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<2023년도 11월 고2 영어 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
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[고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사 - 한줄해석.pdf
[고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사 - 한줄해석.docx




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[고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2023년도 11월 고2 영어 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PD



[고1~고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 지문 정리 (문제 제작용 hwp 한글 파일)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2023년도 11월 고1~2 영어 모의고사>의 지문 텍스트만한글 파일 hwpx와 pdf 파일로 정리해서 올립니다.변형문제 출제를 위해 해당 지문들을 hwp 한글 파



[고2] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (71문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 71문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일




전체 내용

[2] 2023 11 – 18: 농구 코트 소음 문제 해결을 요청하는 민원 제기

 To whom it may concern,

 관계자 귀하,

 I am writing to inform you of an ongoing noise issue that I am experiencing.

 저는 제가 겪고 있는 지속되는 소음 문제에 대해 알려 드리기 위해  편지를 씁니다.

 My apartment faces the basketball courts of the community center.

 저의 아파트는 문화 센터의 농구 코트를 향하고 있습니다.

 While I fully support the community center's services, I am constantly being disrupted by individuals playing basketball late at night.

 저는 문화 센터의 서비스를 전적으로 지지하고 있지만, 밤늦게 농구를 하는 사람들에 의해 끊임없이 방해받고 있습니다.

 Many nights, I struggle to fall asleep because I can hear people bouncing balls and shouting on the basketball courts well after 11 p.m..

 많은 밤마다,  11시가 한참 넘어서도 저는 사람들이 농구 코트에서 공을 튀기고 소리치는 것을 들어야 해서 잠을 자는  애를 먹습니다.

 Could you restrict the time the basketball court is open to before 9 p.m.?

 당신은 농구 코트를 여는 시간을  9 이전으로 제한해 주실  있으십니까?

 I'm sure I'm not the only person in the neighborhood that is affected by this noise issue.

 저는  근처에서  소음 문제에 의해 영향받는 유일한 사람이 아님을 확신합니다.

 I appreciate your assistance.

 당신의 협조에 감사드립니다.

 Sincerely, Ian Baldwin

 진심을 담아, Ian Baldwin


[2] 2023 11 – 19: 부족 의식에서 아버지의 존재로 안정감을 얻음

 Chaske, a Cherokee boy, was sitting on a tree stump.

 체로키족 소년인 Chaske 나무 그루터기에 앉아 있었다.

 As a rite of passage for youths in his tribe, Chaske had to survive one night in the forest wearing a blindfold, not knowing he was observed by his father.

 그의 부족 청년들에 대한 통과 의례로, Chaske 그의 아버지가 지켜보는 것을 모른 채로 눈가리개를 쓰고 숲속에서 하룻밤을 살아남아야 했다.

 After the sunset, Chaske could hear all kinds of noises.

 해가 지고  후에, Chaske 모든 종류의 소리를 들을  있었다.

 The wind blew the grass and shook his stump.

 바람이 풀을 휘저으며 그의 그루터기를 흔들었다.

 A sense of dread swept through his body.

 두려움이 그의 몸을 휩쓸었다.

 What if wild beasts are looking at me? I can't stand this!

 '만약 야생 짐승들이 나를 바라보고 있다면 어떡하지? 나는 이것을 견딜 수가 없어!'

 Just as he was about to take off the blindfold to run away, a voice came in from somewhere.

 그가 도망가기 위해 눈가리개를  벗으려고 했을  어디선가  음성이 들려왔다.

 "I'm here around you. Don't give up, and complete your mission."

 "나는 여기  주변에 있어. 포기하지 말고 너의 임무를 완수해."

 It was his father's voice.

 그것은 그의 아버지의 목소리였다.

 He has been watching me from nearby!

 '그가 근처에서 나를 지켜보고 있었구나!'

 With just the presence of his father, the boy regained stability.

 그의 아버지의 존재만으로도 소년은 안정을 되찾았다.

 What panicked him awfully a moment ago vanished into thin air.

 조금 전까지 그를 끔찍하게 겁에 질리게  것들이 온데간데없이 사라졌다.


[2] 2023 11 – 20: 농업의 발전과 지속 가능성을 위한 해결책 필요

 Agriculture includes a range of activities such as planting, harvesting, fertilizing, pest management, raising animals, and distributing food and agricultural products.

 농업은 파종, 수확, 비료 주기, 해충 관리, 동물 사육, 그리고 식량  농산물 분배와 같은 다양한 활동들을 포함한다.

 It is one of the oldest and most essential human activities, dating back thousands of years, and has played a critical role in the development of human civilizations, allowing people to create stable food supplies and settle in one place.

 그것은 수천  전으로 거슬러 올라가는 가장 오래되고 필수적인 인간 활동  하나이고, 인류 문명의 발전에 중요한 역할을  왔으며, 사람들이 안정적인 식량을 생산하고 한곳에 정착할  있게 허락해 주었다.

 Today, agriculture remains a vital industry that feeds the world's population, supports rural communities, and provides raw materials for other industries.

 오늘날, 농업은  세계 인구를 먹여 살리고 농업 공동체를 지원하며 다른 산업에 원료를 공급하는 중요한 산업으로 남아 있다.

 However, agriculture faces numerous challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, soil degradation, and biodiversity loss.

 그러나, 농업은 기후 변화,  부족, 토질 저하, 생물 다양성 손실과 같은 수많은 문제에 직면하고 있다.

 As the world's population continues to grow, it is essential to find sustainable solutions to address the challenges facing agriculture and ensure the continued production of food and other agricultural products.

 세계 인구가 계속해서 증가함에 따라, 농업이 직면한 문제를 다루고 식량과 다른 농산물의 지속적인 생산을 보장하기 위한 지속 가능한 해결책을 찾는 것이 필수적이다.


[2] 2023 11 – 21: 예술은 어려운 주제를 다루며 변화를 촉진함

 The arts and aesthetics offer emotional connection to the full range of human experience.

 예술과 미학은 다양한 인간 경험에 대한 정서적인 연결을 제공한다.

 "The arts can be more than just sugar on the tongue," Anjan Chatterjee, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, says.

 "예술은 단순히  위의 설탕 이상의 것이   있다,"라고 Pennsylvania 대학교의 교수인 Anjan Chatterjee 말한다.

 "In art, when there's something challenging, which can also be uncomfortable, this discomfort, if we're willing to engage with it, offers the possibility of some change, some transformation.

 "예술에서, 무언가 도전적인 것이 있고 그것이 또한 불편할  있을 ,  불편은, 만약 우리가 기꺼이 그것에 참여하려 한다면, 어떤 변화, 어떤 변형의 가능성을 제공한다.

 That can also be a powerful aesthetic experience."

 그것은 또한 강력한 미적 경험이   있다."

 The arts, in this way, become vehicles to contend with ideas and concepts that are difficult and uncomfortable otherwise.

 예술은, 이런 방식으로, 그렇지 않았더라면 어렵고 불편한 아이디어  개념들과 싸우는 매개체가 된다.

 When Picasso painted his masterpiece Guernica in 1937, he captured the heartbreaking and cruel nature of war, and offered the world a way to consider the universal suffering caused by the Spanish Civil War.

 Picasso 그의 걸작 Guernica 1937년에 그렸을 , 그는 가슴 아프고 잔인한 전쟁의 본질을 포착했고, 스페인 내전으로 인한 보편적인 고통을 숙고할 방법을 세상에 제공했다.

 When Lorraine Hansberry wrote her play A Raisin in the Sun, she gave us a powerful story of people struggling with racism, discrimination, and the pursuit of the American dream while also offering a touching portrait of family life.

 Lorraine Hansberry 그녀의 희곡 A Raisin in the Sun 썼을 , 그녀는 또한 가족생활에 대한 감동적인 초상화를 제공하면서 인종 차별, 차별, 아메리칸드림의 추구를 위해 고군분투하는 사람들의 강력한 이야기를 우리에게 주었다.


[2] 2023 11 – 22: 기계식 시계가 시간 개념과 경제 발전에 기여

 Many historians have pointed to the significance of accurate time measurement to Western economic progress.

 많은 역사가들은 서양의 경제적 진보에 있어서 정확한 시간 측정의 중요성을 시사해 왔다.

 The French historian Jacques Le Goff called the birth of the public mechanical clock a turning point in Western society.

 프랑스 역사가 Jacques Le Goff 공공 기계 시계의 탄생을 서구 사회에서의 전환점이라고 불렀다.

 Until the late Middle Ages, people had sun or water clocks, which did not play any meaningful role in business activities.

 중세 말기까지, 사람들은 해시계와 물시계를 가지고 있었는데, 그것들은 경제 활동에 있어서 아무런 의미 있는 역할을 하지 못했다.

 Market openings and activities started with the sunrise and typically ended at noon when the sun was at its peak.

 시장 개장과 활동들은 일출과 함께 시작했고 태양이 최고점에 이르는 정오에 일반적으로 끝났다.

 But when the first public mechanical clocks were introduced and spread across European cities, market times were set by the stroke of the hour.

 그러나 최초의 공공 기계 시계들이 도입되고 유럽 도시들 전역으로 확산되었을 , 시장 시간은 시간을 알리는 소리에 의해 정해졌다.

 Public clocks thus greatly contributed to public life and work by providing a new concept of time that was easy for everyone to understand.

 따라서 공공 시계들은 모든 사람이 이해하기 쉬운 시간의 새로운 개념을 제공함으로써 공공의 생활과 일에 크게 기여했다.

 This, in turn, helped facilitate trade and commerce.

  결과, 이것은 무역과 상업을 촉진하는  도움을 주었다.

 Interactions and transactions between consumers, retailers, and wholesalers became less irregular.

 소비자, 소매업자, 그리고 도매업자 간의 상호 작용과 거래는  불규칙해졌다.

 Important town meetings began to follow the pace of the clock, allowing people to better plan their time and allocate resources in a more efficient manner.

 중요한 마을 회의들은 시계의 페이스를 따르기 시작했고, 이것은 사람들이 그들의 시간을   계획하고  효율적인 방식으로 자원들을 분배하는 것을 허락해 주었다.


[2] 2023 11 – 23: 쇼핑카트 사용 장려를 위한 마케팅 전략 전환

 Sylvan Goldman invented the shopping cart and introduced it in his stores in 1937.

 Sylvan Goldman 쇼핑 카트를 발명하고 1937년에 그의 가게들에 그것을 도입했다.

 It was an excellent device that would make it easy for shoppers to buy as much as they wanted without getting tired or seeking others' help.

 그것은 쇼핑객들이 지치거나 다른 사람들의 도움을 구하지 않고 그들이 원했던 만큼 구매하는 것을 쉽게 만들어  훌륭한 장치였다.

 But Goldman discovered that in spite of his repeated advertisements and explanations, he could not persuade his shoppers to use the wheeled carts.

 하지만 Goldman 그의 반복적인 광고와 설명에도 불구하고, 그의 쇼핑객들에게 바퀴 달린 카트들을 사용하도록 설득할  없다는 것을 알게 됐다.

 Men were reluctant because they thought they would appear weak if they pushed such carts instead of carrying their shopping.

 남성들은 그들의 쇼핑한 물건을 들고 다니는 대신 만약 그들이 그런 카트들을 민다면 그들이 나약해 보일 것으로 생각했기 때문에 꺼렸다.

 Women wouldn't touch them because the carts reminded them of baby carriages.

 여성들은 카트들이 그들에게 유모차를 연상시키기 때문에 그것들에 손대려 하지 않았다.

 It was only a few elderly shoppers who used them.

 그것들을 사용하는 사람들은 오직  명의 노인 쇼핑객들뿐이었다.

 That made the carts even less attractive to the majority of the shoppers.

 그것은 카트들을 대다수 쇼핑객들에게 훨씬  매력적이도록 만들었다.

 Then Goldman hit upon an idea.

 그때 Goldman  아이디어를 떠올렸다.

 He hired several models, men and women, of different ages and asked them to wheel the carts in the store and shop.

 그는 다른 연령대의 남자와 여자 모델들을 고용했고, 그들에게 상점에서 카트들을 밀고 쇼핑하도록 요청했다.

 A young woman employee standing near the entrance told the regular shoppers, 'Look, everyone is using the carts. Why don't you?'

 입구 근처에  있던  젊은 여성 직원이 일반 쇼핑객들에게 '보세요, 모든 사람이 카트를 사용하고 있습니다.  보는  어떠세요?'라고 말했다.

 That was the turning point.

 그것이 전환점이었다.

 A few shills disguised as regular shoppers easily accomplished what logic, explanations, and advertisements failed to do.

 일반 쇼핑객들로 위장한 바람잡이들이 논리, 설명, 그리고 광고가 하지 못한 것을 쉽게 달성했다.

 Within a few weeks shoppers readily accepted those carts.

   만에 쇼핑객들은  카트들을 기꺼이 받아들였다.


[2] 2023 11 – 24: 로봇의 인간적 특성이 신뢰와 속임수 모두 유발 가능

 In response to human-like care robots, critics might charge that human-robot interactions create moral hazards for dementia patients.

 인간을 닮은 돌봄 로봇들에 대한 반응으로, 비평가들은 인간-로봇의 상호 작용이 치매 환자들에게 도덕적 위험을 만들어 낸다고 비난할지도 모른다.

 Even if deception is sometimes allowed when it serves worthy goals, should it be allowed for vulnerable users?

 속임수가 그것이 가치 있는 목표를 달성할  때때로 허용된다고 하더라도, 취약한 사용자들에게 그것이 허용되어야 할까?

 Just as children on the autism spectrum with robot companions might be easily fooled into thinking of robots as friends, older adults with cognitive deficits might be.

 로봇 친구가 있는 자폐성 스펙트럼을 가진 아이들이 로봇을 친구로 생각하도록 쉽게 속을  있는 것처럼, 인지 결함을 가진 노인들도 그럴  있다.

 According to Alexis Elder, a professor at UMD, robots are false friends, inferior to true friendship.

 UMD 교수인 Alexis Elder 따르면, 로봇은 진정한 우정보다, 열등한 '가짜' 친구이다.

 Reasoning along similar lines, John Sullins, a professor at Sonoma State University, holds that robots should "remain iconic or cartoonish so that they are easily distinguished as synthetic even by unsophisticated users."

 비슷한 방향에서 생각하자면, Sonoma 주립 대학교 교수인 John Sullins 로봇이 '심지어 순수한 사용자들에 의해서도 그것들이 진짜가 아닌 것으로 쉽게 구별될  있도록 상징적이거나 만화같이남아 있어야 한다.'라고 주장한다.

 At least then no one is fooled.

 적어도 그러면 아무도 속지 않는다.

 Making robots clearly fake also avoids the so-called "uncanny valley," where robots are perceived as scary because they so closely resemble us, but not quite.

 로봇을 명백히 가짜로 만드는 것은 또한 로봇이 우리를 완전히는 아니지만, 아주 가깝게 닮았기 때문에 무섭다고 인지되는 소위 '불쾌한 골짜기'라고 불리는 것을 피하게 한다.

 Other critics of robot deception argue that when care recipients are deceived into thinking that robots care, this crosses a line and violates human dignity.

 로봇 속임수에 대한 다른 비평가들은 돌봄을 받는 사람들이 로봇이 돌봐 준다고 생각하도록 속임을 당할 , 이것은 선을 넘고 인간의 '존엄성' 침해한다고 주장한다.


[2] 2023 11 – 25: 미국 연령별 온라인 광고 견해 조사 결과 분석

 The graph above shows the results of a 2019 survey on the views of American age groups on targeted online advertising.

 위의 그래프는 표적 온라인 광고에 대한 미국 연령층들의 견해에 관한 2019 설문 조사의 결과를 보여 준다.

 In total, while 51% of the respondents said targeted ads were intrusive, 27% said they were interesting.

 전체적으로, 응답자의 51% 표적 광고들이 침해적이라고 말한 반면, 27% 그것들이 흥미롭다고 대답하였다.

 The percentage of respondents who believed that targeted ads were interesting was the highest in the age group of 18 to 24.

 표적 광고들이 흥미롭다고 믿는 응답자들의 비율은 18세에서 24 연령층에서 가장 높았다.

 The percentage of respondents aged 25 to 34 who said that targeted ads were intrusive was the same as that of respondents aged 45 to 54 who said the same.

 표적 광고들이 침해적이라고 응답한 25세에서 34 응답자들의 비율은 똑같이 응답한 45세에서 54 응답자들의 그것과 똑같았다.

 Among all age groups, the gap between respondents who said targeted ads were interesting and those who believed them to be intrusive was the largest in the 35-to-44 age group.

 모든 연령층에서, 표적 광고들이 흥미롭다고 말한 응답자들과 그것들이 침해적이라고 믿는 응답자들 간의 차이는 35세에서 44 연령층에서 가장 컸다.

 The age group of 55 and above was the only group where the percentage of respondents who believed targeted ads were intrusive was more than 50%.

 55 이상의 연령층은 표적 광고들이 침해적이라고 믿는 응답자들의 비율이 50% 넘는 유일한 집단이었다.


[2] 2023 11 – 26: Maggie Walker 금융 개혁과 커뮤니티 기여

 Maggie L. Walker achieved national prominence as a businesswoman and community leader.

 Maggie L. Walker 여성 사업가와 커뮤니티 리더로서 전국적 명성을 얻었다.

 She was among the earliest Black students to attend newly-established public schools for African Americans.

 그녀는 아프리카계 미국인들을 위해 새롭게 설립된 공립 학교에 다닌 초기 흑인 학생들  하나였다.

 After graduating, she worked as a teacher for three years at the Valley School, where she had studied.

 졸업 이후, 그녀는 그녀가 공부했던 Valley School에서 교사로서 3 동안 근무했다.

 In the early 1900s, Virginia banks owned by white bankers were unwilling to do business with African American organizations or individuals.

 1900년대 초반에, 백인 은행가들에 의해 소유된 Virginia 은행들은 아프리카계 미국인의 단체나 개인들과 거래하기를 꺼렸다.

 The racial discrimination by white bankers drove her to study banking and financial laws.

 백인 은행가들에 의한 인종 차별은 그녀로 하여금 은행 금융법을 공부하게 만들었다.

 She established a newspaper to promote closer communication between the charitable organization she belonged to and the public.

 그녀는 그녀가 속한 자선 단체와 대중 간의  긴밀한 소통을 장려하고자 신문사를 설립했다.

 Soon after, she founded the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, which survived the Great Depression and merged with two other banks.

 곧이어, 그녀는 St. Luke Penny Savings Bank 설립했는데, 그것은 대공황에서 살아남아  개의 다른 은행들과 합병했다.

 It thrived as the oldest continually African American-operated bank until 2009.

 그것은 2009년까지 지속적으로 아프리카계 미국인에 의해 운영되는 가장 오래된 은행으로서 번창했다.

 Walker achieved successes with the vision to make improvements in the way of life for African Americans.

 Walker 아프리카계 미국인들을 위한 삶의 방식에서 개선을 이루고자 하는 비전으로 성공을 거두었다.


[2] 2023 11 – 29: 렉틴 과잉 섭취가 건강에 미치는 부정적 영향

 Lectins are large proteins that serve as a crucial weapon that plants use to defend themselves.

 렉틴은 식물들이 그들 스스로를 방어하기 위해 사용하는 중요한 무기로서 역할을 하는 커다란 단백질이다.

 The lectins in most plants bind to carbohydrates as we consume the plant.

 대부분의 식물에 있는 렉틴은 우리가 식물을 섭취할  탄수화물과 결합한다.

 They also bind to sugar molecules found in the gut, in the brain, between nerve endings, in joints and in all bodily fluids.

 그것들은 또한 , , 신경 말단 사이, 관절  모든 체액에서 발견되는  분자들과 결합한다.

 According to Dr. Steven Gundry, these sticky proteins can interrupt messaging between cells and cause toxic and inflammatory reactions.

 Dr. Steven Gundry 따르면, 이러한 끈적끈적한 단백질은 세포들 간의 메시지 전달을 방해하고 독성  염증성의 반응을 일으킬  있다.

 Brain fog is just one result of lectins interrupting communication between nerves.

  피로 현상은 렉틴이 신경들 간의 소통을 방해하는 단지 하나의 결과에 지나지 않는다.

 An upset stomach is another common symptom of lectin overload.

 위장 장애는 렉틴 과다의  다른 흔한 증상이다.

 Dr. Gundry lists a wide range of other health problems including aching joints, dementia, headaches and infertility that have been resolved in his patients once they eliminated lectins from their diets.

 Dr. Gundry 그의 환자들이 자신의 식단에서 렉틴을 제거하였을  해결되어 왔던 관절통, 치매, 두통, 그리고 불임을 포함한 광범위한 다양한 건강 문제들을 나열한다.

 Dr. Paul Saladino writes that the hypothesis that lectins are involved in Parkinson's disease is also gaining support, with animal studies showing that 'lectins, once eaten, may be damaging the gut and travelling to the brain, where they appear to be toxic to dopaminergic neurons'.

 Dr. Paul Saladino 렉틴이 파킨슨병과 관련이 있다는 가설이 '렉틴이 일단 섭취되면, 장에 손상을 입히고 뇌로 이동해 그곳에서 그것들이 도파민 작동성 신경 세포에 독성을 일으키는 것처럼 보인다.' 것을 보여 주는 동물 연구들과 함께 또한 지지를 얻고 있다고 기록한다.


[2] 2023 11 – 30: 기술 발전이 프라이버시 재정의의 필요성을 강조

 Technology changes how individuals and societies understand the concept of privacy.

 기술은 개인들과 사회가 사생활의 개념을 이해하는 방식을 변화시킨다.

 The fact that someone has a new ability to access information or watch the actions of another does not justify doing so.

 누군가가 정보에 접근하거나 다른 사람의 행동을 관찰하는 새로운 능력을 갖추고 있다는 사실은 그렇게 하는 것을 정당화하지 않는다.

 Rather, advances in technology require citizens and policy makers to consider how privacy protections should be expanded.

 오히려, 기술의 발전은 시민들과 정책 입안자들이 어떻게 사생활 보호가 확장되어야 하는지 고려할 것을 요구한다.

 For example, when cameras first became available for commercial and private use, nations and citizens struggled over whether new laws should be enacted to protect individuals from being photographed without their permission.

 예를 들어, 카메라들이 상업적이고 사적인 용도로 처음 사용될  있게 되었을 , 국가들과 시민들은 그들의 허가 없이 개인들이 사진에 찍히는 것으로부터 보호하기 위해 새로운 법들이 제정되어야하는지에 대해 투쟁했다.

 The reconsideration of privacy brought about by this new technology re-affirmed a distinction between private and public spaces.

  새로운 기술이 가져온 사생활에 대한 재고는 사적  공적 공간의 구별을 재확인했다.

 It was determined by most cultures that people automatically gave consent to being seen ― and thus recorded ― once they voluntarily stepped into a public space.

 일단 사람들이 자발적으로 공공장소에 발을 들여놓으면, 보여지고, 따라서 녹화되는 것에 자동적으로 동의하는 것으로 대부분의 문화에서 결정되었다.

 Although some people might be uncomfortable with the spread of surveillance cameras, citizens in most cultures have adjusted to the fact that giving up the right not to be observed in these circumstances causes less harm to the community than failing to have surveillance.

 일부 사람들은 감시 카메라들의 확산을 불편하게 여길지도 모르지만, 대부분의 문화권에 있는 시민들은 이러한 상황에서 관찰되지 않을 권리를 포기하는 것이 감시받지 못하는 것보다 지역 사회에 적은 해를 끼친다는 사실에 순응해 왔다.


[2] 2023 11 – 31: 기적은 인간 무지에서 비롯되며 탐구로 설명 가능

 Coincidence that is statistically impossible seems to us like an irrational event, and some define it as a miracle.

 통계적으로 불가능한 우연은 우리에게 비이성적인 사건처럼 보이고, 어떤 이들은 그것을 기적으로 정의한다.

 But, as Montaigne has said, "the origin of a miracle is in our ignorance, at the level of our knowledge of nature, and not in nature itself."

 그러나, Montaigne 말했듯이, "기적의 기원은 자연  자체가 아니라 자연에 대한 우리의 지식수준에서, 우리의 무지에 있다."

 Glorious miracles have been later on discovered to be obedience to the laws of nature or a technological development that was not widely known at the time.

 영광스러운 기적들은 자연의 법칙에 대한 순응으로서, 혹은 당시에는 널리 알려지지 않았던 기술적 발전으로서 나중에 발견되어 왔다.

 As the German poet, Goethe, phrased it: "Things that are mysterious are not yet miracles."

 독일 시인 Goethe 그것을 표현했듯이, "'신비한' 것들은 아직 '기적' '아니다'."

 The miracle assumes the intervention of a "higher power" in its occurrence that is beyond human capability to grasp.

 기적은 그것의 발생에 있어서 인간이 이해할  있는 능력 너머의 ' 높은 ' 개입을 가정한다.

 Yet there are methodical and simple ways to "cause a miracle" without divine revelation and inspiration.

 하지만, 신적인 계시와 영감 없이 '기적을 일으키는' 체계적이고 간단한 방법들이 있다.

 Instead of checking it out, investigating and finding the source of the event, we define it as a miracle.

 그것을 확인하는 , ,  사건의 근원을 조사하고 찾는  대신에, 우리는 그것을 기적으로 정의한다.

 The miracle, then, is the excuse of those who are too lazy to think.

 그렇다면, 기적은 생각하는  너무 게으른 사람들의 핑계이다.


[2] 2023 11 – 32: 외부 정보가 사건 기억에 영향을 미칠  있음

 Information encountered after an event can influence subsequent remembering.

 사건 후에 마주친 정보는 이후의 기억하는 것에 영향을 미칠  있다.

 External information can easily integrate into a witness's memory, especially if the event was poorly encoded or the memory is from a distant event, in which case time and forgetting have degraded the original memory.

 특히 사건이 불충분하게 부호화되었거나,  기억이 시간과 망각이 원래의 기억을 저하시켜   사건으로부터  것이라면, 외부 정보는 목격자의 기억에 쉽게 통합될  있다.

 With reduced information available in memory with which to confirm the validity of post-event misinformation, it is less likely that this new information will be rejected.

 사건 후의 잘못된 정보의 유효성을 확인하기 위해 기억에서 사용할  있는 줄어든 정보를 가지면,  새로운 정보가  거부될 듯하다.

 Instead, especially when it fits the witness's current thinking and can be used to create a story that makes sense to him or her, it may be integrated as part of the original experience.

 대신에, 특히 그것이 목격자의 현재 생각과 맞고  또는 그녀에게 이해되는 하나의 이야기를 만드는  사용될  있을 , 그것은 원래 경험의 일부로서 통합될  있다.

 This process can be explicit (i.e., the witness knows it is happening), but it is often unconscious.

  과정은 명시적일  있지만(, 목격자는 그것이 일어나고 있다는 것을 알고 있다), 그것은 흔히 무의식적이다.

 That is, the witness might find himself or herself thinking about the event differently without awareness.

 , 목격자는 의식하지 못한   사건에 대해 다르게 생각하는  자신 또는 그녀 자신을 발견할지도 모른다.

 Over time, the witness may not even know the source of information that led to the (new) memory.

 시간이 지남에 따라, 목격자는 (새로운) 기억으로 이끄는 정보의 출처조차 모를지도 모른다.

 Sources of misinformation in forensic contexts can be encountered anywhere, from discussions with other witnesses to social media searches to multiple interviews with investigators or other legal professionals, and even in court.

 법정의 상황에서의 잘못된 정보의 출처는 다른 목격자들과의 토론에서부터 소셜 미디어 조사들, 수사관 또는 기타 법률 전문가들과의 다중 인터뷰들, 심지어 법정에서까지 어디에서나 마주쳐질  있다.


[2] 2023 11 – 33: 상관관계는 인과관계보다 명확한 통찰을 제공

 Correlations are powerful because the insights they offer are relatively clear.

 상관관계는 그것들이 제공하는 통찰력이 비교적 명확하기 때문에 강력하다.

 These insights are often covered up when we bring causality back into the picture.

 이러한 통찰력은 종종 우리가 인과 관계를  상황으로 다시 가져올  가려진다.

 For instance, a used-car dealer supplied data to statisticians to predict which of the vehicles available for purchase at an auction were likely to have problems.

 예를 들어,  중고차 딜러가 경매에서 구입할  있는 차량들  어떤 차량에 문제가 발생할 가능성이 있는지를 예측하기 위한 데이터를 통계학자들에게 제공했다.

 A correlation analysis showed that orange-colored cars were far less likely to have defects.

  상관관계 분석은 주황색 차들이 결함이 있을 가능성이 훨씬 적다는 것을 보여 줬다.

 Even as we read this, we already think about why it might be so:

 심지어 우리가 이것을 읽으면서도, 우리는 이미  그럴지에 대해 생각한다.

 Are orange-colored car owners likely to be car enthusiasts and take better care of their vehicles?

 주황색 차를 소유한 사람들이 자동차 애호가여서 그들의 차량을   관리할 가능성이 있는가?

 Or, is it because orange-colored cars are more noticeable on the road and therefore less likely to be in accidents, so they're in better condition when resold?

 아니면, 주황색 차들이 도로에서  눈에 띄고, 그래서 사고가  가능성이 적어 재판매될  그것들이 상태가  좋은 것이기 때문인가?

 Quickly we are caught in a web of competing causal hypotheses.

  우리는 경쟁적인 인과 가설의 함정에 빠진다.

 But our attempts to illuminate things this way only make them cloudier.

 하지만 이런 식으로 무언가를 설명하려는 우리의 시도는 그것들을  흐리게 만들 뿐이다.

 Correlations exist; we can show them mathematically.

 상관관계는 존재하며 우리는 그것들을 수학적으로 보여줄  있다.

 We can't easily do the same for causal links.

 우리는 인과 관계에 대해서는 쉽게 똑같이   없다.

 So we would do well to hold off from trying to explain the reason behind the correlations.

 따라서 우리는 상관관계의 배후에 있는 이유를 설명하려 하지 않는 것이 좋다.


[2] 2023 11 – 34: 기후 변화가 동물 크기 감소에 영향을 미침

 Most mice in the wild are eaten or die before their life span of two years is over.

 야생에 있는 대부분의 쥐들은 2년의 수명이 끝나기 전에 잡아먹히거나 죽는다.

 They die from external causes, such as disease, starvation, or predators, not due to internal causes, such as aging.

 그들은 노화와 같은 '내부적인 원인들' 때문이 아니라 질병, 굶주림 또는 포식자와 같은 '외부적인 원인들' 죽는다.

 That is why nature has made mice to live, on average, for no longer than two years.

 그것이 자연이 쥐를 평균적으로 2 이상 살지 못하게 만든 이유이다.

 Now we have arrived at an important point:

 이제 우리는 중요한 지점에 도달했다.

 The average life span of an animal species, or the rate at which it ages, is determined by the average time that this animal species can survive in the wild.

 동물 종의 평균 수명, 또는 그것이 노화하는 속도는  동물 종이 야생에서 생존할  있는 평균 시간에 의해 결정된다.

 That explains why a bat can live to be 30 years old.

 그것은  박쥐가 30세까지   있는지를 설명해 준다.

 In contrast to mice, bats can fly, which is why they can escape from danger much faster.

 쥐와 대조적으로 박쥐는   있고, 이것은 그들이 위험에서 훨씬  빨리 도망칠  있는 이유이다.

 Thanks to their wings, bats can also cover longer distances and are better able to find food.

 그들의 날개 덕분에, 박쥐들은 또한   거리를 이동할  있고 먹이를   찾을  있다.

 Every genetic change in the past that made it possible for a bat to live longer was useful, because bats are much better able than mice to flee from danger, find food, and survive.

 박쥐가  오래 사는 것을 가능하게   과거의 모든 유전적 변화는 박쥐가 쥐보다 위험으로부터 도망치고, 먹이를 찾고, 생존하는 것을 훨씬  잘할  있기 때문에 유용했다.


[2] 2023 11 – 35: 도덕적 우수성은 학습과 발달로 지속 가능

 Moral excellence, according to Aristotle, is the result of habit and repetition, though modern science would also suggest that it may have an innate, genetic component.

 비록 현대 과학은 그것이 선천적, , 유전적인 요소를 가지고 있다고 또한 주장하지만, Aristotle 따르면 도덕적 우수성은 습관과 반복의 결과물이다.

 This means that moral excellence will be broadly set early in our lives, which is why the question of how early to teach it is so important.

 이것은 도덕적 우수성이 우리 삶에 있어서 이른 시기에 광범위하게 설정될 것임을 의미하며, 이것이 얼마나 일찍 그것을 가르쳐야 할지에 대한 질문이 매우 중요한 이유이다.

 Freud suggested that we don't change our personality much after age five or thereabouts, but as in many other things, Freud was wrong.

 Freud 우리가 5 혹은  무렵 이후에는 우리의 성격을 많이 바꾸지 않는다고 제시했지만, 다른 많은 것들에서처럼 Freud 틀렸다.

 Recent psychological research shows that personality traits stabilize around age thirty in both men and women and regardless of ethnicity as the human brain continues to develop, both neuroanatomically and in terms of cognitive skills, until the mid-twenties.

 최근의 심리 연구는 20 중반까지 신경 해부학적으로 그리고 인지 기능 면에서 인간의 뇌가 계속해서 발달함에 따라 남성과 여성 모두에게 있어서 그리고 민족에 상관없이 성격 특성이 30 무렵에안정된다는 것을 보여 준다.

 The advantage of this new understanding is that we can be a bit more optimistic than Aristotle and Freud about being able to teach moral excellence.

  새로운 이해의 이점은 우리가 Aristotle이나 Freud보다 도덕적 우수성을 가르칠  있다는 점에서 조금  낙관적   있다는 것이다.


[2] 2023 11 – 36: 동물 크기는 환경 적응과 생존 전략의 결과

 The size of a species is not accidental.

 종의 크기는 우연한 것이 아니다.

 It's a fine-tuned interaction between a species and the world it inhabits.

 그것은  종과 그것이 서식하는 세계 사이의 미세 조정된 상호 작용이다.

 Over large periods of time, size fluctuations have often signalled significant changes in the environment.

 오랜 시간에 걸쳐, 크기의 변동은 종종 환경에서의 상당한 변화를 나타내 왔다.

 Generally speaking, over the last five hundred million years, the trend has been towards animals getting larger.

 일반적으로 말해서, 지난 5  동안,  경향은 동물들이 점점 커지는 쪽으로 되어 왔다.

 It's particularly notable in marine animals, whose average body size has increased 150-fold in this time.

 그것은 특히 해양 동물들에게서 두드러지는데, 그들의 평균  크기는  시기에 150배로 증가해 왔다.

 But we are beginning to see changes in this trend.

 하지만 우리는  경향에서 변화를 관찰하기 시작하고 있다.

 Scientists have discovered that many animals are shrinking.

 과학자들은 많은 동물이 작아지고 있다는 것을 발견해 왔다.

 Around the world, species in every category have been found to be getting smaller, and one major cause appears to be the heat.

  세계적으로, 모든 범주의 종들이 점점 작아지고 있는 것으로 발견되어 왔고,  가지 주요 원인은 열인 것으로 보인다.

 Animals living in the Italian Alps, for example, have seen temperatures rise by three to four degrees Celsius since the 1980s.

 예를 들어, 이탈리아 알프스에 살고 있는 동물들은 1980년대 이후로 기온이 섭씨 3에서 4도까지 상승하는 것을 보아 왔다.

 To avoid overheating, chamois goats now spend more of their days resting rather than searching for food, and as a result, in just a few decades, the new generations of chamois are 25 percent smaller.

 과열을 피하기 위해서, 샤무아 염소들은 이제 먹이를 찾는 것보다 휴식을 취하는   많은 그들의 날들을 보내고, 결과적으로, 단지    만에, 새로운 세대들의 샤무아는 25%  작아져 있다.


[2] 2023 11 – 37: 전체 데이터 사용이 샘플링보다   통찰 제공

 For a long time, random sampling was a good shortcut.

 오랫동안, 무작위 추출법은 좋은 지름길이었다.

 It made analysis of large data problems possible in the pre-digital era.

 그것은 디지털 시대 이전에 상당한 데이터 문제 분석을 가능하게 했다.

 But much as converting a digital image or song into a smaller file results in loss of data, information is lost when sampling.

 그러나 디지털 이미지나 노래를  작은 파일로 변환하는 것이 데이터 손실을 유발하는 것과 마찬가지로, 추출을   정보가 손실된다.

 Having the full (or close to the full) dataset provides a lot more freedom to explore, to look at the data from different angles or to look closer at certain aspects of it.

 전체(또는 전체에 가까운) 데이터 세트를 가지는 것은 탐색하거나 다른 각도에서 데이터를 살펴보거나 그것의 특정 측면들을  자세히 보게 하는 자유를 훨씬  많이 제공한다.

 A fitting example may be the light-field camera, which captures not just a single plane of light, as with conventional cameras, but rays from the entire light field, some 11 million of them.

