




안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.

오늘은 <2024년도 9월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 지문 음원 자료를 올립니다.


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설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. 

유용하게 사용하세요~♡




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






[3] 2024 09  18: Royal Ocean Cruises 할인 혜택 안내

Dear Valued Members, We have exciting news here at Royal Ocean Cruises! To thank you for your loyalty, we are thrilled to offer you an exclusive promotion! Make a reservation for any cruise departing within the next six months and enjoy a 15% discount. Additionally, we are offering a free specialty dining package and a $20 coupon to use at the onboard gift shop. To take advantage of this offer, simply go to our website and enter the promotion code 'ROC25'. We look forward to welcoming you back aboard for another unforgettable journey. Thank you for your continued loyalty and support. Sincerely, Cindy Robins Customer Relations Manager




[3] 2024 09  19: 비행기 지연으로 인한 Sophie 혼란스러운 아침

The whole morning had been chaotic. Sophie's day began with her alarm clock failing to ring, which had thrown her into an intense rush. After terrible traffic, her taxi finally arrived at the airport, where she was met with endless security lines. Sophie kept glancing at her watch with each second feeling like an hour. Worried that she could not get to the boarding gate in time, she rushed through the crowds of people. Just then, she heard an announcement saying that her flight had been "delayed." Letting out a deep sigh, she finally felt at ease. With an unexpected hour to spare, she would have time to relax and browse the airport shops before her journey.




[3] 2024 09  20: 소셜 미디어에서의 잘못된 정보 확산의 위험성

Truth is essential for progress and the development of knowledge, as it serves as the foundation upon which reliable and accurate understanding is built. However, one of the greatest threats to the accumulation of knowledge can now be found on social media platforms. As social media becomes a primary source of information for millions, its unregulated nature allows misinformation to spread rapidly. Social media users may unknowingly participate in creating and circulating misinformation, which can influence elections, cause violence, and create widespread panic, as seen in various global incidents. As creators and consumers, it is our responsibility to take on a greater role in the enhancement of fact-checking protocols in order to ensure accuracy. It is critical that participants safeguard the reliability of information, supporting a more informed and rational public community.




[3] 2024 09  21: 문화적 맥락에서 인류학자들이 현지 관찰의 중요성을 인식한 사례

Around the turn of the twentieth century, anthropologists trained in the natural sciences began to reimagine what a science of humanity should look like and how social scientists ought to go about studying cultural groups. Some of those anthropologists insisted that one should at least spend significant time actually observing and talking to the people studied. Early ethnographers such as Franz Boas and Alfred Cort Haddon typically traveled to the remote locations where the people in question lived and spent a few weeks to a few months there. They sought out a local Western host who was familiar with the people and the area (such as a colonial official, missionary, or businessman) and found accommodations through them. Although they did at times venture into the community without a guide, they generally did not spend significant time with the local people. Thus, their observations were primarily conducted from their verandas.




[3] 2024 09  22: 도덕적 책임이 인간 사회에서 형성된 개념이라는 주장

Even though there is good reason to consider a dog a sentient being capable of making choices and plans ― so that we might suppose 'it could have conceived of acting otherwise' ― we're unlikely to think it is wicked and immoral for attacking a child. Moral responsibility is not some universal concept like entropy or temperature ― something that applies equally, and can be measured similarly, everywhere in the cosmos. It is a notion developed specifically for human use, no more or less than languages are. While sentience and volition are aspects of mind and agency, morals are cultural tools developed to influence social behaviour: to cultivate the desirable and discourage the harmful. They are learnt, not given at birth. It's possible, indeed likely, that we are born with a predisposition to cooperate with others ― but only within human society do we come to understand this as moral behaviour.




[3] 2024 09  23: 일상적 현상과 이례적 현상에 대한 인간의 반응 차이

It is much more natural to be surprised by unusual phenomena like eclipses than ordinary phenomena like falling bodies or the succession of night into day and day into night. Many cultures invented gods to explain these eclipses that shocked, frightened, or surprised them; but very few imagined a god of falling bodies ― to which they were so accustomed that they did not even notice them. But the reason for eclipses is ultimately the same as that of the succession of night and day: the movement of celestial bodies, which itself is based on the Newtonian law of attraction and how it explains why things fall when we let them go. For the physicist, understanding the ordinary, the habitual, and the frequent thus allows us to account for the frightening and the singular. As such, it was thus necessary to ask "Why do things fall?" and to have Newton's response to understand a broad range of much more bizarre phenomena occurring at every level of the universe.




[3] 2024 09  24: 사무실 설계에서 변화의 중요성

There are good reasons why open-office plans have gained currency, but open offices may not be the plan of choice for all times. Instead, the right plan seems to be building a culture of change. Overly rigid habits and conventions, no matter how well-considered or well-intentioned, threaten innovation. The crucial take-away from analyzing office plans over time is that the answers keep changing. It might seem that there is a straight line of progress, but it's a myth. Surveying office spaces from the past eighty years, one can see a cycle that repeats. Comparing the offices of the 1940s with contemporary office spaces shows that they have circled back around to essentially the same style, via a period in the 1980s when partitions and cubicles were more the norm. The technologies and colors may differ, but the 1940s and 2000s plans are alike, right down to the pillars running down the middle.




[3] 2024 09  25: 2022 4개국의 VR AR 인지도 비교 그래프

The graph above shows the percentages of respondents who were familiar with the concept of virtual reality (VR) and those who were familiar with the concept of augmented reality (AR) in four countries in 2022. For each country, the percentage of respondents familiar with VR was greater than the percentage of respondents familiar with AR. The country with the highest percentage of respondents familiar with AR was South Korea. The country with the largest gap between the percentage of respondents familiar with VR and that of respondents familiar with AR was Canada. In Japan, the percentage of respondents familiar with VR was greater than 60%. The percentage of respondents familiar with VR and that of respondents familiar with AR were lower in Switzerland than in Japan, respectively.




[3] 2024 09  26: 예술과 과학을 연결한 Gyorgy Kepes 생애와 업적

Gyorgy Kepes was an artist and educator born in Selyp, Hungary in 1906. He studied painting at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, Hungary. Then, he studied design and film in Berlin, Germany. He went to the United States in 1937, and about a decade later, he started teaching visual design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He founded the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT to form a community composed of artists and scientists. His exhibition in 1951 titled The New Landscape became the basis of his book The New Landscape in Art and Science, which was published several years later. In the book, he presented images that were not previously available, captured by the latest scientific devices. In 1995, a museum to house his works was established in Eger, Hungary. He was a great pioneer in connecting art and technology.






[3] 2024 09  29: 산업 혁명 시기의 영국 사회 변화와 문제점

Victorian England is characterised by the full development of the Industrial Revolution. England became the first industrial nation in the world and, by 1850, the first nation to have more people employed in industry than in agriculture. Expanding trade coincided with the growth of the Empire and brought great wealth to Britain, but this wealth was not evenly distributed. Many enterprising individuals (the 'self-made men') rose from humble origins to positions of wealth and influence, but large sections of the working class were forced into the overcrowded slums of large cities where they worked long hours for low wages in unhealthy conditions. The manufacturing towns of the north of England provided some of the worst examples and inspired such socially conscious novels as Kingsley's Alton Locke, Gaskell's Mary Barton, and Dickens's Hard Times. In the south there was London, already the largest city in the world, showing all the crime, evil, and misery which result from overpopulation and unplanned growth.




[3] 2024 09  30: 인간의 사고방식이 예측 가능한 오류로 인해 비합리적일  있는 이유

We all like to think of ourselves as rational actors, careful and considered in our thinking, capable of sound and reliable judgments. We might believe that we generally consider different points of view and make informed decisions. We are, in fact, "predictably irrational," as psychologist Dan Ariely titled his book on the topic. All of us engage in automatic, reflexive thinking, typically taking the easier path and conserving mental effort. Although we each may have the subjective impression that we are careful thinkers, we often make snap judgments or no real judgments at all. In addition, numerous biases inhibit or override reflective, deliberative thought; intuitive theories can also interfere with acceptance of accurate scientific explanations. Understanding more about how our minds work and how biases may operate can make us each less subject to fallacious reasoning, more rational, and more aware of the problems in others' thinking. Learning to understand the built-in limitations of our mental processes can also help us improve our ability to inform others more effectively.




[3] 2024 09  31: 나방이 빛에 끌리는 이유에 대한 이론들

There has been a lot of discussion on why moths are attracted to light. The consensus seems to hold that moths are not so much attracted to lights as they are trapped by them. The light becomes a sensory overload that disorients the insects and sends them into a holding pattern. A hypothesis called the Mach band theory suggests that moths see a dark area around a light source and head for it to escape the light. Another theory suggests that moths perceive the light coming from a source as a diffuse halo with a dark spot in the center. The moths, attempting to escape the light, fly toward that imagined "portal," bringing them closer to the source. As they approach the light, their reference point changes and they circle the light hopelessly trying to reach the portal. Everyone is familiar with moths circling their porch lights. Their flight appears to have no purpose, but they are, it is believed, trying to escape the pull of the light.




[3] 2024 09  32: 커뮤니케이션 기술 발전에서 투자와 수익 기대의 문제

One of the factors determining the use of technologies of communication will be the kinds of investments made in equipment and personnel; who makes them, and what they expect in return. There is no guarantee that the investment will necessarily be in forms of communication that are most appropriate for the majority of people. Because the ownership of investment funds tends to be in the hands of commercial organisations, the modernisation of communications infrastructure only takes place on the basis of potential profitability. Take, for example, the installation of fibre-optic communications cable across the African continent. A number of African nations are involved in the development but its operational structures will be oriented to those who can pay for access. Many states that might wish to use it for education and information may not only find it too expensive but also simply unavailable to them. There can be no doubt that the development has been led by investment opportunity rather than community demand.




[3] 2024 09  33: 도시의 공간 질과 머무는 활동의 상관관계

City quality is so crucial for optional activities that the extent of staying activities can often be used as a measuring stick for the quality of the city as well as of its space. Many pedestrians in a city are not necessarily an indication of good city quality ― many people walking around can often be a sign of insufficient transit options or long distances between the various functions in the city. Conversely, it can be claimed that a city in which many people are not walking often indicates good city quality. In a city like Rome, it is the large number of people standing or sitting in squares rather than walking that is conspicuous. And it's not due to necessity but rather that the city quality is so inviting. It is hard to keep moving in city space with so many temptations to stay. In contrast are many new quarters and complexes that many people walk through but rarely stop or stay in.




[3] 2024 09  34: Rousseau 주장한 인간 발달의 사회적 의존성

That people need other people is hardly news, but for Rousseau this dependence extended far beyond companionship or even love, into the very process of becoming human. Rousseau believed that people are not born but made, every individual a bundle of potentials whose realization requires the active involvement of other people. Self-development is a social process. Self-sufficiency is an impossible fantasy. Much of the time Rousseau wished passionately that it were not: Robinson Crusoe was a favorite book, and he yearned to be free from the pains and uncertainties of social life. But his writings document with extraordinary clarity the shaping of the individual by his emotional attachments. "Our sweetest existence is relative and collective, and our true self is not entirely within us." And it is kindness ― which Rousseau analyzed under the rubric of pitié, which translates as "pity" but is much closer to "sympathy" as Hume and Smith defined it ― that is the key to this collective existence.




[3] 2024 09  35: 전문적 수집가를 위한 딜러의 광범위한 역할

The best dealers offer a much broader service than merely having their goods on display and 'selling from stock'. Once they know the needs of a particular collector they can actively seek specific items to fill gaps in the collection. Because it is their business, to which they devote themselves full-time, they will inevitably have a much wider network than any non-professional collector can ever develop. As a matter of course they can enquire about the availability of pieces from dealers in other cities and, most crucially in some categories, from overseas. They will be routinely informed of news of all auctions and important private sales, and should be well-enough connected to hear occasionally of items which are not yet quite on sale but might be available for a certain price. In turn, they can circulate their own contacts with 'want-lists' of desired items or subjects, multiplying their client collectors' chances of expanding their collections.





[3] 2024 09  36: 학습은 새로운 정보가 기존 지식 패턴에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지에 대한 설명

If learning were simply a matter of accumulating lists of facts, then it shouldn't make any difference if we are presented with information that is just a little bit beyond what we already know or totally new information. Each fact would simply be stored separately. According to connectionist theory, however, our knowledge is organized into patterns of activity, and each time we learn something new we have to modify the old patterns so as to keep the old material while adding the new information. The adjustments are clearly smallest when the new information is only slightly new ― when it is compatible with what we already know, so that the old patterns need only a little bit of adjustment to accommodate the new knowledge. If we are trying to understand something totally new, however, we need to make larger adjustments to the units of the patterns we already have, which requires changing the strengths of large numbers of connections in our brain, and this is a difficult, tiring process.




[3] 2024 09  37: 동물의 건강을 유지하는 선천적 본능과 행동

The generally close connection between health and what animals want exists because wanting to obtain the right things and wanting to avoid the wrong ones are major ways in which animals keep themselves healthy. Animals have evolved many different ways of maintaining their health and then regaining it again once it has been damaged, such as an ability to heal wounds when they are injured and an amazingly complex immune system for warding off infection. Animals are equally good, however, at dealing with injury and disease before they even happen. They have evolved a complex set of mechanisms for anticipating and avoiding danger altogether. They can take pre-emptive action so that the worst never happens. They start to want things that will be necessary for their health and survival not for now but for some time in the future.




[3] 2024 09  38: 로봇 설계에서 자기 인식 능력의 중요성

People involved in the conception and engineering of robots designed to perceive and act know how fundamental is the ability to discriminate oneself from other entities in the environment. Without such an ability, no goal-oriented action would be possible. Imagine that you have to build a robot able to search for blocks scattered in a room in order to pile them. Even this simple task would require that your machine be able to discriminate between stimulation that originates from its own machinery and stimulation that originates from the blocks in the environment. Suppose that you equip your robot with an artificial eye and an artificial arm to detect, grab, and pile the blocks. To be successful, your machine will have to have some built-in system enabling it to discriminate between the detection of a block and the detection of its own arm. If not, the robot might endlessly chase itself rather than the blocks. Your robot would engage in circular, self-centered acts that would drive it away from the target or external goal.




[3] 2024 09  39: 미래 생태계를 예측하고 관리하는  있어 불확실성

To decide whether and how to intervene in ecosystems, protected area managers normally need a reasonably clear idea of what future ecosystems would be like if they did not intervene. Management practices usually involve defining a more desirable future condition and implementing management actions designed to push or guide ecosystems toward that condition. Managers need confidence in the likely outcomes of their interventions. This traditional and inherently logical approach requires a high degree of predictive ability, and predictions must be developed at appropriate spatial and temporal scales, often localized and near-term. Unfortunately, at the scales, accuracy, and precision most useful to protected area management, the future not only promises to be unprecedented, but it also promises to be unpredictable. To illustrate this, consider the uncertainties involved in predicting climatic changes, how ecosystems are likely to respond to climatic changes, and the likely efficacy of actions that might be taken to counter adverse effects of climatic changes. Comparable uncertainties surround the nature and magnitude of future changes in other ecosystem stressors.




[3] 2024 09  40: 인간 언어가 다른 동물의 소통 방식과 차별화되는 이유

Human speech differs from the cries of other species in many ways. One very important distinction is that all other animals use one call for one message as the general principle of communication. This means that the number of possible messages is very restricted. If a new message is to be included in the system, a new sound has to be introduced, too. After the first few tens of sounds it becomes difficult to invent new distinctive sounds, and also to remember them for the next time they are needed. Human speech builds on the principle of combining a restricted number of sounds into an unlimited number of messages. In a typical human language there are something like thirty or forty distinctive speech sounds. These sounds can be combined into chains to form a literally unlimited number of words. Even a small child, who can communicate by only one word at a time, uses a system for communication that is infinitely superior to any system utilized by any other animal. 




[3] 2024 09  41~42: 시와 일상 언어의 차이와 시의 새로운 언어적 가능성

People are correct when they feel that the written poetry of literate societies and the oral poetry of non-literate ones differ considerably from the everyday language spoken in the community. Listeners not only accept the strange use of words, rearrangement of word order, assonance, alliteration, rhythm, rhyme, compression of thought, and so on ― they actually expect to find these things in poetry and they are disappointed when poetry does not sound "poetic." But those who regard poetry as a different category of language altogether are deaf to the true achievements of the poet. Rather, the poet artfully manipulates the same raw materials of his language as are used in everyday speech; his skill is to find new possibilities in the resources already in the language. In much the same way that people living at the seashore become so accustomed to the sound of waves that they no longer hear it, most of us have become insensitive to the flood tide of words, millions of them every day, that hit our eardrums. One function of poetry is to depict the world with a fresh perception ― to make it strange ― so that we will listen to language once again. But the successful poet never departs so far into the strange world of language that none of his listeners can follow him. He still remains the communicator, the man of speech.




[3] 2024 09  43~45:  번째  구매 앱을 통해 식물을 구매한 경험

Helen was thrilled when she received a notification on a second-hand shopping app from a seller named Anna. For months, she had been looking for a Philodendron gloriosum, a Colombian plant with dark, velvety leaves shaped like hearts. She had almost given up on getting one. Anna, though, had put one up for sale. The posting read, "I'm selling my favorite plant, because I'm moving abroad. If you pick it up today from Edincester Heights, you can have it for the current price, which is half the market rate." Helen immediately messaged the seller. "Hello! I'm interested in purchasing your plant. If it works for your schedule, I can be there in 10 minutes!" Anna replied, "Hi, there! I am at work right now, but my housemate, Julia, can meet you in front of the building." Unable to believe her good luck, Helen typed back in excitement, "Great! I can leave now. I'll wear a black baseball cap." Arriving at the building, Helen could identify Julia by the large paper bag she was holding. The bag had leaves sticking out of the top. She said, "You must be Julia!" Laughing, the woman said, "Yes! Please take good care of this plant. Anna had it for six years, so she considers it family." From the bag, she pulled out another plant, a tiny one with thick, glossy leaves. "Are you familiar with this? It's called a Dragon's Tail. My housemate said you could take it too, if you'd like." Helen exclaimed, "Yes, I'd love to! Please thank Anna for me. Both are in such wonderful condition. Do you have any tips for keeping them in good shape?" Handing over the bag, Julia replied, "I'm not a plant expert, but I know that Anna kept them away from windows to avoid direct sunlight. Why don't you message her? She would be happy to offer advice." "I'll be sure to do that," Helen said, as she handed over the cash.






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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 음원 듣기 (by ChatGPT-4o)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 음원 자료를 올립니다. 지문 음원은 오늘 처음 작업해 봤습니다. ChatGPT에서 답변을 읽어주는 기능(Read Aloud)



[고2] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 음원 듣기 (by ChatGPT-4o)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.오늘은 2024년도 9월 고2 영어 모의고사>의 지문 음원 자료를 올립니다. ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함









안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.

오늘은 <2024년도 9월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료 올립니다.

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설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. 
(PDF 및 Word 파일)  

지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 때 참고하세요~♡





블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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[고3] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).pdf
[고3] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).docx



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[고3] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024년도 9월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니



[고3] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 9월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 






전체 내용

[3] 2024 09  18: Royal Ocean Cruises 할인 혜택 안내


Dear Valued Members, We have exciting news here at Royal Ocean Cruises! To thank you for your loyalty, we are thrilled to offer you an exclusive promotion! Make a reservation for any cruise departing within the next six months and enjoy a 15% discount. Additionally, we are offering a free specialty dining package and a $20 coupon to use at the onboard gift shop. To take advantage of this offer, simply go to our website and enter the promotion code 'ROC25'. We look forward to welcoming you back aboard for another unforgettable journey. Thank you for your continued loyalty and support. Sincerely, Cindy Robins Customer Relations Manager



Possible Titles:

1. Exclusive Offer for Royal Ocean Cruises Members: 15% Discount and More! 

2. Special Loyalty Promotion: Save on Your Next Royal Ocean Cruise 

3. Enjoy a 15% Discount, Free Dining, and a Gift Shop Coupon with Your Next Cruise

4. Thank You for Your Loyalty: Royal Ocean Cruises Exclusive Member Offer 


Main Idea #1:

Royal Ocean Cruises is offering an exclusive promotion for loyal members. 


