain types of jobs and destroying others, with impacts on employment patterns.

 산업혁명 이후 기술의 발전은 직장에서 요구되는 기술의 본질을 변화시켜 고용 패턴에 영향을 미치며 특정 유형의 일자리를 창출하고 다른 유형의 일자리는 소멸시켰다.

⑥ New technologies need to be assessed for their full potential impacts, both positive and negative.

 신기술은 긍정적이고 부정적인모든 잠재적 영향들에 대해 평가되어야 한다.


[2] 2023 06 – 21미국 전통 음식 문화의 상실 우려

① North America's native cuisine met the same unfortunate fate as its native people, save for a few relics like the Thanksgiving turkey.

 추수감사절 칠면조와 같은  가지 전해 내려오는 풍속을 제외하고북미의 토착 요리는 원주민들과 같은 불행한 운명을 맞이했다.

② Certainly, we still have regional specialties, but the Carolina barbecue will almost certainly have California tomatoes in its sauce, and the Louisiana gumbo is just as likely to contain Indonesian farmed shrimp.

 확실히우리는 여전히 지역 특색 음식을 가지고 있지만, Carolina 바비큐는 거의 확실히 California 토마토를 소스에 넣을 것이고, Louisiana 검보도 인도네시아 양식 새우를 포함할 것이다.

③ If either of these shows up on a fast-food menu with lots of added fats or HFCS, we seem unable either to discern or resist the corruption.

 만약 이것들  하나가 지방이나 액상 과당이 많이 첨가되어 패스트푸드 메뉴에 나타난다면우리는  붕괴를 식별하거나 막을  없을  같다.

④ We have yet to come up with a strong set of generalized norms, passed down through families, for savoring and sensibly consuming what our land and climate give us.

 우리는 아직 우리의 땅과 기후가 우리에게 주는 것을 음미하고 현명하게 소비하기 위해가계를 통해 전해져 내려오는 강력한 일반화된 규범을 생각해내지 못했다.

⑤ We have, instead, a string of fad diets convulsing our bookstores and bellies, one after another, at the scale of the national best seller.

 대신우리는 전국적인 베스트셀러의 규모로 서점과 배에 연이어  소동을 일으키는 일련의 유행하는 식단을 가지고 있다.

⑥ Nine out of ten nutritionists view this as evidence that we have entirely lost our marbles.

 10  9명의 영양학자들은 이것을 우리가 완전히 우리의 분별력을 잃었다는 증거로 본다.


[2] 2023 06 – 22: AI 시대에 인간의 감정 지능 역량이 중요해질 

① Perhaps, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace may bode well for Emotional Intelligence (EI).

 아마도직장에서 인공 지능(AI) 출현은 감성 지능(EI) 좋은 징조가   있다.

② As AI gains momentum and replaces people in jobs at every level, predictions are, there will be a premium placed on people who have high ability in EI.

 AI 추진력을 받고 모든 수준의 일자리에서 사람들을 대신함에 따라높은 EI 능력을 가진 사람들에게 프리미엄이 주어질 것이라는 전망이 있다.

③ The emotional messages people send and respond to while interacting are, at this point, far beyond the ability of AI programs to mimic.

 사람들이 상호 작용하는 동안 보내고 반응하는 감정적인 메시지들은이러한 점에서, AI 프로그램의 모방하는 능력을 훨씬 넘어선다.

④ As we get further into the age of the smart machine, it is likely that sensing and managing emotions will remain one type of intelligence that puzzles AI.

 우리가 스마트 기기의 시대로 접어들수록감정을 감지하고 관리하는 것은 AI 당혹하게 하는 지능의  유형으로 남을 것이다.

⑤ This means people and jobs involving EI are safe from being taken over by machines.

 이것은 EI 관련된 사람들과 직업들이 기계에 의해 점령되는 것으로부터 안전하다는 것을 의미한다.

⑥ In a survey, almost three out of four executives see EI as a "must-have" skill for the workplace in the future as the automatizing of routine tasks bumps up against the impossibility of creating effective AI for activities that require emotional skill.

  설문 조사에서일상적인 업무의 자동화가 정서적 기술이 필요한 활동에 효과적인 AI 만드는 것이 불가능하다는 점에 부딪히면서임원      가량이 EI 향후 직장의 "필수기술로 보고 있다.


[2] 2023 06 – 23교육 과정에서 분야  용어 통일의 필요성

① Education must focus on the trunk of the tree of knowledge, revealing the ways in which the branches, twigs, and leaves all emerge from a common core.

 교육은 나뭇가지잔가지잎이 모두 공통의 핵심에서 나오는 방식을 밝히면서지식의 나무 줄기에 초점을 맞춰야 한다.

② Tools for thinking stem from this core, providing a common language with which practitioners in different fields may share their experience of the process of innovation and discover links between their creative activities.

 다양한 분야의 실무자들이 혁신 과정에 대한 경험을 공유하고 그들의 창의적 활동 사이의 연결 고리를 발견할  있는 공통 언어를 제공하면서사고를 위한 도구는  핵심에서 비롯된다.

③ When the same terms are employed across the curriculum, students begin to link different subjects and classes.

 교육과정 전반에 걸쳐 동일한 용어가 사용될 학생들은 서로 다른 과목들과 수업들을 연결하기 시작한다.

④ If they practice abstracting in writing class, if they work on abstracting in painting or drawing class, and if, in all cases, they call it abstracting, they begin to understand how to think beyond disciplinary boundaries.

 글쓰기 수업에서 추상을 연습하고회화나 그림 그리기 수업에서 추상을 연습하고그리고 모든 경우에 그들이 그것을 추상이라고 일컫는다면그들은 학문의 경계를 넘어 사고하는 방법을 이해하기시작한다.

⑤ They see how to transform their thoughts from one mode of conception and expression to another.

 그들은 그들의 생각을 하나의 개념과 표현 방식에서 다른 방식으로 바꾸는 방법을 알게 된다.

⑥ Linking the disciplines comes naturally when the terms and tools are presented as part of a universal imagination.

 용어들과 도구들이 보편적 상상력의 일부로 제시될  학문들을 연결하는 것은 자연스럽게 이루어진다.


[2] 2023 06 – 24언어는 시대와 함께 지속적으로 변화함

① New words and expressions emerge continually in response to new situations, ideas and feelings.

 새로운 상황생각감정에 반응하여 새로운 단어들과 표현들이 계속해서 생겨난다.

② The Oxford English Dictionary publishes supplements of new words and expressions that have entered the language.

 Oxford 영어 사전은  언어에 등장한 새로운 단어들과 표현들의 추가분을 출판한다.

③ Some people deplore this kind of thing and see it as a drift from correct English.

 어떤 사람들은 이런 일을 한탄하고 그것을 올바른 영어에서 벗어난 것으로 본다.

④ But it was only in the eighteenth century that any attempt was made to formalize spelling and punctuation of English at all.

 그러나 영어의 철자와 구두법을 공식화하려는 시도는 18세기에 이르러서야 이루어졌다.

⑤ The language we speak in the twenty-first century would be virtually unintelligible to Shakespeare, and so would his way of speaking to us.

 21세기에 우리가 사용하는 언어는 Shakespeare에게는 사실상 이해되기 어려울 것이며우리에게도 그의 말하는 방식은 마찬가지일 것이다.

⑥ Alvin Toffler estimated that Shakespeare would probably only understand about 250,000 of the 450,000 words in general use in the English language now.

 Alvin Toffler Shakespeare 현재 영어에서 일반적으로 사용되는 450,000개의 단어   250,000개만을 이해할 것이라고 추정했다.

⑦ In other words, so to speak, if Shakespeare were to materialize in London today he would understand, on average, only five out of every nine words in our vocabulary.

 다시 말해서말하자면만약 Shakespeare 오늘날 런던에 나타난다면그는 평균적으로 우리의 어휘에 있는 9개의 단어당 5개만 이해할 것이다.


[2] 2023 06 – 25: 2019 기준 국가별 학생 교사 비율 그래프

① The graph above shows the average number of students per teacher in public elementary and secondary schools across selected countries in 2019.

  그래프는 선정된 국가들의 2019 공립 .중등학교 교사 1인당 평균 학생 수를 보여준다.

② Belgium was the only country with a smaller number of students per teacher than the OECD average in both public elementary and secondary schools.

 벨기에는 공립 초등학교와 중등학교 모두에서 교사 1인당 학생 수가 OECD 평균보다 적은 유일한 나라였다.

③ In both public elementary and secondary schools, the average number of students per teacher was the largest in Mexico.

 공립 초등학교와 중등학교 모두에서교사 1인당 평균 학생 수는 멕시코에서 가장 많았다.

④ In public elementary schools, there was a smaller number of students per teacher on average in Germany than in Japan, whereas the reverse was true in public secondary schools.

 공립 초등학교에서는 교사 1인당 평균 학생 수가 일본보다 독일에서 적은 반면공립 중등학교에서는  반대였다.

⑤ The average number of students per teacher in public secondary schools in Germany was less than half that in the United Kingdom.

 독일에서 공립 중등학교의 교사 1인당 평균 학생 수는 영국의 절반보다 적었다.

⑥ Of the five countries, Mexico was the only country with more students per teacher in public secondary schools than in public elementary schools.

 5개국  멕시코는 공립 중등학교의 교사 1인당 학생 수가 공립 초등학교보다 많은 유일한 나라였다.


[2] 2023 06 – 26식물학자  레이의 생애 소개

① Born in 1627 in Black Notley, Essex, England, John Ray was the son of the village blacksmith.

 1627 잉글랜드 Essex Black Notley에서 태어난 John Ray 마을 대장장이의 아들이었다.

② At 16, he went to Cambridge University, where he studied widely and lectured on topics from Greek to mathematics, before joining the priesthood in 1660.

 16세에 그는 Cambridge 대학교에 들어가서 폭넓게 공부하고 그리스어부터 수학까지 강의를 하다가 1660년에 성직자의 길로 들어섰다.

③ To recover from an illness in 1650, he had taken to nature walks and developed an interest in botany.

 1650 병에서 회복하기 위해그는 자연을 산책하기 시작했고 식물학에 대한 관심을 키웠다.

④ Accompanied by his wealthy student and supporter Francis Willughby, Ray toured Britain and Europe in the 1660s, studying and collecting plants and animals.

 부유한 학생이자 후원자인 Francis Willughby 함께 Ray 1660년대에 영국과 유럽을 여행했고 식물과 동물을 연구하고 수집했다.

⑤ He married Margaret Oakley in 1673 and, after leaving Willughby's household, lived quietly in Black Notley to the age of 77.

 그는 1673 Margaret Oakley 결혼했고, Willughby 집안을 떠난 후에는 Black Notley에서 77세까지 조용히 살았다.

⑥ He spent his later years studying samples in order to assemble plant and animal catalogues.

 그는 동식물 목록을 만들기 위해 표본을 연구하면서 말년을 보냈다.

⑦ He wrote more than twenty works on theology and his travels, as well as on plants and their form and function.

 그는 식물과  형태기능뿐만 아니라 신학과 그의 여행에 관한 20 이상의 저서를 썼다.


[2] 2023 06 – 29자기보고식 설문조사의 한계와 사회적 동기 편향

① Research psychologists often work with self-report data, made up of participants' verbal accounts of their behavior.

 연구 심리학자들은 종종 자기 보고 데이터로 작업을 하는데이는 참가자들의 행동에 대한 구두 설명으로 구성되어 있다.

② This is the case whenever questionnaires, interviews, or personality inventories are used to measure variables.

 변인을 측정하기 위해 설문지면접 또는 성격 목록이 사용될 때마다 이에 해당한다.

③ Self-report methods can be quite useful.

 자기 보고 방법은  유용할  있다.

④ They take advantage of the fact that people have a unique opportunity to observe themselves full-time.

 그것들은 사람들이 자신을 풀타임으로 관찰할  있는 유일한 기회를 가진다는 사실을 이용한다.

⑤ However, self-reports can be plagued by several kinds of distortion.

 그러나자기 보고는  가지 종류의 왜곡으로 인해 오염될  있다.

⑥ One of the most problematic of these distortions is the social desirability bias, which is a tendency to give socially approved answers to questions about oneself.

 이러한 왜곡  가장 문제가 되는 하나는 사회적 바람직성 편향인데이것은 사회적으로 승인된 답을 자신에 관한 질문에 제공하는 경향이다.

⑦ Subjects who are influenced by this bias work overtime trying to create a favorable impression, especially when subjects are asked about sensitive issues.

 이러한 편향에 영향을 받은 피실험자들은 특히 민감한 문제에 대해 질문받을  호의적인 인상을 만들기 위해 추가적으로 노력한다.

⑧ For example, many survey respondents will report that they voted in an election or gave to a charity when in fact it is possible to determine that they did not.

 예를 들어많은 설문 조사 응답자들은 사실은 하지 않았다고 결정하는 것이 가능할  선거에서 투표했다거나 자선 단체에 기부했다고 보고할 것이다.


[2] 2023 06 – 30비관세 장벽이 개발도상국 수출에 미치는 어려움

① Over the past several decades, there have been some agreements to reduce the debt of poor nations, but other economic challenges (like trade barriers) remain.

 지난 수십  동안가난한 나라들의 부채를 줄이기 위한  가지 합의가 있었지만다른 경제적 과제(무역 장벽과 같은) 남아 있다.

② Nontariff trade measures, such as quotas, subsidies, and restrictions on exports, are increasingly prevalent and may be enacted for policy reasons having nothing to do with trade.

 할당제보조금수출 제한과 같은 비관세 무역 조치가 점점  널리 퍼지고 있으며 무역과 무관한 정책적 이유로 제정될  있다.

③ However, they have a discriminatory effect on exports from countries that lack the resources to comply with requirements of nontariff measures imposed by rich nations.

 그러나 그것들은 부유한 국가들에 의해 부과된 비관세 조치의 요건을 준수할 자원이 부족한 국가들의 수출에 차별적인 효과를 가진다.

④ For example, the huge subsidies that rich nations give to their farmers make it very difficult for farmers in the rest of the world to compete with them.

 예를 들어부유한 국가들이 자국의 농부들에게 주는 막대한 보조금은  세계 나머  국가들의 농부들이 그들과 경쟁하는 것을 매우 어렵게 만든다.

⑤ Another example would be domestic health or safety regulations, which, though not specifically targeting imports, could impose significant costs on foreign manufacturers seeking to conform to the importer's market.

  다른 예는 국내 보건 또는 안전 규제인데이것은구체적으로 수입을 목표로 삼진 않지만수입자 시장에 순응하고자 하는 외국 제조업체에 상당한 비용을 부과할  있다.

⑥ Industries in developing markets may have more difficulty absorbing these additional costs.

 개발도상국 시장의 산업은 이러한 추가 비용을 부담하는   많은 어려움을 겪을  있다.


[2] 2023 06 – 31환경 규제가 혁신을 촉진한 사례

① In the course of his research on business strategy and the environment, Michael Porter noticed a peculiar pattern: Businesses seemed to be profiting from regulation.

 비즈니스 전략과 환경을 연구하는 과정에서, Michael Porter 기업이 규제로부터 이익을 얻는 것처럼 보인다는 독특한 패턴을 발견했다.

② He also discovered that the stricter regulations were prompting more innovation than the weaker ones.

 그는 또한  엄격한 규제가 느슨한 규제보다  많은 혁신을 유발하고 있다는 것을 발견했다.

③ The Dutch flower industry provides an illustration.

 네덜란드의  산업은 하나의 예시이다.

④ For many years, the companies producing Holland's world-renowned tulips and other cut flowers were also contaminating the country's water and soil with fertilizers and pesticides.

 수년 동안네덜란드의 세계적으로 유명한 튤립과 다른 꽃들을 생산하는 회사들은 또한 비료와 농약으로   라의 물과 토양을 오염시키고 있었다.

⑤ In 1991, the Dutch government adopted a policy designed to cut pesticide use in half by 2000 ― a goal they ultimately achieved.

 1991네덜란드 정부는 2000년까지 농약 사용을 절반으로 줄이도록 고안된 정책을 채택했는데이것은 그들이 궁극적으로 달성한 목표였다.

⑥ Facing increasingly strict regulation, greenhouse growers realized they had to develop new methods if they were going to maintain product quality with fewer pesticides.

 점점  엄격한 규제에 직면하면서온실 재배자들은  적은 양의 농약으로 상품의 품질을 유지하려면 새로운 방법을 개발해야만 한다는 것을 깨달았다.

⑦ In response, they shifted to a cultivation method that circulates water in closed-loop systems and grows flowers in a rock wool substrate.

 이에 그들은 폐쇄 루프 방식으로 물을 순환시키고 암모 배양판에서 꽃을 키우는 재배 방식으로 전환했다.

⑧ The new system not only reduced the pollution released into the environment; it also increased profits by giving companies greater control over growing conditions.

 새로운 시스템은 환경에 배출되는 오염을 감소시켰을 뿐만 아니라회사들이 재배 조건을   통제할  있게 함으로써 이익을 증가시켰다.


[2] 2023 06 – 32노력보다 결과를 중요시하는 경향에 대한 비판

① It's hard to pay more for the speedy but highly skilled person, simply because there's less effort being observed.

 빠르지만 고도로 숙련된 사람에게  많은 돈을 지불하기는 어려운데 이유는 단순히 관찰되는 노력이 적기 때문이다.

② Two researchers once did a study in which they asked people how much they would pay for data recovery.

  명의 연구원이 사람들에게 데이터 복구에 얼마를 지불할 것인지를 묻는 연구를  적이 있다.

③ They found that people would pay a little more for a greater quantity of rescued data, but what they were most sensitive to was the number of hours the technician worked.

 그들은 사람들이  많은 양의 복구된 데이터에 대해 조금  많은 돈을 지불할 것이라는 것을 발견했지만사람들이 가장 민감하게 여기는 것은 기술자가 일한 시간이었다.

④ When the data recovery took only a few minutes, willingness to pay was low, but when it took more than a week to recover the same amount of data, people were willing to pay much more.

 데이터 복구에  분밖에 걸리지 않았을 지불 의사가 낮았지만같은 양의 데이터를 복구하는  일주일 이상이 걸렸을 훨씬  많은 비용을 지불할 의사가 있었다.

⑤ Think about it: They were willing to pay more for the slower service with the same outcome.

 생각해 보라그들은 같은 결과에 대해  느린 서비스에  많은 비용을 기꺼이 지불하고자 했다.

⑥ Fundamentally, when we value effort over outcome, we're paying for incompetence.

 근본적으로우리가 결과보다 노력을 중시할 우리는 무능함에 비용을 지불하는 것이다.

⑦ Although it is actually irrational, we feel more rational, and more comfortable, paying for incompetence.

 비록 그것이 실제로는 비합리적이지만우리는 무능함에 지불하면서 이성적이고 편하다고 느낀다.


[2] 2023 06 – 33환경과 교류를 통해 지적 성장이 일어남  

① In adolescence many of us had the experience of falling under the sway of a great book or writer.

 청소년기에 우리  다수는 위대한 책이나 작가의 영향을 받은 경험이 있다.

② We became entranced by the novel ideas in the book, and because we were so open to influence, these early encounters with exciting ideas sank deeply into our minds and became part of our own thought processes, affecting us decades after we absorbed them.

 우리는  속의 참신한 아이디어에 매료되었고영향에 매우 열려 있었기 때문에흥미로운 아이디어와의 이러한 초기 만남은 우리의 마음속 깊이 가라 앉았고 우리 자신의 사고 과정의 일부가 되었고그것들을 흡수한지 수십 년이 지난 후에 우리에게 영향을 미쳤다.

③ Such influences enriched our mental landscape, and in fact our intelligence depends on the ability to absorb the lessons and ideas of those who are older and wiser.

 그러한 영향들은 우리의 정신적 풍경을 풍부하게 했고사실 우리의 지성은  나이가 많고  현명한 사람들의 교훈과 생각을 흡수하는 능력에 달려 있다.

④ Just as the body tightens with age, however, so does the mind.

 그러나나이가 들면서 몸이 경직되는 것처럼 마음도 그러하다.

⑤ And just as our sense of weakness and vulnerability motivated the desire to learn, so does our creeping sense of superiority slowly close us off to new ideas and influences.

 그리고 약점과 취약성에 대한 우리의 깨달음이 학습 욕구를 자극했듯이슬며시 다가오는 우월감도 새로운 생각과 영향력에 대해 서서히 우리를 닫는다.

⑥ Some may advocate that we all become more skeptical in the modern world, but in fact a far greater danger comes from the increasing closing of the mind that burdens us as individuals as we get older, and seems to be burdening our culture in general.

 어떤 사람들은 현대 세계에서 우리가 모두  회의적으로 된다고 주장할지도 모르지만사실 훨씬   위험은 우리가 나이가 들수록 개인으로서 우리에게 부담을 주고일반적으로 우리의 문화에 부담을 주는 것처럼 보이는 점차적인 마음의 폐쇄에서 온다.


[2] 2023 06 – 34대중 여론이 반드시 옳지 않을  있음

① Many people look for safety and security in popular thinking.

 많은 사람이 대중적인 사고에서 안전과 안심을 찾는다.

② They figure that if a lot of people are doing something, then it must be right.

 그들은 만약 많은 사람이 무언가를 하고 있다면그것은 틀림없이 옳을 것으로 생각한다.

③ It must be a good idea.

 그것은 좋은 생각임이 틀림없다.

④ If most people accept it, then it probably represents fairness, equality, compassion, and sensitivity, right?

 만약 대부분의 사람들이 그것을 받아들인다면그것은 아마도 공정함평등함동정심그리고 민감성을 상징할 것이다그러한가?

⑤ Not necessarily.

  그렇다고  수는 없다.

⑥ Popular thinking said the earth was the center of the universe, yet Copernicus studied the stars and planets and proved mathematically that the earth and the other planets in our solar system revolved around the sun.

 대중적인 사고는 지구가 우주의 중심이라고 했지만, Copernicus 별과 행성을 연구했고 지구와 태양계의 다른 행성들이 태양 주위를 돈다는 것을 수학적으로 증명했다.

⑦ Popular thinking said surgery didn't require clean instruments, yet Joseph Lister studied the high death rates in hospitals and introduced antiseptic practices that immediately saved lives.

 대중적인 사고는 수술이 깨끗한 도구를 필요로 하지 않는다고 말했지만, Joseph Lister 병원에서의 높은 사망률을 연구했고 즉시 생명을 구하는 멸균법을 소개했다.

⑧ Popular thinking said that women shouldn't have the right to vote, yet people like Emmeline Pankhurst and Susan B. Anthony fought for and won that right.

 대중적인 사고는 여성들이 투표권을 가져서는  된다고 했지만, Emmeline Pankhurst Susan B. Anthony 같은 사람들은  권리를 위해 싸웠고 쟁취했다.

⑨ We must always remember there is a huge difference between acceptance and intelligence.

 우리는 항상 수용과 지성 사이에  차이가 있다는 것을 기억해야 한다.

⑩ People may say that there's safety in numbers, but that's not always true.

 사람들은 수가 많은 편이  안전하다고 말할지도 모르지만그것이 항상 사실인 것은 아니다.


[2] 2023 06 – 35런던 택시 운전사 자격 취득의 어려움과  이유

① Before getting licensed to drive a cab in London, a person has to pass an incredibly difficult test with an intimidating name ─ "The Knowledge."

 런던에서 택시 운전면허를 받기 전에사람은 "The Knowledge"라는 위협적인 이름의 매우 어려운 시험을 통과해야 한다.

② The test involves memorizing the layout of more than 20,000 streets in the Greater London area - a feat that involves an incredible amount of memory resources.

  시험은 Greater London 지역의 2  이상 거리의 구획을 암기하는 것을 포함하는데이는 엄청난 양의 기억 자원을 포함하는 기술이다.

③ In fact, fewer than 50 percent of the people who sign up for taxi driver training pass the test, even after spending two or three years studying for it!

 사실택시 운전사 훈련에 등록한 사람  50% 미만이 시험을 통과하는데심지어 그것을 위해 2, 3년을 공부한 후에도 말이다!

④ And as it turns out, the brains of London cabbies are different from non-cab-driving humans in ways that reflect their herculean memory efforts.

 그리고 밝혀진 바에 따르면런던 택시 운전사들의 두뇌는 그들의 초인적인 기억 노력을 반영하는 방식에서 택시 운전을 하지 않는 사람들과 다르다.

⑤ In fact, the part of the brain that has been most frequently associated with spatial memory, the tail of the sea horse-shaped brain region called the hippocampus, is bigger than average in these taxi drivers.

 사실공간 기억과 가장 자주 연관되어  뇌의 부분해마라 불리는 해마 모양을   영역의 꼬리 부분은 이들 택시 운전사들에게서 평균보다  크다.


[2] 2023 06 – 36정책 수립  의도치 않은 결과에 대한 고려 필요성

① When evaluating a policy, people tend to concentrate on how the policy will fix some particular problem while ignoring or downplaying other effects it may have.

 정책을 평가할 사람들은 그것이 어떤 특정한 문제를 어떻게 해결할 것인가에 집중하는 경향이 있으며 정책이 가질  있는 다른 효과는 무시하거나 경시한다.

② Economists often refer to this situation as The Law of Unintended Consequences.

 경제학자들은 종종  상황을 의도하지 않은 결과의 법칙이라고 부른다.

③ For instance, suppose that you impose a tariff on imported steel in order to protect the jobs of domestic steelworkers.

 예를 들어국내 철강 노동자들의 일자리를 보호하기 위해 수입된 철강에 관세를 부과한다고 가정해 보자.

④ If you impose a high enough tariff, their jobs will indeed be protected from competition by foreign steel companies.

 만약 당신이 충분히 높은 관세를 부과한다면그들의 일자리는 실제로 외국 철강 회사들과의 경쟁으로부터 보호될 것이다.

⑤ But an unintended consequence is that the jobs of some autoworkers will be lost to foreign competition.

 그러나 하나의 의도하지 않은 결과는 일부 자동차 노동자들의 일자리가 외국 경쟁사에 빼앗기게 된다는 것이다.

⑥ Why?


⑦ The tariff that protects steelworkers raises the price of the steel that domestic automobile makers need to build their cars.

 철강 노동자들을 보호하는 관세는 국내 자동차 제조업체들이 자동차를 만드는  필요한 철강의 가격을 높인다.

⑧ As a result, domestic automobile manufacturers have to raise the prices of their cars, making them relatively less attractive than foreign cars.

  결과국내 자동차 제조업체들은 자동차 가격을 인상해야 하고국산 차를 외제 차에 비해 상대적으로  매력적이게 만든다.

⑨ Raising prices tends to reduce domestic car sales, so some domestic autoworkers lose their jobs.

 가격을 올리는 것은 국산  판매를 줄이는 경향이 있어서일부 국내 자동차 노동자들은 일자리를 잃는다.


[2] 2023 06 – 37기후 변화로 인한 멸종 위기 동식물 사례  

① Species that are found in only one area are called endemic species and are especially vulnerable to extinction.

 오직  지역에서만 발견되는 종들은 토착종이라고 불리고 특히 멸종에 취약하다.

② They exist on islands and in other unique small areas, especially in tropical rain forests where most species are highly specialized.

 그들은 섬들과 특히 대부분의 종이 매우 특화된 열대 우림인 다른 독특한 작은 지역에 있다.

③ One example is the brilliantly colored golden toad once found only in a small area of lush rain forests in Costa Rica's mountainous region.

 한가지 예는 코스타리카의 산악 지역에 있는 무성한 열대 우림의 작은 지역에서만   발견되었던 번쩍이는 색깔의 황금 두꺼비이다.

④ Despite living in the country's well-protected Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, by 1989, the golden toad had apparently become extinct.

  나라의  보존된 Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve에서 살았음에도 불구하고, 1989년쯤황금 두꺼비는 외관상으로 멸종하였다.

⑤ Much of the moisture that supported its rain forest habitat came in the form of moisture-laden clouds blowing in from the Caribbean Sea.

 그것의 열대 우림 서식지를 지탱해  습기의 많은 부분은 카리브해에서 불어 들어오는 습기를 실은 구름의 형태에서 왔다.

⑥ But warmer air from global climate change caused these clouds to rise, depriving the forests of moisture, and the habitat for the golden toad and many other species dried up.

 하지만 세계적 기후 변화로 인한  따뜻한 공기가 이러한 구름들을 상승하게 했고숲에서 습기를 제거하였으며황금 두꺼비와 많은 다른 종들의 서식지가 완전히 말라 버렸다.

⑦ The golden toad appears to be one of the first victims of climate change caused largely by global warming.

 황금 두꺼비는 주로 지구 온난화로 인한 기후 변화의  희생양들  하나인  같다.


[2] 2023 06 – 38통제된 실험 환경의 중요성

① The fundamental nature of the experimental method is manipulation and control.

 실험 방법의 근본적인 본질은 조작과 통제이다.

② Scientists manipulate a variable of interest, and see if there's a difference.

 과학자들은 관심 변인을 조작하고차이가 있는지 확인한다.

③ At the same time, they attempt to control for the potential effects of all other variables.

 동시에다른 모든 변인의 잠재적 영향을 통제하려고 시도한다.

④ The importance of controlled experiments in identifying the underlying causes of events cannot be overstated.

 사건의 근본적인 원인을 식별하는  있어 통제된 실험의 중요성은 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않다.

⑤ In the real-uncontrolled-world, variables are often correlated.

 현실의 통제되지 않은 세계에서변인들은 종종 상관관계가 있다.

⑥ For example, people who take vitamin supplements may have different eating and exercise habits than people who don't take vitamins.

 예를 들어비타민 보충제를 섭취하는 사람들은 비타민을 섭취하지 않는 사람들과는 다른 식습관과 운동 습관을 지닐  있다.

⑦ As a result, if we want to study the health effects of vitamins, we can't merely observe the real world, since any of these factors (the vitamins, diet, or exercise) may affect health.

  결과만약 우리가 비타민의 건강에 미치는 효과를 연구하고 싶다면우리는 단지 현실 세계만 관찰할  없는데왜냐하면 이러한 요소(비타민식단운동 어느 것이든 건강에 영향을 미칠 있기 때문이다.

⑧ Rather, we have to create a situation that doesn't actually occur in the real world.

 오히려우리는 현실 세계에서 실제로 일어나지 않는 상황을 만들어야 한다.

⑨ That's just what scientific experiments do.

 그것이 바로 과학 실험이 하는 일이다.

⑩ They try to separate the naturally occurring relationship in the world by manipulating one specific variable at a time, while holding everything else constant.

 그것들은  밖의 다른 모든 것을 일정하게 유지하면서 번에 하나의 특정 변인을 조작하여 세상에서 자연적으로 발생하는 관계를 분리하려고 애쓴다.


[2] 2023 06 – 39지중해식 식단의 건강상 이점

① Why do people in the Mediterranean live longer and have a lower incidence of disease?

  지중해 지역의 사람들은  오래 살고 질병 발생률이  낮을까?

② Some people say it's because of what they eat.

 몇몇의 사람들은 그것이 그들이 먹는  때문이라고 말한다.

③ Their diet is full of fresh fruits, fish, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts.

 그들의 식단은 신선한 과일생선채소통곡물견과류로 가득하다.

④ Individuals in these cultures drink red wine and use great amounts of olive oil.

 이러한 문화권의 사람들은 적포도주를 마시고 많은 양의 올리브유를 사용한다.

⑤ Why is that food pattern healthy?

  그러한 음식 패턴이 건강에 좋은가?

⑥ One reason is that they are eating a palette of colors.

  가지 이유는 그들이 다양한 색깔을 먹고 있기 때문이다.

⑦ More and more research is surfacing that shows us the benefits of the thousands of colorful "phytochemicals"(phyto=plant) that exist in foods.

 식품에 존재하는 수천 가지의 다채로운 "생화학 물질"(phyto=식물) 이점을 보여주는 점점  많은 연구가 표면화되고 있다.

⑧ These healthful, non‑nutritive compounds in plants provide color and function to the plant and add to the health of the human body.

 식물에 있는 건강에 좋고영양가 없는  화합물들은 식물에 색과 기능을 제공하고 인체의 건강에 보탬이 된다.

⑨ Each color connects to a particular compound that serves a specific function in the body.

 각각의 색깔은 몸에서 특정 기능을 하는 특정 화합물과 연결된다.

⑩ For example, if you don't eat purple foods, you are probably missing out on anthocyanins, important brain protection compounds.

 예를 들어만약 당신이 보라색 음식을 먹지 않는다면당신은 중요한  보호 화합물인 안토시 아닌을 아마도 놓치고 있는 것이다.

⑪ Similarly, if you avoid green‑colored foods, you may be lacking chlorophyll, a plant antioxidant that guards your cells from damage.

 그와 유사하게만약 당신이 녹색 음식을 피한다면세포가 손상되는 것을 막아주는 식물 산화 방지제인 엽록소가 부족할 수도 있다.


[2] 2023 06 – 40행동이 생각에 영향을 미치는 사례

① People behave in highly predictable ways when they experience certain thoughts.

 사람들은 특정한 생각을   매우 예측 가능한 방식으로 행동한다.

② When they agree, they nod their heads.

 그들은 동의할 고개를 끄덕인다.

③ So far, no surprise, but according to an area of research known as "proprioceptive psychology," the process also works in reverse.

 여기까지는놀랄 일은 아니다하지만 "고유 수용 심리학"으로 알려진  연구 분야에 따르면 과정은 역으로도 작용한다.

④ Get people to behave in a certain way and you cause them to have certain thoughts.

 사람들을 특정한 방식으로 행동하게 하면 당신은 그들이 특정한 생각을 갖도록 한다.

⑤ The idea was initially controversial, but fortunately it was supported by a compelling experiment.

  아이디어는 처음에는 논란의 여지가 있었지만다행히도 설득력 있는 실험으로 뒷받침되었다.

⑥ Participants in a study were asked to fixate on various products moving across a large computer screen and then indicate whether the items appealed to them.

  연구에서 참가자들은  컴퓨터 화면을 가로질러 움직이는 다양한 제품들에 시선을 고정하고  제품들이 그들에게 매력적인지 아닌지를 나타내도록 요청받았다.

⑦ Some of the items moved vertically (causing the participants to nod their heads while watching), and others moved horizontally (resulting in a side-to-side head movement).

 일부 제품은 수직으로 움직였고(참가자들이 보는 동안 고개를 끄덕이게 하면서), 다른 제품은 수평으로 움직였다(좌우로 머리를 움직이게 하면서).

⑧ Participants preferred vertically moving products without being aware that their "yes" and "no" head movements had played a key role in their decisions.

 참가자들은 자신의 "" "아니요" 머리 움직임이 결정에 핵심적인 역할을 했다는 사실을 인지하지 못한  수직으로 움직이는 제품을 선호했다.

⑨ -> In one study, participants responded favorably to products on a computer screen when they moved their heads up and down, which showed that their decisions were unconsciously influenced by their behavior.

 ->  연구에서참가자들은 그들의 고개를 위아래로 움직일  컴퓨터 화면에 나오는 제품들에 호의적으로 반응했는데이는 그들의 결정이 그들의 행동에 의해서 무의식적으로 영향을 받는다는 것을 보여 주었다.


[2] 2023 06 – 41~42일상적 경험은 기억하기 어렵고 특별한 경험은 기억하기 쉬움

① Events or experiences that are out of ordinary tend to be remembered better because there is nothing competing with them when your brain tries to access them from its storehouse of remembered events.

 당신의 뇌가 기억된 사건들의 창고에서 그것들에 접근하려고  평범하지 않은 사건들이나 경험들이   기억되는 경향이 있는데  이유는 그것들과 경쟁하는 것이 없기 때문이다.

② In other words, the reason it can be difficult to remember what you ate for breakfast two Thursdays ago is that there was probably nothing special about that Thursday or that particular breakfast ― consequently, all your breakfast memories combine together into a sort of generic impression of a breakfast.

 다시 말해, 2  목요일에 아침 식사로 무엇을 먹었는지 기억하는 것이 어려울  있는 이유는 아마도  목요일이나  특정 아침 식사에 대해 특별한 것이 없었기 때문이다 ─  결과당신의 모든아침 식사 기억은 일종의 일반적인 아침 식사에 대한 인상으로 합쳐진다.

③ Your memory merges similar events not only because it's more efficient to do so, but also because this is fundamental to how we learn things ― our brains extract abstract rules that tie experiences together.

 여러분의 기억력은 유사한 사건들을 병합하는데그것은 그렇게 하는 것이  효율적일 뿐만 아니라이것이 우리가 어떤 것들을 배우는 방법의 기본이기 때문이다 ─ 우리의 뇌는 경험을 함께 묶는 추상적인 규칙들을 추출한다.

④ This is especially true for things that are routine.

 이것은 일상적인 것들에 특히 해당된다.

⑤ If your breakfast is always the same ― cereal with milk, a glass of orange juice, and a cup of coffee for instance ― there is no easy way for your brain to extract the details from one particular breakfast.

 만약 당신의 아침 식사가 항상 같다면 ─ 예를 들어우유를 곁들인 시리얼오렌지 주스  커피   ─ 당신의 뇌가 특정한  아침 식사에서  세부 사항을 추출하는 것은 쉽지 않다.

⑥ Ironically, then, for behaviors that are routinized, you can remember the generic content of the behavior (such as the things you ate, since you always eat the same thing), but particulars to that one instance can be very difficult to call up (such as the sound of a garbage truck going by or a bird that passed by your window) unless they were especially distinctive.

 아이러니하게도일상화된 행동의 경우당신은  행동의 일반적인 내용(당신이 먹었던 것과 같은당신이 항상 같은 것을 먹기 때문에) 기억할  있지만  가지 예의 세부 사항들(쓰레기 트럭이 지나가는 소리 또는 당신의 창문을 지나치는 새소리와 같은) 그것들이 매우 특이하지 않다면 상기하기가 매우 어려울  있다.

⑦ On the other hand, if you did something unique that broke your routine ― perhaps you had leftover pizza for breakfast and spilled tomato sauce on your dress shirt ― you are more likely to remember it.

 반면에만약 당신이 당신의 일상을 깨뜨리는 특이한 일을 했다면 ─ 아마도 당신은 아침 식사로 남은 피자를 먹고 드레스 셔츠에 토마토 소스를 쏟았다 ─ 당신은 그것을  기억하기가 쉽다.


[2] 2023 06 – 43~45유명한 가수인 Henrietta 과거 경쟁자인 Amelia 도와주는 인도적인 행동에 대한 이야기

① Henrietta is one of the greatest "queens of song."

 Henrietta 가장 위대한 "노래의 여왕  명이다.

② She had to go through a severe struggle before she attained the enviable position as the greatest singer Germany had produced.

 그녀는 독일이 배출한 가장 위대한 가수로서 그녀가 부러워할 만한 위치에 도달하기 전에 혹독한 시련을 겪어야 했다.

③ At the beginning of her career she was hissed off a Vienna stage by the friends of her rival, Amelia.

 그녀의 경력 초기에 그녀는 경쟁자 Amelia 친구들에 의해 비엔나 무대에서 야유를 받고 쫒겨났다.

④ But in spite of this defeat, Henrietta endured until all Europe was at her feet.

 그러나  좌절에도 불구하고, Henrietta 모든 유럽이 그녀의 발아래에 있을 때까지 견뎠다.

⑤ Many years later, when Henrietta was at the height of her fame, one day she was riding through the streets of Berlin.

 수년 , Henrietta 명성이 절정에 달했을 그녀는 어느  베를린의 거리를 차를 타고 지나가고 있었다.

⑥ Soon she came across a little girl leading a blind woman.

  그녀는 눈먼 여성을 데리고 가는 여자 아이와 마주쳤다.

⑦ She was touched by the woman's helplessness, and she impulsively beckoned the child to her, saying "Come here, my child. Who is that you are leading by the hand?"

 그녀는 여성의 무력함에 마음이 움직였고충동적으로 아이를 그녀에게 오라고 손짓하며, "이리 얘야네가 손을 잡고 데리고 가는 사람은 누구니?"라고 말했다.

⑧ The answer was, "That's my mother, Amelia Steininger. She used to be a great singer, but she lost her voice, and she cried so much about it that now she can't see anymore."

 대답은, "저분은  어머니, Amelia Steininger 입니다그녀는 훌륭한 가수였지만목소리를 잃었고 일로 너무 많이 울어서 그녀는 이제  이상 앞을   없습니다."였다.

⑨ Henrietta inquired their address and then told the child, "Tell your mother an old acquaintance will call on her this afternoon."

 Henrietta 그들의 주소를 묻고 나서 아이에게 "어머니께 오래된 지인이 오늘 오후에 그녀를 방문할 것이라고 말하렴."이라고 말했다.

⑩ She searched out their place and undertook the care of both mother and daughter.

 그녀는 그들의 거처를 찾아내서 모녀를 돌보았다.

⑪ At her request, a skilled doctor tried to restore Amelia's sight, but it was in vain.

 그녀의 요청에 따라 숙련된 의사가 Amelia 시력을 회복시키려 했지만허사였다.

⑫ But Henrietta's kindness to her former rival did not stop here.

 그러나 Henrietta 그녀의 예전 경쟁자에게 베푼 친절은 여기서 그치지 않았다.

⑬ The next week she gave a benefit concert for the poor woman, and it was said that on that occasion Henrietta sang as she had never sung before.

  다음 주에 그녀는  불쌍한 여성을 위한 자선 콘서트를 열었고 자리에서 Henrietta 그녀가 전에 한번도 불러본 적이 없는 방식으로 불렀다고 한다.

⑭ And who can doubt that with the applause of that vast audience there was mingled the applause of the angels in heaven who rejoice over the good deeds of those below?

 그리고 많은 청중의 박수와 함께 지상 사람들의 선행에 기뻐하는 천국에 있는 천사들의 박수가 섞여 있었다는 것을 누가 의심할  있겠는가?





<[고1] 2023년도 6월 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
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지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 때 참고하세요.



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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석.pdf
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전체 내용



[1] 2023 06 – 18여름 휴가 패키지 상품 광고  

① ACC Travel Agency Customers:

 ACC 여행사 고객님께:

② Have you ever wanted to enjoy a holiday in nature?

 자연 속에서 휴가를 즐기는 것을 원한 적이 있습니까?

③ This summer is the best time to turn your dream into reality.

 이번 여름이 당신의 꿈을 현실로 바꿀 최고의 시간입니다.

④ We have a perfect travel package for you.

 우리에게는 당신을 위한 완벽한 패키지 여행 상품이 있습니다.

⑤ This travel package includes special trips to Lake Madison as well as massage and meditation to help you relax.

  패키지 여행 상품은 당신이 편히   있도록 돕는 마사지와 명상뿐만 아니라 Lake Madison으로의 특별한 여행을 포함합니다.

⑥ Also, we provide yoga lessons taught by experienced instructors.

 또한우리는 숙련된 강사의 요가 강의도 제공합니다.

⑦ If you book this package, you will enjoy all this at a reasonable price.

 만약 당신이  패키지를 예약한다면당신은  모든 것을 합리적인 가격으로 즐길 것입니다.

⑧ We are sure that it will be an unforgettable experience for you.

 우리는 그것이 당신에게 잊지 못할 경험이  것을 확신합니다.

⑨ If you call us, we will be happy to give you more details.

 우리에게 전화하시면우리는 당신에게  많은 세부 사항을 기꺼이 알려드리겠습니다.


[1] 2023 06 – 19마술  관람  잠시 분실된 가족을 찾은 이야기

① When I woke up in our hotel room, it was almost midnight.

 내가 호텔 방에서 깨어났을 때는거의 자정이었다.

② I didn't see my husband nor daughter.

 남편과 딸이 보이지 않았다.

③ I called them, but I heard their phones ringing in the room.

 나는 그들에게 전화를 걸었지만나는 그들의 전화가 방에서 울리는 것을 들었다.

④ Feeling worried, I went outside and walked down the street, but they were nowhere to be found.

 걱정이 되어나는 밖으로 나가 거리를 걸어 내려갔지만그들은 어디에도 없었다.

⑤ When I decided I should ask someone for help, a crowd nearby caught my attention.

 내가 누군가에게 도움을 요청하려고 했을 근처에 있던 군중이  주의를 끌었다.

⑥ I approached, hoping to find my husband and daughter, and suddenly I saw two familiar faces.

 나는 남편과 딸을 찾으려는 희망을 안고 다가갔고갑자기 낯익은  얼굴이 보였다.

⑦ I smiled, feeling calm.

 나는 안도하며웃었다.

⑧ Just then, my daughter saw me and called, "Mom!"

 바로 그때딸이 나를 보고 "엄마!"라고 외쳤다.

⑨ They were watching the magic show.

 그들은 마술쇼를 보고 있는 중이었다.

⑩ Finally, I felt all my worries disappear.

 마침내나는  모든 걱정이 사라지는 것을 느꼈다.


[1] 2023 06 – 20업무와 개인 일정을 하나의 캘린더에 통합하는 것이 효율적임

① Research shows that people who work have two calendars: one for work and one for their personal lives.

 연구는 일하는 사람들이  개의 달력을 가지고 있다는 것을 보여준다하나는 업무를 위한 달력이고 하나는 개인적인 삶을 위한 달력이다.

② Although it may seem sensible, having two separate calendars for work and personal life can lead to distractions.

 비록 그것이 현명해 보일지도 모르지만업무와 개인적인 삶을 위한  개의 별도의 달력을 갖는 것은 주의를 산만하게   있다.

③ To check if something is missing, you will find yourself checking your to-do lists multiple times.

 누락된 것이 있는지를 확인하기 위해당신은 스스로가 자신의   목록을 여러  확인하는 것을 깨닫게  것이다.

④ Instead, organize all of your tasks in one place.

 대신당신의 모든 일들을  곳에 정리하라.

⑤ It doesn't matter if you use digital or paper media.

 당신이 디지털 매체를 사용하든 종이 매체를 사용하든 중요하지 않다.

⑥ It's okay to keep your professional and personal tasks in one place.

 당신의 업무와 개인 용무를  곳에 두는 것은 괜찮다.

⑦ This will give you a good idea of how time is divided between work and home.

 이것은 당신에게 일과 가정 사이에 시간이 어떻게 쪼개지는지에 대해  알게 해줄 것이다.

⑧ This will allow you to make informed decisions about which tasks are most important.

 이것은 어떤 일이 가장 중요한지에 대한 정보에 입각한 결정을 내리게  것이다.


[1] 2023 06 – 21고객 만족도 모니터링의 중요성과 입소문 효과

① Why do you care how a customer reacts to a purchase?

  당신은 고객이 구매품에 어떻게 반응하는지에 대해 신경 쓰는가?

② Good question.

 좋은 질문이다.

③ By understanding post-purchase behavior, you can understand the influence and the likelihood of whether a buyer will repurchase the product (and whether she will keep it or return it).

 구매  행동을 이해 함으로써당신은  영향력과 구매자가 제품을 재구매 할지(그리고 그녀가 제품을 가질지 또는 반품할지) 가능성을 이해할  있다.

④ You'll also determine whether the buyer will encourage others to purchase the product from you.

 당신은 구매자가 다른 사람들에게 당신으로부터 제품을 구매하도록 권장할지 여부도 또한 알아낼 것이다.

⑤ Satisfied customers can become unpaid ambassadors for your business, so customer satisfaction should be on the top of your to-do list.

 만족한 고객은 당신의 사업을 위한 무급 대사가   있으므로고객 만족이   목록의 최상단에 있어야 한다.

⑥ People tend to believe the opinions of people they know.

 사람들은 그들이 아는 사람들의 의견을 믿는 경향이 있다.

⑦ People trust friends over advertisements any day.

 사람들은 언제든 광고보다 친구를  신뢰한다.

⑧ They know that advertisements are paid to tell the "good side" and that they're used to persuade them to purchase products and services.

 그들은 광고에는 "좋은 " 말하기 위해 돈이 쓰이고 그리고 그것들이 제품과 서비스를 구매하도록 그들을 설득하는  사용된다는 것을 알고 있다.

⑨ By continually monitoring your customer's satisfaction after the sale, you have the ability to avoid negative word-of-mouth advertising.

 판매  고객의 만족을 지속적으로 모니터함으로써당신은 부정적인 입소문 광고를 피할  있는 능력을 가진다.


[1] 2023 06 – 22기술 발전으로 소비자에게 떠넘겨진 노동의 증가

① The promise of a computerized society, we were told, was that it would pass to machines all of the repetitive drudgery of work, allowing us humans to pursue higher purposes and to have more leisure time.

 컴퓨터화된 사회의 약속은우리가 듣기로는그것이 모든 반복적인 고된 일을 기계에 넘겨우리 인간들이  높은 목적을 추구하고  많은 여가 시간을 가질  있게 해준다는 것이었다.

② It didn't work out this way.

 그것은 이런 식으로 되지는 않았다.

③ Instead of more time, most of us have less.

  많은 시간 대신에우리 대부분은  적은 시간을 가지고 있다.

④ Companies large and small have off-loaded work onto the backs of consumers.

 크고 작은 회사들은 일을 소비자들의 등에 떠넘겼다.

⑤ Things that used to be done for us, as part of the value-added service of working with a company, we are now expected to do ourselves.

 회사에 맡겨 해결하던 부가가치 서비스의 일환으로우리를 위해 행해지던 것들을 이제 우리 스스로가 하도록 기대된다.

⑥ With air travel, we're now expected to complete our own reservations and check-in, jobs that used to be done by airline employees or travel agents.

 항공 여행의 경우항공사 직원이나 여행사 직원들에 의해 행해지던 일인 우리의 예약과 체크인을 이제는 우리가 직접 완수하도록 기대된다.

⑦ At the grocery store, we're expected to bag our own groceries and, in some supermarkets, to scan our own purchases.

 식료품점에서는우리가 우리 자신의 식료품을 직접 봉지에 넣도록그리고 일부 슈퍼마켓에서는우리 자신이 구매한 물건을 스캔하도록 기대된다.


[1] 2023 06 – 23사람들은 자신의 능력을 과대평가하는 경향이 있음

① We tend to believe that we possess a host of socially desirable characteristics, and that we are free of most of those that are socially undesirable.

 우리는 우리가 사회적으로 바람직한 특성들을 많이 지니고 있고그리고 우리는 사회적으로 바람직하지 않은 특성들의 대부분은 지니고 있지 않다고 믿는 경향이 있다.

② For example, a large majority of the general public thinks that they are more intelligent, more fair-minded, less prejudiced, and more skilled behind the wheel of an automobile than the average person.

 예를 들어대다수의 일반 대중들은 그들이 보통 사람보다  지적이고 공정하고 편견을 가지고자동차를 운전할   능숙하다고 생각한다.

③ This phenomenon is so reliable and ubiquitous that it has come to be known as the "Lake Wobegon effect," after Garrison Keillor's fictional community where "the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average."

  현상은 너무 신뢰할  있고 어디서나   있기 때문에 "여성들은 강하고남성들은 잘생겼으며모든 아이들은 평균 이상" Garrison Keillor 허구적인 공동체의 이름을 따서 "Lake Wobegon effect"라고 알려지게 되었다.

④ A survey of one million high school seniors found that 70% thought they were above average in leadership ability, and only 2% thought they were below average.

 고등학교 최고 학년 학생 100 명을 대상으로  설문조사에서 70% 자신이 리더십 능력에 있어 평균 이상이라고 생각했고, 2%만이 자신이 평균 이하라고 생각했다는 것을 발견했다.

⑤ In terms of ability to get along with others, all students thought they were above average, 60% thought they were in the top 10%, and 25% thought they were in the top 1%!

 다른 사람들과  지내는 능력에 있어서모든 학생들은 자신이 평균 이상이라고 생각했고, 60% 자신이 상위 10% 속한다고 생각했고, 25% 자신이 상위 1% 속한다고 생각했다!


[1] 2023 06 – 24부유한 국가일수록 시간적 압박감이 높음

① Few people will be surprised to hear that poverty tends to create stress: a 2006 study published in the American journal Psychosomatic Medicine, for example, noted that a lower socioeconomic status was associated with higher levels of stress hormones in the body.

 가난이 스트레스를 유발하는 경향이 있다는 것을 듣고 놀랄 사람은 거의 없을 것이다예를 들어미국의 저널 Psychosomatic Medicine 발표된 2006 연구는  낮은 사회 경제적 지위가 체내의  높은 수치의 스트레스 호르몬과 관련이 있다고 언급했다.

② However, richer economies have their own distinct stresses.

 하지만 부유한 국가는 그들만의 뚜렷한 스트레스를 가지고 있다.

③ The key issue is time pressure.

 핵심 쟁점은 시간 압박이다.

④ A 1999 study of 31 countries by American psychologist Robert Levine and Canadian psychologist Ara Norenzayan found that wealthier, more industrialized nations had a faster pace of life ─ which led to a higher standard of living, but at the same time left the population feeling a constant sense of urgency, as well as being more prone to heart disease.

 미국 심리학자 Robert Levine 캐나다 심리학자 Ara Norenzayan 31개국을 대상으로  1999 연구는  부유하고 산업화  국가들이  빠른 삶의 속도를 가지고 있다는  ─ 그리고 이것이  높은 생활 수준으로 이어졌지만동시에 사람들에게 지속적인 촉박함을 느끼게 했고 그뿐만 아니라 심장병에 걸리기  쉽게 한다는 것을 알아 냈다.

⑤ In effect, fast-paced productivity creates wealth, but it also leads people to feel time-poor when they lack the time to relax and enjoy themselves.

 사실빠른 속도의 생산력은 부를 창출하지만그것은 또한 사람들이 긴장을 풀고 즐겁게 지낼 시간이 없을  시간이 부족하다고 느끼게 한다.


[1] 2023 06 – 25: 1990년과 2019 지역별 산림 면적 비율 그래프

① The above graph shows the share of forest area in total land area by region in 1990 and 2019.

  도표는 1990년과 2019년의 지역별  토지 면적에서 산림 면적의 점유율을 보여준다.

② Africa's share of forest area in total land area was over 20% in both 1990 and 2019.

 아프리카의 전체 토지 면적에서 산림 면적의 점유율이 1990년과 2019   20% 넘었다.

③ The share of forest area in America was 42.6% in 1990, which was larger than that in 2019.

 1990 아메리카의 산림 면적 점유율은 42.6%였고이는 2019년의 그것보다  컸다.

④ The share of forest area in Asia declined from 1990 to 2019 by more than 10 percentage points.

 아시아의 산림 면적 점유율은 1990년부터 2019년까지, 10 퍼센트 포인트 이상 감소했다.

⑤ In 2019, the share of forest area in Europe was the largest among the five regions, more than three times that in Asia in the same year.

 2019 유럽의 산림 면적 점유율은 다섯  지역  가장 컸고같은  아시아의 그것의  배가 넘었다.

⑥ Oceania showed the smallest gap between 1990 and 2019 in terms of the share of forest area in total land area.

 오세아니아는 1990년과 2019 사이에  토지 면적에서 산림 면적의 점유율에 있어 가장 작은 차이를 보였다.


[1] 2023 06 – 26노벨 경제학상 수상자 게리 베커 소개

① Gary Becker was born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania in 1930 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York City.

 Gary Becker 1930 Pennsylvania  Pottsville에서 태어났고 New York City Brooklyn에서 자랐다.

② His father, who was not well educated, had a deep interest in financial and political issues.

 교육을 제대로 받지 못한 그의 아버지는 금융과 정치 문제에 깊은 관심이 있었다.

③ After graduating from high school, Becker went to Princeton University, where he majored in economics.

 고등학교를 졸업한 , Becker Princeton University 진학했고거기서 그는 경제학을 전공했다.

④ He was dissatisfied with his economic education at Princeton University because "it didn't seem to be handling real problems."

 "Princeton University에서의 경제학 교육이 현실적인 문제를 다루고 있는 것처럼 보이지 않았기때문에 그는 그것에 불만족했다.

⑤ He earned a doctor's degree in economics from the University of Chicago in 1955.

 그는 1955년에 University of Chicago에서 경제학 박사 학위를 취득했다.

⑥ His doctoral paper on the economics of discrimination was mentioned by the Nobel Prize Committee as an important contribution to economics.

 차별의 경제학에 대한 그의 박사 논문은 노벨상 위원회에 의해 경제학에 대한 중요한 기여로 언급 되었다.

⑦ Since 1985, Becker had written a regular economics column in Business Week, explaining economic analysis and ideas to the general public.

 1985년부터, Becker Business Week 경제학적 분석과 아이디어를 일반 대중에게 설명하는 경제학 칼럼을 정기적으로 기고했다.

⑧ In 1992, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economic science.

 1992년에그는 노벨 경제학상을 수상했다.


[1] 2023 06 – 29아이에게 긍정적 자아상을 심어주는 칭찬의 중요성

① Although praise is one of the most powerful tools available for improving young children's behavior, it is equally powerful for improving your child's self-esteem.

 칭찬은 어린 아이들의 행동을 개선하는  사용할  있는 가장 강력한 도구  하나이지만그것은 아이의 자존감을 향상시키는 데에도 똑같이 강력하다.

② Preschoolers believe what their parents tell them in a very profound way.

 미취학 아동들은 그들의 부모가 그들에게 하는 말을 매우 뜻깊게 여긴다.

③ They do not yet have the cognitive sophistication to reason analytically and reject false information.

 그들은 분석적으로 추론하고 잘못된 정보를 거부할  있는 인지적 정교함을 아직 가지고 있지 않다.

④ If a preschool boy consistently hears from his mother that he is smart and a good helper, he is likely to incorporate that information into his self-image.

 만약 미취학 소년이 그의 어머니로부터 그가 똑똑하고 좋은 조력자라는 것을 계속 듣는다면그는  정보를 그의 자아상으로 통합시킬 가능성이 높다.

⑤ Thinking of himself as a boy who is smart and knows how to do things is likely to make him endure longer in problem-solving efforts and increase his confidence in trying new and difficult tasks.

 스스로를 똑똑하고 일을 어떻게 하는지 아는 소년으로 생각하는 것은 그가 문제 해결 노력에 있어  오래 지속하도록 하고 새롭고 어려운 일을 시도하는 것에 있어 그의 자신감을 증가시킬 가능성이높다.

⑥ Similarly, thinking of himself as the kind of boy who is a good helper will make him more likely to volunteer to help with tasks at home and at preschool.

 마찬가지로자신을 좋은 조력자인 그런 부류의 소년으로 생각하는 것은 그가 집에서와 유치원에서 일을 자발적으로 돕게  가능성을  크게 만들 것이다.


[1] 2023 06 – 30광고를 통한 상품 재포지셔닝 사례

① Advertisers often displayed considerable facility in adapting their claims to the market status of the goods they promoted.

 광고주들은 그들이 홍보하는 상품의 시장 지위에 맞게 그들의 주장을 조절하는 상당한 능력을 자주 보여주었다.

② Fleischmann's yeast, for instance, was used as an ingredient for cooking homemade bread.

 예를 들어, Fleischmann 효모는 집에서 만든 빵을 요리하는 재료로 사용되었다.

③ Yet more and more people in the early 20th century were buying their bread from stores or bakeries, so consumer demand for yeast decreased.