 라이트 필드 카메라가 적절한 비유가   있는데, 그것은 기존 카메라처럼  평면의 빛만 포착할 뿐만 아니라  1,100 개에 달하는 전체 라이트 필드로부터의 광선들도 포착한다.

 The photographers can decide later which element of an image to focus on in the digital file.

 사진사들은 디지털 파일에서 이미지의 어느 요소에 초점을 맞출지를 나중에 결정할  있다.

 There is no need to focus at the beginning, since collecting all the information makes it possible to do that afterwards.

 모든 정보를 수집하는 것은 그것을 나중에 하는 것을 가능하게 만들기 때문에, 처음에 초점을 맞출 필요는 없다.

 Because rays from the entire light field are included, it is closer to all the data.

 전체 라이트 필드의 빛이 포함되기 때문에, 그것은 모든 데이터에  가깝다.

 As a result, the information is more "reuseable" than ordinary pictures, where the photographer has to decide what to focus on before she presses the shutter.

 결과적으로 사진사가 셔터를 누르기 전에 그녀가 무엇에 초점을 맞출지를 결정해야 하는 일반 사진들보다  정보는  '재사용 가능'하다.


[2] 2023 11 – 38: 내향적 리더십의 섬김 철학이 긍정적 효과를 가짐

 Introverted leaders do have to overcome the strong cultural presumption that extroverts are more effective leaders.

 내향적인 리더들은 외향적인 사람들이  유능한 리더라는 강력한 문화적 억측을 극복해야 한다.

 Although the population splits into almost equal parts between introverts and extroverts, more than 96 percent of managers and executives are extroverted.

 비록 인구는 내향적인 사람과 외향적인 사람 사이에서 거의 동등한 비율로 나뉘지만, 관리자와 임원의 96% 이상이 외향적이다.

 In a study done in 2006, 65 percent of senior corporate executives viewed introversion as a barrier to leadership.

 2006년에 실시된  연구에서, 기업 고위 임원의 65% 내향성을 리더십의 장애물로 간주했다.

 We must reexamine this stereotype, however, as it doesn't always hold true.

 하지만 그것이 항상 맞는 것은 아니기 때문에 우리는  고정 관념을 재검토해야 한다.

 Regent University found that a desire to be of service to others and to empower them to grow, which is more common among introverts than extroverts, is a key factor in becoming a leader and retaining leadership.

 Regent 대학교는 다른 사람들에게 도움이 되고 그들이 성장할  있도록 힘을 주고자 하는 열망이 리더가 되고 리더십을 유지하는  핵심적인 요소이고, 그것이 외향적인 사람들보다 내향적인 사람들 사이에서  일반적이라는 것을 발견했다.

 So-called servant leadership, dating back to ancient philosophical literature, adheres to the belief that a company's goals are best achieved by helping workers or customers achieve their goals.

 고대 철학 문헌으로 거슬러 올라가는 소위 서번트 리더십은  회사의 목표가 근로자나 고객이 그들의 목표를 달성하도록 도움으로써 가장  달성된다는 믿음을 고수한다.

 Such leaders do not seek attention but rather want to shine a light on others' wins and achievements; servant leadership requires humility, but that humility ultimately pays off.

 그런 리더들은 관심을 추구하는 것이 아니라 오히려 다른 사람들의 승리와 업적에 빛을 비추고 싶어 하고, 서번트 리더십은 겸손을 필요로 하지만,  겸손은 궁극적으로 결실을 맺는다.


[2] 2023 11 – 39: 불완전성을 허용하면 데이터 활용 가능성 증가

 By the nineteenth century, France had developed a system of precisely defined units of measurement to capture space, time, and more, and had begun to get other nations to adopt the same standards.

 19세기까지, 프랑스는 공간, 시간, 그리고  많은 것을 포착하기 위해 정밀하게 규정된 측정 단위의 체계를 개발했고, 다른 국가들이 동일한 기준을 채택하도록 만들기 시작했었다.

 Just half a century later, in the 1920s, the discoveries of quantum mechanics forever destroyed the dream of comprehensive and perfect measurement.

 불과 반세기 , 1920년대에, 양자 역학의 발견은 포괄적이고 완벽한 측정에 대한 꿈을 영원히 깨버렸다.

 And yet, outside a relatively small circle of physicists, the mindset of humankind's drive to flawlessly measure continued among engineers and scientists.

 그러나 비교적 소수 집단의 물리학자를 제외하고는 공학자와 과학자 사이에서 완벽하게 측정하려고 하는 인류의 추진 정신은 계속되었다.

 In the world of business it even expanded, as the precision-oriented sciences of mathematics and statistics began to influence all areas of commerce.

 정확성을 지향하는 수학과 통계학이라는 과학이 상업의 모든 영역에 영향을 미치기 시작하면서 비즈니스의 세계에서 그것은 심지어 확장되었다.

 However, contrary to the trend of the past several decades, in many new situations that are occurring today, allowing for imprecision ― for messiness ― may be a positive feature, not a shortcoming.

 그러나, 지난 수십 년간의 경향과 반대로, 오늘날 발생하는 많은 새로운 상황에서 부정확성, , 번잡함을 허용하는 것은 단점이 아니라 긍정적인 특성이   있다.

 As a tradeoff for relaxing the standards of allowable errors, one can get a hold of much more data.

 허용할 오류의 기준을 완화하기 위한 거래로서 사람은 훨씬  많은 데이터를 얻을  있다.

 It isn't just that "more is better than some," but that, in fact, sometimes "more is greater than better."

 그것은 단순히 ' 많은 것이 조금보다  나을' 뿐만 아니라, 사실은 때때로 ' 많은 것이  좋은 것보다  훌륭하기' 하다.


[2] 2023 11 – 40: 협력적 행동이 공동체  신뢰와 지위를 강화

 Multiple laboratory studies show that cooperative people tend to receive social advantages from others.

 여러 실험실 연구들은 협력적인 사람들이 다른 사람들로부터 사회적인 혜택들을 받는 경향이 있다는 것을 보여 준다.

 One way to demonstrate this is to give people the opportunity to act positively or negatively toward contributors.

 이것을 증명하는  가지 방법은 사람들에게 기여자들을 향해 긍정적이거나 부정적으로 행동할 기회를 주는 것이다.

 For example, Pat Barclay, a professor at the University of Guelph, had participants play a cooperative game where people could contribute money toward a group fund which helped all group members, and then allowed participants to give money to other participants based on their reputations.

 예를 들어, Guelph 대학교의 교수인, Pat Barclay 참가자들로 하여금 모든 집단 구성원들을 도와주는 집단 기금에 사람들이 돈을 기부할  있는 협동 게임을 하도록  다음, 참가자들이 그들의평판을 바탕으로 다른 참가자들에게 돈을   있도록 허락했다.

 People who contributed more to the group fund were given responsibility for more money than people who contributed less.

 집단 기금에  많이 기부한 사람들은  기부한 사람들보다  많은 돈에 대한 책임이 주어졌다.

 Similar results have been found by other researchers.

 유사한 결과들이 다른 연구자들에 의해 발견되었다.

 People who contribute toward their groups are also chosen more often as interaction partners, preferred as leaders, rated as more desirable partners for long-term relationships, and are perceived to be trustworthy and have high social status.

 또한 그들의 집단에 기여하는 사람들은 상호 작용 파트너로서  자주 선택되고, 리더로서 선호되며, 장기적인 관계를 위한  바람직한 파트너들로서 평가되고, 신뢰할  있고 사회적 지위가 높은것으로 인식된다.

 Uncooperative people tend to receive verbal criticism or even more severe punishment.

 비협조적인 사람들은 언어적인 비판이나 심지어  심한 벌을 받는 경향이 있다.

 -> Studies suggest that individuals who act with generosity toward their communities are more likely to be viewed as deserving of benefit by members of that community than those who don't.

 -> 연구들은 그들의 공동체에 관대함을 가지고 행동하는 사람들이 그렇게 하지 않은 사람들보다  공동체의 구성원들에 의해 혜택을 누릴 만하다고 보여질 가능성이  크다고 이야기한다.


[2] 2023 11 – 41~42: 공연에서 관객 참여가 예술적 경험을 증폭

 In Western society, many music performance settings make a clear distinction between performers and audience members: the performers are the "doers" and those in the audience take a decidedly passive role.

 서양 사회에서, 많은 음악 공연 상황은 공연자와 청중 사이에 명확한 구분을 만든다. 공연자들은 '행위자들'이고, 청중  사람들은 분명히 수동적인 역할을 맡는다.

 The performance space itself may further reinforce the distinction with a physical separation between the stage and audience seating.

 공연 공간  자체가 무대와 청중석 사이의 물리적 분리로 구분을  강화할  있다.

 Perhaps because this distinction is so common, audiences seem to greatly value opportunities to have special "access" to performers that affords understanding about performers' style of music.

 아마도 이러한 구분이 너무 흔하기 때문에, 청중들은 공연자의 음악 스타일에 대한 이해를 제공하는 공연자에 대한 특별한 '접근'  기회들에 크게 가치를 부여하는 것처럼 보인다.

 Some performing musicians have won great approval by regularly incorporating "audience participation" into their concerts.

 일부 공연 음악가는 정기적으로 그들의 콘서트에 '청중 참여' 포함함으로써  호응을 받아왔다.

 Whether by leading a sing-along activity or teaching a rhythm to be clapped at certain points, including audience members in the music making can boost the level of engagement and enjoyment for all involved.

 함께 노래 부르기 활동을 하든지 지정된 지점에서 박수를 치도록 리듬을 가르치든지, 음악을 만드는  있어서 청중 구성원을 포함하는 것은 모든 참여자의 참여와 즐거움의 수준을 높일  있다.

 Performers who are uncomfortable leading audience participation can still connect with the audience simply by giving a special glimpse of the performer perspective.

 청중 참여를 이끄는 것에 불편함을 느끼는 공연자들은 단순히  공연자 관점을 특별히 흘끗 보여줌으로써 청중과 여전히 이어질  있다.

 It is quite common in classical music to provide audiences with program notes.

 클래식 음악에서는 청중에게 프로그램 해설을 제공하는 것이 상당히 흔하다.

 Typically, this text in a program gives background information about pieces of music being performed and perhaps biographical information about historically significant composers.

 전형적으로, 이러한 프로그 램의 텍스트는 연주되는 음악 작품에 대한 배경 정보와 아마도 역사적으로 중요한 작곡가들에 대한 전기(傳꾼) 정보를 제공한다.

 What may be of more interest to audience members is background information about the very performers who are onstage, including an explanation of why they have chosen the music they are presenting.

 청중들에게  흥미로울 수도 있는 것은 공연자들이 그들이 선보이고 있는 음악을  선택했는지에 대한 설명을 포함한, 무대 위에 있는 바로  연주가에 관한 배경 정보이다.

 Such insight can make audience members feel near to the musicians onstage, both metaphorically and emotionally.

 그러한 통찰력은 청중들이 무대 위에 있는 음악가들에게 비유적이고 감정적으로  가까이 느끼게 만들  있다.

 This connection will likely enhance the expressive and communicative experience.

 이러한 연결은 표현적이고 소통적인 경험을 아마 향상시킬 것이다.


[2] 2023 11 – 43~45: 다툰 형제가 목수의 다리로 화해와 관계 회복

 Once upon a time, two brothers, Robert and James, who lived on neighboring farms fell into conflict.

 옛날 옛적에, 가까운 농장에 사는  형제인 Robert James 갈등에 빠졌다.

 It was the first serious fight in 40 years of farming side by side.

 그것은 함께 나란히 농사를 지은  40 만에 최초의 심각한 싸움이었다.

 It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major argument, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.

 그것은 작은 오해로 시작하여 보다 중대한 논쟁이 되었고, 마침내 그것은 독설을 주고받는 것으로 폭발했고  주간의 침묵이 뒤따랐다.

 One morning there was a knock on Robert's door.

 어느  아침 Robert 문에 노크가 있었다.

 He opened it to find a carpenter with a toolbox.

 (Robert) 그것을 열고 공구 상자를 가진 목수를 발견했다.

 Looking at Robert, the carpenter said, "I'm looking for a few days' work. Do you have anything to repair?"

 Robert 바라보며  목수는 말했다. "저는 며칠 동안  일을 찾고 있어요. 당신(Robert) 수리할 것이 있나요?"

 "I have nothing to be repaired, but I have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm.

 "수리될 것은 없지만 당신이   일이 있어요. 샛강 저편에  농장을 보세요.

 Last week, my younger brother James took his bulldozer and put that creek in the meadow between us.

 지난주에,  동생 James 그의 불도저를 가지고 우리 사이의 초원에 샛강을 만들었어요.

 Well, I will do even worse.

 , (Robert) 훨씬  나쁘게  거예요.

 I want you to build me an 8-foot tall fence which will block him from seeing my place," said Robert.

 저는 당신이 그가  장소를 보지 못하게 막는 8피트 높이의 울타리를 지어 주기를 원해요." Robert 말했다.

 The carpenter seemed to understand the situation.

 목수는  상황을 이해한 것처럼 보였다.

 Robert prepared all the materials the carpenter needed.

 Robert  목수가 필요로 하는 모든 재료들을 준비해 주었다.

 The next day, Robert left to work on another farm, so he couldn't watch the carpenter for some days.

 다음 , Robert  다른 농장으로 일하러 떠났고, 그래서 그는 며칠 동안  목수를   없었다.

 When Robert returned and saw the carpenter's work, his jaw dropped.

 Robert 돌아와서  목수의 작업을 보았을 , 그의 입이  벌어졌다.

 Instead of a fence, the carpenter had built a bridge that stretched from one side of the creek to the other.

 울타리 대신에,  목수는 샛강의 한쪽에서 다른 쪽까지 펼쳐진 다리 하나를 만들었다.

 His brother was walking over, waving his hand in the air.

 그의 동생은 (James) 손을 공중에 흔들며 걸어오고 있었다.

 Robert laughed and said to the carpenter, "You really can fix anything."

 Robert 웃었고  목수에게 말했다. "당신은 정말로 어떤 것이든 고칠  있군요."

 The two brothers stood awkwardly for a moment, but soon met on the bridge and shook hands.

   형제는 잠시 동안 어색하게  있었지만,  다리 위에서 만나 악수를 했다.

 They saw the carpenter leaving with his toolbox.

 그들은  목수가 그의 공구 상자를 가지고 떠나는 것을 보았다.

 "No, wait! Stay a few more days." Robert told him.

 "안돼요, 기다려 주세요! 며칠  머물러 주세요." Robert 그에게 말했다.

 "Thank you for your invitation. But I need to go build more bridges.

 "당신의(Robert) 초대에 감사드립니다. 하지만 저는  많은 다리들을 만들러 가야 해요.

 Don't forget. The fence leads to isolation and the bridge to openness," said carpenter.

 잊지 마세요. 울타리는 고립으로 이끌고 다리는 관대함으로 이끕니다." 목수가 말했다.

 The two brothers nodded at the carpenter's words.

   형제는 목수의 말에 끄덕여 동의를 표시했다.







안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <2023년도 11월 고1 영어 모의고사(12월 시행)> 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.
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자료는 PDF 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  
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블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 




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[고1] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (103문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 103문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일



전체 내용

[1] 2023 11 – 18: 패션 매장의 판매직 지원을 위한 경험과 자격 소개
 Dear Ms. MacAlpine, 친애하는 MacAlpine씨께,
 I was so excited to hear that your brand is opening a new shop on Bruns Street next month. 저는 당신의 브랜드가 다음 달에 Bruns 거리에 매장을 연다는 것을 듣고 매우 들떴습니다.
 I have always appreciated the way your brand helps women to feel more stylish and confident. 저는 당신의 브랜드가 여성들이  멋지고 자신감있게 느끼도록 도와주는 방식을 항상 높이 평가해왔습니다.
 I am writing in response to your ad in the Bruns Journal. 저는 Bruns Journal 있는 당신의 광고에 대한 응답으로 편지를 쓰고 있습니다.
 I graduated from the Meline School of Fashion and have worked as a sales assistant at LoganMart for the last five years. 저는 Meline 패션 학교를 졸업했고 지난 5년간LoganMart에서 판매 보조원으로 일해 왔습니다.
 During that time, I've developed strong customer service and sales skills, and now I would like to apply for the sales position in your clothing store.  기간 동안 저는 뛰어난 고객 서비스  판매 기술을 발달시켜 왔고, 이제 당신의 의류 매장의 판매직에 지원하고 싶습니다.
 I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience. 저는 당신이 편한 가장 빠른 시간에 인터뷰가 가능합니다.
 I look forward to hearing from you. 당신으로부터 대답을 듣게 되기를 기대합니다.
 Thank you for reading my letter. 저의 편지를 읽어 주셔서 감사드립니다.
 Yours sincerely, Grace Braddock Grace Braddock 드림




[1] 2023 11 – 19: 신혼여행  결혼 반지를 잃고 찾으려 했던 경험
 I had never seen a beach with such white sand or water that was such a beautiful shade of blue. 나는 그렇게 하얀 모래나 그렇게 아름다운 푸른 색조의 바다를 가진 해변을  번도  적이 없었다.
 Jane and I set up a blanket on the sand while looking forward to our ten days of honeymooning on an exotic island. 이국적인 섬에서의 열흘간의 신혼여행을 기대하면서 Jane 나는 모래 위에 담요를 깔았다.
 "Look!" Jane waved her hand to point at the beautiful scene before us ― and her gold wedding ring went flying off her hand. "저기  !" Jane 그녀의 손을 흔들어 우리 앞의 아름다운 풍경을 가리켰다. 그러자 그녀의 금으로  결혼반지가 그녀의 손에서 빠져 날아갔다.
 I tried to see where it went, but the sun hit my eyes and I lost track of it. 나는 그것이 날아간 곳을 보려고 노력했지만, 햇빛이 눈에 들어와 그것의 가던 방향을 놓쳤다.
 I didn't want to lose her wedding ring, so I started looking in the area where I thought it had landed. 나는 그녀의 결혼 반지를 잃어버리고 싶지 않아서내가 생각하기에 그것이 떨어졌을 장소를 들여다보기 시작했다.
 However, the sand was so fine and I realized that anything heavy, like gold, would quickly sink and might never be found again. 하지만 모래가 너무 고왔고 나는 금처럼 무거운 것은 빨리 가라앉아 다시는 발견되지 않을 수도 있겠다는 것을 깨달았다.




[1] 2023 11 – 20: 지속적인 자기 성장을 위해 의식적 노력이 필요함
 Unfortunately, many people don't take personal responsibility for their own growth. 안타깝게도 많은 사람들이 그들 자신의 성장에 대해 개인적인 책임을 지지 않는다.
 Instead, they simply run the race laid out for them. 대신, 그들은 단지 그들에게 놓인 경주를 한다.
 They do well enough in school to keep advancing. 그들은 학교에서 계속 발전할 만큼 제법 잘한다.
 Maybe they manage to get a good job at a well-run company. 아마도 그들은  운영되는 회사에서 좋은 일자리를 얻는 것을 해낸다.
 But so many think and act as if their learning journey ends with college. 하지만 아주 많은 사람들이 마치 그들의 배움의 여정이 대학으로 끝나는 것처럼 생각하고 행동한다.
 They have checked all the boxes in the life that was laid out for them and now lack a road map describing the right ways to move forward and continue to grow. 그들은 그들에게 놓인 삶의 모든 사항을 체크했고이제는 앞으로 나아가고 계속 성장할  있는 올바른 방법을 설명해 주는 로드 맵이 없다.
 In truth, that's when the journey really begins. 사실, 그때가 여정이 진정으로 시작되는 때이다.
 When school is finished, your growth becomes voluntary. 학교 교육이 끝나면, 여러분의 성장은 자발적이게된다.
 Like healthy eating habits or a regular exercise program, you need to commit to it and devote thought, time, and energy to it. 건강한 식습관이나 규칙적인 운동 프로그램처럼 여러분은 그것에 전념하고 그것에 생각, 시간, 그리고에너지를 쏟을 필요가 있다.
 Otherwise, it simply won't happen ― and your life and career are likely to stop progressing as a result. 그렇지 않으면 그것은 그냥 일어나지 않을 것이고, 결과적으로 여러분의 삶과 경력이 진전을 멈출 가능성이 있다.




[1] 2023 11 – 21: 색은 객관적, 주관적 요소가 결합된 현상임
 Many people take the commonsense view that color is an objective property of things, or of the light that bounces off them. 많은 사람들이 색은 사물 또는 사물로부터 튕겨 나오는 빛의 객관적인 속성이라는 상식적인 견해를 취한다.
 They say a tree's leaves are green because they reflect green light ― a greenness that is just as real as the leaves. 그들은 나뭇잎이 녹색 (정확히 나뭇잎만큼 진짜인 녹색) 반사하기 때문에 녹색이라고 말한다.
 Others argue that color doesn't inhabit the physical world at all but exists only in the eye or mind of the viewer. 다른 사람들은 색이 물리적인 세계에 전혀 존재하지않고 보는 사람의 눈이나 정신 안에만 존재한다고주장한다.
 They maintain that if a tree fell in a forest and no one was there to see it, its leaves would be colorless ― and so would everything else. 그들은 만약 나무가 숲에서 쓰러지고 그것을  사람이 아무도 거기에 없다면, 그것의 잎은 색이 없을것이고, 다른 모든 것들도 그럴 것이라고 주장한다.
 They say there is no such thing as color; there are only the people who see it. 그들은  같은 '' 없고 그것을 보는 사람들만있다고 말한다.
 Both positions are, in a way, correct.  가지 입장 모두 어떤 면에서는 옳다.
 Color is objective and subjective ― "the place," as Paul Cezanne put it, "where our brain and the universe meet." 색은 객관적이고 '동시에' 주관적이며, Paul Cezanne 말했듯이 '우리의 뇌와 우주가 만나는'이다.
 Color is created when light from the world is registered by the eyes and interpreted by the brain. 색은 세상으로부터의 빛이 눈에 의해 등록되고 뇌에의해 해석될  만들어진다.




[1] 2023 11 – 22: 소설 집필  과도한 세부정보보다 핵심 경험이 중요
 When writing a novel, research for information needs to be done. 소설을   정보를 위한 조사가 행해질 필요가 있다.
 The thing is that some kinds of fiction demand a higher level of detail: crime fiction, for example, or scientific thrillers. 문제는 예를 들어 범죄 소설이나 과학 스릴러와 같은 어떤 종류의 소설은  높은 수준의 세부 사항을요구한다는 것이다.
 The information is never hard to find; one website for authors even organizes trips to police stations, so that crime writers can get it right. 정보는 찾기에 결코 어렵지 않다. 작가들을 위한 웹사이트는 범죄물 작가들이 정보를 제대로 얻을 있도록 심지어 경찰서로의 탐방을 조직하기도한다.
 Often, a polite letter will earn you permission to visit a particular location and record all the details that you need. 종종 정중한 편지는 여러분에게 특정한 장소를 방문하고 필요한 모든 세부 사항을 기록할  있는 허가를 얻어  것이다.
 But remember that you will drive your readers to boredom if you think that you need to pack everything you discover into your work. 하지만 만약 여러분이 발견한 모든 것을 작품에 담아야 한다고 생각할 경우 여러분은 독자들을 지루하게 만들 것이라는 것을 기억하라.
 The details that matter are those that reveal the human experience. 중요한 세부 사항은 인간의 경험을 드러내는 것이다.
 The crucial thing is telling a story, finding the characters, the tension, and the conflict ― not the train timetable or the building blueprint. 중요한 것은 기차 시간표나 건물 청사진이 아니라인물, 긴장, 그리고 갈등을 찾아가며 이야기를 말하는 것이다.




[1] 2023 11 – 23: 구강 건강은 신체 건강과 밀접히 연관됨
 Nearly everything has to go through your mouth to get to the rest of you, from food and air to bacteria and viruses. 음식과 공기에서부터 박테리아와 바이러스까지 거의 모든 것이 여러분의 나머지 부분에 도달하기 위해 여러분의 입을 거쳐야 한다.
 A healthy mouth can help your body get what it needs and prevent it from harm ― with adequate space for air to travel to your lungs, and healthy teeth and gums that prevent harmful microorganisms from entering your bloodstream. 건강한 입은 공기가 폐로 이동할  있는 적당한 공간, 그리고 해로운 미생물이 혈류로 들어가는 것을막는 건강한 치아와 잇몸으로 여러분의 몸이 필요한 것을 얻고, 피해로부터 몸을 지키도록 도와줄 있다.
 From the moment you are created, oral health affects every aspect of your life. 여러분이 생겨난 순간부터 구강 건강은 여러분의삶의 모든 측면에 영향을 미친다.
 What happens in the mouth is usually just the tip of the iceberg and a reflection of what is happening in other parts of the body. 입안에서 일어나는 일은 대개 빙산의 일각일 뿐이며 신체의 다른 부분에서 일어나고 있는 일의 반영이다.
 Poor oral health can be a cause of a disease that affects the entire body. 나쁜 구강 건강은 전체 몸에 영향을 끼치는 질병의원인일  있다.
 The microorganisms in an unhealthy mouth can enter the bloodstream and travel anywhere in the body, posing serious health risks. 건강하지 않은 입안의 미생물은 혈류로 들어가고신체의 어느 곳이든 이동하여 심각한 건강상의 위험을 초래할  있다.




[1] 2023 11 – 24: 신경계는 변화에 민감하고 반복에는 쉽게 지루함
 Kids tire of their toys, college students get sick of cafeteria food, and sooner or later most of us lose interest in our favorite TV shows. 아이들은 자기들의 장난감에 지루해하고, 대학생들은 카페테리아 음식에 싫증을 내고, 머지않아 우리 대부분은 우리가 가장 좋아하는 TV쇼에 흥미를잃는다.
 The bottom line is that we humans are easily bored. 요점은 우리 인간이 쉽게 지루해한다는 것이다.
 But why should this be true? 그런데  이것이 사실이어야 할까?
 The answer lies buried deep in our nerve cells, which are designed to reduce their initial excited response to stimuli each time they occur. 답은 자극이 일어날 때마다 그것에 대한 초기의 흥분된 반응을 약화하도록 설계된 우리의 신경 세포내에 깊이 숨어 있다.
 At the same time, these neurons enhance their responses to things that change ― especially things that change quickly. 동시에  뉴런들은 변화하는 것들, 특히 빠르게 변화하는 것들에 대한 반응을 강화한다.
 We probably evolved this way because our ancestors got more survival value, for example, from attending to what was moving in a tree (such as a puma) than to the tree itself. 예를 들면 우리는 아마도 우리의 조상이 나무  자체보다 (퓨마처럼) 나무에서 움직이는 것에 주의를기울이는 것으로부터  많은 생존 가치를 얻었기때문에 이런 방식으로 진화했을 것이다.
 Boredom in reaction to an unchanging environment turns down the level of neural excitation so that new stimuli (like our ancestor's hypothetical puma threat) stand out more. 변하지 않는 환경에 대한 반응으로의 지루함은 신경 흥분의 수준을 낮춰 (우리 조상이 가정한 퓨마의위협과 같은) 새로운 자극이  두드러지게 한다.
 It's the neural equivalent of turning off a front door light to see the fireflies. 이것은 반딧불이를 보기 위해 앞문의 불을 끄는 것의 신경적 대응물이다.




[1] 2023 11 – 25: 2018~2022 청정 에너지 투자 증가 분석
 The above graph shows global energy investment in clean energy and in fossil fuels between 2018 and 2022. 위의 그래프는 2018년과 2022 사이에 청정에너지와 화석 연료에 대한  세계 에너지 투자액을 보여 준다.
 Since 2018 global energy investment in clean energy continued to rise, reaching its highest level in 2022. 2018 이후로 청정에너지에 대한  세계 투자액은 계속해서 상승했으며, 2022년에 가장 높은 수준에 도달했다.
 The investment gap between clean energy and fossil fuels in 2020 was larger than that in 2019. 2020년의 청정에너지와 화석 연료 사이 투자액 격차는 2019년의 그것보다 컸다.
 Investment in fossil fuels was highest in 2018 and lowest in 2020. 화석 연료에 대한 투자액은 2018년에 가장 높았고2020년에 가장 낮았다.
 In 2021, investment in clean energy exceeded 1,200 billion dollars, while investment in fossil fuels did not. 2021년에는 청정에너지에 대한 투자액이 12000 달러를 넘은 반면, 화석 연료에 대한 투자액은 그러지 않았다.
 In 2022, the global investment in clean energy was more than double that of fossil fuels. 2022년에는 청정에너지에 대한  세계 투자액이화석 연료의 그것의   이상이었다.




[1] 2023 11 – 26: Frederick Douglass 노예제 폐지와 평등 활동
 Frederick Douglass was born into slavery at a farm in Maryland. Frederick Douglass Maryland  농장에서노예로 태어났다.
 His full name at birth was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey. 태어났을  그의 성명은 Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey였다.
 He changed his name to Frederick Douglass after he successfully escaped from slavery in 1838. 그는 1838년에 노예 상태에서 성공적으로 탈출한 자신의 이름을 Frederick Douglass 바꿨다.
 He became a leader of the Underground Railroad ― a network of people, places, and routes that helped enslaved people escape to the north. 그는 노예가  사람들을 북쪽으로 탈출하도록 돕는사람, 장소, 경로의 조직인 Underground Railroad 리더가 되었다.
 He assisted other runaway slaves until they could safely get to other areas in the north. 그는 다른 도망친 노예들이 북쪽의 다른 지역에 안전하게 도착할  있을 때까지 그들을 도왔다.
 As a slave, he had taught himself to read and write and he spread that knowledge to other slaves as well. 노예로서 그는 읽고 쓰는 것을 독학했고,  지식을다른 노예들에게도 전파했다.
 Once free, he became a well-known abolitionist and strong believer in equality for all people including Blacks, Native Americans, women, and recent immigrants. 자유로워지고   그는 유명한 노예제 폐지론자이자 흑인, 아메리카 원주민, 여성, 그리고 최근 이민자들을 포함한 모든 사람들을 위한 평등에 대한 강한 신봉자가 되었다.
 He wrote several autobiographies describing his experiences as a slave. 그는 노예로서의 자신의 경험을 묘사한  권의 자서전을 썼다.
 In addition to all this, he became the first African-American candidate for vice president of the United States.  모든 것에 더하여 그는 미국의  아프리카계 미국인 부통령 후보가 되었다.




[1] 2023 11 – 29: 뇌사 진단 기준의 엄격함이 신뢰와 의혹 모두 유발 가능
 Some countries have proposed tougher guidelines for determining brain death when transplantation ― transferring organs to others ― is under consideration. 일부 국가는 장기 이식,  다른 사람에게 장기를전달하는 것을 고려 중일  뇌사를 결정하는 것에대한  엄격한 지침을 제안했다.
 In several European countries, there are legal requirements which specify that a whole team of doctors must agree over the diagnosis of death in the case of a potential donor. 몇몇 유럽 국가에는 잠재적 기증자의 경우 의사 전체가 사망 진단에 동의해야 한다고 명시하는 법적 요건들이 있다.
 The reason for these strict regulations for diagnosing brain death in potential organ donors is, no doubt, to ease public fears of a premature diagnosis of brain death for the purpose of obtaining organs. 잠재적인 장기 기증자의 뇌사 진단에 대한 이러한엄격한 규정들의 이유는 의심할  없이 장기 확보를 위한 너무 이른 뇌사 진단에 대한 대중의 두려움을 완화하기 위한 것이다.
 But it is questionable whether these requirements reduce public suspicions as much as they create them. 하지만 이러한 요건들이 대중의 의심을 만들어 내는 만큼 그것을 줄여 주는지는 의문이다.
 They certainly maintain mistaken beliefs that diagnosing brain death is an unreliable process lacking precision. 그것들은 뇌사 진단이 정확성이 결여된 신뢰하기어려운 과정이라는 잘못된 믿음을 확실히 유지시킨다.
 As a matter of consistency, at least, criteria for diagnosing the deaths of organ donors should be exactly the same as for those for whom immediate burial or cremation is intended. 적어도 일관성의 이유로 장기 기증자의 사망 진단기준은 즉각적인 매장 또는 화장이 예정된 사람들에 대한 그것과 정확히 동일해야 한다.




[1] 2023 11 – 30: 미니멀리즘은 불필요한 물건 제거로 삶의 명료함 제공
 The term minimalism gives a negative impression to some people who think that it is all about sacrificing valuable possessions. 미니멀리즘이라는 용어는 그것을 소중한 소유물을희생하는 것에 관한 것으로만 생각하는 일부 사람들에게 부정적인 인상을 준다.
 This insecurity naturally stems from their attachment to their possessions. 이러한 불안은 자신의 소유물에 대한 애착에서 자연스럽게 비롯된다.
 It is difficult to distance oneself from something that has been around for quite some time.  오랫동안 곁에 있어 왔던 것으로부터 자신을 멀리 두는 것은 어렵다.
 Being an emotional animal, human beings give meaning to the things around them. 감정의 동물이기 때문에, 인간은 그들의 곁에 있는물건에 의미를 부여한다.
 So, the question arising here is that if minimalism will hurt one's emotions, why become a minimalist? 그래서 여기서 생기는 질문은 미니멀리즘이 사람의감정을 상하게 한다면  미니멀리스트가 되느냐는것이다.
 The answer is very simple; the assumption of the question is fundamentally wrong. 대답은 매우 간단하다.  질문의 가정은 근본적으로 틀리다.
 Minimalism does not hurt emotions. 미니멀리즘은 감정을 상하게 하지 않는다.
 You might feel a bit sad while getting rid of a useless item but sooner than later, this feeling will be overcome by the joy of clarity. 여러분은 쓸모 없는 물건을 치우면서 조금 슬퍼할수도 있지만 머지않아  느낌은 명료함의 기쁨으로 극복될 것이다.
 Minimalists never argue that you should leave every convenience of the modern era. 미니멀리스트는 여러분이 현대의 모든 편의를 버려야 한다고 주장하지 않는다.
 They are of the view that you only need to eliminate stuff that is unused or not going to be used in the near future. 그들은 여러분이 사용되지 않거나 가까운 미래에사용되지 않을 물건을 없애기만 하면 된다는 견해를 가지고 있다.




[1] 2023 11 – 31: 시각적 적응으로 새로운 환경에도 빠르게 적응 가능
 A remarkable characteristic of the visual system is that it has the ability of adapting itself. 시각 체계의 두드러진 특징은 스스로 적응하는 능력이 있다는 것이다.
 Psychologist George M. Stratton made this clear in an impressive self-experiment. 심리학자 George M. Stratton 인상적인 자가 실험에서 이것을 분명히 했다.
 Stratton wore reversing glasses for several days, which literally turned the world upside down for him. Stratton 며칠 동안 반전 안경을 착용했는데 안경은  그대로 그에게 세상을 뒤집어 놓았다.
 In the beginning, this caused him great difficulties: just putting food in his mouth with a fork was a challenge for him. 처음에 이것은 그에게  어려움을 초래하였다. 포크로 음식을 입에 넣는 것조차 그에게는 도전이었다.
 With time, however, his visual system adjusted to the new stimuli from reality, and he was able to act normally in his environment again, even seeing it upright when he concentrated. 그러나 시간이 지나면서 그의 시각 체계는 현실의새로운 자극에 적응했고, 그가 집중했을 때는 심지어 똑바로 보면서, 다시 자신의 환경에서 정상적으로 행동할  있었다.
 As he took off his reversing glasses, he was again confronted with problems: he used the wrong hand when he wanted to reach for something, for example. 반전 안경을 벗었을  그는 다시 문제에 직면했다.예를 들어 그가 무언가를 잡기를 원할  그는 반대손을 사용했다.
 Fortunately, Stratton could reverse the perception, and he did not have to wear reversing glasses for the rest of his life. 다행히 Stratton 지각을 뒤집을  있었고 평생반전 안경을 착용하지 않아도 되었다.
 For him, everything returned to normal after one day. 그에게 하루 만에 모든 것이 정상으로 돌아왔다.




