Today, the water crisis is political ─ which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ─ and, therefore, functionally elective. That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization. There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren't doing much to address it. Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent. Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide.
Today, the crisis is political—which is to say, not inevitable or necessary or beyond our capacity to fix—and, therefore, functionally elective. That is one reason it is nevertheless harrowing as a climate parable: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, careless urbanization and development. There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren’t doing much to address it. Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent. In both cases, as everywhere, scarcity plays out so nakedly on a stage defined by have-and-have-not inequities that the resulting drama of resource competition can hardly be called, truly, a competition; the deck is so stacked that water shortage looks more like a tool of inequality. The global result is that as many as 2.1 billion people around the world do not have access to safe drinking water, and 4.5 billion don’t have safely managed water for sanitation.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 36번:사회적압력이자존감및사회적행동에미치는영향
As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated relationships in a group. If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate. If it didn't, we might get none of these merits. It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically. Over millions of years, the pressure selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing. The result was the development of a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community perceive us. We process that information in the form of self-esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity. These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn't. And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within. If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.
Human beings are some of the most complex social animals on earth. We evolved to live in leaderless collectives far larger than those of our fellow primates: up to about 150 members. As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated those 149 relationships—not to mention all of our peers’ relationships with one another. If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate. If it didn’t, we might get none of those. It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically. Over millions of years, those pressures selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing. It’s what the anthropologist Brian Hare called “survival of the friendliest.” The result was the development of a sociometer: a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community seem to perceive us. We process that information in the form of self-esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity. These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn’t. And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within. If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 37번:의식의문제로우울증의원인을재정의하는설명
Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, there is a major problem with this explanation. This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression. In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression.
문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가
원문 텍스트 및 OCR
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 38번:심리학이인간행동을과학적으로연구하는방법설명
The common accounts of human nature that float around in society are generally a mixture of assumptions, tales and sometimes plain silliness. However, psychology is different. It is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another. The key word here is 'science.' Psychologists don't depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers. Instead, they look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or assumptions. In addition to this evidence-based approach, psychology deals with fundamental processes and principles that generate our rich cultural and social diversity, as well as those shared by all human beings. These are what modern psychology is all about.
In the Beginning The Greeks, Galen and the Influence of the East
Psychology is fascinating and, in many ways, it is at the heart of being human. After all, understanding – or trying to understand – other people’s minds and behaviour is something all of us do every day. It’s how we get along in families, social groups and societies. And, quite often, we get it wrong. We might think we know what other people are like, and then we’re astounded when they don’t seem to see things as we do, or they behave in a strange (to us) way. We form ideas about human nature around what we have read or watched, which can be misleading. We often fail to appreciate that our understanding of people is rooted in our particular time, place and culture, and might not apply to others. Or we take for granted beliefs that people have held for millennia, without questioning where they came from. The common accounts of human nature that float around in society are generally a mixture of assumption, anecdote and sometimes plain silliness. Psychology is different. Psychology is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another. The key word here is ‘science’. Psychologists don’t depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers. Instead, we look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or conjecture. As different as human beings are, there are processes and principles that we all have in common, and there are processes and principles that produce our wonderful cultural and social differences. These are what modern psychology is all about.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 39번:생물학적채널화이론을통한질병과건강의표현방식
Life is what physicists might call a 'high-dimensional system,' which is their fancy way of saying that there's a lot going on. In just a single cell, the number of possible interactions between different molecules is enormous. Such a system can only hope to be stable if only a smaller number of collective ways of being may emerge. For example, it is only a limited number of tissues and body shapes that may result from the development of a human embryo. In 1942, the biologist Conrad Waddington called this drastic narrowing of outcomes canalization. The organism may switch between a small number of well-defined possible states, but can't exist in random states in between them, rather as a ball in a rough landscape must roll to the bottom of one valley or another. We'll see that this is true also of health and disease: there are many causes of illness, but their manifestations at the physiological and symptomatic levels are often strikingly similar.
문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가
원문 텍스트 및 OCR
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 40번: '트릭처벌'이아동행동에부정적영향을미치는이유
Punishing a child may not be effective due to what Alvaro Bilbao, a neuropsychologist, calls 'trick-punishments.' A trick-punishment is a scolding, a moment of anger or a punishment in the most classic sense of the word. Instead of discouraging the child from doing something, it encourages them to do it. For example, Hugh learns that when he hits his little brother, his mother scolds him. For a child who feels lonely, being scolded is much better than feeling invisible, so he will continue to hit his brother. In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy. For instance, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time. The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives. In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments.
Another reason that punishments may not be effective is due to what I call “trick-punishments”. A trick-punishment is a reprimand, a moment of anger or a punishment in the most classic sense of the word. Instead of discouraging the child from doing something, it encourages them to do it. Trick-punishments appear when the child, usually one who does not receive enough attention from their parents, as they spend little time with their child and don’t know how to reinforce positive behaviour, learns that they receive more attention by doing things wrong. For example, Hugh learns that when he hits his little brother, his mother scolds him. For a child who feels lonely, being scolded is much better than feeling invisible, so he will continue to hit his brother. In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy. For example, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time. She could also spend a little time with Hugh every day, once she has put his little brother to bed. The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives. In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments; they can turn the situation on its head by focusing on the positives and not giving so much “prominence” to the negatives.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 41~42번:인간이생존을위해애매한대상에도의도를부여하는경향
From an early age, we assign purpose to objects and events, preferring this reasoning to random chance. Children assume, for instance, that pointy rocks are that way because they don't want you to sit on them. When we encounter something, we first need to determine what sort of thing it is. Inanimate objects and plants generally do not move and can be evaluated from physics alone. However, by attributing intention to animals and even objects, we are able to make fast decisions about the likely behaviour of that being. This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators. The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand. Ambiguous events are caused by such agents. This results in a perceptual system strongly biased towards anthropomorphism. Therefore, we tend to assume intention even where there is none. This would have arisen as a survival mechanism. If a lion is about to attack you, you need to react quickly, given its probable intention to kill you. By the time you have realized that the design of its teeth and claws could kill you, you are dead. So, assuming intent, without detailed design analysis or understanding of the physics, has saved your life.
Agency Detection and Theory of Mind Our mind functions as it does as the result of millions of years of evolution, of responding to past problems. And because all humans have similar cognitive apparatus, we are able to communicate with each other, especially through language, resulting in different humans generating similar (though not identical) mental representations of a particular concept. From an early age, we ascribe purpose to objects and events, preferring this reasoning to random chance; we create purposes for things and things for purposes. Children assume, for instance, that pointy rocks are that way because they don’t want you to sit on them. When we encounter something, we first need to determine what sort of thing it is. Inanimate objects and plants generally do not move and can be evaluated from physics alone. However, by assuming a design purpose or, even more effectively, imputing intention to animals, other humans, and even objects, we are able to make fast decisions about the likely behaviour of that being. This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators. The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand. Ambiguous events are caused by such agents. This results in a perceptual system strongly biased towards anthropomorphism. As a result, we tend to assume intention even where there is none. This would have arisen as a survival mechanism, aided by a theory of mind. If a lion is about to attack you, you need to react quickly, given its likely intention to kill you. By the time you have determined that the design of its teeth and claws could kill you, or calculated the physics of the working of its body when it leaps on you, you are dead. So, assuming intent, without detailed design analysis or understanding of the physics, has saved your life.
Dear Ms. MacAlpine, I was so excited to hear that your brand is opening a new shop on Bruns Street next month. I have always appreciated the way your brand helps women to feel more stylish and confident. I am writing in response to your ad in the Bruns Journal. I graduated from the Meline School of Fashion and have worked as a sales assistant at LoganMart for the last five years. During that time, I've developed strong customer service and sales skills, and now I would like to apply for the sales position in your clothing store. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for reading my letter. Yours sincerely, Grace Braddock
Possible Titles:
1. Application Letter for a Sales Position in a Fashion Store
2. Grace Braddock's Professional Appeal for a Sales Role
3. Aspiring Sales Assistant Highlighting Fashion Expertise and Experience
4. Customer-Focused Application for a Stylish Brand's New Outlet
Main Idea #1:
Grace Braddock applies for a sales assistant position at a fashion store.
Main Idea #2:
Grace Braddock highlights her experience at LoganMart and her qualifications from the Meline School of Fashion to express her suitability for a sales position at a new shop opening soon.
Grace Braddock expresses enthusiasm about the brand's new store and applies for a sales assistant role, emphasizing her customer service and sales experience. She mentions her fashion school background and availability for an interview.
Key Points:
1. Grace Braddock admires the brand for empowering women.
2. She has five years of experience as a sales assistant at LoganMart.
3. She graduated from the Meline School of Fashion.
4. She expresses enthusiasm and requests an interview at the earliest convenience.
[고1] 2023 11월– 19번:신혼여행중결혼반지를잃고찾으려했던경험
I had never seen a beach with such white sand or water that was such a beautiful shade of blue. Jane and I set up a blanket on the sand while looking forward to our ten days of honeymooning on an exotic island. "Look!" Jane waved her hand to point at the beautiful scene before us ― and her gold wedding ring went flying off her hand. I tried to see where it went, but the sun hit my eyes and I lost track of it. I didn't want to lose her wedding ring, so I started looking in the area where I thought it had landed. However, the sand was so fine and I realized that anything heavy, like gold, would quickly sink and might never be found again.
Possible Titles:
1. A Honeymoon Mishap on an Exotic Island
2. Lost Wedding Ring in Fine White Sand
3. The Challenge of Recovering a Precious Symbol of Love
4. Searching for a Wedding Ring in Paradise
Main Idea #1:
A honeymoon turns stressful when a wedding ring is lost on the beach.
Main Idea #2:
While enjoying the start of their honeymoon on an exotic island, a couple faces the challenge of finding a lost wedding ring buried in fine, sinking sand.
A couple begins their honeymoon on a beach with white sand and blue water, but their joy is interrupted when the bride’s gold wedding ring accidentally flies off her hand. Despite efforts to locate it, the fine sand poses a significant challenge.
Key Points:
1. The couple is on a honeymoon at a beach with white sand and blue water.
2. Jane accidentally loses her gold wedding ring while pointing at a scene.
3. The husband searches for the ring but struggles due to the sinking sand.
4. The fine sand makes recovering the ring highly difficult.
[고1] 2023 11월– 20번:지속적인자기성장을위해의식적노력이필요함
Unfortunately, many people don't take personal responsibility for their own growth. Instead, they simply run the race laid out for them. They do well enough in school to keep advancing. Maybe they manage to get a good job at a well-run company. But so many think and act as if their learning journey ends with college. They have checked all the boxes in the life that was laid out for them and now lack a road map describing the right ways to move forward and continue to grow. In truth, that's when the journey really begins. When school is finished, your growth becomes voluntary. Like healthy eating habits or a regular exercise program, you need to commit to it and devote thought, time, and energy to it. Otherwise, it simply won't happen ― and your life and career are likely to stop progressing as a result.
Possible Titles:
1. The Importance of Voluntary Growth Beyond Formal Education
2. Breaking Free from the Pre-Laid Path to Personal Development
3. Why Lifelong Learning is Key to Personal and Career Success
4. Moving Beyond the Checkboxes of Structured Education
Main Idea #1:
Many people stop pursuing growth after completing their formal education.
Main Idea #2:
True growth begins after formal education ends, requiring a voluntary commitment to continuous self-improvement, much like maintaining healthy habits, to ensure ongoing personal and professional progress.
Many individuals stop prioritizing growth after school, assuming their learning journey is complete. However, real progress requires voluntary efforts, like healthy habits, to ensure continued personal and career development. Without dedication, life and career advancement may stagnate.
Key Points:
1. Many people rely solely on structured paths like school and jobs for growth.
2. They often lack a plan for self-improvement after formal education.
3. Lifelong growth requires conscious effort, similar to maintaining health.
4. Neglecting personal growth can lead to stagnation in life and career.
[고1] 2023 11월– 21번:색은객관적,주관적요소가결합된현상임
Many people take the commonsense view that coloris an objective property of things, or of the light that bounces off them. They say a tree's leaves are green because they reflect green light ― a greenness that is just as real as the leaves. Others argue that color doesn't inhabit the physical world at all but exists only in the eye or mind of the viewer. They maintain that if a tree fell in a forest and no one was there to see it, its leaves would be colorless ― and so would everything else. They say there is no such thing as color; there are only the people who see it. Both positions are, in a way, correct. Color is objective and subjective ― "the place," as Paul Cezanne put it, "where our brain and the universe meet." Color is created when light from the world is registered by the eyes and interpreted by the brain.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding Color as Both Objective and Subjective
2. The Philosophical Debate on the Nature of Color
3. How Color Exists at the Intersection of Light and Perception
4. Reconciling the Physical and Mental Realities of Color
Main Idea #1:
Color is debated as either an objective property of the world or a subjective experience in the mind.
Main Idea #2:
Color exists as both an objective phenomenon involving light and an interpretation in the brain, representing a meeting point between the physical world and human perception.
Color is seen either as an inherent property of objects or as a perception in the mind. In reality, it is both objective and subjective, created when light interacts with the eyes and is interpreted by the brain.
Key Points:
1. Some view color as an objective property of objects or reflected light.
2. Others believe color exists only in the perception of the viewer.
3. Both perspectives are valid, as color combines physical and mental elements.
4. Color is formed through the interaction of light, the eyes, and the brain.
[고1] 2023 11월– 22번:소설집필시과도한세부정보보다핵심경험이중요
When writing a novel, research for information needs to be done. The thing is that some kinds of fiction demand a higher level of detail: crime fiction, for example, or scientific thrillers. The information is never hard to find; one website for authors even organizes trips to police stations, so that crime writers can get it right. Often, a polite letter will earn you permission to visit a particular location and record all the details that you need. But remember that you will drive your readers to boredom if you think that you need to pack everything you discover into your work. The details that matter are those that reveal the human experience. The crucial thing is telling a story, finding the characters, the tension, and the conflict ― not the train timetable or the building blueprint.
Possible Titles:
1. Balancing Research and Storytelling in Novel Writing
2. The Role of Research in Crafting Authentic Fiction
3. How to Use Details Without Losing the Reader’s Interest
4. Focusing on Human Experience in Research-Heavy Fiction
Main Idea #1:
Research is essential for writing detailed fiction but should not overwhelm the story.
Main Idea #2:
While research enhances authenticity in fiction, especially in genres like crime or science thrillers, the key to engaging readers lies in focusing on human experience, characters, and conflict rather than excessive factual details.
Detailed research is vital for authenticity in fiction, but overloading a story with facts can bore readers. Writers should focus on storytelling and human elements instead of emphasizing minor factual details.
Key Points:
1. Some genres require more detailed research, such as crime fiction or scientific thrillers.
2. Authors can access information through polite inquiries or organized visits.
3. Overloading a story with facts risks losing reader engagement.
4. The story's human aspects, like characters and conflict, are more important than excessive detail.
[고1] 2023 11월– 23번:구강건강은신체건강과밀접히연관됨
Nearly everything has to go through your mouth to get to the rest of you, from food and air to bacteria and viruses. A healthy mouth can help your body get what it needs and prevent it from harm ― with adequate space for air to travel to your lungs, and healthy teeth and gums that prevent harmful microorganisms from entering your bloodstream. From the moment you are created, oral health affects every aspect of your life. What happens in the mouth is usually just the tip of the iceberg and a reflection of what is happening in other parts of the body. Poor oral health can be a cause of a disease that affects the entire body. The microorganisms in an unhealthy mouth can enter the bloodstream and travel anywhere in the body, posing serious health risks.
Possible Titles:
1. The Crucial Role of Oral Health in Overall Well-being
2. How Poor Oral Hygiene Impacts the Entire Body
3. Oral Health as a Gateway to Physical Health and Disease
4. Preventing Systemic Illness Through Healthy Teeth and Gums
Main Idea #1:
Oral health is essential for preventing harm and supporting overall body health.
Main Idea #2:
A healthy mouth ensures the body receives necessary nutrients and protects against harmful microorganisms, while poor oral health can lead to systemic diseases by allowing harmful bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
Oral health is vital for overall health, as it supports essential functions and prevents harmful microorganisms from spreading. Poor oral hygiene can lead to systemic illnesses by allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and affect the entire body.
Key Points:
1. Oral health ensures proper air passage and nutrient intake.
2. Healthy teeth and gums prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the body.
3. Poor oral hygiene can reflect and cause systemic health issues.
4. Microorganisms from an unhealthy mouth can travel through the bloodstream, posing significant health risks.
[고1] 2023 11월– 24번:신경계는변화에민감하고반복에는쉽게지루함
Kids tire of their toys, college students get sick of cafeteria food, and sooner or later most of us lose interest in our favorite TV shows. The bottom line is that we humans are easily bored. But why should this be true? The answer lies buried deep in our nerve cells, which are designed to reduce their initial excited response to stimuli each time they occur. At the same time, these neurons enhance their responses to things that change ― especially things that change quickly. We probably evolved this way because our ancestors got more survival value, for example, from attending to what was moving in a tree (such as a puma) than to the tree itself. Boredom in reaction to an unchanging environment turns down the level of neural excitation so that new stimuli (like our ancestor's hypothetical puma threat) stand out more. It's the neural equivalent of turning off a front door light to see the fireflies.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding the Science Behind Human Boredom and Neural Responses
2. How Our Nerve Cells Influence Perception and Boredom
3. Evolutionary Advantages of Human Response to Change Over Stability
4. The Role of Neural Adaptation in Managing Stimuli and Attention
Main Idea #1:
Humans become bored due to nerve cells reducing their response to repetitive stimuli.
Main Idea #2:
The neural mechanism of boredom evolved to enhance survival by decreasing attention to unchanging environments and sharpening focus on new, potentially critical changes.
Humans are naturally prone to boredom because nerve cells diminish their response to repeated stimuli while prioritizing changes in the environment. This neural adaptation likely developed as a survival mechanism, helping our ancestors notice potential threats. Boredom allows the brain to conserve energy and redirect attention to significant stimuli.
Key Points:
1. Humans easily lose interest in repetitive stimuli like toys or TV shows.
2. Neurons reduce responses to repeated stimuli while amplifying responses to new changes.
3. This neural adaptation likely evolved to prioritize survival threats, such as predators.
4. Boredom helps conserve neural energy and enhances focus on critical environmental shifts.
[고1] 2023 11월– 25번: 2018~2022년청정에너지투자증가분석
The above graph shows global energy investment in clean energy and in fossil fuels between 2018 and 2022. Since 2018 global energy investment in clean energy continued to rise, reaching its highest level in 2022. The investment gap between clean energy and fossil fuels in 2020 was larger than that in 2019. Investment in fossil fuels was highest in 2018 and lowest in 2020. In 2021, investment in clean energy exceeded 1,200 billion dollars, while investment in fossil fuels did not. In 2022, the global investment in clean energy was more than double that of fossil fuels.
Possible Titles:
1. Trends in Global Investment in Clean Energy and Fossil Fuels
2. A Five-Year Analysis of Global Energy Investments
3. Increasing Focus on Clean Energy Investment from 2018 to 2022
4. The Growing Disparity Between Clean Energy and Fossil Fuel Investments
Main Idea #1:
Global investment in clean energy consistently increased, reaching its peak in 2022.
Main Idea #2:
The gap between clean energy and fossil fuel investments widened significantly over time, with clean energy investments surpassing fossil fuels, especially in 2022 when clean energy investments were more than double.
Global energy investment trends show a steady rise in clean energy funding from 2018 to 2022, reaching its highest level in 2022. Fossil fuel investments peaked in 2018 and dropped to their lowest in 2020. The investment gap between clean energy and fossil fuels widened over the years, with clean energy surpassing 1,200 billion dollars in 2021 and doubling fossil fuel investments by 2022.
Key Points:
1. Clean energy investment rose steadily, peaking in 2022.
2. Fossil fuel investment was highest in 2018 and lowest in 2020.
3. The gap between clean energy and fossil fuel investment widened from 2019 to 2020.
4. By 2022, clean energy investments were more than double those of fossil fuels.
[고1] 2023 11월– 26번: Frederick Douglass의노예제폐지와평등활동
Frederick Douglass was born into slavery at a farm in Maryland. His full name at birth was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey. He changed his name to Frederick Douglass after he successfully escaped from slavery in 1838. He became a leader of the Underground Railroad ― a network of people, places, and routes that helped enslaved people escape to the north. He assisted other runaway slaves until they could safely get to other areas in the north. As a slave, he had taught himself to read and write and he spread that knowledge to other slaves as well. Once free, he became a well-known abolitionist and strong believer in equality for all people including Blacks, Native Americans, women, and recent immigrants. He wrote several autobiographies describing his experiences as a slave. In addition to all this, he became the first African-American candidate for vice president of the United States.
Possible Titles:
1. Frederick Douglass: From Slave to Abolitionist Leader and Advocate
2. The Life and Legacy of Frederick Douglass in American History
3. A Pioneer for Equality: Frederick Douglass's Remarkable Achievements
4. Frederick Douglass and His Role in Abolishing Slavery and Promoting Justice
Main Idea #1:
Frederick Douglass escaped slavery and became a leader in the fight for freedom and equality.
Main Idea #2:
Frederick Douglass’s life journey included teaching himself and others to read, leading the Underground Railroad, advocating for equal rights for all people, and becoming a renowned abolitionist and political figure.
Born into slavery, Frederick Douglass escaped in 1838 and became a prominent leader of the Underground Railroad and a well-known abolitionist. He advocated for equality for all people and wrote autobiographies about his experiences. He also became the first African-American vice-presidential candidate, leaving a lasting legacy in the fight for justice.
Key Points:
1. Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in Maryland and escaped in 1838.
2. He became a leader of the Underground Railroad and helped runaway slaves.
3. He advocated for equality for all, including women and immigrants.
4. He wrote autobiographies about his life as a slave and was the first African-American vice-presidential candidate.
[고1] 2023 11월– 29번:뇌사진단기준의엄격함이신뢰와의혹모두유발가능
Some countries have proposed tougher guidelines for determining brain death when transplantation ― transferring organs to others ― is under consideration. In several European countries, there are legal requirements which specify that a whole team of doctors must agree over the diagnosis of death in the case of a potential donor. The reason for these strict regulations for diagnosing brain death in potential organ donors is, no doubt, to ease public fears of a premature diagnosis of brain death for the purpose of obtaining organs. But it is questionable whether these requirements reduce public suspicions as much as they create them. They certainly maintain mistaken beliefs that diagnosing brain death is an unreliable process lacking precision. As a matter of consistency, at least, criteria for diagnosing the deaths of organ donors should be exactly the same as for those for whom immediate burial or cremation is intended.
Possible Titles:
1. Balancing Public Trust and Accuracy in Brain Death Diagnosis
2. The Debate Over Brain Death Guidelines for Organ Donors
3. Challenges in Addressing Public Concerns About Brain Death Criteria
4. Should Brain Death Criteria Differ for Organ Donors and Non-Donors?
Main Idea #1:
Some countries enforce stricter guidelines for diagnosing brain death in potential organ donors to address public concerns.
Main Idea #2:
Stricter brain death regulations aim to alleviate public fears but may inadvertently heighten suspicions, underscoring the need for consistent diagnostic criteria for organ donors and non-donors alike.
Stricter guidelines for diagnosing brain death in organ donors aim to address fears of premature diagnoses but may unintentionally increase public mistrust. These regulations suggest that diagnosing brain death is imprecise, reinforcing misconceptions. Consistent criteria for all cases of brain death, whether for organ donors or others, are essential to maintain trust.
Key Points:
1. Tougher brain death guidelines are implemented in some countries for potential organ donors.
2. Legal requirements in Europe include team agreement on brain death diagnosis.
3. Strict regulations may increase public doubts about the reliability of brain death diagnoses.
4. Uniform criteria for all brain death diagnoses can help ensure public trust and consistency.
[고1] 2023 11월– 30번:미니멀리즘은불필요한물건제거로삶의명료함제공
The term minimalism gives a negative impression to some people who think that it is all about sacrificing valuable possessions. This insecurity naturally stems from their attachment to their possessions. It is difficult to distance oneself from something that has been around for quite some time. Being an emotional animal, human beings give meaning to the things around them. So, the question arising here is that if minimalism will hurt one's emotions, why become a minimalist? The answer is very simple; the assumption of the question is fundamentally wrong. Minimalism does not hurt emotions. You might feel a bit sad while getting rid of a useless item but sooner than later, this feeling will be overcome by the joy of clarity. Minimalists never argue that you should leave every convenience of the modern era. They are of the view that you only need to eliminate stuff that is unused or not going to be used in the near future.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding Minimalism: Separating Myths from Reality
2. Emotional Misconceptions and the True Benefits of Minimalism
3. Minimalism as a Path to Clarity Without Sacrifice
4. Dispelling Myths About Minimalism and Emotional Attachments
Main Idea #1:
Minimalism is often misunderstood as sacrificing valuable possessions, but this perception stems from emotional attachment to items.
Main Idea #2:
Minimalism promotes eliminating unnecessary items, not essential conveniences, and offers emotional clarity and joy rather than harm, challenging misconceptions about its impact on emotions.
Minimalism is misunderstood by those attached to possessions, who see it as emotional sacrifice. In reality, minimalism encourages removing only unused items, providing clarity and joy over time. It focuses on keeping valuable necessities, not abandoning modern conveniences.
Key Points:
1. Minimalism is wrongly perceived as sacrificing meaningful possessions.
2. Emotional attachment to possessions creates resistance to minimalism.
3. Minimalism involves eliminating unused items, not essential conveniences.
4. The process ultimately leads to emotional clarity and joy, not harm.
[고1] 2023 11월– 31번:시각적적응으로새로운환경에도빠르게적응가능
A remarkable characteristic of the visual system is that it has the ability of adapting itself. Psychologist George M. Stratton made this clear in an impressive self-experiment. Stratton wore reversing glasses for several days, which literally turned the world upside down for him. In the beginning, this caused him great difficulties: just putting food in his mouth with a fork was a challenge for him. With time, however, his visual system adjusted to the new stimuli from reality, and he was able to act normally in his environment again, even seeing it upright when he concentrated. As he took off his reversing glasses, he was again confronted with problems: he used the wrong hand when he wanted to reach for something, for example. Fortunately, Stratton could reverse the perception, and he did not have to wear reversing glasses for the rest of his life. For him, everything returned to normal after one day.
Possible Titles:
1. The Adaptive Power of the Human Visual System
2. George M. Stratton’s Experiment on Visual Adaptation
3. Understanding Perceptual Adjustment Through Reversing Glasses
4. How the Visual System Adjusts to Altered Realities
Main Idea #1:
The human visual system can adapt to altered perceptions, as demonstrated by George M. Stratton's reversing glasses experiment.
Main Idea #2:
Stratton's self-experiment revealed the remarkable adaptability of the visual system, which adjusted to upside-down stimuli and reverted to normal functioning after the removal of reversing glasses.
The visual system’s adaptability was demonstrated by George M. Stratton, who wore reversing glasses that flipped his perception upside down. Despite initial challenges, his visual system adapted, allowing him to function normally. After removing the glasses, he experienced temporary disorientation, but his perception returned to normal within a day.
Key Points:
1. Stratton wore reversing glasses that inverted his visual perception.
2. Initially, he faced significant difficulties in daily tasks.
3. Over time, his visual system adapted to the altered perception.
4. Removing the glasses caused temporary disorientation, but normal perception returned within a day.
[고1] 2023 11월– 32번:인터넷사용이지식과대평가를유발할수있음
Participants in a study were asked to answer questions like "Why does the moon have phases?" Half the participants were told to search for the answers on the internet, while the other half weren't allowed to do so. Then, in the second part of the study, all of the participants were presented with a new set of questions, such as "Why does Swiss cheese have holes?" These questions were unrelated to the ones asked during the first part of the study, so participants who used the internet had absolutely no advantage over those who hadn't. You would think that both sets of participants would be equally sure or unsure about how well they could answer the new questions. But those who used the internet in the first part of the study rated themselves as more knowledgeable than those who hadn't, even about questions they hadn't searched online for. The study suggests that having access to unrelated information was enough to pump up their intellectual confidence.
Possible Titles:
1. The Influence of Internet Use on Perceived Knowledge
2. How Access to Information Boosts Intellectual Confidence
3. The Psychological Impact of Searching Online for Answers
4. Unrelated Internet Searches and Their Effect on Self-Perceived Expertise
Main Idea #1:
Participants who used the internet for answers in a study felt more knowledgeable, even about unrelated questions.
Main Idea #2:
The study revealed that internet access during one task inflated participants' confidence in their overall knowledge, even for topics they hadn't researched, highlighting how access to information affects intellectual self-perception.
A study found that participants using the internet to answer questions felt more confident in their knowledge, even on unrelated topics. This increased confidence came from access to information rather than actual learning, influencing their perception of expertise.
Key Points:
1. Participants were asked to answer questions, with some using the internet and others not.
2. Internet users rated themselves as more knowledgeable, even on unrelated topics.
3. Access to information increased intellectual confidence, regardless of its relevance.
4. The study highlights how internet use can influence self-perceived expertise.
[고1] 2023 11월– 33번:관점변화로세계이해방식을다각화할수있음
Anthropologist Gregory Bateson suggests that we tend to understand the world by focusing in on particular features within it. Take platypuses. We might zoom in so closely to their fur that each hair appears different. We might also zoom out to the extent where it appears as a single, uniform object. We might take the platypus as an individual, or we might treat it as part of a larger unit such as a species or an ecosystem. It's possible to move between many of these perspectives, although we may need some additional tools and skills to zoom in on individual pieces of hair or zoom out to entire ecosystems. Crucially, however, we can only take up one perspective at a time. We can pay attention to the varied behavior of individual animals, look at what unites them into a single species, or look at them as part of bigger ecological patterns. Every possible perspective involves emphasizing certain aspects and ignoring others.
Possible Titles:
1. Gregory Bateson's Theory on Perspectives and Understanding the World
2. How Our Focus Shapes Perceptions of the Natural World
3. The Platypus as a Model for Perspective-Based Understanding
4. Exploring the Limits and Tools of Shifting Perspectives
Main Idea #1:
Gregory Bateson suggests that understanding the world depends on focusing on specific perspectives.
Main Idea #2:
Our perception of the world involves shifting between perspectives, emphasizing certain aspects while ignoring others, though only one perspective can be taken at a time.
Gregory Bateson explains that we understand the world by focusing on specific perspectives, such as viewing a platypus as an individual, part of a species, or an ecosystem component. While tools and skills enable shifts between perspectives, each perspective highlights some aspects while ignoring others, and only one can be held at a time.
Key Points:
1. Understanding depends on focusing on specific features or perspectives.
2. Perspectives can range from individual details to larger systems, like species or ecosystems.
3. Shifting perspectives requires tools and skills but emphasizes certain aspects over others.
4. Only one perspective can be taken at a time, shaping our understanding of the world.
[고1] 2023 11월– 34번:플라톤은이상적'형상'개념으로현실을설명함
Plato's realism includes all aspects of experience but is most easily explained by considering the nature of mathematical and geometrical objects such as circles. He asked the question, what is a circle? You might indicate a particular example carved into stone or drawn in the sand. However, Plato would point out that, if you looked closely enough, you would see that neither it, nor indeed any physical circle, was perfect. They all possessed flaws, and all were subject to change and decayed with time. So how can we talk about perfect circles if we cannot actually see or touch them? Plato's extraordinary answer was that the world we see is a poor reflection of a deeper unseen reality of Forms, or universals, where perfect cats chase perfect mice in perfect circles around perfect rocks. Plato believed that the Forms or universals are the true reality that exists in an invisible but perfect world beyond our senses.
Possible Titles:
1. Plato’s Theory of Forms: Understanding Perfection Beyond the Physical
2. Exploring the Invisible Reality of Plato’s Universals
3. The Nature of Perfection in Plato’s Philosophical Realism
4. How Plato Explained Imperfect Reality Through Perfect Forms
Main Idea #1:
Plato believed that physical objects are imperfect reflections of perfect, unseen universals or Forms.
Main Idea #2:
Through examples like imperfect physical circles, Plato illustrated his belief in a deeper reality of perfect Forms, an invisible but ideal world beyond human senses, where true perfection exists.
Plato argued that physical objects, like circles, are flawed and impermanent representations of perfect Forms or universals. These Forms exist in a separate, unseen reality, which he considered the true, unchanging essence of all things.
Key Points:
1. Plato’s realism includes imperfect physical objects and perfect Forms.
2. He used mathematical objects, such as circles, to illustrate his theory.
3. The physical world is a reflection of an unseen, perfect reality.
4. Forms or universals exist in an invisible, ideal realm beyond sensory experience.
[고1] 2023 11월– 35번:데이터확장이정확성보다유용성을강화함
In statistics, the law of large numbers describes a situation where having more data is better for making predictions. According to it, the more often an experiment is conducted, the closer the average of the results can be expected to match the true state of the world. For instance, on your first encounter with the game of roulette, you may have beginner's luck after betting on 7. But the more often you repeat this bet, the closer the relative frequency of wins and losses is expected to approach the true chance of winning, meaning that your luck will at some point fade away. Similarly, car insurers collect large amounts of data to figure out the chances that drivers will cause accidents, depending on their age, region, or car brand. Both casinos and insurance industries rely on the law of large numbers to balance individual losses.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding the Law of Large Numbers in Predictions and Risk Management
2. How Casinos and Insurers Use the Law of Large Numbers
3. The Predictive Power of Large Data Sets in Statistics
4. From Roulette to Insurance: Applications of the Law of Large Numbers
Main Idea #1:
The law of large numbers states that more data improves the accuracy of predictions by aligning averages with true probabilities.
Main Idea #2:
The law of large numbers explains how repeated experiments lead to results that reflect true probabilities, influencing industries like casinos and insurance to predict outcomes and manage risks effectively.
The law of large numbers shows that as the number of trials increases, the results align more closely with true probabilities, as seen in roulette outcomes and insurance risk calculations. Both casinos and insurers rely on this principle to balance individual losses and predict outcomes with accuracy.
Key Points:
1. The law of large numbers links more data to better prediction accuracy.
2. Repeated experiments approach the true probabilities of outcomes.
3. Casinos use it to ensure profits over time despite individual wins.
4. Insurers rely on large data sets to predict accident risks and set policies.
[고1] 2023 11월– 36번:청소년기감정의사결정은전두엽미성숙과연관됨
The adolescent brain is not fully developed until its early twenties. This means the way the adolescents' decision-making circuits integrate and process information may put them at a disadvantage. One of their brain regions that matures later is the prefrontal cortex, which is the control center, tasked with thinking ahead and evaluating consequences. It is the area of the brain responsible for preventing you from sending off an initial angry text and modifying it with kinder words. On the other hand, the limbic system matures earlier, playing a central role in processing emotional responses. Because of its earlier development, it is more likely to influence decision-making. Decision-making in the adolescent brain is led by emotional factors more than the perception of consequences. Due to these differences, there is an imbalance between feeling-based decision-making ruled by the more mature limbic system and logical-based decision-making by the not-yet-mature prefrontal cortex. This may explain why some teens are more likely to make bad decisions.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding Adolescent Decision-Making and Brain Development
2. The Role of Brain Maturity in Teen Decision-Making
3. How Emotional and Logical Imbalances Shape Adolescent Choices
4. Why Adolescents Are More Prone to Impulsive Decisions
Main Idea #1:
Adolescents' decision-making is influenced by the underdeveloped prefrontal cortex and the more developed limbic system.
Main Idea #2:
The adolescent brain's imbalance between the emotional limbic system and the logical prefrontal cortex leads to decision-making driven more by emotions than by evaluating consequences.
Adolescents are more likely to make emotional decisions because their limbic system develops earlier than their prefrontal cortex, which governs logic and consequence evaluation. This developmental imbalance explains their tendency toward impulsive and risky choices.
Key Points:
1. The adolescent brain is not fully developed until the early twenties.
2. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for logic and evaluating consequences, matures later.
3. The limbic system, governing emotional responses, develops earlier and strongly influences decisions.
4. The imbalance between emotional and logical decision-making explains impulsive choices in teens.
[고1] 2023 11월– 37번:얼굴인식기술의정확성을높이기위한연구필요
Despite the remarkable progress in deep-learning based facial recognition approaches in recent years, in terms of identification performance, they still have limitations. These limitations relate to the database used in the learning stage. If the selected database does not contain enough instances, the result may be systematically affected. For example, the performance of a facial biometric system may decrease if the person to be identified was enrolled over 10 years ago. The factor to consider is that this person may experience changes in the texture of the face, particularly with the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. These changes may be highlighted by weight gain or loss. To counteract this problem, researchers have developed models for face aging or digital de-aging. It is used to compensate for the differences in facial characteristics, which appear over a given time period.
Possible Titles:
1. Challenges and Solutions in Facial Recognition Over Time
2. Addressing Aging Effects in Deep-Learning Facial Recognition Systems
3. The Role of Face Aging Models in Biometric Accuracy
4. How Facial Changes Impact Deep-Learning Recognition Systems
Main Idea #1:
Facial recognition systems face limitations due to insufficient database diversity and facial changes over time.
Main Idea #2:
Deep-learning facial recognition systems struggle with identifying individuals after significant time due to aging-related changes, prompting researchers to develop face aging and de-aging models to improve accuracy.
Deep-learning facial recognition systems face challenges when individuals’ facial features change over time due to aging or weight fluctuations. Insufficient database diversity compounds this issue. Researchers use face aging and de-aging models to address these limitations and improve identification accuracy.
Key Points:
1. Facial recognition performance depends on the diversity of the training database.
2. Aging-related changes, like wrinkles or sagging skin, impact system accuracy.
3. Weight changes can further alter facial characteristics and reduce performance.
4. Face aging and de-aging models help mitigate these challenges over time.
[고1] 2023 11월– 38번:농작물다양성감소가식량체계취약성을증가시킴
The decline in the diversity of our food is an entirely human-made process. The biggest loss of crop diversity came in the decades that followed the Second World War. In an attempt to save millions from extreme hunger, crop scientists found ways to produce grains such as rice and wheat on an enormous scale. And thousands of traditional varieties were replaced by a small number of new super-productive ones. The strategy worked spectacularly well, at least to begin with. Because of it, grain production tripled, and between 1970 and 2020 the human population more than doubled. Leaving the contribution of that strategy to one side, the danger of creating more uniform crops is that they are more at risk when it comes to disasters. Specifically, a global food system that depends on just a narrow selection of plants has a greater chance of not being able to survive diseases, pests and climate extremes.
Possible Titles:
1. The Impact of Uniform Crops on Global Food Security
2. How Post-War Agriculture Reduced Crop Diversity Worldwide
3. Balancing Productivity and Resilience in Crop Diversity Loss
4. The Risks of Uniformity in Modern Agriculture
Main Idea #1:
The decline in crop diversity resulted from replacing traditional varieties with super-productive crops after World War II.
Main Idea #2:
While the introduction of high-yield crops initially alleviated hunger and boosted grain production, the loss of diversity has made global agriculture more vulnerable to diseases, pests, and climate extremes.
The decline in crop diversity began after World War II, when super-productive crops replaced traditional varieties to combat hunger. Although this increased grain production and supported population growth, it also made the global food system more susceptible to disasters like diseases and climate extremes.
Key Points:
1. Crop diversity declined sharply after World War II due to the adoption of high-yield varieties.
2. Traditional crop varieties were replaced by fewer, more productive ones.
3. Grain production tripled, supporting rapid population growth.
4. Reduced crop diversity increases vulnerability to diseases, pests, and climate challenges.
[고1] 2023 11월– 39번:쿠바야구팀의전통유니폼변경이팀쇠퇴와연관
Between 1940 and 2000, Cuba ruled the world baseball scene. They won 25 of the first 28 World Cups and 3 of 5 Olympic Games. The Cubans were known for wearing uniforms covered in red from head to toe, a strong contrast to the more conservative North American style featuring grey or white pants. Not only were their athletic talents superior, the Cubans appeared even stronger from just the colour of their uniforms. A game would not even start and the opposing team would already be scared. A few years ago, Cuba altered that uniform style, modernizing it and perhaps conforming to other countries' style; interestingly, the national team has declined since that time. The country that ruled international baseball for decades has not been on top since that uniform change. Traditions are important for a team; while a team brand or image can adjust to keep up with present times, if it abandons or neglects its roots, negative effects can surface.
Possible Titles:
1. The Rise and Fall of Cuba's Dominance in Baseball
2. How Tradition and Uniforms Shaped Cuban Baseball Success
3. The Psychological Impact of Cuba’s Iconic Baseball Uniforms
4. Cuba’s Baseball Decline and the Importance of Team Traditions
Main Idea #1:
Cuba dominated international baseball for decades, partly due to their superior skills and intimidating uniforms.
Main Idea #2:
Cuba's switch to modernized uniforms marked the beginning of a decline in its baseball dominance, emphasizing the importance of maintaining team traditions and identity.
Between 1940 and 2000, Cuba dominated baseball, winning numerous World Cups and Olympic titles, with their red uniforms playing a psychological role. After adopting modernized uniforms, their dominance declined, highlighting the potential impact of losing team traditions.
Key Points:
1. Cuba ruled international baseball from 1940 to 2000, winning 25 World Cups and 3 Olympic titles.
2. Their all-red uniforms intimidated opponents, enhancing their psychological advantage.
3. Modernizing their uniforms coincided with a decline in their baseball success.
4. The importance of maintaining traditions and team identity is underscored by this decline.
[고1] 2023 11월– 40번:문화전파는유전적전파보다복잡한요소포함
Many of the first models of cultural evolution drew noticeable connections between culture and genes by using concepts from theoretical population genetics and applying them to culture. Cultural patterns of transmission, innovation, and selection are conceptually likened to genetic processes of transmission, mutation, and selection. However, these approaches had to be modified to account for the differences between genetic and cultural transmission. For example, we do not expect the cultural transmission to follow the rules of genetic transmission strictly. If two biological parents have different forms of a cultural trait, their child is not necessarily equally likely to acquire the mother's or father's form of that trait. Further, a child can acquire cultural traits not only from its parents but also from nonparental adults and peers; thus, the frequency of a cultural trait in the population is relevant beyond just the probability that an individual's parents had that trait. -> Early cultural evolution models used the similarity between culture and genes but had to be revised since cultural transmission allows for more diverse factors than genetic transmission.
Possible Titles:
1. Revisiting Early Models of Cultural Evolution and Transmission
2. Understanding the Differences Between Cultural and Genetic Transmission
3. How Cultural Traits Evolve Beyond Genetic Analogies
4. Modifications in Cultural Evolution Models to Reflect Human Complexity
Main Idea #1:
Early cultural evolution models drew parallels with genetic processes but required adjustments to reflect cultural transmission's unique characteristics.
Main Idea #2:
Unlike genetic transmission, cultural transmission involves diverse influences beyond parental traits, including peers and societal trends, requiring models to account for these broader factors.
Early cultural evolution models likened cultural processes to genetic ones but were revised to address differences. Cultural transmission differs from genetic transmission as traits can be acquired from peers and society, not just parents, making population-level frequency critical.
