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<2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 문장어순배열 자료를 제작했습니다.
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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 문장어순배열_18~24번.pdf






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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT-4o

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포





[고1] 2024년 09월 – 36번: 거울 뉴런이 관찰 학습에 미치는 영향

The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. Such imitation is not perfect. You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce. Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents. Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. We can learn a lot by simply watching others.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR


The discovery of mirror neurons has also profoundly changed the way we think of another fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. Such imitation is not perfect. You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce. Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents.

Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. We can learn a lot by simply watching others. Cultural transmission refers to this amazing capacity to acquire skills and knowledge rapidly from other people. The culture of the Stone Age, for instance, required the capacity to learn how to make a blade out of a rock.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[고1] 2024년 09월 – 37번: 자신의 목소리를 다르게 인식하는 이유

Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice? You might have thought, "Is that really what my voice sounds like?" Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears. This is of course quite a common experience. The explanation is actually fairly simple. There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear. But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)


원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Why our recorded voices sound so different

Have you ever heard a recording of your voice and had a double take? You might have thought, “Is that really what my voice sounds like?” Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears.

Many of us have had that experience. Why is that?

The explanation is actually fairly simple. There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle, and inner ear.

But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.

That explanation makes sense for many people, but it doesn’t quite explain some variations in this phenomenon—like people whose voices sound higher to themselves than it does to others. These variations occur simply because every person’s hearing is different.

There are more nuanced ways for sounds to be perceived by the inner ear, which creates different perceptions between ourselves and others. For example, vibrations of your voice may encounter cerebrospinal fluid, the clear liquid that sits within the brain and spine, which can influence how you perceive your voice.

All these variations and many more make it so that your voice will always sound different to your own ears than it sounds to others.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[고1] 2024년 09월 – 38번: 생물의 유사성에서 아날로그와 호몰로그의 차이

Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. "Analogous" traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not "the same" organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. "Homologous" traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being "the same" organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)




원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. “Analogous” traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not “the same” organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are a textbook example; they are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. “Homologous” traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that bespeaks their being “the same” organ. The wing of a bat, the front leg of a horse, the flipper of a seal, the claw of a mole, and the hand of a human have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals, and as a result they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties—the useful ones could have arisen independently in two lineages because they are useful (a nuisance to taxonomists called convergent evolution). We deduce that bat wings are really hands because we can see the wrist and count the joints in the fingers, and because that is not the only way that nature could have built a wing.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[고1] 2024년 09월 – 39번: 기후 변화로 인한 해양 산소 감소의 위험성

Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive. It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease. This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level. Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century. The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature. Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

3.7.3 Declining Oxygen Content

Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive. It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does—this is one reason that cold polar seas are teeming with life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease. This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level.
Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half-century (Figure 3.27). The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature. Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)





[고1] 2024년 09월 – 40번: 원숭이 실험에서 불공정한 대우에 대한 반응

Capuchins ― New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ― will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved. I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat. If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers. If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ― grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ― the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter. Even though she is still getting "paid" the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair. Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains ― the cucumbers themselves ― to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter. 



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

One thing that theory of mind provides potential access to is a sense of fairness. The concept of what's "fair" didn’t originate with philosophers. It didn’t emerge with city-states, or with agriculture. It wasn’t new to hunter-gatherers, either, or to our first bipedal ancestors. Monkeys keep track of what's fair, and what's not, and they have decided opinions about unfair practices in their social realm.

Capuchins—New World Monkeys that live in large social groups—will, in captivity, barter with people all day long, especially if food is involved. I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat. If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers. If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead—grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers—the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to hurl them back at the experimenter. Even though she is still getting “paid” the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another renders the situation unfair. Furthermore, she is now willing to forfeit all gains—the cucumbers themselves—to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter.

Markets prey on our sense of fairness. They fool us into thinking that everyone else is getting grapes, while we are stuck with cucumber. If other people already have those better things, why don’t we? Our sense of fairness is thus kept off balance, always threatened by the invisible other consumers who already have the next big thing, and thus must be doing better than we are. We are still trying to keep up with the Joneses, but the Joneses are no longer our neighbors. They are now a tiny fraction of the world’s elite piped into our screens, and photoshopped to boot.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[고1] 2024년 09월 – 41~42번: 고등 교육의 확산과 그로 인한 평가 시스템의 모순

Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world. In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War. Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23). The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students. Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialized workforce for the economy. In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development. In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a 'field of contradictions' for assessment in higher education. Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback. In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Factor #1: Mass Higher Education

Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world. In Europe, the USA, and high-income countries, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War (UNESCO 2017). Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age bracket (typically 18-23). While there are huge disparities globally in participation rates, women and men now attend Bachelors’ and Masters’ programmes at the same rate. The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning, a more diverse demographic of students, changing modes of delivery, and diverse and sometimes conflicting interests between the state, the economy, industry, and even universities themselves (Willetts 2017).

Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political imperatives to build a skilled and specialized workforce for the economy (Dearing 1997; Department for Education 2021; Kvale 2007). In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning, innovation in assessment, and a focus on feedback for development. In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a ‘field of contradictions’ for assessment in higher education (Kvale 2007, p. 57). Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardized feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback. In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students (Quinlan 2016). However, reflecting further on the ‘field of contradictions’ should prevent a romanticized view of elite higher education as a golden age. In elite systems, traditional examinations were the most common form of assessment, and their authoritarian, selective, secretive, and anxiety-provoking tendencies brought their own forms of alienation to student learning.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)







관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (21~24번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 21번: 부정적 상황에서 자조 그룹의 긍정적 에너지의 중요성One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't,



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~31번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 29번: 조직 내 다양한 부서들이 갈등을 일으키는 구조적 요인From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture i



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (32~35번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 32번: 새로운 매체가 인간의 사고 방식을 변화시키는 과정Every time a new medium comes along ─ whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS ─ and you start to use it, it's like you are puttin






[고1] 2024년 09월 – 32번: 새로운 매체가 인간의 사고 방식을 변화시키는 과정

Every time a new medium comes along ─ whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS ─ and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses. Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently. So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show ─ whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire ─ you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself. That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along ─ a new way for humans to communicate ─ it has buried in it a message. It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes. The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself. TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

As I wandered the streets of Provincetown contemplating some of these questions, I found myself thinking back over a famous idea that I now realised I had never really understood before - one that was also mulled, in a different way, by Nicholas Carr in his book. In the 1960s, the Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan talked a lot about how the arrival of television was transforming the way we see the world. He said these changes were so deep and so profound that it was hard to really see them. When he tried to distil this down into a phrase, he explained that ‘the medium is the message.’ What he meant, I think, was that when a new technology comes along, you think of it as like a pipe - somebody pours in information at one end, and you receive it unfiltered at the other. But it’s not like that. Every time a new medium comes along - whether it’s the invention of the printed book, or TV, or Twitter - and you start to use it, it’s like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, each with their own special colours and lenses. Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently.
So (for example) when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show - whether it’s Wheel of Fortune or The Wire - you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself. That's why McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along - a new way for humans to communicate - it has buried in it a message. It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes. The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself. TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it’s about surfaces and appearances; that everything in the world is happening all at once.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[고1] 2024년 09월 – 33번: 개념의 중요성과 잘못된 개념이 과학적 오류를 초래할 수 있는 위험성

Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. They encourage us to see things that aren't present. Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat." This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. They encourage us to see things that aren’t present. Firestein opens Ignorance with an old proverb, “It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat.” This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist. The same applies to the classical view of emotion, whose mental organs are a human invention that mistakes the question for the answer.

Concepts also encourage us not to see things that are present. One illusory stripe of a rainbow contains an infinite number of frequencies, but your concepts for “Red,” “Blue,” and other colors cause your brain to ignore the variability. Likewise, the frowny-faced stereotype of “Sadness” is a concept that downplays the great variation in that emotion category.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[고1] 2024년 09월 – 34번: 소셜미디어에서의 '일반적 유명인'과 전통적 유명인의 차이

While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself. Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability. This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity. However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame. The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class. The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people. Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself. Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability. This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity. However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame. The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class. The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people. Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)

지문 동일하고 변경 사항 없음




[고1] 2024년 09월 – 35번: 시험 준비에서 벼락치기가 효과적이지 않은 이유

Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy? Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory. Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind. It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form. We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later. After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR


Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy? Because we are unable to differentiate between the various compartments of our memory. Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind. It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form. We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space... but this short-term compartment has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to retrieve the same information a few days later. After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts dissipating, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)







관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (21~24번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 21번: 부정적 상황에서 자조 그룹의 긍정적 에너지의 중요성One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't,



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~31번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 29번: 조직 내 다양한 부서들이 갈등을 일으키는 구조적 요인From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture i



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (36~42번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 36번: 거울 뉴런이 관찰 학습에 미치는 영향The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we 






[1] 2024 09  29조직  다양한 부서들이 갈등을 일으키는 구조적 요인

From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization. The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective. A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them. The very structure of organizations can create conflict. The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management. A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making. Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Organizational culture and conflict

From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization. The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective. A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them.

The very structure of organizations can create conflict. The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management. A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules and procedures and many levels of management involved in decision making. Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.
Employees in a mechanistic structure are burdened with more rules and regulations than in an organic structure. This inevitably restricts innovation and creativity. Because there are expected behavior patterns in mechanistic structures, it is often difficult for employees to adjust to new situations. New ideas and processes are therefore more difficult to implement.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[1] 2024 09  30자전거 전용 도로 확장으로 교통을 줄이는 도시 계획의 이점

An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle. This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone. As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them. Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks. Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener. A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each. Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.


문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. Some cities reserve an extensive grid of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle. This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone. As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them. Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks. Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener. A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each. Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller outlets close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[1] 2024 09  31유명 작곡가들의 초기 작품이 받아들여지기 어려웠던 이유

You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day. Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day. The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity. The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new. And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great. Effective composers have their own ideas. Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus? The composer Antonio Salieri is the "host" of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers ― he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him. Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one. But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original. What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.


문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

They’re creative and original

You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers — even those whose works sound tame and easily accessible to us — were misunderstood in their own day. Not everyone could relate to the compositions of Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, Claude Debussy, Stravinsky, or Charles Ives in their day. (Actually, that’s the understatement of the year; the audience at Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring actually rioted, trashing the theater and bolting for the exits.)
The reason for this original lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity. The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new. And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great. Effective composers have their own ideas.
Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus, which won eight Oscars including Best Picture in 1984? The composer Antonio Salieri is the “host” of this movie; he’s depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers — he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him. Now, Salieri wasn’t a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one. But he wasn’t one of the world’s great composers because his work wasn’t original. What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)





관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (21~24번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 21번: 부정적 상황에서 자조 그룹의 긍정적 에너지의 중요성One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't,



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (32~35번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 32번: 새로운 매체가 인간의 사고 방식을 변화시키는 과정Every time a new medium comes along ─ whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS ─ and you start to use it, it's like you are puttin



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (36~42번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 36번: 거울 뉴런이 관찰 학습에 미치는 영향The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we 






[1] 2024 09  21부정적 상황에서 자조 그룹의 긍정적 에너지의 중요성

One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners." The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.


문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

The Company We Keep
Another valuable technique for getting out of apathy, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners." The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms. In some self-help groups this is called "getting it by osmosis." It is not necessary to know how it happens, but merely that it does happen.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)


helplessness = apathy


helplessness (n) 무력감, 난감함

apathy (n) 무관심, 냉담함




[1] 2024 09  22인간의 감정이 생존에 기여한 진화적 역할

Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of "program" that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.


문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Evolution and Emotional Experience and Expression

Our nonverbal messages are strongly linked to our emotions (Anderson & Guerrero, 1998). And these emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us ward off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of “program” that, when elicited, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.) (Cosmides & Tooby, 2000). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to address a situation head on (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us (Anderson & Guerrero, 1998).



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)


scare off = ward off

trigger = elicit

face = address + O + head on 


scare off 겁을 주어 ~를 쫓아 버리다

ward off 피하다, 물리치다, 가까이 오지 못하게 하다

trigger (v) 촉발시키다, 작동시키다

elicit (v) (정보·반응을 어렵게) 끌어내다

face (v) 대면하다, 마주하다

address (v) (문제·상황 등에 대해) 고심하다[다루다]

head on 정면으로




[1] 2024 09  23: AI 기술이 장애인을 포함한 노동 시장에서의 포용성 증대

By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace. AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities. For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary. AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects. For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non-native speakers in the workplace. Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

4.4.1. AI can improve inclusiveness for some disadvantaged groups but not for others

By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace. AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing impairments, or prosthetic limbs, are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities (Smith and Smith, 2021[50]; Touzet, forthcoming[51]). For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary. AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects. For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non-native speakers in the workplace. Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators, such as ChatGPT, can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service (see Box 4.2).



텍스트 비교 (문제 vs. 원문 )


hearing difficulties = hearing impairments 청각 장애

prosthetic limbs 의수, 의족



[1] 2024 09  24고래가 기후 변화 완화에 기여하는 방식과  가치

Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage. When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries. For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO₂ a year. From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees. Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ― leading some scientists to call them the "engineers of marine ecosystems." In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD. They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a "nature-based solution" to climate change. Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Visalli points out that when ships slow down, the wider community benefits; slower ships not only hit fewer whales but also create less noise pollution, release fewer environmental pollutants, and emit less carbon dioxide. Saving whales from ship strikes also benefits the global environment by helping mitigate climate change. Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage. When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries. For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO₂ a year. From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees. Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they excrete nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon—leading some scientists to call them the “engineers of marine ecosystems.” In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD. They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a “nature-based solution” to climate change.
Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to support both marine biodiversity and climate change mitigation. Researchers are currently developing the governance architecture that would extend bioacoustics monitoring, and protected areas, across the entirety of the world’s oceans. Today, bioacoustics whale protection systems exist in isolated areas. But in the future, a network of bioacoustics listening stations could create flexible “whale lanes” across the world’s oceans, controlled by the whales themselves.



텍스트 비교 (문제 vs. 원문 )



release = excrete


excrete (v) 방출하다; 분비하다, 배설하다

biodiversity (n) 종 다양성

climate change 기후 변화

mitigation (n) 완화, 경감





관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~31번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 29번: 조직 내 다양한 부서들이 갈등을 일으키는 구조적 요인From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture i



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (32~35번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 32번: 새로운 매체가 인간의 사고 방식을 변화시키는 과정Every time a new medium comes along ─ whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS ─ and you start to use it, it's like you are puttin



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (36~42번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 36번: 거울 뉴런이 관찰 학습에 미치는 영향The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we 








안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.

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기계음이지만 마치 사람처럼 자연스럽습니다. 


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위 확장 프로그램을 설치하고, 크롬에서 텍스트를 Read Aloud 하도록 실행했더니 자동으로 음원이 다운로드 됐습니다.


예전에는 이런 작업을 하려면 전문 성우분을 섭외해 음향실에서 엔지니어가 작업을 했는데,

이제는 간단한 작업으로 이런 음성을 쉽게 제작할 수 있는 세상이 되었네요.
좋은 세상입니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






[1] 2024 09  18: 피츠버그 기차역의 직원 있는 매표소 재개 요청 편지

To whom it may concern, I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent change made by Pittsburgh Train Station. The station had traditional ticket offices with staff before, but these have been replaced with ticket vending machines. However, individuals who are unfamiliar with these machines are now experiencing difficulty accessing the railway services. Since these individuals heavily relied on the staff assistance to be able to travel, they are in great need of ticket offices with staff in the station. Therefore, I am urging you to consider reopening the ticket offices. With the staff back in their positions, many people would regain access to the railway services. I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter and a positive resolution. Sincerely, Sarah Roberts




[1] 2024 09  19: 무대에서 쓰러진 Arthur 구조한 Jeevan 이야기

All the actors on the stage were focused on their acting. Then, suddenly, Arthur fell into the corner of the stage. Jeevan immediately approached Arthur and found his heart wasn't beating. Jeevan began CPR. Jeevan worked silently, glancing sometimes at Arthur's face. He thought, "Please, start breathing again, please." Arthur's eyes were closed. Moments later, an older man in a grey suit appeared, swiftly kneeling beside Arthur's chest. "I'm Walter Jacobi. I'm a doctor." He announced with a calm voice. Jeevan wiped the sweat off his forehead. With combined efforts, Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi successfully revived Arthur. Arthur's eyes slowly opened. Finally, Jeevan was able to hear Arthur's breath again, thinking to himself, "Thank goodness. You're back."




[1] 2024 09  20: 부모의 과도한 자랑이 자녀에게 주는 압박과 부정적 영향

As the parent of a gifted child, you need to be aware of a certain common parent trap. Of course you are a proud parent, and you should be. While it is very easy to talk nonstop about your little genius and his or her remarkable behavior, this can be very stressful on your child. It is extremely important to limit your bragging behavior to your very close friends, or your parents. Gifted children feel pressured when their parents show them off too much. This behavior creates expectations that they may not be able to live up to, and also creates a false sense of self for your child. You want your child to be who they are, not who they seem to be as defined by their incredible achievements. If not, you could end up with a driven perfectionist child or perhaps a dropout, or worse.




[1] 2024 09  21: 부정적 상황에서 자조 그룹의 긍정적 에너지의 중요성

One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners." The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.




[1] 2024 09  22: 인간의 감정이 생존에 기여한 진화적 역할

Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of "program" that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.




[1] 2024 09  23: AI 기술이 장애인을 포함한 노동 시장에서의 포용성 증대

By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace. AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities. For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where interpersonal communication is necessary. AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects. For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of nonnative speakers in the workplace. Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service.




[1] 2024 09  24: 고래가 기후 변화 완화에 기여하는 방식과  가치

Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage. When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries. For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO a year. From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees. Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ― leading some scientists to call them the "engineers of marine ecosystems." In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD. They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a "nature-based solution" to climate change. Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change.




[1] 2024 09  25: 2022 주요 국가들의 1인당 CO 배출량 비교 그래프

The above graph shows per capita CO emissions from coal, oil, and gas by countries in 2022. The United States had the highest total per capita CO emissions, even though its emissions from coal were the second lowest among the five countries shown. South Korea's total per capita CO emissions were over 10 tons, ranking it the second highest among the countries shown. Germany had lower CO emissions per capita than South Korea in all three major sources respectively. The per capita CO emissions from coal in South Africa were over three times higher than those in Germany. In Brazil, oil was the largest source of CO emissions per capita among its three major sources, just as it was in the United States and Germany.




[1] 2024 09  26: 프랑스의 여성 과학자 Emilie du Chatelet 업적과 영향

Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, was born in Paris in 1706. During her childhood, with her father's support, she was able to get mathematical and scientific education that most women of her time did not receive. In 1737, she submitted her paper on the nature of fire to a contest sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences, and it was published a year later. In her book, Institutions de Physique, Emilie du Chatelet explained the ideas of space and time in a way that is closer to what we understand in modern relativity than what was common during her time. Her most significant achievement was translating Isaac Newton's Principia into French near the end of her life. Emilie du Chatelet's work was not recognized in her time, but she is now remembered as a symbol of the Enlightenment and the struggle for women's participation in science.





[1] 2024 09  29: 조직  다양한 부서들이 갈등을 일으키는 구조적 요인

From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization. The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective. A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them. The very structure of organizations can create conflict. The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management. A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making. Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.




[1] 2024 09  30: 자전거 전용 도로 확장으로 교통을 줄이는 도시 계획의 이점

An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle. This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone. As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them. Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks. Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener. A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each. Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.




[1] 2024 09  31: 유명 작곡가들의 초기 작품이 받아들여지기 어려웠던 이유

You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day. Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day. The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity. The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new. And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great. Effective composers have their own ideas. Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus? The composer Antonio Salieri is the "host" of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous Nongreat composers ― he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him. Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one. But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original. What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.




[1] 2024 09  32: 새로운 매체가 인간의 사고 방식을 변화시키는 과정

Every time a new medium comes along  whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS  and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses. Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently. So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show  whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire  you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself. That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along  a new way for humans to communicate  it has buried in it a message. It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes. The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself. TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances.




[1] 2024 09  33: 개념의 중요성과 잘못된 개념이 과학적 오류를 초래할  있는 위험성

Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. They encourage us to see things that aren't present. Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat." This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.




[1] 2024 09  34: 소셜미디어에서의 '일반적 유명인' 전통적 유명인의 차이

While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself. Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability. This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity. However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame. The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class. The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people. Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.




[1] 2024 09  35: 시험 준비에서 벼락치기가 효과적이지 않은 이유

Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy? Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory. Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind. It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form. We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later. After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.





[1] 2024 09  36: 거울 뉴런이 관찰 학습에 미치는 영향

The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. Such imitation is not perfect. You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce. Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents. Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. We can learn a lot by simply watching others.




[1] 2024 09  37: 자신의 목소리를 다르게 인식하는 이유

Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice? You might have thought, "Is that really what my voice sounds like?" Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears. This is of course quite a common experience. The explanation is actually fairly simple. There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear. But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.




[1] 2024 09  38: 생물의 유사성에서 아날로그와 호몰로그의 차이

Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. "Analogous" traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not "the same" organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. "Homologous" traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being "the same" organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.




[1] 2024 09  39: 기후 변화로 인한 해양 산소 감소의 위험성

Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive. It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease. This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level. Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century. The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature. Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.




[1] 2024 09  40: 원숭이 실험에서 불공정한 대우에 대한 반응

Capuchins ― New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ― will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved. I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat. If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers. If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ― grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ― the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter. Even though she is still getting "paid" the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair. Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains  the cucumbers themselves  to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter.




[1] 2024 09  41~42: 고등 교육의 확산과 그로 인한 평가 시스템의 모순

Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world. In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War. Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23). The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students. Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialized workforce for the economy. In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which (c)block lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development. In reality, sociopolitical changes to expand higher education have set up a 'field of contradictions' for assessment in higher education. Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback. In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students.




[1] 2024 09  43~45: 이란 시인 Sheikh Saadi 옷을 통해 사람의 평가가 달라지는 이야기

Once upon a time in the Iranian city of Shiraz, there lived the famous poet Sheikh Saadi. Like most other poets and philosophers, he led a very simple life. A rich merchant of Shiraz was preparing for his daughter's wedding and invited him along with a lot of big businessmen of the town. The poet accepted the invitation and decided to attend. On the day of the wedding, the rich merchant, the host of the wedding, was receiving the guests at the gate. Many rich people of the town attended the wedding. They had come out in their best clothes. The poet wore simple clothes which were neither grand nor expensive. He waited for someone to approach him but no one gave him as much as even a second glance. Even the host did not greet him and looked away. Seeing all this, the poet quietly left the party and went to a shop where he could rent clothes. There he chose a richly decorated coat, which made him look like a new person. With this coat, he entered the party and this time was welcomed with open arms. The host embraced him as he would do to an old friend and complimented him on the clothes he was wearing. The poet did not say a word and allowed the host to lead him to the dining room. The host personally led the poet to his seat and served out chicken soup to him. After a moment, the poet suddenly dipped the corner of his coat in the soup as if he fed it. All the guests were now staring at him in surprise. The host said, "Sir, what are you doing?" The poet very calmly replied, "Now that I have put on expensive clothes, I see a world of difference here. All that I can say now is that this feast is meant for my clothes, not for me."






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[고2] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 음원 듣기 (by ChatGPT-4o)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.오늘은 2024년도 9월 고2 영어 모의고사>의 지문 음원 자료를 올립니다. ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함



[고3] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 음원 듣기 (by ChatGPT-4o)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.오늘은 2024년도 9월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 지문 음원 자료를 올립니다. ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함








안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.

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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문)_수정본_20240922.docx



* 하이픈 사용이나 typo 등과 같은 일부 단어 오류 수정함 (수정 일시: 2024.09.22)
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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 






전체 내용


[1] 2024 09  18: 피츠버그 기차역의 직원 있는 매표소 재개 요청 편지


To whom it may concern, I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent change made by Pittsburgh Train Station. The station had traditional ticket offices with staff before, but these have been replaced with ticket vending machines. However, individuals who are unfamiliar with these machines are now experiencing difficulty accessing the railway services. Since these individuals heavily relied on the staff assistance to be able to travel, they are in great need of ticket offices with staff in the station. Therefore, I am urging you to consider reopening the ticket offices. With the staff back in their positions, many people would regain access to the railway services. I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter and a positive resolution. Sincerely, Sarah Roberts



Possible Titles:

1. Reinstating Staffed Ticket Offices at Pittsburgh Train Station for Accessibility

2. Addressing Concerns Over the Shift to Ticket Vending Machines in Pittsburgh

3. The Impact of Automated Systems on Passenger Access at Pittsburgh Train Station

4. Ensuring Equal Access to Railway Services: The Need for Staffed Ticket Offices


Main Idea #1:

The replacement of staffed ticket offices with machines has caused difficulties for individuals unfamiliar with the technology.


Main Idea #2:

Reopening ticket offices with staff would help those who struggle with ticket vending machines regain access to railway services and ensure inclusive travel.



Replacing staffed ticket offices with vending machines at Pittsburgh Train Station has made it hard for some passengers to travel. Sarah Roberts urges the station to bring back the staff to assist those who rely on human help. Reopening the offices would restore access to railway services for many.


Key Points:

1. Ticket offices were replaced with vending machines at Pittsburgh Train Station.

2. Some passengers are struggling to use the vending machines.

3. Sarah Roberts is requesting the reopening of ticket offices with staff.

4. Reinstating staff would improve access to railway services for many passengers.



[1] 2024 09  19: 무대에서 쓰러진 Arthur 구조한 Jeevan 이야기


All the actors on the stage were focused on their acting. Then, suddenly, Arthur fell into the corner of the stage. Jeevan immediately approached Arthur and found his heart wasn't beating. Jeevan began CPR. Jeevan worked silently, glancing sometimes at Arthur's face. He thought, "Please, start breathing again, please." Arthur's eyes were closed. Moments later, an older man in a grey suit appeared, swiftly kneeling beside Arthur's chest. "I'm Walter Jacobi. I'm a doctor." He announced with a calm voice. Jeevan wiped the sweat off his forehead. With combined efforts, Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi successfully revived Arthur. Arthur's eyes slowly opened. Finally, Jeevan was able to hear Arthur's breath again, thinking to himself, "Thank goodness. You're back."



Possible Titles:

1. The Dramatic Rescue of Arthur by Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi 

2. A Tense Moment: Reviving Arthur Onstage with Team Effort 

3. When Acting Turns into Reality: Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi's Life-saving Actions 

4. Arthur’s Near-Fatal Collapse and the Swift Response of Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi 


Main Idea #1:

Jeevan immediately began CPR after Arthur collapsed during a stage performance. 


Main Idea #2:

With Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi's teamwork, Arthur was successfully revived after his heart stopped during a play, offering relief to those involved. 



Arthur collapsed on stage, prompting Jeevan to begin CPR. Dr. Jacobi arrived, and together they revived Arthur, who eventually regained consciousness. Jeevan felt relieved to see Arthur breathe again. 


Key Points:

1. Arthur collapsed during the performance. 

2. Jeevan initiated CPR immediately after noticing Arthur’s heart had stopped. 

3. Dr. Jacobi arrived and assisted Jeevan in the revival. 

4. Arthur was successfully revived through their combined efforts.



[1] 2024 09  20: 부모의 과도한 자랑이 자녀에게 주는 압박과 부정적 영향


As the parent of a gifted child, you need to be aware of a certain common parent trap. Of course you are a proud parent, and you should be. While it is very easy to talk nonstop about your little genius and his or her remarkable behavior, this can be very stressful on your child. It is extremely important to limit your bragging behavior to your very close friends, or your parents. Gifted children feel pressured when their parents show them off too much. This behavior creates expectations that they may not be able to live up to, and also creates a false sense of self for your child. You want your child to be who they are, not who they seem to be as defined by their incredible achievements. If not, you could end up with a driven perfectionist child or perhaps a dropout, or worse.



Possible Titles:

1. Avoiding Parental Pressure: Nurturing Gifted Children Without Overemphasis 

2. Balancing Pride and Pressure: The Dangers of Over-bragging About Gifted Children 

3. How Parental Bragging Can Impact a Gifted Child's Development 

4. Raising a Gifted Child: Why Moderation in Praise Is Essential for Healthy Growth 


Main Idea #1:

Constantly bragging about a gifted child can create unnecessary pressure on them. 


Main Idea #2:

Parents should avoid showing off their child’s achievements excessively, as it can lead to unrealistic expectations, perfectionism, or even negative outcomes like burnout or dropping out. 



Excessive bragging about a gifted child can put undue pressure on them to meet high expectations. Limiting praise to close circles helps maintain a healthy balance, ensuring the child develops without feeling defined solely by their achievements. 


Key Points:

1. Excessive parental bragging can stress gifted children. 

2. Parents should limit praise to close friends or family. 

3. Overemphasis on achievements may lead to perfectionism or burnout. 

4. Maintaining realistic expectations helps foster healthy development.



[1] 2024 09  21: 부정적 상황에서 자조 그룹의 긍정적 에너지의 중요성


One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners." The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.



Possible Titles:

1. The Power of Positive Influence: Overcoming Negativity Through Supportive Communities 

2. Breaking Free from Helplessness: How Self-help Groups Transform Mindsets 

3. The Role of Positive Energy in Recovering from Depression and Negative Thinking

4. Reclaiming Positive Thoughts: The Impact of "Hanging Out with the Winners"


Main Idea #1:

Spending time with those who have overcome similar struggles can help counter negative thinking. 