[1] 2023 11 – 32: 인터넷 사용이 지식 과대평가를 유발할  있음
 Participants in a study were asked to answer questions like "Why does the moon have phases?"  연구의 참가자들이 '달은  상을 가지고 있을까' 같은 질문들에 답하도록 요청받았다.
 Half the participants were told to search for the answers on the internet, while the other half weren't allowed to do so. 참가자의 절반은 인터넷에서 답을 검색하라는 말을들었고 나머지 절반은 그렇게 하도록 허용되지 않았다.
 Then, in the second part of the study, all of the participants were presented with a new set of questions, such as "Why does Swiss cheese have holes?"  다음, 연구의  번째 단계에서 모든 참가자는'스위스 치즈에는  구멍이 있을까' 같은 일련의새로운 질문들을 제시받았다.
 These questions were unrelated to the ones asked during the first part of the study, so participants who used the internet had absolutely no advantage over those who hadn't.  질문들은 연구의  번째 단계에서 질문받았던것들과는 관련이 없어서 인터넷을 사용한 참가자들은 그러지 않은 참가자들 보다 이점이 전혀 없었다.
 You would think that both sets of participants would be equally sure or unsure about how well they could answer the new questions. 여러분은  집단의 참가자들이 새로운 질문들에얼마나  대답할  있을 지에 대해 동일한 정도로확신하거나 확신하지 못할 것으로 생각할 것이다.
 But those who used the internet in the first part of the study rated themselves as more knowledgeable than those who hadn't, even about questions they hadn't searched online for. 그러나 연구의  번째 단계에서 인터넷을 사용했던 참가자들은 자신이 온라인에서 검색하지 않았던질문들에 대해서조차 그러지 않았던 참가자들보다스스로가  많이 알고 있다고 평가했다.
 The study suggests that having access to unrelated information was enough to pump up their intellectual confidence.  연구는 관련 없는 정보에 접근하는 것이 그들의지적 자신감을 부풀리기에 충분했다는 것을 시사한다.




[1] 2023 11 – 33: 관점 변화로 세계 이해 방식을 다각화할  있음
 Anthropologist Gregory Bateson suggests that we tend to understand the world by focusing in on particular features within it. 인류학자 Gregory Bateson 우리가 세상 안의특정한 특징에 초점을 맞춤으로써 세상을 이해하는경향이 있다고 제안한다.
 Take platypuses. We might zoom in so closely to their fur that each hair appears different. 오리너구리를 예로 들어 보자. 우리가 그들의 털을매우 가까이 확대하면  가닥이 다르게 보인다.
 We might also zoom out to the extent where it appears as a single, uniform object. 우리는 또한 그것이 하나의 동일한 개체로 보이는정도까지 축소할 수도 있다.
 We might take the platypus as an individual, or we might treat it as part of a larger unit such as a species or an ecosystem. 우리는 오리너구리를 개체로 취급할 수도 있고 또는 생태계와 같이   단위의 일부로 취급할 수도 있다.
 It's possible to move between many of these perspectives, although we may need some additional tools and skills to zoom in on individual pieces of hair or zoom out to entire ecosystems. 비록 개별 머리카락을 확대하거나 전체 생태계로 축소하기 위해  가지 추가 도구와 기술이 필요할지도 모르지만, 이러한 많은 관점 사이를 이동하는 것은 가능하다.
 Crucially, however, we can only take up one perspective at a time. 그러나 결정적으로 우리는  번에 하나의 관점만취할  있다.
 We can pay attention to the varied behavior of individual animals, look at what unites them into a single species, or look at them as part of bigger ecological patterns. 우리는 개별 동물의 다양한 행동에 주의를 기울일 있고, 그들을 단일 종으로 통합하는 것을 살펴볼수도 있고,   생태학적 패턴의 일부로서 그들을살펴볼 수도 있다.
 Every possible perspective involves emphasizing certain aspects and ignoring others. 가능한 모든 관점은 특정 측면을 강조하고 다른 측면을 외면하는 것을 포함한다.




[1] 2023 11 – 34: 플라톤은 이상적 '형상' 개념으로 현실을 설명함
 Plato's realism includes all aspects of experience but is most easily explained by considering the nature of mathematical and geometrical objects such as circles. 플라톤의 실재론은 경험의 모든 측면을 포함하지만, 원과 같은 수학적이고 기하학적인 대상의 특성을 고려함으로써 가장 쉽게 설명된다.
 He asked the question, what is a circle? 그는 '원이란 무엇인가'라는 질문을 했다.
 You might indicate a particular example carved into stone or drawn in the sand. 여러분은 돌에 새겨져 있거나 모래에 그려진 특정한 예를 가리킬  있다.
 However, Plato would point out that, if you looked closely enough, you would see that neither it, nor indeed any physical circle, was perfect. 그러나 플라톤은 여러분이 충분히 면밀히 관찰한다면, 여러분이  어느 것도, 진정 어떤 물리적인 원도 완벽하지 않다는 것을 알게  것이라고 지적할것이다.
 They all possessed flaws, and all were subject to change and decayed with time. 그것들 모두는 결함을 가지고 있었고, 모두 변화의영향을 받고 시간이 지남에 따라 쇠하였다.
 So how can we talk about perfect circles if we cannot actually see or touch them? 그렇다면, 우리가 완벽한 원을 실제로 보거나 만질 없다면, 그것에 대해 어떻게 이야기할  있을?
 Plato's extraordinary answer was that the world we see is a poor reflection of a deeper unseen reality of Forms, or universals, where perfect cats chase perfect mice in perfect circles around perfect rocks. 플라톤의 비범한 대답은 우리가 보는 세상이 완벽한 고양이가 완벽한 암석 주변에서 완벽한 원을 그리며 완벽한 쥐를 쫓는 '형상' 또는 '보편자'라는 깊은 보이지 않는 실재의 불충분한 반영물이라는것이다.
 Plato believed that the Forms or universals are the true reality that exists in an invisible but perfect world beyond our senses. 플라톤은 '형상' 또는 '보편자' 보이지 않지만 우리의 감각을 넘어선 완벽한 세계에 존재하는 진정한 실재라고 믿었다.




[1] 2023 11 – 35: 데이터 확장이 정확성보다 유용성을 강화함
 In statistics, the law of large numbers describes a situation where having more data is better for making predictions. 통계학에서 대수의 법칙은  많은 데이터를 갖는것이 예측하는   좋은 상황을 설명한다.
 According to it, the more often an experiment is conducted, the closer the average of the results can be expected to match the true state of the world. 그것에 따르면 실험이  자주 수행될수록  결과의 평균이 세상의 실제 상태에  맞춰지는 것으로예상될  있다.
 For instance, on your first encounter with the game of roulette, you may have beginner's luck after betting on 7. 예를 들어 룰렛 게임을 처음 접했을  7 베팅한 여러분은 초보자의 운이 있을  있다.
 But the more often you repeat this bet, the closer the relative frequency of wins and losses is expected to approach the true chance of winning, meaning that your luck will at some point fade away. 하지만 당신이  베팅을  자주 반복할수록 승패의 상대적인 빈도가 진짜 승률에  가까워질 것으로 예상되는데 이는 당신의 운이 어느 순간 사라진다는 것을 의미한다.
 Similarly, car insurers collect large amounts of data to figure out the chances that drivers will cause accidents, depending on their age, region, or car brand. 마찬가지로 자동차 보험사는 운전자가 그들의 연령, 지역 또는 자동차 브랜드에 따라 사고를 일으킬확률을 파악하기 위해 많은 양의 데이터를 수집한다.
 Both casinos and insurance industries rely on the law of large numbers to balance individual losses. 카지노와 보험 산업 모두 개별 손실의 균형을 맞추기 위해 대수의 법칙에 의존한다.




[1] 2023 11 – 36: 청소년기 감정 의사결정은 전두엽 미성숙과 연관됨
 The adolescent brain is not fully developed until its early twenties. 청소년기의 뇌는 20 초반까지는 완전히 발달하지 않는다.
 This means the way the adolescents' decision-making circuits integrate and process information may put them at a disadvantage. 이것은 청소년의 의사 결정 회로가 정보를 통합하고 처리하는 방식이 그들을 불리하게 만들  있음을 의미한다.
 One of their brain regions that matures later is the prefrontal cortex, which is the control center, tasked with thinking ahead and evaluating consequences. 나중에 성숙하는  영역  하나는 통제 센터인 전전두엽 피질이며, 그것은 미리 생각하고 결과를 평가하는 임무를 맡고 있다.
 It is the area of the brain responsible for preventing you from sending off an initial angry text and modifying it with kinder words. 그것은 당신이 초기의 화가  문자를 보내는 것을막고 그것을  친절한 단어로 수정하게 하는 역할을 하는 뇌의 영역이다.
 On the other hand, the limbic system matures earlier, playing a central role in processing emotional responses. 반면 대뇌변연계는  일찍 성숙하여 정서적 반응을 처리하는  중심적인 역할을 한다.
 Because of its earlier development, it is more likely to influence decision-making. 그것의  이른 발달로 인해 그것이 의사 결정에 영향을 미칠 가능성이  높다.
 Decision-making in the adolescent brain is led by emotional factors more than the perception of consequences. 청소년기의 뇌에서 의사 결정은 결과의 인식보다감정적인 요인에 의해 이끌어진다.
 Due to these differences, there is an imbalance between feeling-based decision-making ruled by the more mature limbic system and logical-based decision-making by the not-yet-mature prefrontal cortex. 이러한 차이점 때문에  성숙한 대뇌변연계에 의해 지배되는 감정 기반 의사 결정과 아직 성숙하지않은 전전두엽 피질  의한 논리 기반 의사 결정사이에는 불균형이 존재한다.
 This may explain why some teens are more likely to make bad decisions. 이것은  일부  대들이 그릇된 결정을 내릴 가능성이  높은지를 설명해   있다.




[1] 2023 11 – 37: 얼굴 인식 기술의 정확성을 높이기 위한 연구 필요
 Despite the remarkable progress in deep-learning based facial recognition approaches in recent years, in terms of identification performance, they still have limitations. 최근   동안 딥러닝 기반의 얼굴 인식 접근법의눈에 띄는 발전에도 불구하고, 식별 성능 측면에서여전히 그것은 한계를 가지고 있다.
 These limitations relate to the database used in the learning stage. 이러한 한계는 학습 단계에서 사용되는 데이터베이스와 관련이 있다.
 If the selected database does not contain enough instances, the result may be systematically affected. 선택된 데이터베이스가 충분한 사례를 포함하지 않으면  결과가 시스템적으로 영향을 받을  있다.
 For example, the performance of a facial biometric system may decrease if the person to be identified was enrolled over 10 years ago. 예를 들어 식별될 사람이 10년도  전에 등록된경우 안면 생체 측정 시스템의 성능이 저하될  있다.
 The factor to consider is that this person may experience changes in the texture of the face, particularly with the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. 고려해야  요인은  사람이 특히 주름과 처진 피부가 나타나는 것을 동반한 얼굴의 질감 변화를 경험할  있다는 것이다.
 These changes may be highlighted by weight gain or loss. 이러한 변화는 체중 증가 또는 감소에 의해 두드러질  있다.
 To counteract this problem, researchers have developed models for face aging or digital de-aging.  문제에 대응하기 위해 연구자들은 얼굴 노화나디지털 노화 완화의 모델을 개발했다.
 It is used to compensate for the differences in facial characteristics, which appear over a given time period. 그것은 주어진 기간 동안 나타나는 얼굴 특성의 차이를 보완하는  사용된다.




[1] 2023 11 – 38: 농작물 다양성 감소가 식량 체계 취약성을 증가시킴
 The decline in the diversity of our food is an entirely human-made process. 우리 음식의 다양성의 감소는 전적으로 인간이 만든 과정이다.
 The biggest loss of crop diversity came in the decades that followed the Second World War. 농작물 다양성의 가장  손실은 2 세계 대전이후 수십  동안 나타났다.
 In an attempt to save millions from extreme hunger, crop scientists found ways to produce grains such as rice and wheat on an enormous scale. 수백  명의 사람들을 극도의 배고픔에서 구하고자 하는 시도에서 작물 과학자들이 쌀과 밀과 같은곡물을 엄청난 규모로 생산하는 방법을 발견했다.
 And thousands of traditional varieties were replaced by a small number of new super-productive ones. 그리고   개의 전통적인 종들은 소수의 새로운()생산적인 종들로 대체되었다.
 The strategy worked spectacularly well, at least to begin with.  전략은 적어도 처음에는 굉장히  작동했다.
 Because of it, grain production tripled, and between 1970 and 2020 the human population more than doubled. 그것 때문에 곡물 생산량은  배가 되었고 1970년과 2020 사이에 인구는   이상 증가했다.
 Leaving the contribution of that strategy to one side, the danger of creating more uniform crops is that they are more at risk when it comes to disasters.  전략의 기여를 차치하고,  획일적인 작물을 만드는 것의 위험은 그것들이 재앙과 관련해   위험에 처한다는 것이다.
 Specifically, a global food system that depends on just a narrow selection of plants has a greater chance of not being able to survive diseases, pests and climate extremes. 특히 농작물의 좁은 선택에만 의존하는 세계적인식량 시스템은 질병, 해충  기후 위기로부터 생존하지 못할  높은 가능성을 가진다.




[1] 2023 11 – 39: 쿠바 야구팀의 전통 유니폼 변경이  쇠퇴와 연관
 Between 1940 and 2000, Cuba ruled the world baseball scene. 1940년과 2000 사이에 쿠바는 세계 야구계를지배했다.
 They won 25 of the first 28 World Cups and 3 of 5 Olympic Games. 그들은  28회의 월드컵  25회와 5회의 올림픽게임  3회를 이겼다.
 The Cubans were known for wearing uniforms covered in red from head to toe, a strong contrast to the more conservative North American style featuring grey or white pants. 쿠바인들은 머리부터 발끝까지 빨간색으로 뒤덮인유니폼을 입는 것으로 알려져 있었는데, 이것은 회색이나 흰색 바지를 특징으로 하는  보수적인 북미 스타일과 강한 대조를 이룬다.
 Not only were their athletic talents superior, the Cubans appeared even stronger from just the colour of their uniforms. 쿠바인들의 운동 재능이 뛰어났을 뿐만 아니라 그들은 그들의 유니폼의 색깔만으로도 훨씬  강하게 보였다.
 A game would not even start and the opposing team would already be scared. 경기가 시작하지 않았는데도 상대 팀은 이미 겁에질리곤 했다.
 A few years ago, Cuba altered that uniform style, modernizing it and perhaps conforming to other countries' style; interestingly, the national team has declined since that time.    쿠바는 유니폼을 현대화하고 아마도 다른나라의 스타일에 맞추면서  유니폼 스타일을 바꿨다. 흥미롭게도 국가 대표 팀은  시기부터 쇠퇴해 왔다.
 The country that ruled international baseball for decades has not been on top since that uniform change. 수십  동안 국제 야구를 지배했던  나라는 유니폼 교체 이후로 정상에 오른 적이 없었다.
 Traditions are important for a team; while a team brand or image can adjust to keep up with present times, if it abandons or neglects its roots, negative effects can surface. 전통은 팀에게 중요하다.  브랜드나 이미지는 현시대를 따르기 위해 조정될  있지만 팀이 그들의뿌리를 버리거나 무시하면 부정적인 영향이 표면화될  있다.




[1] 2023 11 – 40: 문화 전파는 유전적 전파보다 복잡한 요소 포함
 Many of the first models of cultural evolution drew noticeable connections between culture and genes by using concepts from theoretical population genetics and applying them to culture. 문화 진화의 많은 초기 모델들은 이론 집단 유전학의 개념을 사용함으로써 그리고 그것들을 문화에적용함으로써 문화와 유전자 사이의 주목할 만한접점을 이끌어 냈다.
 Cultural patterns of transmission, innovation, and selection are conceptually likened to genetic processes of transmission, mutation, and selection. 전파, 혁신, 선택의 문화적 방식은 전달, 돌연변이, 선택의 유전적 과정과 개념적으로 유사하다.
 However, these approaches had to be modified to account for the differences between genetic and cultural transmission. 그러나 이러한 접근법은 유전자의 전달과 문화 전파 사이의 차이점을 설명하기 위해 수정되어야만했다.
 For example, we do not expect the cultural transmission to follow the rules of genetic transmission strictly. 예를 들어, 우리는 문화 전파가 유전자 전달의 규칙을 엄격하게 따를 것이라고 예상하지 않는다.
 If two biological parents have different forms of a cultural trait, their child is not necessarily equally likely to acquire the mother's or father's form of that trait. 만약  명의 생물학적인 부모가 서로 다른 문화적인 특성의 형태를 가진다면, 그들의 자녀는 반드시엄마 혹은 아빠의  특성의 형태를 동일하게 획득하지 않을  있다.
 Further, a child can acquire cultural traits not only from its parents but also from nonparental adults and peers; thus, the frequency of a cultural trait in the population is relevant beyond just the probability that an individual's parents had that trait. 더욱이 아이는 문화적인 특성을 부모로부터 뿐만아니라 부모가 아닌 성인이나 또래로부터도 얻을 있다. 따라서 집단의 문화적인 특성의 빈도는 단지  개인의 부모가  특성을 가졌을 확률을 넘어서 유의미하다.
 -> Early cultural evolution models used the similarity between culture and genes but had to be revised since cultural transmission allows for more diverse factors than genetic transmission. -> 초기의 문화 진화 모델들은 문화와 유전자 사이의 유사성을 사용했지만, 문화 전파가 유전자의 전달보다  다양한 요인을 허용하기 때문에 수정되어야만 했다.




[1] 2023 11 – 41~42: 협력적 행동이 그룹  시너지 효과를 생성
 A ball thrown into the air is acted upon by the initial force given it, persisting as inertia of movement and tending to carry it in the same straight line, and by the constant pull of gravity downward, as well as by the resistance of the air. 공중으로 던져진 공은 초기에 그것에 주어진 힘에의해 움직여지는데, 운동의 관성으로 지속하며 같은 직선으로 나아가려는 경향을 보이고, 공기의 저항뿐만 아니라 아래로 지속적으로 당기는 중력에의해서도 움직여진다.
 It moves, accordingly, in a curved path. 그에 맞춰 공은 곡선의 경로로 움직인다.
 Now the path does not represent the working of any particular force; there is simply the combination of the three elementary forces mentioned; but in a real sense, there is something in the total action besides the isolated action of three forces, namely, their joint action. 이제  경로는 어떤 특정한 힘의 작동을 나타내지는 않는다. 언급된  가지 기본적인 힘의 결합이존재할 뿐이다. 하지만 사실은  가지 힘의 고립된작용 외에 전체적인 작용에 무언가가 있다. 이름하여 그들의 공동 작용이다.
 In the same way, when two or more human individuals are together, their mutual relationships and their arrangement into a group are things which would not be revealed if we confined our attention to each individual separately. 같은 방식으로,   혹은  이상의 인간 개인이같이 있을  그들의 상호 관계와 그들의 집단으로의 배치는 만약 우리가 관심을 개별적으로 각각의개인에게 국한시킨다면 드러나지 않을 것들이다.
 The significance of group behavior is greatly increased in the case of human beings by the fact that some of the tendencies to action of the individual are related definitely to other persons, and could not be aroused except by other persons acting as stimuli. 개인 행동의 몇몇 경향은 명백하게 다른 사람들과관련이 있고 자극으로 작동하는 다른 사람들 없이는 유발되지 않을  있다는 사실로 인해 그룹 행동의 중요성이 인간의 경우 크게 증가된다.
 An individual in complete isolation would not reveal their competitive tendencies, their tendencies towards the opposite sex, their protective tendencies towards children. 완전한 고립 속의 개인은 그들의 경쟁적인 성향, 이성에 대한 그들의 성향, 아이에 대한 그들의 보호적성향을 드러내지 않을 것이다.
 This shows that the traits of human nature do not fully appear until the individual is brought into relationships with other individuals. 이것은 개인이 다른 개인과의 관계에 관여될 때까지는 인간 본성의 특성이 완전히 나타나지 않는다는 것을 보여 준다.




[1] 2023 11 – 43~45: 다툰 형제가 목수의 도움으로 화해와 관계 회복
 There once lived a man in a village who was not happy with his life. 옛날 어느 마을에 자신의 삶이 행복하지 않은  남자가 살았다.
 He was always troubled by one problem or another. 그는 항상 하나 혹은  다른 문제로 어려움을 겪었다.
 One day, a saint with his guards stopped by his village. 어느   성자가 그의 경호인들과 함께 그의 마을에 들렀다.
 Many people heard the news and started going to him with their problems. 많은 사람들이  소식을 듣고 그들의 문제를 가지고 그에게 가기 시작했다.
 The man also decided to visit the saint.  남자 역시 성자를 방문하기로 결정했다.
 Even after reaching the saint's place in the morning, he didn't get the opportunity to meet him till evening. 아침에 성자가 있는 곳에 도착하고  후에도 (a man) 저녁 때까지 그를 만날 기회를 얻지 못했다.
 When the man got to meet the saint, he confessed that he was very unhappy with life because problems always surrounded him, like workplace tension or worries about his health. 마침내 그가 성자를 만났을  (a man) 직장 긴장이나 건강에 대한 걱정과 같이 항상 문제가자기를 둘러싸고 있어서 삶이 매우 불행하다고 고백했다.
 He said, "Please give me a solution so that all the problems in my life will end and I can live peacefully." (a man) "나의 삶의 모든 문제가 끝나고 제가평화롭게   있도록 제발 해결책을 주세요."라고말했다.
 The saint smiled and said that he would answer the request the next day. 성자는 미소 지으면서 그가 다음   요청에 답해주겠다고 말했다.
 But the saint also asked if the man could do a small job for him. 그런데 성자는 또한  남자가 그를 위해 작은 일을   있는지 물었다.
 He told the man to take care of a hundred camels in his group that night, saying "When all hundred camels sit down, you can go to sleep." 성자는  남자에게 " 마리 낙타 모두가 자리에앉으면 당신은 자러 가도 좋습니다."라고 말하면서그날 밤에 그의 일행에 있는  마리 낙타를 돌봐달라고 말했다.
 The man agreed.  남자는 동의했다.
 The next morning when the saint met that man, he asked if the man had slept well. 다음  아침에 성자가  남자를 만났을  (a saint) 남자가 잠을  잤는지 물어보았다.
 Tired and sad, the man replied that he couldn't sleep even for a moment. 피곤해하고 슬퍼하면서 남자는 한순간도 잠을 자지못했다고 대답했다.
 In fact, the man tried very hard but couldn't make all the camels sit at the same time because every time he made one camel sit, another would stand up. 사실  남자는 아주 열심히 노력했지만 (a man) 낙타  마리를 앉힐 때마다 다른 낙타 마리가 일어섰기 때문에 모든 낙타를 동시에 앉게  없었다.
 The saint told him, "You realized that no matter how hard you try, you can't make all the camels sit down.  성자는 그에게 "당신이 아무리 열심히 노력하더라도 모든 낙타를 앉게 만들 수는 없다는 것을 깨달았습니다.
 If one problem is solved, for some reason, another will arise like the camels did. 만약  가지 문제가 해결되면 낙타가 그런 것처럼어떤 이유로  다른 문제가 일어날 것입니다.
 So, humans should enjoy life despite these problems." 그래서 인간은 이러한 문제에도 불구하고 삶을 즐겨야 합니다."라고 말했다.






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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





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[고1] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (103문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 103문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일




전체 내용

[1] 2023 11 – 18: 패션 매장의 판매직 지원을 위한 경험과 자격 소개

 Dear Ms. MacAlpine,

 친애하는 MacAlpine씨께,

 I was so excited to hear that your brand is opening a new shop on Bruns Street next month.

 저는 당신의 브랜드가 다음 달에 Bruns 거리에  매장을 연다는 것을 듣고 매우 들떴습니다.

 I have always appreciated the way your brand helps women to feel more stylish and confident.

 저는 당신의 브랜드가 여성들이  멋지고 자신감 있게 느끼도록 도와주는 방식을 항상 높이 평가해 왔습니다.

 I am writing in response to your ad in the Bruns Journal.

 저는 Bruns Journal 있는 당신의 광고에 대한 응답으로 편지를 쓰고 있습니다.

 I graduated from the Meline School of Fashion and have worked as a sales assistant at LoganMart for the last five years.

 저는 Meline 패션 학교를 졸업했고 지난 5년간 LoganMart에서 판매 보조원으로 일해 왔습니다.

 During that time, I've developed strong customer service and sales skills, and now I would like to apply for the sales position in your clothing store.

  기간 동안 저는 뛰어난 고객 서비스  판매 기술을 발달시켜 왔고, 이제 당신의 의류 매장의 판매직에 지원하고 싶습니다.

 I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

 저는 당신이 편한 가장 빠른 시간에 인터뷰가 가능합니다.

 I look forward to hearing from you.

 당신으로부터 대답을 듣게 되기를 기대합니다.

 Thank you for reading my letter.

 저의 편지를 읽어 주셔서 감사드립니다.

 Yours sincerely, Grace Braddock

 Grace Braddock 드림


[1] 2023 11 – 19: 신혼여행  결혼 반지를 잃고 찾으려 했던 경험

 I had never seen a beach with such white sand or water that was such a beautiful shade of blue.

 나는 그렇게 하얀 모래나 그렇게 아름다운 푸른 색조의 바다를 가진 해변을  번도  적이 없었다.

 Jane and I set up a blanket on the sand while looking forward to our ten days of honeymooning on an exotic island.

 이국적인 섬에서의 열흘간의 신혼여행을 기대하면서 Jane 나는 모래 위에 담요를 깔았다.

 "Look!" Jane waved her hand to point at the beautiful scene before us ― and her gold wedding ring went flying off her hand.

 "저기  !" Jane 그녀의 손을 흔들어 우리 앞의 아름다운 풍경을 가리켰다. 그러자 그녀의 금으로  결혼반지가 그녀의 손에서 빠져 날아갔다.

 I tried to see where it went, but the sun hit my eyes and I lost track of it.

 나는 그것이 날아간 곳을 보려고 노력했지만, 햇빛이 눈에 들어와 그것의 가던 방향을 놓쳤다.

 I didn't want to lose her wedding ring, so I started looking in the area where I thought it had landed.

 나는 그녀의 결혼 반지를 잃어버리고 싶지 않아서 내가 생각하기에 그것이 떨어졌을 장소를 들여다보기 시작했다.

 However, the sand was so fine and I realized that anything heavy, like gold, would quickly sink and might never be found again.

 하지만 모래가 너무 고왔고 나는 금처럼 무거운 것은 빨리 가라앉아 다시는 발견되지 않을 수도 있겠다는 것을 깨달았다.


[1] 2023 11 – 20: 지속적인 자기 성장을 위해 의식적 노력이 필요함

 Unfortunately, many people don't take personal responsibility for their own growth.

 안타깝게도 많은 사람들이 그들 자신의 성장에 대해 개인적인 책임을 지지 않는다.

 Instead, they simply run the race laid out for them.

 대신, 그들은 단지 그들에게 놓인 경주를 한다.

 They do well enough in school to keep advancing.

 그들은 학교에서 계속 발전할 만큼 제법 잘한다.

 Maybe they manage to get a good job at a well-run company.

 아마도 그들은  운영되는 회사에서 좋은 일자리를 얻는 것을 해낸다.

 But so many think and act as if their learning journey ends with college.

 하지만 아주 많은 사람들이 마치 그들의 배움의 여정이 대학으로 끝나는 것처럼 생각하고 행동한다.

 They have checked all the boxes in the life that was laid out for them and now lack a road map describing the right ways to move forward and continue to grow.

 그들은 그들에게 놓인 삶의 모든 사항을 체크했고 이제는 앞으로 나아가고 계속 성장할  있는 올바른 방법을 설명해 주는 로드 맵이 없다.

 In truth, that's when the journey really begins.

 사실, 그때가 여정이 진정으로 시작되는 때이다.

 When school is finished, your growth becomes voluntary.

 학교 교육이 끝나면, 여러분의 성장은 자발적이게 된다.

 Like healthy eating habits or a regular exercise program, you need to commit to it and devote thought, time, and energy to it.

 건강한 식습관이나 규칙적인 운동 프로그램처럼 여러분은 그것에 전념하고 그것에 생각, 시간, 그리고 에너지를 쏟을 필요가 있다.

 Otherwise, it simply won't happen ― and your life and career are likely to stop progressing as a result.

 그렇지 않으면 그것은 그냥 일어나지 않을 것이고, 결과적으로 여러분의 삶과 경력이 진전을 멈출 가능성이 있다.


[1] 2023 11 – 21: 색은 객관적, 주관적 요소가 결합된 현상임

 Many people take the commonsense view that color is an objective property of things, or of the light that bounces off them.

 많은 사람들이 색은 사물 또는 사물로부터 튕겨 나오는 빛의 객관적인 속성이라는 상식적인 견해를 취한다.

 They say a tree's leaves are green because they reflect green light ― a greenness that is just as real as the leaves.

 그들은 나뭇잎이 녹색 (정확히 나뭇잎만큼 진짜인 녹색) 반사하기 때문에 녹색이라고 말한다.

 Others argue that color doesn't inhabit the physical world at all but exists only in the eye or mind of the viewer.

 다른 사람들은 색이 물리적인 세계에 전혀 존재하지 않고 보는 사람의 눈이나 정신 안에만 존재한다고 주장한다.

 They maintain that if a tree fell in a forest and no one was there to see it, its leaves would be colorless ― and so would everything else.

 그들은 만약 나무가 숲에서 쓰러지고 그것을  사람이 아무도 거기에 없다면, 그것의 잎은 색이 없을 것이고, 다른 모든 것들도 그럴 것이라고 주장한다.

 They say there is no such thing as color; there are only the people who see it.

 그들은  같은 '' 없고 그것을 보는 사람들만 있다고 말한다.

 Both positions are, in a way, correct.

  가지 입장 모두 어떤 면에서는 옳다.

 Color is objective and subjective ― "the place," as Paul Cezanne put it, "where our brain and the universe meet."

 색은 객관적이고 '동시에' 주관적이며, Paul Cezanne 말했듯이 '우리의 뇌와 우주가 만나는 '이다.

 Color is created when light from the world is registered by the eyes and interpreted by the brain.

 색은 세상으로부터의 빛이 눈에 의해 등록되고 뇌에 의해 해석될  만들어진다.


[1] 2023 11 – 22: 소설 집필  과도한 세부정보보다 핵심 경험이 중요

 When writing a novel, research for information needs to be done.

 소설을   정보를 위한 조사가 행해질 필요가 있다.

 The thing is that some kinds of fiction demand a higher level of detail: crime fiction, for example, or scientific thrillers.

 문제는 예를 들어 범죄 소설이나 과학 스릴러와 같은 어떤 종류의 소설은  높은 수준의 세부 사항을 요구한다는 것이다.

 The information is never hard to find; one website for authors even organizes trips to police stations, so that crime writers can get it right.

 정보는 찾기에 결코 어렵지 않다. 작가들을 위한  웹사이트는 범죄물 작가들이 정보를 제대로 얻을  있도록 심지어 경찰서로의 탐방을 조직하기도 한다.

 Often, a polite letter will earn you permission to visit a particular location and record all the details that you need.

 종종 정중한 편지는 여러분에게 특정한 장소를 방문하고 필요한 모든 세부 사항을 기록할  있는 허가를 얻어  것이다.

 But remember that you will drive your readers to boredom if you think that you need to pack everything you discover into your work.

 하지만 만약 여러분이 발견한 모든 것을 작품에 담아야 한다고 생각할 경우 여러분은 독자들을 지루하게 만들 것이라는 것을 기억하라.

 The details that matter are those that reveal the human experience.

 중요한 세부 사항은 인간의 경험을 드러내는 것이다.

 The crucial thing is telling a story, finding the characters, the tension, and the conflict ― not the train timetable or the building blueprint.

 중요한 것은 기차 시간표나 건물 청사진이 아니라 인물, 긴장, 그리고 갈등을 찾아가며 이야기를 말하는 것이다.


[1] 2023 11 – 23: 구강 건강은 신체 건강과 밀접히 연관됨

 Nearly everything has to go through your mouth to get to the rest of you, from food and air to bacteria and viruses.

 음식과 공기에서부터 박테리아와 바이러스까지 거의 모든 것이 여러분의 나머지 부분에 도달하기 위해 여러분의 입을 거쳐야 한다.

 A healthy mouth can help your body get what it needs and prevent it from harm ― with adequate space for air to travel to your lungs, and healthy teeth and gums that prevent harmful microorganisms from entering your bloodstream.

 건강한 입은 공기가 폐로 이동할  있는 적당한 공간, 그리고 해로운 미생물이 혈류로 들어가는 것을 막는 건강한 치아와 잇몸으로 여러분의 몸이 필요한 것을 얻고, 피해로부터 몸을 지키도록 도와줄  있다.

 From the moment you are created, oral health affects every aspect of your life.

 여러분이 생겨난 순간부터 구강 건강은 여러분의 삶의 모든 측면에 영향을 미친다.

 What happens in the mouth is usually just the tip of the iceberg and a reflection of what is happening in other parts of the body.

 입안에서 일어나는 일은 대개 빙산의 일각일 뿐이며 신체의 다른 부분에서 일어나고 있는 일의 반영이다.

 Poor oral health can be a cause of a disease that affects the entire body.

 나쁜 구강 건강은 전체 몸에 영향을 끼치는 질병의 원인일  있다.

 The microorganisms in an unhealthy mouth can enter the bloodstream and travel anywhere in the body, posing serious health risks.

 건강하지 않은 입안의 미생물은 혈류로 들어가고 신체의 어느 곳이든 이동하여 심각한 건강상의 위험을 초래할  있다.


[1] 2023 11 – 24: 신경계는 변화에 민감하고 반복에는 쉽게 지루함

 Kids tire of their toys, college students get sick of cafeteria food, and sooner or later most of us lose interest in our favorite TV shows.

 아이들은 자기들의 장난감에 지루해하고, 대학생들은 카페테리아 음식에 싫증을 내고, 머지않아 우리  대부분은 우리가 가장 좋아하는 TV쇼에 흥미를 잃는다.

 The bottom line is that we humans are easily bored.

 요점은 우리 인간이 쉽게 지루해한다는 것이다.

 But why should this be true?

 그런데  이것이 사실이어야 할까?

 The answer lies buried deep in our nerve cells, which are designed to reduce their initial excited response to stimuli each time they occur.

 답은 자극이 일어날 때마다 그것에 대한 초기의 흥분된 반응을 약화하도록 설계된 우리의 신경 세포 내에 깊이 숨어 있다.

 At the same time, these neurons enhance their responses to things that change ― especially things that change quickly.

 동시에  뉴런들은 변화하는 것들, 특히 빠르게 변화하는 것들에 대한 반응을 강화한다.

 We probably evolved this way because our ancestors got more survival value, for example, from attending to what was moving in a tree (such as a puma) than to the tree itself.

 예를 들면 우리는 아마도 우리의 조상이 나무  자체보다 (퓨마처럼) 나무에서 움직이는 것에 주의를 기울이는 것으로부터  많은 생존 가치를 얻었기 때문에 이런 방식으로 진화했을 것이다.

 Boredom in reaction to an unchanging environment turns down the level of neural excitation so that new stimuli (like our ancestor's hypothetical puma threat) stand out more.

 변하지 않는 환경에 대한 반응으로의 지루함은 신경 흥분의 수준을 낮춰 (우리 조상이 가정한 퓨마의 위협과 같은) 새로운 자극이  두드러지게 한다.

 It's the neural equivalent of turning off a front door light to see the fireflies.

 이것은 반딧불이를 보기 위해 앞문의 불을 끄는 것의 신경적 대응물이다.


[1] 2023 11 – 25: 2018~2022 청정 에너지 투자 증가 분석

 The above graph shows global energy investment in clean energy and in fossil fuels between 2018 and 2022.

 위의 그래프는 2018년과 2022 사이에 청정에너지와 화석 연료에 대한  세계 에너지 투자액을 보여 준다.

 Since 2018 global energy investment in clean energy continued to rise, reaching its highest level in 2022.

 2018 이후로 청정에너지에 대한  세계 투자액은 계속해서 상승했으며, 2022년에 가장 높은 수준에 도달했다.

 The investment gap between clean energy and fossil fuels in 2020 was larger than that in 2019.

 2020년의 청정에너지와 화석 연료 사이 투자액 격차는 2019년의 그것보다 컸다.

 Investment in fossil fuels was highest in 2018 and lowest in 2020.

 화석 연료에 대한 투자액은 2018년에 가장 높았고 2020년에 가장 낮았다.

 In 2021, investment in clean energy exceeded 1,200 billion dollars, while investment in fossil fuels did not.

 2021년에는 청정에너지에 대한 투자액이 1 2000 달러를 넘은 반면, 화석 연료에 대한 투자액은 그러지 않았다.

 In 2022, the global investment in clean energy was more than double that of fossil fuels.

 2022년에는 청정에너지에 대한  세계 투자액이 화석 연료의 그것의   이상이었다.


[1] 2023 11 – 26: Frederick Douglass 노예제 폐지와 평등 활동

 Frederick Douglass was born into slavery at a farm in Maryland.

 Frederick Douglass Maryland  농장에서 노예로 태어났다.

 His full name at birth was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey.

 태어났을  그의 성명은 Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey였다.

 He changed his name to Frederick Douglass after he successfully escaped from slavery in 1838.

 그는 1838년에 노예 상태에서 성공적으로 탈출한  자신의 이름을 Frederick Douglass 바꿨다.

 He became a leader of the Underground Railroad ― a network of people, places, and routes that helped enslaved people escape to the north.

 그는 노예가  사람들을 북쪽으로 탈출하도록 돕는 사람, 장소, 경로의 조직인 Underground Railroad 리더가 되었다.

 He assisted other runaway slaves until they could safely get to other areas in the north.