Main Idea #2:

Members who book a cruise within the next six months can enjoy a 15% discount, a free specialty dining package, and a $20 gift shop coupon by using the promotion code 'ROC25'. 



Royal Ocean Cruises is offering loyal members a 15% discount, a free dining package, and a $20 gift shop coupon for cruises booked in the next six months. To claim the offer, use the code 'ROC25' on their website. 


Key Points:

1. Exclusive offer for Royal Ocean Cruises members. 

2. 15% discount on any cruise departing in the next six months. 

3. Free specialty dining package and $20 gift shop coupon included. 

4. Use promotion code 'ROC25' to take advantage of the offer.



[3] 2024 09  19: 비행기 지연으로 인한 Sophie 혼란스러운 아침


The whole morning had been chaotic. Sophie's day began with her alarm clock failing to ring, which had thrown her into an intense rush. After terrible traffic, her taxi finally arrived at the airport, where she was met with endless security lines. Sophie kept glancing at her watch with each second feeling like an hour. Worried that she could not get to the boarding gate in time, she rushed through the crowds of people. Just then, she heard an announcement saying that her flight had been "delayed." Letting out a deep sigh, she finally felt at ease. With an unexpected hour to spare, she would have time to relax and browse the airport shops before her journey.



Possible Titles:

1. A Chaotic Morning Turns Calm with a Delayed Flight 

2. From Stress to Relief: Sophie's Unexpected Extra Hour 

3. The Morning Rush: How a Flight Delay Saved Sophie’s Day 

4. A Rushed Journey to the Airport Ends in Relief with a Delay 


Main Idea #1:

Sophie’s stressful morning was unexpectedly relieved by a flight delay. 


Main Idea #2:

After a chaotic start to her day and racing to make her flight, Sophie finally experienced relief when she learned her flight was delayed, giving her time to relax and enjoy the airport. 



Sophie’s morning was filled with chaos as she rushed to the airport, fearing she’d miss her flight. However, she felt a sense of relief when she discovered her flight was delayed, giving her time to unwind before her journey. 


Key Points:

1. Sophie’s alarm didn’t ring, causing her to rush through the morning. 

2. She encountered heavy traffic and long security lines. 

3. Sophie feared missing her flight but learned it was delayed. 

4. The delay allowed her to relax and enjoy extra time at the airport.



[3] 2024 09  20: 소셜 미디어에서의 잘못된 정보 확산의 위험성


Truth is essential for progress and the development of knowledge, as it serves as the foundation upon which reliable and accurate understanding is built. However, one of the greatest threats to the accumulation of knowledge can now be found on social media platforms. As social media becomes a primary source of information for millions, its unregulated nature allows misinformation to spread rapidly. Social media users may unknowingly participate in creating and circulating misinformation, which can influence elections, cause violence, and create widespread panic, as seen in various global incidents. As creators and consumers, it is our responsibility to take on a greater role in the enhancement of fact-checking protocols in order to ensure accuracy. It is critical that participants safeguard the reliability of information, supporting a more informed and rational public community.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Truth in Combating Misinformation on Social Media 

2. Safeguarding Knowledge: The Threat of Misinformation on Social Media 

3. The Importance of Fact-Checking to Preserve Truth in the Digital Age 

4. How Misinformation on Social Media Undermines Knowledge and Progress 


Main Idea #1:

Truth is essential for the development of reliable knowledge, but social media platforms pose a significant threat to this process. 


Main Idea #2:

The unregulated spread of misinformation on social media can have serious consequences, such as influencing elections and causing public panic. Therefore, it is crucial for both creators and consumers to enhance fact-checking efforts to maintain the integrity of information. 



Truth is vital for knowledge, but social media's unregulated nature allows misinformation to spread, which can have severe consequences. It is important for users to take responsibility in fact-checking to ensure the reliability of information and support an informed public. 


Key Points:

1. Truth is essential for knowledge and progress. 

2. Social media allows misinformation to spread rapidly. 

3. Misinformation can have serious societal impacts, including influencing elections. 

4. Enhancing fact-checking is crucial to ensuring the accuracy of information shared.



[3] 2024 09  21: 문화적 맥락에서 인류학자들이 현지 관찰의 중요성을 인식한 사례


Around the turn of the twentieth century, anthropologists trained in the natural sciences began to reimagine what a science of humanity should look like and how social scientists ought to go about studying cultural groups. Some of those anthropologists insisted that one should at least spend significant time actually observing and talking to the people studied. Early ethnographers such as Franz Boas and Alfred Cort Haddon typically traveled to the remote locations where the people in question lived and spent a few weeks to a few months there. They sought out a local Western host who was familiar with the people and the area (such as a colonial official, missionary, or businessman) and found accommodations through them. Although they did at times venture into the community without a guide, they generally did not spend significant time with the local people. Thus, their observations were primarily conducted from their verandas.



Possible Titles:

1. The Early Days of Anthropology: Ethnography from the Veranda 

2. How Early Anthropologists Studied Cultures from a Distance 

3. Ethnography at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: The Limited Immersion of Early Anthropologists 

4. Franz Boas and Alfred Cort Haddon: Pioneers of Early Ethnographic Observation


Main Idea #1:

Early anthropologists redefined the study of humanity by observing cultural groups but often did so from a limited, detached perspective. 


Main Idea #2:

While early ethnographers like Franz Boas and Alfred Cort Haddon traveled to remote areas to study cultures, they generally observed from a distance, relying on local hosts and spending minimal time directly engaging with the communities they studied. 



At the turn of the twentieth century, early anthropologists sought to observe cultural groups firsthand, but figures like Franz Boas and Alfred Cort Haddon often conducted their research from a distance, relying on local hosts and rarely immersing themselves fully in the communities they studied. 


Key Points:

1. Early anthropologists aimed to study humanity by observing cultural groups. 

2. Figures like Franz Boas and Alfred Cort Haddon traveled to remote areas for research. 

3. Their observations were often conducted from a distance, with limited direct engagement. 

4. Local hosts, such as colonial officials or missionaries, facilitated their stays and guided their research.



[3] 2024 09  22: 도덕적 책임이 인간 사회에서 형성된 개념이라는 주장


Even though there is good reason to consider a dog a sentient being capable of making choices and plans ― so that we might suppose 'it could have conceived of acting otherwise' ― we're unlikely to think it is wicked and immoral for attacking a child. Moral responsibility is not some universal concept like entropy or temperature ― something that applies equally, and can be measured similarly, everywhere in the cosmos. It is a notion developed specifically for human use, no more or less than languages are. While sentience and volition are aspects of mind and agency, morals are cultural tools developed to influence social behaviour: to cultivate the desirable and discourage the harmful. They are learnt, not given at birth. It's possible, indeed likely, that we are born with a predisposition to cooperate with others ― but only within human society do we come to understand this as moral behaviour.



Possible Titles:

1. Moral Responsibility: A Human Concept Shaped by Culture and Society 

2. The Distinction Between Sentience and Morality: Why Dogs Aren’t Morally Accountable 

3. Understanding Morality as a Cultural Tool Rather Than a Universal Law 

4. The Role of Morality in Human Society: Beyond Sentience and Agency 


Main Idea #1:

Moral responsibility is a human construct developed to guide social behavior, not a universal concept like temperature or entropy. 


Main Idea #2:

While animals like dogs can exhibit sentience and make choices, moral responsibility is a cultural tool unique to human society, developed to promote desirable behavior and discourage harmful actions. It is learned rather than innate, emerging through social interaction. 



Moral responsibility is a human construct, developed to regulate social behavior, unlike universal concepts like entropy. While animals like dogs exhibit sentience, morality is a cultural tool learned within human society, designed to cultivate cooperation and discourage harm. 


Key Points:

1. Moral responsibility is not a universal concept but a human-developed tool. 

2. Sentience and volition do not automatically imply moral accountability. 

3. Morals are cultural constructs used to influence social behavior. 

4. Humans may have a predisposition for cooperation, but moral behavior is learned within society.



[3] 2024 09  23: 일상적 현상과 이례적 현상에 대한 인간의 반응 차이


It is much more natural to be surprised by unusual phenomena like eclipses than ordinary phenomena like falling bodies or the succession of night into day and day into night. Many cultures invented gods to explain these eclipses that shocked, frightened, or surprised them; but very few imagined a god of falling bodies ― to which they were so accustomed that they did not even notice them. But the reason for eclipses is ultimately the same as that of the succession of night and day: the movement of celestial bodies, which itself is based on the Newtonian law of attraction and how it explains why things fall when we let them go. For the physicist, understanding the ordinary, the habitual, and the frequent thus allows us to account for the frightening and the singular. As such, it was thus necessary to ask "Why do things fall?" and to have Newton's response to understand a broad range of much more bizarre phenomena occurring at every level of the universe.



Possible Titles:

1. From Ordinary to Extraordinary: How Newton’s Laws Explain the Bizarre 

2. Why Understanding Everyday Phenomena Helps Explain the Unusual 

3. The Connection Between Ordinary Events and Unusual Phenomena in Physics 

4. How Newton’s Law of Attraction Explains Both the Familiar and the Mysterious 


Main Idea #1:

Understanding ordinary phenomena, like falling objects, is key to explaining unusual events, such as eclipses. 


Main Idea #2:

While unusual phenomena like eclipses surprised many cultures, their causes are rooted in the same principles that explain ordinary events like falling bodies. Newton’s law of attraction helps account for both common and bizarre occurrences in the universe, revealing that the familiar can provide insight into the extraordinary. 



Unusual events like eclipses once shocked people, but their causes are linked to the same principles that govern ordinary phenomena like falling objects. Newton’s law of attraction offers an explanation for both, demonstrating that understanding everyday occurrences helps us make sense of more extraordinary events. 


Key Points:

1. People are more surprised by unusual phenomena like eclipses than ordinary events. 

2. The causes of both ordinary and unusual events are rooted in the movement of celestial bodies. 

3. Newton’s law of attraction explains why things fall and helps account for bizarre phenomena. 

4. Understanding everyday phenomena allows physicists to explain extraordinary events.



[3] 2024 09  24: 사무실 설계에서 변화의 중요성


There are good reasons why open-office plans have gained currency, but open offices may not be the plan of choice for all times. Instead, the right plan seems to be building a culture of change. Overly rigid habits and conventions, no matter how well-considered or well-intentioned, threaten innovation. The crucial take-away from analyzing office plans over time is that the answers keep changing. It might seem that there is a straight line of progress, but it's a myth. Surveying office spaces from the past eighty years, one can see a cycle that repeats. Comparing the offices of the 1940s with contemporary office spaces shows that they have circled back around to essentially the same style, via a period in the 1980s when partitions and cubicles were more the norm. The technologies and colors may differ, but the 1940s and 2000s plans are alike, right down to the pillars running down the middle.



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolution of Office Plans: A Cycle of Change and Innovation 

2. Why Office Design Cycles Repeat: From Open Spaces to Cubicles and Back 

3. The Myth of Linear Progress in Office Plans: A Look at Eighty Years of Design 

4. Building a Culture of Change: The Shifting Trends in Office Layouts Over Time 


Main Idea #1:

Office design trends change over time, and there is no single ideal layout that remains effective for all periods. 


Main Idea #2:

The history of office plans shows a repeating cycle of change, with contemporary open-office designs resembling those of the 1940s, despite the shift to partitions and cubicles in the 1980s. This demonstrates that flexibility and adaptability are key to fostering innovation in office spaces. 



Office design trends do not follow a straight line of progress but instead cycle over time. Comparing office layouts from the 1940s to today reveals similarities, despite a shift to cubicles in the 1980s. The key takeaway is the need for adaptable office environments to foster innovation. 


Key Points:

1. Open-office plans are not always the best choice for every era. 

2. Office designs change in cycles rather than following a straight line of progress. 

3. Contemporary offices resemble those of the 1940s, despite changes in technology and colors. 

4. Flexibility and adaptability in office spaces are essential for promoting innovation.



[3] 2024 09  25: 2022 4개국의 VR AR 인지도 비교 그래프


The graph above shows the percentages of respondents who were familiar with the concept of virtual reality (VR) and those who were familiar with the concept of augmented reality (AR) in four countries in 2022. For each country, the percentage of respondents familiar with VR was greater than the percentage of respondents familiar with AR. The country with the highest percentage of respondents familiar with AR was South Korea. The country with the largest gap between the percentage of respondents familiar with VR and that of respondents familiar with AR was Canada. In Japan, the percentage of respondents familiar with VR was greater than 60%. The percentage of respondents familiar with VR and that of respondents familiar with AR were lower in Switzerland than in Japan, respectively.



Possible Titles:

1. Global Familiarity with Virtual and Augmented Reality in 2022 

2. VR vs. AR Awareness: A Comparative Study Across Four Countries 

3. South Korea Leads in AR Familiarity, Canada Shows Largest VR-AR Gap 

4. Virtual and Augmented Reality Awareness: Insights from Four Countries in 2022 


Main Idea #1:

In 2022, respondents in four countries were more familiar with VR than AR. 


Main Idea #2:

While VR familiarity exceeded AR familiarity in all four countries, South Korea had the highest percentage of respondents familiar with AR, and Canada showed the largest gap between VR and AR awareness. Japan’s respondents had over 60% familiarity with VR, with Switzerland lagging behind both Japan and South Korea in awareness of both VR and AR. 



In 2022, respondents in all four countries were more familiar with VR than AR. South Korea led in AR familiarity, while Canada had the largest gap between VR and AR awareness. Japan had over 60% familiarity with VR, while Switzerland trailed behind Japan in familiarity with both VR and AR. 


Key Points:

1. Familiarity with VR was higher than with AR in all four countries. 

2. South Korea had the highest percentage of respondents familiar with AR. 

3. Canada had the largest gap between VR and AR awareness. 

4. Japan had over 60% familiarity with VR, with Switzerland having lower awareness of both VR and AR compared to Japan.



[3] 2024 09  26: 예술과 과학을 연결한 Gyorgy Kepes 생애와 업적


Gyorgy Kepes was an artist and educator born in Selyp, Hungary in 1906. He studied painting at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, Hungary. Then, he studied design and film in Berlin, Germany. He went to the United States in 1937, and about a decade later, he started teaching visual design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He founded the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT to form a community composed of artists and scientists. His exhibition in 1951 titled The New Landscape became the basis of his book The New Landscape in Art and Science, which was published several years later. In the book, he presented images that were not previously available, captured by the latest scientific devices. In 1995, a museum to house his works was established in Eger, Hungary. He was a great pioneer in connecting art and technology.



Possible Titles:

1. Gyorgy Kepes: A Pioneer in Bridging Art and Science 

2. The Life and Legacy of Gyorgy Kepes: Connecting Visual Design and Technology 

3. Gyorgy Kepes and His Contributions to Art, Science, and Education 

4. From Hungary to MIT: Gyorgy Kepes' Journey in Art and Technology


Main Idea #1:

Gyorgy Kepes was an influential artist and educator who connected art and science through his work. 


Main Idea #2:

Gyorgy Kepes, a Hungarian artist and educator, played a pioneering role in integrating art and technology, founding the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT and publishing his influential book *The New Landscape in Art and Science*. His work remains recognized in a museum dedicated to him in Hungary. 



Gyorgy Kepes, a Hungarian-born artist and educator, is known for integrating art and science. He founded the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT and published *The New Landscape in Art and Science*, which showcased images captured by scientific devices. A museum in Hungary was later established to house his works. 


Key Points:

1. Gyorgy Kepes studied painting, design, and film in Hungary and Germany. 

2. He taught visual design at MIT and founded the Center for Advanced Visual Studies. 

3. His book *The New Landscape in Art and Science* highlighted the connection between art and science using scientific imagery. 

4. A museum in Eger, Hungary, was established in 1995 to honor his works and legacy.



[3] 2024 09  29: 산업 혁명 시기의 영국 사회 변화와 문제점


Victorian England is characterised by the full development of the Industrial Revolution. England became the first industrial nation in the world and, by 1850, the first nation to have more people employed in industry than in agriculture. Expanding trade coincided with the growth of the Empire and brought great wealth to Britain, but this wealth was not evenly distributed. Many enterprising individuals (the 'self-made men') rose from humble origins to positions of wealth and influence, but large sections of the working class were forced into the overcrowded slums of large cities where they worked long hours for low wages in unhealthy conditions. The manufacturing towns of the north of England provided some of the worst examples and inspired such socially conscious novels as Kingsley's Alton Locke, Gaskell's Mary Barton, and Dickens's Hard Times. In the south there was London, already the largest city in the world, showing all the crime, evil, and misery which result from overpopulation and unplanned growth.



Possible Titles:

1. The Industrial Revolution and Its Impact on Victorian England's Society 

2. Wealth and Poverty in Victorian England: The Rise of Industry and Urban Slums 

3. Victorian England: The Birth of Industry and the Struggles of the Working Class

4. The Duality of Victorian England: Industrial Growth and Social Inequality 


Main Idea #1:

Victorian England saw the full development of the Industrial Revolution, with a shift from agriculture to industry. 


Main Idea #2:

While the Industrial Revolution brought great wealth to some, it also led to severe social inequality. Large sections of the working class lived in overcrowded slums, working long hours in unhealthy conditions, inspiring socially conscious literature that depicted the struggles of the poor in both northern industrial towns and overcrowded London. 



Victorian England marked the height of the Industrial Revolution, shifting the economy from agriculture to industry. Though it brought wealth to Britain, it also created severe inequality, as many working-class families lived in overcrowded slums and faced harsh working conditions. This social divide inspired novels that highlighted the struggles of the poor in both the industrial north and overcrowded London. 


Key Points:

1. Victorian England was shaped by the Industrial Revolution. 

2. By 1850, more people were employed in industry than in agriculture. 

3. Wealth from expanding trade and industry was unevenly distributed. 

4. The working class faced harsh living and working conditions, which inspired socially conscious novels. 

5. London, as the largest city, reflected the consequences of overpopulation and unplanned growth.



[3] 2024 09  30: 인간의 사고방식이 예측 가능한 오류로 인해 비합리적일  있는 이유


We all like to think of ourselves as rational actors, careful and considered in our thinking, capable of sound and reliable judgments. We might believe that we generally consider different points of view and make informed decisions. We are, in fact, "predictably irrational," as psychologist Dan Ariely titled his book on the topic. All of us engage in automatic, reflexive thinking, typically taking the easier path and conserving mental effort. Although we each may have the subjective impression that we are careful thinkers, we often make snap judgments or no real judgments at all. In addition, numerous biases inhibit or override reflective, deliberative thought; intuitive theories can also interfere with acceptance of accurate scientific explanations. Understanding more about how our minds work and how biases may operate can make us each less subject to fallacious reasoning, more rational, and more aware of the problems in others' thinking. Learning to understand the built-in limitations of our mental processes can also help us improve our ability to inform others more effectively.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding Our Predictable Irrationality and Mental Biases 

2. How Automatic Thinking and Biases Affect Our Decision-Making 

3. The Path to Rational Thinking: Overcoming Biases and Snap Judgments 

4. Predictably Irrational: How Understanding Our Minds Can Improve Decision-Making


Main Idea #1:

Despite thinking of ourselves as rational, we often engage in automatic, reflexive thinking that is influenced by biases. 


Main Idea #2:

While we believe we make careful decisions, biases and intuitive theories often override our reflective thinking, leading to fallacious reasoning. By understanding how these mental processes work, we can become more rational and effective in both our thinking and in helping others avoid flawed reasoning. 



Though we may believe we are rational thinkers, biases and automatic thinking often lead us to make snap judgments. Understanding these mental limitations can help us improve our reasoning and better inform others. 


Key Points:

1. We often engage in reflexive, automatic thinking rather than deliberate reasoning. 

2. Biases and intuitive theories interfere with rational thought and scientific understanding. 

3. Understanding how our minds work can reduce fallacious reasoning and improve decision-making. 

4. Recognizing our mental limitations can also help us communicate more effectively with others.



[3] 2024 09  31: 나방이 빛에 끌리는 이유에 대한 이론들


There has been a lot of discussion on why moths are attracted to light. The consensus seems to hold that moths are not so much attracted to lights as they are trapped by them. The light becomes a sensory overload that disorients the insects and sends them into a holding pattern. A hypothesis called the Mach band theory suggests that moths see a dark area around a light source and head for it to escape the light. Another theory suggests that moths perceive the light coming from a source as a diffuse halo with a dark spot in the center. The moths, attempting to escape the light, fly toward that imagined "portal," bringing them closer to the source. As they approach the light, their reference point changes and they circle the light hopelessly trying to reach the portal. Everyone is familiar with moths circling their porch lights. Their flight appears to have no purpose, but they are, it is believed, trying to escape the pull of the light.