Main Idea #2:

Self-help groups allow individuals to benefit from the positive energy of others, which helps reignite their own positive thoughts and break free from negativity and helplessness. 



Being around people who have conquered the struggles you face helps weaken negative thoughts and strengthen positive ones. Self-help groups offer this benefit by allowing a transfer of positive energy, referred to as "hanging out with the winners." 


Key Points:

1. Spending time with positive individuals helps counter negative thinking. 

2. Self-help groups offer a transfer of positive energy. 

3. Positive energy strengthens weak positive thought forms in those struggling. 

4. "Hanging out with the winners" refers to being in the presence of those with strong positive energy.



[1] 2024 09  22: 인간의 감정이 생존에 기여한 진화적 역할


Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of "program" that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolutionary Role of Emotions in Human Survival and Adaptation 

2. How Emotions Shape Human Behavior: An Evolutionary Perspective 

3. Understanding Emotions as Evolutionary Programs for Survival 

4. Emotions as Survival Tools: The Evolutionary Benefits of Fear, Anger, and Joy 


Main Idea #1:

Emotions exist because they have contributed to human survival throughout evolution. 


Main Idea #2:

Emotions like fear, anger, and joy function as evolutionary "programs" that trigger various responses, such as attention, perception, and memory, to help humans adapt and survive challenges in their environment. 



Emotions have evolved because they helped humans survive, directing behaviors and responses to challenges. Fear, for instance, sharpens focus on danger, while positive emotions aid in social bonding. These emotional "programs" helped humans adapt to threats and survive over time. 


Key Points:

1. Emotions contributed to human survival and adaptation. 

2. Fear, anger, and positive emotions serve specific functions for survival. 

3. Emotions trigger multiple activities like perception and memory. 

4. Emotions evolved because they helped humans face environmental challenges.



[1] 2024 09  23: AI 기술이 장애인을 포함한 노동 시장에서의 포용성 증대


By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace. AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities. For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary. AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects. For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non-native speakers in the workplace. Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service.



Possible Titles:

1. How AI is Enhancing Workplace Inclusivity for Disadvantaged Workers 

2. The Role of AI in Empowering Workers with Disabilities and Low Skills 

3. AI's Potential to Improve Accessibility and Career Prospects for All Workers 

4. Inclusive Workplaces Through AI: Supporting Disabled and Low-skilled Workers 


Main Idea #1:

AI is making workplaces more inclusive by improving accessibility for workers with disabilities. 


Main Idea #2:

AI-powered assistive devices and tools enhance the capabilities of disadvantaged workers, such as those with disabilities or low skills, helping them improve performance and career prospects in various domains like communication, writing, and coding. 



AI improves workplace inclusivity by providing assistive devices for disabled workers and enhancing the skills of low-skilled workers. Tools like speech recognition, live captioning, and real-time translation help disadvantaged workers communicate and perform better in their jobs. 


Key Points:

1. AI improves workplace accessibility for disabled workers. 

2. Assistive devices, such as speech recognition and live captioning, enhance communication. 

3. AI helps low-skilled workers improve performance in tasks like writing and coding. 

4. Real-time translation aids nonnative speakers in workplace communication.



[1] 2024 09  24: 고래가 기후 변화 완화에 기여하는 방식과  가치


Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage. When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries. For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO2 a year. From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees. Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ― leading some scientists to call them the "engineers of marine ecosystems." In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD. They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a "nature-based solution" to climate change. Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change.



Possible Titles:

1. Whales: Nature's Key to Carbon Sequestration and Climate Solutions 

2. The Crucial Role of Whales in Combating Climate Change 

3. How Whales Store Carbon and Help Restore Marine Ecosystems 

4. Whale Restoration as a Nature-based Solution to Climate Change 


Main Idea #1:

Whales play a crucial role in carbon sequestration, each storing vast amounts of carbon dioxide. 


Main Idea #2:

In addition to directly sequestering carbon, whales boost marine ecosystems by fertilizing the ocean, which supports phytoplankton growth, and economists value these ecosystem services highly, advocating for a global whale restoration program to combat climate change. 



Whales sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide and help marine ecosystems thrive by increasing phytoplankton populations. Economists have highlighted the value of these ecosystem services, leading to calls for a global whale restoration program to address climate change. 


Key Points:

1. Each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide. 

2. Whales support phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon. 

3. Economists estimate each whale's ecosystem services to be worth over $2 million. 

4. A global whale restoration program is proposed to help combat climate change.



[1] 2024 09  25: 2022 주요 국가들의 1인당 CO2 배출량 비교 그래프


The above graph shows per capita CO2 emissions from coal, oil, and gas by countries in 2022. The United States had the highest total per capita CO2 emissions, even though its emissions from coal were the second lowest among the five countries shown. South Korea's total per capita CO2 emissions were over 10 tons, ranking it the second highest among the countries shown. Germany had lower CO2 emissions per capita than South Korea in all three major sources respectively. The per capita CO2 emissions from coal in South Africa were over three times higher than those in Germany. In Brazil, oil was the largest source of CO2 emissions per capita among its three major sources, just as it was in the United States and Germany.



Possible Titles:

1. A Comparative Analysis of CO2 Emissions Per Capita by Energy Source in 2022 

2. Understanding Global CO2 Emissions: A Look at Per Capita Emissions by Country 

3. How Coal, Oil, and Gas Contributed to CO2 Emissions in Major Countries in 2022 

4. The Distribution of CO2 Emissions by Energy Source Across Key Countries in 2022 


Main Idea #1:

The United States had the highest total per capita CO2 emissions despite having relatively low coal emissions. 


Main Idea #2:

South Korea ranked second in total per capita CO2 emissions, and South Africa had significantly higher coal emissions per capita than Germany, while oil was the leading source of emissions in the United States, Brazil, and Germany. 



In 2022, the United States had the highest per capita CO2 emissions, with oil being a dominant source, while South Korea ranked second. South Africas coal emissions per capita were more than three times those of Germany, and in Brazil, oil was the largest contributor to CO2 emissions, as it was in the United States and Germany. 


Key Points:

1. The United States had the highest per capita CO2 emissions despite lower coal use. 

2. South Korea ranked second in total per capita CO2 emissions. 

3. South Africa’s coal emissions per capita were over three times higher than Germany’s. 

4. Oil was the largest source of CO2 emissions in the United States, Brazil, and Germany.



[1] 2024 09  26: 프랑스의 여성 과학자 Emilie du Chatelet 업적과 영향


Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, was born in Paris in 1706. During her childhood, with her father's support, she was able to get mathematical and scientific education that most women of her time did not receive. In 1737, she submitted her paper on the nature of fire to a contest sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences, and it was published a year later. In her book, Institutions de Physique, Emilie du Chatelet explained the ideas of space and time in a way that is closer to what we understand in modern relativity than what was common during her time. Her most significant achievement was translating Isaac Newton's Principia into French near the end of her life. Emilie du Chatelet's work was not recognized in her time, but she is now remembered as a symbol of the Enlightenment and the struggle for women's participation in science.



Possible Titles:

1. Emilie du Chatelet: A Pioneer in Physics and Mathematics During the Enlightenment 

2. Breaking Barriers: Emilie du Chatelet's Contributions to Science and Her Legacy

3. From Fire to Relativity: The Scientific Achievements of Emilie du Chatelet 

4. Emilie du Chatelet's Groundbreaking Work in Physics and Translation of Newton's Principia 


Main Idea #1:

Emilie du Chatelet received an uncommon scientific education for women of her time, thanks to her father's support. 


Main Idea #2:

Emilie du Chatelet made significant contributions to physics and mathematics, including a groundbreaking explanation of space and time and her translation of Newton's Principia, though her work was not recognized until long after her death. 



Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, made important contributions to science, including her work on fire and space-time and her translation of Newton’s Principia into French. Although her work went unrecognized during her life, she is now celebrated for her role in advancing science and advocating for women’s involvement in it. 


Key Points:

1. Emilie du Chatelet received scientific education uncommon for women in her time. 

2. She submitted a paper on the nature of fire to the French Academy of Sciences. 

3. Her explanation of space and time foreshadowed modern concepts of relativity. 

4. Her translation of Newton's Principia is considered her most significant achievement.




[1] 2024 09  29: 조직  다양한 부서들이 갈등을 일으키는 구조적 요인


From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization. The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective. A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them. The very structure of organizations can create conflict. The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management. A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making. Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding Departmental Culture and Conflict in Organizational Structures 

2. The Impact of Organizational Structures on Conflict and Decision Making 

3. How Mechanistic and Organic Structures Influence Departmental Perspectives 

4. The Role of Tunnel Vision and Structure in Organizational Conflict 


Main Idea #1:

Different departments within an organization develop their own biased perspectives, leading to conflicts. 


Main Idea #2:

The structure of an organization, whether mechanistic or organic, significantly influences conflict management, with mechanistic structures having a rigid hierarchy and organic structures promoting decentralized decision making. 



Departments within organizations often develop biased perspectives, causing conflict due to differing views. The type of organizational structure, whether mechanistic with a rigid hierarchy or organic with decentralized decision making, affects how conflicts are managed. 


Key Points:

1. Departments develop tunnel vision, leading to biased perspectives. 

2. Organizational structures can influence how conflicts are managed. 

3. Mechanistic structures have rigid hierarchies and centralized decision making. 

4. Organic structures have decentralized, horizontal decision-making processes.



[1] 2024 09  30: 자전거 전용 도로 확장으로 교통을 줄이는 도시 계획의 이점


An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle. This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone. As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them. Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks. Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener. A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each. Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.



Possible Titles:

1. Transforming Streets: The Benefits of Reducing Traffic for Bikes and Pedestrians 

2. How Reducing Car Traffic Can Create Safer, More Efficient Cities 

3. Making Streets Safer: The Role of Bicycles and Delivery Vehicles in Urban Planning 

4. The Balance Between Bikeable Cities and Essential Vehicle Lanes 


Main Idea #1:

Removing car traffic and reserving streets for bikes and pedestrians makes cities safer and encourages biking. 


Main Idea #2:

Despite reducing car traffic, cities still need lanes for essential vehicles like delivery trucks, which contribute to a greener environment by efficiently transporting goods and supporting neighborhood stores. 



Cities can promote biking and safety by converting streets for bikes and pedestrians. Although motor vehicle lanes are still necessary for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks, these trucks help make cities greener by efficiently delivering goods and supporting local stores, reducing the need for individual car trips. 


Key Points:

1. Removing car traffic encourages biking and makes streets safer. 

2. Bikes can replace cars on some streets, but motor vehicles are still needed. 

3. Delivery trucks are essential for efficient transportation of goods. 

4. Local stores supported by deliveries reduce the need for residents to drive.



[1] 2024 09  31: 유명 작곡가들의 초기 작품이 받아들여지기 어려웠던 이유


You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day. Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day. The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity. The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new. And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great. Effective composers have their own ideas. Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus? The composer Antonio Salieri is the "host" of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers ― he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him. Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one. But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original. What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Originality in Defining the World's Greatest Composers 

2. How Familiarity and Originality Shape Musical Greatness 

3. Why Some Composers Were Misunderstood in Their Time but Later Revered 

4. The Difference Between Good and Great Composers: Originality as the Key Factor 


Main Idea #1:

Great composers were often misunderstood in their time due to the unfamiliarity of their ideas. 


Main Idea #2:

Originality is a defining characteristic of great composers, as demonstrated by figures like Beethoven and Mozart, whose work was initially misunderstood but ultimately recognized for its uniqueness, unlike more conventional composers like Salieri. 



Many great composers, such as Beethoven and Mozart, were initially misunderstood because their compositions introduced unfamiliar ideas. Unlike conventional composers like Salieri, they are celebrated for their originality, which sets them apart as true musical innovators. 


Key Points:

1. Many great composers were misunderstood due to the novelty of their ideas. 

2. Originality is essential for a composer to be considered great. 

3. Salieri, while a good composer, lacked the originality that defined Mozart. 

4. Great composers like Beethoven, Brahms, and Stravinsky introduced new musical forms.



[1] 2024 09  32: 새로운 매체가 인간의 사고 방식을 변화시키는 과정


Every time a new medium comes along  whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS  and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses. Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently. So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show  whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire  you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself. That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along a new way for humans to communicate  it has buried in it a message. It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes. The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself. TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances.



Possible Titles:

1. How New Media Shapes Our Perception: The Impact of Communication Tools 

2. Understanding Marshall McLuhan: The Medium as a Message in Modern Media 

3. The Influence of Media on Worldview: How TV and SNS Change Perception 

4. Seeing Through New Lenses: How Media Guides Our Understanding of the World 


Main Idea #1:

New forms of media change the way we perceive the world, much like putting on a new set of goggles. 


Main Idea #2:

Marshall McLuhan argued that the way information is delivered through a medium is more important than the content itself, as each medium subtly alters how we see the world and shapes our understanding according to its own codes. 



New forms of media, like TV or SNS, change how we perceive the world by altering the way we receive information. Marshall McLuhan believed that the medium itself carries a hidden message, guiding us to view the world in a particular way, often more influential than the content it delivers. 


Key Points:

1. New media changes how we see the world, like wearing different goggles. 

2. Marshall McLuhan believed that the medium is more important than the message. 

3. TV, for example, teaches us to perceive the world as fast and appearance-driven. 

4. Each medium guides us to view the world according to its own codes and structure.



[1] 2024 09  33: 개념의 중요성과 잘못된 개념이 과학적 오류를 초래할  있는 위험성


Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. They encourage us to see things that aren't present. Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat." This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.



Possible Titles:

1. The Dangers of Essentialism in Scientific Inquiry: Lessons from History 

2. How Concepts Can Mislead: The Search for Nonexistent Essences in Science 

3. Stuart Firestein's Insights on Ignorance and the Pitfalls of Misguided Concepts

4. The Black Cat in the Dark Room: The Perils of Essentialism in Science 


Main Idea #1:

Concepts are essential for human understanding, but they can lead to misguided searches for nonexistent essences. 


Main Idea #2:

Stuart Firestein illustrates how essentialism can mislead scientific inquiry, using the historical example of physicists searching for the nonexistent ether, much like searching for a black cat in a dark room when no cat is present. 



Concepts are important but can lead to essentialism, where scientists search for nonexistent things, as illustrated by the historical search for luminiferous ether. Stuart Firestein likens this to looking for a black cat in a dark room when there is no cat. 


Key Points:

1. Concepts can lead to misguided searches for essences that don’t exist. 

2. Stuart Firestein uses the proverb of a black cat in a dark room to illustrate this. 

3. Scientists once searched for the nonexistent luminiferous ether, misled by a false concept. 

4. Essentialism can misguide scientific inquiry by focusing on nonexistent phenomena.



[1] 2024 09  34: 소셜미디어에서의 '일반적 유명인' 전통적 유명인의 차이


While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself. Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability. This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity. However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame. The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class. The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people. Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.



Possible Titles:

1. Redefining Fame: The Rise of Ordinary Celebrities in the Social Media Era 

2. Ordinary Fame vs. Elite Celebrity: How Social Media Changes the Game of Fame 

3. Social Media Celebrities: Challenging Traditional Notions of Talent and Stardom

4. The Metrics of Fame: How Social Media Transforms Celebrity into a Numbers Game 


Main Idea #1:

Social media celebrities often seek fame for its own sake, rather than for elite recognition based on traditional talent. 


Main Idea #2:

While social media celebrities face barriers to crossing into elite celebrity status, their fame reconstructs the meaning of celebrity, as it is driven by frequent interactions with ordinary people and measured by attention metrics like followers and Likes. 



Social media celebrities seek ordinary fame, which differs from traditional elite celebrity by focusing on frequent interactions with followers rather than naturalized talents. Fame in this realm is measured by attention metrics such as Likes and followers, shifting the meaning of celebrity. 


Key Points:

1. Social media celebrities seek fame as an end in itself. 

2. They are often criticized for lacking traditional talents like acting or singing. 

3. Ordinary celebrity redefines fame, focusing on regular interaction with followers. 

4. Fame in social media is measured by attention metrics like followers and Likes.



[1] 2024 09  35: 시험 준비에서 벼락치기가 효과적이지 않은 이유


Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy? Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory. Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind. It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form. We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later. After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.



Possible Titles:

1. The Illusion of Cramming: Why Short-Term Memory Doesn't Guarantee Long-Term Recall 

2. Understanding the Difference Between Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in Learning 

3. Why Cramming Fails: The Importance of Self-Testing for Long-Term Retention 

4. How to Overcome the Pitfalls of Cramming: Strategies for Lasting Learning


Main Idea #1:

Cramming feels effective because information remains temporarily in our short-term memory, giving us the illusion of mastery. 


Main Idea #2:

To transfer information into long-term memory, it is crucial to study material over time and retest yourself, as short-term memory fades quickly and is not sufficient for long-term recall. 



Cramming feels effective because it fills short-term memory, giving the illusion of learning. However, short-term memory fades quickly. To ensure long-term retention, it is important to study over time and test yourself regularly. 


Key Points:

1. Cramming fills short-term memory, creating an illusion of knowing the material.

2. Short-term memory is not connected to long-term recall. 

3. Memory fades quickly unless reinforced through self-testing. 

4. Effective learning strategies involve both studying and self-testing for long-term retention.





[1] 2024 09  36: 거울 뉴런이 관찰 학습에 미치는 영향


The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. Such imitation is not perfect. You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce. Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents. Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. We can learn a lot by simply watching others.



Possible Titles:

1. How Mirror Neurons Revolutionize Our Understanding of Learning by Observation 

2. The Role of Mirror Neurons in Human Development: Learning Through Imitation 

3. From Babbling to Building: How Observational Learning Shapes Human Culture 

4. The Science Behind Imitation: Mirror Neurons and the Power of Observational Learning 


Main Idea #1:

Mirror neurons help explain how humans learn through observation, especially from infancy. 


Main Idea #2:

Observational learning, driven by mirror neurons, allows humans to go beyond innate behaviors, enabling cultural practices such as language, tool use, and complex societal activities, which are fundamental to modern life. 



Mirror neurons reveal how humans, starting as infants, learn by observing and imitating others. This ability to learn through observation enables us to adopt complex cultural behaviors, like language and tool use, that go far beyond innate actions or trial-and-error learning. 


Key Points:

1. Mirror neurons explain the ability to learn by observing others. 

2. Infants begin imitating behaviors, such as sticking out their tongue, from a young age. 

3. Observational learning allows humans to learn complex behaviors without trial and error. 

4. This capacity is essential for cultural practices, such as language, tool use, and education.



[1] 2024 09  37: 자신의 목소리를 다르게 인식하는 이유


Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice? You might have thought, "Is that really what my voice sounds like?" Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears. This is of course quite a common experience. The explanation is actually fairly simple. There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear. But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.



Possible Titles:

1. Why Your Voice Sounds Different in Recordings: The Science Behind the Surprise 

2. Hearing Your Own Voice: Understanding the Difference Between Internal and External Sound Perception 

3. The Two Pathways of Hearing: Why Your Voice Sounds Deeper to Yourself 

4. Bone Vibrations and Sound Waves: The Reason Your Voice Surprises You in Recordings 


Main Idea #1:

Hearing your own recorded voice sounds different because of the two ways we perceive sound when we speak. 


Main Idea #2:

While external sounds travel through the air to the ears, our voice also reaches us through vibrations conducted by our bones, which emphasize lower frequencies, making our voice sound deeper to ourselves than it does to others. 



When we speak, we hear our voice through two pathways: air conduction and bone conduction. The latter emphasizes lower frequencies, making our voice sound deeper to ourselves than it does to others, which explains why recordings of our voice often sound unfamiliar. 


Key Points:

1. Hearing your recorded voice can be surprising due to differences in sound perception. 

2. We perceive sound through both external air waves and internal bone conduction.

3. Bone conduction emphasizes lower frequencies, making your voice sound deeper to you. 

4. This explains why your recorded voice often sounds higher or different than expected.



[1] 2024 09  38: 생물의 유사성에서 아날로그와 호몰로그의 차이


Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. "Analogous" traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not "the same" organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. "Homologous" traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being "the same" organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.



Possible Titles:

1. Homology vs. Analogy: Understanding Biological Similarities in Evolution 

2. The Difference Between Analogous and Homologous Traits in Evolutionary Biology 

3. How Biologists Distinguish Between Traits: Homology and Analogy Explained 

4. Wings and Limbs: Comparing Analogous and Homologous Traits in Evolution 


Main Idea #1:

Analogous traits serve similar functions but evolved independently on different branches of the evolutionary tree. 


Main Idea #2:

Homologous traits share a common ancestral origin, regardless of their current function, and biologists use nonfunctional similarities, such as bone structure, to identify them and differentiate them from analogous traits. 



Biologists distinguish between analogous traits, which perform similar functions but evolved independently, and homologous traits, which share a common ancestor despite having different functions. To identify homology, biologists focus on structural features that are not related to the organ’s current function. 


Key Points:

1. Analogous traits have similar functions but evolved separately. 

2. Homologous traits share a common ancestor despite differences in function. 

3. Examples include bird and bee wings (analogous) and bat wings and horse legs (homologous). 

4. Biologists look at nonfunctional properties, like bone structure, to differentiate traits.



[1] 2024 09  39: 기후 변화로 인한 해양 산소 감소의 위험성


Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive. It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease. This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level. Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century. The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature. Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.



Possible Titles:

1. The Decline of Ocean Oxygen Levels: A Growing Threat to Marine Life 

2. Global Warming and Ocean Oxygen Depletion: Understanding the Consequences 

3. How Rising Temperatures Are Depleting Oxygen in Marine Ecosystems 

4. The Impact of Falling Oxygen Levels on Marine Life: A Global Environmental Challenge 


Main Idea #1:

Cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water, which is why colder seas support more marine life. 


Main Idea #2:

As global warming raises ocean temperatures, oxygen levels in the water are decreasing faster than expected, leading to habitat loss and more frequent anoxic events, which are harmful to marine organisms. 



Colder waters hold more oxygen, supporting more marine life, but global warming is reducing oxygen levels in the oceans. This decline is faster than temperature increases and is causing anoxic events that threaten marine ecosystems by killing or displacing species. 


Key Points:

1. Cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water. 

2. Rising ocean temperatures due to global warming decrease oxygen levels. 

3. Oxygen levels have been declining more rapidly than expected for over 50 years.

4. Declining oxygen levels are causing anoxic events, harming marine life.



[1] 2024 09  40: 원숭이 실험에서 불공정한 대우에 대한 반응


Capuchins ― New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ― will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved. I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat. If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers. If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ― grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ― the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter. Even though she is still getting "paid" the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair. Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains  the cucumbers themselves  to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter. 


[요약문] According to the passage, if the Capuchin monkey realizes the inequality in rewards compared to another monkey, she will reject her rewards to express her feelings about the treatment, despite getting exactly the same rewards as before.



Possible Titles:

1. Capuchin Monkeys' Reaction to Perceived Inequality in Rewards 

2. Social Comparison and Fairness Among Capuchin Monkeys in Captivity 

3. Behavioral Response of Capuchins to Unfair Treatment in Reward Systems 

4. The Impact of Inequity on Capuchin Monkeys' Trading Behavior


Main Idea #1:

Capuchin monkeys become dissatisfied when they perceive unequal treatment in rewards. 


Main Idea #2:

Even when their own rewards do not change, Capuchin monkeys are willing to reject them if they notice another monkey receiving something better, indicating their sensitivity to fairness. 



Capuchin monkeys react negatively when they perceive an imbalance in rewards, rejecting their own reward if another monkey gets something better. This response occurs despite no changes to their own compensation, highlighting their sensitivity to fairness in social comparisons.


Key Points:

1. Capuchin monkeys happily trade for food in captivity. 

2. They react strongly to unfair treatment when rewards are unequal. 

3. Monkeys will reject rewards if they perceive another monkey getting better compensation. 

4. Social comparison drives the monkeys' decision to express displeasure with unequal rewards.



[1] 2024 09  41~42: 고등 교육의 확산과 그로 인한 평가 시스템의 모순


Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world. In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War. Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23). The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students. Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialized workforce for the economy. In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development. In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a 'field of contradictions' for assessment in higher education. Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback. In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students.



Possible Titles:

1. The Transition from Elite to Mass Higher Education Systems Worldwide 

2. Challenges in Assessment Practices in Expanding Higher Education Systems 

3. Contradictions in Student Assessment Amidst Higher Education Expansion 

4. The Impact of Mass Higher Education on Student-Teacher Dynamics and Feedback 


Main Idea #1:

Higher education has expanded globally from an elite to a mass system, with a larger and more diverse student body. 


Main Idea #2:

Although the massification of higher education aims to develop a skilled workforce, it has created contradictions in assessment practices, prioritizing efficiency over meaningful feedback and focusing students on grades instead of learning. 



The shift from elite to mass higher education has expanded participation and diversity. However, this expansion has led to challenges in assessment, where the need for efficiency often compromises personalized feedback, causing students to prioritize grades over learning. 


Key Points:

1. Higher education has transformed from an elite to a mass system globally. 

2. This expansion is driven by the need for a specialized workforce. 

3. Mass higher education has created contradictions in assessment practices. 

4. Efficiency in assessments often limits meaningful feedback, affecting student focus.



[1] 2024 09  43~45: 이란 시인 Sheikh Saadi 옷을 통해 사람의 평가가 달라지는 이야기


Once upon a time in the Iranian city of Shiraz, there lived the famous poet Sheikh Saadi. Like most other poets and philosophers, he led a very simple life. A rich merchant of Shiraz was preparing for his daughter's wedding and invited him along with a lot of big businessmen of the town. The poet accepted the invitation and decided to attend. On the day of the wedding, the rich merchant, the host of the wedding, was receiving the guests at the gate. Many rich people of the town attended the wedding. They had come out in their best clothes. The poet wore simple clothes which were neither grand nor expensive. He waited for someone to approach him but no one gave him as much as even a second glance. Even the host did not greet him and looked away. Seeing all this, the poet quietly left the party and went to a shop where he could rent clothes. There he chose a richly decorated coat, which made him look like a new person. With this coat, he entered the party and this time was welcomed with open arms. The host embraced him as he would do to an old friend and complimented him on the clothes he was wearing. The poet did not say a word and allowed the host to lead him to the dining room. The host personally led the poet to his seat and served out chicken soup to him. After a moment, the poet suddenly dipped the corner of his coat in the soup as if he fed it. All the guests were now staring at him in surprise. The host said, "Sir, what are you doing?" The poet very calmly replied, "Now that I have put on expensive clothes, I see a world of difference here. All that I can say now is that this feast is meant for my clothes, not for me."



Possible Titles:

1. The Lesson of Appearance and Perception in Saadi's Story 

2. Sheikh Saadi's Tale of How Clothes Influence Respect 

3. The Power of External Appearance in Social Status and Treatment 

4. Saadi's Clever Response to Being Judged by His Clothing at a Wedding 


Main Idea #1:

Sheikh Saadi teaches a lesson about how people judge others based on their appearance rather than their true worth. 


Main Idea #2:

Through his experience at the wedding, Saadi highlights the superficiality of society, where he is ignored in simple clothes but warmly welcomed when dressed in rich attire, prompting him to demonstrate that respect is given to clothes, not the person. 



Sheikh Saadi attends a wedding in simple clothes and is ignored, but when he returns in expensive attire, he is welcomed with honor. His action of feeding his coat illustrates how people often judge others based on appearance rather than character. 