 그는 다른 도망친 노예들이 북쪽의 다른 지역에 안전하게 도착할  있을 때까지 그들을 도왔다.

 As a slave, he had taught himself to read and write and he spread that knowledge to other slaves as well.

 노예로서 그는 읽고 쓰는 것을 독학했고,  지식을 다른 노예들에게도 전파했다.

 Once free, he became a well-known abolitionist and strong believer in equality for all people including Blacks, Native Americans, women, and recent immigrants.

 자유로워지고   그는 유명한 노예제 폐지론자이자 흑인, 아메리카 원주민, 여성, 그리고 최근 이민자들을 포함한 모든 사람들을 위한 평등에 대한 강한 신봉자가 되었다.

 He wrote several autobiographies describing his experiences as a slave.

 그는 노예로서의 자신의 경험을 묘사한  권의 자서전을 썼다.

 In addition to all this, he became the first African-American candidate for vice president of the United States.

  모든 것에 더하여 그는 미국의  아프리카계 미국인 부통령 후보가 되었다.


[1] 2023 11 – 29: 뇌사 진단 기준의 엄격함이 신뢰와 의혹 모두 유발 가능

 Some countries have proposed tougher guidelines for determining brain death when transplantation ― transferring organs to others ― is under consideration.

 일부 국가는 장기 이식,  다른 사람에게 장기를 전달하는 것을 고려 중일  뇌사를 결정하는 것에 대한  엄격한 지침을 제안했다.

 In several European countries, there are legal requirements which specify that a whole team of doctors must agree over the diagnosis of death in the case of a potential donor.

 몇몇 유럽 국가에는 잠재적 기증자의 경우 의사  전체가 사망 진단에 동의해야 한다고 명시하는 법적 요건들이 있다.

 The reason for these strict regulations for diagnosing brain death in potential organ donors is, no doubt, to ease public fears of a premature diagnosis of brain death for the purpose of obtaining organs.

 잠재적인 장기 기증자의 뇌사 진단에 대한 이러한 엄격한 규정들의 이유는 의심할  없이 장기 확보를 위한 너무 이른 뇌사 진단에 대한 대중의 두려움을 완화하기 위한 것이다.

 But it is questionable whether these requirements reduce public suspicions as much as they create them.

 하지만 이러한 요건들이 대중의 의심을 만들어 내는 만큼 그것을 줄여 주는지는 의문이다.

 They certainly maintain mistaken beliefs that diagnosing brain death is an unreliable process lacking precision.

 그것들은 뇌사 진단이 정확성이 결여된 신뢰하기 어려운 과정이라는 잘못된 믿음을 확실히 유지시킨다.

 As a matter of consistency, at least, criteria for diagnosing the deaths of organ donors should be exactly the same as for those for whom immediate burial or cremation is intended.

 적어도 일관성의 이유로 장기 기증자의 사망 진단 기준은 즉각적인 매장 또는 화장이 예정된 사람들에 대한 그것과 정확히 동일해야 한다.


[1] 2023 11 – 30: 미니멀리즘은 불필요한 물건 제거로 삶의 명료함 제공

 The term minimalism gives a negative impression to some people who think that it is all about sacrificing valuable possessions.

 미니멀리즘이라는 용어는 그것을 소중한 소유물을 희생하는 것에 관한 것으로만 생각하는 일부 사람들에게 부정적인 인상을 준다.

 This insecurity naturally stems from their attachment to their possessions.

 이러한 불안은 자신의 소유물에 대한 애착에서 자연스럽게 비롯된다.

 It is difficult to distance oneself from something that has been around for quite some time.

  오랫동안 곁에 있어 왔던 것으로부터 자신을 멀리 두는 것은 어렵다.

 Being an emotional animal, human beings give meaning to the things around them.

 감정의 동물이기 때문에, 인간은 그들의 곁에 있는 물건에 의미를 부여한다.

 So, the question arising here is that if minimalism will hurt one's emotions, why become a minimalist?

 그래서 여기서 생기는 질문은 미니멀리즘이 사람의 감정을 상하게 한다면  미니멀리스트가 되느냐는 것이다.

 The answer is very simple; the assumption of the question is fundamentally wrong.

 대답은 매우 간단하다.  질문의 가정은 근본적으로 틀리다.

 Minimalism does not hurt emotions.

 미니멀리즘은 감정을 상하게 하지 않는다.

 You might feel a bit sad while getting rid of a useless item but sooner than later, this feeling will be overcome by the joy of clarity.

 여러분은 쓸모 없는 물건을 치우면서 조금 슬퍼할 수도 있지만 머지않아  느낌은 명료함의 기쁨으로 극복될 것이다.

 Minimalists never argue that you should leave every convenience of the modern era.

 미니멀리스트는 여러분이 현대의 모든 편의를 버려야 한다고 주장하지 않는다.

 They are of the view that you only need to eliminate stuff that is unused or not going to be used in the near future.

 그들은 여러분이 사용되지 않거나 가까운 미래에 사용되지 않을 물건을 없애기만 하면 된다는 견해를 가지고 있다.


[1] 2023 11 – 31: 시각적 적응으로 새로운 환경에도 빠르게 적응 가능

 A remarkable characteristic of the visual system is that it has the ability of adapting itself.

 시각 체계의 두드러진 특징은 스스로 적응하는 능력이 있다는 것이다.

 Psychologist George M. Stratton made this clear in an impressive self-experiment.

 심리학자 George M. Stratton 인상적인 자가 실험에서 이것을 분명히 했다.

 Stratton wore reversing glasses for several days, which literally turned the world upside down for him.

 Stratton 며칠 동안 반전 안경을 착용했는데  안경은  그대로 그에게 세상을 뒤집어 놓았다.

 In the beginning, this caused him great difficulties: just putting food in his mouth with a fork was a challenge for him.

 처음에 이것은 그에게  어려움을 초래하였다. 포크로 음식을 입에 넣는 것조차 그에게는 도전이었다.

 With time, however, his visual system adjusted to the new stimuli from reality, and he was able to act normally in his environment again, even seeing it upright when he concentrated.

 그러나 시간이 지나면서 그의 시각 체계는 현실의 새로운 자극에 적응했고, 그가 집중했을 때는 심지어 똑바로 보면서, 다시 자신의 환경에서 정상적으로 행동할  있었다.

 As he took off his reversing glasses, he was again confronted with problems: he used the wrong hand when he wanted to reach for something, for example.

 반전 안경을 벗었을  그는 다시 문제에 직면했다. 예를 들어 그가 무언가를 잡기를 원할  그는 반대 손을 사용했다.

 Fortunately, Stratton could reverse the perception, and he did not have to wear reversing glasses for the rest of his life.

 다행히 Stratton 지각을 뒤집을  있었고 평생 반전 안경을 착용하지 않아도 되었다.

 For him, everything returned to normal after one day.

 그에게 하루 만에 모든 것이 정상으로 돌아왔다.


[1] 2023 11 – 32: 인터넷 사용이 지식 과대평가를 유발할  있음

 Participants in a study were asked to answer questions like "Why does the moon have phases?"

  연구의 참가자들이 '달은  상을 가지고 있을까' 같은 질문들에 답하도록 요청받았다.

 Half the participants were told to search for the answers on the internet, while the other half weren't allowed to do so.

 참가자의 절반은 인터넷에서 답을 검색하라는 말을 들었고 나머지 절반은 그렇게 하도록 허용되지 않았다.

 Then, in the second part of the study, all of the participants were presented with a new set of questions, such as "Why does Swiss cheese have holes?"

  다음, 연구의  번째 단계에서 모든 참가자는 '스위스 치즈에는  구멍이 있을까' 같은 일련의 새로운 질문들을 제시받았다.

 These questions were unrelated to the ones asked during the first part of the study, so participants who used the internet had absolutely no advantage over those who hadn't.

  질문들은 연구의  번째 단계에서 질문받았던 것들과는 관련이 없어서 인터넷을 사용한 참가자들은 그러지 않은 참가자들 보다 이점이 전혀 없었다.

 You would think that both sets of participants would be equally sure or unsure about how well they could answer the new questions.

 여러분은  집단의 참가자들이 새로운 질문들에 얼마나  대답할  있을 지에 대해 동일한 정도로 확신하거나 확신하지 못할 것으로 생각할 것이다.

 But those who used the internet in the first part of the study rated themselves as more knowledgeable than those who hadn't, even about questions they hadn't searched online for.

 그러나 연구의  번째 단계에서 인터넷을 사용했던 참가자들은 자신이 온라인에서 검색하지 않았던 질문들에 대해서조차 그러지 않았던 참가자들보다 스스로가  많이 알고 있다고 평가했다.

 The study suggests that having access to unrelated information was enough to pump up their intellectual confidence.

  연구는 관련 없는 정보에 접근하는 것이 그들의 지적 자신감을 부풀리기에 충분했다는 것을 시사한다.


[1] 2023 11 – 33: 관점 변화로 세계 이해 방식을 다각화할  있음

 Anthropologist Gregory Bateson suggests that we tend to understand the world by focusing in on particular features within it.

 인류학자 Gregory Bateson 우리가 세상 안의 특정한 특징에 초점을 맞춤으로써 세상을 이해하는 경향이 있다고 제안한다.

 Take platypuses. We might zoom in so closely to their fur that each hair appears different.

 오리너구리를 예로 들어 보자. 우리가 그들의 털을 매우 가까이 확대하면  가닥이 다르게 보인다.

 We might also zoom out to the extent where it appears as a single, uniform object.

 우리는 또한 그것이 하나의 동일한 개체로 보이는 정도까지 축소할 수도 있다.

 We might take the platypus as an individual, or we might treat it as part of a larger unit such as a species or an ecosystem.

 우리는 오리너구리를 개체로 취급할 수도 있고  또는 생태계와 같이   단위의 일부로 취급할 수도 있다.

 It's possible to move between many of these perspectives, although we may need some additional tools and skills to zoom in on individual pieces of hair or zoom out to entire ecosystems.

 비록 개별 머리카락을 확대하거나 전체 생태계로 축소하기 위해  가지 추가 도구와 기술이 필요할지도 모르지만, 이러한 많은 관점 사이를 이동하는 것은 가능하다.

 Crucially, however, we can only take up one perspective at a time.

 그러나 결정적으로 우리는  번에 하나의 관점만 취할  있다.

 We can pay attention to the varied behavior of individual animals, look at what unites them into a single species, or look at them as part of bigger ecological patterns.

 우리는 개별 동물의 다양한 행동에 주의를 기울일  있고, 그들을 단일 종으로 통합하는 것을 살펴볼 수도 있고,   생태학적 패턴의 일부로서 그들을 살펴볼 수도 있다.

 Every possible perspective involves emphasizing certain aspects and ignoring others.

 가능한 모든 관점은 특정 측면을 강조하고 다른 측면을 외면하는 것을 포함한다.


[1] 2023 11 – 34: 플라톤은 이상적 '형상' 개념으로 현실을 설명함

 Plato's realism includes all aspects of experience but is most easily explained by considering the nature of mathematical and geometrical objects such as circles.

 플라톤의 실재론은 경험의 모든 측면을 포함하지만, 원과 같은 수학적이고 기하학적인 대상의 특성을 고려함으로써 가장 쉽게 설명된다.

 He asked the question, what is a circle?

 그는 '원이란 무엇인가'라는 질문을 했다.

 You might indicate a particular example carved into stone or drawn in the sand.

 여러분은 돌에 새겨져 있거나 모래에 그려진 특정한 예를 가리킬  있다.

 However, Plato would point out that, if you looked closely enough, you would see that neither it, nor indeed any physical circle, was perfect.

 그러나 플라톤은 여러분이 충분히 면밀히 관찰한다면, 여러분이  어느 것도, 진정 어떤 물리적인 원도 완벽하지 않다는 것을 알게  것이라고 지적할 것이다.

 They all possessed flaws, and all were subject to change and decayed with time.

 그것들 모두는 결함을 가지고 있었고, 모두 변화의 영향을 받고 시간이 지남에 따라 쇠하였다.

 So how can we talk about perfect circles if we cannot actually see or touch them?

 그렇다면, 우리가 완벽한 원을 실제로 보거나 만질  없다면, 그것에 대해 어떻게 이야기할  있을 ?

 Plato's extraordinary answer was that the world we see is a poor reflection of a deeper unseen reality of Forms, or universals, where perfect cats chase perfect mice in perfect circles around perfect rocks.

 플라톤의 비범한 대답은 우리가 보는 세상이 완벽한 고양이가 완벽한 암석 주변에서 완벽한 원을 그리며 완벽한 쥐를 쫓는 '형상' 또는 '보편자'라는  깊은 보이지 않는 실재의 불충분한 반영물이라는 것이다.

 Plato believed that the Forms or universals are the true reality that exists in an invisible but perfect world beyond our senses.

 플라톤은 '형상' 또는 '보편자' 보이지 않지만 우리의 감각을 넘어선 완벽한 세계에 존재하는 진정한 실재라고 믿었다.


[1] 2023 11 – 35: 데이터 확장이 정확성보다 유용성을 강화함

 In statistics, the law of large numbers describes a situation where having more data is better for making predictions.

 통계학에서 대수의 법칙은  많은 데이터를 갖는 것이 예측하는   좋은 상황을 설명한다.

 According to it, the more often an experiment is conducted, the closer the average of the results can be expected to match the true state of the world.

 그것에 따르면 실험이  자주 수행될수록  결과의 평균이 세상의 실제 상태에  맞춰지는 것으로 예상될  있다.

 For instance, on your first encounter with the game of roulette, you may have beginner's luck after betting on 7.

 예를 들어 룰렛 게임을 처음 접했을  7 베팅한  여러분은 초보자의 운이 있을  있다.

 But the more often you repeat this bet, the closer the relative frequency of wins and losses is expected to approach the true chance of winning, meaning that your luck will at some point fade away.

 하지만 당신이  베팅을  자주 반복할수록 승패의 상대적인 빈도가 진짜 승률에  가까워질 것으로 예상되는데 이는 당신의 운이 어느 순간 사라진다는 것을 의미한다.

 Similarly, car insurers collect large amounts of data to figure out the chances that drivers will cause accidents, depending on their age, region, or car brand.

 마찬가지로 자동차 보험사는 운전자가 그들의 연령, 지역 또는 자동차 브랜드에 따라 사고를 일으킬 확률을 파악하기 위해 많은 양의 데이터를 수집한다.

 Both casinos and insurance industries rely on the law of large numbers to balance individual losses.

 카지노와 보험 산업 모두 개별 손실의 균형을 맞추기 위해 대수의 법칙에 의존한다.


[1] 2023 11 – 36: 청소년기 감정 의사결정은 전두엽 미성숙과 연관됨

 The adolescent brain is not fully developed until its early twenties.

 청소년기의 뇌는 20 초반까지는 완전히 발달하지 않는다.

 This means the way the adolescents' decision-making circuits integrate and process information may put them at a disadvantage.

 이것은 청소년의 의사 결정 회로가 정보를 통합하고 처리하는 방식이 그들을 불리하게 만들  있음을 의미한다.

 One of their brain regions that matures later is the prefrontal cortex, which is the control center, tasked with thinking ahead and evaluating consequences.

 나중에 성숙하는  영역  하나는 통제 센터인 전전두엽 피질이며, 그것은 미리 생각하고 결과를 평가하는 임무를 맡고 있다.

 It is the area of the brain responsible for preventing you from sending off an initial angry text and modifying it with kinder words.

 그것은 당신이 초기의 화가  문자를 보내는 것을 막고 그것을  친절한 단어로 수정하게 하는 역할을 하는 뇌의 영역이다.

 On the other hand, the limbic system matures earlier, playing a central role in processing emotional responses.

 반면 대뇌변연계는  일찍 성숙하여 정서적 반응을 처리하는  중심적인 역할을 한다.

 Because of its earlier development, it is more likely to influence decision-making.

 그것의  이른 발달로 인해 그것이 의사 결정에 영향을 미칠 가능성이  높다.

 Decision-making in the adolescent brain is led by emotional factors more than the perception of consequences.

 청소년기의 뇌에서 의사 결정은 결과의 인식보다 감정적인 요인에 의해 이끌어진다.

 Due to these differences, there is an imbalance between feeling-based decision-making ruled by the more mature limbic system and logical-based decision-making by the not-yet-mature prefrontal cortex.

 이러한 차이점 때문에  성숙한 대뇌변연계에 의해 지배되는 감정 기반 의사 결정과 아직 성숙하지 않은 전전두엽 피질  의한 논리 기반 의사 결정 사이에는 불균형이 존재한다.

 This may explain why some teens are more likely to make bad decisions.

 이것은  일부  대들이 그릇된 결정을 내릴 가능성이  높은지를 설명해   있다.


[1] 2023 11 – 37: 얼굴 인식 기술의 정확성을 높이기 위한 연구 필요

 Despite the remarkable progress in deep-learning based facial recognition approaches in recent years, in terms of identification performance, they still have limitations.

 최근   동안 딥러닝 기반의 얼굴 인식 접근법의 눈에 띄는 발전에도 불구하고, 식별 성능 측면에서 여전히 그것은 한계를 가지고 있다.

 These limitations relate to the database used in the learning stage.

 이러한 한계는 학습 단계에서 사용되는 데이터베이스와 관련이 있다.

 If the selected database does not contain enough instances, the result may be systematically affected.

 선택된 데이터베이스가 충분한 사례를 포함하지 않으면  결과가 시스템적으로 영향을 받을  있다.

 For example, the performance of a facial biometric system may decrease if the person to be identified was enrolled over 10 years ago.

 예를 들어 식별될 사람이 10년도  전에 등록된 경우 안면 생체 측정 시스템의 성능이 저하될  있다.

 The factor to consider is that this person may experience changes in the texture of the face, particularly with the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

 고려해야  요인은  사람이 특히 주름과 처진 피부가 나타나는 것을 동반한 얼굴의 질감 변화를 경험할  있다는 것이다.

 These changes may be highlighted by weight gain or loss.

 이러한 변화는 체중 증가 또는 감소에 의해 두드러질  있다.

 To counteract this problem, researchers have developed models for face aging or digital de-aging.

  문제에 대응하기 위해 연구자들은 얼굴 노화나 디지털 노화 완화의 모델을 개발했다.

 It is used to compensate for the differences in facial characteristics, which appear over a given time period.

 그것은 주어진 기간 동안 나타나는 얼굴 특성의 차이를 보완하는  사용된다.


[1] 2023 11 – 38: 농작물 다양성 감소가 식량 체계 취약성을 증가시킴

 The decline in the diversity of our food is an entirely human-made process.

 우리 음식의 다양성의 감소는 전적으로 인간이 만든 과정이다.

 The biggest loss of crop diversity came in the decades that followed the Second World War.

 농작물 다양성의 가장  손실은 2 세계 대전 이후 수십  동안 나타났다.

 In an attempt to save millions from extreme hunger, crop scientists found ways to produce grains such as rice and wheat on an enormous scale.

 수백  명의 사람들을 극도의 배고픔에서 구하고자 하는 시도에서 작물 과학자들이 쌀과 밀과 같은 곡물을 엄청난 규모로 생산하는 방법을 발견했다.

 And thousands of traditional varieties were replaced by a small number of new super-productive ones.

 그리고   개의 전통적인 종들은 소수의 새로운 ()생산적인 종들로 대체되었다.

 The strategy worked spectacularly well, at least to begin with.

  전략은 적어도 처음에는 굉장히  작동했다.

 Because of it, grain production tripled, and between 1970 and 2020 the human population more than doubled.

 그것 때문에 곡물 생산량은  배가 되었고 1970년과 2020 사이에 인구는   이상 증가했다.

 Leaving the contribution of that strategy to one side, the danger of creating more uniform crops is that they are more at risk when it comes to disasters.

  전략의 기여를 차치하고,  획일적인 작물을 만드는 것의 위험은 그것들이 재앙과 관련해   위험에 처한다는 것이다.

 Specifically, a global food system that depends on just a narrow selection of plants has a greater chance of not being able to survive diseases, pests and climate extremes.

 특히 농작물의 좁은 선택에만 의존하는 세계적인 식량 시스템은 질병, 해충  기후 위기로부터 생존하지 못할  높은 가능성을 가진다.


[1] 2023 11 – 39: 쿠바 야구팀의 전통 유니폼 변경이  쇠퇴와 연관

 Between 1940 and 2000, Cuba ruled the world baseball scene.

 1940년과 2000 사이에 쿠바는 세계 야구계를 지배했다.

 They won 25 of the first 28 World Cups and 3 of 5 Olympic Games.

 그들은  28회의 월드컵  25회와 5회의 올림픽 게임  3회를 이겼다.

 The Cubans were known for wearing uniforms covered in red from head to toe, a strong contrast to the more conservative North American style featuring grey or white pants.

 쿠바인들은 머리부터 발끝까지 빨간색으로 뒤덮인 유니폼을 입는 것으로 알려져 있었는데, 이것은 회색이나 흰색 바지를 특징으로 하는  보수적인 북미 스타일과 강한 대조를 이룬다.

 Not only were their athletic talents superior, the Cubans appeared even stronger from just the colour of their uniforms.

 쿠바인들의 운동 재능이 뛰어났을 뿐만 아니라 그들은 그들의 유니폼의 색깔만으로도 훨씬  강하게 보였다.

 A game would not even start and the opposing team would already be scared.

 경기가 시작하지 않았는데도 상대 팀은 이미 겁에 질리곤 했다.

 A few years ago, Cuba altered that uniform style, modernizing it and perhaps conforming to other countries' style; interestingly, the national team has declined since that time.

    쿠바는 유니폼을 현대화하고 아마도 다른 나라의 스타일에 맞추면서  유니폼 스타일을 바꿨다. 흥미롭게도 국가 대표 팀은  시기부터 쇠퇴해 왔다.

 The country that ruled international baseball for decades has not been on top since that uniform change.

 수십  동안 국제 야구를 지배했던  나라는  유니폼 교체 이후로 정상에 오른 적이 없었다.

 Traditions are important for a team; while a team brand or image can adjust to keep up with present times, if it abandons or neglects its roots, negative effects can surface.

 전통은 팀에게 중요하다.  브랜드나 이미지는 현시대를 따르기 위해 조정될  있지만 팀이 그들의 뿌리를 버리거나 무시하면 부정적인 영향이 표면화될  있다.


[1] 2023 11 – 40: 문화 전파는 유전적 전파보다 복잡한 요소 포함

 Many of the first models of cultural evolution drew noticeable connections between culture and genes by using concepts from theoretical population genetics and applying them to culture.

 문화 진화의 많은 초기 모델들은 이론 집단 유전학의 개념을 사용함으로써 그리고 그것들을 문화에 적용함으로써 문화와 유전자 사이의 주목할 만한 접점을 이끌어 냈다.

 Cultural patterns of transmission, innovation, and selection are conceptually likened to genetic processes of transmission, mutation, and selection.

 전파, 혁신, 선택의 문화적 방식은 전달, 돌연변이, 선택의 유전적 과정과 개념적으로 유사하다.

 However, these approaches had to be modified to account for the differences between genetic and cultural transmission.

 그러나 이러한 접근법은 유전자의 전달과 문화 전파 사이의 차이점을 설명하기 위해 수정되어야만 했다.

 For example, we do not expect the cultural transmission to follow the rules of genetic transmission strictly.

 예를 들어, 우리는 문화 전파가 유전자 전달의 규칙을 엄격하게 따를 것이라고 예상하지 않는다.

 If two biological parents have different forms of a cultural trait, their child is not necessarily equally likely to acquire the mother's or father's form of that trait.

 만약  명의 생물학적인 부모가 서로 다른 문화적인 특성의 형태를 가진다면, 그들의 자녀는 반드시 엄마 혹은 아빠의  특성의 형태를 동일하게 획득하지 않을  있다.

 Further, a child can acquire cultural traits not only from its parents but also from nonparental adults and peers; thus, the frequency of a cultural trait in the population is relevant beyond just the probability that an individual's parents had that trait.

 더욱이 아이는 문화적인 특성을 부모로부터 뿐만 아니라 부모가 아닌 성인이나 또래로부터도 얻을  있다. 따라서 집단의 문화적인 특성의 빈도는 단지  개인의 부모가  특성을 가졌을 확률을 넘어서 유의미하다.

 -> Early cultural evolution models used the similarity between culture and genes but had to be revised since cultural transmission allows for more diverse factors than genetic transmission.

 -> 초기의 문화 진화 모델들은 문화와 유전자 사이의 유사성을 사용했지만, 문화 전파가 유전자의 전달보다  다양한 요인을 허용하기 때문에 수정되어야만 했다.


[1] 2023 11 – 41~42: 협력적 행동이 그룹  시너지 효과를 생성

 A ball thrown into the air is acted upon by the initial force given it, persisting as inertia of movement and tending to carry it in the same straight line, and by the constant pull of gravity downward, as well as by the resistance of the air.

 공중으로 던져진 공은 초기에 그것에 주어진 힘에 의해 움직여지는데, 운동의 관성으로 지속하며 같은 직선으로 나아가려는 경향을 보이고, 공기의 저항뿐만 아니라 아래로 지속적으로 당기는 중력에의해서도 움직여진다.

 It moves, accordingly, in a curved path.

 그에 맞춰 공은 곡선의 경로로 움직인다.

 Now the path does not represent the working of any particular force; there is simply the combination of the three elementary forces mentioned; but in a real sense, there is something in the total action besides the isolated action of three forces, namely, their joint action.

 이제  경로는 어떤 특정한 힘의 작동을 나타내지는 않는다. 언급된  가지 기본적인 힘의 결합이 존재할 뿐이다. 하지만 사실은  가지 힘의 고립된 작용 외에 전체적인 작용에 무언가가 있다. 이름하여 그들의 공동 작용이다.

 In the same way, when two or more human individuals are together, their mutual relationships and their arrangement into a group are things which would not be revealed if we confined our attention to each individual separately.

 같은 방식으로,   혹은  이상의 인간 개인이 같이 있을  그들의 상호 관계와 그들의 집단으로의 배치는 만약 우리가 관심을 개별적으로 각각의 개인에게 국한시킨다면 드러나지 않을 것들이다.

 The significance of group behavior is greatly increased in the case of human beings by the fact that some of the tendencies to action of the individual are related definitely to other persons, and could not be aroused except by other persons acting as stimuli.

 개인 행동의 몇몇 경향은 명백하게 다른 사람들과 관련이 있고 자극으로 작동하는 다른 사람들 없이는 유발되지 않을  있다는 사실로 인해 그룹 행동의 중요성이 인간의 경우 크게 증가된다.

 An individual in complete isolation would not reveal their competitive tendencies, their tendencies towards the opposite sex, their protective tendencies towards children.

 완전한 고립 속의 개인은 그들의 경쟁적인 성향, 이성에 대한 그들의 성향, 아이에 대한 그들의 보호적 성향을 드러내지 않을 것이다.

 This shows that the traits of human nature do not fully appear until the individual is brought into relationships with other individuals.

 이것은 개인이 다른 개인과의 관계에 관여될 때까지는 인간 본성의 특성이 완전히 나타나지 않는다는 것을 보여 준다.


[1] 2023 11 – 43~45: 다툰 형제가 목수의 도움으로 화해와 관계 회복

 There once lived a man in a village who was not happy with his life.

 옛날 어느 마을에 자신의 삶이 행복하지 않은  남자가 살았다.

 He was always troubled by one problem or another.

 그는 항상 하나 혹은  다른 문제로 어려움을 겪었다.

 One day, a saint with his guards stopped by his village.

 어느   성자가 그의 경호인들과 함께 그의 마을에 들렀다.

 Many people heard the news and started going to him with their problems.

 많은 사람들이  소식을 듣고 그들의 문제를 가지고 그에게 가기 시작했다.

 The man also decided to visit the saint.

  남자 역시 성자를 방문하기로 결정했다.

 Even after reaching the saint's place in the morning, he didn't get the opportunity to meet him till evening.

 아침에 성자가 있는 곳에 도착하고  후에도 (a man) 저녁 때까지 그를 만날 기회를 얻지 못했다.

 When the man got to meet the saint, he confessed that he was very unhappy with life because problems always surrounded him, like workplace tension or worries about his health.

 마침내 그가 성자를 만났을  (a man) 직장  긴장이나 건강에 대한 걱정과 같이 항상 문제가 자기를 둘러싸고 있어서 삶이 매우 불행하다고 고백했다.

 He said, "Please give me a solution so that all the problems in my life will end and I can live peacefully."

 (a man) "나의 삶의 모든 문제가 끝나고 제가 평화롭게   있도록 제발 해결책을 주세요."라고 말했다.

 The saint smiled and said that he would answer the request the next day.

 성자는 미소 지으면서 그가 다음   요청에 답해 주겠다고 말했다.

 But the saint also asked if the man could do a small job for him.

 그런데 성자는 또한  남자가 그를 위해 작은 일을    있는지 물었다.

 He told the man to take care of a hundred camels in his group that night, saying "When all hundred camels sit down, you can go to sleep."

 성자는  남자에게 " 마리 낙타 모두가 자리에 앉으면 당신은 자러 가도 좋습니다."라고 말하면서 그날 밤에 그의 일행에 있는  마리 낙타를 돌봐 달라고 말했다.

 The man agreed.

  남자는 동의했다.

 The next morning when the saint met that man, he asked if the man had slept well.

 다음  아침에 성자가  남자를 만났을  (a saint) 남자가 잠을  잤는지 물어보았다.

 Tired and sad, the man replied that he couldn't sleep even for a moment.

 피곤해하고 슬퍼하면서 남자는 한순간도 잠을 자지 못했다고 대답했다.

 In fact, the man tried very hard but couldn't make all the camels sit at the same time because every time he made one camel sit, another would stand up.

 사실  남자는 아주 열심히 노력했지만 (a man) 낙타  마리를 앉힐 때마다 다른 낙타  마리가 일어섰기 때문에 모든 낙타를 동시에 앉게   없었다.

 The saint told him, "You realized that no matter how hard you try, you can't make all the camels sit down.

  성자는 그에게 "당신이 아무리 열심히 노력하더라도 모든 낙타를 앉게 만들 수는 없다는 것을 깨달았습니다.

 If one problem is solved, for some reason, another will arise like the camels did.

 만약  가지 문제가 해결되면 낙타가 그런 것처럼 어떤 이유로  다른 문제가 일어날 것입니다.

 So, humans should enjoy life despite these problems."

 그래서 인간은 이러한 문제에도 불구하고 삶을 즐겨야 합니다."라고 말했다.






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<2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 19 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (158문항) 올립니다.

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,
문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게
유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




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2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2 - Unit 17 기출문제 모음 #1 (164문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 17 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (164문항) 올립니다.과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료



2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2 - Unit 18 기출문제 모음 #1 (135문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 18 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (135문항) 올립니다.과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료









안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


<2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 18 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (135문항) 올립니다.

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,
문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게
유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




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2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2 - Unit 16 기출문제 모음 #1 (176문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 16 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (176문항) 올립니다.과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료



2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2 - Unit 17 기출문제 모음 #1 (164문항)

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[고3] 2024년 11월 수능 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).pdf
[고3] 2024년 11월 수능 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).docx




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[고3] 2024년 11월 수능 - 한줄해석

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024년도 11월 고3 수능 영어>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 



[고3] 2024년 11월 수능 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 11월 고3 수능 영어>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일




전체 내용


[3] 2024 11 수능 – 18: Rosydale City Marathon 악천후로 인해 취소된다는 공지


Dear Rosydale City Marathon Racers, We are really grateful to all of you who have signed up for the 10th Rosydale City Marathon that was scheduled for this coming Saturday at 10 a.m. Unfortunately, as you may already know, the weather forecast says that there is going to be a downpour throughout the race day. We truly hoped that the race would go smoothly. However, it is likely that the heavy rain will make the roads too slippery and dangerous for the racers to run safely. As a result, we have decided to cancel the race. We hope you understand and we promise to hold another race in the near future. Sincerely, Martha Kingsley Race Manager



Possible Titles:

1. Rosydale City Marathon Canceled Due to Severe Weather Forecast 

2. Safety Concerns Prompt Cancellation of Upcoming Rosydale City Marathon 

3. Rosydale City Marathon Runners Informed of Event Cancellation 

4. Rosydale Marathon Postponed Following Heavy Rain Forecast 


Main Idea #1:

The Rosydale City Marathon scheduled for Saturday is canceled due to expected heavy rainfall.


Main Idea #2:

Concerns over racer safety from potentially hazardous, slippery road conditions due to forecasted downpours have led to the decision to cancel the Rosydale City Marathon, with a promise to reschedule in the future.



The Rosydale City Marathon, set for Saturday, has been canceled due to anticipated heavy rain, which could make the course unsafe. The race organizers prioritize participant safety and will arrange a future event.


Key Points:

1. The Rosydale City Marathon was originally scheduled for this Saturday. 

2. The decision to cancel was due to a forecasted downpour, creating unsafe running conditions. 

3. The race organizers are committed to ensuring participant safety. 

4. A new marathon date will be scheduled soon.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 19: 발렌타인데이 이벤트 계획이 실패한 Peter 실망


It was Valentine's Day on Friday and Peter was certain that his wife, Amy, was going to love his surprise. Peter had spent a long time searching online for an event that would be a new way to spend time with Amy. He had finally found the perfect thing for her. She often told him that she liked to go to places she had never visited before, and he was absolutely sure that she would love going to the new, five-star restaurant downtown. He smiled as he called the restaurant and asked for a reservation for Friday. Unfortunately, his smile quickly disappeared when he was told that the restaurant was fully reserved. That's too bad, he said quietly. I thought that I had found the right place.



Possible Titles:

1. Peter’s Valentine’s Day Surprise for His Wife Falls Through 

2. Valentine's Day Plans Derailed by Fully Booked Restaurant 

3. Disappointment for Peter as Valentine’s Reservation Fails 

4. Valentine’s Day Surprise Plan Changes Due to Full Reservations 


Main Idea #1:

Peter plans a special Valentine’s Day surprise for his wife, Amy, at a new restaurant.


Main Idea #2:

Despite his efforts to plan a unique experience for Valentine’s Day, Peter faces disappointment when he learns that the highly-rated restaurant he selected for Amy is fully booked, leading him to rethink his special plans.



Peter plans a Valentine’s Day surprise for Amy by booking a reservation at a new restaurant she hasn’t visited. Unfortunately, the restaurant is fully booked, leaving Peter disappointed and reconsidering his options for the day.


Key Points:

1. Peter searches for a unique Valentine’s surprise for Amy. 

2. He decides on a five-star restaurant she hasn’t visited. 

3. The restaurant is fully booked, canceling his original plan. 

4. Peter is left to find a new way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 20: 학습에 도움을   있는 게임 개발의 필요성 제안


We almost universally accept that playing video games is at best a pleasant break from a student's learning and more often what prevents a student from accomplishing their goals. Games catch and hold attention in a way that few things can. And yet once they have our focus, they rarely seem to offer anything meaningful to help students grow in their lives outside the games. While this may be true for many games, we are too easily ignoring a valuable tool that could be used to enhance productivity instead of derailing it. Rather, it is desirable that we develop games that connect to the learning outcomes we want for our students. This will enable educators to take advantage of games' attention commanding capacities and allow our students to enjoy their games while learning.



Possible Titles:

1. Leveraging Video Games for Enhanced Student Learning Outcomes 

2. Shifting Video Games from Distraction to Educational Tool 

3. Integrating Educational Goals into Video Game Design for Students 

4. Transforming Gaming into a Productive Learning Aid for Students 


Main Idea #1:

Video games are generally seen as distractions that hinder student productivity.


Main Idea #2:

Although video games are often viewed as unproductive, they could be redesigned to support educational goals, allowing students to benefit from gaming while achieving learning outcomes.



Video games are commonly perceived as distractions from student learning, yet they could be valuable tools if aligned with educational objectives. By designing games that support learning outcomes, educators can harness games’ appeal to enhance student engagement and growth.


Key Points:

1. Video games often distract students from achieving academic goals. 

2. Games excel at capturing and holding attention. 

3. Many games lack content that supports real-world growth for students. 

4. Designing games with educational objectives could make gaming beneficial for students’ learning.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 21: 건축가가 학문적 지식을 통해 권위를 얻어야 하는 이유


The position of the architect rose during the Roman Empire, as architecture symbolically became a particularly important political statement. Cicero classed the architect with the physician and the teacher and Vitruvius spoke of "so great a profession as this." Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, a practicing architect during the rule of Augustus Caesar, recognized that architecture requires both practical and theoretical knowledge, and he listed the disciplines he felt the aspiring architect should master: literature and writing, draftsmanship, mathematics, history, philosophy, music, medicine, law, and astronomy ― a curriculum that still has much to recommend it. All of this study was necessary, he argued, because architects who have aimed at acquiring manual skill without scholarship have never been able to reach a position of authority to correspond to their plans, while those who have relied only upon theories and scholarship were obviously "hunting the shadow, not the substance."