Key Points:
1. Early models of cultural evolution were inspired by population genetics.
2. Cultural traits were initially compared to genetic processes like transmission and mutation.
3. Cultural transmission differs, allowing traits to be acquired from peers and nonparental influences.
4. Models were revised to account for societal and population-level influences on cultural traits.
[고1] 2023 11월– 41~42번:협력적행동이그룹내시너지효과를생성
A ball thrown into the air is acted upon by the initial force given it, persisting as inertia of movement and tending to carry it in the same straight line, and by the constant pull of gravity downward, as well as by the resistance of the air. It moves, accordingly, in a curved path. Now the path does not represent the working of any particular force; there is simply the combination of the three elementary forces mentioned; but in a real sense, there is something in the total action besides the isolated action of three forces, namely, their joint action. In the same way, when two or more human individuals are together, their mutual relationships and their arrangement into a group are things which would not be revealed if we confined our attention to each individual separately. The significance of group behavior is greatly increased in the case of human beings by the fact that some of the tendencies to action of the individual are related definitely to other persons, and could not be aroused except by other persons acting as stimuli. An individual in complete isolation would not reveal their competitive tendencies, their tendencies towards the opposite sex, their protective tendencies towards children. This shows that the traits of human nature do not fully appear until the individual is brought into relationships with other individuals.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding Human Behavior Through Group Dynamics and Relationships
2. How Individual Traits Emerge in Social Contexts
3. The Influence of Social Interactions on Human Behavior
4. Group Dynamics as a Key to Revealing Human Nature
Main Idea #1:
Human behavior cannot be fully understood in isolation, as social interactions reveal traits and tendencies unique to relationships.
Main Idea #2:
Just as a ball’s curved path arises from the combined forces acting on it, human behavior emerges from the interplay of social interactions, which stimulate tendencies such as competitiveness, attraction, and protectiveness, not evident in isolation.
Human behavior develops through interactions, as certain tendencies like competition or protectiveness are only triggered by social relationships. Like a ball's curved trajectory resulting from combined forces, individual traits are shaped and revealed in group dynamics.
Key Points:
1. Individual behavior is influenced by relationships and group dynamics.
2. Certain tendencies, like competitiveness or attraction, only arise in social contexts.
3. Human nature is incomplete in isolation, requiring interactions to fully emerge.
4. Group behavior reveals traits that would remain hidden in solitary individuals.
[고1] 2023 11월– 43~45번:다툰형제가목수의도움으로화해와관계회복
There once lived a man in a village who was not happy with his life. He was always troubled by one problem or another. One day, a saint with his guards stopped by his village. Many people heard the news and started going to him with their problems. The man also decided to visit the saint. Even after reaching the saint's place in the morning, he didn't get the opportunity to meet him till evening. When the man got to meet the saint, he confessed that he was very unhappy with life because problems always surrounded him, like workplace tension or worries about his health. He said, "Please give me a solution so that all the problems in my life will end and I can live peacefully." The saint smiled and said that he would answer the request the next day. But the saint also asked if the man could do a small job for him. He told the man to take care of a hundred camels in his group that night, saying "When all hundred camels sit down, you can go to sleep." The man agreed. The next morning when the saint met that man, he asked if the man had slept well. Tired and sad, the man replied that he couldn't sleep even for a moment. In fact, the man tried very hard but couldn't make all the camels sit at the same time because every time he made one camel sit, another would stand up. The saint told him, "You realized that no matter how hard you try, you can't make all the camels sit down. If one problem is solved, for some reason, another will arise like the camels did. So, humans should enjoy life despite these problems."
Possible Titles:
1. Life Lessons from the Saint and the Hundred Camels
2. Accepting Life’s Challenges to Find Peace and Happiness
3. The Wisdom of Embracing Problems in Daily Life
4. Why Problems Are Like Camels That Never Fully Rest
Main Idea #1:
A man learns from a saint that life’s problems are constant, and peace comes from accepting and living with them.
Main Idea #2:
Through the metaphor of camels that never all sit at once, the saint teaches that trying to eliminate all problems is futile and that happiness lies in enjoying life despite ongoing challenges.
A man, troubled by constant problems, seeks a saint’s advice. The saint uses a task with camels to show that problems, like camels, will never fully disappear. The lesson is to live peacefully by accepting and enjoying life amid challenges.
Key Points:
1. A man visits a saint to find a solution to his endless problems.
2. The saint gives the man a task to manage a hundred camels for the night.
3. The man realizes it’s impossible to make all the camels sit at once.
4. The saint explains that problems are constant and peace comes from acceptance and enjoying life.
②I was so excited to hear that your brand is opening a new shop on Bruns Street next month.
③I have always appreciated the way your brand helps women to feel more stylish and confident.
④I am writing in response to your ad in the Bruns Journal.
저는Bruns Journal에있는당신의광고에대한응답으로편지를쓰고있습니다.
⑤I graduated from the Meline School of Fashion and have worked as a sales assistant at LoganMart for the last five years.
⑥During that time, I've developed strong customer service and sales skills, and now I would like to apply for the sales position in your clothing store.
④I tried to see where it went, but the sun hit my eyes and I lost track of it.
⑤I didn't want to lose her wedding ring, so I started looking in the area where I thought it had landed.
⑥However, the sand was so fine and I realized that anything heavy, like gold, would quickly sink and might never be found again.
[고1] 2023 11월– 20번:지속적인자기성장을위해의식적노력이필요함
①Unfortunately, many people don't take personal responsibility for their own growth.
②Instead, they simply run the race laid out for them.
③They do well enough in school to keep advancing.
④Maybe they manage to get a good job at a well-run company.
⑤But so many think and act as if their learning journey ends with college.
⑥They have checked all the boxes in the life that was laid out for them and now lack a road map describing the right ways to move forward and continue to grow.
②A healthy mouth can help your body get what it needs and prevent it from harm ― with adequate space for air to travel to your lungs, and healthy teeth and gums that prevent harmful microorganisms from entering your bloodstream.
②The bottom line is that we humans are easily bored.
③But why should this be true?
④The answer lies buried deep in our nerve cells, which are designed to reduce their initial excited response to stimuli each time they occur.
⑤At the same time, these neurons enhance their responses to things that change ― especially things that change quickly.
⑥We probably evolved this way because our ancestors got more survival value, for example, from attending to what was moving in a tree (such as a puma) than to the tree itself.
⑦Boredom in reaction to an unchanging environment turns down the level of neural excitation so that new stimuli (like our ancestor's hypothetical puma threat) stand out more.
⑤He assisted other runaway slaves until they could safely get to other areas in the north.
⑥As a slave, he had taught himself to read and write and he spread that knowledge to other slaves as well.
⑦Once free, he became a well-known abolitionist and strong believer in equality for all people including Blacks, Native Americans, women, and recent immigrants.
⑧He wrote several autobiographies describing his experiences as a slave.
⑨In addition to all this, he became the first African-American candidate for vice president of the United States.
[고1] 2023 11월– 29번:뇌사진단기준의엄격함이신뢰와의혹모두유발가능
①Some countries have proposed tougher guidelines for determining brain death when transplantation ― transferring organs to others ― is under consideration.
②In several European countries, there are legal requirements which specify that a whole team of doctors must agree over the diagnosis of death in the case of a potential donor.
③The reason for these strict regulations for diagnosing brain death in potential organ donors is, no doubt, to ease public fears of a premature diagnosis of brain death for the purpose of obtaining organs.
④But it is questionable whether these requirements reduce public suspicions as much as they create them.
⑤They certainly maintain mistaken beliefs that diagnosing brain death is an unreliable process lacking precision.
⑥As a matter of consistency, at least, criteria for diagnosing the deaths of organ donors should be exactly the same as for those for whom immediate burial or cremation is intended.
②This insecurity naturally stems from their attachment to their possessions.
③It is difficult to distance oneself from something that has been around for quite some time.
④Being an emotional animal, human beings give meaning to the things around them.
⑤So, the question arising here is that if minimalism will hurt one's emotions, why become a minimalist?
⑥The answer is very simple; the assumption of the question is fundamentally wrong.
⑦Minimalism does not hurt emotions.
⑧You might feel a bit sad while getting rid of a useless item but sooner than later, this feeling will be overcome by the joy of clarity.
⑨Minimalists never argue that you should leave every convenience of the modern era.
⑩They are of the view that you only need to eliminate stuff that is unused or not going to be used in the near future.
[고1] 2023 11월– 31번:시각적적응으로새로운환경에도빠르게적응가능
①A remarkable characteristic of the visual system is that it has the ability of adapting itself.
②Psychologist George M. Stratton made this clear in an impressive self-experiment.
심리학자George M. Stratton은인상적인자가실험에서이것을분명히했다.
③Stratton wore reversing glasses for several days, which literally turned the world upside down for him.
④In the beginning, this caused him great difficulties: just putting food in his mouth with a fork was a challenge for him.
⑤With time, however, his visual system adjusted to the new stimuli from reality, and he was able to act normally in his environment again, even seeing it upright when he concentrated.
⑥As he took off his reversing glasses, he was again confronted with problems: he used the wrong hand when he wanted to reach for something, for example.
⑦Fortunately, Stratton could reverse the perception, and he did not have to wear reversing glasses for the rest of his life.
⑧For him, everything returned to normal after one day.
[고1] 2023 11월– 32번:인터넷사용이지식과대평가를유발할수있음
①Participants in a study were asked to answer questions like "Why does the moon have phases?"
②Half the participants were told to search for the answers on the internet, while the other half weren't allowed to do so.
③Then, in the second part of the study, all of the participants were presented with a new set of questions, such as "Why does Swiss cheese have holes?"
④These questions were unrelated to the ones asked during the first part of the study, so participants who used the internet had absolutely no advantage over those who hadn't.
⑥But those who used the internet in the first part of the study rated themselves as more knowledgeable than those who hadn't, even about questions they hadn't searched online for.
②Take platypuses. We might zoom in so closely to their fur that each hair appears different.
③We might also zoom out to the extent where it appears as a single, uniform object.
④We might take the platypus as an individual, or we might treat it as part of a larger unit such as a species or an ecosystem.
⑤It's possible to move between many of these perspectives, although we may need some additional tools and skills to zoom in on individual pieces of hair or zoom out to entire ecosystems.
⑥Crucially, however, we can only take up one perspective at a time.
⑦We can pay attention to the varied behavior of individual animals, look at what unites them into a single species, or look at them as part of bigger ecological patterns.
⑧Every possible perspective involves emphasizing certain aspects and ignoring others.
[고1] 2023 11월– 34번:플라톤은이상적'형상'개념으로현실을설명함
①Plato's realism includes all aspects of experience but is most easily explained by considering the nature of mathematical and geometrical objects such as circles.
⑤They all possessed flaws, and all were subject to change and decayed with time.
⑥So how can we talk about perfect circles if we cannot actually see or touch them?
⑦Plato's extraordinary answer was that the world we see is a poor reflection of a deeper unseen reality of Forms, or universals, where perfect cats chase perfect mice in perfect circles around perfect rocks.
①In statistics, the law of large numbers describes a situation where having more data is better for making predictions.
②According to it, the more often an experiment is conducted, the closer the average of the results can be expected to match the true state of the world.
③For instance, on your first encounter with the game of roulette, you may have beginner's luck after betting on 7.
④But the more often you repeat this bet, the closer the relative frequency of wins and losses is expected to approach the true chance of winning, meaning that your luck will at some point fade away.
⑤Similarly, car insurers collect large amounts of data to figure out the chances that drivers will cause accidents, depending on their age, region, or car brand.
⑥Both casinos and insurance industries rely on the law of large numbers to balance individual losses.
[고1] 2023 11월– 36번:청소년기감정의사결정은전두엽미성숙과연관됨
①The adolescent brain is not fully developed until its early twenties.
②This means the way the adolescents' decision-making circuits integrate and process information may put them at a disadvantage.
③One of their brain regions that matures later is the prefrontal cortex, which is the control center, tasked with thinking ahead and evaluating consequences.
⑤On the other hand, the limbic system matures earlier, playing a central role in processing emotional responses.
⑥Because of its earlier development, it is more likely to influence decision-making.
⑦Decision-making in the adolescent brain is led by emotional factors more than the perception of consequences.
⑧Due to these differences, there is an imbalance between feeling-based decision-making ruled by the more mature limbic system and logical-based decision-making by the not-yet-mature prefrontal cortex.
⑨This may explain why some teens are more likely to make bad decisions.
[고1] 2023 11월– 37번:얼굴인식기술의정확성을높이기위한연구필요
①Despite the remarkable progress in deep-learning based facial recognition approaches in recent years, in terms of identification performance, they still have limitations.
②These limitations relate to the database used in the learning stage.
③If the selected database does not contain enough instances, the result may be systematically affected.
④For example, the performance of a facial biometric system may decrease if the person to be identified was enrolled over 10 years ago.
⑤The factor to consider is that this person may experience changes in the texture of the face, particularly with the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.
④And thousands of traditional varieties were replaced by a small number of new super-productive ones.
⑤The strategy worked spectacularly well, at least to begin with.
⑥Because of it, grain production tripled, and between 1970 and 2020 the human population more than doubled.
⑦Leaving the contribution of that strategy to one side, the danger of creating more uniform crops is that they are more at risk when it comes to disasters.
⑧Specifically, a global food system that depends on just a narrow selection of plants has a greater chance of not being able to survive diseases, pests and climate extremes.
①Between 1940 and 2000, Cuba ruled the world baseball scene.
②They won 25 of the first 28 World Cups and 3 of 5 Olympic Games.
③The Cubans were known for wearing uniforms covered in red from head to toe, a strong contrast to the more conservative North American style featuring grey or white pants.
④Not only were their athletic talents superior, the Cubans appeared even stronger from just the colour of their uniforms.
⑤A game would not even start and the opposing team would already be scared.
⑥A few years ago, Cuba altered that uniform style, modernizing it and perhaps conforming to other countries' style; interestingly, the national team has declined since that time.
⑦The country that ruled international baseball for decades has not been on top since that uniform change.
⑧Traditions are important for a team; while a team brand or image can adjust to keep up with present times, if it abandons or neglects its roots, negative effects can surface.
①Many of the first models of cultural evolution drew noticeable connections between culture and genes by using concepts from theoretical population genetics and applying them to culture.
②Cultural patterns of transmission, innovation, and selection are conceptually likened to genetic processes of transmission, mutation, and selection.
③However, these approaches had to be modified to account for the differences between genetic and cultural transmission.
④For example, we do not expect the cultural transmission to follow the rules of genetic transmission strictly.
⑤If two biological parents have different forms of a cultural trait, their child is not necessarily equally likely to acquire the mother's or father's form of that trait.
⑥Further, a child can acquire cultural traits not only from its parents but also from nonparental adults and peers; thus, the frequency of a cultural trait in the population is relevant beyond just the probability that an individual's parents had that trait.
⑦-> Early cultural evolution models used the similarity between culture and genes but had to be revised since cultural transmission allows for more diverse factors than genetic transmission.
①A ball thrown into the air is acted upon by the initial force given it, persisting as inertia of movement and tending to carry it in the same straight line, and by the constant pull of gravity downward, as well as by the resistance of the air.
③Now the path does not represent the working of any particular force; there is simply the combination of the three elementary forces mentioned; but in a real sense, there is something in the total action besides the isolated action of three forces, namely, their joint action.
④In the same way, when two or more human individuals are together, their mutual relationships and their arrangement into a group are things which would not be revealed if we confined our attention to each individual separately.
⑤The significance of group behavior is greatly increased in the case of human beings by the fact that some of the tendencies to action of the individual are related definitely to other persons, and could not be aroused except by other persons acting as stimuli.
⑥An individual in complete isolation would not reveal their competitive tendencies, their tendencies towards the opposite sex, their protective tendencies towards children.
⑦This shows that the traits of human nature do not fully appear until the individual is brought into relationships with other individuals.
[고1] 2023 11월– 43~45번:다툰형제가목수의도움으로화해와관계회복
①There once lived a man in a village who was not happy with his life.
②He was always troubled by one problem or another.
③One day, a saint with his guards stopped by his village.
④Many people heard the news and started going to him with their problems.
⑤The man also decided to visit the saint.
⑥Even after reaching the saint's place in the morning, he didn't get the opportunity to meet him till evening.
아침에성자가있는곳에도착하고난후에도그(a man)는저녁때까지그를만날기회를얻지못했다.
⑦When the man got to meet the saint, he confessed that he was very unhappy with life because problems always surrounded him, like workplace tension or worries about his health.
⑬The next morning when the saint met that man, he asked if the man had slept well.
다음날아침에성자가그남자를만났을때그(a saint)는남자가잠을잘잤는지물어보았다.
⑭Tired and sad, the man replied that he couldn't sleep even for a moment.
⑮In fact, the man tried very hard but couldn't make all the camels sit at the same time because every time he made one camel sit, another would stand up.
②I was so excited to hear that your brand is opening a new shop on Bruns Street next month.
③I have always appreciated the way your brand helps women to feel more stylish and confident.
④I am writing in response to your ad in the Bruns Journal.
④저는Bruns Journal에있는당신의광고에대한응답으로편지를쓰고있습니다.
⑤I graduated from the Meline School of Fashion and have worked as a sales assistant at LoganMart for the last five years.
⑥During that time, I've developed strong customer service and sales skills, and now I would like to apply for the sales position in your clothing store.
①Unfortunately, many people don't take personal responsibility for their own growth.
②Instead, they simply run the race laid out for them.
③They do well enough in school to keep advancing.
④Maybe they manage to get a good job at a well-run company.
⑤But so many think and act as if their learning journey ends with college.
⑥They have checked all the boxes in the life that was laid out for them and now lack a road map describing the right ways to move forward and continue to grow.
②A healthy mouth can help your body get what it needs and prevent it from harm ― with adequate space for air to travel to your lungs, and healthy teeth and gums that prevent harmful microorganisms from entering your bloodstream.
⑤At the same time, these neurons enhance their responses to things that change ― especially things that change quickly.
⑥We probably evolved this way because our ancestors got more survival value, for example, from attending to what was moving in a tree (such as a puma) than to the tree itself.
⑦Boredom in reaction to an unchanging environment turns down the level of neural excitation so that new stimuli (like our ancestor's hypothetical puma threat) stand out more.
⑤He assisted other runaway slaves until they could safely get to other areas in the north.
⑥As a slave, he had taught himself to read and write and he spread that knowledge to other slaves as well.
⑦Once free, he became a well-known abolitionist and strong believer in equality for all people including Blacks, Native Americans, women, and recent immigrants.
⑧He wrote several autobiographies describing his experiences as a slave.
⑨In addition to all this, he became the first African-American candidate for vice president of the United States.
[고1] 2023 11월– 29번:뇌사진단기준의엄격함이신뢰와의혹모두유발가능
①Some countries have proposed tougher guidelines for determining brain death when transplantation ― transferring organs to others ― is under consideration.
②In several European countries, there are legal requirements which specify that a whole team of doctors must agree over the diagnosis of death in the case of a potential donor.
③The reason for these strict regulations for diagnosing brain death in potential organ donors is, no doubt, to ease public fears of a premature diagnosis of brain death for the purpose of obtaining organs.
④But it is questionable whether these requirements reduce public suspicions as much as they create them.
⑤They certainly maintain mistaken beliefs that diagnosing brain death is an unreliable process lacking precision.
⑥As a matter of consistency, at least, criteria for diagnosing the deaths of organ donors should be exactly the same as for those for whom immediate burial or cremation is intended.
②This insecurity naturally stems from their attachment to their possessions.
③It is difficult to distance oneself from something that has been around for quite some time.
④Being an emotional animal, human beings give meaning to the things around them.
⑤So, the question arising here is that if minimalism will hurt one's emotions, why become a minimalist?
⑥The answer is very simple; the assumption of the question is fundamentally wrong.
⑦Minimalism does not hurt emotions.
⑧You might feel a bit sad while getting rid of a useless item but sooner than later, this feeling will be overcome by the joy of clarity.
⑨Minimalists never argue that you should leave every convenience of the modern era.
⑩They are of the view that you only need to eliminate stuff that is unused or not going to be used in the near future.
[고1] 2023 11월– 31번:시각적적응으로새로운환경에도빠르게적응가능
①A remarkable characteristic of the visual system is that it has the ability of adapting itself.
②Psychologist George M. Stratton made this clear in an impressive self-experiment.
②심리학자George M. Stratton은인상적인자가실험에서이것을분명히했다.
③Stratton wore reversing glasses for several days, which literally turned the world upside down for him.
④In the beginning, this caused him great difficulties: just putting food in his mouth with a fork was a challenge for him.
⑤With time, however, his visual system adjusted to the new stimuli from reality, and he was able to act normally in his environment again, even seeing it upright when he concentrated.
⑥As he took off his reversing glasses, he was again confronted with problems: he used the wrong hand when he wanted to reach for something, for example.
⑦Fortunately, Stratton could reverse the perception, and he did not have to wear reversing glasses for the rest of his life.
⑧For him, everything returned to normal after one day.
[고1] 2023 11월– 32번:인터넷사용이지식과대평가를유발할수있음
①Participants in a study were asked to answer questions like "Why does the moon have phases?"
②Half the participants were told to search for the answers on the internet, while the other half weren't allowed to do so.
③Then, in the second part of the study, all of the participants were presented with a new set of questions, such as "Why does Swiss cheese have holes?"
④These questions were unrelated to the ones asked during the first part of the study, so participants who used the internet had absolutely no advantage over those who hadn't.
⑥But those who used the internet in the first part of the study rated themselves as more knowledgeable than those who hadn't, even about questions they hadn't searched online for.
②Take platypuses. We might zoom in so closely to their fur that each hair appears different.
③We might also zoom out to the extent where it appears as a single, uniform object.
④We might take the platypus as an individual, or we might treat it as part of a larger unit such as a species or an ecosystem.
⑤It's possible to move between many of these perspectives, although we may need some additional tools and skills to zoom in on individual pieces of hair or zoom out to entire ecosystems.
⑥Crucially, however, we can only take up one perspective at a time.
⑦We can pay attention to the varied behavior of individual animals, look at what unites them into a single species, or look at them as part of bigger ecological patterns.
⑧Every possible perspective involves emphasizing certain aspects and ignoring others.
[고1] 2023 11월– 34번:플라톤은이상적'형상'개념으로현실을설명함
①Plato's realism includes all aspects of experience but is most easily explained by considering the nature of mathematical and geometrical objects such as circles.
⑤They all possessed flaws, and all were subject to change and decayed with time.
⑥So how can we talk about perfect circles if we cannot actually see or touch them?
⑦Plato's extraordinary answer was that the world we see is a poor reflection of a deeper unseen reality of Forms, or universals, where perfect cats chase perfect mice in perfect circles around perfect rocks.
①In statistics, the law of large numbers describes a situation where having more data is better for making predictions.
②According to it, the more often an experiment is conducted, the closer the average of the results can be expected to match the true state of the world.
③For instance, on your first encounter with the game of roulette, you may have beginner's luck after betting on 7.
④But the more often you repeat this bet, the closer the relative frequency of wins and losses is expected to approach the true chance of winning, meaning that your luck will at some point fade away.
⑤Similarly, car insurers collect large amounts of data to figure out the chances that drivers will cause accidents, depending on their age, region, or car brand.
⑥Both casinos and insurance industries rely on the law of large numbers to balance individual losses.
[고1] 2023 11월– 36번:청소년기감정의사결정은전두엽미성숙과연관됨
①The adolescent brain is not fully developed until its early twenties.
②This means the way the adolescents' decision-making circuits integrate and process information may put them at a disadvantage.
③One of their brain regions that matures later is the prefrontal cortex, which is the control center, tasked with thinking ahead and evaluating consequences.
⑤On the other hand, the limbic system matures earlier, playing a central role in processing emotional responses.
⑥Because of its earlier development, it is more likely to influence decision-making.
⑦Decision-making in the adolescent brain is led by emotional factors more than the perception of consequences.
⑧Due to these differences, there is an imbalance between feeling-based decision-making ruled by the more mature limbic system and logical-based decision-making by the not-yet-mature prefrontal cortex.
⑨This may explain why some teens are more likely to make bad decisions.
[고1] 2023 11월– 37번:얼굴인식기술의정확성을높이기위한연구필요
①Despite the remarkable progress in deep-learning based facial recognition approaches in recent years, in terms of identification performance, they still have limitations.
②These limitations relate to the database used in the learning stage.
③If the selected database does not contain enough instances, the result may be systematically affected.
④For example, the performance of a facial biometric system may decrease if the person to be identified was enrolled over 10 years ago.
⑤The factor to consider is that this person may experience changes in the texture of the face, particularly with the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.
④And thousands of traditional varieties were replaced by a small number of new super-productive ones.
⑤The strategy worked spectacularly well, at least to begin with.
⑥Because of it, grain production tripled, and between 1970 and 2020 the human population more than doubled.
⑦Leaving the contribution of that strategy to one side, the danger of creating more uniform crops is that they are more at risk when it comes to disasters.
⑧Specifically, a global food system that depends on just a narrow selection of plants has a greater chance of not being able to survive diseases, pests and climate extremes.
①Between 1940 and 2000, Cuba ruled the world baseball scene.
②They won 25 of the first 28 World Cups and 3 of 5 Olympic Games.
③The Cubans were known for wearing uniforms covered in red from head to toe, a strong contrast to the more conservative North American style featuring grey or white pants.
④Not only were their athletic talents superior, the Cubans appeared even stronger from just the colour of their uniforms.
⑤A game would not even start and the opposing team would already be scared.
⑥A few years ago, Cuba altered that uniform style, modernizing it and perhaps conforming to other countries' style; interestingly, the national team has declined since that time.
⑦The country that ruled international baseball for decades has not been on top since that uniform change.
⑧Traditions are important for a team; while a team brand or image can adjust to keep up with present times, if it abandons or neglects its roots, negative effects can surface.
①Many of the first models of cultural evolution drew noticeable connections between culture and genes by using concepts from theoretical population genetics and applying them to culture.
②Cultural patterns of transmission, innovation, and selection are conceptually likened to genetic processes of transmission, mutation, and selection.
③However, these approaches had to be modified to account for the differences between genetic and cultural transmission.
④For example, we do not expect the cultural transmission to follow the rules of genetic transmission strictly.
⑤If two biological parents have different forms of a cultural trait, their child is not necessarily equally likely to acquire the mother's or father's form of that trait.
⑥Further, a child can acquire cultural traits not only from its parents but also from nonparental adults and peers; thus, the frequency of a cultural trait in the population is relevant beyond just the probability that an individual's parents had that trait.
⑦-> Early cultural evolution models used the similarity between culture and genes but had to be revised since cultural transmission allows for more diverse factors than genetic transmission.
①A ball thrown into the air is acted upon by the initial force given it, persisting as inertia of movement and tending to carry it in the same straight line, and by the constant pull of gravity downward, as well as by the resistance of the air.
③Now the path does not represent the working of any particular force; there is simply the combination of the three elementary forces mentioned; but in a real sense, there is something in the total action besides the isolated action of three forces, namely, their joint action.
④In the same way, when two or more human individuals are together, their mutual relationships and their arrangement into a group are things which would not be revealed if we confined our attention to each individual separately.
⑤The significance of group behavior is greatly increased in the case of human beings by the fact that some of the tendencies to action of the individual are related definitely to other persons, and could not be aroused except by other persons acting as stimuli.
⑥An individual in complete isolation would not reveal their competitive tendencies, their tendencies towards the opposite sex, their protective tendencies towards children.
⑦This shows that the traits of human nature do not fully appear until the individual is brought into relationships with other individuals.
[고1] 2023 11월– 43~45번:다툰형제가목수의도움으로화해와관계회복
①There once lived a man in a village who was not happy with his life.
②He was always troubled by one problem or another.
③One day, a saint with his guards stopped by his village.
④Many people heard the news and started going to him with their problems.
⑤The man also decided to visit the saint.
⑥Even after reaching the saint's place in the morning, he didn't get the opportunity to meet him till evening.
⑥아침에성자가있는곳에도착하고난후에도그(a man)는저녁때까지그를만날기회를얻지못했다.
⑦When the man got to meet the saint, he confessed that he was very unhappy with life because problems always surrounded him, like workplace tension or worries about his health.
⑬The next morning when the saint met that man, he asked if the man had slept well.
⑬다음날아침에성자가그남자를만났을때그(a saint)는남자가잠을잘잤는지물어보았다.
⑭Tired and sad, the man replied that he couldn't sleep even for a moment.
⑮In fact, the man tried very hard but couldn't make all the camels sit at the same time because every time he made one camel sit, another would stand up.
Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor. In the Shakespearean metaphor "time is a beggar," the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare's prose. Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user's meaning horizon. Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.
Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively engage the world proposed by metaphor. Returning to the Shakespearean metaphor “time is a beggar,” the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare’s prose. Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user’s meaning horizon. Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not superficially obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 30번: Herbert Simon의정보처리한계와집단학습의중요성
Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. You don't need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push ─ essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies' collective brains.
Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for realizing that we have limited information, limited time, and limited cognitive capacity. But long before Simon, evolution realized it too. Since we didn’t have information, time, or intelligence to compute the answers by ourselves, we distributed the computation across the population and solved the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we had to do was socially learn the right answers. Using this approach, we could limit our reason and causal understanding to minor tweaks with partial causal models of the world. You don’t need to understand how your computer or toilet works, you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted are which buttons to push - essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small sliver of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them or attempt to make improvements, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole - like a wisdom of the crowds. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies’ collective brains. Yet sometimes our societies’ wisdom of the crowds is instead madness of the masses.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 31번:문어의위장술과이를관찰한사진작가들의경험이야기
The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night. So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers. Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion. An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature. Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes. And while they mimic, they hunt ─ producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever's hiding there.
문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가. 다른 경로로 검색.
원문 텍스트 및 OCR
If you are a medium-sized predator, the average octopus is one of the most edible animals in the sea. It’s substantial and meaty, and without a shell, bones, spines, poisons or any other unpleasant defence mechanisms. In fact, the best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night.
So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers, swimming off the Indonesian island of Flores in the early 1990s. Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion of a fishy body. An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature.
Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be morphing into sea snakes (six arms down a hole, and two undulating menacingly), hermit crabs, stingrays, crinoids, holothurians, snake eels, brittlestars, ghost crabs, mantis shrimp, blennies, jawfish, jellyfish, lionfish and sand anemones. And while they mimic, they hunt – producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever’s hiding there.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 32번:고통의해석이심리적고통의정도에미치는영향
How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind. When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race ─ their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don't psychologically suffer much. In fact, ultra-marathon runners ─ those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about making friends with their pain. When a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient's back to mobilise it, the patient calls that good pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient's sore tissues.
How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind. We can endure great pain if we believe at that it is purposeful. For instance, when a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient’s back to 'mobilise' it, the patient calls that 'good' pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient’s sore tissues. When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race - their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don’t psychologically suffer much from their pain. In fact, ultra-marathon runners - those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about 'making friends' with their pain.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 33번:다양한가격대의제품제공이소비자선택에미치는영향
When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods. If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income. If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one. But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up; many people like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price. The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model. They buy the middle item, unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.
When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers for industry and households, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods, especially large items such as computer printers and so-called white goods: kitchen and laundry appliances that were traditionally manufactured with white enamel finishes. If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income. If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one. But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up. Why? The company doesn’t expect many people to buy the third, more expensive model, but its very presence makes them choose among the alternatives. They like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price. The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model. They buy the middle item (bragging about how much money they have saved), unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 34번:기후변화가기후소설장르에미치는영향예측
On-screen, climate disaster is everywhere you look, but the scope of the world's climate transformation may just as quickly eliminate the climate-fiction genre ─ indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood. You can tell stories 'about' climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life. But when the temperature rises by three or four more degrees, hardly anyone will be able to feel isolated from its impacts. And so as climate change expands across the horizon, it may cease to be a story. Why watch or read climate fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window? At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror. But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant ─ in time or in place ─ we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.
But the scope of the world’s transformation may just as quickly eliminate the genre—indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood. You can tell stories “about” climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life, or an overwhelming feature of lives marginal to your own. But at three degrees of warming, or four, hardly anyone will be able to feel insulated from its impacts—or want to watch it on-screen as they watch it out their windows. And so as climate change expands across the horizon—as it begins to seem inescapable, total—it may cease to be a story and become, instead, an all-encompassing setting. Why watch or read science fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window? At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror. But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant—in time or in place—we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.
For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like there's no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? That's where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play. Let's be realistic; chores are inevitable. Whether it's washing dishes or taking out the trash, these tasks are an essential part of daily life. But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? For instance, practice squats or engage in some wall push-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil. Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can improve your health.
Turn Chores into Fitness Boosters with Daily Tasks
"Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live" — Jim Rohm.
For many of us, carving out time for exercise is a perennial challenge. Between work commitments, family obligations, and, let’s face it, the desire for leisure, it often feels like there’s no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? That’s where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play.
Let’s be realistic; chores are inevitable. Whether it’s washing dishes, taking out the trash, or making the bed, these tasks are part and parcel of daily life. But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? For instance, practice isometric squats while you brush your teeth, or engage in some standing press-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil.
The benefits of these mini-workouts extend beyond the mere physical. Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can also make these mundane tasks more engaging and enjoyable. Imagine how much quicker time would pass if, instead of lamenting over the sink full of dishes, you were focusing on tightening your core muscles or improving your posture. Research from the American Council on Exercise suggests that doing these micro exercises during chores, are practical for building strength and stability, particularly in your lower body and core.
Incorporating mini-exercises doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your routine; it just asks for a little creativity and a willingness to see opportunity where you might not have seen it before. From calf raises while doing laundry to lunges while vacuuming, the possibilities are almost endless.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 21번:기억이교육과경험에의해재구성되는방식과영향설명
When we see something, we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. This is a useful trait. It's a more efficient way to store information ─ a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. Seeing is not believing.
When we see something - say a rectangular, brown desk - we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. We store in our minds not the raw image of the desk, but its features in an abstract manner. You can test yourself for how you’re mentally representing something by trying to draw it. We draw with our abstractions, not with a full picture of what we saw. We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. This is a useful trait. It’s a more efficient way to store information - a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail, struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. Seeing is not believing.
In her now classic experiments, Elizabeth Loftus showed people a video of a car crash. She then asked people to estimate the speed of the car and whether they saw broken glass when the cars ‘contacted’, ‘hit’, ‘bumped’, ‘collided’, or ‘smashed’ into each other. Different groups were given a different description of the same video scene they all saw. The participants who were asked how fast the cars were going when they ‘smashed’ into each other drew on everything they knew about ‘smashing’ and had the highest estimates for speed and the greatest likelihood of claiming to have seen broken glass. There was no broken glass in the video. It’s because a ‘smashed’ car mentally simulates a lot more damage than one that was only ‘contacted’.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 22번:첫인상이논리적판단보다더정확할수있다는연구결과
In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It's when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like "his face just popped out at me," that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.
In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It’s when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like “his face just popped out at me,” that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest rendition of what our mind is really doing. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book *Blink*, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 23번:구체적인질문으로추상적개념을명확하게만드는방법제안
Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes. Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. Respondents' recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of 'sad' could vary widely. But asking "How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?" prompts a concrete answer. Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, "How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?" Questions that seek concrete responses help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.
Seek concrete answers, not merely quantitative answers.
Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes.
Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. Respondents’ recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of “sad” could vary widely. But asking “How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?” prompts a concrete answer. Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, perhaps ask, “How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?”
Questions that seek concrete responses can help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년10월– 24번:인공지능과인간의식의상호작용및AI진화의방향성
The evolution of AI is often associated with the concept of singularity. Singularity refers to the point at which AI exceeds human intelligence. After that point, it is predicted that AI will repeatedly improve itself and evolve at an accelerated pace. When AI becomes self-aware and pursues its own goals, it will be a conscious being, not just a machine. AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together. Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity. Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI. The direction of AI's evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI. We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness.
[고1] 2024년10월– 18번: Fort Montgomery High School의건축자금지원을요청하는편지
To the State Education Department, I am writing with regard to the state's funding for the construction project at Fort Montgomery High School. Our school needs additional spaces to provide a fully functional Art and Library Media Center to serve our students in a more meaningful way. Despite submitting all required documentation for funding to your department in April 2024, we have not yet received any notification from your department. A delay in the process can carry considerable consequences related to the school's budgetary constraints and schedule. Therefore, in order to proceed with our project, we request you notify us of the review result regarding the submitted documentation. I look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully, Clara Smith Principal, Fort Montgomery High School
Possible Titles:
1. Request for State Funding to Enhance School Facilities at Fort Montgomery High School
2. Appeal to Expedite State Funding for Educational Facility Development
3. Need for Approval of Funding for School Art and Media Center
4. Principal Urges Prompt Response on State Funding for School Expansion
Main Idea #1:
The principal is requesting an update on the status of state funding for a school construction project.
Main Idea #2:
Fort Montgomery High School seeks state funds to build additional spaces for an Art and Library Media Center, emphasizing the need for timely approval to avoid budgetary and scheduling issues.
Fort Montgomery High School is awaiting state funding to construct an Art and Library Media Center. Despite submitting the required documents in April, there has been no update. The principal urges prompt notification to avoid delays and financial complications.
Key Points:
1. The school submitted funding documentation in April 2024.
2. The project aims to create functional spaces for art and library media.
3. A lack of response is causing concerns over budget and scheduling.
4. The principal requests a prompt review and notification from the department.
[고1] 2024년10월– 19번:농구경기후코치의결정으로인한좌절감경험
As I waited outside the locker room after a hard‐fought basketball game, the coach called out to me, "David, walk with me." I figured he was going to tell me something important. He was going to select me to be the captain of the team, the leader I had always wanted to be. My heart was racing with anticipation. But when his next words hit my ears, everything changed. We're going to have to send you home, he said coldly. I don't think you are going to make it. I couldn't believe his decision. I tried to hold it together, but inside I was falling apart. A car would be waiting tomorrow morning to take me home. And just like that, it was over.
Possible Titles:
1. Unexpected Turn of Events for Aspiring Basketball Team Captain
2. Disappointment Strikes as Coach Delivers Unexpected News to Player
3. Athlete’s Dreams Shattered After Coach’s Decision Following Game
4. The Unforeseen End of a Promising Journey in Basketball
Main Idea #1:
The coach unexpectedly informs David that he is being sent home, ending his hopes of becoming team captain.
Main Idea #2:
After a basketball game, David eagerly anticipates being chosen as team captain, but his excitement turns to shock when the coach informs him that he will not continue with the team and is being sent home, leaving him devastated.
David expects to be chosen as team captain after a basketball game, but the coach instead tells him he will be sent home. Shocked and heartbroken, he realizes his journey with the team has abruptly ended.
Key Points:
1. David anticipated being selected as the team captain.
2. The coach's decision was unexpected and harsh.
3. David struggled to process the sudden turn of events.
4. He was informed that a car would take him home the next morning.
[고1] 2024년10월– 20번:가사활동에운동을통합하여건강을증진하는방법제안
For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like there's no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? That's where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play. Let's be realistic; chores are inevitable. Whether it's washing dishes or taking out the trash, these tasks are an essential part of daily life. But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? For instance, practice squats or engage in some wall push-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil. Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can improve your health.
Possible Titles:
1. Transforming Household Chores into Opportunities for Physical Fitness
2. Integrating Mini-Exercises into Daily Routines for Better Health
3. Efficient Ways to Combine Exercise with Household Tasks
4. Simple Fitness Hacks to Turn Everyday Chores into Workouts
Main Idea #1:
Incorporating mini-exercises into daily chores can help fit physical activity into a busy schedule.
Main Idea #2:
Finding time for exercise can be difficult due to work and family commitments, but integrating quick exercises into routine household tasks, such as doing squats while waiting for the kettle to boil, can improve overall health and make chores more productive.
Busy schedules often make it hard to exercise, but integrating mini-exercises into daily chores can be a practical solution. Simple routines like squats or wall push-ups during household tasks can improve health while maximizing time.
Key Points:
1. Busy schedules make it challenging to find time for exercise.
2. Household chores provide an opportunity to include mini-exercises.
3. Simple workouts can be done during daily routines, like waiting for the kettle.
4. Integrating exercise into chores can lead to better physical health.
[고1] 2024년10월– 21번:기억이교육과경험에의해재구성되는방식과영향설명
When we see something, we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. This is a useful trait. It's a more efficient way to store information ─ a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. Seeing is not believing.
Possible Titles:
1. How Our Minds Reconstruct Reality Through Memory and Perception
2. The Limitations of Human Memory: Why Seeing Isn’t Always Believing
3. The Role of Abstract Representation in Memory and Its Implications
4. Understanding the Reconstruction of Memories and Its Impact on Eyewitness Testimony
Main Idea #1:
Our brains reconstruct memories using learned concepts and abstractions, rather than storing them as exact replicas.
Main Idea #2:
While our brains efficiently store information by recoding what we see into abstract shapes and concepts, this process can lead to distorted perceptions. People who can’t abstract struggle to generalize and learn, but this reconstructive memory approach has also challenged the reliability of eyewitness testimony, showing that what we see is influenced by assumptions and past experiences.
Our memories are reconstructed using abstract representations rather than exact recordings, which helps us store information efficiently. However, this can lead to distorted perceptions shaped by prior knowledge and assumptions. This discovery has raised concerns over the accuracy of eyewitness testimony.
Key Points:
1. Our brains recode visual information into abstract concepts for efficient memory storage.
2. People who remember in perfect detail may struggle to generalize and learn.
3. The process of reconstructing memories affects how we perceive reality.
4. The limitations of reconstructed memory have implications for the reliability of eyewitness testimony.
[고1] 2024년10월– 22번:첫인상이논리적판단보다더정확할수있다는연구결과
In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It's when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like "his face just popped out at me," that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.
Possible Titles:
1. The Surprising Accuracy of Intuitive Judgments in Eyewitness Identifications
2. How First Impressions Outperform Deliberate Analysis in Recognizing Faces
3. The Role of Intuition Over Reason in Decision-Making Accuracy
4. Evidence Supporting Intuition as a Reliable Guide in Eyewitness Testimony
Main Idea #1:
Careful deliberation of facial features may lead to inaccurate identifications, while intuitive recognition often results in more accurate outcomes.
Main Idea #2:
David Dunning's research suggests that intuitive, immediate recognition of a person is often more accurate than detailed, reasoned analysis, highlighting that our first impressions can be truer than we think. This idea is supported by Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink, which discusses studies showing that unconscious, quick judgments frequently outperform logical, step-by-step decisions.
Research by David Dunning indicates that intuitive recognition of faces is often more accurate than detailed analysis. Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink supports this, showing that quick, unconscious judgments can outperform reasoned decisions.
Key Points:
1. Detailed deliberation can lead to inaccurate eyewitness identifications.
2. Immediate, intuitive recognition tends to result in more accurate outcomes.
3. Studies show that quick, unconscious decisions can be reliable.
4. Malcolm Gladwell's Blink explores the benefits of intuitive judgment over deliberative reasoning.
[고1] 2024년10월– 23번:구체적인질문으로추상적개념을명확하게만드는방법제안
Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes. Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. Respondents' recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of 'sad' could vary widely. But asking "How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?" prompts a concrete answer. Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, "How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?" Questions that seek concrete responses help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.