Key Points:

1. Sheikh Saadi was invited to a wedding but ignored due to his simple clothes. 

2. When he wore expensive clothes, he was treated with respect. 

3. Saadi's actions demonstrated society's superficial judgment based on appearance. 

4. The poet cleverly showed that the respect given was for his clothes, not for him.




[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)




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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)_수정본_2024_0921.docx



* 하이픈 사용이나 typo 등과 같은 일부 단어 오류 수정함 (수정 일시: 2024.09.21)



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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT-4o

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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 음원 듣기 (by ChatGPT-4o)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 음원 자료를 올립니다. 지문 음원은 오늘 처음 작업해 봤습니다. ChatGPT에서 답변을 읽어주는 기능(Read Aloud)



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (21~24번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 21번: 부정적 상황에서 자조 그룹의 긍정적 에너지의 중요성One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't,






전체 내용


[1] 2024 09  18: 피츠버그 기차역의 직원 있는 매표소 재개 요청 편지
 To whom it may concern, 관계자분께,
 I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent change made by Pittsburgh Train Station. 저는 Pittsburgh Train Station에 의한 최근의 변경에 대해 저의 깊은 우려를 표하기 위해 글을 쓰고 있습니다.
 The station had traditional ticket offices with staff before, but these have been replaced with ticket vending machines. 이전에는 역에 직원이 있는 전통적인 매표소가 있었지만, 이것들은 승차권 발매기로 대체되었습니다.
 However, individuals who are unfamiliar with these machines are now experiencing difficulty accessing the railway services. 그러나 이러한 기계에 익숙하지 않은 사람들은 현재 철도 서비스에 접근하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.
 Since these individuals heavily relied on the staff assistance to be able to travel, they are in great need of ticket offices with staff in the station. 이 사람들은 이동할 수 있기 위해 직원의 도움에 크게 의존했기 때문에, 그들은 역 내에 직원이 있는 매표소를 매우 필요로 합니다.
 Therefore, I am urging you to consider reopening the ticket offices. 그러므로 저는 당신에게 매표소 재운영을 고려할 것을 촉구합니다.
 With the staff back in their positions, many people would regain access to the railway services. 직원이 그들의 자리로 돌아오면 많은 사람이 철도 서비스에 대한 접근을 다시 얻을 것입니다.
 I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter and a positive resolution. 저는 이 문제에 대한 당신의 신속한 관심과 긍정적인 해결을 기대합니다.
 Sincerely, Sarah Roberts 진심을 담아, Sarah Roberts




[1] 2024 09  19: 무대에서 쓰러진 Arthur 구조한 Jeevan 이야기
 All the actors on the stage were focused on their acting. 무대 위의 모든 배우가 그들의 연기에 집중하고 있었다.
 Then, suddenly, Arthur fell into the corner of the stage. 그 때 갑자기 Arthur가 무대의 한쪽 구석에 쓰러졌다.
 Jeevan immediately approached Arthur and found his heart wasn't beating. Jeevan이 즉각 Arthur에게 다가갔고 그의 심장이 뛰지 않는 것을 알아차렸다.
 Jeevan began CPR. Jeevan CPR을 시작했다.
 Jeevan worked silently, glancing sometimes at Arthur's face. Jeevan은 때때로 Arthur의 얼굴을 흘긋 보며 조용히 작업했다.
 He thought, "Please, start breathing again, please." 그는 '제발, 다시 숨쉬기를 시작해요, 제발.'이라고 생각했다.
 Arthur's eyes were closed. Arthur의 눈은 감겨 있었다.
 Moments later, an older man in a grey suit appeared, swiftly kneeling beside Arthur's chest. 잠시 뒤, 회색 정장 차림의 한 노인이 나타났고, Arthur의 가슴 옆에 재빠르게 무릎을 꿇었다.
 "I'm Walter Jacobi. I'm a doctor." "저는 Walter Jacobi입니다. 저는 의사입니다."
 He announced with a calm voice. 그는 차분한 목소리로 전했다.
 Jeevan wiped the sweat off his forehead. Jeevan은 그의 이마에서 땀을 닦아냈다.
 With combined efforts, Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi successfully revived Arthur. 협력하여, Jeevan Dr. Jacobi Arthur를 성공적으로 소생시켰다.
 Arthur's eyes slowly opened. Arthur의 눈이 천천히 떠졌다.
 Finally, Jeevan was able to hear Arthur's breath again, thinking to himself, "Thank goodness. You're back." 마침내 Jeevan Arthur의 숨을 다시 들을 수 있었고, '다행이다. 깨어났다.'라고 자신에게 되뇌었다.




[1] 2024 09  20: 부모의 과도한 자랑이 자녀에게 주는 압박과 부정적 영향
 As the parent of a gifted child, you need to be aware of a certain common parent trap. 영재의 부모로서, 당신은 어떤 흔한 부모의 덫을 주의할 필요가 있다.
 Of course you are a proud parent, and you should be. 물론, 당신은 자랑스러워하는 부모이고, 그리고 그래야 한다.
 While it is very easy to talk nonstop about your little genius and his or her remarkable behavior, this can be very stressful on your child. 당신의 작은 천재와 그 또는 그녀의 놀라운 행동에 대해서 쉬지 않고 말하는 것은 매우 쉬우나, 이것은 당신의 아이에게 매우 스트레스가 될 수 있다.
 It is extremely important to limit your bragging behavior to your very close friends, or your parents. 당신의 자랑하는 행동을 당신의 아주 가까운 친구나, 당신의 부모에게로 제한하는 것이 매우 중요하다.
 Gifted children feel pressured when their parents show them off too much. 영재는 그들의 부모가 지나치게 그들을 자랑할 때 부담을 느낀다.
 This behavior creates expectations that they may not be able to live up to, and also creates a false sense of self for your child. 이러한 행동은 그들이 부응할 수 없을지도 모르는 기대를 만들고, 또한 당신의 자녀에게 있어 잘못된 자의식을 만든다.
 You want your child to be who they are, not who they seem to be as defined by their incredible achievements. 당신은 당신의 자녀가 그들의 엄청난 업적에 의해서 규정지어진 대로 보이는 누군가가 아니라 있는 그대로의 그들이기를 바란다.
 If not, you could end up with a driven perfectionist child or perhaps a dropout, or worse. 그렇지 않으면, 당신은 결국 지나친 완벽주의자 아이 또는 아마도 학업 중단자이거나 그보다 더 안 좋은 것을 마주하게 될 것이다.




[1] 2024 09  21: 부정적 상황에서 자조 그룹의 긍정적 에너지의 중요성
 One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. 무력함, 우울감, 그리고 '나는 할 수 없다'는 생각에 의해 현저히 지배당하는 상황에서 벗어나기 위한 한 가지 유용한 기술은 우리가 분투하고 있는 문제를 해결해 본 타인과 함께 있기로 선택하는 것이다.
 This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. 이것은 자조 집단의 큰 힘 중 하나이다.
 When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. 우리가 부정적인 상태에 있을 때, 우리는 부정적인 사고 형태에 많은 에너지를 투입해 왔고 긍정적인 사고 형태는 약하다.
 Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. 더 높은 진동에 있는 사람들은 그들의 부정적인 사고에서 나오는 에너지가 없고, 긍정적인 사고 형태를 활기 띠게 했다.
 Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. 단지 그들이 있는 자리에 있기만 하는 것도 유익하다.
 In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners." 일부 자조 집단에서 이것은 '승자들과 어울리기'라고 불린다.
 The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms. 여기에서의 이점은 의식의 정신적 수준에 있으며, 긍정적인 에너지의 전달과 자신의 잠재적인 긍정적인 사고 형태의 재점화가 있다.




[1] 2024 09  22: 인간의 감정이 생존에 기여한 진화적 역할
 Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. 우리의 감정은 그것들이 종으로서 우리의 생존에 기여해 왔기 때문에 존재한다고 여겨진다.
 Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. 두려움은 우리가 위험을 피하는 데 도움을 주어 왔고, 분노를 표현하는 것은 우리가 위협을 쫓아내도록 돕고, 긍정적인 감정을 표현하는 것은 우리가 다른 사람과 유대하도록 돕는다.
 From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of "program" that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). 진화적 관점에서, 감정은 유발될 때 (주의, 지각, 기억, 움직임, 표현 등을 포함하는) 우리의 많은 활동을 지시하는 일종의 '프로그램'이다.
 For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). 예를 들어, 두려움은 우리를 매우 주의 깊게 만들고, 우리의 지각의 초점을 위협적인 자극으로 좁히고, 우리로 하여금 상황을 정면으로 대하거나 (싸우거나) 그것을 피하도록 (도피하도록) 하며, 우리로 하여금 경험을 더 강렬하게 기억하도록 (그래서 우리가 미래에 위협을 피하도록) 할 수도 있다.
 Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. 그것들이 우리의 시스템을 활성화하는 구체적인 방식과는 관계없이, 우리가 소유한 특정한 감정은 그것들이 오래전에 우리의 환경 내에서 우리가 (종으로서) 힘든 상황에서 생존하도록 도움을 주어 왔기 때문에 존재한다고 여겨진다.
 If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us. 만약 그것들이 우리가 적응하고 생존하도록 도움을 주지 않았었더라면 그것들은 우리와 함께 진화해 오지 않았을 것이다.




[1] 2024 09  23: AI 기술이 장애인을 포함한 노동 시장에서의 포용성 증대
 By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace. 노동 시장에서 일반적으로 불리한 위치에 있는 노동자를 위한 일터로의 접근성을 향상시킴으로써, AI는 일터에서 포괄성을 향상시킬 수 있다.
 AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities. 시각, 발화 또는 청각 장애가 있는 노동자들을 돕기 위핸 AI 동력의 보조 장치들이 더 널리 보급되어, 장애를 지닌 사람들의 업무 접근성과 업무의 질을 향상시키고 있다.
 For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary. 예를 들어, 구음 장애가 있는 사람들을 위한 발화 인식 솔루션이나 청각 장애인과 난청인을 위한 실시간 자막 시스템은 동료와의 의사소통과 대인 의사소통이 필요한 일에 대한 접근을 용이하게 할 수 있다.
 AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects. AI는 또한 그들의 임금과 경력 전망에 잠재적으로 긍정적인 영향과 함께 저숙련 노동자들의 능력을 향상시킬 수 있다.
 For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non-native speakers in the workplace. 예를 들어, 문자 언어와 음성 언어를 실시간으로 번역하는AI의 능력은 일터에서 비원어민의 수행을 향상시킬 수 있다.
 Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service. 게다가, 최근의 AI 동력의 텍스트 생성기의 발전은 글쓰기, 코딩, 고객 서비스와 같은 영역에서 저숙련된 개인의 수행을 즉시 향상시킬 수 있다.




[1] 2024 09  24: 고래가 기후 변화 완화에 기여하는 방식과  가치
 Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage. 고래는 탄소 저장에 매우 효율적이다.
 When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries. 그들이 죽을 때, 각각의 고래는 평균 30톤의 이산화탄소를 격리하며, 수 세기 동안 대기로부터 그 탄소를 빼내어 둔다.
 For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO a year. 비교하자면, 평균적인 나무는 연간 48파운드의 이산화탄소만을 흡수한다.
 From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees. 기후의 관점에서 각각의 고래는 수천 그루의 나무에 상응하는 바다에 사는 것이다.
 Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ― leading some scientists to call them the "engineers of marine ecosystems." 고래는 또한 영양이 풍부한 배설물을 내보내면서 바다를 비옥하게 함으로써 탄소를 격리하는 데 도움을 주는데, 결과적으로 식물성 플랑크톤 개체를 증가시키고 이는 또한 탄소를 격리한다. 그리하여 몇몇 과학자들은 그들을 '해양 생태계의 기술자'라고 부르게 되었다.
 In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD. 2019년 국제 통화 기극(IMF)의 경제학자들은 각각의 고래에 의해서 제공되는 생태계 서비스의 가치를 미화 200만 달러가 넘게 추정했다.
 They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a "nature-based solution" to climate change. 그들은 기후 변화에 대한 '자연 기반 해결책'의 한 예로서 고래 개체수를 산업화 이전의 고래잡이 수준으로 되돌리기 위한 새로운 글로벌 경제적 인센티브 프로그램을 요구했다.
 Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change. 기후 변화를 늦추기 위해 세계적인 고래 복원 프로그램에 대한 요구가 현재 제기되고 있다.




[1] 2024 09  25: 2022 주요 국가들의 1인당 CO 배출량 비교 그래프
 The above graph shows per capita CO emissions from coal, oil, and gas by countries in 2022. 위 그래프는 2022년의 국가별 석탄, 석유, 천연가스에서 나온 1인당 이산화탄소 배출량을 보여 준다.
 The United States had the highest total per capita CO emissions, even though its emissions from coal were the second lowest among the five countries shown. 석탄에서 나온 배출량은 보여진 다섯 개의 국가 중 두 번째로 낮았음에도 불구하고, 미국은 가장 높은 1인당 이산화탄소 총배출량을 가졌다.
 South Korea's total per capita CO emissions were over 10 tons, ranking it the second highest among the countries shown. 한국의 1인당 이산화탄소 총배출량은 10톤이 넘고, 보여진 국가 중 두 번째로 높은 순위를 차지했다.
 Germany had lower CO emissions per capita than South Korea in all three major sources respectively. 독일은 한국보다 각각의 모든 세 가지 주요한 원천에서 더 낮은 1인당 이산화탄소 배출량을 가졌다.
 The per capita CO emissions from coal in South Africa were over three times higher than those in Germany. 남아프리카 공화국의 석탄으로부터의 1인당 이산화탄소 배출량은 독일의 그것보다 세 배보다 더 높았다.
 In Brazil, oil was the largest source of CO emissions per capita among its three major sources, just as it was in the United States and Germany. 브라질에서 석유는 브라질의 세 가지 주요한 원천 중에서 1인당 이산화탄소 배출량의 가장 큰 원천이었고, 그것은 미국과 독일에서도 마찬가지였다.




[1] 2024 09  26: 프랑스의 여성 과학자 Emilie du Chatelet 업적과 영향
 Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, was born in Paris in 1706. 프랑스 수학자이자 물리학자인 Emilie du Chatelet1706년에 파리에서 태어났다.
 During her childhood, with her father's support, she was able to get mathematical and scientific education that most women of her time did not receive. 어린 시절에 아버지의 도움으로 그녀는 당대 대부분의 여성들은 받지 못했던 수학과 과학 교육을 받을 수 있었다.
 In 1737, she submitted her paper on the nature of fire to a contest sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences, and it was published a year later. 1737년에 그녀는 불의 속성에 관한 논문을 French Academy of Sciences에 의해 후원되는 대회에 제출했으며, 그것은 1년 후에 출간되었다.
 In her book, Institutions de Physique, Emilie du Chatelet explained the ideas of space and time in a way that is closer to what we understand in modern relativity than what was common during her time. 그녀의 책 Institutions de Physique에서 Emilie du Chatelet는 당대에 일반적이었던 것보다 현대의 상대성 이론에서 우리가 이해하는 것에 더 가까운 방식으로 공간과 시간의 개념을 설명했다.
 Her most significant achievement was translating Isaac Newton's Principia into French near the end of her life. 그녀의 가장 주요한 성과는 그녀의 말년 무렵 아이작 뉴턴의Principia를 프랑스어로 번역한 것이었다.
 Emilie du Chatelet's work was not recognized in her time, but she is now remembered as a symbol of the Enlightenment and the struggle for women's participation in science. Emilie du Chatelet의 업적은 당대에 인정받지 못했지만, 현재 그녀는 계몽주의와 여성의 과학 분야 참여를 위한 투쟁의 상징으로 기억된다.




[1] 2024 09  29: 조직  다양한 부서들이 갈등을 일으키는 구조적 요인
 From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization. 조직의 관점에서, 어떤 조직이 어떻게 많은 다른 문화 유형들을 포함할 수 있는지에 대한 가장 매력적인 예시 중 하나는 조직 내 다른 부서들의 기능적 운영을 인식하는 것이다.
 The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective. 조직 내 다양한 부서와 과는 필연적으로 어떤 주어진 상황이라도 그들 자신만의 편향적이고 편파적인 관점에서 볼 것이다.
 A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them. 한 부서와 그 구성원들은 그들을 다른 이들이 그것들을 보는 대로 볼 수 없게 하는 '터널 시야 현상'을 갖게 될 것이다.
 The very structure of organizations can create conflict. 조직의 구조 자체가 갈등을 만들어낼 수 있다.
 The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management. 구조가 '기계적'인지 또는 '유기적'인지의 선택은 갈등 관리에 깊은 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
 A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making. 기계적 구조는 많은 규칙, 많은 절차 그리고 의사결정에 포함된 많은 수준의 관리를 가진 수직적 위계를 갖는다.
 Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization. 유기적 구조는 본래 더 수평적이고, 여기서는 의사결정이 덜 중앙 집중화되고, 조직 전반에 걸쳐 펼처진다.




[1] 2024 09  30: 자전거 전용 도로 확장으로 교통을 줄이는 도시 계획의 이점
 An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. 교통을 진정시키는 훌륭한 대안은 그것을 제거하는 것이다.
 Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle. 몇몇 도시는 자전거, 보행자, 그리고 수시 서비스 차량을 위한 광범위한 망의 도로와 거리를 마련해 둔다.
 This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone. 이것은 사람들이 자동차보다 자전거로 이동을 하도록 동기를 부여하여 거리를 모두에게 더 안전하게 만든다.
 As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them. 자전거가 도시에서 더 대중적이 되면, 계획자들은 더 많은 자동차 도로와 전체 거리를 더 많은 자전거를 수용할 수 있도록 전환할 수 있다.
 Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks. 그럼에도 불구하고, 가장 자전거를 타기 좋은 도시들조차도 여전히 택시, 긴급 차량, 그리고 배달 트럭을 위한 자동차 도로를 필요로 한다.
 Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener. 배달 차량은 자주 반감의 대상이지만, 그것들은 실제로 도시를 더 친환경적으로 만드는 필수 구성요소이다.
 A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each. 짐이 빽빽하게 들어찬 배달 트럭은 각각 몇 개의 쇼핑백을 실은 여러 하이브리드 차량보다 훨씬 더 효율적인 상품 운송 수단이다.
 Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries. 음식과 다른 상품을 동네 상인에게 배포하는 것은 그들이 집에 가까운 더 작은 상점을 운영할 수 있게 하고 그 결과 주민들은 식료품을 사기 위해 운전하기보다는 걸어갈 수 있다.




[1] 2024 09  31: 유명 작곡가들의 초기 작품이 받아들여지기 어려웠던 이유
 You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day. 여러분은 몇몇 가장 위대한 작곡가들이 그들의 시대에 진가를 인정받지 못했다고 몇 번이고 듣는다.
 Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day. 그들의 시대에 베토벤, 브람스, 스트라빈스키의 곡들을 모든 사람이 이해할 수 있었던 것은 아니었다.
 The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity. 이러한 초기의 수용 부족의 이유는 낯섦이다.
 The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new. 음악적 형식, 또는 그 안에 표현된 생각은 완전히 새로운 것이었다.
 And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great. 그럼에도 불구하고 이것이 바로 그들을 그토록 위대하게 만드는 것들 중 하나이다.
 Effective composers have their own ideas. 유능한 작곡가는 그들 자신만의 생각을 갖는다.
 Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus? 당신은 고전 영화 Amadeus를 본 적이 있는가?
 The composer Antonio Salieri is the "host" of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers ― he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him. 작곡가 Antonio Salieri가 이 영화의 '주인공'이다. 그는 가장 유명한 위대하지 않은 작곡가 중 한 명으로 묘사된다. 그는 모차르트 시대에 살았고 그에 의해 완전히 가려졌다.
 Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one. 인제 보니 Salieri는 형편없는 작곡가가 아니었다. 사실, 그는 매우 훌륭한 작곡가였다.
 But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original. 하지만 그의 작품이 독창적이지 않았기 때문에 그는 세계의 위대한 작곡가들 중 한 명은 아니었다.
 What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time. 그가 쓴 곡은 마치 그 당시 모든 다른 사람들이 작곡했던 것처럼 들렸다.




[1] 2024 09  32: 새로운 매체가 인간의 사고 방식을 변화시키는 과정
 Every time a new medium comes along  whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS  and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses. 인쇄된 책의 발명이든 텔레비전의 발명이든 SNS의 발명이든, 새로운 매체가 나타나 여러분이 그것을 쓰기 시작할 때마다 여러분은 고유의 색깔과 렌즈를 가진 새 고글을 쓰는 것과 같다.
 Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently. 여러분이 쓰는 각각의 고글은 세상을 다른 방식으로 바라보게 한다.
 So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show  whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself. 그러므로 여러분이 텔레비전을 보기 시작하면, 그것이Wheel of Fortune이든 The Wire, 특정 텔레비전 프로그램의 메시지를 흡수하기 이전에 이미 세상을 텔레비전 그 자체처럼 형성된 것으로 바라보게 된다.
 That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along  a new way for humans to communicate  it has buried in it a message. 이러한 이유로 Marshall McLuhan이 새로운 매체, , 인간이 의사소통하는 새로운 방식이 나타날 때마다 그 안에 메시지가 담겨 있다고 말한 것이다.
 It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes. 새로운 매체는 자연스럽게 우리가 새로운 일련의 방식에 따라 세상을 바라보게 한다.
 The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself. McLuhan은 정보가 여러분에게 도달하는 방식이 정보 자체보다 더 중요하다고 주장했다.
 TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances. 텔레비전은 우리에게 세상은 빠르고, 중요한 것은 표면과 겉모습이라고 가르친다.




[1] 2024 09  33: 개념의 중요성과 잘못된 개념이 과학적 오류를 초래할  있는 위험성
 Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. 개념은 인간의 생존에 필수적이지만, 개념이 본질주의로 향하는 문을 열기 때문에 우리는 또한 그것들을 주의해야 한다.
 They encourage us to see things that aren't present. 그것들은 존재하지 않는 것들을 보도록 우리를 부추긴다.
 Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat." Stuart Firestein "어두운 방에서 검은 고양이를 찾는 것은 특히 고양이가 없을 때 매우 어렵다."라는 옛 속담으로 그의 책 Ignorance를 시작한다.
 This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. 이 말은 본질에 대한 탐구를 훌륭하게 요약한다.
 History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. 역사는 가설을 이끄는 잘못된 개념을 사용했기 때문에 헛되이 본질을 탐색했던 과학자들의 많은 예를 가지고 있다.
 Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. Firestein은 빛이 통과할 수 있는 매개체를 갖도록 우주를 가득 채워줄 것이라 여겨진 신비한 물질인 발광 에테르의 예를 제시한다.
 The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist. Firestein이 쓰기를, 에테르는 검은 고양이였고, 물리학자들은 어두운 방에서 이론을 세우고, 그러고 나서 존재하지 않았던 고양이라는 증거를 찾으며, 그 안에서 실험을 하고 있었던 것이었다.




[1] 2024 09  34: 소셜미디어에서의 '일반적 유명인' 전통적 유명인의 차이
 While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself. 소셜 미디어 관심은 잠재적으로 엘리트 명성과 같은 목적을 달성하기 위한 도구인 반면, 일부 콘텐츠 제작자들은 사회적 목적 그 자체로서 평범한 명성을 원한다.
 Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability. 리얼리티 텔레비전 스타들과 다르지 않게, 소셜 미디어 유명인들은 연기나 가창력과 같은 전통적인 엘리트 명성과 관련된 기술과 재능을 가지고 있지 않다는 이유로 종종 비판을 받는다.
 This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity. 이러한 비판은 디지털 콘텐츠 제작자들이 엘리트 명성의 영역으로 넘어가는 데 있어 실질적인 장벽에 직면하고 있다는 사실을 강조한다.
 However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame. 그러나 이 비판은 또한 평범한 명성 현상이 명성의 의미를 재구성한다는 점을 놓친다.
 The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class. 엘리트 유명인은 스타라는 은유로 상징되고, 신비로움과 계층적 거리로 특징지어지며, 타고난 자질의 재능과 계층에 연관되어 있다.
 The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people. 평범한 유명인은 다른 평범한 사람들과의 정기적이고 빈번한 상호작용을 통해 관심을 끈다.
 Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications. 소셜 미디어 유명인으로서 평범한 명성을 얻는 것은 게임에서 잘하는 것과 같은데, 왜냐하면 이 영역에서 명성은 관심 척도, , 소셜 미디어 애플리케이션에 내장된 구독자, 팔로워, 좋아요 또는 클릭의 측정 기준에서 상대적으로 높은 점수 그 이상도 그 이하도 아니기 때문이다.




[1] 2024 09  35: 시험 준비에서 벼락치기가 효과적이지 않은 이유
 Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy? 왜 우리는 시험을 위해 벼락 공부를 하는 것이 최고의 학습 전략이라는 착각을 하는 것일까?
 Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory. 우리가 우리의 기억의 다양한 구획을 구별할 수 없기 때문이다.
 Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind. 우리의 교과서나 수업 노트를 읽은 직후에는 정보가 우리 머릿속에 완전히 존재한다.
 It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form. 그것은 우리의 의식적인 작업 기억에 활동적인 형태로 자리한다.
 We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later. 그것은 우리의 단기 저장 공간에 존재하기 때문에 우리는 마치 우리가 그것을 알고 있는 것처럼 느끼지만, 이 단기 구획은 며칠 후 같은 정보를 기억하기 위해 우리가 필요로 할 장기 기억과는 아무런 관련이 없다.
 After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. 몇 초 또는 몇 분 후, 작업 기억은 이미 사라지기 시작하고, 며칠 후 그 영향은 엄청나게 되어, 여러분이 자신의 지식을 다시 테스트하지 않으면 기억은 사라진다.
 To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying. 정보를 장기 기억에 넣으려면, 여러분의 모든 시간을 공부하는 데에 쓰기보다는 자료를 공부하고 나서 스스로를 테스트하는 것이 필수적이다.




[1] 2024 09  36: 거울 뉴런이 관찰 학습에 미치는 영향
 The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. 거울 뉴런의 발견은 관찰에 의한 학습이라는 근본적인 인간의 능력에 대해 우리가 생각하는 방식을 완전히 바꾸어 놓았다.
 As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. 어린이일 때 우리는 우리의 부모와 친구들이 하는 것을 관찰하면서 많이 배운다.
 Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. 갓난아기들은 생의 첫 주에 그들의 부모가 그들의 것()을 내밀면 자신의 혀를 내미는 선천적인 성향을 갖고 있다.
 Such imitation is not perfect. 그러한 모방은 완벽하지 않다.
 You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. 당신은 당신의 갓난아기에게 당신의 것()을 내밀 때마다(아기의) 혀가 내밀어 나오는 것을 보지 못할 수도 있지만, 만약 당신이 그것을 여러 번 한다면 당신이 다른 것을 할 때보다 (아기의) 혀가 더 자주 나올 것이다.
 Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce. 아기들은 옹알이하고 이후에 그들의 부모가 내는 소리를 모방하기 시작한다.
 Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents. 이후에도 여전히, 그들은 부모들을 흉내 내어 진공청소기와 망치를 갖고 논다.
 Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. 쓰고 말하고 읽고 우주선을 만들고 학교에 가는 우리의 현대 문화는 단지 우리가 가지고 태어나는 또는 시행착오를 통해 배우는 행동에 국한되지 않기 때문에 작동할 수 있다.
 We can learn a lot by simply watching others. 우리는 그저 다른 사람들을 관찰하는 것을 통해 많이 배울 수 있다.




[1] 2024 09  37: 자신의 목소리를 다르게 인식하는 이유
 Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice? 당신은 당신의 음성 녹음을 듣고 놀랐던 적이 있는가?
 You might have thought, "Is that really what my voice sounds like?" 당신은 '내 목소리가 정말 이렇게 들리는가?'라고 생각했을지도 모른다.
 Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears. 어쩌면 녹음에서는 당신이 인식한 것보다 당신의 억양이 더 강조되거나, 당신의 목소리가 당신의 귀에 들리는 것 같은 것보다 더 높다.
 This is of course quite a common experience. 이것은 당연히 꽤 흔한 경험이다.
 The explanation is actually fairly simple. 이 설명은 사실 꽤 간단하다.
 There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. 우리가 말할 때 우리 자신의 목소리를 인지하는 데는 두 가지 경로가 있다.
 One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear. 하나는 외이, 중이, 내이를 통하는 공기로부터 이동하는 파동처럼 우리가 대부분의 외부의 소리를 인지하는 경로이다.
 But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. 그러나 우리가 말할 때 우리의 성대가 진동하기 때문에 두 번째 내부의 경로가 있다.
 Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. 진동은 뼈를 통해 전해지고, 우리의 내이를 직접 자극한다.
 Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. 낮은 주파수는 이 경로를 따라 두드러진다.
 That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people. 그것은 당신의 목소리가 다른 사람에게 들릴 수 있는 것보다 당신 자신에게 더 깊고 풍부하게 들리게 한다.




[1] 2024 09  38: 생물의 유사성에서 아날로그와 호몰로그의 차이
 Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. 생물학자들은 두 종류의 유사성을 구별한다.
 "Analogous" traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not "the same" organ. '상사' 형질은 공통된 기능을 가지는 것들이지만, 진화 계보의 다른 가지에서 생겨났고 중요한 면에서 '동일한' 기관이 아닌 형질이다.
 The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. 새의 날개들과 벌의 날개들은 둘 다 비행에 쓰이고 비행에 쓰이는 것은 어떤 것이든 그러한 방식으로 만들어져야 하기 때문에 일부 방식에서 유사하지만, 그것들은 진화상에 별개로 생겨났고, 비행에서 그것들의 쓰임 외에는 공통점이 없다.
 "Homologous" traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being "the same" organ. 대조적으로, '상동' 형질은 공통된 기능이 있을 수도 없을 수도 있으나 그것들은 공통의 조상으로부터 내려왔으므로 그들이 '동일한' 기관임을 보여주는 어떠한 공통된 구조를 가진다.
 The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. 박쥐의 날개와 말의 앞다리는 매우 다른 기능들을 가지나, 그것들은 모든 포유류의 조상의 앞다리가 모두 변형된 것들이다.
 As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. 그 결과, 그들은 뼈의 개수와 그것들이 연결된 방식과 같은 비기능적 형질을 공유한다.
 To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties. 상사성과 상동성을 구별하기 위해, 생물학자들은 주로 그 기관의 전체적인 구성을 살펴보고 그들의 가장 쓰임이 없는 특성에 집중한다.