Possible Titles:

1. The Rise of Architects as Influential Figures in the Roman Empire 

2. Vitruvius and the Intellectual Foundations of Roman Architecture 

3. Roman Architecture’s Blend of Practical Skill and Scholarly Knowledge 

4. Architectural Authority Rooted in Knowledge and Craft in Ancient Rome 


Main Idea #1:

The status of architects grew during the Roman Empire, symbolizing political significance.


Main Idea #2:

Vitruvius argued that successful architects must master both practical skills and scholarly knowledge across a wide range of disciplines, blending manual expertise with intellectual rigor to achieve authority and influence.



In the Roman Empire, architecture became a symbol of political power, elevating the architect’s status. Vitruvius emphasized that architects should be well-versed in both practical skills and diverse academic subjects to gain respect and authority. Without this balance, they risked lacking substance or influence.


Key Points:

1. Architecture gained political importance in the Roman Empire. 

2. Vitruvius listed essential disciplines for architects, from mathematics to philosophy. 

3. Practical and theoretical knowledge were both deemed necessary for an architect’s success. 

4. Architects lacking either manual skills or scholarship risked failing in authority.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 22: 감정 이해 능력이 그룹 내에서 긍정적 상호작용을 촉진함


The ability to understand emotions ― to have a diverse emotion vocabulary and to understand the causes and consequences of emotion ― is particularly relevant in group settings. Individuals who are skilled in this domain are able to express emotions, feelings and moods accurately and thus, may facilitate clear communication between co-workers. Furthermore, they may be more likely to act in ways that accommodate their own needs as well as the needs of others (i.e. cooperate). In a group conflict situation, for example, a member with a strong ability to understand emotion will be able to express how he feels about the problem and why he feels this way. He also should be able to take the perspective of the other group members and understand why they are reacting in a certain manner. Appreciation of differences creates an arena for open communication and promotes constructive conflict resolution and improved group functioning.



Possible Titles:

1. The Importance of Emotional Understanding in Group Dynamics 

2. Enhancing Group Communication through Emotional Awareness 

3. Emotional Intelligence as a Key to Constructive Group Interactions 

4. Benefits of Emotion Comprehension for Group Conflict Resolution 


Main Idea #1:

Emotional understanding is crucial in group settings for clear communication.


Main Idea #2:

Individuals with a strong grasp of emotions can facilitate open communication, empathize with others' perspectives, and promote constructive conflict resolution, improving overall group dynamics and cooperation.



Emotional awareness aids in effective communication and collaboration within groups. Individuals skilled in understanding emotions can express feelings clearly, empathize with others, and contribute to constructive conflict resolution, enhancing group functionality.


Key Points:

1. Emotionally aware individuals communicate their feelings clearly to others. 

2. Emotional understanding helps balance personal and group needs. 

3. Empathy allows one to appreciate diverse perspectives during conflicts. 

4. Open communication and empathy improve group cooperation and conflict resolution.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 23: 산업화가 시간, 노동, 자본의 관계를 변화시킨 방식 설명


The arrival of the Industrial Age changed the relationship among time, labor, and capital. Factories could produce around the clock, and they could do so with greater speed and volume than ever before. A machine that runs twelve hours a day will produce more widgets than one that runs for only eight hours per day ― and a machine that runs twenty-four hours per day will produce the most widgets of all. As such, at many factories, the workday is divided into eight-hour shifts, so that there will always be people on hand to keep the widget machines humming. Industrialization raised the potential value of every single work hour ― the more hours you worked, the more widgets you produced, and the more money you made ― and thus wages became tied to effort and production. Labor, previously guided by harvest cycles, became clock-oriented, and society started to reorganize around new principles of productivity.



Possible Titles:

1. Industrialization and the Shift to Clock-Oriented Labor 

2. How the Industrial Age Redefined Time, Labor, and Wages 

3. The Role of Shift Work in Maximizing Industrial Production 

4. From Harvest Cycles to Clock Time: Labor's Transformation 


Main Idea #1:

The Industrial Age linked labor and productivity to structured time.


Main Idea #2:

Industrialization introduced shift work to maximize factory output, aligning wages with productivity and transitioning labor from seasonal cycles to time-based schedules, which led society to prioritize productivity.



Industrialization changed labor by introducing round-the-clock production with shift work, where wages correlated with productivity. The shift from seasonal to time-based work reshaped society’s approach to time, emphasizing constant productivity.


Key Points:

1. Factories in the Industrial Age operated continuously in shifts. 

2. Wages became directly tied to hours worked and output produced. 

3. Labor shifted from seasonal rhythms to strict, time-based schedules. 

4. Society reorganized to prioritize continuous productivity.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 24: 셀피가 자아 표현의 역사적 연장선에 있음을 논의


The selfie resonates not because it is new, but because it expresses, develops, expands, and intensifies the long history of the self-portrait. The self-portrait showed to others the status of the person depicted. In this sense, what we have come to call our own "image" ― the interface of the way we think we look and the way others see us ― is the first and fundamental object of global visual culture. The selfie depicts the drama of our own daily performance of ourselves in tension with our inner emotions that may or may not be expressed as we wish. At each stage of the self-portrait's expansion, more and more people have been able to depict themselves. Today's young, urban, networked majority has reworked the history of the self-portrait to make the selfie into the first visual signature of the new era.



Possible Titles:

1. The Selfie: A Modern Evolution of the Self-Portrait 

2. Selfies as the Visual Signature of Contemporary Culture 

3. From Self-Portraits to Selfies: The Performance of Self 

4. How the Selfie Redefines Personal and Public Image in Modern Society 


Main Idea #1:

The selfie builds on the historical tradition of the self-portrait, conveying personal image.


Main Idea #2:

As an evolution of self-portraiture, the selfie captures individuals' daily expressions and inner emotions, reflecting modern visual culture, particularly among today’s connected, urban youth, who have transformed it into a defining cultural symbol.



The selfie extends the tradition of the self-portrait by allowing individuals to portray their self-image and emotions in real-time. It has become the visual hallmark of modern society, especially among young, urban populations.


Key Points:

1. The selfie continues the legacy of the self-portrait, representing personal image. 

2. It captures the dynamic between outer expression and inner emotion. 

3. More people can now visually express themselves through selfies. 

4. The selfie has become a defining feature of the current, networked era.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 25: 2020~2022 미국 영화에서 여성 제작자 비율의 변화


The graph above shows the percentages of women employed behind the scenes on the top 100 U.S. films by role in 2020, 2021, and 2022. For each of the three years, the percentage of women employed as producers on the top 100 U.S. films was the highest as compared with the percentages of each of the other three roles. The percentage of women employed as directors on the top 100 U.S. films in 2021 was lower than in 2020 but higher than in 2022. The percentage of women employed as writers on the top 100 U.S. films increased by 4 percentage points from 2020 to 2021 and by 1 percentage point from 2021 to 2022. The percentage of women employed as editors on the top 100 U.S. films was less than 20% in each of the three years. In 2022, the percentage of women employed as producers on the top 100 U.S. films was the same as that in 2020.



Possible Titles:

1. Trends in Women's Representation in U.S. Film Production Roles 

2. Changes in Behind-the-Scenes Roles for Women in Top Films 

3. Women's Employment Patterns in Key Film Roles (2020-2022) 

4. Analysis of Women's Participation in U.S. Film Industry by Role 


Main Idea #1:

The percentage of women producers was the highest among all roles in each year from 2020 to 2022.


Main Idea #2:

While women’s representation as directors fluctuated and as editors remained consistently low, women’s employment as writers increased each year, and the percentage of women producers stayed the same from 2020 to 2022.



Women held the highest percentage of producer roles in top U.S. films from 2020 to 2022. Women’s representation as writers increased annually, but fewer than 20% were employed as editors each year. The percentage of women directors decreased slightly from 2020 to 2022.


Key Points:

1. Women producers consistently had the highest representation among roles from 2020 to 2022. 

2. Women’s employment as writers increased by 4% from 2020 to 2021 and by 1% from 2021 to 2022. 

3. Women editors made up less than 20% in each of the three years. 

4. Women directors saw a slight decrease in representation from 2020 to 2022.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 26: 미국 스포츠 방송인 Dick Enberg 경력과 업적 설명


Dick Enberg was one of America's most beloved sports broadcasters. He was born in Michigan in 1935. In the early 1960s, he became an assistant professor at San Fernando Valley State College, where he also served as a coach of its baseball team. Afterwards, he began a full-time sportscasting career in Los Angeles. In 1973, he became the first U.S. sportscaster ever to visit China. He joined NBC Sports in 1975 and remained with the network for about 25 years, covering such big events as the Olympics. He later worked for other major sports broadcasting stations. He made his last live broadcast in 2016 and died the following year at the age of 82. He served as Chairman of the American Sportscaster Association for more than three decades. Enberg was also a best-selling writer and won Emmy Awards as a sportscaster, a writer, and a producer.



Possible Titles:

1. The Life and Legacy of Dick Enberg in American Sports Broadcasting 

2. Dick Enberg: A Pioneer and Icon in U.S. Sportscasting 

3. From Professor to Emmy-Winning Broadcaster: Dick Enberg’s Journey 

4. Dick Enberg’s Lasting Influence on Sports Media and Broadcasting 


Main Idea #1:

Dick Enberg was a celebrated American sports broadcaster with a distinguished career.


Main Idea #2:

Over his long career, Dick Enberg made significant contributions to sports broadcasting, becoming the first U.S. sportscaster to visit China, covering major events like the Olympics, winning Emmy Awards, and serving as Chairman of the American Sportscaster Association.



Dick Enberg, a prominent sports broadcaster, began his career in the 1960s and joined NBC Sports in 1975, covering major events for 25 years. He earned multiple Emmy Awards and wrote bestselling books, ending his career with a legacy of excellence in sportscasting.


Key Points:

1. Enberg started as an assistant professor and baseball coach before transitioning to sportscasting. 

2. He was the first U.S. sportscaster to visit China in 1973. 

3. Enberg spent 25 years with NBC Sports, covering events like the Olympics. 

4. He won Emmy Awards and served as Chairman of the American Sportscaster Association for over 30 years.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 29: 자동화된 신체 움직임이 뇌의 자원을 절약하는 방식


Think of yourself. When you decide to get up and get a drink of water, for example, you don't consciously organize or consider the host of steps involved. Imagine if we had to consider every single muscle that needed to be contracted or relaxed just to stand up and walk. It would be tiresome and very slow ― as patients recovering from a brain injury affecting the motor system know. The autopilot parts of our brain do it for us automatically, freeing up our conscious mind for more important jobs. It is the older parts of our brain that support these automatic processes that allow us to move, hear, see, and use many of our social skills. More recently evolved abilities like talking, reading, and writing are far less automated. So, most of the time, what you are perceiving, feeling, or thinking is based on a very crude and fast analysis that happens completely without your awareness.



Possible Titles:

1. How Our Brain’s Autopilot Manages Everyday Movements Unconsciously 

2. The Brain’s Role in Automating Basic and Complex Actions 

3. Exploring the Brain’s Automatic Processing of Routine Activities 

4. Unconscious Motor Control: The Brain’s Effortless Coordination 


Main Idea #1:

Automatic brain processes manage basic movements and free the conscious mind.


Main Idea #2:

Our brain’s older regions handle routine functions unconsciously, allowing for automatic actions like movement and social skills, whereas newer functions like language require more conscious effort, illustrating the brain’s efficiency in processing routine versus complex tasks.



The brain’s autopilot handles basic tasks, such as moving and social interaction, automatically, saving conscious thought for complex activities. While routine actions are fast and unconscious, tasks like language need deliberate effort, highlighting our brain’s processing layers.


Key Points:

1. Basic movements and actions are managed unconsciously by older brain parts. 

2. Automatic brain processes free up conscious focus for complex tasks. 

3. More recent abilities like talking and reading require conscious effort. 

4. Much of perception and thought occurs through fast, unconscious analysis.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 30: 경쟁이 동기 부여에 부정적 영향을 미칠  있는 이유


Studies in psychology have reported cases in which competitive incentives resulted in lower task effort, and their focus was on the psychological underpinnings of the reduction in motivation. For example, competition presents an inevitable conflict between the motivation to achieve one's personal goal and the desire to maintain good relationships with others. When the maintenance of interpersonal relationships is important, with their counterparts in particular or with others generally, competitors experience an internal conflict that can harm their desire to achieve their goal and taint the good feeling brought about by winning. Exline and Lobel found that the perception of oneself as a target for upward social comparison often makes people uncomfortable. When they believe that others are making envious comparisons with them, people feel uneasiness, distress, or sorrow. Feelings of guilt, an emotion generally associated with high motivation for goal-achievement, lead to weaker motivation and performance in the pursuit of competitive goals. Consequences of this emotional state include lower task motivation in a competition and preferences for more cooperative and altruistic outcomes, such as diminishing the significance of the outcome or sharing the winner's reward.



Possible Titles:

1. The Paradox of Competitive Motivation and Task Effort Reduction 

2. How Social Dynamics Influence Motivation in Competitive Settings 

3. Emotional Conflicts in Competition: Impact on Motivation and Effort 

4. Understanding the Psychological Barriers to Competitive Motivation 


Main Idea #1:

Competitive incentives can sometimes reduce motivation and task effort.


Main Idea #2:

Internal conflicts between personal goals and interpersonal relationships, along with discomfort from being a target of social comparison, can weaken motivation in competitive settings, leading individuals to prioritize cooperation or lessen the importance of winning.



Competition can decrease motivation due to conflicts between personal goals and relationships. Discomfort from social comparison and feelings of guilt can reduce the drive for achievement, often resulting in cooperative preferences or de-emphasizing winning.


Key Points:

1. Competitive incentives may lower motivation and task effort. 

2. Balancing competition with interpersonal relationships can create inner conflict. 

3. Being a target of social comparison causes discomfort and guilt. 

4. These emotions lead to preferences for cooperation or sharing rewards.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 31: 문학이 외국어 학습에서 개인적 몰입을 유도하는 방식


Literature can be helpful in the language learning process because of the personal involvement it fosters in readers. Core language teaching materials must concentrate on how a language operates both as a rule-based system and as a sociosemantic system. Very often, the process of learning is essentially analytic, piecemeal, and, at the level of the personality, fairly superficial. Engaging imaginatively with literature enables learners to shift the focus of their attention beyond the more mechanical aspects of the foreign language system. When a novel, play or short story is explored over a period of time, the result is that the reader begins to 'inhabit' the text. He or she is drawn into the book. Pinpointing what individual words or phrases may mean becomes less important than pursuing the development of the story. The reader is eager to find out what happens as events unfold; he or she feels close to certain characters and shares their emotional responses. The language becomes 'transparent' ― the fiction draws the whole person into its own world.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Literature in Enhancing Language Learning Engagement 

2. How Literature Deepens Language Learning Beyond Rules and Grammar 

3. Literature as a Tool for Personal Connection in Language Acquisition 

4. From Mechanics to Emotion: Literature’s Impact on Language Learning 


Main Idea #1:

Literature fosters personal engagement that enhances the language learning experience.


Main Idea #2:

By shifting focus from mechanical language rules to immersive storytelling, literature allows language learners to connect emotionally with the text, encouraging deeper engagement and reducing emphasis on individual words in favor of story comprehension.



Literature enriches language learning by involving learners emotionally, making them focus on story and character development rather than isolated language rules. This immersive experience helps learners inhabit the text, enhancing comprehension and engagement.


Key Points:

1. Literature encourages personal involvement, enhancing language learning. 

2. Traditional language materials focus on rules and semantics. 

3. Imaginative engagement reduces focus on isolated words and grammar. 

4. Stories draw learners into an immersive experience with language.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 32: 교육이 비판적 사고를 통해 감정에 의존하지 않도록 


Education, at its best, teaches more than just knowledge. It teaches critical thinking: the ability to stop and think before acting, to avoid succumbing to emotional pressures. This is not thought control. It is the very reverse: mental liberation. Even the most advanced intellectual will be imperfect at this skill. But even imperfect possession of it frees a person from the burden of being 'stimulus-driven', constantly reacting to the immediate environment, the brightest colours or loudest sounds. Being driven by heuristic responses, living by instinct and emotion all the time, is a very easy way to live, in many ways: thought is effortful, especially for the inexperienced. But emotions are also exhausting, and short-term reactions may not, in the long term, be the most beneficial for health and survival. Just as we reach for burgers for the sake of convenience, storing up the arterial fat which may one day kill us, so our reliance on feelings can do us great harm.



Possible Titles:

1. Beyond Knowledge: How Education Cultivates Critical Thinking 

2. The Role of Education in Developing Thoughtful Decision-Making 

3. Education as a Path to Mental Freedom from Instinctual Responses 

4. How Critical Thinking Shields Us from Reactive Living 


Main Idea #1:

Education aims to teach critical thinking, allowing individuals to think before reacting.


Main Idea #2:

By promoting critical thinking, education helps people move beyond impulsive, stimulus-driven reactions, which can lead to harmful long-term consequences, instead encouraging thoughtful decision-making as a means of mental liberation and improved well-being.



Education teaches critical thinking to prevent impulsive, emotional responses. It provides mental freedom, moving individuals away from reactive living, which, though easy, can lead to negative long-term effects. Thoughtful actions, though challenging, benefit long-term health and survival.


Key Points:

1. Education encourages thinking before reacting impulsively. 

2. Critical thinking is mentally liberating, not restrictive. 

3. Constant emotional reactions can have harmful long-term impacts. 

4. Thoughtful decision-making supports long-term well-being.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 33: 관심 경제에서 소비자의 관심을 상품으로 판매하는 방식


We are famously living in the era of the attention economy, where the largest and most profitable businesses in the world are those that consume my attention. The advertising industry is literally dedicated to capturing the conscious hours of my life and selling them to someone else. It might seem magical that so many exciting and useful software systems are available to use for free, but it is now conventional wisdom that if you can't see who is paying for something that appears to be free, then the real product being sold is you. Our creative engagement with other people is mediated by AI-based recommendation systems that are designed to trap our attention through the process that Nick Seaver calls captology, keeping us attending to work sold by one company rather than another, replacing the freedom of personal exploration with algorithm-generated playlists or even algorithm-generated art.



Possible Titles:

1. The Attention Economy: How Our Focus Became a Commodity 

2. The Hidden Cost of Free Services in the Attention Economy 

3. Algorithm-Driven Captology and the Loss of Personal Exploration 

4. How AI and Captology Shape Our Engagement in the Attention Economy 


Main Idea #1:

In the attention economy, businesses profit by capturing and selling our attention.


Main Idea #2:

AI recommendation systems and captology, as described by Nick Seaver, dominate our engagement, directing our focus toward specific content and diminishing individual exploration by using algorithms to control what we consume.



In the attention economy, companies profit by capturing our focus, with free services often selling our attention rather than products. AI recommendations further guide our engagement, limiting personal exploration in favor of algorithm-generated content.


Key Points:

1. The attention economy profits by consuming and selling our attention. 

2. Free services often treat users as the product being sold. 

3. AI recommendations mediate our interactions with content. 

4. Captology replaces personal exploration with algorithm-driven suggestions.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 34: 규칙이 역할과 관행을 만들며 생산 활동을 촉진함


Centralized, formal rules can facilitate productive activity by establishing roles and practices. The rules of baseball don't just regulate the behavior of the players; they determine the behavior that constitutes playing the game. Rules do not prevent people from playing baseball; they create the very practice that allows people to play baseball. A score of music imposes rules, but it also creates a pattern of conduct that enables people to produce music. Legal rules that enable the formation of corporations, that enable the use of wills and trusts, that create negotiable instruments, and that establish the practice of contracting all make practices that create new opportunities for individuals. And we have legal rules that establish roles individuals play within the legal system, such as judges, trustees, partners, and guardians. True, the legal rules that establish these roles constrain the behavior of individuals who occupy them, but rules also create the roles themselves. Without them an individual would not have the opportunity to occupy the role.



Possible Titles:

1. How Formal Rules Create and Shape Productive Social Practices 

2. The Role of Rules in Enabling Structured Social Activities 

3. Centralized Rules as Foundations for Organized Human Activity 

4. Rules as the Framework for Role Creation and Social Opportunities 


Main Idea #1:

Centralized rules establish roles and practices, enabling productive activities.


Main Idea #2:

Rules not only regulate behavior but also create structured practices and roles, as seen in games, music, and legal systems, where they enable individuals to participate in organized activities and take on meaningful roles within a structured environment.



Centralized rules define roles and practices that enable productive activities, such as sports, music, and legal systems. These rules establish opportunities and roles, allowing individuals to participate in organized and meaningful ways.


Key Points:

1. Rules in sports define the practices that constitute gameplay. 

2. Musical scores impose structure, enabling coordinated music production. 

3. Legal rules create frameworks for practices like corporations and contracts. 

4. Rules create roles like judges and trustees, providing organized opportunities.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 35: 자동차가 스포츠 관광 발전에 미친 영향


The expansion of sports tourism in the twentieth century has been influenced by further developments in transportation. Just as the railways revolutionized travel in the nineteenth century, so the automobile produced even more dramatic changes in the twentieth. The significance of the car in the development of sport and tourism generally has attracted considerable coverage and it has had no less an impact on sports tourism specifically. Although originally invented towards the end of the nineteenth century, it started to become a mass form of transport in the 1920s in the USA and rather later in Britain. Apart from its convenience and flexibility, the car has the additional advantages of affording access to many areas not served by public transport, as well as allowing the easy transport of luggage and equipment. As a result, it was invaluable for the development of many forms of sports tourism but especially those which require the transportation of people and equipment to relatively remote locations.



Possible Titles:

1. How the Automobile Revolutionized Sports Tourism in the Twentieth Century 

2. The Role of the Car in Expanding Access to Sports Tourism 

3. Transportation Advances and the Rise of Sports Tourism in Remote Areas 

4. The Automobile’s Impact on the Growth of Twentieth-Century Sports Tourism 


Main Idea #1:

The development of the automobile played a crucial role in the expansion of sports tourism.


Main Idea #2:

Cars provided convenient, flexible, and accessible transportation options, which made it easier to reach remote areas and transport equipment, significantly contributing to the growth of sports tourism in the twentieth century.



The rise of the automobile in the twentieth century revolutionized sports tourism by offering flexibility, convenience, and access to areas beyond public transport routes. This enabled the growth of various sports tourism activities, especially those in remote locations.


Key Points:

1. Cars provided flexibility and access not available with public transport. 

2. The automobile became a mass form of transport in the 1920s in the USA. 

3. Cars allowed easy transport of luggage and equipment for sports tourism. 

4. Remote sports tourism locations became more accessible due to cars.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 36: 농업 공동체에서 평판이 시장 강제력을 형성하는 방식


The potential for market enforcement is greater when contracting parties have developed reputational capital that can be devalued when contracts are violated. Farmers and landowners develop reputations for honesty, fairness, producing high yields, and consistently demonstrating that they are good at what they do. In small, close-knit farming communities, reputations are well known. Over time landowners indirectly monitor farmers by observing the reported output, the general quality of the soil, and any unusual or extreme behavior. Farmer and landowner reputations act as a bond. In any growing season a farmer can reduce effort, overuse soil, or underreport the crop. Similarly, a landowner can undermaintain fences, ditches, and irrigation systems. Accurate assessments of farmer and landowner behavior will be made over time, and those farmers and landowners who attempt to gain at each other's expense will find that others may refuse to deal with them in the future.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Reputation in Market Enforcement for Farmers and Landowners 

2. How Reputational Capital Influences Contractual Trust in Farming Communities 

3. Reputation as a Deterrent to Contract Violations in Agricultural Markets 

4. Ensuring Fair Practices in Farming through Reputational Accountability 


Main Idea #1:

Reputational capital among farmers and landowners strengthens market enforcement.


Main Idea #2:

In close-knit farming communities, reputations for honesty and quality serve as a bond that deters contract violations, as individuals who exploit others may face social and economic exclusion over time.



Reputation strengthens market enforcement in farming communities, where reputational capital discourages contract violations. Farmers and landowners maintain honesty and quality to avoid exclusion from future business opportunities.


Key Points:

1. Reputational capital reduces contract violations in farming communities. 

2. Farmers and landowners build reputations for honesty and quality production. 

3. Reputations act as a deterrent for exploiting each other. 

4. Violators may face exclusion from future economic interactions.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 37: 감정 전염이 새들의 포식자 회피 행동에서 배열 형태에 따라 미치는 영향


Watch the birds in your backyard. If one bird startles and flies off, others will follow, not waiting around to assess whether the threat is real. They have been infected by emotional contagion. In a long-term research project that Marc did with some of his students on patterns of antipredatory scanning by western evening grosbeaks, they found that birds in a circle showed more coordination in scanning than did birds who were feeding in a line. The birds in a line, who could only see their nearest neighbor, not only were less coordinated when scanning, but also were more nervous, changing their body and head positions significantly more than grosbeaks in a circle, where it was possible for each grosbeak to see every other grosbeak. Marc wondered whether the birds in line were more fearful because they didn't know what their flockmates were doing. Emotional contagion would have been impossible for individual grosbeaks in the linear array except with their nearest neighbors.



Possible Titles:

1. Emotional Contagion and Coordination in Bird Flocks 

2. How Group Positioning Affects Antipredatory Scanning in Birds 

3. Fear and Communication Patterns in Flock Arrangements of Grosbeaks 

4. The Role of Visual Access in Birds’ Antipredatory Behavior 


Main Idea #1:

Birds in a flock are affected by emotional contagion, responding to each other's fear signals.


Main Idea #2:

Research shows that grosbeaks positioned in a circle coordinate better and are less nervous compared to those in a line, suggesting that visual access to more flockmates enhances emotional contagion and reduces individual anxiety.



Birds experience emotional contagion, as seen in grosbeaks, which scan more effectively and feel calmer in a circular formation than in a line. Visual access to more flockmates enhances coordination and reduces nervousness.


Key Points:

1. Birds respond to each other’s fear signals through emotional contagion. 

2. Grosbeaks in a circle coordinate scanning better than those in a line. 

3. Limited visibility in a line increases nervousness and position changes. 

4. Emotional contagion is facilitated by greater visual access to flockmates.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 38: 비밀 유지가 혁신 보호에 미치는 영향과 문제점


Trade secret law aims to promote innovation, although it accomplishes this objective in a very different manner than patent protection. Notwithstanding the advantages of obtaining a patent, many innovators prefer to protect their innovation through secrecy. They may believe that the cost and delay of seeking a patent are too great or that secrecy better protects their investment and increases their profit. They might also believe that the invention can best be utilized over a longer period of time than a patent would allow. Without any special legal protection for trade secrets, however, the secretive inventor risks that an employee or contractor will disclose the proprietary information. Once the idea is released, it will be "free as the air" under the background norms of a free market economy. Such a predicament would lead any inventor seeking to rely upon secrecy to spend an inordinate amount of resources building high and impassable fences around their research facilities and greatly limiting the number of people with access to the proprietary information.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Trade Secret Law in Protecting Innovation 

2. Balancing Secrecy and Patent Law in Innovation Protection 

3. How Trade Secret Law Reduces Risks for Secretive Innovators 

4. The Economic Rationale for Trade Secret Protection in Innovation 


Main Idea #1:

Trade secret law encourages innovation by protecting confidential information.


Main Idea #2:

Unlike patents, trade secret law offers inventors a way to protect innovations without public disclosure, preventing the costly risks associated with secrecy breaches and the need for extreme security measures to safeguard proprietary information.



Trade secret law supports innovation by allowing inventors to protect confidential information without a patent. This reduces the risk of disclosure and minimizes the need for excessive security, enabling inventors to maintain a competitive advantage.


Key Points:

1. Trade secret law provides an alternative to patents for protecting innovations.

2. Innovators may prefer secrecy due to patent costs, delays, or time limits. 

3. Without trade secret protection, secrecy breaches could threaten inventions. 

4. Legal protection reduces the need for extreme security around inventions.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 39: 유지  수리의 과정이 기술의 수명을 연장하는 방식


By their very nature, the concepts of maintenance and repair are predominantly examined from a process-oriented perspective. The focus in related scholarly discourse often revolves around the lifespan or lifecycle of objects and technologies. In this context, maintenance and repair are considered practices that have the potential to prolong the existence of objects, ensuring their sustained utilization over an extended period. Krebs and Weber critically engage with anthropomorphic metaphors that imply a biography of things, appropriately highlighting that conventional understanding of the lifecycle of a technology, from its acquisition to its disposal from the household, provides an incomplete definition. In reality, objects do not conform to a linear lifecycle model; instead, they undergo breakdowns, await repairs, are stored away, or find themselves relegated to the basement, only to be rediscovered and repurposed later. Additionally, objects may enter recycling or second-hand cycles, leading to a dynamic afterlife marked by diverse applications. As such, the life of an object exhibits a far more complicated and adaptive path than a simplistic linear progression.



Possible Titles:

1. Beyond the Lifecycle: Rethinking Maintenance and Repair of Objects 

2. The Adaptive and Complex Lifespan of Everyday Technologies 

3. How Repair and Recycling Extend Object Lifespans Beyond Linear Models 

4. The Lifecycle Myth: Exploring the Dynamic Afterlife of Objects 


Main Idea #1:

Maintenance and repair practices extend the usability of objects beyond a simple lifecycle.


Main Idea #2:

Objects follow complex, non-linear lifecycles that involve breakdowns, repairs, repurposing, and recycling, demonstrating that their existence is dynamic and adaptable rather than following a predictable progression from acquisition to disposal.



Maintenance and repair reveal that objects do not follow a linear lifecycle but have dynamic paths that include breakdowns, repairs, and repurposing. This view emphasizes a more complex existence, with objects often reentering use or finding new applications.


Key Points:

1. Maintenance and repair extend the lifespan of objects beyond linear models. 

2. Conventional lifecycle views offer an incomplete understanding of object usage.

3. Objects may be stored, rediscovered, and repurposed over time. 

4. Recycling and second-hand use add diverse afterlife applications for objects.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 40: 합성 식품 성분과 자연 식품 성분의 안전성 비교


People often assume that synthetic food ingredients are more harmful than natural ones, but this is not always the case. Typically, synthetic ingredients can be made in a precisely controlled fashion and have well-defined compositions and properties, allowing careful evaluation of their potential toxicity. On the other hand, natural ingredients often vary appreciably in their composition and properties depending on their origin, the time of year they were harvested, the climate they experienced throughout their lifetime, the soil quality, and how they were isolated and stored. These variations can make testing their safety extremely difficult ― one is never sure about the potential toxicity of minor components that may vary from time to time. In some cases, a natural food component has been consumed for hundreds or thousands of years without causing any obvious health problems and can, therefore, be assumed to be safe. However, one must still be very careful.



Possible Titles:

1. Comparing the Safety of Synthetic and Natural Food Ingredients 

2. Misconceptions About the Harmfulness of Synthetic Food Additives 

3. Variability in Natural Ingredients and Its Impact on Food Safety 

4. Precision vs. Variability: Safety Challenges of Food Ingredients 


Main Idea #1:

Synthetic ingredients are not necessarily more harmful than natural ingredients.


Main Idea #2:

While synthetic ingredients have consistent compositions that allow for precise safety evaluations, natural ingredients vary greatly, making it difficult to assess their safety due to potential changes in minor components.



Synthetic ingredients often have controlled compositions that make toxicity evaluation easier, while natural ingredients can vary, complicating safety assessments. Though some natural components are historically safe, caution is still advised.


Key Points:

1. Synthetic ingredients allow for precise control and safety evaluation. 

2. Natural ingredients vary based on environmental factors and processing. 

3. Variability in natural components complicates toxicity assessments. 

4. Historical consumption of natural components suggests safety but requires caution.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 41~42: 인간 손의 진화가 도구 제작에 기여한 방식 설명


Imagine grabbing a piece of paper between your thumb and index finger. Maybe you already are, as you turn this page. We use this type of forceful, pad-to-pad precision gripping without thinking about it, and literally in a snap. Yet it was a breakthrough in human evolution. Other primates exhibit some kinds of precision grips in the handling and use of objects, but not with the kind of efficient opposition that our hand anatomy allows. In a single hand, humans can easily hold and manipulate objects, even small and delicate ones, while adjusting our fingers to their shape and reorienting them with displacements of our fingertip pads. Our relatively long, powerful thumb and other anatomical attributes, including our flat nails (which nearly all primates possess), make this possible. Just picture trying ― and failing ― to dog-ear this page with pointy, curved claws. With a unique combination of traits, the human hand shaped our history. No question, stone tools couldn't have become a keystone of human technology and subsistence without hands that could do the job, along with a nervous system that could regulate and coordinate the necessary signals. Anybody who's ever attempted to make a spear tip or arrowhead from a rock knows that it requires strong grips, constant rotation and repositioning, and forceful, careful strikes with another hard object. And even with a fair amount of know-how, it can be a bloody business.



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolutionary Significance of the Human Precision Grip 

2. How Human Hand Anatomy Enabled Tool-Making and Survival 

3. Precision Gripping: A Defining Trait in Human Evolution 

4. The Role of Hand Anatomy in Shaping Human History and Technology 


Main Idea #1:

The human precision grip, enabled by hand anatomy, was a key evolutionary development.


Main Idea #2:

Unlike other primates, humans possess unique hand anatomy that allows for precise grip and manipulation, which was crucial for tool-making and advancing human technology, as well as being supported by a complex nervous system for coordination.



The human hand’s unique anatomy enables precise grips necessary for manipulating objects, setting humans apart from other primates. This precision grip was essential for tool-making, shaping human history and survival.


Key Points:

1. The human precision grip is unique in its efficiency and force. 

2. Anatomical features like a long thumb and flat nails enable fine manipulation. 

3. Tool-making requires strong grips and careful hand coordination. 

4. A complex nervous system aids in regulating hand movements for precision.



[3] 2024 11 수능 – 43~45: 아버지와 아들이 함께 등산하며 관계를 회복하는 이야기


Do you remember when Sean used to tell me that I was the best dad in the world? Ethan asked his wife, Grace. Yes, I do. I always envied your relationship with Sean, she replied. Ethan then shared how things had changed since his son started middle school. Grace had noticed Ethan often pushing Sean to study harder. Maybe he isn't that into school right now. How about going hiking, just the two of you? she suggested. He agreed, and realizing that both his and Sean's hiking jackets were still at the laundry, he asked his wife to go and pick them up with him. When did you bring the jackets in? the clerk at the laundry asked. Maybe two weeks ago, Ethan replied. Then, Grace quickly reminded him, "Honey, we actually left them here a month ago." The clerk went into the storage area to look for the clothes. Finally, he returned with the jackets and handed them to Ethan. The clerk politely said, "I am sorry, but please collect your items earlier next time. Our storage is too full." Ethan felt embarrassed for the late collection and apologized. Ethan and Grace came back home with the jackets and checked if Sean had everything else he needed for hiking. Luckily, in his drawers they found his hat, shoes, sunglasses, and hiking sticks. When Sean returned from school, Ethan softly said, "Sean, let's go hiking this Saturday, just the two of us." Though Sean thanked him for the suggestion, he said he had to go to the library. Grace stepped in, "You know, the weather this weekend will be the best of the year. Why not enjoy it?" After a moment's hesitation, he agreed. The weather was perfect. Ethan and Sean set off hiking along the valley by Aicken Mountain. They walked in silence until Sean fell over a rock and twisted his ankle. Realizing he couldn't walk, Ethan carried his son down on his back. He felt Sean's heartbeat, something he hadn't felt since Sean was a baby. Suddenly, Sean said, "Dad, I'm sorry. At some point, I started to become afraid of disappointing you. But you are still the best dad." Energized, he felt no weight on his back and replied, "You are the best son, no matter what."



Possible Titles:

1. Rekindling a Father-Son Bond Through a Memorable Hiking Trip 

2. A Hiking Trip Brings Understanding Between Father and Son 

3. How a Father and Son Reconnected on Aicken Mountain 

4. Overcoming Expectations: A Father and Son’s Journey to Acceptance 


Main Idea #1:

Ethan and his son Sean struggle with growing distance as Sean starts middle school.


Main Idea #2:

Ethan, encouraged by Grace, takes Sean hiking to reconnect, leading to a heartfelt moment where Sean expresses his fear of disappointing his father, allowing them to reaffirm their love and understanding for each other.



Ethan and Sean's relationship grows distant as Ethan pushes him academically. Prompted by Grace, Ethan invites Sean hiking, where Sean shares his fear of disappointing his father. They reconnect, both acknowledging their deep appreciation for one another.