 하지만 20세기 초에 점점  많은 사람들이 가게나 빵집에서 빵을 사고 있었고그래서 효모에 대한 소비자 수요는 감소했다.

④ The producer of Fleischmann's yeast hired the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency to come up with a different marketing strategy to boost sales.

 Fleischmann 효모의 생산자는 판매를 촉진하기 위해서 다른 마케팅 전략을 고안하려고 J. Walter Thompson 광고 대행사를 고용했다.

⑤ No longer the "Soul of Bread," the Thompson agency first turned yeast into an important source of vitamins with significant health benefits.

 Thompson 광고 대행사는 먼저 효모를  이상 "Soul of Bread" 아니라 상당한 건강상의 이점이 있는 비타민의 중요한 공급원으로 바꾸었다.

⑥ Shortly thereafter, the advertising agency transformed yeast into a natural laxative.

  직후광고 대행사는 효모를 천연 완하제로 바꾸었다.

⑦ Repositioning yeast helped increase sales.

 효모의 이미지 전환을 꾀하는 것은 매출을 증가시키는 것을 도왔다.


[1] 2023 06 – 31명성에 대한 존경심을 활용한 자선 행위 에피소드

① Individuals who perform at a high level in their profession often have instant credibility with others.

 자신의 직업에서 높은 수준으로 수행하는 사람들은 흔히 다른 사람들에게 즉각적인 신뢰를 얻는다.

② People admire them, they want to be like them, and they feel connected to them.

 사람들은 그들을 존경하고그들처럼 되고 싶어 하고그들과 연결되어 있다고 느낀다.

③ When they speak, others listen ― even if the area of their skill has nothing to do with the advice they give.

 그들이 말할 다른 사람들은 비록 그들의 기술 분야가 그들이 주는 조언과 전혀 관련이 없을지라도 경청한다.

④ Think about a world-famous basketball player.

 세계적으로 유명한 농구 선수에 대해 생각해 보라.

⑤ He has made more money from endorsements than he ever did playing basketball.

 그는 그가 농구를 하면서 그간 벌었던 것보다 광고로부터  많은 돈을 벌었다.

⑥ Is it because of his knowledge of the products he endorses?

 그것이 그가 광고하는 제품에 대한 그의 지식 때문일까?

⑦ No. It's because of what he can do with a basketball.

 아니다그것은 그가 농구로   있는  때문이다.

⑧ The same can be said of an Olympic medalist swimmer.

 올림픽 메달리스트 수영 선수도 마찬가지이다.

⑨ People listen to him because of what he can do in the pool.

 사람들은 그가 수영장에서   있는  때문에 그의 말을 경청한다.

⑩ And when an actor tells us we should drive a certain car, we don't listen because of his expertise on engines.

 그리고 어떤 배우가 우리에게 특정 자동차를 운전해야 한다고 말할 우리는 엔진에 대한 그의 전문 지식 때문에 경청하는 것은 아니다.

⑪ We listen because we admire his talent. Excellence connects.

 우리는 그의 재능을 존경하기 때문에 경청한다. 탁월함이 연결된다.

⑫ If you possess a high level of ability in an area, others may desire to connect with you because of it.

 만약 당신이 어떤 분야에서 높은 수준의 능력을 갖고 있다면다른 사람들은 그것 때문에 당신과 연결되기를 원할 수도 있다.


[1] 2023 06 – 32두뇌는 도시처럼 복잡한 상호작용의 결과물임

① Think of the brain as a city.

 뇌를 도시라고 생각해보라.

② If you were to look out over a city and ask "where is the economy located?" you'd see there's no good answer to the question.

 만약 당신이 도시를 내다 보며 "경제가 어디에 위치해 있나요?"라고 묻는다면  질문에 대한 좋은 답이 없다는 것을 알게  것이다.

③ Instead, the economy emerges from the interaction of all the elements ― from the stores and the banks to the merchants and the customers.

 대신경제는 상점과 은행에서 상인과 고객에 이르기까지 모든 요소의 상호 작용으로부터 나타난다.

④ And so it is with the brain's operation: it doesn't happen in one spot.

 그리고 그것은 뇌의 작동도 그러하다그것은  곳에서 일어나지 않는다.

⑤ Just as in a city, no neighborhood of the brain operates in isolation.

 도시에서처럼뇌의 어떤 지역도 독립적으로 작동하지 않는다.

⑥ In brains and in cities, everything emerges from the interaction between residents, at all scales, locally and distantly.

 뇌와 도시 안에서모든 것은모든 규모에서근거리에서든 원거리에서든거주자들 간의 상호 작용으로부터 나타난다.

⑦ Just as trains bring materials and textiles into a city, which become processed into the economy, so the raw electrochemical signals from sensory organs are transported along superhighways of neurons.

 기차가 자재와 직물을 도시로 들여오고그것이 경제 속으로 처리되는 것처럼감각 기관으로부터의 가공되지 않은 전기화학적 신호는 뉴런의 초고속도로를 따라서 전해진다.

⑧ There the signals undergo processing and transformation into our conscious reality.

 거기서 신호는 처리와 우리의 의식적인 현실로 변형을 겪는다.


[1] 2023 06 – 33특정 행동을 취하면 그에 상응하는 감정이 유발됨  

① Someone else's body language affects our own body, which then creates an emotional echo that makes us feel accordingly.

 다른 사람의 보디 랭귀지는 우리 자신의 신체에 영향을 미치며그것은   우리가 그에 따라 느끼도록 하는 감정적인 메아리를 만들어낸다.

② As Louis Armstrong sang, "When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you."

 Louis Armstrong 노래했듯이, "당신이 미소 지을  세계가 당신과 함께 미소 짓는다."

③ If copying another's smile makes us feel happy, the emotion of the smiler has been transmitted via our body.

 만약 다른 사람의 미소를 따라 하는 것이 우리를 행복하게 한다면 미소 짓는 사람의 감정은 우리의 신체를 통해 전달된 것이다.

④ Strange as it may sound, this theory states that emotions arise from our bodies.

 이상하게 들릴지 모르지만 이론은 감정이 우리 신체에서 발생한다고 말한다.

⑤ For example, our mood can be improved by simply lifting up the corners of our mouth.

 예를 들어우리의 기분은 단순히 입꼬리를 올리는 것으로 좋아질  있다.

⑥ If people are asked to bite down on a pencil lengthwise, taking care not to let the pencil touch their lips (thus forcing the mouth into a smile-like shape), they judge cartoons funnier than if they have been asked to frown.

 만약 사람들이 연필을  방향으로  물라고 요구받으면연필이 그들의 입술에 닿지 않도록 조심하면서 (그리하여 억지로 입을 미소 짓는 것과 같은 모양이 되도록), 그들은 인상을 찌푸리라고 요구받은 경우보다 만화를  재미있다고 판단한다.

⑦ The primacy of the body is sometimes summarized in the phrase "I must be afraid, because I'm running."

 신체가 우선함은 "나는 두려운 것이 분명하다왜냐하면 나는 도망치고 있기 때문이다."라는 구절로 때때로 요약된다.


[1] 2023 06 – 34제한된 구매 수량이 판매를 증가시키는 사례

① Restricting the number of items customers can buy boosts sales.

 고객이 구입할  있는 품목의 개수를 제한하는 것은 매출을 증가시킨다.

② Brian Wansink, Professor of Marketing at Cornell University, investigated the effectiveness of this tactic in 1998.

 Cornell University 마케팅 교수인 Brian Wansink 1998년에  전략의 효과를 조사했다.

③ He persuaded three supermarkets in Sioux City, Iowa, to offer Campbell's soup at a small discount: 79 cents rather than 89 cents.

 그는 Iowa Sioux City 있는  개의 슈퍼마켓이 Campbell 수프를 약간 할인하여 제공하도록 설득했다: 89센트가 아닌 79센트로.

④ The discounted soup was sold in one of three conditions: a control, where there was no limit on the volume of purchases, or two tests, where customers were limited to either four or twelve cans.

 할인된 수프는  가지 조건  하나의 조건으로 판매되었다구매량에 제한이 없는 하나의 대조군또는 고객이 4개의 캔으로 제한되거나 12개의 캔으로 제한되는  개의 실험군.

⑤ In the unlimited condition shoppers bought 3.3 cans on average, whereas in the scarce condition, when there was a limit, they bought 5.3 on average.

 무제한 조건에서 구매자들은 평균 3.3캔을 구입했던 반면제한이 있던 희소 조건에서는평균 5.3캔을 구입했다.

⑥ This suggests scarcity encourages sales.

 이것은 희소성이 판매를 장려한다는 것을 보여준다.

⑦ The findings are particularly strong because the test took place in a supermarket with genuine shoppers.

  실험은 진짜 구매자들이 있는 슈퍼마켓에서 진행되었기 때문에  결과는 특히 타당하다.

⑧ It didn't rely on claimed data, nor was it held in a laboratory where consumers might behave differently.

 그것은 주장된 데이터에 의존하지 않았고소비자들이 다르게 행동할지도 모르는 실험실에서 이루어진 것도 아니었다.


[1] 2023 06 – 35새로운 기술 도입  생산성에 미치는 영향

① Although technology has the potential to increase productivity, it can also have a negative impact on productivity.

 기술은 생산성을 높일  있는 잠재력을 가지고 있지만또한 생산성에 부정적인 영향을 미칠  있다.

② For example, in many office environments workers sit at desks with computers and have access to the internet.

 예를 들어많은 사무실 환경에서 직원들은 컴퓨터가 있는 책상에 앉아 인터넷에 접속한다.

③ They are able to check their personal e-mails and use social media whenever they want to.

 그들은 원할 때마다 개인 이메일을 확인하고 소셜 미디어를 사용할  있다.

④ This can stop them from doing their work and make them less productive.

 이것은 그들이 일을 하는 것을 방해하고 그들의 생산성을 떨어뜨리게 만들  있다.

⑤ Introducing new technology can also have a negative impact on production when it causes a change to the production process or requires workers to learn a new system.

 또한 새로운 기술을 도입하는 것은 생산 공정에 변화를 야기하거나 직원들에게 새로운 시스템을 배우도록 요구할  생산에 부정 적인 영향을 미칠  있다.

⑥ Learning to use new technology can be time consuming and stressful for workers and this can cause a decline in productivity.

 새로운 기술을 사용하는 것을 배우는 것은 직원들에게 시간이 많이 걸리고 스트레스를   있으며 이것은 생산성 저하를 야기할  있다.


[1] 2023 06 – 36시간 측정의 역사와 시계의 중요성

① Up until about 6,000 years ago, most people were farmers.

  6,000 전까지대부분의 사람들은 농부였다.

② Many lived in different places throughout the year, hunting for food or moving their livestock to areas with enough food.

 많은 사람들은   내내 여러 장소에서 살았고식량을 찾아다니거나 가축을 충분한 먹이가 있는 지역으로 옮겼다.

③ There was no need to tell the time because life depended on natural cycles, such as the changing seasons or sunrise and sunset.

 변화하는 계절이나 일출과 일몰 같은자연적인 주기에 삶이 달려있기 때문에 시간을  필요가 없었다.

④ Gradually more people started to live in larger settlements, and some needed to tell the time.

 점점  많은 사람들이   정착지에서 살기 시작했고어떤 사람들은 시간을  필요가 있었다.

⑤ For example, priests wanted to know when to carry out religious ceremonies.

 예를 들어성직자들은 언제 종교적인 의식을 수행해야 하는지 알고 싶었다.

⑥ This was when people first invented clocks ― devices that show, measure, and keep track of passing time.

 이때 사람들이 시간을 보여 주고측정하고흐르는 시간을 추적하는 장치인 시계를 처음으로 발명했다.

⑦ Clocks have been important ever since.

 시계는  이후로도 중요했다.

⑧ Today, clocks are used for important things such as setting busy airport timetables ― if the time is incorrect, aeroplanes might crash into each other when taking off or landing!

 오늘날시계는 바쁜 공항 시간표를 설정하는 것과 같은 중요한 일에 사용된다 ― 만약 시간이 부정확하다면비행기는 이륙하거나 착륙할  서로 충돌할지도 모른다!


[1] 2023 06 – 37분업을 통한 생산성 향상 방안  

① Managers are always looking for ways to increase productivity, which is the ratio of costs to output in production.

 관리자들은 항상 생산성을 높일  있는 방법을 찾고 있는데생산성은 생산에서 비용 대비 생산량의 비율이다.

② Adam Smith, writing when the manufacturing industry was new, described a way that production could be made more efficient, known as the "division of labor."

 제조 산업이 새로 등장했을  저술한 Adam Smith 생산이  효율적으로   있는 방식을 설명했고, "노동 분업"으로 알려져 있다.

③ Making most manufactured goods involves several different processes using different skills.

 대부분의 공산품을 만드는 것은 다른 기술을 사용하는 여러 가지 다른 과정을 포함한다.

④ Smith's example was the manufacture of pins: the wire is straightened, sharpened, a head is put on, and then it is polished.

 Smith 예는 핀의 제조였다철사는 곧게 펴지고뾰족해지고상부가 놓이고그러고 나서 그것이 다듬어진다.

⑤ One worker could do all these tasks, and make 20 pins in a day.

  명의 노동자가  모든 작업들을   있고하루에 20개의 핀을 만들 수도 있다.

⑥ But this work can be divided into its separate processes, with a number of workers each performing one task.

 그러나  일은 많은 노동자가 각각  가지 작업을 수행하며 별개의 과정으로 분리될  있다.

⑦ Because each worker specializes in one job, he or she can work much faster without changing from one task to another.

  노동자는  가지 작업을 전문으로 하기 때문에  또는 그녀는  작업에서 다른 작업으로 변경하지 않고도 훨씬  빠르게 일할  있다.

⑧ Now 10 workers can produce thousands of pins in a day ─ a huge increase in productivity from the 200 they would have produced before.

 이제 10명의 노동자가 하루에 수천 개의 핀을 생산할  있다이는 이전에 그들이 생산했던 200개로부터 생산성 측면에서 크게 증가한 것이다.


[1] 2023 06 – 38시간이 지남에 따라 우리 모습도 변화함

① Sometimes the pace of change is far slower.

 때때로 변화의 속도는 훨씬  느리다.

② The face you saw reflected in your mirror this morning probably appeared no different from the face you saw the day before ― or a week or a month ago.

 오늘 아침 거울 속에 비춰진 당신이  얼굴은 아마도 당신이  전날 또는 일주일이나   전에  얼굴과 다르지 않은 것처럼 보였을 것이다.

③ Yet we know that the face that stares back at us from the glass is not the same, cannot be the same, as it was 10 minutes ago.

 그러나 우리는 거울로부터 우리를 쳐다보는 얼굴이 10 전에 그랬던 것과 같지 않고같을  없다는 것을 안다.

④ The proof is in your photo album:

 증거는 당신의 사진 앨범에 있다:

⑤ Look at a photograph taken of yourself 5 or 10 years ago and you see clear differences between the face in the snapshot and the face in your mirror.

 5 또는 10 전에 찍힌 당신의 사진을 보면 당신은 스냅사진 속의 얼굴과 거울  얼굴 사이의 명확한 차이를 보게  것이다.

⑥ If you lived in a world without mirrors for a year and then saw your reflection, you might be surprised by the change.

 만약 당신이  년간 거울이 없는 세상에 살고  이후 (거울에비친 당신의 모습을 본다면당신은  변화 때문에 깜짝 놀랄지도 모른다.

⑦ After an interval of 10 years without seeing yourself, you might not at first recognize the person peering from the mirror.

 당신 자신을 보지 않고 10년의 기간이 지난 당신은 거울에서 쳐다보고 있는 사람을 처음에는 알아보지 못할지도 모른다.

⑧ Even something as basic as our own face changes from moment to moment.

 심지어 우리 자신의 얼굴같이 아주 기본적인 것조차도 순간순간 변한다.


[1] 2023 06 – 39아이의 호기심이 점차 줄어드는 이유

① According to educational psychologist Susan Engel, curiosity begins to decrease as young as four years old.

 교육 심리학자 Susan Engel 따르면호기심은   정도의 어린 나이에 줄어들기 시작한다.

② By the time we are adults, we have fewer questions and more default settings.

 우리가 어른이  무렵질문은  적어지고 기본값은  많아진다.

③ As Henry James put it, "Disinterested curiosity is past, the mental grooves and channels set."

 Henry James 말했듯이, "흥미를 유발하지 않는 호기심은 없어지고정신의 고랑과 경로가 자리잡는다."

④ The decline in curiosity can be traced in the development of the brain through childhood.

 호기심의 감소는 유년 시절을 통한 뇌의 발달에서 원인을 찾을  있다.

⑤ Though smaller than the adult brain, the infant brain contains millions more neural connections.

 비록 성인의 뇌보다 작지만유아의 뇌는 수백만   많은 신경 연결을 가지고 있다.

⑥ The wiring, however, is a mess; the lines of communication between infant neurons are far less efficient than between those in the adult brain.

 그러나 연결 상태는 엉망이다유아의 뉴런 간의 전달은 성인 뇌의 그것들 간의 전달보다 훨씬  효율적이다.

⑦ The baby's perception of the world is consequently both intensely rich and wildly disordered.

 결과적으로 세상에 대한 아기의 인식은 매우 풍부하면서도 상당히 무질서하다.

⑧ As children absorb more evidence from the world around them, certain possibilities become much more likely and more useful and harden into knowledge or beliefs.

 아이들이 그들 주변의 세상으로부터  많은 증거를 흡수함에 따라특정한 가능성들이 훨씬  커지게 되고  유용하게 되며 지식이나 믿음으로 굳어진다.

⑨ The neural pathways that enable those beliefs become faster and more automatic, while the ones that the child doesn't use regularly are pruned away.

 그러한 믿음을 가능하게 하는 신경 경로는  빠르고 자동적으로 이루어지게 되고 반면에아이가 주기적으로 사용하지 않는 경로는 제거된다.


[1] 2023 06 – 40건강한 식단을 위해서는 식품 분류가 아닌 균형 잡힌 섭취가 중요함

① Nearly eight of ten U.S. adults believe there are "good foods" and "bad foods."

 미국 성인 10  거의 8명이 "좋은 음식" "나쁜 음식" 있다고 믿는다.

② Unless we're talking about spoiled stew, poison mushrooms, or something similar, however, no foods can be labeled as either good or bad.

 하지만우리가 상한 스튜 버섯또는 이와 유사한 것에 대해 이야기하고 있지 않는 어떤 음식도 좋고 나쁨으로 분류될  없다.

③ There are, however, combinations of foods that add up to a healthful or unhealthful diet.

 하지만결국 건강에 좋은 식단이나 건강에 좋지 않은 식단이 되는 음식들의 조합이 있다.

④ Consider the case of an adult who eats only foods thought of as "good" ― for example, raw broccoli, apples, orange juice, boiled tofu, and carrots.

 "좋은음식이라고 생각되는 음식만 먹는 성인의 경우를 생각해보라 ― 예를 들어생브로콜리사과오렌지 주스삶은 두부와 당근.

⑤ Although all these foods are nutrient-dense, they do not add up to a healthy diet because they don't supply a wide enough variety of the nutrients we need.

 비록  모든 음식들이 영양이 풍부하지만그것들은 우리가 필요로 하는 충분히 다양한 영양소를 공급하지 않기 때문에 그것들은 결국 건강한 식단이 되지 않는다.

⑥ Or take the case of the teenager who occasionally eats fried chicken, but otherwise stays away from fried foods.

 또는 튀긴 치킨을 가끔 먹지만그렇지 않으면 튀긴 음식을 멀리하는 십대의 경우를 예로 들어보자.

⑦ The occasional fried chicken isn't going to knock his or her diet off track.

 가끔 먹는 튀긴 치킨은 그나 그녀의 식단을 궤도에서 벗어나게 하지 않을 것이다.

⑧ But the person who eats fried foods every day, with few vegetables or fruits, and loads up on supersized soft drinks, candy, and chips for snacks has a bad diet.

 하지만 채소나 과일을 거의 먹지 않으면서 매일 튀긴 음식을 먹고간식으로 초대형 탄산음료사탕그리고 감자 칩으로 배를 가득 채우는 사람은 나쁜 식단을 가지고 있다.


[1] 2023 06 – 41~42농업 발달로 잉여 식량이 생기면서 전문 직업이 생겨남

① Early hunter-gatherer societies had minimal structure.

 초기 수렵 채집 사회는 최소한의 구조만 가지고 있었다.

② A chief or group of elders usually led the camp or village.

 추장이나 장로 그룹이 주로 캠프나 마을을 이끌었다.

③ Most of these leaders had to hunt and gather along with the other members because the surpluses of food and other vital resources were seldom sufficient to support a full-time chief or village council.

 식량과 기타 필수 자원의 잉여분이 전임 추장이나 마을 의회를 지원할 만큼 거의 충분하지 않았기 때문에 대부분의 이러한 지도자들은 다른 구성원들과 함께 사냥과 채집을 해야 했다.

④ The development of agriculture changed work patterns.

 농업의 발전은 작업 패턴을 변화시켰다.

⑤ Early farmers could reap 3-10 kg of grain from each 1 kg of seed planted.

 초기 농부들은 심은 씨앗 1kg마다 3-10kg 곡물을 수확할  있었다.

⑥ Part of this food/energy surplus was returned to the community and provided support for nonfarmers such as chieftains, village councils, men who practice medicine, priests, and warriors.

  식량/에너지 잉여분의 일부는 지역 사회에 환원되었고 족장마을 의회의술가사제전사와 같은 비농민에 대한 지원을 제공했다.

⑦ In return, the nonfarmers provided leadership and security for the farming population, enabling it to continue to increase food/energy yields and provide ever larger surpluses.

  대가로비농민들은 농업 인구에게 리더십과 안보를 제공하여그들이 식량/에너지 생산량을 지속적으로 늘리고 항상  많은 잉여를 제공할  있게 하였다.

⑧ With improved technology and favorable conditions, agriculture produced consistent surpluses of the basic necessities, and population groups grew in size.

 개선된 기술과 유리한 조건으로농업은 기본 생필품의 지속적인 흑자를 창출했고인구 집단은 규모가 커졌다.

⑨ These groups concentrated in towns and cities, and human tasks specialized further.

 이러한 집단은 마을과 도시에 집중되었고인간의 업무는 더욱 전문화되었다.

⑩ Specialists such as carpenters, blacksmiths, merchants, traders, and sailors developed their skills and became more efficient in their use of time and energy.

 목수대장장이상인무역업자선원과 같은 전문가들은 기술을 발전시키고 자신의 시간과 에너지 사용을  효율적으로 하게 되었다.

⑪ The goods and services they provided brought about an improved quality of life, a higher standard of living, and, for most societies, increased stability.

 그들이 제공한 재화와 서비스로 인해 향상된 삶의  높은 생활 수준그리고대부분의 사회에서향상된 안정성을 가져왔다.


[1] 2023 06 – 43~45아들을 간호하며 임종을 지켜준 병사의 인간애 실화

① A nurse took a tired, anxious soldier to the bedside.

  간호사가 피곤하고 불안해하는 군인을 침대 곁으로 데려갔다.

② "Jack, your son is here," the nurse said to an old man lying on the bed.

 "Jack, 당신 아들이 왔어요."라고 간호사가 침대에 누워있는 노인에게 말했다.

③ She had to repeat the words several times before the old man's eyes opened.

  노인이 눈을 뜨기 전에 그녀는  말을 여러  반복해야 했다.

④ Suffering from the severe pain because of heart disease, he barely saw the young uniformed soldier standing next to him.

 심장병 때문에 극심한 고통을 겪고 있어그는 제복을 입은 젊은 군인이 그의 옆에  있는 것을 간신히 보았다.

⑤ He reached out his hand to the soldier.

 그는 손을  군인에게 뻗었다.

⑥ The soldier gently wrapped his fingers around the weak hand of the old man.

  군인은 노인의 병약한 손을 부드럽게 감쌌다.

⑦ The nurse brought a chair so that the soldier could sit beside the bed.

 간호사는 군인이 침대 옆에 앉을  있도록 의자를 가져왔다.

⑧ All through the night the young soldier sat there, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of support and comfort.

 밤새 젊은 군인은 거기에 앉아노인의 손을 잡고 그에게 지지와 위로의 말을 건넸다.

⑨ Occasionally, she suggested that the soldier take a rest for a while.

 가끔그녀는 군인에게 잠시 쉬라고 제안했다.

⑩ He politely said no.

 그는 정중하게 거절했다.

⑪ Whenever the nurse came into the room, she heard the soldier say a few gentle words.

 간호사가 병실에 들어올 때마다그녀는  군인이 부드러운  마디의 말을 하는 것을 들었다.

⑫ The old man said nothing, only held tightly to him all through the night.

 밤새도록 그에게 손이  쥐어진 채로 노인은 아무 말도 하지 않았다.

⑬ Just before dawn, the old man died.

 동트기 직전에 노인은 죽었다.

⑭ The soldier released the old man's hand and left the room to find the nurse.

  군인은 노인의 손을 놓고 간호사를 찾기 위해 병실을 나갔다.

⑮ After she was told what happened, she went back to the room with him.

 그녀가 무슨 일이 있었는지 들은 그녀는 그와 함께 병실로 돌아갔다.

⑯ The soldier hesitated for a while and asked, "Who was this man?"

 군인은 잠시 머뭇거리고는 " 남자는 누구였나요?"라고 물었다.

⑰ She was surprised and asked, "Wasn't he your father?"

 그녀는 깜짝 놀라서 물었다. "그가 당신의 아버지가 아니었나요?"

⑱ "No, he wasn't. I've never met him before," the soldier replied.

 "아니요그는 아니었어요저는 그를 이전에 만난 적이 없어요."라고 군인이 대답했다.

⑲ She asked, "Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?"

 그녀는 물었다, "그러면 내가 당신을 그에게 데리고 갔을   아무 말도 하지 않았나요?"

⑳ He said, "I knew there had been a mistake, but when I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I could see how much he needed me. So, I stayed."

 그가 말했다, "저는 실수가 있었다는 것을 알았지만그가 위독해서 제가 그의 아들인지 아닌지 구별할  없다는  알게 되었을 저는 그가 얼마나 저를 필요로 하는지   있었습니다그래서저는 머물렀습니다."






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[3] 2024 05 – 18: 영화 촬영 허가 요청서


My name is Rohan Kaul, the producer of the upcoming film 'Upagrah.' I am reaching out to you regarding a matter of importance concerning the shooting of some scenes for our film. We have identified Gulab Park, Mumbai, as an ideal location for these scenes. We are hoping to conduct this shoot on 3rd June 2024, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. We have chosen Monday for the shooting day to minimize traffic issues and disruption to the public. During the shoot, our team promises to follow all rules and regulations, ensuring no inconvenience is caused to the public. We would be so grateful if you granted permission for the shoot so that we can put the beautiful scenery of the park in our film. We look forward to your response.



Possible Titles:

1. Request for Film Shooting Permission at Gulab Park, Mumbai

2. Application to Shoot Key Film Scenes in Gulab Park on a Weekday

3. Rohan Kaul's Proposal for Filming 'Upagrah' in Gulab Park, Mumbai

4. Ensuring Minimal Public Disruption During Filming in Gulab Park


Main Idea #1:

Rohan Kaul seeks permission to shoot scenes for the film 'Upagrah' at Gulab Park in Mumbai.


Main Idea #2:

The producer Rohan Kaul plans to shoot important scenes for 'Upagrah' on a Monday at Gulab Park to reduce interference with public activities and traffic.



Rohan Kaul, producer of 'Upagrah,' requests to film scenes at Gulab Park, Mumbai, on 3rd June 2024, promising minimal disruption by adhering to regulations and selecting a low-traffic day.


Key Points:

1. Rohan Kaul is the producer of the film 'Upagrah.'

2. The requested shooting location is Gulab Park, Mumbai.

3. Proposed shooting date and time: 3rd June 2024, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

4. Commitment to follow all local rules and ensure public convenience.



[3] 2024 05 – 19: 잘못된 퀴즈로 인한 학생의 긴장 해소


Charles was taking a quiz in his math class. He stared at the questions, but they looked completely unfamiliar. Charles flipped through the pages of the quiz for a while. His palms grew sweaty as he realized that he didn't know a single answer. A moment later, a few other students began raising their hands. One said, "I don't think we ever learned about the stuff on this quiz, Mrs. Smith." The teacher quickly looked over a copy of the quiz and announced, "I'm sorry, class. It appears that I have given you the wrong quiz by mistake. We'll take the right quiz next class." As Charles heard what the teacher said, the tension in his shoulders began to melt away.



Possible Titles:

1. A Mix-Up in the Classroom: Charles' Experience with the Wrong Quiz

2. Mistaken Quiz Distribution Leads to Unexpected Classroom Confusion

3. The Relief of a Rescheduled Quiz After a Teacher's Mistake

4. Students Face Unfamiliar Questions Due to Incorrect Quiz Handout


Main Idea #1:

Charles experienced stress during a quiz when he realized the questions were unfamiliar.


Main Idea #2:

The teacher mistakenly handed out the wrong quiz, causing confusion among the students until she recognized and addressed the error.



Charles felt anxious upon encountering unfamiliar quiz questions, but was relieved when the teacher acknowledged distributing the wrong quiz and postponed it to the next class.


Key Points:

1. Charles was initially confused and stressed by the unfamiliar quiz questions.

2. Other students also recognized that the quiz content was unfamiliar.

3. The teacher admitted to giving out the wrong quiz and decided to reschedule.

4. The situation resolved with plans to take the correct quiz in the next class.



[3] 2024 05 – 20: 중년의 연결 조직 부상에 대한 근육 훈련 권장


When you are middle-aged, the risk of connective tissue injuries peaks as decreased load tolerance combines with continued high activity levels. The path of least resistance is to stop doing the things that hurt ― avoid uncomfortable movements and find easier forms of exercise. However, that's the exact opposite of what you should do. There is a path forward. But it doesn't involve following the typical pain management advice of rest, ice, and medicine, which multiple reviews have shown is not effective for treating age-related joint pain and dysfunction. These methods do nothing more than treat superficial symptoms. The only practical solution is to strengthen your body with muscle training. Whether you've been training for a few years or a few decades, or haven't ever stepped foot in the weight room, it's not too late to restore your body, build real strength, and achieve your physical potential.



Possible Titles:

1. Overcoming Age-Related Connective Tissue Injuries with Strength Training

2. The Importance of Muscle Training for Managing Middle-Aged Joint Pain

3. Why Rest and Medication Fall Short in Treating Age-Related Joint Issues

4. Building Strength to Restore Function and Reduce Pain in Middle Age


Main Idea #1:

Middle-aged individuals face increased risks of connective tissue injuries due to decreased load tolerance and ongoing activity.


Main Idea #2:

Rather than avoiding activity, the effective solution for age-related joint pain and dysfunction is to engage in muscle training to strengthen the body.



Middle-aged adults experiencing joint pain should prioritize muscle training over traditional pain management methods like rest and medication, which often fail to address the root cause of their symptoms.


Key Points:

1. Connective tissue injuries peak in middle age due to reduced tolerance for physical loads.

2. Traditional pain management techniques are largely ineffective for age-related joint issues.

3. Strength training is crucial for rebuilding strength and improving joint function.

4. It is never too late to start muscle training, regardless of previous experience.



[3] 2024 05 – 21: 눈을 통한 시각적 인식의 메커니즘 설명


Turn the lights out and point the beam of a small flashlight up into one of your eyes. Shake the beam around while moving your gaze up and down. You should catch glimpses of what look like delicate branches. These branches are shadows of the blood vessels that lie on top of your retina. The vessels constantly cast shadows as light streams into the eye, but because these shadows never move, the brain ceases responding to them. Moving the flashlight beam around shifts the shadows just enough to make them momentarily visible. Now you might wonder if you could cause an image to fade just by staring at something unmoving. But that is not possible because the visual system constantly jiggles the eye muscles, which prevents the perfect stabilization of images of the world. These muscle movements are unbelievably small, but their effect is huge. Without them, we would go blind by tuning out what we see shortly after fixating our gaze! It's an interesting notion: Approximate perfection is better than perfect perfection.



Possible Titles:

1. Exploring the Visual Phenomenon of Retinal Blood Vessel Shadows

2. How Tiny Eye Movements Prevent Visual Fade and Maintain Perception

3. The Role of Eye Muscle Jiggles in Continuous Visual Awareness

4. Uncovering the Invisible: How Blood Vessel Shadows Impact Vision


Main Idea #1:

Shining a flashlight into the eye reveals normally unseen shadows of retinal blood vessels, illustrating an unusual visual phenomenon.


Main Idea #2:

The constant, minute jiggles of eye muscles prevent images from fading by continuously adjusting the retina’s exposure to visual stimuli.



Using a flashlight to manipulate eye lighting can reveal the shadowy outlines of retinal blood vessels, showcasing how subtle eye movements are crucial in preventing the visual system from tuning out static images.


Key Points:

1. Flashlight manipulation reveals shadows of retinal blood vessels, normally invisible.

2. The brain ignores these shadows under normal lighting due to their stability.

3. Micro-movements of eye muscles prevent images from fading out.

4. These tiny adjustments ensure continuous visual perception and prevent sensory adaptation.



[3] 2024 05 – 22: 경제적 이익과 야생 보호 간의 대립


Most opposition to wilderness preservation doesn't come from environmentalists but from corporate interests and developers. When wild places are designated as wilderness, they are closed to most commercial activities and residential or infrastructure development. There is thus frequently an economic cost to wilderness preservation. Some critics claim that when wilderness and economic interests clash, economic interests should normally prevail. This argument, even if it is sound, won't exclude all wilderness preservation efforts, because some wilderness areas have little economic value. But a deeper problem with the argument is that it views nature from a human-focused and excessively economic point of view. Allowing economic considerations to outweigh all other forms of value is inconsistent with the biocentric reasons that support wilderness preservation. Thus, while it certainly makes sense to weigh the economic costs of wilderness protection, especially when such costs are high, the biocentric values underlying wilderness preservation exclude viewing economic considerations as the most important.



Possible Titles:

1. The Conflict Between Economic Interests and Wilderness Preservation

2. Reevaluating the Role of Economic Value in Wilderness Protection Efforts

3. Beyond Economics: Embracing Biocentric Values in Wilderness Preservation

4. The Limitations of an Economic Perspective on Nature and Wilderness


Main Idea #1:

Opposition to wilderness preservation primarily stems from corporate interests and developers rather than environmentalists, due to restrictions on commercial activities.


Main Idea #2:

While economic considerations are important in wilderness preservation debates, they should not overshadow the biocentric values that fundamentally justify protecting these areas.



Critics often prioritize economic interests in wilderness preservation debates, but this approach overlooks the biocentric values essential to the concept of wilderness, which argue against reducing nature to mere economic resource.


Key Points:

1. Corporate and development interests are the main opponents of wilderness preservation.

2. Wilderness areas are often restricted from commercial exploitation, causing economic debates.

3. Economic perspectives are challenged by biocentric values that prioritize nature's intrinsic worth.

4. While economic impacts are a valid consideration, they should not dominate preservation decisions.



[3] 2024 05 – 23: 카페인 섭취가  화학에 미치는 영향


During the day, a molecule called adenosine builds up in your brain. Adenosine binds with receptors on nerve cells, or neurons, slowing down their activity and making you feel drowsy. But caffeine is also able to bind with these receptors, and by doing so it blocks adenosine's effect, making your neurons fire more and keeping you alert. Caffeine also activates a gland at the base of your brain. This releases hormones that tell the adrenal glands on your kidneys to produce adrenaline, causing your heart to beat faster and your blood pressure to rise. If, however, your daily caffeine intake is consistent, your brain will adapt to it. Your brain is like, 'Okay, every morning I'm getting this caffeine that's binding to these receptors and blocking adenosine from binding to them.' So your brain creates extra receptors to give adenosine more of an opportunity to bind with them and have its usual effect. And more adenosine is also produced to counteract the caffeine. That's why it takes more and more caffeine to have the same effect.



Possible Titles:

1. The Interplay of Caffeine, Adenosine, and Brain Adaptation: How Alertness is Maintained

2. Understanding Caffeine’s Mechanism of Action and Its Effects on Brain Chemistry

3. The Science Behind Caffeine Tolerance: Adenosine Receptors and Neuronal Activity

4. How Caffeine Works to Keep You Alert and How the Brain Adapts Over Time


Main Idea #1:

Caffeine keeps you alert by binding to adenosine receptors in the brain, blocking the drowsiness-inducing effects of adenosine.


Main Idea #2:

With consistent caffeine intake, the brain adapts by creating more adenosine receptors and producing more adenosine, which diminishes caffeine's effectiveness and increases tolerance.



Caffeine blocks the effects of adenosine, a molecule that induces drowsiness, by binding to its receptors, which keeps you alert. Over time, consistent caffeine consumption leads the brain to compensate by increasing adenosine receptors and production, necessitating higher doses of caffeine for the same alertness effect.


Key Points:

1. Adenosine accumulates during the day, promoting sleepiness by slowing neuronal activity.

2. Caffeine competes with adenosine for the same receptors, preventing drowsiness and increasing alertness.

3. Caffeine stimulates the production of adrenaline, raising heart rate and blood pressure.

4. Regular caffeine use leads to increased adenosine receptors and production, reducing its effectiveness and requiring higher consumption for the same alertness.



[3] 2024 05 – 24: 대양의 푸른색 발생 원인 설명


When viewed from space, one of the Earth's most commanding features is the blueness of its vast oceans. Small amounts of water do not indicate the color of these large bodies of water; when pure drinking water is examined in a glass, it appears clear and colorless. Apparently a relatively large volume of water is required to reveal the blue color. Why is this so? When light penetrates water, it experiences both absorption and scattering. Water molecules strongly absorb infrared and, to a lesser degree, red light. At the same time, water molecules are small enough to scatter shorter wavelengths, giving water its blue-green color. The amount of long-wavelength absorption is a function of depth; the deeper the water, the more red light is absorbed. At a depth of 15m, the intensity of red light drops to 25% of its original value and falls to zero beyond a depth of 30m. Any object viewed at this depth is seen in a blue-green light. For this reason, red inhabitants of the sea, such as lobsters and crabs, appear black to divers not carrying a lamp.



Possible Titles:

1. Exploring the Blue Color of the Ocean: Absorption and Scattering of Light in Water

2. Why the Ocean Appears Blue: The Role of Light Penetration and Wavelength Absorption

3. The Science Behind Ocean Color: Light Absorption and Scattering at Various Depths

4. Understanding the Depth-Dependent Color Changes in the Ocean's Waters


Main Idea #1:

The blue color of the ocean is primarily due to the absorption of longer wavelengths and the scattering of shorter wavelengths by water molecules.


Main Idea #2:

In deep waters, red light is absorbed more efficiently, diminishing in intensity with depth, which affects how colors are perceived underwater.



The vast blue appearance of the ocean from space results from selective light absorption and scattering by water molecules, which absorb red and infrared light while scattering shorter, blue-green wavelengths. Deeper water intensifies this effect, causing red light to weaken significantly, which alters the apparent color of objects submerged at depth.


Key Points:

1. Small volumes of water appear clear, while larger bodies exhibit a blue color due to the volume required for effective light absorption and scattering.

2. Water molecules absorb infrared and red light, but scatter blue-green wavelengths, giving the ocean its characteristic color.

3. The absorption of red light increases with water depth, diminishing its intensity and influencing how submerged objects are perceived.

4. At significant depths, red sea creatures appear black unless illuminated by an artificial light source.



[3] 2024 05 – 25: 세대별 챗봇 플랫폼 선호도 차이


The above graph shows the percentage of preferable chatbot platforms by age categorized by Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X. Millennials and Generation X had the highest percentage of respondents who preferred Desktop Websites while Generation Z had the highest percentage for Messenger Apps. In Generation Z, the percentage of respondents who preferred Mobile Apps was more than twice that of those who preferred Voice Assistant Devices. Messenger Apps was the only platform where the percentage of respondents' preference for it sank lower and lower from Generation Z, to Millennials, to Generation X. The percentage point gap between Millennial and Generation X respondents who preferred Mobile Apps was larger than the percentage point gap between the same two groups for Voice Assistant Devices. The percentage of respondents who preferred Mobile Websites was the lowest in all the age groups.



Possible Titles:

1. Generational Preferences for Chatbot Platforms: A Comparative Analysis

2. Trends in Chatbot Platform Preferences Across Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X

3. The Shift in Chatbot Usage: From Desktop to Mobile and Messenger Apps Among Different Generations

4. Analyzing the Decline in Messenger App Preferences from Generation Z to Generation X


Main Idea #1:

Millennials and Generation X show a strong preference for desktop websites, whereas Generation Z favors messenger apps.


Main Idea #2:

While messenger apps are most popular with Generation Z, their preference drops markedly among older generations, showing a clear generational divide in chatbot platform choices.



The preferences for chatbot platforms vary significantly by age, with Millennials and Generation X opting for desktop websites, and Generation Z preferring messenger apps. The use of mobile apps is notably higher in Generation Z than voice assistant devices, and messenger app preference decreases progressively with older generations. Among all age groups, mobile websites are the least favored option.


Key Points:

1. Desktop websites are the preferred chatbot platform for Millennials and Generation X.

2. Generation Z predominantly prefers messenger apps over other platforms.

3. The preference for messenger apps decreases with each older generation.

4. Mobile apps are more popular among Generation Z compared to voice assistants, which are less favored.

5. Mobile websites have the lowest preference rate across all generations.



[3] 2024 05 – 26: José Saramago 문학적 경력과 영향


José Saramago was born in 1922 to a family of farmers in a little village north of Lisbon. For financial reasons he abandoned his high-school studies and worked as a mechanic. At this time, he acquired a taste for reading and started to frequent a public library in Lisbon in his free time. After trying different jobs in the civil service, he worked for a publishing company for twelve years and then as an editor of the newspaper 'Diario de Noticias.' Between 1975 and 1980 Saramago supported himself as a translator, but after his literary successes in the 1980s he devoted himself to his own writing. He achieved worldwide recognition in 1982 with the humorous love story Baltasar and Blimunda, a novel set in 18th-century Portugal. Saramago's oeuvre totals 30 works, and comprises not only novels but also poetry, essays and drama.



Possible Titles:

1. José Saramago: From Mechanic to Internationally Acclaimed Author

2. The Evolution of José Saramago: Early Struggles to Literary Stardom

3. The Life and Works of José Saramago: Portugal's Literary Treasure

4. From Humble Beginnings to Literary Greatness: The Journey of José Saramago


Main Idea #1:

José Saramago rose from a modest upbringing to become a celebrated writer, initially working as a mechanic and later devoting himself to writing after various jobs.


Main Idea #2:

Saramago gained international fame with his novel "Baltasar and Blimunda," which marked a turning point in his career, leading him to focus solely on his literary pursuits.



José Saramago, born in a small village north of Lisbon in 1922, transitioned from a mechanic to a globally recognized author. He explored different vocations before achieving literary success with "Baltasar and Blimunda" in 1982. His diverse body of work, totaling 30 publications including novels, poetry, essays, and drama, reflects his profound impact on literature.


Key Points:

1. Born to a farming family in 1922, José Saramago faced early financial hardships that led him to drop out of high school.

2. He developed a passion for reading while working as a mechanic and visiting a public library in Lisbon.

3. Saramago held various jobs, including working in civil service and publishing, before dedicating himself to writing.

4. His breakthrough came with the novel "Baltasar and Blimunda," after which he focused entirely on writing.

5. Saramago's extensive oeuvre includes novels, poetry, essays, and drama, showcasing his versatility as a writer.



[3] 2024 05 – 29: 새로운 병원균의 적응과 전파 과정


When a new pathogen emerges, one way it transitions from wherever it has been living into a new host may be the acquisition of new traits. Imagine that in its hourly struggle to survive over long periods of time and many generations, a fungus species might acquire a protective capsule ― a bit of coating ― that shields it or even masks it from other microbes or cells. Then it acquires some enzymes that enable it to survive whatever chemicals other microbes might throw at it. If it can overcome these chemicals, it may also overcome the same or similar chemicals used as antifungal drugs. Maybe it also evolves to tolerate warmer temperatures. Now we've got a yeast that once made its home in an apple tree or in a wetland but that at this point can live quite happily in our body, hide from our immune system, and disarm our drugs. Then some of us carry it from one country to another and then another, and eventually it finds a host in a hospital patient who has recently received an organ transplant or is elderly with a weakened immune system.



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolutionary Journey of Pathogens from Nature to Human Hosts

2. Adapting to Survive: How Pathogens Develop Traits for Host Transition

3. The Emergence of Drug-Resistant Pathogens Through Natural Adaptations

4. From Environmental Niches to Human Hosts: The Adaptation of Yeast Pathogens


Main Idea #1:

Pathogens like certain fungi can acquire new traits such as protective coatings and enzymes to survive environmental challenges and antimicrobial substances.


Main Idea #2:

Through evolutionary adaptations, these pathogens become capable of living in human hosts, evading the immune system, and resisting antifungal drugs, posing significant risks especially in vulnerable populations.



Pathogens evolve over time, gaining traits that allow them to survive harsh conditions and resist antimicrobial drugs, which can enable them to infect and thrive in human hosts, including those with compromised immune systems, such as hospital patients or the elderly.


Key Points:

1. Pathogens acquire protective traits and enzymes that help them survive environmental and chemical challenges.

2. These adaptations can also make pathogens resistant to drugs used in medical treatment.

3. Originally non-human pathogens can evolve to live in human bodies and evade immune defenses.

4. Global travel can spread such pathogens, leading to infections in vulnerable populations like transplant recipients or the elderly.



[3] 2024 05 – 30: 감정이 기억 형성에 미치는 영향


Memory is shaped by emotions connected to an experience. For this reason, inaccuracies often hide the full picture of what happened. For example, a company might decide to hire a consultant to assist with a major project. During this project, the consultant demonstrated some personality traits that clashed with a couple of the executives involved. Through the course of the project, they were able to put aside the personality conflicts in order to see their vision become a reality. Ultimately, the project was a success, enabling the company to move forward and profit. At a later date, the company, remembering the previous success, expressed an interest in hiring the same consultant for another large project. The executives who struggled with his personality last time may most vividly remember their difficulty in overcoming his personality and related emotions. In this case, the success of the project fades into the background as they focus on their previous experience, colored by their feelings of discomfort. As a result, they convince the company to exclude the consultant, making project completion more difficult.



Possible Titles:

1. The Impact of Emotional Memory on Professional Decisions and Project Outcomes

2. How Emotions Influence Memory Recall in Business Environments

3. The Role of Emotional Experiences in Shaping Business Decision-Making

4. Navigating Personality Conflicts in the Workplace: A Case Study on Memory Bias


Main Idea #1:

Emotions linked to experiences can significantly influence memory recall, potentially leading to biased decision-making in professional settings.


Main Idea #2:

In the case of hiring a consultant, previous conflicts overshadowed memories of project success, affecting future hiring decisions and possibly hindering project completion.



Emotionally charged memories, such as the discomfort from personality clashes with a consultant, can overshadow the success of past collaborations, influencing future business decisions negatively and complicating project executions.


Key Points:

1. Emotional experiences can shape and sometimes distort the memory of events in a business context.

2. Successful outcomes may be overshadowed by negative interpersonal memories, affecting future decisions.

3. In the given scenario, past personality conflicts with a consultant led executives to focus on negative aspects, despite previous project success.

4. This selective memory recall resulted in the decision not to rehire the consultant, complicating the completion of a new project.



[3] 2024 05 – 31: 색상의 사회적 의미와 규제


As colors came to take on meanings and cultural significance within societies, attempts were made to restrict their use. The most extreme example of this phenomenon was the sumptuary laws. While these were passed in ancient Greece and Rome, and examples can be found in ancient China and Japan, they found their fullest expressions in Europe from the mid-twelfth century, before slowly disappearing in the early modern period. Such laws could touch on anything from diet to dress and furnishings, and sought to enforce social boundaries by encoding the social classes into a clear visual system: the peasants, in other words, should eat and dress like peasants; craftsmen should eat and dress like craftsmen. Color was a vital signifier in this social language ― dull, earthy colors like russet were explicitly confined to the poorest rural peasants, while bright ones like scarlet were the preserve of a select few.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Color in Enforcing Social Hierarchies Through Sumptuary Laws

2. Color and Class: The Impact of Sumptuary Laws on Social Stratification

3. Historical Uses of Color to Define Social Boundaries and Class Distinctions

4. Sumptuary Laws: How Colors Signified Social Status from Ancient Times to the Early Modern Period


Main Idea #1:

Sumptuary laws utilized color as a key element to enforce social boundaries, dictating what colors different social classes could wear or display.


Main Idea #2:

These laws, peaking in Europe during the medieval period, regulated not only clothing but also diet and furnishings to maintain a clear visual distinction between social classes.



Sumptuary laws historically used color to enforce social hierarchies, restricting vibrant colors like scarlet to the elite, while confining peasants to earthy tones. These regulations extended beyond attire to include diet and home decor, clearly delineating social classes through visual means.


Key Points:

1. Sumptuary laws were used to enforce social boundaries by controlling the use of color in clothing and other aspects of life.

2. These laws were prevalent in ancient Greece, Rome, China, Japan, and notably in medieval Europe.

3. Colors played a critical role in these laws, with bright colors reserved for the upper classes and dull colors for the lower classes.

4. The laws also regulated other aspects of daily life, such as diet and furnishings, to maintain visual distinctions between classes.



[3] 2024 05 – 32: 뇌가 외부 세계를 인식하는 방식


John Douglas Pettigrew, a professor of psychology at the University of Queensland, found that the brain manages the external world by dividing it into separate regions, the peripersonal and the extrapersonal ― basically, near and far. Peripersonal space includes whatever is in arm's reach; things you can control right now by using your hands. This is the world of what's real, right now. Extrapersonal space refers to everything else ― whatever you can't touch unless you move beyond your arm's reach, whether it's three feet or three million miles away. This is the realm of possibility. With those definitions in place, another fact follows, obvious but useful: any interaction in the extrapersonal space must occur in the future. Or, to put it another way, distance is linked to time. For instance, if you're in the mood for a peach, but the closest one is sitting in a bin at the corner market, you can't enjoy it now. You can only enjoy it in the future, after you go get it.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding the Brain's Division of the World: Peripersonal and Extrapersonal Spaces

2. The Psychological Concepts of Near and Far: Insights from John Douglas Pettigrew

3. Spatial Divisions in the Brain: Immediate Realities and Distant Possibilities

4. How Distance Influences Perception and Interaction: A Psychological Perspective


Main Idea #1:

John Douglas Pettigrew discovered that the brain categorizes the external world into peripersonal (near) and extrapersonal (far) spaces, determining how we interact with our environment.


Main Idea #2:

This spatial division implies that anything within the extrapersonal space, or beyond immediate reach, involves future interactions, linking distance directly to time.



John Douglas Pettigrew's research shows that the brain divides the world into peripersonal and extrapersonal spaces, the former being within arm's reach and the latter beyond it. This division highlights that interactions with distant objects or events, located in the extrapersonal space, are inherently linked to future actions.


Key Points:

1. Peripersonal space includes everything within arm's reach, directly controllable and tangible in the present.

2. Extrapersonal space encompasses all that lies beyond immediate reach, requiring movement and planning to interact.

3. The brain's spatial division reflects how we perceive and interact with our environment, affecting our psychological and physical responses.

4. The concept that interactions in extrapersonal space must occur in the future underscores the relationship between distance and time.



[3] 2024 05 – 33: 곤충을 잡는 식충식물의 독특한 메커니즘


Insect-eating plants' unique strategies for catching live prey have long captured the public imagination. But even within this strange group, in which food-trapping mechanisms have evolved multiple times independently, some unusual ones stand out. According to Ulrike Bauer, an evolutionary biologist, the visually striking pitcher plant Nepenthes gracilis, for example, can exploit external energy for a purpose. This species' pitcher has a rigid, horizontal lid with an exposed underside that produces nectar, luring insects to land on it. When a raindrop strikes the lid's top, the lid jolts downward and throws any unsuspecting visitor into digestive juices below. Researchers used x-ray scans to analyze cross sections of the pitchers when the lid is raised, lowered, and in a neutral position. Their results revealed a structural weak point in the pitcher's neck: when a raindrop hits the lid, the weak spot folds in and forces the lid to quickly move downward, similar to a diving board. The weak point makes the pitcher's body bend and bounce back in a specific, consistent way, so the lid rises back up without bouncing too far ― unlike a typical leaf's chaotic vibration when struck by rain.



Possible Titles:

1. The Ingenious Trap Mechanism of Nepenthes gracilis: Utilizing Raindrops as a Catalyst

2. Evolutionary Innovation in Carnivorous Plants: How Nepenthes gracilis Catches Its Prey

3. Rain-Triggered Prey Capture in the Pitcher Plant Nepenthes gracilis

4. Harnessing External Forces: The Unique Prey-Capturing Strategy of Nepenthes gracilis


Main Idea #1:

Nepenthes gracilis, a type of pitcher plant, has evolved a unique mechanism that uses the energy from raindrops to capture insects by causing its lid to snap shut.


Main Idea #2:

The plant's lid acts like a diving board, with a structural weak point that folds when hit by a raindrop, propelling unsuspecting insects into the pitcher for digestion.



Nepenthes gracilis, a pitcher plant, exploits raindrops to catch prey by having a specialized lid that snaps shut when struck. Researchers discovered a weak point in the plant's structure that allows this rapid motion, efficiently trapping insects without excessive bouncing or vibration.


Key Points:

1. Nepenthes gracilis attracts insects with nectar on its horizontal lid.

2. The plant’s lid snaps shut when a raindrop hits, throwing insects into the digestive juices below.

3. X-ray scans reveal a structural weak point that facilitates this quick lid movement.

4. This mechanism is highly efficient, avoiding the chaotic vibrations typical of other leaves when impacted by rain.



[3] 2024 05 – 34: 어류의 자체 발광 기능과 생존 전략


Many fish generate their own light in a biological firework display called bioluminescence. The lanternfish creates beams that sweep the sea like headlamps. The dragonfish produces wavelengths that only it can see, leaving its victims unaware of the approaching threat. In contrast, the anglerfish hopes its prey will notice and be lured toward its rod-like bioluminescent barbel; its fierce jaws stay hidden in the shadows. Bioluminescence is also used to frustrate predators. A species from the spookfish family relies on a bellyful of symbiotic, glowing bacteria to save it from becoming a meal. It uses the same concept developed by the US Navy during World War II to make bomber aircraft difficult to see. Just as Project Yehudi designed planes with under-wing spotlights, the fish's glowing belly conceals its silhouette against sunlight to hide it from watching eyes below. In this fish-eat-fish world, survival is a game of hide-and-seek that prioritizes the sense of sight.



Possible Titles:

1. The Art of Illumination: Bioluminescence in Marine Life for Predation and Defense

2. Natural Glow: How Marine Species Use Bioluminescence for Survival

3. Bioluminescent Tactics: Defensive and Offensive Strategies in Deep Sea Creatures

4. The Role of Bioluminescence in Marine Predator-Prey Dynamics


Main Idea #1:

Many fish species employ bioluminescence, creating their own light for various survival strategies, including predation and defense against predators.


Main Idea #2:

Bioluminescence is used by different species to either attract prey or camouflage themselves from predators, demonstrating its versatility as a survival tool in the ocean's depths.



Bioluminescence serves as a critical survival tool in marine ecosystems, allowing species like lanternfish, dragonfish, and anglerfish to either hunt or hide. This natural phenomenon is adapted for offense in some species by attracting unsuspecting prey, while others use it defensively, mimicking wartime camouflage techniques to avoid predators.


Key Points:

1. Lanternfish use bioluminescence like headlamps to illuminate the deep sea and spot prey.

2. Dragonfish produce unique light wavelengths that are invisible to other species, making it a stealthy predator.

3. Anglerfish attract prey with a glowing lure, while hiding their dangerous jaws in the darkness.

4. Spookfish use glowing bacteria in their bellies to camouflage themselves against the light from above, similar to military counter-illumination tactics.



[3] 2024 05 – 35: 인류의 공통 조상과 생존 경쟁


The human race traces back to a surprisingly small number of common ancestors. It has been documented that the entire human race can be traced back to only seven different mothers, and one of these women is a common ancestor to roughly 40% of the human species. Why is this? The simple answer is that humans are extremely good at dying and at wiping each other out. History has had many successful rulers and conquerors who have got rid of entire populations, and even beyond that, our species has wiped out plenty of similar humanoid lines that existed on this earth. Scientific finds have so far discovered a number of other humanoid species that once shared the earth with us, some of which include Neanderthals and Denisovans. Yet of these lines, only homo sapiens have survived, only the modern humans. That itself shows how difficult it is for a species to survive and thrive long-term on this planet.



Possible Titles:

1. The Genetic Bottlenecks and Ancestral Roots of Modern Humans

2. Tracing Humanity: From Seven Mothers to Global Domination

3. Survival of the Fittest: How Homo Sapiens Outlasted Other Humanoids

4. The Remarkable Resilience and Ruthlessness of Human Ancestors


Main Idea #1:

Humanity's lineage can be traced back to a surprisingly small group of ancestors, including seven maternal progenitors, with one woman being an ancestor to a significant portion of today's population.


Main Idea #2:

The dominance of Homo sapiens over other humanoid species, such as Neanderthals and Denisovans, highlights the harsh realities of survival and competition that have characterized human history.



The human race originates from a small number of maternal ancestors, with extensive evidence suggesting one woman is a common ancestor to about 40% of all humans. This genetic bottleneck reflects the harsh history of human survival, where many other humanoid species were wiped out, leaving only Homo sapiens to continue the lineage.


Key Points:

1. Genetic studies have identified that all humans share a remarkably small number of common maternal ancestors.

2. One of these ancestors is particularly significant, contributing genetically to 40% of the modern human population.

3. Historical patterns of conquest and extinction have played a crucial role in shaping the current human gene pool.

4. Homo sapiens are the sole survivors among several humanoid species that once inhabited Earth, emphasizing the harsh conditions and competitive nature of human evolution.



[3] 2024 05 – 36: 시간 여행의 개념에 대한 철학적 탐구


Philosophers who seek to understand the nature of time might consider the possibility of time travel. But there are no real-life cases of time travel. In situations such as this, philosophers often construct thought experiments ―imagined scenarios that bring out the thoughts and presuppositions underlying people's judgments. Sometimes these scenarios are drawn from books, movies, and television. Other times, philosophers just make up their own scenarios. Either way, the point is to put such concepts to the test. In the case of time travel, for example, a common thought experiment is to imagine what would happen if you went back in time and found yourself in a position to interfere in such a way that you were never born. It seems that something must happen to prevent you from doing this, because if you were to succeed, you would not exist and so you would not have been able to go back in time. As a result of thinking through these sorts of cases, some philosophers claim that the very notion of time travel makes no sense.