[1] 2024 09  39: 기후 변화로 인한 해양 산소 감소의 위험성
 Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive. 해수는 모든 해양 동물이 살아있기 위해 호흡하는 다량의 용존 산소를 포함한다.
 It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. 따뜻한 물이 보유하고 있는 것보다 차가운 물이 더 많은 용존 산소를 보유하고 있다는 사실은 물리학에서 오랫동안 확립되어 왔으며, 이는 열대 해양은 푸르고 맑고 생물이 상대적으로 적게 서식하는 반면 차가운 극지의 바다는 생명으로 가득한 하나의 이유이다.
 Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease. 따라서 지구 온난화가 해양 수온을 높임에 따라 용존 산소의 양이 감소할 것은 자명하다.
 This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level. 만약 생태계를 위협하는 수준까지 계속되도록 허용된다면 이는 걱정스럽고 잠재적으로 파괴적인 결과다.
 Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century. 현재 과학자들은 해양에서 용존 산소의 양이 반세기가 넘는 기간 동안 감소해 왔다는 것을 보여 주는 데이터를 분석해 왔다.
 The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature. 이 데이터는 해양 산소 농도가 상응하는 수온 상승보다 더 빠르게 감소해 오고 있음을 보여 준다.
 Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms. 감소하는 수중 산소 농도는 세계적으로 해양 생물의 서식지에 영향을 끼칠 가능성을 갖고 있으며 최근에 이것은 물고기, , 그리고 많은 다른 생물의 개체군을 죽이거나 쫓아낸 더 빈번한 산소 결핍 사건을 초래해 왔다.




[1] 2024 09  40: 원숭이 실험에서 불공정한 대우에 대한 반응
 Capuchins ― New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ― will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved. 대규모의 사회 집단으로 서식하는 New World MonkeyCapuchin은 갇힌 상태에서 온종일 사람들과 거래를 할 것인데 특히 먹이가 연관된다면 그러할 것이다.
 I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat. '내가 너에게 이 돌을 주고 너는 나에게 먹을 간식을 준다.'
 If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers. 만약 당신이 두 마리의 원숭이들을 나란히 있는 우리에 넣고 그들이 이미 가지고 있는 돌의 대가로 오이 조각을 둘 모두에게 주었을 때 그들은 그 오이를 기쁘게 먹을 것이다.
 If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ― grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ― the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter. 하지만 만약 당신이 한 원숭이에게는 포도를 대신 준다면, 일반적으로 포도는 오이보다 더 선호되는데, 여전히 오이를 받은 원숭이는 그것들을 실험자에게 던지기 시작할 것이다.
 Even though she is still getting "paid" the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair. 비록 그녀가 돌을 모은 그녀의 수고에 대한 대가로 같은 양을 여전히 '받고', 그래서 그녀의 특정한 상황이 변화가 없더라도, 다른 원숭이와의 비교는 그 상황을 부당하게 만든다.
 Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains ― the cucumbers themselves ― to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter. 게다가, 그녀는 실험자에게 그녀의 불쾌함을 전달하기 위해 모든 얻은 것들, , 오이 자체를 이제 기꺼이 포기한다.
 [요약문] According to the passage, if the Capuchin monkey realizes the inequality in rewards compared to another monkey, she will reject her rewards to express her feelings about the treatment, despite getting exactly the same rewards as before. [요약문] 이 글에 따르면, 만약 Capuchin 원숭이가 다른 원숭이와 비교하여 보상에서의 불평등을 알아차린다면, 그녀는 이전과 정확히 똑같은 보상을 받더라도 대우에 대한 그녀의 감정을 표현하기 위해 그녀의 보상을 거부할 것이다.




[1] 2024 09  41~42: 고등 교육의 확산과 그로 인한 평가 시스템의 모순
 Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world. 고등 교육은 전 세계에 걸쳐 엘리트에서 대중 체제로 성장해 왔다.
 In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War. 유럽과 미국에서는 2차 세계 대전 이후 수십 년 동안 증가된 참여율이 나타났다.
 Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23). 2000년과 2014년 사이에 졸업 연령 범주 내 집단 구성원 사이에서의 고등 교육 참여율은 전 세계에 걸쳐 19%에서34%로 거의 두 배가 되었다.
 The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students. 고등 교육의 극적인 확대는 더 광범위한 고등 학습 기관과 더 다양한 학생 인구 집단으로 특징지어져 왔다.
 Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialized workforce for the economy. 엘리트 체제에서 대중 고등 교육 체제로의 변화는 경제를 위한 전문화된 노동력을 구축하려는 정치적 필요성과 관련이 있다.
 In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development. 이론적으로, 고도로 숙련된 노동력을 개발하기 위한 고등 교육의 확대는 평생학습을 가능하게 하는 평가로의 접근 방법, , 학습을 '위한' 평가와 발달을 위한 피드백에 집중을 시작하면서, 학생의 선발과 통제에 있어 시험의 역할을 감소시킬 것이다.
 In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a 'field of contradictions' for assessment in higher education. 실제로는 고등 교육을 확대하기 위한 사회 정치적 변화는 고등 교육에서의 평가에 있어 '모순의 장'을 조성해 왔다.
 Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback. 대중 고등 교육은 최소한이거나 비개인적이거나 표준화된 피드백을 갖춘, 시험과 선다형 퀴즈와 같은, 평가로의 효율적인 접근 방법을 필요로 하며, 이는 종종 학생이 피드백보다 성적에 더 집중하게 만든다.
 In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students. 대조적으로, 과거에 엘리트 체제의 상대적으로 적은 학생의 수는 형성적 피드백이 학생의 마음, 학업 기술, 그리고 심지어 학생의 성격을 형성하면서, 학생과 그들의 선생님 사이의 더 긴밀한 관계를 허용했다.




[1] 2024 09  43~45: 이란 시인 Sheikh Saadi 옷을 통해 사람의 평가가 달라지는 이야기
 Once upon a time in the Iranian city of Shiraz, there lived the famous poet Sheikh Saadi. 옛날 옛적에 이란의 도시 Shiraz에 유명한 시인 Sheikh Saadi가 살았다.
 Like most other poets and philosophers, he led a very simple life. 대부분의 다른 시인들과 철학자들처럼 그는 매우 검소한 생활을 했다.
 A rich merchant of Shiraz was preparing for his daughter's wedding and invited him along with a lot of big businessmen of the town. Shiraz의 부유한 상인은 그의 딸의 결혼식을 준비하고 있었고 그를 그 마을의 많은 큰 사업가들과 함께 초대했다.
 The poet accepted the invitation and decided to attend. 그 시인은 초대를 수락했고 참석하기로 결정했다.
 On the day of the wedding, the rich merchant, the host of the wedding, was receiving the guests at the gate. 결혼식 날, 결혼식의 혼주인 부유한 상인은 입구에서 손님을 맞이하고 있었다.
 Many rich people of the town attended the wedding. 마을의 많은 부유한 사람들이 결혼식에 참석했다.
 They had come out in their best clothes. 그들은 자신의 가장 좋은 옷차림으로 나왔다.
 The poet wore simple clothes which were neither grand nor expensive. 시인은 거창하지도 비싸지도 않은 소박한 옷을 입었다.
 He waited for someone to approach him but no one gave him as much as even a second glance. 그는 누군가가 자신에게 다가오기를 기다렸지만 아무도 그에게 단 일 초의 눈길도 주지 않았다.
 Even the host did not greet him and looked away. 혼주조차도 그에게 인사하지 않고 눈길을 돌렸다.
 Seeing all this, the poet quietly left the party and went to a shop where he could rent clothes. 이 모든 것을 보고 시인은 조용히 파티를 떠나 그가 옷을 빌릴 수 있는 가게로 갔다.
 There he chose a richly decorated coat, which made him look like a new person. 그곳에서 그는 화려하게 장식된 외투를 골랐고, 그것은 그를 새로운 사람처럼 보이게 만들었다.
 With this coat, he entered the party and this time was welcomed with open arms. 이 외투를 입고 그는 파티에 들어갔고 이번에는 두 팔 벌려 환영을 받았다.
 The host embraced him as he would do to an old friend and complimented him on the clothes he was wearing. 혼주는 그가 오랜 친구에게 하듯이 그를 껴안았고 그가 입고 있는 옷에 대해 그에게 칭찬했다.
 The poet did not say a word and allowed the host to lead him to the dining room. 시인은 한마디도 하지 않고 혼주가 그를 식당으로 안내하도록 허락했다.
 The host personally led the poet to his seat and served out chicken soup to him. 혼주는 직접 시인을 그의 자리로 안내했고 그에게 닭고기 수프를 내주었다.
 After a moment, the poet suddenly dipped the corner of his coat in the soup as if he fed it. 잠시 후에 시인은 마치 음식을 먹이듯 그의 외투 자락을 수프에 갑자기 담갔다.
 All the guests were now staring at him in surprise. 모든 손님이 바로 그를 놀라서 바라보고 있었다.
 The host said, "Sir, what are you doing?" 혼주가 말했다. "선생님, 뭐 하는 겁니까?"
 The poet very calmly replied, "Now that I have put on expensive clothes, I see a world of difference here. 시인은 매우 침착하게 대답했다. "내가 비싼 옷을 입으니 이곳에서 엄청난 차이를 봅니다.
 All that I can say now is that this feast is meant for my clothes, not for me." 내가 지금 할 수 있는 모든 말은 이 진수성찬이 내 옷을 위한 것이지 나를 위한 것이 아니라는 것뿐입니다."




[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석



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블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석




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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석_수정본_20240921.pdf
[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석_수정본_20240921.docx



* 하이픈 사용이나 typo 등과 같은 일부 단어 오류 수정함 (수정 일시: 2024.09.21)

* 아래 내용에 볼드체와 노란색 배경 사용으로 표기함



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[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT-4o

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포



[고1~고3] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 정리 (문제 제작용 hwp 한글 파일)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1~3 영어 모의고사>의 지문 텍스트만한글 파일 hwpx와 pdf 파일로 정리해서 올립니다.변형문제 출제를 위해 해당 지문들을 hwp 한글 파



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 음원 듣기 (by ChatGPT-4o)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 음원 자료를 올립니다. 지문 음원은 오늘 처음 작업해 봤습니다. ChatGPT에서 답변을 읽어주는 기능(Read Aloud)



[고1] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (21~24번)

[고1] 2024년 09월 – 21번: 부정적 상황에서 자조 그룹의 긍정적 에너지의 중요성One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't,






전체 내용


[1] 2024 09  18: 피츠버그 기차역의 직원 있는 매표소 재개 요청 편지

 To whom it may concern,


 I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent change made by Pittsburgh Train Station.

 저는 Pittsburgh Train Station에 의한 최근의 변경에 대해 저의 깊은 우려를 표하기 위해 글을 쓰고 있습니다.

 The station had traditional ticket offices with staff before, but these have been replaced with ticket vending machines.

 이전에는 역에 직원이 있는 전통적인 매표소가 있었지만, 이것들은 승차권 발매기로 대체되었습니다.

 However, individuals who are unfamiliar with these machines are now experiencing difficulty accessing the railway services.

 그러나 이러한 기계에 익숙하지 않은 사람들은 현재 철도 서비스에 접근하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.

 Since these individuals heavily relied on the staff assistance to be able to travel, they are in great need of ticket offices with staff in the station.

 이 사람들은 이동할 수 있기 위해 직원의 도움에 크게 의존했기 때문에, 그들은 역 내에 직원이 있는 매표소를 매우 필요로 합니다.

 Therefore, I am urging you to consider reopening the ticket offices.

 그러므로 저는 당신에게 매표소 재운영을 고려할 것을 촉구합니다.

 With the staff back in their positions, many people would regain access to the railway services.

 직원이 그들의 자리로 돌아오면 많은 사람이 철도 서비스에 대한 접근을 다시 얻을 것입니다.

 I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter and a positive resolution.

 저는 이 문제에 대한 당신의 신속한 관심과 긍정적인 해결을 기대합니다.

 Sincerely, Sarah Roberts

 진심을 담아, Sarah Roberts


[1] 2024 09  19: 무대에서 쓰러진 Arthur 구조한 Jeevan 이야기

 All the actors on the stage were focused on their acting.

 무대 위의 모든 배우가 그들의 연기에 집중하고 있었다.

 Then, suddenly, Arthur fell into the corner of the stage.

 그 때 갑자기 Arthur가 무대의 한쪽 구석에 쓰러졌다.

 Jeevan immediately approached Arthur and found his heart wasn't beating.

 Jeevan이 즉각 Arthur에게 다가갔고 그의 심장이 뛰지 않는 것을 알아차렸다.

 Jeevan began CPR.

 Jeevan CPR을 시작했다.

 Jeevan worked silently, glancing sometimes at Arthur's face.

 Jeevan은 때때로 Arthur의 얼굴을 흘긋 보며 조용히 작업했다.

 He thought, "Please, start breathing again, please."

 그는 '제발, 다시 숨쉬기를 시작해요, 제발.'이라고 생각했다.

 Arthur's eyes were closed.

 Arthur의 눈은 감겨 있었다.

 Moments later, an older man in a grey suit appeared, swiftly kneeling beside Arthur's chest.

 잠시 뒤, 회색 정장 차림의 한 노인이 나타났고, Arthur의 가슴 옆에 재빠르게 무릎을 꿇었다.

 "I'm Walter Jacobi. I'm a doctor."

 "저는 Walter Jacobi입니다. 저는 의사입니다."

 He announced with a calm voice.

 그는 차분한 목소리로 전했다.

 Jeevan wiped the sweat off his forehead.

 Jeevan은 그의 이마에서 땀을 닦아냈다.

 With combined efforts, Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi successfully revived Arthur.

 협력하여, Jeevan Dr. Jacobi Arthur를 성공적으로 소생시켰다.

 Arthur's eyes slowly opened.

 Arthur의 눈이 천천히 떠졌다.

 Finally, Jeevan was able to hear Arthur's breath again, thinking to himself, "Thank goodness. You're back."

 마침내 Jeevan Arthur의 숨을 다시 들을 수 있었고, '다행이다. 깨어났다.'라고 자신에게 되뇌었다.


[1] 2024 09  20: 부모의 과도한 자랑이 자녀에게 주는 압박과 부정적 영향

 As the parent of a gifted child, you need to be aware of a certain common parent trap.

 영재의 부모로서, 당신은 어떤 흔한 부모의 덫을 주의할 필요가 있다.

 Of course you are a proud parent, and you should be.

 물론, 당신은 자랑스러워하는 부모이고, 그리고 그래야 한다.

 While it is very easy to talk nonstop about your little genius and his or her remarkable behavior, this can be very stressful on your child.

 당신의 작은 천재와 그 또는 그녀의 놀라운 행동에 대해서 쉬지 않고 말하는 것은 매우 쉬우나, 이것은 당신의 아이에게 매우 스트레스가 될 수 있다.

 It is extremely important to limit your bragging behavior to your very close friends, or your parents.

 당신의 자랑하는 행동을 당신의 아주 가까운 친구나, 당신의 부모에게로 제한하는 것이 매우 중요하다.

 Gifted children feel pressured when their parents show them off too much.

 영재는 그들의 부모가 지나치게 그들을 자랑할 때 부담을 느낀다.

 This behavior creates expectations that they may not be able to live up to, and also creates a false sense of self for your child.

 이러한 행동은 그들이 부응할 수 없을지도 모르는 기대를 만들고, 또한 당신의 자녀에게 있어 잘못된 자의식을 만든다.

 You want your child to be who they are, not who they seem to be as defined by their incredible achievements.

 당신은 당신의 자녀가 그들의 엄청난 업적에 의해서 규정지어진 대로 보이는 누군가가 아니라 있는 그대로의 그들이기를 바란다.

 If not, you could end up with a driven perfectionist child or perhaps a dropout, or worse.

 그렇지 않으면, 당신은 결국 지나친 완벽주의자 아이 또는 아마도 학업 중단자이거나 그보다 더 안 좋은 것을 마주하게 될 것이다.


[1] 2024 09  21: 부정적 상황에서 자조 그룹의 긍정적 에너지의 중요성

 One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle.

 무력함, 우울감, 그리고 '나는 할 수 없다'는 생각에 의해 현저히 지배당하는 상황에서 벗어나기 위한 한 가지 유용한 기술은 우리가 분투하고 있는 문제를 해결해 본 타인과 함께 있기로 선택하는 것이다.

 This is one of the great powers of self-help groups.

 이것은 자조 집단의 큰 힘 중 하나이다.

 When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak.

 우리가 부정적인 상태에 있을 때, 우리는 부정적인 사고 형태에 많은 에너지를 투입해 왔고 긍정적인 사고 형태는 약하다.

 Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms.

 더 높은 진동에 있는 사람들은 그들의 부정적인 사고에서 나오는 에너지가 없고, 긍정적인 사고 형태를 활기 띠게 했다.

 Merely to be in their presence is beneficial.

 단지 그들이 있는 자리에 있기만 하는 것도 유익하다.

 In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners."

 일부 자조 집단에서 이것은 '승자들과 어울리기'라고 불린다.

 The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.

 여기에서의 이점은 의식의 정신적 수준에 있으며, 긍정적인 에너지의 전달과 자신의 잠재적인 긍정적인 사고 형태의 재점화가 있다.


[1] 2024 09  22: 인간의 감정이 생존에 기여한 진화적 역할

 Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species.

 우리의 감정은 그것들이 종으로서 우리의 생존에 기여해 왔기 때문에 존재한다고 여겨진다.

 Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others.

 두려움은 우리가 위험을 피하는 데 도움을 주어 왔고, 분노를 표현하는 것은 우리가 위협을 쫓아내도록 돕고, 긍정적인 감정을 표현하는 것은 우리가 다른 사람과 유대하도록 돕는다.

 From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of "program" that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.).

 진화적 관점에서, 감정은 유발될 때 (주의, 지각, 기억, 움직임, 표현 등을 포함하는) 우리의 많은 활동을 지시하는 일종의 '프로그램'이다.

 For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future).

 예를 들어, 두려움은 우리를 매우 주의 깊게 만들고, 우리의 지각의 초점을 위협적인 자극으로 좁히고, 우리로 하여금 상황을 정면으로 대하거나 (싸우거나) 그것을 피하도록 (도피하도록) 하며, 우리로 하여금 경험을 더 강렬하게 기억하도록 (그래서 우리가 미래에 위협을 피하도록) 할 수도 있다.

 Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago.

 그것들이 우리의 시스템을 활성화하는 구체적인 방식과는 관계없이, 우리가 소유한 특정한 감정은 그것들이 오래전에 우리의 환경 내에서 우리가 (종으로서) 힘든 상황에서 생존하도록 도움을 주어 왔기 때문에 존재한다고 여겨진다.

 If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.

 만약 그것들이 우리가 적응하고 생존하도록 도움을 주지 않았었더라면 그것들은 우리와 함께 진화해 오지 않았을 것이다.


[1] 2024 09  23: AI 기술이 장애인을 포함한 노동 시장에서의 포용성 증대

 By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace.

 노동 시장에서 일반적으로 불리한 위치에 있는 노동자를 위한 일터로의 접근성을 향상시킴으로써, AI는 일터에서 포괄성을 향상시킬 수 있다.

 AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities.

 시각, 발화 또는 청각 장애가 있는 노동자들을 돕기 위핸 AI 동력의 보조 장치들이 더 널리 보급되어, 장애를 지닌 사람들의 업무 접근성과 업무의 질을 향상시키고 있다.

 For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary.

 예를 들어, 구음 장애가 있는 사람들을 위한 발화 인식 솔루션이나 청각 장애인과 난청인을 위한 실시간 자막 시스템은 동료와의 의사소통과 대인 의사소통이 필요한 일에 대한 접근을 용이하게 할 수 있다.

 AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects.

 AI는 또한 그들의 임금과 경력 전망에 잠재적으로 긍정적인 영향과 함께 저숙련 노동자들의 능력을 향상시킬 수 있다.

 For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non-native speakers in the workplace.

 예를 들어, 문자 언어와 음성 언어를 실시간으로 번역하는 AI의 능력은 일터에서 비원어민의 수행을 향상시킬 수 있다.

 Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service.

 게다가, 최근의 AI 동력의 텍스트 생성기의 발전은 글쓰기, 코딩, 고객 서비스와 같은 영역에서 저숙련된 개인의 수행을 즉시 향상시킬 수 있다.


[1] 2024 09  24: 고래가 기후 변화 완화에 기여하는 방식과  가치

 Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage.

 고래는 탄소 저장에 매우 효율적이다.

 When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries.

 그들이 죽을 때, 각각의 고래는 평균 30톤의 이산화탄소를 격리하며, 수 세기 동안 대기로부터 그 탄소를 빼내어 둔다.

 For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO a year.

 비교하자면, 평균적인 나무는 연간 48파운드의 이산화탄소만을 흡수한다.

 From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees.

 기후의 관점에서 각각의 고래는 수천 그루의 나무에 상응하는 바다에 사는 것이다.

 Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ― leading some scientists to call them the "engineers of marine ecosystems."

 고래는 또한 영양이 풍부한 배설물을 내보내면서 바다를 비옥하게 함으로써 탄소를 격리하는 데 도움을 주는데, 결과적으로 식물성 플랑크톤 개체를 증가시키고 이는 또한 탄소를 격리한다. 그리하여 몇몇 과학자들은 그들을 '해양 생태계의 기술자'라고 부르게 되었다.

 In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD.

 2019년 국제 통화 기극(IMF)의 경제학자들은 각각의 고래에 의해서 제공되는 생태계 서비스의 가치를 미화 200만 달러가 넘게 추정했다.

 They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a "nature-based solution" to climate change.

 그들은 기후 변화에 대한 '자연 기반 해결책'의 한 예로서 고래 개체수를 산업화 이전의 고래잡이 수준으로 되돌리기 위한 새로운 글로벌 경제적 인센티브 프로그램을 요구했다.

 Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change.

 기후 변화를 늦추기 위해 세계적인 고래 복원 프로그램에 대한 요구가 현재 제기되고 있다.


[1] 2024 09  25: 2022 주요 국가들의 1인당 CO 배출량 비교 그래프

 The above graph shows per capita CO emissions from coal, oil, and gas by countries in 2022.

 위 그래프는 2022년의 국가별 석탄, 석유, 천연가스에서 나온 1인당 이산화탄소 배출량을 보여 준다.

 The United States had the highest total per capita CO emissions, even though its emissions from coal were the second lowest among the five countries shown.

 석탄에서 나온 배출량은 보여진 다섯 개의 국가 중 두 번째로 낮았음에도 불구하고, 미국은 가장 높은 1인당 이산화탄소 총배출량을 가졌다.

 South Korea's total per capita CO emissions were over 10 tons, ranking it the second highest among the countries shown.

 한국의 1인당 이산화탄소 총배출량은 10톤이 넘고, 보여진 국가 중 두 번째로 높은 순위를 차지했다.

 Germany had lower CO emissions per capita than South Korea in all three major sources respectively.

 독일은 한국보다 각각의 모든 세 가지 주요한 원천에서 더 낮은 1인당 이산화탄소 배출량을 가졌다.

 The per capita CO emissions from coal in South Africa were over three times higher than those in Germany.

 남아프리카 공화국의 석탄으로부터의 1인당 이산화탄소 배출량은 독일의 그것보다 세 배보다 더 높았다.

 In Brazil, oil was the largest source of CO emissions per capita among its three major sources, just as it was in the United States and Germany.

 브라질에서 석유는 브라질의 세 가지 주요한 원천 중에서 1인당 이산화탄소 배출량의 가장 큰 원천이었고, 그것은 미국과 독일에서도 마찬가지였다.


[1] 2024 09  26: 프랑스의 여성 과학자 Emilie du Chatelet 업적과 영향

 Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, was born in Paris in 1706.

 프랑스 수학자이자 물리학자인 Emilie du Chatelet 1706년에 파리에서 태어났다.

 During her childhood, with her father's support, she was able to get mathematical and scientific education that most women of her time did not receive.

 어린 시절에 아버지의 도움으로 그녀는 당대 대부분의 여성들은 받지 못했던 수학과 과학 교육을 받을 수 있었다.

 In 1737, she submitted her paper on the nature of fire to a contest sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences, and it was published a year later.

 1737년에 그녀는 불의 속성에 관한 논문을 French Academy of Sciences에 의해 후원되는 대회에 제출했으며, 그것은 1년 후에 출간되었다.

 In her book, Institutions de Physique, Emilie du Chatelet explained the ideas of space and time in a way that is closer to what we understand in modern relativity than what was common during her time.

 그녀의 책 Institutions de Physique에서 Emilie du Chatelet는 당대에 일반적이었던 것보다 현대의 상대성 이론에서 우리가 이해하는 것에 더 가까운 방식으로 공간과 시간의 개념을 설명했다.

 Her most significant achievement was translating Isaac Newton's Principia into French near the end of her life.

 그녀의 가장 주요한 성과는 그녀의 말년 무렵 아이작 뉴턴의 Principia를 프랑스어로 번역한 것이었다.

 Emilie du Chatelet's work was not recognized in her time, but she is now remembered as a symbol of the Enlightenment and the struggle for women's participation in science.

 Emilie du Chatelet의 업적은 당대에 인정받지 못했지만, 현재 그녀는 계몽주의와 여성의 과학 분야 참여를 위한 투쟁의 상징으로 기억된다.




[1] 2024 09  29: 조직  다양한 부서들이 갈등을 일으키는 구조적 요인

 From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization.

 조직의 관점에서, 어떤 조직이 어떻게 많은 다른 문화 유형들을 포함할 수 있는지에 대한 가장 매력적인 예시 중 하나는 조직 내 다른 부서들의 기능적 운영을 인식하는 것이다.

 The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective.

 조직 내 다양한 부서와 과는 필연적으로 어떤 주어진 상황이라도 그들 자신만의 편향적이고 편파적인 관점에서 볼 것이다.

 A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them.

 한 부서와 그 구성원들은 그들을 다른 이들이 그것들을 보는 대로 볼 수 없게 하는 '터널 시야 현상'을 갖게 될 것이다.

 The very structure of organizations can create conflict.

 조직의 구조 자체가 갈등을 만들어낼 수 있다.

 The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management.

 구조가 '기계적'인지 또는 '유기적'인지의 선택은 갈등 관리에 깊은 영향을 미칠 수 있다.

 A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making.

 기계적 구조는 많은 규칙, 많은 절차 그리고 의사결정에 포함된 많은 수준의 관리를 가진 수직적 위계를 갖는다.

 Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.

 유기적 구조는 본래 더 수평적이고, 여기서는 의사결정이 덜 중앙 집중화되고, 조직 전반에 걸쳐 펼처진다.


[1] 2024 09  30: 자전거 전용 도로 확장으로 교통을 줄이는 도시 계획의 이점

 An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it.

 교통을 진정시키는 훌륭한 대안은 그것을 제거하는 것이다.

 Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle.

 몇몇 도시는 자전거, 보행자, 그리고 수시 서비스 차량을 위한 광범위한 망의 도로와 거리를 마련해 둔다.

 This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone.

 이것은 사람들이 자동차보다 자전거로 이동을 하도록 동기를 부여하여 거리를 모두에게 더 안전하게 만든다.

 As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them.

 자전거가 도시에서 더 대중적이 되면, 계획자들은 더 많은 자동차 도로와 전체 거리를 더 많은 자전거를 수용할 수 있도록 전환할 수 있다.

 Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks.

 그럼에도 불구하고, 가장 자전거를 타기 좋은 도시들조차도 여전히 택시, 긴급 차량, 그리고 배달 트럭을 위한 자동차 도로를 필요로 한다.

 Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener.

 배달 차량은 자주 반감의 대상이지만, 그것들은 실제로 도시를 더 친환경적으로 만드는 필수 구성요소이다.

 A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each.

 짐이 빽빽하게 들어찬 배달 트럭은 각각 몇 개의 쇼핑백을 실은 여러 하이브리드 차량보다 훨씬 더 효율적인 상품 운송 수단이다.

 Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.

 음식과 다른 상품을 동네 상인에게 배포하는 것은 그들이 집에 가까운 더 작은 상점을 운영할 수 있게 하고 그 결과 주민들은 식료품을 사기 위해 운전하기보다는 걸어갈 수 있다.


[1] 2024 09  31: 유명 작곡가들의 초기 작품이 받아들여지기 어려웠던 이유

 You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day.

 여러분은 몇몇 가장 위대한 작곡가들이 그들의 시대에 진가를 인정받지 못했다고 몇 번이고 듣는다.

 Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day.

 그들의 시대에 베토벤, 브람스, 스트라빈스키의 곡들을 모든 사람이 이해할 수 있었던 것은 아니었다.

 The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity.

 이러한 초기의 수용 부족의 이유는 낯섦이다.

 The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new.

 음악적 형식, 또는 그 안에 표현된 생각은 완전히 새로운 것이었다.

 And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great.

 그럼에도 불구하고 이것이 바로 그들을 그토록 위대하게 만드는 것들 중 하나이다.

 Effective composers have their own ideas.

 유능한 작곡가는 그들 자신만의 생각을 갖는다.

 Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus?

 당신은 고전 영화 Amadeus를 본 적이 있는가?

 The composer Antonio Salieri is the "host" of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers ― he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him.

 작곡가 Antonio Salieri가 이 영화의 '주인공'이다. 그는 가장 유명한 위대하지 않은 작곡가 중 한 명으로 묘사된다. 그는 모차르트 시대에 살았고 그에 의해 완전히 가려졌다.

 Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one.

 인제 보니 Salieri는 형편없는 작곡가가 아니었다. 사실, 그는 매우 훌륭한 작곡가였다.

 But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original.

 하지만 그의 작품이 독창적이지 않았기 때문에 그는 세계의 위대한 작곡가들 중 한 명은 아니었다.

 What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.

 그가 쓴 곡은 마치 그 당시 모든 다른 사람들이 작곡했던 것처럼 들렸다.