Key Points:

1. Ethan feels distant from Sean as middle school changes their relationship. 

2. Grace suggests a father-son hike to rekindle their bond. 

3. A delay in picking up hiking jackets nearly disrupts the trip. 

4. After Sean injures his ankle, Ethan carries him, and they have a heartfelt conversation.






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전체 내용


[3] 2024 11 수능 – 18: Rosydale City Marathon 악천후로 인해 취소된다는 공지
 Dear Rosydale City Marathon Racers, Rosydale City Marathon 대회 참가자 여러분께,
 We are really grateful to all of you who have signed up for the 10th Rosydale City Marathon that was scheduled for this coming Saturday at 10 a.m. 이번 토요일 오전 10시로 예정되었던 10Rosydale City Marathon 대회에 등록해 주신 모든 분께 진심으로 감사드립니다.
 Unfortunately, as you may already know, the weather forecast says that there is going to be a downpour throughout the race day. 안타깝게도, 이미 알고 계실 수도 있지만, 일기 예보에 따르면 마라톤 대회 당일 내내 폭우가 쏟아질것이라 합니다.
 We truly hoped that the race would go smoothly. 저희는 대회가 순조롭게 진행되기를 진심으로 바랐습니다.
 However, it is likely that the heavy rain will make the roads too slippery and dangerous for the racers to run safely. 하지만 폭우로 인해 대회 참가자들이 안전하게 달리기에는 도로가 너무 미끄럽고 위험해질  같습니다.
 As a result, we have decided to cancel the race. 그래서 저희는 대회를 취소하기로 했습니다.
 We hope you understand and we promise to hold another race in the near future. 여러분의 양해를 부탁드리면서 가까운 미래에 다른대회를 개최할 것을 약속드립니다.
 Sincerely, Martha Kingsley Race Manager 대회 책임자 Martha Kingsley 드림




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 19: 발렌타인데이 이벤트 계획이 실패한 Peter 실망
 It was Valentine's Day on Friday and Peter was certain that his wife, Amy, was going to love his surprise. 금요일은 밸런타인데이였고 Peter 아내 Amy자신의 뜻밖의 선물을 정말 좋아할 것이라고 확신했다.
 Peter had spent a long time searching online for an event that would be a new way to spend time with Amy. Peter Amy 시간을 보내는 새로운 방식이 이벤트를 온라인에서 찾느라 오랜 시간을 보냈다.
 He had finally found the perfect thing for her. 그는 마침내 그녀에게  맞는 것을 찾아냈다.
 She often told him that she liked to go to places she had never visited before, and he was absolutely sure that she would love going to the new, five-star restaurant downtown. 그녀는 전에 전혀   적이 없는 곳에 가보고 싶다고 그에게 자주 말했고, 그는 그녀가 시내에 새로생긴 5성급 레스토랑에 가면 정말 좋아할 것이라고전적으로 확신했다.
 He smiled as he called the restaurant and asked for a reservation for Friday. 그는  레스토랑에 전화를 걸어 금요일의 예약을요청하며 미소를 지었다.
 Unfortunately, his smile quickly disappeared when he was told that the restaurant was fully reserved. 안타깝게도, 그가  레스토랑의 예약이  찼다는말을 들었을  그의 미소는  사라졌다.
 That's too bad, he said quietly. 그는 "너무 안타깝네요."라고 조용히 말했다.
 I thought that I had found the right place. 저는  맞는 장소를 찾아냈다고 생각했거든요.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 20: 학습에 도움을   있는 게임 개발의 필요성 제안
 We almost universally accept that playing video games is at best a pleasant break from a student's learning and more often what prevents a student from accomplishing their goals. 우리는 거의 보편적으로 비디오 게임을 하는 것이기껏해야 학생이 학습에서 잠시 벗어나는 즐거운휴식이고,  흔히는 학생이 목표를 이루는 것을 방해하는 것이라 받아들인다.
 Games catch and hold attention in a way that few things can. 게임은 다른 어떤 것도 거의   없는 방식으로주의를 사로잡고 계속해서 유지한다.
 And yet once they have our focus, they rarely seem to offer anything meaningful to help students grow in their lives outside the games. 하지만 일단 그것이 우리의 집중을 얻고 나면, 그것은 게임 이외의 삶에서 학생들이 성장하는  도움이 되는 의미 있는 무언가를 제공하는 경우는 거의없는  같다.
 While this may be true for many games, we are too easily ignoring a valuable tool that could be used to enhance productivity instead of derailing it. 많은 게임에 대해 이것이 사실일 수도 있지만, 우리는 생산성을 저해하는 대신 생산성을 향상하는 사용될 수도 있는 가치 있는 도구를 너무 쉽게 무시하고 있다.
 Rather, it is desirable that we develop games that connect to the learning outcomes we want for our students. 오히려, 우리가 학생들에게 원하는 학습 성과와 연결되는 게임을 개발하는 것이 바람직하다.
 This will enable educators to take advantage of games' attention commanding capacities and allow our students to enjoy their games while learning. 이를 통해 교육자들은 게임의 주의력 지배 능력을활용할  있게 되고, 우리 학생들은 학습하면서 게임을 즐길  있게  것이다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 21: 건축가가 학문적 지식을 통해 권위를 얻어야 하는 이유
 The position of the architect rose during the Roman Empire, as architecture symbolically became a particularly important political statement. 건축가의 지위는 로마 제국 시대에 상승했는데, 이는 건축이 상징적으로 특히 중요한 정치적 성명이되었기 때문이다.
 Cicero classed the architect with the physician and the teacher and Vitruvius spoke of "so great a profession as this." Cicero 건축가를 의사와 교사와 같은 부류에 넣었으며, Vitruvius '이토록 위대한 직업' 대해말했다.
 Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, a practicing architect during the rule of Augustus Caesar, recognized that architecture requires both practical and theoretical knowledge, and he listed the disciplines he felt the aspiring architect should master: literature and writing, draftsmanship, mathematics, history, philosophy, music, medicine, law, and astronomy ― a curriculum that still has much to recommend it. Augustus Caesar 통치 시기에 활동하던 건축가인Marcus Vitruvius Pollio 건축이 실용적 지식과이론적 지식을 모두 필요로 한다는 점을 인정했으며, 그는 장차 건축가가 되려는 자가 숙달해야 한다고 생각한 학문 분야를 나열했는데, 이는 문학과 작문, 제도, 수학, 역사, 철학, 음악, 의학, , 그리고천문학이었고, 이것은 여전히 많은 추천을 받는 교육과정이다.
 All of this study was necessary, he argued, because architects who have aimed at acquiring manual skill without scholarship have never been able to reach a position of authority to correspond to their plans, while those who have relied only upon theories and scholarship were obviously "hunting the shadow, not the substance." 그는  모든 학문이 필요하다고 주장했는데,  이유는 학문 없이 손기술을 습득하려  건축가는 결코 자신의 계획에 상응하는 권위 있는 지위에 도달할  없었던 반면, 오로지 이론과 학문에만 의존한건축가는 분명히 '실체가 아닌 그림자를 쫓고 있었기' 때문이다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 22: 감정 이해 능력이 그룹 내에서 긍정적 상호작용을 촉진함
 The ability to understand emotions ― to have a diverse emotion vocabulary and to understand the causes and consequences of emotion ― is particularly relevant in group settings. 감정을 이해하는 능력,  다양한 감정 어휘를 가지고 있고 감정의 원인과 결과를 이해하는 능력은 특히 집단 환경에서 중요하다.
 Individuals who are skilled in this domain are able to express emotions, feelings and moods accurately and thus, may facilitate clear communication between co-workers.  분야에 능숙한 사람들은 감정, 느낌, 그리고 기분을 정확하게 표현할  있으므로, 동료들 간의 명확한 의사소통을 촉진할  있다.
 Furthermore, they may be more likely to act in ways that accommodate their own needs as well as the needs of others (i.e. cooperate). 더욱이, 그들은 자신의 필요뿐만 아니라 타인의 필요도 수용하는 방식으로 행동(, 협력) 가능성이  높을 수도 있다.
 In a group conflict situation, for example, a member with a strong ability to understand emotion will be able to express how he feels about the problem and why he feels this way. 예를 들어, 집단 갈등 상황에서 감정을 이해하는 강력한 능력을 지닌 구성원은 문제에 대해 자신이 어떻게 느끼는지 그리고  그렇게 느끼는지를 표현할  있을 것이다.
 He also should be able to take the perspective of the other group members and understand why they are reacting in a certain manner. 또한 그는 다른 집단 구성원들의 관점을 취하여 그들이  특정한 방식으로 반응하는지 이해할  있을 것이다.
 Appreciation of differences creates an arena for open communication and promotes constructive conflict resolution and improved group functioning. 다름에 대한 이해는 열린 의사소통을 위한 장을 만들고 건설적인 갈등 해결과 집단 기능 향상을 촉진한다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 23: 산업화가 시간, 노동, 자본의 관계를 변화시킨 방식 설명
 The arrival of the Industrial Age changed the relationship among time, labor, and capital. 산업 시대의 도래는 시간, 노동, 자본 사이의 관계를 변화시켰다.
 Factories could produce around the clock, and they could do so with greater speed and volume than ever before. 공장은 24시간 내내 생산할  있었고, 이전 어느때보다  빠른 속도와  많은 양으로 그렇게  있었다.
 A machine that runs twelve hours a day will produce more widgets than one that runs for only eight hours per day ― and a machine that runs twenty-four hours per day will produce the most widgets of all. 하루 12시간 가동되는 기계는 하루 8시간만 가동되는 기계보다  많은 제품을 생산할 것이고, 하루24시간 가동되는 기계는 모든 기계  가장 많은제품을 생산할 것이다.
 As such, at many factories, the workday is divided into eight-hour shifts, so that there will always be people on hand to keep the widget machines humming. 따라서 많은 공장에서 작업일은 8시간 근무 교대로나누어져서, 제품(생산) 기계가 쉬지 않고 돌아가도록 언제나 인력이 배치되어 있을 것이다.
 Industrialization raised the potential value of every single work hour ― the more hours you worked, the more widgets you produced, and the more money you made ― and thus wages became tied to effort and production. 산업화는 모든 개별 근무 시간의 잠재적 가치를 높였는데,  많은 시간을 일했을수록,  많은 제품을 생산했고,  많은 돈을 벌었으며, 이로써 임금은 노력과 생산량에 연계되었다.
 Labor, previously guided by harvest cycles, became clock-oriented, and society started to reorganize around new principles of productivity. 이전에는 수확 주기를 따르던 노동이 시계 중심이되었고, 사회는 새로운 생산성의 원칙을 중심으로재조직되기 시작했다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 24: 셀피가 자아 표현의 역사적 연장선에 있음을 논의
 The selfie resonates not because it is new, but because it expresses, develops, expands, and intensifies the long history of the self-portrait. 셀피가 공명하는 이유는 그것이 새롭기 때문이 아니라, 자화상의 오랜 역사를 표현하고 발전시키며확장하고 강화하기 때문이다.
 The self-portrait showed to others the status of the person depicted. 자화상은 그려진 사람의 지위를 다른 사람들에게보여 주었다.
 In this sense, what we have come to call our own "image" ― the interface of the way we think we look and the way others see us ― is the first and fundamental object of global visual culture. 이런 의미에서, 우리가 자신의 '이미지',  우리가생각하는 우리의 모습과 다른 사람들이 우리를 보는 방식의 접점이라고 부르게  것은 세계적 시각문화의  번째이자 근본적인 대상이다.
 The selfie depicts the drama of our own daily performance of ourselves in tension with our inner emotions that may or may not be expressed as we wish. 셀피는 우리가 바라는 대로 표현될 수도 있고 그렇지 않을 수도 있는 우리의 내면적 감정과 긴장 관계에 있는, 우리 자신의 일상적 수행의 드라마를 그린다.
 At each stage of the self-portrait's expansion, more and more people have been able to depict themselves. 자화상 확장의  단계에서 점점  많은 사람이 자신을 그릴  있게 되었다.
 Today's young, urban, networked majority has reworked the history of the self-portrait to make the selfie into the first visual signature of the new era. 오늘날의 젊고, 도시에 살며, 네트워크로 연결된 다수는 셀피를 새로운 시대의  번째 시각적 특징으로 만들기 위해 자화상의 역사를 다시 만들었다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 25: 2020~2022 미국 영화에서 여성 제작자 비율의 변화
 The graph above shows the percentages of women employed behind the scenes on the top 100 U.S. films by role in 2020, 2021, and 2022.  그래프는 2020, 2021, 그리고 2022년에미국 상위 100 영화의 제작 현장에 고용된 여성의 비율을 역할별로 보여 준다.
 For each of the three years, the percentage of women employed as producers on the top 100 U.S. films was the highest as compared with the percentages of each of the other three roles.   연도 각각에서, 상위 100 미국 영화의 제작자로 고용된 여성의 비율이 다른  가지 역할 각각의 비율과 비교하여 가장 높았다.
 The percentage of women employed as directors on the top 100 U.S. films in 2021 was lower than in 2020 but higher than in 2022. 2021년에 상위 100 미국 영화에서 감독으로 고용된 여성의 비율은, 2020년보다는  낮았지만2022년보다는  높았다.
 The percentage of women employed as writers on the top 100 U.S. films increased by 4 percentage points from 2020 to 2021 and by 1 percentage point from 2021 to 2022. 상위 100 미국 영화에서 작가로 고용된 여성의비율은 2020년에서 2021년까지는 4퍼센트포인트가 증가했고, 2021년에서 2022년까지는 1퍼센트포인트가 증가했다.
 The percentage of women employed as editors on the top 100 U.S. films was less than 20% in each of the three years. 상위 100 미국 영화에서 편집자로 고용된 여성의비율은   연도에서 각각 20%보다  낮았다.
 In 2022, the percentage of women employed as producers on the top 100 U.S. films was the same as that in 2020. 2022년에 상위 100 미국 영화에서 제작자로 고용된 여성의 비율은 2020년의 비율과 같았다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 26: 미국 스포츠 방송인 Dick Enberg 경력과 업적 설명
 Dick Enberg was one of America's most beloved sports broadcasters. Dick Enberg 미국의 가장 사랑받는 스포츠 방송인   명이었다.
 He was born in Michigan in 1935. 그는 1935년에 Michigan에서 태어났다.
 In the early 1960s, he became an assistant professor at San Fernando Valley State College, where he also served as a coach of its baseball team. 1960년대 초에, 그는 San Fernando Valley 주립대학의 조교수가 되었으며, 그곳에서 그는  대학의 야구팀 코치로도 활동했다.
 Afterwards, he began a full-time sportscasting career in Los Angeles. 후에 그는 Los Angeles에서 전업 스포츠 방송 일을시작했다.
 In 1973, he became the first U.S. sportscaster ever to visit China. 1973년에 그는 역사상 중국을 방문한 최초의 미국스포츠 방송 진행자가 되었다.
 He joined NBC Sports in 1975 and remained with the network for about 25 years, covering such big events as the Olympics. 그는 1975년에 NBC Sports 합류하여  방송국에  25년간 남아 있었고, 올림픽과 같은 대규모행사를 보도했다.
 He later worked for other major sports broadcasting stations. 그는 후에 다른 주요 스포츠 방송국에서 일했다.
 He made his last live broadcast in 2016 and died the following year at the age of 82. 그는 2016년에 자신의 마지막 생방송을 했고  다음 해에 82세의 나이로 사망했다.
 He served as Chairman of the American Sportscaster Association for more than three decades. 그는 30 넘게 American Sportscaster Association 회장직을 역임했다.
 Enberg was also a best-selling writer and won Emmy Awards as a sportscaster, a writer, and a producer. Enberg 또한 베스트셀러 작가였으며, 스포츠 방송 진행자, 작가, 그리고 제작자로 Emmy Awards 수상했다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 29: 자동화된 신체 움직임이 뇌의 자원을 절약하는 방식
 Think of yourself. 자신을 생각해 보라.
 When you decide to get up and get a drink of water, for example, you don't consciously organize or consider the host of steps involved. 예를 들어, 여러분은 일어서서 물을 마시기로 결정할 , 그와 관련된 많은 단계를 의식적으로 조직하거나 고려하지 않는다.
 Imagine if we had to consider every single muscle that needed to be contracted or relaxed just to stand up and walk. 우리가 단지 일어서서 걸으려면 수축되거나 이완되어야 하는 모든 하나하나의 근육을 고려해야 하는경우를 상상해 보라.
 It would be tiresome and very slow ― as patients recovering from a brain injury affecting the motor system know. 그것은 성가시고 아주 느릴 것인데, 운동계에 영향을 미치는  손상에서 회복 중인 환자들이 알고 있는 것처럼 말이다.
 The autopilot parts of our brain do it for us automatically, freeing up our conscious mind for more important jobs. 우리 뇌의 자동 조종 부위가 우리를 위해 자동으로그것을 해서,  중요한 일을 위해 우리의 의식적마음을 확보해 준다.
 It is the older parts of our brain that support these automatic processes that allow us to move, hear, see, and use many of our social skills. 우리가 움직이고, 듣고, 보고, 우리의 많은 사회적기술을 사용할  있게 해주는 이러한 자동적 과정을 지원하는 것은 우리 뇌의 오래된 부위들이다.
 More recently evolved abilities like talking, reading, and writing are far less automated. 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기와 같은  최근에 진화된 능력들은 훨씬  자동화되어 있다.
 So, most of the time, what you are perceiving, feeling, or thinking is based on a very crude and fast analysis that happens completely without your awareness. 그래서 대개는, 여러분이 지각하거나, 느끼거나, 생각하는 것은 완전히 여러분의 의식 없이 일어나는매우 투박하고 빠른 분석에 기반한다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 30: 경쟁이 동기 부여에 부정적 영향을 미칠  있는 이유
 Studies in psychology have reported cases in which competitive incentives resulted in lower task effort, and their focus was on the psychological underpinnings of the reduction in motivation. 심리학 연구에서는 경쟁적 유인책이 과업 노력의감소를 유발한 사례들을 보고했으며, 그것들은 동기 감소의 심리적 기반에 초점을 두었다.
 For example, competition presents an inevitable conflict between the motivation to achieve one's personal goal and the desire to maintain good relationships with others. 예를 들어, 경쟁은 개인의 목표를 달성하려는 동기와 다른 사람들과 좋은 관계를 유지하려는 욕구 사이에 피할  없는 갈등을 제공한다.
 When the maintenance of interpersonal relationships is important, with their counterparts in particular or with others generally, competitors experience an internal conflict that can harm their desire to achieve their goal and taint the good feeling brought about by winning. 구체적으로는 자신의 상대와 혹은 일반적으로는 타인과의 대인 관계 유지가 중요할 , 경쟁하는 이들은 자신의 목표를 달성하려는 욕구에 손상을 주고승리로 인해 생기는 좋은 기분을 더럽힐  있는 내적 갈등을 경험한다.
 Exline and Lobel found that the perception of oneself as a target for upward social comparison often makes people uncomfortable. Exline Lobel 상향 사회적 비교의 대상으로 자신을 인식하는 것이 흔히 사람들을 불편하게 만든다는 것을 발견했다.
 When they believe that others are making envious comparisons with them, people feel uneasiness, distress, or sorrow. 사람들은 다른 사람들이 질투하며 자신과 비교하고있다고 생각하면, 불안, 괴로움, 혹은 슬픔을 느낀다.
 Feelings of guilt, an emotion generally associated with high motivation for goal-achievement, lead to weaker motivation and performance in the pursuit of competitive goals. 일반적으로 목표 달성에 대한 높은 동기와 연관된감정인 죄책감은 경쟁적 목표를 추구할 때의 동기와 성과를  약하게 만든다.
 Consequences of this emotional state include lower task motivation in a competition and preferences for more cooperative and altruistic outcomes, such as diminishing the significance of the outcome or sharing the winner's reward. 이러한 감정 상태의 결과에는 경쟁에서 과업 동기의 감소, 그리고 결과의 중요성을 줄이거나 승자의보상을 나누는 것과 같은  협력적이고 이타주의의 결과에 대한 선호가 포함된다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 31: 문학이 외국어 학습에서 개인적 몰입을 유도하는 방식
 Literature can be helpful in the language learning process because of the personal involvement it fosters in readers. 문학은 그것이 독자에게 촉진하는 개인적 몰입 때문에 언어 학습 과정에 도움이   있다.
 Core language teaching materials must concentrate on how a language operates both as a rule-based system and as a sociosemantic system. 핵심 언어 교육 자료는 언어가 규칙 기반 체계이자사회의미론적인 체계로서 어떻게 작동하는지에 중점을 두어야 한다.
 Very often, the process of learning is essentially analytic, piecemeal, and, at the level of the personality, fairly superficial. 매우 흔히, 학습 과정은 본질적으로 분석적이고 단편적이며, 개인의 수준에서는 상당히 피상적이다.
 Engaging imaginatively with literature enables learners to shift the focus of their attention beyond the more mechanical aspects of the foreign language system. 상상력을 발휘하여 문학에 몰입함으로써 학습자는주의의 초점을 외국어 체계의  기계적인 측면 너머로 전환할  있게 된다.
 When a novel, play or short story is explored over a period of time, the result is that the reader begins to 'inhabit' the text. 소설, 희곡, 혹은 단편 소설을 일정 기간 탐구하면,  결과로 독자는  글에 '깃들기' 시작한다.
 He or she is drawn into the book.  독자는  속으로 빨려 들어간다.
 Pinpointing what individual words or phrases may mean becomes less important than pursuing the development of the story. 개별 단어나 어구가 무엇을 의미할 수도 있는지 정확히 집어내는 것은 이야기 전개를 따라가는 것보다  중요해진다.
 The reader is eager to find out what happens as events unfold; he or she feels close to certain characters and shares their emotional responses. 독자는 사건이 전개되면서 무슨 일이 일어나는지간절히 알아내고 싶어 하고,  독자는 특정 등장인물들과 친밀감을 느끼며 그들의 감정적 반응을 공유한다.
 The language becomes 'transparent' ― the fiction draws the whole person into its own world. 언어는 '투명'해지는데, 소설은  사람 전체를 자신의 세계로 끌어들인다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 32: 교육이 비판적 사고를 통해 감정에 의존하지 않도록 
 Education, at its best, teaches more than just knowledge. 교육은 최고의 모습에서는 단순한 지식 이상을 가르친다.
 It teaches critical thinking: the ability to stop and think before acting, to avoid succumbing to emotional pressures. 그것은 비판적 사고,  행동하기 전에 멈추어 생각할  있는, 감정적 압박에 굴복하는 것을 피하는능력을 가르친다.
 This is not thought control. 이것은 사고 통제가 아니다.
 It is the very reverse: mental liberation. 그것은 바로 정반대인 정신적 해방이다.
 Even the most advanced intellectual will be imperfect at this skill. 심지어 가장 지적으로 발달한 사람조차도  기능은 불완전할 것이다.
 But even imperfect possession of it frees a person from the burden of being 'stimulus-driven', constantly reacting to the immediate environment, the brightest colours or loudest sounds. 하지만 그것을 불완전하게나마 소유하는 것은 인접한 주변 환경, 가장 밝은색이나 가장  소리에 끊임없이 반응하면서 '자극에 유도'되는 것에 대한 부담에서 사람을 벗어나게 한다.
 Being driven by heuristic responses, living by instinct and emotion all the time, is a very easy way to live, in many ways: thought is effortful, especially for the inexperienced. 휴리스틱 반응에 의해 유도되는 ,  항상 본능과감정에 따라 사는 것은 여러 면에서 매우 쉬운 삶의방식인데, 사고는 특히 경험이 없는 사람들에게는노력을 필요로 한다.
 But emotions are also exhausting, and short-term reactions may not, in the long term, be the most beneficial for health and survival. 그러나 감정도 또한 지치게 하고, 단기적인 반응은장기적으로   건강과 생존에 가장 유익하지 않을 수도 있다.
 Just as we reach for burgers for the sake of convenience, storing up the arterial fat which may one day kill us, so our reliance on feelings can do us great harm. 우리가 편리함을 얻으려고 햄버거에 손을 뻗어 언젠가 우리의 목숨을 앗아갈지도 모르는 동맥 지방을 축적하는 것처럼, 우리가 감정에 의존하는 것은우리에게  해를 끼칠  있다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 33: 관심 경제에서 소비자의 관심을 상품으로 판매하는 방식
 We are famously living in the era of the attention economy, where the largest and most profitable businesses in the world are those that consume my attention. 우리는  알려져 있는 바와 같이 세상에서 가장 크고 수익성이 가장 높은 사업은 나의 관심을 '소비하는' 사업인 관심 경제의 시대에 살고 있다.
 The advertising industry is literally dedicated to capturing the conscious hours of my life and selling them to someone else. 광고 산업은  그대로  삶의 의식적인 시간을 포착하여 다른 누군가에게 그것을 판매하는  전념한다.
 It might seem magical that so many exciting and useful software systems are available to use for free, but it is now conventional wisdom that if you can't see who is paying for something that appears to be free, then the real product being sold is you. 너무나 많은 흥미롭고 유용한 소프트웨어 시스템을무료로 사용할  있는 것이 아주 멋지게 보일 수도있지만, 무료인 것처럼 보이는 것에 대해 누가 비용을 지불하고 있는지   없다면, 그렇다면 팔리고있는 진짜 제품은 바로 여러분이라는 것은 이제 일반 통념이다.
 Our creative engagement with other people is mediated by AI-based recommendation systems that are designed to trap our attention through the process that Nick Seaver calls captology, keeping us attending to work sold by one company rather than another, replacing the freedom of personal exploration with algorithm-generated playlists or even algorithm-generated art. 다른 사람들과 맺는 우리의 창의적 관계는 Nick Seaver 'captology'라고 부르는 과정을 통해 우리의 관심을 붙잡고,  회사가 아니라 어떤  회사에 의해 판매되는 제품에 우리가 계속 관심을 쏟게하고, 개인적 탐색의 자유를 알고리즘이 생성한 재생 목록이나 심지어 알고리즘이 생성한 예술로 대체하도록 고안된 AI 기반 추천 시스템의 영향을 받는다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 34: 규칙이 역할과 관행을 만들며 생산 활동을 촉진함
 Centralized, formal rules can facilitate productive activity by establishing roles and practices. 중앙 집권화되고 공식적인 규칙은 역할과 관행을확립함으로써 생산적인 활동을 촉진할  있다.
 The rules of baseball don't just regulate the behavior of the players; they determine the behavior that constitutes playing the game. 야구 규칙은 그저 선수들의 행동을 규제하는 것만이 아니라, 경기하는 것을 구성하는 행동을 결정한다.
 Rules do not prevent people from playing baseball; they create the very practice that allows people to play baseball. 규칙은 사람들이 야구를 하지 못하게 막는  아니라, 사람들이 야구를   있게 하는 바로  관행을 만들어 낸다.
 A score of music imposes rules, but it also creates a pattern of conduct that enables people to produce music. 악보는 규칙을 부과하지만, 그것은 또한 사람들이음악을 만들  있게 하는 행동 양식을 만들어 내기도 한다.
 Legal rules that enable the formation of corporations, that enable the use of wills and trusts, that create negotiable instruments, and that establish the practice of contracting all make practices that create new opportunities for individuals. 기업의 형성을 가능하게 하는 법규, 유언장과 신탁금의 사용을 가능하게 하는 법규, 양도성 증권을 만들어 내는 법규, 계약의 관행을 확립하는 법규는 모두 사람들을 위해 새로운 기회를 만들어 내는 관행을 만든다.
 And we have legal rules that establish roles individuals play within the legal system, such as judges, trustees, partners, and guardians. 그리고 우리에게는 판사, 신탁 관리자, 동업자, 후견인과 같은 법률 시스템 내에서 개인이 수행하는역할을 확립하는 법규가 있다.
 True, the legal rules that establish these roles constrain the behavior of individuals who occupy them, but rules also create the roles themselves. 물론, 이러한 역할을 확립하는 법규는  역할을 차지하는 사람들의 행동을 제약하지만, 규칙 스스로가 또한 역할을 만들어 내기도 한다.
 Without them an individual would not have the opportunity to occupy the role. 그것들이 없다면 개인은 역할을 차지할 기회를 갖지 못할 것이다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 35: 자동차가 스포츠 관광 발전에 미친 영향
 The expansion of sports tourism in the twentieth century has been influenced by further developments in transportation. 20세기의 스포츠 관광의 확대는 교통수단이 더욱발전되는 것에 영향을 받았다.
 Just as the railways revolutionized travel in the nineteenth century, so the automobile produced even more dramatic changes in the twentieth. 철도가 19세기에 여행에 혁신을 일으켰던 것과 마찬가지로, 자동차가 20세기에 훨씬  극적인 변화를 일으켰다.
 The significance of the car in the development of sport and tourism generally has attracted considerable coverage and it has had no less an impact on sports tourism specifically. 스포츠와 관광의 발전에서의 자동차의 중요성은 일반적으로 상당한 주목을 끌었으며, 구체적으로는스포츠 관광에 못지않은 영향을 미쳤다.
 Although originally invented towards the end of the nineteenth century, it started to become a mass form of transport in the 1920s in the USA and rather later in Britain. 자동차는 원래 19세기 말에 접어들면서 발명되었지만, 1920년대에 미국에서, 그리고 상당히  늦게영국에서 대중적인 교통수단이 되기 시작했다.
 Apart from its convenience and flexibility, the car has the additional advantages of affording access to many areas not served by public transport, as well as allowing the easy transport of luggage and equipment. 자동차는 편리함과 유연성 외에도 짐과 장비를 쉽게 운송해 준다는 것과 더불어 대중교통이 제공되지 않는 많은 지역에 접근하게  준다는 추가적인장점이 있다.
 As a result, it was invaluable for the development of many forms of sports tourism but especially those which require the transportation of people and equipment to relatively remote locations.  결과, 그것은 여러 형태의 스포츠 관광, 특히 사람과 장비를 비교적  곳으로 운송해야 하는 스포츠 관광 형태가 발전하는  매우 유용했다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 36: 농업 공동체에서 평판이 시장 강제력을 형성하는 방식
 The potential for market enforcement is greater when contracting parties have developed reputational capital that can be devalued when contracts are violated. 시장 규제 집행 가능성은 계약 당사자들이 계약 위반  가치가 떨어질  있는 평판 자본을 구축한경우에  크다.
 Farmers and landowners develop reputations for honesty, fairness, producing high yields, and consistently demonstrating that they are good at what they do. 농부와 지주는 높은 수확량을 생산하고, 자신이 하는 일을 잘한다는 것을 지속적으로 입증하면서 정직함과 공정함에 대한 평판을 쌓아 나간다.
 In small, close-knit farming communities, reputations are well known. 소규모의 긴밀히 맺어진 농업 공동체에서는 평판이 알려져 있다.
 Over time landowners indirectly monitor farmers by observing the reported output, the general quality of the soil, and any unusual or extreme behavior. 시간이 지나면서 지주들은 보고된 생산량, 토양의전반적인 , 어떤 보기 드물거나 극단적인 행동을관찰하여 농부들을 간접적으로 감시한다.
 Farmer and landowner reputations act as a bond. 농부와 지주의 평판은 계약의 역할을 한다.
 In any growing season a farmer can reduce effort, overuse soil, or underreport the crop. 어떤  재배 철에 농부는 노력을 줄이거나 토양을과도하게 사용하거나 작물을 축소 보고할  있다.
 Similarly, a landowner can undermaintain fences, ditches, and irrigation systems. 마찬가지로, 지주는 울타리, 도랑, 관개 시스템을제대로 관리하지 않을  있다.
 Accurate assessments of farmer and landowner behavior will be made over time, and those farmers and landowners who attempt to gain at each other's expense will find that others may refuse to deal with them in the future. 농부와 지주의 행동에 대한 정확한 평가는 시간이지남에 따라 이루어질 것이고, 상대방의 비용으로이익을 취하려고 시도하는 농부와 지주는 다른 사람들이 향후 그들과의 거래를 거부할 수도 있다는것을 알게  것이다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 37: 감정 전염이 새들의 포식자 회피 행동에서 배열 형태에 따라 미치는 영향
 Watch the birds in your backyard. 뒷마당의 새를 관찰해보라.
 If one bird startles and flies off, others will follow, not waiting around to assess whether the threat is real.   마리가 놀라 날아오르면 다른 새들도 위협의진위를 판단하기 위해 기다리지 않고 뒤따를 것이다.
 They have been infected by emotional contagion. 그것들은 감정 전염에 감염되었다.
 In a long-term research project that Marc did with some of his students on patterns of antipredatory scanning by western evening grosbeaks, they found that birds in a circle showed more coordination in scanning than did birds who were feeding in a line. Marc 자신의 학생  명과 함께 진행한 서양 콩새류의 포식자 회피 관찰 패턴에 관한 장기 연구 프로젝트에서, 그들은 일렬로 먹이를 먹고 있는 새보다 원을 그리고 있는 새들이 관찰에  많은 조정력을 보인다는 사실을 발견했다.
 The birds in a line, who could only see their nearest neighbor, not only were less coordinated when scanning, but also were more nervous, changing their body and head positions significantly more than grosbeaks in a circle, where it was possible for each grosbeak to see every other grosbeak. 일렬로 늘어선 새들은, 가장 가까운 이웃만  있었는데, 관찰할  조정력이 떨어졌을 뿐만 아니라  긴장한 상태였고 원을 그리고 있는 콩새들보다 몸과 머리 위치를 훨씬  많이 바꾸었는데, 원을 그린 상태에서는 각각의 콩새가 다른 모든 콩새를   있었다.
 Marc wondered whether the birds in line were more fearful because they didn't know what their flockmates were doing. Marc 줄을  새들이 자기 무리가 무엇을 하는지모르기 때문에  두려운 것은 아닌지 궁금해했다.
 Emotional contagion would have been impossible for individual grosbeaks in the linear array except with their nearest neighbors. 감정 전염은 선형 배열에 있는 개개의 콩새류에 가장 가까운 곳에 있는 이웃을 제외하고는 불가능했을 것이다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 38: 비밀 유지가 혁신 보호에 미치는 영향과 문제점
 Trade secret law aims to promote innovation, although it accomplishes this objective in a very different manner than patent protection. 영업상의 비밀 법은 혁신을 촉진하는 것이 목표이지만, 특허 보호와는 매우 다른 방식으로  목표를이룬다.
 Notwithstanding the advantages of obtaining a patent, many innovators prefer to protect their innovation through secrecy. 특허 취득의 장점에도 불구하고 많은 혁신가는 비밀 유지를 통해 자신의 혁신을 보호하는 것을 선호한다.
 They may believe that the cost and delay of seeking a patent are too great or that secrecy better protects their investment and increases their profit. 그들은 특허를 따는  있어서의 비용과 지연이 너무 크거나 비밀 유지가 투자를   보호하고 수익을 증가시킨다고 믿을 수도 있다.
 They might also believe that the invention can best be utilized over a longer period of time than a patent would allow. 그들은 또한  발명품이 특허가 허용할 것보다 오랜 기간 최고로 활용될  있다고 믿을 수도 있다.
 Without any special legal protection for trade secrets, however, the secretive inventor risks that an employee or contractor will disclose the proprietary information. 그러나 영업상의 비밀에 대한 어떤 특별한 법적 보호가 없다면, 비밀주의의 발명가는 직원이나 계약자가 독점 정보를 드러낼 위험을 감수하게 된다.
 Once the idea is released, it will be "free as the air" under the background norms of a free market economy. 일단  아이디어가 공개되면, 그것은 자유 시장 경제의 이면 규범에 따라 '공기처럼 자유롭게' 유출될것이다.
 Such a predicament would lead any inventor seeking to rely upon secrecy to spend an inordinate amount of resources building high and impassable fences around their research facilities and greatly limiting the number of people with access to the proprietary information. 이러한 곤경으로 인해 비밀 유지에 의존하려는 모든 발명가는 자신의 연구 시설 주변에 높고 통과할 없는 울타리를 치고 독점 정보에 접근할 권리를가진 사람의 수를 크게 제한하는  과도한 양의 자원을 소비하게  것이다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 39: 유지  수리의 과정이 기술의 수명을 연장하는 방식
 By their very nature, the concepts of maintenance and repair are predominantly examined from a process-oriented perspective. 그야말로 본질적으로, 정비와 수리의 개념은 과정지향적인 관점에서 주로 검토된다.
 The focus in related scholarly discourse often revolves around the lifespan or lifecycle of objects and technologies. 관련된 학문적 담론의 초점은 흔히 물건과 기술의수명 또는 생애 주기를 중심으로 이루어진다.
 In this context, maintenance and repair are considered practices that have the potential to prolong the existence of objects, ensuring their sustained utilization over an extended period. 이러한 맥락에서 정비와 수리는 물건의 존재를 연장하여 장기간에 걸쳐 지속적인 활용을 보장할 있는 잠재력을 가진 행위로 여겨진다.
 Krebs and Weber critically engage with anthropomorphic metaphors that imply a biography of things, appropriately highlighting that conventional understanding of the lifecycle of a technology, from its acquisition to its disposal from the household, provides an incomplete definition. Krebs Weber 물건의 일대기를 암시하는 의인화된 은유를 비판적으로 사용하여, 기술의 수명 주기에 대한 관례적인 이해가, 기술의 획득부터 가정에서의 그것의 폐기에 이르기까지, 불완전한 정의를 제공한다는 점을 적절히 강조한다.
 In reality, objects do not conform to a linear lifecycle model; instead, they undergo breakdowns, await repairs, are stored away, or find themselves relegated to the basement, only to be rediscovered and repurposed later. 실제로 물건은 선형적인 수명 주기 모형을 따르지않고, 대신에 고장을 겪거나, 수리를 기다리거나, 사용되지 않고 보관되거나, 지하실로 추방되거나했다가, 결국 나중에 다시 발견되어 용도가 변경되기도 한다.
 Additionally, objects may enter recycling or second-hand cycles, leading to a dynamic afterlife marked by diverse applications. 게다가, 물건은 재활용 또는 중고품 순환 과정으로들어갈 수도 있어서 다양한 용도가 특징인 역동적인 사후 생애를 맞이하기도 한다.
 As such, the life of an object exhibits a far more complicated and adaptive path than a simplistic linear progression. 그와 같이 물건의 생애는 단순한 선형적 진행보다는 훨씬  복잡하고 적응적인 경로를 보인다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 40: 합성 식품 성분과 자연 식품 성분의 안전성 비교
 People often assume that synthetic food ingredients are more harmful than natural ones, but this is not always the case. 사람들은 흔히 합성 식품 성분이 천연 성분보다 해롭다고 가정하지만, 이것이 항상 그런 것은 아니다.
 Typically, synthetic ingredients can be made in a precisely controlled fashion and have well-defined compositions and properties, allowing careful evaluation of their potential toxicity. 일반적으로 합성 성분은 정밀하게 통제된 방식으로만들어질  있으며, 성분의 조합과 특성이  정의되어 있어 잠재적인 독성을 주의 깊게 평가할  있다.
 On the other hand, natural ingredients often vary appreciably in their composition and properties depending on their origin, the time of year they were harvested, the climate they experienced throughout their lifetime, the soil quality, and how they were isolated and stored. 반면에 천연 성분은 원산지, 수확된 시기, 살아 있을 경험한 기후, 토양의 , 분리되고 저장된 방식에따라 성분의 조합과 특성이 상당히 차이를 보이는경우가 많다.
 These variations can make testing their safety extremely difficult ― one is never sure about the potential toxicity of minor components that may vary from time to time. 이러한 변동성으로 인해 안전성을 테스트하기가 매우 어려울  있는데, 그때그때 달라질  있는 미세성분들의 잠재적인 독성에 대해 결코 확신할  없다.
 In some cases, a natural food component has been consumed for hundreds or thousands of years without causing any obvious health problems and can, therefore, be assumed to be safe. 어떤 경우에는 천연 식품 성분이 수백  또는 수천 동안 명백한 건강 문제를 일으키지 않고 소비되어 왔기에 안전하다고 가정될  있다.
 However, one must still be very careful. 하지만 여전히 매우 주의해야 한다.
 [Summary] The controllability of the production process for synthetic food ingredients and the variability of natural food ingredients may challenge people's commonly held assumption that the natural ingredients are more secure. [Summary] 합성 식품 성분 생산 과정의 통제 가능성과 천연 식품 성분의 변동성은 천연 성분이 안전하다는 사람들의 일반적인 가정에 이의를 제기할  있다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 41~42: 인간 손의 진화가 도구 제작에 기여한 방식 설명
 Imagine grabbing a piece of paper between your thumb and index finger. 여러분의 엄지손가락과 집게손가락 사이에  장의종이를 쥐는 것을 상상해 보라.
 Maybe you already are, as you turn this page. 어쩌면 여러분은  페이지를 넘기면서 이미 하고있을지도 모른다.
 We use this type of forceful, pad-to-pad precision gripping without thinking about it, and literally in a snap. 우리는 이러한 유형의 힘을 써서 손가락  살이 맞닿는 정밀하게 쥐는 법을 그것에 대하여 아무 생각없이,  그대로 순식간에 사용한다.
 Yet it was a breakthrough in human evolution. 그러나 그것은 인류 진화의 획기적 발전이었다.
 Other primates exhibit some kinds of precision grips in the handling and use of objects, but not with the kind of efficient opposition that our hand anatomy allows. 다른 영장류도 물체를 다루고 사용할  일종의 정밀한 쥐기를 보이지만, 우리 손의 해부학적 구조가허용하는 종류의 효율적인 (엄지와 다른 손가락의)마주 닿음은 아니다.
 In a single hand, humans can easily hold and manipulate objects, even small and delicate ones, while adjusting our fingers to their shape and reorienting them with displacements of our fingertip pads.  손에서, 인간은 작고 깨지기 쉬운 물체조차도 쉽게 잡고 조작할  있으며, 한편 모양에 맞게 우리의 손가락을 조정하고 우리의 손가락   부분을이동시켜 그것의 방향을 바꿀  있다.
 Our relatively long, powerful thumb and other anatomical attributes, including our flat nails (which nearly all primates possess), make this possible. 우리의 비교적 길고 강력한 엄지손가락과 (거의 모든 영장류가 소유한) 평평한 손톱을 포함하여 다른해부학적 속성들이 이것을 가능하게 한다.
 Just picture trying ― and failing ― to dog-ear this page with pointy, curved claws. 끝이 뾰족하고 굽은 발톱으로  페이지의 모서리를 접으려다가 실패하는 모습을 한번 상상해 보라.
 With a unique combination of traits, the human hand shaped our history. 고유한 특성의 조합으로, 인간의 손은 인류의 역사를 이루었다.
 No question, stone tools couldn't have become a keystone of human technology and subsistence without hands that could do the job, along with a nervous system that could regulate and coordinate the necessary signals. 의심할 여지 없이, 필요한 신호를 조절하고 조정할 있는 신경계와 함께  일을   있는 손이 없었다면 석기는 인간 기술과 생계의 핵심이   없었을 것이다.
 Anybody who's ever attempted to make a spear tip or arrowhead from a rock knows that it requires strong grips, constant rotation and repositioning, and forceful, careful strikes with another hard object. 돌로 창촉이나 화살촉을 만들어 보려  사람이라면 누구라도 그것이 강하게 쥐는, 지속적인 회전과재배치, 그리고  다른 단단한 물체로 강하고 주의깊게 두드리는 것을 요구한다는 것을 안다.
 And even with a fair amount of know-how, it can be a bloody business. 그리고 상당한 정도의 요령을 가지고서도, 이것은피투성이가 되는 작업일  있다.