Possible Titles:

1. Exploring the Paradoxes of Time Travel Through Philosophical Thought Experiments

2. The Logical Conundrums of Time Travel: A Philosophical Inquiry

3. Time Travel in Philosophy: Examining the Grandfather Paradox

4. Testing the Boundaries of Time Travel with Thought Experiments


Main Idea #1:

Philosophers use thought experiments to explore the theoretical possibility of time travel and the logical problems associated with it.


Main Idea #2:

A common philosophical scenario involves the paradox where time travelers might prevent their own existence, leading some philosophers to question the coherence of time travel as a concept.



Philosophers utilize thought experiments, including hypothetical scenarios drawn from popular culture or their own imaginations, to probe the complexities and paradoxes of time travel. One notable experiment involves the contradiction of altering past events in such a way that the time traveler never exists, challenging the logical possibility of time travel itself.


Key Points:

1. Philosophers employ thought experiments to understand and test the concept of time travel.

2. Scenarios often involve altering past events with significant personal consequences, such as preventing one's own birth.

3. These experiments reveal inherent logical contradictions, such as the impossibility of performing an action in the past that would negate the traveler's future existence.

4. The examination of these paradoxes often leads philosophers to conclude that time travel might be conceptually flawed.



[3] 2024 05 – 37: 수면  감각 정보의 차단 과정


A universal indicator of sleep is the loss of external awareness. You are no longer conscious of all that surrounds you, at least not explicitly. In actual fact, your ears are still 'hearing'; your eyes, though closed, are still capable of 'seeing.' All these signals still flood into the center of your brain while you sleep, but they are blocked by a perceptual barricade set up in a structure called the thalamus. The thalamus decides which sensory signals are allowed through its gate, and which are not. Should they be granted its permission to pass, they are sent to the cortex at the top of your brain, where they are consciously perceived. By locking its gates shut, the thalamus imposes a sensory blackout in the brain, preventing onward travel of those signals to the cortex. As a result, you are no longer consciously aware of the information broadcasts being transmitted from your outer sense organs. At this moment, your brain has lost waking contact with the outside world. Said another way, you are now asleep.



Possible Titles:

1. How the Thalamus Controls Sensory Input During Sleep

2. The Role of the Thalamus in Sensory Processing and Sleep Awareness

3. Understanding the Mechanism of Sensory Blackout in Sleep

4. The Thalamus: Gatekeeper of Conscious Awareness in Sleep


Main Idea #1:

During sleep, the thalamus acts as a gatekeeper by selectively blocking sensory signals from reaching the cortex, resulting in a loss of external awareness.


Main Idea #2:

This sensory blockade ensures that although the brain continues to receive inputs from the senses, these do not reach the consciousness, thereby maintaining the state of sleep.



In sleep, the thalamus prevents sensory signals from passing to the cortex, effectively cutting off conscious awareness of the external world. This mechanism ensures that, despite ongoing sensory activity, the brain remains detached from waking perceptions and fully engaged in the sleep state.


Key Points:

1. Loss of external awareness is a key indicator of sleep, characterized by a sensory blackout.

2. The thalamus plays a crucial role by filtering sensory information received during sleep.

3. Only signals approved by the thalamus are forwarded to the cortex for conscious perception.

4. By blocking most sensory inputs, the thalamus helps maintain the unconscious state necessary for sleep.



[3] 2024 05 – 38: 윤리적 의사결정에서의 감정적 요소


Emotional response to the world is an inherent part of ethics. In ethics, appeals to compassion and empathy can and should be part of rational arguments about ethical decisions. Moreover, the best practices of objectivity often combine partiality and impartiality. In a trial, the partiality of the prosecutor and the defense attorney (and the parties they represent) occurs within a larger impartial context. A judge or jury puts partial arguments to the test of objective evidence and to the impartial rules of law. Ideally, what is fair and objective emerges during a trial where partialities make their case and are judged by objective norms. The norms of objectivity were constructed not because their creators thought most humans could be 'empty' of bias. The reverse is true: the norms were constructed because of an acute awareness of human bias, because it is evident. Rather than conclude that objectivity is impossible because bias is universal, scientists, journalists, and others concluded the opposite: we biased humans need the discipline of objectivity to reduce the ineliminable presence of bias.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Ethical Decision-Making

2. Balancing Partiality and Impartiality in Ethical Judgments

3. The Construct of Objectivity in Response to Human Bias

4. Ethics, Emotions, and Objectivity: A Framework for Rational Decisions


Main Idea #1:

Emotional responses such as compassion and empathy are integral to forming rational ethical arguments and decisions.


Main Idea #2:

Objectivity in ethics is achieved by acknowledging and balancing both partial and impartial elements, as seen in legal trials where objective norms assess partial arguments.



Ethical decision-making incorporates both emotional responses and objectivity, acknowledging human bias while striving for impartiality. In legal contexts, the interplay of partiality and impartiality helps reveal what is fair through the application of objective norms, demonstrating that objectivity is necessary despite inherent biases.


Key Points:

1. Compassion and empathy are essential components of ethical reasoning, complementing rational analysis.

2. Objectivity in ethics involves a synthesis of partial and impartial perspectives to achieve fairness.

3. Legal trials exemplify how objective evidence and impartial laws assess partial arguments from opposing sides.

4. The norms of objectivity were developed not from an unrealistic expectation of bias-free humans but from a recognition of the ubiquity of bias and the need for a systematic approach to mitigate it.



[3] 2024 05 – 39: 고양이의 야간 시력과 생물학적 적응


The fact that cats' eyes glow in the dark is part of their enhanced light-gathering efficiency; there is a reflective layer behind the retina, so light can hit the retina when it enters the eye, or when it is reflected from behind the retina. Light that manages to miss the retina exits the eye and creates that ghostly glow. When cats' light-gathering ability is combined with the very large population of rods in their eyes, the result is a predator that can see exceptionally well in the dark. Cats 'pay' for this nighttime accuracy with less accurate daytime vision and an inability to focus on close objects. This may seem counterproductive; what is the point of seeing a mouse in the dark if, in that final, close moment, the cat can't focus on it? Tactile information comes into play at this time; cats can move their whiskers forward and use them to get information about objects within the grasp of their jaws. So the next time you see a cat seeming to nap in the bright sunlight, eyes half-closed, remember that it may simply be shielding its retina from a surplus of light.



Possible Titles:

1. The Science Behind Cats' Night Vision and Its Trade-offs

2. How Cats See: Nighttime Predators with Compromised Day Vision

3. The Dual Nature of Feline Vision: Superior Night Sight at a Cost

4. Understanding the Mechanisms and Limitations of Cat Vision


Main Idea #1:

Cats' eyes contain a reflective layer behind the retina which enhances their ability to gather light, enabling them to see exceptionally well in the dark.


Main Idea #2:

While cats excel in nighttime vision due to their eye structure and a high density of rods, they experience less accurate vision in daylight and difficulty focusing on close objects.



Cats have evolved to have excellent night vision, supported by a reflective layer behind the retina and numerous rods in their eyes, which allows them to see in low light. However, this adaptation comes at the cost of less precise vision during the day and difficulty focusing on nearby objects, which they compensate for using their whiskers to gather tactile information.


Key Points:

1. Cats' eyes have a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum that enhances night vision by reflecting light that passes through the retina back into it.

2. This structure allows cats to see well in low-light conditions, making them effective nocturnal hunters.

3. Their daytime vision is compromised, and they have a limited ability to focus on objects close to them.

4. Cats use their whiskers as tactile sensors to compensate for their near-focus limitations, helping them detect nearby objects effectively.



[3] 2024 05 – 40: 미술관 방문  대화 감소가 감정 반응 증가


In one study, researchers gave more than five hundred visitors to an art museum a special glove that reported their movement patterns along with physiological data such as their heart rates. The data showed that when people were not distracted by chatting with companions, they actually had a stronger emotional response to the art. Of course, there's nothing wrong with chatting and letting the art slide past, but think of the inspiration those museum visitors missed out on. Then apply that to life in general. When we surround ourselves with other people, we're not just missing out on the finer details of an art exhibition. We're missing out on the chance to reflect and understand ourselves better. In fact, studies show that if we never allow ourselves to be alone, it's just plain harder for us to learn. Other research found that young people who cannot stand being alone were less likely to develop creative skills like playing an instrument or writing because the most effective practice of these abilities is often done while alone. [요약문] The study above shows avoiding conversation with companions while exploring an art museum intensifies emotional response to art, suggesting that absence of alone time may inhibit personal growth and learning.



Possible Titles:

1. Enhancing Emotional Responses to Art Through Solitude: Insights from a Museum Study

2. The Impact of Social Interaction on Art Appreciation and Personal Growth

3. The Benefits of Solitary Experiences in Enhancing Art Perception and Creativity

4. Exploring the Link Between Solitude and Emotional Engagement with Art


Main Idea #1:

Research involving art museum visitors with monitoring gloves showed that individuals had stronger emotional responses to art when they were not distracted by conversation.


Main Idea #2:

The study suggests that solitude not only enhances art appreciation but also plays a crucial role in personal development and the acquisition of creative skills.



A study monitoring museum visitors found that those who explored art alone had heightened emotional responses compared to those who chatted with companions. This highlights the broader benefits of solitude, which includes deeper personal reflection and better learning outcomes, as well as the development of creative abilities like music and writing, which require significant alone time.


Key Points:

1. Visitors to an art museum who wore special gloves showed more intense emotional reactions to art when not conversing with others.

2. The absence of distractions allows for a deeper connection with art, suggesting that solitude can enhance sensory and emotional experiences.

3. Solitude is not only beneficial for appreciating art but is also crucial for personal growth and learning.

4. Independent activities, such as practicing musical instruments or writing, are most effectively developed in solitude,



[3] 2024 05 – 41~42: 색맹의 생물학적  진화적 측면


There are a number of human characteristics that would seem to be disadvantageous yet continue to survive, generation after generation. One example is color blindness. Most color blindness is associated with genes on the X chromosome. Women have two X chromosomes, so if this problem occurs on one of them, the other can compensate. But men have only one X chromosome. If the mutation occurs there, that male is color blind. We might ask why such a deficiency would survive and not die out. To understand this, we can consider ancient hunter-gatherers, with the men doing most of the hunting for meat and the women doing most of the gathering of fruits and nuts. Gathering fruits, especially berries, and nuts is much more productive if it is easy to distinguish the red or purple fruit from the green leaves of the plant. If red-green color blindness were common among women, the resulting lack of productivity would likely cause this trait to die out relatively quickly. On the other hand, the men out hunting don't much rely on being able to contrast red from green. Most of the animals they are hunting have fur or feathers that help them hide. Rather than relying on color, the hunter relies on an acute ability to detect motion. It is conceivable that a reduction in color contrast in these circumstances might actually enhance one's ability to detect subtle motions. Given that a hunted animal blends into its surroundings, less background color variation would be less of a visual distraction.



Possible Titles:

1. The Survival of Color Blindness: A Genetic Trait Shaped by Evolutionary Needs

2. Color Blindness in Humans: An Evolutionary Perspective on its Persistence

3. The Role of Color Perception in Hunter-Gatherer Societies and the Evolution of Color Blindness

4. Understanding Why Color Blindness Has Not Been Eliminated Through Evolution


Main Idea #1:

Color blindness, predominantly linked to the X chromosome, persists in human populations despite its seeming disadvantages, especially in males who only have one X chromosome.


Main Idea #2:

Evolutionary roles in ancient societies, where men primarily hunted and women gathered, may explain the survival of color blindness, as the mutation could have had minimal impact on hunting success while being more disadvantageous for gathering tasks.



Color blindness continues to exist in humans due to its genetic basis and potentially advantageous implications in historical contexts. While it could pose a disadvantage in tasks like fruit gathering, where color differentiation is crucial, it may have offered benefits to hunters by reducing color distractions and enhancing motion detection.


Key Points:

1. Color blindness is linked to the X chromosome, with men at higher risk because they possess only one X chromosome.

2. The trait's persistence may be explained through the distinct roles of men and women in ancient hunter-gatherer societies.

3. While potentially detrimental for women gatherers who needed to distinguish colorful fruits, color blindness might have aided male hunters by minimizing visual distractions and enhancing their ability to spot movement.

4. This evolutionary perspective suggests that color blindness was not sufficiently disadvantageous to be selected against in human populations, particularly among men.



[3] 2024 05 – 43~45: 서로 다른 관점이 모두 옳을  있음을 깨달은 쌍둥이 자매


Pamela and Maggie were identical twins. Even their parents found it hard to tell them apart. But although they looked identical, they were different in every other way. They didn't have anything in common, so they fought all the time. Pamela thought that her sister was weird and incomprehensible, and of course Maggie felt the same way. For example, Pamela was always upset at her sister waking up early in the morning. She didn't understand why her sister couldn't finish what she needed to do at night and sleep peacefully the next morning. To Maggie, staying up past the time she began to feel sleepy was exhausting. Besides, she loved the fresh morning air. They had fights about simple things like this every day. Tired of the endless arguments, their mother Rachel decided to put an end to them. She would make them understand that each of their points of view could be correct. One day, the twins were brought to the dining table where a big board stood in the middle. Pamela sat on one side of the board and her twin on the other. Rachel asked Pamela what the color of the board was. "Black," she said. After hearing Pamela's answer, Rachel asked the same question to the other daughter. She replied it was white. Predictably, they began arguing. Rachel then asked them to switch seats. Each sitting on a new chair, they were surprised to realize the board was black on one side and white on the other. Understanding what their mother wanted to say, they promised they would never insist the other was wrong again.



Possible Titles:

1. The Tale of Two Perspectives: A Lesson in Understanding from Identical Twins

2. Seeing Both Sides: How Identical Twins Learned the Value of Perspective

3. Black or White: A Mother's Strategy to End Twin Rivalry

4. The Two Sides of the Board: Teaching Twins About Perspective


Main Idea #1:

Pamela and Maggie, identical twins with differing preferences and habits, frequently argued due to their inability to understand each other’s perspectives.


Main Idea #2:

Their mother, Rachel, devised an educational exercise using a two-colored board to teach the twins that both perspectives could be valid, leading to a resolution in their conflicts.



Identical in appearance but divergent in personality, Pamela and Maggie clashed over daily routines until their mother intervened with a lesson in perspective. Using a board painted black on one side and white on the other, she demonstrated that both twins' viewpoints could be correct depending on their perspective, resolving their conflicts by fostering mutual understanding.


Key Points:

1. Pamela and Maggie are identical twins who constantly fought over their differing lifestyles and perspectives.

2. Their mother, Rachel, tired of their endless bickering, planned an exercise to teach them about perspective.

3. During the exercise, each twin saw the board as a different color from opposite sides, leading to an argument.

4. By switching seats, they realized the board had two different colors, understanding that both of their views were correct.

5. This experience taught them the importance of acknowledging and respecting different perspectives, promising to not dismiss each other's viewpoints in the future.






<2024년도 5월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.
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혹시 자료에 오류가 있으면 댓글 달아주세요. 바로 수정해 놓겠습니다. 



블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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전체 내용


[3] 2024 05 – 18영화 촬영 허가 요청서
① My name is Rohan Kaul, the producer of the upcoming film 'Upagrah.' 제 이름은 Rohan Kaul이고 곧 개봉할 영화'Upagrah'의 제작자입니다.
② I am reaching out to you regarding a matter of importance concerning the shooting of some scenes for our film. 저희 영화를 위한 일부 장면의 촬영과 관련하여 중요한 사항에 관해 당신에게 연락을 드립니다.
③ We have identified Gulab Park, Mumbai, as an ideal location for these scenes. 저희는 이 장면들을 위한 이상적인 장소로 Mumbai의 Gulab 공원을 찾았습니다.
④ We are hoping to conduct this shoot on 3rd June 2024, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 저희는 2024년 6월 3일 오후 1시부터 오후 6시까지 이 촬영을 수행하기를 희망하고 있습니다.
⑤ We have chosen Monday for the shooting day to minimize traffic issues and disruption to the public. 저희는 교통 문제와 대중에게 끼칠 혼란을 최소화하기 위해 월요일을 촬영일로 선택했습니다.
⑥ During the shoot, our team promises to follow all rules and regulations, ensuring no inconvenience is caused to the public. 촬영 동안에, 저희 팀은 대중에게 어떠한 불편도 야기되지 않을 것을 확실히 하면서 모든 규칙과 규정을 준수할 것을 약속드립니다.
⑦ We would be so grateful if you granted permission for the shoot so that we can put the beautiful scenery of the park in our film. 저희 영화에 공원의 아름다운 배경을 담을 수 있도록 촬영을 위한 허가를 해 주신다면 우리는 매우 감사할 것입니다.
⑧ We look forward to your response. 당신의 답변을 고대합니다.




[3] 2024 05 – 19잘못된 퀴즈로 인한 학생의 긴장 해소
① Charles was taking a quiz in his math class. Charles는 수학 시간에 퀴즈를 보고 있었다.
② He stared at the questions, but they looked completely unfamiliar. 그는 그 문제들을 유심히 살펴보았지만 그것들은 완전히 낯설게 보였다.
③ Charles flipped through the pages of the quiz for a while. Charles는 한동안 퀴즈 문제지를 넘겨 보았다.
④ His palms grew sweaty as he realized that he didn't know a single answer. 그가 하나의 정답도 알지 못한다는 것을 깨닫고 그의 손바닥에서 땀이 났다.
⑤ A moment later, a few other students began raising their hands. 잠시 후 몇몇 다른 학생들이 손을 들기 시작했다.
⑥ One said, "I don't think we ever learned about the stuff on this quiz, Mrs. Smith." 한 학생이 "Smith 선생님, 제 생각에 저희는 이 퀴즈에 나오는 것들을 한 번도 배운 적이 없는 것 같아요."라고 말했다.
⑦ The teacher quickly looked over a copy of the quiz and announced, "I'm sorry, class. 선생님은 퀴즈 문제지를 빠르게 살펴보고 "미안해요, 여러분.
⑧ It appears that I have given you the wrong quiz by mistake. 실수로 여러분에게 잘못된 문제지를 준 것 같아요.
⑨ We'll take the right quiz next class." 우리는 다음 시간에 올바른 퀴즈를 보겠습니다."라고 알렸다.
⑩ As Charles heard what the teacher said, the tension in his shoulders began to melt away. Charles는 선생님이 말씀하신 것을 듣자 어깨의 긴장이 차츰 사라지기 시작했다.




[3] 2024 05 – 20중년의 연결 조직 부상에 대한 근육 훈련 권장
① When you are middle-aged, the risk of connective tissue injuries peaks as decreased load tolerance combines with continued high activity levels. 여러분이 중년이 되면 하중을 견디는 힘이 감소되고 그것이 계속된 높은 활동 수준과 결합하면서 결합 조직 부상의 위험이 최고조에 달한다.
② The path of least resistance is to stop doing the things that hurt ― avoid uncomfortable movements and find easier forms of exercise. 가장 무난한 방법은 아프게 하는 일들을 그만두는것인데 이를테면 불편한 움직임들을 피하며 더 쉬운 형태의 운동을 찾는 것이다.
③ However, that's the exact opposite of what you should do. 그러나 그것은 여러분이 해야 하는 것의 정확한 반대다.
④ There is a path forward. 앞으로 나아가는 길이 있다.
⑤ But it doesn't involve following the typical pain management advice of rest, ice, and medicine, which multiple reviews have shown is not effective for treating age-related joint pain and dysfunction. 하지만 그것은 휴식, 얼음찜질 및 의약품의 전형적인 통증 관리 조언을 따르는 것을 포함하지 않는데, 다수의 비평은 이것이 나이와 관련된 관절 통증과기능 장애를 치료하는 데 효과적이지 않다는 것을보여 주었다.
⑥ These methods do nothing more than treat superficial symptoms. 이 방법들은 표면적인 증상을 치료하는 것에 지나지 않는다.
⑦ The only practical solution is to strengthen your body with muscle training. 유일한 실질적인 해결책은 근육 훈련으로 여러분의신체를 강화하는 것이다.
⑧ Whether you've been training for a few years or a few decades, or haven't ever stepped foot in the weight room, it's not too late to restore your body, build real strength, and achieve your physical potential. 여러분이 몇 년이나 몇십 년 동안 운동을 해 왔든지혹은 체력 단련실에 발을 디딘 적이 전혀 없든지 간에 여러분의 몸을 회복하고, 실질적인 힘을 기르고,신체적인 잠재력을 실현하는 것은 너무 늦지 않다.




[3] 2024 05 – 21눈을 통한 시각적 인식의 메커니즘 설명
① Turn the lights out and point the beam of a small flashlight up into one of your eyes. 조명을 끄고 작은 손전등의 빛줄기가 여러분의 한쪽 눈 안을 향하게 하라.
② Shake the beam around while moving your gaze up and down. 여러분의 시선을 위아래로 움직이면서 빛줄기를 이리저리 흔들어라.
③ You should catch glimpses of what look like delicate branches. 여러분은 미세한 가지들처럼 보이는 것을 얼핏 보게 될 것이다.
④ These branches are shadows of the blood vessels that lie on top of your retina. 이 가지들은 여러분의 망막 위에 있는 혈관의 그림자들이다.
⑤ The vessels constantly cast shadows as light streams into the eye, but because these shadows never move, the brain ceases responding to them. 그 혈관들은 빛이 눈으로 흘러 들어오는 동안 끊임없이 그림자를 드리우지만, 이 그림자들은 절대 움직이지 않기 때문에 뇌가 이것들에 반응하는 것을멈춘다.
⑥ Moving the flashlight beam around shifts the shadows just enough to make them momentarily visible. 손전등 빛줄기를 이리저리 움직이는 것은 그림자가잠깐 눈에 보이게 할 만큼만 그림자를 이동시킨다.
⑦ Now you might wonder if you could cause an image to fade just by staring at something unmoving. 이제 여러분은 움직이지 않는 무언가를 단지 응시하는 것만으로도 이미지가 사라지도록 할 수 있는지 궁금해할지도 모른다.
⑧ But that is not possible because the visual system constantly jiggles the eye muscles, which prevents the perfect stabilization of images of the world. 그러나 시각 체계가 끊임없이 눈의 근육을 가볍게흔들고 있고 이것이 세상의 이미지들의 완벽한 안정화를 막기 때문에 그것은 불가능하다.
⑨ These muscle movements are unbelievably small, but their effect is huge. 이 근육의 움직임들은 믿을 수 없을 정도로 작지만그 효과는 엄청나다.
⑩ Without them, we would go blind by tuning out what we see shortly after fixating our gaze! 그것들이 없으면 우리는 시선을 고정한 직후에 보고 있는 것을 무시함으로써 보지 못하게 될 것이다!
⑪ It's an interesting notion: 이것은 흥미로운 개념이다.
⑫ Approximate perfection is better than perfect perfection. 근사치의 완벽함이 완벽한 완벽함보다 더 낫다.



[3] 2024 05 – 22경제적 이익과 야생 보호 간의 대립
① Most opposition to wilderness preservation doesn't come from environmentalists but from corporate interests and developers. 야생 보호 구역 보존에 대한 대부분의 반대는 환경론자들로부터가 아니라 기업 관계자와 개발자들로부터 나온다.
② When wild places are designated as wilderness, they are closed to most commercial activities and residential or infrastructure development. 야생의 지역이 야생 보호 구역으로 지정되면 그 지역은 대부분의 상업 활동 및 주거 또는 기반 시설개발이 금지된다.
③ There is thus frequently an economic cost to wilderness preservation. 따라서 야생 보호 구역 보존에는 흔히 경제적인 비용이 존재한다.
④ Some critics claim that when wilderness and economic interests clash, economic interests should normally prevail. 일부 비평가들은 야생 보호 구역과 경제적 이익이충돌할 때 경제적 이익이 일반적으로 우세해야 한다고 주장한다.
⑤ This argument, even if it is sound, won't exclude all wilderness preservation efforts, because some wilderness areas have little economic value. 이러한 주장은, 비록 타당할지라도, 일부 야생 보호구역은 경제적인 가치가 거의 없기 때문에 모든 야생 보호 구역 보존 노력을 배제하지는 않을 것이다.
⑥ But a deeper problem with the argument is that it views nature from a human-focused and excessively economic point of view. 그러나 이 주장의 더 심층적인 문제점은 그것이 자연을 인간 중심적이고 지나치게 경제적인 관점에서본다는 것이다.
⑦ Allowing economic considerations to outweigh all other forms of value is inconsistent with the biocentric reasons that support wilderness preservation. 경제적인 고려 사항이 모든 다른 형태의 가치를 능가하도록 두는 것은 야생 보호 구역 보존을 지지하는 생명 중심적인 이유들에 부합하지 않는다.
⑧ Thus, while it certainly makes sense to weigh the economic costs of wilderness protection, especially when such costs are high, the biocentric values underlying wilderness preservation exclude viewing economic considerations as the most important. 따라서 특히 그러한 비용이 높을 때 야생 보호 구역보호의 경제적 비용을 따져 보는 것이 분명히 타당하지만, 야생 보호 구역 보존의 근본이 되는 생명중심적인 가치는 경제적인 고려를 가장 중요한 것으로 여기는 것을 배제한다.




[3] 2024 05 – 23카페인 섭취가  화학에 미치는 영향
① During the day, a molecule called adenosine builds up in your brain. 낮 동안에 아데노신이라고 불리는 분자가 여러분의뇌에 쌓인다.
② Adenosine binds with receptors on nerve cells, or neurons, slowing down their activity and making you feel drowsy. 아데노신은 신경 세포들, 다시 말해 뉴런들의 수용체들과 결합해 그것들의 활동을 늦추고 여러분이나른함을 느끼게 한다.
③ But caffeine is also able to bind with these receptors, and by doing so it blocks adenosine's effect, making your neurons fire more and keeping you alert. 그러나 카페인 역시 이 수용체들과 결합할 수 있고, 그렇게 함으로써 그것이 아데노신의 효과를 차단하여 뉴런을 더 활성화시키고 여러분이 깨어 있도록유지시킨다.
④ Caffeine also activates a gland at the base of your brain. 카페인은 또한 뇌 기저부의 분비선을 활성화시킨다.
⑤ This releases hormones that tell the adrenal glands on your kidneys to produce adrenaline, causing your heart to beat faster and your blood pressure to rise. 이것은 신장에 있는 부신이 아드레날린을 생산하도록 하는 호르몬을 분비시켜 여러분의 심장을 더욱빨리 뛰게 하고 혈압이 올라가게 한다.
⑥ If, however, your daily caffeine intake is consistent, your brain will adapt to it. 하지만 여러분의 하루 카페인 섭취량이 일정하다면뇌가 이에 적응할 것이다.
⑦ Your brain is like, 'Okay, every morning I'm getting this caffeine that's binding to these receptors and blocking adenosine from binding to them.' 여러분의 뇌는 이와 같다. '그래, 매일 아침 나는 이수용체들과 결합해서 아데노신이 그것들과 결합하는 것을 막는 이 카페인을 섭취하고 있군.'
⑧ So your brain creates extra receptors to give adenosine more of an opportunity to bind with them and have its usual effect. 그래서 여러분의 뇌는 아데노신에게 그것들(수용체)과 결합하여 평소의 효과를 낼 더 많은 기회를주기 위해 추가의 수용체들을 만들어 낸다.
⑨ And more adenosine is also produced to counteract the caffeine. 그리고 카페인에 대응하기 위해 더 많은 아데노신이 또한 생성된다.
⑩ That's why it takes more and more caffeine to have the same effect. 그것이 같은 효과를 내기 위해서 점점 더 많은 카페인이 필요한 이유다.




[3] 2024 05 – 24대양의 푸른색 발생 원인 설명
① When viewed from space, one of the Earth's most commanding features is the blueness of its vast oceans. 우주에서 보았을 때 지구의 가장 인상적인 특징들중 하나는 드넓은 바다의 푸르름이다.
② Small amounts of water do not indicate the color of these large bodies of water; when pure drinking water is examined in a glass, it appears clear and colorless. 적은 양의 물은 이러한 많은 양의 물의 색을 나타내지 않고, 깨끗한 식수가 유리잔 속에서 검사될 때그것은 맑고 무색인 것처럼 보인다.
③ Apparently a relatively large volume of water is required to reveal the blue color. 파란색을 드러내기 위해서는 분명 비교적 많은 양의 물이 필요하다.
④ Why is this so? 이것은 왜 그런 것일까?
⑤ When light penetrates water, it experiences both absorption and scattering. 빛이 물을 관통할 때 그것은 흡수와 산란 둘 다를겪는다.
⑥ Water molecules strongly absorb infrared and, to a lesser degree, red light. 물 분자는 적외선을 강하게 흡수하고 더 적은 정도로 붉은빛을 흡수한다.
⑦ At the same time, water molecules are small enough to scatter shorter wavelengths, giving water its blue-green color. 동시에 물 분자는 더 짧은 파장을 산란시키기에 충분히 작아서 물에 청록색을 부여한다.
⑧ The amount of long-wavelength absorption is a function of depth; the deeper the water, the more red light is absorbed. 장파장 흡수의 양은 수심의 작용이다. 즉, 물이 더깊을수록 더 많은 붉은빛이 흡수된다.
⑨ At a depth of 15m, the intensity of red light drops to 25% of its original value and falls to zero beyond a depth of 30m. 15미터 수심에서는 붉은빛의 강도가 기존 값의25%로 떨어지고 30미터 이상의 수심에서는 0으로떨어진다.
⑩ Any object viewed at this depth is seen in a blue-green light. 이 수심에서 보이는 모든 물체는 청록빛 내에서 보인다.
⑪ For this reason, red inhabitants of the sea, such as lobsters and crabs, appear black to divers not carrying a lamp. 이러한 이유로 바닷가재와 게와 같은 바다의 붉은색 서식 동물들은 램프를 들고 있지 않은 잠수부들에게는 검게 보인다.




[3] 2024 05 – 25세대별 챗봇 플랫폼 선호도 차이
① The above graph shows the percentage of preferable chatbot platforms by age categorized by Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X. 위 그래프는 Z세대, 밀레니얼 세대 그리고 X세대로분류된 연령대별로 선호하는 챗봇 플랫폼의 비율을보여 준다.
② Millennials and Generation X had the highest percentage of respondents who preferred Desktop Websites while Generation Z had the highest percentage for Messenger Apps. 밀레니얼 세대와 X세대는 데스크톱 웹사이트를 선호하는 응답자의 가장 높은 비율을 가진 반면 Z세대는 메신저 앱에 대해 가장 높은 비율을 가졌다.
③ In Generation Z, the percentage of respondents who preferred Mobile Apps was more than twice that of those who preferred Voice Assistant Devices. Z세대 내에서, 모바일 앱을 선호하는 응답자의 비율은 음성 지원 장치를 선호하는 응답자 비율의 두배보다 더 높았다.
④ Messenger Apps was the only platform where the percentage of respondents' preference for it sank lower and lower from Generation Z, to Millennials, to Generation X. 메신저 앱은 Z세대, 밀레니얼 세대, X세대로 갈수록 그것에 대한 응답자의 선호 비율이 점점 더 낮아진 유일한 플랫폼이었다.
⑤ The percentage point gap between Millennial and Generation X respondents who preferred Mobile Apps was larger than the percentage point gap between the same two groups for Voice Assistant Devices. 모바일 앱을 선호하는 밀레니얼 세대와 X세대의 응답자의 비율 수치 격차는 음성 지원 장치에 대한 동일한 두 집단 사이의 비율 수치 격차보다 더 컸다.
⑥ The percentage of respondents who preferred Mobile Websites was the lowest in all the age groups. 모바일 웹사이트를 선호하는 응답자들의 비율은 모든 연령 집단에서 가장 낮았다.




[3] 2024 05 – 26: José Saramago 문학적 경력과 영향
① José Saramago was born in 1922 to a family of farmers in a little village north of Lisbon. José Saramago는 1922년에 Lisbon 북쪽의 작은마을에 있는 농부의 가정에서 태어났다.
② For financial reasons he abandoned his high-school studies and worked as a mechanic. 그는 재정적인 이유로 고등학교 공부를 그만두었고정비공으로 일을 했다.
③ At this time, he acquired a taste for reading and started to frequent a public library in Lisbon in his free time. 이때, 그는 독서에 흥미가 생겨 여가 시간에 Lisbon에 있는 공립 도서관을 자주 방문하기 시작했다.
④ After trying different jobs in the civil service, he worked for a publishing company for twelve years and then as an editor of the newspaper 'Diario de Noticias.' 공직에서 여러 가지 일을 해 본 뒤에 그는 출판사에서 12년간 일한 후, 신문사 'Diario de Noticias'의편집자로 일했다.
⑤ Between 1975 and 1980 Saramago supported himself as a translator, but after his literary successes in the 1980s he devoted himself to his own writing. 1975년부터 1980년까지 Saramago는 번역가로생계를 유지했지만 1980년대의 문학적인 성공 이후로는 자신의 글쓰기에 몰두했다.
⑥ He achieved worldwide recognition in 1982 with the humorous love story Baltasar and Blimunda, a novel set in 18th-century Portugal. 그는 18세기 포르투갈을 배경으로 한 소설인 해학적인 사랑 이야기 'Baltasar and Blimunda'로1982년에 세계적인 인정을 받았다.
⑦ Saramago's oeuvre totals 30 works, and comprises not only novels but also poetry, essays and drama. Saramago의 전체 작품은 총 30편에 이르고 소설뿐만 아니라 시, 수필, 희곡 등도 포함한다.




[3] 2024 05 – 29새로운 병원균의 적응과 전파 과정
① When a new pathogen emerges, one way it transitions from wherever it has been living into a new host may be the acquisition of new traits. 새로운 병원균이 출현할 때, 어디였든지 간에 그것이 살고 있던 곳으로부터 새로운 숙주로 전이하는한 가지 방법은 새로운 특성의 습득일 수 있다.
② Imagine that in its hourly struggle to survive over long periods of time and many generations, a fungus species might acquire a protective capsule ― a bit of coating ― that shields it or even masks it from other microbes or cells. 오랜 기간과 많은 세대를 거쳐 살아남기 위한 그것(균류종)의 매시간의 분투에서 균류종이 자신을 보호하거나 심지어 다른 미생물이나 세포로부터 자신을 숨기는 약간의 코팅인 보호용 피막을 얻을지도모른다는 것을 상상해 보라.
③ Then it acquires some enzymes that enable it to survive whatever chemicals other microbes might throw at it. 그다음에 그것은 다른 미생물들이 그것에게 던지는그 어떤 화학 물질로부터도 그것이 살아남게 해 주는 어떤 효소들을 얻는다.
④ If it can overcome these chemicals, it may also overcome the same or similar chemicals used as antifungal drugs. 만약 그것이 이러한 화학 물질들을 이겨낼 수 있다면, 그것은 항진균제로써 사용되는 똑같거나 비슷한 화학 물질들 또한 이겨낼 수 있다.
⑤ Maybe it also evolves to tolerate warmer temperatures. 아마도 그것은 또한 더 따뜻한 온도를 견디도록 진화한다.
⑥ Now we've got a yeast that once made its home in an apple tree or in a wetland but that at this point can live quite happily in our body, hide from our immune system, and disarm our drugs. 이제 우리는 한때 사과나무나 습지에 서식지를 만들었지만 이 시점에서는 우리의 몸속에서 꽤 행복하게 살고, 우리의 면역 체계로부터 숨고, 우리의약을 무장 해제시킬 수 있는 효모를 갖게 되었다.
⑦ Then some of us carry it from one country to another and then another, and eventually it finds a host in a hospital patient who has recently received an organ transplant or is elderly with a weakened immune system. 그러고 나서 우리 중 일부가 한 나라에서 다른 나라그리고 또 다른 나라로 그것을 옮기고 결국 그것은장기 이식을 최근에 받았거나 약해진 면역 체계를가진 노인인 병원 환자에서 숙주를 찾는다.




[3] 2024 05 – 30감정이 기억 형성에 미치는 영향
① Memory is shaped by emotions connected to an experience. 기억은 경험과 연결된 감정에 의해 형성된다.
② For this reason, inaccuracies often hide the full picture of what happened. 이러한 이유로 부정확성은 일어났던 일의 전체적인상황을 종종 숨긴다.
③ For example, a company might decide to hire a consultant to assist with a major project. 예를 들어 한 회사가 중대한 프로젝트를 조력할 한자문 위원을 고용하기로 결정했을 수 있다.
④ During this project, the consultant demonstrated some personality traits that clashed with a couple of the executives involved. 이 프로젝트 동안 그 자문 위원은 몇 명의 관여된경영진들과 부딪치는 몇몇 성격 특성들을 보여 주었다.
⑤ Through the course of the project, they were able to put aside the personality conflicts in order to see their vision become a reality. 프로젝트의 과정 동안 그들은 자신들의 비전이 실현되는 것을 보기 위해 그 성격 갈등을 한쪽으로 제쳐둘 수 있었다.
⑥ Ultimately, the project was a success, enabling the company to move forward and profit. 결국 프로젝트는 성공해서 회사가 진보하고 이익을얻는 것을 가능하게 했다.
⑦ At a later date, the company, remembering the previous success, expressed an interest in hiring the same consultant for another large project. 후일 그 회사는 이전의 성공을 기억하여 또 다른 큰프로젝트를 위해 같은 자문 위원을 고용하는 데 관심을 표했다.
⑧ The executives who struggled with his personality last time may most vividly remember their difficulty in overcoming his personality and related emotions. 지난번 그의 성격으로 고생했던 경영진들은 그의성격을 극복하는 것에 대한 그들의 어려움 및 연관된 감정들을 가장 생생히 기억할지 모른다.
⑨ In this case, the success of the project fades into the background as they focus on their previous experience, colored by their feelings of discomfort. 이런 경우에 그들이 불편이라는 감정에 의해 물든이전의 경험에 집중하기 때문에 프로젝트의 성공에대한 기억은 희미해진다.
⑩ As a result, they convince the company to exclude the consultant, making project completion more difficult. 결과적으로 그들은 회사가 그 자문 위원을 배제하도록 설득하여 프로젝트 완성을 더욱 어렵게 만든다.




[3] 2024 05 – 31색상의 사회적 의미와 규제
① As colors came to take on meanings and cultural significance within societies, attempts were made to restrict their use. 색들이 사회 내에서 의미와 문화적인 의의를 갖게됨에 따라 그것들의 사용을 제한하는 시도들이 이루어졌다.
② The most extreme example of this phenomenon was the sumptuary laws. 이 현상의 가장 극단적인 예시는 사치 금지법이었다.
③ While these were passed in ancient Greece and Rome, and examples can be found in ancient China and Japan, they found their fullest expressions in Europe from the mid-twelfth century, before slowly disappearing in the early modern period. 이것은 고대 그리스와 로마에서 통과되었고 실례들이 고대 중국과 일본에서 발견될 수 있지만, 그것은초기 근대에 서서히 사라지기 전에 12세기 중반부터 유럽에서 가장 완전하게 표출되었다.
④ Such laws could touch on anything from diet to dress and furnishings, and sought to enforce social boundaries by encoding the social classes into a clear visual system: 그러한 법들은 식단에서 의복과 가구까지 어떤 것에도 관여할 수 있었고 사회적인 계층을 분명한 시각적 체계로 부호화함으로써 사회적인 경계선을 강요하는 것을 추구했다.
⑤ the peasants, in other words, should eat and dress like peasants; craftsmen should eat and dress like craftsmen. 즉, 다시 말해서 농부는 농부처럼 먹고 입어야 하고기술자는 기술자처럼 먹고 입어야 한다.
⑥ Color was a vital signifier in this social language ― dull, earthy colors like russet were explicitly confined to the poorest rural peasants, while bright ones like scarlet were the preserve of a select few. 색은 이 사회적 언어에서 중대한 기표였는데, 황갈색과 같은 칙칙한 흙색은 가장 가난한 시골 농부들에게 명시적으로 국한된 반면 진홍색과 같은 밝은색들은 선택된 소수의 전유물이었다.




[3] 2024 05 – 32뇌가 외부 세계를 인식하는 방식
① John Douglas Pettigrew, a professor of psychology at the University of Queensland, found that the brain manages the external world by dividing it into separate regions, the peripersonal and the extrapersonal ― basically, near and far. Queensland 대학의 심리학 교수인 John Douglas Pettigrew는 뇌가 그것(외부 세계)을 '주변의'와 '외부의', 요컨대 '가깝다'와 '멀다'라는 별개의 부분들로 나눔으로써 외부 세계를 다룬다는 것을 알아냈다.
② Peripersonal space includes whatever is in arm's reach; things you can control right now by using your hands. 주변 공간은 팔이 닿는 범위 내에 있는 모든 것, 즉여러분의 손을 사용함으로써 당장 여러분이 통제할수 있는 것들을 포함한다.
③ This is the world of what's real, right now. 이것은 지금 당장 실제의 세계이다.
④ Extrapersonal space refers to everything else ― whatever you can't touch unless you move beyond your arm's reach, whether it's three feet or three million miles away. 외부 공간은 그 외 모든 것을 가리키는데, 즉 3피트든 3백만 마일 밖이든 여러분이 자신의 팔이 닿는범위를 넘어서서 움직이지 않으면 만질 수 없는 모든 것이다.
⑤ This is the realm of possibility. 이것은 가능성의 영역이다.
⑥ With those definitions in place, another fact follows, obvious but useful: any interaction in the extrapersonal space must occur in the future. 그러한 정의들이 자리 잡힌 상태에서 뻔하지만 유용한 또 하나의 사실이 따라온다. 즉, 외부 공간에서의모든 상호 작용은 미래에 일어나야만 한다는 것이다.
⑦ Or, to put it another way, distance is linked to time. 또는, 달리 말하면, 거리는 시간과 연관되어 있다.
⑧ For instance, if you're in the mood for a peach, but the closest one is sitting in a bin at the corner market, you can't enjoy it now. 예를 들어 만약 여러분이 복숭아를 원하지만 가장가까운 것이 모퉁이 가게의 상자에 있다면, 여러분은 지금 그것을 즐길 수 없다.
⑨ You can only enjoy it in the future, after you go get it. 여러분은 오직 미래에 즉 그것을 사러 간 후에 즐길수 있다.




[3] 2024 05 – 33곤충을 잡는 식충식물의 독특한 메커니즘
① Insect-eating plants' unique strategies for catching live prey have long captured the public imagination. 식충 식물의 살아 있는 먹이를 잡기 위한 독특한 전략들은 오랫동안 대중의 상상력을 사로잡아 왔다.
② But even within this strange group, in which food-trapping mechanisms have evolved multiple times independently, some unusual ones stand out. 그러나 심지어 먹이를 가두는 기제가 여러 번 독립적으로 진화해 온 이 이상한 무리 안에서조차 몇몇특이한 것들이 두드러진다.
③ According to Ulrike Bauer, an evolutionary biologist, the visually striking pitcher plant Nepenthes gracilis, for example, can exploit external energy for a purpose. 진화 생물학자인 Ulrike Bauer에 따르면 예를 들어시각적으로 인상적인 낭상엽 식물인 'Nepenthes gracilis'는 어떤 목적을 위해 외부의 에너지를 이용할 수 있다.
④ This species' pitcher has a rigid, horizontal lid with an exposed underside that produces nectar, luring insects to land on it. 이 종의 주머니 모양의 잎은 꿀을 생산하는 노출된아랫면을 지닌 단단하고 수평으로 된 뚜껑을 갖고있는데, 그것은 곤충들이 그 면에 앉도록 유혹한다.
⑤ When a raindrop strikes the lid's top, the lid jolts downward and throws any unsuspecting visitor into digestive juices below. 빗방울이 뚜껑의 윗면을 칠 때, 뚜껑은 아래쪽으로흔들려서 의심하지 않고 있는 어떤 방문객도 아래의소화액으로 떨구어 버린다.
⑥ Researchers used x-ray scans to analyze cross sections of the pitchers when the lid is raised, lowered, and in a neutral position. 연구원들은 뚜껑이 올려질 때, 내려질 때 그리고 중립 위치에 있을 때의 주머니 모양의 잎의 단면을 분석하기 위해 엑스선 정밀 검사를 사용했다.
⑦ Their results revealed a structural weak point in the pitcher's neck: when a raindrop hits the lid, the weak spot folds in and forces the lid to quickly move downward, similar to a diving board. 그것의 결과는 주머니 모양의 잎의 목 부분에서 구조상의 약한 부분을 밝혀냈다. 즉 빗방울이 뚜껑을칠 때 그 약한 지점은 안으로 접히고, 뚜껑이 아래로빠르게 움직이도록 만드는데, 그것은 다이빙 보드와비슷하다.
⑧ The weak point makes the pitcher's body bend and bounce back in a specific, consistent way, so the lid rises back up without bouncing too far ― unlike a typical leaf's chaotic vibration when struck by rain. 그 약한 부분은 주머니 모양의 잎의 몸통을 휘었다가 특정하고 일관된 방식으로 튀어서 되돌아오도록해서, 비에 맞을 때 보통의 잎의 무질서한 흔들림과달리 그 뚜껑은 너무 멀리 튀지 않고 다시 올라온다.




[3] 2024 05 – 34어류의 자체 발광 기능과 생존 전략
① Many fish generate their own light in a biological firework display called bioluminescence. 많은 물고기들은 생체 발광이라고 불리는 생물학적인 불꽃놀이로 자체의 빛을 생성한다.
② The lanternfish creates beams that sweep the sea like headlamps. 랜턴피시는 헤드라이트처럼 바다를 싹 비추는 빛줄기를 만들어 낸다.
③ The dragonfish produces wavelengths that only it can see, leaving its victims unaware of the approaching threat. 드래곤피시는 자신만이 볼 수 있는 파장을 생산해서 다가오는 위협을 먹잇감들이 인식하지 못하게한다.
④ In contrast, the anglerfish hopes its prey will notice and be lured toward its rod-like bioluminescent barbel; its fierce jaws stay hidden in the shadows. 대조적으로 앵글러피시는 먹이가 자신의 막대 모양의 생체 발광 수염을 알아채고 그것에 유인되기를바라는데, 그것(앵글러피시)의 사나운 턱이 그림자에 감춰져 있다.
⑤ Bioluminescence is also used to frustrate predators. 생체 발광은 또한 포식자들을 좌절시키는 데 사용된다.
⑥ A species from the spookfish family relies on a bellyful of symbiotic, glowing bacteria to save it from becoming a meal. 스푸크피시과(科)의 한 종은 식사거리가 되는 것으로부터 그것을 지켜주는 배에 가득 찬 공생하는 빛나는 박테리아에 의존한다.
⑦ It uses the same concept developed by the US Navy during World War II to make bomber aircraft difficult to see. 그것은 폭격기를 보기 어렵게 만들기 위해 제2차세계 대전 중에 미국 해군에 의해 개발된 동일한 발상을 사용한다.
⑧ Just as Project Yehudi designed planes with under-wing spotlights, the fish's glowing belly conceals its silhouette against sunlight to hide it from watching eyes below. Yehudi 프로젝트가 날개 아랫면에 환한 조명이 있는 비행기를 설계한 것처럼, 그 물고기의 빛나는 복부는 태양 빛에 대비되는 자신의 실루엣을 감춰서아래에서 주시하는 눈들로부터 그것을 숨긴다.
⑨ In this fish-eat-fish world, survival is a game of hide-and-seek that prioritizes the sense of sight. 물고기가 물고기를 잡아먹는 이 세상에서 생존은시각을 우선시하는 숨바꼭질 게임이다.




[3] 2024 05 – 35인류의 공통 조상과 생존 경쟁
① The human race traces back to a surprisingly small number of common ancestors. 인류는 놀랄 만큼 적은 수의 공통 조상으로 거슬러올라간다.
② It has been documented that the entire human race can be traced back to only seven different mothers, and one of these women is a common ancestor to roughly 40% of the human species. 전체 인류가 단 7명의 다른 어머니들로 거슬러 올라갈 수 있고 이 여성들 중 한 명은 대략 인간 종의40%의 공통 조상이라고 밝혀졌다.
③ Why is this? The simple answer is that humans are extremely good at dying and at wiping each other out. 이것은 왜일까? 간단한 답은 인간이 죽는 것과 서로를 몰살하는 것에 몹시 능숙하다는 것이다.
④ History has had many successful rulers and conquerors who have got rid of entire populations, and even beyond that, our species has wiped out plenty of similar humanoid lines that existed on this earth. 역사적으로 전체 인구를 제거한 많은 성공적인 통치자들과 정복자들이 존재해 왔으며, 심지어 그것을 넘어 우리 종은 이 지구에 존재했던 수많은 비슷한 인간에 가까운 계통들을 몰살해 왔다.
⑤ Scientific finds have so far discovered a number of other humanoid species that once shared the earth with us, some of which include Neanderthals and Denisovans. 과학적 발견들은 지금까지 한때 우리와 지구를 공유했던 많은 인간에 가까운 종들을 발견해 왔는데, 그들 중 몇몇은 네안데르탈인과 데니소바인을 포함한다.
⑥ Yet of these lines, only homo sapiens have survived, only the modern humans. 그러나 이 계통들 중에서 오직 호모사피엔스, 즉 현대의 인간들만이 살아남았다.
⑦ That itself shows how difficult it is for a species to survive and thrive long-term on this planet. 그 자체가 한 종이 이 행성에서 살아남아 장기적으로 번영하는 것이 얼마나 어려운지를 보여 준다.




[3] 2024 05 – 36시간 여행의 개념에 대한 철학적 탐구
① Philosophers who seek to understand the nature of time might consider the possibility of time travel. 시간의 본질을 이해하고자 하는 철학자들은 시간여행의 가능성을 고려할지도 모른다.
② But there are no real-life cases of time travel. 그러나 시간 여행의 실제 사례는 없다.
③ In situations such as this, philosophers often construct thought experiments ―imagined scenarios that bring out the thoughts and presuppositions underlying people's judgments. 이와 같은 상황들에서 철학자들은 사고 실험, 즉 사람들의 판단의 기초가 되는 생각과 전제를 끌어내는 상상의 시나리오를 종종 구성한다.
④ Sometimes these scenarios are drawn from books, movies, and television. 때때로 이러한 시나리오들은 책, 영화 그리고 텔레비전으로부터 얻어진다.
⑤ Other times, philosophers just make up their own scenarios. 다른 때에는 철학자들이 그냥 자신들만의 시나리오를 지어낸다.
⑥ Either way, the point is to put such concepts to the test. 어느 쪽이든, 요점은 그러한 개념들을 시험해 보는것이다.
⑦ In the case of time travel, for example, a common thought experiment is to imagine what would happen if you went back in time and found yourself in a position to interfere in such a way that you were never born. 예를 들어 시간 여행의 경우 일반적인 사고 실험은만약 여러분이 시간을 거슬러 가서 여러분이 결코태어나지 않았다는 식으로 개입할 위치에 있는 자신을 발견한다면 어떤 일이 일어났을지를 상상하는것이다.
⑧ It seems that something must happen to prevent you from doing this, because if you were to succeed, you would not exist and so you would not have been able to go back in time. 여러분이 그렇게 하는 것을 막기 위해 무슨 일이 일어나야 하는 것처럼 보이는데, 왜냐하면 만약 여러분이 성공한다면, 여러분은 존재하지 않을 것이고그래서 여러분은 시간을 거슬러 갈 수 없었을 것이기 때문이다.
⑨ As a result of thinking through these sorts of cases, some philosophers claim that the very notion of time travel makes no sense. 이러한 종류의 사례들을 통해 생각한 결과, 일부 철학자들은 시간 여행이라는 바로 그 개념이 말이 되지 않는다고 주장한다.




[3] 2024 05 – 37수면  감각 정보의 차단 과정
① A universal indicator of sleep is the loss of external awareness. 수면의 한 보편적인 지표는 외부 인식의 상실이다.
② You are no longer conscious of all that surrounds you, at least not explicitly. 여러분은 자신을 둘러싸고 있는 모든 것을, 최소한겉으로 보기에는, 더 이상 의식하지 않는다.
③ In actual fact, your ears are still 'hearing'; your eyes, though closed, are still capable of 'seeing.' 실상은 여러분의 귀는 여전히 '듣고' 있고, 눈은, 감겨 있지만, 여전히 '보는 것'이 가능하다.
④ All these signals still flood into the center of your brain while you sleep, but they are blocked by a perceptual barricade set up in a structure called the thalamus. 이 모든 신호들은 여러분이 자는 동안 여전히 뇌의중심부로 흘러들어 가지만, 그것들은 시상이라고불리는 조직에 설치된 지각의 바리케이드에 의해차단된다.
⑤ The thalamus decides which sensory signals are allowed through its gate, and which are not. 시상은 그것의 문을 통해 어떤 감각 신호들이 들여보내질지, 어떤 것들이 그렇지 않을지를 결정한다.
⑥ Should they be granted its permission to pass, they are sent to the cortex at the top of your brain, where they are consciously perceived. 그것들이 그것(시상)의 통행 허가를 받게 된다면, 그것들은 여러분의 뇌 상부에 있는 대뇌피질로 보내지는데, 거기서 그것들은 의식적으로 지각된다.
⑦ By locking its gates shut, the thalamus imposes a sensory blackout in the brain, preventing onward travel of those signals to the cortex. 그것의 문을 닫아 잠금으로써 시상은 뇌에 감각 정전을 가하고, 그 신호들의 대뇌피질을 향한 전진 이동을 막는다.
⑧ As a result, you are no longer consciously aware of the information broadcasts being transmitted from your outer sense organs. 그 결과 여러분은 외부 감각 기관으로부터 전송되고 있는 정보 방송을 더 이상 의식적으로 인식하지못한다.
⑨ At this moment, your brain has lost waking contact with the outside world. 이 순간 여러분의 뇌는 외부 세계와의 깨어 있는 접촉을 잃었다.
⑩ Said another way, you are now asleep. 다른 말로 하면, 여러분은 지금 잠이 든 것이다.




[3] 2024 05 – 38윤리적 의사결정에서의 감정적 요소
① Emotional response to the world is an inherent part of ethics. 세상에 대한 감정적 반응은 윤리학의 내재적인 부분이다.
② In ethics, appeals to compassion and empathy can and should be part of rational arguments about ethical decisions. 윤리학에서 연민과 공감에 대한 호소는 윤리적 결정에 대한 합리적인 주장의 일부가 될 수 있고 또그래야 한다.
③ Moreover, the best practices of objectivity often combine partiality and impartiality. 더욱이 객관성의 가장 좋은 실천들은 종종 편파성과 공정성을 결합한다.
④ In a trial, the partiality of the prosecutor and the defense attorney (and the parties they represent) occurs within a larger impartial context. 재판에서 검사와 변호인(및 그들이 대리하는 당사자들)의 편파성은 더 큰 공정한 맥락 안에서 발생한다.
⑤ A judge or jury puts partial arguments to the test of objective evidence and to the impartial rules of law. 판사나 배심원은 편파적인 주장들을 객관적인 증거의 시험대와 공정한 법 원칙에 맡긴다.
⑥ Ideally, what is fair and objective emerges during a trial where partialities make their case and are judged by objective norms. 이상적으로, 공정하고 객관적인 것은 편파성이 자신의 주장을 하고 객관적인 규범에 의해 판단되는재판 동안 드러난다.
⑦ The norms of objectivity were constructed not because their creators thought most humans could be 'empty' of bias. 객관성의 규범은 그것을 만든 사람들이 대부분의인간은 편견이 '없을' 수 있다고 생각했기 때문에 만들어진 것이 아니다.
⑧ The reverse is true: the norms were constructed because of an acute awareness of human bias, because it is evident. 그 반대가 사실인데, 그 규범은 인간의 편견에 대한예리한 인식 때문에, 즉 그것이 명백하게 나타나기때문에 만들어졌다.
⑨ Rather than conclude that objectivity is impossible because bias is universal, scientists, journalists, and others concluded the opposite: 편견이 보편적이기 때문에 객관성이 불가능하다고결론을 내리기보다는 과학자, 언론인 그리고 다른이들은 반대의 결론을 내렸다.
⑩ we biased humans need the discipline of objectivity to reduce the ineliminable presence of bias. 즉 우리 편향된 인간은 제거할 수 없는 편견의 존재를 줄이기 위해 객관성의 규율을 필요로 한다는 것이다.




[3] 2024 05 – 39고양이의 야간 시력과 생물학적 적응
① The fact that cats' eyes glow in the dark is part of their enhanced light-gathering efficiency; there is a reflective layer behind the retina, so light can hit the retina when it enters the eye, or when it is reflected from behind the retina. 고양이의 눈이 어둠 속에서 빛난다는 사실은 그것의 강화된 집광 효율성의 일부인데, 망막 뒤에는 반사 층이 있어서 빛이 눈에 들어올 때나 망막 뒤에서반사될 때 그것이 망막에 닿을 수 있다.
② Light that manages to miss the retina exits the eye and creates that ghostly glow. 망막을 어떤 식으로든 벗어난 빛은 눈을 빠져나와그 유령 같은 빛을 만들어 낸다.
③ When cats' light-gathering ability is combined with the very large population of rods in their eyes, the result is a predator that can see exceptionally well in the dark. 고양이의 집광 능력이 고양이의 눈 속 매우 많은 간상체의 개체 수와 결합될 때, 그 결과는 어둠 속에서 유난히 잘 볼 수 있는 포식자이다.
④ Cats 'pay' for this nighttime accuracy with less accurate daytime vision and an inability to focus on close objects. 고양이는 덜 정확한 주간 시력과 가까운 물체에 초점을 못 맞추는 것으로 이러한 야간의 정확성에 대한 '대가를 지불한다.'
⑤ This may seem counterproductive; what is the point of seeing a mouse in the dark if, in that final, close moment, the cat can't focus on it? 이것은 비생산적으로 보일 수 있는데, 만약 고양이가 그 마지막, 아슬아슬한 순 간에 그것(쥐)에 초점을 맞출 수 없다면 어둠 속에서 쥐를 보는 것이 무슨 의미가 있을까?
⑥ Tactile information comes into play at this time; cats can move their whiskers forward and use them to get information about objects within the grasp of their jaws. 이때 촉각 정보가 작용하기 시작하는데, 고양이들은 콧수염을 앞으로 움직여서 그들의 턱으로 물 수있는 범위 내의 물체들에 대한 정보를 얻는 데 사용할 수 있다.
⑦ So the next time you see a cat seeming to nap in the bright sunlight, eyes half-closed, remember that it may simply be shielding its retina from a surplus of light. 그러므로 다음번에 여러분이 밝은 햇빛 속에서, 눈이 반쯤 감긴 채로, 낮잠을 자고 있는 것처럼 보이는 고양이를 보면, 그것이 단순히 과도한 빛으로부터 망막을 보호하고 있을 뿐일 수도 있다는 것을 기억하라.