[1] 2024 09  32: 새로운 매체가 인간의 사고 방식을 변화시키는 과정

 Every time a new medium comes along  whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS  and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses.

 인쇄된 책의 발명이든 텔레비전의 발명이든 SNS의 발명이든, 새로운 매체가 나타나 여러분이 그것을 쓰기 시작할 때마다 여러분은 고유의 색깔과 렌즈를 가진 새 고글을 쓰는 것과 같다.

 Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently.

 여러분이 쓰는 각각의 고글은 세상을 다른 방식으로 바라보게 한다.

 So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show  whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire  you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself.

 그러므로 여러분이 텔레비전을 보기 시작하면, 그것이 Wheel of Fortune이든 The Wire, 특정 텔레비전 프로그램의 메시지를 흡수하기 이전에 이미 세상을 텔레비전 그 자체처럼 형성된 것으로 바라보게 된다.

 That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along  a new way for humans to communicate  it has buried in it a message.

 이러한 이유로 Marshall McLuhan이 새로운 매체, , 인간이 의사소통하는 새로운 방식이 나타날 때마다 그 안에 메시지가 담겨 있다고 말한 것이다.

 It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes.

 새로운 매체는 자연스럽게 우리가 새로운 일련의 방식에 따라 세상을 바라보게 한다.

 The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself.

 McLuhan은 정보가 여러분에게 도달하는 방식이 정보 자체보다 더 중요하다고 주장했다.

 TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances.

 텔레비전은 우리에게 세상은 빠르고, 중요한 것은 표면과 겉모습이라고 가르친다.


[1] 2024 09  33: 개념의 중요성과 잘못된 개념이 과학적 오류를 초래할  있는 위험성

 Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism.

 개념은 인간의 생존에 필수적이지만, 개념이 본질주의로 향하는 문을 열기 때문에 우리는 또한 그것들을 주의해야 한다.

 They encourage us to see things that aren't present.

 그것들은 존재하지 않는 것들을 보도록 우리를 부추긴다.

 Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat."

 Stuart Firestein "어두운 방에서 검은 고양이를 찾는 것은 특히 고양이가 없을 때 매우 어렵다."라는 옛 속담으로 그의 책 Ignorance를 시작한다.

 This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences.

 이 말은 본질에 대한 탐구를 훌륭하게 요약한다.

 History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses.

 역사는 가설을 이끄는 잘못된 개념을 사용했기 때문에 헛되이 본질을 탐색했던 과학자들의 많은 예를 가지고 있다.

 Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through.

 Firestein은 빛이 통과할 수 있는 매개체를 갖도록 우주를 가득 채워줄 것이라 여겨진 신비한 물질인 발광 에테르의 예를 제시한다.

 The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.

 Firestein이 쓰기를, 에테르는 검은 고양이였고, 물리학자들은 어두운 방에서 이론을 세우고, 그러고 나서 존재하지 않았던 고양이라는 증거를 찾으며, 그 안에서 실험을 하고 있었던 것이었다.


[1] 2024 09  34: 소셜미디어에서의 '일반적 유명인' 전통적 유명인의 차이

 While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself.

 소셜 미디어 관심은 잠재적으로 엘리트 명성과 같은 목적을 달성하기 위한 도구인 반면, 일부 콘텐츠 제작자들은 사회적 목적 그 자체로서 평범한 명성을 원한다.

 Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability.

 리얼리티 텔레비전 스타들과 다르지 않게, 소셜 미디어 유명인들은 연기나 가창력과 같은 전통적인 엘리트 명성과 관련된 기술과 재능을 가지고 있지 않다는 이유로 종종 비판을 받는다.

 This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity.

 이러한 비판은 디지털 콘텐츠 제작자들이 엘리트 명성의 영역으로 넘어가는 데 있어 실질적인 장벽에 직면하고 있다는 사실을 강조한다.

 However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame.

 그러나 이 비판은 또한 평범한 명성 현상이 명성의 의미를 재구성한다는 점을 놓친다.

 The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class.

 엘리트 유명인은 스타라는 은유로 상징되고, 신비로움과 계층적 거리로 특징지어지며, 타고난 자질의 재능과 계층에 연관되어 있다.

 The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people.

 평범한 유명인은 다른 평범한 사람들과의 정기적이고 빈번한 상호작용을 통해 관심을 끈다.

 Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.

 소셜 미디어 유명인으로서 평범한 명성을 얻는 것은 게임에서 잘하는 것과 같은데, 왜냐하면 이 영역에서 명성은 관심 척도, , 소셜 미디어 애플리케이션에 내장된 구독자, 팔로워, 좋아요 또는 클릭의 측정 기준에서 상대적으로 높은 점수 그 이상도 그 이하도 아니기 때문이다.


[1] 2024 09  35: 시험 준비에서 벼락치기가 효과적이지 않은 이유

 Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy?

 왜 우리는 시험을 위해 벼락 공부를 하는 것이 최고의 학습 전략이라는 착각을 하는 것일까?

 Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory.

 우리가 우리의 기억의 다양한 구획을 구별할 수 없기 때문이다.

 Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind.

 우리의 교과서나 수업 노트를 읽은 직후에는 정보가 우리 머릿속에 완전히 존재한다.

 It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form.

 그것은 우리의 의식적인 작업 기억에 활동적인 형태로 자리한다.

 We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later.

 그것은 우리의 단기 저장 공간에 존재하기 때문에 우리는 마치 우리가 그것을 알고 있는 것처럼 느끼지만, 이 단기 구획은 며칠 후 같은 정보를 기억하기 위해 우리가 필요로 할 장기 기억과는 아무런 관련이 없다.

 After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes.

 몇 초 또는 몇 분 후, 작업 기억은 이미 사라지기 시작하고, 며칠 후 그 영향은 엄청나게 되어, 여러분이 자신의 지식을 다시 테스트하지 않으면 기억은 사라진다.

 To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.

 정보를 장기 기억에 넣으려면, 여러분의 모든 시간을 공부하는 데에 쓰기보다는 자료를 공부하고 나서 스스로를 테스트하는 것이 필수적이다.


[1] 2024 09  36: 거울 뉴런이 관찰 학습에 미치는 영향

 The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation.

 거울 뉴런의 발견은 관찰에 의한 학습이라는 근본적인 인간의 능력에 대해 우리가 생각하는 방식을 완전히 바꾸어 놓았다.

 As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do.

 어린이일 때 우리는 우리의 부모와 친구들이 하는 것을 관찰하면서 많이 배운다.

 Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs.

 갓난아기들은 생의 첫 주에 그들의 부모가 그들의 것()을 내밀면 자신의 혀를 내미는 선천적인 성향을 갖고 있다.

 Such imitation is not perfect.

 그러한 모방은 완벽하지 않다.

 You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different.

 당신은 당신의 갓난아기에게 당신의 것()을 내밀 때마다 (아기의) 혀가 내밀어 나오는 것을 보지 못할 수도 있지만, 만약 당신이 그것을 여러 번 한다면 당신이 다른 것을 할 때보다 (아기의) 혀가 더 자주 나올 것이다.

 Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce.

 아기들은 옹알이하고 이후에 그들의 부모가 내는 소리를 모방하기 시작한다.

 Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents.

 이후에도 여전히, 그들은 부모들을 흉내 내어 진공청소기와 망치를 갖고 논다.

 Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error.

 쓰고 말하고 읽고 우주선을 만들고 학교에 가는 우리의 현대 문화는 단지 우리가 가지고 태어나는 또는 시행착오를 통해 배우는 행동에 국한되지 않기 때문에 작동할 수 있다.

 We can learn a lot by simply watching others.

 우리는 그저 다른 사람들을 관찰하는 것을 통해 많이 배울 수 있다.


[1] 2024 09  37: 자신의 목소리를 다르게 인식하는 이유

 Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice?

 당신은 당신의 음성 녹음을 듣고 놀랐던 적이 있는가?

 You might have thought, "Is that really what my voice sounds like?"

 당신은 '내 목소리가 정말 이렇게 들리는가?'라고 생각했을지도 모른다.

 Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears.

 어쩌면 녹음에서는 당신이 인식한 것보다 당신의 억양이 더 강조되거나, 당신의 목소리가 당신의 귀에 들리는 것 같은 것보다 더 높다.

 This is of course quite a common experience.

 이것은 당연히 꽤 흔한 경험이다.

 The explanation is actually fairly simple.

 이 설명은 사실 꽤 간단하다.

 There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak.

 우리가 말할 때 우리 자신의 목소리를 인지하는 데는 두 가지 경로가 있다.

 One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear.

 하나는 외이, 중이, 내이를 통하는 공기로부터 이동하는 파동처럼 우리가 대부분의 외부의 소리를 인지하는 경로이다.

 But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path.

 그러나 우리가 말할 때 우리의 성대가 진동하기 때문에 두 번째 내부의 경로가 있다.

 Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly.

 진동은 뼈를 통해 전해지고, 우리의 내이를 직접 자극한다.

 Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway.

 낮은 주파수는 이 경로를 따라 두드러진다.

 That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.

 그것은 당신의 목소리가 다른 사람에게 들릴 수 있는 것보다 당신 자신에게 더 깊고 풍부하게 들리게 한다.


[1] 2024 09  38: 생물의 유사성에서 아날로그와 호몰로그의 차이

 Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity.

 생물학자들은 두 종류의 유사성을 구별한다.

 "Analogous" traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not "the same" organ.

 '상사' 형질은 공통된 기능을 가지는 것들이지만, 진화 계보의 다른 가지에서 생겨났고 중요한 면에서 '동일한' 기관이 아닌 형질이다.

 The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight.

 새의 날개들과 벌의 날개들은 둘 다 비행에 쓰이고 비행에 쓰이는 것은 어떤 것이든 그러한 방식으로 만들어져야 하기 때문에 일부 방식에서 유사하지만, 그것들은 진화상에 별개로 생겨났고, 비행에서 그것들의 쓰임 외에는 공통점이 없다.

 "Homologous" traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being "the same" organ.

 대조적으로, '상동' 형질은 공통된 기능이 있을 수도 없을 수도 있으나 그것들은 공통의 조상으로부터 내려왔으므로 그들이 '동일한' 기관임을 보여주는 어떠한 공통된 구조를 가진다.

 The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals.

 박쥐의 날개와 말의 앞다리는 매우 다른 기능들을 가지나, 그것들은 모든 포유류의 조상의 앞다리가 모두 변형된 것들이다.

 As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected.

 그 결과, 그들은 뼈의 개수와 그것들이 연결된 방식과 같은 비기능적 형질을 공유한다.

 To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.

 상사성과 상동성을 구별하기 위해, 생물학자들은 주로 그 기관의 전체적인 구성을 살펴보고 그들의 가장 쓰임이 없는 특성에 집중한다.


[1] 2024 09  39: 기후 변화로 인한 해양 산소 감소의 위험성

 Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive.

 해수는 모든 해양 동물이 살아있기 위해 호흡하는 다량의 용존 산소를 포함한다.

 It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures.

 따뜻한 물이 보유하고 있는 것보다 차가운 물이 더 많은 용존 산소를 보유하고 있다는 사실은 물리학에서 오랫동안 확립되어 왔으며, 이는 열대 해양은 푸르고 맑고 생물이 상대적으로 적게 서식하는 반면 차가운 극지의 바다는 생명으로 가득한 하나의 이유이다.

 Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease.

 따라서 지구 온난화가 해양 수온을 높임에 따라 용존 산소의 양이 감소할 것은 자명하다.

 This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level.

 만약 생태계를 위협하는 수준까지 계속되도록 허용된다면 이는 걱정스럽고 잠재적으로 파괴적인 결과다.

 Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century.

 현재 과학자들은 해양에서 용존 산소의 양이 반세기가 넘는 기간 동안 감소해 왔다는 것을 보여 주는 데이터를 분석해 왔다.

 The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature.

 이 데이터는 해양 산소 농도가 상응하는 수온 상승보다 더 빠르게 감소해 오고 있음을 보여 준다.

 Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.

 감소하는 수중 산소 농도는 세계적으로 해양 생물의 서식지에 영향을 끼칠 가능성을 갖고 있으며 최근에 이것은 물고기, , 그리고 많은 다른 생물의 개체군을 죽이거나 쫓아낸 더 빈번한 산소 결핍 사건을 초래해 왔다.


[1] 2024 09  40: 원숭이 실험에서 불공정한 대우에 대한 반응

 Capuchins ― New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ― will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved.

 대규모의 사회 집단으로 서식하는 New World Monkey Capuchin은 갇힌 상태에서 온종일 사람들과 거래를 할 것인데 특히 먹이가 연관된다면 그러할 것이다.

 I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat.

 '내가 너에게 이 돌을 주고 너는 나에게 먹을 간식을 준다.'

 If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers.

 만약 당신이 두 마리의 원숭이들을 나란히 있는 우리에 넣고 그들이 이미 가지고 있는 돌의 대가로 오이 조각을 둘 모두에게 주었을 때 그들은 그 오이를 기쁘게 먹을 것이다.

 If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ― grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ― the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter.

 하지만 만약 당신이 한 원숭이에게는 포도를 대신 준다면, 일반적으로 포도는 오이보다 더 선호되는데, 여전히 오이를 받은 원숭이는 그것들을 실험자에게 던지기 시작할 것이다.

 Even though she is still getting "paid" the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair.

 비록 그녀가 돌을 모은 그녀의 수고에 대한 대가로 같은 양을 여전히 '받고', 그래서 그녀의 특정한 상황이 변화가 없더라도, 다른 원숭이와의 비교는 그 상황을 부당하게 만든다.

 Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains ― the cucumbers themselves ― to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter.

 게다가, 그녀는 실험자에게 그녀의 불쾌함을 전달하기 위해 모든 얻은 것들, , 오이 자체를 이제 기꺼이 포기한다.

 [요약문] According to the passage, if the Capuchin monkey realizes the inequality in rewards compared to another monkey, she will reject her rewards to express her feelings about the treatment, despite getting exactly the same rewards as before.

 [요약문] 이 글에 따르면, 만약 Capuchin 원숭이가 다른 원숭이와 비교하여 보상에서의 불평등을 알아차린다면, 그녀는 이전과 정확히 똑같은 보상을 받더라도 대우에 대한 그녀의 감정을 표현하기 위해 그녀의 보상을 거부할 것이다.


[1] 2024 09  41~42: 고등 교육의 확산과 그로 인한 평가 시스템의 모순

 Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world.

 고등 교육은 전 세계에 걸쳐 엘리트에서 대중 체제로 성장해 왔다.

 In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War.

 유럽과 미국에서는 2차 세계 대전 이후 수십 년 동안 증가된 참여율이 나타났다.

 Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23).

 2000년과 2014년 사이에 졸업 연령 범주 내 집단 구성원 사이에서의 고등 교육 참여율은 전 세계에 걸쳐 19%에서 34%로 거의 두 배가 되었다.

 The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students.

 고등 교육의 극적인 확대는 더 광범위한 고등 학습 기관과 더 다양한 학생 인구 집단으로 특징지어져 왔다.

 Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialized workforce for the economy.

 엘리트 체제에서 대중 고등 교육 체제로의 변화는 경제를 위한 전문화된 노동력을 구축하려는 정치적 필요성과 관련이 있다.

 In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development.

 이론적으로, 고도로 숙련된 노동력을 개발하기 위한 고등 교육의 확대는 평생학습을 가능하게 하는 평가로의 접근 방법, , 학습을 '위한' 평가와 발달을 위한 피드백에 집중을 시작하면서, 학생의 선발과 통제에 있어 시험의 역할을 감소시킬 것이다.

 In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a 'field of contradictions' for assessment in higher education.

 실제로는 고등 교육을 확대하기 위한 사회 정치적 변화는 고등 교육에서의 평가에 있어 '모순의 장'을 조성해 왔다.

 Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback.

 대중 고등 교육은 최소한이거나 비개인적이거나 표준화된 피드백을 갖춘, 시험과 선다형 퀴즈와 같은, 평가로의 효율적인 접근 방법을 필요로 하며, 이는 종종 학생이 피드백보다 성적에 더 집중하게 만든다.

 In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students.

 대조적으로, 과거에 엘리트 체제의 상대적으로 적은 학생의 수는 형성적 피드백이 학생의 마음, 학업 기술, 그리고 심지어 학생의 성격을 형성하면서, 학생과 그들의 선생님 사이의 더 긴밀한 관계를 허용했다.


[1] 2024 09  43~45: 이란 시인 Sheikh Saadi 옷을 통해 사람의 평가가 달라지는 이야기

 Once upon a time in the Iranian city of Shiraz, there lived the famous poet Sheikh Saadi.

 옛날 옛적에 이란의 도시 Shiraz에 유명한 시인 Sheikh Saadi가 살았다.

 Like most other poets and philosophers, he led a very simple life.

 대부분의 다른 시인들과 철학자들처럼 그는 매우 검소한 생활을 했다.

 A rich merchant of Shiraz was preparing for his daughter's wedding and invited him along with a lot of big businessmen of the town.

 Shiraz의 부유한 상인은 그의 딸의 결혼식을 준비하고 있었고 그를 그 마을의 많은 큰 사업가들과 함께 초대했다.

 The poet accepted the invitation and decided to attend.

 그 시인은 초대를 수락했고 참석하기로 결정했다.

 On the day of the wedding, the rich merchant, the host of the wedding, was receiving the guests at the gate.

 결혼식 날, 결혼식의 혼주인 부유한 상인은 입구에서 손님을 맞이하고 있었다.

 Many rich people of the town attended the wedding.

 마을의 많은 부유한 사람들이 결혼식에 참석했다.

 They had come out in their best clothes.

 그들은 자신의 가장 좋은 옷차림으로 나왔다.

 The poet wore simple clothes which were neither grand nor expensive.

 시인은 거창하지도 비싸지도 않은 소박한 옷을 입었다.

 He waited for someone to approach him but no one gave him as much as even a second glance.

 그는 누군가가 자신에게 다가오기를 기다렸지만 아무도 그에게 단 일 초의 눈길도 주지 않았다.

 Even the host did not greet him and looked away.

 혼주조차도 그에게 인사하지 않고 눈길을 돌렸다.

 Seeing all this, the poet quietly left the party and went to a shop where he could rent clothes.

 이 모든 것을 보고 시인은 조용히 파티를 떠나 그가 옷을 빌릴 수 있는 가게로 갔다.

 There he chose a richly decorated coat, which made him look like a new person.

 그곳에서 그는 화려하게 장식된 외투를 골랐고, 그것은 그를 새로운 사람처럼 보이게 만들었다.

 With this coat, he entered the party and this time was welcomed with open arms.

 이 외투를 입고 그는 파티에 들어갔고 이번에는 두 팔 벌려 환영을 받았다.

 The host embraced him as he would do to an old friend and complimented him on the clothes he was wearing.

 혼주는 그가 오랜 친구에게 하듯이 그를 껴안았고 그가 입고 있는 옷에 대해 그에게 칭찬했다.

 The poet did not say a word and allowed the host to lead him to the dining room.

 시인은 한마디도 하지 않고 혼주가 그를 식당으로 안내하도록 허락했다.

 The host personally led the poet to his seat and served out chicken soup to him.

 혼주는 직접 시인을 그의 자리로 안내했고 그에게 닭고기 수프를 내주었다.

 After a moment, the poet suddenly dipped the corner of his coat in the soup as if he fed it.

 잠시 후에 시인은 마치 음식을 먹이듯 그의 외투 자락을 수프에 갑자기 담갔다.

 All the guests were now staring at him in surprise.

 모든 손님이 바로 그를 놀라서 바라보고 있었다.

 The host said, "Sir, what are you doing?"

 혼주가 말했다. "선생님, 뭐 하는 겁니까?"

 The poet very calmly replied, "Now that I have put on expensive clothes, I see a world of difference here.

 시인은 매우 침착하게 대답했다. "내가 비싼 옷을 입으니 이곳에서 엄청난 차이를 봅니다.

 All that I can say now is that this feast is meant for my clothes, not for me."

 내가 지금 할 수 있는 모든 말은 이 진수성찬이 내 옷을 위한 것이지 나를 위한 것이 아니라는 것뿐입니다."






안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <2023년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.
설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.
PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 사용하세요.
유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다~♡






블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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파일 다운로드

[고1] 2023년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석).pdf
[고1] 2023년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석).docx





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[고1] 2023년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 [고1] 2023년도 9월 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모






안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <[고1] 2023년도 9월 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다.
자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  
지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 때 참고하세요.





블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






파일 미리보기






파일 다운로드

[고1] 2023년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석.pdf
[고1] 2023년 9월 모의고사 - 한줄해석.docx





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[고1] 2023년도 9월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (212문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2023년도 9월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 첫번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2023년 9월 기출모음 #1 - 212문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항



[고1] 2023년도 9월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #2 (165문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2023년도 9월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 2번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2023년 9월 기출모음 #2 - 165문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항





전체 내용

[1] 2023 09 – 18: Chemistry Fair 위한 대학생 조교 추천 요청

 Dear Professor Sanchez,

 Sanchez 교수님께,

 My name is Ellis Wight, and I'm the director of the Alexandria Science Museum.

  이름은 Ellis Wight이고 Alexandria 과학 박물관의 관장입니다.

 We are holding a Chemistry Fair for local middle school students on Saturday, October 28.

 저희는 10 28 토요일에 지역 중학교 학생을 위한 화학 박람회를 개최합니다.

 The goal of the fair is to encourage them to be interested in science through guided experiments.

  박람회의 목적은 안내적 실험을 통해 학생들이 과학에 관한 관심을 갖도록 장려하는 것입니다.

 We are looking for college students who can help with the experiments during the event.

 저희는 행사 기간 동안  험을 도와줄  있는 대학생을 모집하고자 합니다.

 I am contacting you to ask you to recommend some students from the chemistry department at your college who you think are qualified for this job.

 저는  일에 적합하다고 생각되는 귀교의 화학과 학생  명을 추천해 달라는 요청을 드리고자 연락드렸습니다.

 With their help, I'm sure the participants will have a great experience.

 저는  학생들의 도움으로 참가자들이 훌륭한 경험을 하게  것이라 확신합니다.

 I look forward to hearing from you soon.

 빠른 시일 내에 당신으로부터 연락이 오기를 기대하겠습니다.

 Sincerely, Ellis Wight

 진심을 담아, Ellis Wight


[1] 2023 09 – 19: 암벽 등반  위험한 상황에 처한 경험

 Gregg and I had been rock climbing since sunrise and had had no problems.

 Gregg 나는 일출 이후에 암벽 등반을 해왔고 아무런 문제가 없었다.

 So we took a risk.

 그래서 우리는 위험을 감수했다.

 "Look, the first bolt is right there.

 ",  번째 볼트가 바로 저기에 있어.

 I can definitely climb out to it.

 나는 분명히 거기까지 올라갈  있어.

 Piece of cake," I persuaded Gregg, minutes before I found myself pinned.

 식은  먹기야."라고 나는 Gregg 설득했고, 얼마 지나지 않아 나는 내가 꼼짝 못하게 되었다는 것을 알게 되었다.

 It wasn't a piece of cake.

 그것은 식은  먹기가 아니었다.

 The rock was deceptively barren of handholds.

  바위는 믿을  없게도 손으로 잡을 곳이 없었다.

 I clumsily moved back and forth across the cliff face and ended up with nowhere to go...but down.

 나는 서툴게 절벽 면을 이리저리 가로질러 보았지만  곳이... 결국 아래쪽밖에는 없었다.

 The bolt that would save my life, if I could get to it, was about two feet above my reach.

 만약 내가 거기까지   있다면,  목숨을 구해  볼트는 손이 닿을  있는 곳에서  2피트 위에 있었다.

 My arms trembled from exhaustion.

  팔은 극도의 피로로 떨렸다.

 I looked at Gregg.

 나는 Gregg 쳐다보았다.

 My body froze with fright from my neck down to my toes.

  몸은 목에서부터 발끝까지 공포로 얼어붙었다.

 Our rope was tied between us.

 우리 사이에 밧줄이 묶여 있었다.

 If I fell, he would fall with me.

 내가 떨어지면, 그도 나와 함께 떨어질 것이다.


[1] 2023 09 – 20: 부모의 행동과 말이 자녀의 가치관 형성에 미치는 영향

 We are always teaching our children something by our words and our actions.

 우리는 항상 우리 자녀에게 말과 행동으로 무언가를 가르치고 있다.

 They learn from seeing.

 그들은 보는 것으로부터 배운다.

 They learn from hearing and from overhearing.

 그들은 듣거나 '우연히 듣는 '으로부터 배운다.

 Children share the values of their parents about the most important things in life.

 아이들은 인생에서 가장 중요한 것에   그들 부모의 가치를 공유한다.

 Our priorities and principles and our examples of good behavior can teach our children to take the high road when other roads look tempting.

 우리의 우선순위와 원칙 그리고 훌륭한 행동에 대한 본보기는 우리 자녀에게 다른 길이 유혹적으로 보일  올바른 길로 가도록 가르칠  있다.

 Remember that children do not learn the values that make up strong character simply by being told about them.

 아이들은 확고한 인격을 구성하는 가치를 단순히 그것에 대해 '들음'으로써 배우지 않는다는 것을 기억하라.

 They learn by seeing the people around them act on and uphold those values in their daily lives.

 그들은 그들 주변 사람들이 그들의 일상생활에서 그러한 가치를 좇아 '행동'하고 '유지'하는 것을 봄으로써 배운다.

 Therefore show your child good examples of life by your action.

 그러므로 여러분의 자녀에게 여러분의 행동으로 삶의 모범을 보여라.

 In our daily lives, we can show our children that we respect others.

 우리 일상생활에서, 우리는 우리 자녀에게 우리가 타인을 존중하는 것을 보여줄  있다.

 We can show them our compassion and concern when others are suffering, and our own self-discipline, courage and honesty as we make difficult decisions.

 우리는 그들에게 타인이 괴로워할  우리의 연민과 걱정을, 그리고 우리가 어려운 결정을   우리 자신의 자제력, 용기 그리고 정직을 보여줄  있다.


[1] 2023 09 – 21: 과학 논문은 독자에게 이해되어야 완성됨

 Most people have no doubt heard this question:

 대부분의 사람들은 틀림없이  질문을 들어 봤을 것이다.

 If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it fall, does it make a sound?

 만약 숲에서 나무가 쓰러지고 그것이 쓰러지는 것을 들을 사람이 거기에 없다면, 소리가 나는 것일까?

 The correct answer is no.

 정답은 '아니요'이다.

 Sound is more than pressure waves, and indeed there can be no sound without a hearer.

 소리는 압력파 이상이며, 정말로 듣는 사람 없이는 소리가 있을  없다.

 And similarly, scientific communication is a two-way process.

 마찬가지로, 과학적 커뮤니케이션은 양방향 프로세스이다.

 Just as a signal of any kind is useless unless it is perceived, a published scientific paper (signal) is useless unless it is both received and understood by its intended audience.

 어떠한 종류의 신호든 그것이 감지되지 않으면 쓸모가 없는 것처럼, 출판된 과학 논문(신호) 그것이 의도된 독자에 의해 수신 '그리고' 이해가   되지 않으면 쓸모가 없다.

 Thus we can restate the axiom of science as follows:

 따라서 우리는 과학의 자명한 이치를 다음과 같이 재진술할  있다.

 A scientific experiment is not complete until the results have been published and understood.

 과학 실험은 결과가 출판되고 '그리고 이해될' 때까지 완성되지 않는다.

 Publication is no more than pressure waves unless the published paper is understood.

 출판된 논문이 이해되지 않으면 출판은 압력파에 지나지 않는다.

 Too many scientific papers fall silently in the woods.

 너무 많은 과학 논문이 소리 없이 숲속에서 쓰러진다.


[1] 2023 09 – 22: 성공적인 협상은 양쪽이 이기는 결과 추구

 We all negotiate every day, whether we realise it or not.

 우리가 그것을 알든지 모르든지 간에, 우리 모두는 매일 협상한다.

 Yet few people ever learn how to negotiate.

 하지만 이제까지 '어떻게' 협상하는지를 배운 사람은 거의 없다.

 Those who do usually learn the traditional, win-lose negotiating style rather than an approach that is likely to result in a win-win agreement.

 (협상 방식을) 배우는 사람들은 대개 양측에 유리한 합의를 도출할 가능성이 있는 접근법보다는 전통적인,  쪽에만 유리한 협상 방식을 배운다.

 This old-school, adversarial approach may be useful in a one-off negotiation where you will probably not deal with that person again.

  구식의 적대적인 접근법은 아마도 여러분이  사람을 다시 상대하지 않을 일회성 협상에서 유용할지도 모른다.

 However, such transactions are becoming increasingly rare, because most of us deal with the same people repeatedly ─ our spouses and children, our friends and colleagues, our customers and clients.

 그러나, 우리 대부분은 배우자와 자녀, 친구와 동료, 고객과 의뢰인같이 동일한 사람들을 반복적으로 상대하기 때문에, 이러한 거래는 점점  드물어지고 있다.

 In view of this, it's essential to achieve successful results for ourselves and maintain a healthy relationship with our negotiating partners at the same time.

 이러한 관점에서, 우리 자신을 위해 성공적인 결과를 얻어내는 동시에 협상 파트너들과 건전한 관계를 유지하는 것이 중요하다.

 In today's interdependent world of business partnerships and long-term relationships, a win-win outcome is fast becoming the only acceptable result.