Possible Titles:

1. The Mystery of Moths and Light: Understanding Their Attraction 

2. Why Moths Circle Lights: Exploring Theories of Sensory Overload 

3. Trapped by Light: The Disorientation of Moths Around Light Sources 

4. Moths and Light: Theories Behind Their Perpetual Circling Behavior 


Main Idea #1:

Moths are not necessarily attracted to light, but rather disoriented and trapped by it. 


Main Idea #2:

Theories like the Mach band theory suggest that moths perceive dark areas around light sources and attempt to escape toward them, only to be continuously disoriented, resulting in their circling pattern. This behavior is driven by a futile attempt to escape the light rather than a purposeful attraction to it. 



Moths are believed to circle lights not because they are attracted to them but because they are disoriented by sensory overload. Theories suggest that moths attempt to escape the light by flying toward dark areas they perceive near the light source, trapping them in a continuous circling pattern. 


Key Points:

1. Moths are disoriented rather than attracted to lights. 

2. The Mach band theory suggests moths fly toward perceived dark areas around lights. 

3. Moths continuously circle lights in an attempt to escape the light’s pull. 

4. Their flight patterns are driven by disorientation, not purposeful behavior.



[3] 2024 09  32: 커뮤니케이션 기술 발전에서 투자와 수익 기대의 문제


One of the factors determining the use of technologies of communication will be the kinds of investments made in equipment and personnel; who makes them, and what they expect in return. There is no guarantee that the investment will necessarily be in forms of communication that are most appropriate for the majority of people. Because the ownership of investment funds tends to be in the hands of commercial organisations, the modernisation of communications infrastructure only takes place on the basis of potential profitability. Take, for example, the installation of fibre-optic communications cable across the African continent. A number of African nations are involved in the development but its operational structures will be oriented to those who can pay for access. Many states that might wish to use it for education and information may not only find it too expensive but also simply unavailable to them. There can be no doubt that the development has been led by investment opportunity rather than community demand.



Possible Titles:

1. The Profit-Driven Nature of Communication Technology Investments 

2. How Commercial Interests Shape the Development of Communication Infrastructure 

3. The Role of Profitability in the Modernization of Communication Technologies 

4. Investment Priorities vs. Community Needs in Communication Infrastructure Development 


Main Idea #1:

Investment in communication technologies is driven by profitability rather than community needs. 


Main Idea #2:

The modernization of communication infrastructure, such as the installation of fiber-optic cables in Africa, is led by commercial investments seeking profit, rather than addressing the communication needs of the majority. This can limit access to education and information for many, as the cost of the technology may be too high for widespread use. 



Investment in communication technology is primarily driven by profit rather than community needs. As seen in the installation of fiber-optic cables in Africa, access is often limited to those who can afford it, while states seeking to use it for education and information may be priced out. 


Key Points:

1. Investment in communication technology is focused on profitability. 

2. Modernization of communication infrastructure may not serve the majority. 

3. Fiber-optic installation in Africa is driven by commercial interests. 

4. High costs may limit access to communication infrastructure for education and information purposes.



[3] 2024 09  33: 도시의 공간 질과 머무는 활동의 상관관계


City quality is so crucial for optional activities that the extent of staying activities can often be used as a measuring stick for the quality of the city as well as of its space. Many pedestrians in a city are not necessarily an indication of good city quality ― many people walking around can often be a sign of insufficient transit options or long distances between the various functions in the city. Conversely, it can be claimed that a city in which many people are not walking often indicates good city quality. In a city like Rome, it is the large number of people standing or sitting in squares rather than walking that is conspicuous. And it's not due to necessity but rather that the city quality is so inviting. It is hard to keep moving in city space with so many temptations to stay. In contrast are many new quarters and complexes that many people walk through but rarely stop or stay in.



Possible Titles:

1. Measuring City Quality: The Role of Staying Activities vs. Walking 

2. Why Pedestrians Aren’t Always a Sign of Good City Quality 

3. The Power of Staying: How Public Spaces Reflect City Quality 

4. City Design and Social Interaction: Walking vs. Staying in Urban Spaces 


Main Idea #1:

The extent of staying activities, such as people sitting or standing in public spaces, can be a better indicator of city quality than the number of pedestrians. 


Main Idea #2:

Cities where people choose to stay, like Rome, indicate inviting spaces and good city quality, while cities with many pedestrians may reflect poor transit options or long distances between urban functions. Spaces where people rarely stop or stay tend to lack the qualities that make cities inviting. 



The quality of a city can be measured by how inviting it is for people to stay in public spaces rather than simply walk through them. In cities like Rome, people are drawn to linger, while in less inviting spaces, people pass through without stopping, reflecting lower city quality. 


Key Points:

1. Staying activities are a better measure of city quality than pedestrian traffic. 

2. High pedestrian numbers can indicate poor transit options or long distances between city functions. 

3. Inviting cities, like Rome, encourage people to stay and enjoy public spaces. 

4. Newer urban complexes often see people walking through but not staying, indicating lower city quality.



[3] 2024 09  34: Rousseau 주장한 인간 발달의 사회적 의존성


That people need other people is hardly news, but for Rousseau this dependence extended far beyond companionship or even love, into the very process of becoming human. Rousseau believed that people are not born but made, every individual a bundle of potentials whose realization requires the active involvement of other people. Self-development is a social process. Self-sufficiency is an impossible fantasy. Much of the time Rousseau wished passionately that it were not: Robinson Crusoe was a favorite book, and he yearned to be free from the pains and uncertainties of social life. But his writings document with extraordinary clarity the shaping of the individual by his emotional attachments. "Our sweetest existence is relative and collective, and our true self is not entirely within us." And it is kindness ― which Rousseau analyzed under the rubric of pitié, which translates as "pity" but is much closer to "sympathy" as Hume and Smith defined it ― that is the key to this collective existence.



Possible Titles:

1. Rousseau’s View on Human Development: The Social Process of Becoming 

2. The Role of Kindness in Rousseau’s Philosophy of Self-Development 

3. Rousseau’s Argument: Why Self-Sufficiency is an Impossible Fantasy 

4. Human Growth Through Social Bonds: Rousseau’s Perspective on Collective Existence 


Main Idea #1:

Rousseau believed that self-development is a social process, and people become human through their interactions with others. 


Main Idea #2:

Rousseau argued that humans are shaped by their emotional attachments and social interactions, with self-sufficiency being an unattainable ideal. Kindness, or pitié, is essential to this collective existence, as it fosters the relationships that define individual growth. 



Rousseau believed that self-development depends on social interactions, and individuals are shaped by their relationships with others. He emphasized that true selfhood is collective, not individual, and kindness plays a crucial role in the process of human growth. 


Key Points:

1. Rousseau argued that people are "made" through social interactions, not born complete. 

2. He believed self-sufficiency is an impossible fantasy, despite wishing for it at times. 

3. Emotional attachments are central to shaping individuals. 

4. Kindness, or pitié, is key to the collective existence Rousseau saw as fundamental to human development.



[3] 2024 09  35: 전문적 수집가를 위한 딜러의 광범위한 역할


The best dealers offer a much broader service than merely having their goods on display and 'selling from stock'. Once they know the needs of a particular collector they can actively seek specific items to fill gaps in the collection. Because it is their business, to which they devote themselves full-time, they will inevitably have a much wider network than any non-professional collector can ever develop. As a matter of course they can enquire about the availability of pieces from dealers in other cities and, most crucially in some categories, from overseas. They will be routinely informed of news of all auctions and important private sales, and should be well-enough connected to hear occasionally of items which are not yet quite on sale but might be available for a certain price. In turn, they can circulate their own contacts with 'want-lists' of desired items or subjects, multiplying their client collectors' chances of expanding their collections.



Possible Titles:

1. The Expanded Role of Art Dealers: Beyond Selling from Stock 

2. How Professional Dealers Help Collectors Build Specialized Collections 

3. The Advantages of Working with Expert Dealers to Expand Collections 

4. The Networking Power of Dealers in Finding Rare and Desired Items 


Main Idea #1:

Professional dealers provide more than just selling from stock; they actively seek specific items for collectors. 


Main Idea #2:

Dealers use their extensive networks, both locally and internationally, to help collectors acquire rare items. Their full-time commitment allows them to stay informed about auctions, private sales, and exclusive opportunities, thus greatly expanding a collector's chances of finding desired pieces. 



Professional dealers go beyond selling from stock by using their vast networks to help collectors find specific items. They stay informed about auctions and private sales, both locally and internationally, increasing collectors' opportunities to acquire rare pieces. 


Key Points:

1. Dealers actively seek specific items for collectors. 

2. They have extensive networks that surpass those of non-professional collectors.

3. Dealers stay informed about auctions, private sales, and rare opportunities. 

4. They can circulate want-lists, further expanding collectors' chances of success.



[3] 2024 09  36: 학습은 새로운 정보가 기존 지식 패턴에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지에 대한 설명


If learning were simply a matter of accumulating lists of facts, then it shouldn't make any difference if we are presented with information that is just a little bit beyond what we already know or totally new information. Each fact would simply be stored separately. According to connectionist theory, however, our knowledge is organized into patterns of activity, and each time we learn something new we have to modify the old patterns so as to keep the old material while adding the new information. The adjustments are clearly smallest when the new information is only slightly new ― when it is compatible with what we already know, so that the old patterns need only a little bit of adjustment to accommodate the new knowledge. If we are trying to understand something totally new, however, we need to make larger adjustments to the units of the patterns we already have, which requires changing the strengths of large numbers of connections in our brain, and this is a difficult, tiring process.



Possible Titles:

1. How Connectionist Theory Explains the Challenge of Learning New Information 

2. The Cognitive Strain of Learning: Adapting Old Knowledge to New Concepts 

3. Why Learning is Easier When Information is Familiar: Insights from Connectionist Theory 

4. Understanding the Mental Effort Behind Learning New and Complex Information 


Main Idea #1:

Learning new information is easier when it is only slightly different from what we already know. 


Main Idea #2:

Connectionist theory suggests that our knowledge is organized into patterns, and learning something new requires adjusting these patterns. Minor adjustments are easier when the new information is compatible with existing knowledge, but completely new concepts require larger, more tiring changes in the brain's connections. 



According to connectionist theory, learning is easier when new information is only slightly different from what we already know, as it requires minor adjustments to our existing knowledge patterns. In contrast, understanding entirely new information requires more significant changes to our brain's connections, making the process more difficult and tiring. 


Key Points:

1. Learning is not just about accumulating facts; it involves adjusting existing knowledge patterns. 

2. New information that is compatible with old knowledge requires minor adjustments. 

3. Completely new information requires larger adjustments, which is a more challenging process. 

4. Connectionist theory explains why learning new and unfamiliar information can be tiring.



[3] 2024 09  37: 동물의 건강을 유지하는 선천적 본능과 행동


The generally close connection between health and what animals want exists because wanting to obtain the right things and wanting to avoid the wrong ones are major ways in which animals keep themselves healthy. Animals have evolved many different ways of maintaining their health and then regaining it again once it has been damaged, such as an ability to heal wounds when they are injured and an amazingly complex immune system for warding off infection. Animals are equally good, however, at dealing with injury and disease before they even happen. They have evolved a complex set of mechanisms for anticipating and avoiding danger altogether. They can take pre-emptive action so that the worst never happens. They start to want things that will be necessary for their health and survival not for now but for some time in the future.



Possible Titles:

1. How Animals Anticipate and Avoid Health Risks Through Evolved Behaviors 

2. The Connection Between Health and What Animals Want for Survival 

3. Evolutionary Mechanisms: How Animals Maintain Health by Avoiding Danger 

4. Pre-emptive Actions in Animals: Evolved Strategies for Health and Survival 


Main Idea #1:

Animals maintain their health by wanting to obtain beneficial things and avoid harmful ones. 


Main Idea #2:

Animals have evolved complex mechanisms to maintain their health, not only by healing and fighting infections but also by anticipating and avoiding danger before it occurs. They develop desires for things that will ensure their future health and survival. 



Animals maintain their health by seeking beneficial things and avoiding harm. They have evolved mechanisms to heal and ward off infections, but they also prevent injury and disease by anticipating danger and taking pre-emptive actions that ensure their future health and survival. 


Key Points:

1. Animals maintain their health by seeking what is good for them and avoiding harm. 

2. Evolution has equipped animals with mechanisms to heal and fight infections. 

3. Animals also anticipate and avoid danger before it occurs. 

4. They develop desires for things that will ensure their health in the future.



[3] 2024 09  38: 로봇 설계에서 자기 인식 능력의 중요성


People involved in the conception and engineering of robots designed to perceive and act know how fundamental is the ability to discriminate oneself from other entities in the environment. Without such an ability, no goal-oriented action would be possible. Imagine that you have to build a robot able to search for blocks scattered in a room in order to pile them. Even this simple task would require that your machine be able to discriminate between stimulation that originates from its own machinery and stimulation that originates from the blocks in the environment. Suppose that you equip your robot with an artificial eye and an artificial arm to detect, grab, and pile the blocks. To be successful, your machine will have to have some built-in system enabling it to discriminate between the detection of a block and the detection of its own arm. If not, the robot might endlessly chase itself rather than the blocks. Your robot would engage in circular, self-centered acts that would drive it away from the target or external goal.



Possible Titles:

1. The Importance of Self-Discrimination in Goal-Oriented Robot Design 

2. Why Robots Must Differentiate Themselves from Their Environment 

3. Building Robots That Can Tell Themselves Apart from Their Surroundings 

4. How Self-Perception Enables Robots to Perform Goal-Oriented Tasks 


Main Idea #1:

For robots to perform goal-oriented tasks, they must be able to distinguish between their own actions and external stimuli. 


Main Idea #2:

Robots designed for tasks like detecting and piling blocks need a system to differentiate between their own machinery and external objects. Without this ability, the robot may confuse its own actions with environmental stimuli, leading to self-centered actions that prevent it from achieving its goal. 



To perform tasks successfully, robots must discriminate between their own machinery and external stimuli. This self-awareness is essential for goal-oriented actions, such as detecting and interacting with objects in the environment, to prevent the robot from becoming confused by its own actions. 


Key Points:

1. Robots must distinguish themselves from other entities in the environment. 

2. This self-discrimination is essential for goal-oriented actions. 

3. Without such ability, robots might confuse their own machinery with external objects. 

4. A lack of self-discrimination could cause a robot to engage in circular, ineffective behavior.



[3] 2024 09  39: 미래 생태계를 예측하고 관리하는  있어 불확실성


To decide whether and how to intervene in ecosystems, protected area managers normally need a reasonably clear idea of what future ecosystems would be like if they did not intervene. Management practices usually involve defining a more desirable future condition and implementing management actions designed to push or guide ecosystems toward that condition. Managers need confidence in the likely outcomes of their interventions. This traditional and inherently logical approach requires a high degree of predictive ability, and predictions must be developed at appropriate spatial and temporal scales, often localized and near-term. Unfortunately, at the scales, accuracy, and precision most useful to protected area management, the future not only promises to be unprecedented, but it also promises to be unpredictable. To illustrate this, consider the uncertainties involved in predicting climatic changes, how ecosystems are likely to respond to climatic changes, and the likely efficacy of actions that might be taken to counter adverse effects of climatic changes. Comparable uncertainties surround the nature and magnitude of future changes in other ecosystem stressors.



Possible Titles:

1. The Challenges of Predicting Ecosystem Changes for Effective Management 

2. Uncertainty in Ecosystem Management: Balancing Intervention and Prediction 

3. Why Future Ecosystem Conditions are Difficult to Predict for Conservation Management 

4. The Role of Uncertainty in Managing Protected Ecosystems Amid Climatic Changes 


Main Idea #1:

Protected area managers rely on predictions of future ecosystem conditions to decide how to intervene, but these predictions are often uncertain. 


Main Idea #2:

Ecosystem management typically requires managers to predict future conditions to guide ecosystems toward desired outcomes. However, due to uncertainties in predicting climate changes and their effects, along with other ecosystem stressors, the future is unpredictable, complicating efforts to plan effective interventions. 



Protected area managers aim to guide ecosystems toward desired future conditions, but predicting future changes, particularly in response to climate and other stressors, is highly uncertain. This unpredictability challenges traditional management practices that rely on accurate, localized predictions. 


Key Points:

1. Managers need to predict future ecosystem conditions to guide interventions. 

2. Predictions must be made at appropriate spatial and temporal scales for management. 

3. The future of ecosystems is unpredictable due to uncertainties like climate change. 

4. These uncertainties complicate the effectiveness of traditional management practices.



[3] 2024 09  40: 인간 언어가 다른 동물의 소통 방식과 차별화되는 이유


Human speech differs from the cries of other species in many ways. One very important distinction is that all other animals use one call for one message as the general principle of communication. This means that the number of possible messages is very restricted. If a new message is to be included in the system, a new sound has to be introduced, too. After the first few tens of sounds it becomes difficult to invent new distinctive sounds, and also to remember them for the next time they are needed. Human speech builds on the principle of combining a restricted number of sounds into an unlimited number of messages. In a typical human language there are something like thirty or forty distinctive speech sounds. These sounds can be combined into chains to form a literally unlimited number of words. Even a small child, who can communicate by only one word at a time, uses a system for communication that is infinitely superior to any system utilized by any other animal. 


[요약문] In animal cries, each call represents a different message, which limits the number of possible messages, whereas human language creates an unlimited number of messages using a finite set of distinctive sounds.



Possible Titles:

1. The Unique Flexibility of Human Speech Compared to Animal Calls 

2. Human Language: A System of Infinite Messages from Limited Sounds 

3. How Human Speech Surpasses Animal Communication in Complexity 

4. The Principle of Combination in Human Speech: Unlimited Communication from Finite Sounds 


Main Idea #1:

Animal calls have a one-to-one correspondence between sound and message, which limits the number of possible messages. 


Main Idea #2:

Human language, in contrast to animal communication, uses a limited number of distinctive sounds to form an unlimited number of messages by combining these sounds in different ways. This system allows humans to communicate far more complex and varied information than any other species. 



Animal communication is restricted by a one-to-one correspondence between calls and messages, limiting the number of messages. Human language, however, combines a finite set of speech sounds to create an unlimited number of messages, making it far more versatile. 


Key Points:

1. Animal calls are limited because each sound corresponds to a specific message. 

2. Human speech uses a finite set of sounds to create an unlimited number of messages. 

3. The combination of sounds in human language allows for complex and varied communication. 

4. Human language is vastly more flexible and powerful than animal communication systems.



[3] 2024 09  41~42: 시와 일상 언어의 차이와 시의 새로운 언어적 가능성


People are correct when they feel that the written poetry of literate societies and the oral poetry of non-literate ones differ considerably from the everyday language spoken in the community. Listeners not only accept the strange use of words, rearrangement of word order, assonance, alliteration, rhythm, rhyme, compression of thought, and so on ― they actually expect to find these things in poetry and they are disappointed when poetry does not sound "poetic." But those who regard poetry as a different category of language altogether are deaf to the true achievements of the poet. Rather, the poet artfully manipulates the same raw materials of his language as are used in everyday speech; his skill is to find new possibilities in the resources already in the language. In much the same way that people living at the seashore become so accustomed to the sound of waves that they no longer hear it, most of us have become insensitive to the flood tide of words, millions of them every day, that hit our eardrums. One function of poetry is to depict the world with a fresh perception ― to make it strange ― so that we will listen to language once again. But the successful poet never departs so far into the strange world of language that none of his listeners can follow him. He still remains the communicator, the man of speech.



Possible Titles:

1. The Art of Poetry: Rediscovering Language Through Skilled Manipulation 

2. How Poets Use Everyday Language to Create Fresh Perceptions 

3. The Balance Between Familiarity and Strangeness in Poetic Language 

4. Poetry as a Fresh Take on Everyday Language: A Communicator’s Craft 


Main Idea #1:

Poetry differs from everyday language, but it uses the same linguistic materials in a more artful and skillful way. 