[3] 2024 05 – 40미술관 방문  대화 감소가 감정 반응 증가
① In one study, researchers gave more than five hundred visitors to an art museum a special glove that reported their movement patterns along with physiological data such as their heart rates. 한 연구에서 연구자들은 500명 이상의 한 미술관방문객들에게 심박수와 같은 생리학적인 데이터와함께 그들의 움직임 패턴을 보고하는 특별한 장갑을 주었다.
② The data showed that when people were not distracted by chatting with companions, they actually had a stronger emotional response to the art. 그 데이터는 사람들이 동행자들과 수다를 떠는 것에 의해 주의를 빼앗기지 않을 때 그들이 실제로 예술품에 더 강한 감정적인 반응을 가진다는 것을 보여 주었다.
③ Of course, there's nothing wrong with chatting and letting the art slide past, but think of the inspiration those museum visitors missed out on. 물론 수다를 떨고 예술품을 지나치는 것은 잘못된것이 아니지만 그 미술관 방문객들이 놓친 영감을생각해 보라.
④ Then apply that to life in general. 그다음에 그것을 일반적인 삶에 적용하라.
⑤ When we surround ourselves with other people, we're not just missing out on the finer details of an art exhibition. 우리가 다른 사람들과 함께 있을 때 우리는 단지 미술 전시회의 더 세부적인 사항을 놓치고 있는 것만이 아니다.
⑥ We're missing out on the chance to reflect and understand ourselves better. 우리는 자신을 더 잘 성찰하고 이해할 수 있는 기회를 놓치고 있는 것이다.
⑦ In fact, studies show that if we never allow ourselves to be alone, it's just plain harder for us to learn. 실제로 연구들은 만약 우리가 혼자 있는 것을 결코허용하지 않는다면, 우리가 배우는 것이 분명히 더어렵다는 것을 보여 준다.
⑧ Other research found that young people who cannot stand being alone were less likely to develop creative skills like playing an instrument or writing because the most effective practice of these abilities is often done while alone. 다른 연구는 혼자 있는 것을 견디지 못하는 젊은이들이 악기 연주나 글쓰기와 같은 창의적인 기술을개발할 가능성이 적었는데 왜냐하면 이러한 능력들의 가장 효과적인 연습이 대체로 혼자 있을 때 행해지기 때문이라는 것을 발견했다.
⑨ [요약문] The study above shows avoiding conversation with companions while exploring an art museum intensifies emotional response to art, suggesting that absence of alone time may inhibit personal growth and learning. [요약문] 위의 연구는 미술관을 관람하면서 동행자와의 대화를 피하는 것이 예술품에 대한 정서적 반응을 강화한다는 것을 보여 주며, 혼자만의 시간의부재가 개인의 성장과 배움을 저해할 수 있음을 시사한다.




[3] 2024 05 – 41~42색맹의 생물학적  진화적 측면
① There are a number of human characteristics that would seem to be disadvantageous yet continue to survive, generation after generation. 불리해 보일지 모르지만 대대로 계속해서 살아남는많은 인간의 특징들이 있다.
② One example is color blindness. 한 가지 예가 색맹이다.
③ Most color blindness is associated with genes on the X chromosome. 대부분의 색맹은 X염색체의 유전자와 관련이 있다.
④ Women have two X chromosomes, so if this problem occurs on one of them, the other can compensate. 여성은 2개의 X염색체를 가지고 있어서 만약 이 문제가 그중 한 개에서 발생하면 다른 하나가 상쇄할수 있다.
⑤ But men have only one X chromosome. 하지만 남성은 단 하나의 X염색체를 가지고 있다.
⑥ If the mutation occurs there, that male is color blind. 만약 돌연변이가 거기서 일어난다면, 그 남자는 색맹이다.
⑦ We might ask why such a deficiency would survive and not die out. 우리는 왜 그런 결점이 살아남아서 사라지지 않는지 질문할지 모른다.
⑧ To understand this, we can consider ancient hunter-gatherers, with the men doing most of the hunting for meat and the women doing most of the gathering of fruits and nuts. 이것을 이해하기 위해 고대의 수렵 채집인들을 살펴볼 수 있는데, 남성은 고기를 위한 사냥의 대부분을, 여성은 과일과 견과류 채집의 대부분을 한다.
⑨ Gathering fruits, especially berries, and nuts is much more productive if it is easy to distinguish the red or purple fruit from the green leaves of the plant. 만약 식물의 녹색 잎으로부터 빨간색이나 보라색과일을 구별하는 것이 쉽다면 과일, 특히 베리류와견과류를 채집하는 것은 훨씬 더 생산적이다.
⑩ If red-green color blindness were common among women, the resulting lack of productivity would likely cause this trait to die out relatively quickly. 만약 여성들 사이에 적록 색맹이 흔하다면, 그로 인한 생산성의 부족은 이 특성이 비교적 빨리 소멸하도록 만들 가능성이 있다.
⑪ On the other hand, the men out hunting don't much rely on being able to contrast red from green. 반면 사냥에 나간 남성들은 초록색으로부터 빨간색을 대조시킬 수 있는 것에 크게 의존하지 않는다.
⑫ Most of the animals they are hunting have fur or feathers that help them hide. 그들이 사냥하는 대부분의 동물들은 그것들이 숨는것을 도와주는 털이나 깃털을 가지고 있다.
⑬ Rather than relying on color, the hunter relies on an acute ability to detect motion. 색에 의존하기보다는 사냥꾼은 움직임을 감지하는예리한 능력에 의존한다.
⑭ It is conceivable that a reduction in color contrast in these circumstances might actually enhance one's ability to detect subtle motions. 이러한 상황에서 색 대비의 감소는 미묘한 움직임을 감지하는 사람의 능력을 실제로 향상시킬지 모른다고 생각할 만하다.
⑮ Given that a hunted animal blends into its surroundings, less background color variation would be less of a visual distraction. 사냥당하는 동물이 주변 환경에 섞여 들어가 있다는 것을 고려할 때, 배경색의 더 적은 변동은 더 적은 시각적인 방해가 될 것이다.




[3] 2024 05 – 43~45서로 다른 관점이 모두 옳을  있음을 깨달은 쌍둥이 자매
① Pamela and Maggie were identical twins. Pamela와 Maggie는 일란성 쌍둥이였다.
② Even their parents found it hard to tell them apart. 심지어 그들의 부모도 그들을 구별하는 것을 어려워했다.
③ But although they looked identical, they were different in every other way. 비록 그들이 똑같아 보였지만 그들은 다른 모든 부분에서 달랐다.
④ They didn't have anything in common, so they fought all the time. 그들은 공통점이 없었고, 그래서 그들은 항상 싸웠다.
⑤ Pamela thought that her sister was weird and incomprehensible, and of course Maggie felt the same way. Pamela는 그녀의 자매(Maggie)가 이상하며 이해할 수 없다고 생각했고 물론 Maggie도 똑같이 느꼈다.
⑥ For example, Pamela was always upset at her sister waking up early in the morning. 예를 들어 Pamela는 그녀의 자매가 이른 아침에일어나는 것에 대해 항상 기분이 언짢았다.
⑦ She didn't understand why her sister couldn't finish what she needed to do at night and sleep peacefully the next morning. 그녀(Pamela)는 그녀의 자매가 왜 해야 할 일을 밤에 끝내고 다음 날 아침에 편히 잘 수 없는지 이해하지 못했다.
⑧ To Maggie, staying up past the time she began to feel sleepy was exhausting. Maggie에게는 그녀(Maggie)가 졸린 것을 느끼기시작한 시간이 지나고도 깨어 있는 것은 매우 피곤한 일이었다.
⑨ Besides, she loved the fresh morning air. 게다가 그녀는 상쾌한 아침 공기를 좋아했다.
⑩ They had fights about simple things like this every day. 그들은 이와 같은 단순한 일들로 매일 싸웠다.
⑪ Tired of the endless arguments, their mother Rachel decided to put an end to them. 끝없는 언쟁에 지친 그들의 어머니 Rachel은 그것을 끝내기로 결심했다.
⑫ She would make them understand that each of their points of view could be correct. 그녀는 그들의 관점 각각이 옳을 수 있다는 것을 그들이 이해하게 만들려 했다.
⑬ One day, the twins were brought to the dining table where a big board stood in the middle. 하루는 쌍둥이들이 큰 판자가 가운데 세워져 있는식탁으로 불려 왔다.
⑭ Pamela sat on one side of the board and her twin on the other. Pamela는 판자의 한쪽에, 그녀의 쌍둥이(Maggie)는 다른 한쪽에 앉았다.
⑮ Rachel asked Pamela what the color of the board was. Rachel은 Pamela에게 판자의 색깔이 무엇이냐고물었다.
⑯ "Black," she said. "검은색이요."라고 그녀가 대답했다.
⑰ After hearing Pamela's answer, Rachel asked the same question to the other daughter. Pamela의 대답을 들은 후에 Rachel은 다른 딸(Maggie)에게 똑같은 질문을 했다.
⑱ She replied it was white. 그녀는 그것이 하얀색이라고 대답했다.
⑲ Predictably, they began arguing. 예상대로 그들은 언쟁을 시작했다.
⑳ Rachel then asked them to switch seats. 그러자 Rachel은 그들에게 자리를 바꾸도록 요청했다.
㉑ Each sitting on a new chair, they were surprised to realize the board was black on one side and white on the other. 각자 새로운 의자에 앉자 그들은 그 판자의 한쪽이검은색이고 다른 한쪽이 하얀색이라는 것을 깨닫고놀랐다.
㉒ Understanding what their mother wanted to say, they promised they would never insist the other was wrong again. 그들의 어머니가 하고자 했던 말을 이해하고, 그들은 다시는 서로가 틀렸다고 주장하지 않겠다고 약속했다.






<2024년도 5월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
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자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  
지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 때 참고하세요.



블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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[고3] 2024년 5월 모의고사 - 한줄해석.pdf
[고3] 2024년 5월 모의고사 - 한줄해석.docx




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[고3] 2024년 5월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT 4.0

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전체 내용


[3] 2024 05 – 18: 영화 촬영 허가 요청서

 My name is Rohan Kaul, the producer of the upcoming film 'Upagrah.'

  이름은 Rohan Kaul이고  개봉할 영화 'Upagrah' 제작자입니다.

 I am reaching out to you regarding a matter of importance concerning the shooting of some scenes for our film.

 저희 영화를 위한 일부 장면의 촬영과 관련하여 중요한 사항에 관해 당신에게 연락을 드립니다.

 We have identified Gulab Park, Mumbai, as an ideal location for these scenes.

 저희는  장면들을 위한 이상적인 장소로 Mumbai Gulab 공원을 찾았습니다.

 We are hoping to conduct this shoot on 3rd June 2024, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

 저희는 2024 6 3 오후 1시부터 오후 6시까지  촬영을 수행하기를 희망하고 있습니다.

 We have chosen Monday for the shooting day to minimize traffic issues and disruption to the public.

 저희는 교통 문제와 대중에게 끼칠 혼란을 최소화하기 위해 월요일을 촬영일로 선택했습니다.

 During the shoot, our team promises to follow all rules and regulations, ensuring no inconvenience is caused to the public.

 촬영 동안에, 저희 팀은 대중에게 어떠한 불편도 야기되지 않을 것을 확실히 하면서 모든 규칙과 규정을 준수할 것을 약속드립니다.

 We would be so grateful if you granted permission for the shoot so that we can put the beautiful scenery of the park in our film.

 저희 영화에 공원의 아름다운 배경을 담을  있도록 촬영을 위한 허가를  주신다면 우리는 매우 감사할 것입니다.

 We look forward to your response.

 당신의 답변을 고대합니다.


[3] 2024 05 – 19: 잘못된 퀴즈로 인한 학생의 긴장 해소

 Charles was taking a quiz in his math class.

 Charles 수학 시간에 퀴즈를 보고 있었다.

 He stared at the questions, but they looked completely unfamiliar.

 그는  문제들을 유심히 살펴보았지만 그것들은 완전히 낯설게 보였다.

 Charles flipped through the pages of the quiz for a while.

 Charles 한동안 퀴즈 문제지를 넘겨 보았다.

 His palms grew sweaty as he realized that he didn't know a single answer.

 그가 하나의 정답도 알지 못한다는 것을 깨닫고 그의 손바닥에서 땀이 났다.

 A moment later, a few other students began raising their hands.

 잠시  몇몇 다른 학생들이 손을 들기 시작했다.

 One said, "I don't think we ever learned about the stuff on this quiz, Mrs. Smith."

  학생이 "Smith 선생님,  생각에 저희는  퀴즈에 나오는 것들을  번도 배운 적이 없는  같아요."라고 말했다.

 The teacher quickly looked over a copy of the quiz and announced, "I'm sorry, class.

 선생님은 퀴즈 문제지를 빠르게 살펴보고 "미안해요, 여러분.

 It appears that I have given you the wrong quiz by mistake.

 실수로 여러분에게 잘못된 문제지를   같아요.

 We'll take the right quiz next class."

 우리는 다음 시간에 올바른 퀴즈를 보겠습니다."라고 알렸다.

 As Charles heard what the teacher said, the tension in his shoulders began to melt away.

 Charles 선생님이 말씀하신 것을 듣자 어깨의 긴장이 차츰 사라지기 시작했다.


[3] 2024 05 – 20: 중년의 연결 조직 부상에 대한 근육 훈련 권장

 When you are middle-aged, the risk of connective tissue injuries peaks as decreased load tolerance combines with continued high activity levels.

 여러분이 중년이 되면 하중을 견디는 힘이 감소되고 그것이 계속된 높은 활동 수준과 결합하면서 결합 조직 부상의 위험이 최고조에 달한다.

 The path of least resistance is to stop doing the things that hurt ― avoid uncomfortable movements and find easier forms of exercise.

 가장 무난한 방법은 아프게 하는 일들을 그만두는 것인데 이를테면 불편한 움직임들을 피하며  쉬운 형태의 운동을 찾는 것이다.

 However, that's the exact opposite of what you should do.

 그러나 그것은 여러분이 해야 하는 것의 정확한 반대다.

 There is a path forward.

 앞으로 나아가는 길이 있다.

 But it doesn't involve following the typical pain management advice of rest, ice, and medicine, which multiple reviews have shown is not effective for treating age-related joint pain and dysfunction.

 하지만 그것은 휴식, 얼음찜질  의약품의 전형적인 통증 관리 조언을 따르는 것을 포함하지 않는데, 다수의 비평은 이것이 나이와 관련된 관절 통증과 기능 장애를 치료하는  효과적이지 않다는것을 보여 주었다.

 These methods do nothing more than treat superficial symptoms.

  방법들은 표면적인 증상을 치료하는 것에 지나지 않는다.

 The only practical solution is to strengthen your body with muscle training.

 유일한 실질적인 해결책은 근육 훈련으로 여러분의 신체를 강화하는 것이다.

 Whether you've been training for a few years or a few decades, or haven't ever stepped foot in the weight room, it's not too late to restore your body, build real strength, and achieve your physical potential.

 여러분이  년이나 몇십  동안 운동을  왔든지 혹은 체력 단련실에 발을 디딘 적이 전혀 없든지 간에 여러분의 몸을 회복하고, 실질적인 힘을 기르고, 신체적인 잠재력을 실현하는 것은 너무 늦지않다.


[3] 2024 05 – 21: 눈을 통한 시각적 인식의 메커니즘 설명

 Turn the lights out and point the beam of a small flashlight up into one of your eyes.

 조명을 끄고 작은 손전등의 빛줄기가 여러분의 한쪽  안을 향하게 하라.

 Shake the beam around while moving your gaze up and down.

 여러분의 시선을 위아래로 움직이면서 빛줄기를 이리저리 흔들어라.

 You should catch glimpses of what look like delicate branches.

 여러분은 미세한 가지들처럼 보이는 것을 얼핏 보게  것이다.

 These branches are shadows of the blood vessels that lie on top of your retina.

  가지들은 여러분의 망막 위에 있는 혈관의 그림자들이다.

 The vessels constantly cast shadows as light streams into the eye, but because these shadows never move, the brain ceases responding to them.

  혈관들은 빛이 눈으로 흘러 들어오는 동안 끊임없이 그림자를 드리우지만,  그림자들은 절대 움직이지 않기 때문에 뇌가 이것들에 반응하는 것을 멈춘다.

 Moving the flashlight beam around shifts the shadows just enough to make them momentarily visible.

 손전등 빛줄기를 이리저리 움직이는 것은 그림자가 잠깐 눈에 보이게  만큼만 그림자를 이동시킨다.

 Now you might wonder if you could cause an image to fade just by staring at something unmoving.

 이제 여러분은 움직이지 않는 무언가를 단지 응시하는 것만으로도 이미지가 사라지도록   있는지 궁금해할지도 모른다.

 But that is not possible because the visual system constantly jiggles the eye muscles, which prevents the perfect stabilization of images of the world.

 그러나 시각 체계가 끊임없이 눈의 근육을 가볍게 흔들고 있고 이것이 세상의 이미지들의 완벽한 안정화를 막기 때문에 그것은 불가능하다.

 These muscle movements are unbelievably small, but their effect is huge.

  근육의 움직임들은 믿을  없을 정도로 작지만  효과는 엄청나다.

 Without them, we would go blind by tuning out what we see shortly after fixating our gaze!

 그것들이 없으면 우리는 시선을 고정한 직후에 보고 있는 것을 무시함으로써 보지 못하게  것이다!

 It's an interesting notion:

 이것은 흥미로운 개념이다.

 Approximate perfection is better than perfect perfection.

 근사치의 완벽함이 완벽한 완벽함보다  낫다.


[3] 2024 05 – 22: 경제적 이익과 야생 보호 간의 대립

 Most opposition to wilderness preservation doesn't come from environmentalists but from corporate interests and developers.

 야생 보호 구역 보존에 대한 대부분의 반대는 환경론자들로부터가 아니라 기업 관계자와 개발자들로부터 나온다.

 When wild places are designated as wilderness, they are closed to most commercial activities and residential or infrastructure development.

 야생의 지역이 야생 보호 구역으로 지정되면  지역은 대부분의 상업 활동  주거 또는 기반 시설 개발이 금지된다.

 There is thus frequently an economic cost to wilderness preservation.

 따라서 야생 보호 구역 보존에는 흔히 경제적인 비용이 존재한다.

 Some critics claim that when wilderness and economic interests clash, economic interests should normally prevail.

 일부 비평가들은 야생 보호 구역과 경제적 이익이 충돌할  경제적 이익이 일반적으로 우세해야 한다고 주장한다.

 This argument, even if it is sound, won't exclude all wilderness preservation efforts, because some wilderness areas have little economic value.

 이러한 주장은, 비록 타당할지라도, 일부 야생 보호 구역은 경제적인 가치가 거의 없기 때문에 모든 야생 보호 구역 보존 노력을 배제하지는 않을 것이다.

 But a deeper problem with the argument is that it views nature from a human-focused and excessively economic point of view.

 그러나  주장의  심층적인 문제점은 그것이 자연을 인간 중심적이고 지나치게 경제적인 관점에서 본다는 것이다.

 Allowing economic considerations to outweigh all other forms of value is inconsistent with the biocentric reasons that support wilderness preservation.

 경제적인 고려 사항이 모든 다른 형태의 가치를 능가하도록 두는 것은 야생 보호 구역 보존을 지지하는 생명 중심적인 이유들에 부합하지 않는다.

 Thus, while it certainly makes sense to weigh the economic costs of wilderness protection, especially when such costs are high, the biocentric values underlying wilderness preservation exclude viewing economic considerations as the most important.

 따라서 특히 그러한 비용이 높을  야생 보호 구역 보호의 경제적 비용을 따져 보는 것이 분명히 타당하지만, 야생 보호 구역 보존의 근본이 되는 생명 중심적인 가치는 경제적인 고려를 가장 중요한것으로 여기는 것을 배제한다.


[3] 2024 05 – 23: 카페인 섭취가  화학에 미치는 영향

 During the day, a molecule called adenosine builds up in your brain.

  동안에 아데노신이라고 불리는 분자가 여러분의 뇌에 쌓인다.

 Adenosine binds with receptors on nerve cells, or neurons, slowing down their activity and making you feel drowsy.

 아데노신은 신경 세포들, 다시 말해 뉴런들의 수용체들과 결합해 그것들의 활동을 늦추고 여러분이 나른함을 느끼게 한다.

 But caffeine is also able to bind with these receptors, and by doing so it blocks adenosine's effect, making your neurons fire more and keeping you alert.

 그러나 카페인 역시  수용체들과 결합할  있고, 그렇게 함으로써 그것이 아데노신의 효과를 차단하여 뉴런을  활성화시키고 여러분이 깨어 있도록 유지시킨다.

 Caffeine also activates a gland at the base of your brain.

 카페인은 또한  기저부의 분비선을 활성화시킨다.

 This releases hormones that tell the adrenal glands on your kidneys to produce adrenaline, causing your heart to beat faster and your blood pressure to rise.

 이것은 신장에 있는 부신이 아드레날린을 생산하도록 하는 호르몬을 분비시켜 여러분의 심장을 더욱 빨리 뛰게 하고 혈압이 올라가게 한다.

 If, however, your daily caffeine intake is consistent, your brain will adapt to it.

 하지만 여러분의 하루 카페인 섭취량이 일정하다면 뇌가 이에 적응할 것이다.

 Your brain is like, 'Okay, every morning I'm getting this caffeine that's binding to these receptors and blocking adenosine from binding to them.'

 여러분의 뇌는 이와 같다. '그래, 매일 아침 나는  수용체들과 결합해서 아데노신이 그것들과 결합하는 것을 막는  카페인을 섭취하고 있군.'

 So your brain creates extra receptors to give adenosine more of an opportunity to bind with them and have its usual effect.

 그래서 여러분의 뇌는 아데노신에게 그것들(수용체) 결합하여 평소의 효과를   많은 기회를 주기 위해 추가의 수용체들을 만들어 낸다.

 And more adenosine is also produced to counteract the caffeine.

 그리고 카페인에 대응하기 위해  많은 아데노신이 또한 생성된다.

 That's why it takes more and more caffeine to have the same effect.

 그것이 같은 효과를 내기 위해서 점점  많은 카페인이 필요한 이유다.


[3] 2024 05 – 24: 대양의 푸른색 발생 원인 설명

 When viewed from space, one of the Earth's most commanding features is the blueness of its vast oceans.

 우주에서 보았을  지구의 가장 인상적인 특징들  하나는 드넓은 바다의 푸르름이다.

 Small amounts of water do not indicate the color of these large bodies of water; when pure drinking water is examined in a glass, it appears clear and colorless.

 적은 양의 물은 이러한 많은 양의 물의 색을 나타내지 않고, 깨끗한 식수가 유리잔 속에서 검사될  그것은 맑고 무색인 것처럼 보인다.

 Apparently a relatively large volume of water is required to reveal the blue color.

 파란색을 드러내기 위해서는 분명 비교적 많은 양의 물이 필요하다.

 Why is this so?

 이것은  그런 것일까?

 When light penetrates water, it experiences both absorption and scattering.

 빛이 물을 관통할  그것은 흡수와 산란  다를 겪는다.

 Water molecules strongly absorb infrared and, to a lesser degree, red light.

  분자는 적외선을 강하게 흡수하고  적은 정도로 붉은빛을 흡수한다.

 At the same time, water molecules are small enough to scatter shorter wavelengths, giving water its blue-green color.

 동시에  분자는  짧은 파장을 산란시키기에 충분히 작아서 물에 청록색을 부여한다.

 The amount of long-wavelength absorption is a function of depth; the deeper the water, the more red light is absorbed.

 장파장 흡수의 양은 수심의 작용이다. , 물이  깊을수록  많은 붉은빛이 흡수된다.

 At a depth of 15m, the intensity of red light drops to 25% of its original value and falls to zero beyond a depth of 30m.

 15미터 수심에서는 붉은빛의 강도가 기존 값의 25% 떨어지고 30미터 이상의 수심에서는 0으로 떨어진다.

 Any object viewed at this depth is seen in a blue-green light.

  수심에서 보이는 모든 물체는 청록빛 내에서 보인다.

 For this reason, red inhabitants of the sea, such as lobsters and crabs, appear black to divers not carrying a lamp.

 이러한 이유로 바닷가재와 게와 같은 바다의 붉은색 서식 동물들은 램프를 들고 있지 않은 잠수부들에게는 검게 보인다.


[3] 2024 05 – 25: 세대별 챗봇 플랫폼 선호도 차이

 The above graph shows the percentage of preferable chatbot platforms by age categorized by Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X.

  그래프는 Z세대, 밀레니얼 세대 그리고 X세대로 분류된 연령대별로 선호하는 챗봇 플랫폼의 비율을 보여 준다.

 Millennials and Generation X had the highest percentage of respondents who preferred Desktop Websites while Generation Z had the highest percentage for Messenger Apps.

 밀레니얼 세대와 X세대는 데스크톱 웹사이트를 선호하는 응답자의 가장 높은 비율을 가진 반면 Z세대는 메신저 앱에 대해 가장 높은 비율을 가졌다.

 In Generation Z, the percentage of respondents who preferred Mobile Apps was more than twice that of those who preferred Voice Assistant Devices.

 Z세대 내에서, 모바일 앱을 선호하는 응답자의 비율은 음성 지원 장치를 선호하는 응답자 비율의  배보다  높았다.

 Messenger Apps was the only platform where the percentage of respondents' preference for it sank lower and lower from Generation Z, to Millennials, to Generation X.

 메신저 앱은 Z세대, 밀레니얼 세대, X세대로 갈수록 그것에 대한 응답자의 선호 비율이 점점  낮아진 유일한 플랫폼이었다.

 The percentage point gap between Millennial and Generation X respondents who preferred Mobile Apps was larger than the percentage point gap between the same two groups for Voice Assistant Devices.

 모바일 앱을 선호하는 밀레니얼 세대와 X세대의 응답자의 비율 수치 격차는 음성 지원 장치에 대한 동일한  집단 사이의 비율 수치 격차보다  컸다.

 The percentage of respondents who preferred Mobile Websites was the lowest in all the age groups.

 모바일 웹사이트를 선호하는 응답자들의 비율은 모든 연령 집단에서 가장 낮았다.


[3] 2024 05 – 26: José Saramago 문학적 경력과 영향

 José Saramago was born in 1922 to a family of farmers in a little village north of Lisbon.

 José Saramago 1922년에 Lisbon 북쪽의 작은 마을에 있는 농부의 가정에서 태어났다.

 For financial reasons he abandoned his high-school studies and worked as a mechanic.

 그는 재정적인 이유로 고등학교 공부를 그만두었고 정비공으로 일을 했다.

 At this time, he acquired a taste for reading and started to frequent a public library in Lisbon in his free time.

 이때, 그는 독서에 흥미가 생겨 여가 시간에 Lisbon 있는 공립 도서관을 자주 방문하기 시작했다.

 After trying different jobs in the civil service, he worked for a publishing company for twelve years and then as an editor of the newspaper 'Diario de Noticias.'

 공직에서 여러 가지 일을   뒤에 그는 출판사에서 12년간 일한 , 신문사 'Diario de Noticias' 편집자로 일했다.

 Between 1975 and 1980 Saramago supported himself as a translator, but after his literary successes in the 1980s he devoted himself to his own writing.

 1975년부터 1980년까지 Saramago 번역가로 생계를 유지했지만 1980년대의 문학적인 성공 이후로는 자신의 글쓰기에 몰두했다.

 He achieved worldwide recognition in 1982 with the humorous love story Baltasar and Blimunda, a novel set in 18th-century Portugal.

 그는 18세기 포르투갈을 배경으로  소설인 해학적인 사랑 이야기 'Baltasar and Blimunda' 1982년에 세계적인 인정을 받았다.

 Saramago's oeuvre totals 30 works, and comprises not only novels but also poetry, essays and drama.

 Saramago 전체 작품은  30편에 이르고 소설뿐만 아니라 , 수필, 희곡 등도 포함한다.


[3] 2024 05 – 29: 새로운 병원균의 적응과 전파 과정

 When a new pathogen emerges, one way it transitions from wherever it has been living into a new host may be the acquisition of new traits.

 새로운 병원균이 출현할 , 어디였든지 간에 그것이 살고 있던 곳으로부터 새로운 숙주로 전이하는  가지 방법은 새로운 특성의 습득일  있다.

 Imagine that in its hourly struggle to survive over long periods of time and many generations, a fungus species might acquire a protective capsule ― a bit of coating ― that shields it or even masks it from other microbes or cells.

 오랜 기간과 많은 세대를 거쳐 살아남기 위한 그것(균류종) 매시간의 분투에서 균류종이 자신을 보호하거나 심지어 다른 미생물이나 세포로부터 자신을 숨기는 약간의 코팅인 보호용 피막을 얻을지도 모른다는 것을 상상해 보라.

 Then it acquires some enzymes that enable it to survive whatever chemicals other microbes might throw at it.

 그다음에 그것은 다른 미생물들이 그것에게 던지는  어떤 화학 물질로부터도 그것이 살아남게  주는 어떤 효소들을 얻는다.

 If it can overcome these chemicals, it may also overcome the same or similar chemicals used as antifungal drugs.

 만약 그것이 이러한 화학 물질들을 이겨낼  있다면, 그것은 항진균제로써 사용되는 똑같거나 비슷한 화학 물질들 또한 이겨낼  있다.

 Maybe it also evolves to tolerate warmer temperatures.

 아마도 그것은 또한  따뜻한 온도를 견디도록 진화한다.

 Now we've got a yeast that once made its home in an apple tree or in a wetland but that at this point can live quite happily in our body, hide from our immune system, and disarm our drugs.

 이제 우리는 한때 사과나무나 습지에 서식지를 만들었지만  시점에서는 우리의 몸속에서  행복하게 살고, 우리의 면역 체계로부터 숨고, 우리의 약을 무장 해제시킬  있는 효모를 갖게 되었다.

 Then some of us carry it from one country to another and then another, and eventually it finds a host in a hospital patient who has recently received an organ transplant or is elderly with a weakened immune system.

 그러고 나서 우리  일부가  나라에서 다른 나라 그리고  다른 나라로 그것을 옮기고 결국 그것은 장기 이식을 최근에 받았거나 약해진 면역 체계를 가진 노인인 병원 환자에서 숙주를 찾는다.


[3] 2024 05 – 30: 감정이 기억 형성에 미치는 영향

 Memory is shaped by emotions connected to an experience.

 기억은 경험과 연결된 감정에 의해 형성된다.

 For this reason, inaccuracies often hide the full picture of what happened.

 이러한 이유로 부정확성은 일어났던 일의 전체적인 상황을 종종 숨긴다.

 For example, a company might decide to hire a consultant to assist with a major project.

 예를 들어  회사가 중대한 프로젝트를 조력할  자문 위원을 고용하기로 결정했을  있다.

 During this project, the consultant demonstrated some personality traits that clashed with a couple of the executives involved.

  프로젝트 동안  자문 위원은  명의 관여된 경영진들과 부딪치는 몇몇 성격 특성들을 보여 주었다.

 Through the course of the project, they were able to put aside the personality conflicts in order to see their vision become a reality.

 프로젝트의 과정 동안 그들은 자신들의 비전이 실현되는 것을 보기 위해  성격 갈등을 한쪽으로 제쳐둘  있었다.

 Ultimately, the project was a success, enabling the company to move forward and profit.

 결국 프로젝트는 성공해서 회사가 진보하고 이익을 얻는 것을 가능하게 했다.

 At a later date, the company, remembering the previous success, expressed an interest in hiring the same consultant for another large project.

 후일  회사는 이전의 성공을 기억하여  다른  프로젝트를 위해 같은 자문 위원을 고용하는  관심을 표했다.

 The executives who struggled with his personality last time may most vividly remember their difficulty in overcoming his personality and related emotions.

 지난번 그의 성격으로 고생했던 경영진들은 그의 성격을 극복하는 것에 대한 그들의 어려움  연관된 감정들을 가장 생생히 기억할지 모른다.

 In this case, the success of the project fades into the background as they focus on their previous experience, colored by their feelings of discomfort.

 이런 경우에 그들이 불편이라는 감정에 의해 물든 이전의 경험에 집중하기 때문에 프로젝트의 성공에 대한 기억은 희미해진다.

 As a result, they convince the company to exclude the consultant, making project completion more difficult.

 결과적으로 그들은 회사가  자문 위원을 배제하도록 설득하여 프로젝트 완성을 더욱 어렵게 만든다.


[3] 2024 05 – 31: 색상의 사회적 의미와 규제

 As colors came to take on meanings and cultural significance within societies, attempts were made to restrict their use.

 색들이 사회 내에서 의미와 문화적인 의의를 갖게 됨에 따라 그것들의 사용을 제한하는 시도들이 이루어졌다.

 The most extreme example of this phenomenon was the sumptuary laws.

  현상의 가장 극단적인 예시는 사치 금지법이었다.

 While these were passed in ancient Greece and Rome, and examples can be found in ancient China and Japan, they found their fullest expressions in Europe from the mid-twelfth century, before slowly disappearing in the early modern period.

 이것은 고대 그리스와 로마에서 통과되었고 실례들이 고대 중국과 일본에서 발견될  있지만, 그것은 초기 근대에 서서히 사라지기 전에 12세기 중반부터 유럽에서 가장 완전하게 표출되었다.

 Such laws could touch on anything from diet to dress and furnishings, and sought to enforce social boundaries by encoding the social classes into a clear visual system:

 그러한 법들은 식단에서 의복과 가구까지 어떤 것에도 관여할  있었고 사회적인 계층을 분명한 시각적 체계로 부호화함으로써 사회적인 경계선을 강요하는 것을 추구했다.

 the peasants, in other words, should eat and dress like peasants; craftsmen should eat and dress like craftsmen.

 , 다시 말해서 농부는 농부처럼 먹고 입어야 하고 기술자는 기술자처럼 먹고 입어야 한다.

 Color was a vital signifier in this social language ― dull, earthy colors like russet were explicitly confined to the poorest rural peasants, while bright ones like scarlet were the preserve of a select few.

 색은  사회적 언어에서 중대한 기표였는데, 황갈색과 같은 칙칙한 흙색은 가장 가난한 시골 농부들에게 명시적으로 국한된 반면 진홍색과 같은 밝은색들은 선택된 소수의 전유물이었다.


[3] 2024 05 – 32: 뇌가 외부 세계를 인식하는 방식

 John Douglas Pettigrew, a professor of psychology at the University of Queensland, found that the brain manages the external world by dividing it into separate regions, the peripersonal and the extrapersonal ― basically, near and far.

 Queensland 대학의 심리학 교수인 John Douglas Pettigrew 뇌가 그것(외부 세계) '주변의' '외부의', 요컨대 '가깝다' '멀다'라는 별개의 부분들로 나눔으로써 외부 세계를 다룬다는 것을 알아냈다.

 Peripersonal space includes whatever is in arm's reach; things you can control right now by using your hands.

 주변 공간은 팔이 닿는 범위 내에 있는 모든 ,  여러분의 손을 사용함으로써 당장 여러분이 통제할  있는 것들을 포함한다.

 This is the world of what's real, right now.

 이것은 지금 당장 실제의 세계이다.

 Extrapersonal space refers to everything else ― whatever you can't touch unless you move beyond your arm's reach, whether it's three feet or three million miles away.

 외부 공간은   모든 것을 가리키는데,  3피트든 3백만 마일 밖이든 여러분이 자신의 팔이 닿는 범위를 넘어서서 움직이지 않으면 만질  없는 모든 것이다.

 This is the realm of possibility.

 이것은 가능성의 영역이다.

 With those definitions in place, another fact follows, obvious but useful: any interaction in the extrapersonal space must occur in the future.

 그러한 정의들이 자리 잡힌 상태에서 뻔하지만 유용한  하나의 사실이 따라온다. , 외부 공간에서의 모든 상호 작용은 미래에 일어나야만 한다는 것이다.

 Or, to put it another way, distance is linked to time.

 또는, 달리 말하면, 거리는 시간과 연관되어 있다.

 For instance, if you're in the mood for a peach, but the closest one is sitting in a bin at the corner market, you can't enjoy it now.

 예를 들어 만약 여러분이 복숭아를 원하지만 가장 가까운 것이 모퉁이 가게의 상자에 있다면, 여러분은 지금 그것을 즐길  없다.

 You can only enjoy it in the future, after you go get it.

 여러분은 오직 미래에  그것을 사러  후에 즐길  있다.


[3] 2024 05 – 33: 곤충을 잡는 식충식물의 독특한 메커니즘

 Insect-eating plants' unique strategies for catching live prey have long captured the public imagination.

 식충 식물의 살아 있는 먹이를 잡기 위한 독특한 전략들은 오랫동안 대중의 상상력을 사로잡아 왔다.

 But even within this strange group, in which food-trapping mechanisms have evolved multiple times independently, some unusual ones stand out.

 그러나 심지어 먹이를 가두는 기제가 여러  독립적으로 진화해   이상한 무리 안에서조차 몇몇 특이한 것들이 두드러진다.

 According to Ulrike Bauer, an evolutionary biologist, the visually striking pitcher plant Nepenthes gracilis, for example, can exploit external energy for a purpose.

 진화 생물학자인 Ulrike Bauer 따르면 예를 들어 시각적으로 인상적인 낭상엽 식물인 'Nepenthes gracilis' 어떤 목적을 위해 외부의 에너지를 이용할  있다.

 This species' pitcher has a rigid, horizontal lid with an exposed underside that produces nectar, luring insects to land on it.

  종의 주머니 모양의 잎은 꿀을 생산하는 노출된 아랫면을 지닌 단단하고 수평으로  뚜껑을 갖고 있는데, 그것은 곤충들이  면에 앉도록 유혹한다.

 When a raindrop strikes the lid's top, the lid jolts downward and throws any unsuspecting visitor into digestive juices below.

 빗방울이 뚜껑의 윗면을  , 뚜껑은 아래쪽으로 흔들려서 의심하지 않고 있는 어떤 방문객도 아래의 소화액으로 떨구어 버린다.

 Researchers used x-ray scans to analyze cross sections of the pitchers when the lid is raised, lowered, and in a neutral position.

 연구원들은 뚜껑이 올려질 , 내려질  그리고 중립 위치에 있을 때의 주머니 모양의 잎의 단면을 분석하기 위해 엑스선 정밀 검사를 사용했다.

 Their results revealed a structural weak point in the pitcher's neck: when a raindrop hits the lid, the weak spot folds in and forces the lid to quickly move downward, similar to a diving board.

 그것의 결과는 주머니 모양의 잎의  부분에서 구조상의 약한 부분을 밝혀냈다.  빗방울이 뚜껑을    약한 지점은 안으로 접히고, 뚜껑이 아래로 빠르게 움직이도록 만드는데, 그것은 다이빙보드와 비슷하다.

 The weak point makes the pitcher's body bend and bounce back in a specific, consistent way, so the lid rises back up without bouncing too far ― unlike a typical leaf's chaotic vibration when struck by rain.

  약한 부분은 주머니 모양의 잎의 몸통을 휘었다가 특정하고 일관된 방식으로 튀어서 되돌아오도록 해서, 비에 맞을  보통의 잎의 무질서한 흔들림과 달리  뚜껑은 너무 멀리 튀지 않고 다시 올라온다.


[3] 2024 05 – 34: 어류의 자체 발광 기능과 생존 전략

 Many fish generate their own light in a biological firework display called bioluminescence.

 많은 물고기들은 생체 발광이라고 불리는 생물학적인 불꽃놀이로 자체의 빛을 생성한다.

 The lanternfish creates beams that sweep the sea like headlamps.

 랜턴피시는 헤드라이트처럼 바다를  비추는 빛줄기를 만들어 낸다.

 The dragonfish produces wavelengths that only it can see, leaving its victims unaware of the approaching threat.

 드래곤피시는 자신만이   있는 파장을 생산해서 다가오는 위협을 먹잇감들이 인식하지 못하게 한다.

 In contrast, the anglerfish hopes its prey will notice and be lured toward its rod-like bioluminescent barbel; its fierce jaws stay hidden in the shadows.

 대조적으로 앵글러피시는 먹이가 자신의 막대 모양의 생체 발광 수염을 알아채고 그것에 유인되기를 바라는데, 그것(앵글러피시) 사나운 턱이 그림자에 감춰져 있다.

 Bioluminescence is also used to frustrate predators.

 생체 발광은 또한 포식자들을 좌절시키는  사용된다.

 A species from the spookfish family relies on a bellyful of symbiotic, glowing bacteria to save it from becoming a meal.

 스푸크피시과()  종은 식사거리가 되는 것으로부터 그것을 지켜주는 배에 가득  공생하는 빛나는 박테리아에 의존한다.

 It uses the same concept developed by the US Navy during World War II to make bomber aircraft difficult to see.

 그것은 폭격기를 보기 어렵게 만들기 위해 2 세계 대전 중에 미국 해군에 의해 개발된 동일한 발상을 사용한다.

 Just as Project Yehudi designed planes with under-wing spotlights, the fish's glowing belly conceals its silhouette against sunlight to hide it from watching eyes below.

 Yehudi 프로젝트가 날개 아랫면에 환한 조명이 있는 비행기를 설계한 것처럼,  물고기의 빛나는 복부는 태양 빛에 대비되는 자신의 실루엣을 감춰서 아래에서 주시하는 눈들로부터 그것을 숨긴다.

 In this fish-eat-fish world, survival is a game of hide-and-seek that prioritizes the sense of sight.

 물고기가 물고기를 잡아먹는  세상에서 생존은 시각을 우선시하는 숨바꼭질 게임이다.


[3] 2024 05 – 35: 인류의 공통 조상과 생존 경쟁

 The human race traces back to a surprisingly small number of common ancestors.

 인류는 놀랄 만큼 적은 수의 공통 조상으로 거슬러 올라간다.

 It has been documented that the entire human race can be traced back to only seven different mothers, and one of these women is a common ancestor to roughly 40% of the human species.

 전체 인류가  7명의 다른 어머니들로 거슬러 올라갈  있고  여성들   명은 대략 인간 종의 40% 공통 조상이라고 밝혀졌다.

 Why is this? The simple answer is that humans are extremely good at dying and at wiping each other out.

 이것은 왜일까? 간단한 답은 인간이 죽는 것과 서로를 몰살하는 것에 몹시 능숙하다는 것이다.

 History has had many successful rulers and conquerors who have got rid of entire populations, and even beyond that, our species has wiped out plenty of similar humanoid lines that existed on this earth.

 역사적으로 전체 인구를 제거한 많은 성공적인 통치자들과 정복자들이 존재해 왔으며, 심지어 그것을 넘어 우리 종은  지구에 존재했던 수많은 비슷한 인간에 가까운 계통들을 몰살해 왔다.

 Scientific finds have so far discovered a number of other humanoid species that once shared the earth with us, some of which include Neanderthals and Denisovans.

 과학적 발견들은 지금까지 한때 우리와 지구를 공유했던 많은 인간에 가까운 종들을 발견해 왔는데, 그들  몇몇은 네안데르탈인과 데니소바인을 포함한다.

 Yet of these lines, only homo sapiens have survived, only the modern humans.

 그러나  계통들 중에서 오직 호모사피엔스,  현대의 인간들만이 살아남았다.

 That itself shows how difficult it is for a species to survive and thrive long-term on this planet.

  자체가  종이  행성에서 살아남아 장기적으로 번영하는 것이 얼마나 어려운지를 보여 준다.


[3] 2024 05 – 36: 시간 여행의 개념에 대한 철학적 탐구

 Philosophers who seek to understand the nature of time might consider the possibility of time travel.

 시간의 본질을 이해하고자 하는 철학자들은 시간 여행의 가능성을 고려할지도 모른다.

 But there are no real-life cases of time travel.

 그러나 시간 여행의 실제 사례는 없다.

 In situations such as this, philosophers often construct thought experiments ―imagined scenarios that bring out the thoughts and presuppositions underlying people's judgments.

 이와 같은 상황들에서 철학자들은 사고 실험,  사람들의 판단의 기초가 되는 생각과 전제를 끌어내는 상상의 시나리오를 종종 구성한다.

 Sometimes these scenarios are drawn from books, movies, and television.

 때때로 이러한 시나리오들은 , 영화 그리고 텔레비전으로부터 얻어진다.

 Other times, philosophers just make up their own scenarios.

 다른 때에는 철학자들이 그냥 자신들만의 시나리오를 지어낸다.

 Either way, the point is to put such concepts to the test.

 어느 쪽이든, 요점은 그러한 개념들을 시험해 보는 것이다.

 In the case of time travel, for example, a common thought experiment is to imagine what would happen if you went back in time and found yourself in a position to interfere in such a way that you were never born.

 예를 들어 시간 여행의 경우 일반적인 사고 실험은 만약 여러분이 시간을 거슬러 가서 여러분이 결코 태어나지 않았다는 식으로 개입할 위치에 있는 자신을 발견한다면 어떤 일이 일어났을지를 상상하는 것이다.

 It seems that something must happen to prevent you from doing this, because if you were to succeed, you would not exist and so you would not have been able to go back in time.

 여러분이 그렇게 하는 것을 막기 위해 무슨 일이 일어나야 하는 것처럼 보이는데, 왜냐하면 만약 여러분이 성공한다면, 여러분은 존재하지 않을 것이고 그래서 여러분은 시간을 거슬러   없었을것이기 때문이다.

 As a result of thinking through these sorts of cases, some philosophers claim that the very notion of time travel makes no sense.

 이러한 종류의 사례들을 통해 생각한 결과, 일부 철학자들은 시간 여행이라는 바로  개념이 말이 되지 않는다고 주장한다.


[3] 2024 05 – 37: 수면  감각 정보의 차단 과정

 A universal indicator of sleep is the loss of external awareness.

 수면의  보편적인 지표는 외부 인식의 상실이다.

 You are no longer conscious of all that surrounds you, at least not explicitly.

 여러분은 자신을 둘러싸고 있는 모든 것을, 최소한 겉으로 보기에는,  이상 의식하지 않는다.

 In actual fact, your ears are still 'hearing'; your eyes, though closed, are still capable of 'seeing.'

 실상은 여러분의 귀는 여전히 '듣고' 있고, 눈은, 감겨 있지만, 여전히 '보는 ' 가능하다.

 All these signals still flood into the center of your brain while you sleep, but they are blocked by a perceptual barricade set up in a structure called the thalamus.

  모든 신호들은 여러분이 자는 동안 여전히 뇌의 중심부로 흘러들어 가지만, 그것들은 시상이라고 불리는 조직에 설치된 지각의 바리케이드에 의해 차단된다.

 The thalamus decides which sensory signals are allowed through its gate, and which are not.

 시상은 그것의 문을 통해 어떤 감각 신호들이 들여보내질지, 어떤 것들이 그렇지 않을지를 결정한다.

 Should they be granted its permission to pass, they are sent to the cortex at the top of your brain, where they are consciously perceived.

 그것들이 그것(시상) 통행 허가를 받게 된다면, 그것들은 여러분의  상부에 있는 대뇌피질로 보내지는데, 거기서 그것들은 의식적으로 지각된다.

 By locking its gates shut, the thalamus imposes a sensory blackout in the brain, preventing onward travel of those signals to the cortex.

 그것의 문을 닫아 잠금으로써 시상은 뇌에 감각 정전을 가하고,  신호들의 대뇌피질을 향한 전진 이동을 막는다.

 As a result, you are no longer consciously aware of the information broadcasts being transmitted from your outer sense organs.

  결과 여러분은 외부 감각 기관으로부터 전송되고 있는 정보 방송을  이상 의식적으로 인식하지 못한다.

 At this moment, your brain has lost waking contact with the outside world.

  순간 여러분의 뇌는 외부 세계와의 깨어 있는 접촉을 잃었다.

 Said another way, you are now asleep.

 다른 말로 하면, 여러분은 지금 잠이  것이다.


[3] 2024 05 – 38: 윤리적 의사결정에서의 감정적 요소

 Emotional response to the world is an inherent part of ethics.

 세상에 대한 감정적 반응은 윤리학의 내재적인 부분이다.

 In ethics, appeals to compassion and empathy can and should be part of rational arguments about ethical decisions.

 윤리학에서 연민과 공감에 대한 호소는 윤리적 결정에 대한 합리적인 주장의 일부가   있고  그래야 한다.

 Moreover, the best practices of objectivity often combine partiality and impartiality.

 더욱이 객관성의 가장 좋은 실천들은 종종 편파성과 공정성을 결합한다.

 In a trial, the partiality of the prosecutor and the defense attorney (and the parties they represent) occurs within a larger impartial context.

 재판에서 검사와 변호인( 그들이 대리하는 당사자들) 편파성은   공정한 맥락 안에서 발생한다.

 A judge or jury puts partial arguments to the test of objective evidence and to the impartial rules of law.

 판사나 배심원은 편파적인 주장들을 객관적인 증거의 시험대와 공정한  원칙에 맡긴다.

 Ideally, what is fair and objective emerges during a trial where partialities make their case and are judged by objective norms.

 이상적으로, 공정하고 객관적인 것은 편파성이 자신의 주장을 하고 객관적인 규범에 의해 판단되는 재판 동안 드러난다.

 The norms of objectivity were constructed not because their creators thought most humans could be 'empty' of bias.

 객관성의 규범은 그것을 만든 사람들이 대부분의 인간은 편견이 '없을'  있다고 생각했기 때문에 만들어진 것이 아니다.

 The reverse is true: the norms were constructed because of an acute awareness of human bias, because it is evident.

  반대가 사실인데,  규범은 인간의 편견에 대한 예리한 인식 때문에,  그것이 명백하게 나타나기 때문에 만들어졌다.

 Rather than conclude that objectivity is impossible because bias is universal, scientists, journalists, and others concluded the opposite:

 편견이 보편적이기 때문에 객관성이 불가능하다고 결론을 내리기보다는 과학자, 언론인 그리고 다른 이들은 반대의 결론을 내렸다.

 we biased humans need the discipline of objectivity to reduce the ineliminable presence of bias.

  우리 편향된 인간은 제거할  없는 편견의 존재를 줄이기 위해 객관성의 규율을 필요로 한다는 것이다.


[3] 2024 05 – 39: 고양이의 야간 시력과 생물학적 적응

 The fact that cats' eyes glow in the dark is part of their enhanced light-gathering efficiency; there is a reflective layer behind the retina, so light can hit the retina when it enters the eye, or when it is reflected from behind the retina.

 고양이의 눈이 어둠 속에서 빛난다는 사실은 그것의 강화된 집광 효율성의 일부인데, 망막 뒤에는 반사 층이 있어서 빛이 눈에 들어올 때나 망막 뒤에서 반사될  그것이 망막에 닿을  있다.

 Light that manages to miss the retina exits the eye and creates that ghostly glow.

 망막을 어떤 식으로든 벗어난 빛은 눈을 빠져나와  유령 같은 빛을 만들어 낸다.

 When cats' light-gathering ability is combined with the very large population of rods in their eyes, the result is a predator that can see exceptionally well in the dark.

 고양이의 집광 능력이 고양이의   매우 많은 간상체의 개체 수와 결합될 ,  결과는 어둠 속에서 유난히    있는 포식자이다.

 Cats 'pay' for this nighttime accuracy with less accurate daytime vision and an inability to focus on close objects.

 고양이는  정확한 주간 시력과 가까운 물체에 초점을  맞추는 것으로 이러한 야간의 정확성에 대한 '대가를 지불한다.'

 This may seem counterproductive; what is the point of seeing a mouse in the dark if, in that final, close moment, the cat can't focus on it?

 이것은 비생산적으로 보일  있는데, 만약 고양이가  마지막, 아슬아슬한  간에 그것() 초점을 맞출  없다면 어둠 속에서 쥐를 보는 것이 무슨 의미가 있을까?

 Tactile information comes into play at this time; cats can move their whiskers forward and use them to get information about objects within the grasp of their jaws.

 이때 촉각 정보가 작용하기 시작하는데, 고양이들은 콧수염을 앞으로 움직여서 그들의 턱으로   있는 범위 내의 물체들에 대한 정보를 얻는  사용할  있다.

 So the next time you see a cat seeming to nap in the bright sunlight, eyes half-closed, remember that it may simply be shielding its retina from a surplus of light.

 그러므로 다음번에 여러분이 밝은 햇빛 속에서, 눈이 반쯤 감긴 채로, 낮잠을 자고 있는 것처럼 보이는 고양이를 보면, 그것이 단순히 과도한 빛으로부터 망막을 보호하고 있을 뿐일 수도 있다는 것을기억하라.


[3] 2024 05 – 40: 미술관 방문  대화 감소가 감정 반응 증가

 In one study, researchers gave more than five hundred visitors to an art museum a special glove that reported their movement patterns along with physiological data such as their heart rates.

  연구에서 연구자들은 500 이상의  미술관 방문객들에게 심박수와 같은 생리학적인 데이터와 함께 그들의 움직임 패턴을 보고하는 특별한 장갑을 주었다.

 The data showed that when people were not distracted by chatting with companions, they actually had a stronger emotional response to the art.

  데이터는 사람들이 동행자들과 수다를 떠는 것에 의해 주의를 빼앗기지 않을  그들이 실제로 예술품에  강한 감정적인 반응을 가진다는 것을 보여 주었다.

 Of course, there's nothing wrong with chatting and letting the art slide past, but think of the inspiration those museum visitors missed out on.

 물론 수다를 떨고 예술품을 지나치는 것은 잘못된 것이 아니지만  미술관 방문객들이 놓친 영감을 생각해 보라.

 Then apply that to life in general.

 그다음에 그것을 일반적인 삶에 적용하라.

 When we surround ourselves with other people, we're not just missing out on the finer details of an art exhibition.

 우리가 다른 사람들과 함께 있을  우리는 단지 미술 전시회의  세부적인 사항을 놓치고 있는 것만이 아니다.

 We're missing out on the chance to reflect and understand ourselves better.

 우리는 자신을   성찰하고 이해할  있는 기회를 놓치고 있는 것이다.

 In fact, studies show that if we never allow ourselves to be alone, it's just plain harder for us to learn.

 실제로 연구들은 만약 우리가 혼자 있는 것을 결코 허용하지 않는다면, 우리가 배우는 것이 분명히  어렵다는 것을 보여 준다.

 Other research found that young people who cannot stand being alone were less likely to develop creative skills like playing an instrument or writing because the most effective practice of these abilities is often done while alone.

 다른 연구는 혼자 있는 것을 견디지 못하는 젊은이들이 악기 연주나 글쓰기와 같은 창의적인 기술을 개발할 가능성이 적었는데 왜냐하면 이러한 능력들의 가장 효과적인 연습이 대체로 혼자 있을 행해지기 때문이라는 것을 발견했다.

 [요약문] The study above shows avoiding conversation with companions while exploring an art museum intensifies emotional response to art, suggesting that absence of alone time may inhibit personal growth and learning.

 [요약문] 위의 연구는 미술관을 관람하면서 동행자와의 대화를 피하는 것이 예술품에 대한 정서적 반응을 강화한다는 것을 보여 주며, 혼자만의 시간의 부재가 개인의 성장과 배움을 저해할  있음을시사한다.


[3] 2024 05 – 41~42: 색맹의 생물학적  진화적 측면

 There are a number of human characteristics that would seem to be disadvantageous yet continue to survive, generation after generation.

 불리해 보일지 모르지만 대대로 계속해서 살아남는 많은 인간의 특징들이 있다.

 One example is color blindness.

  가지 예가 색맹이다.

 Most color blindness is associated with genes on the X chromosome.

 대부분의 색맹은 X염색체의 유전자와 관련이 있다.

 Women have two X chromosomes, so if this problem occurs on one of them, the other can compensate.

 여성은 2개의 X염색체를 가지고 있어서 만약  문제가 그중  개에서 발생하면 다른 하나가 상쇄할  있다.

 But men have only one X chromosome.

 하지만 남성은  하나의 X염색체를 가지고 있다.

 If the mutation occurs there, that male is color blind.

 만약 돌연변이가 거기서 일어난다면,  남자는 색맹이다.

 We might ask why such a deficiency would survive and not die out.

 우리는  그런 결점이 살아남아서 사라지지 않는지 질문할지 모른다.

 To understand this, we can consider ancient hunter-gatherers, with the men doing most of the hunting for meat and the women doing most of the gathering of fruits and nuts.

 이것을 이해하기 위해 고대의 수렵 채집인들을 살펴볼  있는데, 남성은 고기를 위한 사냥의 대부분을, 여성은 과일과 견과류 채집의 대부분을 한다.

 Gathering fruits, especially berries, and nuts is much more productive if it is easy to distinguish the red or purple fruit from the green leaves of the plant.

 만약 식물의 녹색 잎으로부터 빨간색이나 보라색 과일을 구별하는 것이 쉽다면 과일, 특히 베리류와 견과류를 채집하는 것은 훨씬  생산적이다.

 If red-green color blindness were common among women, the resulting lack of productivity would likely cause this trait to die out relatively quickly.

 만약 여성들 사이에 적록 색맹이 흔하다면, 그로 인한 생산성의 부족은  특성이 비교적 빨리 소멸하도록 만들 가능성이 있다.

 On the other hand, the men out hunting don't much rely on being able to contrast red from green.

 반면 사냥에 나간 남성들은 초록색으로부터 빨간색을 대조시킬  있는 것에 크게 의존하지 않는다.

 Most of the animals they are hunting have fur or feathers that help them hide.

 그들이 사냥하는 대부분의 동물들은 그것들이 숨는 것을 도와주는 털이나 깃털을 가지고 있다.

 Rather than relying on color, the hunter relies on an acute ability to detect motion.

 색에 의존하기보다는 사냥꾼은 움직임을 감지하는 예리한 능력에 의존한다.

 It is conceivable that a reduction in color contrast in these circumstances might actually enhance one's ability to detect subtle motions.

 이러한 상황에서  대비의 감소는 미묘한 움직임을 감지하는 사람의 능력을 실제로 향상시킬지 모른다고 생각할 만하다.

 Given that a hunted animal blends into its surroundings, less background color variation would be less of a visual distraction.

 사냥당하는 동물이 주변 환경에 섞여 들어가 있다는 것을 고려할 , 배경색의  적은 변동은  적은 시각적인 방해가  것이다.


[3] 2024 05 – 43~45: 서로 다른 관점이 모두 옳을  있음을 깨달은 쌍둥이 자매

 Pamela and Maggie were identical twins.

 Pamela Maggie 일란성 쌍둥이였다.

 Even their parents found it hard to tell them apart.

 심지어 그들의 부모도 그들을 구별하는 것을 어려워했다.

 But although they looked identical, they were different in every other way.

 비록 그들이 똑같아 보였지만 그들은 다른 모든 부분에서 달랐다.

 They didn't have anything in common, so they fought all the time.

 그들은 공통점이 없었고, 그래서 그들은 항상 싸웠다.

 Pamela thought that her sister was weird and incomprehensible, and of course Maggie felt the same way.

 Pamela 그녀의 자매(Maggie) 이상하며 이해할  없다고 생각했고 물론 Maggie 똑같이 느꼈다.

 For example, Pamela was always upset at her sister waking up early in the morning.

 예를 들어 Pamela 그녀의 자매가 이른 아침에 일어나는 것에 대해 항상 기분이 언짢았다.

 She didn't understand why her sister couldn't finish what she needed to do at night and sleep peacefully the next morning.

 그녀(Pamela) 그녀의 자매가  해야  일을 밤에 끝내고 다음  아침에 편히   없는지 이해하지 못했다.

 To Maggie, staying up past the time she began to feel sleepy was exhausting.