 오늘날 비즈니스 파트너십과 장기적 관계의 상호 의존적인 세계에서, 양측에 유리한 성과는 '유일하게' 받아들일  있는 결과가 빠르게 되어가고 있다.


[1] 2023 09 – 23: 다양한 문화 배경이 노동 생산성과 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

 The interaction of workers from different cultural backgrounds with the host population might increase productivity due to positive externalities like knowledge spillovers.

 다른 문화적 배경으로부터의 노동자들과 현지 주민의 상호 작용은 지식 파급과 같은 긍정적인 외부 효과로 인해 생산성을 증가시킬  있다.

 This is only an advantage up to a certain degree.

 이것은 어느 정도까지만 장점이다.

 When the variety of backgrounds is too large, fractionalization may cause excessive transaction costs for communication, which may lower productivity.

 배경의 다양성이 너무  경우, 분열은 의사소통에 대한 과도한 거래 비용을 초래하는데, 이는 생산성을 저하시킬  있다.

 Diversity not only impacts the labour market, but may also affect the quality of life in a location.

 다양성은 노동 시장에 영향을  뿐만 아니라  지역의 삶의 질에도 영향을 미칠  있다.

 A tolerant native population may value a multicultural city or region because of an increase in the range of available goods and services.

 관용적인 원주민은 이용 가능한 재화와 용역 범위의 증가로 인해 다문화 도시나 지역을 가치 있게 여길  있다.

 On the other hand, diversity could be perceived as an unattractive feature if natives perceive it as a distortion of what they consider to be their national identity.

 반면에, 원주민들이 다양성을 그들의 국가 정체성이라고 생각하는 것에 대한 왜곡으로 인식한다면 다양성은 매력적이지 않은 특징으로 인식될  있다.

 They might even discriminate against other ethnic groups and they might fear that social conflicts between different foreign nationalities are imported into their own neighbourhood.

 그들은 심지어 다른 민족 집단을 차별할 수도 있고 그들은 다른 외국 국적들 간의 사회적 갈등이 그들 인근으로 유입되는 것을 두려워할 수도 있다.


[1] 2023 09 – 24: 건축물이 사회를 변화시키는 방식

 We think we are shaping our buildings.

 우리는 우리가 건물을 형성하고 있다고 생각한다.

 But really, our buildings and development are also shaping us.

 그러나 실제로 우리의 건물과 개발도 또한 우리를 형성하고 있다.

 One of the best examples of this is the oldest-known construction: the ornately carved rings of standing stones at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey.

 이것의 가장 좋은   하나는 가장 오래된 것으로 알려진 건축물인 튀르키예의 Gobekli Tepe 있는 화려하게 조각된 입석의 고리이다.

 Before these ancestors got the idea to erect standing stones some 12,000 years ago, they were hunter-gatherers.

  조상들이  12,000 전에 입석을 세우는 아이디어를 얻기 전에 그들은 수렵 채집인이었다.

 It appears that the erection of the multiple rings of megalithic stones took so long, and so many successive generations, that these innovators were forced to settle down to complete the construction works.

 거석으로  여러 개의 고리를 세우는  오랜 시간이 걸렸고 많은 잇따른 세대를 거쳤어야 해서  혁신가들은 건설 작업을 완료하기 위해 정착해야만 했던 것으로 보인다.

 In the process, they became the first farming society on Earth.

  과정에서, 그들은 지구상 최초의 농업 사회가 되었다.

 This is an early example of a society constructing something that ends up radically remaking the society itself.

 이것은 결국 사회 자체를 근본적으로 재구성하는 무언가를 건설하는 사회의 초기 예이다.

 Things are not so different in our own time.

 우리 시대에도 상황이 그렇게 다르지 않다.


[1] 2023 09 – 25: 연령대별 소셜 미디어 사용률 변화

 The graph above shows the percentages of people in different age groups who reported using social media in the United States in 2015 and 2021.

  그래프는 2015년과 2021년에 미국에서 소셜 미디어를 사용한다고 보고했던 다양한 연령 집단들에서 사람들의 비율을 보여 준다.

 In each of the given years, the 18-29 group had the highest percentage of people who said they used social media.

 주어진 각각의 해에서 18~29 집단에서 소셜 미디어를 사용한다고 말한 사람들의 비율이 가장 높았다.

 In 2015, the percentage of people who reported using social media in the 30-49 group was more than twice that in the 65 and older group.

 2015년에 30~49 집단에서 소셜 미디어를 사용한다고 보고한 사람들의 비율은 65 이상 집단에서의 그것의  배보다 컸다.

 The percentage of people who said they used social media in the 50-64 group in 2021 was 22 percentage points higher than that in 2015.

 2021년에 50~64 집단에서 소셜 미디어를 사용한다고 말한 사람들의 비율은 2015년의 그것보다 22퍼센트 포인트  높았다.

 In 2021, except for the 65 and older group, more than four-fifths of people in each age group reported using social media.

 2021년에 65 이상 집단을 제외한  연령 집단에서 5분의 4 넘는 사람들이 소셜 미디어를 사용한다고 보고했다.

 Among all the age groups, only the 18-29 group showed a decrease in the percentage of people who reported using social media from 2015 to 2021.

 모든 연령 집단 중에서 18~29 집단만이 2015년에서 2021년까지 소셜 미디어를 사용한다고 보고한 사람들의 비율에서 감소를 보였다.


[1] 2023 09 – 26: 재즈 피아니스트 Bill Evans 생애와 업적

 American jazz pianist Bill Evans was born in New Jersey in 1929.

 미국인 재즈 피아니스트 Bill Evans 뉴저지에서 1929년에 태어났다.

 His early training was in classical music.

 그의 초기 교육은 클래식 음악이었다.

 At the age of six, he began receiving piano lessons, later adding flute and violin.

 6세에 그는 피아노 수업을 받기 시작해서, 나중에 플루트와 바이올린을 더했다.

 He earned bachelor's degrees in piano and music education from Southeastern Louisiana College in 1950.

 그는 1950년에 Southeastern Louisiana 대학에서 피아노와 음악 교육에서 학사 학위를 취득했다.

 He went on to serve in the army from 1951 to 1954 and played flute in the Fifth Army Band.

 그는 1951에서 1954년까지  복무를 하며 5군악대에서 플루트를 연주했다.

 After serving in the military, he studied composition at the Mannes School of Music in New York.

  복무 이후 그는 뉴욕에 있는 Mannes School of Music에서 작곡을 공부했다.

 Composer George Russell admired his playing and hired Evans to record and perform his compositions.

 작곡가 George Russell 그의 연주에 감탄하여 자신의 곡을 녹음하고 연주하도록 하기 위해 Evans 고용했다.

 Evans became famous for recordings made from the late-1950s through the 1960s.

 Evans 1950년대 후반부터 1960년대 동안에 만들어진 음반으로 유명해졌다.

 He won his first Grammy Award in 1964 for his album Conversations with Myself.

 그는 자신의 앨범 Conversations with Myself 1964년에 자신의  번째 그래미상을 수상했다.

 Evans' expressive piano works and his unique harmonic approach inspired a whole generation of musicians.

 Evans 표현이 풍부한 피아노 작품과 그의 독특한 화성적 접근은  세대의 음악가들에게 영감을 주었다.


[1] 2023 09 – 29: 스포츠 경영 전문가들이 비전문적 조언에 직면하는 상황

 There is a reason the title "Monday Morning Quarterback" exists.

 'Monday Morning Quarterback'이라는 이름이 존재하는 이유가 있다.

 Just read the comments on social media from fans discussing the weekend's games, and you quickly see how many people believe they could play, coach, and manage sport teams more successfully than those on the field.

 주말 경기에 대해 토론하는 팬들의 소셜 미디어의 댓글만 읽어봐도 여러분은 자신이 경기장에 있는 사람들보다  성공적으로 경기를 뛰고, 감독하고, 스포츠팀을 관리할  있다고 얼마나 많은 사람들이 믿는지 금방   있다.

 This goes for the boardroom as well.

 이것은 이사회실에서도 마찬가지이다.

 Students and professionals with years of training and specialized degrees in sport business may also find themselves being given advice on how to do their jobs from friends, family, or even total strangers without any expertise.

 스포츠 사업에서 수년간의 훈련을 받고 전문적인 학위를 가진 학생들과 전문가들 또한 친구들, 가족, 혹은 전문 지식이 전혀 없는 심지어 완전히 낯선 사람들로부터 어떻게 자신의 일을 해야 하는지에대한 충고를 듣고 있는 자신을 발견할지도 모른다.

 Executives in sport management have decades of knowledge and experience in their respective fields.

 스포츠 경영 임원진들은 자신의  분야에서 수십 년의 지식과 경험을 가지고 있다.

 However, many of them face criticism from fans and community members telling them how to run their business.

 하지만, 그들  많은 사람들이 그들에게 그들의 사업 운영 방식을 알려주는 팬들과 지역 사회 구성원들로부터의 비난에 직면한다.

 Very few people tell their doctor how to perform surgery or their accountant how to prepare their taxes, but many people provide feedback on how sport organizations should be managed.

 자신의 의사에게 수술하는 방법을 알려주거나 자신의 회계사에게 자신의 세금을 준비하는 방법을 알려주는 사람은 거의 없지만, 많은 사람들이 스포츠 조직이 어떻게 관리되어야 하는지에 대한 피드백은 제공한다.


[1] 2023 09 – 30: 이사로 인한 어린 아이들의 스트레스와 극복 방법

 While moving is difficult for everyone, it is particularly stressful for children.

 이사는 모두에게 힘들지만, 아이들에게 특히 스트레스가 많은 일이다.

 They lose their sense of security and may feel disoriented when their routine is disrupted and all that is familiar is taken away.

 그들은 안심감을 잃고 그들의 일상이 무너지고 익숙한 모든 것이 사라질  혼란스러움을 느낄 수도 있다.

 Young children, ages 3-6, are particularly affected by a move.

 3세에서 6 사이의 어린아이들은 이사에 특히 영향을 받는다.

 Their understanding at this stage is quite literal, and it is difficult for them to imagine beforehand a new home and their new room.

  시기에 그들의 이해력은  융통성이 없어서, 그들이 새로운 집과 자신의 새로운 방을 미리 상상하는 것은 어렵다.

 Young children may have worries such as "Will I still be me in the new place?" and "Will my toys and bed come with us?"

 어린아이들은 "내가 새로운 곳에서 여전히 나일까?" " 장난감과 침대가 우리와 함께 갈까?" 같은 걱정들을 가질지도 모른다.

 It is important to establish a balance between validating children's past experiences and focusing on helping them adjust to the new place.

 아이들의 과거 경험을 인정하는 것과 그들이 새로운 곳에 적응하도록 돕는  집중하는  사이에 균형을 잡는 것이 중요하다.

 Children need to have opportunities to share their backgrounds in a way that respects their past as an important part of who they are.

 아이들은 자신이 누구인지에 대한 중요한 부분으로서 자신의 과거를 존중하는 방식으로 자신의 배경을 공유할 기회를 가질 필요가 있다.

 This contributes to building a sense of community, which is essential for all children, especially those in transition.

 이것은 공동체 의식을 형성하는  기여하고, 이는 모든 아이들, 특히 변화를 겪는 아이들에게 가장 중요하다.


[1] 2023 09 – 31: 비행에 대한 두려움이 비합리적인 결정임을 지적

 Many people are terrified to fly in airplanes.

 많은 사람들은 비행기를 타는 것을 두려워한다.

 Often, this fear stems from a lack of control.

 종종,  두려움은 통제력의 부족에서 비롯된다.

 The pilot is in control, not the passengers, and this lack of control instills fear.

 조종사는 통제를 하지만 승객은 그렇지 않으며, 이러한 통제력의 부족은 두려움을 스며들게 .

 Many potential passengers are so afraid they choose to drive great distances to get to a destination instead of flying.

 많은 잠재적인 승객들은 너무 두려워서 그들은 비행기를 타는 대신 목적지에 도착하기 위해  거리를 운전하는 것을 선택한다.

 But their decision to drive is based solely on emotion, not logic.

 그러나 운전을 하기로  그들의 결정은 논리가 아닌 오직 감정에 근거한다.

 Logic says that statistically, the odds of dying in a car crash are around 1 in 5,000, while the odds of dying in a plane crash are closer to 1 in 11 million.

 논리에 따르면 통계적으로 자동차 사고로 사망할 확률은  5,000분의 1이고, 반면 비행기 사고로 사망할 확률은 1,100만분의 1 가깝다고 한다.

 If you're going to take a risk, especially one that could possibly involve your well-being, wouldn't you want the odds in your favor?

 만약 여러분이 위험을 감수할 것이라면, 특히 여러분의 안녕을 혹시 포함할  있는 위험을 감수할 것이라면, 여러분에게 유리한 확률을 원하지 않겠는가?

 However, most people choose the option that will cause them the least amount of anxiety.

 그러나 대부분의 사람들은 그들에게 최소한의 불안감을 야기할  있는 선택을 한다.

 Pay attention to the thoughts you have about taking the risk and make sure you're basing your decision on facts, not just feelings.

 위험을 감수하는 것에 대해 여러분이 가지고 있는 생각에 주의를 기울이고 여러분의 결정을 단지 감정이 아닌 사실에 근거하고 있는지 확인하라.


[1] 2023 09 – 32: 인간이 동물과의 유사성을 축소하려는 경향

 The famous primatologist Frans de Waal, of Emory University, says humans downplay similarities between us and other animals as a way of maintaining our spot at the top of our imaginary ladder.

 Emory 대학의 유명한 영장류학자 Frans de Waal 인간은 상상  사다리의 꼭대기에서 우리의 위치를 유지하는 방법으로 우리와 다른 동물들 사이의 유사성을 경시한다고 말한다.

 Scientists, de Waal points out, can be some of the worst offenders ─ employing technical language to distance the other animals from us.

 de Waal 과학자들이 우리와 다른 동물들 사이에 거리를 두기 위해 기술적인 언어를 사용하는 최악의 죄를 범하는 자들  일부일  있다고 지적한다.

 They call "kissing" in chimps "mouth-to-mouth contact"; they call "friends" between primates "favorite affiliation partners"; they interpret evidence showing that crows and chimps can make tools as being somehow qualitatively different from the kind of toolmaking said to define humanity.

 그들은 침팬지의 '키스' '입과 입의 접촉'이라고 부르고, 영장류 사이의 '친구' '좋아하는 제휴 파트너'라고 부르며, 그들은 까마귀와 침팬지가 도구를 만들  있다는 것을 보여주는 증거를 인류를정의한다고 하는 종류의 도구 제작과는 아무래도 질적으로 다르다고 해석한다.

 If an animal can beat us at a cognitive task ─ like how certain bird species can remember the precise locations of thousands of seeds ─ they write it off as instinct, not intelligence.

 만약 동물이, 특정 종의 새들이 수천 개의 씨앗의 정확한 위치를 기억할  있는 방식처럼, 인지적인 과업에서 우리를 이길  있다면, 그들은 그것을 지능이  니라 본능으로 치부한다.

 This and so many more tricks of language are what de Waal has termed "linguistic castration."

 이것과  많은 언어적 수법은 de Waal '언어적 거세'라고 명명한 것이다.

 The way we use our tongues to disempower animals, the way we invent words to maintain our spot at the top.

 우리가 동물로부터 힘을 빼앗기 위해 우리의 언어를 사용하는 방식이며, 우리가 꼭대기에서 우리의 위치를 유지하기 위해 단어들을 만드는 방식이다.


[1] 2023 09 – 33: 관심 분야가 있는 사람들이 독서에 열정을 보임

 A key to engagement and achievement is providing students with relevant texts they will be interested in.

 참여와 성취의 핵심은 학생들에게 그들이 관심 있어  적절한 글을 제공하는 것이다.

 My scholarly work and my teaching have been deeply influenced by the work of Rosalie Fink.

 나의 학문적인 연구와 나의 수업은 Rosalie Fink 연구에 깊이 영향을 받아왔다.

 She interviewed twelve adults who were highly successful in their work, including a physicist, a biochemist, and a company CEO.

 그녀는 물리학자, 생화학자 그리고 회사의 최고 경영자를 포함해 그들의 직업에서 매우 성공한 열두 명의 성인들과 면담했다.

 All of them had dyslexia and had had significant problems with reading throughout their school years.

 그들 모두가 난독증이 있었고 그들의 학령기 내내 읽기에 상당한 문제를 겪어 왔다.

 While she expected to find that they had avoided reading and discovered ways to bypass it or compensate with other strategies for learning, she found the opposite.

 그녀는 그들이 학습에 있어 읽기를 피했고 그것을 우회하거나 다른 전략들로 보완할 방법을 발견했을 것이라고 알아낼 것을 예상했으나, 정반대를 알아 냈다.

 "To my surprise, I found that these dyslexics were enthusiastic readers... they rarely avoided reading.

 "놀랍게도, 나는 난독증이 있는 이런 사람들  열성적인 독자인 것을... 그들이 좀처럼 읽기를 피하지 않는 것을 알아냈다.

 On the contrary, they sought out books."

 이에 반하여, 그들은 책을 찾았다."

 The pattern Fink discovered was that all of her subjects had been passionate in some personal interest.

 Fink 발견한 패턴은 그녀의 실험 대상자 모두가 어떤 개인적인 관심사에 열정적이었다는 것이었다.

 The areas of interest included religion, math, business, science, history, and biography.

 관심 분야는 종교, 수학, 상업, 과학, 역사 그리고 생물학을 포함했다.

 What mattered was that they read voraciously to find out more.

 중요한 것은 그들이  많이 알아내기 위해 탐욕스럽게 읽었다는 것이다.


[1] 2023 09 – 34: 능력을 자신 가치의 유일한 기준으로 삼는 문제

 For many people, ability refers to intellectual competence, so they want everything they do to reflect how smart they are ─ writing a brilliant legal brief, getting the highest grade on a test, writing elegant computer code, saying something exceptionally wise or witty in a conversation.

 많은 사람들에게 '능력' 지적 능력을 의미하기 때문에 그들은 자신이 하는 모든 것이 자신이 얼마나 똑똑한지를 보여주기를 원한다. 예컨대, 훌륭한 법률 보고서를 작성하는 , 시험에서 최고의 성적을 받는 , 정연한 컴퓨터 코드를 작성하는 , 대화에서 비범하게 현명하거나 재치 있는 말을 하는 것이다.

 You could also define ability in terms of a particular skill or talent, such as how well one plays the piano, learns a language, or serves a tennis ball.

 여러분은 또한 피아노를 얼마나  치는지, 언어를 얼마나  배우는지, 테니스공을 얼마나  서브하는지와 같은 특정한 기술이나 재능의 관점에서 능력을 정의할 수도  .

 Some people focus on their ability to be attractive, entertaining, up on the latest trends, or to have the newest gadgets.

 어떤 사람들은 매력적이고, 재미있고, 최신 유행에 맞추거나, 최신 기기를 가질  있는 그들의 능력에 초점을 맞춘다.

 However ability may be defined, a problem occurs when it is the sole determinant of one's self-worth.

 능력이 어떻게 정의되든지, 그것이 자신의 가치를 결정하는 유일한 결정 요소일  문제가 발생한다.

 The performance becomes the only measure of the person; nothing else is taken into account.

 수행이  사람의 '유일한' 척도가 되며, 다른 것은 고려되지 않는다.

 An outstanding performance means an outstanding person; an average performance means an average person. Period.

 뛰어난 수행은 뛰어난 사람을 의미하고, 평범한 수행은 평범한 사람을 의미한다. .


[1] 2023 09 – 35: 감각 신경과 운동 신경이 신체 기능을 제어하는 방식

 Sensory nerves have specialized endings in the tissues that pick up a particular sensation.

 감각 신경은 특정 감각을 포착하는 특화된 말단을 조직에 가지고 있다.

 If, for example, you step on a sharp object such as a pin, nerve endings in the skin will transmit the pain sensation up your leg, up and along the spinal cord to the brain.

 예를 들어, 만약 여러분이 핀과 같이 날카로운 물체를 밟는다면, 피부의 신경 말단이 통증 감각을 여러분의 다리 위로, 그리고 척수를 따라 위로 뇌까지 전달할 것이다.

 While the pain itself is unpleasant, it is in fact acting as a protective mechanism for the foot.

 통증 자체는 불쾌하지만, 사실은 발을 보호하는 메커니즘으로 작용하고 있다.

 Within the brain, nerves will connect to the area that controls speech, so that you may well shout 'ouch' or something rather less polite.

  안에서, 신경은 언어를 통제하는 부분에 연결될 것이고, 그래서 여러분은 '아야' 또는 다소  공손한 무언가를 외칠 것이다.

 They will also connect to motor nerves that travel back down the spinal cord, and to the muscles in your leg that now contract quickly to lift your foot away from the painful object.

 그것들은 또한 척수를 타고 다시 내려오는 운동 신경에 연결될 것이고, 그리고 이제 재빨리 수축하여 고통을 주는 물체로부터 발을 떼어 들어 올리게 하는 여러분의 다리 근육에 연결될 것이다.

 Sensory and motor nerves control almost all functions in the body ─ from the beating of the heart to the movement of the gut, sweating and just about everything else.

 감각 신경과 운동 신경은 심장의 박동에서부터  운동, 발한과  밖에 모든 것에 이르기까지 신체의 거의 모든 기능을 통제한다.


[1] 2023 09 – 36: 원자의 배열이 결정체를 형성하는 방식

 Maybe you've heard this joke: "How do you eat an elephant?"

 아마 여러분은  농담을 들어본 적이 있을 것이다. "코끼리를 어떻게 먹는가?"

 The answer is "one bite at a time."

 정답은 ' 번에  '이다.

 So, how do you "build" the Earth?

 그렇다면, 여러분은 어떻게 지구를 '건설'하는가?

 That's simple, too: one atom at a time.

 그것은 또한 간단하다.  번에 하나의 원자이다.

 Atoms are the basic building blocks of crystals, and since all rocks are made up of crystals, the more you know about atoms, the better.

 원자는 결정의 기본 구성 요소이고, 모든 암석은 결정으로 이루어져 있기 때문에, 여러분은 원자에 대해  많이 알수록  좋다.

 Crystals come in a variety of shapes that scientists call habits.

 결정은 과학자들이 '습성'이라고 부르는 다양한 모양으로 나온다.

 Common crystal habits include squares, triangles, and six-sided hexagons.

 일반적인 결정 습성은 사각형, 삼각형, 육면의 육각형을 포함한다.

 Usually crystals form when liquids cool, such as when you create ice cubes.

 보통 여러분이 얼음을 만들 때와 같이 액체가 차가워질  결정이 형성된다.

 Many times, crystals form in ways that do not allow for perfect shapes.

 많은 경우, 결정은 완벽한 모양을 허용하지 않는 방식으로 형성된다.

 If conditions are too cold, too hot, or there isn't enough source material, they can form strange, twisted shapes.

 조건이 너무 차갑거나, 너무 뜨겁거나, 혹은 원천 물질이 충분하지 않으면 이상하고 뒤틀린 모양을 형성할  있다.

 But when conditions are right, we see beautiful displays.

 하지만 조건이 맞을 , 우리는 아름 다운 배열을 본다.

 Usually, this involves a slow, steady environment where the individual atoms have plenty of time to join and fit perfectly into what's known as the crystal lattice.

 보통, 이것은 개별적인 원자들이 결합하고 '결정격자'라고 알려진 것에 완벽하게 들어맞는 충분한 시간을 가지는 느리고 안정적인 환경을 수반한다.

 This is the basic structure of atoms that is seen time after time.

 이것은 반복하여 보이는 원자의 기본적인 구조이다.


[1] 2023 09 – 37: 기타의 울림통이 현의 진동을 증폭시키는 원리

 When you pluck a guitar string it moves back and forth hundreds of times every second.

 여러분이 기타 줄을 뜯을  그것은 매초 수백  이리저리 움직인다.

 Naturally, this movement is so fast that you cannot see it ─ you just see the blurred outline of the moving string.

 당연히,  움직임은 너무 빨라서 여러분이 그것을   없다. 여러분은 그저 움직이는 줄의 흐릿한 윤곽만 본다.

 Strings vibrating in this way on their own make hardly any noise because strings are very thin and don't push much air about.

 이렇게 스스로 진동하는 줄들은 거의 소리가 나지 않는데, 이는 줄이 매우 가늘어 많은 공기를 밀어내지 못하기 때문이다.

 But if you attach a string to a big hollow box (like a guitar body), then the vibration is amplified and the note is heard loud and clear.

 하지만 여러분이 (기타 몸통 같은) 커다란 속이  상자에 줄을 달면,  진동은 증폭되어  음이 크고 선명하게 들린다.

 The vibration of the string is passed on to the wooden panels of the guitar body, which vibrate back and forth at the same rate as the string.

  줄의 진동은 기타 몸통의 나무판으로 전달되어 줄과 같은 속도로 이리저리 떨린다.

 The vibration of the wood creates more powerful waves in the air pressure, which travel away from the guitar.

  나무의 진동은 공기의 압력에  강력한 파동을 만들어 내어 기타로부터 멀리 퍼진다.

 When the waves reach your eardrums they flex in and out the same number of times a second as the original string.

  파동이 여러분의 고막에 도달할  원래의 줄과 초당 동일한 횟수로 굽이쳐 들어가고 나온다.


[1] 2023 09 – 38: 디지털 기술이 일과 가정의 경계를 모호하게 만듦

 Boundaries between work and home are blurring as portable digital technology makes it increasingly possible to work anywhere, anytime.

 휴대용 디지털 기술이 언제, 어디서나 작업하는 것을 점차 가능하게 함에 따라 직장과 가정의 경계가 흐릿해지고 있다.

 Individuals differ in how they like to manage their time to meet work and outside responsibilities.

 사람들은 직장과 외부의 책임을 수행하기 위해 자신의 시간을 관리하기를 바라는 방식에 차이가 있다.

 Some people prefer to separate or segment roles so that boundary crossings are minimized.

 어떤 사람들은 경계 교차 지점이 최소화되도록 역할을 분리하거나 분할하는 것을 선호한다.

 For example, these people might keep separate email accounts for work and family and try to conduct work at the workplace and take care of family matters only during breaks and non-work time.

 예를 들어, 이러한 사람들은 직장과 가정을 위한 별개의 이메일 계정을 유지하고 직장에서 일을 수행하고 휴식 시간과 일을 하지 않는 시간 동안에만 가정사를 처리하려고 할지도 모른다.

 We've even noticed more of these "segmenters" carrying two phones ─ one for work and one for personal use.

 우리는  많은 이러한 '분할자들' 하나는 업무용이고 하나는 개인용인  개의 전화기를 가지고 다니고 있음을 심지어 알게 되었다.

 Flexible schedules work well for these individuals because they enable greater distinction between time at work and time in other roles.

 유연근로시간제는 이런 사람들에게  적용되는데, 직장에서의 시간과 다른 역할에서의 시간 간에   구별을 가능하게 하기 때문이다.

 Other individuals prefer integrating work and family roles all day long.

 다른 사람들은 하루 종일 직장과 가정의 역할을 통합하는 것을 선호한다.

 This might entail constantly trading text messages with children from the office, or monitoring emails at home and on vacation, rather than returning to work to find hundreds of messages in their inbox.

 이것은 직장으로 돌아가서 받은 편지함에서 수백 개의 메시지를 발견하는  대신 사무실에서 아이들과 문자 메시지를 지속적으로 주고받거나 집에서 그리고 휴가 중에 이메일을 확인하는 것을 수반할지도 모른다.


[1] 2023 09 – 39: 보완재가  제품과 함께 소비되는 방식과 효과

 A "complementary good" is a product that is often consumed alongside another product.

 '보완재' 종종 다른 제품과 함께 소비되는 제품이다.

 For example, popcorn is a complementary good to a movie, while a travel pillow is a complementary good for a long plane journey.

 예를 들어, 팝콘은 영화에 대한 보완재인 한편, 여행 베개는  비행기 여행에 대한 보완재이다.

 When the popularity of one product increases, the sales of its complementary good also increase.

  제품의 인기가 높아지면 그것의 보완재 판매량도 늘어난다.

 By producing goods that complement other products that are already (or about to be) popular, you can ensure a steady stream of demand for your product.

 여러분은 이미 인기가 있는 (또는  있을) 다른 제품을 보완하는 제품을 생산함으로써 여러분의 제품에 대한 꾸준한 수요 흐름을 보장할  있다.

 Some products enjoy perfect complementary status ─ they have to be consumed together, such as a lamp and a lightbulb.

 일부 제품들은 완벽한 보완적 상태를 누리고 있고, 그것들은 램프와 전구와 같이 함께 소비'되어야' 한다.

 However, do not assume that a product is perfectly complementary, as customers may not be completely locked in to the product.

 그러나 고객들   제품에 완전히 고정되어 있지 않을  있으므로, 어떤 제품이 완벽하게 보완적이라고 가정하지 마라.

 For example, although motorists may seem required to purchase gasoline to run their cars, they can switch to electric cars.

 예를 들어, 비록 운전자들이 자신의 차를 운전하기 위해 휘발유를 구매할 필요가 있는 것처럼 보일지라도, 그들은 전기 자동차로 바꿀  있다.


[1] 2023 09 – 40: 복장이 기대를 약간 어긋날  긍정적 인상

 It's not news to anyone that we judge others based on their clothes.