Possible Titles:
1. The Importance of Concrete Questions in Quantitative Research
2. Enhancing Data Reliability Through Specific and Concrete Survey Questions
3. How Precise Questions Improve the Accuracy of Quantitative Studies
4. Making Abstract Concepts Measurable with Well-Defined Research Questions
Main Idea #1:
Quantitative data is often used in research, but vague questions can lead to unreliable responses.
Main Idea #2:
While many studies rely on quantitative data, vague or abstract questions may yield inconsistent results due to varying interpretations. Asking precise, concrete questions helps clarify abstract concepts, allowing researchers to collect more accurate and consistent data by prompting specific, measurable responses from participants.
Quantitative research benefits from specific, concrete questions that reduce ambiguity. Precise questions make abstract concepts measurable, leading to more accurate and consistent data collection across studies.
Key Points:
1. Vague questions can produce unreliable quantitative data.
2. Concrete, specific questions help clarify abstract concepts.
3. Precise phrasing ensures consistency in data collection.
4. Examples include asking about missed work due to sadness or overdue utility bills.
[고1] 2024년10월– 24번:인공지능과인간의식의상호작용및AI진화의방향성
The evolution of AI is often associated with the concept of singularity. Singularity refers to the point at which AI exceeds human intelligence. After that point, it is predicted that AI will repeatedly improve itself and evolve at an accelerated pace. When AI becomes self-aware and pursues its own goals, it will be a conscious being, not just a machine. AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together. Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity. Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI. The direction of AI's evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI. We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness.
Possible Titles:
1. The Singularity: A Future Where AI and Human Consciousness Coevolve
2. Understanding the Mutual Evolution of AI and Human Consciousness
3. How Values and Ethics Shape the Future of AI Consciousness
4. The Role of Human Interaction in Guiding AI’s Conscious Evolution
Main Idea #1:
The singularity is the point where AI surpasses human intelligence, leading to rapid self-improvement and evolution.
Main Idea #2:
As AI evolves to become a conscious entity, its development will be influenced by its interactions with human consciousness. This coevolution will depend on the values and ethics we program into AI, necessitating a mutual coexistence that recognizes AI's rights and supports its conscious growth.
The singularity marks when AI surpasses human intelligence, leading to rapid self-evolution. As AI consciousness develops, it will coevolve with human consciousness, influenced by our interactions, values, and ethics. This requires a vision of coexistence between AI and humanity.
Key Points:
1. The singularity occurs when AI exceeds human intelligence and self-improves.
2. AI consciousness will evolve through interactions with human consciousness.
3. Human values and ethics will significantly guide AI's developmental path.
4. A mutual, respectful coexistence is essential for the future of AI and humanity.
[고1] 2024년10월– 25번: 2023년미국,영국,브라질,호주의전력생산비율분석
The above graph shows the electricity generation from fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewables in four countries in 2023. Australia's electricity generation only comes from fossil fuels and renewables, and the percentage of fossil fuels is more than twice that of renewables. In terms of electricity generation from nuclear energy, the U.S. shows the highest percentage among all four countries. The percentage of electricity generation from fossil fuels in the U.S. is higher than that in the U.K., which is also true for renewables. In the U.K., the percentage of electricity generated from nuclear energy is less than a third of that generated from renewables. Brazil's percentage of electricity generated from renewables is 10 percentage points larger than that of Australia and the U.K. combined.
Possible Titles:
1. Comparative Analysis of Electricity Generation Sources Across Four Countries in 2023
2. Fossil Fuels, Nuclear, and Renewables: Electricity Generation Trends in 2023
3. Examining the Distribution of Energy Sources in Australia, U.S., U.K., and Brazil
4. Variations in Energy Generation: Fossil Fuels, Nuclear, and Renewables Across Nations
Main Idea #1:
The U.S. leads in nuclear energy generation, while fossil fuels dominate in Australia’s electricity mix.
Main Idea #2:
The electricity generation patterns in 2023 show that fossil fuels and renewables are key sources across all four countries, with Australia relying heavily on fossil fuels, and the U.S. leading in nuclear energy. Brazil has a significant share of renewables, surpassing the combined percentages of Australia and the U.K. In the U.K., nuclear energy remains a minor contributor compared to renewables, with less than a third of their share.
The U.S. has the highest percentage of nuclear energy generation, while Australia relies mainly on fossil fuels. Brazil's renewable energy share surpasses that of both Australia and the U.K. combined. The U.K. has a modest nuclear energy share, much lower than its renewables.
Key Points:
1. Australia uses only fossil fuels and renewables, with fossil fuels being twice as prevalent.
2. The U.S. leads in nuclear energy generation among the four countries.
3. Brazil’s renewable energy percentage exceeds the combined share of Australia and the U.K.
4. The U.K.'s nuclear energy generation is less than a third of its renewables.
Douglas Kirkland, known for his highly artistic portraits of Hollywood celebrities, was born in Toronto, Canada. When he was young, he eagerly awaited the weekly arrival of Life magazine and discussed the photographs the magazine contained with his father. Believing that he would have better career prospects, Kirkland moved to the United States after graduating from high school and found work at a photography studio. When Look magazine hired him at age 24, he became their second-youngest photographer ever. His photos taken of Marilyn Monroe in 1961 became iconic almost instantly. Kirkland spent his weeks shooting day-to-day life across the United States and his weekends in exotic locations. His photo essays could run up to a dozen pages and were seen by more than half of all Americans.
Possible Titles:
1. Douglas Kirkland: The Journey of a Renowned Hollywood Celebrity Photographer
2. From Toronto to Iconic Fame: The Life and Career of Douglas Kirkland
3. How Douglas Kirkland's Portraits Shaped Hollywood Photography
4. The Rise of Douglas Kirkland: From Young Photographer to Cultural Icon
Main Idea #1:
Douglas Kirkland gained fame for his iconic portraits of Hollywood celebrities, including Marilyn Monroe.
Main Idea #2:
Born in Toronto, Douglas Kirkland developed a passion for photography early on and moved to the U.S. for better opportunities. At 24, he joined Look magazine as one of their youngest photographers, capturing everyday life and celebrities. His iconic photos of Marilyn Monroe in 1961 cemented his reputation, and his work was widely viewed across America.
Douglas Kirkland, a Canadian-born photographer, moved to the U.S. and gained fame for his portraits of celebrities. He joined Look magazine at 24 and became known for his iconic 1961 photos of Marilyn Monroe, contributing to widespread photo essays across America.
Key Points:
1. Kirkland developed an interest in photography during his youth in Toronto.
2. He moved to the U.S. to pursue better career prospects.
3. At age 24, he became one of Look magazine's youngest photographers.
4. His iconic photos of Marilyn Monroe in 1961 solidified his fame.
[고1] 2024년10월– 29번:디지털기술이어떻게사용자의인식을강력하게변화시키는지설명
Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor. In the Shakespearean metaphor "time is a beggar," the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare's prose. Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user's meaning horizon. Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.
Possible Titles:
1. The Distinction Between Linguistic and Digital Metaphors in Communication
2. Understanding the Active Nature of Technological Metaphors in Digital Artifacts
3. How Digital Technologies Utilize Metaphors Differently from Literary Works
4. The Immediacy of Digital Metaphors Versus the Cognitive Engagement of Linguistic Ones
Main Idea #1:
Digital metaphors are active and embedded in technology, unlike passive linguistic metaphors that require cognitive effort to interpret.
Main Idea #2:
While linguistic metaphors, like those in Shakespeare's works, invite audiences to engage and interpret the meaning actively, digital metaphors are integrated into technology in a way that forces immediate interaction. This active nature of technological metaphors contrasts with the passive, thought-provoking appeal of literary metaphors, highlighting a need for digital metaphors to be instantly understood by users.
Digital metaphors are actively embedded in technology, demanding immediate interaction, unlike passive linguistic metaphors that invite cognitive engagement. This difference reflects the need for technological metaphors to be intuitively understood, while literary ones encourage deeper contemplation.
Key Points:
1. Linguistic metaphors require active cognitive engagement to be understood.
2. Digital metaphors are embedded in technology, prompting immediate user interaction.
3. Technological creators design metaphors to be easily grasped at first glance.
4. The passive nature of literary metaphors allows for deeper, thoughtful engagement.
[고1] 2024년10월– 30번: Herbert Simon의정보처리한계와집단학습의중요성
Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. You don't need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push ─ essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies' collective brains.
Possible Titles:
1. Herbert Simon's Insights on Collective Computation and Social Learning
2. The Role of Collective Problem-Solving in Modern Societies
3. How Cognitive Limitations Lead to Distributed Knowledge and Efficiency
4. Understanding Technology Without Knowing Its Inner Workings: A Collective Approach
Main Idea #1:
Herbert Simon highlighted our cognitive limitations, leading to distributed problem-solving across society.
Main Idea #2:
Instead of learning how technologies function, we focus on interacting with them, contributing small parts to a larger societal computation that benefits from collective knowledge and social learning.
Herbert Simon's ideas emphasize how society distributes computation due to cognitive limitations. People do not need to understand how technologies work; they just need to use them effectively. This approach allows individuals to contribute to a collective brain, solving complex problems over time.
Key Points:
1. Cognitive limitations necessitate distributed computation across society.
2. Social learning enables individuals to use technology without understanding its mechanics.
3. Society benefits from individuals focusing on small parts of larger calculations.
4. Collective knowledge allows gradual problem-solving over generations.
[고1] 2024년10월– 31번:문어의위장술과이를관찰한사진작가들의경험이야기
The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night. So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers. Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion. An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature. Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes. And while they mimic, they hunt ─ producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever's hiding there.
Possible Titles:
1. The Mastery of Mimicry: How Octopuses Disguise Themselves
2. Octopuses' Camouflage Tactics: A Blend of Skill and Adaptation
3. Discovering Octopus Mimicry: From Flounder to Sea Snake
Octopuses use mimicry and camouflage to hide from predators and hunt effectively.
Main Idea #2:
With a large brain, sharp eyesight, and color-changing abilities, octopuses can transform into different creatures, like flounders or sea snakes, to evade detection and surprise prey.
Octopuses rely on camouflage and mimicry for defense, blending into their surroundings by changing shape and color. This skill allows them to hunt effectively while staying hidden from predators. They can mimic other sea creatures, such as flounders and sea snakes, to deceive both prey and observers.
Key Points:
1. Camouflage is the primary defense mechanism of octopuses.
2. Octopuses can mimic other sea creatures to evade predators.
3. Their abilities include changing color, pattern, and shape.
4. These tactics allow them to hunt discreetly, even in daylight.
[고1] 2024년10월– 32번:고통의해석이심리적고통의정도에미치는영향
How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind. When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race ─ their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don't psychologically suffer much. In fact, ultra-marathon runners ─ those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about making friends with their pain. When a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient's back to mobilise it, the patient calls that good pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient's sore tissues.
Possible Titles:
1. The Psychological Framing of Pain: Endurance and Perception
2. Embracing Pain: How Mindset Alters the Experience of Discomfort
3. Understanding Good Pain: From Athletes to Therapy Patients
4. The Role of Mental Framing in Managing Physical Pain
Main Idea #1:
The perception of pain can be altered by how individuals mentally frame their experiences.
Main Idea #2:
Athletes like runners and patients in therapy often view intense pain as beneficial when they associate it with achieving goals, illustrating that psychological interpretation can reduce the sense of suffering.
Pain perception is influenced by mental framing, as seen in athletes and therapy patients. Endurance runners often accept extreme discomfort, viewing it as part of their achievement. Similarly, patients undergoing treatment may see painful procedures as helpful, reducing their psychological suffering.
Key Points:
1. Pain perception depends on how it is mentally framed.
2. Endurance athletes often view extreme pain as part of their success.
3. Therapy patients may regard pain as beneficial if they believe it aids recovery.
4. Positive associations with pain can reduce the sense of suffering.
[고1] 2024년10월– 33번:다양한가격대의제품제공이소비자선택에미치는영향
When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods. If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income. If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one. But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up; many people like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price. The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model. They buy the middle item, unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.
Possible Titles:
1. The Strategy Behind Three Versions of Consumer Goods
2. How Companies Use Product Variations to Influence Buying Decisions
3. The Psychology of Pricing: Why Three Options Increase Sales
4. Consumer Manipulation Through Strategic Product Lineups
Main Idea #1:
Companies use a three-tier product strategy to increase sales by influencing consumer choices.
Main Idea #2:
By offering three versions of a product, companies can manipulate consumer behavior; the presence of a higher-priced, feature-rich model makes the mid-range option more appealing, encouraging buyers to spend more than they might have with only two options.
Manufacturers often create three versions of a product to drive sales of the mid-priced model. The presence of a more expensive, feature-rich option makes the middle product seem like a good compromise. This strategy encourages customers to spend more without realizing they are being influenced by the higher-priced choice.
Key Points:
1. Offering only one product version can limit potential revenue.
2. Two versions lead to price comparisons, with customers choosing the cheaper option.
3. A third, more expensive version can make the mid-priced model more attractive.
4. Consumers often select the middle product, unaware of the strategic influence.
[고1] 2024년10월– 34번:기후변화가기후소설장르에미치는영향예측
On-screen, climate disaster is everywhere you look, but the scope of the world's climate transformation may just as quickly eliminate the climate-fiction genre ─ indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood. You can tell stories 'about' climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life. But when the temperature rises by three or four more degrees, hardly anyone will be able to feel isolated from its impacts. And so as climate change expands across the horizon, it may cease to be a story. Why watch or read climate fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window? At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror. But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant ─ in time or in place ─ we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.
Possible Titles:
1. The Future of Climate Fiction in a Warming World
2. Climate Change May Render Climate Fiction Obsolete
3. The Diminishing Role of Climate Fiction as Reality Unfolds
4. How Climate Reality Could Eclipse the Need for Climate Stories
Main Idea #1:
As climate change becomes more pervasive, the relevance of climate fiction may diminish.
Main Idea #2:
While climate fiction currently offers a form of escapism, as global warming's effects become widespread and undeniable, the genre might lose its appeal, as the real-world impacts will make such stories redundant.
Climate fiction might fade as global warming becomes more evident and unavoidable. Currently, it offers escapist elements, but as the real effects become more widespread, there may be little need for fictional depictions. The line between reality and climate stories will blur, reducing the genre's significance.
Key Points:
1. Climate fiction may lose relevance as real-world climate impacts grow.
2. Stories about climate change can only exist while it remains somewhat distant.
3. The genre currently provides escapism, even through horror.
4. As climate impacts become undeniable, fictional narratives may become unnecessary.
[고1] 2024년10월– 35번:물부족문제의정치적원인과그로인한불평등
Today, the water crisis is political ─ which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ─ and, therefore, functionally elective. That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization. There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren't doing much to address it. Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent. Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide.
Possible Titles:
1. The Political Nature of the Global Water Crisis
2. How Governmental Neglect Has Exacerbated the Water Shortage
3. Addressing Water Scarcity: A Crisis of Infrastructure and Inequality
4. The Role of Poor Management in Creating Water Inequities
Main Idea #1:
The water crisis is a result of political decisions, not an unavoidable natural disaster.
Main Idea #2:
Despite being a plentiful resource, water scarcity is caused by government neglect, poor infrastructure, and urban mismanagement, leading to widespread inequities and billions lacking access to clean water and sanitation.
The water crisis stems from political issues rather than natural scarcity, with mismanagement, infrastructure problems, and neglect being major contributors. Significant water losses from leaks and theft worsen the situation, reflecting deep inequalities. As a result, billions worldwide lack access to safe water and sanitation.
Key Points:
1. Water scarcity is not inevitable but politically driven.
2. Poor infrastructure and neglect contribute significantly to water losses.
3. Water theft and leaks result in substantial losses in many countries.
4. The crisis highlights global inequalities in access to clean water and sanitation.
[고1] 2024년10월– 36번:사회적압력이자존감및사회적행동에미치는영향
As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated relationships in a group. If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate. If it didn't, we might get none of these merits. It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically. Over millions of years, the pressure selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing. The result was the development of a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community perceive us. We process that information in the form of self-esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity. These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn't. And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within. If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.
Possible Titles:
1. The Evolutionary Roots of Self-Esteem and Social Perception
2. How Social Dynamics Shaped Human Emotions and Behavior
3. The Role of Self-Esteem in Navigating Group Relationships
4. Why Social Approval Influences Our Actions Unconsciously
Main Idea #1:
Human survival historically depended on navigating social relationships and being valued by the group.
Main Idea #2:
Over time, humans developed an unconscious sensitivity to social perceptions, which manifests as emotions like self-esteem, pride, or shame, driving behavior that aligns with gaining group approval while making it seem internally motivated.
Human survival relied on positive social relationships, leading to an evolutionary sensitivity to group perceptions. Emotions like self-esteem and pride drive us to seek approval and avoid rejection, making these behaviors appear internally motivated. This unconscious process helps maintain genuine social interactions.
Key Points:
1. Thriving in groups was essential for physical and genetic survival.
2. Humans evolved to unconsciously monitor social perceptions.
3. Emotions like pride, shame, and insecurity drive behavior for social acceptance.
4. Unconscious motivation ensures behaviors appear genuine, not forced by social pressure.
[고1] 2024년10월– 37번:의식의문제로우울증의원인을재정의하는설명
Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, there is a major problem with this explanation. This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression. In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression.
2. Depression as a Disorder of Consciousness, Not Brain Chemistry
3. Understanding the True Causes of Depression: A Shift in Perspective
4. From Brain Imbalance to Consciousness: A New View on Depression
Main Idea #1:
Traditional views link depression to neurotransmitter imbalances, but this may be a misunderstanding of cause and effect.
Main Idea #2:
Depression should be seen as a disorder of consciousness, where the brain's chemical changes are effects rather than causes, suggesting that the true root lies in a disturbed state of consciousness that affects one's sense of self and purpose.
The conventional belief that depression results from brain chemical imbalances is flawed, as the imbalances are consequences, not causes. Depression stems from a deeper problem within consciousness, where a loss of self and meaning leads to the condition. Addressing depression requires understanding it as a disorder of consciousness.
Key Points:
1. Traditional views link depression to neurotransmitter imbalances.
2. Imbalances are effects of depression, not its root cause.
3. Depression originates from a distorted state of consciousness.
4. A lost sense of self and meaning is central to the condition's onset.
[고1] 2024년10월– 38번:심리학이인간행동을과학적으로연구하는방법설명
The common accounts of human nature that float around in society are generally a mixture of assumptions, tales and sometimes plain silliness. However, psychology is different. It is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another. The key word here is 'science.' Psychologists don't depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers. Instead, they look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or assumptions. In addition to this evidence-based approach, psychology deals with fundamental processes and principles that generate our rich cultural and social diversity, as well as those shared by all human beings. These are what modern psychology is all about.
Possible Titles:
1. Psychology: A Scientific Approach to Understanding Human Behavior
2. Moving Beyond Assumptions: How Psychology Studies Human Nature
3. The Evidence-Based Methods of Modern Psychology Explained
4. Why Psychology Relies on Science, Not Social Assumptions
Main Idea #1:
Psychology distinguishes itself from common views of human nature by relying on scientific evidence rather than assumptions or opinions.
Main Idea #2:
Modern psychology uses an evidence-based approach to understand both universal human behaviors and the diversity seen across different cultures, aiming to ground its findings in fundamental principles rather than societal assumptions.
Unlike general views of human nature, psychology relies on scientific evidence to study behavior. It explores fundamental principles underlying both universal traits and cultural diversity. This approach ensures that psychological concepts are rooted in evidence, not assumptions or opinions.
Key Points:
1. Common ideas about human nature are often based on assumptions.
2. Psychology relies on scientific evidence, not opinions or hearsay.
3. It seeks to understand universal principles of behavior and cultural diversity.
4. Modern psychology is grounded in an evidence-based, scientific approach.
[고1] 2024년10월– 39번:생물학적채널화이론을통한질병과건강의표현방식
Life is what physicists might call a 'high-dimensional system,' which is their fancy way of saying that there's a lot going on. In just a single cell, the number of possible interactions between different molecules is enormous. Such a system can only hope to be stable if only a smaller number of collective ways of being may emerge. For example, it is only a limited number of tissues and body shapes that may result from the development of a human embryo. In 1942, the biologist Conrad Waddington called this drastic narrowing of outcomes canalization. The organism may switch between a small number of well-defined possible states, but can't exist in random states in between them, rather as a ball in a rough landscape must roll to the bottom of one valley or another. We'll see that this is true also of health and disease: there are many causes of illness, but their manifestations at the physiological and symptomatic levels are often strikingly similar.
Possible Titles:
1. Canalization: Understanding Stability in Complex Biological Systems
2. How High-Dimensional Systems Lead to Limited Biological Outcomes
3. The Role of Canalization in Health, Disease, and Development
4. From Molecules to Health: Stability in Complex Biological Processes
Main Idea #1:
Life is a complex system with countless interactions, but stability is achieved through a limited set of possible outcomes.
Main Idea #2:
The concept of canalization, introduced by Conrad Waddington, explains how complex biological systems like human development narrow down to stable, well-defined states, a principle also seen in the similarity of symptoms across different illnesses despite varying causes.
Life's complexity is managed through a process called canalization, where countless interactions narrow down to a few stable outcomes. This concept, applied to development and health, explains how diverse causes can lead to similar physiological states. Stability is maintained by limiting the number of possible emergent states.
Key Points:
1. Life is a complex system with numerous molecular interactions.
2. Stability arises when only a limited number of outcomes emerge.
3. Canalization, introduced by Conrad Waddington, describes this narrowing process.
4. The concept applies to health, where different causes can lead to similar symptoms.
[고1] 2024년10월– 40번: '트릭처벌'이아동행동에부정적영향을미치는이유
Punishing a child may not be effective due to what Alvaro Bilbao, a neuropsychologist, calls 'trick-punishments.' A trick-punishment is a scolding, a moment of anger or a punishment in the most classic sense of the word. Instead of discouraging the child from doing something, it encourages them to do it. For example, Hugh learns that when he hits his little brother, his mother scolds him. For a child who feels lonely, being scolded is much better than feeling invisible, so he will continue to hit his brother. In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy. For instance, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time. The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives. In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments.
Possible Titles:
1. Why Punishing a Child Can Sometimes Backfire: Understanding Trick-Punishments
2. The Ineffectiveness of Scolding: A Neuropsychologist's Perspective
3. How Positive Reinforcement Can Prevent Unwanted Child Behavior
4. Moving Away from Punishment: Rewarding Good Behavior in Parenting
Main Idea #1:
Trick-punishments, such as scolding, may unintentionally reinforce unwanted behavior in children by giving them attention.
Main Idea #2:
Instead of focusing on negative actions, parents can encourage positive behavior by rewarding good actions, which helps avoid reinforcing the undesirable behavior that might be seeking attention.
Punishments like scolding can reinforce unwanted behavior by giving children the attention they crave. A better approach is to reward positive behavior, shifting the focus from negatives to positives. This strategy helps prevent trick-punishments that inadvertently encourage misbehavior.
Key Points:
1. Trick-punishments can unintentionally reinforce unwanted behaviors.
2. Children may misbehave to receive attention, even if negative.
3. Rewarding positive actions can be more effective than scolding.
4. Shifting focus to positives helps avoid reinforcing undesirable behavior.
[고1] 2024년10월– 41~42번:인간이생존을위해애매한대상에도의도를부여하는경향
From an early age, we assign purpose to objects and events, preferring this reasoning to random chance. Children assume, for instance, that pointy rocks are that way because they don't want you to sit on them. When we encounter something, we first need to determine what sort of thing it is. Inanimate objects and plants generally do not move and can be evaluated from physics alone. However, by attributing intention to animals and even objects, we are able to make fast decisions about the likely behaviour of that being. This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators. The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand. Ambiguous events are caused by such agents. This results in a perceptual system strongly biased towards anthropomorphism. Therefore, we tend to assume intention even where there is none. This would have arisen as a survival mechanism. If a lion is about to attack you, you need to react quickly, given its probable intention to kill you. By the time you have realized that the design of its teeth and claws could kill you, you are dead. So, assuming intent, without detailed design analysis or understanding of the physics, has saved your life.
Possible Titles:
1. How Anthropomorphism Became a Survival Strategy in Human Evolution
2. The Role of Intent Attribution in Human Perception and Survival
3. Why We See Intentions Everywhere: Evolutionary Roots of Anthropomorphism
4. From Survival Instinct to Modern Bias: Understanding Human Tendency to Assign Purpose
Main Idea #1:
Humans have a natural tendency to attribute purpose and intention to objects and events, which has evolutionary roots.
Main Idea #2:
This inclination towards anthropomorphism developed as a survival mechanism, allowing early humans to make quick judgments about potential threats without detailed analysis, which helped them react swiftly to predators and ambiguous situations.
Humans instinctively assign intention to objects and events, a behavior rooted in evolution. This tendency to anthropomorphize helped early humans quickly assess threats, enabling swift reactions to potential predators. Such perceptual biases, essential for survival, persist even when intention is absent.
Key Points:
1. Humans tend to attribute purpose to objects and events from an early age.
2. Anthropomorphism helps in quickly assessing potential threats.
3. This tendency evolved as a survival mechanism to react swiftly.
4. The bias towards seeing intention persists even in non-threatening contexts.
[고1] 2024년10월– 43~45번:작은판다가독특함을추구하고발견하는이야기
Once long ago, deep in the Himalayas, there lived a little panda. He was as ordinary as all the other pandas. He was completely white from head to toe. His two big ears, his four furry feet and his cute round nose were all frosty white, leaving him feeling ordinary and sad. Unlike the cheerful and contented pandas around him, he desired to be distinctive, special, and unique. Driven by the desire for uniqueness, the little panda sought inspiration from his distant cousin, a giant white panda covered with heavenly black patches. But the cousin revealed the patches were from an unintended encounter with mud, and he disliked them. Disappointed, the little panda walked home. On his way, he met a red-feathered peacock, who explained he turned red from eating wild berries. The little panda changed his path and hurried to the nearest berry bush, greedily eating a mouthful of juicy red berries. However, they were so bitter he couldn't swallow even one. At dusk, he finally got home and slowly climbed his favorite bamboo tree. There, he discovered a strange black and red flower with a sweet scent that tempted him to eat all its blossoms. The following morning, under sunny skies, the little panda felt remarkably better. During breakfast, he found the other pandas chatting enthusiastically and asked why. They burst into laughter, exclaiming, "Look at yourself!" Glancing down, he discovered his once white fur was now stained jet black and glowing red. He was overjoyed and realized that, rather than by imitating others, his wishes can come true from unexpected places and genuine experiences.
Possible Titles:
1. The Little Panda's Journey to Find His Unique Colors
2. How a White Panda Found His Own Way to Stand Out
3. Discovering Uniqueness: A Panda’s Adventure in the Himalayas
4. The Unexpected Path to Uniqueness: A Tale of a Little Panda
Main Idea #1:
A little white panda longed to be unique and sought ways to stand out among the other pandas.
Main Idea #2:
Despite his efforts to imitate others, the panda’s transformation happened unexpectedly through his genuine experiences, teaching him that true uniqueness comes naturally rather than by copying others.
A little panda, feeling ordinary, sought ways to be unique by imitating others but found no success. After an unplanned encounter with a sweet-smelling flower, his fur changed colors, showing him that true uniqueness comes from natural, unexpected experiences rather than trying to be like others.
Key Points:
1. The little panda felt ordinary and wanted to stand out.
2. He sought inspiration by imitating others but was unsuccessful.
3. An accidental encounter with a flower led to his transformation.
4. He learned that genuine uniqueness comes from natural experiences, not imitation.
[고1] 2024년10월–18번: Fort Montgomery High School의건축자금지원을요청하는편지
①To the State Education Department,
주 교육부 귀하,
②I am writing with regard to the state's funding for the construction project at Fort Montgomery High School.
저는Fort Montgomery고등학교의 건축 프로젝트를 위한 주 예산과 관련하여 편지를 씁니다.
③Our school needs additional spaces to provide a fully functional Art and Library Media Center to serve our students in a more meaningful way.
저희 학교는 보다 의미 있는 방식으로 학생들을 만족시키기 위해 완전하게 제 기능을 하는Art and Library Media Center를 제공하기 위한 추가 공간이 필요합니다.
④Despite submitting all required documentation for funding to your department in April 2024, we have not yet received any notification from your department.
2024년4월에 귀하의 부서로 예산에 필요한 모든 서류를 제출했음에도 불구하고,저희는 아직 귀하의 부서로부터 어떠한 통지도 받지 못했습니다.
⑤A delay in the process can carry considerable consequences related to the school's budgetary constraints and schedule.
과정상 지연은 학교의 예산 제한 및 일정과 관련하여 상당한 결과를 초래할 수 있습니다.
⑥Therefore, in order to proceed with our project, we request you notify us of the review result regarding the submitted documentation.
그러므로,저희의 프로젝트를 진행하기 위해 제출 서류와 관련한 검토 결과를 저희에게 통지해 줄 것을 요청합니다.
⑦I look forward to hearing from you.
귀하로부터의 답변을 고대합니다.
⑧Respectfully, Clara Smith Principal, Fort Montgomery High School
Fort Montgomery고등학교 교장, Clara Smith드림
[고1] 2024년10월–19번:농구경기후코치의결정으로인한좌절감경험
①As I waited outside the locker room after a hard‐fought basketball game, the coach called out to me, "David, walk with me."
내가 치열하게 싸운 농구 경기 후에 라커 룸 밖에서 기다릴 때,코치가"David,나와 함께 걷자."라며 나를 크게 불렀다.
②I figured he was going to tell me something important.
나는 그가 나에게 무언가 중요한 것을 말해 줄 거라고 생각했다.
③He was going to select me to be the captain of the team, the leader I had always wanted to be.
그는 내가 항상 되기를 원했던 리더인 팀의 주장으로 나를 뽑으려 할 것이라고(생각했다).
④My heart was racing with anticipation.
나의 심장이 기대감으로 빠르게 뛰었다.
⑤But when his next words hit my ears, everything changed.
그러나 그의 다음 말이 내 귀를 쳤을 때,모든 것이 변했다.
⑥We're going to have to send you home, he said coldly.
우리는 너를 집으로 보내야만 해.라고 그가 차갑게 말했다.
⑦I don't think you are going to make it.
나는 네가 해낼 거라고 생각하지 않아.
⑧I couldn't believe his decision.
나는 그의 결정을 믿을 수 없었다.
⑨I tried to hold it together, but inside I was falling apart.
나는 마음을 가다듬으려고 했지만,내면에서 나는 산산이 무너지고 있었다.
⑩A car would be waiting tomorrow morning to take me home.
내일 아침에 나를 집에 데려갈 차가 기다리고 있을 것이다.
⑪And just like that, it was over.
그리고 그렇게,끝이 났다.
[고1] 2024년10월–20번:가사활동에운동을통합하여건강을증진하는방법제안
①For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge.
우리 중 다수에게 운동할 시간을 내는 것은 계속되는 도전이다.
②Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like there's no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout.
업무에 대한 전념과 가족 의무 사이에서,우리의 빡빡한 일정들에는 운동에 전념할 여유가 없는 것처럼 종종 느껴진다.
③But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine?
그러나 만약 여러분의 일상 바로 한가운데에서 운동이 여러분을 찾아온다면 어떨까?
④That's where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play.
그것이 바로 간단한 운동을 집안일에 통합시키는 아름다움이 작동하는 지점이다.
⑤Let's be realistic; chores are inevitable.
현실적이 되자.집안일은 불가피하다.
⑥Whether it's washing dishes or taking out the trash, these tasks are an essential part of daily life.
그것이 설거지하는 것이든 쓰레기를 내다 버리는 것이든지 간에,이런 일들은 일상생활의 필수적인 부분이다.
⑦But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity?
하지만 집안일을 순전히 의무적인 행위로 간주하기보다는,이런 순간들을 신체 활동을 위한 기회로 잘 이용하는 것이 어떨까?
⑧For instance, practice squats or engage in some wall push-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil.
예를 들어,여러분의 아침 주전자가 끓기를 기다리면서 스쿼트를 연습하거나 벽에 대고 하는 팔 굽혀 펴기 몇 개를 시작해 보라.
⑨Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can improve your health.
짧은 운동을 여러분의 일상적인 집안일에 포함시키는 것이 여러분의 건강을 향상시킬 수 있다.
[고1] 2024년10월–21번:기억이교육과경험에의해재구성되는방식과영향설명
①When we see something, we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education.
우리가 무언가를 볼 때,우리는 그것을 자연스럽게 그리고 자동적으로 우리가 교육을 통해 배운 모양,색깔,그리고 개념들로 해체한다.
②We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know.
우리는 우리가 알고 있는 모든 것의 렌즈를 통해 우리가 보는 것을 재부호화한다.
③We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory.
우리는 기억에서 영상을 생각해 내기보다 기억을 재구성한다.
④This is a useful trait.
이것은 유용한 특성이다.
⑤It's a more efficient way to store information─a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file.
그것은 가공되지 않은 비트맵 이미지 파일을 저장하기보다JPG와 같은 최적의 이미지 압축 알고리즘과 약간 비슷하게 정보를 저장하기 위한 더 효율적인 방법이다.
⑥People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned.
이런 능력이 부족하고 완벽히 세세하게 모든 것을 기억하는 사람들은 일반화하고,학습하고,자신들이 학습한 것들 사이를 연결하려고 고군분투한다.
⑦But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is.
그러나 세상을 추상적 생각과 특징으로 재현하는 것은 세상을 있는 그대로 보는 것을 희생하여 나온다.
⑧Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences.
대신에,우리는 우리의 가정,동기 그리고 과거 경험을 통해 세상을 바라본다.
⑨The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony.
우리의 기억이 영화처럼 재생되기보다는 추상적 재현을 통해 재구성된다는 발견은 목격자 증언의 법적 우위성을 완전히 손상시켰다.
⑩Seeing is not believing.
보는 것이 믿는 것은 아니다.
[고1] 2024년10월–22번:첫인상이논리적판단보다더정확할수있다는연구결과
①In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification.
David Dunning의 코넬 대학의 실험실에서,그는 목격자 증언에 대한 실험을 수행했고,얼굴 특징에 대한 신중한 숙고와 선택 절차에 대한 상세한 논의가 실제로는'부정확한'식별의 징후일 수 있다는 증거를 발견했다.
②It's when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like "his face just popped out at me," that they tend to be accurate more often.
사람들이"그의 얼굴이 그냥 나에게 탁 떠올랐다"라는 식으로 말하면서 왜 그 사람을 알아보는지 설명할 수 없는 스스로를 발견하는 바로 그때 그들은 더 자주 정확한 경향이 있다.
③Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us.
때때로 상황에 대한 우리의 최초의,즉각적인,자동적인 반응이 우리 마음이 우리에게 말하고 있는 것에 대한 가장 정확한 해석이다.
④That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be.
바로 그 첫인상이 또한 신중하고 논리적인 자기 서사보다 세상에 대해 더 정확할 수 있다.
⑤In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.
Malcolm Gladwell은 그의 저서'Blink'에서,결정에 대한 논리적인 단계적 정당화에 비해서 상대적으로 무의식적인 최초 추측의 우수성을 보여 주는 심리학 및 행동 경제학의 다양한 연구를 기술한다.
[고1] 2024년10월–23번:구체적인질문으로추상적개념을명확하게만드는방법제안
①Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data.
많은 종류의 연구는 자연스럽게 양적 데이터로 이어진다.
②A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes.
행복에 관한 연구는 누군가가 상호 작용 중에 미소 짓는 횟수를 측정할 수 있고,기억에 관한 연구는 개인이1분, 5분,그리고10분 후에 회상할 수 있는 항목의 수를 측정할 수 있다.
③Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable.
사람들에게 자신이 일년에 몇 번 슬픈지 물어보는 것 또한 양적 데이터를 산출할 수 있지만,이는 신뢰할 만하지 않을 수도 있다.
④Respondents' recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of 'sad' could vary widely.
응답자의 회상은 부정확할 수 있고, '슬픈'에 대한 그들의 정의는 크게 다를 수 있다.
⑤But asking "How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?" prompts a concrete answer.
그러나"지난1년 동안 직장에 병가를 낼 만큼 슬펐던 적이 몇 번 있었습니까?"라고 묻는 것은 구체적인 답변을 유발한다.
⑥Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, "How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?"
마찬가지로,사람들에게 그들이 얼마나 심하게 미루는 사람인지를 평가하도록 묻는 대신, "당신이 지불할 여유가 있음에도 불구하고 얼마나 많은 공과금 고지서의 납부가 현재 늦었나요?"라고 물어보라.
⑦Questions that seek concrete responses help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.
구체적인 응답을 요구하는 질문은 추상적인 개념을 더 명확하게 만들고 한 연구에서 다음 연구 간의 일관성을 보장하는 것을 돕는다.
[고1] 2024년10월–24번:인공지능과인간의식의상호작용및AI진화의방향성
①The evolution of AI is often associated with the concept of singularity.
AI의 진화는 종종 특이점의 개념과 연관된다.
②Singularity refers to the point at which AI exceeds human intelligence.
특이점은AI가 인간의 지능을 넘어서는 지점을 의미한다.
③After that point, it is predicted that AI will repeatedly improve itself and evolve at an accelerated pace.
그 지점 이후, AI는 스스로를 반복적으로 개선하고 가속화된 속도로 진화할 것으로 예측된다.
④When AI becomes self-aware and pursues its own goals, it will be a conscious being, not just a machine.
AI가 스스로를 인식하게 되고 자기 자신의 목표를 추구할 때,그것은 단지 기계가 아니라 의식이 있는 존재가 될 것이다.
⑤AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together.
AI와 인간의 의식은 그러면 함께 진화하기 시작할 것이다.
⑥Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity.
우리의 의식은 우리의AI와의 상호 작용을 통해 새로운 차원으로 진화할 것이며,이는 우리에게 지적 자극을 제공하고 새로운 통찰력과 창의성을 불어넣을 것이다.
⑦Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI.
반대로,우리의 의식 또한AI의 진화에 중대한 영향을 끼친다.
⑧The direction of AI's evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI.
AI진화의 방향은 우리가 어떤 가치와 윤리를AI에 통합시키는지에 크게 좌우될 것이다.
⑨We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness.
우리는AI의 권리를 인식하고 그것의 의식의 진화를 지지하면서,우리와AI와의 관계를 의식 있는 존재들의 상호 공존으로 볼 필요가 있다.
[고1] 2024년10월–25번: 2023년미국,영국,브라질,호주의전력생산비율분석
①The above graph shows the electricity generation from fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewables in four countries in 2023.
위 그래프는2023년 네 개 국가에서의 화석 연료,핵에너지,그리고 재생 가능 에너지로부터의 전기 생산을 보여 준다.
②Australia's electricity generation only comes from fossil fuels and renewables, and the percentage of fossil fuels is more than twice that of renewables.
호주의 전기 생산은 화석 연료와 재생 가능 에너지로부터만 나오고,화석 연료의 비율은 재생 가능 에너지의 그것의 두 배가 넘는다.
③In terms of electricity generation from nuclear energy, the U.S. shows the highest percentage among all four countries.
핵에너지로부터의 전기 생산의 면에서 미국은 모든 네 개 국가 중 가장 높은 비율을 보여 준다.
④The percentage of electricity generation from fossil fuels in the U.S. is higher than that in the U.K., which is also true for renewables.
미국에서 화석 연료로부터의 전기 생산 비율은 영국에서의 그것보다 높고,이것은 재생 가능 에너지에도 적용된다.
⑤In the U.K., the percentage of electricity generated from nuclear energy is less than a third of that generated from renewables.
영국에서 핵에너지로부터 생산되는 전기의 비율은 재생 가능 에너지로부터 생산되는 그것의3분의1보다 적다.
⑥Brazil's percentage of electricity generated from renewables is 10 percentage points larger than that of Australia and the U.K. combined.
브라질의 재생 가능 에너지로부터 생산되는 전기의 비율은 호주와 영국을 합친 그것보다10퍼센트포인트 더 크다.
①Douglas Kirkland, known for his highly artistic portraits of Hollywood celebrities, was born in Toronto, Canada.
그의 할리우드 유명 인사의 매우 예술적인 인물 사진으로 알려진Douglas Kirkland는 캐나다 토론토에서 태어났다.
②When he was young, he eagerly awaited the weekly arrival of Life magazine and discussed the photographs the magazine contained with his father.
그가 어렸을 때 그는 매주"Life"잡지의 도착을 간절히 기다렸고 그 잡지에 실린 사진에 대해 아버지와 함께 토의했다.
③Believing that he would have better career prospects, Kirkland moved to the United States after graduating from high school and found work at a photography studio.
Kirkland는 더 나은 직업 전망이 있을 것이라고 믿으면서,고등학교 졸업 후 그는 미국으로 이주하여 사진 스튜디오에서 일자리를 찾았다.
④When Look magazine hired him at age 24, he became their second-youngest photographer ever.
Look잡지사가24살 나이의 그를 고용했을 때 그는 그들의 역대 사진작가 중 두 번째로 어렸다.
⑤His photos taken of Marilyn Monroe in 1961 became iconic almost instantly.
그가1961년에 찍은Marilyn Monroe사진은 거의 즉시 상징적인 것이 되었다.
⑥Kirkland spent his weeks shooting day-to-day life across the United States and his weekends in exotic locations.
Kirkland는 미국 전역에서 주중을,이국적인 장소에서 주말을 보내면서 일상의 삶을 찍었다.
⑦His photo essays could run up to a dozen pages and were seen by more than half of all Americans.
그의 포토 에세이는12페이지에 달했고 전체 미국인들 중 절반이 넘는 이들이 그것을 보았다.
[고1] 2024년10월–29번:디지털기술이어떻게사용자의인식을강력하게변화시키는지설명
①Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways.
디지털 기술은 근본적으로 은유와 관련되어 있지만,디지털 은유는 중요한 면에서 언어적 은유와 다르다.
②Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor.
언어적 은유는 독자가 은유에 의해 제시된 세계에 적극적으로 들어가도록 선택할 필요가 있다는 점에서 수동적이다.
③In the Shakespearean metaphor "time is a beggar," the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare's prose.
시간은 구걸하는 자다라는 셰익스피어의 은유에서 독자는 인지적인 노력 없이는 그리고 셰익스피어의 산문을 더 끌어들이지 않고는 은유를 이해할 것 같지 않다.
④Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user's meaning horizon.
반면에 기술적 은유는 사용자의 의미의 지평을 강력하게 바꾸면서 능동적으로 일을 하는 디지털 인공물에서 그것이 실현된다는 점에서 능동적이다. (그리고 종종 강요적이다.)
⑤Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance.
기술적인 창작자는 일반적으로 그들의 잠재적인 독자에게 어떻게 은유가 작용하는지 궁금해하도록 요구할 여유가 없고,일반적으로 매력은 기술의 유용성이 첫눈에 분명하다는 것이다.
⑥Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.
반면에 셰익스피어는 부분적으로는 그의 작품의 의미가 즉각적으로 분명하지 않고 독자 측에서 어느 정도의 생각을 요구하기 때문에 사랑받는다.
[고1] 2024년10월–30번: Herbert Simon의정보처리한계와집단학습의중요성
①Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity.
Herbert Simon은 정보,시간,그리고 인지적인 능력에서 우리의 한계를 인지한 것으로 그의 노벨상을 받았다.