 Maggie에게는 그녀(Maggie) 졸린 것을 느끼기 시작한 시간이 지나고도 깨어 있는 것은 매우 피곤한 일이었다.

 Besides, she loved the fresh morning air.

 게다가 그녀는 상쾌한 아침 공기를 좋아했다.

 They had fights about simple things like this every day.

 그들은 이와 같은 단순한 일들로 매일 싸웠다.

 Tired of the endless arguments, their mother Rachel decided to put an end to them.

 끝없는 언쟁에 지친 그들의 어머니 Rachel 그것을 끝내기로 결심했다.

 She would make them understand that each of their points of view could be correct.

 그녀는 그들의 관점 각각이 옳을  있다는 것을 그들이 이해하게 만들려 했다.

 One day, the twins were brought to the dining table where a big board stood in the middle.

 하루는 쌍둥이들이  판자가 가운데 세워져 있는 식탁으로 불려 왔다.

 Pamela sat on one side of the board and her twin on the other.

 Pamela 판자의 한쪽에, 그녀의 쌍둥이(Maggie) 다른 한쪽에 앉았다.

 Rachel asked Pamela what the color of the board was.

 Rachel Pamela에게 판자의 색깔이 무엇이냐고 물었다.

 "Black," she said.

 "검은색이요."라고 그녀가 대답했다.

 After hearing Pamela's answer, Rachel asked the same question to the other daughter.

 Pamela 대답을 들은 후에 Rachel 다른 (Maggie)에게 똑같은 질문을 했다.

 She replied it was white.

 그녀는 그것이 하얀색이라고 대답했다.

 Predictably, they began arguing.

 예상대로 그들은 언쟁을 시작했다.

 Rachel then asked them to switch seats.

 그러자 Rachel 그들에게 자리를 바꾸도록 요청했다.

 Each sitting on a new chair, they were surprised to realize the board was black on one side and white on the other.

 각자 새로운 의자에 앉자 그들은  판자의 한쪽이 검은색이고 다른 한쪽이 하얀색이라는 것을 깨닫고 놀랐다.

 Understanding what their mother wanted to say, they promised they would never insist the other was wrong again.

 그들의 어머니가 하고자 했던 말을 이해하고, 그들은 다시는 서로가 틀렸다고 주장하지 않겠다고 약속했다.





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전체 내용


[3 2023 06 – 18: 공원 재개장 행사  무료 입장 안내]


Dear Custard Valley Park members, Custard Valley Park's grand reopening event will be held on June 1st. For this exciting occasion, we are offering free admission to all visitors on the reopening day. There will be a food stand selling ice cream and snacks. We would like to invite you, our valued members, to celebrate this event. Please come and explore the park's new features such as tennis courts and a flower garden. Just relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery. We are confident that you will love the new changes, and we are looking forward to seeing you soon.



Possible Titles:

1. Custard Valley Park Invites Members to the Grand Reopening Event 

2. Celebrate Custard Valley Park's Reopening with Free Admission and New Attractions 

3. Join the Festivities at Custard Valley Park's Grand Reopening on June 1st 

4. Explore the New Tennis Courts and Flower Garden at Custard Valley Park's Reopening


Main Idea #1:

Custard Valley Park will offer free admission for its grand reopening event on June 1st.


Main Idea #2:

Members can enjoy new features like tennis courts and a flower garden, as well as refreshments from a food stand, at the reopening event.



Custard Valley Park's grand reopening on June 1st will feature free admission, new attractions like tennis courts and a flower garden, and ice cream and snacks for purchase. Members are warmly invited to explore the park's new features and enjoy the day.


Key Points:

1. Custard Valley Park's grand reopening will take place on June 1st. 

2. Admission is free for all visitors on reopening day. 

3. New features include tennis courts and a flower garden. 

4. A food stand will sell ice cream and snacks during the event.



[3 2023 06 – 19: 자동차 수리 비용에 대한 걱정과  해소]


While the mechanic worked on her car, Jennifer walked back and forth in the waiting room. She was deeply concerned about how much it was going to cost to get her car fixed. Her car's engine had started making noises and kept losing power that morning, and she had heard that replacing an engine could be very expensive. After a few minutes, the mechanic came back into the waiting room. "I've got some good news. It was just a dirty spark plug. I already wiped it clean and your car is as good as new." He handed her the bill and when she checked it, the overall cost of repairs came to less than ten dollars. That was far less than she had expected and she felt at ease, knowing she could easily afford it.



Possible Titles:

1. Relief in the Waiting Room: How a Simple Fix Eased Jennifer's Concerns 

2. From Anxiety to Ease: Jennifer's Unexpectedly Affordable Car Repair 

3. When a Small Issue Solves a Big Worry: Jennifer's Car Repair Story 

4. The Surprising Solution: How a Dirty Spark Plug Saved the Day


Main Idea #1:

Jennifer was anxious about the potential high cost of fixing her car's engine.


Main Idea #2:

The mechanic identified the problem as a dirty spark plug, which he quickly cleaned, resulting in a repair bill of less than ten dollars, much to Jennifer's relief.



Jennifer was worried about her car's engine issues, fearing an expensive repair. The mechanic found the problem to be a dirty spark plug and fixed it quickly, leaving Jennifer relieved as the bill came to less than ten dollars.


Key Points:

1. Jennifer's car had engine problems that made her worry about repair costs. 

2. The mechanic discovered that the issue was just a dirty spark plug. 

3. He cleaned the spark plug, bringing the total repair cost to under ten dollars. 

4. Jennifer felt relieved and could easily afford the unexpectedly low bill.



[3 2023 06 – 20: 창의성 개발을 위한 분야  지식 전이의 필요성]


Certain hindrances to multifaceted creative activity may lie in premature specialization, i.e., having to choose the direction of education or to focus on developing one ability too early in life. However, development of creative ability in one domain may enhance effectiveness in other domains that require similar skills, and flexible switching between generality and specificity is helpful to productivity in many domains. Excessive specificity may result in information from outside the domain being underestimated and unavailable, which leads to fixedness of thinking, whereas excessive generality causes chaos, vagueness, and shallowness. Both tendencies pose a threat to the transfer of knowledge and skills between domains. What should therefore be optimal for the development of cross-domain creativity is support for young people in taking up creative challenges in a specific domain and coupling it with encouragement to apply knowledge and skills in, as well as from, other domains, disciplines, and tasks.



Possible Titles:

1. Balancing Specialization and Generality for Optimal Creative Development 

2. How Premature Specialization Can Hinder Cross-Domain Creativity 

3. Fostering Creative Flexibility Across Domains by Encouraging Exploration 

4. Developing Cross-Domain Creativity: The Key to Overcoming Excessive Specialization


Main Idea #1:

Premature specialization can hinder creativity by narrowing focus too early, limiting cross-domain skill development.


Main Idea #2:

Combining specific training with the encouragement of cross-domain exploration supports creative growth, preventing the limitations of both excessive specialization and generality.



Premature specialization can hinder cross-domain creativity by limiting skill development, while too much generality leads to vagueness. Supporting creative challenges in one domain, while encouraging skill application across others, promotes optimal creativity.


Key Points:

1. Premature specialization limits creative potential by narrowing focus too soon. 

2. Excessive specificity leads to rigid thinking and an inability to utilize cross-domain knowledge. 

3. Excessive generality results in vague and shallow creative output. 

4. Encouraging young people to engage in specific challenges while applying skills across domains fosters cross-domain creativity.



[3 2023 06 – 21: 소유권의 다양한 측면을 설명하는 '지분 다발' 은유]


Lawyers sometimes describe ownership as a bundle of sticks. This metaphor was introduced about a century ago, and it has dramatically transformed the teaching and practice of law. The metaphor is useful because it helps us see ownership as a grouping of interpersonal rights that can be separated and put back together. When you say It's mine in reference to a resource, often that means you own a lot of the sticks that make up the full bundle: the sell stick, the rent stick, the right to mortgage, license, give away, even destroy the thing. Often, though, we split the sticks up, as for a piece of land: there may be a landowner, a bank with a mortgage, a tenant with a lease, a plumber with a license to enter the land, an oil company with mineral rights. Each of these parties owns a stick in the bundle.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding Property Rights: Ownership as a Bundle of Sticks 

2. The Bundle of Sticks Metaphor: A Modern Approach to Property Law 

3. How Dividing Ownership Sticks Clarifies Property Rights 

4. Splitting the Bundle: The Fragmentation of Property Ownership


Main Idea #1:

The "bundle of sticks" metaphor portrays ownership as a collection of rights that can be divided among different parties.


Main Idea #2:

In property law, the metaphor demonstrates how ownership rights can be split, allowing various parties to hold different rights, or "sticks," such as mortgage, lease, and mineral rights.



The "bundle of sticks" metaphor illustrates ownership as a set of rights that can be divided and shared among different parties. This approach, transformative in law, allows for the separation of rights, like leasing and licensing, ensuring each stakeholder controls their specific "stick" in the bundle.


Key Points:

1. The "bundle of sticks" metaphor helps explain the complexity of ownership rights. 

2. Ownership rights include the ability to sell, rent, mortgage, or license a resource. 

3. Different parties can own various rights (or "sticks") associated with a single property. 

4. This metaphor has transformed how law is taught and practiced, clarifying property rights.



[3 2023 06 – 22: 온라인 정보에 대한 적절한 경계심의 필요성]


When it comes to the Internet, it just pays to be a little paranoid (but not a lot). Given the level of anonymity with all that resides on the Internet, it's sensible to question the validity of any data that you may receive. Typically it's to our natural instinct when we meet someone coming down a sidewalk to place yourself in some manner of protective position, especially when they introduce themselves as having known you, much to your surprise. By design, we set up challenges in which the individual must validate how they know us by presenting scenarios, names or acquaintances, or evidence by which to validate (that is, photographs). Once we have received that information and it has gone through a cognitive validation, we accept that person as more trustworthy. All this happens in a matter of minutes but is a natural defense mechanism that we perform in the real world. However, in the virtual world, we have a tendency to be less defensive, as there appears to be no physical threat to our well-being.



Possible Titles:

1. Balancing Caution and Trust: Navigating Anonymity on the Internet 

2. Applying Real-World Defense Mechanisms to the Virtual World 

3. Trust and Anonymity Online: Why a Little Paranoia is Useful 

4. How Cognitive Validation Can Enhance Online Safety


Main Idea #1:

It's important to approach the Internet with a level of caution due to its anonymity and the questionable validity of the data received.


Main Idea #2:

In real life, people instinctively validate a stranger's identity before trusting them, but online interactions often lack similar defense mechanisms, as the absence of a physical threat makes people less cautious.



In the virtual world, where anonymity is prevalent, it's crucial to verify information and be cautiously skeptical. Unlike in real-life interactions, where natural defense mechanisms prompt people to validate strangers, the perceived lack of physical threat online often reduces users' defensive behavior.


Key Points:

1. The Internet's anonymity requires cautious scrutiny of information received. 

2. In-person interactions involve validating strangers before trusting them. 

3. Online, people are less defensive due to the absence of a physical threat. 

4. Being moderately paranoid about data validity on the Internet is sensible.



[3 2023 06 – 23: 박물관의 전시 공간 중심 운영에 따른 문제점]


There are pressures within the museum that cause it to emphasise what happens in the galleries over the activities that take place in its unseen zones. In an era when museums are forced to increase their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door. In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their budgets often prioritise those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops. The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, are at best presented as service areas that process objects for the exhibition halls. And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and serve their complex conservation needs.



Possible Titles:

1. Balancing Visibility and Preservation: The Hidden Struggles of Museum Storage 

2. How Museums Sacrifice Storage for Gallery Appeal in a Competitive Economy 

3. The Pressure to Modernize: How Museums Neglect Conservation Needs 

4. Behind the Scenes: Why Museum Storage Suffers in Favor of Public Galleries


Main Idea #1:

Museums prioritize their public galleries and exhibitions due to economic pressures, often neglecting their less visible storage and conservation needs.


Main Idea #2:

The focus on modernizing galleries and creating infotainment for visitors can lead to inadequate resources and space for storerooms, leaving them underfunded and overshadowed.



Museums, aiming to attract more visitors and boost earnings, emphasize gallery exhibitions and consumer services while neglecting the storerooms. The hidden areas are often underfunded, inadequately modernized, and given less space for expanding collections and conservation needs.


Key Points:

1. Museums face economic pressures to focus on publicly visible galleries. 

2. Modernizing galleries and mounting temporary exhibitions attract more visitors. 

3. Storerooms are often overshadowed and underfunded, viewed only as service areas. 

4. Conservation and storage needs are frequently compromised due to budget priorities.



[3 2023 06 – 24: 도시화로 인한 이동성 증가와 그에 따른 문제점]


Hyper-mobility ― the notion that more travel at faster speeds covering longer distances generates greater economic success ― seems to be a distinguishing feature of urban areas, where more than half of the world's population currently reside. By 2005, approximately 7.5 billion trips were made each day in cities worldwide. In 2050, there may be three to four times as many passenger-kilometres travelled as in the year 2000, infrastructure and energy prices permitting. Freight movement could also rise more than threefold during the same period. Mobility flows have become a key dynamic of urbanization, with the associated infrastructure invariably constituting the backbone of urban form. Yet, despite the increasing level of urban mobility worldwide, access to places, activities and services has become increasingly difficult. Not only is it less convenient ― in terms of time, cost and comfort ― to access locations in cities, but the very process of moving around in cities generates a number of negative externalities. Accordingly, many of the world's cities face an unprecedented accessibility crisis, and are characterized by unsustainable mobility systems.



Possible Titles:

1. Hyper-Mobility and Its Challenges: The Accessibility Crisis in Urban Areas 

2. How Hyper-Mobility Leads to Unsustainable Urban Transportation Systems 

3. Urban Accessibility Crisis: The Consequences of Rapid Mobility Growth 

4. Navigating Hyper-Mobility: Balancing Economic Growth and Sustainable Access in Cities


Main Idea #1:

Hyper-mobility, characterized by faster travel over longer distances, is a feature of urban areas where most of the world's population resides.


Main Idea #2:

Despite the rapid growth in urban travel, cities face an unprecedented accessibility crisis due to negative externalities like time, cost, and congestion, leading to unsustainable mobility systems.



Hyper-mobility defines urban areas where rapid, long-distance travel is linked to economic growth. Despite this increase, cities struggle with an accessibility crisis due to congestion, cost, and time, making mobility systems unsustainable.


Key Points:

1. Hyper-mobility is a defining feature of urban areas, with rapid travel linked to economic success. 

2. Urban travel is expected to increase significantly by 2050, for both passengers and freight. 

3. Despite the growth in mobility, cities face accessibility issues like time, cost, and congestion. 

4. These challenges have led to unsustainable urban mobility systems globally.



[3 2023 06 – 25: 2017 EU 국가별 연령대에 따른 관광 참여 비율 그래프]


The above graph shows the share of the EU-28 population participating in tourism in 2017 by age group and destination category. The share of people in the No Trips category was over 30% in each of the five age groups. The percentage of people in the Outbound Trips Only category was higher in the 25-34 age group than in the 35-44 age group. In the 35-44 age group, the percentage of people in the Domestic Trips Only category was 34.2%. The percentage of people in the Domestic & Outbound Trips category was lower in the 45-54 age group than in the 55-64 age group. In the 65 or over age group, the percentage of people in the No Trips category was more than 50%.



Possible Titles:

1. EU-28 Tourism Participation in 2017: Comparing Age Groups and Destinations 

2. Analyzing Tourism Patterns in the EU-28 by Age and Destination in 2017 

3. Tourism Trends Among EU-28 Age Groups: Domestic vs. Outbound Travel in 2017 

4. Understanding EU-28 Tourism Preferences in 2017 Across Different Age Groups


Main Idea #1:

In 2017, over 30% of people in each EU-28 age group didn't travel, with the 65 and over group seeing more than 50% in the No Trips category.


Main Idea #2:

Outbound-only travel was more common among those aged 25-34 than 35-44, while the 35-44 group had a 34.2% participation rate in domestic-only trips. Combined domestic and outbound travel was less frequent in the 45-54 age group than in the 55-64 group.



In 2017, more than 30% of EU-28 residents in each age group did not travel, with the rate exceeding 50% among those 65 and over. Outbound-only travel was higher in the 25-34 group than in the 35-44 group, where domestic-only travel was at 34.2%. The 45-54 age group traveled less domestically and abroad compared to those aged 55-64.


Key Points:

1. Over 30% of each EU-28 age group didn't travel, with over 50% among those 65 or older. 

2. Outbound-only travel was higher in the 25-34 group than in the 35-44 group. 

3. The 35-44 age group saw 34.2% taking domestic-only trips. 

4. Combined domestic and outbound travel was less common in the 45-54 age group than in the 55-64 group.



[3 2023 06 – 26: 영화감독  르노아르의 생애 소개]


Jean Renoir (1894-1979), a French film director, was born in Paris, France. He was the son of the famous painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir. He and the rest of the Renoir family were the models of many of his father's paintings. At the outbreak of World War I, Jean Renoir was serving in the French army but was wounded in the leg. In 1937, he made La Grande Illusion, one of his better-known films. It was enormously successful but was not allowed to show in Germany. During World War II, when the Nazis invaded France in 1940, he went to Hollywood in the United States and continued his career there. He was awarded numerous honors and awards throughout his career, including the Academy Honorary Award in 1975 for his lifetime achievements in the film industry. Overall, Jean Renoir's influence as a film-maker and artist endures.



Possible Titles:

1. The Legacy and Achievements of Director Jean Renoir 

2. Jean Renoir: From World War I Soldier to Acclaimed Filmmaker 

3. Artistic and Cinematic Influences of Jean Renoir's Career 

4. Jean Renoir's Hollywood Journey and Lifetime Achievements 


Main Idea #1:

Jean Renoir made significant contributions to cinema, creating acclaimed films like *La Grande Illusion*.


Main Idea #2:

Despite early challenges, including injuries during World War I and displacement during World War II, Jean Renoir successfully continued his filmmaking career in the United States, receiving multiple awards and recognition for his lasting impact on cinema.



Jean Renoir, the son of painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, was wounded in World War I before directing many influential films like *La Grande Illusion*. He moved to Hollywood during World War II and was honored with the Academy Honorary Award for his lifetime achievements.


Key Points:

1. Jean Renoir was born in Paris and modeled for his father's paintings. 

2. He was injured in World War I while serving in the French army. 

3. He directed *La Grande Illusion* in 1937, a critically acclaimed film. 

4. After relocating to Hollywood in 1940, he received the Academy Honorary Award in 1975.



[3 2023 06 – 29: 마법사 오즈의 이야기에 담긴 동기 부여의 의미]


Consider The Wizard of Oz as a psychological study of motivation. Dorothy and her three friends work hard to get to the Emerald City, overcoming barriers, persisting against all adversaries. They do so because they expect the Wizard to give them what they are missing. Instead, the wonderful (and wise) Wizard makes them aware that they, not he, always had the power to fulfill their wishes. For Dorothy, home is not a place but a feeling of security, of comfort with people she loves; it is wherever her heart is. The courage the Lion wants, the intelligence the Scarecrow longs for, and the emotions the Tin Man dreams of are attributes they already possess. They need to think about these attributes not as internal conditions but as positive ways in which they are already relating to others. After all, didn't they demonstrate those qualities on the journey to Oz, a journey motivated by little more than an expectation, an idea about the future likelihood of getting something they wanted?



Possible Titles:

1. Psychological Insights into Motivation from The Wizard of Oz 

2. Exploring Self-Realization and Expectation in The Wizard of Oz 

3. How The Wizard of Oz Reflects Motivation and Self-Belief 

4. Understanding Dorothy and Friends' Journey as a Study in Motivation 


Main Idea #1:

The Wizard of Oz explores the characters' realization that they already possess the traits they seek.


Main Idea #2:

Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion are motivated to reach the Emerald City, driven by the belief that the Wizard can grant their wishes, only to discover that their desired attributes already exist within them.



In *The Wizard of Oz*, Dorothy and her friends are motivated to find the Wizard to fulfill their wishes but learn that they already possess the qualities they seek, which are revealed through their actions and relationships during the journey.


Key Points:

1. Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion believe the Wizard can grant them missing qualities. 

2. They already exhibit these qualities during their journey to the Emerald City. 

3. The Wizard helps them recognize their existing inner strengths. 

4. Motivation is driven by their belief in a future outcome rather than the immediate present.



[3 2023 06 – 30: 기계 지능의 자율성 수준에 대한 설명]


To the extent that an agent relies on the prior knowledge of its designer rather than on its own percepts, we say that the agent lacks autonomy. A rational agent should be autonomous ― it should learn what it can to compensate for partial or incorrect prior knowledge. For example, a vacuum-cleaning agent that learns to foresee where and when additional dirt will appear will do better than one that does not. As a practical matter, one seldom requires complete autonomy from the start: when the agent has had little or no experience, it would have to act randomly unless the designer gave some assistance. So, just as evolution provides animals with enough built-in reflexes to survive long enough to learn for themselves, it would be reasonable to provide an artificial intelligent agent with some initial knowledge as well as an ability to learn. After sufficient experience of its environment, the behavior of a rational agent can become effectively independent of its prior knowledge. Hence, the incorporation of learning allows one to design a single rational agent that will succeed in a vast variety of environments.



Possible Titles:

1. The Importance of Learning for Autonomous Rational Agents 

2. Balancing Prior Knowledge and Learning in Rational Agent Design 

3. Building Rational Agents with Effective Learning Capabilities 

4. Achieving Autonomy in Artificial Intelligent Agents Through Learning 


Main Idea #1:

Agents that depend solely on prior knowledge lack autonomy, emphasizing the need for learning to improve rationality.


Main Idea #2:

Initial guidance combined with autonomous learning enables rational agents to adapt to various environments and eventually act independently of their initial programming.



Agents require some initial knowledge to avoid random behavior early on, but learning capabilities are crucial to achieving autonomy, allowing rational agents to adapt and function effectively in diverse environments.


Key Points:

1. Prior knowledge alone limits an agent's autonomy. 

2. Learning helps agents correct partial or incorrect initial knowledge. 

3. Initial guidance is important for inexperienced agents. 

4. Through learning, rational agents adapt and thrive in diverse environments.



[3 2023 06 – 31: 물질적 소비에서 라이프스타일 소비로의 전환]


People have always needed to eat, and they always will. Rising emphasis on self-expression values does not put an end to material desires. But prevailing economic orientations are gradually being reshaped. People who work in the knowledge sector continue to seek high salaries, but they place equal or greater emphasis on doing stimulating work and being able to follow their own time schedules. Consumption is becoming progressively less determined by the need for sustenance and the practical use of the goods consumed. People still eat, but a growing component of food's value is determined by its nonmaterial aspects. People pay a premium to eat exotic cuisines that provide an interesting experience or that symbolize a distinctive life-style. The publics of postindustrial societies place growing emphasis on "political consumerism," such as boycotting goods whose production violates ecological or ethical standards. Consumption is less and less a matter of sustenance and more and more a question of life-style ― and choice.



Possible Titles:

1. Transitioning Economic Priorities: From Material Needs to Lifestyle Choices 

2. The Shifting Values in Consumption: Political Consumerism and Lifestyle Emphasis 

3. Redefining Consumption: From Sustenance to Self-Expression and Ethics 

4. How Self-Expression Shapes Economic Orientations in Postindustrial Societies 


Main Idea #1:

Economic orientations are shifting towards valuing stimulating work, flexible schedules, and nonmaterial aspects of consumption.


Main Idea #2:

In postindustrial societies, consumption increasingly reflects lifestyle choices, with people prioritizing ethical standards and unique experiences, often paying premiums for goods that symbolize a distinctive lifestyle.



In postindustrial societies, people prioritize stimulating work and nonmaterial consumption. Increasingly, they choose goods that align with lifestyle preferences and ethical standards rather than focusing solely on sustenance or practical utility.


Key Points:

1. Workers in the knowledge sector value flexible schedules and stimulating work. 

2. Nonmaterial aspects influence people's food consumption choices. 

3. Consumers often pay more for unique cuisine or lifestyle symbolism. 

4. Political consumerism encourages avoiding goods that violate ecological or ethical standards.



[3 2023 06 – 32: 노동 분담 집단의 상부상조 정신]


In labor-sharing groups, people contribute labor to other people on a regular basis (for seasonal agricultural work such as harvesting) or on an irregular basis (in the event of a crisis such as the need to rebuild a barn damaged by fire). Labor sharing groups are part of what has been called a "moral economy" since no one keeps formal records on how much any family puts in or takes out. Instead, accounting is socially regulated. The group has a sense of moral community based on years of trust and sharing. In a certain community of North America, labor sharing is a major economic factor of social cohesion. When a family needs a new barn or faces repair work that requires group labor, a barn-raising party is called. Many families show up to help. Adult men provide manual labor, and adult women provide food for the event. Later, when another family needs help, they call on the same people.



Possible Titles:

1. Moral Economy and Social Cohesion in Labor-Sharing Communities 

2. Labor Sharing Groups: The Role of Trust and Reciprocity in Community Building 

3. Social Cohesion through Labor Sharing: The Tradition of Barn-Raising Parties 

4. How Informal Labor Sharing Sustains Communities through Trust and Reciprocity 


Main Idea #1:

Labor-sharing groups operate on principles of trust and reciprocity, with contributions governed by a shared sense of moral obligation.


Main Idea #2:

In a North American community, labor sharing fosters social cohesion through events like barn-raising parties, where families provide mutual assistance in times of need without keeping formal accounts.



Labor-sharing groups, relying on mutual trust and moral obligation, bring communities together through barn-raising events where families help one another with manual labor or food, fostering social cohesion and solidarity.


Key Points:

1. Labor-sharing groups operate on regular and irregular bases, depending on needs. 

2. These groups function without formal accounting, relying on shared moral values. 

3. Barn-raising parties involve men providing labor and women supplying food. 

4. The practice strengthens community ties through mutual assistance and reciprocity.



[3 2023 06 – 33: 예술과 과학이 현실을 바라보는 상반된 태도]


Whatever their differences, scientists and artists begin with the same question: can you and I see the same thing the same way? If so, how? The scientific thinker looks for features of the thing that can be stripped of subjectivity ― ideally, those aspects that can be quantified and whose values will thus never change from one observer to the next. In this way, he arrives at a reality independent of all observers. The artist, on the other hand, relies on the strength of her artistry to effect a marriage between her own subjectivity and that of her readers. To a scientific thinker, this must sound like magical thinking: you're saying you will imagine something so hard it'll pop into someone else's head exactly the way you envision it? The artist has sought the opposite of the scientist's observer-independent reality. She creates a reality dependent upon observers, indeed a reality in which human beings must participate in order for it to exist at all.



Possible Titles:

1. Contrasting Perspectives: How Scientists and Artists Approach Reality 

2. The Diverging Realities of Scientists and Artists: Objectivity vs. Subjectivity 

3. Exploring the Observer-Dependent and Independent Realities of Art and Science 

4. How Scientists and Artists Perceive and Create Different Forms of Reality 


Main Idea #1:

Scientists strive to identify observer-independent features, aiming for a reality that remains constant across all perspectives.


Main Idea #2:

Artists rely on their creativity to bridge the gap between their subjective vision and their audience's, creating a reality that is dependent on the observer's participation.



Scientists seek an objective reality that is observer-independent, while artists create subjective realities that rely on shared imagination with their audience, presenting contrasting ways of seeing and understanding the world.


Key Points:

1. Scientists focus on quantifiable features that remain constant across observers. 

2. Artists blend their subjective vision with that of their audience to create a shared reality. 

3. Scientists and artists differ in their approaches to reality: one seeks objectivity, the other subjectivity. 

4. Art requires active audience participation for the imagined reality to exist.



[3 2023 06 – 34: 감각 지각과 이성적 인식의 차이]


One of the common themes of the Western philosophical tradition is the distinction between sensual perceptions and rational knowledge. Since Plato, the supremacy of rational reason is based on the assertion that it is able to extract true knowledge from experience. As the discussion in the Republic helps to explain, perceptions are inherently unreliable and misleading because the senses are subject to errors and illusions. Only the rational discourse has the tools to overcome illusions and to point towards true knowledge. For instance, perception suggests that a figure in the distance is smaller than it really is. Yet, the application of logical reasoning will reveal that the figure only appears small because it obeys the laws of geometrical perspective. Nevertheless, even after the perspectival correction is applied and reason concludes that perception is misleading, the figure still appears small, and the truth of the matter is revealed not in the perception of the figure but in its rational representation.



Possible Titles:

1. The Divide Between Sensory Perception and Rational Knowledge in Western Philosophy 

2. Plato's Republic: How Rational Discourse Unveils True Knowledge Beyond Illusions 

3. Understanding the Supremacy of Rational Reason Over Sensory Perception 

4. Rational Knowledge vs. Sensory Perception: The Philosophical Legacy of Plato 


Main Idea #1:

Western philosophy distinguishes between sensory perception and rational knowledge, emphasizing the supremacy of rational reasoning.


Main Idea #2:

Plato's *Republic* illustrates how rational discourse reveals true knowledge by correcting the illusions presented by sensory perception, such as when logical reasoning explains the geometrical perspective of a distant figure.



Western philosophy, since Plato, asserts that rational reasoning can reveal true knowledge by correcting the illusions of sensory perception, as shown when logical reasoning identifies perspective laws affecting distant figures.


Key Points:

1. Western philosophy emphasizes a distinction between sensory perception and rational knowledge. 

2. Plato's *Republic* argues that senses are inherently unreliable. 

3. Rational reasoning reveals true knowledge by correcting perceptual illusions. 

4. The appearance of a distant figure is explained through the laws of geometrical perspective.



[3 2023 06 – 35: 전문가와 초심자의 인지 부하 차이]


Interestingly, experts do not suffer as much as beginners when performing complex tasks or combining multiple tasks. Because experts have extensive practice within a limited domain, the key component skills in their domain tend to be highly practiced and more automated. Each of these highly practiced skills then demands relatively few cognitive resources, effectively lowering the total cognitive load that experts experience. Thus, experts can perform complex tasks and combine multiple tasks relatively easily. This is not because they necessarily have more cognitive resources than beginners; rather, because of the high level of fluency they have achieved in performing key skills, they can do more with what they have. Beginners, on the other hand, have not achieved the same degree of fluency and automaticity in each of the component skills, and thus they struggle to combine skills that experts combine with relative ease and efficiency.



Possible Titles:

1. How Expertise Reduces Cognitive Load During Complex Tasks 

2. The Role of Skill Fluency in Expert Performance of Complex Tasks 

3. Comparing Experts and Beginners: The Impact of Practice on Cognitive Resources 

4. Automaticity and Fluency: How Experts Manage Multiple Tasks with Ease 


Main Idea #1:

Experts have practiced and automated key skills in their domain, reducing the cognitive resources needed for complex tasks.


Main Idea #2:

Experts perform complex tasks more efficiently than beginners, not due to greater cognitive resources, but because their well-practiced skills require less mental effort.



Experts handle complex tasks efficiently due to their practiced and automated skills, which lower their cognitive load, while beginners struggle because they haven't yet achieved the same level of fluency and automaticity.


Key Points:

1. Experts have extensively practiced their skills within a limited domain. 

2. Their automated skills require fewer cognitive resources, reducing cognitive load. 

3. Experts do not possess more cognitive resources than beginners but use them more efficiently. 

4. Beginners find it harder to combine skills due to a lack of fluency and practice.



[3 2023 06 – 36: 소프트웨어 버그 증가가 안전에 미치는 영향]


The growing complexity of computer software has direct implications for our global safety and security, particularly as the physical objects upon which we depend ― things like cars, airplanes, bridges, tunnels, and implantable medical devices ― transform themselves into computer code. Physical things are increasingly becoming information technologies. Cars are "computers we ride in," and airplanes are nothing more than "flying Solaris boxes attached to bucketfuls of industrial control systems." As all this code grows in size and complexity, so too do the number of errors and software bugs. According to a study by Carnegie Mellon University, commercial software typically has twenty to thirty bugs for every thousand lines of code ― 50 million lines of code means 1 million to 1.5 million potential errors to be exploited. This is the basis for all malware attacks that take advantage of these computer bugs to get the code to do something it was not originally intended to do. As computer code grows more elaborate, software bugs flourish and security suffers, with increasing consequences for society at large.



Possible Titles:

1. The Risks of Software Complexity on Global Safety and Security 

2. How Software Bugs in Information Technologies Threaten Society's Security 

3. Understanding Malware Vulnerabilities in an Increasingly Digital World 

4. From Cars to Airplanes: How Software Bugs Impact Physical Technologies 


Main Idea #1:

The increasing complexity of computer software directly affects global safety as physical objects depend more on code.


Main Idea #2:

As software code expands, the prevalence of bugs and errors makes critical systems vulnerable to malware attacks, posing a significant threat to society's safety and security.



With physical technologies becoming more reliant on complex software, bugs and errors in the growing lines of code pose significant safety and security risks, making systems vulnerable to malware attacks that exploit these flaws.


Key Points:

1. Physical technologies like cars and airplanes increasingly rely on complex software. 

2. As software grows, so do errors, averaging 20 to 30 bugs per thousand lines of code. 

3. Malware exploits these bugs to manipulate the code for unintended purposes. 

4. The growing complexity of code amplifies global safety and security risks.



[3 2023 06 – 37: 체면 손상에 대한 사과 의미로서의 얼굴 붉힘]


Darwin saw blushing as uniquely human, representing an involuntary physical reaction caused by embarrassment and self-consciousness in a social environment. If we feel awkward, embarrassed or ashamed when we are alone, we don't blush; it seems to be caused by our concern about what others are thinking of us. Studies have confirmed that simply being told you are blushing brings it on. We feel as though others can see through our skin and into our mind. However, while we sometimes want to disappear when we involuntarily go bright red, psychologists argue that blushing actually serves a positive social purpose. When we blush, it's a signal to others that we recognize that a social norm has been broken; it is an apology for a faux pas. Maybe our brief loss of face benefits the long-term cohesion of the group. Interestingly, if someone blushes after making a social mistake, they are viewed in a more favourable light than those who don't blush.



Possible Titles:

1. The Positive Social Impact of Blushing in Human Interaction 

2. Darwin's Observations on Blushing and Its Role in Social Norms 

3. The Apologetic Nature of Blushing and Its Effect on Social Cohesion 

4. Understanding How Blushing Reinforces Social Bonds Despite Embarrassment 


Main Idea #1:

Blushing is a uniquely human, involuntary response triggered by embarrassment and self-consciousness in social settings.


Main Idea #2:

Blushing serves a positive social role by signaling recognition of a broken norm and serving as a nonverbal apology, which helps maintain group cohesion and fosters a more favorable perception of the blusher.



Blushing, an involuntary reaction to social embarrassment, signals recognition of a faux pas and functions as a nonverbal apology, ultimately reinforcing social bonds and eliciting a more favorable perception of those who blush.


Key Points:

1. Blushing is uniquely human and is linked to social embarrassment. 

2. It is an involuntary signal that acknowledges a social norm has been broken. 

3. This nonverbal apology benefits long-term group cohesion. 

4. People who blush after a mistake are viewed more favorably than those who don't.



[3 2023 06 – 38: 제도와 관행의 내재화 과정]


As particular practices are repeated over time and become more widely shared, the values that they embody are reinforced and reproduced and we speak of them as becoming 'institutionalized'. In some cases, this institutionalization has a formal face to it, with rules and protocols written down, and specialized roles created to ensure that procedures are followed correctly. The main institutions of state ― parliament, courts, police and so on ― along with certain of the professions, exhibit this formal character. Other social institutions, perhaps the majority, are not like this; science is an example. Although scientists are trained in the substantive content of their discipline, they are not formally instructed in 'how to be a good scientist'. Instead, much like the young child learning how to play 'nicely', the apprentice scientist gains his or her understanding of the moral values inherent in the role by absorption from their colleagues ― socialization. We think that these values, along with the values that inform many of the professions, are under threat, just as the value of the professions themselves is under threat.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding Institutionalization: How Repeated Practices Shape Social Values 

2. Formal and Informal Aspects of Institutionalization in Social Practices 

3. The Role of Socialization in Shaping Scientific and Professional Values 

4. The Impact of Institutionalization on Professional and Scientific Norms 


Main Idea #1:

Institutionalization reinforces specific values through the repetition of practices, with some institutions formalized through explicit rules and others guided informally.


Main Idea #2:

While formal institutions have clear rules and protocols, scientists learn values through socialization with colleagues, but these values are increasingly under threat, as is the integrity of the professions.



Institutionalization, through repeated practices, reinforces values, either through formal rules or informal socialization. Although scientists learn their professional values informally, these values, along with those of other professions, face significant challenges.


Key Points:

1. Institutionalization occurs as values are reinforced through repeated practices. 

2. Formal institutions have explicit rules and specialized roles. 

3. Scientists internalize values through socialization rather than formal instruction. 

4. Professional values are increasingly under threat, endangering their integrity.



[3 2023 06 – 39:  전체와 개별 나무 사이의 상호의존성]


When trees grow together, nutrients and water can be optimally divided among them all so that each tree can grow into the best tree it can be. If you "help" individual trees by getting rid of their supposed competition, the remaining trees are bereft. They send messages out to their neighbors unsuccessfully, because nothing remains but stumps. Every tree now grows on its own, giving rise to great differences in productivity. Some individuals photosynthesize like mad until sugar positively bubbles along their trunk. As a result, they are fit and grow better, but they aren't particularly long-lived. This is because a tree can be only as strong as the forest that surrounds it. And there are now a lot of losers in the forest. Weaker members, who would once have been supported by the stronger ones, suddenly fall behind. Whether the reason for their decline is their location and lack of nutrients, a passing sickness, or genetic makeup, they now fall prey to insects and fungi.



Possible Titles:

1. The Importance of Forest Unity: How Tree Collaboration Supports Health and Longevity 

2. Understanding How Tree Cooperation Promotes Growth and Reduces Vulnerability 

3. The Consequences of Isolating Trees: Increased Susceptibility and Reduced Productivity 

4. The Dangers of Isolation: Why Individual Trees Rely on the Collective Support of Forests 


Main Idea #1:

Trees thrive when growing together, as resources are optimally shared among them, enhancing the health and longevity of the entire forest.


Main Idea #2:

Isolated trees, left without neighboring support, may initially grow stronger but are more vulnerable to diseases and pests, demonstrating that the well-being of individual trees is closely tied to the health of the surrounding forest.



Trees rely on collective growth, as isolating individual trees leads to vulnerability and health decline due to the absence of shared resources, support, and protection.


Key Points:

1. Nutrients and water are optimally shared among trees that grow together. 

2. Isolating trees increases differences in productivity and reduces overall health. 

3. Isolated trees become more susceptible to diseases, pests, and fungi. 

4. A tree's strength is inherently linked to the surrounding forest's health.



[3 2023 06 – 40: 진화의 결과물이 최적의 상태는 아님]


The evolutionary process works on the genetic variation that is available. It follows that natural selection is unlikely to lead to the evolution of perfect, 'maximally fit' individuals. Rather, organisms come to match their environments by being 'the fittest available' or 'the fittest yet': they are not 'the best imaginable'. Part of the lack of fit arises because the present properties of an organism have not all originated in an environment similar in every respect to the one in which it now lives. Over the course of its evolutionary history, an organism's remote ancestors may have evolved a set of characteristics ― evolutionary 'baggage' ― that subsequently constrain future evolution. For many millions of years, the evolution of vertebrates has been limited to what can be achieved by organisms with a vertebral column. Moreover, much of what we now see as precise matches between an organism and its environment may equally be seen as constraints: koala bears live successfully on Eucalyptus foliage, but, from another perspective, koala bears cannot live without Eucalyptus foliage.



Possible Titles:

1. How Evolutionary Constraints Shape Organisms' Adaptation to Their Environment 

2. Understanding Evolutionary "Baggage": Constraints on the Evolution of Vertebrates 

3. The Fittest Yet: How Genetic Variation Limits Evolutionary Perfection 

4. Environmental Matching in Evolution: Imperfect Adaptation and the Role of Constraints 


Main Idea #1:

Natural selection favors organisms that are the fittest available within the constraints of existing genetic variation and evolutionary history.


Main Idea #2:

Organisms' adaptations to their environments are not perfect due to evolutionary "baggage," which constrains future evolution and limits adaptability to specific ecological niches.



Natural selection leads to the evolution of organisms that are the fittest available, not perfectly adapted, due to inherited evolutionary constraints, which shape their ability to adapt to specific environments.


Key Points:

1. Natural selection works with the genetic variation currently available. 

2. Organisms evolve with constraints from characteristics inherited from their ancestors. 

3. Evolutionary "baggage" limits future adaptation to some extent. 

4. Koala bears, for instance, depend on Eucalyptus foliage, representing both adaptation and constraint.



[3 2023 06 – 41~42: 협상에서 고정 관념에 사로잡히면 통합적 해결책을 찾기 어려움]


Many negotiators assume that all negotiations involve a fixed pie. Negotiators often approach integrative negotiation opportunities as zero-sum situations or win-lose exchanges. Those who believe in the mythical fixed pie assume that parties' interests stand in opposition, with no possibility for integrative settlements and mutually beneficial trade-offs, so they suppress efforts to search for them. In a hiring negotiation, a job applicant who assumes that salary is the only issue may insist on $75,000 when the employer is offering $70,000. Only when the two parties discuss the possibilities further do they discover that moving expenses and starting date can also be negotiated, which may facilitate resolution of the salary issue. The tendency to see negotiation in fixed-pie terms varies depending on how people view the nature of a given conflict situation. This was shown in a clever experiment by Harinck, de Dreu, and Van Vianen involving a simulated negotiation between prosecutors and defense lawyers over jail sentences. Some participants were told to view their goals in terms of personal gain (e.g., arranging a particular jail sentence will help your career), others were told to view their goals in terms of effectiveness (a particular sentence is most likely to prevent recidivism), and still others were told to focus on values (a particular jail sentence is fair and just). Negotiators focusing on personal gain were most likely to come under the influence of fixed-pie beliefs and approach the situation competitively. Negotiators focusing on values were least likely to see the problem in fixed-pie terms and more inclined to approach the situation cooperatively. Stressful conditions such as time constraints contribute to this common misperception, which in turn may lead to less integrative agreements.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding the Myth of the Fixed Pie in Negotiation 

2. Exploring the Impact of Mindsets on Negotiation Outcomes and Cooperation 

3. Moving Beyond Fixed-Pie Beliefs for More Integrative Negotiation Strategies 

4. How Values-Based Thinking Encourages Cooperative Solutions in Negotiations 


Main Idea #1:

Negotiators often mistakenly view all negotiations as zero-sum games, assuming opposing interests and ignoring opportunities for integrative solutions.


Main Idea #2:

Negotiators' perspectives influence their approach to conflict resolution, with those focused on values more likely to seek cooperative solutions, while those driven by personal gain tend to fall into fixed-pie thinking.



Negotiators frequently perceive negotiations as win-lose scenarios, driven by fixed-pie thinking, but research shows that value-based perspectives promote cooperative solutions, while those focused on personal gain are more competitive.


Key Points:

1. Fixed-pie thinking leads to suppressing efforts to find mutually beneficial trade-offs. 

2. Salary isn't always the sole issue in hiring negotiations; other factors like moving expenses can resolve conflicts. 

3. Harinck, de Dreu, and Van Vianen's experiment showed negotiators focused on values are more cooperative. 

4. Time constraints can reinforce fixed-pie thinking, reducing integrative agreements.



[3 2023 06 – 43~45: 아버지 생일 선물 분실  카페에서 되찾은 경험]


When invited by her mother to go shopping after lunch, Ellen hesitantly replied, "Sorry, Mom. I have an English essay assignment I need to finish." Her mother persisted, "Come on! Your father's birthday is just around the corner, and you wanted to buy his birthday present by yourself." Ellen suddenly realized that her father's birthday was just two days away. So she altered her original plan to do the assignment in the library and decided to go to the shopping mall with her mother. Upon arrival at the shopping center, her mother inquired, "Ellen, have you decided what to buy for his birthday present?" She quickly replied, "I would like to buy him a pair of soccer shoes." Ellen knew that her father had joined the morning soccer club recently and needed some new soccer shoes. She entered a shoe store and selected a pair of red soccer shoes. After buying the present, she told her mother, "Mom, now, I'm going to do my assignment in the cafe while you are shopping." Ellen wanted to get a strawberry smoothie in the cafe, but it was sold out. So she bought a yogurt smoothie instead. The cafe was not very busy for a Saturday afternoon, and Ellen settled at a large table to work on her assignment. However, after a while, a group of students came in, and there weren't any large tables left. One of them came over to Ellen's table and politely asked, "Could you possibly move to that smaller table?" Ellen replied, "It's okay. I was just leaving anyway." She hurriedly gathered her assignment leaving the shoe bag behind under the table. "It must be in the cafe," Ellen suddenly exclaimed when she realized the gift for her father was missing upon returning home. She felt so disheartened, worrying it would be impossible to find it. "Why don't you call the cafe?" suggested her mother. When she phoned the cafe and asked about the shoe bag, the manager said that she would check and let her know. After a few minutes, she called back and told Ellen that she had just discovered it. Ellen was so pleased that the birthday gift had been found.



Possible Titles:

1. Ellen's Journey: A Misplaced Birthday Gift and Finding Solutions 

2. Navigating Surprises and Solutions: Ellen's Shopping and Assignment Day 

3. Balancing Priorities: How Ellen Found Her Father's Birthday Gift 

4. From Essay Plans to Birthday Gifts: Ellen's Unintended Adventure 


Main Idea #1:

Ellen initially hesitates to go shopping but adjusts her plans to find a gift for her father.


Main Idea #2:

Ellen successfully buys soccer shoes for her father but leaves them behind at a café, and, with the manager's help, finds them again.



Ellen decides to buy a birthday present for her father, chooses red soccer shoes, and leaves them in a café by mistake. Fortunately, the manager helps her retrieve them, and she feels relieved.


Key Points:

1. Ellen chooses to shop with her mother for her father's birthday instead of doing her assignment. 

2. She selects a pair of red soccer shoes for her father's birthday. 

3. After accidentally leaving the shoes in a café, she calls to recover them with the manager's assistance. 

4. Ellen feels pleased and relieved when she successfully retrieves the gift.



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문법 마인드맵: 문장의 5형식



파일 다운로드

[마인드맵] 문장의 5형식.pdf




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[마인드맵] 영문법에서 꼭 알아야 할 <to 부정사> 핵심 정리

10년전 대치동에서 어학원 강사로 수업하던 시절 만든 문법 관련 자료를 공유합니다.(이후 한동안 사용하지 않다가 개인 과외하면서 종종 사용하고 있습니다) 당시 방학마다 문법 특강을 진행



[마인드맵] 영문법에서 꼭 알아야 할 <동명사> 핵심 정리

10년전 대치동에서 어학원 강사로 수업하던 시절 만든 문법 관련 자료를 공유합니다.(이후 한동안 사용하지 않다가 개인 과외하면서 종종 사용하고 있습니다) 당시 방학마다 문법 특강을 진행






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[고3] 2023년 4월 모의고사 (5월 시행) - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

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전체 내용


[3] 2023 04  18: 법학교수가 인턴 지원 학생을 추천하는 추천서


To whom it may concern, I am writing this letter in regard to Sona Lee applying for an internship in your law firm. I have gotten to know her over the past year, as a student in my Contracts course. The assignments she completed were excellent, and demonstrated a thorough understanding of contract law. She also has remarkable energy and interpersonal skills. She represents her class on the law school's student council and has taken on this responsibility with spirit, interacting with students effectively. I support her application wholeheartedly. Sincerely yours, Conan Stevenson



Possible Titles:

1. Recommendation Letter for Sona Lee's Law Internship Application

2. Endorsement of Sona Lee's Skills and Qualifications for a Legal Internship

3. Detailed Appraisal of Sona Lee's Abilities in Contract Law and Leadership

4. Advocacy for Sona Lee's Candidacy in a Law Internship Position


Main Idea #1:

Sona Lee has demonstrated exceptional understanding and skill in contract law.


Main Idea #2:

Beyond her academic prowess, Sona Lee exhibits strong interpersonal skills and leadership, actively contributing to the student council.



Sona Lee excels in contract law and possesses impressive energy and interpersonal abilities, making her a strong candidate for an internship. Her active participation on the law school's student council showcases her leadership.


Key Points:

1. Sona Lee has excellent academic achievements in contract law.

2. Her assignments reflect a deep understanding of legal principles.

3. She has remarkable energy and interpersonal skills.

4. Sona Lee is an effective representative on the student council, showing leadership.



[3] 2023 04  19: 은행 계좌 도난 사건에 대한 대화


"5,000 dollars has been deposited? Thank you. I'll check it out now." Jerry Shaw hung up with a smile on his face. Humming, he headed to the bank to withdraw some cash. He stopped at the ATM, inserted the card and entered his PIN. The screen flashed the message, "Card not valid ― please see a teller." What? My bonus was deposited just now! Entering the bank, Jerry told the teller what had happened. She studied the screen and frowned. "Mr. Shaw, your account was closed. All your funds were withdrawn when you closed it," she said. "What do you mean? I never did! It must be identity theft!" yelled Jerry, his voice barely under control.



Possible Titles:

1. The Unpleasant Discovery of Jerry Shaw's Account Closure and Suspected Identity Theft

2. Jerry Shaw's Encounter with a Closed Bank Account and Fraudulent Activity

3. Unexpected Account Closure and Identity Theft: Jerry Shaw's Banking Dilemma

4. The Shocking Realization of Identity Theft and Account Closure for Jerry Shaw


Main Idea #1:

Jerry Shaw's anticipated withdrawal turns into a shocking discovery of his closed and emptied bank account.


Main Idea #2:

Upon attempting to access his deposited bonus at the bank, Jerry Shaw learns of unauthorized account closure and potential identity theft.



Jerry Shaw is surprised when his bank informs him of an unauthorized account closure and withdrawal, suspecting identity theft after his deposit fails to process.


Key Points:

1. Jerry Shaw is informed his bank account was closed and emptied without his knowledge.

2. He initially visits the bank to withdraw his newly deposited bonus.

3. The ATM rejects his transaction, prompting him to consult a teller.

4. Identity theft is suspected as the reason behind the account's unauthorized closure.



[3] 2023 04  20: 인류학이 글로벌 문제 해결에 기여하는 중요성


Anthropology has become relevant for addressing global issues. This is not to deny the vital role of 'hard' sciences in addressing these problems. However, if we are to solve global problems we need a new way of thinking based in humanities and social sciences. It is impossible to resolve global issues merely by looking at numbers and statistics. Anthropology thus becomes crucial, as a discipline and a profession enabling the collection and interpretation of 'thick data' ― in addition to 'big data' ― and helps us to understand the world we live in more comprehensively. Why is a brand new and expensive 'smart' building a disaster? What will happen in the future with passenger cars? In answering such questions, we should stop relying only on quantitative data analytics; instead, the most important decisions should also be informed by anthropological qualitative approaches which provide a more complete and nuanced picture of people's lives.



Possible Titles:

1. The Crucial Role of Anthropology in Understanding Global Challenges Beyond Statistics

2. Integrating Anthropology with Hard Sciences to Address Complex Global Issues

3. The Importance of Thick Data in Comprehending and Solving Worldwide Problems

4. Enhancing Global Problem-Solving with Anthropological Insights and Qualitative Data


Main Idea #1:

Anthropology is essential in providing a deeper understanding of global issues through the lens of 'thick data' and qualitative analysis.


Main Idea #2:

To effectively address global challenges, it is crucial to combine the perspectives of anthropology with quantitative methods from the hard sciences, offering a more holistic view of the issues at hand.



Anthropology's role in addressing global issues lies in its ability to supplement 'big data' with 'thick data,' providing a nuanced understanding that quantitative methods alone cannot achieve. This integration helps solve complex problems by considering the qualitative aspects of human life.


Key Points:

1. Anthropology is vital for a comprehensive understanding of global challenges.

2. The discipline provides crucial qualitative insights that complement quantitative data.

3. Anthropologists interpret complex human behaviors that impact global issues.

4. The field helps answer intricate questions about modern developments and future scenarios.



[3] 2023 04  21: 스테레오타입에 대한 반응을 연구한 심리학 실험


Our brains light up when our predicted reality and actual reality match. Our brains love to be right. We also don't like to be wrong, and we feel threatened when our stereotyped predictions don't come true. Psychologist Wendy Mendes asked White and Asian college students to interact with Latino students who had been hired as actors by the researchers. Some of the Latino students portrayed themselves as socioeconomically "high status," with lawyer fathers, professor mothers, and summers spent volunteering in Europe. Others portrayed themselves as "low status," with unemployed parents and part-time summer jobs. The researchers found that when participants interacted with the Latino students who appeared to come from wealth and thus challenged American stereotypes, they responded physiologically as if to a threat: their blood vessels constricted and their heart activity changed. In these interactions, participants also saw the students who violated stereotypes as less likable. In this way, stereotypes that are descriptive can easily become prescriptive. The phenomenon, it turns out, may have a neuroscientific explanation: it's an angry protest from the brain's reward system.



Possible Titles:

1. The Neuroscientific Impact of Stereotype Violation on Perception and Physiological Response

2. Exploring the Physiological Reactions to Stereotype Discrepancies in Social Interactions

3. The Effects of Socioeconomic Status Stereotypes on Physical and Emotional Responses

4. Stereotype Threat and Its Impact on Heart Activity and Social Perceptions


Main Idea #1:

Interactions that defy stereotypes can trigger a physiological threat response, illustrating the deep-seated nature of stereotypical thinking.


Main Idea #2:

When stereotypes are challenged, especially concerning socioeconomic status, it leads to increased physiological stress and a reduction in likability, highlighting the brain's resistance to unexpected social scenarios.



Challenging stereotypes, particularly socioeconomic ones, elicits a physiological threat response, causing constriction of blood vessels and changes in heart activity. This response not only indicates the brain's discomfort with being wrong but also affects social perceptions, making the stereotype-defying individuals seem less likable.


Key Points:

1. Stereotypes influence physiological responses during social interactions.

2. Challenging stereotypes triggers the brain’s threat detection mechanisms.

3. Physiological changes include constricted blood vessels and altered heart activity.

4. Defying stereotypes leads to negative social perceptions of the individuals involved.



[3] 2023 04  22: 자연수 사용이 정보 전달에 효과적임을 설명


We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with. On the other hand, partial numbers ― decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios ― simply don't register as real to our minds. We may be able to work with them for a given time when we're in math mode, but if we're asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble grasping the concept. In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren't natural numbers, the message is unlikely to make sense to them. Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there's a good chance they never even envision what we're describing in the first place ― because the number attached isn't solid. Use natural numbers whenever you can to make your message real. For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers. If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, using "1 out of 500" makes this abstract percentage into a real thing.



Possible Titles:

1. The Cognitive Challenges of Processing Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages

2. Why Natural Numbers Resonate More Effectively in Communication

3. The Impact of Number Presentation on Understanding and Recall

4. Transforming Abstract Quantities into Concrete Numerical Concepts


Main Idea #1:

Our brains more readily understand and retain natural numbers than complex fractions, decimals, and percentages.


Main Idea #2:

Using natural numbers enhances comprehension and memory retention, whereas abstract numerical forms like percentages and ratios are often not conceptualized effectively by our brains.



Natural numbers are inherently easier for the human brain to process and remember compared to decimals and fractions. To improve understanding and retention, it's beneficial to translate abstract numerical forms, such as percentages, into more tangible natural number equivalents.


Key Points:

1. Natural numbers align better with our cognitive abilities than partial numbers.

2. Decimals, fractions, and percentages are challenging for the brain to conceptualize as real.

3. Communicating with natural numbers increases clarity and the likelihood of retention.

4. Converting abstract numbers into natural number ratios can aid in making the data more relatable and understandable.



[3] 2023 04  23: 지구적인 문제에 대한 개인적 연결감의 중요성


Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem overwhelming. Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference. Working through fears of what could be depends on connecting with the abstract. Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, translates conceptual ideas into concrete emotions. Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more frequent floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, evokes feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt ― feelings that inspire us to act. A recent study found that when people feel personally affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies. Forming emotional connections to potential futures helps us move from denial and despair to action.



Possible Titles:

1. Transforming Abstract Climate Challenges into Personal Motivations for Action

2. The Role of Emotional Engagement in Inspiring Climate Change Activism

3. How Personalizing Global Issues Spurs Community and Individual Action

4. Connecting Climate Change to Personal Experiences to Foster Proactive Responses


Main Idea #1:

Personal experiences and emotional responses to potential impacts of climate change motivate individuals to support and advocate for environmental policies.


Main Idea #2:

Linking the abstract concept of climate change to tangible effects on personal and local levels can transform feelings of helplessness into actionable concern, driving support for proactive measures.



By making the abstract impacts of climate change feel personal, through considerations of threats to local environments and lifestyles, individuals are moved by emotions such as anger or sadness to support proactive environmental policies.


Key Points:

1. Personal impact feelings increase support for climate action.

2. Emotional responses to local environmental changes can inspire activism.

3. Personalizing global issues like climate change can overcome apathy.

4. Emotional connections lead to practical support for carbon reduction efforts.



[3] 2023 04  24: 목성의 위성 관찰을 통해 빛의 속도 이해


There was once a certain difficulty with the moons of Jupiter that is worth remarking on. These satellites were studied very carefully by Roemer, who noticed that the moons sometimes seemed to be ahead of schedule, and sometimes behind. They were ahead when Jupiter was particularly close to the earth and they were behind when Jupiter was farther from the earth. This would have been a very difficult thing to explain according to the law of gravitation. If a law does not work even in one place where it ought to, it is just wrong. But the reason for this discrepancy was very simple and beautiful: it takes a little while to see the moons of Jupiter because of the time it takes light to travel from Jupiter to the earth. When Jupiter is closer to the earth the time is a little less, and when it is farther from the earth, the time is more. This is why moons appear to be, on the average, a little ahead or a little behind, depending on whether they are closer to or farther from the earth.



Possible Titles:

1. Roemer's Discovery of Light Travel Time Through Observations of Jupiter's Moons

2. The Impact of Light Speed on Observations of Celestial Bodies: Jupiter's Moons Case Study

3. Understanding Astronomical Phenomena: The Influence of Distance on Light Travel Time

4. How the Variations in Distance from Earth Affect Observations of Jupiter's Moons


Main Idea #1:

The apparent discrepancies in the timing of Jupiter’s moons' orbits were explained by the time light takes to travel from Jupiter to Earth, varying with distance.


Main Idea #2:

Roemer's observations of Jupiter's moons revealing that their apparent position changes due to the light travel time helped refine and support existing astronomical laws, rather than contradicting them.



Roemer's study of Jupiter’s moons showed that their perceived timing inconsistencies were due to the light travel time from Jupiter to Earth, which changes with the planet's distance, thereby aligning with established astronomical laws instead of challenging them.


Key Points:

1. Roemer observed that Jupiter’s moons appeared ahead of schedule when Jupiter was close to Earth and behind when farther away.