 우리가 다른 사람들을 그들의 의복을 보고 판단하는 것은 누구에게도 새로운 일이 아니다.

 In general, studies that investigate these judgments find that people prefer clothing that matches expectations ─ surgeons in scrubs, little boys in blue ─ with one notable exception.

 일반적으로, 이러한 판단을 조사하는 연구는 사람들이 수술복을 입은 외과 의사, 파란 옷을 입은 남자아이와 같이 예상에 맞는 의복이되 하나의 눈에 띄는 예외가 있는 것을 선호한다는 것을 발견한다.

 A series of studies published in an article in June 2014 in the Journal of Consumer Research explored observers' reactions to people who broke established norms only slightly.

 Journal of Consumer Research 2014 6 기사에 실린 일련의 연구는 확립된 규범을 아주 약간 어긴 사람들에 대한 관찰자들의 반응을 탐구했다.

 In one scenario, a man at a black-tie affair was viewed as having higher status and competence when wearing a red bow tie.

  시나리오에서는, 정장 차림의 행사에서  남자가 빨간 나비 넥타이를 맸을   높은 지위와 능력을 가진 것으로 보여졌다.

 The researchers also found that valuing uniqueness increased audience members' ratings of the status and competence of a professor who wore red sneakers while giving a lecture.

 연구자들은 독특함을 중시하는 것이 강의를 하는 동안 빨간 운동화를 신은 교수의 지위와 역량에 대한 청중들의 평가를 높였다는 것을 또한 발견했다.

 The results suggest that people judge these slight deviations from the norm as positive because they suggest that the individual is powerful enough to risk the social costs of such behaviors.

  결과들은 사람들이 규범으로부터 이러한 약간의 일탈들을 긍정적으로 판단한다는 것을 시사하는데, 왜냐하면 그것들은  사람이 그러한 행동으로 인한 사회적 비용을 감수할 만큼 충분히 강하다는 것을 시사하기 때문이다.

 [요약문] A series of studies show that people view an individual positively when the individual only slightly challenges the norm for what people should wear.

 [요약문] 일련의 연구는 사람들이 무엇을 착용해야 하는지에 대한 규범에  사람이 아주 약간 도전할  사람들이  사람을 긍정적으로 본다는 것을 나타낸다.



[1] 2023 09 – 41~42: 지역 식품 생산이 항상 탄소 배출 감소로 이어지지 않음

 Claims that local food production cut greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the burning of transportation fuel are usually not well founded.

 로컬푸드 생산이 운송 연료의 연소를 줄임으로써 온실가스 배출을 줄였다는 주장들은 대개 근거가 충분하지 않다.

 Transport is the source of only 11 percent of greenhouse gas emissions within the food sector, so reducing the distance that food travels after it leaves the farm is far less important than reducing wasteful energy use on the farm.

 운송은 식품 부문 내에서 온실가스 배출의 11퍼센트만을 차지하는 원천이기에, 식품이 농장을 떠난  이동하는 거리를 줄이는 것은 농장에서 낭비되는 에너지 사용을 줄이는 것보다 훨씬  중요하다.

 Food coming from a distance can actually be better for the climate, depending on how it was grown.

  곳에서 오는 식품은 그것이 어떻게 재배되었느냐에 따라 실제로 기후에  좋을  있다.

 For example, field-grown tomatoes shipped from Mexico in the winter months will have a smaller carbon footprint than local winter tomatoes grown in a greenhouse.

 예를 들어, 겨울에 멕시코로부터 수송된 밭에서 재배된 토마토는 온실에  재배된 현지의 겨울 토마토보다 탄소 발자국이  적을 것이다.

 In the United Kingdom, lamb meat that travels 11,000 miles from New Zealand generates only one-quarter the carbon emissions per pound compared to British lamb because farmers in the United Kingdom raise their animals on feed (which must be produced using fossil fuels) rather than on clover pastureland.

 영국에서는, 영국의 농부들이 클로버 목초지에서가 아닌 (화석 연료를 사용하여 생산되어야 하는) 사료로 자신의 동물들을 기르기 때문에 뉴질랜드에서 11,000마일을 이동하는 양고기는 영국의 양고기에 비해 파운드당 탄소 배출량의 4분의 일만 발생시킨다.

 When food does travel, what matters most is not the distance traveled but the travel mode (surface versus air), and most of all the load size.

 식품이 이동할 , 가장 중요한 것은 이동 거리가 아니라 이동 방식(지상  공중), 그리고 무엇보다 적재량의 규모이다.

 Bulk loads of food can travel halfway around the world by ocean freight with a smaller carbon footprint, per pound delivered, than foods traveling just a short distance but in much smaller loads.

 대량의 적재된 식품은 단지 단거리를 이동하지만 훨씬  적은 적재량인 식품에 비해 배달된 파운드당 탄소 발자국이  적은 해상 화물 운송으로 세계의 절반을 이동할  있다.

 For example, 18-wheelers carry much larger loads than pickup trucks so they can move food 100 times as far while burning only one-third as much gas per pound of food delivered.

 예를 들어, 18 대형트럭은 픽업트럭보다 훨씬  많은 적재량을 운반하기에 배달된 식품 파운드당 3분의 일의 연료만 연소하면서 100 멀리 식품을 이동시킬  있다.


[1] 2023 09 – 43~45: 자신의 의무를 알고 수행하는 사람이 자격 있음

 Long ago, an old man built a grand temple at the center of his village.

 옛날,  노인이 마을 중심부에  사원을 지었다.

 People traveled to worship at the temple.

 사람들이 사원에서 예배를 드리기 위해 멀리서 왔다.

 So the old man made arrangements for food and accommodation inside the temple itself.

 그래서 노인은 사원 안에 음식과 숙소를 준비했다.

 He needed someone who could look after the temple, so he put up a notice: Manager needed.

 그는 사원을 관리할  있는 사람이 필요했고, 그래서 그는 '관리자 구함'이라는 공고를 붙였다.

 Seeing the notice, many people went to the old man.

 공고를 보고 많은 사람들이 노인을 찾아갔다.

 But he returned all the applicants after interviews, telling them, "I need a qualified person for this work."

 그러나 그는 면접 후에 그들에게 "나는  일에 자격을 갖춘 사람이 필요합니다."라고 말하며, 모든 지원자들을 돌려보냈다.

 The old man would sit on the roof of his house every morning, watching people go through the temple doors.

 노인은 사람들이 사원의 문을 통과하는 것을 지켜보며 매일 아침 그의  지붕에 앉아 있곤 했다.

 One day, he saw a young man come to the temple.

 어느  그는  젊은이가 사원으로 오는 것을 보았다.

 When that young man left the temple, the old man called him and asked, "Will you take care of this temple?"

 젊은이가 사원을 나설 , 노인이 그를 불러 " 사원의 관리를 맡아 주겠소?"라고 질문했다.

 The young man was surprised by the offer and replied, "I have no experience caring for a temple. I'm not even educated."

 젊은이는  제안에 놀라서 "저는 사원을 관리한 경험이 없고, 심지어 교육도 받지 못했습니다."라고 대답했다.

 The old man smiled and said, "I don't want any educated man. I want a qualified person."

 노인은 웃으며 "나는 교육을 받은 사람이 필요한  아니오. 나는 자격 있는 사람을 원하오."라고 말했다.

 Confused, the young man asked, "But why do you consider me a qualified person?"

 당황하여, 젊은이는 "그런데 당신은  저를 자격이 있는 사람이라고 여기시나 ?"라고 물었다.

 The old man replied, "I buried a brick on the path to the temple.

 노인은 대답했다. "나는 사원으로 통하는 길에 벽돌  개를 묻었소.

 I watched for many days as people tripped over that brick.

 나는 여러  동안 사람들이  벽돌에 발이 걸려 넘어지는 것을 지켜보았소.

 No one thought to remove it.

 아무도 그것을 치울 생각을 하지 않았소.

 But you dug up that brick."

 하지만 당신은  벽돌을 파냈소."

 The young man said, "I haven't done anything great.

 젊은이는 "저는 대단한 일을  것이 아닙니다.

 It's the duty of every human being to think about others.

 타인을 생각하는 것은 모든 인간의 의무입니다.

 I only did my duty."

 저는  의무를 다했을 뿐입니다."라고 말했다.

 The old man smiled and said, "Only people who know their duty and perform it are qualified people."

 노인은 미소를 지으며 "자신의 의무를 알고  의무를 수행하는 사람만이 자격이 있는 사람이오."라고 말했다.





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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 










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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 빈칸영작하기.pdf









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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 문장어순배열 (20~24번, 29~42번)

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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 






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20~24번, 29~42번 등 주요 지문을 작업했습니다.
배열할 단어를 필요한 경우 묶어서 표시했고,
어휘 변형은 시간 관계상 하지 않았습니다.

시험 일주일 전쯤 어휘 변형 버전도 제작해서 올릴 예정입니다.


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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 









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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 문장어순배열.pdf








문장어순배열 제작시 고려사항


  • 배열할 단어 중 주요 단어를 변형하거나 추가하도록 했습니다 (이번 작업에서는 변형하지 않았습니다. 향후 제작 예정)


  • 배열을 좀 더 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 특정 단어들은 묶어서 표시했습니다.


  • 정답은 각 페이지 하단에 각주로 표시했습니다.



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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT-4o

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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 지문별 핵심 한글 정리 by ChatGPT-4o

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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 빈칸영작하기 (20~24번, 29~42번)

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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 








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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 지문별 핵심 한글 정리.pdf
[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 지문별 핵심 한글 정리.docx








자료 이용시 주의사항

1) ChatGPT-4o의 전반적 답변은 매우 우수하지만, 모든 내용이 완벽한 것은 아닙니다. 일부 오류가 있을 수 있습니다. 
2) 요지나 제목이 가끔 전체 내용을 제대로 반영하지 못하는 경우가 있습니다. 
3) 영어 지문이나 해석 텍스트에 오타가 있을 수 있습니다. 혹시 발견하시면 댓글에 남겨주세요. 수정해 놓겠습니다.




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[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다.그리고 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  지문 분석하거나 자료



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT-4o

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일)  지문 분



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 문장어순배열 (20~24번, 29~42번)

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 문장어순배열 자료를 제작했습니다.20~24번, 29~42번 등 주요 지문을 작업했습니다. 배열할 단어를 필요한 경우 묶어서 표시했고,어휘 변형은 시



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 빈칸영작하기 (20~24번, 29~42번)

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 빈칸영작하기 자료를 제작했습니다.20~24번, 29~42번 지문을 작업했습니다. 2단으로 편집했고, 정답을 각주로 처리했습니다.자료는 PDF로 올립니다. 기






오늘은 <2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료 올립니다.
ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,

설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일)  
지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 때 참고하세요~♡






블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 









파일 다운로드

[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).pdf
[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).docx









파일 미리보기







관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다.그리고 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  지문 분석하거나 자료



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 지문별 핵심 한글 정리 by ChatGPT-4o

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문별 핵심 한글 정리 자료를 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일)



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 문장어순배열 (20~24번, 29~42번)

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 문장어순배열 자료를 제작했습니다.20~24번, 29~42번 등 주요 지문을 작업했습니다. 배열할 단어를 필요한 경우 묶어서 표시했고,어휘 변형은 시



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 빈칸영작하기 (20~24번, 29~42번)

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 빈칸영작하기 자료를 제작했습니다.20~24번, 29~42번 지문을 작업했습니다. 2단으로 편집했고, 정답을 각주로 처리했습니다.자료는 PDF로 올립니다. 기





오늘은 <2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.
설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.
PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 사용하세요.
유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다~♡
혹시 자료에 오류가 있으면 댓글 달아주세요. 바로 수정해 놓겠습니다. 






블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 









파일 다운로드

[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석).pdf
[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석).docx









파일 미리보기








관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다.그리고 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  지문 분석하거나 자료



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT-4o

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일)  지문 분



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 지문별 핵심 한글 정리 by ChatGPT-4o

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문별 핵심 한글 정리 자료를 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일)



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 문장어순배열 (20~24번, 29~42번)

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 문장어순배열 자료를 제작했습니다.20~24번, 29~42번 등 주요 지문을 작업했습니다. 배열할 단어를 필요한 경우 묶어서 표시했고,어휘 변형은 시



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 빈칸영작하기 (20~24번, 29~42번)

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 빈칸영작하기 자료를 제작했습니다.20~24번, 29~42번 지문을 작업했습니다. 2단으로 편집했고, 정답을 각주로 처리했습니다.자료는 PDF로 올립니다. 기






<2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다.
그리고 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  
지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 때 참고하세요.






블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 








파일 다운로드

[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석_수정본_20240610.pdf
[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석_수정본_20240610.docx


* 제목 오류 수정함 ([고123] -> [고1]) (수정일: 2024.06.10)









파일 미리보기








관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT-4o

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일)  지문 분



[고1] 2024년 6월 모의고사 - 지문별 핵심 한글 정리 by ChatGPT-4o

오늘은 2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문별 핵심 한글 정리 자료를 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일)







오늘은 <2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 빈칸영작하기 자료를 제작했습니다.
20~24번 지문을 작업했고, 향후 29~42번까지 작업해서 올리겠습니다.
2단으로 편집했고, 정답을 각주로 처리했습니다.
자료는 PDF로 올립니다.
기말고사 서술형 대비에 사용하세요. 감사합니다~♡




파일 다운로드

[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 빈칸영작하기 20~24번.pdf




파일 미리보기




관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 문장어순배열 20~24번

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 문장어순배열 자료를 제작했습니다.20~24번 지문을 작업했고, 향후 29~42번까지 작업해서 올리겠습니다. 배열할 단어를 필요한 경우 묶어서 표시했고



[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 



[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

[고1] 2023년도 6월 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  지문 분석하거나 자료 제작



[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT 4.0

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료를 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT 4.0)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일 제공)  지



[고1] 2022년도 6월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (218문항)

오늘은 고1 2022년도 6월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 첫번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2022년 6월 기출모음 #1 - 218문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,문항당 






오늘은 <2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 문장어순배열 자료를 제작했습니다.
20~24번 지문을 작업했고, 향후 29~42번까지 작업해서 올리겠습니다.
배열할 단어를 필요한 경우 묶어서 표시했고,
어휘 변형은 시간 관계상 하지 않았습니다. 


2단으로 편집했고, 정답을 각주로 처리했습니다.
자료는 PDF로 올립니다.
기말고사 서술형 대비에 사용하세요. 감사합니다~♡





블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 









파일 다운로드

[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 문장어순배열 20~24번.pdf









파일 미리보기







관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 빈칸영작하기 20~24번

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 빈칸영작하기 자료를 제작했습니다.20~24번 지문을 작업했고, 향후 29~42번까지 작업해서 올리겠습니다. 2단으로 편집했고, 정답을 각주로 처리했습니



[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 



[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

[고1] 2023년도 6월 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  지문 분석하거나 자료 제작



[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT 4.0

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료를 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT 4.0)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. (PDF 및 Word 파일 제공)  지



[고1] 2022년도 6월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (218문항)

오늘은 고1 2022년도 6월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 첫번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2022년 6월 기출모음 #1 - 218문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,문항당 








<[고1] 2023년도 6월 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 









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[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석.pdf
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[고1] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

오늘은 2023년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 



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전체 내용



[1] 2023 06 – 18여름 휴가 패키지 상품 광고  

① ACC Travel Agency Customers:

 ACC 여행사 고객님께:

② Have you ever wanted to enjoy a holiday in nature?

 자연 속에서 휴가를 즐기는 것을 원한 적이 있습니까?

③ This summer is the best time to turn your dream into reality.

 이번 여름이 당신의 꿈을 현실로 바꿀 최고의 시간입니다.

④ We have a perfect travel package for you.

 우리에게는 당신을 위한 완벽한 패키지 여행 상품이 있습니다.

⑤ This travel package includes special trips to Lake Madison as well as massage and meditation to help you relax.

  패키지 여행 상품은 당신이 편히   있도록 돕는 마사지와 명상뿐만 아니라 Lake Madison으로의 특별한 여행을 포함합니다.

⑥ Also, we provide yoga lessons taught by experienced instructors.

 또한우리는 숙련된 강사의 요가 강의도 제공합니다.

⑦ If you book this package, you will enjoy all this at a reasonable price.

 만약 당신이  패키지를 예약한다면당신은  모든 것을 합리적인 가격으로 즐길 것입니다.

⑧ We are sure that it will be an unforgettable experience for you.

 우리는 그것이 당신에게 잊지 못할 경험이  것을 확신합니다.

⑨ If you call us, we will be happy to give you more details.

 우리에게 전화하시면우리는 당신에게  많은 세부 사항을 기꺼이 알려드리겠습니다.


[1] 2023 06 – 19마술  관람  잠시 분실된 가족을 찾은 이야기

① When I woke up in our hotel room, it was almost midnight.

 내가 호텔 방에서 깨어났을 때는거의 자정이었다.

② I didn't see my husband nor daughter.

 남편과 딸이 보이지 않았다.

③ I called them, but I heard their phones ringing in the room.

 나는 그들에게 전화를 걸었지만나는 그들의 전화가 방에서 울리는 것을 들었다.

④ Feeling worried, I went outside and walked down the street, but they were nowhere to be found.

 걱정이 되어나는 밖으로 나가 거리를 걸어 내려갔지만그들은 어디에도 없었다.

⑤ When I decided I should ask someone for help, a crowd nearby caught my attention.

 내가 누군가에게 도움을 요청하려고 했을 근처에 있던 군중이  주의를 끌었다.

⑥ I approached, hoping to find my husband and daughter, and suddenly I saw two familiar faces.

 나는 남편과 딸을 찾으려는 희망을 안고 다가갔고갑자기 낯익은  얼굴이 보였다.

⑦ I smiled, feeling calm.

 나는 안도하며웃었다.

⑧ Just then, my daughter saw me and called, "Mom!"

 바로 그때딸이 나를 보고 "엄마!"라고 외쳤다.

⑨ They were watching the magic show.

 그들은 마술쇼를 보고 있는 중이었다.

⑩ Finally, I felt all my worries disappear.

 마침내나는  모든 걱정이 사라지는 것을 느꼈다.


[1] 2023 06 – 20업무와 개인 일정을 하나의 캘린더에 통합하는 것이 효율적임

① Research shows that people who work have two calendars: one for work and one for their personal lives.

 연구는 일하는 사람들이  개의 달력을 가지고 있다는 것을 보여준다하나는 업무를 위한 달력이고 하나는 개인적인 삶을 위한 달력이다.

② Although it may seem sensible, having two separate calendars for work and personal life can lead to distractions.

 비록 그것이 현명해 보일지도 모르지만업무와 개인적인 삶을 위한  개의 별도의 달력을 갖는 것은 주의를 산만하게   있다.

③ To check if something is missing, you will find yourself checking your to-do lists multiple times.

 누락된 것이 있는지를 확인하기 위해당신은 스스로가 자신의   목록을 여러  확인하는 것을 깨닫게  것이다.

④ Instead, organize all of your tasks in one place.

 대신당신의 모든 일들을  곳에 정리하라.

⑤ It doesn't matter if you use digital or paper media.

 당신이 디지털 매체를 사용하든 종이 매체를 사용하든 중요하지 않다.

⑥ It's okay to keep your professional and personal tasks in one place.

 당신의 업무와 개인 용무를  곳에 두는 것은 괜찮다.

⑦ This will give you a good idea of how time is divided between work and home.

 이것은 당신에게 일과 가정 사이에 시간이 어떻게 쪼개지는지에 대해  알게 해줄 것이다.

⑧ This will allow you to make informed decisions about which tasks are most important.

 이것은 어떤 일이 가장 중요한지에 대한 정보에 입각한 결정을 내리게  것이다.


[1] 2023 06 – 21고객 만족도 모니터링의 중요성과 입소문 효과

① Why do you care how a customer reacts to a purchase?

  당신은 고객이 구매품에 어떻게 반응하는지에 대해 신경 쓰는가?

② Good question.

 좋은 질문이다.

③ By understanding post-purchase behavior, you can understand the influence and the likelihood of whether a buyer will repurchase the product (and whether she will keep it or return it).

 구매  행동을 이해 함으로써당신은  영향력과 구매자가 제품을 재구매 할지(그리고 그녀가 제품을 가질지 또는 반품할지) 가능성을 이해할  있다.

④ You'll also determine whether the buyer will encourage others to purchase the product from you.

 당신은 구매자가 다른 사람들에게 당신으로부터 제품을 구매하도록 권장할지 여부도 또한 알아낼 것이다.

⑤ Satisfied customers can become unpaid ambassadors for your business, so customer satisfaction should be on the top of your to-do list.

 만족한 고객은 당신의 사업을 위한 무급 대사가   있으므로고객 만족이   목록의 최상단에 있어야 한다.

⑥ People tend to believe the opinions of people they know.

 사람들은 그들이 아는 사람들의 의견을 믿는 경향이 있다.

⑦ People trust friends over advertisements any day.

 사람들은 언제든 광고보다 친구를  신뢰한다.

⑧ They know that advertisements are paid to tell the "good side" and that they're used to persuade them to purchase products and services.

 그들은 광고에는 "좋은 " 말하기 위해 돈이 쓰이고 그리고 그것들이 제품과 서비스를 구매하도록 그들을 설득하는  사용된다는 것을 알고 있다.

⑨ By continually monitoring your customer's satisfaction after the sale, you have the ability to avoid negative word-of-mouth advertising.

 판매  고객의 만족을 지속적으로 모니터함으로써당신은 부정적인 입소문 광고를 피할  있는 능력을 가진다.


[1] 2023 06 – 22기술 발전으로 소비자에게 떠넘겨진 노동의 증가

① The promise of a computerized society, we were told, was that it would pass to machines all of the repetitive drudgery of work, allowing us humans to pursue higher purposes and to have more leisure time.

 컴퓨터화된 사회의 약속은우리가 듣기로는그것이 모든 반복적인 고된 일을 기계에 넘겨우리 인간들이  높은 목적을 추구하고  많은 여가 시간을 가질  있게 해준다는 것이었다.

② It didn't work out this way.

 그것은 이런 식으로 되지는 않았다.

③ Instead of more time, most of us have less.

  많은 시간 대신에우리 대부분은  적은 시간을 가지고 있다.

④ Companies large and small have off-loaded work onto the backs of consumers.

 크고 작은 회사들은 일을 소비자들의 등에 떠넘겼다.

⑤ Things that used to be done for us, as part of the value-added service of working with a company, we are now expected to do ourselves.

 회사에 맡겨 해결하던 부가가치 서비스의 일환으로우리를 위해 행해지던 것들을 이제 우리 스스로가 하도록 기대된다.

⑥ With air travel, we're now expected to complete our own reservations and check-in, jobs that used to be done by airline employees or travel agents.

 항공 여행의 경우항공사 직원이나 여행사 직원들에 의해 행해지던 일인 우리의 예약과 체크인을 이제는 우리가 직접 완수하도록 기대된다.

⑦ At the grocery store, we're expected to bag our own groceries and, in some supermarkets, to scan our own purchases.

 식료품점에서는우리가 우리 자신의 식료품을 직접 봉지에 넣도록그리고 일부 슈퍼마켓에서는우리 자신이 구매한 물건을 스캔하도록 기대된다.


[1] 2023 06 – 23사람들은 자신의 능력을 과대평가하는 경향이 있음

① We tend to believe that we possess a host of socially desirable characteristics, and that we are free of most of those that are socially undesirable.

 우리는 우리가 사회적으로 바람직한 특성들을 많이 지니고 있고그리고 우리는 사회적으로 바람직하지 않은 특성들의 대부분은 지니고 있지 않다고 믿는 경향이 있다.

② For example, a large majority of the general public thinks that they are more intelligent, more fair-minded, less prejudiced, and more skilled behind the wheel of an automobile than the average person.

 예를 들어대다수의 일반 대중들은 그들이 보통 사람보다  지적이고 공정하고 편견을 가지고자동차를 운전할   능숙하다고 생각한다.

③ This phenomenon is so reliable and ubiquitous that it has come to be known as the "Lake Wobegon effect," after Garrison Keillor's fictional community where "the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average."

  현상은 너무 신뢰할  있고 어디서나   있기 때문에 "여성들은 강하고남성들은 잘생겼으며모든 아이들은 평균 이상" Garrison Keillor 허구적인 공동체의 이름을 따서 "Lake Wobegon effect"라고 알려지게 되었다.

④ A survey of one million high school seniors found that 70% thought they were above average in leadership ability, and only 2% thought they were below average.

 고등학교 최고 학년 학생 100 명을 대상으로  설문조사에서 70% 자신이 리더십 능력에 있어 평균 이상이라고 생각했고, 2%만이 자신이 평균 이하라고 생각했다는 것을 발견했다.

⑤ In terms of ability to get along with others, all students thought they were above average, 60% thought they were in the top 10%, and 25% thought they were in the top 1%!

 다른 사람들과  지내는 능력에 있어서모든 학생들은 자신이 평균 이상이라고 생각했고, 60% 자신이 상위 10% 속한다고 생각했고, 25% 자신이 상위 1% 속한다고 생각했다!


[1] 2023 06 – 24부유한 국가일수록 시간적 압박감이 높음

① Few people will be surprised to hear that poverty tends to create stress: a 2006 study published in the American journal Psychosomatic Medicine, for example, noted that a lower socioeconomic status was associated with higher levels of stress hormones in the body.

 가난이 스트레스를 유발하는 경향이 있다는 것을 듣고 놀랄 사람은 거의 없을 것이다예를 들어미국의 저널 Psychosomatic Medicine 발표된 2006 연구는  낮은 사회 경제적 지위가 체내의  높은 수치의 스트레스 호르몬과 관련이 있다고 언급했다.

② However, richer economies have their own distinct stresses.

 하지만 부유한 국가는 그들만의 뚜렷한 스트레스를 가지고 있다.

③ The key issue is time pressure.

 핵심 쟁점은 시간 압박이다.

④ A 1999 study of 31 countries by American psychologist Robert Levine and Canadian psychologist Ara Norenzayan found that wealthier, more industrialized nations had a faster pace of life ─ which led to a higher standard of living, but at the same time left the population feeling a constant sense of urgency, as well as being more prone to heart disease.

 미국 심리학자 Robert Levine 캐나다 심리학자 Ara Norenzayan 31개국을 대상으로  1999 연구는  부유하고 산업화  국가들이  빠른 삶의 속도를 가지고 있다는  ─ 그리고 이것이  높은 생활 수준으로 이어졌지만동시에 사람들에게 지속적인 촉박함을 느끼게 했고 그뿐만 아니라 심장병에 걸리기  쉽게 한다는 것을 알아 냈다.

⑤ In effect, fast-paced productivity creates wealth, but it also leads people to feel time-poor when they lack the time to relax and enjoy themselves.

 사실빠른 속도의 생산력은 부를 창출하지만그것은 또한 사람들이 긴장을 풀고 즐겁게 지낼 시간이 없을  시간이 부족하다고 느끼게 한다.


[1] 2023 06 – 25: 1990년과 2019 지역별 산림 면적 비율 그래프

① The above graph shows the share of forest area in total land area by region in 1990 and 2019.

  도표는 1990년과 2019년의 지역별  토지 면적에서 산림 면적의 점유율을 보여준다.

② Africa's share of forest area in total land area was over 20% in both 1990 and 2019.

 아프리카의 전체 토지 면적에서 산림 면적의 점유율이 1990년과 2019   20% 넘었다.

③ The share of forest area in America was 42.6% in 1990, which was larger than that in 2019.

 1990 아메리카의 산림 면적 점유율은 42.6%였고이는 2019년의 그것보다  컸다.

④ The share of forest area in Asia declined from 1990 to 2019 by more than 10 percentage points.

 아시아의 산림 면적 점유율은 1990년부터 2019년까지, 10 퍼센트 포인트 이상 감소했다.

⑤ In 2019, the share of forest area in Europe was the largest among the five regions, more than three times that in Asia in the same year.

 2019 유럽의 산림 면적 점유율은 다섯  지역  가장 컸고같은  아시아의 그것의  배가 넘었다.

⑥ Oceania showed the smallest gap between 1990 and 2019 in terms of the share of forest area in total land area.

 오세아니아는 1990년과 2019 사이에  토지 면적에서 산림 면적의 점유율에 있어 가장 작은 차이를 보였다.


[1] 2023 06 – 26노벨 경제학상 수상자 게리 베커 소개

① Gary Becker was born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania in 1930 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York City.

 Gary Becker 1930 Pennsylvania  Pottsville에서 태어났고 New York City Brooklyn에서 자랐다.

② His father, who was not well educated, had a deep interest in financial and political issues.

 교육을 제대로 받지 못한 그의 아버지는 금융과 정치 문제에 깊은 관심이 있었다.

③ After graduating from high school, Becker went to Princeton University, where he majored in economics.

 고등학교를 졸업한 , Becker Princeton University 진학했고거기서 그는 경제학을 전공했다.

④ He was dissatisfied with his economic education at Princeton University because "it didn't seem to be handling real problems."

 "Princeton University에서의 경제학 교육이 현실적인 문제를 다루고 있는 것처럼 보이지 않았기때문에 그는 그것에 불만족했다.

⑤ He earned a doctor's degree in economics from the University of Chicago in 1955.

 그는 1955년에 University of Chicago에서 경제학 박사 학위를 취득했다.