Main Idea #2:

While poetry may sound strange compared to everyday speech, it manipulates the same raw materials of language. The poet's task is to find new possibilities within the familiar language, offering fresh perceptions without departing too far from what is understandable. Listeners expect poetry to sound different, but successful poets remain communicators. 



Poetry uses the same language as everyday speech but manipulates it in an artful way to offer fresh perspectives. Poets balance strangeness with familiarity, using language's resources to make us listen to it anew, while still remaining communicators that their audience can follow. 


Key Points:

1. Poetry is expected to sound different from everyday language. 

2. Poets use the same language as in daily life but manipulate it creatively. 

3. The function of poetry is to make language fresh and perceptive again. 

4. Poets balance making language strange while still being communicators.



[3] 2024 09  43~45:  번째  구매 앱을 통해 식물을 구매한 경험


Helen was thrilled when she received a notification on a second-hand shopping app from a seller named Anna. For months, she had been looking for a Philodendron gloriosum, a Colombian plant with dark, velvety leaves shaped like hearts. She had almost given up on getting one. Anna, though, had put one up for sale. The posting read, "I'm selling my favorite plant, because I'm moving abroad. If you pick it up today from Edincester Heights, you can have it for the current price, which is half the market rate." Helen immediately messaged the seller. "Hello! I'm interested in purchasing your plant. If it works for your schedule, I can be there in 10 minutes!" Anna replied, "Hi, there! I am at work right now, but my housemate, Julia, can meet you in front of the building." Unable to believe her good luck, Helen typed back in excitement, "Great! I can leave now. I'll wear a black baseball cap." Arriving at the building, Helen could identify Julia by the large paper bag she was holding. The bag had leaves sticking out of the top. She said, "You must be Julia!" Laughing, the woman said, "Yes! Please take good care of this plant. Anna had it for six years, so she considers it family." From the bag, she pulled out another plant, a tiny one with thick, glossy leaves. "Are you familiar with this? It's called a Dragon's Tail. My housemate said you could take it too, if you'd like." Helen exclaimed, "Yes, I'd love to! Please thank Anna for me. Both are in such wonderful condition. Do you have any tips for keeping them in good shape?" Handing over the bag, Julia replied, "I'm not a plant expert, but I know that Anna kept them away from windows to avoid direct sunlight. Why don't you message her? She would be happy to offer advice." "I'll be sure to do that," Helen said, as she handed over the cash.



Possible Titles:

1. A Lucky Find: Helen's Journey to Owning the Perfect Philodendron 

2. An Unexpected Gift: Helen’s Fortunate Encounter with Two Beautiful Plants 

3. The Quest for a Philodendron Gloriosum and a Surprise Addition 

4. Helen’s Exciting Plant Purchase: A Philodendron and a Dragon’s Tail 


Main Idea #1:

Helen excitedly secures a long-sought-after plant through a second-hand shopping app.


Main Idea #2:

After months of searching, Helen finally finds a Philodendron gloriosum at a bargain price. She quickly arranges to pick it up from Anna's housemate, Julia, who surprises her with an additional plant. Helen leaves thrilled with her purchase and eager to care for both plants. 



After searching for months, Helen finally finds a rare plant for sale at a discount and arranges to pick it up from the seller’s housemate. To her surprise, she receives an additional plant and leaves delighted with both her new acquisitions. 


Key Points:

1. Helen finds a Philodendron gloriosum on a second-hand shopping app. 

2. She quickly arranges to pick it up from the seller’s housemate, Julia. 

3. Julia offers Helen an additional plant, a Dragon’s Tail, as a gift. 

4. Helen is excited about her new plants and plans to seek care advice from Anna.





[고3] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)




안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <2024년도 9월 고3 영어 모의고사> 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.
설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.


자료는 PDF 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  
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유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 







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[고3] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

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전체 내용


[3] 2024 09  18: Royal Ocean Cruises 할인 혜택 안내
 Dear Valued Members, 소중한 고객님들께
 We have exciting news here at Royal Ocean Cruises! 여기 저희 Royal Ocean Cruises에 흥미진진한 소식이 있습니다!
 To thank you for your loyalty, we are thrilled to offer you an exclusive promotion! 여러분의 충심에 대해 감사드리고자, 저희가 여러분에게 독점 판촉 상품을 제공하게 되어 매우 기쁩니다!
 Make a reservation for any cruise departing within the next six months and enjoy a 15% discount. 향후 6개월 이내에 출발하는 어느 유람선 여행이든 예약하시고 15% 할인을 누리십시오.
 Additionally, we are offering a free specialty dining package and a $20 coupon to use at the onboard gift shop. 게다가 저희는 무료 특식 패키지와 선내 선물 가게에서 사용할 수 있는 20달러짜리 쿠폰을 제공하고 있습니다.
 To take advantage of this offer, simply go to our website and enter the promotion code 'ROC25'. 이 제의를 이용하고자 하시면, 저희 홈페이지에 들어오셔서 프로모션 코드 'ROC25'를 입력하기만 하세요.
 We look forward to welcoming you back aboard for another unforgettable journey. 저희는 또 한 번의 잊지 못할 여행을 위해 다시 승선하신 여러분을 환영하기를 학수고대하고 있습니다.
 Thank you for your continued loyalty and support. 지속적인 충심과 지지에 감사드립니다.
 Sincerely, Cindy Robins Customer Relations Manager 고객 관계 매니저 Cindy Robins 드림




[3] 2024 09  19: 비행기 지연으로 인한 Sophie 혼란스러운 아침
 The whole morning had been chaotic. 아침 내내 혼란스러운 상태였다.
 Sophie's day began with her alarm clock failing to ring, which had thrown her into an intense rush. Sophie의 하루는 그녀의 알람시계가 울리지 않으며 시작되었는데, 그것이 그녀를 격심한 서두름으로 던져넣었다.
 After terrible traffic, her taxi finally arrived at the airport, where she was met with endless security lines. 끔찍한 교통 체증 후에 그녀가 탄 택시가 마침내 공항에 도착했는데, 그곳에서 그녀는 끝없는 보안 검색(대기) 줄과 마주하게 되었다.
 Sophie kept glancing at her watch with each second feeling like an hour. Sophie는 매 초가 한 시간처럼 느껴지는 가운데, 계속 자신의 시계를 힐끗힐끗 보았다.
 Worried that she could not get to the boarding gate in time, she rushed through the crowds of people. 시간 내에 탑승구에 도착할 수 없을까 봐 걱정하면서 그녀는 수많은 사람들을 뚫고 돌진했다.
 Just then, she heard an announcement saying that her flight had been "delayed." 바로 그때, 그녀는 자신의 항공편이 '지연되었다'고 하는 안내 방송을 들었다.
 Letting out a deep sigh, she finally felt at ease. 깊은 한숨을 내쉬며, 그녀는 마침내 마음이 편해졌다.
 With an unexpected hour to spare, she would have time to relax and browse the airport shops before her journey. 예상치 못한 한 시간의 여유가 생기면서, 그녀는 여행 전에 긴장을 풀고 공항 상점들을 둘러볼 시간을 갖게 되었다.




[3] 2024 09  20: 소셜 미디어에서의 잘못된 정보 확산의 위험성
 Truth is essential for progress and the development of knowledge, as it serves as the foundation upon which reliable and accurate understanding is built. 진실은 진보와 지식의 발전에 필수적인데, 그것이 신뢰할 수 있고 정확한 이해가 이루어지는 토대의 역할을 하기 때문이다.
 However, one of the greatest threats to the accumulation of knowledge can now be found on social media platforms. 그러나 지식 축적에 가장 큰 위협 중 하나가 이제 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에서 발견될 수 있다.
 As social media becomes a primary source of information for millions, its unregulated nature allows misinformation to spread rapidly. 소셜 미디어가 수백만 명에게 주 정보원이 되면서, 그것의 규제받지 않는 특성으로 인해 오정보가 빠르게 퍼지게 된다.
 Social media users may unknowingly participate in creating and circulating misinformation, which can influence elections, cause violence, and create widespread panic, as seen in various global incidents. 소셜 미디어 사용자는 자신도 모르게 오정보를 만들고 유포하는 데 참여할 수 있는데, 이는 다양한 전 세계적 사건에서 보이듯이 선거에 영향을 미치고, 폭력을 유발하며, 광범위한 공황 상태를 조성할 수 있다.
 As creators and consumers, it is our responsibility to take on a greater role in the enhancement of fact-checking protocols in order to ensure accuracy. (정보) 제작자이자 소비자로서, 정확성을 확보하기 위해 사실 확인 프로토콜 강화에 더 큰 역할을 맡는 것이 우리의 책무이다.
 It is critical that participants safeguard the reliability of information, supporting a more informed and rational public community. 참여자들이 더 사실 이해에 입각하고 합리적인 대중 커뮤니티를 지원하면서 정보의 신뢰성을 보호하는 것이 매우 중요하다.




[3] 2024 09  21: 문화적 맥락에서 인류학자들이 현지 관찰의 중요성을 인식한 사례
 Around the turn of the twentieth century, anthropologists trained in the natural sciences began to reimagine what a science of humanity should look like and how social scientists ought to go about studying cultural groups. 20세기에 접어들면서, 자연과학에서 훈련받은 인류학자들은 인류학이 어떻게 보여야 하는지와 사회 과학자들이 문화 집단 연구를 어떻게 시작해야 하는지를 다시 생각하기 시작했다.
 Some of those anthropologists insisted that one should at least spend significant time actually observing and talking to the people studied. 그러한 인류학자들 중 일부는 다른 건 몰라도 연구 대상인 사람들을 실제로 관찰하고 그들과 대화하는 데 상당한 시간을 할애해야 한다고 주장했다.
 Early ethnographers such as Franz Boas and Alfred Cort Haddon typically traveled to the remote locations where the people in question lived and spent a few weeks to a few months there. Franz Boas Alfred Cort Haddon과 같은 초기 민족지학자들은 일반적으로 연구되고 있는 사람이 살고 있는 외딴 지역으로 가서 그곳에서 몇 주에서 몇 달을 보냈다.
 They sought out a local Western host who was familiar with the people and the area (such as a colonial official, missionary, or businessman) and found accommodations through them. 그들은 (식민지 관료, 선교사 혹은 사업가와 같이) 주민들과 그 지역을 잘 알고 있는 그 지역 서양인 호스트를 찾아내어 그들을 통해 숙박 시설을 구했다.
 Although they did at times venture into the community without a guide, they generally did not spend significant time with the local people. 가끔은 그들은 정말이지 가이드 없이 그 지역사회를 탐험하기도 했지만, 대개 그들은 현지인들과 상당한 시간을 보내지는 않았다.
 Thus, their observations were primarily conducted from their verandas. 그리하여 그들의 관찰은 주로 그들의 '베란다'에서 행해졌다.




[3] 2024 09  22: 도덕적 책임이 인간 사회에서 형성된 개념이라는 주장
 Even though there is good reason to consider a dog a sentient being capable of making choices and plans ― so that we might suppose 'it could have conceived of acting otherwise' ― we're unlikely to think it is wicked and immoral for attacking a child. 개를 선택과 계획을 할 수 있는 지각력이 있는 존재로 간주하여, 이를테면 우리가 '그것은 다른 방식으로 행동하는 것을 상상할 수 있었을 것이다'라고 추정할 수도 있는 타당한 이유가 있더라도, 우리가 아이를 공격하는 것에 관해 그것이 사악하고 부도덕하다고 생각할 것 같지는 않다.
 Moral responsibility is not some universal concept like entropy or temperature ― something that applies equally, and can be measured similarly, everywhere in the cosmos. 도덕적 책임은 엔트로피나 온도 같은 어떤 보편적인 개념, 즉 똑같이 적용되어 우주 어디에서나 비슷하게 측정될 수 있는 것이 아니다.
 It is a notion developed specifically for human use, no more or less than languages are. 그것은 인간이 사용하기 위해 특별히 개발된 개념인데, 언어와 별반 다르지 않다.
 While sentience and volition are aspects of mind and agency, morals are cultural tools developed to influence social behaviour: to cultivate the desirable and discourage the harmful. 지각력과 의지가 마음 및 주체성의 측면인 반면, 도덕성은 사회적 행동에 영향을 미치기 위해, 즉 바람직한 것을 함양하고 해로운 것을 막기 위해 개발된 문화적 도구이다.
 They are learnt, not given at birth. 그것들은 태어날 때 주어지는 것이 아니라 학습된다.
 It's possible, indeed likely, that we are born with a predisposition to cooperate with others ― but only within human society do we come to understand this as moral behaviour. 우리는 다른 사람과 협력하려는 성향을 가지고 태어날 수 있고 실제로 그럴 가능성이 크지만, 오로지 인간 사회 내에서만 우리는 이것을 '도덕적' 행동으로 이해하게 된다.




[3] 2024 09  23: 일상적 현상과 이례적 현상에 대한 인간의 반응 차이
 It is much more natural to be surprised by unusual phenomena like eclipses than ordinary phenomena like falling bodies or the succession of night into day and day into night. 낙하하는 물체나 밤이 낮으로, 낮이 밤으로 이어지는 것과 같은 평범한 현상보다 일식과 같은 특이한 현상에 놀라는 것이 훨씬 더 자연스럽다.
 Many cultures invented gods to explain these eclipses that shocked, frightened, or surprised them; but very few imagined a god of falling bodies ― to which they were so accustomed that they did not even notice them. 그들에게 충격, 공포, 또는 놀라움을 주었던 이러한 일식을 설명하기 위해 많은 문화에서 신을 만들어 냈지만, 너무 익숙해서 심지어 알아차리지도 못했던, 낙하하는 물체의 신을 상상했던 문화는 거의 없었다.
 But the reason for eclipses is ultimately the same as that of the succession of night and day: the movement of celestial bodies, which itself is based on the Newtonian law of attraction and how it explains why things fall when we let them go. 그러나 일식이 일어나는 이유는 밤과 낮이 연속되는 이유와 궁극적으로 동일한데, 즉 그 자체로 뉴턴의 만유인력의 법칙에 기반하는 천체의 움직임과 그것이 우리가 물체를 놓으면 왜 떨어지는지 설명하는 방식이다.
 For the physicist, understanding the ordinary, the habitual, and the frequent thus allows us to account for the frightening and the singular. 그러므로 물리학자로 말할 것 같으면, 평범한 것, 습관적인 것, 빈번한 것을 이해하여 우리가 무서운 것과 기묘한 것을 설명할 수 있게 해 준다.
 As such, it was thus necessary to ask "Why do things fall?" and to have Newton's response to understand a broad range of much more bizarre phenomena occurring at every level of the universe. 따라서 그와 같이, 우주의 모든 수준에서 일어나고 있는 다양하고 폭넓은 훨씬 더 기괴한 현상들을 이해하기 위해서, "물체는 왜 떨어지는가?"라고 질문하는 것과 뉴턴식의 답을 하는 것이 필요했다.




[3] 2024 09  24: 사무실 설계에서 변화의 중요성
 There are good reasons why open-office plans have gained currency, but open offices may not be the plan of choice for all times. 개방형 사무실 계획이 유행하는 데는 그럴 만한 이유가 있지만, 개방형 사무실이 '언제라도' 선택할 수 있는 계획은 아닐 수도 있다.
 Instead, the right plan seems to be building a culture of change. 대신에, 올바른 계획은 변화의 문화를 구축하는 것인 듯하다.
 Overly rigid habits and conventions, no matter how well-considered or well-intentioned, threaten innovation. 지나치게 굳은 관례와 관습은, 아무리 깊이 고려되거나 의도가 좋다 하더라도 혁신을 위협한다.
 The crucial take-away from analyzing office plans over time is that the answers keep changing. 시간이 지남에 따른 사무실 계획을 분석할 때 매우 중요한 핵심은 답이 계속 바뀐다는 것이다.
 It might seem that there is a straight line of progress, but it's a myth. 일직선으로 발전하는 것처럼 보일 수 있지만 이는 근거 없는 믿음이다.
 Surveying office spaces from the past eighty years, one can see a cycle that repeats. 지난 80년의 사무실 공간을 조사해 보면, 반복되는 주기를 확인할 수 있다.
 Comparing the offices of the 1940s with contemporary office spaces shows that they have circled back around to essentially the same style, via a period in the 1980s when partitions and cubicles were more the norm. 1940년대의 사무실과 현대의 사무실 공간을 비교해 보면 칸막이벽과 작은 개인 방이 훨씬 더 일반적이었던 1980년대를 거쳐, 다시 본질적으로 동일한 스타일로 크게 한 바퀴 돌아왔음을 알 수 있다.
 The technologies and colors may differ, but the 1940s and 2000s plans are alike, right down to the pillars running down the middle. 기술과 색상은 다를 수 있지만, 1940년대와 2000년대의 계획은 비슷한데, 바로 중앙을 따라 내려오는 기둥까지 그렇다.




[3] 2024 09  25: 2022 4개국의 VR AR 인지도 비교 그래프
 The graph above shows the percentages of respondents who were familiar with the concept of virtual reality (VR) and those who were familiar with the concept of augmented reality (AR) in four countries in 2022. 위 그래프는 2022 4개국에서 가상 현실(VR)의 개념에 친숙한 응답자 비율과 증강 현실(AR)의 개념에 친숙한 응답자 비율을 보여 준다.
 For each country, the percentage of respondents familiar with VR was greater than the percentage of respondents familiar with AR. 각 국가별로 VR에 친숙한 응답자 비율이 AR에 친숙한 응답자 비율보다 더 높았다.
 The country with the highest percentage of respondents familiar with AR was South Korea. AR에 친숙한 응답자 비율이 가장 높은 국가는 한국이었다.
 The country with the largest gap between the percentage of respondents familiar with VR and that of respondents familiar with AR was Canada. VR에 친숙한 응답자 비율과 AR에 친숙한 응답자 비율의 격차가 가장 큰 국가는 캐나다였다.
 In Japan, the percentage of respondents familiar with VR was greater than 60%. 일본에서는 VR에 친숙한 응답자 비율이 60%를 넘었다.
 The percentage of respondents familiar with VR and that of respondents familiar with AR were lower in Switzerland than in Japan, respectively. VR에 친숙한 응답자 비율과 AR에 친숙한 응답자 비율은 각각 일본보다 스위스에서 더 낮았다.




[3] 2024 09  26: 예술과 과학을 연결한 Gyorgy Kepes 생애와 업적
 Gyorgy Kepes was an artist and educator born in Selyp, Hungary in 1906. Gyorgy Kepes 1906년 헝가리 Selyp에서 태어난 예술가이자 교육자였다.
 He studied painting at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, Hungary. 그는 헝가리 Budapest의 왕립 미술 아카데미에서 회화를 공부했다.
 Then, he studied design and film in Berlin, Germany. 그 후 그는 독일 Berlin에서 디자인과 영화를 공부했다.
 He went to the United States in 1937, and about a decade later, he started teaching visual design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 그는 1937년 미국으로 건너가 약 10년 후 매사추세츠 공과대학(MIT)에서 시각 디자인을 가르치기 시작했다.
 He founded the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT to form a community composed of artists and scientists. 그는 MIT에 고급 시각 연구 센터를 설립하여 예술가와 과학자들로 구성된 커뮤니티를 만들었다.
 His exhibition in 1951 titled The New Landscape became the basis of his book The New Landscape in Art and Science, which was published several years later. 1951 '새로운 풍경'이라는 제목으로 열린 그의 전시회는 몇 년 후 출간된 그의 저서 '예술과 과학의 새로운 풍경'의 기반이 되었다.
 In the book, he presented images that were not previously available, captured by the latest scientific devices. 그 책에서 그는 최신 과학 기기로 포착한, 이전에는 볼 수 없었던 이미지를 선보였다.
 In 1995, a museum to house his works was established in Eger, Hungary. 1995년 그의 작품을 소장하기 위한 박물관이 헝가리Eger에 설립되었다.
 He was a great pioneer in connecting art and technology. 그는 예술과 기술을 연결하는 데 있어 위대한 선구자였다.