2. The discrepancies were attributed to the varying light travel time due to the distance between Jupiter and Earth.

3. This observation supported the laws of celestial mechanics by accounting for light speed.

4. Roemer’s findings highlight the importance of considering light travel time in astronomical observations.



[3] 2023 04  25: 유럽 국가들의 치매 환자  증가 예측 그래프


The graph above shows the number of dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants in six European countries in 2021 and in 2050 (The number in 2050 is estimated). By 2050, the number of dementia patients per 1,000 people is expected to increase by more than 10 in all given countries compared to 2021. In 2021, Italy recorded the highest proportion of dementia patients out of the six countries and it is expected to do so in 2050 as well. The proportion of dementia patients in Spain was lower than that of Germany in 2021, but is expected to exceed that of Germany in 2050. Switzerland and the Netherlands had the same proportion of dementia patients in 2021, and by 2050 those proportions are both projected to more than double. Among the six countries, Belgium shows the smallest gap between the number of dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants in 2021 and in 2050.



Possible Titles:

1. Projected Increase of Dementia Patients per Thousand Inhabitants in Europe by 2050

2. Comparative Analysis of Dementia Prevalence in Six European Countries: 2021 vs. 2050

3. Trends in Dementia Rates Across Selected European Nations Through Mid-Century

4. The Growing Burden of Dementia in Europe: A Forecast into 2050


Main Idea #1:

By 2050, the number of dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants is expected to significantly rise in six European countries, with Italy maintaining the highest proportion.


Main Idea #2:

While Italy remains the country with the highest dementia rates, Spain is projected to surpass Germany by 2050, and both Switzerland and the Netherlands are expected to see their rates more than double.



In six European countries, the proportion of dementia patients per 1,000 people is projected to increase substantially by 2050. Italy is expected to continue having the highest rate, Spain's rate will surpass Germany's, and the rates in Switzerland and the Netherlands will more than double. Belgium will experience the smallest increase.


Key Points:

1. All six countries will see an increase of over 10 dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants by 2050.

2. Italy recorded the highest proportion in 2021 and will continue to do so in 2050.

3. Spain's dementia rates will overtake Germany's by 2050.

4. The rates in Switzerland and the Netherlands will more than double from their 2021 figures.

5. Belgium will have the smallest relative increase in dementia patients.



[3] 2023 04  26: Josef Frank 비엔나 모더니즘에 대한 비판


Josef Frank, born in Austria of Jewish heritage, studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology. He then taught at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts from 1919 to 1925. He founded an interior design firm together with some architect colleagues in 1925. He was one of early Vienna modernism's most important figures, but already in the beginning of the 1920s he started to question modernism's growing pragmatism. He had little appreciation for the French architect Le Corbusier's belief that a house should be "a machine for living in." He was against the standardized interior design trend of the time, fearing that it would make people all too uniform. He moved to Sweden with his Swedish wife in 1933 to escape growing Nazi discrimination and gained citizenship in 1939. He was the most prestigious designer at his Stockholm design company. In addition to his architectural work he created numerous designs for furniture, fabric, wallpaper and carpet.



Possible Titles:

1. Josef Frank: From Vienna Modernism to Swedish Design Icon

2. The Architectural Journey of Josef Frank: Questioning Modernism and Embracing Diversity

3. Josef Frank: A Legacy of Varied Design Against the Modernist Grain

4. The Evolution of Josef Frank: Architectural Modernism to Swedish Design Mastery


Main Idea #1:

Josef Frank, a pivotal figure in early Vienna modernism, critiqued the movement's pragmatism and standardized aesthetics, promoting more individualistic and diverse designs.


Main Idea #2:

After moving to Sweden in 1933 to escape Nazi persecution, Josef Frank significantly influenced Swedish design with his versatile creations in architecture, furniture, and textiles.



Josef Frank, originally a major figure in Vienna modernism, rejected its growing pragmatism and standardization. Escaping Nazi discrimination by moving to Sweden, he became a leading designer, known for his eclectic and personalized designs in various mediums including furniture and textiles.


Key Points:

1. Josef Frank played a critical role in early Vienna modernism and later critiqued its principles.

2. He opposed Le Corbusier's utilitarian views, advocating for more diverse and personal interior designs.

3. Frank relocated to Sweden in 1933, becoming a celebrated designer and gaining citizenship in 1939.

4. His contributions to design extended beyond architecture to include furniture, fabrics, wallpapers, and carpets.



[3] 2023 04  29: 음악 교육에서 세부적인 피드백의 중요성


Providing feedback to students is a critical task of teachers. General psychology has shown that knowledge of results is necessary for improving a skill. Advanced musicians are able to self-critique their performances, but developing music students rely on teachers to supply evaluative feedback. The most constructive feedback is that which expresses the discrepancies between a student's performance of a piece of music and an optimal version. Expert teachers give more detailed feedback than general appraisals, and music educators generally recognize that more specific teacher feedback facilitates student performance improvement. Researchers also have explored whether the feedback of effective teachers is more often positively or negatively expressed, that is, constituting praise or criticism. One might intuitively think that positive comments are more motivating to students and, as a result, are more associated with effective teaching. The research, however, paints a slightly different picture. Although positive feedback is likely more helpful with younger learners and in one-on-one instruction, more advanced music students seem to accept and benefit from greater levels of criticism in lessons.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Specific Feedback in the Development of Music Students

2. The Impact of Teacher Feedback on Student Musical Performance

3. Constructive Criticism vs. Praise: Effective Feedback in Music Education

4. Enhancing Music Learning: The Importance of Teacher Feedback Dynamics


Main Idea #1:

Effective music education relies heavily on detailed feedback from teachers to highlight discrepancies between a student’s performance and the optimal execution.


Main Idea #2:

While positive feedback benefits younger learners, advanced music students often gain more from specific and critical feedback, which aids in their skill development.



In music education, the effectiveness of teacher feedback is crucial for student improvement. Detailed critiques that compare student performances with ideal standards help refine skills, especially for advanced learners who benefit more from critical rather than solely positive feedback.


Key Points:

1. Knowledge of results is essential for skill improvement in music students.

2. Expert teachers provide detailed feedback rather than general comments.

3. Specific feedback helps identify and correct discrepancies in student performances.

4. Advanced students benefit more from critical feedback, which facilitates deeper learning.



[3] 2023 04  30: 호르몬이 몸에서 반응을 유발하는 과정 설명


How do hormones trigger reactions in the body? When a hormone is released from a gland, it travels in the bloodstream through the body in search of its target. Organs, tissues and other glands in the body have receptor sites that hormones must bind to in order to deliver their message and cause an effect. But because every hormone has its own unique shape, they are designed to act only on the parts of the body that have a receptor site with the corresponding shape. This mode of action can be likened to a lock and key mechanism ― if the key doesn't fit the lock, then nothing will happen. When a hormone binds to its receptor, it sets off a chain of other signaling pathways to create a change in the body. Once the desired effect has taken place and there is too much hormone circulating in the blood, this signal is fed back to the glands to reduce further hormone release. This is called a feedback loop and, when functioning correctly, it allows the endocrine system to ensure the conditions in your body remain in balance.



Possible Titles:

1. The Lock and Key Mechanism of Hormonal Action in the Human Body

2. How Hormones Function: Binding, Signaling, and Feedback in the Endocrine System

3. Understanding the Specificity and Regulatory Roles of Hormones in the Body

4. The Dynamics of Hormonal Interaction: Target Sites and Feedback Loops


Main Idea #1:

Hormones trigger specific reactions in the body by binding to uniquely shaped receptor sites on target organs and tissues, initiating signaling pathways that lead to physiological changes.


Main Idea #2:

The hormone-receptor interaction functions as a lock and key mechanism, where only hormones with a matching shape to the receptor can bind, thus ensuring precise control over bodily processes through feedback loops that maintain balance.



Hormones regulate bodily functions by traveling through the bloodstream to bind with specific receptor sites on target tissues, akin to a lock and key mechanism. This binding initiates signaling pathways that alter physiological states. Excess hormones trigger feedback loops that instruct glands to adjust hormone production, maintaining systemic balance.


Key Points:

1. Hormones are released by glands and travel through the bloodstream to find their target.

2. Each hormone has a unique shape that fits specific receptors on target tissues.

3. Hormone-receptor binding activates signaling pathways that result in physiological changes.

4. Feedback loops help regulate hormone levels, ensuring the body remains in balance.



[3] 2023 04  31: 유사한 행동 스타일이 초기 매력에 미치는 영향


Although a balance or harmony between partners clearly develops over time in a relationship, it is also a factor in initial attraction and interest in a partner. That is, to the extent that two people share similar verbal and nonverbal habits in a first meeting, they will be more comfortable with one another. For example, fast-paced individuals talk and move quickly and are more expressive, whereas slow-paced individuals have a different tempo and are less expressive. Initial interactions between people at opposite ends of such a continuum may be more difficult than those between similar types. In the case of contrasting styles, individuals may be less interested in pursuing a relationship than if they were similar in interaction styles. Individuals with similar styles, however, are more comfortable and find that they just seem to "click" with one another. Thus, behavioral coordination may provide a selection filter for the initiation of a relationship.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Behavioral Coordination in Initial Relationship Attraction

2. How Similar Interaction Styles Influence Initial Attraction and Comfort in Relationships

3. The Impact of Verbal and Nonverbal Habits on Early Relationship Dynamics

4. Matching Tempos: How Similarities in Pace and Expression Facilitate Relationship Formation


Main Idea #1:

Similar verbal and nonverbal behaviors between individuals enhance comfort and interest during initial encounters, influencing the likelihood of a relationship.


Main Idea #2:

Behavioral coordination, or the similarity in interaction styles, acts as a selection filter at the beginning of a relationship, helping individuals to feel an immediate connection and ease with each other.



In initial interactions, individuals with similar verbal and nonverbal habits are more likely to feel comfortable and connected, thereby increasing the chances of pursuing a relationship. This behavioral coordination serves as a crucial filter in selecting potential partners.


Key Points:

1. Similar interaction styles in initial meetings promote comfort and mutual interest.

2. Contrasting behavioral tempos can make initial interactions more challenging.

3. Behavioral coordination can significantly influence the decision to pursue a relationship.

4. Similarity in verbal and nonverbal expressions helps partners to "click" right from the start.



[3] 2023 04  32: 보어버드가 복잡한 구조물을 만드는 예술성


Animals arguably make art. The male bowerbirds of New Guinea and Australia dedicate huge fractions of their time and energy to creating elaborate structures from twigs, flowers, berries, beetle wings, and even colorful trash. These are the backdrops to their complex mating dances, which include acrobatic moves and even imitations of other species. What's most amazing about the towers and "bowers" they construct is that they aren't stereotyped like a beehive or hummingbird nest. Each one is different. Artistic skill, along with fine craftsbirdship, is rewarded by the females. Many researchers suggest these displays are used by the females to gauge the cognitive abilities of her potential mates, but Darwin thought that she was actually attracted to their beauty. In other words, the bowers aren't simply signals of mate quality; they are appreciated by the females for their own sake, much as we appreciate a painting or a bouquet of spring flowers. A 2013 study looked at whether bowerbirds that did better on cognitive tests were more successful at attracting mates. They were not, suggesting whatever the females are looking for, it isn't a straightforward indicator of cognitive ability.



Possible Titles:

1. The Artistic Expressions of Bowerbirds: Nature's Craftsmen in Mating Displays

2. Beyond Instinct: The Role of Art and Aesthetics in Bowerbird Mating Rituals

3. Creativity and Courtship: How Bowerbirds Use Art to Attract Mates

4. The Evolution of Aesthetic Appreciation: Artistic Displays in Bowerbirds


Main Idea #1:

Male bowerbirds create unique and elaborate structures as part of their mating rituals, showcasing a form of artistic expression that is evaluated by potential mates.


Main Idea #2:

The intricate and varied structures built by bowerbirds are appreciated not just for their functional role in mating but also for their aesthetic value, similar to how humans appreciate art.



Bowerbirds invest significant effort in constructing unique, artistic structures that serve as stages for their mating dances, suggesting these creations are appreciated for their beauty and not solely as indicators of mate quality. Despite their efforts, success in attracting mates does not directly correlate with the males' cognitive abilities.


Key Points:

1. Male bowerbirds dedicate substantial time to building elaborate and unique bowers.

2. These structures are part of complex mating dances that include acrobatics and mimicry.

3. Females may appreciate the aesthetic aspects of the bowers, akin to human appreciation of art.

4. A 2013 study found no direct link between the cognitive abilities of bowerbirds and mating success, indicating that the aesthetic appeal of the bowers plays a significant role.



[3] 2023 04  33: 소비자 만족도를 높이기 위한 제품 경험 연결


Running a business that sells goods and services to consumers requires getting to know the products they like. More than that, however, you want to link positive experiences to the products they purchase. In traditional or online sales, people are bound to favorably regard the vendor and product that they could easily inquire about and quickly acquire in good order. Using the product can increase or decrease their satisfaction, and they will remember to repurchase products that meet and exceed their expectations. Traditional stores make the shopping experience pleasant by their displays and personal service. Internet retailers lead buyers to products they want through speedy searches and clicks. A new online selling method that can generate millions of dollars in purchases within a few minutes is livestream selling. That's when hosts streaming their shows live demonstrate a product and even interactively receive comments and answer questions from their viewers through the power of social media. If they like the product, they buy it immediately through an e-commerce feature on the platform. Buyers say that the experience is so convenient, it is like talking to a friend.



Possible Titles:

1. Enhancing Customer Satisfaction in E-Commerce Through Live Stream Selling

2. The Evolution of Online Shopping: From Clicks to Live Streams

3. Connecting with Consumers: Live Streaming as a Powerful Sales Tool

4. How Live Stream Selling Transforms Online Shopping Experiences


Main Idea #1:

Businesses enhance customer satisfaction by linking positive experiences to the products through easy access, quick acquisition, and ensuring the products meet or exceed expectations.


Main Idea #2:

Live stream selling, an emerging online sales method, combines real-time product demonstrations with interactive elements, significantly enhancing consumer engagement and simplifying the purchasing process.



Businesses aiming to increase customer loyalty focus on creating positive shopping experiences, both in traditional stores and online. The innovative method of live stream selling on social media platforms offers interactive, real-time engagement, resembling a conversation with a friend, and facilitates instant purchases, reflecting the evolution of consumer preferences in digital commerce.


Key Points:

1. Positive customer experiences are crucial for repurchase decisions in both traditional and online settings.

2. Traditional stores use displays and personal service to enhance the shopping experience.

3. Online retailers use efficient search functionalities, while live stream selling adds interactivity to the buying process.

4. Live stream selling rapidly drives sales by combining product demonstrations with real-time viewer interaction.



[3] 2023 04  34: 헤겔의 철학에서 개체와 보편성의 상호작용


In Hegel's philosophy, even though there is interaction and interrelation between the universal and the individual, the universal still has more priority than the individual. For Hegel, individuals are not distinguished in terms of Reason. In Philosophy of Right Hegel stresses particularity and universality as follows: "A man, who acts perversely, exhibits particularity. The rational is the highway on which everyone travels, and no one is specially marked." Here, Hegel maintains that individuals can be differentiated from each other in terms of their acts but they are not differentiated with respect to reason. There are specific thoughts, but they are finally resolved into the universal. One might say that Hegel seems to focus on the individual like Aristotle but in reality, he subtly treats the universal as fundamental whereas Aristotle considers the individual as primary substance and universal as secondary substance; in so doing Aristotle emphasizes the universal to be subordinate to the individual in contrast to Hegel.



Possible Titles:

1. The Priority of the Universal Over the Individual in Hegel's Philosophy

2. Hegel vs. Aristotle: Differing Views on Universality and Individuality

3. The Role of Reason in Differentiating Individuals According to Hegel

4. Hegel's Emphasis on Universality: A Contrast to Aristotelian Thought


Main Idea #1:

In Hegel's philosophy, the universal is given priority over the individual, as individuals are seen as indistinct in terms of Reason.


Main Idea #2:

While individuals can be differentiated by their actions, they converge in the realm of Reason, where specific thoughts are ultimately absorbed into the universal, underscoring the dominance of the universal in Hegel's thought.



Hegel emphasizes the supremacy of the universal over the individual, arguing that while individuals can be distinguished by their actions, they are unified under the universal aspect of Reason. This contrasts with Aristotle's view, where the individual is the primary substance and the universal is secondary, highlighting a fundamental philosophical divergence between the two thinkers.


Key Points:

1. Hegel prioritizes the universal over the individual, asserting that individual distinctions are not made in the realm of Reason.

2. Individual actions may differ, but these are reconciled within the universal framework according to Hegel.

3. Hegel's philosophical approach views the universal as fundamental, in contrast to Aristotle who sees the individual as primary.

4. This contrast highlights a significant philosophical difference regarding the relationship between universality and individuality in the work of Hegel and Aristotle.



[3] 2023 04  35: 언어의 구조와 현실 표현의 문제점 탐구


One of the branches of postmodernism examines the structure of language and how it is used. It challenges the assumption that language can be precisely used to represent reality. Meanings of words are ambiguous, as words are only signs or labels given to concepts (what is signified) and therefore there is no necessary correspondence between the word and the meaning, the signifier and the signified. The use of signs (words) and their meaning can vary depending on the flow of the text in which they are used, leading to the possibility of 'deconstructing' text to reveal its underlying inconsistencies. This approach can be applied to all forms of representation ― pictures, films, etc. that gain added or alternative meanings by the overlaying of references to previous uses. This can be seen particularly in the media, where it is difficult to distinguish the real from the unreal ― everything is representation, there is no reality.



Possible Titles:

1. The Postmodern Challenge to Language: Understanding Signifiers and Signifieds

2. Deconstructing Language and Reality in Postmodern Thought

3. Exploring the Ambiguity of Language in Postmodernism

4. Representation and Reality: A Postmodern Perspective on Media and Language


Main Idea #1:

Postmodernism questions the ability of language to accurately represent reality, highlighting the inherent ambiguity in the meanings of words.


Main Idea #2:

In postmodern theory, language is seen as a system of signs that do not directly correspond to reality, allowing for the deconstruction of texts to expose their inherent inconsistencies and multiple meanings.



Postmodernism scrutinizes the structure of language, challenging the notion that words can precisely convey reality. It posits that words are mere signs with ambiguous meanings, leading to the possibility of deconstructing texts to reveal underlying contradictions and varied interpretations in all forms of representation, such as media, where the distinction between real and unreal blurs.


Key Points:

1. Postmodernism disputes the precision of language in representing reality.

2. Words are viewed as signs with ambiguous meanings that do not necessarily correspond to the concepts they signify.

3. The variability of meaning in language allows for the deconstruction of texts to uncover inconsistencies.

4. This approach extends to various forms of representation, complicating the distinction between reality and representation in media.



[3] 2023 04  36: 지구 형성 과정과 초기 조건에 대한 설명


The Earth formed from rocky and metallic fragments during the construction of the solar system ― debris that was swept up by an initial nucleus and attracted together into a single body by the force of gravity. The original materials were cold as outer space and dry as dust; whatever water and gases they contained were locked inside individual fragments as chemical compounds. As the fragments joined, the Earth's gravity increased, attracting larger and larger objects to impact the Earth. This increasing gravity, combined with the timeless radioactive decay of elements like uranium and thorium, caused the new Earth to heat up. The internal temperature and pressure were high enough for many compounds to break down or melt, releasing their water and gases. Even solid material could begin to move and flow under such conditions. Separation by density began, and the Earth started to organize into its present layered structure. The heaviest metals sank to the center; the lightest materials migrated outward.



Possible Titles:

1. The Formation of Earth: From Cosmic Debris to Structured Planet

2. Understanding the Early Stages of Earth’s Formation and Layered Structure

3. The Role of Gravity and Radioactive Decay in Earth's Primordial Development

4. How Earth's Internal Heating Shaped Its Layered Composition


Main Idea #1:

Earth formed from the accretion of rocky and metallic fragments in the early solar system, influenced by gravitational forces that attracted these materials into a single planetary body.


Main Idea #2:

The internal heating of the Earth, due to gravitational compression and radioactive decay, caused the breakdown of compounds, releasing gases and water and enabling the differentiation into layers based on density.



The Earth originated from cold, dry fragments in the solar system, which coalesced under the force of gravity. Increasing gravitational pull and radioactive decay heated the planet, causing compounds to release water and gases and facilitating the movement of materials. This process led to the Earth's layered structure, with dense metals sinking to the core and lighter materials forming the crust.


Key Points:

1. Earth was formed from the aggregation of rocky and metallic debris in the solar system.

2. Gravitational forces played a crucial role in attracting and assembling these fragments into a planet.

3. Radioactive decay of elements like uranium and thorium contributed to the internal heating of the Earth.

4. This heating led to the breakdown of compounds, release of gases, and initiation of material flow, resulting in the differentiation of the Earth into layers.



[3] 2023 04  37: 표현의 권력이 문화 지배에 미치는 영향


Representation is control. The power to represent the world is the power to represent us in it or it in us, for the final stage of representing merges the representor and the represented into one. Imperializing cultures produce great works of art (great representations) which can be put to work intellectually as armies and trading houses work militarily and economically. Shakespeare, Jane Austen and maps were as important to English Imperial power as was the East India Company, the British army and the churches of England. It is no coincidence that modern Europe, the Europe of colonization, was also the Europe of "great art," and no coincidence either that it was the Europe of great map makers. That is because unless we can control the world intellectually by maps we cannot control it militarily or economically. Mercator, Moliere, Columbus and Captain Cook imperialized in different ways, but they all imperialized, and ultimately the effectiveness of one depended upon and supported the effectiveness of all the others. Similarly the US form of contemporary colonization, which involves occupying economies and political parties rather than physical territories, is accompanied by the power of both Hollywood and the satellite to represent the world to and for the US.



Possible Titles:

1. The Intersection of Representation, Art, and Imperial Power

2. The Role of Cultural Representation in Imperial and Economic Control

3. How Art, Mapping, and Media Facilitate Imperial Domination

4. The Power of Representation in Shaping Imperial Agendas


Main Idea #1:

Representation plays a crucial role in imperial control, merging the creator and creation to influence both intellectual and physical domains.


Main Idea #2:

Historically, the production of cultural artifacts such as art and maps has been integral to the expansion and maintenance of imperial power, with representation serving as a tool for intellectual and territorial domination.



Representation is a form of control, crucial in establishing and maintaining imperial power. Artistic and cultural outputs, from Shakespeare to modern Hollywood, have not only reflected imperial ambitions but have actively shaped and supported them, functioning alongside military and economic efforts to dominate globally.


Key Points:

1. Cultural representations, including art and maps, have historically played a key role in supporting imperial ambitions.

2. Great works of art and accurate cartography were as instrumental to the British Empire as its military and economic enterprises.

3. Representation merges the identity of the creator with the creation, influencing how cultures perceive and interact with the world.

4. Contemporary forms of imperialism, such as the U.S.'s economic and political influence, also rely heavily on media and technology to project power and control perceptions.



[3] 2023 04  38: '동물'이라는 단어가 인간과 동물 구분 강조


Language, and the word "animal," deceives us. The word "animal" categorizes all non-human animals and distances humans from other animals. Seeing all other animals as one group in contrast to humans reinforces anthropocentrism, which contributes to the legitimization of practices in which other animals are used for human benefit. Jacques Derrida argues that instead of one line between Man on the one side and Animal on the other, there is a multiple and heterogeneous border; beyond the edge of the "so-called human," we find a heterogeneous plurality of the living. To account for this multitude, using the word "animot" has been proposed. In speech it refers to the plural, the multiplicity of animals, which is necessary because there is no one "animal." The "mot" in "animot" refers to the act of naming and the risks involved in drawing a distinction between human and animal by the human. It reminds us of the fact that it is a word for animals, not a reference to an existing group of animals.



Possible Titles:

1. Beyond 'Animal': Derrida's Challenge to Anthropocentric Language

2. The Linguistic Deception of the Word 'Animal' and Its Implications

3. Deconstructing 'Animal': Jacques Derrida's Concept of 'Animot'

4. Reimagining Animal Identity: From Singular to Plural with 'Animot'


Main Idea #1:

The word "animal" simplifies and generalizes a diverse group, creating a false dichotomy between humans and other forms of life, thereby reinforcing anthropocentrism.


Main Idea #2:

Jacques Derrida proposes the term "animot" to reflect the diversity and multiplicity of non-human life, challenging the conventional, homogenizing language that separates humans from other animals.



The term "animal" misleads by lumping all non-human species together, which supports anthropocentric views and justifies the exploitation of these beings. Jacques Derrida introduces the term "animot" to emphasize the variety and complexity among living beings, advocating for a linguistic shift that acknowledges this diversity instead of obscuring it.


Key Points:

1. The word "animal" groups all non-human animals together, obscuring their diversity and reinforcing human centrality.

2. This categorization supports practices that exploit non-human animals for human benefits.

3. Derrida argues for a complex, heterogeneous conception of life beyond the human-animal dichotomy.

4. The term "animot" is suggested to highlight the plurality and challenge the anthropocentric misuse of the word "animal".



[3] 2023 04  39: 바빌로니아 천문학이 과학적 방법에 미친 영향


Babylonian astronomers created detailed records of celestial movements in the heavens, using the resulting tables to sieve out irregularities and, with them, the favour of the gods. This was the seed of what we now call the scientific method ― a demonstration that accurate observations of the world could be used to forecast its future. The importance of measurement in this sort of cosmic comprehension did not develop smoothly over the centuries. Indeed, in the Middle Ages in Europe, calculating by hand and eye was sometimes seen as producing a rather shabby sort of knowledge, inferior to that of abstract thought. The suspicion was due to the influence of ancient Greeks in the era's scholasticism, particularly Plato and Aristotle, who stressed that the material world was one of unceasing change and instability. They emphasized that reality was best understood by reference to immaterial qualities, be they Platonic forms or Aristotelian causes. It would take the revelations of the scientific revolution to fully displace these instincts, with observations of the night sky once again proving decisive.



Possible Titles:

1. From Babylon to the Scientific Revolution: The Evolution of Empirical Observation

2. The Historical Journey of the Scientific Method from Ancient Astronomy to Modern Science

3. The Impact of Babylonian Astronomy on the Development of Scientific Inquiry

4. Reconciling the Material with the Immaterial: A History of Scientific Thought from Plato to Galileo


Main Idea #1:

Babylonian astronomers laid the groundwork for the scientific method by using detailed celestial records to predict future events, demonstrating the power of systematic observation.


Main Idea #2:

The evolution of scientific thought faced challenges, especially during the Middle Ages in Europe, where empirical knowledge was often viewed as inferior to abstract philosophical concepts derived from ancient Greek thinkers like Plato and Aristotle.



The foundations of the scientific method can be traced back to Babylonian astronomers, who used precise observations to predict celestial events. However, this approach to knowledge faced resistance in medieval Europe, where empirical methods were undervalued compared to the abstract ideals of Greek philosophy. It was not until the scientific revolution that empirical observation regained prominence, reaffirming its critical role in understanding and predicting the natural world.


Key Points:

1. Babylonian astronomers' detailed observations and predictions marked an early form of the scientific method.

2. In medieval Europe, empirical knowledge was often seen as less valuable than philosophical abstraction.

3. Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle influenced this view by emphasizing the impermanence and instability of the material world.

4. The scientific revolution eventually highlighted the importance of empirical evidence in gaining a deeper understanding of reality.



[3] 2023 04  40: 동물이 과장된 자극을 선호하는 실험 결과


Experiments suggest that animals, just like humans, tend to prefer exaggerated, supernormal stimuli, and that a preference can rapidly propel itself to extreme levels (peak shift effect). In one experiment, through food rewards rats were conditioned to prefer squares to other geometric forms. In the next step, a non-square rectangle was introduced and associated with an even larger reward than the square. As expected, the rats learned to reliably prefer the rectangle. Less predictable was the third part of the experiment. The rats were offered the opportunity to choose between the rectangle they already knew and associated with large rewards and another rectangle, the proportions of which were even more different from those of a square. Interestingly, rats picked this novel variant, without undergoing any reward-based conditioning in favor of it. A possible explanation is thus that they chose the larger difference from the original square (i.e., the exaggeration of non-squareness).



Possible Titles:

1. The Influence of Supernormal Stimuli on Animal Preference: Insights from Rat Behavior

2. Exploring Peak Shift Effects in Rats Through Geometric Form Preferences

3. Rats and the Attraction to Exaggerated Stimuli: A Study of Behavioral Shifts

4. The Dynamics of Preference Evolution in Rats: From Squares to Extreme Rectangles


Main Idea #1:

Experiments with rats demonstrate that animals, like humans, develop preferences for exaggerated stimuli, showcasing a rapid escalation to extreme preferences, known as the peak shift effect.


Main Idea #2:

In a controlled experiment, rats initially trained to prefer squares over other shapes eventually chose increasingly exaggerated non-square shapes, illustrating their inherent preference for more pronounced deviations from their conditioned stimuli.



Through a series of experiments, rats were conditioned to prefer squares and then larger rewards were used to shift their preference to rectangles. Surprisingly, without additional conditioning, the rats preferred an even more exaggerated rectangle variant, indicating a natural inclination towards more distinct deviations from the initial square shape, a phenomenon reflecting the peak shift effect.


Key Points:

1. Rats were conditioned to prefer squares through food rewards.

2. Preferences shifted to rectangles associated with larger rewards.

3. Without reward conditioning, rats chose an even more exaggerated rectangle.

4. The choice of the more exaggerated shape suggests an innate preference for more distinct deviations, a manifestation of the peak shift effect.



[3] 2023 04  41~42: 인간의 느린 발달이 다양한 환경 적응을 가능하게 


Although we humans are equipped with reflexive responses for survival, at birth we are helpless. We spend about a year unable to walk, about two more before we can articulate full thoughts, and many more years unable to provide for ourselves. We are totally dependent on those around us for our survival. Now compare this to many other mammals. Dolphins, for instance, are born swimming; giraffes learn to stand within hours; a baby zebra can run within forty-five minutes of birth. Across the animal kingdom, our cousins are strikingly independent soon after they're born. On the face of it, that seems like a great advantage for other species ― but in fact it signifies a limitation. Baby animals develop quickly because their brains are wiring up according to a largely preprogrammed routine. But that preparedness trades off with flexibility. Imagine if some unfortunate rhinoceros found itself on the Arctic tundra, or on top of a mountain in the Himalayas, or in the middle of a metropolis. It would have no capacity to adapt (which is why we don't find rhinos in those areas). This strategy of arriving with a pre-arranged brain works inside a particular niche in the ecosystem ― but put an animal outside of that niche, and its chances of thriving are low. In contrast, humans are able to thrive in many different environments, from the frozen tundra to the high mountains to crowded urban centers. This is possible because the human brain is born remarkably incomplete. Instead of arriving with everything wired up ― let's call it "hardwired" ― a human brain allows itself to be shaped by the details of life experience. This leads to long periods of helplessness as the young brain slowly molds to its environment. It's "livewired."



Possible Titles:

1. The Unique Development of Human Flexibility: Livewired for Adaptation

2. Comparing Human Helplessness at Birth with Mammalian Independence: A Study of Brain Plasticity

3. The Advantage of Human Developmental Vulnerability: Adapting Across Ecosystems

4. Why Human Infancy Extends Beyond Mammalian Independence: The Role of Brain Wiring


Main Idea #1:

Humans experience prolonged helplessness at birth, a stark contrast to many mammals that exhibit independence shortly after birth, due to the uniquely adaptive and flexible wiring of the human brain.


Main Idea #2:

While immediate independence in animals like dolphins and giraffes is linked to their brains being largely preprogrammed, humans' prolonged developmental period allows their brains to adapt to a wide range of environments, demonstrating a trade-off between early independence and adaptive flexibility.



Humans are born in a state of extended helplessness compared to other mammals, which quickly adapt to their environments. This vulnerability is due to the human brain’s capacity to be shaped by its surroundings over time, a process termed "livewiring." Unlike animals with "hardwired" brains prepared for a specific ecological niche, humans can thrive in diverse environments, from arctic tundras to urban landscapes, thanks to this neural adaptability.


Key Points:

1. Many mammals are born with the ability to perform survival functions immediately, while humans require years of dependency.

2. The rapid development in other mammals is due to brains that are preprogrammed for specific tasks and environments.

3. Humans' extended dependency period is linked to the flexibility of the brain to be shaped by its environment, enhancing adaptability.

4. This "livewired" brain allows humans to thrive in a variety of ecological niches, unlike animals with more limited adaptability.



[3] 2023 04  43~45: 과도한 관심이 독립성을 저해할  있음을 비유


There were two neighbors living next to each other. One was a professor and the other was a merchant who had an unmotivated son. Both of them had planted the same kind of plant in each of their gardens. The professor gave a small amount of water to his plants and didn't always give his full attention to them. Meanwhile, in the merchant's garden, the merchant gave a lot of water to his plants and looked after them well. The professor's plants were simple but looked good, while the merchant's plants were much fuller and greener. One night, there was a heavy storm. After the storm was over, both of the neighbors inspected the damage to their gardens. The merchant saw that his plants had come out from the roots and were totally destroyed by the storm. But, the plants of his neighbor were not damaged at all and were standing firm. The merchant was surprised to see this because he thought he had given his plants better care than the professor. He went to his neighbor and said, "Only my plants came out from the roots. How is that possible?" The professor smiled and said, "You gave your plants so much attention and water that they didn't need to work for themselves." "Is that really a problem?" said the merchant with a curious look on his face. The professor continued his explanation, "I gave my plants just an adequate amount of water and let their roots search for more. Their roots went deeper and grew stronger." At that moment, the merchant recalled the image of his son, still lazy and dependent on his parents. "Is that how you approach teaching?" asked the merchant. The professor said, "Yes. Students are like plants. Sometimes guiding is better than giving." Nodding silently, the merchant began to rethink what education is.



Possible Titles:

1. The Tale of Two Gardens: Lessons on Resilience and Overprotection

2. Roots and Resilience: A Parable of Two Neighbors and Their Gardens

3. The Storm and the Strength: A Story of Guiding Versus Over-Giving

4. The Professor, the Merchant, and the Philosophy of Growth


Main Idea #1:

The professor and the merchant used different gardening techniques that reflected their approaches to care and resilience, leading to contrasting outcomes during a storm.


Main Idea #2:

The professor's method of giving minimal water encouraged his plants to develop deeper roots, which made them more resilient during the storm, unlike the merchant’s well-watered but weaker plants.



In a story of two neighbors, the professor’s plants survived a storm due to their deep and strong roots formed by minimal watering, whereas the merchant's overwatered plants, though initially lush, were uprooted. This outcome led the merchant to reflect on the parallels between his gardening style and his overindulgent parenting, understanding from the professor that less direct provision fosters greater independence and resilience.


Key Points:

1. The professor watered his plants minimally, forcing their roots to grow deeper in search of moisture.

2. The merchant frequently watered his plants, which kept their roots shallow and dependent on regular watering.

3. After a storm, the merchant's plants were uprooted due to their weak root systems, while the professor's plants remained standing.

4. The professor used this experience as an analogy to teach the merchant about the benefits of encouraging independence and resilience through less direct provision, both in gardening and in parenting.






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[3] 2023 04  18: 법학교수가 인턴 지원 학생을 추천하는 추천서

 To whom it may concern,

 관계자 귀하,

 I am writing this letter in regard to Sona Lee applying for an internship in your law firm.

 저는 당신의 법률 회사에 인턴십을 지원한 Sona Lee와 관련하여 이 편지를 씁니다.

 I have gotten to know her over the past year, as a student in my Contracts course.

 저는 지난 한 해 동안 저의 계약법 수업의 학생으로 그녀를 알게 되었습니다.

 The assignments she completed were excellent, and demonstrated a thorough understanding of contract law.

 그녀가 완성한 과제들은 훌륭했고, 계약법에 대한 완전한 이해를 보여 주었습니다.

 She also has remarkable energy and interpersonal skills.

 그녀는 또한 놀라운 에너지와 대인 관계 능력을 지니고 있습니다.

 She represents her class on the law school's student council and has taken on this responsibility with spirit, interacting with students effectively.

 그녀는 이 법학 전문 대학원의 학생회에서 그녀의 반을 대표하고 있고 학생들과 효과적으로 상호 작용하며 활기차게 이 책임을 맡아 왔습니다.

 I support her application wholeheartedly.

 저는 그녀의 지원을 진심으로 지지합니다.

 Sincerely yours, Conan Stevenson

 Conan Stevenson 드림


[3] 2023 04  19: 은행 계좌 도난 사건에 대한 대화

 "5,000 dollars has been deposited? Thank you. I'll check it out now."

 "5,000달러가 입금되었다고요? 감사합니다. 바로 확인해 보겠습니다."

 Jerry Shaw hung up with a smile on his face.

 Jerry Shaw는 그의 얼굴에 미소를 띤 채 전화를 끊었다.

 Humming, he headed to the bank to withdraw some cash.

 콧노래를 부르며 그는 약간의 현금을 인출하기 위해 은행으로 향했다.

 He stopped at the ATM, inserted the card and entered his PIN.

 그는 현금 인출기에 멈춰서 카드를 넣고 비밀번호를 눌렀다.

 The screen flashed the message, "Card not valid ― please see a teller."

 화면에 "카드가 유효하지 않습니다. 창구 직원에게 문의하세요."라는 메시지가 떴다.

 What? My bonus was deposited just now!

 '무슨 일이지? 내 보너스가 방금 입금되었다고!'

 Entering the bank, Jerry told the teller what had happened.

 은행에 들어간 후, Jerry는 창구 직원에게 무슨 일이 일어났는지 말했다.

 She studied the screen and frowned.

 그녀는 화면을 살펴보고 얼굴을 찌푸렸다.

 "Mr. Shaw, your account was closed. All your funds were withdrawn when you closed it," she said.

 "Shaw, 당신의 계좌는 해지되었습니다. 당신이 계좌를 해지했을 때 당신의 모든 예금이 인출되었습니다."라고 그녀가 말했다.

 "What do you mean? I never did! It must be identity theft!" yelled Jerry, his voice barely under control.

 "그게 무슨 뜻이죠? 난 절대 그러지 않았어요! 그것은 신분 도용이 틀림없어요!" 라고 Jerry는 그의 목소리가 거의 통제되지 않은 상태로 소리쳤다.


[3] 2023 04  20: 인류학이 글로벌 문제 해결에 기여하는 중요성

 Anthropology has become relevant for addressing global issues.

 인류학은 글로벌 문제를 다루는 데 적절해졌다.

 This is not to deny the vital role of 'hard' sciences in addressing these problems.

 이것은 이러한 문제를 다루는 데 있어 '딱딱한' 과학의 중요한 역할을 부정하는 것이 아니다.

 However, if we are to solve global problems we need a new way of thinking based in humanities and social sciences.

 그러나 우리가 글로벌 문제를 해결하려면 우리는 인문학과 사회 과학에 기반한 새로운 사고방식이 필요하다.

 It is impossible to resolve global issues merely by looking at numbers and statistics.

 단지 숫자와 통계를 보는 것만으로 글로벌 문제를 해결하는 것은 불가능하다.

 Anthropology thus becomes crucial, as a discipline and a profession enabling the collection and interpretation of 'thick data' ― in addition to 'big data' ― and helps us to understand the world we live in more comprehensively.

 따라서 인류학은 '빅 데이터' 외에도 '심층적 데이터'의 수집과 해석을 가능하게 하는 학문과 전문 직업으로서 중요해지고 우리가 살고 있는 세상을 우리가 더 포괄적으로 이해하도록 도와준다.

 Why is a brand new and expensive 'smart' building a disaster?

 왜 새롭고 값비싼 '스마트' 빌딩이 재앙인가?

 What will happen in the future with passenger cars?

 미래에 승용차는 어떻게 될 것인가?

 In answering such questions, we should stop relying only on quantitative data analytics; instead, the most important decisions should also be informed by anthropological qualitative approaches which provide a more complete and nuanced picture of people's lives.

 그러한 질문에 대답할 때, 우리는 양적인 데이터 분석에만 의존하는 것을 멈추어야 한다. 대신에, 가장 중요한 결정은 또한 사람들의 삶의 더 온전하고 미묘한 그림을 제공하는 인류학의 질적 접근법을 통해 정보를 얻어야 한다.


[3] 2023 04  21: 스테레오타입에 대한 반응을 연구한 심리학 실험

 Our brains light up when our predicted reality and actual reality match.

 우리의 뇌는 우리의 예상되는 현실과 실제 현실이 일치할 때 환해진다.

 Our brains love to be right.

 우리의 뇌는 맞기를 좋아 한다.

 We also don't like to be wrong, and we feel threatened when our stereotyped predictions don't come true.

 우리는 또한 틀리기를 좋아하지 않으며, 우리의 고정 관념에 기반한 예측이 이루어지지 않을 때 우리는 위협을 느낀다.

 Psychologist Wendy Mendes asked White and Asian college students to interact with Latino students who had been hired as actors by the researchers.

 심리학자 Wendy Mendes는 백인과 아시아인 대학생들에게 연구원들에 의해 배우로 고용된 라틴계 학생들과 상호 작용하도록 요청했다.

 Some of the Latino students portrayed themselves as socioeconomically "high status," with lawyer fathers, professor mothers, and summers spent volunteering in Europe.

 라틴계 학생들의 일부는 자신을 변호사 아버지, 교수 어머니, 그리고 유럽에서 자원봉사를 하며 보내는 여름을 가진 사회 경제적으로 '높은 계층'으로 묘사했다.

 Others portrayed themselves as "low status," with unemployed parents and part-time summer jobs.

 다른 사람들은 자신을 실업자인 부모님과 여름에 아르바이트 일을 가진 '낮은 계층'으로 묘사했다.

 The researchers found that when participants interacted with the Latino students who appeared to come from wealth and thus challenged American stereotypes, they responded physiologically as if to a threat: their blood vessels constricted and their heart activity changed.

 연구자들은 참가자들이 부유한 가정 출신으로 보이고 그래서 미국인의 고정 관념에 이의를 제기하는 라틴계 학생들과 상호 작용했을 때 그들이 마치 위협을 대하는 것처럼 생리적으로 반응한다는 것을 알아냈는데, 즉 그들의 혈관은 수축되었고 그들 의 심장 활동은 변화했다.

 In these interactions, participants also saw the students who violated stereotypes as less likable.

 이러한 상호 작용에서 참가자들은 또한 고정 관념을 깨뜨린 학생들을 덜 호감이 가는 것으로 간주했다.

 In this way, stereotypes that are descriptive can easily become prescriptive.

 이러한 방식으로 '기술적인' 고정 관념은 쉽게 '규범적이게' 될 수 있다.

 The phenomenon, it turns out, may have a neuroscientific explanation: it's an angry protest from the brain's reward system.

 그 현상은 신경 과학적인 설명을 가질 수 있다고 판명 되는데, 즉 그것은 뇌의 보상 체계로부터의 격렬한 항의이다.


[3] 2023 04  22: 자연수 사용이 정보 전달에 효과적임을 설명

 We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with.

 우리는 자연수를 온전한 물체, 다시 말해 우리의 수렵채집인 뇌가 다룰 수 있는 것들로 상상할 수 있다.

 On the other hand, partial numbers ― decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios ― simply don't register as real to our minds.

 반면에 소수, 분수, 백분율과 비율과 같은 부분을 나타내는 수는 간단히 우리 머릿속에 실재하는 것으로 인식되지 않는다.

 We may be able to work with them for a given time when we're in math mode, but if we're asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble grasping the concept.

 우리가 수학 모드일 때는 주어진 시간 동안 그것들을 다룰 수 있을지도 모르지만, 만약 우리가 다른 때에 질문을 받으면 개념을 이해하는 데 어려움을 겪는 경향이 있다.

 In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren't natural numbers, the message is unlikely to make sense to them.

 다시 말하면, 우리가 청중에게 자연수가 아닌 숫자를 제시할 때마다 그 메시지는 그들에게 이해될 가능성이 낮다.

 Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there's a good chance they never even envision what we're describing in the first place ― because the number attached isn't solid.

 그들이 그 숫자들을 기억하고 계산하는 데 실수를 하기 쉬울 뿐 아니라 그들은 애초에 우리가 설명하는 것을 머릿속에 전혀 그리지도 못할 가능성이 높은데 왜냐하면 부여된 숫자가 온전하지 않기 때문이다.

 Use natural numbers whenever you can to make your message real.

 메시지를 실재적으로 만들기 위해 가능하면 언제든지 자연수를 사용해라.

 For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers.

 1보다 작은 숫자의 경우 대상들이 자연수처럼 보이기 시작하도록 하는 전략을 사용할 수 있다.

 If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, using "1 out of 500" makes this abstract percentage into a real thing.

 만약 당신이 0.2%의 사람들이 어떤 특성을 가지고 있다는 것을 발견한다면, '500명 중 1 '을 사용하는 것은 이러한 추상적인 백분율을 실재적인 것으로 만든다.


[3] 2023 04  23: 지구적인 문제에 대한 개인적 연결감의 중요성

 Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem overwhelming.

 대규모의 장기적인 변화에 직면하는 것은 대응할 수 없는 것처럼 보인다.

 Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference.

 세계적인 전염이나 경제적 불평등 같은 문제는 너무 복잡해서 어떠한 개입이 변화를 가져올 것이라고 믿기가 어려울 수 있다.

 Working through fears of what could be depends on connecting with the abstract.

 무슨 일이 있을지에 대한 두려움을 극복하는 것은 추상적인 것과 연결하는 것에 달려 있다.

 Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, translates conceptual ideas into concrete emotions.

 예를 들어 기후 변화와 같은 문제를 우리 자신의 이웃, 직업 그리고 관계와 연결하는 것은 개념적인 생각을 구체적인 감정으로 바꾼다.

 Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more frequent floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, evokes feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt ― feelings that inspire us to act.

 우리가 사랑하는 해변이 어떻게 사라질 것인지, 더 빈번한 홍수가 어떻게 우리의 집을 파괴할 것인지 혹은 증가하는 산불 위험에서 달아나기 위해 어떻게 우리가 이동해야 할지에 대해 생각하는 것은 분노, 슬픔 혹은 죄책감 같은 감정, 즉 우리가 행동하도록 자극하는 감정을 불러일으킨다.

 A recent study found that when people feel personally affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies.

 최근의 한 연구는 사람들이 잠재적인 기후 변화 에 의해 개인적으로 영향을 받는다고 느낄 때 그들이 탄소 감소 노력을 지지하고 예방적인 정책을 요구할 가능성이 더 높다는 점을 발견했다.

 Forming emotional connections to potential futures helps us move from denial and despair to action.

 잠재적인 미래와의 감정적인 연결을 형성하는 것은 우리가 부정과 절망에서 행동으로 이동하도록 도와준다.


[3] 2023 04  24: 목성의 위성 관찰을 통해 빛의 속도 이해

 There was once a certain difficulty with the moons of Jupiter that is worth remarking on.

 한때 목성의 위성들에는 주목할 만한 가치가 있는 어떤 어려움이 있었다.

 These satellites were studied very carefully by Roemer, who noticed that the moons sometimes seemed to be ahead of schedule, and sometimes behind.

 이 위성들은 Roemer에 의해 매우 면밀히 연구되었는데, 그는 위성들이 때로는 예정보다 앞서고 때로는 뒤처지는 것처럼 보였다는 것을 알아차렸다.

 They were ahead when Jupiter was particularly close to the earth and they were behind when Jupiter was farther from the earth.

 그것들은 목성이 지구에 특히 '가까울' 때는 '앞섰고' 목성이 지구에서 '더 멀' 때는 '뒤처졌다'.

 This would have been a very difficult thing to explain according to the law of gravitation.

 이것은 중력의 법칙에 따라 설명하기 매우 어려운 것이었을 것이다.

 If a law does not work even in one place where it ought to, it is just wrong.

 법칙이 작용해야 할 '한 곳'에서라도 작용하지 않는다면 그것은 그냥 틀린 것이다.

 But the reason for this discrepancy was very simple and beautiful: it takes a little while to see the moons of Jupiter because of the time it takes light to travel from Jupiter to the earth.

 하지만 이 불일치의 이유는 매우 간단하고 아름다웠는데, 그것은 빛이 목성에서 지구로 이동하는 데 걸리는 시간 때문에 목성의 위성들을 '보는' 데 약간의 시간이 걸린다는 것이다.

 When Jupiter is closer to the earth the time is a little less, and when it is farther from the earth, the time is more.

 목성이 지구에 더 가까울 때는 그 시간이 조금 더 짧으며 지구에서 더 멀 때는 그 시간이 더 길다.

 This is why moons appear to be, on the average, a little ahead or a little behind, depending on whether they are closer to or farther from the earth.

 이것이 위성들이 지구에 더 가깝거나 더 먼지에 따라 대체로 조금 앞서거나 조금 뒤처지는 것처럼 보이는 이유이다.


[3] 2023 04  25: 유럽 국가들의 치매 환자  증가 예측 그래프

 The graph above shows the number of dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants in six European countries in 2021 and in 2050 (The number in 2050 is estimated).

 위의 그래프는 6개 유럽 국가의 2021년과 2050년의 거주자 1,000명당 치매 환자 수를 보여 준다(2050년의 숫자는 예측된 것이다).

 By 2050, the number of dementia patients per 1,000 people is expected to increase by more than 10 in all given countries compared to 2021.

 2050년까지 1,000명당 치매 환자 수는 모든 주어진 국가들에서 2021년에 비해 10명 넘게 증가할 것으로 예측된다.

 In 2021, Italy recorded the highest proportion of dementia patients out of the six countries and it is expected to do so in 2050 as well.

 2021년에는 이탈리아가 6개 국가 중에 가장 높은 치매 환자 비율을 기록했고 2050년에도 역시 그러할 것으로 예측된다.

 The proportion of dementia patients in Spain was lower than that of Germany in 2021, but is expected to exceed that of Germany in 2050.

 스페인에서 치매 환자 비율은 2021년에는 독일의 그것보다 낮았지만 2050년에는 독일의 그것을 초과할 것으로 예측된다.

 Switzerland and the Netherlands had the same proportion of dementia patients in 2021, and by 2050 those proportions are both projected to more than double.

 스위스와 네덜란드는 2021년에 동일한 치매 환자 비율을 가지고 있었으며 2050년까지 둘 다 그 비율이 두 배가 넘을 것으로 예상된다.

 Among the six countries, Belgium shows the smallest gap between the number of dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants in 2021 and in 2050.

 6개 국가 중 벨기에는 2021년과 2050년 사이의 거주자 1,000명당 치매 환자 수에서 가장 적은 격차를 보인다.


[3] 2023 04  26: Josef Frank 비엔나 모더니즘에 대한 비판

 Josef Frank, born in Austria of Jewish heritage, studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology.

 유태인 혈통으로 오스트리아에서 태어난 Josef Frank Vienna University of Technology에서 건축학을 공부했다.

 He then taught at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts from 1919 to 1925.

 그는 그러고 나서 1919년부터 1925년까지 Vienna School of Arts and Crafts에서 가르쳤다.

 He founded an interior design firm together with some architect colleagues in 1925.

 1925년에 그는 몇몇 건축가 동료들과 함께 인테리어 디자인 회사를 설립했다.

 He was one of early Vienna modernism's most important figures, but already in the beginning of the 1920s he started to question modernism's growing pragmatism.

 그는 초기 비엔나 모더니즘의 가장 중요한 인물 중 한 명이었지만 이미 1920년대 초에 모더니즘의 고조되는 실용주의에 의문을 제기하기 시작했다.

 He had little appreciation for the French architect Le Corbusier's belief that a house should be "a machine for living in."

 그는 집이 '생활을 위한 기계'여야 한다는 프랑스 건축가 Le Corbusier의 신념에 거의 공감하지 않았다.

 He was against the standardized interior design trend of the time, fearing that it would make people all too uniform.

 그는 당시의 표준화된 인테리어 디자인 경향에 반대했고 그것이 사람들을 너무 획일적으로 만들 것을 두려워했다.

 He moved to Sweden with his Swedish wife in 1933 to escape growing Nazi discrimination and gained citizenship in 1939.

 그는 심해지는 나치의 차별을 피해 1933년에 스웨덴인 아내와 함께 스웨덴으로 가서 1939년에 시민권을 얻었다.

 He was the most prestigious designer at his Stockholm design company.

 그는 자신의 스톡홀름의 디자인 회사에서 가장 명성 있는 디자이너였다.

 In addition to his architectural work he created numerous designs for furniture, fabric, wallpaper and carpet.

 자신의 건축 작업 외에도 그는 가구, 직물, 벽지 그리고 카펫의 수많은 디자인을 만들었다.


[3] 2023 04  29: 음악 교육에서 세부적인 피드백의 중요성

 Providing feedback to students is a critical task of teachers.

 학생들에게 피드백을 제공하는 것은 교사에게 중요한 과제이다.

 General psychology has shown that knowledge of results is necessary for improving a skill.

 일반 심리학은 결과에 대한 지식이 기량을 향상시키는 데 필요하다는 것을 보여 주었다.

 Advanced musicians are able to self-critique their performances, but developing music students rely on teachers to supply evaluative feedback.

 숙련된 음악가들은 자신의 연주를 스스로 비판할 수 있지만 성장하고 있는 음악을 배우는 학생들은 평가적 피드백을 제공하는 교사에 의존한다.

 The most constructive feedback is that which expresses the discrepancies between a student's performance of a piece of music and an optimal version.

 가장 건설적인 피드백은 음악 한 곡에 대한 학생의 연주와 최적의 버전 사이의 불일치를 표현하는 것이다.

 Expert teachers give more detailed feedback than general appraisals, and music educators generally recognize that more specific teacher feedback facilitates student performance improvement.

 숙련된 교사는 일반적인 평가보다 더 상세한 피드백을 주고 음악 교육자는 더 구체적인 교사 피드백이 학생의 연주 향상을 촉진한다고 보통 인정한다.

 Researchers also have explored whether the feedback of effective teachers is more often positively or negatively expressed, that is, constituting praise or criticism.

 연구자들은 또한 유능한 교사의 피드백이 더 자주 긍정적으로 혹은 부정적으로 표현되는지, 즉 칭찬 혹은 비판을 이루는지 탐구했다.

 One might intuitively think that positive comments are more motivating to students and, as a result, are more associated with effective teaching.

 사람들은 긍정적인 의견이 학생들에게 더욱 동기를 부여하고 결과적으로 효과적인 가르침과 더욱 연관되어 있다고 직관적으로 생각할 지도 모른다.

 The research, however, paints a slightly different picture.

 그러나 그 연구는 약간 다른 그림을 그린다.

 Although positive feedback is likely more helpful with younger learners and in one-on-one instruction, more advanced music students seem to accept and benefit from greater levels of criticism in lessons.

 긍정적인 피드백이 어린 학습자와 일대일 교수에서는 더욱 도움이 되는 것 같지만 음악을 배우는 더 숙련된 학생들은 수업에서 더 높은 수준의 비평을 받아들이고 이익을 얻는 것처럼 보인다.


[3] 2023 04  30: 호르몬이 몸에서 반응을 유발하는 과정 설명

 How do hormones trigger reactions in the body?

 호르몬은 어떻게 우리 몸에서 반응을 일으키는가?

 When a hormone is released from a gland, it travels in the bloodstream through the body in search of its target.

 호르몬이 분비선에서 분비되면 그것의 표적을 찾아서 혈류 내에서 온몸으로 이동한다.

 Organs, tissues and other glands in the body have receptor sites that hormones must bind to in order to deliver their message and cause an effect.

 몸의 기관, 조직, 그리고 다른 분비선은 호르몬이 그들의 메시지를 전달하고 효과를 일으키기 위해서 결합해야 하는 수용체 부위를 가지고 있다.

 But because every hormone has its own unique shape, they are designed to act only on the parts of the body that have a receptor site with the corresponding shape.

 하지만 모든 호르몬은 자신만의 독특한 모양을 가지고 있기 때문에 그에 상응하는 모양의 수용체 부위를 지닌 인체의 부분에만 작용하도록 설계되어 있다.

 This mode of action can be likened to a lock and key mechanism ― if the key doesn't fit the lock, then nothing will happen.

 이러한 작용 방식은 자물쇠와 열쇠 매커니즘에 비유될 수 있는데, 만약 열쇠가 자물쇠에 맞지 않으면 아무 일도 일어나지 않을 것이다.

 When a hormone binds to its receptor, it sets off a chain of other signaling pathways to create a change in the body.

 호르몬이 수용체에 결합되면 몸에 변화를 일으키기 위해서 일련의 다른 신호 전달 경로를 유발한다.

 Once the desired effect has taken place and there is too much hormone circulating in the blood, this signal is fed back to the glands to reduce further hormone release.

 일단 바라던 결과가 일어나고 혈액 내에서 순환하는 너무 많은 호르몬이 있으면 이 신호는 추가적인 호르몬 분비를 억제하기 위해 분비선으로 다시 보내진다.

 This is called a feedback loop and, when functioning correctly, it allows the endocrine system to ensure the conditions in your body remain in balance.

 이것은 피드백 고리라고 불리고 올바르게 기능하면 그것은 내분비계로 하여금 여러분의 몸 상태가 균형을 유지하는 것을 확실히 하도록 한다.


[3] 2023 04  31: 유사한 행동 스타일이 초기 매력에 미치는 영향

 Although a balance or harmony between partners clearly develops over time in a relationship, it is also a factor in initial attraction and interest in a partner.

 파트너 사이의 균형이나 조화는 관계에서 시간이 지남에 따라 분명히 발전하지만, 그것은 파트너에 대한 초기 매력과 관심의 요인이기도 하다.

 That is, to the extent that two people share similar verbal and nonverbal habits in a first meeting, they will be more comfortable with one another.

 , 두 사람이 첫 만남에서 비슷한 언어적 그리고 비언어적 습관을 공유하는 정도까지 그들은 서로 더 편안할 것이다.

 For example, fast-paced individuals talk and move quickly and are more expressive, whereas slow-paced individuals have a different tempo and are less expressive.

 예를 들어, 속도가 빠른 사람들은 빠르게 말을 하고 움직이며 더 표현력이 있는 반면, 속도가 느린 사람들은 다른 속도를 가지고 표현력이 덜 하다.

 Initial interactions between people at opposite ends of such a continuum may be more difficult than those between similar types.

 이러한 연속체의 반대쪽 끝에 있는 사람들 간의 초기 상호 작용은 유사한 유형 간의 그것들보다 더 어려울 수 있다.

 In the case of contrasting styles, individuals may be less interested in pursuing a relationship than if they were similar in interaction styles.

 대조적인 유형의 경우 사람들은 그들이 상호 작용 유형에 있어서 유사한 경우보다 관계를 추구하는 것에 관심이 적을 수 있다.

 Individuals with similar styles, however, are more comfortable and find that they just seem to "click" with one another.

 그러나 비슷한 유형의 사람들은 더 편안하고 그들이 단지 서로 '즉시 마음이 통하는' 것 같다는 것을 느낀다.

 Thus, behavioral coordination may provide a selection filter for the initiation of a relationship.