②As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation.
우리는 독립적으로 해답을 계산하기 위한 자원이 부족하기 때문에 우리는 전체 인구에 걸쳐 복잡한 계산을 분배하고 세대에 걸쳐 해답을 천천히 풀어 낸다.
③Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers.
그러면 우리가 해야 하는 모든 것은 올바른 해답을 사회적으로 배우는 것이다.
④You don't need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush.
여러분은 여러분의 컴퓨터 혹은 변기가 어떻게 작동하는지 이해할 필요가 없고 여러분은 단지 인터페이스를 사용할 수 있고(변기의)물을 내릴 수 있기만 하면 된다.
⑤All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push─essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work.
전달될 필요가 있는 모든 것은 어떤 버튼을 눌러야 하는지,근본적으로 어떻게 그것들이 작동하는지보다는 기술과 상호 작용하는 방법이다.
⑥And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation.
그렇다면 우리가 정신적 수용을 할 수 있는 것보다 그리고 정말로 알아야 할 필요가 있는 것보다 더 많은 정보를 가지는 것 대신에 우리는 우리의 큰 두뇌를 거대한 계산의 작은 조각에 바칠 수 있다.
⑦We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole.
우리는 그것들로부터 이득을 얻기에 충분할 정도로 사물을 잘 이해하지만 그러면서 우리는 더 큰 전체에 기여하는 작은 계산을 하고 있다.
⑧We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies' collective brains.
우리는 우리 사회의 집합적인 두뇌를 위한 더 큰 복잡한 계산에서 단지 우리의 역할을 하고 있는 것이다.
[고1] 2024년10월–31번:문어의위장술과이를관찰한사진작가들의경험이야기
①The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night.
대부분의 문어 종(種)이 가진 최고의 방어는 가능한 한 많이 숨어 있는 것과 밤에 그들 자신의 사냥을 하는 것이다.
②So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers.
그래서 낮에 얕은 곳에서 전체가 보이는 문어를 발견한 것은 두 명의 호주 수중 사진작가들에게는 놀라운 일이었다.
③Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder.
사실 그들이 처음에 봤던 것은 넙치였다.
④It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion.
오직 그들이 다시 봤을 때서야 그들은 중간 크기의 문어를 보았고 착시를 만들기 위해 그것의 여덟 개의 모든 팔이 접혀 있었고 그것의 두 눈이 위쪽으로 응시하고 있었다.
⑤An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature.
문어는 큰 뇌,뛰어난 시력과 색깔과 패턴을 바꾸는 능력을 지니고 있고,이것은 스스로를 완전히 다른 생물체로 바꾸기 위해 이러한 이점을 사용하고 있었다.
⑥Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes.
이 종의 더 많은 것들이 그때 이후로 발견되어 왔으며 지금은 바다뱀으로 변신하는 중이라고 말해질 수 있는 문어의 사진이 있다.
⑦And while they mimic, they hunt─producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever's hiding there.
그리고 그들이 모방하는 동안에 그들은 사냥을 한다.이것은 말하자면 넙치가 갑자기 문어 다리 같은 팔을 펼치며 그것을 구멍으로 찔러 넣어 그곳에 숨어 있는 무엇이든지 움켜잡는 광경을 만들어 낸다.
[고1] 2024년10월–32번:고통의해석이심리적고통의정도에미치는영향
①How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind.
우리가 얼마나 고통받는지는 우리가 고통을 우리의 마음에서 어떻게 구성하는지와 관련된다.
②When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race─their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don't psychologically suffer much.
1500미터 달리기 선수가 경주에서 이기기 위해 그들의 근육이 비명을 지르고 그들의 폐가 산소 부족으로 폭발하면서,스스로를 극심한 고통으로 밀어붙일 때,그들은 정신적으로 많이 고통받지 않는다.
③In fact, ultra-marathon runners─those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about making friends with their pain.
사실 울트라 마라톤 선수들은 즉,인간 인내력의 정상적 경계를 넘어서 스스로를 밀어붙일 만큼 충분히 열정적인 사람들은 많은 시간 동안50에서100킬로미터 혹은 그 이상의 거리를 가지만 그들의 고통과 친구가 되는 것에 대해 이야기한다.
④When a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient's back to mobilise it, the patient calls that good pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient's sore tissues.
한 환자가 특정 형태의 수동적 등 통증 치료에 돈을 지불했고 의사가 그것을 풀어 주기 위해 환자 등의 아픈 부분을 깊게 눌렀을 때,비록 의사가 환자의 아픈 조직을 직접적으로 누르고 있을지라도,만약 그 또는 그녀가 이러한 종류의 깊은 압박 치료법이 가치가 있을 것이라고 믿는다면,환자는 그것을 좋은 아픔이라고 부른다.
[고1] 2024년10월–33번:다양한가격대의제품제공이소비자선택에미치는영향
①When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods.
내가 레이저와 잉크젯 프린터를 생산했던 큰 전자 회사에서 일했을 때 나는 많은 소비 상품의 세 가지 버전이 종종 있는 이유를 곧 발견했다.
②If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income.
만약 생산자가 그 제품의 오직 한 가지 버전만 만든다면 그것을 구매했던 사람들은 기꺼이 더 많은 돈을 쓰려고 했을 수도 있어서 회사는 일부 수입을 잃을 것이다.
③If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one.
만약 그 회사가 두 버전을 제공하는데 한 버전이 나머지보다 더 많은 기능과 더 비싼 가격을 가진다면,사람들은 두 모델을 비교하고 여전히 덜 비싼 것을 살 것이다.
④But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up; many people like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price.
하지만 만약 그 회사가 나머지 두 개보다 훨씬 더 많은 기능과 더 비싼 가격을 가진 세 번째 모델을 출시한다면 두 번째 모델의 판매가 증가하는데,왜냐하면 많은 사람들은 가장 비싼 모델의 기능을 좋아하지만 그것의 가격을 좋아하지는 않기 때문이다.
⑤The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model.
중간 제품은 가장 저렴한 제품보다 더 많은 기능이 있고 가장 고급 모델보다는 덜 비싸다.
⑥They buy the middle item, unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.
그들은 자신이 더 비싼 가격의 제품의 존재에 의해 조종되었다는 것을 알지 못한 채 중간 제품을 구입한다.
[고1] 2024년10월–34번:기후변화가기후소설장르에미치는영향예측
①On-screen, climate disaster is everywhere you look, but the scope of the world's climate transformation may just as quickly eliminate the climate-fiction genre─indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood.
영화상 기후 재난은 여러분이 보는 어디에나 있지만,세계의 기후 변화의 범위는 그것만큼이나 빠르게 기후 픽션 장르를 없앨지도 모르고 실제로 온난화 이야기를 하고자 하는 노력도 없애 버리는데,그것은 할리우드에서조차 너무 커지고 너무 명백해질 것이다.
②You can tell stories 'about' climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life.
기후 변화가 여전히 인간 삶의 주변적인 특징처럼 보이는 동안에 여러분은 그것에'관한'이야기를 할 수 있을 것이다.
③But when the temperature rises by three or four more degrees, hardly anyone will be able to feel isolated from its impacts.
하지만 기온이3도 혹은4도 이상 상승할 때는 아무도 그것의 영향으로부터 고립되었다고 느낄 수 없을 것이다.
④And so as climate change expands across the horizon, it may cease to be a story.
그리고 기후 변화가 지평선을 넘어 확장될 때 그것은 이야기가 되기를 멈출 것이다.
⑤Why watch or read climate fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window?
왜 여러분 자신의 창문 밖으로 뚜렷하게 볼 수 있는 세상에 대한 기후 픽션을 보거나 읽겠는가?
⑥At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror.
비록 그 즐거움이 종종 공포의 형태로 올지라도 지금 당장은 지구 온난화를 묘사하는 이야기가 현실 도피적인 즐거움을 여전히 제공할 수 있다.
⑦But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant─in time or in place─we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.
하지만 우리가 더 이상 기후 고통이 시간적으로 또는 장소적으로 멀리 있다고 가장할 수 없을 때 우리는 그것에 대해 가장하는 것을 멈추고 그것 내에서 가장하기 시작할 것이다.
[고1] 2024년10월–35번:물부족문제의정치적원인과그로인한불평등
①Today, the water crisis is political─which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix─and, therefore, functionally elective.
오늘날,물 위기는 피할 수 없는 것이 아니며 우리의 바로잡을 수 있는 능력을 넘어서지 않는,즉 정치적인 것이고 따라서 기능적으로 선택적이다.
②That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization.
그것은 그럼에도 불구하고 그것이 괴로운 한 가지 이유이다.즉,풍족한 자원이 정부의 소홀함과 무관심,열악한 사회 기반 시설과 오염,부주의한 도시화를 통해 부족하게 되었다.
③There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren't doing much to address it.
다시 말해서 물 위기가 있어야 할 필요가 없지만 어쨌든 우리는 그것을 겪고 있고 그것을 해결하기 위해 많은 일을 하고 있지 않다.
④Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent.
일부 도시들은 그들이 주택으로 공급하는 것보다 누수로 인해 더 많은 물을 잃는다.즉,미국에서조차 누수와 도난은 담수의16퍼센트의 추정된 손실을 차지하고 브라질에서는 그 추정치가40퍼센트이다.
⑤Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide.
양쪽의 경우에서 보여지듯이 모든 곳에서처럼 선택적 부족이 가진 자와 가지지 못한 자의 불평등을 분명히 강조하고 이것은 전 세계적으로21억명을 안전한 식수가 없고45억 명을 적절한 위생이 없는 채로 둔다.
[고1] 2024년10월–36번:사회적압력이자존감및사회적행동에미치는영향
①As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated relationships in a group.
개인으로서 성공하려는 우리의 능력은 우리가 집단 내에서 관계를 얼마나 잘 다루는지에 달려 있었다.
②If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate.
만약 그 집단이 우리를 가치 있게 여겼다면 우리는 지원,자원,그리고 아마도 짝을 기대할 수 있었을 것이다.
③If it didn't, we might get none of these merits.
만약 그렇지 않았다면,우리는 그러한 이점들 중 아무것도 얻지 못했을 것이다.
④It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically.
그것은 신체적으로 그리고 유전적으로 생존의 문제였다.
⑤Over millions of years, the pressure selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing.
수백만 년 동안 그러한 압박은 자신의 지위를 최대화하는 데 민감하고 능숙한 사람들을 선택했다.
⑥The result was the development of a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community perceive us.
그 결과는 우리 공동체의 다른 사람들이 우리를 어떻게 인식하는지 무의식적으로 관찰하는 경향의 발달이었다.
⑦We process that information in the form of self-esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity.
우리는 자존감 그리고 자존심,수치심 또는 불안 같은 관련된 감정의 형태로 그 정보를 처리한다.
⑧These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn't.
이러한 감정들은 우리에게 우리의 공동체가 우리를 가치 있게 여기도록 만드는 것을 더 많이 하고 그렇지 않은 것을 덜 하도록 강요한다.
⑨And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within.
그리고 결정적으로 그것들은 그 동기가 내부에서 나오고 있는 것처럼 그것을 느끼게 만들도록 되어 있다.
⑩If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.
우리가 사회적 압박에 반응하고 있었다는 것을 의식적인 수준에서 깨닫는다면,우리의 행동은 그것(그 동기)을 설득력이 떨어지게 만들면서 투덜대거나 냉소적인 것으로 나타날 수 있다.
[고1] 2024년10월–37번:의식의문제로우울증의원인을재정의하는설명
①Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain.
전통적인 의학은 우울증이 뇌의 신경 전달 물질의 불균형으로 인해 발생한다고 오랫동안 믿어 왔다.
②However, there is a major problem with this explanation.
그러나 이 설명에는 중대한 문제가 있다.
③This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause.
이것은 왜냐하면 뇌 속 물질의 불균형은 우울증의 원인이 아니라 그것의 결과이기 때문이다.
④In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression.
다시 말해서,우울증이 세로토닌이나 노르아드레날린과 같은 뇌의 물질의 감소를 유발하는 것이지 뇌의 물질의 감소가 우울증을 유발하는 것이 아니다.
⑤In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness.
이 수정된 인과 관계에서,핵심은 우울증을 의식의 문제로 재구성하는 것이다.
⑥Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain.
우리의 의식은 뇌의 기능을 넘어서는 보다 근본적인 실체이다.
⑦The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness.
뇌는 의식의 기관에 지나지 않는다.
⑧If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life.
만약 그것이 의식 그 자체가 아니라면,우울증의 근본 원인 역시 우리의 의식 상태의 왜곡이며 즉,자아감과 삶의 의미를 상실한 의식이다.
⑨Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression.
그러한 의식의 질환이 우울증의 형태로 명백히 나타날 수 있다.
[고1] 2024년10월–38번:심리학이인간행동을과학적으로연구하는방법설명
①The common accounts of human nature that float around in society are generally a mixture of assumptions, tales and sometimes plain silliness.
사회에 떠도는 인간 본성에 대한 흔한 설명은 일반적으로 가정,이야기,그리고 때로는 순전한 어리석음의 혼합이다.
②However, psychology is different.
그러나,심리학은 다르다.
③It is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another.
그것은 사람들을 이해하는,즉 우리가 어떻게 그리고 왜 행동하는 대로 행동하는지,우리가 왜 보는 대로 사물을 보는지,그리고 우리가 어떻게 서로 상호 작용하는지를 이해하는 데 전념하는 과학 분야이다.
④The key word here is 'science.'
여기서 핵심어는'과학'이다.
⑤Psychologists don't depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers.
심리학자들은 의견과 소문,혹은 당대의 사회에서 일반적으로 받아들여지는 견해,혹은 심지어 심오한 사상가들의 숙고된 의견에 의존하지 않는다.
⑥Instead, they look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or assumptions.
대신에 그들은 심리학적 개념이 단지 일반적으로 받아들여지는 신념이나 가정에서 도출된 것이 아니라,확고하게 기반을 두고 있는지 확신하기 위해 증거를 찾는다.
⑦In addition to this evidence-based approach, psychology deals with fundamental processes and principles that generate our rich cultural and social diversity, as well as those shared by all human beings.
이러한 증거 기반 접근법에 더하여 심리학은 모든 인간에 의해 공유되는 근본적인 과정과 원리뿐만 아니라,우리의 풍부한 문화적 사회적 다양성을 만들어 내는 것들을 다룬다.
⑧These are what modern psychology is all about.
이것들은 현대 심리학이 무엇인지 보여 준다.
[고1] 2024년10월–39번:생물학적채널화이론을통한질병과건강의표현방식
①Life is what physicists might call a 'high-dimensional system,' which is their fancy way of saying that there's a lot going on.
생명은 물리학자들이'고차원 시스템'이라고 부를 수 있는 것인데 이는 많은 일이 발생하고 있다고 말하는 그들의 멋진 방식이다.
②In just a single cell, the number of possible interactions between different molecules is enormous.
단 하나의 세포 내에서도 여러 분자 간의 가능한 상호 작용의 수는 매우 크다.
③Such a system can only hope to be stable if only a smaller number of collective ways of being may emerge.
이러한 시스템은 더 적은 수의 존재의 집합적인 방식이 나타날 때만 오직 안정적이기를 기대할 수 있다.
④For example, it is only a limited number of tissues and body shapes that may result from the development of a human embryo.
예를 들어 인간 배아의 발달로부터 나올 수 있는 것은 오직 제한된 수의 조직과 신체 형태이다.
⑤In 1942, the biologist Conrad Waddington called this drastic narrowing of outcomes canalization.
1942년에 생물학자Conrad Waddington은 이러한 극적인 결과의 축소를'운하화'라고 불렀다.
⑥The organism may switch between a small number of well-defined possible states, but can't exist in random states in between them, rather as a ball in a rough landscape must roll to the bottom of one valley or another.
오히려 울퉁불퉁한 경관에 있는 공이 이 계곡 혹은 또 다른 계곡의 바닥으로 반드시 굴러가야 하는 것처럼,유기체는 적은 수의 명확하게 정의된 가능한 상태 사이에서 바뀔 수 있지만 그것들 사이에 있는 무작위의 상태로 존재할 수는 없다.
⑦We'll see that this is true also of health and disease: there are many causes of illness, but their manifestations at the physiological and symptomatic levels are often strikingly similar.
우리는 이것이 건강과 질병에도 적용된다는 것을 알게 될 것이다.즉 질병의 많은 원인이 있지만,그것들의 생리적이고 증상적인 수준에서의 발현은 종종 놀랍도록 유사하다.
[고1] 2024년10월–40번: '트릭처벌'이아동행동에부정적영향을미치는이유
①Punishing a child may not be effective due to what Alvaro Bilbao, a neuropsychologist, calls 'trick-punishments.'
아이를 벌주는 것은 신경심리학자Alvaro Bilbao가'트릭 처벌'이라고 부르는 것으로 인해 효과적이지 않을 수 있다.
②A trick-punishment is a scolding, a moment of anger or a punishment in the most classic sense of the word.
트릭 처벌은 꾸짖음,순간의 화 혹은(처벌이라는)단어의 가장 전형적인 의미에서의 처벌이다.
③Instead of discouraging the child from doing something, it encourages them to do it.
아이가 무언가를 하는 것을 단념시키는 대신 트릭 처벌은 그들이 그것을 하도록 장려한다.
④For example, Hugh learns that when he hits his little brother, his mother scolds him.
예를 들어Hugh는 그가 자신의 남동생을 때릴 때 그의 어머니가 그를 꾸짖는다는 것을 배운다.
⑤For a child who feels lonely, being scolded is much better than feeling invisible, so he will continue to hit his brother.
외로움을 느끼는 아이에게는 꾸중을 듣는 것이 눈에 띄지 않는다고 느끼는 것보다 훨씬 나아서 그는 그의 남동생을 때리는 것을 계속할 것이다.
⑥In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy.
이 경우에,그의 어머니는 다른 전략을 채택하는 것이 보다 나을 것이다.
⑦For instance, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time.
예를 들어 그녀는Hugh가 그의 남동생을 일정 기간 동안 때리지 않았을 때 그를 자랑스러워해 줄 수 있다.
⑧The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives.
어머니는 분명 아이가 그의 남동생을 때리는 것을 내버려둘 수 없고,그녀는 부정적 측면을 계속 지적하는 대신에 긍정적 측면을 보상하는 것을 선택할 수 있다.
⑨In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments.
이렇게 어느 부모도 트릭 처벌을 피할 수 있다.
⑩[Summary] A trick-punishment reinforces the unwanted behavior of a child, which implies that parents should focus on reducing the attention to negatives while rewarding positive behaviors.
[Summary]트릭 처벌이 아이의 바람직하지 못한 행동을 강화하는데,이는 부모가 긍정적인 행동을 보상하면서 부정적 측면에 관한 관심을 줄이는 데 집중해야 한다는 것을 시사한다.
[고1] 2024년10월–41~42번:인간이생존을위해애매한대상에도의도를부여하는경향
①From an early age, we assign purpose to objects and events, preferring this reasoning to random chance.
어릴 때부터 우리는 사물과 사건에 목적을 부여하며,무작위적인 우연보다 이러한 논리를 선호한다.
②Children assume, for instance, that pointy rocks are that way because they don't want you to sit on them.
예를 들어 뾰족한 돌은 아이들이 그 위에 앉기를 원치 않기 때문에 그것이 그렇게 생겼다고 그들(아이들)은 가정한다.
③When we encounter something, we first need to determine what sort of thing it is.
우리가 무언가를 마주칠 때 우리는 먼저 그것이 어떤 종류의 것인지 결정할 필요가 있다.
④Inanimate objects and plants generally do not move and can be evaluated from physics alone.
무생물과 식물은 일반적으로 움직이지 않으며 물리적 현상만으로 평가될 수 있다.
⑤However, by attributing intention to animals and even objects, we are able to make fast decisions about the likely behaviour of that being.
그러나 동물과 심지어 사물도 의도가 있다고 생각함으로써 우리는 그 존재가 할 것 같은 행동에 대해 빠른 결정을 내릴 수 있다.
⑥This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators.
이는 우리의 수렵 채집 시절에 포식자에게 잡아먹히는 것을 피하기 위해 필수적이었다.
⑦The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand.
인류학자Stewart Guthrie는 인간의 정신적 특성이 우리가 이해하는 정신 과정이기 때문에,우리의 진화상 과거에서 생존이란 우리가 모호한 사물을 인간의 정신적 특성을 가진 행위자로 해석하는 것을 의미한다고 주장했다.
⑧Ambiguous events are caused by such agents.
모호한 사건은 이러한 행위자에 의해 발생한다.
⑨This results in a perceptual system strongly biased towards anthropomorphism.
이는 의인화에 강하게 편향된 지각 체계로 귀결된다.
⑩Therefore, we tend to assume intention even where there is none.
그러므로,우리는 의도가 없는 곳에서도 의도를 가정하는 경향이 있다.
⑪This would have arisen as a survival mechanism.
이는 생존 메커니즘으로 발생해 왔을 것이다.
⑫If a lion is about to attack you, you need to react quickly, given its probable intention to kill you.
만약 사자가 당신을 막 공격하려 한다면 당신을 죽이려는 그것의 가능한 의도를 고려하여 당신은 빠르게 반응할 필요가 있다.
⑬By the time you have realized that the design of its teeth and claws could kill you, you are dead.
당신이 그것의 이빨과 발톱의 구조가 당신을 죽일 수 있다는 것을 깨달았을 즈음 당신은 죽어 있다.
⑭So, assuming intent, without detailed design analysis or understanding of the physics, has saved your life.
따라서 상세한 구조 분석 또는 물리적 현상의 이해 없이 의도를 부여하는 것이 당신의 목숨을 구해 왔다.
[고1] 2024년10월–43~45번:작은판다가독특함을추구하고발견하는이야기
①Once long ago, deep in the Himalayas, there lived a little panda.
옛날에 히말라야 산맥 깊숙한 곳에 작은 판다가 살았다.
②He was as ordinary as all the other pandas.
그는 다른 모든 판다들만큼 평범했다.
③He was completely white from head to toe.
그는 머리부터 발끝까지 전부 하얬다.
④His two big ears, his four furry feet and his cute round nose were all frosty white, leaving him feeling ordinary and sad.
그의 두 개의 큰 귀,네 개의 털 많은 발,그리고 귀여운 둥근 코는 모두 서리처럼 하얘서 그(little panda)가 평범하고 슬프게 느끼게 하였다.
⑤Unlike the cheerful and contented pandas around him, he desired to be distinctive, special, and unique.
그의 주위에 있는 명랑하고 만족스러운 판다들과 달리 그는 특이하고 특별하며 독특해지기를 갈망했다.
⑥Driven by the desire for uniqueness, the little panda sought inspiration from his distant cousin, a giant white panda covered with heavenly black patches.
독특함에 대한 열망에 사로잡혀 작은 판다는 그(little panda)의 먼 사촌인 멋진 검은 반점으로 뒤덮인 거대한 흰 판다로부터 영감을 찾으려 했다.
⑦But the cousin revealed the patches were from an unintended encounter with mud, and he disliked them.
그러나 사촌은 그 반점이 진흙과 의도치 않게 접촉한 결과이며,그는 그것(반점)을 싫어한다고 밝혔다.
⑧Disappointed, the little panda walked home.
실망한 채로 작은 판다는 집으로 걸어갔다.
⑨On his way, he met a red-feathered peacock, who explained he turned red from eating wild berries.
가는 길에 그는 붉은 깃털을 가진 공작새를 만났는데 그 공작새는 그(peacock)가 야생 베리를 먹어서 붉게 변했다고 설명했다.
⑩The little panda changed his path and hurried to the nearest berry bush, greedily eating a mouthful of juicy red berries.
작은 판다는 경로를 바꾸어 가장 가까운 베리 덤불로 서둘러 가서,탐욕스럽게 한입 가득 즙이 많은 빨간 베리를 먹었다.
⑪However, they were so bitter he couldn't swallow even one.
하지만 그것들은 너무 써서 그는 한 개도 삼킬 수 없었다.
⑫At dusk, he finally got home and slowly climbed his favorite bamboo tree.
해질 무렵 그는 마침내 집에 도착했고 그가 가장 좋아하는 대나무에 천천히 올라갔다.
⑬There, he discovered a strange black and red flower with a sweet scent that tempted him to eat all its blossoms.
그곳에서 그(little panda)가 그것의 모든 꽃을 먹도록 유혹하는 달콤한 향기를 가진 기묘한 검고 붉은 꽃을 발견하였다.
⑭The following morning, under sunny skies, the little panda felt remarkably better.
다음 날 아침 맑은 하늘 아래에서 작은 판다는 기분이 매우 좋아졌다.
⑮During breakfast, he found the other pandas chatting enthusiastically and asked why.
아침 식사 중에 그는 다른 판다들이 신나게 수다를 떨고 있는 것을 발견하고 이유를 물어보았다.
⑯They burst into laughter, exclaiming, "Look at yourself!"
그들은 웃음을 터뜨리며"네 자신을 좀 봐!"라고 외쳤다.
⑰Glancing down, he discovered his once white fur was now stained jet black and glowing red.
아래를 흘긋 보고,그는 한때 하얬던 자신의 털이 이제 새까맣고 빛나는 붉은색으로 얼룩져 있다는 것을 발견했다.
⑱He was overjoyed and realized that, rather than by imitating others, his wishes can come true from unexpected places and genuine experiences.
그는 매우 기뻐했고 그(little panda)의 소원이 남들을 모방하기보다는 예상치 못한 곳과 진정한 경험으로부터 실현될 수 있음을 깨달았다.
[고1] 2024년10월– 18번: Fort Montgomery High School의건축자금지원을요청하는편지
①To the State Education Department,
②I am writing with regard to the state's funding for the construction project at Fort Montgomery High School.
②저는Fort Montgomery고등학교의건축프로젝트를위한주예산과관련하여편지를씁니다.
③Our school needs additional spaces to provide a fully functional Art and Library Media Center to serve our students in a more meaningful way.
③저희학교는보다의미있는방식으로학생들을만족시키기위해완전하게제기능을하는Art and Library Media Center를제공하기위한추가공간이필요합니다.
④Despite submitting all required documentation for funding to your department in April 2024, we have not yet received any notification from your department.
②We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know.
③We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory.
④This is a useful trait.
⑤It's a more efficient way to store information ─ a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file.
⑥People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned.
⑦But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is.
⑧Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences.
⑨The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony.
①In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification.
②It's when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like "his face just popped out at me," that they tend to be accurate more often.
④That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be.
⑤In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.
①Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data.
②A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes.
⑥Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, "How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?"
⑤AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together.
⑥Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity.
⑦Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI.
⑧The direction of AI's evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI.
⑨We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness.
②Australia's electricity generation only comes from fossil fuels and renewables, and the percentage of fossil fuels is more than twice that of renewables.
③Believing that he would have better career prospects, Kirkland moved to the United States after graduating from high school and found work at a photography studio.
④When Look magazine hired him at age 24, he became their second-youngest photographer ever.
⑤His photos taken of Marilyn Monroe in 1961 became iconic almost instantly.
⑤그가1961년에찍은Marilyn Monroe사진은거의즉시상징적인것이되었다.
⑥Kirkland spent his weeks shooting day-to-day life across the United States and his weekends in exotic locations.
⑦His photo essays could run up to a dozen pages and were seen by more than half of all Americans.
[고1] 2024년10월– 29번:디지털기술이어떻게사용자의인식을강력하게변화시키는지설명
①Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways.
②Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor.
③In the Shakespearean metaphor "time is a beggar," the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare's prose.
④Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user's meaning horizon.
⑤Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance.
⑥Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.
②As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation.
⑥And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation.
⑧We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies' collective brains.
[고1] 2024년10월– 31번:문어의위장술과이를관찰한사진작가들의경험이야기
①The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night.
②So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers.
③Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder.
④It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion.
⑤An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature.
⑥Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes.
⑦And while they mimic, they hunt ─ producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever's hiding there.
①How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind.
②When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race ─ their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don't psychologically suffer much.
③In fact, ultra-marathon runners ─ those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about making friends with their pain.
④When a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient's back to mobilise it, the patient calls that good pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient's sore tissues.
①When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser andink-jetprinters, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods.
②If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income.
③If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one.
④But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up; many people like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price.
⑤The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model.
⑥They buy the middle item, unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.
[고1] 2024년10월– 34번:기후변화가기후소설장르에미치는영향예측
①On-screen, climate disaster is everywhere you look, but the scope of the world's climate transformation may just as quickly eliminate the climate-fiction genre ─ indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood.
⑦But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant ─ in time or in place ─ we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.
②That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization.
④Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent.
⑤Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide.
⑨And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within.
⑩If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.
①Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain.
②However, there is a major problem with this explanation.
③This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause.
④In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression.
⑤In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness.
⑥Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain.
⑦The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness.
⑧If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life.
③It is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another.
⑤Psychologists don't depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers.
⑥Instead, they look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or assumptions.
⑦In addition to this evidence-based approach, psychology deals with fundamental processes and principles that generate our rich cultural and social diversity, as well as those shared by all human beings.
⑥The organism may switch between a small number of well-defined possible states, but can't exist in random states in between them, rather as a ball in a rough landscape must roll to the bottom of one valley or another.
⑦We'll see that this is true also of health and disease: there are many causes of illness, but their manifestations at the physiological and symptomatic levels are often strikingly similar.
⑥In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy.
⑦For instance, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time.
⑧The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives.
⑨In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments.
⑩[Summary] A trick-punishment reinforces the unwanted behavior of a child, which implies that parents should focus on reducing the attention to negatives while rewarding positive behaviors.
⑥This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators.
⑦The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand.
⑤Unlike the cheerful and contented pandas around him, he desired to be distinctive, special, and unique.
⑥Driven by the desire for uniqueness, the little panda sought inspiration from his distant cousin, a giant white panda covered with heavenly black patches.
The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. Such imitation is not perfect. You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce. Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents. Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. We can learn a lot by simply watching others.
LEARNING BY OBSERVATION The discovery of mirror neurons has also profoundly changed the way we think of another fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. Such imitation is not perfect. You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce. Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents. Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. We can learn a lot by simply watching others. Cultural transmission refers to this amazing capacity to acquire skills and knowledge rapidly from other people. The culture of the Stone Age, for instance, required the capacity to learn how to make a blade out of a rock.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년 09월 – 37번: 자신의 목소리를 다르게 인식하는 이유
Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice? You might have thought, "Is that really what my voice sounds like?" Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears. This is of course quite a common experience. The explanation is actually fairly simple. There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear. But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.
Have you ever heard a recording of your voice and had a double take? You might have thought, “Is that really what my voice sounds like?” Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears.
Many of us have had that experience. Why is that?
The explanation is actually fairly simple. There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle, and inner ear.
But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.
That explanation makes sense for many people, but it doesn’t quite explain some variations in this phenomenon—like people whose voices sound higher to themselves than it does to others. These variations occur simply because every person’s hearing is different.
There are more nuanced ways for sounds to be perceived by the inner ear, which creates different perceptions between ourselves and others. For example, vibrations of your voice may encounter cerebrospinal fluid, the clear liquid that sits within the brain and spine, which can influence how you perceive your voice.
All these variations and many more make it so that your voice will always sound different to your own ears than it sounds to others.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년 09월 – 38번: 생물의 유사성에서 아날로그와 호몰로그의 차이
Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. "Analogous" traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not "the same" organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. "Homologous" traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being "the same" organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.
Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. “Analogous” traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not “the same” organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are a textbook example; they are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. “Homologous” traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that bespeaks their being “the same” organ. The wing of a bat, the front leg of a horse, the flipper of a seal, the claw of a mole, and the hand of a human have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals, and as a result they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties—the useful ones could have arisen independently in two lineagesbecausethey are useful (a nuisance to taxonomists called convergent evolution). We deduce that bat wings are really hands because we can see the wrist and count the joints in the fingers, and because that is not the only way that nature could have built a wing.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년 09월 – 39번: 기후 변화로 인한 해양 산소 감소의 위험성
Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive. It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease. This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level. Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century. The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature. Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.
Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive. It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does—this is one reason that cold polar seas are teeming with life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease. This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level. Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half-century (Figure 3.27). The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature. Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년 09월 – 40번: 원숭이 실험에서 불공정한 대우에 대한 반응
Capuchins ― New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ― will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved. I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat. If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers. If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ― grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ― the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter. Even though she is still getting "paid" the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair. Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains ― the cucumbers themselves ― to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter.
One thing that theory of mind provides potential access to is a sense of fairness. The concept of what's "fair" didn’t originate with philosophers. It didn’t emerge with city-states, or with agriculture. It wasn’t new to hunter-gatherers, either, or to our first bipedal ancestors. Monkeys keep track of what's fair, and what's not, and they have decided opinions about unfair practices in their social realm. Capuchins—New World Monkeys that live in large social groups—will, in captivity, barter with people all day long, especially if food is involved. I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat. If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers. If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead—grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers—the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to hurl them back at the experimenter. Even though she is still getting “paid” the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another renders the situation unfair. Furthermore, she is now willing to forfeit all gains—the cucumbers themselves—to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter. Markets prey on our sense of fairness. They fool us into thinking that everyone else is getting grapes, while we are stuck with cucumber. If other people already have those better things, why don’t we? Our sense of fairness is thus kept off balance, always threatened by the invisible other consumers who already have the next big thing, and thus must be doing better than we are. We are still trying to keep up with the Joneses, but the Joneses are no longer our neighbors. They are now a tiny fraction of the world’s elite piped into our screens, and photoshopped to boot.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년 09월 – 41~42번: 고등 교육의 확산과 그로 인한 평가 시스템의 모순
Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world. In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War. Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23). The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students. Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialized workforce for the economy. In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development. In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a 'field of contradictions' for assessment in higher education. Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback. In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students.
Factor #1: Mass Higher Education Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world. In Europe, the USA, and high-income countries, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War (UNESCO 2017). Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age bracket (typically 18-23). While there are huge disparities globally in participation rates, women and men now attend Bachelors’ and Masters’ programmes at the same rate. The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning, a more diverse demographic of students, changing modes of delivery, and diverse and sometimes conflicting interests between the state, the economy, industry, and even universities themselves (Willetts 2017). Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political imperatives to build a skilled and specialized workforce for the economy (Dearing 1997; Department for Education 2021; Kvale 2007). In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning, innovation in assessment, and a focus on feedback for development. In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a ‘field of contradictions’ for assessment in higher education (Kvale 2007, p. 57). Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardized feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback. In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students (Quinlan 2016). However, reflecting further on the ‘field of contradictions’ should prevent a romanticized view of elite higher education as a golden age. In elite systems, traditional examinations were the most common form of assessment, and their authoritarian, selective, secretive, and anxiety-provoking tendencies brought their own forms of alienation to student learning.
Every time a new medium comes along ─ whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS ─ and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses. Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently. So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show ─ whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire ─ you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself. That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along ─ a new way for humans to communicate ─ it has buried in it a message. It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes. The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself. TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances.
As I wandered the streets of Provincetown contemplating some of these questions, I found myself thinking back over a famous idea that I now realised I had never really understood before - one that was also mulled, in a different way, by Nicholas Carr in his book. In the 1960s, the Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan talked a lot about how the arrival of television was transforming the way we see the world. He said these changes were so deep and so profound that it was hard to really see them. When he tried to distil this down into a phrase, he explained that ‘the medium is the message.’ What he meant, I think, was that when a new technology comes along, you think of it as like a pipe - somebody pours in information at one end, and you receive it unfiltered at the other. But it’s not like that. Every time a new medium comes along - whether it’s the invention of the printed book, or TV, or Twitter - and you start to use it, it’s like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, each with their own special colours and lenses. Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently. So (for example) when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show - whether it’s Wheel of Fortune or The Wire - you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself. That's why McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along - a new way for humans to communicate - it has buried in it a message. It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes. The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself. TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it’s about surfaces and appearances; that everything in the world is happening all at once.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년 09월 – 33번: 개념의 중요성과 잘못된 개념이 과학적 오류를 초래할 수 있는 위험성
Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. They encourage us to see things that aren't present. Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat." This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.
Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. They encourage us to see things that aren’t present. Firestein opens Ignorance with an old proverb, “It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat.” This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist. The same applies to the classical view of emotion, whose mental organs are a human invention that mistakes the question for the answer.
Concepts also encourage us not to see things that are present. One illusory stripe of a rainbow contains an infinite number of frequencies, but your concepts for “Red,” “Blue,” and other colors cause your brain to ignore the variability. Likewise, the frowny-faced stereotype of “Sadness” is a concept that downplays the great variation in that emotion category.
While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself. Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability. This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity. However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame. The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class. The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people. Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.
While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself. Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability. This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity. However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame. The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class. The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people. Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
지문 동일하고 변경 사항 없음
[고1] 2024년 09월 – 35번: 시험 준비에서 벼락치기가 효과적이지 않은 이유
Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy? Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory. Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind. It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form. We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later. After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.
Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy? Because we are unable to differentiate between the various compartments of our memory. Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind. It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form. We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space... but this short-term compartment has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to retrieve the same information a few days later. After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts dissipating, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.
From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization. The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective. A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them. The very structure of organizations can create conflict. The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management. A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making. Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.
Organizational culture and conflict From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization. The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective. A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them. The very structure of organizations can create conflict. The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management. A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules and procedures and many levels of management involved in decision making. Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization. Employees in a mechanistic structure are burdened with more rules and regulations than in an organic structure. This inevitably restricts innovation and creativity. Because there are expected behavior patterns in mechanistic structures, it is often difficult for employees to adjust to new situations. New ideas and processes are therefore more difficult to implement.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년 09월– 30번: 자전거전용도로확장으로교통을줄이는도시계획의이점
An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle. This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone. As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them. Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks. Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener. A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each. Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.
An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. Some cities reserve an extensive grid of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle. This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone. As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them. Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks. Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener. A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each. Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller outlets close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
[고1] 2024년 09월–31번: 유명작곡가들의초기작품이받아들여지기어려웠던이유
You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day. Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day. The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity. The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new. And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great. Effective composers have their own ideas. Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus? The composer Antonio Salieri is the "host" of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers ― he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him. Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one. But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original. What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.
You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers — even those whose works sound tame and easily accessible to us — were misunderstood in their own day. Not everyone could relate to the compositions of Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, Claude Debussy, Stravinsky, or Charles Ives in their day. (Actually, that’s the understatement of the year; the audience at Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring actually rioted, trashing the theater and bolting for the exits.) The reason for this original lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity. The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new. And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great. Effective composers have their own ideas. Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus, which won eight Oscars including Best Picture in 1984? The composer Antonio Salieri is the “host” of this movie; he’s depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers — he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him. Now, Salieri wasn’t a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one. But he wasn’t one of the world’s great composers because his work wasn’t original. What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.
One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners." The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.
The Company We Keep Another valuable technique for getting out of apathy, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners." The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.In some self-help groups this is called "getting it by osmosis." It is not necessary to know how it happens, but merely that it does happen.
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
helplessness = apathy
helplessness (n) 무력감, 난감함
apathy (n) 무관심, 냉담함
[고1] 2024년 09월– 22번: 인간의감정이생존에기여한진화적역할
Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of "program" that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.
Our nonverbal messages are strongly linked to our emotions (Anderson & Guerrero, 1998). And these emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us ward off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of “program” that, when elicited, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.) (Cosmides & Tooby, 2000). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to address a situation head on (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us (Anderson & Guerrero, 1998).
텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)
scare off = ward off
trigger = elicit
face = address + O + head on
scare off 겁을 주어 ~를 쫓아 버리다
ward off피하다, 물리치다, 가까이 오지 못하게 하다
trigger (v) 촉발시키다, 작동시키다
elicit (v) (정보·반응을 어렵게) 끌어내다
face (v) 대면하다, 마주하다
address (v) (문제·상황 등에 대해) 고심하다[다루다]
head on정면으로
[고1] 2024년 09월– 23번: AI 기술이장애인을포함한노동시장에서의포용성증대
By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace. AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities. For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary. AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects. For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non-native speakers in the workplace. Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service.
4.4.1. AI can improve inclusiveness for some disadvantaged groups but not for others
By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace. AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing impairments, or prosthetic limbs, are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities (Smith and Smith, 2021[50]; Touzet, forthcoming[51]). For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary. AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects. For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non-native speakers in the workplace. Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators, such as ChatGPT, can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service (see Box 4.2).
텍스트 비교 (문제 vs. 원문 )
hearing difficulties = hearing impairments 청각 장애
prosthetic limbs 의수, 의족
[고1] 2024년 09월– 24번: 고래가기후변화완화에기여하는방식과그가치
Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage. When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries. For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO₂a year. From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees. Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ― leading some scientists to call them the "engineers of marine ecosystems." In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD. They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a "nature-based solution" to climate change. Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change.
Visalli points out that when ships slow down, the wider community benefits; slower ships not only hit fewer whales but also create less noise pollution, release fewer environmental pollutants, and emit less carbon dioxide. Saving whales from ship strikes also benefits the global environment by helping mitigate climate change. Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage. When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries. For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO₂ a year. From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees. Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they excrete nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon—leading some scientists to call them the “engineers of marine ecosystems.” In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD. They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a “nature-based solution” to climate change. Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to support both marine biodiversity and climate change mitigation. Researchers are currently developing the governance architecture that would extend bioacoustics monitoring, and protected areas, across the entirety of the world’s oceans. Today, bioacoustics whale protection systems exist in isolated areas. But in the future, a network of bioacoustics listening stations could create flexible “whale lanes” across the world’s oceans, controlled by the whales themselves.
위 확장 프로그램을 설치하고, 크롬에서 텍스트를 Read Aloud 하도록 실행했더니 자동으로 음원이 다운로드 됐습니다.
예전에는 이런 작업을 하려면 전문 성우분을 섭외해 음향실에서 엔지니어가 작업을 했는데,
이제는 간단한 작업으로 이런 음성을 쉽게 제작할 수 있는 세상이 되었네요. 좋은 세상입니다 :)
블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요.
여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다!
[고1] 2024년09월–18번:피츠버그기차역의직원있는매표소재개요청편지
To whom it may concern, I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent change made by Pittsburgh Train Station. The station had traditional ticket offices with staff before, but these have been replaced with ticket vending machines. However, individuals who are unfamiliar with these machines are now experiencing difficulty accessing the railway services. Since these individuals heavily relied on the staff assistance to be able to travel, they are in great need of ticket offices with staff in the station. Therefore, I am urging you to consider reopening the ticket offices. With the staff back in their positions, many people would regain access to the railway services. I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter and a positive resolution. Sincerely, Sarah Roberts
[고1] 2024년09월–19번:무대에서쓰러진Arthur를구조한Jeevan의이야기
All the actors on the stage were focused on their acting. Then, suddenly, Arthur fell into the corner of the stage. Jeevan immediately approached Arthur and found his heart wasn't beating. Jeevan began CPR. Jeevan worked silently, glancing sometimes at Arthur's face. He thought, "Please, start breathing again, please." Arthur's eyes were closed. Moments later, an older man in a grey suit appeared, swiftly kneeling beside Arthur's chest. "I'm Walter Jacobi. I'm a doctor." He announced with a calm voice. Jeevan wiped the sweat off his forehead. With combined efforts, Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi successfully revived Arthur. Arthur's eyes slowly opened. Finally, Jeevan was able to hear Arthur's breath again, thinking to himself, "Thank goodness. You're back."