[3] 2024 11 수능 – 43~45: 아버지와 아들이 함께 등산하며 관계를 회복하는 이야기
 Do you remember when Sean used to tell me that I was the best dad in the world? Ethan asked his wife, Grace. Sean 나에게 내가 세상에서 최고의 아빠라고 말하곤 했던  기억나요? Ethan 아내 Grace에게물었다.
 Yes, I do. I always envied your relationship with Sean, she replied. , 기억해요. 항상 나는 당신과 Sean 관계를 부러워했어요.라고 그녀가 대답했다.
 Ethan then shared how things had changed since his son started middle school. 그런 다음 Ethan 자신의 아들 Sean 중학교에다니기 시작한 이후로 상황이 어떻게 변했는지 이야기했다.
 Grace had noticed Ethan often pushing Sean to study harder. Grace Ethan 자주 Sean에게 공부를  열심히 하라고 밀어붙이는 것을 알아챘었다.
 Maybe he isn't that into school right now. How about going hiking, just the two of you? she suggested. 아마도 지금  애는 학교에 그다지 관심이 없을 거예요. 당신과 Sean 단둘이서 하이킹하러 가는 어때요?라고 그녀가 제안했다.
 He agreed, and realizing that both his and Sean's hiking jackets were still at the laundry, he asked his wife to go and pick them up with him. 그는 동의했고, 자신과 Sean 하이킹 재킷이 여전히 세탁소에 있다는 것을 깨닫고는 아내에게 자신과함께 가서 그것을 찾아오자고 부탁했다.
 When did you bring the jackets in? the clerk at the laundry asked. 언제 재킷을 맡기셨나요?라고 세탁소 점원이 물었다.
 Maybe two weeks ago, Ethan replied. 아마 2 전쯤에요.라고 Ethan 대답했다.
 Then, Grace quickly reminded him, "Honey, we actually left them here a month ago." 그러자 "여보, 사실은 그것을   전에 여기에 두고 갔어요."라고 Grace 재빨리 그에게 상기시켰다.
 The clerk went into the storage area to look for the clothes. 점원은 보관 구역으로 들어가  옷들을 찾아보았다.
 Finally, he returned with the jackets and handed them to Ethan. 마침내 그는 재킷을 들고 돌아와 Ethan에게 건네주었다.
 The clerk politely said, "I am sorry, but please collect your items earlier next time. Our storage is too full." 죄송합니다만, 다음에는 물건을  일찍 찾아가 주세요. 저희 보관 공간이 너무  찼습니다.라고 점원이 공손하게 말했다.
 Ethan felt embarrassed for the late collection and apologized. Ethan 늦은 수거에 대해 민망함을 느끼며 사과했다.
 Ethan and Grace came back home with the jackets and checked if Sean had everything else he needed for hiking. Ethan Grace 재킷을 들고 집으로 돌아와Sean 하이킹에 필요한  외의 모든 것을 갖고있는지 확인했다.
 Luckily, in his drawers they found his hat, shoes, sunglasses, and hiking sticks. 다행히 그들은 서랍에서 그의 모자, 신발, 선글라스, 등산지팡이를 발견했다.
 When Sean returned from school, Ethan softly said, "Sean, let's go hiking this Saturday, just the two of us." Sean 학교에서 돌아오자 Ethan 부드럽게 말했다. "Sean, 이번  토요일에 우리 단둘이서 하이킹하러 가자."
 Though Sean thanked him for the suggestion, he said he had to go to the library. Sean 그에게 제안해줘서 고맙다고 했지만, 도서관에 가야 한다고 말했다.
 Grace stepped in, "You know, the weather this weekend will be the best of the year. Why not enjoy it?" Grace 끼어들었다. "있잖아, 이번 주말 날씨가올해 최고일 거야. 즐기지 않을래?"
 After a moment's hesitation, he agreed. 잠시 망설인  그는 동의했다.
 The weather was perfect. 날씨는 완벽했다.
 Ethan and Sean set off hiking along the valley by Aicken Mountain. Ethan Sean Aicken Mountain 계곡을 따라하이킹을 시작했다.
 They walked in silence until Sean fell over a rock and twisted his ankle. 그들은 말없이 걷다가 Sean 돌에 걸려 넘어져 발목을 삐끗했다.
 Realizing he couldn't walk, Ethan carried his son down on his back. 그가 걸을  없다는 것을 깨닫고는 Ethan 아들을 등에 업고 내려갔다.
 He felt Sean's heartbeat, something he hadn't felt since Sean was a baby. 그는 Sean 심장 박동을 느꼈는데, 이는 Sean아기였을  이후로 처음 느끼는 것이었다.
 Suddenly, Sean said, "Dad, I'm sorry. At some point, I started to become afraid of disappointing you. But you are still the best dad." 갑자기 Sean 말했다. "아빠, 미안해요. 어느 순간부터 아빠를 실망하게 할까  두려워지기 시작했어요. 하지만 아빠는 여전히 최고의 아빠예요."
 Energized, he felt no weight on his back and replied, "You are the best son, no matter what." 힘이 솟아나 Ethan 등에 아무런 무게도 느껴지지않았으며 " 무슨 일이 있어도 최고의 아들이야."라고 말했다.





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전체 내용


[3] 2024 11 수능  18: Rosydale City Marathon 악천후로 인해 취소된다는 공지

 Dear Rosydale City Marathon Racers,

 Rosydale City Marathon 대회 참가자 여러분께,

 We are really grateful to all of you who have signed up for the 10th Rosydale City Marathon that was scheduled for this coming Saturday at 10 a.m.

 이번 토요일 오전 10시로 예정되었던 제10 Rosydale City Marathon 대회에 등록해 주신 모든 분께 진심으로 감사드립니다.

 Unfortunately, as you may already know, the weather forecast says that there is going to be a downpour throughout the race day.

 안타깝게도, 이미 알고 계실 수도 있지만, 일기 예보에 따르면 마라톤 대회 당일 내내 폭우가 쏟아질 것이라 합니다.

 We truly hoped that the race would go smoothly.

 저희는 대회가 순조롭게 진행되기를 진심으로 바랐습니다.

 However, it is likely that the heavy rain will make the roads too slippery and dangerous for the racers to run safely.

 하지만 폭우로 인해 대회 참가자들이 안전하게 달리기에는 도로가 너무 미끄럽고 위험해질 것 같습니다.

 As a result, we have decided to cancel the race.

 그래서 저희는 대회를 취소하기로 했습니다.

 We hope you understand and we promise to hold another race in the near future.

 여러분의 양해를 부탁드리면서 가까운 미래에 다른 대회를 개최할 것을 약속드립니다.

 Sincerely, Martha Kingsley Race Manager

 대회 책임자 Martha Kingsley 드림


[3] 2024 11 수능  19: 발렌타인데이 이벤트 계획이 실패한 Peter 실망

 It was Valentine's Day on Friday and Peter was certain that his wife, Amy, was going to love his surprise.

 금요일은 밸런타인데이였고 Peter는 아내 Amy가 자신의 뜻밖의 선물을 정말 좋아할 것이라고 확신했다.

 Peter had spent a long time searching online for an event that would be a new way to spend time with Amy.

 Peter Amy와 시간을 보내는 새로운 방식이 될 이벤트를 온라인에서 찾느라 오랜 시간을 보냈다.

 He had finally found the perfect thing for her.

 그는 마침내 그녀에게 꼭 맞는 것을 찾아냈다.

 She often told him that she liked to go to places she had never visited before, and he was absolutely sure that she would love going to the new, five-star restaurant downtown.

 그녀는 전에 전혀 가 본 적이 없는 곳에 가보고 싶다고 그에게 자주 말했고, 그는 그녀가 시내에 새로 생긴 5성급 레스토랑에 가면 정말 좋아할 것이라고 전적으로 확신했다.

 He smiled as he called the restaurant and asked for a reservation for Friday.

 그는 그 레스토랑에 전화를 걸어 금요일의 예약을 요청하며 미소를 지었다.

 Unfortunately, his smile quickly disappeared when he was told that the restaurant was fully reserved.

 안타깝게도, 그가 그 레스토랑의 예약이 꽉 찼다는 말을 들었을 때 그의 미소는 곧 사라졌다.

 That's too bad, he said quietly.

 그는 "너무 안타깝네요."라고 조용히 말했다.

 I thought that I had found the right place.

 저는 딱 맞는 장소를 찾아냈다고 생각했거든요.


[3] 2024 11 수능  20: 학습에 도움을   있는 게임 개발의 필요성 제안

 We almost universally accept that playing video games is at best a pleasant break from a student's learning and more often what prevents a student from accomplishing their goals.

 우리는 거의 보편적으로 비디오 게임을 하는 것이 기껏해야 학생이 학습에서 잠시 벗어나는 즐거운 휴식이고, 더 흔히는 학생이 목표를 이루는 것을 방해하는 것이라 받아들인다.

 Games catch and hold attention in a way that few things can.

 게임은 다른 어떤 것도 거의 할 수 없는 방식으로 주의를 사로잡고 계속해서 유지한다.

 And yet once they have our focus, they rarely seem to offer anything meaningful to help students grow in their lives outside the games.

 하지만 일단 그것이 우리의 집중을 얻고 나면, 그것은 게임 이외의 삶에서 학생들이 성장하는 데 도움이 되는 의미 있는 무언가를 제공하는 경우는 거의 없는 것 같다.

 While this may be true for many games, we are too easily ignoring a valuable tool that could be used to enhance productivity instead of derailing it.

 많은 게임에 대해 이것이 사실일 수도 있지만, 우리는 생산성을 저해하는 대신 생산성을 향상하는 데 사용될 수도 있는 가치 있는 도구를 너무 쉽게 무시하고 있다.

 Rather, it is desirable that we develop games that connect to the learning outcomes we want for our students.

 오히려, 우리가 학생들에게 원하는 학습 성과와 연결되는 게임을 개발하는 것이 바람직하다.

 This will enable educators to take advantage of games' attention commanding capacities and allow our students to enjoy their games while learning.

 이를 통해 교육자들은 게임의 주의력 지배 능력을 활용할 수 있게 되고, 우리 학생들은 학습하면서 게임을 즐길 수 있게 될 것이다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  21: 건축가가 학문적 지식을 통해 권위를 얻어야 하는 이유

 The position of the architect rose during the Roman Empire, as architecture symbolically became a particularly important political statement.

 건축가의 지위는 로마 제국 시대에 상승했는데, 이는 건축이 상징적으로 특히 중요한 정치적 성명이 되었기 때문이다.

 Cicero classed the architect with the physician and the teacher and Vitruvius spoke of "so great a profession as this."

 Cicero는 건축가를 의사와 교사와 같은 부류에 넣었으며, Vitruvius '이토록 위대한 직업'에 대해 말했다.

 Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, a practicing architect during the rule of Augustus Caesar, recognized that architecture requires both practical and theoretical knowledge, and he listed the disciplines he felt the aspiring architect should master: literature and writing, draftsmanship, mathematics, history, philosophy, music, medicine, law, and astronomy ― a curriculum that still has much to recommend it.

 Augustus Caesar 통치 시기에 활동하던 건축가인 Marcus Vitruvius Pollio는 건축이 실용적 지식과 이론적 지식을 모두 필요로 한다는 점을 인정했으며, 그는 장차 건축가가 되려는 자가 숙달해야 한다고 생각한 학문 분야를 나열했는데, 이는 문학과 작문, 제도, 수학, 역사, 철학, 음악, 의학, , 그리고 천문학이었고, 이것은 여전히 많은 추천을 받는 교육과정이다.

 All of this study was necessary, he argued, because architects who have aimed at acquiring manual skill without scholarship have never been able to reach a position of authority to correspond to their plans, while those who have relied only upon theories and scholarship were obviously "hunting the shadow, not the substance."

 그는 이 모든 학문이 필요하다고 주장했는데, 그 이유는 학문 없이 손기술을 습득하려 한 건축가는 결코 자신의 계획에 상응하는 권위 있는 지위에 도달할 수 없었던 반면, 오로지 이론과 학문에만 의존한 건축가는 분명히 '실체가 아닌 그림자를 쫓고 있었기' 때문이다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  22: 감정 이해 능력이 그룹 내에서 긍정적 상호작용을 촉진함

 The ability to understand emotions ― to have a diverse emotion vocabulary and to understand the causes and consequences of emotion ― is particularly relevant in group settings.

 감정을 이해하는 능력, 즉 다양한 감정 어휘를 가지고 있고 감정의 원인과 결과를 이해하는 능력은 특히 집단 환경에서 중요하다.

 Individuals who are skilled in this domain are able to express emotions, feelings and moods accurately and thus, may facilitate clear communication between co-workers.

 이 분야에 능숙한 사람들은 감정, 느낌, 그리고 기분을 정확하게 표현할 수 있으므로, 동료들 간의 명확한 의사소통을 촉진할 수 있다.

 Furthermore, they may be more likely to act in ways that accommodate their own needs as well as the needs of others (i.e. cooperate).

 더욱이, 그들은 자신의 필요뿐만 아니라 타인의 필요도 수용하는 방식으로 행동(, 협력)할 가능성이 더 높을 수도 있다.

 In a group conflict situation, for example, a member with a strong ability to understand emotion will be able to express how he feels about the problem and why he feels this way.

 예를 들어, 집단 갈등 상황에서 감정을 이해하는 강력한 능력을 지닌 구성원은 문제에 대해 자신이 어떻게 느끼는지 그리고 왜 그렇게 느끼는지를 표현할 수 있을 것이다.

 He also should be able to take the perspective of the other group members and understand why they are reacting in a certain manner.

 또한 그는 다른 집단 구성원들의 관점을 취하여 그들이 왜 특정한 방식으로 반응하는지 이해할 수 있을 것이다.

 Appreciation of differences creates an arena for open communication and promotes constructive conflict resolution and improved group functioning.

 다름에 대한 이해는 열린 의사소통을 위한 장을 만들고 건설적인 갈등 해결과 집단 기능 향상을 촉진한다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  23: 산업화가 시간, 노동, 자본의 관계를 변화시킨 방식 설명

 The arrival of the Industrial Age changed the relationship among time, labor, and capital.

 산업 시대의 도래는 시간, 노동, 자본 사이의 관계를 변화시켰다.

 Factories could produce around the clock, and they could do so with greater speed and volume than ever before.

 공장은 24시간 내내 생산할 수 있었고, 이전 어느 때보다 더 빠른 속도와 더 많은 양으로 그렇게 할 수 있었다.

 A machine that runs twelve hours a day will produce more widgets than one that runs for only eight hours per day ― and a machine that runs twenty-four hours per day will produce the most widgets of all.

 하루 12시간 가동되는 기계는 하루 8시간만 가동되는 기계보다 더 많은 제품을 생산할 것이고, 하루 24시간 가동되는 기계는 모든 기계 중 가장 많은 제품을 생산할 것이다.

 As such, at many factories, the workday is divided into eight-hour shifts, so that there will always be people on hand to keep the widget machines humming.

 따라서 많은 공장에서 작업일은 8시간 근무 교대로 나누어져서, 제품(생산) 기계가 쉬지 않고 돌아가도록 언제나 인력이 배치되어 있을 것이다.

 Industrialization raised the potential value of every single work hour ― the more hours you worked, the more widgets you produced, and the more money you made ― and thus wages became tied to effort and production.

 산업화는 모든 개별 근무 시간의 잠재적 가치를 높였는데, 더 많은 시간을 일했을수록, 더 많은 제품을 생산했고, 더 많은 돈을 벌었으며, 이로써 임금은 노력과 생산량에 연계되었다.

 Labor, previously guided by harvest cycles, became clock-oriented, and society started to reorganize around new principles of productivity.

 이전에는 수확 주기를 따르던 노동이 시계 중심이 되었고, 사회는 새로운 생산성의 원칙을 중심으로 재조직되기 시작했다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  24: 셀피가 자아 표현의 역사적 연장선에 있음을 논의

 The selfie resonates not because it is new, but because it expresses, develops, expands, and intensifies the long history of the self-portrait.

 셀피가 공명하는 이유는 그것이 새롭기 때문이 아니라, 자화상의 오랜 역사를 표현하고 발전시키며 확장하고 강화하기 때문이다.

 The self-portrait showed to others the status of the person depicted.

 자화상은 그려진 사람의 지위를 다른 사람들에게 보여 주었다.

 In this sense, what we have come to call our own "image" ― the interface of the way we think we look and the way others see us ― is the first and fundamental object of global visual culture.

 이런 의미에서, 우리가 자신의 '이미지', 즉 우리가 생각하는 우리의 모습과 다른 사람들이 우리를 보는 방식의 접점이라고 부르게 된 것은 세계적 시각 문화의 첫 번째이자 근본적인 대상이다.

 The selfie depicts the drama of our own daily performance of ourselves in tension with our inner emotions that may or may not be expressed as we wish.

 셀피는 우리가 바라는 대로 표현될 수도 있고 그렇지 않을 수도 있는 우리의 내면적 감정과 긴장 관계에 있는, 우리 자신의 일상적 수행의 드라마를 그린다.

 At each stage of the self-portrait's expansion, more and more people have been able to depict themselves.

 자화상 확장의 각 단계에서 점점 더 많은 사람이 자신을 그릴 수 있게 되었다.

 Today's young, urban, networked majority has reworked the history of the self-portrait to make the selfie into the first visual signature of the new era.

 오늘날의 젊고, 도시에 살며, 네트워크로 연결된 다수는 셀피를 새로운 시대의 첫 번째 시각적 특징으로 만들기 위해 자화상의 역사를 다시 만들었다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  25: 2020~2022 미국 영화에서 여성 제작자 비율의 변화

 The graph above shows the percentages of women employed behind the scenes on the top 100 U.S. films by role in 2020, 2021, and 2022.

 위 그래프는 2020, 2021, 그리고 2022년에 미국 상위 100개 영화의 제작 현장에 고용된 여성의 비율을 역할별로 보여 준다.

 For each of the three years, the percentage of women employed as producers on the top 100 U.S. films was the highest as compared with the percentages of each of the other three roles.

 세 개 연도 각각에서, 상위 100개 미국 영화의 제작자로 고용된 여성의 비율이 다른 세 가지 역할 각각의 비율과 비교하여 가장 높았다.

 The percentage of women employed as directors on the top 100 U.S. films in 2021 was lower than in 2020 but higher than in 2022.

 2021년에 상위 100개 미국 영화에서 감독으로 고용된 여성의 비율은, 2020년보다는 더 낮았지만 2022년보다는 더 높았다.

 The percentage of women employed as writers on the top 100 U.S. films increased by 4 percentage points from 2020 to 2021 and by 1 percentage point from 2021 to 2022.

 상위 100개 미국 영화에서 작가로 고용된 여성의 비율은 2020년에서 2021년까지는 4퍼센트포인트가 증가했고, 2021년에서 2022년까지는 1퍼센트포인트가 증가했다.

 The percentage of women employed as editors on the top 100 U.S. films was less than 20% in each of the three years.

 상위 100개 미국 영화에서 편집자로 고용된 여성의 비율은 세 개 연도에서 각각 20%보다 더 낮았다.

 In 2022, the percentage of women employed as producers on the top 100 U.S. films was the same as that in 2020.

 2022년에 상위 100개 미국 영화에서 제작자로 고용된 여성의 비율은 2020년의 비율과 같았다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  26: 미국 스포츠 방송인 Dick Enberg 경력과 업적 설명

 Dick Enberg was one of America's most beloved sports broadcasters.

 Dick Enberg는 미국의 가장 사랑받는 스포츠 방송인 중 한 명이었다.

 He was born in Michigan in 1935.

 그는 1935년에 Michigan에서 태어났다.

 In the early 1960s, he became an assistant professor at San Fernando Valley State College, where he also served as a coach of its baseball team.

 1960년대 초에, 그는 San Fernando Valley 주립 대학의 조교수가 되었으며, 그곳에서 그는 그 대학의 야구팀 코치로도 활동했다.

 Afterwards, he began a full-time sportscasting career in Los Angeles.

 후에 그는 Los Angeles에서 전업 스포츠 방송 일을 시작했다.

 In 1973, he became the first U.S. sportscaster ever to visit China.

 1973년에 그는 역사상 중국을 방문한 최초의 미국 스포츠 방송 진행자가 되었다.

 He joined NBC Sports in 1975 and remained with the network for about 25 years, covering such big events as the Olympics.

 그는 1975년에 NBC Sports에 합류하여 그 방송국에 약 25년간 남아 있었고, 올림픽과 같은 대규모 행사를 보도했다.

 He later worked for other major sports broadcasting stations.

 그는 후에 다른 주요 스포츠 방송국에서 일했다.

 He made his last live broadcast in 2016 and died the following year at the age of 82.

 그는 2016년에 자신의 마지막 생방송을 했고 그 다음 해에 82세의 나이로 사망했다.

 He served as Chairman of the American Sportscaster Association for more than three decades.

 그는 30년 넘게 American Sportscaster Association의 회장직을 역임했다.

 Enberg was also a best-selling writer and won Emmy Awards as a sportscaster, a writer, and a producer.

 Enberg는 또한 베스트셀러 작가였으며, 스포츠 방송 진행자, 작가, 그리고 제작자로 Emmy Awards를 수상했다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  29: 자동화된 신체 움직임이 뇌의 자원을 절약하는 방식

 Think of yourself.

 자신을 생각해 보라.

 When you decide to get up and get a drink of water, for example, you don't consciously organize or consider the host of steps involved.

 예를 들어, 여러분은 일어서서 물을 마시기로 결정할 때, 그와 관련된 많은 단계를 의식적으로 조직하거나 고려하지 않는다.

 Imagine if we had to consider every single muscle that needed to be contracted or relaxed just to stand up and walk.

 우리가 단지 일어서서 걸으려면 수축되거나 이완되어야 하는 모든 하나하나의 근육을 고려해야 하는 경우를 상상해 보라.

 It would be tiresome and very slow ― as patients recovering from a brain injury affecting the motor system know.

 그것은 성가시고 아주 느릴 것인데, 운동계에 영향을 미치는 뇌 손상에서 회복 중인 환자들이 알고 있는 것처럼 말이다.

 The autopilot parts of our brain do it for us automatically, freeing up our conscious mind for more important jobs.

 우리 뇌의 자동 조종 부위가 우리를 위해 자동으로 그것을 해서, 더 중요한 일을 위해 우리의 의식적 마음을 확보해 준다.

 It is the older parts of our brain that support these automatic processes that allow us to move, hear, see, and use many of our social skills.

 우리가 움직이고, 듣고, 보고, 우리의 많은 사회적 기술을 사용할 수 있게 해주는 이러한 자동적 과정을 지원하는 것은 우리 뇌의 오래된 부위들이다.

 More recently evolved abilities like talking, reading, and writing are far less automated.

 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기와 같은 더 최근에 진화된 능력들은 훨씬 덜 자동화되어 있다.

 So, most of the time, what you are perceiving, feeling, or thinking is based on a very crude and fast analysis that happens completely without your awareness.

 그래서 대개는, 여러분이 지각하거나, 느끼거나, 생각하는 것은 완전히 여러분의 의식 없이 일어나는 매우 투박하고 빠른 분석에 기반한다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  30: 경쟁이 동기 부여에 부정적 영향을 미칠  있는 이유

 Studies in psychology have reported cases in which competitive incentives resulted in lower task effort, and their focus was on the psychological underpinnings of the reduction in motivation.

 심리학 연구에서는 경쟁적 유인책이 과업 노력의 감소를 유발한 사례들을 보고했으며, 그것들은 동기 감소의 심리적 기반에 초점을 두었다.

 For example, competition presents an inevitable conflict between the motivation to achieve one's personal goal and the desire to maintain good relationships with others.

 예를 들어, 경쟁은 개인의 목표를 달성하려는 동기와 다른 사람들과 좋은 관계를 유지하려는 욕구 사이에 피할 수 없는 갈등을 제공한다.

 When the maintenance of interpersonal relationships is important, with their counterparts in particular or with others generally, competitors experience an internal conflict that can harm their desire to achieve their goal and taint the good feeling brought about by winning.

 구체적으로는 자신의 상대와 혹은 일반적으로는 타인과의 대인 관계 유지가 중요할 때, 경쟁하는 이들은 자신의 목표를 달성하려는 욕구에 손상을 주고 승리로 인해 생기는 좋은 기분을 더럽힐 수 있는 내적 갈등을 경험한다.

 Exline and Lobel found that the perception of oneself as a target for upward social comparison often makes people uncomfortable.

 Exline Lobel은 상향 사회적 비교의 대상으로 자신을 인식하는 것이 흔히 사람들을 불편하게 만든다는 것을 발견했다.

 When they believe that others are making envious comparisons with them, people feel uneasiness, distress, or sorrow.

 사람들은 다른 사람들이 질투하며 자신과 비교하고 있다고 생각하면, 불안, 괴로움, 혹은 슬픔을 느낀다.

 Feelings of guilt, an emotion generally associated with high motivation for goal-achievement, lead to weaker motivation and performance in the pursuit of competitive goals.

 일반적으로 목표 달성에 대한 높은 동기와 연관된 감정인 죄책감은 경쟁적 목표를 추구할 때의 동기와 성과를 더 약하게 만든다.

 Consequences of this emotional state include lower task motivation in a competition and preferences for more cooperative and altruistic outcomes, such as diminishing the significance of the outcome or sharing the winner's reward.

 이러한 감정 상태의 결과에는 경쟁에서 과업 동기의 감소, 그리고 결과의 중요성을 줄이거나 승자의 보상을 나누는 것과 같은 더 협력적이고 이타주의의 결과에 대한 선호가 포함된다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  31: 문학이 외국어 학습에서 개인적 몰입을 유도하는 방식

 Literature can be helpful in the language learning process because of the personal involvement it fosters in readers.

 문학은 그것이 독자에게 촉진하는 개인적 몰입 때문에 언어 학습 과정에 도움이 될 수 있다.

 Core language teaching materials must concentrate on how a language operates both as a rule-based system and as a sociosemantic system.

 핵심 언어 교육 자료는 언어가 규칙 기반 체계이자 사회의미론적인 체계로서 어떻게 작동하는지에 중점을 두어야 한다.

 Very often, the process of learning is essentially analytic, piecemeal, and, at the level of the personality, fairly superficial.

 매우 흔히, 학습 과정은 본질적으로 분석적이고 단편적이며, 개인의 수준에서는 상당히 피상적이다.

 Engaging imaginatively with literature enables learners to shift the focus of their attention beyond the more mechanical aspects of the foreign language system.

 상상력을 발휘하여 문학에 몰입함으로써 학습자는 주의의 초점을 외국어 체계의 더 기계적인 측면 너머로 전환할 수 있게 된다.

 When a novel, play or short story is explored over a period of time, the result is that the reader begins to 'inhabit' the text.

 소설, 희곡, 혹은 단편 소설을 일정 기간 탐구하면, 그 결과로 독자는 그 글에 '깃들기' 시작한다.

 He or she is drawn into the book.

 그 독자는 책 속으로 빨려 들어간다.

 Pinpointing what individual words or phrases may mean becomes less important than pursuing the development of the story.

 개별 단어나 어구가 무엇을 의미할 수도 있는지 정확히 집어내는 것은 이야기 전개를 따라가는 것보다 덜 중요해진다.

 The reader is eager to find out what happens as events unfold; he or she feels close to certain characters and shares their emotional responses.

 독자는 사건이 전개되면서 무슨 일이 일어나는지 간절히 알아내고 싶어 하고, 그 독자는 특정 등장인물들과 친밀감을 느끼며 그들의 감정적 반응을 공유한다.

 The language becomes 'transparent' ― the fiction draws the whole person into its own world.

 언어는 '투명'해지는데, 소설은 그 사람 전체를 그 자신의 세계로 끌어들인다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  32: 교육이 비판적 사고를 통해 감정에 의존하지 않도록 

 Education, at its best, teaches more than just knowledge.

 교육은 최고의 모습에서는 단순한 지식 이상을 가르친다.

 It teaches critical thinking: the ability to stop and think before acting, to avoid succumbing to emotional pressures.

 그것은 비판적 사고, 즉 행동하기 전에 멈추어 생각할 수 있는, 감정적 압박에 굴복하는 것을 피하는 능력을 가르친다.

 This is not thought control.

 이것은 사고 통제가 아니다.

 It is the very reverse: mental liberation.

 그것은 바로 정반대인 정신적 해방이다.

 Even the most advanced intellectual will be imperfect at this skill.

 심지어 가장 지적으로 발달한 사람조차도 이 기능은 불완전할 것이다.

 But even imperfect possession of it frees a person from the burden of being 'stimulus-driven', constantly reacting to the immediate environment, the brightest colours or loudest sounds.

 하지만 그것을 불완전하게나마 소유하는 것은 인접한 주변 환경, 가장 밝은색이나 가장 큰 소리에 끊임없이 반응하면서 '자극에 유도'되는 것에 대한 부담에서 사람을 벗어나게 한다.

 Being driven by heuristic responses, living by instinct and emotion all the time, is a very easy way to live, in many ways: thought is effortful, especially for the inexperienced.

 휴리스틱 반응에 의해 유도되는 것, 즉 항상 본능과 감정에 따라 사는 것은 여러 면에서 매우 쉬운 삶의 방식인데, 사고는 특히 경험이 없는 사람들에게는 노력을 필요로 한다.

 But emotions are also exhausting, and short-term reactions may not, in the long term, be the most beneficial for health and survival.

 그러나 감정도 또한 지치게 하고, 단기적인 반응은 장기적으로 볼 때 건강과 생존에 가장 유익하지 않을 수도 있다.

 Just as we reach for burgers for the sake of convenience, storing up the arterial fat which may one day kill us, so our reliance on feelings can do us great harm.

 우리가 편리함을 얻으려고 햄버거에 손을 뻗어 언젠가 우리의 목숨을 앗아갈지도 모르는 동맥 지방을 축적하는 것처럼, 우리가 감정에 의존하는 것은 우리에게 큰 해를 끼칠 수 있다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  33: 관심 경제에서 소비자의 관심을 상품으로 판매하는 방식

 We are famously living in the era of the attention economy, where the largest and most profitable businesses in the world are those that consume my attention.

 우리는 잘 알려져 있는 바와 같이 세상에서 가장 크고 수익성이 가장 높은 사업은 나의 관심을 '소비하는' 사업인 관심 경제의 시대에 살고 있다.

 The advertising industry is literally dedicated to capturing the conscious hours of my life and selling them to someone else.

 광고 산업은 말 그대로 내 삶의 의식적인 시간을 포착하여 다른 누군가에게 그것을 판매하는 데 전념한다.

 It might seem magical that so many exciting and useful software systems are available to use for free, but it is now conventional wisdom that if you can't see who is paying for something that appears to be free, then the real product being sold is you.