 따라서 행동의 조화는 관계의 시작을 위한 선택 필터를 제공할 수 있다.


[3] 2023 04  32: 보어버드가 복잡한 구조물을 만드는 예술성

 Animals arguably make art.

 동물은 거의 틀림없이 예술을 만든다.

 The male bowerbirds of New Guinea and Australia dedicate huge fractions of their time and energy to creating elaborate structures from twigs, flowers, berries, beetle wings, and even colorful trash.

 뉴기니와 오스트레일리아의 수컷 바우어새는 나뭇가지, , 딸기류, 딱정벌레 날개 그리고 심지어 다채로운 잡동사니로부터 정교한 구조물을 만드는 데 그들의 시간과 에너지의 큰 부분을 바친다.

 These are the backdrops to their complex mating dances, which include acrobatic moves and even imitations of other species.

 이것들은 그들의 복잡한 짝짓기 춤을 위한 배경이며 그 춤은 곡예 동작과 심지어 다른 종들의 모방까지 포함한다.

 What's most amazing about the towers and "bowers" they construct is that they aren't stereotyped like a beehive or hummingbird nest.

 그들이 지은 탑과 '바우어'의 가장 놀라운 점은 그것들이 벌집이나 벌새 둥지처럼 정형화되어 있지 않다는 것이다.

 Each one is different.

 각각의 것은 다르다.

 Artistic skill, along with fine craftsbirdship, is rewarded by the females.

 새의 정교한 장인 정신과 함께 예술적 기술은 암컷에 의해 보상받는다.

 Many researchers suggest these displays are used by the females to gauge the cognitive abilities of her potential mates, but Darwin thought that she was actually attracted to their beauty.

 많은 연구자들은 이 과시가 자신의 잠재적 짝의 인지적 능력을 측정하기 위해서 암컷에 의해 이용된다고 말하지만 다윈은 암컷이 실제로 그것들의 '아름다움'에 끌렸다고 생각했다.

 In other words, the bowers aren't simply signals of mate quality; they are appreciated by the females for their own sake, much as we appreciate a painting or a bouquet of spring flowers.

 다시 말해, 바우어는 단순히 짝의 자질의 신호만인 것은 아니다. 그것들은 우리가 그림이나 봄꽃 한 다발을 감상하는 것처럼 그 자체의 목적을 위해 감상된다.

 A 2013 study looked at whether bowerbirds that did better on cognitive tests were more successful at attracting mates.

 2013년의 한 연구는 인지 검사에서 더 잘했던 바우어새가 짝을 유혹하는 데 더 성공적이었는지를 살펴보았다.

 They were not, suggesting whatever the females are looking for, it isn't a straightforward indicator of cognitive ability.

 그들은 그러지 않았고, 이것은 암컷이 찾는 것이 무엇이든지 그것이 인지 능력의 직접적인 지표는 아니라는 것을 시사한다.


[3] 2023 04  33: 소비자 만족도를 높이기 위한 제품 경험 연결

 Running a business that sells goods and services to consumers requires getting to know the products they like.

 소비자에게 상품과 서비스를 판매하는 사업을 운영하는 것은 그들이 좋아하는 제품을 알아가는 것을 필요로 한다.

 More than that, however, you want to link positive experiences to the products they purchase.

 그러나 그 이상으로 여러분은 긍정적인 경험을 그들이 구매하는 제품에 연결하는 것이 좋다.

 In traditional or online sales, people are bound to favorably regard the vendor and product that they could easily inquire about and quickly acquire in good order.

 전통적인 판매나 온라인 판매에서 사람들은 쉽게 문의할 수 있고 좋은 상태로 빨리 얻을 수 있는 제품과 판매자를 좋게 생각할 수밖에 없다.

 Using the product can increase or decrease their satisfaction, and they will remember to repurchase products that meet and exceed their expectations.

 제품을 사용하는 것은 그들의 만족도를 증가시키거나 감소시킬 수 있으며, 그들은 기대를 충족시키고 뛰어넘는 제품을 재구매할 것을 기억할 것이다.

 Traditional stores make the shopping experience pleasant by their displays and personal service.

 전통적인 상점은 그것의 진열과 개인 서비스로 쇼핑 경험을 즐겁게 만든다.

 Internet retailers lead buyers to products they want through speedy searches and clicks.

 인터넷 소매업체는 빠른 검색과 클릭을 통해 구매자를 그들이 원하는 제품으로 유도한다.

 A new online selling method that can generate millions of dollars in purchases within a few minutes is livestream selling.

 몇 분 안에 수백만 달러의 구매를 창출할 수 있는 새로운 온라인 판매 방법은 실시간 스트리밍 판매이다.

 That's when hosts streaming their shows live demonstrate a product and even interactively receive comments and answer questions from their viewers through the power of social media.

 그것은 그들의 쇼를 실시간으로 스트리밍하는 호스트가 제품을 시연하고 심지어 소셜 미디어의 힘을 통해 양방향으로 그들의 시청자로부터 의견을 받고 질문에 답하는 경우이다.

 If they like the product, they buy it immediately through an e-commerce feature on the platform.

 그들은 그 제품이 마음에 들면 플랫폼의 전자 상거래 기능을 통해 즉시 그것을 구매한다.

 Buyers say that the experience is so convenient, it is like talking to a friend.

 구매자는 경험이 매우 편리하고, 그것은 친구와 이야기하는 것과 같다고 말한다.


[3] 2023 04  34: 헤겔의 철학에서 개체와 보편성의 상호작용

 In Hegel's philosophy, even though there is interaction and interrelation between the universal and the individual, the universal still has more priority than the individual.

 헤겔의 철학에서 비록 보편자와 개별자 사이에 상호 작용과 상호 관계가 있긴 하지만 보편자는 여전히 개별자보다 더 많은 우위를 갖는다.

 For Hegel, individuals are not distinguished in terms of Reason.

 헤겔에게 개인은 '이성'의 관점에서는 구별되지 않는다.

 In Philosophy of Right Hegel stresses particularity and universality as follows:

 Philosophy of Right에서 헤겔은 다음과 같이 특수성과 보편성을 강조한다.

 "A man, who acts perversely, exhibits particularity.

 '사람은 별나게 행동하는데, 특수성을 보여 준다.

 The rational is the highway on which everyone travels, and no one is specially marked."

 이성적인 것은 모든 사람이 이동하는 고속도로이며, 아무도 특별하게 표시되지 않는다.'

 Here, Hegel maintains that individuals can be differentiated from each other in terms of their acts but they are not differentiated with respect to reason.

 여기서 헤겔은 개인이 그들의 행동의 관점에서는 서로 구별될 수 있지만 이성의 측면에서는 구별되지 않는다고 주장한다.

 There are specific thoughts, but they are finally resolved into the universal.

 특수한 생각은 있지만 그것들은 결국 보편자로 귀착된다.

 One might say that Hegel seems to focus on the individual like Aristotle but in reality, he subtly treats the universal as fundamental whereas Aristotle considers the individual as primary substance and universal as secondary substance; in so doing Aristotle emphasizes the universal to be subordinate to the individual in contrast to Hegel.

 혹자는 헤겔이 아리 스토텔레스처럼 개별자에만 초점을 맞춘 것으로 보인다고 말할 수도 있지만 아리스토텔레스가 개별자를 제일(-) 실체로, 보편자를 제이(第二) 실체로 여기고, 그렇게 하는 것을 통해 헤겔과는 반대로 보편자가 개별자에게 종속된다고 강조하는 것과는 달리 실제로 그(헤겔)는 미묘하게 보편자를 근본적인 것으로 다룬다.


[3] 2023 04  35: 언어의 구조와 현실 표현의 문제점 탐구

 One of the branches of postmodernism examines the structure of language and how it is used.

 포스트모더니즘의 분파 중 하나는 언어의 구조와 그것이 어떻게 사용되는지를 살펴본다.

 It challenges the assumption that language can be precisely used to represent reality.

 그것은 언어가 현실을 나타내는 데 정확하게 사용될 수 있다는 가정에 이의를 제기한다.

 Meanings of words are ambiguous, as words are only signs or labels given to concepts (what is signified) and therefore there is no necessary correspondence between the word and the meaning, the signifier and the signified.

 단어는 단지 개념(의 미되는 바)에 주어진 기호 또는 표호이고 따라서 단어와 그 의미, 즉 기표(꾼標)와 기의(꾼意) 사이에는 필연적인 상응이 존재하지 않기 때문에 단어의 의미는 모호하다.

 The use of signs (words) and their meaning can vary depending on the flow of the text in which they are used, leading to the possibility of 'deconstructing' text to reveal its underlying inconsistencies.

 기호(단어)의 사용과 그것의 의미는 그것이 사용되는 텍스트의 흐름에 따라 다양할 수 있고, 이것은 그것의 기저에 있는 불일치성을 드러내기 위해 텍스트를 '해체할' 가능성으로 이어진다.

 This approach can be applied to all forms of representation ― pictures, films, etc. that gain added or alternative meanings by the overlaying of references to previous uses.

 이러한 접근법은 모든 형태의 표상, 즉 외연을 이전의 사용에 덧씌움을 통해 추가된 혹은 대안적인 의미를 얻는 사진, 영화 등에 적용될 수 있다.

 This can be seen particularly in the media, where it is difficult to distinguish the real from the unreal ― everything is representation, there is no reality.

 이것은 특히 미디어에서 보여질 수 있는데, 여기에서 실제와 가상을 구별하기 어려우며 모든 것은 표상이고 현실은 없다.


[3] 2023 04  36: 지구 형성 과정과 초기 조건에 대한 설명

 The Earth formed from rocky and metallic fragments during the construction of the solar system ― debris that was swept up by an initial nucleus and attracted together into a single body by the force of gravity.

 지구는 태양계의 형성 도중 암석과 금속 조각들로부터 만들어졌는데, 이것들은 초기 핵에 의해 휩쓸리고 중력의 힘에 의해 하나의 덩어리로 끌어들여진 파편들이다.

 The original materials were cold as outer space and dry as dust; whatever water and gases they contained were locked inside individual fragments as chemical compounds.

 원래 물질들은 우주 공간처럼 차갑고 먼지처럼 건조했는데, 그것들이 포함하는 물과 가스는 무엇이든지 화학 혼합물로서 개별 조각 안에 갇혀 있었다.

 As the fragments joined, the Earth's gravity increased, attracting larger and larger objects to impact the Earth.

 그 조각들이 모이면서 지구의 중력이 증가했고, 이것은 점점 더 큰 물체들을 끌어당겨 지구에 충돌하게 했다.

 This increasing gravity, combined with the timeless radioactive decay of elements like uranium and thorium, caused the new Earth to heat up.

 이러한 증가하는 중력은 우라늄과 토륨과 같은 원소의 끝없는 방사선 붕괴와 결합하여 새로운 지구가 가열되는 것을 유발했다.

 The internal temperature and pressure were high enough for many compounds to break down or melt, releasing their water and gases.

 내부 온도와 압력은 많은 혼합물이 분해되거나 녹을 정도로 충분히 높았고, 물과 가스를 방출했다.

 Even solid material could begin to move and flow under such conditions.

 심지어 고체 물질도 그러한 상태에서 움직이고 흐르기 시작할 수 있었다.

 Separation by density began, and the Earth started to organize into its present layered structure.

 밀도에 의한 분리가 시작되었고, 지구는 그것의 현재 지층 구조로 구성되기 시작했다.

 The heaviest metals sank to the center; the lightest materials migrated outward.

 가장 무거운 금속은 중심부로 가라앉았고, 가장 가벼운 물질은 바깥으로 이동했다.


[3] 2023 04  37: 표현의 권력이 문화 지배에 미치는 영향

 Representation is control.

 표현은 지배력이다.

 The power to represent the world is the power to represent us in it or it in us, for the final stage of representing merges the representor and the represented into one.

 세상을 표현하는 힘은 그것 속에 있는 우리 또는 우리 속에 있는 그것을 표 현하는 힘인데, 왜냐하면 표현하기의 최종 단계는 표현하는 것과 표현되는 것을 하나로 병합하기 때문이다.

 Imperializing cultures produce great works of art (great representations) which can be put to work intellectually as armies and trading houses work militarily and economically.

 제국주의화하는 문화는 군대와 무역 회사가 군사적, 경제적으로 작동하는 것과 마찬가지로 지적으로 작동할 수 있는 훌륭한 예술 작품을 생산한다.

 Shakespeare, Jane Austen and maps were as important to English Imperial power as was the East India Company, the British army and the churches of England.

 셰익스피어, 제인 오스틴 그리고 지도는 동인도 회사, 영국 군대 그리고 영국의 교회만큼 영국 제국의 힘에 중요했다.

 It is no coincidence that modern Europe, the Europe of colonization, was also the Europe of "great art," and no coincidence either that it was the Europe of great map makers.

 식민지화의 유럽인 현대 유럽이 '위대한 예술'의 유럽이기도 했다는 것은 우연이 아니며, 위대한 지도 제작자들의 유럽이었다는 것도 우연이 아니다.

 That is because unless we can control the world intellectually by maps we cannot control it militarily or economically.

 그것은 우리가 지도로 세상을 지적으로 지배할 수 없다면 군사적으로나 경제적으로 지배할 수 없기 때문이다.

 Mercator, Moliere, Columbus and Captain Cook imperialized in different ways, but they all imperialized, and ultimately the effectiveness of one depended upon and supported the effectiveness of all the others.

 메르카토르, 몰리에르, 콜럼버스 그리고 쿡 선장은 서로 다른 방식으로 제국주의화했지만 그들은 모두 제국주의화했고 궁극적으로 하나의 유효성은 다른 모든 것들의 유효성에 의존하고 그것을 뒷받침했다.

 Similarly the US form of contemporary colonization, which involves occupying economies and political parties rather than physical territories, is accompanied by the power of both Hollywood and the satellite to represent the world to and for the US.

 마찬가지로 물리적 영토라기보다는 경제와 정당을 차지하는 것을 포함하는 미국의 현대 식민지화 형태는 세계를 미국에 그리고 미국을 위해 표현하기 위해 할리우드와 인공위성 둘 다의 힘에 의해 동반된다.


[3] 2023 04  38: '동물'이라는 단어가 인간과 동물 구분 강조

 Language, and the word "animal," deceives us.

 언어, 그중에서도 '동물'이라는 단어는 우리를 속인다.

 The word "animal" categorizes all non-human animals and distances humans from other animals.

 '동물'이라는 단어는 인간이 아닌 모든 동물 을 분류하고 인간을 다른 동물로부터 떼어 놓는다.

 Seeing all other animals as one group in contrast to humans reinforces anthropocentrism, which contributes to the legitimization of practices in which other animals are used for human benefit.

 모든 다른 동물을 인간과 대조되는 하나의 그룹으로 보는 것은 인간 중심주의를 강화하는데, 이는 다른 동물이 인간의 이득을 위해 이용되는 관행의 정당화에 기여한다.

 Jacques Derrida argues that instead of one line between Man on the one side and Animal on the other, there is a multiple and heterogeneous border; beyond the edge of the "so-called human," we find a heterogeneous plurality of the living.

 Jacques Derrida는 한쪽에 있는 '인간'과 다른 한쪽에 있는 '동물' 사이의 하나의 선 대신에 복합적이고 이질적인 경계가 있다고 주장하는데, '소위 인간'의 가장자리 너머에서 우리는 살아 있는 것들의 이질적인 복수성을 발견한다.

 To account for this multitude, using the word "animot" has been proposed.

 이 다양성을 설명하기 위해 'animot'이라는 단어를 사용할 것이 제안되어 왔다.

 In speech it refers to the plural, the multiplicity of animals, which is necessary because there is no one "animal."

 언어에서 그것은 복수, 즉 동물의 다양성을 가리키는데, 이는 하나의 '동물'만 있지는 않기 때문에 필요하다.

 The "mot" in "animot" refers to the act of naming and the risks involved in drawing a distinction between human and animal by the human.

 'animot' 'mot'은 명명하는 행위 와 인간에 의한 인간과 동물 사이의 구분을 짓는 데 수반되는 위험을 나타낸다.

 It reminds us of the fact that it is a word for animals, not a reference to an existing group of animals.

 그것은 우리로 하여금 그것이 기존의 동물 집단을 가리키는 것이 아니라 동물들을 위한 단어라는 사실을 상기시킨다.


[3] 2023 04  39: 바빌로니아 천문학이 과학적 방법에 미친 영향

 Babylonian astronomers created detailed records of celestial movements in the heavens, using the resulting tables to sieve out irregularities and, with them, the favour of the gods.

 바빌로니아의 천문학자들은 하늘에서의 천체 운동에 대한 자세한 기록을 만들었고, 그 결과표를 사용하여 불규칙성을, 그리고 그것들로 신의 은총을 가려냈다.

 This was the seed of what we now call the scientific method ― a demonstration that accurate observations of the world could be used to forecast its future.

 이것이 우리가 현재 과학적인 방법이라고 부르는 것, 즉 세상에 대한 정확한 관찰이 미래를 예측하기 위해 사용될 수 있다는 것을 보여 주는 씨앗이었다.

 The importance of measurement in this sort of cosmic comprehension did not develop smoothly over the centuries.

 이러한 종류의 우주의 이해에 관한 측정의 중요성은 수 세기 동안 원활하게 발전하지는 않았다.

 Indeed, in the Middle Ages in Europe, calculating by hand and eye was sometimes seen as producing a rather shabby sort of knowledge, inferior to that of abstract thought.

 사실, 유럽의 중세 시대에는 손과 눈으로 측정하는 것은 다소 터무니없는 종류의 지식, 즉 추상적인 사고의 그것보다 열등한 지식을 만들어 낸다고 때때로 여겨졌다.

 The suspicion was due to the influence of ancient Greeks in the era's scholasticism, particularly Plato and Aristotle, who stressed that the material world was one of unceasing change and instability.

 그 의심은 그 당시의 스콜라 철학의 고대 그리스인들, 특히 물질 세계는 끊임없는 변화와 불안정의 하나라고 강조했던 플라톤과 아리스토텔레스의 영향 때문이었다.

 They emphasized that reality was best understood by reference to immaterial qualities, be they Platonic forms or Aristotelian causes.

 그들은 현실이 플라톤적인 형태이 든 아리스토텔레스적인 원인이든 비물질적인 자질을 참조하여 가장 잘 이해된다고 강조했다.

 It would take the revelations of the scientific revolution to fully displace these instincts, with observations of the night sky once again proving decisive.

 이러한 직관을 완전히 대체하기 위해서는 과학적인 혁명이라는 뜻밖의 새로운 발견이 필요했을 것이고 밤하늘의 관찰이 결정적임이 다시 한 번 입증되었다.


[3] 2023 04  40: 동물이 과장된 자극을 선호하는 실험 결과

 Experiments suggest that animals, just like humans, tend to prefer exaggerated, supernormal stimuli, and that a preference can rapidly propel itself to extreme levels (peak shift effect).

 실험들은 동물이 인간과 마찬가지로 과장되고 비범한 자극을 선호하는 경향이 있으며 선호는 빠르게 그 자체를 극단적인 수준으로 나아가게 할 수 있다는 것('정점 변경 효과')을 보여 준다.

 In one experiment, through food rewards rats were conditioned to prefer squares to other geometric forms.

 한 실험에서 음식 보상을 통해 쥐는 정사각형을 다른 기하학 형태보다 선호하도록 조건화되었다.

 In the next step, a non-square rectangle was introduced and associated with an even larger reward than the square.

 다음 단계에서 정사각형이 아닌 직사각형이 내놓아졌고 정사각형보다 훨씬 더 큰 보상과 연관되었다.

 As expected, the rats learned to reliably prefer the rectangle.

 예상했듯이 쥐는 직사각형을 확실히 선호하는 것을 학습했다.

 Less predictable was the third part of the experiment.

 덜 예측 가능했던 것은 그 실험의 세 번째 부분이었다.

 The rats were offered the opportunity to choose between the rectangle they already knew and associated with large rewards and another rectangle, the proportions of which were even more different from those of a square.

 쥐는 그들이 이미 알고 있고 큰 보상과 연관되었던 직사각형과 그것의 비율이 정사각형의 그것과 훨씬 더 차이가 나는 또 다른 직사각형 사이에서 선택을 할 기회를 제공받았다.

 Interestingly, rats picked this novel variant, without undergoing any reward-based conditioning in favor of it.

 흥미롭게도 쥐는 그것을 위한 보상에 기반한 조건화를 조금도 경험하지 않고도 이 새로운 변형을 골랐다.

 A possible explanation is thus that they chose the larger difference from the original square (i.e., the exaggeration of non-squareness).

 따라서 가능한 설명은 그들이 원래의 정사각형보다 더 큰 차이,  '정사각형이 아닌 것'의 과장을 선택했다는 것이다.


[3] 2023 04  41~42: 인간의 느린 발달이 다양한 환경 적응을 가능하게 

 Although we humans are equipped with reflexive responses for survival, at birth we are helpless.

 비록 우리 인간이 생존을 위해 반사 반응을 갖추고 있을지라도 태어날 때 우리는 무력하다.

 We spend about a year unable to walk, about two more before we can articulate full thoughts, and many more years unable to provide for ourselves.

 우리는 대략 1년을 걸을 수 없는 상태로 보내고, 우리가 완전한 생각을 분명히 말할 수 있기까지 대략 2년을 더 보내며, 더 많은 시간을 우리 스스로를 부양할 수 없는 상태로 보낸다.

 We are totally dependent on those around us for our survival.

 우리는 우리의 생존을 위해 우리 주변의 사람들에게 완전히 의존적이다.

 Now compare this to many other mammals.

 이제 이것을 많은 다른 포유동물과 비교해 보아라.

 Dolphins, for instance, are born swimming; giraffes learn to stand within hours; a baby zebra can run within forty-five minutes of birth.

 예를 들어 돌고래는 헤엄치면서 태어난다. 기린은 몇 시간 내에 서는 법을 배운다. 새끼 얼룩말은 태어난 지 45분 내에 달릴 수 있다.

 Across the animal kingdom, our cousins are strikingly independent soon after they're born.

 전체 동물의 왕국에서 우리의 사촌들은 그들이 태어난 직후 놀랍게도 독립적이다.

 On the face of it, that seems like a great advantage for other species ― but in fact it signifies a limitation.

 겉보기에는 그것이 다른 종들에게는 엄청난 이점처럼 보이지만 사실은 그것은 한계를 의미한다.

 Baby animals develop quickly because their brains are wiring up according to a largely preprogrammed routine.

 새끼 동물은 주로 미리 프로그램된 루틴에 따라 그것들의 뇌가 연결되어 있기 때문에 빠르게 성장한다.

 But that preparedness trades off with flexibility.

 하지만 그러한 준비됨은 유연성과 서로 교환된다.

 Imagine if some unfortunate rhinoceros found itself on the Arctic tundra, or on top of a mountain in the Himalayas, or in the middle of a metropolis.

 만약 어떤 운 나쁜 코뿔소가 북극 툰드라에서 또는 히말라야 산맥의 산꼭대기에서 또는 대도시의 한가운데에서 자신을 발견했다고 상상해 보아라.

 It would have no capacity to adapt (which is why we don't find rhinos in those areas).

 그것은 적응할 능력이 없을 것이다(이것이 우리가 코뿔소를 그러한 지역에서 발견할 수 없는 이유이다).

 This strategy of arriving with a pre-arranged brain works inside a particular niche in the ecosystem ― but put an animal outside of that niche, and its chances of thriving are low.

 이러한 미리 배열된 뇌와 함께 오는 전략은 생태계 안의 특정한 적합한 장소 안에서는 잘 작동하지만 어떤 동물을 그 적합한 장소 밖에 두면 그것의 번성할 가능성은 낮다.

 In contrast, humans are able to thrive in many different environments, from the frozen tundra to the high mountains to crowded urban centers.

 대조적으로 인간은 얼어붙은 툰드라에서 높은 산맥, 북적거리는 도시 중심지까지 많은 다른 환경에서 번성할 수 있다.

 This is possible because the human brain is born remarkably incomplete.

 이는 인간의 뇌가 놀랍게도 불완전 한 채로 태어나기 때문에 가능하다.

 Instead of arriving with everything wired up ― let's call it "hardwired" ― a human brain allows itself to be shaped by the details of life experience.

 모든 것이 연결된 채로, 즉 소위 '타고난' 채로 오는 대신에 인간의 뇌는 그것 자체가 삶의 경험의 세세한 것에 의해 형성되는 것을 가능하게 한다.

 This leads to long periods of helplessness as the young brain slowly molds to its environment.

 이것은 미숙 한 뇌가 그것의 환경에 맞게 천천히 형성되어 가면서 오랜 기간의 무력함으로 이어진다.

 It's "livewired."

 그것은 '살아 가면서 연결된다'.


[3] 2023 04  43~45: 과도한 관심이 독립성을 저해할  있음을 비유

 There were two neighbors living next to each other.

 서로 옆에 사는 두 이웃이 있었다.

 One was a professor and the other was a merchant who had an unmotivated son.

 한 이웃은 교수였고, 다른 이웃은 동기 부여가 되지 않은 아들을 가진 상인이었다.

 Both of them had planted the same kind of plant in each of their gardens.

 그들 둘 다 각자의 정원에 같은 종류의 식물을 심었다.

 The professor gave a small amount of water to his plants and didn't always give his full attention to them.

 교수는 그의 식물들에 적은 양의 물을 주었고 그들에게 항상 완전한 주의를 기울이지는 않았다.

 Meanwhile, in the merchant's garden, the merchant gave a lot of water to his plants and looked after them well.

 한편, 상인의 정원에서 상인은 그(상인)의 식물들에 많은 물을 주고 그들을 잘 돌보았다.

 The professor's plants were simple but looked good, while the merchant's plants were much fuller and greener.

 교수의 식물들은 평범하지만 괜찮아 보였던 반면 상인의 식물들은 훨씬 더 풍성하고 푸르렀다.

 One night, there was a heavy storm.

 어느 밤, 강한 폭풍이 있었다.

 After the storm was over, both of the neighbors inspected the damage to their gardens.

 폭풍이 지나간 뒤에, 두 이웃 모두 정원의 피해를 점검했다.

 The merchant saw that his plants had come out from the roots and were totally destroyed by the storm.

 상인은 그의 식물들이 폭풍에 의해 뿌리째 뽑혀서 완전히 파괴된 것을 발견했다.

 But, the plants of his neighbor were not damaged at all and were standing firm.

 하지만, 그의 이웃(교수)의 식물들은 전혀 피해를 입지 않고 단단히 서 있었다.

 The merchant was surprised to see this because he thought he had given his plants better care than the professor.

 상인은 그가 교수보다 식물을 더 잘 보살폈다고 생각했기 때문에 그것을 보고 놀랐다.

 He went to his neighbor and said, "Only my plants came out from the roots. How is that possible?"

 그는 그의 이웃에게 가서 말했다. "(상인)의 식물들만 뿌리째 뽑혔어요. 어떻게 이게 가능하죠?"

 The professor smiled and said, "You gave your plants so much attention and water that they didn't need to work for themselves."

 교수는 웃으며 말했다. "당신이 당신의 식물들에 너무 많은 관심과 물을 주었기에, 그들은 스스로 노력할 필요가 없었던 겁니다."

 "Is that really a problem?" said the merchant with a curious look on his face.

 "그게 정말 문제인가요?" 상인이 그(상인)의 얼굴에 궁금한 표정을 띠며 물었다.

 The professor continued his explanation, "I gave my plants just an adequate amount of water and let their roots search for more.

 교수는 설명을 계속했다. "저는 제 식물들에게 딱 적당한 정도의 물만 주고 그들의 뿌리로 하여금 그 이상을 찾도록 했죠.

 Their roots went deeper and grew stronger."

 그들의 뿌리는 더 깊어졌고 더 강하게 자랐어요."

 At that moment, the merchant recalled the image of his son, still lazy and dependent on his parents.

 그 순간, 상인은 여전히 게으르고 자신의 부모에게 의존하는 그(상인)의 아들의 모습을 생각했다.

 "Is that how you approach teaching?" asked the merchant.

 "그것이 당신이 가르침에 접근하는 방식인가요?" 상인이 물었다.

 The professor said, "Yes. Students are like plants. Sometimes guiding is better than giving."

 교수가 말했다. "맞아요. 학생들은 식물과 같죠. 가끔은 주는 것보다 안내하는 것이 더 좋아요."

 Nodding silently, the merchant began to rethink what education is.

 상인은 조용히 고개를 끄덕이며 교육이 무엇인지 다시 생각하기 시작했다.






<2023년도 4월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.
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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 









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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 









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[고2] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT 4.0


[2 2023 06 – 18: 결석 사유 제출 안내  협조 요청 공문]


Dear parents, Regular attendance at school is essential in maximizing student potential. Recently, we've become concerned about the number of unapproved absences across all grades. I would like to further clarify that your role as a parent is to approve any school absence. Parents must provide an explanation for absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence. Where an explanation has not been received within the 7-day time frame, the school will record the absence as unjustified on the student's record. Please ensure that you go to the parent portal site and register the reason any time your child is absent. Please approve all absences, so that your child will not be at a disadvantage. Many thanks for your cooperation. Sincerely, Natalie Brown, Vice Principal



Possible Titles:

1. Ensuring Student Success: Importance of Approving School Absences 

2. Clarifying Absence Policies: How Parents Can Help Ensure Justified Attendance 

3. Parental Role in School Absences: Procedures for Providing Timely Justification 

4. Preventing Unjustified Absences: Why Regular School Attendance Matters 


Main Idea #1:

Parents are reminded to provide timely explanations for their child's school absences to prevent them from being recorded as unjustified. 


Main Idea #2:

Parents should use the school's parent portal to register and approve their child's absence within 7 days to ensure accurate attendance records and prevent potential disadvantages.



Vice Principal Natalie Brown emphasizes the importance of regular school attendance and asks parents to approve their child's absences within 7 days using the parent portal. This ensures that unjustified absences aren't recorded, preventing students from facing any disadvantages due to inaccurate records. 


Key Points:

1. Regular attendance is crucial for maximizing student potential. 

2. Parents must provide absence explanations within 7 days to avoid unjustified records. 

3. The parent portal is the platform for registering and justifying absences. 

4. Ensuring all absences are approved prevents students from being disadvantaged.


2 2023 06 – 19: 우편물 수령  기쁨의 상황 묘사]


Ester stood up as soon as she heard the hum of a hover engine outside. "Mail," she shouted and ran down the third set of stairs and swung open the door. It was pouring now, but she ran out into the rain. She was facing the mailbox. There was a single, unopened letter inside. She was sure this must be what she was eagerly waiting for. Without hesitation, she tore open the envelope. She pulled out the paper and unfolded it. The letter said, 'Thank you for applying to our company. We would like to invite you to our internship program. We look forward to seeing you soon.' She jumped up and down and looked down at the letter again. She couldn't wait to tell this news to her family.



Possible Titles:

1. Ester's Anticipation: The Excitement of Receiving a Long-Awaited Letter 

2. A Life-Changing Letter: Ester's Joy After Receiving Internship News 

3. From Hope to Reality: Ester's Enthusiastic Response to a Dream Opportunity 

4. The Power of an Invitation: How Ester's Internship Acceptance Transformed Her Day 


Main Idea #1:

Ester eagerly anticipated a letter that could shape her future, immediately recognizing its significance upon receiving it. 


Main Idea #2:

The letter contained an invitation to an internship program, bringing Ester immense joy as she couldn't wait to share the exciting news with her family. 



Ester sprinted through the pouring rain to retrieve a long-awaited letter that confirmed her acceptance into an internship program. Filled with excitement, she jumped up and down and looked forward to sharing this life-changing news with her family. 


Key Points:

1. Ester anxiously anticipated a letter from a company, rushing out to get it. 

2. The letter confirmed her acceptance into the company's internship program. 

3. Her excitement was palpable as she eagerly prepared to share the news with her family.


2 2023 06 – 20: 새로운 기술의 지속가능한 발전을 위한 영향 평가의 필요성]


The introduction of new technologies clearly has both positive and negative impacts for sustainable development. Good management of technological resources needs to take them fully into account. Technological developments in sectors such as nuclear energy and agriculture provide examples of how not only environmental benefits but also risks to the environment or human health can accompany technological advances. New technologies have profound social impacts as well. Since the industrial revolution, technological advances have changed the nature of skills needed in workplaces, creating certain types of jobs and destroying others, with impacts on employment patterns. New technologies need to be assessed for their full potential impacts, both positive and negative.



Possible Titles:

1. Navigating the Dual Impact of New Technologies on Sustainable Development 

2. Balancing Benefits and Risks: How Technology Affects the Environment and Society 

3. The Role of Technology in Sustainable Development: Managing Both Positive and Negative Impacts 

4. Technological Innovation and Its Complex Impacts on Sustainability and Employment 


Main Idea #1:

New technologies impact sustainable development in both positive and negative ways, necessitating careful management. 


Main Idea #2:

Technological advances bring environmental and social risks alongside benefits, influencing sustainability and employment patterns, so their impacts must be comprehensively evaluated. 



New technologies can positively and negatively affect sustainable development, requiring careful management. While sectors like nuclear energy and agriculture offer environmental benefits, they also pose risks to the environment and human health. Technological advancements profoundly affect social aspects, creating and eliminating job types, thus impacting employment patterns. Comprehensive impact assessments are needed to fully understand these changes. 


Key Points:

1. New technologies bring both positive and negative effects for sustainable development. 

2. Technological advances in sectors like nuclear energy and agriculture can both help and harm the environment. 

3. Social impacts include shifts in employment patterns, as technological advances create and eliminate jobs. 

4. Full assessments are necessary to manage the broad impacts of new technologies.


2 2023 06 – 21: 미국 전통 음식 문화의 상실 우려]


North America's native cuisine met the same unfortunate fate as its native people, save for a few relics like the Thanksgiving turkey. Certainly, we still have regional specialties, but the Carolina barbecue will almost certainly have California tomatoes in its sauce, and the Louisiana gumbo is just as likely to contain Indonesian farmed shrimp. If either of these shows up on a fast-food menu with lots of added fats or HFCS, we seem unable either to discern or resist the corruption. We have yet to come up with a strong set of generalized norms, passed down through families, for savoring and sensibly consuming what our land and climate give us. We have, instead, a string of fad diets convulsing our bookstores and bellies, one after another, at the scale of the national best seller. Nine out of ten nutritionists view this as evidence that we have entirely lost our marbles.



Possible Titles:

1. The Decline of North America's Native Cuisine: From Regional Specialties to Fad Diets 

2. Native Culinary Heritage vs. Fast Food Culture: How Tradition Lost to Convenience 

3. The Erosion of Authentic Cuisine: Regional Foods, Imported Ingredients, and Dietary Fads 

4. Navigating a Culinary Identity Crisis: How Imported Ingredients and Fads Overtook Native Cuisine 


Main Idea #1:

North America's native cuisine has largely disappeared, replaced by regional dishes containing imported ingredients and fast food options high in fats and sugars. 


Main Idea #2:

Without strong, family-based food norms that emphasize local produce, North American cuisine has succumbed to dietary fads and convenience foods, which nutritionists consider a troubling trend. 



North America's native cuisine has largely vanished, leaving behind regional specialties that often rely on imported ingredients or appear on fast-food menus. Lacking solid, family-based norms for enjoying local produce, the continent has embraced fad diets that dominate bookstores and are criticized by nutritionists, who see this trend as an abandonment of traditional culinary values. 


Key Points:

1. North America's native cuisine is mostly gone, replaced by regional dishes with imported ingredients. 

2. Fast food options often corrupt traditional flavors with excessive fats and high-fructose corn syrup. 

3. Dietary fads and best-selling diet books have replaced traditional food norms passed down through families. 

4. Nutritionists worry that this reliance on fads shows a loss of sensible culinary practices.


2 2023 06 – 22: AI 시대에 인간의 감정 지능 역량이 중요해질 ]


Perhaps, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace may bode well for Emotional Intelligence (EI). As AI gains momentum and replaces people in jobs at every level, predictions are, there will be a premium placed on people who have high ability in EI. The emotional messages people send and respond to while interacting are, at this point, far beyond the ability of AI programs to mimic. As we get further into the age of the smart machine, it is likely that sensing and managing emotions will remain one type of intelligence that puzzles AI. This means people and jobs involving EI are safe from being taken over by machines. In a survey, almost three out of four executives see EI as a "must-have" skill for the workplace in the future as the automatizing of routine tasks bumps up against the impossibility of creating effective AI for activities that require emotional skill.



Possible Titles:

1. Emotional Intelligence in the Age of AI: Why Soft Skills Will Remain Essential 

2. The Growing Importance of Emotional Intelligence Amid AI Automation 

3. Why Emotional Intelligence Will Be a Vital Workplace Skill in the AI Era 

4. Navigating Automation: How Emotional Intelligence Outshines AI in Human Interaction 


Main Idea #1:

The increasing prevalence of AI in the workplace is expected to enhance the value of Emotional Intelligence (EI). 


Main Idea #2:

As AI automates routine tasks, jobs requiring emotional skills will remain secure due to the difficulty AI faces in understanding and managing emotions, making EI a highly sought-after skill by executives. 



The rise of AI in the workplace is predicted to elevate the importance of Emotional Intelligence, as AI cannot effectively mimic emotional interactions. Executives widely recognize EI as crucial for future workplaces, as AI struggles with activities that require nuanced emotional skills. Thus, jobs involving EI will remain safe from automation. 


Key Points:

1. AI will elevate the demand for workers with strong Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills. 

2. Emotional messages in human interactions remain beyond AI's current capabilities. 

3. Jobs requiring emotional skills are unlikely to be automated by AI. 

4. Nearly 75% of executives consider EI a crucial skill in the future workplace.


2 2023 06 – 23: 교육 과정에서 분야  용어 통일의 필요성]


Education must focus on the trunk of the tree of knowledge, revealing the ways in which the branches, twigs, and leaves all emerge from a common core. Tools for thinking stem from this core, providing a common language with which practitioners in different fields may share their experience of the process of innovation and discover links between their creative activities. When the same terms are employed across the curriculum, students begin to link different subjects and classes. If they practice abstracting in writing class, if they work on abstracting in painting or drawing class, and if, in all cases, they call it abstracting, they begin to understand how to think beyond disciplinary boundaries. They see how to transform their thoughts from one mode of conception and expression to another. Linking the disciplines comes naturally when the terms and tools are presented as part of a universal imagination.



Possible Titles:

1. Creating Connections in Education: The Importance of a Common Core in Learning 

2. Breaking Down Disciplinary Boundaries: How a Universal Imagination Links Subjects 

3. Building a Common Core: How Unified Terminology Enhances Cross-Disciplinary Thinking 

4. Cultivating Universal Thinking: How Linking Educational Terms Encourages Innovation 


Main Idea #1:

Education should emphasize a shared core that connects different disciplines, enabling students to see the links between various subjects. 


Main Idea #2:

Using the same terminology across the curriculum allows students to recognize connections between different disciplines, transforming their thinking and helping them apply creativity and innovation beyond specific subjects. 



Education should focus on a shared core that connects all branches of knowledge, allowing students to see interdisciplinary links. When similar terminology is used across subjects, students better understand how to transform and apply their thinking beyond specific disciplines, fostering innovation and creativity. 


Key Points:

1. The trunk of knowledge links different branches and disciplines through shared core ideas. 

2. Consistent terminology across subjects allows students to recognize interdisciplinary connections. 

3. Students practicing similar concepts like "abstracting" in writing, art, and other subjects understand how to think across disciplines. 

4. This common language encourages innovative thinking and cross-disciplinary creativity.


2 2023 06 – 24: 언어는 시대와 함께 지속적으로 변화함]


New words and expressions emerge continually in response to new situations, ideas and feelings. The Oxford English Dictionary publishes supplements of new words and expressions that have entered the language. Some people deplore this kind of thing and see it as a drift from correct English. But it was only in the eighteenth century that any attempt was made to formalize spelling and punctuation of English at all. The language we speak in the twenty-first century would be virtually unintelligible to Shakespeare, and so would his way of speaking to us. Alvin Toffler estimated that Shakespeare would probably only understand about 250,000 of the 450,000 words in general use in the English language now. In other words, so to speak, if Shakespeare were to materialize in London today he would understand, on average, only five out of every nine words in our vocabulary.



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolution of Language: How New Words and Expressions Shape Modern English 

2. From Shakespeare to Today: The Dynamic Transformation of English Vocabulary 

3. New Words, New Era: The Ever-Changing Nature of the English Language 

4. Adapting English: How New Vocabulary Reflects Modern Ideas and Situations 


Main Idea #1:

New words and expressions constantly emerge in response to changing ideas, situations, and emotions, altering the English language over time. 


Main Idea #2:

Since English was only standardized in the 18th century, modern vocabulary has evolved so much that Shakespeare would understand just a fraction of today's words, demonstrating the dynamic and ever-changing nature of language. 



The English language evolves constantly as new words and expressions are created to reflect changing circumstances, ideas, and feelings. This continual transformation, since formalized in the 18th century, has left Shakespeare understanding only about five out of every nine words in modern English, emphasizing the significant vocabulary shift over time. 


Key Points:

1. The Oxford English Dictionary tracks the continual emergence of new words. 

2. Critics view these changes as a departure from correct English. 

3. English was only standardized for spelling and punctuation in the 18th century. 

4. Shakespeare would struggle to understand much of modern English due to vocabulary shifts.


2 2023 06 – 25: 2019 기준 국가별 학생 교사 비율 그래프]


The graph above shows the average number of students per teacher in public elementary and secondary schools across selected countries in 2019. Belgium was the only country with a smaller number of students per teacher than the OECD average in both public elementary and secondary schools. In both public elementary and secondary schools, the average number of students per teacher was the largest in Mexico. In public elementary schools, there was a smaller number of students per teacher on average in Germany than in Japan, whereas the reverse was true in public secondary schools. The average number of students per teacher in public secondary schools in Germany was less than half that in the United Kingdom. Of the five countries, Mexico was the only country with more students per teacher in public secondary schools than in public elementary schools.



Possible Titles:

1. Teacher-Student Ratios in Public Schools Across Selected Countries in 2019 

2. Comparing Student-to-Teacher Ratios in Elementary and Secondary Schools Globally 

3. Global Teacher-Student Ratios: Understanding Differences in Public Schools Across Countries 

4. Teacher-Student Ratios in 2019: Analyzing Trends in Public Education Across Nations 


Main Idea #1:

Belgium was the only country with a smaller number of students per teacher than the OECD average in both public elementary and secondary schools. 


Main Idea #2:

Mexico had the largest number of students per teacher, and was the only country where secondary schools had more students per teacher than elementary schools. 



In 2019, Belgium had fewer students per teacher than the OECD average in both public elementary and secondary schools, while Mexico had the highest student-to-teacher ratios overall. In Germany, elementary schools had fewer students per teacher than in Japan, but this trend was reversed in secondary schools. Mexico stood out as the only country where secondary schools had more students per teacher than elementary schools. 


Key Points:

1. Belgium had fewer students per teacher than the OECD average in both school levels. 

2. Mexico had the largest student-to-teacher ratios, with more students per teacher in secondary schools.

3. In Germany, elementary schools had fewer students per teacher than in Japan, but secondary schools had more. 

4. Germany's secondary schools had less than half the number of students per teacher compared to the UK.


2 2023 06 – 26: 식물학자  레이의 생애 소개]


Born in 1627 in Black Notley, Essex, England, John Ray was the son of the village blacksmith. At 16, he went to Cambridge University, where he studied widely and lectured on topics from Greek to mathematics, before joining the priesthood in 1660. To recover from an illness in 1650, he had taken to nature walks and developed an interest in botany. Accompanied by his wealthy student and supporter Francis Willughby, Ray toured Britain and Europe in the 1660s, studying and collecting plants and animals. He married Margaret Oakley in 1673 and, after leaving Willughby's household, lived quietly in Black Notley to the age of 77. He spent his later years studying samples in order to assemble plant and animal catalogues. He wrote more than twenty works on theology and his travels, as well as on plants and their form and function.



Possible Titles:

1. John Ray: The Botanist Who Pioneered Plant and Animal Cataloging 

2. From Cambridge Scholar to Naturalist: John Ray's Journey in Science and Theology 

3. The Life of John Ray: A Blacksmith's Son Who Transformed Natural History 

4. John Ray: His Contributions to Botany, Zoology, and Theological Studies 


Main Idea #1:

John Ray, the son of a blacksmith, became a renowned scholar, naturalist, and theologian who dedicated his later years to studying plants and animals. 


Main Idea #2:

Ray traveled Europe and Britain collecting specimens with his supporter Francis Willughby, later spending his final years cataloging plants and animals, while writing extensively on theology and his travels. 



John Ray, born in 1627, became a scholar and priest who was drawn to botany after recovering from illness. With support from Francis Willughby, he traveled extensively to collect plants and animals. He later returned to Black Notley, where he wrote over twenty works on theology and natural history, contributing significantly to the cataloging of plant and animal species. 


Key Points:

1. Ray studied at Cambridge University and initially joined the priesthood. 

2. His interest in botany grew after illness led him to explore nature walks. 

3. He traveled with Francis Willughby, studying plants and animals across Europe. 

4. Ray returned to Black Notley and spent his later years assembling plant and animal catalogues while writing extensively on theology and natural history.


2 2023 06 – 29: 자기보고식 설문조사의 한계와 사회적 동기 편향]


Research psychologists often work with self-report data, made up of participants' verbal accounts of their behavior. This is the case whenever questionnaires, interviews, or personality inventories are used to measure variables. Self-report methods can be quite useful. They take advantage of the fact that people have a unique opportunity to observe themselves full-time. However, self-reports can be plagued by several kinds of distortion. One of the most problematic of these distortions is the social desirability bias, which is a tendency to give socially approved answers to questions about oneself. Subjects who are influenced by this bias work overtime trying to create a favorable impression, especially when subjects are asked about sensitive issues. For example, many survey respondents will report that they voted in an election or gave to a charity when in fact it is possible to determine that they did not.



Possible Titles:

1. The Challenges of Self-Report Data: Understanding Social Desirability Bias 

2. Navigating Self-Report Distortions in Psychological Research 

3. The Reliability of Self-Report Data: How Social Desirability Bias Impacts Responses 

4. Research Challenges in Self-Reporting: Why Social Approval Skews Survey Data 


Main Idea #1:

Self-report data provides valuable insights but is often affected by social desirability bias, leading participants to offer socially approved answers. 


Main Idea #2:

In surveys and interviews, social desirability bias distorts self-reported data, particularly on sensitive topics, as participants tend to misrepresent their behavior to create a favorable impression. 



Research psychologists frequently rely on self-report data from questionnaires and interviews, benefiting from participants' full-time self-observation. However, these data are prone to social desirability bias, where respondents provide socially approved answers to appear favorable. For instance, participants may claim they voted or donated to charity even when it can be verified that they did not. 


Key Points:

1. Self-report data is obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and personality inventories. 

2. Social desirability bias causes participants to give socially favorable responses, particularly on sensitive topics. 

3. Participants often inaccurately report behavior, such as voting or donating, to fit social norms. 

4. This bias remains a significant challenge for research psychologists using self-report methods.


2 2023 06 – 30: 비관세 장벽이 개발도상국 수출에 미치는 어려움]


Over the past several decades, there have been some agreements to reduce the debt of poor nations, but other economic challenges (like trade barriers) remain. Nontariff trade measures, such as quotas, subsidies, and restrictions on exports, are increasingly prevalent and may be enacted for policy reasons having nothing to do with trade. However, they have a discriminatory effect on exports from countries that lack the resources to comply with requirements of nontariff measures imposed by rich nations. For example, the huge subsidies that rich nations give to their farmers make it very difficult for farmers in the rest of the world to compete with them. Another example would be domestic health or safety regulations, which, though not specifically targeting imports, could impose significant costs on foreign manufacturers seeking to conform to the importer's market. Industries in developing markets may have more difficulty absorbing these additional costs.



Possible Titles:

1. The Economic Impact of Trade Barriers on Developing Nations 

2. How Nontariff Measures Disadvantage Developing Countries in Global Trade 

3. Trade Challenges for Poor Nations: The Burden of Subsidies and Regulations 

4. Reducing Debt but Raising Barriers: How Nontariff Measures Hinder Developing Economies 


Main Idea #1:

While debt reduction efforts exist, nontariff trade measures continue to disadvantage developing nations in global trade. 


Main Idea #2:

Quotas, subsidies, and domestic regulations create discriminatory barriers that poorer nations struggle to overcome due to limited resources, making it difficult for them to compete with subsidized farmers and conform to costly safety and health standards. 



Despite debt reduction agreements, developing nations face discriminatory nontariff measures like quotas, subsidies, and domestic regulations that inhibit their exports. Rich nations' subsidies make competition challenging, while health and safety regulations impose significant costs, especially on industries in poorer countries with fewer resources to absorb these expenses. 


Key Points:

1. Trade barriers beyond tariffs disadvantage poorer nations in the global market. 

2. Rich nations' agricultural subsidies hinder competition from developing markets. 

3. Domestic health and safety regulations create extra costs for foreign manufacturers. 

4. Developing nations often lack the resources to comply with these costly trade measures.


2 2023 06 – 31: 환경 규제가 혁신을 촉진한 사례]


In the course of his research on business strategy and the environment, Michael Porter noticed a peculiar pattern: Businesses seemed to be profiting from regulation. He also discovered that the stricter regulations were prompting more innovation than the weaker ones. The Dutch flower industry provides an illustration. For many years, the companies producing Holland's world-renowned tulips and other cut flowers were also contaminating the country's water and soil with fertilizers and pesticides. In 1991, the Dutch government adopted a policy designed to cut pesticide use in half by 2000 ― a goal they ultimately achieved. Facing increasingly strict regulation, greenhouse growers realized they had to develop new methods if they were going to maintain product quality with fewer pesticides. In response, they shifted to a cultivation method that circulates water in closed-loop systems and grows flowers in a rock wool substrate. The new system not only reduced the pollution released into the environment; it also increased profits by giving companies greater control over growing conditions.



Possible Titles:

1. How Stricter Regulations Drive Innovation: The Case of the Dutch Flower Industry 

2. Profiting from Regulation: Michael Porter's Insight into Environmental Business Strategy 

3. The Role of Regulation in Business Innovation: Lessons from Dutch Greenhouse Growers 

4. Environmental Regulations and Innovation: How the Dutch Flower Industry Transformed Itself 


Main Idea #1:

Michael Porter observed that stricter environmental regulations often lead to business innovation and profitability. 


Main Idea #2:

The Dutch flower industry adapted to strict pesticide regulations by developing a closed-loop water system and rock wool substrate, which reduced pollution while improving profitability through better control of growing conditions. 



Michael Porter's research found that businesses often profit from stricter regulations. For instance, Dutch flower companies adapted to pesticide reduction targets by developing closed-loop water systems and rock wool substrates. These innovations reduced environmental pollution while increasing profitability by allowing greater control over growing conditions. 


Key Points:

1. Strict regulations can lead to innovation and increased profitability for businesses. 

2. The Dutch flower industry developed innovative, eco-friendly cultivation methods to meet pesticide reduction goals. 

3. Closed-loop water systems and rock wool substrates reduced pollution and improved profits. 

4. Michael Porter's observations highlight the unexpected benefits of strict environmental regulation on business strategy.


2 2023 06 – 32: 노력보다 결과를 중요시하는 경향에 대한 비판]


It's hard to pay more for the speedy but highly skilled person, simply because there's less effort being observed. Two researchers once did a study in which they asked people how much they would pay for data recovery. They found that people would pay a little more for a greater quantity of rescued data, but what they were most sensitive to was the number of hours the technician worked. When the data recovery took only a few minutes, willingness to pay was low, but when it took more than a week to recover the same amount of data, people were willing to pay much more. Think about it: They were willing to pay more for the slower service with the same outcome. Fundamentally, when we value effort over outcome, we're paying for incompetence. Although it is actually irrational, we feel more rational, and more comfortable, paying for incompetence.



Possible Titles:

1. The Perception of Value: Why We Pay More for Slower Services 

2. Misjudging Efficiency: How Time Spent Affects Perceived Value in Data Recovery 

3. Valuing Effort Over Outcome: The Irrationality Behind Paying for Incompetence 

4. Speed vs. Skill: Understanding Why Longer Work Times Command Higher Prices 


Main Idea #1:

People tend to value effort over outcome, often willing to pay more for slower services despite receiving the same results. 


Main Idea #2:

A study found that people were more willing to pay for data recovery when it took longer, revealing an irrational bias that associates longer working time with greater value, even if it reflects incompetence. 



Despite the irrationality, people tend to pay more for slower data recovery services due to an inherent bias valuing effort over results. Research shows that people are more willing to pay higher prices for the same outcome when it takes longer to achieve, mistakenly associating extended work time with higher value and competence. 


Key Points:

1. People value effort over outcome, often willing to pay more for slower services. 

2. A study revealed people would pay more for data recovery that took longer. 

3. This bias leads to an irrational willingness to pay for slower, less efficient services. 

4. It reflects a misplaced belief that longer working times equate to higher value.


2 2023 06 – 33: 환경과 교류를 통해 지적 성장이 일어남]


In adolescence many of us had the experience of falling under the sway of a great book or writer. We became entranced by the novel ideas in the book, and because we were so open to influence, these early encounters with exciting ideas sank deeply into our minds and became part of our own thought processes, affecting us decades after we absorbed them. Such influences enriched our mental landscape, and in fact our intelligence depends on the ability to absorb the lessons and ideas of those who are older and wiser. Just as the body tightens with age, however, so does the mind. And just as our sense of weakness and vulnerability motivated the desire to learn, so does our creeping sense of superiority slowly close us off to new ideas and influences. Some may advocate that we all become more skeptical in the modern world, but in fact a far greater danger comes from the increasing closing of the mind that burdens us as individuals as we get older, and seems to be burdening our culture in general.



Possible Titles:

1. The Open Adolescent Mind: How Youthful Curiosity Shapes Lifelong Thinking 

2. Embracing New Ideas: How Age Closes Our Minds to Novel Influences 

3. The Closing of the Mind: Navigating Age-Related Declines in Intellectual Openness 

4. Lifelong Learning at Risk: Overcoming Intellectual Rigidity as We Age 


Main Idea #1:

During adolescence, our open minds absorb new ideas deeply, influencing our thought processes for decades. 


Main Idea #2:

With age, our sense of superiority often closes us off to new influences, posing a greater danger than skepticism by limiting intellectual growth both individually and culturally. 



As adolescents, we are highly receptive to new ideas that shape our thinking for years to come. However, as we age, the mind tightens like the body, and feelings of superiority close us off to new influences. This closing of the mind threatens intellectual growth and poses a greater danger than skepticism, affecting individuals and society as a whole. 


Key Points:

1. Adolescents are deeply influenced by great books and writers due to their openness. 

2. This openness allows young minds to absorb valuable lessons from older generations. 

3. Aging brings about a sense of superiority that limits new intellectual influences. 

4. Closing the mind with age endangers individual growth and burdens cultural progress.


2 2023 06 – 34: 대중 여론이 반드시 옳지 않을  있음]


Many people look for safety and security in popular thinking. They figure that if a lot of people are doing something, then it must be right. It must be a good idea. If most people accept it, then it probably represents fairness, equality, compassion, and sensitivity, right? Not necessarily. Popular thinking said the earth was the center of the universe, yet Copernicus studied the stars and planets and proved mathematically that the earth and the other planets in our solar system revolved around the sun. Popular thinking said surgery didn't require clean instruments, yet Joseph Lister studied the high death rates in hospitals and introduced antiseptic practices that immediately saved lives. Popular thinking said that women shouldn't have the right to vote, yet people like Emmeline Pankhurst and Susan B. Anthony fought for and won that right. We must always remember there is a huge difference between acceptance and intelligence. People may say that there's safety in numbers, but that's not always true.



Possible Titles:

1. The Danger of Popular Thinking: Why Following the Crowd Isn't Always Right 

2. Challenging Popular Beliefs: How History Shows the Flaws in Majority Opinion 

3. Safety in Numbers: Separating Acceptance from Intelligence in Popular Thinking 

4. The Pitfalls of Popular Opinion: Learning from Copernicus, Lister, and Anthony 


Main Idea #1:

Many people find safety in popular thinking, believing it represents fairness and truth, but historical examples show that widely accepted beliefs are often flawed. 


Main Idea #2:

Copernicus, Lister, and women's suffrage activists like Emmeline Pankhurst challenged popular thinking to uncover truths that transformed society, demonstrating that acceptance doesn't always equate to intelligence. 



Although popular thinking is often seen as safe and fair, historical figures like Copernicus, Lister, and Pankhurst showed that widely accepted beliefs can be flawed. They challenged these norms to bring about transformative changes, proving that following the crowd doesn't always lead to intelligent or correct outcomes. 


Key Points:

1. People assume popular thinking is fair and intelligent, but this isn't always the case. 

2. Copernicus disproved the belief that the Earth was the center of the universe. 

3. Lister saved lives by challenging the idea that surgery didn't require clean instruments. 

4. Pankhurst and Anthony fought against the belief that women shouldn't vote. 

5. There is a significant difference between acceptance and intelligence.


2 2023 06 – 35: 런던 택시 운전사 자격 취득의 어려움과  이유]


Before getting licensed to drive a cab in London, a person has to pass an incredibly difficult test with an intimidating name ─ "The Knowledge." The test involves memorizing the layout of more than 20,000 streets in the Greater London area - a feat that involves an incredible amount of memory resources. In fact, fewer than 50 percent of the people who sign up for taxi driver training pass the test, even after spending two or three years studying for it! And as it turns out, the brains of London cabbies are different from non-cab-driving humans in ways that reflect their herculean memory efforts. In fact, the part of the brain that has been most frequently associated with spatial memory, the tail of the sea horse-shaped brain region called the hippocampus, is bigger than average in these taxi drivers.



Possible Titles:

1. Navigating London: How "The Knowledge" Transforms Taxi Drivers' Brains 

2. The Rigorous Challenge of "The Knowledge": Mapping London's Streets and Changing Minds 

3. London Cabbies and Their Brain Power: Understanding the Impact of "The Knowledge" Test 

4. The Cognitive Demands of Driving in London: How Taxi Drivers Develop Superior Spatial Memory 


Main Idea #1:

"The Knowledge" test requires London taxi drivers to memorize the city's layout, with fewer than half of trainees passing after years of preparation. 


Main Idea #2:

The intense memorization required for "The Knowledge" test changes London cabbies' brains, enlarging the hippocampus region associated with spatial memory. 



To be a licensed London cab driver, one must pass "The Knowledge," a challenging test that requires memorizing over 20,000 streets. Less than half of those who attempt it succeed, even after years of studying. This intense preparation alters the brain structure, resulting in a larger hippocampus, the region responsible for spatial memory. 


Key Points:

1. "The Knowledge" test demands memorizing the layout of London's 20,000+ streets.