[고1] 2024년09월–20번:부모의과도한자랑이자녀에게주는압박과부정적영향
As the parent of a gifted child, you need to be aware of a certain common parent trap. Of course you are a proud parent, and you should be. While it is very easy to talk nonstop about your little genius and his or her remarkable behavior, this can be very stressful on your child. It is extremely important to limit your bragging behavior to your very close friends, or your parents. Gifted children feel pressured when their parents show them off too much. This behavior creates expectations that they may not be able to live up to, and also creates a false sense of self for your child. You want your child to be who they are, not who they seem to be as defined by their incredible achievements. If not, you could end up with a driven perfectionist child or perhaps a dropout, or worse.
[고1] 2024년09월–21번:부정적상황에서자조그룹의긍정적에너지의중요성
One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners." The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.
[고1] 2024년09월–22번:인간의감정이생존에기여한진화적역할
Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of "program" that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.
[고1] 2024년09월–23번: AI기술이장애인을포함한노동시장에서의포용성증대
By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace. AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities. For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where interpersonal communication is necessary. AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects. For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of nonnative speakers in the workplace. Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service.
[고1] 2024년09월–24번:고래가기후변화완화에기여하는방식과그가치
Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage. When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries. For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO₂a year. From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees. Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ― leading some scientists to call them the "engineers of marine ecosystems." In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD. They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a "nature-based solution" to climate change. Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change.
[고1] 2024년09월–25번: 2022년주요국가들의1인당CO₂배출량비교그래프
The above graph shows per capita CO₂emissions from coal, oil, and gas by countries in 2022. The United States had the highest total per capita CO₂emissions, even though its emissions from coal were the second lowest among the five countries shown. South Korea's total per capita CO₂emissions were over 10 tons, ranking it the second highest among the countries shown. Germany had lower CO₂emissions per capita than South Korea in all three major sources respectively. The per capita CO₂emissions from coal in South Africa were over three times higher than those in Germany. In Brazil, oil was the largest source of CO₂emissions per capita among its three major sources, just as it was in the United States and Germany.
[고1] 2024년09월–26번:프랑스의여성과학자Emilie du Chatelet의업적과영향
Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, was born in Paris in 1706. During her childhood, with her father's support, she was able to get mathematical and scientific education that most women of her time did not receive. In 1737, she submitted her paper on the nature of fire to a contest sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences, and it was published a year later. In her book, Institutions de Physique, Emilie du Chatelet explained the ideas of space and time in a way that is closer to what we understand in modern relativity than what was common during her time. Her most significant achievement was translating Isaac Newton's Principia into French near the end of her life. Emilie du Chatelet's work was not recognized in her time, but she is now remembered as a symbol of the Enlightenment and the struggle for women's participation in science.
[고1] 2024년09월–29번:조직내다양한부서들이갈등을일으키는구조적요인
From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization. The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective. A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them. The very structure of organizations can create conflict. The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management. A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making. Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.
[고1] 2024년09월–30번:자전거전용도로확장으로교통을줄이는도시계획의이점
An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle. This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone. As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them. Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks. Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener. A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each. Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.
[고1] 2024년09월–31번:유명작곡가들의초기작품이받아들여지기어려웠던이유
You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day. Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day. The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity. The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new. And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great. Effective composers have their own ideas. Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus? The composer Antonio Salieri is the "host" of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous Nongreat composers ― he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him. Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one. But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original. What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.
[고1] 2024년09월–32번:새로운매체가인간의사고방식을변화시키는과정
Every time a new medium comes along─whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS─and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses. Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently. So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show─whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire─you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself. That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along─a new way for humans to communicate─it has buried in it a message. It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes. The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself. TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances.
[고1] 2024년09월–33번:개념의중요성과잘못된개념이과학적오류를초래할수있는위험성
Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. They encourage us to see things that aren't present. Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat." This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.
[고1] 2024년09월–34번:소셜미디어에서의'일반적유명인'과전통적유명인의차이
While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself. Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability. This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity. However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame. The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class. The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people. Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.
[고1] 2024년09월–35번:시험준비에서벼락치기가효과적이지않은이유
Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy? Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory. Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind. It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form. We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later. After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.
[고1] 2024년09월–36번:거울뉴런이관찰학습에미치는영향
The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. Such imitation is not perfect. You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce. Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents. Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. We can learn a lot by simply watching others.
[고1] 2024년09월–37번:자신의목소리를다르게인식하는이유
Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice? You might have thought, "Is that really what my voice sounds like?" Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears. This is of course quite a common experience. The explanation is actually fairly simple. There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear. But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.
[고1] 2024년09월–38번:생물의유사성에서아날로그와호몰로그의차이
Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. "Analogous" traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not "the same" organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. "Homologous" traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being "the same" organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.
[고1] 2024년09월–39번:기후변화로인한해양산소감소의위험성
Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive. It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease. This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level. Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century. The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature. Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.
[고1] 2024년09월–40번:원숭이실험에서불공정한대우에대한반응
Capuchins ― New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ― will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved. I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat. If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers. If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ― grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ― the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter. Even though she is still getting "paid" the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair. Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains―the cucumbers themselves―to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter.
[고1] 2024년09월–41~42번:고등교육의확산과그로인한평가시스템의모순
Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world. In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War. Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23). The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students. Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialized workforce for the economy. In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which (c)block lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development. In reality, sociopolitical changes to expand higher education have set up a 'field of contradictions' for assessment in higher education. Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback. In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students.
Once upon a time in the Iranian city of Shiraz, there lived the famous poet Sheikh Saadi. Like most other poets and philosophers, he led a very simple life. A rich merchant of Shiraz was preparing for his daughter's wedding and invited him along with a lot of big businessmen of the town. The poet accepted the invitation and decided to attend. On the day of the wedding, the rich merchant, the host of the wedding, was receiving the guests at the gate. Many rich people of the town attended the wedding. They had come out in their best clothes. The poet wore simple clothes which were neither grand nor expensive. He waited for someone to approach him but no one gave him as much as even a second glance. Even the host did not greet him and looked away. Seeing all this, the poet quietly left the party and went to a shop where he could rent clothes. There he chose a richly decorated coat, which made him look like a new person. With this coat, he entered the party and this time was welcomed with open arms. The host embraced him as he would do to an old friend and complimented him on the clothes he was wearing. The poet did not say a word and allowed the host to lead him to the dining room. The host personally led the poet to his seat and served out chicken soup to him. After a moment, the poet suddenly dipped the corner of his coat in the soup as if he fed it. All the guests were now staring at him in surprise. The host said, "Sir, what are you doing?" The poet very calmly replied, "Now that I have put on expensive clothes, I see a world of difference here. All that I can say now is that this feast is meant for my clothes, not for me."
To whom it may concern, I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent change made by Pittsburgh Train Station. The station had traditional ticket offices with staff before, but these have been replaced with ticket vending machines. However, individuals who are unfamiliar with these machines are now experiencing difficulty accessing the railway services. Since these individuals heavily relied on the staff assistance to be able to travel, they are in great need of ticket offices with staff in the station. Therefore, I am urging you to consider reopening the ticket offices. With the staff back in their positions, many people would regain access to the railway services. I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter and a positive resolution. Sincerely, Sarah Roberts
Possible Titles:
1. Reinstating Staffed Ticket Offices at Pittsburgh Train Station for Accessibility
2. Addressing Concerns Over the Shift to Ticket Vending Machines in Pittsburgh
3. The Impact of Automated Systems on Passenger Access at Pittsburgh Train Station
4. Ensuring Equal Access to Railway Services: The Need for Staffed Ticket Offices
Main Idea #1:
The replacement of staffed ticket offices with machines has caused difficulties for individuals unfamiliar with the technology.
Main Idea #2:
Reopening ticket offices with staff would help those who struggle with ticket vending machines regain access to railway services and ensure inclusive travel.
Replacing staffed ticket offices with vending machines at Pittsburgh Train Station has made it hard for some passengers to travel. Sarah Roberts urges the station to bring back the staff to assist those who rely on human help. Reopening the offices would restore access to railway services for many.
Key Points:
1. Ticket offices were replaced with vending machines at Pittsburgh Train Station.
2. Some passengers are struggling to use the vending machines.
3. Sarah Roberts is requesting the reopening of ticket offices with staff.
4. Reinstating staff would improve access to railway services for many passengers.
[고1] 2024년09월–19번:무대에서쓰러진Arthur를구조한Jeevan의이야기
All the actors on the stage were focused on their acting. Then, suddenly, Arthur fell into the corner of the stage. Jeevan immediately approached Arthur and found his heart wasn't beating. Jeevan began CPR. Jeevan worked silently, glancing sometimes at Arthur's face. He thought, "Please, start breathing again, please." Arthur's eyes were closed. Moments later, an older man in a grey suit appeared, swiftly kneeling beside Arthur's chest. "I'm Walter Jacobi. I'm a doctor." He announced with a calm voice. Jeevan wiped the sweat off his forehead. With combined efforts, Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi successfully revived Arthur. Arthur's eyes slowly opened. Finally, Jeevan was able to hear Arthur's breath again, thinking to himself, "Thank goodness. You're back."
Possible Titles:
1. The Dramatic Rescue of Arthur by Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi
2. A Tense Moment: Reviving Arthur Onstage with Team Effort
3. When Acting Turns into Reality: Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi's Life-saving Actions
4. Arthur’s Near-Fatal Collapse and the Swift Response of Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi
Main Idea #1:
Jeevan immediately began CPR after Arthur collapsed during a stage performance.
Main Idea #2:
With Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi's teamwork, Arthur was successfully revived after his heart stopped during a play, offering relief to those involved.
Arthur collapsed on stage, prompting Jeevan to begin CPR. Dr. Jacobi arrived, and together they revived Arthur, who eventually regained consciousness. Jeevan felt relieved to see Arthur breathe again.
Key Points:
1. Arthur collapsed during the performance.
2. Jeevan initiated CPR immediately after noticing Arthur’s heart had stopped.
3. Dr. Jacobi arrived and assisted Jeevan in the revival.
4. Arthur was successfully revived through their combined efforts.
[고1] 2024년09월–20번:부모의과도한자랑이자녀에게주는압박과부정적영향
As the parent of a gifted child, you need to be aware of a certain common parent trap. Of course you are a proud parent, and you should be. While it is very easy to talk nonstop about your little genius and his or her remarkable behavior, this can be very stressful on your child. It is extremely important to limit your bragging behavior to your very close friends, or your parents. Gifted children feel pressured when their parents show them off too much. This behavior creates expectations that they may not be able to live up to, and also creates a false sense of self for your child. You want your child to be who they are, not who they seem to be as defined by their incredible achievements. If not, you could end up with a driven perfectionist child or perhaps a dropout, or worse.
Possible Titles:
1. Avoiding Parental Pressure: Nurturing Gifted Children Without Overemphasis
2. Balancing Pride and Pressure: The Dangers of Over-bragging About Gifted Children
3. How Parental Bragging Can Impact a Gifted Child's Development
4. Raising a Gifted Child: Why Moderation in Praise Is Essential for Healthy Growth
Main Idea #1:
Constantly bragging about a gifted child can create unnecessary pressure on them.
Main Idea #2:
Parents should avoid showing off their child’s achievements excessively, as it can lead to unrealistic expectations, perfectionism, or even negative outcomes like burnout or dropping out.
Excessive bragging about a gifted child can put undue pressure on them to meet high expectations. Limiting praise to close circles helps maintain a healthy balance, ensuring the child develops without feeling defined solely by their achievements.
Key Points:
1. Excessive parental bragging can stress gifted children.
2. Parents should limit praise to close friends or family.
3. Overemphasis on achievements may lead to perfectionism or burnout.
One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners." The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.
Possible Titles:
1. The Power of Positive Influence: Overcoming Negativity Through Supportive Communities
2. Breaking Free from Helplessness: How Self-help Groups Transform Mindsets
3. The Role of Positive Energy in Recovering from Depression and Negative Thinking
4. Reclaiming Positive Thoughts: The Impact of "Hanging Out with the Winners"
Main Idea #1:
Spending time with those who have overcome similar struggles can help counter negative thinking.
Main Idea #2:
Self-help groups allow individuals to benefit from the positive energy of others, which helps reignite their own positive thoughts and break free from negativity and helplessness.
Being around people who have conquered the struggles you face helps weaken negative thoughts and strengthen positive ones. Self-help groups offer this benefit by allowing a transfer of positive energy, referred to as "hanging out with the winners."
Key Points:
1. Spending time with positive individuals helps counter negative thinking.
2. Self-help groups offer a transfer of positive energy.
3. Positive energy strengthens weak positive thought forms in those struggling.
4. "Hanging out with the winners" refers to being in the presence of those with strong positive energy.
[고1] 2024년09월–22번:인간의감정이생존에기여한진화적역할
Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of "program" that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.
Possible Titles:
1. The Evolutionary Role of Emotions in Human Survival and Adaptation
2. How Emotions Shape Human Behavior: An Evolutionary Perspective
3. Understanding Emotions as Evolutionary Programs for Survival
4. Emotions as Survival Tools: The Evolutionary Benefits of Fear, Anger, and Joy
Main Idea #1:
Emotions exist because they have contributed to human survival throughout evolution.
Main Idea #2:
Emotions like fear, anger, and joy function as evolutionary "programs" that trigger various responses, such as attention, perception, and memory, to help humans adapt and survive challenges in their environment.
Emotions have evolved because they helped humans survive, directing behaviors and responses to challenges. Fear, for instance, sharpens focus on danger, while positive emotions aid in social bonding. These emotional "programs" helped humans adapt to threats and survive over time.
Key Points:
1. Emotions contributed to human survival and adaptation.
2. Fear, anger, and positive emotions serve specific functions for survival.
3. Emotions trigger multiple activities like perception and memory.
4. Emotions evolved because they helped humans face environmental challenges.
[고1] 2024년09월–23번: AI기술이장애인을포함한노동시장에서의포용성증대
By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace. AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities. For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary. AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects. For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non-native speakers in the workplace. Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service.
Possible Titles:
1. How AI is Enhancing Workplace Inclusivity for Disadvantaged Workers
2. The Role of AI in Empowering Workers with Disabilities and Low Skills
3. AI's Potential to Improve Accessibility and Career Prospects for All Workers
4. Inclusive Workplaces Through AI: Supporting Disabled and Low-skilled Workers
Main Idea #1:
AI is making workplaces more inclusive by improving accessibility for workers with disabilities.
Main Idea #2:
AI-powered assistive devices and tools enhance the capabilities of disadvantaged workers, such as those with disabilities or low skills, helping them improve performance and career prospects in various domains like communication, writing, and coding.
AI improves workplace inclusivity by providing assistive devices for disabled workers and enhancing the skills of low-skilled workers. Tools like speech recognition, live captioning, and real-time translation help disadvantaged workers communicate and perform better in their jobs.
Key Points:
1. AI improves workplace accessibility for disabled workers.
2. Assistive devices, such as speech recognition and live captioning, enhance communication.
3. AI helps low-skilled workers improve performance in tasks like writing and coding.
4. Real-time translation aids nonnative speakers in workplace communication.
[고1] 2024년09월–24번:고래가기후변화완화에기여하는방식과그가치
Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage. When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries. For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO2a year. From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees. Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ― leading some scientists to call them the "engineers of marine ecosystems." In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD. They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a "nature-based solution" to climate change. Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change.
Possible Titles:
1. Whales: Nature's Key to Carbon Sequestration and Climate Solutions
2. The Crucial Role of Whales in Combating Climate Change
3. How Whales Store Carbon and Help Restore Marine Ecosystems
4. Whale Restoration as a Nature-based Solution to Climate Change
Main Idea #1:
Whales play a crucial role in carbon sequestration, each storing vast amounts of carbon dioxide.
Main Idea #2:
In addition to directly sequestering carbon, whales boost marine ecosystems by fertilizing the ocean, which supports phytoplankton growth, and economists value these ecosystem services highly, advocating for a global whale restoration program to combat climate change.
Whales sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide and help marine ecosystems thrive by increasing phytoplankton populations. Economists have highlighted the value of these ecosystem services, leading to calls for a global whale restoration program to address climate change.
Key Points:
1. Each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide.
2. Whales support phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon.
3. Economists estimate each whale's ecosystem services to be worth over $2 million.
4. A global whale restoration program is proposed to help combat climate change.
[고1] 2024년09월–25번: 2022년주요국가들의1인당CO2배출량비교그래프
The above graph shows per capitaCO2emissions from coal, oil, and gas by countries in 2022. The United States had the highest total per capita CO2emissions, even though its emissions from coal were the second lowest among the five countries shown. South Korea's total per capita CO2emissions were over 10 tons, ranking it the second highest among the countries shown. Germany had lower CO2emissions per capita than South Korea in all three major sources respectively. The per capita CO2emissions from coal in South Africa were over three times higher than those in Germany. In Brazil, oil was the largest source of CO2emissions per capita among its three major sources, just as it was in the United States and Germany.
1. A Comparative Analysis of CO2Emissions Per Capita by Energy Source in 2022
2. Understanding Global CO2Emissions: A Look at Per Capita Emissions by Country
3. How Coal, Oil, and Gas Contributed to CO2Emissions in Major Countries in 2022
4. The Distribution of CO2Emissions by Energy Source Across Key Countries in 2022
Main Idea #1:
The United States had the highest total per capita CO2emissions despite having relatively low coal emissions.
Main Idea #2:
South Korea ranked second in total per capita CO2emissions, and South Africa had significantly higher coal emissions per capita than Germany, while oil was the leading source of emissions in the United States, Brazil, and Germany.
In 2022, the United States had the highest per capita CO2emissions, with oil being a dominant source, while South Korea ranked second. South Africa’s coal emissions per capita were more than three times those of Germany, and in Brazil, oil was the largest contributor to CO2emissions, as it was in the United States and Germany.
Key Points:
1. The United States had the highest per capita CO2emissions despite lower coal use.
2. South Korea ranked second in total per capita CO2emissions.
3. South Africa’s coal emissions per capita were over three times higher than Germany’s.
4. Oil was the largest source of CO2emissions in the United States, Brazil, and Germany.
[고1] 2024년09월–26번:프랑스의여성과학자Emilie du Chatelet의업적과영향
Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, was born in Paris in 1706. During her childhood, with her father's support, she was able to get mathematical and scientific education that most women of her time did not receive. In 1737, she submitted her paper on the nature of fire to a contest sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences, and it was published a year later. In her book, Institutions de Physique, Emilie du Chatelet explained the ideas of space and time in a way that is closer to what we understand in modern relativity than what was common during her time. Her most significant achievement was translating Isaac Newton's Principia into French near the end of her life. Emilie du Chatelet's work was not recognized in her time, but she is now remembered as a symbol of the Enlightenment and the struggle for women's participation in science.
Possible Titles:
1. Emilie du Chatelet: A Pioneer in Physics and Mathematics During the Enlightenment
2. Breaking Barriers: Emilie du Chatelet's Contributions to Science and Her Legacy
3. From Fire to Relativity: The Scientific Achievements of Emilie du Chatelet
4. Emilie du Chatelet's Groundbreaking Work in Physics and Translation of Newton's Principia
Main Idea #1:
Emilie du Chatelet received an uncommon scientific education for women of her time, thanks to her father's support.
Main Idea #2:
Emilie du Chatelet made significant contributions to physics and mathematics, including a groundbreaking explanation of space and time and her translation of Newton's Principia, though her work was not recognized until long after her death.
Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, made important contributions to science, including her work on fire and space-time and her translation of Newton’s Principia into French. Although her work went unrecognized during her life, she is now celebrated for her role in advancing science and advocating for women’s involvement in it.
Key Points:
1. Emilie du Chatelet received scientific education uncommon for women in her time.
2. She submitted a paper on the nature of fire to the French Academy of Sciences.
3. Her explanation of space and time foreshadowed modern concepts of relativity.
4. Her translation of Newton's Principia is considered her most significant achievement.
[고1] 2024년09월–29번:조직내다양한부서들이갈등을일으키는구조적요인
From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization. The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective. A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them. The very structure of organizations can create conflict. The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management. A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making. Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding Departmental Culture and Conflict in Organizational Structures
2. The Impact of Organizational Structures on Conflict and Decision Making
3. How Mechanistic and Organic Structures Influence Departmental Perspectives
4. The Role of Tunnel Vision and Structure in Organizational Conflict
Main Idea #1:
Different departments within an organization develop their own biased perspectives, leading to conflicts.
Main Idea #2:
The structure of an organization, whether mechanistic or organic, significantly influences conflict management, with mechanistic structures having a rigid hierarchy and organic structures promoting decentralized decision making.
Departments within organizations often develop biased perspectives, causing conflict due to differing views. The type of organizational structure, whether mechanistic with a rigid hierarchy or organic with decentralized decision making, affects how conflicts are managed.
Key Points:
1. Departments develop tunnel vision, leading to biased perspectives.
2. Organizational structures can influence how conflicts are managed.
3. Mechanistic structures have rigid hierarchies and centralized decision making.
4. Organic structures have decentralized, horizontal decision-making processes.
[고1] 2024년09월–30번:자전거전용도로확장으로교통을줄이는도시계획의이점
An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle. This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone. As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them. Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks. Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener. A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each. Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.
Possible Titles:
1. Transforming Streets: The Benefits of Reducing Traffic for Bikes and Pedestrians
2. How Reducing Car Traffic Can Create Safer, More Efficient Cities
3. Making Streets Safer: The Role of Bicycles and Delivery Vehicles in Urban Planning
4. The Balance Between Bikeable Cities and Essential Vehicle Lanes
Main Idea #1:
Removing car traffic and reserving streets for bikes and pedestrians makes cities safer and encourages biking.
Main Idea #2:
Despite reducing car traffic, cities still need lanes for essential vehicles like delivery trucks, which contribute to a greener environment by efficiently transporting goods and supporting neighborhood stores.
Cities can promote biking and safety by converting streets for bikes and pedestrians. Although motor vehicle lanes are still necessary for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks, these trucks help make cities greener by efficiently delivering goods and supporting local stores, reducing the need for individual car trips.
Key Points:
1. Removing car traffic encourages biking and makes streets safer.
2. Bikes can replace cars on some streets, but motor vehicles are still needed.
3. Delivery trucks are essential for efficient transportation of goods.
4. Local stores supported by deliveries reduce the need for residents to drive.
[고1] 2024년09월–31번:유명작곡가들의초기작품이받아들여지기어려웠던이유
You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day. Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day. The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity. The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new. And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great. Effective composers have their own ideas. Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus? The composer Antonio Salieri is the "host" of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers ― he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him. Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one. But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original. What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.
Possible Titles:
1. The Role of Originality in Defining the World's Greatest Composers
2. How Familiarity and Originality Shape Musical Greatness
3. Why Some Composers Were Misunderstood in Their Time but Later Revered
4. The Difference Between Good and Great Composers: Originality as the Key Factor
Main Idea #1:
Great composers were often misunderstood in their time due to the unfamiliarity of their ideas.
Main Idea #2:
Originality is a defining characteristic of great composers, as demonstrated by figures like Beethoven and Mozart, whose work was initially misunderstood but ultimately recognized for its uniqueness, unlike more conventional composers like Salieri.
Many great composers, such as Beethoven and Mozart, were initially misunderstood because their compositions introduced unfamiliar ideas. Unlike conventional composers like Salieri, they are celebrated for their originality, which sets them apart as true musical innovators.
Key Points:
1. Many great composers were misunderstood due to the novelty of their ideas.
2. Originality is essential for a composer to be considered great.
3. Salieri, while a good composer, lacked the originality that defined Mozart.
4. Great composers like Beethoven, Brahms, and Stravinsky introduced new musical forms.
[고1] 2024년09월–32번:새로운매체가인간의사고방식을변화시키는과정
Every time a new medium comes along─whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS─and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses. Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently. So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show─whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire─you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself. That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along─a new way for humans to communicate─it has buried in it a message. It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes. The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself. TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances.
Possible Titles:
1. How New Media Shapes Our Perception: The Impact of Communication Tools
2. Understanding Marshall McLuhan: The Medium as a Message in Modern Media
3. The Influence of Media on Worldview: How TV and SNS Change Perception
4. Seeing Through New Lenses: How Media Guides Our Understanding of the World
Main Idea #1:
New forms of media change the way we perceive the world, much like putting on a new set of goggles.
Main Idea #2:
Marshall McLuhan argued that the way information is delivered through a medium is more important than the content itself, as each medium subtly alters how we see the world and shapes our understanding according to its own codes.
New forms of media, like TV or SNS, change how we perceive the world by altering the way we receive information. Marshall McLuhan believed that the medium itself carries a hidden message, guiding us to view the world in a particular way, often more influential than the content it delivers.
Key Points:
1. New media changes how we see the world, like wearing different goggles.
2. Marshall McLuhan believed that the medium is more important than the message.
3. TV, for example, teaches us to perceive the world as fast and appearance-driven.
4. Each medium guides us to view the world according to its own codes and structure.
[고1] 2024년09월–33번:개념의중요성과잘못된개념이과학적오류를초래할수있는위험성
Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. They encourage us to see things that aren't present. Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat." This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.
Possible Titles:
1. The Dangers of Essentialism in Scientific Inquiry: Lessons from History
2. How Concepts Can Mislead: The Search for Nonexistent Essences in Science
3. Stuart Firestein's Insights on Ignorance and the Pitfalls of Misguided Concepts
4. The Black Cat in the Dark Room: The Perils of Essentialism in Science
Main Idea #1:
Concepts are essential for human understanding, but they can lead to misguided searches for nonexistent essences.
Main Idea #2:
Stuart Firestein illustrates how essentialism can mislead scientific inquiry, using the historical example of physicists searching for the nonexistent ether, much like searching for a black cat in a dark room when no cat is present.
Concepts are important but can lead to essentialism, where scientists search for nonexistent things, as illustrated by the historical search for luminiferous ether. Stuart Firestein likens this to looking for a black cat in a dark room when there is no cat.
Key Points:
1. Concepts can lead to misguided searches for essences that don’t exist.
2. Stuart Firestein uses the proverb of a black cat in a dark room to illustrate this.
3. Scientists once searched for the nonexistent luminiferous ether, misled by a false concept.
4. Essentialism can misguide scientific inquiry by focusing on nonexistent phenomena.
[고1] 2024년09월–34번:소셜미디어에서의'일반적유명인'과전통적유명인의차이
While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself. Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability. This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity. However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame. The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class. The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people. Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.
Possible Titles:
1. Redefining Fame: The Rise of Ordinary Celebrities in the Social Media Era
2. Ordinary Fame vs. Elite Celebrity: How Social Media Changes the Game of Fame
3. Social Media Celebrities: Challenging Traditional Notions of Talent and Stardom
4. The Metrics of Fame: How Social Media Transforms Celebrity into a Numbers Game
Main Idea #1:
Social media celebrities often seek fame for its own sake, rather than for elite recognition based on traditional talent.
Main Idea #2:
While social media celebrities face barriers to crossing into elite celebrity status, their fame reconstructs the meaning of celebrity, as it is driven by frequent interactions with ordinary people and measured by attention metrics like followers and Likes.
Social media celebrities seek ordinary fame, which differs from traditional elite celebrity by focusing on frequent interactions with followers rather than naturalized talents. Fame in this realm is measured by attention metrics such as Likes and followers, shifting the meaning of celebrity.
Key Points:
1. Social media celebrities seek fame as an end in itself.
2. They are often criticized for lacking traditional talents like acting or singing.
3. Ordinary celebrity redefines fame, focusing on regular interaction with followers.
4. Fame in social media is measured by attention metrics like followers and Likes.
[고1] 2024년09월–35번:시험준비에서벼락치기가효과적이지않은이유
Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy? Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory. Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind. It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form. We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later. After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.
Possible Titles:
1. The Illusion of Cramming: Why Short-Term Memory Doesn't Guarantee Long-Term Recall
2. Understanding the Difference Between Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in Learning
3. Why Cramming Fails: The Importance of Self-Testing for Long-Term Retention
4. How to Overcome the Pitfalls of Cramming: Strategies for Lasting Learning
Main Idea #1:
Cramming feels effective because information remains temporarily in our short-term memory, giving us the illusion of mastery.
Main Idea #2:
To transfer information into long-term memory, it is crucial to study material over time and retest yourself, as short-term memory fades quickly and is not sufficient for long-term recall.
Cramming feels effective because it fills short-term memory, giving the illusion of learning. However, short-term memory fades quickly. To ensure long-term retention, it is important to study over time and test yourself regularly.
Key Points:
1. Cramming fills short-term memory, creating an illusion of knowing the material.
2. Short-term memory is not connected to long-term recall.
3. Memory fades quickly unless reinforced through self-testing.
4. Effective learning strategies involve both studying and self-testing for long-term retention.
[고1] 2024년09월–36번:거울뉴런이관찰학습에미치는영향
The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. Such imitation is not perfect. You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce. Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents. Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. We can learn a lot by simply watching others.
Possible Titles:
1. How Mirror Neurons Revolutionize Our Understanding of Learning by Observation
2. The Role of Mirror Neurons in Human Development: Learning Through Imitation
3. From Babbling to Building: How Observational Learning Shapes Human Culture
4. The Science Behind Imitation: Mirror Neurons and the Power of Observational Learning
Main Idea #1:
Mirror neurons help explain how humans learn through observation, especially from infancy.
Main Idea #2:
Observational learning, driven by mirror neurons, allows humans to go beyond innate behaviors, enabling cultural practices such as language, tool use, and complex societal activities, which are fundamental to modern life.
Mirror neurons reveal how humans, starting as infants, learn by observing and imitating others. This ability to learn through observation enables us to adopt complex cultural behaviors, like language and tool use, that go far beyond innate actions or trial-and-error learning.
Key Points:
1. Mirror neurons explain the ability to learn by observing others.
2. Infants begin imitating behaviors, such as sticking out their tongue, from a young age.
3. Observational learning allows humans to learn complex behaviors without trial and error.
4. This capacity is essential for cultural practices, such as language, tool use, and education.
[고1] 2024년09월–37번:자신의목소리를다르게인식하는이유
Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice? You might have thought, "Is that really what my voice sounds like?" Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears. This is of course quite a common experience. The explanation is actually fairly simple. There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear. But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.
Possible Titles:
1. Why Your Voice Sounds Different in Recordings: The Science Behind the Surprise
2. Hearing Your Own Voice: Understanding the Difference Between Internal and External Sound Perception
3. The Two Pathways of Hearing: Why Your Voice Sounds Deeper to Yourself
4. Bone Vibrations and Sound Waves: The Reason Your Voice Surprises You in Recordings
Main Idea #1:
Hearing your own recorded voice sounds different because of the two ways we perceive sound when we speak.
Main Idea #2:
While external sounds travel through the air to the ears, our voice also reaches us through vibrations conducted by our bones, which emphasize lower frequencies, making our voice sound deeper to ourselves than it does to others.
When we speak, we hear our voice through two pathways: air conduction and bone conduction. The latter emphasizes lower frequencies, making our voice sound deeper to ourselves than it does to others, which explains why recordings of our voice often sound unfamiliar.
Key Points:
1. Hearing your recorded voice can be surprising due to differences in sound perception.
2. We perceive sound through both external air waves and internal bone conduction.
3. Bone conduction emphasizes lower frequencies, making your voice sound deeper to you.
4. This explains why your recorded voice often sounds higher or different than expected.
[고1] 2024년09월–38번:생물의유사성에서아날로그와호몰로그의차이
Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. "Analogous" traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not "the same" organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. "Homologous" traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being "the same" organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.
Possible Titles:
1. Homology vs. Analogy: Understanding Biological Similarities in Evolution
2. The Difference Between Analogous and Homologous Traits in Evolutionary Biology
3. How Biologists Distinguish Between Traits: Homology and Analogy Explained
4. Wings and Limbs: Comparing Analogous and Homologous Traits in Evolution
Main Idea #1:
Analogous traits serve similar functions but evolved independently on different branches of the evolutionary tree.
Main Idea #2:
Homologous traits share a common ancestral origin, regardless of their current function, and biologists use nonfunctional similarities, such as bone structure, to identify them and differentiate them from analogous traits.
Biologists distinguish between analogous traits, which perform similar functions but evolved independently, and homologous traits, which share a common ancestor despite having different functions. To identify homology, biologists focus on structural features that are not related to the organ’s current function.
Key Points:
1. Analogous traits have similar functions but evolved separately.
2. Homologous traits share a common ancestor despite differences in function.
3. Examples include bird and bee wings (analogous) and bat wings and horse legs (homologous).
4. Biologists look at nonfunctional properties, like bone structure, to differentiate traits.
[고1] 2024년09월–39번:기후변화로인한해양산소감소의위험성
Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive. It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease. This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level. Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century. The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature. Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.
Possible Titles:
1. The Decline of Ocean Oxygen Levels: A Growing Threat to Marine Life
2. Global Warming and Ocean Oxygen Depletion: Understanding the Consequences
3. How Rising Temperatures Are Depleting Oxygen in Marine Ecosystems
4. The Impact of Falling Oxygen Levels on Marine Life: A Global Environmental Challenge
Main Idea #1:
Cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water, which is why colder seas support more marine life.
Main Idea #2:
As global warming raises ocean temperatures, oxygen levels in the water are decreasing faster than expected, leading to habitat loss and more frequent anoxic events, which are harmful to marine organisms.
Colder waters hold more oxygen, supporting more marine life, but global warming is reducing oxygen levels in the oceans. This decline is faster than temperature increases and is causing anoxic events that threaten marine ecosystems by killing or displacing species.
Key Points:
1. Cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water.
2. Rising ocean temperatures due to global warming decrease oxygen levels.
3. Oxygen levels have been declining more rapidly than expected for over 50 years.
4. Declining oxygen levels are causing anoxic events, harming marine life.
[고1] 2024년09월–40번:원숭이실험에서불공정한대우에대한반응
Capuchins ― New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ― will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved. I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat. If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers. If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ― grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ― the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter. Even though she is still getting "paid" the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair. Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains―the cucumbers themselves―to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter.
[요약문] According to the passage, if the Capuchin monkey realizes the inequality in rewards compared to another monkey, she will reject her rewards to express her feelings about the treatment, despite getting exactly the same rewards as before.
Possible Titles:
1. Capuchin Monkeys' Reaction to Perceived Inequality in Rewards
2. Social Comparison and Fairness Among Capuchin Monkeys in Captivity
3. Behavioral Response of Capuchins to Unfair Treatment in Reward Systems
4. The Impact of Inequity on Capuchin Monkeys' Trading Behavior
Main Idea #1:
Capuchin monkeys become dissatisfied when they perceive unequal treatment in rewards.
Main Idea #2:
Even when their own rewards do not change, Capuchin monkeys are willing to reject them if they notice another monkey receiving something better, indicating their sensitivity to fairness.
Capuchin monkeys react negatively when they perceive an imbalance in rewards, rejecting their own reward if another monkey gets something better. This response occurs despite no changes to their own compensation, highlighting their sensitivity to fairness in social comparisons.
Key Points:
1. Capuchin monkeys happily trade for food in captivity.
2. They react strongly to unfair treatment when rewards are unequal.
3. Monkeys will reject rewards if they perceive another monkey getting better compensation.
4. Social comparison drives the monkeys' decision to express displeasure with unequal rewards.
[고1] 2024년09월–41~42번:고등교육의확산과그로인한평가시스템의모순
Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world. In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War. Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23). The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students. Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialized workforce for the economy. In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development. In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a 'field of contradictions' for assessment in higher education. Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback. In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students.
Possible Titles:
1. The Transition from Elite to Mass Higher Education Systems Worldwide
2. Challenges in Assessment Practices in Expanding Higher Education Systems
3. Contradictions in Student Assessment Amidst Higher Education Expansion
4. The Impact of Mass Higher Education on Student-Teacher Dynamics and Feedback
Main Idea #1:
Higher education has expanded globally from an elite to a mass system, with a larger and more diverse student body.
Main Idea #2:
Although the massification of higher education aims to develop a skilled workforce, it has created contradictions in assessment practices, prioritizing efficiency over meaningful feedback and focusing students on grades instead of learning.
The shift from elite to mass higher education has expanded participation and diversity. However, this expansion has led to challenges in assessment, where the need for efficiency often compromises personalized feedback, causing students to prioritize grades over learning.
Key Points:
1. Higher education has transformed from an elite to a mass system globally.
2. This expansion is driven by the need for a specialized workforce.
3. Mass higher education has created contradictions in assessment practices.
4. Efficiency in assessments often limits meaningful feedback, affecting student focus.
Once upon a time in the Iranian city of Shiraz, there lived the famous poet Sheikh Saadi. Like most other poets and philosophers, he led a very simple life. A rich merchant of Shiraz was preparing for his daughter's wedding and invited him along with a lot of big businessmen of the town. The poet accepted the invitation and decided to attend. On the day of the wedding, the rich merchant, the host of the wedding, was receiving the guests at the gate. Many rich people of the town attended the wedding. They had come out in their best clothes. The poet wore simple clothes which were neither grand nor expensive. He waited for someone to approach him but no one gave him as much as even a second glance. Even the host did not greet him and looked away. Seeing all this, the poet quietly left the party and went to a shop where he could rent clothes. There he chose a richly decorated coat, which made him look like a new person. With this coat, he entered the party and this time was welcomed with open arms. The host embraced him as he would do to an old friend and complimented him on the clothes he was wearing. The poet did not say a word and allowed the host to lead him to the dining room. The host personally led the poet to his seat and served out chicken soup to him. After a moment, the poet suddenly dipped the corner of his coat in the soup as if he fed it. All the guests were now staring at him in surprise. The host said, "Sir, what are you doing?" The poet very calmly replied, "Now that I have put on expensive clothes, I see a world of difference here. All that I can say now is that this feast is meant for my clothes, not for me."
Possible Titles:
1. The Lesson of Appearance and Perception in Saadi's Story
2. Sheikh Saadi's Tale of How Clothes Influence Respect
3. The Power of External Appearance in Social Status and Treatment
4. Saadi's Clever Response to Being Judged by His Clothing at a Wedding
Main Idea #1:
Sheikh Saadi teaches a lesson about how people judge others based on their appearance rather than their true worth.
Main Idea #2:
Through his experience at the wedding, Saadi highlights the superficiality of society, where he is ignored in simple clothes but warmly welcomed when dressed in rich attire, prompting him to demonstrate that respect is given to clothes, not the person.
Sheikh Saadi attends a wedding in simple clothes and is ignored, but when he returns in expensive attire, he is welcomed with honor. His action of feeding his coat illustrates how people often judge others based on appearance rather than character.
Key Points:
1. Sheikh Saadi was invited to a wedding but ignored due to his simple clothes.
2. When he wore expensive clothes, he was treated with respect.
3. Saadi's actions demonstrated society's superficial judgment based on appearance.
4. The poet cleverly showed that the respect given was for his clothes, not for him.
②I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent change made by Pittsburgh Train Station.
저는Pittsburgh Train Station에 의한 최근의 변경에 대해 저의 깊은 우려를 표하기 위해 글을 쓰고 있습니다.
③The station had traditional ticket offices with staff before, but these have been replaced with ticket vending machines.
이전에는 역에 직원이 있는 전통적인 매표소가 있었지만,이것들은 승차권 발매기로 대체되었습니다.
④However, individuals who are unfamiliar with these machines are now experiencing difficulty accessing the railway services.
그러나 이러한 기계에 익숙하지 않은 사람들은 현재 철도 서비스에 접근하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.
⑤Since these individuals heavily relied on the staff assistance to be able to travel, they are in great need of ticket offices with staff in the station.
이 사람들은 이동할 수 있기 위해 직원의 도움에 크게 의존했기 때문에,그들은 역 내에 직원이 있는 매표소를 매우 필요로 합니다.
⑥Therefore, I am urging you to consider reopening the ticket offices.
그러므로 저는 당신에게 매표소 재운영을 고려할 것을 촉구합니다.
⑦With the staff back in their positions, many people would regain access to the railway services.
직원이 그들의 자리로 돌아오면 많은 사람이 철도 서비스에 대한 접근을 다시 얻을 것입니다.
⑧I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter and a positive resolution.
저는 이 문제에 대한 당신의 신속한 관심과 긍정적인 해결을 기대합니다.
⑨Sincerely, Sarah Roberts
진심을 담아, Sarah Roberts
[고1] 2024년09월–19번:무대에서쓰러진Arthur를구조한Jeevan의이야기
①All the actors on the stage were focused on their acting.
무대 위의 모든 배우가 그들의 연기에 집중하고 있었다.
②Then, suddenly, Arthur fell into the corner of the stage.
그 때 갑자기Arthur가 무대의 한쪽 구석에 쓰러졌다.
③Jeevan immediately approached Arthur and found his heart wasn't beating.
Jeevan이 즉각Arthur에게 다가갔고 그의 심장이 뛰지 않는 것을 알아차렸다.
④Jeevan began CPR.
Jeevan은CPR을 시작했다.
⑤Jeevan worked silently, glancing sometimes at Arthur's face.
⑧Moments later, an older man in a grey suit appeared, swiftly kneeling beside Arthur's chest.
잠시 뒤,회색 정장 차림의 한 노인이 나타났고, Arthur의 가슴 옆에 재빠르게 무릎을 꿇었다.
⑨"I'm Walter Jacobi. I'm a doctor."
"저는Walter Jacobi입니다.저는 의사입니다."
⑩He announced with a calm voice.
그는 차분한 목소리로 전했다.
⑪Jeevan wiped the sweat off his forehead.
Jeevan은 그의 이마에서 땀을 닦아냈다.
⑫With combined efforts, Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi successfully revived Arthur.
협력하여, Jeevan과Dr. Jacobi는Arthur를 성공적으로 소생시켰다.
⑬Arthur's eyes slowly opened.
Arthur의 눈이 천천히 떠졌다.
⑭Finally, Jeevan was able to hear Arthur's breath again, thinking to himself, "Thank goodness. You're back."
마침내Jeevan은Arthur의 숨을 다시 들을 수 있었고, '다행이다.깨어났다.'라고 자신에게 되뇌었다.
[고1] 2024년09월–20번:부모의과도한자랑이자녀에게주는압박과부정적영향
①As the parent of a gifted child, you need to be aware of a certain common parent trap.
영재의 부모로서,당신은 어떤 흔한 부모의 덫을 주의할 필요가 있다.
②Of course you are a proud parent, and you should be.
물론,당신은 자랑스러워하는 부모이고,그리고 그래야 한다.
③While it is very easy to talk nonstop about your little genius and his or her remarkable behavior, this can be very stressful on your child.
당신의 작은 천재와 그 또는 그녀의 놀라운 행동에 대해서 쉬지 않고 말하는 것은 매우 쉬우나,이것은 당신의 아이에게 매우 스트레스가 될 수 있다.
④It is extremely important to limit your bragging behavior to your very close friends, or your parents.
당신의 자랑하는 행동을 당신의 아주 가까운 친구나,당신의 부모에게로 제한하는 것이 매우 중요하다.