⑥ His doctoral paper on the economics of discrimination was mentioned by the Nobel Prize Committee as an important contribution to economics.

 차별의 경제학에 대한 그의 박사 논문은 노벨상 위원회에 의해 경제학에 대한 중요한 기여로 언급 되었다.

⑦ Since 1985, Becker had written a regular economics column in Business Week, explaining economic analysis and ideas to the general public.

 1985년부터, Becker Business Week 경제학적 분석과 아이디어를 일반 대중에게 설명하는 경제학 칼럼을 정기적으로 기고했다.

⑧ In 1992, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economic science.

 1992년에그는 노벨 경제학상을 수상했다.


[1] 2023 06 – 29아이에게 긍정적 자아상을 심어주는 칭찬의 중요성

① Although praise is one of the most powerful tools available for improving young children's behavior, it is equally powerful for improving your child's self-esteem.

 칭찬은 어린 아이들의 행동을 개선하는  사용할  있는 가장 강력한 도구  하나이지만그것은 아이의 자존감을 향상시키는 데에도 똑같이 강력하다.

② Preschoolers believe what their parents tell them in a very profound way.

 미취학 아동들은 그들의 부모가 그들에게 하는 말을 매우 뜻깊게 여긴다.

③ They do not yet have the cognitive sophistication to reason analytically and reject false information.

 그들은 분석적으로 추론하고 잘못된 정보를 거부할  있는 인지적 정교함을 아직 가지고 있지 않다.

④ If a preschool boy consistently hears from his mother that he is smart and a good helper, he is likely to incorporate that information into his self-image.

 만약 미취학 소년이 그의 어머니로부터 그가 똑똑하고 좋은 조력자라는 것을 계속 듣는다면그는  정보를 그의 자아상으로 통합시킬 가능성이 높다.

⑤ Thinking of himself as a boy who is smart and knows how to do things is likely to make him endure longer in problem-solving efforts and increase his confidence in trying new and difficult tasks.

 스스로를 똑똑하고 일을 어떻게 하는지 아는 소년으로 생각하는 것은 그가 문제 해결 노력에 있어  오래 지속하도록 하고 새롭고 어려운 일을 시도하는 것에 있어 그의 자신감을 증가시킬 가능성이높다.

⑥ Similarly, thinking of himself as the kind of boy who is a good helper will make him more likely to volunteer to help with tasks at home and at preschool.

 마찬가지로자신을 좋은 조력자인 그런 부류의 소년으로 생각하는 것은 그가 집에서와 유치원에서 일을 자발적으로 돕게  가능성을  크게 만들 것이다.


[1] 2023 06 – 30광고를 통한 상품 재포지셔닝 사례

① Advertisers often displayed considerable facility in adapting their claims to the market status of the goods they promoted.

 광고주들은 그들이 홍보하는 상품의 시장 지위에 맞게 그들의 주장을 조절하는 상당한 능력을 자주 보여주었다.

② Fleischmann's yeast, for instance, was used as an ingredient for cooking homemade bread.

 예를 들어, Fleischmann 효모는 집에서 만든 빵을 요리하는 재료로 사용되었다.

③ Yet more and more people in the early 20th century were buying their bread from stores or bakeries, so consumer demand for yeast decreased.

 하지만 20세기 초에 점점  많은 사람들이 가게나 빵집에서 빵을 사고 있었고그래서 효모에 대한 소비자 수요는 감소했다.

④ The producer of Fleischmann's yeast hired the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency to come up with a different marketing strategy to boost sales.

 Fleischmann 효모의 생산자는 판매를 촉진하기 위해서 다른 마케팅 전략을 고안하려고 J. Walter Thompson 광고 대행사를 고용했다.

⑤ No longer the "Soul of Bread," the Thompson agency first turned yeast into an important source of vitamins with significant health benefits.

 Thompson 광고 대행사는 먼저 효모를  이상 "Soul of Bread" 아니라 상당한 건강상의 이점이 있는 비타민의 중요한 공급원으로 바꾸었다.

⑥ Shortly thereafter, the advertising agency transformed yeast into a natural laxative.

  직후광고 대행사는 효모를 천연 완하제로 바꾸었다.

⑦ Repositioning yeast helped increase sales.

 효모의 이미지 전환을 꾀하는 것은 매출을 증가시키는 것을 도왔다.


[1] 2023 06 – 31명성에 대한 존경심을 활용한 자선 행위 에피소드

① Individuals who perform at a high level in their profession often have instant credibility with others.

 자신의 직업에서 높은 수준으로 수행하는 사람들은 흔히 다른 사람들에게 즉각적인 신뢰를 얻는다.

② People admire them, they want to be like them, and they feel connected to them.

 사람들은 그들을 존경하고그들처럼 되고 싶어 하고그들과 연결되어 있다고 느낀다.

③ When they speak, others listen ― even if the area of their skill has nothing to do with the advice they give.

 그들이 말할 다른 사람들은 비록 그들의 기술 분야가 그들이 주는 조언과 전혀 관련이 없을지라도 경청한다.

④ Think about a world-famous basketball player.

 세계적으로 유명한 농구 선수에 대해 생각해 보라.

⑤ He has made more money from endorsements than he ever did playing basketball.

 그는 그가 농구를 하면서 그간 벌었던 것보다 광고로부터  많은 돈을 벌었다.

⑥ Is it because of his knowledge of the products he endorses?

 그것이 그가 광고하는 제품에 대한 그의 지식 때문일까?

⑦ No. It's because of what he can do with a basketball.

 아니다그것은 그가 농구로   있는  때문이다.

⑧ The same can be said of an Olympic medalist swimmer.

 올림픽 메달리스트 수영 선수도 마찬가지이다.

⑨ People listen to him because of what he can do in the pool.

 사람들은 그가 수영장에서   있는  때문에 그의 말을 경청한다.

⑩ And when an actor tells us we should drive a certain car, we don't listen because of his expertise on engines.

 그리고 어떤 배우가 우리에게 특정 자동차를 운전해야 한다고 말할 우리는 엔진에 대한 그의 전문 지식 때문에 경청하는 것은 아니다.

⑪ We listen because we admire his talent. Excellence connects.

 우리는 그의 재능을 존경하기 때문에 경청한다. 탁월함이 연결된다.

⑫ If you possess a high level of ability in an area, others may desire to connect with you because of it.

 만약 당신이 어떤 분야에서 높은 수준의 능력을 갖고 있다면다른 사람들은 그것 때문에 당신과 연결되기를 원할 수도 있다.


[1] 2023 06 – 32두뇌는 도시처럼 복잡한 상호작용의 결과물임

① Think of the brain as a city.

 뇌를 도시라고 생각해보라.

② If you were to look out over a city and ask "where is the economy located?" you'd see there's no good answer to the question.

 만약 당신이 도시를 내다 보며 "경제가 어디에 위치해 있나요?"라고 묻는다면  질문에 대한 좋은 답이 없다는 것을 알게  것이다.

③ Instead, the economy emerges from the interaction of all the elements ― from the stores and the banks to the merchants and the customers.

 대신경제는 상점과 은행에서 상인과 고객에 이르기까지 모든 요소의 상호 작용으로부터 나타난다.

④ And so it is with the brain's operation: it doesn't happen in one spot.

 그리고 그것은 뇌의 작동도 그러하다그것은  곳에서 일어나지 않는다.

⑤ Just as in a city, no neighborhood of the brain operates in isolation.

 도시에서처럼뇌의 어떤 지역도 독립적으로 작동하지 않는다.

⑥ In brains and in cities, everything emerges from the interaction between residents, at all scales, locally and distantly.

 뇌와 도시 안에서모든 것은모든 규모에서근거리에서든 원거리에서든거주자들 간의 상호 작용으로부터 나타난다.

⑦ Just as trains bring materials and textiles into a city, which become processed into the economy, so the raw electrochemical signals from sensory organs are transported along superhighways of neurons.

 기차가 자재와 직물을 도시로 들여오고그것이 경제 속으로 처리되는 것처럼감각 기관으로부터의 가공되지 않은 전기화학적 신호는 뉴런의 초고속도로를 따라서 전해진다.

⑧ There the signals undergo processing and transformation into our conscious reality.

 거기서 신호는 처리와 우리의 의식적인 현실로 변형을 겪는다.


[1] 2023 06 – 33특정 행동을 취하면 그에 상응하는 감정이 유발됨  

① Someone else's body language affects our own body, which then creates an emotional echo that makes us feel accordingly.

 다른 사람의 보디 랭귀지는 우리 자신의 신체에 영향을 미치며그것은   우리가 그에 따라 느끼도록 하는 감정적인 메아리를 만들어낸다.

② As Louis Armstrong sang, "When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you."

 Louis Armstrong 노래했듯이, "당신이 미소 지을  세계가 당신과 함께 미소 짓는다."

③ If copying another's smile makes us feel happy, the emotion of the smiler has been transmitted via our body.

 만약 다른 사람의 미소를 따라 하는 것이 우리를 행복하게 한다면 미소 짓는 사람의 감정은 우리의 신체를 통해 전달된 것이다.

④ Strange as it may sound, this theory states that emotions arise from our bodies.

 이상하게 들릴지 모르지만 이론은 감정이 우리 신체에서 발생한다고 말한다.

⑤ For example, our mood can be improved by simply lifting up the corners of our mouth.

 예를 들어우리의 기분은 단순히 입꼬리를 올리는 것으로 좋아질  있다.

⑥ If people are asked to bite down on a pencil lengthwise, taking care not to let the pencil touch their lips (thus forcing the mouth into a smile-like shape), they judge cartoons funnier than if they have been asked to frown.

 만약 사람들이 연필을  방향으로  물라고 요구받으면연필이 그들의 입술에 닿지 않도록 조심하면서 (그리하여 억지로 입을 미소 짓는 것과 같은 모양이 되도록), 그들은 인상을 찌푸리라고 요구받은 경우보다 만화를  재미있다고 판단한다.

⑦ The primacy of the body is sometimes summarized in the phrase "I must be afraid, because I'm running."

 신체가 우선함은 "나는 두려운 것이 분명하다왜냐하면 나는 도망치고 있기 때문이다."라는 구절로 때때로 요약된다.


[1] 2023 06 – 34제한된 구매 수량이 판매를 증가시키는 사례

① Restricting the number of items customers can buy boosts sales.

 고객이 구입할  있는 품목의 개수를 제한하는 것은 매출을 증가시킨다.

② Brian Wansink, Professor of Marketing at Cornell University, investigated the effectiveness of this tactic in 1998.

 Cornell University 마케팅 교수인 Brian Wansink 1998년에  전략의 효과를 조사했다.

③ He persuaded three supermarkets in Sioux City, Iowa, to offer Campbell's soup at a small discount: 79 cents rather than 89 cents.

 그는 Iowa Sioux City 있는  개의 슈퍼마켓이 Campbell 수프를 약간 할인하여 제공하도록 설득했다: 89센트가 아닌 79센트로.

④ The discounted soup was sold in one of three conditions: a control, where there was no limit on the volume of purchases, or two tests, where customers were limited to either four or twelve cans.

 할인된 수프는  가지 조건  하나의 조건으로 판매되었다구매량에 제한이 없는 하나의 대조군또는 고객이 4개의 캔으로 제한되거나 12개의 캔으로 제한되는  개의 실험군.

⑤ In the unlimited condition shoppers bought 3.3 cans on average, whereas in the scarce condition, when there was a limit, they bought 5.3 on average.

 무제한 조건에서 구매자들은 평균 3.3캔을 구입했던 반면제한이 있던 희소 조건에서는평균 5.3캔을 구입했다.

⑥ This suggests scarcity encourages sales.

 이것은 희소성이 판매를 장려한다는 것을 보여준다.

⑦ The findings are particularly strong because the test took place in a supermarket with genuine shoppers.

  실험은 진짜 구매자들이 있는 슈퍼마켓에서 진행되었기 때문에  결과는 특히 타당하다.

⑧ It didn't rely on claimed data, nor was it held in a laboratory where consumers might behave differently.

 그것은 주장된 데이터에 의존하지 않았고소비자들이 다르게 행동할지도 모르는 실험실에서 이루어진 것도 아니었다.


[1] 2023 06 – 35새로운 기술 도입  생산성에 미치는 영향

① Although technology has the potential to increase productivity, it can also have a negative impact on productivity.

 기술은 생산성을 높일  있는 잠재력을 가지고 있지만또한 생산성에 부정적인 영향을 미칠  있다.

② For example, in many office environments workers sit at desks with computers and have access to the internet.

 예를 들어많은 사무실 환경에서 직원들은 컴퓨터가 있는 책상에 앉아 인터넷에 접속한다.

③ They are able to check their personal e-mails and use social media whenever they want to.

 그들은 원할 때마다 개인 이메일을 확인하고 소셜 미디어를 사용할  있다.

④ This can stop them from doing their work and make them less productive.

 이것은 그들이 일을 하는 것을 방해하고 그들의 생산성을 떨어뜨리게 만들  있다.

⑤ Introducing new technology can also have a negative impact on production when it causes a change to the production process or requires workers to learn a new system.

 또한 새로운 기술을 도입하는 것은 생산 공정에 변화를 야기하거나 직원들에게 새로운 시스템을 배우도록 요구할  생산에 부정 적인 영향을 미칠  있다.

⑥ Learning to use new technology can be time consuming and stressful for workers and this can cause a decline in productivity.

 새로운 기술을 사용하는 것을 배우는 것은 직원들에게 시간이 많이 걸리고 스트레스를   있으며 이것은 생산성 저하를 야기할  있다.


[1] 2023 06 – 36시간 측정의 역사와 시계의 중요성

① Up until about 6,000 years ago, most people were farmers.

  6,000 전까지대부분의 사람들은 농부였다.

② Many lived in different places throughout the year, hunting for food or moving their livestock to areas with enough food.

 많은 사람들은   내내 여러 장소에서 살았고식량을 찾아다니거나 가축을 충분한 먹이가 있는 지역으로 옮겼다.

③ There was no need to tell the time because life depended on natural cycles, such as the changing seasons or sunrise and sunset.

 변화하는 계절이나 일출과 일몰 같은자연적인 주기에 삶이 달려있기 때문에 시간을  필요가 없었다.

④ Gradually more people started to live in larger settlements, and some needed to tell the time.

 점점  많은 사람들이   정착지에서 살기 시작했고어떤 사람들은 시간을  필요가 있었다.

⑤ For example, priests wanted to know when to carry out religious ceremonies.

 예를 들어성직자들은 언제 종교적인 의식을 수행해야 하는지 알고 싶었다.

⑥ This was when people first invented clocks ― devices that show, measure, and keep track of passing time.

 이때 사람들이 시간을 보여 주고측정하고흐르는 시간을 추적하는 장치인 시계를 처음으로 발명했다.

⑦ Clocks have been important ever since.

 시계는  이후로도 중요했다.

⑧ Today, clocks are used for important things such as setting busy airport timetables ― if the time is incorrect, aeroplanes might crash into each other when taking off or landing!

 오늘날시계는 바쁜 공항 시간표를 설정하는 것과 같은 중요한 일에 사용된다 ― 만약 시간이 부정확하다면비행기는 이륙하거나 착륙할  서로 충돌할지도 모른다!


[1] 2023 06 – 37분업을 통한 생산성 향상 방안  

① Managers are always looking for ways to increase productivity, which is the ratio of costs to output in production.

 관리자들은 항상 생산성을 높일  있는 방법을 찾고 있는데생산성은 생산에서 비용 대비 생산량의 비율이다.

② Adam Smith, writing when the manufacturing industry was new, described a way that production could be made more efficient, known as the "division of labor."

 제조 산업이 새로 등장했을  저술한 Adam Smith 생산이  효율적으로   있는 방식을 설명했고, "노동 분업"으로 알려져 있다.

③ Making most manufactured goods involves several different processes using different skills.

 대부분의 공산품을 만드는 것은 다른 기술을 사용하는 여러 가지 다른 과정을 포함한다.

④ Smith's example was the manufacture of pins: the wire is straightened, sharpened, a head is put on, and then it is polished.

 Smith 예는 핀의 제조였다철사는 곧게 펴지고뾰족해지고상부가 놓이고그러고 나서 그것이 다듬어진다.

⑤ One worker could do all these tasks, and make 20 pins in a day.

  명의 노동자가  모든 작업들을   있고하루에 20개의 핀을 만들 수도 있다.

⑥ But this work can be divided into its separate processes, with a number of workers each performing one task.

 그러나  일은 많은 노동자가 각각  가지 작업을 수행하며 별개의 과정으로 분리될  있다.

⑦ Because each worker specializes in one job, he or she can work much faster without changing from one task to another.

  노동자는  가지 작업을 전문으로 하기 때문에  또는 그녀는  작업에서 다른 작업으로 변경하지 않고도 훨씬  빠르게 일할  있다.

⑧ Now 10 workers can produce thousands of pins in a day ─ a huge increase in productivity from the 200 they would have produced before.

 이제 10명의 노동자가 하루에 수천 개의 핀을 생산할  있다이는 이전에 그들이 생산했던 200개로부터 생산성 측면에서 크게 증가한 것이다.


[1] 2023 06 – 38시간이 지남에 따라 우리 모습도 변화함

① Sometimes the pace of change is far slower.

 때때로 변화의 속도는 훨씬  느리다.

② The face you saw reflected in your mirror this morning probably appeared no different from the face you saw the day before ― or a week or a month ago.

 오늘 아침 거울 속에 비춰진 당신이  얼굴은 아마도 당신이  전날 또는 일주일이나   전에  얼굴과 다르지 않은 것처럼 보였을 것이다.

③ Yet we know that the face that stares back at us from the glass is not the same, cannot be the same, as it was 10 minutes ago.

 그러나 우리는 거울로부터 우리를 쳐다보는 얼굴이 10 전에 그랬던 것과 같지 않고같을  없다는 것을 안다.

④ The proof is in your photo album:

 증거는 당신의 사진 앨범에 있다:

⑤ Look at a photograph taken of yourself 5 or 10 years ago and you see clear differences between the face in the snapshot and the face in your mirror.

 5 또는 10 전에 찍힌 당신의 사진을 보면 당신은 스냅사진 속의 얼굴과 거울  얼굴 사이의 명확한 차이를 보게  것이다.

⑥ If you lived in a world without mirrors for a year and then saw your reflection, you might be surprised by the change.

 만약 당신이  년간 거울이 없는 세상에 살고  이후 (거울에비친 당신의 모습을 본다면당신은  변화 때문에 깜짝 놀랄지도 모른다.

⑦ After an interval of 10 years without seeing yourself, you might not at first recognize the person peering from the mirror.

 당신 자신을 보지 않고 10년의 기간이 지난 당신은 거울에서 쳐다보고 있는 사람을 처음에는 알아보지 못할지도 모른다.

⑧ Even something as basic as our own face changes from moment to moment.

 심지어 우리 자신의 얼굴같이 아주 기본적인 것조차도 순간순간 변한다.


[1] 2023 06 – 39아이의 호기심이 점차 줄어드는 이유

① According to educational psychologist Susan Engel, curiosity begins to decrease as young as four years old.

 교육 심리학자 Susan Engel 따르면호기심은   정도의 어린 나이에 줄어들기 시작한다.

② By the time we are adults, we have fewer questions and more default settings.

 우리가 어른이  무렵질문은  적어지고 기본값은  많아진다.

③ As Henry James put it, "Disinterested curiosity is past, the mental grooves and channels set."

 Henry James 말했듯이, "흥미를 유발하지 않는 호기심은 없어지고정신의 고랑과 경로가 자리잡는다."

④ The decline in curiosity can be traced in the development of the brain through childhood.

 호기심의 감소는 유년 시절을 통한 뇌의 발달에서 원인을 찾을  있다.

⑤ Though smaller than the adult brain, the infant brain contains millions more neural connections.

 비록 성인의 뇌보다 작지만유아의 뇌는 수백만   많은 신경 연결을 가지고 있다.

⑥ The wiring, however, is a mess; the lines of communication between infant neurons are far less efficient than between those in the adult brain.

 그러나 연결 상태는 엉망이다유아의 뉴런 간의 전달은 성인 뇌의 그것들 간의 전달보다 훨씬  효율적이다.

⑦ The baby's perception of the world is consequently both intensely rich and wildly disordered.

 결과적으로 세상에 대한 아기의 인식은 매우 풍부하면서도 상당히 무질서하다.

⑧ As children absorb more evidence from the world around them, certain possibilities become much more likely and more useful and harden into knowledge or beliefs.

 아이들이 그들 주변의 세상으로부터  많은 증거를 흡수함에 따라특정한 가능성들이 훨씬  커지게 되고  유용하게 되며 지식이나 믿음으로 굳어진다.

⑨ The neural pathways that enable those beliefs become faster and more automatic, while the ones that the child doesn't use regularly are pruned away.

 그러한 믿음을 가능하게 하는 신경 경로는  빠르고 자동적으로 이루어지게 되고 반면에아이가 주기적으로 사용하지 않는 경로는 제거된다.


[1] 2023 06 – 40건강한 식단을 위해서는 식품 분류가 아닌 균형 잡힌 섭취가 중요함

① Nearly eight of ten U.S. adults believe there are "good foods" and "bad foods."

 미국 성인 10  거의 8명이 "좋은 음식" "나쁜 음식" 있다고 믿는다.

② Unless we're talking about spoiled stew, poison mushrooms, or something similar, however, no foods can be labeled as either good or bad.

 하지만우리가 상한 스튜 버섯또는 이와 유사한 것에 대해 이야기하고 있지 않는 어떤 음식도 좋고 나쁨으로 분류될  없다.

③ There are, however, combinations of foods that add up to a healthful or unhealthful diet.

 하지만결국 건강에 좋은 식단이나 건강에 좋지 않은 식단이 되는 음식들의 조합이 있다.

④ Consider the case of an adult who eats only foods thought of as "good" ― for example, raw broccoli, apples, orange juice, boiled tofu, and carrots.

 "좋은음식이라고 생각되는 음식만 먹는 성인의 경우를 생각해보라 ― 예를 들어생브로콜리사과오렌지 주스삶은 두부와 당근.

⑤ Although all these foods are nutrient-dense, they do not add up to a healthy diet because they don't supply a wide enough variety of the nutrients we need.

 비록  모든 음식들이 영양이 풍부하지만그것들은 우리가 필요로 하는 충분히 다양한 영양소를 공급하지 않기 때문에 그것들은 결국 건강한 식단이 되지 않는다.

⑥ Or take the case of the teenager who occasionally eats fried chicken, but otherwise stays away from fried foods.

 또는 튀긴 치킨을 가끔 먹지만그렇지 않으면 튀긴 음식을 멀리하는 십대의 경우를 예로 들어보자.

⑦ The occasional fried chicken isn't going to knock his or her diet off track.

 가끔 먹는 튀긴 치킨은 그나 그녀의 식단을 궤도에서 벗어나게 하지 않을 것이다.

⑧ But the person who eats fried foods every day, with few vegetables or fruits, and loads up on supersized soft drinks, candy, and chips for snacks has a bad diet.

 하지만 채소나 과일을 거의 먹지 않으면서 매일 튀긴 음식을 먹고간식으로 초대형 탄산음료사탕그리고 감자 칩으로 배를 가득 채우는 사람은 나쁜 식단을 가지고 있다.


[1] 2023 06 – 41~42농업 발달로 잉여 식량이 생기면서 전문 직업이 생겨남

① Early hunter-gatherer societies had minimal structure.

 초기 수렵 채집 사회는 최소한의 구조만 가지고 있었다.

② A chief or group of elders usually led the camp or village.

 추장이나 장로 그룹이 주로 캠프나 마을을 이끌었다.

③ Most of these leaders had to hunt and gather along with the other members because the surpluses of food and other vital resources were seldom sufficient to support a full-time chief or village council.

 식량과 기타 필수 자원의 잉여분이 전임 추장이나 마을 의회를 지원할 만큼 거의 충분하지 않았기 때문에 대부분의 이러한 지도자들은 다른 구성원들과 함께 사냥과 채집을 해야 했다.

④ The development of agriculture changed work patterns.

 농업의 발전은 작업 패턴을 변화시켰다.

⑤ Early farmers could reap 3-10 kg of grain from each 1 kg of seed planted.

 초기 농부들은 심은 씨앗 1kg마다 3-10kg 곡물을 수확할  있었다.

⑥ Part of this food/energy surplus was returned to the community and provided support for nonfarmers such as chieftains, village councils, men who practice medicine, priests, and warriors.

  식량/에너지 잉여분의 일부는 지역 사회에 환원되었고 족장마을 의회의술가사제전사와 같은 비농민에 대한 지원을 제공했다.

⑦ In return, the nonfarmers provided leadership and security for the farming population, enabling it to continue to increase food/energy yields and provide ever larger surpluses.

  대가로비농민들은 농업 인구에게 리더십과 안보를 제공하여그들이 식량/에너지 생산량을 지속적으로 늘리고 항상  많은 잉여를 제공할  있게 하였다.

⑧ With improved technology and favorable conditions, agriculture produced consistent surpluses of the basic necessities, and population groups grew in size.

 개선된 기술과 유리한 조건으로농업은 기본 생필품의 지속적인 흑자를 창출했고인구 집단은 규모가 커졌다.

⑨ These groups concentrated in towns and cities, and human tasks specialized further.

 이러한 집단은 마을과 도시에 집중되었고인간의 업무는 더욱 전문화되었다.

⑩ Specialists such as carpenters, blacksmiths, merchants, traders, and sailors developed their skills and became more efficient in their use of time and energy.

 목수대장장이상인무역업자선원과 같은 전문가들은 기술을 발전시키고 자신의 시간과 에너지 사용을  효율적으로 하게 되었다.

⑪ The goods and services they provided brought about an improved quality of life, a higher standard of living, and, for most societies, increased stability.

 그들이 제공한 재화와 서비스로 인해 향상된 삶의  높은 생활 수준그리고대부분의 사회에서향상된 안정성을 가져왔다.


[1] 2023 06 – 43~45아들을 간호하며 임종을 지켜준 병사의 인간애 실화

① A nurse took a tired, anxious soldier to the bedside.

  간호사가 피곤하고 불안해하는 군인을 침대 곁으로 데려갔다.

② "Jack, your son is here," the nurse said to an old man lying on the bed.

 "Jack, 당신 아들이 왔어요."라고 간호사가 침대에 누워있는 노인에게 말했다.

③ She had to repeat the words several times before the old man's eyes opened.

  노인이 눈을 뜨기 전에 그녀는  말을 여러  반복해야 했다.

④ Suffering from the severe pain because of heart disease, he barely saw the young uniformed soldier standing next to him.

 심장병 때문에 극심한 고통을 겪고 있어그는 제복을 입은 젊은 군인이 그의 옆에  있는 것을 간신히 보았다.

⑤ He reached out his hand to the soldier.

 그는 손을  군인에게 뻗었다.

⑥ The soldier gently wrapped his fingers around the weak hand of the old man.

  군인은 노인의 병약한 손을 부드럽게 감쌌다.

⑦ The nurse brought a chair so that the soldier could sit beside the bed.

 간호사는 군인이 침대 옆에 앉을  있도록 의자를 가져왔다.

⑧ All through the night the young soldier sat there, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of support and comfort.

 밤새 젊은 군인은 거기에 앉아노인의 손을 잡고 그에게 지지와 위로의 말을 건넸다.

⑨ Occasionally, she suggested that the soldier take a rest for a while.

 가끔그녀는 군인에게 잠시 쉬라고 제안했다.

⑩ He politely said no.

 그는 정중하게 거절했다.

⑪ Whenever the nurse came into the room, she heard the soldier say a few gentle words.

 간호사가 병실에 들어올 때마다그녀는  군인이 부드러운  마디의 말을 하는 것을 들었다.

⑫ The old man said nothing, only held tightly to him all through the night.

 밤새도록 그에게 손이  쥐어진 채로 노인은 아무 말도 하지 않았다.

⑬ Just before dawn, the old man died.

 동트기 직전에 노인은 죽었다.

⑭ The soldier released the old man's hand and left the room to find the nurse.

  군인은 노인의 손을 놓고 간호사를 찾기 위해 병실을 나갔다.

⑮ After she was told what happened, she went back to the room with him.

 그녀가 무슨 일이 있었는지 들은 그녀는 그와 함께 병실로 돌아갔다.

⑯ The soldier hesitated for a while and asked, "Who was this man?"

 군인은 잠시 머뭇거리고는 " 남자는 누구였나요?"라고 물었다.

⑰ She was surprised and asked, "Wasn't he your father?"

 그녀는 깜짝 놀라서 물었다. "그가 당신의 아버지가 아니었나요?"

⑱ "No, he wasn't. I've never met him before," the soldier replied.

 "아니요그는 아니었어요저는 그를 이전에 만난 적이 없어요."라고 군인이 대답했다.

⑲ She asked, "Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?"

 그녀는 물었다, "그러면 내가 당신을 그에게 데리고 갔을   아무 말도 하지 않았나요?"

⑳ He said, "I knew there had been a mistake, but when I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I could see how much he needed me. So, I stayed."

 그가 말했다, "저는 실수가 있었다는 것을 알았지만그가 위독해서 제가 그의 아들인지 아닌지 구별할  없다는  알게 되었을 저는 그가 얼마나 저를 필요로 하는지   있었습니다그래서저는 머물렀습니다."


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