[3] 2024 09  29: 산업 혁명 시기의 영국 사회 변화와 문제점
 Victorian England is characterised by the full development of the Industrial Revolution. 빅토리아 시대 영국의 특징은 산업혁명의 완전한 전개이다.
 England became the first industrial nation in the world and, by 1850, the first nation to have more people employed in industry than in agriculture. 영국은 세계 최초의 산업 국가가 되었고, 1850년 무렵에는 농업보다 공업에 종사하는 인구가 더 많은 최초의 국가가 되었다.
 Expanding trade coincided with the growth of the Empire and brought great wealth to Britain, but this wealth was not evenly distributed. 무역의 확대는 대영제국의 성장과 맞물려 영국에 막대한 부를 가져다 주었지만, 이 부는 고르게 분배되지 않았다.
 Many enterprising individuals (the 'self-made men') rose from humble origins to positions of wealth and influence, but large sections of the working class were forced into the overcrowded slums of large cities where they worked long hours for low wages in unhealthy conditions. 많은 진취적인 개인('자수성가한 사람들')은 비천한 출신에서 부와 영향력을 가진 지위로 올랐지만, 노동 계급의 다수는 열악한 환경에서 저임금으로 장시간 노동하는 대도시의 빈민가로 내몰렸다.
 The manufacturing towns of the north of England provided some of the worst examples and inspired such socially conscious novels as Kingsley's Alton Locke, Gaskell's Mary Barton, and Dickens's Hard Times. 영국 북부의 제조업 도시들은 몇몇 최악의 사례를 제공하며 Kingsley Alton Locke, Gaskell Mary Barton, Dickens Hard Times 와 같은 사회의식이 강한 소설에 영감을 주었다.
 In the south there was London, already the largest city in the world, showing all the crime, evil, and misery which result from overpopulation and unplanned growth. 남부에는 이미 세계에서 가장 큰 도시인 런던이 있었는데, 이곳은 과잉 인구와 무계획적인 성장의 결과인 모든 범죄, , 비참함을 보여 주었다.




[3] 2024 09  30: 인간의 사고방식이 예측 가능한 오류로 인해 비합리적일  있는 이유
 We all like to think of ourselves as rational actors, careful and considered in our thinking, capable of sound and reliable judgments. 우리는 모두 자신을 신중하고 사려 깊이 생각하며 타당하고 신뢰할 수 있는 판단을 내릴 수 있는 합리적인 행위자라고 여기고 싶어 한다.
 We might believe that we generally consider different points of view and make informed decisions. 우리는 우리가 일반적으로 다양한 관점을 고려하고 정보에 입각한 결정을 내린다고 믿을지도 모른다.
 We are, in fact, "predictably irrational," as psychologist Dan Ariely titled his book on the topic. 사실, 우리는 심리학자 Dan Ariely가 이 주제에 관한 자신의 책에 붙인 제목처럼 '예측할 수 있게 비합리적'이다.
 All of us engage in automatic, reflexive thinking, typically taking the easier path and conserving mental effort. 우리는 모두 자동적이고 반사적인 사고를 하며, 일반적으로 더 쉬운 길을 택하고 정신적 노력을 절약한다.
 Although we each may have the subjective impression that we are careful thinkers, we often make snap judgments or no real judgments at all. 우리는 각자 자신이 신중하게 생각한다는 주관적인 인상을 가질 수도 있지만, 우리가 성급한 판단을 내리거나 실제 판단을 전혀 하지 않는 경우는 흔하다.
 In addition, numerous biases inhibit or override reflective, deliberative thought; intuitive theories can also interfere with acceptance of accurate scientific explanations. 게다가, 수많은 편향이 성찰적이고 신중한 사고를 억제하거나 무시하는데, 직관적인 이론도 정확한 과학적 설명의 수용을 방해할 수 있을 것이다.
 Understanding more about how our minds work and how biases may operate can make us each less subject to fallacious reasoning, more rational, and more aware of the problems in others' thinking. 우리의 마음이 어떻게 작용하고 편향이 어떻게 작동할 수 있는지 더 많이 이해하는 것은 우리 각자가 잘못된 추론에 덜 빠지고, 더 합리적이며, 다른 사람의 사고의 문제점을 더 잘 인식하게 할 수 있다.
 Learning to understand the built-in limitations of our mental processes can also help us improve our ability to inform others more effectively. 우리의 정신 과정에 내재한 한계를 이해하는 것을 배우는 것은 우리가 다른 사람들에게 더 효과적으로 정보를 전달하는 능력을 향상하는 데도 도움이 될 수 있다.




[3] 2024 09  31: 나방이 빛에 끌리는 이유에 대한 이론들
 There has been a lot of discussion on why moths are attracted to light. 나방이 왜 빛에 끌리는지에 관한 많은 논의가 있어 왔다.
 The consensus seems to hold that moths are not so much attracted to lights as they are trapped by them. 나방이 빛에 끌리는 것이 아니라 빛에 의해 갇힌다는 것이 합의인 것처럼 보인다.
 The light becomes a sensory overload that disorients the insects and sends them into a holding pattern. 빛은 감각 과부하를 일으켜 곤충이 방향을 잃게 하고 그것이 제자리를 맴돌게 한다.
 A hypothesis called the Mach band theory suggests that moths see a dark area around a light source and head for it to escape the light. 마하 밴드 이론이라는 가설에 따르면, 나방은 광원 주변의 어두운 영역을 보고 빛을 피하고자 그쪽으로 향한다.
 Another theory suggests that moths perceive the light coming from a source as a diffuse halo with a dark spot in the center. 또 다른 이론은 나방이 광원에서 나오는 빛을 중앙에 어두운 점이 있는, 널리 퍼진 광륜(光輪)으로 인식한다는 것을 보여 준다.
 The moths, attempting to escape the light, fly toward that imagined "portal," bringing them closer to the source. 나방은 빛을 피하려고 애쓰면서, 상상 속의 '입구'를 향해 날아가 광원에 더 가까이 다가가게 된다.
 As they approach the light, their reference point changes and they circle the light hopelessly trying to reach the portal. 빛에 가까워지면서 나방의 기준점이 바뀌고 나방은 입구에 도달하기 위해 어쩔 도리 없이 빛 주위를 맴돈다.
 Everyone is familiar with moths circling their porch lights. 누구나 현관 불빛을 맴도는 나방에 익숙하다.
 Their flight appears to have no purpose, but they are, it is believed, trying to escape the pull of the light. 나방의 비행은 아무런 목적이 없는 것처럼 보이지만, 그들은 빛의 끌어당김에서 벗어나려고 애쓰고 있는 것으로 여겨진다.




[3] 2024 09  32: 커뮤니케이션 기술 발전에서 투자와 수익 기대의 문제
 One of the factors determining the use of technologies of communication will be the kinds of investments made in equipment and personnel; who makes them, and what they expect in return. 통신 기술의 사용을 결정하는 요인 중 하나는 장비와 인력에 들어가는 투자의 종류, , 누가 투자를 하고, 그들이 수익으로 무엇을 기대하는지이다.
 There is no guarantee that the investment will necessarily be in forms of communication that are most appropriate for the majority of people. 투자가 반드시 다수의 사람에게 가장 적합한 통신 형태일 것이라는 보장은 없다.
 Because the ownership of investment funds tends to be in the hands of commercial organisations, the modernisation of communications infrastructure only takes place on the basis of potential profitability. 투자 기금의 소유권은 상업적 조직의 수중에 있는 경향이 있으므로, 통신 기간 시설의 현대화는 오로지 잠재적 수익성을 바탕으로 이루어진다.
 Take, for example, the installation of fibre-optic communications cable across the African continent. 아프리카 대륙 전역에 걸친 광섬유 통신 케이블 설치를 예로 들어보자.
 A number of African nations are involved in the development but its operational structures will be oriented to those who can pay for access. 여러 아프리카 국가가 그 개발에 관여하고 있지만, 그것의 운영 구조는 이용에 대한 대가를 지급할 수 있는 국가들을 우선할 것이다.
 Many states that might wish to use it for education and information may not only find it too expensive but also simply unavailable to them. 교육과 정보를 위해 그것을 이용하고 싶어 할 수도 있는 많은 국가는 그것이 자국에 너무 비쌀 뿐만 아니라 단순히 이용할 수 없다는 것을 알게 될지도 모른다.
 There can be no doubt that the development has been led by investment opportunity rather than community demand. 그 개발이 지역 사회의 수요보다는 투자 기회에 의해 주도되었다는 것은 의심의 여지가 있을 수 없다.




[3] 2024 09  33: 도시의 공간 질과 머무는 활동의 상관관계
 City quality is so crucial for optional activities that the extent of staying activities can often be used as a measuring stick for the quality of the city as well as of its space. 도시의 질은 선택적 활동에 매우 중요해서, 머물기 활동의 정도가 흔히 도시의 공간 뿐만 아니라 도시의 질을 측정하는 잣대로 사용될 수 있다.
 Many pedestrians in a city are not necessarily an indication of good city quality ― many people walking around can often be a sign of insufficient transit options or long distances between the various functions in the city. 도시의 많은 보행자가 반드시 도시의 질이 좋다는 지표인 것은 아니며, 걸어서 돌아다니는 많은 사람은 흔히 부족한 운송 선택권 또는 도시 내 다양한 기능 간의 먼 거리의 징표일 수 있다.
 Conversely, it can be claimed that a city in which many people are not walking often indicates good city quality. 반대로, 많은 사람이 걷지 않는 도시는 흔히 좋은 도시의 질을 나타낸다고 주장될 수 있다.
 In a city like Rome, it is the large number of people standing or sitting in squares rather than walking that is conspicuous. 로마와 같은 도시에서 눈에 띄는 것은 걷기보다는 광장에 서 있거나 앉아 있는 많은 사람이다.
 And it's not due to necessity but rather that the city quality is so inviting. 그런데 이것은 필요성 때문이 아니라, 그 도시의 질이 매우 매력적이기 때문이다.
 It is hard to keep moving in city space with so many temptations to stay. 도시 공간에는 머무르게 하는 유혹이 너무 많아서 계속 움직이기 어렵다.
 In contrast are many new quarters and complexes that many people walk through but rarely stop or stay in. 반대로 많은 사람이 걸어서 지나가지만 거의 멈추거나 머무르지 않는 많은 새로운 구역과 단지가 있다.




[3] 2024 09  34: Rousseau 주장한 인간 발달의 사회적 의존성
 That people need other people is hardly news, but for Rousseau this dependence extended far beyond companionship or even love, into the very process of becoming human. 사람이 다른 사람을 필요로 한다는 것은 거의 새로울 게 없지만, Rousseau에게는 이러한 의존이 동료 관계나 심지어 사랑을 넘어 인간이 되는 바로 그 과정에까지 이르렀다.
 Rousseau believed that people are not born but made, every individual a bundle of potentials whose realization requires the active involvement of other people. Rousseau는 사람은 태어나는 것이 아니라 만들어진다고, 모든 개인은 잠재성 꾸러미라고, 이 잠재성을 실현하기 위해서는 다른 사람의 적극적인 관여가 필요하다고 믿었다.
 Self-development is a social process. 자기 계발은 사회적 과정이다.
 Self-sufficiency is an impossible fantasy. 자족은 불가능한 환상이다.
 Much of the time Rousseau wished passionately that it were not: Robinson Crusoe was a favorite book, and he yearned to be free from the pains and uncertainties of social life. 루소는 대부분 시간을 그것이 그렇지 않기를 열렬히 바랐는데, Robinson Crusoe 는 좋아하는 책이었고, 그는 사회생활의 고통과 불확실성에서 벗어나기를 갈망했다.
 But his writings document with extraordinary clarity the shaping of the individual by his emotional attachments. 그러나 그의 저작은 보기 드문 명료함으로 정서적 유대에 의해 개인이 형성되는 과정을 기록한다.
 "Our sweetest existence is relative and collective, and our true self is not entirely within us." "우리의 가장 달콤한 존재는 상대적이고 집단적이며, 우리의 진정한 '자아'는 우리 안에 있는 것이 전혀 아니다."
 And it is kindness ― which Rousseau analyzed under the rubric of pitié, which translates as "pity" but is much closer to "sympathy" as Hume and Smith defined it ― that is the key to this collective existence. 그리고 이러한 집단적 존재의 핵심은 친절인데, Rousseau는 이를 'pitié'라는 항목 아래에 분석하였고, 이는 '연민'으로 번역되지만, Hume Smith가 정의한'공감'에 훨씬 더 가깝다.




[3] 2024 09  35: 전문적 수집가를 위한 딜러의 광범위한 역할
 The best dealers offer a much broader service than merely having their goods on display and 'selling from stock'. 최고의 판매업자는 단지 상품을 전시하고 '재고로 있는 것을 판매하는 것'보다 훨씬 더 폭넓은 서비스를 제공한다.
 Once they know the needs of a particular collector they can actively seek specific items to fill gaps in the collection. 특정 수집가의 필요를 알게 되면, 그들은 소장품의 빈 틈을 채우려 특정 물품을 적극적으로 찾을 수 있다.
 Because it is their business, to which they devote themselves full-time, they will inevitably have a much wider network than any non-professional collector can ever develop. 그것이 그들이 전업으로 하는 사업이기 때문에, 그들은 여태껏 어느 비전문 수집가가 구축할 수 있는 것보다도 훨씬 더 넓은 조직망을 필연적으로 갖출 것이다.
 As a matter of course they can enquire about the availability of pieces from dealers in other cities and, most crucially in some categories, from overseas. 당연히 그들은 다른 도시의 판매업자들에게, 그리고 가장 중요하게 일부 범주에서는 해외의 판매업자들에게도 작품의 구매 가능 여부를 문의할 수 있다.
 They will be routinely informed of news of all auctions and important private sales, and should be well-enough connected to hear occasionally of items which are not yet quite on sale but might be available for a certain price. 그들은 모든 경매와 중요한 개인 판매 소식에 대해 정례적으로 정보를 받을 것이며, 아직 판매되지 않았지만 특정 가격에 구매할 수 있을 물품에 대해 가끔 소식을 들을 수 있도록 충분히 연결망을 갖추고 있을 것이다.
 In turn, they can circulate their own contacts with 'want-lists' of desired items or subjects, multiplying their client collectors' chances of expanding their collections. 결과적으로, 그들은 원하는 물품이나 대상의 '필요 품목표'를 자신들이 연락하는 이들에게 배포하여, 자신들의 고객 수집가의 소장품 확장 기회를 배가할 수 있다.





[3] 2024 09  36: 학습은 새로운 정보가 기존 지식 패턴에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지에 대한 설명
 If learning were simply a matter of accumulating lists of facts, then it shouldn't make any difference if we are presented with information that is just a little bit beyond what we already know or totally new information. 학습이 단순히 사실의 목록을 축적하는 문제라면, 우리가 이미 알고 있는 것을 조금 넘어서는 정보가 제공되거나 완전히 새로운 정보가 제공되더라도 아무런 차이가 없을 것이다.
 Each fact would simply be stored separately. 각 사실은 단순히 개별적으로 저장될 것이다.
 According to connectionist theory, however, our knowledge is organized into patterns of activity, and each time we learn something new we have to modify the old patterns so as to keep the old material while adding the new information. 그러나 연결주의 이론에 따르면, 우리의 지식은 활동 패턴으로 조직되며, 우리가 새로운 것을 배울 때마다 새로 운 정보를 추가하면서 이전 자료를 유지하기 위해 기존 패턴을 수정해야 한다.
 The adjustments are clearly smallest when the new information is only slightly new ― when it is compatible with what we already know, so that the old patterns need only a little bit of adjustment to accommodate the new knowledge. 새로운 정보가 약간만 새로운 것일 때, 즉 그것이 우리가 이미 알고 있는 것과 양립할 수 있어서, 새로운 지식을 수용하기 위해 기존 패턴을 약간만 조정하면 될 때 조정은 분명 가장 적다.
 If we are trying to understand something totally new, however, we need to make larger adjustments to the units of the patterns we already have, which requires changing the strengths of large numbers of connections in our brain, and this is a difficult, tiring process. 그러나 완전히 새로운 것을 이해하려고 한다면, 우리는 이미 가지고 있는 패턴의 단위를 더 크게 조정해야 하는데, 이를 위해서는 우리 뇌의 수많은 연결 강도를 변경해야 하며, 이것은 어렵고 피곤한 과정이다.




[3] 2024 09  37: 동물의 건강을 유지하는 선천적 본능과 행동
 The generally close connection between health and what animals want exists because wanting to obtain the right things and wanting to avoid the wrong ones are major ways in which animals keep themselves healthy. 올바른 것을 얻고자 하는 것과 잘못된 것을 피하고자 하는 것은 동물이 자신의 건강을 유지하는 주요한 방법이기 때문에 건강과 동물이 원하는 것 사이에는 일반적으로 밀접한 관계가 존재한다.
 Animals have evolved many different ways of maintaining their health and then regaining it again once it has been damaged, such as an ability to heal wounds when they are injured and an amazingly complex immune system for warding off infection. 동물은 다쳤을 때 상처를 치유하는 능력과 감염을 막기 위한 놀랍도록 복잡한 면역 체계와 같은, 건강을 유지하고 그러고는 건강이 손상되었을 때 이를 되찾는 많은 다양한 방법을 발달시켜 왔다.
 Animals are equally good, however, at dealing with injury and disease before they even happen. 그러나 동물은 부상과 질병이 발생하기 전에 대처하는 능력도 똑같이 뛰어나다.
 They have evolved a complex set of mechanisms for anticipating and avoiding danger altogether. 동물은 위험을 예측하고 완전히 피하기 위한 복잡한 메커니즘을 발달시켜 왔다.
 They can take pre-emptive action so that the worst never happens. 그들은 최악의 상황이 발생하지 않도록 선제 조치를 취할 수 있다.
 They start to want things that will be necessary for their health and survival not for now but for some time in the future. 그들은 지금이 아니라 미래 언젠가의 건강과 생존에 필요할 것들을 원하기 시작한다.




[3] 2024 09  38: 로봇 설계에서 자기 인식 능력의 중요성
 People involved in the conception and engineering of robots designed to perceive and act know how fundamental is the ability to discriminate oneself from other entities in the environment. 인지하고 행동하도록 설계된 로봇의 구상과 엔지니어링에 관여하는 사람들은 주위의 다른 실재물과 자신을 구별하는 능력이 얼마나 핵심적인지 알고 있다.
 Without such an ability, no goal-oriented action would be possible. 그러한 능력이 없으면 목표 지향적인 행동은 불가능할 것이다.
 Imagine that you have to build a robot able to search for blocks scattered in a room in order to pile them. 여러분이 블록을 쌓기 위해 방에 흩어져 있는 블록을 찾을 수 있는 로봇을 만들어야 한다고 상상해 보라.
 Even this simple task would require that your machine be able to discriminate between stimulation that originates from its own machinery and stimulation that originates from the blocks in the environment. 이 간단한 작업을 하기 위해서도 기계는 자신의 시스템에서 발생하는 자극과 주위의 블록에서 발생하는 자극을 구별할 수 있어야 할 것이다.
 Suppose that you equip your robot with an artificial eye and an artificial arm to detect, grab, and pile the blocks. 로봇에 인공 눈과 인공 팔을 갖추게 하여 블록을 감지하고, 잡고, 쌓도록 한다고 가정해 보라.
 To be successful, your machine will have to have some built-in system enabling it to discriminate between the detection of a block and the detection of its own arm. (이 작업을) 성공적으로 수행하려면 여러분의 기계에는 그것이 블록 감지와 자신의 팔 감지를 구별할 수 있게 해주는 어떤 시스템이 내장되어 있어야 할 것이다.
 If not, the robot might endlessly chase itself rather than the blocks. 그렇지 않으면 로봇이 블록이 아닌 자기 자신을 끝없이 쫓아갈 수도 있다.
 Your robot would engage in circular, self-centered acts that would drive it away from the target or external goal. 로봇은 자신을 목표물이나 외부 목표에서 멀어지게 하는 순환적이고 자기중심적인 행동을 하게 될 것이다.