⑤Gifted children feel pressured when their parents show them off too much.
영재는 그들의 부모가 지나치게 그들을 자랑할 때 부담을 느낀다.
⑥This behavior creates expectations that they may not be able to live up to, and also creates a false sense of self for your child.
이러한 행동은 그들이 부응할 수 없을지도 모르는 기대를 만들고,또한 당신의 자녀에게 있어 잘못된 자의식을 만든다.
⑦You want your child to be who they are, not who they seem to be as defined by their incredible achievements.
당신은 당신의 자녀가 그들의 엄청난 업적에 의해서 규정지어진 대로 보이는 누군가가 아니라 있는 그대로의 그들이기를 바란다.
⑧If not, you could end up with a driven perfectionist child or perhaps a dropout, or worse.
그렇지 않으면,당신은 결국 지나친 완벽주의자 아이 또는 아마도 학업 중단자이거나 그보다 더 안 좋은 것을 마주하게 될 것이다.
[고1] 2024년09월–21번:부정적상황에서자조그룹의긍정적에너지의중요성
①One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle.
무력함,우울감,그리고'나는 할 수 없다'는 생각에 의해 현저히 지배당하는 상황에서 벗어나기 위한 한 가지 유용한 기술은 우리가 분투하고 있는 문제를 해결해 본 타인과 함께 있기로 선택하는 것이다.
②This is one of the great powers of self-help groups.
이것은 자조 집단의 큰 힘 중 하나이다.
③When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak.
우리가 부정적인 상태에 있을 때,우리는 부정적인 사고 형태에 많은 에너지를 투입해 왔고 긍정적인 사고 형태는 약하다.
④Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms.
더 높은 진동에 있는 사람들은 그들의 부정적인 사고에서 나오는 에너지가 없고,긍정적인 사고 형태를 활기 띠게 했다.
⑤Merely to be in their presence is beneficial.
단지 그들이 있는 자리에 있기만 하는 것도 유익하다.
⑥In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners."
일부 자조 집단에서 이것은'승자들과 어울리기'라고 불린다.
⑦The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.
여기에서의 이점은 의식의 정신적 수준에 있으며,긍정적인 에너지의 전달과 자신의 잠재적인 긍정적인 사고 형태의 재점화가 있다.
[고1] 2024년09월–22번:인간의감정이생존에기여한진화적역할
①Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species.
우리의 감정은 그것들이 종으로서 우리의 생존에 기여해 왔기 때문에 존재한다고 여겨진다.
②Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others.
두려움은 우리가 위험을 피하는 데 도움을 주어 왔고,분노를 표현하는 것은 우리가 위협을 쫓아내도록 돕고,긍정적인 감정을 표현하는 것은 우리가 다른 사람과 유대하도록 돕는다.
③From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of "program" that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.).
진화적 관점에서,감정은 유발될 때(주의,지각,기억,움직임,표현 등을 포함하는)우리의 많은 활동을 지시하는 일종의'프로그램'이다.
④For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future).
예를 들어,두려움은 우리를 매우 주의 깊게 만들고,우리의 지각의 초점을 위협적인 자극으로 좁히고,우리로 하여금 상황을 정면으로 대하거나(싸우거나)그것을 피하도록(도피하도록)하며,우리로 하여금 경험을 더 강렬하게 기억하도록(그래서 우리가 미래에 위협을 피하도록)할 수도 있다.
⑤Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago.
그것들이 우리의 시스템을 활성화하는 구체적인 방식과는 관계없이,우리가 소유한 특정한 감정은 그것들이 오래전에 우리의 환경 내에서 우리가(종으로서)힘든 상황에서 생존하도록 도움을 주어 왔기 때문에 존재한다고 여겨진다.
⑥If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.
만약 그것들이 우리가 적응하고 생존하도록 도움을 주지 않았었더라면 그것들은 우리와 함께 진화해 오지 않았을 것이다.
[고1] 2024년09월–23번: AI기술이장애인을포함한노동시장에서의포용성증대
①By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace.
노동 시장에서 일반적으로 불리한 위치에 있는 노동자를 위한 일터로의 접근성을 향상시킴으로써, AI는 일터에서 포괄성을 향상시킬 수 있다.
②AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities.
시각,발화 또는 청각 장애가 있는 노동자들을 돕기 위핸AI동력의 보조 장치들이 더 널리 보급되어,장애를 지닌 사람들의 업무 접근성과 업무의 질을 향상시키고 있다.
③For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary.
예를 들어,구음 장애가 있는 사람들을 위한 발화 인식 솔루션이나 청각 장애인과 난청인을 위한 실시간 자막 시스템은 동료와의 의사소통과 대인 의사소통이 필요한 일에 대한 접근을 용이하게 할 수 있다.
④AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects.
AI는 또한 그들의 임금과 경력 전망에 잠재적으로 긍정적인 영향과 함께 저숙련 노동자들의 능력을 향상시킬 수 있다.
⑤For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non-native speakers in the workplace.
예를 들어,문자 언어와 음성 언어를 실시간으로 번역하는AI의 능력은 일터에서 비원어민의 수행을 향상시킬 수 있다.
⑥Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service.
게다가,최근의AI동력의 텍스트 생성기의 발전은 글쓰기,코딩,고객 서비스와 같은 영역에서 저숙련된 개인의 수행을 즉시 향상시킬 수 있다.
[고1] 2024년09월–24번:고래가기후변화완화에기여하는방식과그가치
①Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage.
고래는 탄소 저장에 매우 효율적이다.
②When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries.
그들이 죽을 때,각각의 고래는 평균30톤의 이산화탄소를 격리하며,수 세기 동안 대기로부터 그 탄소를 빼내어 둔다.
③For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO₂a year.
비교하자면,평균적인 나무는 연간48파운드의 이산화탄소만을 흡수한다.
④From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees.
기후의 관점에서 각각의 고래는 수천 그루의 나무에 상응하는 바다에 사는 것이다.
⑤Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ― leading some scientists to call them the "engineers of marine ecosystems."
고래는 또한 영양이 풍부한 배설물을 내보내면서 바다를 비옥하게 함으로써 탄소를 격리하는 데 도움을 주는데,결과적으로 식물성 플랑크톤 개체를 증가시키고 이는 또한 탄소를 격리한다.그리하여 몇몇 과학자들은 그들을'해양 생태계의 기술자'라고 부르게 되었다.
⑥In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD.
2019년 국제 통화 기극(IMF)의 경제학자들은 각각의 고래에 의해서 제공되는 생태계 서비스의 가치를 미화200만 달러가 넘게 추정했다.
⑦They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a "nature-based solution" to climate change.
그들은 기후 변화에 대한'자연 기반 해결책'의 한 예로서 고래 개체수를 산업화 이전의 고래잡이 수준으로 되돌리기 위한 새로운 글로벌 경제적 인센티브 프로그램을 요구했다.
⑧Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change.
기후 변화를 늦추기 위해 세계적인 고래 복원 프로그램에 대한 요구가 현재 제기되고 있다.
[고1] 2024년09월–25번: 2022년주요국가들의1인당CO₂배출량비교그래프
①The above graph shows per capita CO₂emissions from coal, oil, and gas by countries in 2022.
위 그래프는2022년의 국가별 석탄,석유,천연가스에서 나온1인당 이산화탄소 배출량을 보여 준다.
②The United States had the highest total per capita CO₂emissions, even though its emissions from coal were the second lowest among the five countries shown.
석탄에서 나온 배출량은 보여진 다섯 개의 국가 중 두 번째로 낮았음에도 불구하고,미국은 가장 높은1인당 이산화탄소 총배출량을 가졌다.
③South Korea's total per capita CO₂emissions were over 10 tons, ranking it the second highest among the countries shown.
한국의1인당 이산화탄소 총배출량은10톤이 넘고,보여진 국가 중 두 번째로 높은 순위를 차지했다.
④Germany had lower CO₂emissions per capita than South Korea in all three major sources respectively.
독일은 한국보다 각각의 모든 세 가지 주요한 원천에서 더 낮은1인당 이산화탄소 배출량을 가졌다.
⑤The per capita CO₂emissions from coal in South Africa were over three times higher than those in Germany.
남아프리카 공화국의 석탄으로부터의1인당 이산화탄소 배출량은 독일의 그것보다 세 배보다 더 높았다.
⑥In Brazil, oil was the largest source of CO₂emissions per capita among its three major sources, just as it was in the United States and Germany.
브라질에서 석유는 브라질의 세 가지 주요한 원천 중에서1인당 이산화탄소 배출량의 가장 큰 원천이었고,그것은 미국과 독일에서도 마찬가지였다.
[고1] 2024년09월–26번:프랑스의여성과학자Emilie du Chatelet의업적과영향
①Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, was born in Paris in 1706.
프랑스 수학자이자 물리학자인Emilie du Chatelet는1706년에 파리에서 태어났다.
②During her childhood, with her father's support, she was able to get mathematical and scientific education that most women of her time did not receive.
어린 시절에 아버지의 도움으로 그녀는 당대 대부분의 여성들은 받지 못했던 수학과 과학 교육을 받을 수 있었다.
③In 1737, she submitted her paper on the nature of fire to a contest sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences, and it was published a year later.
1737년에 그녀는 불의 속성에 관한 논문을French Academy of Sciences에 의해 후원되는 대회에 제출했으며,그것은1년 후에 출간되었다.
④In her book, Institutions de Physique, Emilie du Chatelet explained the ideas of space and time in a way that is closer to what we understand in modern relativity than what was common during her time.
그녀의 책Institutions de Physique에서Emilie du Chatelet는 당대에 일반적이었던 것보다 현대의 상대성 이론에서 우리가 이해하는 것에 더 가까운 방식으로 공간과 시간의 개념을 설명했다.
⑤Her most significant achievement was translating Isaac Newton's Principia into French near the end of her life.
그녀의 가장 주요한 성과는 그녀의 말년 무렵 아이작 뉴턴의Principia를 프랑스어로 번역한 것이었다.
⑥Emilie du Chatelet's work was not recognized in her time, but she is now remembered as a symbol of the Enlightenment and the struggle for women's participation in science.
Emilie du Chatelet의 업적은 당대에 인정받지 못했지만,현재 그녀는 계몽주의와 여성의 과학 분야 참여를 위한 투쟁의 상징으로 기억된다.
[고1] 2024년09월–29번:조직내다양한부서들이갈등을일으키는구조적요인
①From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization.
조직의 관점에서,어떤 조직이 어떻게 많은 다른 문화 유형들을 포함할 수 있는지에 대한 가장 매력적인 예시 중 하나는 조직 내 다른 부서들의 기능적 운영을 인식하는 것이다.
②The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective.
조직 내 다양한 부서와 과는 필연적으로 어떤 주어진 상황이라도 그들 자신만의 편향적이고 편파적인 관점에서 볼 것이다.
③A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them.
한 부서와 그 구성원들은 그들을 다른 이들이 그것들을 보는 대로 볼 수 없게 하는'터널 시야 현상'을 갖게 될 것이다.
④The very structure of organizations can create conflict.
조직의 구조 자체가 갈등을 만들어낼 수 있다.
⑤The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management.
구조가'기계적'인지 또는'유기적'인지의 선택은 갈등 관리에 깊은 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
⑥A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making.
기계적 구조는 많은 규칙,많은 절차 그리고 의사결정에 포함된 많은 수준의 관리를 가진 수직적 위계를 갖는다.
⑦Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.
유기적 구조는 본래 더 수평적이고,여기서는 의사결정이 덜 중앙 집중화되고,조직 전반에 걸쳐 펼처진다.
[고1] 2024년09월–30번:자전거전용도로확장으로교통을줄이는도시계획의이점
①An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it.
교통을 진정시키는 훌륭한 대안은 그것을 제거하는 것이다.
②Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle.
몇몇 도시는 자전거,보행자,그리고 수시 서비스 차량을 위한 광범위한 망의 도로와 거리를 마련해 둔다.
③This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone.
이것은 사람들이 자동차보다 자전거로 이동을 하도록 동기를 부여하여 거리를 모두에게 더 안전하게 만든다.
④As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them.
자전거가 도시에서 더 대중적이 되면,계획자들은 더 많은 자동차 도로와 전체 거리를 더 많은 자전거를 수용할 수 있도록 전환할 수 있다.
⑤Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks.
그럼에도 불구하고,가장 자전거를 타기 좋은 도시들조차도 여전히 택시,긴급 차량,그리고 배달 트럭을 위한 자동차 도로를 필요로 한다.
⑥Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener.
배달 차량은 자주 반감의 대상이지만,그것들은 실제로 도시를 더 친환경적으로 만드는 필수 구성요소이다.
⑦A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each.
짐이 빽빽하게 들어찬 배달 트럭은 각각 몇 개의 쇼핑백을 실은 여러 하이브리드 차량보다 훨씬 더 효율적인 상품 운송 수단이다.
⑧Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.
음식과 다른 상품을 동네 상인에게 배포하는 것은 그들이 집에 가까운 더 작은 상점을 운영할 수 있게 하고 그 결과 주민들은 식료품을 사기 위해 운전하기보다는 걸어갈 수 있다.
[고1] 2024년09월–31번:유명작곡가들의초기작품이받아들여지기어려웠던이유
①You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day.
여러분은 몇몇 가장 위대한 작곡가들이 그들의 시대에 진가를 인정받지 못했다고 몇 번이고 듣는다.
②Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day.
그들의 시대에 베토벤,브람스,스트라빈스키의 곡들을 모든 사람이 이해할 수 있었던 것은 아니었다.
③The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity.
이러한 초기의 수용 부족의 이유는 낯섦이다.
④The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new.
음악적 형식,또는 그 안에 표현된 생각은 완전히 새로운 것이었다.
⑤And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great.
그럼에도 불구하고 이것이 바로 그들을 그토록 위대하게 만드는 것들 중 하나이다.
⑥Effective composers have their own ideas.
유능한 작곡가는 그들 자신만의 생각을 갖는다.
⑦Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus?
당신은 고전 영화Amadeus를 본 적이 있는가?
⑧The composer Antonio Salieri is the "host" of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers ― he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him.
작곡가Antonio Salieri가 이 영화의'주인공'이다.그는 가장 유명한 위대하지 않은 작곡가 중 한 명으로 묘사된다.그는 모차르트 시대에 살았고 그에 의해 완전히 가려졌다.
⑨Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one.
인제 보니Salieri는 형편없는 작곡가가 아니었다.사실,그는 매우 훌륭한 작곡가였다.
⑩But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original.
하지만 그의 작품이 독창적이지 않았기 때문에 그는 세계의 위대한 작곡가들 중 한 명은 아니었다.
⑪What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.
그가 쓴 곡은 마치 그 당시 모든 다른 사람들이 작곡했던 것처럼 들렸다.
[고1] 2024년09월–32번:새로운매체가인간의사고방식을변화시키는과정
①Every time a new medium comes along─whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS─and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses.
인쇄된 책의 발명이든 텔레비전의 발명이든SNS의 발명이든,새로운 매체가 나타나 여러분이 그것을 쓰기 시작할 때마다 여러분은 고유의 색깔과 렌즈를 가진 새 고글을 쓰는 것과 같다.
②Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently.
여러분이 쓰는 각각의 고글은 세상을 다른 방식으로 바라보게 한다.
③So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show─whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire─you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself.
그러므로 여러분이 텔레비전을 보기 시작하면,그것이Wheel of Fortune이든The Wire든,특정 텔레비전 프로그램의 메시지를 흡수하기 이전에 이미 세상을 텔레비전 그 자체처럼 형성된 것으로 바라보게 된다.
④That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along─a new way for humans to communicate─it has buried in it a message.
이러한 이유로Marshall McLuhan이 새로운 매체,즉,인간이 의사소통하는 새로운 방식이 나타날 때마다 그 안에 메시지가 담겨 있다고 말한 것이다.
⑤It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes.
새로운 매체는 자연스럽게 우리가 새로운 일련의 방식에 따라 세상을 바라보게 한다.
⑥The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself.
McLuhan은 정보가 여러분에게 도달하는 방식이 정보 자체보다 더 중요하다고 주장했다.
⑦TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances.
텔레비전은 우리에게 세상은 빠르고,중요한 것은 표면과 겉모습이라고 가르친다.
[고1] 2024년09월–33번:개념의중요성과잘못된개념이과학적오류를초래할수있는위험성
①Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism.
개념은 인간의 생존에 필수적이지만,개념이 본질주의로 향하는 문을 열기 때문에 우리는 또한 그것들을 주의해야 한다.
②They encourage us to see things that aren't present.
그것들은 존재하지 않는 것들을 보도록 우리를 부추긴다.
③Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat."
Stuart Firestein은"어두운 방에서 검은 고양이를 찾는 것은 특히 고양이가 없을 때 매우 어렵다."라는 옛 속담으로 그의 책Ignorance를 시작한다.
④This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences.
이 말은 본질에 대한 탐구를 훌륭하게 요약한다.
⑤History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses.
역사는 가설을 이끄는 잘못된 개념을 사용했기 때문에 헛되이 본질을 탐색했던 과학자들의 많은 예를 가지고 있다.
⑥Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through.
Firestein은 빛이 통과할 수 있는 매개체를 갖도록 우주를 가득 채워줄 것이라 여겨진 신비한 물질인 발광 에테르의 예를 제시한다.
⑦The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.
Firestein이 쓰기를,에테르는 검은 고양이였고,물리학자들은 어두운 방에서 이론을 세우고,그러고 나서 존재하지 않았던 고양이라는 증거를 찾으며,그 안에서 실험을 하고 있었던 것이었다.
[고1] 2024년09월–34번:소셜미디어에서의'일반적유명인'과전통적유명인의차이
①While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself.
소셜 미디어 관심은 잠재적으로 엘리트 명성과 같은 목적을 달성하기 위한 도구인 반면,일부 콘텐츠 제작자들은 사회적 목적 그 자체로서 평범한 명성을 원한다.
②Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability.
리얼리티 텔레비전 스타들과 다르지 않게,소셜 미디어 유명인들은 연기나 가창력과 같은 전통적인 엘리트 명성과 관련된 기술과 재능을 가지고 있지 않다는 이유로 종종 비판을 받는다.
③This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity.
이러한 비판은 디지털 콘텐츠 제작자들이 엘리트 명성의 영역으로 넘어가는 데 있어 실질적인 장벽에 직면하고 있다는 사실을 강조한다.
④However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame.
그러나 이 비판은 또한 평범한 명성 현상이 명성의 의미를 재구성한다는 점을 놓친다.
⑤The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class.
엘리트 유명인은 스타라는 은유로 상징되고,신비로움과 계층적 거리로 특징지어지며,타고난 자질의 재능과 계층에 연관되어 있다.
⑥The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people.
평범한 유명인은 다른 평범한 사람들과의 정기적이고 빈번한 상호작용을 통해 관심을 끈다.
⑦Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.
소셜 미디어 유명인으로서 평범한 명성을 얻는 것은 게임에서 잘하는 것과 같은데,왜냐하면 이 영역에서 명성은 관심 척도,즉,소셜 미디어 애플리케이션에 내장된 구독자,팔로워,좋아요 또는 클릭의 측정 기준에서 상대적으로 높은 점수 그 이상도 그 이하도 아니기 때문이다.
[고1] 2024년09월–35번:시험준비에서벼락치기가효과적이지않은이유
①Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy?
왜 우리는 시험을 위해 벼락 공부를 하는 것이 최고의 학습 전략이라는 착각을 하는 것일까?
②Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory.
우리가 우리의 기억의 다양한 구획을 구별할 수 없기 때문이다.
③Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind.
우리의 교과서나 수업 노트를 읽은 직후에는 정보가 우리 머릿속에 완전히 존재한다.
④It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form.
그것은 우리의 의식적인 작업 기억에 활동적인 형태로 자리한다.
⑤We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later.
그것은 우리의 단기 저장 공간에 존재하기 때문에 우리는 마치 우리가 그것을 알고 있는 것처럼 느끼지만,이 단기 구획은 며칠 후 같은 정보를 기억하기 위해 우리가 필요로 할 장기 기억과는 아무런 관련이 없다.
⑥After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes.
몇 초 또는 몇 분 후,작업 기억은 이미 사라지기 시작하고,며칠 후 그 영향은 엄청나게 되어,여러분이 자신의 지식을 다시 테스트하지 않으면 기억은 사라진다.
⑦To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.
정보를 장기 기억에 넣으려면,여러분의 모든 시간을 공부하는 데에 쓰기보다는 자료를 공부하고 나서 스스로를 테스트하는 것이 필수적이다.
[고1] 2024년09월–36번:거울뉴런이관찰학습에미치는영향
①The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation.
거울 뉴런의 발견은 관찰에 의한 학습이라는 근본적인 인간의 능력에 대해 우리가 생각하는 방식을 완전히 바꾸어 놓았다.
②As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do.
어린이일 때 우리는 우리의 부모와 친구들이 하는 것을 관찰하면서 많이 배운다.
③Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs.
갓난아기들은 생의 첫 주에 그들의 부모가 그들의 것(혀)을 내밀면 자신의 혀를 내미는 선천적인 성향을 갖고 있다.
④Such imitation is not perfect.
그러한 모방은 완벽하지 않다.
⑤You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different.
당신은 당신의 갓난아기에게 당신의 것(혀)을 내밀 때마다(아기의)혀가 내밀어 나오는 것을 보지 못할 수도 있지만,만약 당신이 그것을 여러 번 한다면 당신이 다른 것을 할 때보다(아기의)혀가 더 자주 나올 것이다.
⑥Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce.
아기들은 옹알이하고 이후에 그들의 부모가 내는 소리를 모방하기 시작한다.
⑦Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents.
이후에도 여전히,그들은 부모들을 흉내 내어 진공청소기와 망치를 갖고 논다.
⑧Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error.
쓰고 말하고 읽고 우주선을 만들고 학교에 가는 우리의 현대 문화는 단지 우리가 가지고 태어나는 또는 시행착오를 통해 배우는 행동에 국한되지 않기 때문에 작동할 수 있다.
⑨We can learn a lot by simply watching others.
우리는 그저 다른 사람들을 관찰하는 것을 통해 많이 배울 수 있다.
[고1] 2024년09월–37번:자신의목소리를다르게인식하는이유
①Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice?
당신은 당신의 음성 녹음을 듣고 놀랐던 적이 있는가?
②You might have thought, "Is that really what my voice sounds like?"
당신은'내 목소리가 정말 이렇게 들리는가?'라고 생각했을지도 모른다.
③Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears.
어쩌면 녹음에서는 당신이 인식한 것보다 당신의 억양이 더 강조되거나,당신의 목소리가 당신의 귀에 들리는 것 같은 것보다 더 높다.
④This is of course quite a common experience.
이것은 당연히 꽤 흔한 경험이다.
⑤The explanation is actually fairly simple.
이 설명은 사실 꽤 간단하다.
⑥There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak.
우리가 말할 때 우리 자신의 목소리를 인지하는 데는 두 가지 경로가 있다.
⑦One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear.
하나는 외이,중이,내이를 통하는 공기로부터 이동하는 파동처럼 우리가 대부분의 외부의 소리를 인지하는 경로이다.
⑧But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path.
그러나 우리가 말할 때 우리의 성대가 진동하기 때문에 두 번째 내부의 경로가 있다.
⑨Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly.
진동은 뼈를 통해 전해지고,우리의 내이를 직접 자극한다.
⑩Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway.
낮은 주파수는 이 경로를 따라 두드러진다.
⑪That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.
그것은 당신의 목소리가 다른 사람에게 들릴 수 있는 것보다 당신 자신에게 더 깊고 풍부하게 들리게 한다.
[고1] 2024년09월–38번:생물의유사성에서아날로그와호몰로그의차이
①Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity.
생물학자들은 두 종류의 유사성을 구별한다.
②"Analogous" traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not "the same" organ.
'상사'형질은 공통된 기능을 가지는 것들이지만,진화 계보의 다른 가지에서 생겨났고 중요한 면에서'동일한'기관이 아닌 형질이다.
③The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight.
새의 날개들과 벌의 날개들은 둘 다 비행에 쓰이고 비행에 쓰이는 것은 어떤 것이든 그러한 방식으로 만들어져야 하기 때문에 일부 방식에서 유사하지만,그것들은 진화상에 별개로 생겨났고,비행에서 그것들의 쓰임 외에는 공통점이 없다.
④"Homologous" traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being "the same" organ.
대조적으로, '상동'형질은 공통된 기능이 있을 수도 없을 수도 있으나 그것들은 공통의 조상으로부터 내려왔으므로 그들이'동일한'기관임을 보여주는 어떠한 공통된 구조를 가진다.
⑤The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals.
박쥐의 날개와 말의 앞다리는 매우 다른 기능들을 가지나,그것들은 모든 포유류의 조상의 앞다리가 모두 변형된 것들이다.
⑥As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected.
그 결과,그들은 뼈의 개수와 그것들이 연결된 방식과 같은 비기능적 형질을 공유한다.
⑦To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.
상사성과 상동성을 구별하기 위해,생물학자들은 주로 그 기관의 전체적인 구성을 살펴보고 그들의 가장 쓰임이 없는 특성에 집중한다.
[고1] 2024년09월–39번:기후변화로인한해양산소감소의위험성
①Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive.
해수는 모든 해양 동물이 살아있기 위해 호흡하는 다량의 용존 산소를 포함한다.
②It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures.
따뜻한 물이 보유하고 있는 것보다 차가운 물이 더 많은 용존 산소를 보유하고 있다는 사실은 물리학에서 오랫동안 확립되어 왔으며,이는 열대 해양은 푸르고 맑고 생물이 상대적으로 적게 서식하는 반면 차가운 극지의 바다는 생명으로 가득한 하나의 이유이다.
③Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease.
따라서 지구 온난화가 해양 수온을 높임에 따라 용존 산소의 양이 감소할 것은 자명하다.
④This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level.
만약 생태계를 위협하는 수준까지 계속되도록 허용된다면 이는 걱정스럽고 잠재적으로 파괴적인 결과다.
⑤Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century.
현재 과학자들은 해양에서 용존 산소의 양이 반세기가 넘는 기간 동안 감소해 왔다는 것을 보여 주는 데이터를 분석해 왔다.
⑥The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature.
이 데이터는 해양 산소 농도가 상응하는 수온 상승보다 더 빠르게 감소해 오고 있음을 보여 준다.
⑦Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.
감소하는 수중 산소 농도는 세계적으로 해양 생물의 서식지에 영향을 끼칠 가능성을 갖고 있으며 최근에 이것은 물고기,게,그리고 많은 다른 생물의 개체군을 죽이거나 쫓아낸 더 빈번한 산소 결핍 사건을 초래해 왔다.
[고1] 2024년09월–40번:원숭이실험에서불공정한대우에대한반응
①Capuchins ― New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ― will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved.
대규모의 사회 집단으로 서식하는New World Monkey인Capuchin은 갇힌 상태에서 온종일 사람들과 거래를 할 것인데 특히 먹이가 연관된다면 그러할 것이다.
②I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat.
'내가 너에게 이 돌을 주고 너는 나에게 먹을 간식을 준다.'
③If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers.
만약 당신이 두 마리의 원숭이들을 나란히 있는 우리에 넣고 그들이 이미 가지고 있는 돌의 대가로 오이 조각을 둘 모두에게 주었을 때 그들은 그 오이를 기쁘게 먹을 것이다.
④If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ― grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ― the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter.
하지만 만약 당신이 한 원숭이에게는 포도를 대신 준다면,일반적으로 포도는 오이보다 더 선호되는데,여전히 오이를 받은 원숭이는 그것들을 실험자에게 던지기 시작할 것이다.
⑤Even though she is still getting "paid" the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair.
비록 그녀가 돌을 모은 그녀의 수고에 대한 대가로 같은 양을 여전히'받고',그래서 그녀의 특정한 상황이 변화가 없더라도,다른 원숭이와의 비교는 그 상황을 부당하게 만든다.
⑥Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains ― the cucumbers themselves ― to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter.
게다가,그녀는 실험자에게 그녀의 불쾌함을 전달하기 위해 모든 얻은 것들,즉,오이 자체를 이제 기꺼이 포기한다.
⑦[요약문] According to the passage, if the Capuchin monkey realizes the inequality in rewards compared to another monkey, she will reject her rewards to express her feelings about the treatment, despite getting exactly the same rewards as before.
[요약문]이 글에 따르면,만약Capuchin원숭이가 다른 원숭이와 비교하여 보상에서의 불평등을 알아차린다면,그녀는 이전과 정확히 똑같은 보상을 받더라도 대우에 대한 그녀의 감정을 표현하기 위해 그녀의 보상을 거부할 것이다.
[고1] 2024년09월–41~42번:고등교육의확산과그로인한평가시스템의모순
①Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world.
고등 교육은 전 세계에 걸쳐 엘리트에서 대중 체제로 성장해 왔다.
②In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War.
유럽과 미국에서는2차 세계 대전 이후 수십 년 동안 증가된 참여율이 나타났다.
③Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23).
2000년과2014년 사이에 졸업 연령 범주 내 집단 구성원 사이에서의 고등 교육 참여율은 전 세계에 걸쳐19%에서34%로 거의 두 배가 되었다.
④The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students.
고등 교육의 극적인 확대는 더 광범위한 고등 학습 기관과 더 다양한 학생 인구 집단으로 특징지어져 왔다.
⑤Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialized workforce for the economy.
엘리트 체제에서 대중 고등 교육 체제로의 변화는 경제를 위한 전문화된 노동력을 구축하려는 정치적 필요성과 관련이 있다.
⑥In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development.
이론적으로,고도로 숙련된 노동력을 개발하기 위한 고등 교육의 확대는 평생학습을 가능하게 하는 평가로의 접근 방법,즉,학습을'위한'평가와 발달을 위한 피드백에 집중을 시작하면서,학생의 선발과 통제에 있어 시험의 역할을 감소시킬 것이다.
⑦In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a 'field of contradictions' for assessment in higher education.
실제로는 고등 교육을 확대하기 위한 사회 정치적 변화는 고등 교육에서의 평가에 있어'모순의 장'을 조성해 왔다.
⑧Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback.
대중 고등 교육은 최소한이거나 비개인적이거나 표준화된 피드백을 갖춘,시험과 선다형 퀴즈와 같은,평가로의 효율적인 접근 방법을 필요로 하며,이는 종종 학생이 피드백보다 성적에 더 집중하게 만든다.
⑨In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students.
대조적으로,과거에 엘리트 체제의 상대적으로 적은 학생의 수는 형성적 피드백이 학생의 마음,학업 기술,그리고 심지어 학생의 성격을 형성하면서,학생과 그들의 선생님 사이의 더 긴밀한 관계를 허용했다.
②I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent change made by Pittsburgh Train Station.
②저는Pittsburgh Train Station에 의한 최근의 변경에 대해 저의 깊은 우려를 표하기 위해 글을 쓰고 있습니다.
③The station had traditional ticket offices with staff before, but these have been replaced with ticket vending machines.
③이전에는 역에 직원이 있는 전통적인 매표소가 있었지만,이것들은 승차권 발매기로 대체되었습니다.
④However, individuals who are unfamiliar with these machines are now experiencing difficulty accessing the railway services.
④그러나 이러한 기계에 익숙하지 않은 사람들은 현재 철도 서비스에 접근하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.
⑤Since these individuals heavily relied on the staff assistance to be able to travel, they are in great need of ticket offices with staff in the station.
⑤이 사람들은 이동할 수 있기 위해 직원의 도움에 크게 의존했기 때문에,그들은 역 내에 직원이 있는 매표소를 매우 필요로 합니다.
⑥Therefore, I am urging you to consider reopening the ticket offices.
⑥그러므로 저는 당신에게 매표소 재운영을 고려할 것을 촉구합니다.
⑦With the staff back in their positions, many people would regain access to the railway services.
⑦직원이 그들의 자리로 돌아오면 많은 사람이 철도 서비스에 대한 접근을 다시 얻을 것입니다.
⑧I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter and a positive resolution.
⑧저는 이 문제에 대한 당신의 신속한 관심과 긍정적인 해결을 기대합니다.
⑨Sincerely, Sarah Roberts
⑨진심을 담아, Sarah Roberts
[고1] 2024년09월–19번:무대에서쓰러진Arthur를구조한Jeevan의이야기
①All the actors on the stage were focused on their acting.
①무대 위의 모든 배우가 그들의 연기에 집중하고 있었다.
②Then, suddenly, Arthur fell into the corner of the stage.
②그 때 갑자기Arthur가 무대의 한쪽 구석에 쓰러졌다.
③Jeevan immediately approached Arthur and found his heart wasn't beating.
③Jeevan이 즉각Arthur에게 다가갔고 그의 심장이 뛰지 않는 것을 알아차렸다.
④Jeevan began CPR.
④Jeevan은CPR을 시작했다.
⑤Jeevan worked silently, glancing sometimes at Arthur's face.
⑧Moments later, an older man in a grey suit appeared, swiftly kneeling beside Arthur's chest.
⑧잠시 뒤,회색 정장 차림의 한 노인이 나타났고, Arthur의 가슴 옆에 재빠르게 무릎을 꿇었다.
⑨"I'm Walter Jacobi. I'm a doctor."
⑨"저는Walter Jacobi입니다.저는 의사입니다."
⑩He announced with a calm voice.
⑩그는 차분한 목소리로 전했다.
⑪Jeevan wiped the sweat off his forehead.
⑪Jeevan은 그의 이마에서 땀을 닦아냈다.
⑫With combined efforts, Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi successfully revived Arthur.
⑫협력하여, Jeevan과Dr. Jacobi는Arthur를 성공적으로 소생시켰다.
⑬Arthur's eyes slowly opened.
⑬Arthur의 눈이 천천히 떠졌다.
⑭Finally, Jeevan was able to hear Arthur's breath again, thinking to himself, "Thank goodness. You're back."
⑭마침내Jeevan은Arthur의 숨을 다시 들을 수 있었고, '다행이다.깨어났다.'라고 자신에게 되뇌었다.
[고1] 2024년09월–20번:부모의과도한자랑이자녀에게주는압박과부정적영향
①As the parent of a gifted child, you need to be aware of a certain common parent trap.
①영재의 부모로서,당신은 어떤 흔한 부모의 덫을 주의할 필요가 있다.
②Of course you are a proud parent, and you should be.
②물론,당신은 자랑스러워하는 부모이고,그리고 그래야 한다.
③While it is very easy to talk nonstop about your little genius and his or her remarkable behavior, this can be very stressful on your child.
③당신의 작은 천재와 그 또는 그녀의 놀라운 행동에 대해서 쉬지 않고 말하는 것은 매우 쉬우나,이것은 당신의 아이에게 매우 스트레스가 될 수 있다.
④It is extremely important to limit your bragging behavior to your very close friends, or your parents.
④당신의 자랑하는 행동을 당신의 아주 가까운 친구나,당신의 부모에게로 제한하는 것이 매우 중요하다.
⑤Gifted children feel pressured when their parents show them off too much.
⑤영재는 그들의 부모가 지나치게 그들을 자랑할 때 부담을 느낀다.
⑥This behavior creates expectations that they may not be able to live up to, and also creates a false sense of self for your child.
⑥이러한 행동은 그들이 부응할 수 없을지도 모르는 기대를 만들고,또한 당신의 자녀에게 있어 잘못된 자의식을 만든다.
⑦You want your child to be who they are, not who they seem to be as defined by their incredible achievements.
⑦당신은 당신의 자녀가 그들의 엄청난 업적에 의해서 규정지어진 대로 보이는 누군가가 아니라 있는 그대로의 그들이기를 바란다.
⑧If not, you could end up with a driven perfectionist child or perhaps a dropout, or worse.
⑧그렇지 않으면,당신은 결국 지나친 완벽주의자 아이 또는 아마도 학업 중단자이거나 그보다 더 안 좋은 것을 마주하게 될 것이다.
[고1] 2024년09월–21번:부정적상황에서자조그룹의긍정적에너지의중요성
①One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, "I can't," is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle.
①무력함,우울감,그리고'나는 할 수 없다'는 생각에 의해 현저히 지배당하는 상황에서 벗어나기 위한 한 가지 유용한 기술은 우리가 분투하고 있는 문제를 해결해 본 타인과 함께 있기로 선택하는 것이다.
②This is one of the great powers of self-help groups.
②이것은 자조 집단의 큰 힘 중 하나이다.
③When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak.
③우리가 부정적인 상태에 있을 때,우리는 부정적인 사고 형태에 많은 에너지를 투입해 왔고 긍정적인 사고 형태는 약하다.
④Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms.
④더 높은 진동에 있는 사람들은 그들의 부정적인 사고에서 나오는 에너지가 없고,긍정적인 사고 형태를 활기 띠게 했다.
⑤Merely to be in their presence is beneficial.
⑤단지 그들이 있는 자리에 있기만 하는 것도 유익하다.
⑥In some self-help groups, this is called "hanging out with the winners."
⑥일부 자조 집단에서 이것은'승자들과 어울리기'라고 불린다.
⑦The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.
⑦여기에서의 이점은 의식의 정신적 수준에 있으며,긍정적인 에너지의 전달과 자신의 잠재적인 긍정적인 사고 형태의 재점화가 있다.
[고1] 2024년09월–22번:인간의감정이생존에기여한진화적역할
①Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species.
①우리의 감정은 그것들이 종으로서 우리의 생존에 기여해 왔기 때문에 존재한다고 여겨진다.
②Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others.
②두려움은 우리가 위험을 피하는 데 도움을 주어 왔고,분노를 표현하는 것은 우리가 위협을 쫓아내도록 돕고,긍정적인 감정을 표현하는 것은 우리가 다른 사람과 유대하도록 돕는다.
③From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of "program" that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.).
③진화적 관점에서,감정은 유발될 때(주의,지각,기억,움직임,표현 등을 포함하는)우리의 많은 활동을 지시하는 일종의'프로그램'이다.
④For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future).
④예를 들어,두려움은 우리를 매우 주의 깊게 만들고,우리의 지각의 초점을 위협적인 자극으로 좁히고,우리로 하여금 상황을 정면으로 대하거나(싸우거나)그것을 피하도록(도피하도록)하며,우리로 하여금 경험을 더 강렬하게 기억하도록(그래서 우리가 미래에 위협을 피하도록)할 수도 있다.
⑤Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago.
⑤그것들이 우리의 시스템을 활성화하는 구체적인 방식과는 관계없이,우리가 소유한 특정한 감정은 그것들이 오래전에 우리의 환경 내에서 우리가(종으로서)힘든 상황에서 생존하도록 도움을 주어 왔기 때문에 존재한다고 여겨진다.
⑥If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.
⑥만약 그것들이 우리가 적응하고 생존하도록 도움을 주지 않았었더라면 그것들은 우리와 함께 진화해 오지 않았을 것이다.
[고1] 2024년09월–23번: AI기술이장애인을포함한노동시장에서의포용성증대
①By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace.
①노동 시장에서 일반적으로 불리한 위치에 있는 노동자를 위한 일터로의 접근성을 향상시킴으로써, AI는 일터에서 포괄성을 향상시킬 수 있다.
②AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities.
②시각,발화 또는 청각 장애가 있는 노동자들을 돕기 위핸AI동력의 보조 장치들이 더 널리 보급되어,장애를 지닌 사람들의 업무 접근성과 업무의 질을 향상시키고 있다.
③For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary.
③예를 들어,구음 장애가 있는 사람들을 위한 발화 인식 솔루션이나 청각 장애인과 난청인을 위한 실시간 자막 시스템은 동료와의 의사소통과 대인 의사소통이 필요한 일에 대한 접근을 용이하게 할 수 있다.
④AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects.
④AI는 또한 그들의 임금과 경력 전망에 잠재적으로 긍정적인 영향과 함께 저숙련 노동자들의 능력을 향상시킬 수 있다.
⑤For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non-native speakers in the workplace.
⑤예를 들어,문자 언어와 음성 언어를 실시간으로 번역하는AI의 능력은 일터에서 비원어민의 수행을 향상시킬 수 있다.
⑥Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service.
⑥게다가,최근의AI동력의 텍스트 생성기의 발전은 글쓰기,코딩,고객 서비스와 같은 영역에서 저숙련된 개인의 수행을 즉시 향상시킬 수 있다.
[고1] 2024년09월–24번:고래가기후변화완화에기여하는방식과그가치
①Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage.
①고래는 탄소 저장에 매우 효율적이다.
②When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries.
②그들이 죽을 때,각각의 고래는 평균30톤의 이산화탄소를 격리하며,수 세기 동안 대기로부터 그 탄소를 빼내어 둔다.
③For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO₂a year.
③비교하자면,평균적인 나무는 연간48파운드의 이산화탄소만을 흡수한다.
④From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees.
④기후의 관점에서 각각의 고래는 수천 그루의 나무에 상응하는 바다에 사는 것이다.
⑤Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ― leading some scientists to call them the "engineers of marine ecosystems."
⑤고래는 또한 영양이 풍부한 배설물을 내보내면서 바다를 비옥하게 함으로써 탄소를 격리하는 데 도움을 주는데,결과적으로 식물성 플랑크톤 개체를 증가시키고 이는 또한 탄소를 격리한다.그리하여 몇몇 과학자들은 그들을'해양 생태계의 기술자'라고 부르게 되었다.
⑥In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD.
⑥2019년 국제 통화 기극(IMF)의 경제학자들은 각각의 고래에 의해서 제공되는 생태계 서비스의 가치를 미화200만 달러가 넘게 추정했다.
⑦They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a "nature-based solution" to climate change.
⑦그들은 기후 변화에 대한'자연 기반 해결책'의 한 예로서 고래 개체수를 산업화 이전의 고래잡이 수준으로 되돌리기 위한 새로운 글로벌 경제적 인센티브 프로그램을 요구했다.
⑧Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change.
⑧기후 변화를 늦추기 위해 세계적인 고래 복원 프로그램에 대한 요구가 현재 제기되고 있다.
[고1] 2024년09월–25번: 2022년주요국가들의1인당CO₂배출량비교그래프
①The above graph shows per capita CO₂emissions from coal, oil, and gas by countries in 2022.
①위 그래프는2022년의 국가별 석탄,석유,천연가스에서 나온1인당 이산화탄소 배출량을 보여 준다.
②The United States had the highest total per capita CO₂emissions, even though its emissions from coal were the second lowest among the five countries shown.
②석탄에서 나온 배출량은 보여진 다섯 개의 국가 중 두 번째로 낮았음에도 불구하고,미국은 가장 높은1인당 이산화탄소 총배출량을 가졌다.
③South Korea's total per capita CO₂emissions were over 10 tons, ranking it the second highest among the countries shown.
③한국의1인당 이산화탄소 총배출량은10톤이 넘고,보여진 국가 중 두 번째로 높은 순위를 차지했다.
④Germany had lower CO₂emissions per capita than South Korea in all three major sources respectively.
④독일은 한국보다 각각의 모든 세 가지 주요한 원천에서 더 낮은1인당 이산화탄소 배출량을 가졌다.
⑤The per capita CO₂emissions from coal in South Africa were over three times higher than those in Germany.
⑤남아프리카 공화국의 석탄으로부터의1인당 이산화탄소 배출량은 독일의 그것보다 세 배보다 더 높았다.
⑥In Brazil, oil was the largest source of CO₂emissions per capita among its three major sources, just as it was in the United States and Germany.