2. Less than 50% of taxi driver trainees pass after years of study. 

3. The hippocampus, associated with spatial memory, is significantly enlarged in London cabbies. 

4. London cabbies' brains reflect the intense cognitive demands of their training.


2 2023 06 – 36: 정책 수립  의도치 않은 결과에 대한 고려 필요성]


When evaluating a policy, people tend to concentrate on how the policy will fix some particular problem while ignoring or downplaying other effects it may have. Economists often refer to this situation as The Law of Unintended Consequences. For instance, suppose that you impose a tariff on imported steel in order to protect the jobs of domestic steelworkers. If you impose a high enough tariff, their jobs will indeed be protected from competition by foreign steel companies. But an unintended consequence is that the jobs of some autoworkers will be lost to foreign competition. Why? The tariff that protects steelworkers raises the price of the steel that domestic automobile makers need to build their cars. As a result, domestic automobile manufacturers have to raise the prices of their cars, making them relatively less attractive than foreign cars. Raising prices tends to reduce domestic car sales, so some domestic autoworkers lose their jobs.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding the Law of Unintended Consequences in Economic Policies

2. The Impact of Tariffs on Domestic Industries and Employment

3. Balancing Policy Decisions with Their Unintended Economic Effects

4. How Protectionist Policies Can Have Ripple Effects Across Industries


Main Idea #1:

Implementing a tariff on imported steel to protect domestic steelworkers' jobs can inadvertently lead to job losses in the domestic auto industry.


Main Idea #2:

Imposing tariffs on imported steel raises costs for domestic car manufacturers, making their cars more expensive and less competitive, ultimately reducing domestic car sales and leading to layoffs.



Tariffs on imported steel may safeguard domestic steel jobs but also increase car production costs. Higher prices make domestic cars less competitive internationally, reducing sales and causing domestic autoworkers to lose jobs. Such outcomes exemplify the Law of Unintended Consequences.


Key Points:

1. People often overlook unintended consequences when evaluating policies.

2. Tariffs on imported steel protect domestic steelworkers' jobs but increase costs for automakers.

3. Higher car prices reduce domestic auto sales, causing job losses among domestic autoworkers.


2 2023 06 – 37: 기후 변화로 인한 멸종 위기 동식물 사례 ]


Species that are found in only one area are called endemic species and are especially vulnerable to extinction. They exist on islands and in other unique small areas, especially in tropical rain forests where most species are highly specialized. One example is the brilliantly colored golden toad once found only in a small area of lush rain forests in Costa Rica's mountainous region. Despite living in the country's well-protected Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, by 1989, the golden toad had apparently become extinct. Much of the moisture that supported its rain forest habitat came in the form of moisture-laden clouds blowing in from the Caribbean Sea. But warmer air from global climate change caused these clouds to rise, depriving the forests of moisture, and the habitat for the golden toad and many other species dried up. The golden toad appears to be one of the first victims of climate change caused largely by global warming.



Possible Titles:

1. Climate Change and the Vulnerability of Endemic Species to Extinction 

2. How Global Warming Impacts Endemic Wildlife in Tropical Rain Forests 

3. The Fragile Existence of Endemic Species in Unique Habitats 

4. The Golden Toad: A Cautionary Tale of Climate Change Effects


Main Idea #1:

Endemic species, found in unique areas like islands and tropical rain forests, are especially susceptible to extinction due to their specialized habitats.


Main Idea #2:

The golden toad, once native to a specific region of Costa Rica's rain forest, went extinct due to climate change that dried up its cloud forest habitat by reducing moisture-laden clouds.



Endemic species, like the golden toad once found only in Costa Rica's rain forest, are particularly prone to extinction. Climate change altered the cloud patterns that previously provided moisture to their habitat, causing the forest to dry up and leading to the toad's extinction. This highlights the threat of global warming to specialized species.


Key Points:

1. Endemic species are at higher risk of extinction because of their specialized habitats. 

2. The golden toad lived exclusively in Costa Rica's Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. 

3. Climate change disrupted the moisture patterns that sustained its habitat, causing the forest to dry up.

4. The extinction of the golden toad exemplifies the harmful effects of global warming on biodiversity.


2 2023 06 – 38: 통제된 실험 환경의 중요성]


The fundamental nature of the experimental method is manipulation and control. Scientists manipulate a variable of interest, and see if there's a difference. At the same time, they attempt to control for the potential effects of all other variables. The importance of controlled experiments in identifying the underlying causes of events cannot be overstated. In the real-uncontrolled-world, variables are often correlated. For example, people who take vitamin supplements may have different eating and exercise habits than people who don't take vitamins. As a result, if we want to study the health effects of vitamins, we can't merely observe the real world, since any of these factors (the vitamins, diet, or exercise) may affect health. Rather, we have to create a situation that doesn't actually occur in the real world. That's just what scientific experiments do. They try to separate the naturally occurring relationship in the world by manipulating one specific variable at a time, while holding everything else constant.



Possible Titles:

1. The Critical Role of Manipulation and Control in Scientific Experiments 

2. Understanding Controlled Experiments: Separating Variables to Identify Causal Effects 

3. Isolating Variables to Identify Causes: The Foundation of Experimental Research 

4. Manipulation and Control: How Experiments Clarify Variable Relationships


Main Idea #1:

The experimental method relies on manipulating a specific variable while controlling for other factors to establish causal relationships.


Main Idea #2:

Controlled experiments are essential because real-world observations often involve correlated variables, which makes identifying the direct impact of a single variable difficult without isolating it.



The experimental method is based on manipulating one variable while controlling others to identify causal effects. Controlled experiments are crucial because, in the uncontrolled real world, correlated factors can obscure the true causes of events. By isolating one variable at a time, scientists can uncover direct relationships.


Key Points:

1. Scientists manipulate one variable and control for others to find causal relationships. 

2. Controlled experiments reveal causes by eliminating correlations that confuse real-world observations.

3. Manipulating one variable at a time while controlling others creates unique experimental conditions. 

4. This process helps identify specific effects that would otherwise be hidden in natural settings.


2 2023 06 – 39: 지중해식 식단의 건강상 이점]


Why do people in the Mediterranean live longer and have a lower incidence of disease? Some people say it's because of what they eat. Their diet is full of fresh fruits, fish, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. Individuals in these cultures drink red wine and use great amounts of olive oil. Why is that food pattern healthy? One reason is that they are eating a palette of colors. More and more research is surfacing that shows us the benefits of the thousands of colorful "phytochemicals"(phyto=plant) that exist in foods. These healthful, nonnutritive compounds in plants provide color and function to the plant and add to the health of the human body. Each color connects to a particular compound that serves a specific function in the body. For example, if you don't eat purple foods, you are probably missing out on anthocyanins, important brain protection compounds. Similarly, if you avoid greencolored foods, you may be lacking chlorophyll, a plant antioxidant that guards your cells from damage.



Possible Titles:

1. How the Mediterranean Diet Promotes Longevity and Reduces Disease 

2. The Role of Plant Phytochemicals in the Mediterranean Diet's Health Benefits 

3. The Colorful Secrets of the Mediterranean Diet for a Longer Life 

4. Exploring the Health Benefits of Phytochemicals in Mediterranean Foods


Main Idea #1:

The Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, and olive oil, is linked to longer life and lower disease rates.


Main Idea #2:

Phytochemicals, non-nutritive compounds that give plants their vibrant colors, are essential to health and found abundantly in the Mediterranean diet. Each color relates to a unique compound that serves a crucial function in the human body, protecting organs and cells.



People in the Mediterranean live longer and have fewer diseases, partly due to their diet, which is rich in phytochemicals. These colorful compounds offer various health benefits, like anthocyanins for brain protection from purple foods and chlorophyll for cellular protection from green foods. The diverse colors in their diet directly support health.


Key Points:

1. The Mediterranean diet is linked to lower disease rates and longer life. 

2. It includes many colorful foods that contain phytochemicals. 

3. Each phytochemical color corresponds to compounds with specific health functions. 

4. Purple foods provide anthocyanins for brain protection, and green foods offer chlorophyll for cellular health.


2 2023 06 – 40: 행동이 생각에 영향을 미치는 사례]


People behave in highly predictable ways when they experience certain thoughts. When they agree, they nod their heads. So far, no surprise, but according to an area of research known as "proprioceptive psychology," the process also works in reverse. Get people to behave in a certain way and you cause them to have certain thoughts. The idea was initially controversial, but fortunately it was supported by a compelling experiment. Participants in a study were asked to fixate on various products moving across a large computer screen and then indicate whether the items appealed to them. Some of the items moved vertically (causing the participants to nod their heads while watching), and others moved horizontally (resulting in a side-to-side head movement). Participants preferred vertically moving products without being aware that their "yes" and "no" head movements had played a key role in their decisions. -> In one study, participants responded favorably to products on a computer screen when they moved their heads up and down, which showed that their decisions were unconsciously influenced by their behavior.



Possible Titles:

1. Proprioceptive Psychology: How Behavior Influences Thought 

2. Understanding How Head Movements Affect Decision-Making 

3. The Reverse Influence of Actions on Thoughts in Proprioceptive Psychology 

4. Linking Behavior and Thought: Insights from Proprioceptive Psychology Research


Main Idea #1:

People's thoughts and decisions can be influenced by their physical actions, such as nodding their heads up and down or moving them side to side.


Main Idea #2:

A study demonstrated that participants favored products more when their head movements mimicked a nodding "yes," showing that unconscious physical behavior can affect preferences and decisions.



People's physical actions influence their thoughts in predictable ways. A study showed that participants favored products more when their head movements resembled nodding "yes," revealing the unconscious influence of behavior on decision-making.


Key Points:

1. People's behaviors, like nodding or shaking their heads, affect their thoughts and decisions. 

2. Proprioceptive psychology studies how physical actions can shape mental processes. 

3. In an experiment, participants preferred products that caused them to nod their heads up and down. 

4. These findings reveal how unconscious behaviors can significantly influence decision-making.


2 2023 06 – 41~42: 일상적 경험은 기억하기 어렵고 특별한 경험은 기억하기 쉬움]


Events or experiences that are out of ordinary tend to be remembered better because there is nothing competing with them when your brain tries to access them from its storehouse of remembered events. In other words, the reason it can be difficult to remember what you ate for breakfast two Thursdays ago is that there was probably nothing special about that Thursday or that particular breakfast ― consequently, all your breakfast memories combine together into a sort of generic impression of a breakfast. Your memory merges similar events not only because it's more efficient to do so, but also because this is fundamental to how we learn things ― our brains extract abstract rules that tie experiences together. This is especially true for things that are routine. If your breakfast is always the same ― cereal with milk, a glass of orange juice, and a cup of coffee for instance ― there is no easy way for your brain to extract the details from one particular breakfast. Ironically, then, for behaviors that are routinized, you can remember the generic content of the behavior (such as the things you ate, since you always eat the same thing), but particulars to that one instance can be very difficult to call up (such as the sound of a garbage truck going by or a bird that passed by your window) unless they were especially distinctive. On the other hand, if you did something unique that broke your routine ― perhaps you had leftover pizza for breakfast and spilled tomato sauce on your dress shirt ― you are more likely to remember it.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding How Unique Events Stand Out in Our Memory 

2. How the Brain Blurs Routine Memories and Highlights the Unusual 

3. The Role of Routine and Novelty in Memory Formation 

4. Why Our Memory Blends Routine Events but Highlights Unique Experiences


Main Idea #1:

Our brains remember unique or out-of-the-ordinary experiences better because they have fewer similar events to compete with in memory.


Main Idea #2:

Routine activities, like eating the same breakfast daily, blur together in our memory as the brain combines similar events to extract common patterns. Only distinct details, like unusual meals or accidents, stand out clearly.



Unusual events are easier to recall because they don't compete with similar memories. Routine experiences blend together, as the brain extracts patterns from similar events. Unique instances, like a spilled breakfast or an unexpected meal, stand out and are more memorable.


Key Points:

1. Unique events are easier to recall due to a lack of competing memories. 

2. Routine events blur together in memory because the brain extracts abstract patterns. 

3. Routine activities, like repetitive breakfasts, are stored as generic impressions. 

4. Breaking routine, like eating a different meal or encountering an accident, helps specific memories stand out.


2 2023 06 – 43~45: 유명한 가수인 Henrietta 과거 경쟁자인 Amelia 도와주는 인도적인 행동에 대한 이야기]


Henrietta is one of the greatest "queens of song." She had to go through a severe struggle before she attained the enviable position as the greatest singer Germany had produced. At the beginning of her career she was hissed off a Vienna stage by the friends of her rival, Amelia. But in spite of this defeat, Henrietta endured until all Europe was at her feet. Many years later, when Henrietta was at the height of her fame, one day she was riding through the streets of Berlin. Soon she came across a little girl leading a blind woman. She was touched by the woman's helplessness, and she impulsively beckoned the child to her, saying "Come here, my child. Who is that you are leading by the hand?" The answer was, "That's my mother, Amelia Steininger. She used to be a great singer, but she lost her voice, and she cried so much about it that now she can't see anymore." Henrietta inquired their address and then told the child, "Tell your mother an old acquaintance will call on her this afternoon." She searched out their place and undertook the care of both mother and daughter. At her request, a skilled doctor tried to restore Amelia's sight, but it was in vain. But Henrietta's kindness to her former rival did not stop here. The next week she gave a benefit concert for the poor woman, and it was said that on that occasion Henrietta sang as she had never sung before. And who can doubt that with the applause of that vast audience there was mingled the applause of the angels in heaven who rejoice over the good deeds of those below?



Possible Titles:

1. Triumph and Compassion: Henrietta's Journey from Rivalry to Kindness 

2. From Defeat to Fame: Henrietta's Generosity Toward Her Former Rival 

3. Henrietta's Legacy: Overcoming Adversity and Showing Compassion in Song 

4. How Henrietta Transformed Rivalry into Support and Compassion


Main Idea #1:

Henrietta rose to prominence as one of Germany's greatest singers despite early struggles, including being jeered off stage by her rival's supporters.


Main Idea #2:

After becoming famous, Henrietta showed compassion to her former rival, Amelia, who had become blind, providing financial support and organizing a benefit concert to help her.



Henrietta, once defeated by her rival Amelia's supporters, rose to fame and extended kindness to the now-blind Amelia by organizing a benefit concert to support her. Henrietta's journey from rivalry to generosity reflects her remarkable triumph and compassion.


Key Points:

1. Henrietta faced early career struggles but became one of Germany's greatest singers. 

2. Despite their rivalry, Henrietta cared for her blind former competitor, Amelia. 

3. She organized a benefit concert to support Amelia and her daughter. 

4. Henrietta's act of generosity showed her ability to rise above past conflicts.







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[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).pdf
[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).docx









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[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 











[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT 4.0


[1 2023 06 – 18: 여름 휴가 패키지 상품 광고]


ACC Travel Agency Customers: Have you ever wanted to enjoy a holiday in nature? This summer is the best time to turn your dream into reality. We have a perfect travel package for you. This travel package includes special trips to Lake Madison as well as massage and meditation to help you relax. Also, we provide yoga lessons taught by experienced instructors. If you book this package, you will enjoy all this at a reasonable price. We are sure that it will be an unforgettable experience for you. If you call us, we will be happy to give you more details.



Possible Titles:

1. Affordable Summer Getaway to Lake Madison for Relaxation and Rejuvenation

2. Unforgettable Nature Escape with Yoga, Massage, and Meditation at Lake Madison

3. The Ultimate Summer Retreat: Wellness and Tranquility at Lake Madison

4. Lake Madison Travel Package: Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind with ACC


Main Idea #1:

The travel package offers a summer escape to Lake Madison with activities promoting relaxation, such as massage, meditation, and yoga.


Main Idea #2:

ACC Travel Agency provides an affordable package combining outdoor activities at Lake Madison with wellness practices to ensure an unforgettable summer vacation.



The ACC Travel Agency offers a summer travel package featuring Lake Madison. Guests will enjoy relaxing activities like yoga, massage, and meditation led by experienced instructors. With reasonable pricing, this nature escape promises an unforgettable holiday.


Key Points:

1. The travel package includes trips to Lake Madison.

2. Relaxation activities offered include massage, meditation, and yoga.

3. Experienced instructors will lead yoga lessons.

4. The package is affordably priced for an unforgettable summer experience.


1 2023 06 – 19: 마술  관람  잠시 분실된 가족을 찾은 이야기]


When I woke up in our hotel room, it was almost midnight. I didn't see my husband nor daughter. I called them, but I heard their phones ringing in the room. Feeling worried, I went outside and walked down the street, but they were nowhere to be found. When I decided I should ask someone for help, a crowd nearby caught my attention. I approached, hoping to find my husband and daughter, and suddenly I saw two familiar faces. I smiled, feeling calm. Just then, my daughter saw me and called, "Mom!" They were watching the magic show. Finally, I felt all my worries disappear.



Possible Titles:

1. Midnight Worries Disappear as Family Reunites at Magic Show

2. Midnight Search Leads to Reunion and Relief at Hotel Magic Show

3. A Mother's Midnight Scare Turns to Joy at Magic Show

4. Finding Family in the Midnight Crowd: A Mother's Journey to Relief


Main Idea #1:

A woman wakes up to find her husband and daughter missing and begins to worry.


Main Idea #2:

After searching outside their hotel room, the woman finally finds her husband and daughter watching a nearby magic show, bringing her great relief.



A woman wakes up near midnight to find her husband and daughter missing from their hotel room. Feeling anxious, she searches the street and spots them at a magic show. Reunited, she finally feels calm and relieved.


Key Points:

1. The woman wakes up near midnight and cannot find her family.

2. Their phones are in the room, adding to her worry.

3. She spots a crowd outside and approaches to investigate.

4. She finds her family at a magic show and is relieved.


1 2023 06 – 20: 업무와 개인 일정을 하나의 캘린더에 통합하는 것이 효율적임]


Research shows that people who work have two calendars: one for work and one for their personal lives. Although it may seem sensible, having two separate calendars for work and personal life can lead to distractions. To check if something is missing, you will find yourself checking your to-do lists multiple times. Instead, organize all of your tasks in one place. It doesn't matter if you use digital or paper media. It's okay to keep your professional and personal tasks in one place. This will give you a good idea of how time is divided between work and home. This will allow you to make informed decisions about which tasks are most important.



Possible Titles:

1. Managing Time Effectively: Benefits of Consolidating Work and Personal Calendars

2. Streamline Productivity by Combining Professional and Personal Calendars

3. Consolidating Calendars: How Merging Work and Personal Schedules Reduces Distractions

4. Enhance Focus and Prioritize Tasks by Merging Personal and Work Calendars


Main Idea #1:

Maintaining separate calendars for work and personal life can create distractions and confusion.


Main Idea #2:

Consolidating work and personal tasks into one calendar provides a clearer overview of priorities and helps improve productivity.



Keeping separate calendars for work and personal life may lead to distractions and frequent list-checking. Instead, merging both into one calendar offers a better view of how time is divided between work and personal life, helping prioritize tasks more effectively.


Key Points:

1. Separate calendars for work and personal life can cause distractions.

2. Consolidating tasks into one calendar provides a clearer view of priorities.

3. Using digital or paper media for organization is acceptable.

4. Merged calendars help in making informed decisions about prioritizing tasks.


1 2023 06 – 21: 고객 만족도 모니터링의 중요성과 입소문 효과]


Why do you care how a customer reacts to a purchase? Good question. By understanding post-purchase behavior, you can understand the influence and the likelihood of whether a buyer will repurchase the product (and whether she will keep it or return it). You'll also determine whether the buyer will encourage others to purchase the product from you. Satisfied customers can become unpaid ambassadors for your business, so customer satisfaction should be on the top of your to-do list. People tend to believe the opinions of people they know. People trust friends over advertisements any day. They know that advertisements are paid to tell the "good side" and that they're used to persuade them to purchase products and services. By continually monitoring your customer's satisfaction after the sale, you have the ability to avoid negative word-of-mouth advertising.



Possible Titles:

1. The Importance of Post-Purchase Behavior in Building Customer Loyalty

2. Why Customer Satisfaction Matters: Turning Buyers into Brand Ambassadors

3. Harnessing Post-Purchase Behavior to Foster Positive Word-of-Mouth

4. Understanding Post-Purchase Behavior: How Customer Satisfaction Influences Repurchasing


Main Idea #1:

Monitoring post-purchase behavior helps understand the likelihood of repurchasing and the potential for product returns.


Main Idea #2:

Satisfied customers can become brand ambassadors, while careful attention to post-purchase behavior prevents negative word-of-mouth.



Understanding post-purchase behavior reveals whether customers are likely to repurchase or return a product and if they will recommend it to others. Satisfied customers act as unpaid ambassadors, promoting the business through word-of-mouth, which is trusted more than advertisements. Monitoring post-purchase satisfaction helps prevent negative word-of-mouth.


Key Points:

1. Understanding post-purchase behavior indicates repurchasing and return likelihood.

2. Satisfied customers often recommend products to others.

3. People trust recommendations from friends more than advertisements.

4. Monitoring customer satisfaction helps prevent negative word-of-mouth.


1 2023 06 – 22: 기술 발전으로 소비자에게 떠넘겨진 노동의 증가]


The promise of a computerized society, we were told, was that it would pass to machines all of the repetitive drudgery of work, allowing us humans to pursue higher purposes and to have more leisure time. It didn't work out this way. Instead of more time, most of us have less. Companies large and small have off-loaded work onto the backs of consumers. Things that used to be done for us, as part of the value-added service of working with a company, we are now expected to do ourselves. With air travel, we're now expected to complete our own reservations and check-in, jobs that used to be done by airline employees or travel agents. At the grocery store, we're expected to bag our own groceries and, in some supermarkets, to scan our own purchases.



Possible Titles:

1. The Irony of Automation: How Technology Shifted Work onto Consumers

2. Automation's Unintended Consequences: More Consumer Labor, Less Leisure Time

3. How the Computerized Society Increased Consumer Workload and Reduced Leisure

4. From Promise to Reality: Automation's Impact on Leisure and Consumer Labor


Main Idea #1:

The promise of automation reducing human work was not realized, as most people now have less free time.


Main Idea #2:

Companies shifted repetitive tasks onto consumers, making them handle jobs that used to be performed as part of a service, like booking travel or checking out groceries.



Despite the promise that automation would increase leisure time, most people find themselves busier. Companies have shifted tasks to consumers that used to be part of the provided service, such as booking flights or scanning groceries. This has led to more consumer labor and less leisure time.


Key Points:

1. Automation was supposed to free up time by reducing repetitive work.

2. People now have less leisure time as companies shifted tasks onto consumers.

3. Examples include handling travel bookings and scanning groceries.

4. Many tasks once part of customer service are now consumer responsibilities.


1 2023 06 – 23: 사람들은 자신의 능력을 과대평가하는 경향이 있음]


We tend to believe that we possess a host of socially desirable characteristics, and that we are free of most of those that are socially undesirable. For example, a large majority of the general public thinks that they are more intelligent, more fair-minded, less prejudiced, and more skilled behind the wheel of an automobile than the average person. This phenomenon is so reliable and ubiquitous that it has come to be known as the "Lake Wobegon effect," after Garrison Keillor's fictional community where "the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average." A survey of one million high school seniors found that 70% thought they were above average in leadership ability, and only 2% thought they were below average. In terms of ability to get along with others, all students thought they were above average, 60% thought they were in the top 10%, and 25% thought they were in the top 1%!



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding the "Lake Wobegon Effect": Why We Overestimate Our Abilities

2. The Lake Wobegon Effect: Illusions of Superiority in Self-Perception

3. Why We All Think We're Above Average: The Lake Wobegon Effect Explained

4. Examining the Lake Wobegon Effect: Overconfidence in Socially Desirable Traits


Main Idea #1:

People believe they possess socially desirable traits and lack undesirable ones, often overestimating their abilities compared to others.


Main Idea #2:

The "Lake Wobegon effect," named after a fictional town, describes this overestimation, with surveys showing that high school seniors overwhelmingly see themselves as above average in leadership and social skills.



People consistently believe they are superior in socially desirable traits, a phenomenon known as the "Lake Wobegon effect." A survey of high school seniors revealed that the majority rated themselves above average in leadership and social skills, with many believing they rank among the top.


Key Points:

1. People tend to overestimate their socially desirable qualities.

2. The "Lake Wobegon effect" illustrates this overconfidence.

3. High school seniors overwhelmingly believe they are above average in leadership and social skills.

4. The phenomenon highlights widespread illusions of personal superiority.


1 2023 06 – 24: 부유한 국가일수록 시간적 압박감이 높음]


Few people will be surprised to hear that poverty tends to create stress: a 2006 study published in the American journal Psychosomatic Medicine, for example, noted that a lower socioeconomic status was associated with higher levels of stress hormones in the body. However, richer economies have their own distinct stresses. The key issue is time pressure. A 1999 study of 31 countries by American psychologist Robert Levine and Canadian psychologist Ara Norenzayan found that wealthier, more industrialized nations had a faster pace of life ─ which led to a higher standard of living, but at the same time left the population feeling a constant sense of urgency, as well as being more prone to heart disease. In effect, fast-paced productivity creates wealth, but it also leads people to feel time-poor when they lack the time to relax and enjoy themselves.



Possible Titles:

1. Time Poverty in Wealthy Nations: The Stress of Fast-Paced Living

2. How Fast-Paced Economies Create Time Poverty and Stress

3. Balancing Wealth and Well-Being: The Hidden Costs of Fast-Paced Economies

4. High Pace of Life in Rich Economies: Wealth, Stress, and the Sense of Urgency


Main Idea #1:

Poverty induces stress, with studies linking lower socioeconomic status to higher stress hormone levels.


Main Idea #2:

Wealthier economies face distinct stressors from the faster pace of life, creating a time pressure that leaves people feeling constantly rushed and susceptible to heart disease.



Poverty is linked to high stress hormone levels, but fast-paced living in wealthy economies creates its own stresses. Although this lifestyle boosts productivity and wealth, people feel time-poor and under constant urgency, often experiencing health consequences.


Key Points:

1. Poverty is linked to increased stress hormone levels.

2. Wealthier nations have a faster pace of life, leading to constant urgency.

3. This sense of urgency makes people more prone to heart disease.

4. Fast-paced productivity generates wealth but leaves people feeling time-poor.


1 2023 06 – 25: 1990년과 2019 지역별 산림 면적 비율 그래프]


The above graph shows the share of forest area in total land area by region in 1990 and 2019. Africa's share of forest area in total land area was over 20% in both 1990 and 2019. The share of forest area in America was 42.6% in 1990, which was larger than that in 2019. The share of forest area in Asia declined from 1990 to 2019 by more than 10 percentage points. In 2019, the share of forest area in Europe was the largest among the five regions, more than three times that in Asia in the same year. Oceania showed the smallest gap between 1990 and 2019 in terms of the share of forest area in total land area.



Possible Titles:

1. Regional Trends in Forest Coverage: Comparing 1990 and 2019

2. Forest Area Declines in Asia and America, Europe Leads in 2019

3. Changes in Global Forest Distribution: Key Regional Differences from 1990 to 2019

4. Regional Shifts in Forest Coverage: Asia’s Decline and Europe’s Dominance


Main Idea #1:

Africa maintained over 20% of its land as forest in both 1990 and 2019.


Main Idea #2:

The share of forest area in total land decreased in America and Asia, while Europe had the largest share in 2019 and Oceania exhibited the smallest change.



The share of forest area in total land has generally declined since 1990. Asia's forest area dropped by over 10 percentage points, while America's share also decreased. Europe had the highest forest coverage in 2019, and Oceania showed minimal changes in its forest area percentage over time.


Key Points:

1. Africa's forest area remained above 20% of its total land in 1990 and 2019.

2. America’s forest coverage decreased from 42.6% in 1990 to a lower figure in 2019.

3. Asia’s forest area share declined by over 10 percentage points.

4. Europe had the largest forest coverage in 2019, more than three times that of Asia.

5. Oceania had the smallest gap in forest coverage between 1990 and 2019.


1 2023 06 – 26: 노벨 경제학상 수상자 게리 베커 소개]


Gary Becker was born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania in 1930 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York City. His father, who was not well educated, had a deep interest in financial and political issues. After graduating from high school, Becker went to Princeton University, where he majored in economics. He was dissatisfied with his economic education at Princeton University because "it didn't seem to be handling real problems." He earned a doctor's degree in economics from the University of Chicago in 1955. His doctoral paper on the economics of discrimination was mentioned by the Nobel Prize Committee as an important contribution to economics. Since 1985, Becker had written a regular economics column in Business Week, explaining economic analysis and ideas to the general public. In 1992, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economic science.



Possible Titles:

1. Regional Trends in Forest Coverage: Comparing 1990 and 2019

2. Forest Area Declines in Asia and America, Europe Leads in 2019

3. Changes in Global Forest Distribution: Key Regional Differences from 1990 to 2019

4. Regional Shifts in Forest Coverage: Asia’s Decline and Europe’s Dominance


Main Idea #1:

Africa maintained over 20% of its land as forest in both 1990 and 2019.


Main Idea #2:

The share of forest area in total land decreased in America and Asia, while Europe had the largest share in 2019 and Oceania exhibited the smallest change.



The share of forest area in total land has generally declined since 1990. Asia's forest area dropped by over 10 percentage points, while America's share also decreased. Europe had the highest forest coverage in 2019, and Oceania showed minimal changes in its forest area percentage over time.


Key Points:

1. Africa's forest area remained above 20% of its total land in 1990 and 2019.

2. America’s forest coverage decreased from 42.6% in 1990 to a lower figure in 2019.

3. Asia’s forest area share declined by over 10 percentage points.

4. Europe had the largest forest coverage in 2019, more than three times that of Asia.

5. Oceania had the smallest gap in forest coverage between 1990 and 2019.


1 2023 06 – 29: 아이에게 긍정적 자아상을 심어주는 칭찬의 중요성]


Although praise is one of the most powerful tools available for improving young children's behavior, it is equally powerful for improving your child's self-esteem. Preschoolers believe what their parents tell them in a very profound way. They do not yet have the cognitive sophistication to reason analytically and reject false information. If a preschool boy consistently hears from his mother that he is smart and a good helper, he is likely to incorporate that information into his self-image. Thinking of himself as a boy who is smart and knows how to do things is likely to make him endure longer in problem-solving efforts and increase his confidence in trying new and difficult tasks. Similarly, thinking of himself as the kind of boy who is a good helper will make him more likely to volunteer to help with tasks at home and at preschool.



Possible Titles:

1. Positive Parental Praise Shapes Preschoolers' Self-Esteem and Behavior 

2. The Role of Parental Affirmation in Early Childhood Development 

3. How Consistent Praise Boosts Preschoolers' Confidence and Helping Behavior 

4. The Impact of Parental Praise on Preschoolers' Problem-Solving and Volunteering 


Main Idea #1:

Positive parental praise shapes a preschooler's self-image, influencing their behavior and confidence. 


Main Idea #2:

Preschoolers tend to internalize the positive affirmations they receive from their parents, which increases their problem-solving skills, encourages them to tackle new challenges, and motivates them to be helpful. 



Praise is a powerful tool that shapes preschoolers' behavior and self-esteem because they believe their parents deeply. Positive affirmations help them internalize these beliefs, encouraging them to face challenges with confidence and to volunteer with helpful tasks. Praise not only molds their self-image but also inspires them to persist in problem-solving and new endeavors. 


Key Points:

1. Preschoolers absorb their parents' praise, shaping their self-esteem and identity. 

2. Positive affirmations make children endure challenges and persist longer in problem-solving tasks. 

3. Consistent praise about being helpful encourages children to volunteer for tasks at home and in school.


1 2023 06 – 30: 광고를 통한 상품 재포지셔닝 사례]


Advertisers often displayed considerable facility in adapting their claims to the market status of the goods they promoted. Fleischmann's yeast, for instance, was used as an ingredient for cooking homemade bread. Yet more and more people in the early 20th century were buying their bread from stores or bakeries, so consumer demand for yeast decreased. The producer of Fleischmann's yeast hired the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency to come up with a different marketing strategy to boost sales. No longer the "Soul of Bread," the Thompson agency first turned yeast into an important source of vitamins with significant health benefits. Shortly thereafter, the advertising agency transformed yeast into a natural laxative. Repositioning yeast helped increase sales.



Possible Titles:

1. How Creative Advertising Revitalized Fleischmann's Yeast Sales 

2. Adaptive Marketing: Rebranding Fleischmann's Yeast for Modern Consumers 

3. The Strategic Transformation of Fleischmann's Yeast into a Health Product 

4. Fleischmann's Yeast: From Bread Ingredient to Health-Boosting Laxative 


Main Idea #1:

Advertisers adapted their strategies to promote Fleischmann's yeast despite declining demand for homemade bread. 


Main Idea #2:

Fleischmann's yeast was successfully repositioned from a bread-making ingredient to a health product, first as a vitamin source and then as a natural laxative, leading to increased sales. 



As demand for homemade bread fell, Fleischmann's yeast producers adapted their marketing strategy with help from the J. Walter Thompson agency. They repositioned yeast from a cooking ingredient to a health product, emphasizing its vitamin content and laxative properties. This creative advertising approach boosted yeast sales significantly. 


Key Points:

1. Advertisers adapted their messaging to align with shifting consumer habits. 

2. Fleischmann's yeast was repositioned from a bread-making ingredient to a source of vitamins and a natural laxative. 

3. The marketing shift increased yeast sales by tapping into emerging consumer health interests.


1 2023 06 – 31: 명성에 대한 존경심을 활용한 자선 행위 에피소드]


Individuals who perform at a high level in their profession often have instant credibility with others. People admire them, they want to be like them, and they feel connected to them. When they speak, others listen ― even if the area of their skill has nothing to do with the advice they give. Think about a world-famous basketball player. He has made more money from endorsements than he ever did playing basketball. Is it because of his knowledge of the products he endorses? No. It's because of what he can do with a basketball. The same can be said of an Olympic medalist swimmer. People listen to him because of what he can do in the pool. And when an actor tells us we should drive a certain car, we don't listen because of his expertise on engines. We listen because we admire his talent. Excellence connects. If you possess a high level of ability in an area, others may desire to connect with you because of it.



Possible Titles:

1. The Influence of Excellence: How Professional Success Establishes Credibility 

2. Instant Credibility: Why High Performers Garner Admiration and Trust 

3. The Magnetic Power of Excellence: How Professionals Inspire Trust Beyond Their Field 

4. High Performers and Influence: Building Connections Through Talent and Skill 


Main Idea #1:

High-performing individuals often have immediate credibility that inspires others, even in areas unrelated to their expertise. 


Main Idea #2:

Excellence in a particular field, such as sports or acting, creates a strong connection with others who admire the individual's skill, leading them to trust and follow advice beyond that specific field. 



Individuals who excel in their professions have instant credibility, inspiring others regardless of the field. Their high-level skill establishes a connection that makes people trust their endorsements and advice, even if unrelated to their area of expertise. Excellence draws admiration and forms connections beyond the original domain. 


Key Points:

1. High-performing professionals gain credibility through excellence in their field. 

2. Their influence extends beyond their expertise due to admiration and connection. 

3. Their endorsements often succeed despite lacking specific product knowledge.


1 2023 06 – 32: 두뇌는 도시처럼 복잡한 상호작용의 결과물임]


Think of the brain as a city. If you were to look out over a city and ask "where is the economy located?" you'd see there's no good answer to the question. Instead, the economy emerges from the interaction of all the elements ― from the stores and the banks to the merchants and the customers. And so it is with the brain's operation: it doesn't happen in one spot. Just as in a city, no neighborhood of the brain operates in isolation. In brains and in cities, everything emerges from the interaction between residents, at all scales, locally and distantly. Just as trains bring materials and textiles into a city, which become processed into the economy, so the raw electrochemical signals from sensory organs are transported along superhighways of neurons. There the signals undergo processing and transformation into our conscious reality.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding the Brain as a City: Interconnected Networks and Processes 

2. Comparing the Brain to a City: How Interaction Shapes Conscious Thought 

3. The Brain's Economy: A City-Like Network of Complex Interactions 

4. The Brain and the City: Parallel Emergence Through Networked Interactions 


Main Idea #1:

The brain functions like a city, where its "economy" emerges from the complex interactions between different regions. 


Main Idea #2:

In both cities and the brain, no neighborhood functions in isolation. Signals from sensory organs are transported via neural networks, processed, and transformed into conscious thought through interconnected interactions. 



The brain functions like a city, with its economy emerging from interconnected regions rather than a single area. Each neighborhood of the brain collaborates with others, like in a city. Sensory signals travel through neural networks, becoming processed into conscious reality through these interactions. 


Key Points:

1. The brain's operation is similar to a city's economy, emerging from interactions between regions. 

2. No brain region operates in isolation, just like neighborhoods in cities. 

3. Sensory signals are transported and processed via neural networks, shaping conscious reality.


1 2023 06 – 33: 특정 행동을 취하면 그에 상응하는 감정이 유발됨]


Someone else's body language affects our own body, which then creates an emotional echo that makes us feel accordingly. As Louis Armstrong sang, "When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you." If copying another's smile makes us feel happy, the emotion of the smiler has been transmitted via our body. Strange as it may sound, this theory states that emotions arise from our bodies. For example, our mood can be improved by simply lifting up the corners of our mouth. If people are asked to bite down on a pencil lengthwise, taking care not to let the pencil touch their lips (thus forcing the mouth into a smile-like shape), they judge cartoons funnier than if they have been asked to frown. The primacy of the body is sometimes summarized in the phrase "I must be afraid, because I'm running."



Possible Titles:

1. How Body Language Influences Emotions: The Theory of Emotional Echo 

2. The Power of Body Language: How Smiling and Movement Affect Our Emotions 

3. Understanding Emotional Echo: How Mimicking Body Language Shapes Feelings 

4. The Influence of Physical Expression on Emotions: Why We Smile When Others Do 


Main Idea #1:

Emotions can be transmitted through body language, creating an emotional echo that influences our own feelings. 


Main Idea #2:

Our emotions often arise from physical actions and expressions; smiling can make us feel happier, while bodily movements can affect how we perceive events and experiences. 



Our emotions are influenced by the body language of others, creating an emotional echo. For instance, smiling can make us feel happier, and when asked to bite a pencil to mimic a smile, people find cartoons funnier than when frowning. This theory, summarized as "I must be afraid because I'm running," suggests that emotions arise from physical actions and expressions. 


Key Points:

1. Body language from others can affect our emotional state through an emotional echo. 

2. Physical actions like smiling can improve our mood. 

3. Mimicking a smile leads people to perceive things as more amusing. 

4. The theory suggests that emotions arise from bodily expressions.


1 2023 06 – 34: 제한된 구매 수량이 판매를 증가시키는 사례]


Restricting the number of items customers can buy boosts sales. Brian Wansink, Professor of Marketing at Cornell University, investigated the effectiveness of this tactic in 1998. He persuaded three supermarkets in Sioux City, Iowa, to offer Campbell's soup at a small discount: 79 cents rather than 89 cents. The discounted soup was sold in one of three conditions: a control, where there was no limit on the volume of purchases, or two tests, where customers were limited to either four or twelve cans. In the unlimited condition shoppers bought 3.3 cans on average, whereas in the scarce condition, when there was a limit, they bought 5.3 on average. This suggests scarcity encourages sales. The findings are particularly strong because the test took place in a supermarket with genuine shoppers. It didn't rely on claimed data, nor was it held in a laboratory where consumers might behave differently.



Possible Titles:

1. Scarcity Marketing Boosts Sales: Evidence from Campbell's Soup Experiment 

2. The Impact of Purchase Limits on Consumer Buying Behavior in Supermarkets 

3. How Limiting Purchases Can Drive Sales: Insights from a Marketing Experiment 

4. Scarcity Effect on Sales: How Purchase Restrictions Influence Buying Patterns 


Main Idea #1:

Setting limits on the number of items customers can buy leads to increased sales due to the perceived scarcity of the product. 


Main Idea #2:

Brian Wansink's 1998 experiment with Campbell's soup found that limiting customers to four or twelve cans boosted sales compared to when no purchase limit was imposed, revealing that scarcity is an effective marketing tactic. 



Brian Wansink's 1998 experiment demonstrated that imposing a purchase limit on Campbell's soup increased sales, with shoppers buying an average of 5.3 cans when limits were set compared to 3.3 without restrictions. This experiment in a real supermarket setting confirms that scarcity marketing effectively encourages customers to buy more. 


Key Points:

1. Restricting purchase limits can boost sales by creating a sense of scarcity. 

2. Shoppers purchased significantly more soup when there was a limit on the number of cans they could buy. 

3. The experiment's real-world supermarket setting adds credibility to the findings. 

4. This marketing tactic doesn't rely on self-reported data or controlled laboratory behavior.


1 2023 06 – 35: 새로운 기술 도입  생산성에 미치는 영향]


Although technology has the potential to increase productivity, it can also have a negative impact on productivity. For example, in many office environments workers sit at desks with computers and have access to the internet. They are able to check their personal e-mails and use social media whenever they want to. This can stop them from doing their work and make them less productive. Introducing new technology can also have a negative impact on production when it causes a change to the production process or requires workers to learn a new system. Learning to use new technology can be time consuming and stressful for workers and this can cause a decline in productivity.



Possible Titles:

1. Balancing Technology and Productivity: Navigating Digital Distractions and Learning Curves 

2. The Dual Nature of Technology: How New Systems Can Hamper Workplace Productivity 

3. Understanding the Challenges of Technology Adoption in the Workplace 

4. The Impact of Technology on Productivity: Distractions and Learning Curves 


Main Idea #1:

Technology, despite its potential, can reduce productivity due to distractions like social media and personal emails. 


Main Idea #2:

New technology can negatively impact productivity if it disrupts existing processes or requires workers to learn unfamiliar systems, as training can be time-consuming and stressful. 



Although technology can boost productivity, it also brings challenges. In office settings, distractions like social media and personal emails can reduce productivity. Additionally, new systems can disrupt workflows and require time-consuming, stressful training, further hampering productivity. 


Key Points:

1. Office workers often get distracted by personal emails and social media, reducing productivity. 

2. New technology can disrupt production processes and require a challenging learning curve. 

3. Training on new systems is time-consuming and can cause stress, leading to reduced productivity.


1 2023 06 – 36: 시간 측정의 역사와 시계의 중요성]


Up until about 6,000 years ago, most people were farmers. Many lived in different places throughout the year, hunting for food or moving their livestock to areas with enough food. There was no need to tell the time because life depended on natural cycles, such as the changing seasons or sunrise and sunset. Gradually more people started to live in larger settlements, and some needed to tell the time. For example, priests wanted to know when to carry out religious ceremonies. This was when people first invented clocks ― devices that show, measure, and keep track of passing time. Clocks have been important ever since. Today, clocks are used for important things such as setting busy airport timetables ― if the time is incorrect, aeroplanes might crash into each other when taking off or landing!



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolution of Clocks: From Farming Societies to Modern Airports 

2. The Role of Clocks in Human History: From Seasonal Farming to Precise Aviation 

3. How Clocks Transformed Society: Understanding the Need to Track Time 

4. The Importance of Clocks: From Ancient Religious Ceremonies to Modern Timetables 


Main Idea #1:

Clocks were invented to meet the needs of societies transitioning from farming to living in larger, organized settlements. 


Main Idea #2:

Clocks have grown in importance, initially aiding religious ceremonies but now playing a crucial role in precise scheduling, such as coordinating airport timetables to prevent accidents. 



Clocks were first invented to help early societies transitioning from farming to larger settlements accurately track time for activities like religious ceremonies. Today, clocks are indispensable for coordinating complex tasks, such as managing airport schedules to ensure flight safety. 


Key Points:

1. Before clocks, early societies relied on natural cycles to manage their daily lives. 

2. Clocks were created to aid priests in timing religious ceremonies. 

3. Modern clocks ensure accurate timetables, preventing potentially dangerous accidents like airplane collisions.


1 2023 06 – 37: 분업을 통한 생산성 향상 방안]


Managers are always looking for ways to increase productivity, which is the ratio of costs to output in production. Adam Smith, writing when the manufacturing industry was new, described a way that production could be made more efficient, known as the "division of labor." Making most manufactured goods involves several different processes using different skills. Smith's example was the manufacture of pins: the wire is straightened, sharpened, a head is put on, and then it is polished. One worker could do all these tasks, and make 20 pins in a day. But this work can be divided into its separate processes, with a number of workers each performing one task. Because each worker specializes in one job, he or she can work much faster without changing from one task to another. Now 10 workers can produce thousands of pins in a day ─ a huge increase in productivity from the 200 they would have produced before.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding Adam Smith's Division of Labor and Its Impact on Productivity 

2. How Specialization Transforms Production: Adam Smith's Division of Labor 

3. Increasing Efficiency in Manufacturing: The Role of Labor Division 

4. Division of Labor: From 20 to Thousands of Pins in a Day 


Main Idea #1:

The division of labor is a method to increase productivity by dividing production into specialized tasks. 


Main Idea #2:

Adam Smith illustrated the division of labor through pin manufacturing, showing how breaking down the process into specialized tasks allowed 10 workers to make thousands of pins daily, rather than only 200. 



Managers seek productivity improvements through the division of labor, where each worker specializes in one production task. Adam Smith used pin manufacturing as an example, demonstrating that by dividing the tasks, 10 workers could produce thousands of pins daily, compared to the 200 pins they would produce individually. 


Key Points:

1. Division of labor increases productivity by allowing workers to specialize. 

2. In pin manufacturing, production was divided into tasks like sharpening and polishing. 

3. With the division of labor, 10 workers could produce thousands of pins daily, up from 200.


1 2023 06 – 38: 시간이 지남에 따라 우리 모습도 변화함]


Sometimes the pace of change is far slower. The face you saw reflected in your mirror this morning probably appeared no different from the face you saw the day before ― or a week or a month ago. Yet we know that the face that stares back at us from the glass is not the same, cannot be the same, as it was 10 minutes ago. The proof is in your photo album: Look at a photograph taken of yourself 5 or 10 years ago and you see clear differences between the face in the snapshot and the face in your mirror. If you lived in a world without mirrors for a year and then saw your reflection, you might be surprised by the change. After an interval of 10 years without seeing yourself, you might not at first recognize the person peering from the mirror. Even something as basic as our own face changes from moment to moment.



Possible Titles:

1. Slow Yet Constant: How Our Faces Change Gradually Over Time 

2. Understanding the Pace of Change: Why Our Faces Seem Static in Daily Reflection 

3. The Gradual Transformation of Faces: Recognizing Long-Term Changes in Ourselves 

4. The Mirror vs. the Photo Album: Perceiving the Subtle Evolution of Our Faces 


Main Idea #1:

Our faces change gradually over time, even though daily reflections make them seem static. 


Main Idea #2:

The gradual pace of facial changes becomes evident when comparing old photographs, revealing significant differences that are not noticeable in everyday reflections. 



Our faces change so slowly that daily reflections appear identical, yet comparing them to photographs from years ago reveals stark differences. If deprived of mirrors for a long time, we might not recognize our reflection, demonstrating how subtle changes accumulate over time. 


Key Points:

1. Daily reflections make it challenging to perceive gradual changes in our faces. 

2. Old photographs reveal the significant transformation our faces undergo over time. 

3. Without seeing one's reflection for a long period, facial changes become more surprising and recognizable.


1 2023 06 – 39: 아이의 호기심이 점차 줄어드는 이유]


According to educational psychologist Susan Engel, curiosity begins to decrease as young as four years old. By the time we are adults, we have fewer questions and more default settings. As Henry James put it, "Disinterested curiosity is past, the mental grooves and channels set." The decline in curiosity can be traced in the development of the brain through childhood. Though smaller than the adult brain, the infant brain contains millions more neural connections. The wiring, however, is a mess; the lines of communication between infant neurons are far less efficient than between those in the adult brain. The baby's perception of the world is consequently both intensely rich and wildly disordered. As children absorb more evidence from the world around them, certain possibilities become much more likely and more useful and harden into knowledge or beliefs. The neural pathways that enable those beliefs become faster and more automatic, while the ones that the child doesn't use regularly are pruned away.



Possible Titles:

1. How Curiosity Diminishes Over Time: Exploring the Neural Changes from Childhood to Adulthood 

2. The Decline of Curiosity: Understanding Neural Pathway Changes from Childhood to Adulthood 

3. Neural Pathways and Curiosity: How Childhood Brain Development Affects Questioning 

4. From Rich Disorder to Efficiency: How Our Brain Development Limits Curiosity 


Main Idea #1:

Curiosity begins to diminish as early as age four, leaving adults with fewer questions and more fixed beliefs. 


Main Idea #2:

In childhood, the brain is highly interconnected but disorganized. As children learn more about the world, the neural pathways that reinforce existing beliefs become stronger while unused connections are pruned, leading to faster but more rigid thinking. 



Curiosity wanes starting at age four as neural pathways in the brain become streamlined. In childhood, the brain is highly connected but disordered. As children gain knowledge, certain beliefs are reinforced through faster neural connections, while unused pathways are pruned away, leaving adults with more rigid thinking patterns. 


Key Points:

1. Curiosity decreases significantly beginning at age four. 

2. Children's brains are highly connected but initially disorganized. 

3. As children absorb information, useful neural pathways strengthen while others are pruned. 

4. Adults tend to have fewer questions and more fixed beliefs due to this neural pruning.


1 2023 06 – 40: 건강한 식단을 위해서는 식품 분류가 아닌 균형 잡힌 섭취가 중요함]


Nearly eight of ten U.S. adults believe there are "good foods" and "bad foods." Unless we're talking about spoiled stew, poison mushrooms, or something similar, however, no foods can be labeled as either good or bad. There are, however, combinations of foods that add up to a healthful or unhealthful diet. Consider the case of an adult who eats only foods thought of as "good" ― for example, raw broccoli, apples, orange juice, boiled tofu, and carrots. Although all these foods are nutrient-dense, they do not add up to a healthy diet because they don't supply a wide enough variety of the nutrients we need. Or take the case of the teenager who occasionally eats fried chicken, but otherwise stays away from fried foods. The occasional fried chicken isn't going to knock his or her diet off track. But the person who eats fried foods every day, with few vegetables or fruits, and loads up on supersized soft drinks, candy, and chips for snacks has a bad diet.



Possible Titles:

1. Debunking the Myth of "Good" and "Bad" Foods: Building a Balanced Diet 

2. Beyond Labels: Understanding How Food Combinations Affect Dietary Health 

3. The Importance of Dietary Variety: Why No Single Food Is Universally "Good" or "Bad" 

4. The Complexity of Nutrition: How Food Choices and Combinations Define Diet Quality 


Main Idea #1:

Labeling foods as "good" or "bad" is misleading; diet quality is determined by the overall combination of foods consumed. 


Main Idea #2:

A diet consisting solely of nutrient-dense "good" foods can still lack essential nutrients, while occasionally eating "bad" foods doesn't necessarily lead to a poor diet unless it's part of an unbalanced, unhealthy eating pattern. 



Despite popular beliefs, no foods are inherently "good" or "bad." Diet quality depends on the overall combination of foods consumed. Even nutrient-dense foods like broccoli or tofu can't form a complete diet on their own, and occasionally eating fried foods isn't harmful if paired with healthier habits. An unbalanced diet emerges when unhealthy foods dominate, and nutrient-rich foods are neglected. 


Key Points:

1. Most U.S. adults label foods as either "good" or "bad." 

2. Even nutrient-dense foods don't provide a complete diet on their own. 

3. The occasional indulgence in "bad" foods is harmless if balanced with healthier choices. 

4. A poor diet results from consistent overconsumption of unhealthy foods paired with neglect of nutrient-rich options.


1 2023 06 – 41~42: 농업 발달로 잉여 식량이 생기면서 전문 직업이 생겨남]


Early hunter-gatherer societies had minimal structure. A chief or group of elders usually led the camp or village. Most of these leaders had to hunt and gather along with the other members because the surpluses of food and other vital resources were seldom sufficient to support a full-time chief or village council. The development of agriculture changed work patterns. Early farmers could reap 3-10 kg of grain from each 1 kg of seed planted. Part of this food/energy surplus was returned to the community and provided support for nonfarmers such as chieftains, village councils, men who practice medicine, priests, and warriors. In return, the nonfarmers provided leadership and security for the farming population, enabling it to continue to increase food/energy yields and provide ever larger surpluses. With improved technology and favorable conditions, agriculture produced consistent surpluses of the basic necessities, and population groups grew in size. These groups concentrated in towns and cities, and human tasks specialized further. Specialists such as carpenters, blacksmiths, merchants, traders, and sailors developed their skills and became more efficient in their use of time and energy. The goods and services they provided brought about an improved quality of life, a higher standard of living, and, for most societies, increased stability.



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolution of Early Societies: From Hunter-Gatherers to Agricultural Specialists 

2. How Agriculture Transformed Societal Structure and Work Patterns 

3. The Impact of Agriculture: Surpluses, Specialization, and Societal Development 

4. From Chiefdoms to Cities: The Role of Agriculture in Shaping Human Societies 


Main Idea #1:

Early hunter-gatherer societies had minimal structure, with leaders who also worked due to limited food surpluses. 


Main Idea #2:

The advent of agriculture allowed societies to generate surpluses, leading to specialization and the growth of towns and cities where nonfarmers could offer specialized goods and services that improved living standards and stability. 



Hunter-gatherer societies had simple structures due to limited food surpluses. With agriculture, societies created surpluses that supported nonfarmers like chiefs and warriors. This surplus led to the specialization of tasks, improved living standards, and societal stability as groups concentrated in towns and cities and relied on specialized skills like carpentry and blacksmithing. 


Key Points:

1. Early hunter-gatherers had minimal leadership structures due to a lack of surpluses. 

2. Agriculture produced surpluses that enabled societal specialization and growth. 

3. Towns and cities emerged, fostering specialists who improved living standards. 

4. Specialization brought stability and a higher quality of life through efficient use of time and skills.


1 2023 06 – 43~45: 아들을 간호하며 임종을 지켜준 병사의 인간애 실화]


A nurse took a tired, anxious soldier to the bedside. "Jack, your son is here," the nurse said to an old man lying on the bed. She had to repeat the words several times before the old man's eyes opened. Suffering from the severe pain because of heart disease, he barely saw the young uniformed soldier standing next to him. He reached out his hand to the soldier. The soldier gently wrapped his fingers around the weak hand of the old man. The nurse brought a chair so that the soldier could sit beside the bed. All through the night the young soldier sat there, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of support and comfort. Occasionally, she suggested that the soldier take a rest for a while. He politely said no. Whenever the nurse came into the room, she heard the soldier say a few gentle words. The old man said nothing, only held tightly to him all through the night. Just before dawn, the old man died. The soldier released the old man's hand and left the room to find the nurse. After she was told what happened, she went back to the room with him. The soldier hesitated for a while and asked, "Who was this man?" She was surprised and asked, "Wasn't he your father?" "No, he wasn't. I've never met him before," the soldier replied. She asked, "Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?" He said, "I knew there had been a mistake, but when I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I could see how much he needed me. So, I stayed."



Possible Titles:

1. The Compassion of a Stranger: A Soldier's Act of Kindness at a Hospital Bedside 

2. Finding Purpose in Compassion: A Soldier's Selfless Vigil for an Elderly Patient 

3. The Power of Empathy: How a Soldier Offered Comfort to a Dying Stranger 

4. A Mistaken Identity, A Selfless Act: The Unexpected Bond Between a Soldier and an Old Man 


Main Idea #1:

A soldier offered comfort and stayed by the bedside of an elderly, dying man, despite realizing they were strangers. 


Main Idea #2:

After recognizing a case of mistaken identity, the soldier chose to provide solace to the suffering old man, understanding the depth of support and companionship he needed in his final hours. 



Mistaken for the old man's son, a compassionate soldier stayed by his bedside throughout the night, offering words of support and comfort despite being a stranger. Realizing how much the elderly man needed him, the soldier chose to stay until the old man passed away, embodying empathy and selfless kindness. 


Key Points:

1. The nurse mistakenly introduced the soldier as the old man's son. 

2. The soldier recognized the error but stayed to offer comfort to the dying man. 

3. He held the man's hand and provided supportive words throughout the night. 

4. The soldier's empathetic presence eased the old man's final hours, despite their being strangers.



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[고2] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT 4.0

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고2 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료를 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT 4.0)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일 제공)  



[고2] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

[고2] 2023년도 6월 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  지문 분석하거나 자료 제



[고2] 2023년도 6월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (197문항)

오늘은 고2 2023년도 6월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 첫번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2023년 6월 기출모음 #1 - 197문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,문항당 







오늘은 <2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.
설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.
PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 사용하세요.
유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다~♡
혹시 자료에 오류가 있으면 댓글 달아주세요. 바로 수정해 놓겠습니다. 





블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 









파일 다운로드

[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석).pdf
[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석).docx










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[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT 4.0

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료를 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT 4.0)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일 제공)  지



[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

[고1] 2023년도 6월 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  지문 분석하거나 자료 제작



[고1] 2023년도 6월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (186문항)

오늘은 의 기출문제 모음 첫번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2023년 6월 기출모음 #1 - 186문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어







오늘은 <고1 2023년도 6월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 첫번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고1] 2023년 6월 기출모음 #1 - 186문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)





블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 










파일 다운로드

[Flow Edu] 23년 고1 6월 기출 #1_186문항.pdf










자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




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[고1] 2023년도 6월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #2 (177문항)

오늘은 의 기출문제 모음 두번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2023년 6월 기출모음 #2 - 177문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어



[고1] 2022년도 6월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (218문항)

오늘은 고1 2022년도 6월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 첫번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2022년 6월 기출모음 #1 - 218문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,문항당 







1학기 중간고사가 거의 끝나가네요.

여유를 가지고 자료를 정리할 수 있는 시간이 생겨 좋네요.


오늘은 <2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고1> 기출문제를 정리했습니다.
Unit 6과 Unit 7을 작업했는데,

우선 Unit 6의 기출문제 모음 #1 (128문항)의 PDF 파일로 올립니다.

유용하게 사용하세요~♡





블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 










파일 다운로드

[Flow Edu] 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고1 - Unit 6 기출모음 #1_128문항_수정_20240601.pdf


* 29번 문제 보기 오류 수정 (2024.06.01)









자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




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2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고1 - Unit 3 기출문제 모음 #1

오늘부터 의 기출문제를 정리해서 올리겠습니다. 수업 중인 학생의 중간고사 범위가 Unit 3~5으로 정해져서, 일단 해당 범위부터 시작하겠습니다. PDF 파일만 올릴 예정이고, 파일 하나당 문제는



2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고1 - Unit 4 기출문제 모음 #1

오늘은 교재의 Unit 4 - 기출모음 #1 올립니다. 수업 중인 학생의 중간고사 범위가 Unit 3~5으로 정해져서, 일단 해당 범위부터 시작하겠습니다. PDF 파일만 올릴 예정이고, 파일 하나당 문제는 대략 70



2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고1 - Unit 5 기출문제 모음 #1~3

오늘은 의 Unit 5 - 기출문제 모음 #1~3 올립니다. PDF 3개 파일이며, 각 파일 당 문제는 대략 70~80문항입니다. 유용하게 사용하세요~♡ 파일 다운로드 자료 이용시 주의사항 1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문



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