 너무나 많은 흥미롭고 유용한 소프트웨어 시스템을 무료로 사용할 수 있는 것이 아주 멋지게 보일 수도 있지만, 무료인 것처럼 보이는 것에 대해 누가 비용을 지불하고 있는지 알 수 없다면, 그렇다면 팔리고 있는 진짜 제품은 바로 여러분이라는 것은 이제 일반 통념이다.

 Our creative engagement with other people is mediated by AI-based recommendation systems that are designed to trap our attention through the process that Nick Seaver calls captology, keeping us attending to work sold by one company rather than another, replacing the freedom of personal exploration with algorithm-generated playlists or even algorithm-generated art.

 다른 사람들과 맺는 우리의 창의적 관계는 Nick Seaver 'captology'라고 부르는 과정을 통해 우리의 관심을 붙잡고, 딴 회사가 아니라 어떤 한 회사에 의해 판매되는 제품에 우리가 계속 관심을 쏟게 하고, 개인적 탐색의 자유를 알고리즘이 생성한 재생 목록이나 심지어 알고리즘이 생성한 예술로 대체하도록 고안된 AI 기반 추천 시스템의 영향을 받는다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  34: 규칙이 역할과 관행을 만들며 생산 활동을 촉진함

 Centralized, formal rules can facilitate productive activity by establishing roles and practices.

 중앙 집권화되고 공식적인 규칙은 역할과 관행을 확립함으로써 생산적인 활동을 촉진할 수 있다.

 The rules of baseball don't just regulate the behavior of the players; they determine the behavior that constitutes playing the game.

 야구 규칙은 그저 선수들의 행동을 규제하는 것만이 아니라, 경기하는 것을 구성하는 행동을 결정한다.

 Rules do not prevent people from playing baseball; they create the very practice that allows people to play baseball.

 규칙은 사람들이 야구를 하지 못하게 막는 게 아니라, 사람들이 야구를 할 수 있게 하는 바로 그 관행을 만들어 낸다.

 A score of music imposes rules, but it also creates a pattern of conduct that enables people to produce music.

 악보는 규칙을 부과하지만, 그것은 또한 사람들이 음악을 만들 수 있게 하는 행동 양식을 만들어 내기도 한다.

 Legal rules that enable the formation of corporations, that enable the use of wills and trusts, that create negotiable instruments, and that establish the practice of contracting all make practices that create new opportunities for individuals.

 기업의 형성을 가능하게 하는 법규, 유언장과 신탁금의 사용을 가능하게 하는 법규, 양도성 증권을 만들어 내는 법규, 계약의 관행을 확립하는 법규는 모두 사람들을 위해 새로운 기회를 만들어 내는 관행을 만든다.

 And we have legal rules that establish roles individuals play within the legal system, such as judges, trustees, partners, and guardians.

 그리고 우리에게는 판사, 신탁 관리자, 동업자, 후견인과 같은 법률 시스템 내에서 개인이 수행하는 역할을 확립하는 법규가 있다.

 True, the legal rules that establish these roles constrain the behavior of individuals who occupy them, but rules also create the roles themselves.

 물론, 이러한 역할을 확립하는 법규는 그 역할을 차지하는 사람들의 행동을 제약하지만, 규칙 스스로가 또한 역할을 만들어 내기도 한다.

 Without them an individual would not have the opportunity to occupy the role.

 그것들이 없다면 개인은 역할을 차지할 기회를 갖지 못할 것이다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  35: 자동차가 스포츠 관광 발전에 미친 영향

 The expansion of sports tourism in the twentieth century has been influenced by further developments in transportation.

 20세기의 스포츠 관광의 확대는 교통수단이 더욱 발전되는 것에 영향을 받았다.

 Just as the railways revolutionized travel in the nineteenth century, so the automobile produced even more dramatic changes in the twentieth.

 철도가 19세기에 여행에 혁신을 일으켰던 것과 꼭 마찬가지로, 자동차가 20세기에 훨씬 더 극적인 변화를 일으켰다.

 The significance of the car in the development of sport and tourism generally has attracted considerable coverage and it has had no less an impact on sports tourism specifically.

 스포츠와 관광의 발전에서의 자동차의 중요성은 일반적으로 상당한 주목을 끌었으며, 구체적으로는 스포츠 관광에 못지않은 영향을 미쳤다.

 Although originally invented towards the end of the nineteenth century, it started to become a mass form of transport in the 1920s in the USA and rather later in Britain.

 자동차는 원래 19세기 말에 접어들면서 발명되었지만, 1920년대에 미국에서, 그리고 상당히 더 늦게 영국에서 대중적인 교통수단이 되기 시작했다.

 Apart from its convenience and flexibility, the car has the additional advantages of affording access to many areas not served by public transport, as well as allowing the easy transport of luggage and equipment.

 자동차는 편리함과 유연성 외에도 짐과 장비를 쉽게 운송해 준다는 것과 더불어 대중교통이 제공되지 않는 많은 지역에 접근하게 해 준다는 추가적인 장점이 있다.

 As a result, it was invaluable for the development of many forms of sports tourism but especially those which require the transportation of people and equipment to relatively remote locations.

 그 결과, 그것은 여러 형태의 스포츠 관광, 특히 사람과 장비를 비교적 먼 곳으로 운송해야 하는 스포츠 관광 형태가 발전하는 데 매우 유용했다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  36: 농업 공동체에서 평판이 시장 강제력을 형성하는 방식

 The potential for market enforcement is greater when contracting parties have developed reputational capital that can be devalued when contracts are violated.

 시장 규제 집행 가능성은 계약 당사자들이 계약 위반 시 가치가 떨어질 수 있는 평판 자본을 구축한 경우에 더 크다.

 Farmers and landowners develop reputations for honesty, fairness, producing high yields, and consistently demonstrating that they are good at what they do.

 농부와 지주는 높은 수확량을 생산하고, 자신이 하는 일을 잘한다는 것을 지속적으로 입증하면서 정직함과 공정함에 대한 평판을 쌓아 나간다.

 In small, close-knit farming communities, reputations are well known.

 소규모의 긴밀히 맺어진 농업 공동체에서는 평판이 잘 알려져 있다.

 Over time landowners indirectly monitor farmers by observing the reported output, the general quality of the soil, and any unusual or extreme behavior.

 시간이 지나면서 지주들은 보고된 생산량, 토양의 전반적인 질, 어떤 보기 드물거나 극단적인 행동을 관찰하여 농부들을 간접적으로 감시한다.

 Farmer and landowner reputations act as a bond.

 농부와 지주의 평판은 계약의 역할을 한다.

 In any growing season a farmer can reduce effort, overuse soil, or underreport the crop.

 어떤 한 재배 철에 농부는 노력을 줄이거나 토양을 과도하게 사용하거나 작물을 축소 보고할 수 있다.

 Similarly, a landowner can undermaintain fences, ditches, and irrigation systems.

 마찬가지로, 지주는 울타리, 도랑, 관개 시스템을 제대로 관리하지 않을 수 있다.

 Accurate assessments of farmer and landowner behavior will be made over time, and those farmers and landowners who attempt to gain at each other's expense will find that others may refuse to deal with them in the future.

 농부와 지주의 행동에 대한 정확한 평가는 시간이 지남에 따라 이루어질 것이고, 상대방의 비용으로 이익을 취하려고 시도하는 농부와 지주는 다른 사람들이 향후 그들과의 거래를 거부할 수도 있다는 것을 알게 될 것이다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  37: 감정 전염이 새들의 포식자 회피 행동에서 배열 형태에 따라 미치는 영향

 Watch the birds in your backyard.

 뒷마당의 새를 관찰해보라.

 If one bird startles and flies off, others will follow, not waiting around to assess whether the threat is real.

 새 한 마리가 놀라 날아오르면 다른 새들도 위협의 진위를 판단하기 위해 기다리지 않고 뒤따를 것이다.

 They have been infected by emotional contagion.

 그것들은 감정 전염에 감염되었다.

 In a long-term research project that Marc did with some of his students on patterns of antipredatory scanning by western evening grosbeaks, they found that birds in a circle showed more coordination in scanning than did birds who were feeding in a line.

 Marc가 자신의 학생 몇 명과 함께 진행한 서양 콩새류의 포식자 회피 관찰 패턴에 관한 장기 연구 프로젝트에서, 그들은 일렬로 먹이를 먹고 있는 새보다 원을 그리고 있는 새들이 관찰에 더 많은 조정력을 보인다는 사실을 발견했다.

 The birds in a line, who could only see their nearest neighbor, not only were less coordinated when scanning, but also were more nervous, changing their body and head positions significantly more than grosbeaks in a circle, where it was possible for each grosbeak to see every other grosbeak.

 일렬로 늘어선 새들은, 가장 가까운 이웃만 볼 수 있었는데, 관찰할 때 조정력이 떨어졌을 뿐만 아니라 더 긴장한 상태였고 원을 그리고 있는 콩새들보다 몸과 머리 위치를 훨씬 더 많이 바꾸었는데, 원을 그린 상태에서는 각각의 콩새가 다른 모든 콩새를 볼 수 있었다.

 Marc wondered whether the birds in line were more fearful because they didn't know what their flockmates were doing.

 Marc는 줄을 선 새들이 자기 무리가 무엇을 하는지 모르기 때문에 더 두려운 것은 아닌지 궁금해했다.

 Emotional contagion would have been impossible for individual grosbeaks in the linear array except with their nearest neighbors.

 감정 전염은 선형 배열에 있는 개개의 콩새류에 가장 가까운 곳에 있는 이웃을 제외하고는 불가능했을 것이다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  38: 비밀 유지가 혁신 보호에 미치는 영향과 문제점

 Trade secret law aims to promote innovation, although it accomplishes this objective in a very different manner than patent protection.

 영업상의 비밀 법은 혁신을 촉진하는 것이 목표이지만, 특허 보호와는 매우 다른 방식으로 이 목표를 이룬다.

 Notwithstanding the advantages of obtaining a patent, many innovators prefer to protect their innovation through secrecy.

 특허 취득의 장점에도 불구하고 많은 혁신가는 비밀 유지를 통해 자신의 혁신을 보호하는 것을 선호한다.

 They may believe that the cost and delay of seeking a patent are too great or that secrecy better protects their investment and increases their profit.

 그들은 특허를 따는 데 있어서의 비용과 지연이 너무 크거나 비밀 유지가 투자를 더 잘 보호하고 수익을 증가시킨다고 믿을 수도 있다.

 They might also believe that the invention can best be utilized over a longer period of time than a patent would allow.

 그들은 또한 그 발명품이 특허가 허용할 것보다 더 오랜 기간 최고로 활용될 수 있다고 믿을 수도 있다.

 Without any special legal protection for trade secrets, however, the secretive inventor risks that an employee or contractor will disclose the proprietary information.

 그러나 영업상의 비밀에 대한 어떤 특별한 법적 보호가 없다면, 비밀주의의 발명가는 직원이나 계약자가 독점 정보를 드러낼 위험을 감수하게 된다.

 Once the idea is released, it will be "free as the air" under the background norms of a free market economy.

 일단 그 아이디어가 공개되면, 그것은 자유 시장 경제의 이면 규범에 따라 '공기처럼 자유롭게' 유출될 것이다.

 Such a predicament would lead any inventor seeking to rely upon secrecy to spend an inordinate amount of resources building high and impassable fences around their research facilities and greatly limiting the number of people with access to the proprietary information.

 이러한 곤경으로 인해 비밀 유지에 의존하려는 모든 발명가는 자신의 연구 시설 주변에 높고 통과할 수 없는 울타리를 치고 독점 정보에 접근할 권리를 가진 사람의 수를 크게 제한하는 데 과도한 양의 자원을 소비하게 될 것이다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  39: 유지  수리의 과정이 기술의 수명을 연장하는 방식

 By their very nature, the concepts of maintenance and repair are predominantly examined from a process-oriented perspective.

 그야말로 본질적으로, 정비와 수리의 개념은 과정 지향적인 관점에서 주로 검토된다.

 The focus in related scholarly discourse often revolves around the lifespan or lifecycle of objects and technologies.

 관련된 학문적 담론의 초점은 흔히 물건과 기술의 수명 또는 생애 주기를 중심으로 이루어진다.

 In this context, maintenance and repair are considered practices that have the potential to prolong the existence of objects, ensuring their sustained utilization over an extended period.

 이러한 맥락에서 정비와 수리는 물건의 존재를 연장하여 장기간에 걸쳐 지속적인 활용을 보장할 수 있는 잠재력을 가진 행위로 여겨진다.

 Krebs and Weber critically engage with anthropomorphic metaphors that imply a biography of things, appropriately highlighting that conventional understanding of the lifecycle of a technology, from its acquisition to its disposal from the household, provides an incomplete definition.

 Krebs Weber는 물건의 일대기를 암시하는 의인화된 은유를 비판적으로 사용하여, 기술의 수명 주기에 대한 관례적인 이해가, 기술의 획득부터 가정에서의 그것의 폐기에 이르기까지, 불완전한 정의를 제공한다는 점을 적절히 강조한다.

 In reality, objects do not conform to a linear lifecycle model; instead, they undergo breakdowns, await repairs, are stored away, or find themselves relegated to the basement, only to be rediscovered and repurposed later.

 실제로 물건은 선형적인 수명 주기 모형을 따르지 않고, 대신에 고장을 겪거나, 수리를 기다리거나, 사용되지 않고 보관되거나, 지하실로 추방되거나 했다가, 결국 나중에 다시 발견되어 용도가 변경되기도 한다.

 Additionally, objects may enter recycling or second-hand cycles, leading to a dynamic afterlife marked by diverse applications.

 게다가, 물건은 재활용 또는 중고품 순환 과정으로 들어갈 수도 있어서 다양한 용도가 특징인 역동적인 사후 생애를 맞이하기도 한다.

 As such, the life of an object exhibits a far more complicated and adaptive path than a simplistic linear progression.

 그와 같이 물건의 생애는 단순한 선형적 진행보다는 훨씬 더 복잡하고 적응적인 경로를 보인다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  40: 합성 식품 성분과 자연 식품 성분의 안전성 비교

 People often assume that synthetic food ingredients are more harmful than natural ones, but this is not always the case.

 사람들은 흔히 합성 식품 성분이 천연 성분보다 더 해롭다고 가정하지만, 이것이 항상 그런 것은 아니다.

 Typically, synthetic ingredients can be made in a precisely controlled fashion and have well-defined compositions and properties, allowing careful evaluation of their potential toxicity.

 일반적으로 합성 성분은 정밀하게 통제된 방식으로 만들어질 수 있으며, 성분의 조합과 특성이 잘 정의되어 있어 잠재적인 독성을 주의 깊게 평가할 수 있다.

 On the other hand, natural ingredients often vary appreciably in their composition and properties depending on their origin, the time of year they were harvested, the climate they experienced throughout their lifetime, the soil quality, and how they were isolated and stored.

 반면에 천연 성분은 원산지, 수확된 시기, 살아 있을 때 경험한 기후, 토양의 질, 분리되고 저장된 방식에 따라 성분의 조합과 특성이 상당히 차이를 보이는 경우가 많다.

 These variations can make testing their safety extremely difficult ― one is never sure about the potential toxicity of minor components that may vary from time to time.

 이러한 변동성으로 인해 안전성을 테스트하기가 매우 어려울 수 있는데, 그때그때 달라질 수 있는 미세 성분들의 잠재적인 독성에 대해 결코 확신할 수 없다.

 In some cases, a natural food component has been consumed for hundreds or thousands of years without causing any obvious health problems and can, therefore, be assumed to be safe.

 어떤 경우에는 천연 식품 성분이 수백 년 또는 수천 년 동안 명백한 건강 문제를 일으키지 않고 소비되어 왔기에 안전하다고 가정될 수 있다.

 However, one must still be very careful.

 하지만 여전히 매우 주의해야 한다.

 [Summary] The controllability of the production process for synthetic food ingredients and the variability of natural food ingredients may challenge people's commonly held assumption that the natural ingredients are more secure.

 [Summary] 합성 식품 성분 생산 과정의 통제 가능성과 천연 식품 성분의 변동성은 천연 성분이 더 안전하다는 사람들의 일반적인 가정에 이의를 제기할 수 있다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  41~42: 인간 손의 진화가 도구 제작에 기여한 방식 설명

 Imagine grabbing a piece of paper between your thumb and index finger.

 여러분의 엄지손가락과 집게손가락 사이에 한 장의 종이를 쥐는 것을 상상해 보라.

 Maybe you already are, as you turn this page.

 어쩌면 여러분은 이 페이지를 넘기면서 이미 하고 있을지도 모른다.

 We use this type of forceful, pad-to-pad precision gripping without thinking about it, and literally in a snap.

 우리는 이러한 유형의 힘을 써서 손가락 끝 살이 맞닿는 정밀하게 쥐는 법을 그것에 대하여 아무 생각 없이, 말 그대로 순식간에 사용한다.

 Yet it was a breakthrough in human evolution.

 그러나 그것은 인류 진화의 획기적 발전이었다.

 Other primates exhibit some kinds of precision grips in the handling and use of objects, but not with the kind of efficient opposition that our hand anatomy allows.

 다른 영장류도 물체를 다루고 사용할 때 일종의 정밀한 쥐기를 보이지만, 우리 손의 해부학적 구조가 허용하는 종류의 효율적인 (엄지와 다른 손가락의) 마주 닿음은 아니다.

 In a single hand, humans can easily hold and manipulate objects, even small and delicate ones, while adjusting our fingers to their shape and reorienting them with displacements of our fingertip pads.

 한 손에서, 인간은 작고 깨지기 쉬운 물체조차도 쉽게 잡고 조작할 수 있으며, 한편 모양에 맞게 우리의 손가락을 조정하고 우리의 손가락 끝 살 부분을 이동시켜 그것의 방향을 바꿀 수 있다.

 Our relatively long, powerful thumb and other anatomical attributes, including our flat nails (which nearly all primates possess), make this possible.

 우리의 비교적 길고 강력한 엄지손가락과 (거의 모든 영장류가 소유한) 평평한 손톱을 포함하여 다른 해부학적 속성들이 이것을 가능하게 한다.

 Just picture trying ― and failing ― to dog-ear this page with pointy, curved claws.

 끝이 뾰족하고 굽은 발톱으로 이 페이지의 모서리를 접으려다가 실패하는 모습을 한번 상상해 보라.

 With a unique combination of traits, the human hand shaped our history.

 고유한 특성의 조합으로, 인간의 손은 인류의 역사를 이루었다.

 No question, stone tools couldn't have become a keystone of human technology and subsistence without hands that could do the job, along with a nervous system that could regulate and coordinate the necessary signals.

 의심할 여지 없이, 필요한 신호를 조절하고 조정할 수 있는 신경계와 함께 그 일을 할 수 있는 손이 없었다면 석기는 인간 기술과 생계의 핵심이 될 수 없었을 것이다.

 Anybody who's ever attempted to make a spear tip or arrowhead from a rock knows that it requires strong grips, constant rotation and repositioning, and forceful, careful strikes with another hard object.

 돌로 창촉이나 화살촉을 만들어 보려 한 사람이라면 누구라도 그것이 강하게 쥐는, 지속적인 회전과 재배치, 그리고 또 다른 단단한 물체로 강하고 주의 깊게 두드리는 것을 요구한다는 것을 안다.

 And even with a fair amount of know-how, it can be a bloody business.

 그리고 상당한 정도의 요령을 가지고서도, 이것은 피투성이가 되는 작업일 수 있다.


[3] 2024 11 수능  43~45: 아버지와 아들이 함께 등산하며 관계를 회복하는 이야기

 Do you remember when Sean used to tell me that I was the best dad in the world? Ethan asked his wife, Grace.

 Sean이 나에게 내가 세상에서 최고의 아빠라고 말하곤 했던 거 기억나요? Ethan이 아내 Grace에게 물었다.

 Yes, I do. I always envied your relationship with Sean, she replied.

 , 기억해요. 항상 나는 당신과 Sean의 관계를 부러워했어요.라고 그녀가 대답했다.

 Ethan then shared how things had changed since his son started middle school.

 그런 다음 Ethan은 자신의 아들 Sean이 중학교에 다니기 시작한 이후로 상황이 어떻게 변했는지 이야기했다.

 Grace had noticed Ethan often pushing Sean to study harder.

 Grace Ethan이 자주 Sean에게 공부를 더 열심히 하라고 밀어붙이는 것을 알아챘었다.

 Maybe he isn't that into school right now. How about going hiking, just the two of you? she suggested.

 아마도 지금 그 애는 학교에 그다지 관심이 없을 거예요. 당신과 Sean 단둘이서 하이킹하러 가는 건 어때요?라고 그녀가 제안했다.

 He agreed, and realizing that both his and Sean's hiking jackets were still at the laundry, he asked his wife to go and pick them up with him.

 그는 동의했고, 자신과 Sean의 하이킹 재킷이 여전히 세탁소에 있다는 것을 깨닫고는 아내에게 자신과 함께 가서 그것을 찾아오자고 부탁했다.

 When did you bring the jackets in? the clerk at the laundry asked.

 언제 재킷을 맡기셨나요?라고 세탁소 점원이 물었다.

 Maybe two weeks ago, Ethan replied.

 아마 2주 전쯤에요.라고 Ethan은 대답했다.

 Then, Grace quickly reminded him, "Honey, we actually left them here a month ago."

 그러자 "여보, 사실은 그것을 한 달 전에 여기에 두고 갔어요."라고 Grace가 재빨리 그에게 상기시켰다.

 The clerk went into the storage area to look for the clothes.

 점원은 보관 구역으로 들어가 그 옷들을 찾아보았다.

 Finally, he returned with the jackets and handed them to Ethan.

 마침내 그는 재킷을 들고 돌아와 Ethan에게 건네주었다.

 The clerk politely said, "I am sorry, but please collect your items earlier next time. Our storage is too full."

 죄송합니다만, 다음에는 물건을 더 일찍 찾아가 주세요. 저희 보관 공간이 너무 꽉 찼습니다.라고 점원이 공손하게 말했다.

 Ethan felt embarrassed for the late collection and apologized.

 Ethan은 늦은 수거에 대해 민망함을 느끼며 사과했다.

 Ethan and Grace came back home with the jackets and checked if Sean had everything else he needed for hiking.

 Ethan Grace는 재킷을 들고 집으로 돌아와 Sean이 하이킹에 필요한 그 외의 모든 것을 갖고 있는지 확인했다.

 Luckily, in his drawers they found his hat, shoes, sunglasses, and hiking sticks.

 다행히 그들은 서랍에서 그의 모자, 신발, 선글라스, 등산지팡이를 발견했다.

 When Sean returned from school, Ethan softly said, "Sean, let's go hiking this Saturday, just the two of us."

 Sean이 학교에서 돌아오자 Ethan은 부드럽게 말했다. "Sean, 이번 주 토요일에 우리 단둘이서 하이킹하러 가자."

 Though Sean thanked him for the suggestion, he said he had to go to the library.

 Sean은 그에게 제안해줘서 고맙다고 했지만, 도서관에 가야 한다고 말했다.

 Grace stepped in, "You know, the weather this weekend will be the best of the year. Why not enjoy it?"

 Grace가 끼어들었다. "있잖아, 이번 주말 날씨가 올해 최고일 거야. 즐기지 않을래?"

 After a moment's hesitation, he agreed.

 잠시 망설인 후 그는 동의했다.

 The weather was perfect.

 날씨는 완벽했다.

 Ethan and Sean set off hiking along the valley by Aicken Mountain.

 Ethan Sean Aicken Mountain 계곡을 따라 하이킹을 시작했다.

 They walked in silence until Sean fell over a rock and twisted his ankle.

 그들은 말없이 걷다가 Sean이 돌에 걸려 넘어져 발목을 삐끗했다.

 Realizing he couldn't walk, Ethan carried his son down on his back.

 그가 걸을 수 없다는 것을 깨닫고는 Ethan은 아들을 등에 업고 내려갔다.

 He felt Sean's heartbeat, something he hadn't felt since Sean was a baby.

 그는 Sean의 심장 박동을 느꼈는데, 이는 Sean이 아기였을 때 이후로 처음 느끼는 것이었다.

 Suddenly, Sean said, "Dad, I'm sorry. At some point, I started to become afraid of disappointing you. But you are still the best dad."

 갑자기 Sean이 말했다. "아빠, 미안해요. 어느 순간부터 아빠를 실망하게 할까 봐 두려워지기 시작했어요. 하지만 아빠는 여전히 최고의 아빠예요."

 Energized, he felt no weight on his back and replied, "You are the best son, no matter what."

 힘이 솟아나 Ethan은 등에 아무런 무게도 느껴지지 않았으며 "넌 무슨 일이 있어도 최고의 아들이야."라고 말했다.




[1] 2024 10 – 29: 디지털 기술이 어떻게 사용자의 인식을 강력하게 변화시키는지 설명


Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor. In the Shakespearean metaphor "time is a beggar," the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare's prose. Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user's meaning horizon. Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.


문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively engage the world proposed by metaphor. Returning to the Shakespearean metaphor “time is a beggar,” the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare’s prose. Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user’s meaning horizon. Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not superficially obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[1] 2024 10 – 30: Herbert Simon 정보 처리 한계와 집단 학습의 중요성


Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. You don't need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push ─ essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies' collective brains.


문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for realizing that we have limited information, limited time, and limited cognitive capacity. But long before Simon, evolution realized it too. Since we didn’t have information, time, or intelligence to compute the answers by ourselves, we distributed the computation across the population and solved the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we had to do was socially learn the right answers. Using this approach, we could limit our reason and causal understanding to minor tweaks with partial causal models of the world. You don’t need to understand how your computer or toilet works, you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted are which buttons to push - essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small sliver of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them or attempt to make improvements, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole - like a wisdom of the crowds. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies’ collective brains. Yet sometimes our societies’ wisdom of the crowds is instead madness of the masses.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 31: 문어의 위장술과 이를 관찰한 사진작가들의 경험 이야기


The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night. So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers. Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion. An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature. Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes. And while they mimic, they hunt ─ producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever's hiding there.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가. 다른 경로로 검색.



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

If you are a medium-sized predator, the average octopus is one of the most edible animals in the sea. It’s substantial and meaty, and without a shell, bones, spines, poisons or any other unpleasant defence mechanisms. In fact, the best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night.

So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers, swimming off the Indonesian island of Flores in the early 1990s. Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion of a fishy body. An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature.

Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be morphing into sea snakes (six arms down a hole, and two undulating menacingly), hermit crabs, stingrays, crinoids, holothurians, snake eels, brittlestars, ghost crabs, mantis shrimp, blennies, jawfish, jellyfish, lionfish and sand anemones. And while they mimic, they hunt – producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever’s hiding there.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)







[1] 2024 10 – 32: 고통의 해석이 심리적 고통의 정도에 미치는 영향


How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind. When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race ─ their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don't psychologically suffer much. In fact, ultra-marathon runners ─ those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about making friends with their pain. When a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient's back to mobilise it, the patient calls that good pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient's sore tissues.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind. We can endure great pain if we believe at that it is purposeful. For instance, when a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient’s back to 'mobilise' it, the patient calls that 'good' pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient’s sore tissues. When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race - their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don’t psychologically suffer much from their pain. In fact, ultra-marathon runners - those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about 'making friends' with their pain.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 33: 다양한 가격대의 제품 제공이 소비자 선택에 미치는 영향


When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods. If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income. If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one. But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up; many people like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price. The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model. They buy the middle item, unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers for industry and households, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods, especially large items such as computer printers and so-called white goods: kitchen and laundry appliances that were traditionally manufactured with white enamel finishes. If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income. If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one. But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up. Why? The company doesn’t expect many people to buy the third, more expensive model, but its very presence makes them choose among the alternatives. They like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price. The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model. They buy the middle item (bragging about how much money they have saved), unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 34: 기후 변화가 기후 소설 장르에 미치는 영향 예측


On-screen, climate disaster is everywhere you look, but the scope of the world's climate transformation may just as quickly eliminate the climate-fiction genre ─ indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood. You can tell stories 'about' climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life. But when the temperature rises by three or four more degrees, hardly anyone will be able to feel isolated from its impacts. And so as climate change expands across the horizon, it may cease to be a story. Why watch or read climate fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window? At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror. But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant ─ in time or in place ─ we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

But the scope of the world’s transformation may just as quickly eliminate the genre—indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood. You can tell stories “about” climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life, or an overwhelming feature of lives marginal to your own. But at three degrees of warming, or four, hardly anyone will be able to feel insulated from its impacts—or want to watch it on-screen as they watch it out their windows. And so as climate change expands across the horizon—as it begins to seem inescapable, total—it may cease to be a story and become, instead, an all-encompassing setting. Why watch or read science fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window? At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror. But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant—in time or in place—we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (20~24번)

[고1] 2024년 10월 – 20번: 가사활동에 운동을 통합하여 건강을 증진하는 방법 제안 For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like t



[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (35~42번)

[고1] 2024년 10월 – 35번: 물 부족 문제의 정치적 원인과 그로 인한 불평등 Today, the water crisis is political ─ which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ─ and, therefore, functionally elective. Th





[1] 2024 10 – 20: 가사활동에 운동을 통합하여 건강을 증진하는 방법 제안


For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like there's no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? That's where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play. Let's be realistic; chores are inevitable. Whether it's washing dishes or taking out the trash, these tasks are an essential part of daily life. But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? For instance, practice squats or engage in some wall push-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil. Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can improve your health.


문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Turn Chores into Fitness Boosters with Daily Tasks  

"Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live" — Jim Rohm.  

For many of us, carving out time for exercise is a perennial challenge. Between work commitments, family obligations, and, let’s face it, the desire for leisure, it often feels like there’s no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? That’s where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play.  

Let’s be realistic; chores are inevitable. Whether it’s washing dishes, taking out the trash, or making the bed, these tasks are part and parcel of daily life. But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? For instance, practice isometric squats while you brush your teeth, or engage in some standing press-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil.  

The benefits of these mini-workouts extend beyond the mere physical. Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can also make these mundane tasks more engaging and enjoyable. Imagine how much quicker time would pass if, instead of lamenting over the sink full of dishes, you were focusing on tightening your core muscles or improving your posture. Research from the American Council on Exercise suggests that doing these micro exercises during chores, are practical for building strength and stability, particularly in your lower body and core.  

Incorporating mini-exercises doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your routine; it just asks for a little creativity and a willingness to see opportunity where you might not have seen it before. From calf raises while doing laundry to lunges while vacuuming, the possibilities are almost endless.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[1] 2024 10 – 21: 기억이 교육과 경험에 의해 재구성되는 방식과 영향 설명


When we see something, we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. This is a useful trait. It's a more efficient way to store information ─ a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. Seeing is not believing.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Minds are simulators  

When we see something - say a rectangular, brown desk - we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. We store in our minds not the raw image of the desk, but its features in an abstract manner. You can test yourself for how you’re mentally representing something by trying to draw it. We draw with our abstractions, not with a full picture of what we saw. We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. This is a useful trait. It’s a more efficient way to store information - a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail, struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. Seeing is not believing.  

In her now classic experiments, Elizabeth Loftus showed people a video of a car crash. She then asked people to estimate the speed of the car and whether they saw broken glass when the cars ‘contacted’, ‘hit’, ‘bumped’, ‘collided’, or ‘smashed’ into each other. Different groups were given a different description of the same video scene they all saw. The participants who were asked how fast the cars were going when they ‘smashed’ into each other drew on everything they knew about ‘smashing’ and had the highest estimates for speed and the greatest likelihood of claiming to have seen broken glass. There was no broken glass in the video. It’s because a ‘smashed’ car mentally simulates a lot more damage than one that was only ‘contacted’.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 22:  인상이 논리적 판단보다  정확할  있다는 연구 결과


In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It's when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like "his face just popped out at me," that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It’s when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like “his face just popped out at me,” that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest rendition of what our mind is really doing. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book *Blink*, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)





[1] 2024 10 – 23: 구체적인 질문으로 추상적 개념을 명확하게 만드는 방법 제안


Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes. Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. Respondents' recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of 'sad' could vary widely. But asking "How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?" prompts a concrete answer. Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, "How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?" Questions that seek concrete responses help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Seek concrete answers, not merely quantitative answers.  

Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes.  

Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. Respondents’ recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of “sad” could vary widely. But asking “How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?” prompts a concrete answer. Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, perhaps ask, “How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?”  

Questions that seek concrete responses can help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 24: 인공지능과 인간 의식의 상호작용  AI 진화의 방향성


The evolution of AI is often associated with the concept of singularity. Singularity refers to the point at which AI exceeds human intelligence. After that point, it is predicted that AI will repeatedly improve itself and evolve at an accelerated pace. When AI becomes self-aware and pursues its own goals, it will be a conscious being, not just a machine. AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together. Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity. Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI. The direction of AI's evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI. We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가



원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~34번)

[고1] 2024년 10월 – 29번: 디지털 기술이 어떻게 사용자의 인식을 강력하게 변화시키는지 설명 Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in im



[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (35~42번)

[고1] 2024년 10월 – 35번: 물 부족 문제의 정치적 원인과 그로 인한 불평등 Today, the water crisis is political ─ which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ─ and, therefore, functionally elective. Th






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오늘은 <고1 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 3번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고1] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #3 - 171문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 







자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




파일 미리보기




파일 다운로드

[Flow Edu] 22년 고1 11월 기출 #3_171문항.pdf



관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (211문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 211문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문



[고1] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #2 (186문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 2번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #2 - 186문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항








안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


<2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 7 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (131문항) 올립니다.

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,
문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게
유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




파일 미리보기




파일 다운로드

[Flow Edu] 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2 - Unit 7 기출모음 #1_131문항.pdf



관련 자료 바로가기


2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2 - Unit 5 기출문제 모음 #1 (133문항)

오늘은 의 기출모음 자료 올립니다.안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 5 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (133문항) 올립니다.과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기



2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2 - Unit 6 기출문제 모음 #1 (133문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 6 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (133문항) 올립니다.과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이







안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


<2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 6 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (133문항) 올립니다.

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,
문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게
유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




파일 미리보기




파일 다운로드

[Flow Edu] 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2 - Unit 6 기출모음 #1_133문항.pdf



관련 자료 바로가기


2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2 - Unit 4 기출문제 모음 #1 (127문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 4 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (127문항) 올립니다.과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이



2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2 - Unit 5 기출문제 모음 #1 (133문항)

오늘은 의 기출모음 자료 올립니다.안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024 올림포스 기출문제집 영어독해 고2>의 Unit 5 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (133문항) 올립니다.과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기








안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 3번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #3 - 163문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




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[Flow Edu] 22년 고2 11월 기출 #3_163문항.pdf



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[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (217문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 217문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문



[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #2 (184문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 2번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #2 - 184문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문






안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 2번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #2 - 184문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)



블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 



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[Flow Edu] 22년 고2 11월 기출 #2_184문항.pdf



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[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (217문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 217문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문



[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #3 (163문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 3번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #3 - 163문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항







안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 217문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 



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[Flow Edu] 22년 고2 11월 기출 #1_217문항.pdf



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[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #2 (184문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 2번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #2 - 184문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문



[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #3 (163문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 3번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #3 - 163문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항







안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <고1 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 2번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고1] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #2 - 186문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 



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[Flow Edu] 22년 고1 11월 기출 #2_186문항.pdf



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[고1] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (211문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 211문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문







안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <고1 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고1] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 211문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 



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안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <2023년도 11월 고1~2 영어 모의고사>의 지문 텍스트만

한글 파일 hwpx pdf 파일로 정리해서 올립니다.

변형문제 출제를 위해 해당 지문들을 hwp 한글 파일로 제작했습니다.


<이그잼4유>에서 제작한 기출문제 한글 파일의 스타일 기능을 일부 수정해서 사용했습니다.

hwp 파일 내의 스타일 기능을 사용하시면 좀 더 쉽게 자체 변형문제를 작성할 수 있습니다.

(바탕글 / 본문 / 종합문제 / 문제 / 보기문) 


실용문을 제외한 전체 지문에 대해 작업했고,

hwpx 파일과 pdf 파일로 자료 올립니다.


필요에 따라 변형해서 사용하세요.
유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다~♡




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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파일 다운로드

[고1~고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 지문정리 (문제 제작용).pdf
[고1~고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 지문정리 (문제 제작용).hwpx



* 자료 수정: 자료에 오류가 있어 수정하고 다시 업로드 했습니다. (2024.11.13)




관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (103문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 103문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일



[고2] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (71문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 71문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일






안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <고2 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고2] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 71문항


이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일에 시행되어 대부분의 학교에서 2학기 기말고사에 출제되지 않았습니다.

따라서 아쉽게도 기출문제가 많지 않네요. 이번 자료가 올해는 처음이자 마지막이 될 것 같습니다 ㅠ.ㅠ

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




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파일 다운로드

[Flow Edu] 23년 고2 11월 기출 #1_71문항.pdf



관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (103문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 103문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일



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