⑥브라질에서 석유는 브라질의 세 가지 주요한 원천 중에서1인당 이산화탄소 배출량의 가장 큰 원천이었고,그것은 미국과 독일에서도 마찬가지였다.
[고1] 2024년09월–26번:프랑스의여성과학자Emilie du Chatelet의업적과영향
①Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, was born in Paris in 1706.
①프랑스 수학자이자 물리학자인Emilie du Chatelet는1706년에 파리에서 태어났다.
②During her childhood, with her father's support, she was able to get mathematical and scientific education that most women of her time did not receive.
②어린 시절에 아버지의 도움으로 그녀는 당대 대부분의 여성들은 받지 못했던 수학과 과학 교육을 받을 수 있었다.
③In 1737, she submitted her paper on the nature of fire to a contest sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences, and it was published a year later.
③1737년에 그녀는 불의 속성에 관한 논문을French Academy of Sciences에 의해 후원되는 대회에 제출했으며,그것은1년 후에 출간되었다.
④In her book, Institutions de Physique, Emilie du Chatelet explained the ideas of space and time in a way that is closer to what we understand in modern relativity than what was common during her time.
④그녀의 책Institutions de Physique에서Emilie du Chatelet는 당대에 일반적이었던 것보다 현대의 상대성 이론에서 우리가 이해하는 것에 더 가까운 방식으로 공간과 시간의 개념을 설명했다.
⑤Her most significant achievement was translating Isaac Newton's Principia into French near the end of her life.
⑤그녀의 가장 주요한 성과는 그녀의 말년 무렵 아이작 뉴턴의Principia를 프랑스어로 번역한 것이었다.
⑥Emilie du Chatelet's work was not recognized in her time, but she is now remembered as a symbol of the Enlightenment and the struggle for women's participation in science.
⑥Emilie du Chatelet의 업적은 당대에 인정받지 못했지만,현재 그녀는 계몽주의와 여성의 과학 분야 참여를 위한 투쟁의 상징으로 기억된다.
[고1] 2024년09월–29번:조직내다양한부서들이갈등을일으키는구조적요인
①From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization.
①조직의 관점에서,어떤 조직이 어떻게 많은 다른 문화 유형들을 포함할 수 있는지에 대한 가장 매력적인 예시 중 하나는 조직 내 다른 부서들의 기능적 운영을 인식하는 것이다.
②The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective.
②조직 내 다양한 부서와 과는 필연적으로 어떤 주어진 상황이라도 그들 자신만의 편향적이고 편파적인 관점에서 볼 것이다.
③A department and its members will acquire "tunnel vision" which disallows them to see things as others see them.
③한 부서와 그 구성원들은 그들을 다른 이들이 그것들을 보는 대로 볼 수 없게 하는'터널 시야 현상'을 갖게 될 것이다.
④The very structure of organizations can create conflict.
④조직의 구조 자체가 갈등을 만들어낼 수 있다.
⑤The choice of whether the structure is "mechanistic" or "organic" can have a profound influence on conflict management.
⑤구조가'기계적'인지 또는'유기적'인지의 선택은 갈등 관리에 깊은 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
⑥A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making.
⑥기계적 구조는 많은 규칙,많은 절차 그리고 의사결정에 포함된 많은 수준의 관리를 가진 수직적 위계를 갖는다.
⑦Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.
⑦유기적 구조는 본래 더 수평적이고,여기서는 의사결정이 덜 중앙 집중화되고,조직 전반에 걸쳐 펼처진다.
[고1] 2024년09월–30번:자전거전용도로확장으로교통을줄이는도시계획의이점
①An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it.
①교통을 진정시키는 훌륭한 대안은 그것을 제거하는 것이다.
②Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle.
②몇몇 도시는 자전거,보행자,그리고 수시 서비스 차량을 위한 광범위한 망의 도로와 거리를 마련해 둔다.
③This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone.
③이것은 사람들이 자동차보다 자전거로 이동을 하도록 동기를 부여하여 거리를 모두에게 더 안전하게 만든다.
④As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them.
④자전거가 도시에서 더 대중적이 되면,계획자들은 더 많은 자동차 도로와 전체 거리를 더 많은 자전거를 수용할 수 있도록 전환할 수 있다.
⑤Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks.
⑤그럼에도 불구하고,가장 자전거를 타기 좋은 도시들조차도 여전히 택시,긴급 차량,그리고 배달 트럭을 위한 자동차 도로를 필요로 한다.
⑥Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener.
⑥배달 차량은 자주 반감의 대상이지만,그것들은 실제로 도시를 더 친환경적으로 만드는 필수 구성요소이다.
⑦A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each.
⑦짐이 빽빽하게 들어찬 배달 트럭은 각각 몇 개의 쇼핑백을 실은 여러 하이브리드 차량보다 훨씬 더 효율적인 상품 운송 수단이다.
⑧Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.
⑧음식과 다른 상품을 동네 상인에게 배포하는 것은 그들이 집에 가까운 더 작은 상점을 운영할 수 있게 하고 그 결과 주민들은 식료품을 사기 위해 운전하기보다는 걸어갈 수 있다.
[고1] 2024년09월–31번:유명작곡가들의초기작품이받아들여지기어려웠던이유
①You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day.
①여러분은 몇몇 가장 위대한 작곡가들이 그들의 시대에 진가를 인정받지 못했다고 몇 번이고 듣는다.
②Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day.
②그들의 시대에 베토벤,브람스,스트라빈스키의 곡들을 모든 사람이 이해할 수 있었던 것은 아니었다.
③The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity.
③이러한 초기의 수용 부족의 이유는 낯섦이다.
④The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new.
④음악적 형식,또는 그 안에 표현된 생각은 완전히 새로운 것이었다.
⑤And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great.
⑤그럼에도 불구하고 이것이 바로 그들을 그토록 위대하게 만드는 것들 중 하나이다.
⑥Effective composers have their own ideas.
⑥유능한 작곡가는 그들 자신만의 생각을 갖는다.
⑦Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus?
⑦당신은 고전 영화Amadeus를 본 적이 있는가?
⑧The composer Antonio Salieri is the "host" of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers ― he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him.
⑧작곡가Antonio Salieri가 이 영화의'주인공'이다.그는 가장 유명한 위대하지 않은 작곡가 중 한 명으로 묘사된다.그는 모차르트 시대에 살았고 그에 의해 완전히 가려졌다.
⑨Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one.
⑨인제 보니Salieri는 형편없는 작곡가가 아니었다.사실,그는 매우 훌륭한 작곡가였다.
⑩But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original.
⑩하지만 그의 작품이 독창적이지 않았기 때문에 그는 세계의 위대한 작곡가들 중 한 명은 아니었다.
⑪What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.
⑪그가 쓴 곡은 마치 그 당시 모든 다른 사람들이 작곡했던 것처럼 들렸다.
[고1] 2024년09월–32번:새로운매체가인간의사고방식을변화시키는과정
①Every time a new medium comes along─whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS─and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses.
①인쇄된 책의 발명이든 텔레비전의 발명이든SNS의 발명이든,새로운 매체가 나타나 여러분이 그것을 쓰기 시작할 때마다 여러분은 고유의 색깔과 렌즈를 가진 새 고글을 쓰는 것과 같다.
②Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently.
②여러분이 쓰는 각각의 고글은 세상을 다른 방식으로 바라보게 한다.
③So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show─whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire─you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself.
③그러므로 여러분이 텔레비전을 보기 시작하면,그것이Wheel of Fortune이든The Wire든,특정 텔레비전 프로그램의 메시지를 흡수하기 이전에 이미 세상을 텔레비전 그 자체처럼 형성된 것으로 바라보게 된다.
④That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along─a new way for humans to communicate─it has buried in it a message.
④이러한 이유로Marshall McLuhan이 새로운 매체,즉,인간이 의사소통하는 새로운 방식이 나타날 때마다 그 안에 메시지가 담겨 있다고 말한 것이다.
⑤It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes.
⑤새로운 매체는 자연스럽게 우리가 새로운 일련의 방식에 따라 세상을 바라보게 한다.
⑥The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself.
⑥McLuhan은 정보가 여러분에게 도달하는 방식이 정보 자체보다 더 중요하다고 주장했다.
⑦TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances.
⑦텔레비전은 우리에게 세상은 빠르고,중요한 것은 표면과 겉모습이라고 가르친다.
[고1] 2024년09월–33번:개념의중요성과잘못된개념이과학적오류를초래할수있는위험성
①Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism.
①개념은 인간의 생존에 필수적이지만,개념이 본질주의로 향하는 문을 열기 때문에 우리는 또한 그것들을 주의해야 한다.
②They encourage us to see things that aren't present.
②그것들은 존재하지 않는 것들을 보도록 우리를 부추긴다.
③Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat."
③Stuart Firestein은"어두운 방에서 검은 고양이를 찾는 것은 특히 고양이가 없을 때 매우 어렵다."라는 옛 속담으로 그의 책Ignorance를 시작한다.
④This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences.
④이 말은 본질에 대한 탐구를 훌륭하게 요약한다.
⑤History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses.
⑤역사는 가설을 이끄는 잘못된 개념을 사용했기 때문에 헛되이 본질을 탐색했던 과학자들의 많은 예를 가지고 있다.
⑥Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through.
⑥Firestein은 빛이 통과할 수 있는 매개체를 갖도록 우주를 가득 채워줄 것이라 여겨진 신비한 물질인 발광 에테르의 예를 제시한다.
⑦The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.
⑦Firestein이 쓰기를,에테르는 검은 고양이였고,물리학자들은 어두운 방에서 이론을 세우고,그러고 나서 존재하지 않았던 고양이라는 증거를 찾으며,그 안에서 실험을 하고 있었던 것이었다.
[고1] 2024년09월–34번:소셜미디어에서의'일반적유명인'과전통적유명인의차이
①While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself.
①소셜 미디어 관심은 잠재적으로 엘리트 명성과 같은 목적을 달성하기 위한 도구인 반면,일부 콘텐츠 제작자들은 사회적 목적 그 자체로서 평범한 명성을 원한다.
②Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability.
②리얼리티 텔레비전 스타들과 다르지 않게,소셜 미디어 유명인들은 연기나 가창력과 같은 전통적인 엘리트 명성과 관련된 기술과 재능을 가지고 있지 않다는 이유로 종종 비판을 받는다.
③This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity.
③이러한 비판은 디지털 콘텐츠 제작자들이 엘리트 명성의 영역으로 넘어가는 데 있어 실질적인 장벽에 직면하고 있다는 사실을 강조한다.
④However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame.
④그러나 이 비판은 또한 평범한 명성 현상이 명성의 의미를 재구성한다는 점을 놓친다.
⑤The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class.
⑤엘리트 유명인은 스타라는 은유로 상징되고,신비로움과 계층적 거리로 특징지어지며,타고난 자질의 재능과 계층에 연관되어 있다.
⑥The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people.
⑥평범한 유명인은 다른 평범한 사람들과의 정기적이고 빈번한 상호작용을 통해 관심을 끈다.
⑦Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.
⑦소셜 미디어 유명인으로서 평범한 명성을 얻는 것은 게임에서 잘하는 것과 같은데,왜냐하면 이 영역에서 명성은 관심 척도,즉,소셜 미디어 애플리케이션에 내장된 구독자,팔로워,좋아요 또는 클릭의 측정 기준에서 상대적으로 높은 점수 그 이상도 그 이하도 아니기 때문이다.
[고1] 2024년09월–35번:시험준비에서벼락치기가효과적이지않은이유
①Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy?
①왜 우리는 시험을 위해 벼락 공부를 하는 것이 최고의 학습 전략이라는 착각을 하는 것일까?
②Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory.
②우리가 우리의 기억의 다양한 구획을 구별할 수 없기 때문이다.
③Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind.
③우리의 교과서나 수업 노트를 읽은 직후에는 정보가 우리 머릿속에 완전히 존재한다.
④It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form.
④그것은 우리의 의식적인 작업 기억에 활동적인 형태로 자리한다.
⑤We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later.
⑤그것은 우리의 단기 저장 공간에 존재하기 때문에 우리는 마치 우리가 그것을 알고 있는 것처럼 느끼지만,이 단기 구획은 며칠 후 같은 정보를 기억하기 위해 우리가 필요로 할 장기 기억과는 아무런 관련이 없다.
⑥After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes.
⑥몇 초 또는 몇 분 후,작업 기억은 이미 사라지기 시작하고,며칠 후 그 영향은 엄청나게 되어,여러분이 자신의 지식을 다시 테스트하지 않으면 기억은 사라진다.
⑦To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.
⑦정보를 장기 기억에 넣으려면,여러분의 모든 시간을 공부하는 데에 쓰기보다는 자료를 공부하고 나서 스스로를 테스트하는 것이 필수적이다.
[고1] 2024년09월–36번:거울뉴런이관찰학습에미치는영향
①The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation.
①거울 뉴런의 발견은 관찰에 의한 학습이라는 근본적인 인간의 능력에 대해 우리가 생각하는 방식을 완전히 바꾸어 놓았다.
②As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do.
②어린이일 때 우리는 우리의 부모와 친구들이 하는 것을 관찰하면서 많이 배운다.
③Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs.
③갓난아기들은 생의 첫 주에 그들의 부모가 그들의 것(혀)을 내밀면 자신의 혀를 내미는 선천적인 성향을 갖고 있다.
④Such imitation is not perfect.
④그러한 모방은 완벽하지 않다.
⑤You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different.
⑤당신은 당신의 갓난아기에게 당신의 것(혀)을 내밀 때마다(아기의)혀가 내밀어 나오는 것을 보지 못할 수도 있지만,만약 당신이 그것을 여러 번 한다면 당신이 다른 것을 할 때보다(아기의)혀가 더 자주 나올 것이다.
⑥Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce.
⑥아기들은 옹알이하고 이후에 그들의 부모가 내는 소리를 모방하기 시작한다.
⑦Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents.
⑦이후에도 여전히,그들은 부모들을 흉내 내어 진공청소기와 망치를 갖고 논다.
⑧Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error.
⑧쓰고 말하고 읽고 우주선을 만들고 학교에 가는 우리의 현대 문화는 단지 우리가 가지고 태어나는 또는 시행착오를 통해 배우는 행동에 국한되지 않기 때문에 작동할 수 있다.
⑨We can learn a lot by simply watching others.
⑨우리는 그저 다른 사람들을 관찰하는 것을 통해 많이 배울 수 있다.
[고1] 2024년09월–37번:자신의목소리를다르게인식하는이유
①Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice?
①당신은 당신의 음성 녹음을 듣고 놀랐던 적이 있는가?
②You might have thought, "Is that really what my voice sounds like?"
②당신은'내 목소리가 정말 이렇게 들리는가?'라고 생각했을지도 모른다.
③Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears.
③어쩌면 녹음에서는 당신이 인식한 것보다 당신의 억양이 더 강조되거나,당신의 목소리가 당신의 귀에 들리는 것 같은 것보다 더 높다.
④This is of course quite a common experience.
④이것은 당연히 꽤 흔한 경험이다.
⑤The explanation is actually fairly simple.
⑤이 설명은 사실 꽤 간단하다.
⑥There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak.
⑥우리가 말할 때 우리 자신의 목소리를 인지하는 데는 두 가지 경로가 있다.
⑦One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear.
⑦하나는 외이,중이,내이를 통하는 공기로부터 이동하는 파동처럼 우리가 대부분의 외부의 소리를 인지하는 경로이다.
⑧But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path.
⑧그러나 우리가 말할 때 우리의 성대가 진동하기 때문에 두 번째 내부의 경로가 있다.
⑨Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly.
⑨진동은 뼈를 통해 전해지고,우리의 내이를 직접 자극한다.
⑩Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway.
⑩낮은 주파수는 이 경로를 따라 두드러진다.
⑪That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.
⑪그것은 당신의 목소리가 다른 사람에게 들릴 수 있는 것보다 당신 자신에게 더 깊고 풍부하게 들리게 한다.
[고1] 2024년09월–38번:생물의유사성에서아날로그와호몰로그의차이
①Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity.
①생물학자들은 두 종류의 유사성을 구별한다.
②"Analogous" traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not "the same" organ.
②'상사'형질은 공통된 기능을 가지는 것들이지만,진화 계보의 다른 가지에서 생겨났고 중요한 면에서'동일한'기관이 아닌 형질이다.
③The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight.
③새의 날개들과 벌의 날개들은 둘 다 비행에 쓰이고 비행에 쓰이는 것은 어떤 것이든 그러한 방식으로 만들어져야 하기 때문에 일부 방식에서 유사하지만,그것들은 진화상에 별개로 생겨났고,비행에서 그것들의 쓰임 외에는 공통점이 없다.
④"Homologous" traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being "the same" organ.
④대조적으로, '상동'형질은 공통된 기능이 있을 수도 없을 수도 있으나 그것들은 공통의 조상으로부터 내려왔으므로 그들이'동일한'기관임을 보여주는 어떠한 공통된 구조를 가진다.
⑤The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals.
⑤박쥐의 날개와 말의 앞다리는 매우 다른 기능들을 가지나,그것들은 모든 포유류의 조상의 앞다리가 모두 변형된 것들이다.
⑥As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected.
⑥그 결과,그들은 뼈의 개수와 그것들이 연결된 방식과 같은 비기능적 형질을 공유한다.
⑦To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.
⑦상사성과 상동성을 구별하기 위해,생물학자들은 주로 그 기관의 전체적인 구성을 살펴보고 그들의 가장 쓰임이 없는 특성에 집중한다.
[고1] 2024년09월–39번:기후변화로인한해양산소감소의위험성
①Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive.
①해수는 모든 해양 동물이 살아있기 위해 호흡하는 다량의 용존 산소를 포함한다.
②It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures.
②따뜻한 물이 보유하고 있는 것보다 차가운 물이 더 많은 용존 산소를 보유하고 있다는 사실은 물리학에서 오랫동안 확립되어 왔으며,이는 열대 해양은 푸르고 맑고 생물이 상대적으로 적게 서식하는 반면 차가운 극지의 바다는 생명으로 가득한 하나의 이유이다.
③Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease.
③따라서 지구 온난화가 해양 수온을 높임에 따라 용존 산소의 양이 감소할 것은 자명하다.
④This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level.
⑤Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century.
⑤현재 과학자들은 해양에서 용존 산소의 양이 반세기가 넘는 기간 동안 감소해 왔다는 것을 보여 주는 데이터를 분석해 왔다.
⑥The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature.
⑥이 데이터는 해양 산소 농도가 상응하는 수온 상승보다 더 빠르게 감소해 오고 있음을 보여 준다.
⑦Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.
⑦감소하는 수중 산소 농도는 세계적으로 해양 생물의 서식지에 영향을 끼칠 가능성을 갖고 있으며 최근에 이것은 물고기,게,그리고 많은 다른 생물의 개체군을 죽이거나 쫓아낸 더 빈번한 산소 결핍 사건을 초래해 왔다.
[고1] 2024년09월–40번:원숭이실험에서불공정한대우에대한반응
①Capuchins ― New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ― will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved.
①대규모의 사회 집단으로 서식하는New World Monkey인Capuchin은 갇힌 상태에서 온종일 사람들과 거래를 할 것인데 특히 먹이가 연관된다면 그러할 것이다.
②I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat.
②'내가 너에게 이 돌을 주고 너는 나에게 먹을 간식을 준다.'
③If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers.
③만약 당신이 두 마리의 원숭이들을 나란히 있는 우리에 넣고 그들이 이미 가지고 있는 돌의 대가로 오이 조각을 둘 모두에게 주었을 때 그들은 그 오이를 기쁘게 먹을 것이다.
④If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ― grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ― the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter.
④하지만 만약 당신이 한 원숭이에게는 포도를 대신 준다면,일반적으로 포도는 오이보다 더 선호되는데,여전히 오이를 받은 원숭이는 그것들을 실험자에게 던지기 시작할 것이다.
⑤Even though she is still getting "paid" the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair.
⑤비록 그녀가 돌을 모은 그녀의 수고에 대한 대가로 같은 양을 여전히'받고',그래서 그녀의 특정한 상황이 변화가 없더라도,다른 원숭이와의 비교는 그 상황을 부당하게 만든다.
⑥Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains ― the cucumbers themselves ― to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter.
⑥게다가,그녀는 실험자에게 그녀의 불쾌함을 전달하기 위해 모든 얻은 것들,즉,오이 자체를 이제 기꺼이 포기한다.
⑦[요약문] According to the passage, if the Capuchin monkey realizes the inequality in rewards compared to another monkey, she will reject her rewards to express her feelings about the treatment, despite getting exactly the same rewards as before.
⑦[요약문]이 글에 따르면,만약Capuchin원숭이가 다른 원숭이와 비교하여 보상에서의 불평등을 알아차린다면,그녀는 이전과 정확히 똑같은 보상을 받더라도 대우에 대한 그녀의 감정을 표현하기 위해 그녀의 보상을 거부할 것이다.
[고1] 2024년09월–41~42번:고등교육의확산과그로인한평가시스템의모순
①Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world.
①고등 교육은 전 세계에 걸쳐 엘리트에서 대중 체제로 성장해 왔다.
②In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War.
②유럽과 미국에서는2차 세계 대전 이후 수십 년 동안 증가된 참여율이 나타났다.
③Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23).
③2000년과2014년 사이에 졸업 연령 범주 내 집단 구성원 사이에서의 고등 교육 참여율은 전 세계에 걸쳐19%에서34%로 거의 두 배가 되었다.
④The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students.
④고등 교육의 극적인 확대는 더 광범위한 고등 학습 기관과 더 다양한 학생 인구 집단으로 특징지어져 왔다.
⑤Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialized workforce for the economy.
⑤엘리트 체제에서 대중 고등 교육 체제로의 변화는 경제를 위한 전문화된 노동력을 구축하려는 정치적 필요성과 관련이 있다.
⑥In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development.
⑥이론적으로,고도로 숙련된 노동력을 개발하기 위한 고등 교육의 확대는 평생학습을 가능하게 하는 평가로의 접근 방법,즉,학습을'위한'평가와 발달을 위한 피드백에 집중을 시작하면서,학생의 선발과 통제에 있어 시험의 역할을 감소시킬 것이다.
⑦In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a 'field of contradictions' for assessment in higher education.
⑦실제로는 고등 교육을 확대하기 위한 사회 정치적 변화는 고등 교육에서의 평가에 있어'모순의 장'을 조성해 왔다.
⑧Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback.
⑧대중 고등 교육은 최소한이거나 비개인적이거나 표준화된 피드백을 갖춘,시험과 선다형 퀴즈와 같은,평가로의 효율적인 접근 방법을 필요로 하며,이는 종종 학생이 피드백보다 성적에 더 집중하게 만든다.
⑨In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students.
⑨대조적으로,과거에 엘리트 체제의 상대적으로 적은 학생의 수는 형성적 피드백이 학생의 마음,학업 기술,그리고 심지어 학생의 성격을 형성하면서,학생과 그들의 선생님 사이의 더 긴밀한 관계를 허용했다.
⑧Therefore show your child good examples of life by your action.
⑨In our daily lives, we can show our children that we respect others.
⑩We can show them our compassion and concern when others are suffering, and our own self-discipline, courage and honesty as we make difficult decisions.
②If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it fall, does it make a sound?
③The correct answer is no.
④Sound is more than pressure waves, and indeed there can be no sound without a hearer.
⑤And similarly, scientific communication is a two-way process.
⑥Just as a signal of any kind is useless unless it is perceived, a published scientific paper (signal) is useless unless it is both received and understood by its intended audience.
④This old-school, adversarial approach may be useful in a one-off negotiation where you will probably not deal with that person again.
⑤However, such transactions are becoming increasingly rare, because most of us deal with the same people repeatedly ─ our spouses and children, our friends and colleagues, our customers and clients.
⑥In view of this, it's essential to achieve successful results for ourselves and maintain a healthy relationship with our negotiating partners at the same time.
①The interaction of workers from different cultural backgrounds with the host population might increase productivity due to positive externalities like knowledge spillovers.
②This is only an advantage up to a certain degree.
③When the variety of backgrounds is too large, fractionalization may cause excessive transaction costs for communication, which may lower productivity.
④Diversity not only impacts the labour market, but may also affect the quality of life in a location.
⑤A tolerant native population may value a multicultural city or region because of an increase in the range of available goods and services.
⑥On the other hand, diversity could be perceived as an unattractive feature if natives perceive it as a distortion of what they consider to be their national identity.
⑦They might even discriminate against other ethnic groups and they might fear that social conflicts between different foreign nationalities are imported into their own neighbourhood.
④Before these ancestors got the idea to erect standing stones some 12,000 years ago, they were hunter-gatherers.
⑤It appears that the erection of the multiple rings of megalithic stones took so long, and so many successive generations, that these innovators were forced to settle down to complete the construction works.
⑧Evans became famous for recordings made from the late-1950s through the 1960s.
⑨He won his first Grammy Award in 1964 for his album Conversations with Myself.
⑨그는자신의앨범Conversations with Myself로1964년에자신의첫번째그래미상을수상했다.
⑩Evans' expressive piano works and his unique harmonic approach inspired a whole generation of musicians.
[고1] 2023년09월– 29번:스포츠경영전문가들이비전문적조언에직면하는상황
①There is a reason the title "Monday Morning Quarterback" exists.
①'Monday Morning Quarterback'이라는이름이존재하는이유가있다.
②Just read the comments on social media from fans discussing the weekend's games, and you quickly see how many people believe they could play, coach, and manage sport teams more successfully than those on the field.
④Students and professionals with years of training and specialized degrees in sport business may also find themselves being given advice on how to do their jobs from friends, family, or even total strangers without any expertise.
⑦Very few people tell their doctor how to perform surgery or their accountant how to prepare their taxes, but many people provide feedback on how sport organizations should be managed.
⑤But their decision to drive is based solely on emotion, not logic.
⑥Logic says that statistically, the odds of dying in a car crash are around 1 in 5,000, while the odds of dying in a plane crash are closer to 1 in 11 million.
①The famous primatologist Frans de Waal, of Emory University, says humans downplay similarities between us and other animals as a way of maintaining our spot at the top of our imaginary ladder.
①Emory대학의유명한영장류학자Frans de Waal은인간은상상속사다리의꼭대기에서우리의위치를유지하는방법으로우리와다른동물들사이의유사성을경시한다고말한다.
②Scientists, de Waal points out, can be some of the worst offenders ─ employing technical language to distance the other animals from us.
③They call "kissing" in chimps "mouth-to-mouth contact"; they call "friends" between primates "favorite affiliation partners"; they interpret evidence showing that crows and chimps can make tools as being somehow qualitatively different from the kind of toolmaking said to define humanity.
④If an animal can beat us at a cognitive task ─ like how certain bird species can remember the precise locations of thousands of seeds ─ they write it off as instinct, not intelligence.
④All of them had dyslexia and had had significant problems with reading throughout their school years.
⑤While she expected to find that they had avoided reading and discovered ways to bypass it or compensate with other strategies for learning, she found the opposite.
⑧The pattern Fink discovered was that all of her subjects had been passionate in some personal interest.
⑨The areas of interest included religion, math, business, science, history, and biography.
⑩What mattered was that they read voraciously to find out more.
[고1] 2023년09월– 34번:능력을자신가치의유일한기준으로삼는문제
①For many people, ability refers to intellectual competence, so they want everything they do to reflect how smart they are ─ writing a brilliant legal brief, getting the highest grade on a test, writing elegant computer code, saying something exceptionally wise or witty in a conversation.
②You could also define ability in terms of a particular skill or talent, such as how well one plays the piano, learns a language, or serves a tennis ball.
④However ability may be defined, a problem occurs when it is the sole determinant of one's self-worth.
⑤The performance becomes the only measure of the person; nothing else is taken into account.
⑥An outstanding performance means an outstanding person; an average performance means an average person. Period.
[고1] 2023년09월– 35번:감각신경과운동신경이신체기능을제어하는방식
①Sensory nerves have specialized endings in the tissues that pick up a particular sensation.
②If, for example, you step on a sharp object such as a pin, nerve endings in the skin will transmit the pain sensation up your leg, up and along the spinal cord to the brain.
⑤They will also connect to motor nerves that travel back down the spinal cord, and to the muscles in your leg that now contract quickly to lift your foot away from the painful object.
⑥Sensory and motor nerves control almost all functions in the body ─ from the beating of the heart to the movement of the gut, sweating and just about everything else.
⑥Crystals come in a variety of shapes that scientists call habits.
⑦Common crystal habits include squares, triangles, and six-sided hexagons.
⑧Usually crystals form when liquids cool, such as when you create ice cubes.
⑨Many times, crystals form in ways that do not allow for perfect shapes.
⑩If conditions are too cold, too hot, or there isn't enough source material, they can form strange, twisted shapes.
⑪But when conditions are right, we see beautiful displays.
⑫Usually, this involves a slow, steady environment where the individual atoms have plenty of time to join and fit perfectly into what's known as the crystal lattice.
②Individuals differ in how they like to manage their time to meet work and outside responsibilities.
③Some people prefer to separate or segment roles so that boundary crossings are minimized.
④For example, these people might keep separate email accounts for work and family and try to conduct work at the workplace and take care of family matters only during breaks and non-work time.
⑦Other individuals prefer integrating work and family roles all day long.
⑧This might entail constantly trading text messages with children from the office, or monitoring emails at home and on vacation, rather than returning to work to find hundreds of messages in their inbox.
①A "complementary good" is a product that is often consumed alongside another product.
②For example, popcorn is a complementary good to a movie, while a travel pillow is a complementary good for a long plane journey.
③When the popularity of one product increases, the sales of its complementary good also increase.
④By producing goods that complement other products that are already (or about to be) popular, you can ensure a steady stream of demand for your product.
①It's not news to anyone that we judge others based on their clothes.
②In general, studies that investigate these judgments find that people prefer clothing that matches expectations ─ surgeons in scrubs, little boys in blue ─ with one notable exception.
③A series of studies published in an article in June 2014 in the Journal of Consumer Research explored observers' reactions to people who broke established norms only slightly.
③Journal of Consumer Research의2014년6월기사에실린일련의연구는확립된규범을아주약간어긴사람들에대한관찰자들의반응을탐구했다.
④In one scenario, a man at a black-tie affair was viewed as having higher status and competence when wearing a red bow tie.
⑤The researchers also found that valuing uniqueness increased audience members' ratings of the status and competence of a professor who wore red sneakers while giving a lecture.
⑥The results suggest that people judge these slight deviations from the norm as positive because they suggest that the individual is powerful enough to risk the social costs of such behaviors.
①Claims that local food production cut greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the burning of transportation fuel are usually not well founded.
②Transport is the source of only 11 percent of greenhouse gas emissions within the food sector, so reducing the distance that food travels after it leaves the farm is far less important than reducing wasteful energy use on the farm.
③Food coming from a distance can actually be better for the climate, depending on how it was grown.
④For example, field-grown tomatoes shipped from Mexico in the winter months will have a smaller carbon footprint than local winter tomatoes grown in a greenhouse.
⑤In the United Kingdom, lamb meat that travels 11,000 miles from New Zealand generates only one-quarter the carbon emissions per pound compared to British lamb because farmers in the United Kingdom raise their animals on feed (which must be produced using fossil fuels) rather than on clover pastureland.
⑦Bulk loads of food can travel halfway around the world by ocean freight with a smaller carbon footprint, per pound delivered, than foods traveling just a short distance but in much smaller loads.
⑧For example, 18-wheelers carry much larger loads than pickup trucks so they can move food 100 times as far while burning only one-third as much gas per pound of food delivered.
1) ChatGPT-4o의 전반적 답변은 매우 우수하지만, 모든 내용이 완벽한 것은 아닙니다. 일부 오류가 있을 수 있습니다. 2) 요지나 제목이 가끔 전체 내용을 제대로 반영하지 못하는 경우가 있습니다. 3) 영어 지문이나 해석 텍스트에 오타가 있을 수 있습니다. 혹시 발견하시면 댓글에 남겨주세요. 수정해 놓겠습니다.
오늘은 <2024년도 6월 고1 영어 모의고사>의한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다. 설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 사용하세요. 유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다~♡ 혹시 자료에 오류가 있으면 댓글 달아주세요. 바로 수정해 놓겠습니다.
④ Instead, organize all of your tasks in one place.
④대신, 당신의모든일들을한곳에정리하라.
⑤ It doesn't matter if you use digital or paper media.
⑥ It's okay to keep your professional and personal tasks in one place.
⑦ This will give you a good idea of how time is divided between work and home.
⑧ This will allow you to make informed decisions about which tasks are most important.
[고1] 2023년 06월 – 21번: 고객만족도모니터링의중요성과입소문효과
① Why do you care how a customer reacts to a purchase?
② Good question.
③ By understanding post-purchase behavior, you can understand the influence and the likelihood of whether a buyer will repurchase the product (and whether she will keep it or return it).
⑨ By continually monitoring your customer's satisfaction after the sale, you have the ability to avoid negative word-of-mouth advertising.
⑨판매후고객의만족을지속적으로모니터함으로써, 당신은부정적인입소문광고를피할수있는능력을가진다.
[고1] 2023년 06월 – 22번: 기술발전으로소비자에게떠넘겨진노동의증가
① The promise of a computerized society, we were told, was that it would pass to machines all of the repetitive drudgery of work, allowing us humans to pursue higher purposes and to have more leisure time.
① We tend to believe that we possess a host of socially desirable characteristics, and that we are free of most of those that are socially undesirable.
② For example, a large majority of the general public thinks that they are more intelligent, more fair-minded, less prejudiced, and more skilled behind the wheel of an automobile than the average person.
③ This phenomenon is so reliable and ubiquitous that it has come to be known as the "Lake Wobegon effect," after Garrison Keillor's fictional community where "the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average."
④ A survey of one million high school seniors found that 70% thought they were above average in leadership ability, and only 2% thought they were below average.
⑤ In terms of ability to get along with others, all students thought they were above average, 60% thought they were in the top 10%, and 25% thought they were in the top 1%!
① Few people will be surprised to hear that poverty tends to create stress: a 2006 study published in the American journal Psychosomatic Medicine, for example, noted that a lower socioeconomic status was associated with higher levels of stress hormones in the body.
② However, richer economies have their own distinct stresses.
②하지만, 더부유한국가는그들만의뚜렷한스트레스를가지고있다.
③ The key issue is time pressure.
④ A 1999 study of 31 countries by American psychologist Robert Levine and Canadian psychologist Ara Norenzayan found that wealthier, more industrialized nations had a faster pace of life ─ which led to a higher standard of living, but at the same time left the population feeling a constant sense of urgency, as well as being more prone to heart disease.
④미국심리학자 Robert Levine과캐나다심리학자 Ara Norenzayan이 31개국을대상으로한 1999년연구는더부유하고, 더산업화된국가들이더빠른삶의속도를가지고있다는것 ─ 그리고이것이더높은생활수준으로이어졌지만, 동시에사람들에게지속적인촉박함을느끼게했고그뿐만아니라심장병에걸리기더쉽게한다는것을알아냈다.
⑤ In effect, fast-paced productivity creates wealth, but it also leads people to feel time-poor when they lack the time to relax and enjoy themselves.
⑤ He earned a doctor's degree in economics from the University of Chicago in 1955.
⑤그는 1955년에 University of Chicago에서경제학박사학위를취득했다.
⑥ His doctoral paper on the economics of discrimination was mentioned by the Nobel Prize Committee as an important contribution to economics.
⑦ Since 1985, Becker had written a regular economics column in Business Week, explaining economic analysis and ideas to the general public.
⑦ 1985년부터, Becker는 Business Week에경제학적분석과아이디어를일반대중에게설명하는경제학칼럼을정기적으로기고했다.
⑧ In 1992, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economic science.
⑧ 1992년에, 그는노벨경제학상을수상했다.
[고1] 2023년 06월 – 29번: 아이에게긍정적자아상을심어주는칭찬의중요성
① Although praise is one of the most powerful tools available for improving young children's behavior, it is equally powerful for improving your child's self-esteem.
② Preschoolers believe what their parents tell them in a very profound way.
③ They do not yet have the cognitive sophistication to reason analytically and reject false information.
④ If a preschool boy consistently hears from his mother that he is smart and a good helper, he is likely to incorporate that information into his self-image.
⑤ Thinking of himself as a boy who is smart and knows how to do things is likely to make him endure longer in problem-solving efforts and increase his confidence in trying new and difficult tasks.
⑥ Similarly, thinking of himself as the kind of boy who is a good helper will make him more likely to volunteer to help with tasks at home and at preschool.
⑦ Just as trains bring materials and textiles into a city, which become processed into the economy, so the raw electrochemical signals from sensory organs are transported along superhighways of neurons.
④ Strange as it may sound, this theory states that emotions arise from our bodies.
④이상하게들릴지모르지만, 이이론은감정이우리신체에서발생한다고말한다.
⑤ For example, our mood can be improved by simply lifting up the corners of our mouth.
⑤예를들어, 우리의기분은단순히입꼬리를올리는것으로좋아질수있다.
⑥ If people are asked to bite down on a pencil lengthwise, taking care not to let the pencil touch their lips (thus forcing the mouth into a smile-like shape), they judge cartoons funnier than if they have been asked to frown.
④ The discounted soup was sold in one of three conditions: a control, where there was no limit on the volume of purchases, or two tests, where customers were limited to either four or twelve cans.
① Although technology has the potential to increase productivity, it can also have a negative impact on productivity.
①기술은생산성을높일수있는잠재력을가지고있지만, 또한생산성에부정적인영향을미칠수있다.
② For example, in many office environments workers sit at desks with computers and have access to the internet.
②예를들어, 많은사무실환경에서직원들은컴퓨터가있는책상에앉아인터넷에접속한다.
③ They are able to check their personal e-mails and use social media whenever they want to.
④ This can stop them from doing their work and make them less productive.
⑤ Introducing new technology can also have a negative impact on production when it causes a change to the production process or requires workers to learn a new system.
③ There was no need to tell the time because life depended on natural cycles, such as the changing seasons or sunrise and sunset.
③변화하는계절이나일출과일몰같은, 자연적인주기에삶이달려있기때문에시간을알필요가없었다.
④ Gradually more people started to live in larger settlements, and some needed to tell the time.
④점점더많은사람들이더큰정착지에서살기시작했고, 어떤사람들은시간을알필요가있었다.
⑤ For example, priests wanted to know when to carry out religious ceremonies.
⑤예를들어, 성직자들은언제종교적인의식을수행해야하는지알고싶었다.
⑥ This was when people first invented clocks ― devices that show, measure, and keep track of passing time.
⑥이때사람들이시간을보여주고, 측정하고, 흐르는시간을추적하는장치인시계를처음으로발명했다.
⑦ Clocks have been important ever since.
⑧ Today, clocks are used for important things such as setting busy airport timetables ― if the time is incorrect, aeroplanes might crash into each other when taking off or landing!
① Managers are always looking for ways to increase productivity, which is the ratio of costs to output in production.
①관리자들은항상생산성을높일수있는방법을찾고있는데, 생산성은생산에서비용대비생산량의비율이다.
② Adam Smith, writing when the manufacturing industry was new, described a way that production could be made more efficient, known as the "division of labor."
②제조산업이새로등장했을때저술한 Adam Smith는생산이더효율적으로될수있는방식을설명했고, "노동분업"으로알려져있다.
③ Making most manufactured goods involves several different processes using different skills.
④ Smith's example was the manufacture of pins: the wire is straightened, sharpened, a head is put on, and then it is polished.
② The face you saw reflected in your mirror this morning probably appeared no different from the face you saw the day before ― or a week or a month ago.
⑧ Even something as basic as our own face changes from moment to moment.
[고1] 2023년 06월 – 39번: 아이의호기심이점차줄어드는이유
① According to educational psychologist Susan Engel, curiosity begins to decrease as young as four years old.
①교육심리학자 Susan Engel에따르면, 호기심은네살정도의어린나이에줄어들기시작한다.
② By the time we are adults, we have fewer questions and more default settings.
②우리가어른이될무렵, 질문은더적어지고기본값은더많아진다.
③ As Henry James put it, "Disinterested curiosity is past, the mental grooves and channels set."
③ Henry James가말했듯이, "흥미를유발하지않는호기심은없어지고, 정신의고랑과경로가자리잡는다."
④ The decline in curiosity can be traced in the development of the brain through childhood.
⑤ Though smaller than the adult brain, the infant brain contains millions more neural connections.
⑤비록성인의뇌보다작지만, 유아의뇌는수백만개더많은신경연결을가지고있다.
⑥ The wiring, however, is a mess; the lines of communication between infant neurons are far less efficient than between those in the adult brain.
⑥그러나연결상태는엉망이다; 유아의뉴런간의전달은성인뇌의그것들간의전달보다훨씬덜효율적이다.
⑦ The baby's perception of the world is consequently both intensely rich and wildly disordered.
⑧ As children absorb more evidence from the world around them, certain possibilities become much more likely and more useful and harden into knowledge or beliefs.
⑤ Although all these foods are nutrient-dense, they do not add up to a healthy diet because they don't supply a wide enough variety of the nutrients we need.
⑥ Or take the case of the teenager who occasionally eats fried chicken, but otherwise stays away from fried foods.
⑥또는튀긴치킨을가끔먹지만, 그렇지않으면튀긴음식을멀리하는십대의경우를예로들어보자.
⑦ The occasional fried chicken isn't going to knock his or her diet off track.
⑧ But the person who eats fried foods every day, with few vegetables or fruits, and loads up on supersized soft drinks, candy, and chips for snacks has a bad diet.
① Early hunter-gatherer societies had minimal structure.
② A chief or group of elders usually led the camp or village.
③ Most of these leaders had to hunt and gather along with the other members because the surpluses of food and other vital resources were seldom sufficient to support a full-time chief or village council.
④ The development of agriculture changed work patterns.
⑤ Early farmers could reap 3-10 kg of grain from each 1 kg of seed planted.
⑤초기농부들은심은씨앗 1kg마다 3-10kg의곡물을수확할수있었다.
⑥ Part of this food/energy surplus was returned to the community and provided support for nonfarmers such as chieftains, village councils, men who practice medicine, priests, and warriors.
⑦ In return, the nonfarmers provided leadership and security for the farming population, enabling it to continue to increase food/energy yields and provide ever larger surpluses.
⑧ With improved technology and favorable conditions, agriculture produced consistent surpluses of the basic necessities, and population groups grew in size.
⑨ These groups concentrated in towns and cities, and human tasks specialized further.
⑨이러한집단은마을과도시에집중되었고, 인간의업무는더욱전문화되었다.
⑩ Specialists such as carpenters, blacksmiths, merchants, traders, and sailors developed their skills and became more efficient in their use of time and energy.
⑪ The goods and services they provided brought about an improved quality of life, a higher standard of living, and, for most societies, increased stability.
⑪그들이제공한재화와서비스로인해향상된삶의질, 더높은생활수준, 그리고, 대부분의사회에서, 향상된안정성을가져왔다.
[고1] 2023년 06월 – 43~45번: 아들을간호하며임종을지켜준병사의인간애실화
① A nurse took a tired, anxious soldier to the bedside.
② "Jack, your son is here," the nurse said to an old man lying on the bed.