[3] 2024 09  39: 미래 생태계를 예측하고 관리하는  있어 불확실성
 To decide whether and how to intervene in ecosystems, protected area managers normally need a reasonably clear idea of what future ecosystems would be like if they did not intervene. 생태계에 개입할지 여부와 방법을 결정하기 위해 보호 지역 관리자는 자신이 개입하지 않을 경우 미래의 생태계가 어떨지 일반적으로 상당히 명확하게 알고 있을 필요가 있다.
 Management practices usually involve defining a more desirable future condition and implementing management actions designed to push or guide ecosystems toward that condition. 관리 관행에는 대체로 더 바람직한 미래 상태를 규정하고 생태계를 그 상태 쪽으로 밀고 가거나 이끌도록 설계된 관리 조치를 실행하는 것이 포함된다.
 Managers need confidence in the likely outcomes of their interventions. 관리자는 개입의 가능한 결과에 대한 확신이 필요하다.
 This traditional and inherently logical approach requires a high degree of predictive ability, and predictions must be developed at appropriate spatial and temporal scales, often localized and near-term. 이러한 전통적이고 본질적으로 논리적인 접근 방식은 높은 수준의 예측 능력을 필요로 하며, 예측은 적절한 공간적, 시간적 규모에서, 종종 국지적이고 단기적인 규모로 이루어져야 한다.
 Unfortunately, at the scales, accuracy, and precision most useful to protected area management, the future not only promises to be unprecedented, but it also promises to be unpredictable. 안타깝게도 보호 지역 관리에 가장 유용한 규모, 정확성, 정밀도를 고려할 때 미래는 전례가 없을 뿐만 아니라 예측할 수 없는 것이 될 것이다.
 To illustrate this, consider the uncertainties involved in predicting climatic changes, how ecosystems are likely to respond to climatic changes, and the likely efficacy of actions that might be taken to counter adverse effects of climatic changes. 이를 설명하기 위해 기후 변화 예측과 관련된 불확실성, 생태계가 기후 변화에 어떻게 반응할 것인지, 그리고 기후 변화의 해로운 영향에 대응하기 위해 취할 수도 있을 조치의 가능한 효율을 고려해 보라.
 Comparable uncertainties surround the nature and magnitude of future changes in other ecosystem stressors. 다른 생태계 스트레스 요인의 미래 변화의 성격과 규모에서도 비슷한 불확실성이 존재한다.




[3] 2024 09  40: 인간 언어가 다른 동물의 소통 방식과 차별화되는 이유
 Human speech differs from the cries of other species in many ways. 인간의 말은 다른 종의 울음소리와 여러 가지 면에서 다르다.
 One very important distinction is that all other animals use one call for one message as the general principle of communication. 매우 중요한 한 가지 차이는 다른 모든 동물은 의사소통의 일반적인 원칙으로 하나의 메시지에 하나의 울음소리를 사용한다는 것이다.
 This means that the number of possible messages is very restricted. 이는 가능한 메시지의 수가 매우 제한적임을 의미한다.
 If a new message is to be included in the system, a new sound has to be introduced, too. 새로운 메시지가 시스템에 포함되려면, 새로운 소리도 도입되어야 한다.
 After the first few tens of sounds it becomes difficult to invent new distinctive sounds, and also to remember them for the next time they are needed. 처음 몇십 개의 소리가 있고 난 후에는 새로운 독특한 소리를 만들어 내는 것뿐만 아니라 다음에 필요할 때를 위해 그것을 기억하는 것 또한 어려워진다.
 Human speech builds on the principle of combining a restricted number of sounds into an unlimited number of messages. 인간의 말은 제한된 수의 소리를 결합하여 무제한적인 수의 메시지를 만들어 내는 원리를 기반으로 한다.
 In a typical human language there are something like thirty or forty distinctive speech sounds. 일반적인 인간의 언어에는 대략 30개 또는 40개의 독특한 말소리가 있다.
 These sounds can be combined into chains to form a literally unlimited number of words. 이 소리들을 연쇄적으로 결합하여 말 그대로 무제한적인 수의 단어를 만들 수 있다.
 Even a small child, who can communicate by only one word at a time, uses a system for communication that is infinitely superior to any system utilized by any other animal. 심지어 한 번에 한 단어로만 의사소통을 할 수 있는 어린아이도 다른 어느 동물이 활용하는 어떤 시스템보다 엄청 더 뛰어난 의사소통 시스템을 사용한다.
 [요약문] In animal cries, each call represents a different message, which limits the number of possible messages, whereas human language creates an unlimited number of messages using a finite set of distinctive sounds. [요약문] 동물의 울음소리에서 각각의 울음소리는 서로 다른 메시지를 나타내므로 가능한 메시지의 수가 제한되는 반면, 인간의 언어는 한정된 수의 독특한 소리 집합을 사용하여 무한한 수의 메시지를 만들어 낸다.




[3] 2024 09  41~42: 시와 일상 언어의 차이와 시의 새로운 언어적 가능성
 People are correct when they feel that the written poetry of literate societies and the oral poetry of non-literate ones differ considerably from the everyday language spoken in the community. 사람들이 문자 기반 사회에서 문자로 쓰인 시와 문자에 의존하지 않는 사회에서 말로 전달되는 시가 공동체에서 사용되는 일상의 언어와 상당히 다르다고 느낄 때 그들은 옳은 것이다.
 Listeners not only accept the strange use of words, rearrangement of word order, assonance, alliteration, rhythm, rhyme, compression of thought, and so on ― they actually expect to find these things in poetry and they are disappointed when poetry does not sound "poetic." 감상자는 단어의 낯선 사용, 어순의 재배열, 유운, 두운, 운율, , 사고의 압축 등을 받아들일 뿐만 아니라 실제로 시에서 이러한 요소들을 발견하기를 기대하며, 시가 '시적으로' 들리지 않을 때는 실망한다.
 But those who regard poetry as a different category of language altogether are deaf to the true achievements of the poet. 그러나 시를 완전히 다른 범주의 언어로 간주하는 사람들은 시인의 진정한 업적에 귀를 기울이지 않는다.
 Rather, the poet artfully manipulates the same raw materials of his language as are used in everyday speech; his skill is to find new possibilities in the resources already in the language. 오히려 시인은 일상의 언어에서 사용되는 것과 동일한 언어의 원료를 교묘히 조작하는데, 그의 솜씨는 이미 언어에 있는 자원에서 새로운 가능성을 찾아내는 것이다.
 In much the same way that people living at the seashore become so accustomed to the sound of waves that they no longer hear it, most of us have become insensitive to the flood tide of words, millions of them every day, that hit our eardrums. 바닷가에 사는 사람들이 파도 소리에 너무 익숙해져서 더 이상 그것을 듣지 못하는 것과 아주 마찬가지로, 우리 대부분은 고막을 때리는 매일 수백만 단어로 홍수처럼 쏟아지는 말에 무감각하게 된다.
 One function of poetry is to depict the world with a fresh perception ― to make it strange ― so that we will listen to language once again. 시의 한 가지 기능은 신선한 인식으로 세상을 묘사하여, 즉 그것을 낯설게 만들어서, 우리가 다시 한번 언어에 귀를 기울이게 하는 것이다.
 But the successful poet never departs so far into the strange world of language that none of his listeners can follow him. 그러나 성공을 이룬 시인은 낯선 언어의 세계로 결코 자신의 청취자 중 누구도 자신을 따라가지 못할 만큼 멀리 떠나지는 않는다.
 He still remains the communicator, the man of speech. 그는 여전히 (효과적인) 전달자, 즉 언어의 능숙한 사용자로 남아 있다.




[3] 2024 09  43~45:  번째  구매 앱을 통해 식물을 구매한 경험
 Helen was thrilled when she received a notification on a second-hand shopping app from a seller named Anna. Helen은 중고 쇼핑 앱에서 Anna라는 판매자로부터 알림을 받았을 때 매우 기뻤다.
 For months, she had been looking for a Philodendron gloriosum, a Colombian plant with dark, velvety leaves shaped like hearts. 그녀는 몇 달 동안 하트 모양의 짙은 벨벳 같은 잎을 가진 콜롬비아 식물인 Philodendron gloriosum을 찾고 있었다.
 She had almost given up on getting one. 그녀는 이 식물을 구하는 것을 거의 포기할 뻔했다.
 Anna, though, had put one up for sale. 하지만 Anna가 한 그루를 매물로 내놓았다.
 The posting read, "I'm selling my favorite plant, because I'm moving abroad. 게시글에는 "해외로 이사하게 되어 제가 제일 좋아하는 식물을 팔려고 합니다.
 If you pick it up today from Edincester Heights, you can have it for the current price, which is half the market rate." 오늘 Edincester Heights에서 이 식물을 가져가시면 시장 시세의 절반 가격인 현재 가격으로 가져가실 수 있습니다."라고 적혀 있었다.
 Helen immediately messaged the seller. Helen은 즉시 판매자에게 메시지를 보냈다.
 "Hello! I'm interested in purchasing your plant. "안녕하세요! 제가 당신의 식물을 구매하고 싶어요.
 If it works for your schedule, I can be there in 10 minutes!" 일정이 맞으신다면, 10분 안에 거기로 갈 수 있을 것 같아요!"
 Anna replied, "Hi, there! I am at work right now, but my housemate, Julia, can meet you in front of the building." Anna "안녕하세요! 저는 지금 일하는 중이지만, 제 룸메이트 Julia가 당신을 건물 앞에서 만날 수 있어요."라고 답했다.
 Unable to believe her good luck, Helen typed back in excitement, "Great! Helen은 자신의 행운을 믿지 못한 채 흥분하여 "좋아요!
 I can leave now. I'll wear a black baseball cap." 저는 지금 출발할 수 있어요. 검은 야구 모자를 쓰고 있을게요."라고 답장했다.
 Arriving at the building, Helen could identify Julia by the large paper bag she was holding. 건물에 도착했을 때 Helen Julia가 들고 있는 커다란 종이봉투로 그녀를 알아볼 수 있었다.
 The bag had leaves sticking out of the top. 그 봉투의 윗부분에는 나뭇잎이 삐져나와 있었다.
 She said, "You must be Julia!" 그녀는 "당신이 Julia가 틀림없겠군요!"라고 말했다.
 Laughing, the woman said, "Yes! Please take good care of this plant. 그 여자는 웃으며 "! 이 식물을 잘 돌봐주세요.
 Anna had it for six years, so she considers it family." 6년 동안 키워서 Anna는 이 식물이 가족이라고 생각해요."라고 말했다.
 From the bag, she pulled out another plant, a tiny one with thick, glossy leaves. 그녀는 봉투에서 두껍고 윤기 나는 잎을 가진 작은 식물 하나를 더 꺼냈다.
 "Are you familiar with this? It's called a Dragon's Tail. "이것을 잘 아세요? 용의 꼬리라고 해요.
 My housemate said you could take it too, if you'd like." 제 룸메이트가 당신이 원한다면 이것도 가져가도 된다고 했어요."
 Helen exclaimed, "Yes, I'd love to! Helen ", 그러고 싶어요!
 Please thank Anna for me. Anna에게 저를 대신해서 고맙다고 전해주세요.
 Both are in such wonderful condition. 둘 다 정말 멋진 상태네요.
 Do you have any tips for keeping them in good shape?" 그것들을 상태가 좋게 유지하기 위한 어떤 팁이 있나요?"라고 외쳤다.
 Handing over the bag, Julia replied, "I'm not a plant expert, but I know that Anna kept them away from windows to avoid direct sunlight. Julia는 봉투를 건네며 "제가 식물 전문가는 아니지만Anna가 직사광선을 피하고자 그것들을 창문에서 멀리 두었다는 건 알아요.
 Why don't you message her? 그녀에게 메시지를 보내보는 건 어떠세요?
 She would be happy to offer advice." 그녀가 기꺼이 조언을 해줄 거예요."
 "I'll be sure to do that," Helen said, as she handed over the cash. Helen은 현금을 건네주며 "꼭 그렇게 할게요."라고 말했다.






[고3] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석



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<2024년도 9월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
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자료는 PDF 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  
지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 때 참고하세요.

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유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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[3] 2024 09  18: Royal Ocean Cruises 할인 혜택 안내

 Dear Valued Members,

 소중한 고객님들께

 We have exciting news here at Royal Ocean Cruises!

 여기 저희 Royal Ocean Cruises에 흥미진진한 소식이 있습니다!

 To thank you for your loyalty, we are thrilled to offer you an exclusive promotion!

 여러분의 충심에 대해 감사드리고자, 저희가 여러분에게 독점 판촉 상품을 제공하게 되어 매우 기쁩니다!

 Make a reservation for any cruise departing within the next six months and enjoy a 15% discount.

 향후 6개월 이내에 출발하는 어느 유람선 여행이든 예약하시고 15% 할인을 누리십시오.

 Additionally, we are offering a free specialty dining package and a $20 coupon to use at the onboard gift shop.

 게다가 저희는 무료 특식 패키지와 선내 선물 가게에서 사용할 수 있는 20달러짜리 쿠폰을 제공하고 있습니다.

 To take advantage of this offer, simply go to our website and enter the promotion code 'ROC25'.

 이 제의를 이용하고자 하시면, 저희 홈페이지에 들어오셔서 프로모션 코드 'ROC25'를 입력하기만 하세요.

 We look forward to welcoming you back aboard for another unforgettable journey.

 저희는 또 한 번의 잊지 못할 여행을 위해 다시 승선하신 여러분을 환영하기를 학수고대하고 있습니다.

 Thank you for your continued loyalty and support.

 지속적인 충심과 지지에 감사드립니다.

 Sincerely, Cindy Robins Customer Relations Manager

 고객 관계 매니저 Cindy Robins 드림


[3] 2024 09  19: 비행기 지연으로 인한 Sophie 혼란스러운 아침

 The whole morning had been chaotic.

 아침 내내 혼란스러운 상태였다.

 Sophie's day began with her alarm clock failing to ring, which had thrown her into an intense rush.

 Sophie의 하루는 그녀의 알람시계가 울리지 않으며 시작되었는데, 그것이 그녀를 격심한 서두름으로 던져넣었다.

 After terrible traffic, her taxi finally arrived at the airport, where she was met with endless security lines.

 끔찍한 교통 체증 후에 그녀가 탄 택시가 마침내 공항에 도착했는데, 그곳에서 그녀는 끝없는 보안 검색 (대기) 줄과 마주하게 되었다.

 Sophie kept glancing at her watch with each second feeling like an hour.

 Sophie는 매 초가 한 시간처럼 느껴지는 가운데, 계속 자신의 시계를 힐끗힐끗 보았다.

 Worried that she could not get to the boarding gate in time, she rushed through the crowds of people.

 시간 내에 탑승구에 도착할 수 없을까 봐 걱정하면서 그녀는 수많은 사람들을 뚫고 돌진했다.

 Just then, she heard an announcement saying that her flight had been "delayed."

 바로 그때, 그녀는 자신의 항공편이 '지연되었다'고 하는 안내 방송을 들었다.

 Letting out a deep sigh, she finally felt at ease.

 깊은 한숨을 내쉬며, 그녀는 마침내 마음이 편해졌다.

 With an unexpected hour to spare, she would have time to relax and browse the airport shops before her journey.

 예상치 못한 한 시간의 여유가 생기면서, 그녀는 여행 전에 긴장을 풀고 공항 상점들을 둘러볼 시간을 갖게 되었다.


[3] 2024 09  20: 소셜 미디어에서의 잘못된 정보 확산의 위험성

 Truth is essential for progress and the development of knowledge, as it serves as the foundation upon which reliable and accurate understanding is built.

 진실은 진보와 지식의 발전에 필수적인데, 그것이 신뢰할 수 있고 정확한 이해가 이루어지는 토대의 역할을 하기 때문이다.

 However, one of the greatest threats to the accumulation of knowledge can now be found on social media platforms.

 그러나 지식 축적에 가장 큰 위협 중 하나가 이제 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에서 발견될 수 있다.

 As social media becomes a primary source of information for millions, its unregulated nature allows misinformation to spread rapidly.

 소셜 미디어가 수백만 명에게 주 정보원이 되면서, 그것의 규제받지 않는 특성으로 인해 오정보가 빠르게 퍼지게 된다.

 Social media users may unknowingly participate in creating and circulating misinformation, which can influence elections, cause violence, and create widespread panic, as seen in various global incidents.

 소셜 미디어 사용자는 자신도 모르게 오정보를 만들고 유포하는 데 참여할 수 있는데, 이는 다양한 전 세계적 사건에서 보이듯이 선거에 영향을 미치고, 폭력을 유발하며, 광범위한 공황 상태를 조성할 수 있다.

 As creators and consumers, it is our responsibility to take on a greater role in the enhancement of fact-checking protocols in order to ensure accuracy.

 (정보) 제작자이자 소비자로서, 정확성을 확보하기 위해 사실 확인 프로토콜 강화에 더 큰 역할을 맡는 것이 우리의 책무이다.

 It is critical that participants safeguard the reliability of information, supporting a more informed and rational public community.

 참여자들이 더 사실 이해에 입각하고 합리적인 대중 커뮤니티를 지원하면서 정보의 신뢰성을 보호하는 것이 매우 중요하다.


[3] 2024 09  21: 문화적 맥락에서 인류학자들이 현지 관찰의 중요성을 인식한 사례

 Around the turn of the twentieth century, anthropologists trained in the natural sciences began to reimagine what a science of humanity should look like and how social scientists ought to go about studying cultural groups.

 20세기에 접어들면서, 자연과학에서 훈련받은 인류학자들은 인류학이 어떻게 보여야 하는지와 사회 과학자들이 문화 집단 연구를 어떻게 시작해야 하는지를 다시 생각하기 시작했다.

 Some of those anthropologists insisted that one should at least spend significant time actually observing and talking to the people studied.

 그러한 인류학자들 중 일부는 다른 건 몰라도 연구 대상인 사람들을 실제로 관찰하고 그들과 대화하는 데 상당한 시간을 할애해야 한다고 주장했다.

 Early ethnographers such as Franz Boas and Alfred Cort Haddon typically traveled to the remote locations where the people in question lived and spent a few weeks to a few months there.

 Franz Boas Alfred Cort Haddon과 같은 초기 민족지학자들은 일반적으로 연구되고 있는 사람이 살고 있는 외딴 지역으로 가서 그곳에서 몇 주에서 몇 달을 보냈다.

 They sought out a local Western host who was familiar with the people and the area (such as a colonial official, missionary, or businessman) and found accommodations through them.

 그들은 (식민지 관료, 선교사 혹은 사업가와 같이) 주민들과 그 지역을 잘 알고 있는 그 지역 서양인 호스트를 찾아내어 그들을 통해 숙박 시설을 구했다.

 Although they did at times venture into the community without a guide, they generally did not spend significant time with the local people.

 가끔은 그들은 정말이지 가이드 없이 그 지역사회를 탐험하기도 했지만, 대개 그들은 현지인들과 상당한 시간을 보내지는 않았다.

 Thus, their observations were primarily conducted from their verandas.

 그리하여 그들의 관찰은 주로 그들의 '베란다'에서 행해졌다.


[3] 2024 09  22: 도덕적 책임이 인간 사회에서 형성된 개념이라는 주장

 Even though there is good reason to consider a dog a sentient being capable of making choices and plans ― so that we might suppose 'it could have conceived of acting otherwise' ― we're unlikely to think it is wicked and immoral for attacking a child.

 개를 선택과 계획을 할 수 있는 지각력이 있는 존재로 간주하여, 이를테면 우리가 '그것은 다른 방식으로 행동하는 것을 상상할 수 있었을 것이다'라고 추정할 수도 있는 타당한 이유가 있더라도, 우리가 아이를 공격하는 것에 관해 그것이 사악하고 부도덕하다고 생각할 것 같지는 않다.

 Moral responsibility is not some universal concept like entropy or temperature ― something that applies equally, and can be measured similarly, everywhere in the cosmos.

 도덕적 책임은 엔트로피나 온도 같은 어떤 보편적인 개념, 즉 똑같이 적용되어 우주 어디에서나 비슷하게 측정될 수 있는 것이 아니다.

 It is a notion developed specifically for human use, no more or less than languages are.

 그것은 인간이 사용하기 위해 특별히 개발된 개념인데, 언어와 별반 다르지 않다.

 While sentience and volition are aspects of mind and agency, morals are cultural tools developed to influence social behaviour: to cultivate the desirable and discourage the harmful.