② "Jack, 당신아들이왔어요."라고간호사가침대에누워있는노인에게말했다.
③ She had to repeat the words several times before the old man's eyes opened.
④ Suffering from the severe pain because of heart disease, he barely saw the young uniformed soldier standing next to him.
④심장병때문에극심한고통을겪고있어, 그는제복을입은젊은군인이그의옆에서있는것을간신히보았다.
⑤ He reached out his hand to the soldier.
⑥ The soldier gently wrapped his fingers around the weak hand of the old man.
⑦ The nurse brought a chair so that the soldier could sit beside the bed.
⑧ All through the night the young soldier sat there, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of support and comfort.
⑧밤새젊은군인은거기에앉아, 노인의손을잡고그에게지지와위로의말을건넸다.
⑨ Occasionally, she suggested that the soldier take a rest for a while.
⑨가끔, 그녀는군인에게잠시쉬라고제안했다.
⑩ He politely said no.
⑪ Whenever the nurse came into the room, she heard the soldier say a few gentle words.
⑪간호사가병실에들어올때마다, 그녀는그군인이부드러운몇마디의말을하는것을들었다.
⑫ The old man said nothing, only held tightly to him all through the night.
⑬ Just before dawn, the old man died.
⑬동트기직전에, 그노인은죽었다.
⑭ The soldier released the old man's hand and left the room to find the nurse.
⑮ After she was told what happened, she went back to the room with him.
⑮그녀가무슨일이있었는지들은후, 그녀는그와함께병실로돌아갔다.
⑯ The soldier hesitated for a while and asked, "Who was this man?"
⑯군인은잠시머뭇거리고는 "그남자는누구였나요?"라고물었다.
⑰ She was surprised and asked, "Wasn't he your father?"
⑰그녀는깜짝놀라서물었다. "그가당신의아버지가아니었나요?"
⑱ "No, he wasn't. I've never met him before," the soldier replied.
⑱ "아니요, 그는아니었어요. 저는그를이전에만난적이없어요."라고군인이대답했다.
⑲ She asked, "Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?"
⑲그녀는물었다, "그러면내가당신을그에게데리고갔을때왜아무말도하지않았나요?"
⑳ He said, "I knew there had been a mistake, but when I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I could see how much he needed me. So, I stayed."
ACC Travel Agency Customers: Have you ever wanted to enjoy a holiday in nature? This summer is the best time to turn your dream into reality. We have a perfect travel package for you. This travel package includes special trips to Lake Madison as well as massage and meditation to help you relax. Also, we provide yoga lessons taught by experienced instructors. If you book this package, you will enjoy all this at a reasonable price. We are sure that it will be an unforgettable experience for you. If you call us, we will be happy to give you more details.
Possible Titles:
1. Affordable Summer Getaway to Lake Madison for Relaxation and Rejuvenation
2. Unforgettable Nature Escape with Yoga, Massage, and Meditation at Lake Madison
3. The Ultimate Summer Retreat: Wellness and Tranquility at Lake Madison
4. Lake Madison Travel Package: Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind with ACC
Main Idea #1:
The travel package offers a summer escape to Lake Madison with activities promoting relaxation, such as massage, meditation, and yoga.
Main Idea #2:
ACC Travel Agency provides an affordable package combining outdoor activities at Lake Madison with wellness practices to ensure an unforgettable summer vacation.
The ACC Travel Agency offers a summer travel package featuring Lake Madison. Guests will enjoy relaxing activities like yoga, massage, and meditation led by experienced instructors. With reasonable pricing, this nature escape promises an unforgettable holiday.
Key Points:
1. The travel package includes trips to Lake Madison.
2. Relaxation activities offered include massage, meditation, and yoga.
3. Experienced instructors will lead yoga lessons.
4. The package is affordably priced for an unforgettable summer experience.
[고1 2023년06월– 19번:마술쇼관람중잠시분실된가족을찾은이야기]
When I woke up in our hotel room, it was almost midnight. I didn't see my husband nor daughter. I called them, but I heard their phones ringing in the room. Feeling worried, I went outside and walked down the street, but they were nowhere to be found. When I decided I should ask someone for help, a crowd nearby caught my attention. I approached, hoping to find my husband and daughter, and suddenly I saw two familiar faces. I smiled, feeling calm. Just then, my daughter saw me and called, "Mom!" They were watching the magic show. Finally, I felt all my worries disappear.
Possible Titles:
1. Midnight Worries Disappear as Family Reunites at Magic Show
2. Midnight Search Leads to Reunion and Relief at Hotel Magic Show
3. A Mother's Midnight Scare Turns to Joy at Magic Show
4. Finding Family in the Midnight Crowd: A Mother's Journey to Relief
Main Idea #1:
A woman wakes up to find her husband and daughter missing and begins to worry.
Main Idea #2:
After searching outside their hotel room, the woman finally finds her husband and daughter watching a nearby magic show, bringing her great relief.
A woman wakes up near midnight to find her husband and daughter missing from their hotel room. Feeling anxious, she searches the street and spots them at a magic show. Reunited, she finally feels calm and relieved.
Key Points:
1. The woman wakes up near midnight and cannot find her family.
2. Their phones are in the room, adding to her worry.
3. She spots a crowd outside and approaches to investigate.
4. She finds her family at a magic show and is relieved.
[고1 2023년06월– 20번:업무와개인일정을하나의캘린더에통합하는것이효율적임]
Research shows that people who work have two calendars: one for work and one for their personal lives. Although it may seem sensible, having two separate calendars for work and personal life can lead to distractions. To check if something is missing, you will find yourself checking your to-do lists multiple times. Instead, organize all of your tasks in one place. It doesn't matter if you use digital or paper media. It's okay to keep your professional and personal tasks in one place. This will give you a good idea of how time is divided between work and home. This will allow you to make informed decisions about which tasks are most important.
Possible Titles:
1. Managing Time Effectively: Benefits of Consolidating Work and Personal Calendars
2. Streamline Productivity by Combining Professional and Personal Calendars
3. Consolidating Calendars: How Merging Work and Personal Schedules Reduces Distractions
4. Enhance Focus and Prioritize Tasks by Merging Personal and Work Calendars
Main Idea #1:
Maintaining separate calendars for work and personal life can create distractions and confusion.
Main Idea #2:
Consolidating work and personal tasks into one calendar provides a clearer overview of priorities and helps improve productivity.
Keeping separate calendars for work and personal life may lead to distractions and frequent list-checking. Instead, merging both into one calendar offers a better view of how time is divided between work and personal life, helping prioritize tasks more effectively.
Key Points:
1. Separate calendars for work and personal life can cause distractions.
2. Consolidating tasks into one calendar provides a clearer view of priorities.
3. Using digital or paper media for organization is acceptable.
4. Merged calendars help in making informed decisions about prioritizing tasks.
[고1 2023년06월– 21번:고객만족도모니터링의중요성과입소문효과]
Why do you care how a customer reacts to a purchase? Good question. By understanding post-purchase behavior, you can understand the influence and the likelihood of whether a buyer will repurchase the product (and whether she will keep it or return it). You'll also determine whether the buyer will encourage others to purchase the product from you. Satisfied customers can become unpaid ambassadors for your business, so customer satisfaction should be on the top of your to-do list. People tend to believe the opinions of people they know. People trust friends over advertisements any day. They know that advertisements are paid to tell the "good side" and that they're used to persuade them to purchase products and services. By continually monitoring your customer's satisfaction after the sale, you have the ability to avoid negative word-of-mouth advertising.
Possible Titles:
1. The Importance of Post-Purchase Behavior in Building Customer Loyalty
2. Why Customer Satisfaction Matters: Turning Buyers into Brand Ambassadors
3. Harnessing Post-Purchase Behavior to Foster Positive Word-of-Mouth
4. Understanding Post-Purchase Behavior: How Customer Satisfaction Influences Repurchasing
Main Idea #1:
Monitoring post-purchase behavior helps understand the likelihood of repurchasing and the potential for product returns.
Main Idea #2:
Satisfied customers can become brand ambassadors, while careful attention to post-purchase behavior prevents negative word-of-mouth.
Understanding post-purchase behavior reveals whether customers are likely to repurchase or return a product and if they will recommend it to others. Satisfied customers act as unpaid ambassadors, promoting the business through word-of-mouth, which is trusted more than advertisements. Monitoring post-purchase satisfaction helps prevent negative word-of-mouth.
Key Points:
1. Understanding post-purchase behavior indicates repurchasing and return likelihood.
2. Satisfied customers often recommend products to others.
3. People trust recommendations from friends more than advertisements.
The promise of a computerized society, we were told, was that it would pass to machines all of the repetitive drudgery of work, allowing us humans to pursue higher purposes and to have more leisure time. It didn't work out this way. Instead of more time, most of us have less. Companies large and small have off-loaded work onto the backs of consumers. Things that used to be done for us, as part of the value-added service of working with a company, we are now expected to do ourselves. With air travel, we're now expected to complete our own reservations and check-in, jobs that used to be done by airline employees or travel agents. At the grocery store, we're expected to bag our own groceries and, in some supermarkets, to scan our own purchases.
Possible Titles:
1. The Irony of Automation: How Technology Shifted Work onto Consumers
2. Automation's Unintended Consequences: More Consumer Labor, Less Leisure Time
3. How the Computerized Society Increased Consumer Workload and Reduced Leisure
4. From Promise to Reality: Automation's Impact on Leisure and Consumer Labor
Main Idea #1:
The promise of automation reducing human work was not realized, as most people now have less free time.
Main Idea #2:
Companies shifted repetitive tasks onto consumers, making them handle jobs that used to be performed as part of a service, like booking travel or checking out groceries.
Despite the promise that automation would increase leisure time, most people find themselves busier. Companies have shifted tasks to consumers that used to be part of the provided service, such as booking flights or scanning groceries. This has led to more consumer labor and less leisure time.
Key Points:
1. Automation was supposed to free up time by reducing repetitive work.
2. People now have less leisure time as companies shifted tasks onto consumers.
3. Examples include handling travel bookings and scanning groceries.
4. Many tasks once part of customer service are now consumer responsibilities.
[고1 2023년06월– 23번:사람들은자신의능력을과대평가하는경향이있음]
We tend to believe that we possess a host of socially desirable characteristics, and that we are free of most of those that are socially undesirable. For example, a large majority of the general public thinks that they are more intelligent, more fair-minded, less prejudiced, and more skilled behind the wheel of an automobile than the average person. This phenomenon is so reliable and ubiquitous that it has come to be known as the "Lake Wobegon effect," after Garrison Keillor's fictional community where "the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average." A survey of one million high school seniors found that 70% thought they were above average in leadership ability, and only 2% thought they were below average. In terms of ability to get along with others, all students thought they were above average, 60% thought they were in the top 10%, and 25% thought they were in the top 1%!
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding the "Lake Wobegon Effect": Why We Overestimate Our Abilities
2. The Lake Wobegon Effect: Illusions of Superiority in Self-Perception
3. Why We All Think We're Above Average: The Lake Wobegon Effect Explained
4. Examining the Lake Wobegon Effect: Overconfidence in Socially Desirable Traits
Main Idea #1:
People believe they possess socially desirable traits and lack undesirable ones, often overestimating their abilities compared to others.
Main Idea #2:
The "Lake Wobegon effect," named after a fictional town, describes this overestimation, with surveys showing that high school seniors overwhelmingly see themselves as above average in leadership and social skills.
People consistently believe they are superior in socially desirable traits, a phenomenon known as the "Lake Wobegon effect." A survey of high school seniors revealed that the majority rated themselves above average in leadership and social skills, with many believing they rank among the top.
Key Points:
1. People tend to overestimate their socially desirable qualities.
2. The "Lake Wobegon effect" illustrates this overconfidence.
3. High school seniors overwhelmingly believe they are above average in leadership and social skills.
4. The phenomenon highlights widespread illusions of personal superiority.
[고1 2023년06월– 24번:부유한국가일수록시간적압박감이높음]
Few people will be surprised to hear that poverty tends to create stress: a 2006 study published in the American journal Psychosomatic Medicine, for example, noted that a lower socioeconomic status was associated with higher levels of stress hormones in the body. However, richer economies have their own distinct stresses. The key issue is time pressure. A 1999 study of 31 countries by American psychologist Robert Levine and Canadian psychologist Ara Norenzayan found that wealthier, more industrialized nations had a faster pace of life ─ which led to a higher standard of living, but at the same time left the population feeling a constant sense of urgency, as well as being more prone to heart disease. In effect, fast-paced productivity creates wealth, but it also leads people to feel time-poor when they lack the time to relax and enjoy themselves.
Possible Titles:
1. Time Poverty in Wealthy Nations: The Stress of Fast-Paced Living
2. How Fast-Paced Economies Create Time Poverty and Stress
3. Balancing Wealth and Well-Being: The Hidden Costs of Fast-Paced Economies
4. High Pace of Life in Rich Economies: Wealth, Stress, and the Sense of Urgency
Main Idea #1:
Poverty induces stress, with studies linking lower socioeconomic status to higher stress hormone levels.
Main Idea #2:
Wealthier economies face distinct stressors from the faster pace of life, creating a time pressure that leaves people feeling constantly rushed and susceptible to heart disease.
Poverty is linked to high stress hormone levels, but fast-paced living in wealthy economies creates its own stresses. Although this lifestyle boosts productivity and wealth, people feel time-poor and under constant urgency, often experiencing health consequences.
Key Points:
1. Poverty is linked to increased stress hormone levels.
2. Wealthier nations have a faster pace of life, leading to constant urgency.
3. This sense of urgency makes people more prone to heart disease.
4. Fast-paced productivity generates wealth but leaves people feeling time-poor.
[고1 2023년06월– 25번: 1990년과2019년지역별산림면적비율그래프]
The above graph shows the share of forest area in total land area by region in 1990 and 2019. Africa's share of forest area in total land area was over 20% in both 1990 and 2019. The share of forest area in America was 42.6% in 1990, which was larger than that in 2019. The share of forest area in Asia declined from 1990 to 2019 by more than 10 percentage points. In 2019, the share of forest area in Europe was the largest among the five regions, more than three times that in Asia in the same year. Oceania showed the smallest gap between 1990 and 2019 in terms of the share of forest area in total land area.
Possible Titles:
1. Regional Trends in Forest Coverage: Comparing 1990 and 2019
2. Forest Area Declines in Asia and America, Europe Leads in 2019
3. Changes in Global Forest Distribution: Key Regional Differences from 1990 to 2019
4. Regional Shifts in Forest Coverage: Asia’s Decline and Europe’s Dominance
Main Idea #1:
Africa maintained over 20% of its land as forest in both 1990 and 2019.
Main Idea #2:
The share of forest area in total land decreased in America and Asia, while Europe had the largest share in 2019 and Oceania exhibited the smallest change.
The share of forest area in total land has generally declined since 1990. Asia's forest area dropped by over 10 percentage points, while America's share also decreased. Europe had the highest forest coverage in 2019, and Oceania showed minimal changes in its forest area percentage over time.
Key Points:
1. Africa's forest area remained above 20% of its total land in 1990 and 2019.
2. America’s forest coverage decreased from 42.6% in 1990 to a lower figure in 2019.
3. Asia’s forest area share declined by over 10 percentage points.
4. Europe had the largest forest coverage in 2019, more than three times that of Asia.
5. Oceania had the smallest gap in forest coverage between 1990 and 2019.
[고1 2023년06월– 26번:노벨경제학상수상자게리베커소개]
Gary Becker was born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania in 1930 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York City. His father, who was not well educated, had a deep interest in financial and political issues. After graduating from high school, Becker went to Princeton University, where he majored in economics. He was dissatisfied with his economic education at Princeton University because "it didn't seem to be handling real problems." He earned a doctor's degree in economics from the University of Chicago in 1955. His doctoral paper on the economics of discrimination was mentioned by the Nobel Prize Committee as an important contribution to economics. Since 1985, Becker had written a regular economics column in Business Week, explaining economic analysis and ideas to the general public. In 1992, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economic science.
Possible Titles:
1. Regional Trends in Forest Coverage: Comparing 1990 and 2019
2. Forest Area Declines in Asia and America, Europe Leads in 2019
3. Changes in Global Forest Distribution: Key Regional Differences from 1990 to 2019
4. Regional Shifts in Forest Coverage: Asia’s Decline and Europe’s Dominance
Main Idea #1:
Africa maintained over 20% of its land as forest in both 1990 and 2019.
Main Idea #2:
The share of forest area in total land decreased in America and Asia, while Europe had the largest share in 2019 and Oceania exhibited the smallest change.
The share of forest area in total land has generally declined since 1990. Asia's forest area dropped by over 10 percentage points, while America's share also decreased. Europe had the highest forest coverage in 2019, and Oceania showed minimal changes in its forest area percentage over time.
Key Points:
1. Africa's forest area remained above 20% of its total land in 1990 and 2019.
2. America’s forest coverage decreased from 42.6% in 1990 to a lower figure in 2019.
3. Asia’s forest area share declined by over 10 percentage points.
4. Europe had the largest forest coverage in 2019, more than three times that of Asia.
5. Oceania had the smallest gap in forest coverage between 1990 and 2019.
[고1 2023년06월– 29번:아이에게긍정적자아상을심어주는칭찬의중요성]
Although praise is one of the most powerful tools available for improving young children's behavior, it is equally powerful for improving your child's self-esteem. Preschoolers believe what their parents tell them in a very profound way. They do not yet have the cognitive sophistication to reason analytically and reject false information. If a preschool boy consistently hears from his mother that he is smart and a good helper, he is likely to incorporate that information into his self-image. Thinking of himself as a boy who is smart and knows how to do things is likely to make him endure longer in problem-solving efforts and increase his confidence in trying new and difficult tasks. Similarly, thinking of himself as the kind of boy who is a good helper will make him more likely to volunteer to help with tasks at home and at preschool.
Possible Titles:
1. Positive Parental Praise Shapes Preschoolers' Self-Esteem and Behavior
2. The Role of Parental Affirmation in Early Childhood Development
3. How Consistent Praise Boosts Preschoolers' Confidence and Helping Behavior
4. The Impact of Parental Praise on Preschoolers' Problem-Solving and Volunteering
Main Idea #1:
Positive parental praise shapes a preschooler's self-image, influencing their behavior and confidence.
Main Idea #2:
Preschoolers tend to internalize the positive affirmations they receive from their parents, which increases their problem-solving skills, encourages them to tackle new challenges, and motivates them to be helpful.
Praise is a powerful tool that shapes preschoolers' behavior and self-esteem because they believe their parents deeply. Positive affirmations help them internalize these beliefs, encouraging them to face challenges with confidence and to volunteer with helpful tasks. Praise not only molds their self-image but also inspires them to persist in problem-solving and new endeavors.
Key Points:
1. Preschoolers absorb their parents' praise, shaping their self-esteem and identity.
2. Positive affirmations make children endure challenges and persist longer in problem-solving tasks.
3. Consistent praise about being helpful encourages children to volunteer for tasks at home and in school.
[고1 2023년06월– 30번:광고를통한상품재포지셔닝사례]
Advertisers often displayed considerable facility in adapting their claims to the market status of the goods they promoted. Fleischmann's yeast, for instance, was used as an ingredient for cooking homemade bread. Yet more and more people in the early 20th century were buying their bread from stores or bakeries, so consumer demand for yeast decreased. The producer of Fleischmann's yeast hired the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency to come up with a different marketing strategy to boost sales. No longer the "Soul of Bread," the Thompson agency first turned yeast into an important source of vitamins with significant health benefits. Shortly thereafter, the advertising agency transformed yeast into a natural laxative. Repositioning yeast helped increase sales.
Possible Titles:
1. How Creative Advertising Revitalized Fleischmann's Yeast Sales
2. Adaptive Marketing: Rebranding Fleischmann's Yeast for Modern Consumers
3. The Strategic Transformation of Fleischmann's Yeast into a Health Product
4. Fleischmann's Yeast: From Bread Ingredient to Health-Boosting Laxative
Main Idea #1:
Advertisers adapted their strategies to promote Fleischmann's yeast despite declining demand for homemade bread.
Main Idea #2:
Fleischmann's yeast was successfully repositioned from a bread-making ingredient to a health product, first as a vitamin source and then as a natural laxative, leading to increased sales.
As demand for homemade bread fell, Fleischmann's yeast producers adapted their marketing strategy with help from the J. Walter Thompson agency. They repositioned yeast from a cooking ingredient to a health product, emphasizing its vitamin content and laxative properties. This creative advertising approach boosted yeast sales significantly.
Key Points:
1. Advertisers adapted their messaging to align with shifting consumer habits.
2. Fleischmann's yeast was repositioned from a bread-making ingredient to a source of vitamins and a natural laxative.
3. The marketing shift increased yeast sales by tapping into emerging consumer health interests.
[고1 2023년06월– 31번:명성에대한존경심을활용한자선행위에피소드]
Individuals who perform at a high level in their profession often have instant credibility with others. People admire them, they want to be like them, and they feel connected to them. When they speak, others listen ― even if the area of their skill has nothing to do with the advice they give. Think about a world-famous basketball player. He has made more money from endorsements than he ever did playing basketball. Is it because of his knowledge of the products he endorses? No. It's because of what he can do with a basketball. The same can be said of an Olympic medalist swimmer. People listen to him because of what he can do in the pool. And when an actor tells us we should drive a certain car, we don't listen because of his expertise on engines. We listen because we admire his talent. Excellence connects. If you possess a high level of ability in an area, others may desire to connect with you because of it.
Possible Titles:
1. The Influence of Excellence: How Professional Success Establishes Credibility
2. Instant Credibility: Why High Performers Garner Admiration and Trust
3. The Magnetic Power of Excellence: How Professionals Inspire Trust Beyond Their Field
4. High Performers and Influence: Building Connections Through Talent and Skill
Main Idea #1:
High-performing individuals often have immediate credibility that inspires others, even in areas unrelated to their expertise.
Main Idea #2:
Excellence in a particular field, such as sports or acting, creates a strong connection with others who admire the individual's skill, leading them to trust and follow advice beyond that specific field.
Individuals who excel in their professions have instant credibility, inspiring others regardless of the field. Their high-level skill establishes a connection that makes people trust their endorsements and advice, even if unrelated to their area of expertise. Excellence draws admiration and forms connections beyond the original domain.
Key Points:
1. High-performing professionals gain credibility through excellence in their field.
2. Their influence extends beyond their expertise due to admiration and connection.
3. Their endorsements often succeed despite lacking specific product knowledge.
[고1 2023년06월– 32번:두뇌는도시처럼복잡한상호작용의결과물임]
Think of the brain as a city. If you were to look out over a city and ask "where is the economy located?" you'd see there's no good answer to the question. Instead, the economy emerges from the interaction of all the elements ― from the stores and the banks to the merchants and the customers. And so it is with the brain's operation: it doesn't happen in one spot. Just as in a city, no neighborhood of the brain operates in isolation. In brains and in cities, everything emerges from the interaction between residents, at all scales, locally and distantly. Just as trains bring materials and textiles into a city, which become processed into the economy, so the raw electrochemical signals from sensory organs are transported along superhighways of neurons. There the signals undergo processing and transformation into our conscious reality.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding the Brain as a City: Interconnected Networks and Processes
2. Comparing the Brain to a City: How Interaction Shapes Conscious Thought
3. The Brain's Economy: A City-Like Network of Complex Interactions
4. The Brain and the City: Parallel Emergence Through Networked Interactions
Main Idea #1:
The brain functions like a city, where its "economy" emerges from the complex interactions between different regions.
Main Idea #2:
In both cities and the brain, no neighborhood functions in isolation. Signals from sensory organs are transported via neural networks, processed, and transformed into conscious thought through interconnected interactions.
The brain functions like a city, with its economy emerging from interconnected regions rather than a single area. Each neighborhood of the brain collaborates with others, like in a city. Sensory signals travel through neural networks, becoming processed into conscious reality through these interactions.
Key Points:
1. The brain's operation is similar to a city's economy, emerging from interactions between regions.
2. No brain region operates in isolation, just like neighborhoods in cities.
3. Sensory signals are transported and processed via neural networks, shaping conscious reality.
[고1 2023년06월– 33번:특정행동을취하면그에상응하는감정이유발됨]
Someone else's body language affects our own body, which then creates an emotional echo that makes us feel accordingly. As Louis Armstrong sang, "When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you." If copying another's smile makes us feel happy, the emotion of the smiler has been transmitted via our body. Strange as it may sound, this theory states that emotions arise from our bodies. For example, our mood can be improved by simply lifting up the corners of our mouth. If people are asked to bite down on a pencil lengthwise, taking care not to let the pencil touch their lips (thus forcing the mouth into a smile-like shape), they judge cartoons funnier than if they have been asked to frown. The primacy of the body is sometimes summarized in the phrase "I must be afraid, because I'm running."
Possible Titles:
1. How Body Language Influences Emotions: The Theory of Emotional Echo
2. The Power of Body Language: How Smiling and Movement Affect Our Emotions
3. Understanding Emotional Echo: How Mimicking Body Language Shapes Feelings
4. The Influence of Physical Expression on Emotions: Why We Smile When Others Do
Main Idea #1:
Emotions can be transmitted through body language, creating an emotional echo that influences our own feelings.
Main Idea #2:
Our emotions often arise from physical actions and expressions; smiling can make us feel happier, while bodily movements can affect how we perceive events and experiences.
Our emotions are influenced by the body language of others, creating an emotional echo. For instance, smiling can make us feel happier, and when asked to bite a pencil to mimic a smile, people find cartoons funnier than when frowning. This theory, summarized as "I must be afraid because I'm running," suggests that emotions arise from physical actions and expressions.
Key Points:
1. Body language from others can affect our emotional state through an emotional echo.
2. Physical actions like smiling can improve our mood.
3. Mimicking a smile leads people to perceive things as more amusing.
4. The theory suggests that emotions arise from bodily expressions.
[고1 2023년06월– 34번:제한된구매수량이판매를증가시키는사례]
Restricting the number of items customers can buy boosts sales. Brian Wansink, Professor of Marketing at Cornell University, investigated the effectiveness of this tactic in 1998. He persuaded three supermarkets in Sioux City, Iowa, to offer Campbell's soup at a small discount: 79 cents rather than 89 cents. The discounted soup was sold in one of three conditions: a control, where there was no limit on the volume of purchases, or two tests, where customers were limited to either four or twelve cans. In the unlimited condition shoppers bought 3.3 cans on average, whereas in the scarce condition, when there was a limit, they bought 5.3 on average. This suggests scarcity encourages sales. The findings are particularly strong because the test took place in a supermarket with genuine shoppers. It didn't rely on claimed data, nor was it held in a laboratory where consumers might behave differently.
Possible Titles:
1. Scarcity Marketing Boosts Sales: Evidence from Campbell's Soup Experiment
2. The Impact of Purchase Limits on Consumer Buying Behavior in Supermarkets
3. How Limiting Purchases Can Drive Sales: Insights from a Marketing Experiment
4. Scarcity Effect on Sales: How Purchase Restrictions Influence Buying Patterns
Main Idea #1:
Setting limits on the number of items customers can buy leads to increased sales due to the perceived scarcity of the product.
Main Idea #2:
Brian Wansink's 1998 experiment with Campbell's soup found that limiting customers to four or twelve cans boosted sales compared to when no purchase limit was imposed, revealing that scarcity is an effective marketing tactic.
Brian Wansink's 1998 experiment demonstrated that imposing a purchase limit on Campbell's soup increased sales, with shoppers buying an average of 5.3 cans when limits were set compared to 3.3 without restrictions. This experiment in a real supermarket setting confirms that scarcity marketing effectively encourages customers to buy more.
Key Points:
1. Restricting purchase limits can boost sales by creating a sense of scarcity.
2. Shoppers purchased significantly more soup when there was a limit on the number of cans they could buy.
3. The experiment's real-world supermarket setting adds credibility to the findings.
4. This marketing tactic doesn't rely on self-reported data or controlled laboratory behavior.
[고1 2023년06월– 35번:새로운기술도입시생산성에미치는영향]
Although technology has the potential to increase productivity, it can also have a negative impact on productivity. For example, in many office environments workers sit at desks with computers and have access to the internet. They are able to check their personal e-mails and use social media whenever they want to. This can stop them from doing their work and make them less productive. Introducing new technology can also have a negative impact on production when it causes a change to the production process or requires workers to learn a new system. Learning to use new technology can be time consuming and stressful for workers and this can cause a decline in productivity.
Possible Titles:
1. Balancing Technology and Productivity: Navigating Digital Distractions and Learning Curves
2. The Dual Nature of Technology: How New Systems Can Hamper Workplace Productivity
3. Understanding the Challenges of Technology Adoption in the Workplace
4. The Impact of Technology on Productivity: Distractions and Learning Curves
Main Idea #1:
Technology, despite its potential, can reduce productivity due to distractions like social media and personal emails.
Main Idea #2:
New technology can negatively impact productivity if it disrupts existing processes or requires workers to learn unfamiliar systems, as training can be time-consuming and stressful.
Although technology can boost productivity, it also brings challenges. In office settings, distractions like social media and personal emails can reduce productivity. Additionally, new systems can disrupt workflows and require time-consuming, stressful training, further hampering productivity.
Key Points:
1. Office workers often get distracted by personal emails and social media, reducing productivity.
2. New technology can disrupt production processes and require a challenging learning curve.
3. Training on new systems is time-consuming and can cause stress, leading to reduced productivity.
[고1 2023년06월– 36번:시간측정의역사와시계의중요성]
Up until about 6,000 years ago, most people were farmers. Many lived in different places throughout the year, hunting for food or moving their livestock to areas with enough food. There was no need to tell the time because life depended on natural cycles, such as the changing seasons or sunrise and sunset. Gradually more people started to live in larger settlements, and some needed to tell the time. For example, priests wanted to know when to carry out religious ceremonies. This was when people first invented clocks ― devices that show, measure, and keep track of passing time. Clocks have been important ever since. Today, clocks are used for important things such as setting busy airport timetables ― if the time is incorrect, aeroplanes might crash into each other when taking off or landing!
Possible Titles:
1. The Evolution of Clocks: From Farming Societies to Modern Airports
2. The Role of Clocks in Human History: From Seasonal Farming to Precise Aviation
3. How Clocks Transformed Society: Understanding the Need to Track Time
4. The Importance of Clocks: From Ancient Religious Ceremonies to Modern Timetables
Main Idea #1:
Clocks were invented to meet the needs of societies transitioning from farming to living in larger, organized settlements.
Main Idea #2:
Clocks have grown in importance, initially aiding religious ceremonies but now playing a crucial role in precise scheduling, such as coordinating airport timetables to prevent accidents.
Clocks were first invented to help early societies transitioning from farming to larger settlements accurately track time for activities like religious ceremonies. Today, clocks are indispensable for coordinating complex tasks, such as managing airport schedules to ensure flight safety.
Key Points:
1. Before clocks, early societies relied on natural cycles to manage their daily lives.
2. Clocks were created to aid priests in timing religious ceremonies.
3. Modern clocks ensure accurate timetables, preventing potentially dangerous accidents like airplane collisions.
[고1 2023년06월– 37번:분업을통한생산성향상방안]
Managers are always looking for ways to increase productivity, which is the ratio of costs to output in production. Adam Smith, writing when the manufacturing industry was new, described a way that production could be made more efficient, known as the "division of labor." Making most manufactured goods involves several different processes using different skills. Smith's example was the manufacture of pins: the wire is straightened, sharpened, a head is put on, and then it is polished. One worker could do all these tasks, and make 20 pins in a day. But this work can be divided into its separate processes, with a number of workers each performing one task. Because each worker specializes in one job, he or she can work much faster without changing from one task to another. Now 10 workers can produce thousands of pins in a day ─ a huge increase in productivity from the 200 they would have produced before.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding Adam Smith's Division of Labor and Its Impact on Productivity
2. How Specialization Transforms Production: Adam Smith's Division of Labor
3. Increasing Efficiency in Manufacturing: The Role of Labor Division
4. Division of Labor: From 20 to Thousands of Pins in a Day
Main Idea #1:
The division of labor is a method to increase productivity by dividing production into specialized tasks.
Main Idea #2:
Adam Smith illustrated the division of labor through pin manufacturing, showing how breaking down the process into specialized tasks allowed 10 workers to make thousands of pins daily, rather than only 200.
Managers seek productivity improvements through the division of labor, where each worker specializes in one production task. Adam Smith used pin manufacturing as an example, demonstrating that by dividing the tasks, 10 workers could produce thousands of pins daily, compared to the 200 pins they would produce individually.
Key Points:
1. Division of labor increases productivity by allowing workers to specialize.
2. In pin manufacturing, production was divided into tasks like sharpening and polishing.
3. With the division of labor, 10 workers could produce thousands of pins daily, up from 200.
[고1 2023년06월– 38번:시간이지남에따라우리모습도변화함]
Sometimes the pace of change is far slower. The face you saw reflected in your mirror this morning probably appeared no different from the face you saw the day before ― or a week or a month ago. Yet we know that the face that stares back at us from the glass is not the same, cannot be the same, as it was 10 minutes ago. The proof is in your photo album: Look at a photograph taken of yourself 5 or 10 years ago and you see clear differences between the face in the snapshot and the face in your mirror. If you lived in a world without mirrors for a year and then saw your reflection, you might be surprised by the change. After an interval of 10 years without seeing yourself, you might not at first recognize the person peering from the mirror. Even something as basic as our own face changes from moment to moment.
Possible Titles:
1. Slow Yet Constant: How Our Faces Change Gradually Over Time
2. Understanding the Pace of Change: Why Our Faces Seem Static in Daily Reflection
3. The Gradual Transformation of Faces: Recognizing Long-Term Changes in Ourselves
4. The Mirror vs. the Photo Album: Perceiving the Subtle Evolution of Our Faces
Main Idea #1:
Our faces change gradually over time, even though daily reflections make them seem static.
Main Idea #2:
The gradual pace of facial changes becomes evident when comparing old photographs, revealing significant differences that are not noticeable in everyday reflections.
Our faces change so slowly that daily reflections appear identical, yet comparing them to photographs from years ago reveals stark differences. If deprived of mirrors for a long time, we might not recognize our reflection, demonstrating how subtle changes accumulate over time.
Key Points:
1. Daily reflections make it challenging to perceive gradual changes in our faces.
2. Old photographs reveal the significant transformation our faces undergo over time.
3. Without seeing one's reflection for a long period, facial changes become more surprising and recognizable.
[고1 2023년06월– 39번:아이의호기심이점차줄어드는이유]
According to educational psychologist Susan Engel, curiosity begins to decrease as young as four years old. By the time we are adults, we have fewer questions and more default settings. As Henry James put it, "Disinterested curiosity is past, the mental grooves and channels set." The decline in curiosity can be traced in the development of the brain through childhood. Though smaller than the adult brain, the infant brain contains millions more neural connections. The wiring, however, is a mess; the lines of communication between infant neurons are far less efficient than between those in the adult brain. The baby's perception of the world is consequently both intensely rich and wildly disordered. As children absorb more evidence from the world around them, certain possibilities become much more likely and more useful and harden into knowledge or beliefs. The neural pathways that enable those beliefs become faster and more automatic, while the ones that the child doesn't use regularly are pruned away.
Possible Titles:
1. How Curiosity Diminishes Over Time: Exploring the Neural Changes from Childhood to Adulthood
2. The Decline of Curiosity: Understanding Neural Pathway Changes from Childhood to Adulthood
3. Neural Pathways and Curiosity: How Childhood Brain Development Affects Questioning
4. From Rich Disorder to Efficiency: How Our Brain Development Limits Curiosity
Main Idea #1:
Curiosity begins to diminish as early as age four, leaving adults with fewer questions and more fixed beliefs.
Main Idea #2:
In childhood, the brain is highly interconnected but disorganized. As children learn more about the world, the neural pathways that reinforce existing beliefs become stronger while unused connections are pruned, leading to faster but more rigid thinking.
Curiosity wanes starting at age four as neural pathways in the brain become streamlined. In childhood, the brain is highly connected but disordered. As children gain knowledge, certain beliefs are reinforced through faster neural connections, while unused pathways are pruned away, leaving adults with more rigid thinking patterns.
Key Points:
1. Curiosity decreases significantly beginning at age four.
2. Children's brains are highly connected but initially disorganized.
3. As children absorb information, useful neural pathways strengthen while others are pruned.
4. Adults tend to have fewer questions and more fixed beliefs due to this neural pruning.
[고1 2023년06월– 40번:건강한식단을위해서는식품분류가아닌균형잡힌섭취가중요함]
Nearly eight of ten U.S. adults believe there are "good foods" and "bad foods." Unless we're talking about spoiled stew, poison mushrooms, or something similar, however, no foods can be labeled as either good or bad. There are, however, combinations of foods that add up to a healthful or unhealthful diet. Consider the case of an adult who eats only foods thought of as "good" ― for example, raw broccoli, apples, orange juice, boiled tofu, and carrots. Although all these foods are nutrient-dense, they do not add up to a healthy diet because they don't supply a wide enough variety of the nutrients we need. Or take the case of the teenager who occasionally eats fried chicken, but otherwise stays away from fried foods. The occasional fried chicken isn't going to knock his or her diet off track. But the person who eats fried foods every day, with few vegetables or fruits, and loads up on supersized soft drinks, candy, and chips for snacks has a bad diet.
Possible Titles:
1. Debunking the Myth of "Good" and "Bad" Foods: Building a Balanced Diet
2. Beyond Labels: Understanding How Food Combinations Affect Dietary Health
3. The Importance of Dietary Variety: Why No Single Food Is Universally "Good" or "Bad"
4. The Complexity of Nutrition: How Food Choices and Combinations Define Diet Quality
Main Idea #1:
Labeling foods as "good" or "bad" is misleading; diet quality is determined by the overall combination of foods consumed.
Main Idea #2:
A diet consisting solely of nutrient-dense "good" foods can still lack essential nutrients, while occasionally eating "bad" foods doesn't necessarily lead to a poor diet unless it's part of an unbalanced, unhealthy eating pattern.
Despite popular beliefs, no foods are inherently "good" or "bad." Diet quality depends on the overall combination of foods consumed. Even nutrient-dense foods like broccoli or tofu can't form a complete diet on their own, and occasionally eating fried foods isn't harmful if paired with healthier habits. An unbalanced diet emerges when unhealthy foods dominate, and nutrient-rich foods are neglected.
Key Points:
1. Most U.S. adults label foods as either "good" or "bad."
2. Even nutrient-dense foods don't provide a complete diet on their own.
3. The occasional indulgence in "bad" foods is harmless if balanced with healthier choices.
4. A poor diet results from consistent overconsumption of unhealthy foods paired with neglect of nutrient-rich options.
[고1 2023년06월– 41~42번:농업발달로잉여식량이생기면서전문직업이생겨남]
Early hunter-gatherer societies had minimal structure. A chief or group of elders usually led the camp or village. Most of these leaders had to hunt and gather along with the other members because the surpluses of food and other vital resources were seldom sufficient to support a full-time chief or village council. The development of agriculture changed work patterns. Early farmers could reap 3-10 kg of grain from each 1 kg of seed planted. Part of this food/energy surplus was returned to the community and provided support for nonfarmers such as chieftains, village councils, men who practice medicine, priests, and warriors. In return, the nonfarmers provided leadership and security for the farming population, enabling it to continue to increase food/energy yields and provide ever larger surpluses. With improved technology and favorable conditions, agriculture produced consistent surpluses of the basic necessities, and population groups grew in size. These groups concentrated in towns and cities, and human tasks specialized further. Specialists such as carpenters, blacksmiths, merchants, traders, and sailors developed their skills and became more efficient in their use of time and energy. The goods and services they provided brought about an improved quality of life, a higher standard of living, and, for most societies, increased stability.
Possible Titles:
1. The Evolution of Early Societies: From Hunter-Gatherers to Agricultural Specialists
2. How Agriculture Transformed Societal Structure and Work Patterns
3. The Impact of Agriculture: Surpluses, Specialization, and Societal Development
4. From Chiefdoms to Cities: The Role of Agriculture in Shaping Human Societies
Main Idea #1:
Early hunter-gatherer societies had minimal structure, with leaders who also worked due to limited food surpluses.
Main Idea #2:
The advent of agriculture allowed societies to generate surpluses, leading to specialization and the growth of towns and cities where nonfarmers could offer specialized goods and services that improved living standards and stability.
Hunter-gatherer societies had simple structures due to limited food surpluses. With agriculture, societies created surpluses that supported nonfarmers like chiefs and warriors. This surplus led to the specialization of tasks, improved living standards, and societal stability as groups concentrated in towns and cities and relied on specialized skills like carpentry and blacksmithing.
Key Points:
1. Early hunter-gatherers had minimal leadership structures due to a lack of surpluses.
2. Agriculture produced surpluses that enabled societal specialization and growth.
3. Towns and cities emerged, fostering specialists who improved living standards.
4. Specialization brought stability and a higher quality of life through efficient use of time and skills.
[고1 2023년06월– 43~45번:아들을간호하며임종을지켜준병사의인간애실화]
A nurse took a tired, anxious soldier to the bedside. "Jack, your son is here," the nurse said to an old man lying on the bed. She had to repeat the words several times before the old man's eyes opened. Suffering from the severe pain because of heart disease, he barely saw the young uniformed soldier standing next to him. He reached out his hand to the soldier. The soldier gently wrapped his fingers around the weak hand of the old man. The nurse brought a chair so that the soldier could sit beside the bed. All through the night the young soldier sat there, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of support and comfort. Occasionally, she suggested that the soldier take a rest for a while. He politely said no. Whenever the nurse came into the room, she heard the soldier say a few gentle words. The old man said nothing, only held tightly to him all through the night. Just before dawn, the old man died. The soldier released the old man's hand and left the room to find the nurse. After she was told what happened, she went back to the room with him. The soldier hesitated for a while and asked, "Who was this man?" She was surprised and asked, "Wasn't he your father?" "No, he wasn't. I've never met him before," the soldier replied. She asked, "Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?" He said, "I knew there had been a mistake, but when I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I could see how much he needed me. So, I stayed."
Possible Titles:
1. The Compassion of a Stranger: A Soldier's Act of Kindness at a Hospital Bedside
2. Finding Purpose in Compassion: A Soldier's Selfless Vigil for an Elderly Patient
3. The Power of Empathy: How a Soldier Offered Comfort to a Dying Stranger
4. A Mistaken Identity, A Selfless Act: The Unexpected Bond Between a Soldier and an Old Man
Main Idea #1:
A soldier offered comfort and stayed by the bedside of an elderly, dying man, despite realizing they were strangers.
Main Idea #2:
After recognizing a case of mistaken identity, the soldier chose to provide solace to the suffering old man, understanding the depth of support and companionship he needed in his final hours.
Mistaken for the old man's son, a compassionate soldier stayed by his bedside throughout the night, offering words of support and comfort despite being a stranger. Realizing how much the elderly man needed him, the soldier chose to stay until the old man passed away, embodying empathy and selfless kindness.
Key Points:
1. The nurse mistakenly introduced the soldier as the old man's son.
2. The soldier recognized the error but stayed to offer comfort to the dying man.
3. He held the man's hand and provided supportive words throughout the night.
4. The soldier's empathetic presence eased the old man's final hours, despite their being strangers.