 지각력과 의지가 마음 및 주체성의 측면인 반면, 도덕성은 사회적 행동에 영향을 미치기 위해, 즉 바람직한 것을 함양하고 해로운 것을 막기 위해 개발된 문화적 도구이다.

 They are learnt, not given at birth.

 그것들은 태어날 때 주어지는 것이 아니라 학습된다.

 It's possible, indeed likely, that we are born with a predisposition to cooperate with others ― but only within human society do we come to understand this as moral behaviour.

 우리는 다른 사람과 협력하려는 성향을 가지고 태어날 수 있고 실제로 그럴 가능성이 크지만, 오로지 인간 사회 내에서만 우리는 이것을 '도덕적' 행동으로 이해하게 된다.


[3] 2024 09  23: 일상적 현상과 이례적 현상에 대한 인간의 반응 차이

 It is much more natural to be surprised by unusual phenomena like eclipses than ordinary phenomena like falling bodies or the succession of night into day and day into night.

 낙하하는 물체나 밤이 낮으로, 낮이 밤으로 이어지는 것과 같은 평범한 현상보다 일식과 같은 특이한 현상에 놀라는 것이 훨씬 더 자연스럽다.

 Many cultures invented gods to explain these eclipses that shocked, frightened, or surprised them; but very few imagined a god of falling bodies ― to which they were so accustomed that they did not even notice them.

 그들에게 충격, 공포, 또는 놀라움을 주었던 이러한 일식을 설명하기 위해 많은 문화에서 신을 만들어 냈지만, 너무 익숙해서 심지어 알아차리지도 못했던, 낙하하는 물체의 신을 상상했던 문화는 거의 없었다.

 But the reason for eclipses is ultimately the same as that of the succession of night and day: the movement of celestial bodies, which itself is based on the Newtonian law of attraction and how it explains why things fall when we let them go.

 그러나 일식이 일어나는 이유는 밤과 낮이 연속되는 이유와 궁극적으로 동일한데, 즉 그 자체로 뉴턴의 만유인력의 법칙에 기반하는 천체의 움직임과 그것이 우리가 물체를 놓으면 왜 떨어지는지 설명하는 방식이다.

 For the physicist, understanding the ordinary, the habitual, and the frequent thus allows us to account for the frightening and the singular.

 그러므로 물리학자로 말할 것 같으면, 평범한 것, 습관적인 것, 빈번한 것을 이해하여 우리가 무서운 것과 기묘한 것을 설명할 수 있게 해 준다.

 As such, it was thus necessary to ask "Why do things fall?" and to have Newton's response to understand a broad range of much more bizarre phenomena occurring at every level of the universe.

 따라서 그와 같이, 우주의 모든 수준에서 일어나고 있는 다양하고 폭넓은 훨씬 더 기괴한 현상들을 이해하기 위해서, "물체는 왜 떨어지는가?"라고 질문하는 것과 뉴턴식의 답을 하는 것이 필요했다.


[3] 2024 09  24: 사무실 설계에서 변화의 중요성

 There are good reasons why open-office plans have gained currency, but open offices may not be the plan of choice for all times.

 개방형 사무실 계획이 유행하는 데는 그럴 만한 이유가 있지만, 개방형 사무실이 '언제라도' 선택할 수 있는 계획은 아닐 수도 있다.

 Instead, the right plan seems to be building a culture of change.

 대신에, 올바른 계획은 변화의 문화를 구축하는 것인 듯하다.

 Overly rigid habits and conventions, no matter how well-considered or well-intentioned, threaten innovation.

 지나치게 굳은 관례와 관습은, 아무리 깊이 고려되거나 의도가 좋다 하더라도 혁신을 위협한다.

 The crucial take-away from analyzing office plans over time is that the answers keep changing.

 시간이 지남에 따른 사무실 계획을 분석할 때 매우 중요한 핵심은 답이 계속 바뀐다는 것이다.

 It might seem that there is a straight line of progress, but it's a myth.

 일직선으로 발전하는 것처럼 보일 수 있지만 이는 근거 없는 믿음이다.

 Surveying office spaces from the past eighty years, one can see a cycle that repeats.

 지난 80년의 사무실 공간을 조사해 보면, 반복되는 주기를 확인할 수 있다.

 Comparing the offices of the 1940s with contemporary office spaces shows that they have circled back around to essentially the same style, via a period in the 1980s when partitions and cubicles were more the norm.

 1940년대의 사무실과 현대의 사무실 공간을 비교해 보면 칸막이벽과 작은 개인 방이 훨씬 더 일반적이었던 1980년대를 거쳐, 다시 본질적으로 동일한 스타일로 크게 한 바퀴 돌아왔음을 알 수 있다.

 The technologies and colors may differ, but the 1940s and 2000s plans are alike, right down to the pillars running down the middle.

 기술과 색상은 다를 수 있지만, 1940년대와 2000년대의 계획은 비슷한데, 바로 중앙을 따라 내려오는 기둥까지 그렇다.


[3] 2024 09  25: 2022 4개국의 VR AR 인지도 비교 그래프

 The graph above shows the percentages of respondents who were familiar with the concept of virtual reality (VR) and those who were familiar with the concept of augmented reality (AR) in four countries in 2022.

 위 그래프는 2022 4개국에서 가상 현실(VR)의 개념에 친숙한 응답자 비율과 증강 현실(AR)의 개념에 친숙한 응답자 비율을 보여 준다.

 For each country, the percentage of respondents familiar with VR was greater than the percentage of respondents familiar with AR.

 각 국가별로 VR에 친숙한 응답자 비율이 AR에 친숙한 응답자 비율보다 더 높았다.

 The country with the highest percentage of respondents familiar with AR was South Korea.

 AR에 친숙한 응답자 비율이 가장 높은 국가는 한국이었다.

 The country with the largest gap between the percentage of respondents familiar with VR and that of respondents familiar with AR was Canada.

 VR에 친숙한 응답자 비율과 AR에 친숙한 응답자 비율의 격차가 가장 큰 국가는 캐나다였다.

 In Japan, the percentage of respondents familiar with VR was greater than 60%.

 일본에서는 VR에 친숙한 응답자 비율이 60%를 넘었다.

 The percentage of respondents familiar with VR and that of respondents familiar with AR were lower in Switzerland than in Japan, respectively.

 VR에 친숙한 응답자 비율과 AR에 친숙한 응답자 비율은 각각 일본보다 스위스에서 더 낮았다.


[3] 2024 09  26: 예술과 과학을 연결한 Gyorgy Kepes 생애와 업적

 Gyorgy Kepes was an artist and educator born in Selyp, Hungary in 1906.

 Gyorgy Kepes 1906년 헝가리 Selyp에서 태어난 예술가이자 교육자였다.

 He studied painting at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, Hungary.

 그는 헝가리 Budapest의 왕립 미술 아카데미에서 회화를 공부했다.

 Then, he studied design and film in Berlin, Germany.

 그 후 그는 독일 Berlin에서 디자인과 영화를 공부했다.

 He went to the United States in 1937, and about a decade later, he started teaching visual design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

 그는 1937년 미국으로 건너가 약 10년 후 매사추세츠 공과대학(MIT)에서 시각 디자인을 가르치기 시작했다.

 He founded the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT to form a community composed of artists and scientists.

 그는 MIT에 고급 시각 연구 센터를 설립하여 예술가와 과학자들로 구성된 커뮤니티를 만들었다.

 His exhibition in 1951 titled The New Landscape became the basis of his book The New Landscape in Art and Science, which was published several years later.

 1951 '새로운 풍경'이라는 제목으로 열린 그의 전시회는 몇 년 후 출간된 그의 저서 '예술과 과학의 새로운 풍경'의 기반이 되었다.

 In the book, he presented images that were not previously available, captured by the latest scientific devices.

 그 책에서 그는 최신 과학 기기로 포착한, 이전에는 볼 수 없었던 이미지를 선보였다.

 In 1995, a museum to house his works was established in Eger, Hungary.

 1995년 그의 작품을 소장하기 위한 박물관이 헝가리 Eger에 설립되었다.

 He was a great pioneer in connecting art and technology.

 그는 예술과 기술을 연결하는 데 있어 위대한 선구자였다.





[3] 2024 09  29: 산업 혁명 시기의 영국 사회 변화와 문제점

 Victorian England is characterised by the full development of the Industrial Revolution.

 빅토리아 시대 영국의 특징은 산업혁명의 완전한 전개이다.

 England became the first industrial nation in the world and, by 1850, the first nation to have more people employed in industry than in agriculture.

 영국은 세계 최초의 산업 국가가 되었고, 1850년 무렵에는 농업보다 공업에 종사하는 인구가 더 많은 최초의 국가가 되었다.

 Expanding trade coincided with the growth of the Empire and brought great wealth to Britain, but this wealth was not evenly distributed.

 무역의 확대는 대영제국의 성장과 맞물려 영국에 막대한 부를 가져다 주었지만, 이 부는 고르게 분배되지 않았다.

 Many enterprising individuals (the 'self-made men') rose from humble origins to positions of wealth and influence, but large sections of the working class were forced into the overcrowded slums of large cities where they worked long hours for low wages in unhealthy conditions.

 많은 진취적인 개인('자수성가한 사람들')은 비천한 출신에서 부와 영향력을 가진 지위로 올랐지만, 노동 계급의 다수는 열악한 환경에서 저임금으로 장시간 노동하는 대도시의 빈민가로 내몰렸다.

 The manufacturing towns of the north of England provided some of the worst examples and inspired such socially conscious novels as Kingsley's Alton Locke, Gaskell's Mary Barton, and Dickens's Hard Times.

 영국 북부의 제조업 도시들은 몇몇 최악의 사례를 제공하며 Kingsley Alton Locke, Gaskell Mary Barton, Dickens Hard Times 와 같은 사회의식이 강한 소설에 영감을 주었다.

 In the south there was London, already the largest city in the world, showing all the crime, evil, and misery which result from overpopulation and unplanned growth.

 남부에는 이미 세계에서 가장 큰 도시인 런던이 있었는데, 이곳은 과잉 인구와 무계획적인 성장의 결과인 모든 범죄, , 비참함을 보여 주었다.


[3] 2024 09  30: 인간의 사고방식이 예측 가능한 오류로 인해 비합리적일  있는 이유

 We all like to think of ourselves as rational actors, careful and considered in our thinking, capable of sound and reliable judgments.

 우리는 모두 자신을 신중하고 사려 깊이 생각하며 타당하고 신뢰할 수 있는 판단을 내릴 수 있는 합리적인 행위자라고 여기고 싶어 한다.

 We might believe that we generally consider different points of view and make informed decisions.

 우리는 우리가 일반적으로 다양한 관점을 고려하고 정보에 입각한 결정을 내린다고 믿을지도 모른다.

 We are, in fact, "predictably irrational," as psychologist Dan Ariely titled his book on the topic.

 사실, 우리는 심리학자 Dan Ariely가 이 주제에 관한 자신의 책에 붙인 제목처럼 '예측할 수 있게 비합리적'이다.

 All of us engage in automatic, reflexive thinking, typically taking the easier path and conserving mental effort.

 우리는 모두 자동적이고 반사적인 사고를 하며, 일반적으로 더 쉬운 길을 택하고 정신적 노력을 절약한다.

 Although we each may have the subjective impression that we are careful thinkers, we often make snap judgments or no real judgments at all.

 우리는 각자 자신이 신중하게 생각한다는 주관적인 인상을 가질 수도 있지만, 우리가 성급한 판단을 내리거나 실제 판단을 전혀 하지 않는 경우는 흔하다.

 In addition, numerous biases inhibit or override reflective, deliberative thought; intuitive theories can also interfere with acceptance of accurate scientific explanations.

 게다가, 수많은 편향이 성찰적이고 신중한 사고를 억제하거나 무시하는데, 직관적인 이론도 정확한 과학적 설명의 수용을 방해할 수 있을 것이다.

 Understanding more about how our minds work and how biases may operate can make us each less subject to fallacious reasoning, more rational, and more aware of the problems in others' thinking.

 우리의 마음이 어떻게 작용하고 편향이 어떻게 작동할 수 있는지 더 많이 이해하는 것은 우리 각자가 잘못된 추론에 덜 빠지고, 더 합리적이며, 다른 사람의 사고의 문제점을 더 잘 인식하게 할 수 있다.

 Learning to understand the built-in limitations of our mental processes can also help us improve our ability to inform others more effectively.

 우리의 정신 과정에 내재한 한계를 이해하는 것을 배우는 것은 우리가 다른 사람들에게 더 효과적으로 정보를 전달하는 능력을 향상하는 데도 도움이 될 수 있다.


[3] 2024 09  31: 나방이 빛에 끌리는 이유에 대한 이론들

 There has been a lot of discussion on why moths are attracted to light.

 나방이 왜 빛에 끌리는지에 관한 많은 논의가 있어 왔다.

 The consensus seems to hold that moths are not so much attracted to lights as they are trapped by them.

 나방이 빛에 끌리는 것이 아니라 빛에 의해 갇힌다는 것이 합의인 것처럼 보인다.

 The light becomes a sensory overload that disorients the insects and sends them into a holding pattern.

 빛은 감각 과부하를 일으켜 곤충이 방향을 잃게 하고 그것이 제자리를 맴돌게 한다.

 A hypothesis called the Mach band theory suggests that moths see a dark area around a light source and head for it to escape the light.

 마하 밴드 이론이라는 가설에 따르면, 나방은 광원 주변의 어두운 영역을 보고 빛을 피하고자 그쪽으로 향한다.

 Another theory suggests that moths perceive the light coming from a source as a diffuse halo with a dark spot in the center.

 또 다른 이론은 나방이 광원에서 나오는 빛을 중앙에 어두운 점이 있는, 널리 퍼진 광륜(光輪)으로 인식한다는 것을 보여 준다.

 The moths, attempting to escape the light, fly toward that imagined "portal," bringing them closer to the source.

 나방은 빛을 피하려고 애쓰면서, 상상 속의 '입구'를 향해 날아가 광원에 더 가까이 다가가게 된다.

 As they approach the light, their reference point changes and they circle the light hopelessly trying to reach the portal.

 빛에 가까워지면서 나방의 기준점이 바뀌고 나방은 입구에 도달하기 위해 어쩔 도리 없이 빛 주위를 맴돈다.

 Everyone is familiar with moths circling their porch lights.

 누구나 현관 불빛을 맴도는 나방에 익숙하다.

 Their flight appears to have no purpose, but they are, it is believed, trying to escape the pull of the light.

 나방의 비행은 아무런 목적이 없는 것처럼 보이지만, 그들은 빛의 끌어당김에서 벗어나려고 애쓰고 있는 것으로 여겨진다.


[3] 2024 09  32: 커뮤니케이션 기술 발전에서 투자와 수익 기대의 문제

 One of the factors determining the use of technologies of communication will be the kinds of investments made in equipment and personnel; who makes them, and what they expect in return.

 통신 기술의 사용을 결정하는 요인 중 하나는 장비와 인력에 들어가는 투자의 종류, , 누가 투자를 하고, 그들이 수익으로 무엇을 기대하는지이다.

 There is no guarantee that the investment will necessarily be in forms of communication that are most appropriate for the majority of people.

 투자가 반드시 다수의 사람에게 가장 적합한 통신 형태일 것이라는 보장은 없다.

 Because the ownership of investment funds tends to be in the hands of commercial organisations, the modernisation of communications infrastructure only takes place on the basis of potential profitability.

 투자 기금의 소유권은 상업적 조직의 수중에 있는 경향이 있으므로, 통신 기간 시설의 현대화는 오로지 잠재적 수익성을 바탕으로 이루어진다.

 Take, for example, the installation of fibre-optic communications cable across the African continent.

 아프리카 대륙 전역에 걸친 광섬유 통신 케이블 설치를 예로 들어보자.

 A number of African nations are involved in the development but its operational structures will be oriented to those who can pay for access.

 여러 아프리카 국가가 그 개발에 관여하고 있지만, 그것의 운영 구조는 이용에 대한 대가를 지급할 수 있는 국가들을 우선할 것이다.

 Many states that might wish to use it for education and information may not only find it too expensive but also simply unavailable to them.

 교육과 정보를 위해 그것을 이용하고 싶어 할 수도 있는 많은 국가는 그것이 자국에 너무 비쌀 뿐만 아니라 단순히 이용할 수 없다는 것을 알게 될지도 모른다.

 There can be no doubt that the development has been led by investment opportunity rather than community demand.

 그 개발이 지역 사회의 수요보다는 투자 기회에 의해 주도되었다는 것은 의심의 여지가 있을 수 없다.


[3] 2024 09  33: 도시의 공간 질과 머무는 활동의 상관관계

 City quality is so crucial for optional activities that the extent of staying activities can often be used as a measuring stick for the quality of the city as well as of its space.

 도시의 질은 선택적 활동에 매우 중요해서, 머물기 활동의 정도가 흔히 도시의 공간 뿐만 아니라 도시의 질을 측정하는 잣대로 사용될 수 있다.

 Many pedestrians in a city are not necessarily an indication of good city quality ― many people walking around can often be a sign of insufficient transit options or long distances between the various functions in the city.

 도시의 많은 보행자가 반드시 도시의 질이 좋다는 지표인 것은 아니며, 걸어서 돌아다니는 많은 사람은 흔히 부족한 운송 선택권 또는 도시 내 다양한 기능 간의 먼 거리의 징표일 수 있다.

 Conversely, it can be claimed that a city in which many people are not walking often indicates good city quality.

 반대로, 많은 사람이 걷지 않는 도시는 흔히 좋은 도시의 질을 나타낸다고 주장될 수 있다.

 In a city like Rome, it is the large number of people standing or sitting in squares rather than walking that is conspicuous.

 로마와 같은 도시에서 눈에 띄는 것은 걷기보다는 광장에 서 있거나 앉아 있는 많은 사람이다.

 And it's not due to necessity but rather that the city quality is so inviting.

 그런데 이것은 필요성 때문이 아니라, 그 도시의 질이 매우 매력적이기 때문이다.

 It is hard to keep moving in city space with so many temptations to stay.

 도시 공간에는 머무르게 하는 유혹이 너무 많아서 계속 움직이기 어렵다.

 In contrast are many new quarters and complexes that many people walk through but rarely stop or stay in.

 반대로 많은 사람이 걸어서 지나가지만 거의 멈추거나 머무르지 않는 많은 새로운 구역과 단지가 있다.


[3] 2024 09  34: Rousseau 주장한 인간 발달의 사회적 의존성

 That people need other people is hardly news, but for Rousseau this dependence extended far beyond companionship or even love, into the very process of becoming human.

 사람이 다른 사람을 필요로 한다는 것은 거의 새로울 게 없지만, Rousseau에게는 이러한 의존이 동료 관계나 심지어 사랑을 넘어 인간이 되는 바로 그 과정에까지 이르렀다.

 Rousseau believed that people are not born but made, every individual a bundle of potentials whose realization requires the active involvement of other people.

 Rousseau는 사람은 태어나는 것이 아니라 만들어진다고, 모든 개인은 잠재성 꾸러미라고, 이 잠재성을 실현하기 위해서는 다른 사람의 적극적인 관여가 필요하다고 믿었다.

 Self-development is a social process.

 자기 계발은 사회적 과정이다.

 Self-sufficiency is an impossible fantasy.

 자족은 불가능한 환상이다.

 Much of the time Rousseau wished passionately that it were not: Robinson Crusoe was a favorite book, and he yearned to be free from the pains and uncertainties of social life.

 루소는 대부분 시간을 그것이 그렇지 않기를 열렬히 바랐는데, Robinson Crusoe 는 좋아하는 책이었고, 그는 사회생활의 고통과 불확실성에서 벗어나기를 갈망했다.

 But his writings document with extraordinary clarity the shaping of the individual by his emotional attachments.

 그러나 그의 저작은 보기 드문 명료함으로 정서적 유대에 의해 개인이 형성되는 과정을 기록한다.

 "Our sweetest existence is relative and collective, and our true self is not entirely within us."

 "우리의 가장 달콤한 존재는 상대적이고 집단적이며, 우리의 진정한 '자아'는 우리 안에 있는 것이 전혀 아니다."

 And it is kindness ― which Rousseau analyzed under the rubric of pitié, which translates as "pity" but is much closer to "sympathy" as Hume and Smith defined it ― that is the key to this collective existence.

 그리고 이러한 집단적 존재의 핵심은 친절인데, Rousseau는 이를 'pitié'라는 항목 아래에 분석하였고, 이는 '연민'으로 번역되지만, Hume Smith가 정의한 '공감'에 훨씬 더 가깝다.


[3] 2024 09  35: 전문적 수집가를 위한 딜러의 광범위한 역할

 The best dealers offer a much broader service than merely having their goods on display and 'selling from stock'.

 최고의 판매업자는 단지 상품을 전시하고 '재고로 있는 것을 판매하는 것'보다 훨씬 더 폭넓은 서비스를 제공한다.

 Once they know the needs of a particular collector they can actively seek specific items to fill gaps in the collection.

 특정 수집가의 필요를 알게 되면, 그들은 소장품의 빈 틈을 채우려 특정 물품을 적극적으로 찾을 수 있다.

 Because it is their business, to which they devote themselves full-time, they will inevitably have a much wider network than any non-professional collector can ever develop.

 그것이 그들이 전업으로 하는 사업이기 때문에, 그들은 여태껏 어느 비전문 수집가가 구축할 수 있는 것보다도 훨씬 더 넓은 조직망을 필연적으로 갖출 것이다.

 As a matter of course they can enquire about the availability of pieces from dealers in other cities and, most crucially in some categories, from overseas.

 당연히 그들은 다른 도시의 판매업자들에게, 그리고 가장 중요하게 일부 범주에서는 해외의 판매업자들에게도 작품의 구매 가능 여부를 문의할 수 있다.

 They will be routinely informed of news of all auctions and important private sales, and should be well-enough connected to hear occasionally of items which are not yet quite on sale but might be available for a certain price.

 그들은 모든 경매와 중요한 개인 판매 소식에 대해 정례적으로 정보를 받을 것이며, 아직 판매되지 않았지만 특정 가격에 구매할 수 있을 물품에 대해 가끔 소식을 들을 수 있도록 충분히 연결망을 갖추고 있을 것이다.

 In turn, they can circulate their own contacts with 'want-lists' of desired items or subjects, multiplying their client collectors' chances of expanding their collections.

 결과적으로, 그들은 원하는 물품이나 대상의 '필요 품목표'를 자신들이 연락하는 이들에게 배포하여, 자신들의 고객 수집가의 소장품 확장 기회를 배가할 수 있다.





[3] 2024 09  36: 학습은 새로운 정보가 기존 지식 패턴에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지에 대한 설명

 If learning were simply a matter of accumulating lists of facts, then it shouldn't make any difference if we are presented with information that is just a little bit beyond what we already know or totally new information.

 학습이 단순히 사실의 목록을 축적하는 문제라면, 우리가 이미 알고 있는 것을 조금 넘어서는 정보가 제공되거나 완전히 새로운 정보가 제공되더라도 아무런 차이가 없을 것이다.

 Each fact would simply be stored separately.

 각 사실은 단순히 개별적으로 저장될 것이다.

 According to connectionist theory, however, our knowledge is organized into patterns of activity, and each time we learn something new we have to modify the old patterns so as to keep the old material while adding the new information.

 그러나 연결주의 이론에 따르면, 우리의 지식은 활동 패턴으로 조직되며, 우리가 새로운 것을 배울 때마다 새로 운 정보를 추가하면서 이전 자료를 유지하기 위해 기존 패턴을 수정해야 한다.

 The adjustments are clearly smallest when the new information is only slightly new ― when it is compatible with what we already know, so that the old patterns need only a little bit of adjustment to accommodate the new knowledge.

 새로운 정보가 약간만 새로운 것일 때, 즉 그것이 우리가 이미 알고 있는 것과 양립할 수 있어서, 새로운 지식을 수용하기 위해 기존 패턴을 약간만 조정하면 될 때 조정은 분명 가장 적다.

 If we are trying to understand something totally new, however, we need to make larger adjustments to the units of the patterns we already have, which requires changing the strengths of large numbers of connections in our brain, and this is a difficult, tiring process.

 그러나 완전히 새로운 것을 이해하려고 한다면, 우리는 이미 가지고 있는 패턴의 단위를 더 크게 조정해야 하는데, 이를 위해서는 우리 뇌의 수많은 연결 강도를 변경해야 하며, 이것은 어렵고 피곤한 과정이다.


[3] 2024 09  37: 동물의 건강을 유지하는 선천적 본능과 행동

 The generally close connection between health and what animals want exists because wanting to obtain the right things and wanting to avoid the wrong ones are major ways in which animals keep themselves healthy.

 올바른 것을 얻고자 하는 것과 잘못된 것을 피하고자 하는 것은 동물이 자신의 건강을 유지하는 주요한 방법이기 때문에 건강과 동물이 원하는 것 사이에는 일반적으로 밀접한 관계가 존재한다.

 Animals have evolved many different ways of maintaining their health and then regaining it again once it has been damaged, such as an ability to heal wounds when they are injured and an amazingly complex immune system for warding off infection.

 동물은 다쳤을 때 상처를 치유하는 능력과 감염을 막기 위한 놀랍도록 복잡한 면역 체계와 같은, 건강을 유지하고 그러고는 건강이 손상되었을 때 이를 되찾는 많은 다양한 방법을 발달시켜 왔다.

 Animals are equally good, however, at dealing with injury and disease before they even happen.

 그러나 동물은 부상과 질병이 발생하기 전에 대처하는 능력도 똑같이 뛰어나다.

 They have evolved a complex set of mechanisms for anticipating and avoiding danger altogether.

 동물은 위험을 예측하고 완전히 피하기 위한 복잡한 메커니즘을 발달시켜 왔다.

 They can take pre-emptive action so that the worst never happens.

 그들은 최악의 상황이 발생하지 않도록 선제 조치를 취할 수 있다.

 They start to want things that will be necessary for their health and survival not for now but for some time in the future.

 그들은 지금이 아니라 미래 언젠가의 건강과 생존에 필요할 것들을 원하기 시작한다.


[3] 2024 09  38: 로봇 설계에서 자기 인식 능력의 중요성

 People involved in the conception and engineering of robots designed to perceive and act know how fundamental is the ability to discriminate oneself from other entities in the environment.

 인지하고 행동하도록 설계된 로봇의 구상과 엔지니어링에 관여하는 사람들은 주위의 다른 실재물과 자신을 구별하는 능력이 얼마나 핵심적인지 알고 있다.

 Without such an ability, no goal-oriented action would be possible.

 그러한 능력이 없으면 목표 지향적인 행동은 불가능할 것이다.

 Imagine that you have to build a robot able to search for blocks scattered in a room in order to pile them.

 여러분이 블록을 쌓기 위해 방에 흩어져 있는 블록을 찾을 수 있는 로봇을 만들어야 한다고 상상해 보라.

 Even this simple task would require that your machine be able to discriminate between stimulation that originates from its own machinery and stimulation that originates from the blocks in the environment.

 이 간단한 작업을 하기 위해서도 기계는 자신의 시스템에서 발생하는 자극과 주위의 블록에서 발생하는 자극을 구별할 수 있어야 할 것이다.

 Suppose that you equip your robot with an artificial eye and an artificial arm to detect, grab, and pile the blocks.

 로봇에 인공 눈과 인공 팔을 갖추게 하여 블록을 감지하고, 잡고, 쌓도록 한다고 가정해 보라.

 To be successful, your machine will have to have some built-in system enabling it to discriminate between the detection of a block and the detection of its own arm.

 (이 작업을) 성공적으로 수행하려면 여러분의 기계에는 그것이 블록 감지와 자신의 팔 감지를 구별할 수 있게 해주는 어떤 시스템이 내장되어 있어야 할 것이다.

 If not, the robot might endlessly chase itself rather than the blocks.

 그렇지 않으면 로봇이 블록이 아닌 자기 자신을 끝없이 쫓아갈 수도 있다.

 Your robot would engage in circular, self-centered acts that would drive it away from the target or external goal.

 로봇은 자신을 목표물이나 외부 목표에서 멀어지게 하는 순환적이고 자기중심적인 행동을 하게 될 것이다.


[3] 2024 09  39: 미래 생태계를 예측하고 관리하는  있어 불확실성

 To decide whether and how to intervene in ecosystems, protected area managers normally need a reasonably clear idea of what future ecosystems would be like if they did not intervene.

 생태계에 개입할지 여부와 방법을 결정하기 위해 보호 지역 관리자는 자신이 개입하지 않을 경우 미래의 생태계가 어떨지 일반적으로 상당히 명확하게 알고 있을 필요가 있다.

 Management practices usually involve defining a more desirable future condition and implementing management actions designed to push or guide ecosystems toward that condition.

 관리 관행에는 대체로 더 바람직한 미래 상태를 규정하고 생태계를 그 상태 쪽으로 밀고 가거나 이끌도록 설계된 관리 조치를 실행하는 것이 포함된다.

 Managers need confidence in the likely outcomes of their interventions.

 관리자는 개입의 가능한 결과에 대한 확신이 필요하다.

 This traditional and inherently logical approach requires a high degree of predictive ability, and predictions must be developed at appropriate spatial and temporal scales, often localized and near-term.

 이러한 전통적이고 본질적으로 논리적인 접근 방식은 높은 수준의 예측 능력을 필요로 하며, 예측은 적절한 공간적, 시간적 규모에서, 종종 국지적이고 단기적인 규모로 이루어져야 한다.

 Unfortunately, at the scales, accuracy, and precision most useful to protected area management, the future not only promises to be unprecedented, but it also promises to be unpredictable.

 안타깝게도 보호 지역 관리에 가장 유용한 규모, 정확성, 정밀도를 고려할 때 미래는 전례가 없을 뿐만 아니라 예측할 수 없는 것이 될 것이다.

 To illustrate this, consider the uncertainties involved in predicting climatic changes, how ecosystems are likely to respond to climatic changes, and the likely efficacy of actions that might be taken to counter adverse effects of climatic changes.

 이를 설명하기 위해 기후 변화 예측과 관련된 불확실성, 생태계가 기후 변화에 어떻게 반응할 것인지, 그리고 기후 변화의 해로운 영향에 대응하기 위해 취할 수도 있을 조치의 가능한 효율을 고려해 보라.

 Comparable uncertainties surround the nature and magnitude of future changes in other ecosystem stressors.

 다른 생태계 스트레스 요인의 미래 변화의 성격과 규모에서도 비슷한 불확실성이 존재한다.


[3] 2024 09  40: 인간 언어가 다른 동물의 소통 방식과 차별화되는 이유

 Human speech differs from the cries of other species in many ways.

 인간의 말은 다른 종의 울음소리와 여러 가지 면에서 다르다.

 One very important distinction is that all other animals use one call for one message as the general principle of communication.

 매우 중요한 한 가지 차이는 다른 모든 동물은 의사소통의 일반적인 원칙으로 하나의 메시지에 하나의 울음소리를 사용한다는 것이다.

 This means that the number of possible messages is very restricted.

 이는 가능한 메시지의 수가 매우 제한적임을 의미한다.

 If a new message is to be included in the system, a new sound has to be introduced, too.

 새로운 메시지가 시스템에 포함되려면, 새로운 소리도 도입되어야 한다.

 After the first few tens of sounds it becomes difficult to invent new distinctive sounds, and also to remember them for the next time they are needed.

 처음 몇십 개의 소리가 있고 난 후에는 새로운 독특한 소리를 만들어 내는 것뿐만 아니라 다음에 필요할 때를 위해 그것을 기억하는 것 또한 어려워진다.

 Human speech builds on the principle of combining a restricted number of sounds into an unlimited number of messages.

 인간의 말은 제한된 수의 소리를 결합하여 무제한적인 수의 메시지를 만들어 내는 원리를 기반으로 한다.

 In a typical human language there are something like thirty or forty distinctive speech sounds.

 일반적인 인간의 언어에는 대략 30개 또는 40개의 독특한 말소리가 있다.

 These sounds can be combined into chains to form a literally unlimited number of words.

 이 소리들을 연쇄적으로 결합하여 말 그대로 무제한적인 수의 단어를 만들 수 있다.

 Even a small child, who can communicate by only one word at a time, uses a system for communication that is infinitely superior to any system utilized by any other animal.

 심지어 한 번에 한 단어로만 의사소통을 할 수 있는 어린아이도 다른 어느 동물이 활용하는 어떤 시스템보다 엄청 더 뛰어난 의사소통 시스템을 사용한다.

 [요약문] In animal cries, each call represents a different message, which limits the number of possible messages, whereas human language creates an unlimited number of messages using a finite set of distinctive sounds.

 [요약문] 동물의 울음소리에서 각각의 울음소리는 서로 다른 메시지를 나타내므로 가능한 메시지의 수가 제한되는 반면, 인간의 언어는 한정된 수의 독특한 소리 집합을 사용하여 무한한 수의 메시지를 만들어 낸다.


[3] 2024 09  41~42: 시와 일상 언어의 차이와 시의 새로운 언어적 가능성

 People are correct when they feel that the written poetry of literate societies and the oral poetry of non-literate ones differ considerably from the everyday language spoken in the community.

 사람들이 문자 기반 사회에서 문자로 쓰인 시와 문자에 의존하지 않는 사회에서 말로 전달되는 시가 공동체에서 사용되는 일상의 언어와 상당히 다르다고 느낄 때 그들은 옳은 것이다.

 Listeners not only accept the strange use of words, rearrangement of word order, assonance, alliteration, rhythm, rhyme, compression of thought, and so on ― they actually expect to find these things in poetry and they are disappointed when poetry does not sound "poetic."

 감상자는 단어의 낯선 사용, 어순의 재배열, 유운, 두운, 운율, , 사고의 압축 등을 받아들일 뿐만 아니라 실제로 시에서 이러한 요소들을 발견하기를 기대하며, 시가 '시적으로' 들리지 않을 때는 실망한다.

 But those who regard poetry as a different category of language altogether are deaf to the true achievements of the poet.

 그러나 시를 완전히 다른 범주의 언어로 간주하는 사람들은 시인의 진정한 업적에 귀를 기울이지 않는다.

 Rather, the poet artfully manipulates the same raw materials of his language as are used in everyday speech; his skill is to find new possibilities in the resources already in the language.

 오히려 시인은 일상의 언어에서 사용되는 것과 동일한 언어의 원료를 교묘히 조작하는데, 그의 솜씨는 이미 언어에 있는 자원에서 새로운 가능성을 찾아내는 것이다.

 In much the same way that people living at the seashore become so accustomed to the sound of waves that they no longer hear it, most of us have become insensitive to the flood tide of words, millions of them every day, that hit our eardrums.

 바닷가에 사는 사람들이 파도 소리에 너무 익숙해져서 더 이상 그것을 듣지 못하는 것과 아주 마찬가지로, 우리 대부분은 고막을 때리는 매일 수백만 단어로 홍수처럼 쏟아지는 말에 무감각하게 된다.

 One function of poetry is to depict the world with a fresh perception ― to make it strange ― so that we will listen to language once again.

 시의 한 가지 기능은 신선한 인식으로 세상을 묘사하여, 즉 그것을 낯설게 만들어서, 우리가 다시 한번 언어에 귀를 기울이게 하는 것이다.

 But the successful poet never departs so far into the strange world of language that none of his listeners can follow him.

 그러나 성공을 이룬 시인은 낯선 언어의 세계로 결코 자신의 청취자 중 누구도 자신을 따라가지 못할 만큼 멀리 떠나지는 않는다.

 He still remains the communicator, the man of speech.

 그는 여전히 (효과적인) 전달자, 즉 언어의 능숙한 사용자로 남아 있다.


[3] 2024 09  43~45:  번째  구매 앱을 통해 식물을 구매한 경험

 Helen was thrilled when she received a notification on a second-hand shopping app from a seller named Anna.

 Helen은 중고 쇼핑 앱에서 Anna라는 판매자로부터 알림을 받았을 때 매우 기뻤다.

 For months, she had been looking for a Philodendron gloriosum, a Colombian plant with dark, velvety leaves shaped like hearts.

 그녀는 몇 달 동안 하트 모양의 짙은 벨벳 같은 잎을 가진 콜롬비아 식물인 Philodendron gloriosum을 찾고 있었다.

 She had almost given up on getting one.

 그녀는 이 식물을 구하는 것을 거의 포기할 뻔했다.

 Anna, though, had put one up for sale.

 하지만 Anna가 한 그루를 매물로 내놓았다.

 The posting read, "I'm selling my favorite plant, because I'm moving abroad.

 게시글에는 "해외로 이사하게 되어 제가 제일 좋아하는 식물을 팔려고 합니다.

 If you pick it up today from Edincester Heights, you can have it for the current price, which is half the market rate."

 오늘 Edincester Heights에서 이 식물을 가져가시면 시장 시세의 절반 가격인 현재 가격으로 가져가실 수 있습니다."라고 적혀 있었다.

 Helen immediately messaged the seller.

 Helen은 즉시 판매자에게 메시지를 보냈다.

 "Hello! I'm interested in purchasing your plant.

 "안녕하세요! 제가 당신의 식물을 구매하고 싶어요.

 If it works for your schedule, I can be there in 10 minutes!"

 일정이 맞으신다면, 10분 안에 거기로 갈 수 있을 것 같아요!"

 Anna replied, "Hi, there! I am at work right now, but my housemate, Julia, can meet you in front of the building."

 Anna "안녕하세요! 저는 지금 일하는 중이지만, 제 룸메이트 Julia가 당신을 건물 앞에서 만날 수 있어요."라고 답했다.

 Unable to believe her good luck, Helen typed back in excitement, "Great!

 Helen은 자신의 행운을 믿지 못한 채 흥분하여 "좋아요!

 I can leave now. I'll wear a black baseball cap."

 저는 지금 출발할 수 있어요. 검은 야구 모자를 쓰고 있을게요."라고 답장했다.

 Arriving at the building, Helen could identify Julia by the large paper bag she was holding.

 건물에 도착했을 때 Helen Julia가 들고 있는 커다란 종이봉투로 그녀를 알아볼 수 있었다.

 The bag had leaves sticking out of the top.

 그 봉투의 윗부분에는 나뭇잎이 삐져나와 있었다.

 She said, "You must be Julia!"

 그녀는 "당신이 Julia가 틀림없겠군요!"라고 말했다.

 Laughing, the woman said, "Yes! Please take good care of this plant.

 그 여자는 웃으며 "! 이 식물을 잘 돌봐주세요.

 Anna had it for six years, so she considers it family."

 6년 동안 키워서 Anna는 이 식물이 가족이라고 생각해요."라고 말했다.

 From the bag, she pulled out another plant, a tiny one with thick, glossy leaves.

 그녀는 봉투에서 두껍고 윤기 나는 잎을 가진 작은 식물 하나를 더 꺼냈다.

 "Are you familiar with this? It's called a Dragon's Tail.

 "이것을 잘 아세요? 용의 꼬리라고 해요.

 My housemate said you could take it too, if you'd like."

 제 룸메이트가 당신이 원한다면 이것도 가져가도 된다고 했어요."

 Helen exclaimed, "Yes, I'd love to!

 Helen ", 그러고 싶어요!

 Please thank Anna for me.

 Anna에게 저를 대신해서 고맙다고 전해주세요.

 Both are in such wonderful condition.

 둘 다 정말 멋진 상태네요.

 Do you have any tips for keeping them in good shape?"

 그것들을 상태가 좋게 유지하기 위한 어떤 팁이 있나요?"라고 외쳤다.

 Handing over the bag, Julia replied, "I'm not a plant expert, but I know that Anna kept them away from windows to avoid direct sunlight.

 Julia는 봉투를 건네며 "제가 식물 전문가는 아니지만 Anna가 직사광선을 피하고자 그것들을 창문에서 멀리 두었다는 건 알아요.

 Why don't you message her?

 그녀에게 메시지를 보내보는 건 어떠세요?

 She would be happy to offer advice."

 그녀가 기꺼이 조언을 해줄 거예요."

 "I'll be sure to do that," Helen said, as she handed over the cash.

 Helen은 현금을 건네주며 "꼭 그렇게 할게요."라고 말했다.




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