①Gold plating in the project means needlessly enhancing the expected results, namely, adding characteristics that are costly, not required, and that have low added value with respect to the targets ― in other words, giving more with no real justification other than to demonstrate one's own talent.
②Gold plating is especially interesting for project team members, as it is typical of projects with a marked professional component ― in other words, projects that involve specialists with proven experience and extensive professional autonomy.
③In these environments specialists often see the project as an opportunity to test and enrich their skill sets.
④There is therefore a strong temptation, in all good faith, to engage in gold plating, namely, to achieve more or higher-quality work that gratifies the professional but does not add value to the client's requests, and at the same time removes valuable resources from the project.
⑤As the saying goes, "The best is the enemy of the good."
⑤속담에있듯이, '최고는좋음의적'이다.
[고3] 2023년09월– 22번:이민자들이주류문화에동화되는과정에서겪는갈등
①The need to assimilate values and lifestyle of the host culture has become a growing conflict.
②Multiculturalists suggest that there should be a model of partial assimilation in which immigrants retain some of their customs, beliefs, and language.
③There is pressure to conform rather than to maintain their cultural identities, however, and these conflicts are greatly determined by the community to which one migrates.
④These experiences are not new; many Europeans experienced exclusion and poverty during the first two waves of immigration in the 19th and 20th centuries.
⑧Perhaps, in the not too distant future, immigrants will no longer be strangers among us.
[고3] 2023년09월– 23번:상업라디오방송의주목적과인기음악의중요성
①The primary purpose of commercial music radio broadcasting is to deliver an audience to a group of advertisers and sponsors.
②To achieve commercial success, that audience must be as large as possible.
③More than any other characteristics (such as demographic or psychographic profile, purchasing power, level of interest, degree of satisfaction, quality of attention or emotional state), the quantity of an audience aggregated as a mass is the most significant metric for broadcasters seeking to make music radio for profitable ends.
④As a result, broadcasters attempt to maximise their audience size by playing music that is popular, or ― at the very least ― music that can be relied upon not to cause audiences to switch off their radio or change the station.
⑥In consequence, a high degree of risk aversion frequently marks out the 'successful' radio music programmer.
⑦Playlists are restricted, and often very small.
[고3] 2023년09월– 24번:인터넷뉴스의등장으로뉴스아카이브접근성이향상됨
①Before the web, newspaper archives were largely the musty domain of professional researchers and journalism students.
②Journalism was, by definition, current.
③The general accessibility of archives has greatly extended the shelf life of journalism, with older stories now regularly cited to provide context for more current ones.
④With regard to how meaning is made of complex issues encountered in the news, this departure can be understood as a readiness by online news consumers to engage with the underlying issues and contexts of the news that was not apparent in, or even possible for, print consumers.
⑤One of the emergent qualities of online news, determined in part by the depth of readily accessible online archives, seems to be the possibility of understanding news stories as the manifest outcomes of larger economic, social and cultural issues rather than short-lived and unconnected media spectacles.
②Among the five groups, Asians exhibited the highest college enrollment rate with more than 50% in each year listed in the table.
③Whites were the second highest in terms of the college enrollment rate among all the groups in all three years, while the rate dropped below 40% in 2021.
⑤Among the years displayed in the table, 2016 was the only year when the college enrollment rate of Hispanics was higher than that of Blacks.
⑤표에나타난연도중, 2016년은히스패닉의대학등록률이흑인의등록률보다높았던유일한해였다.
⑥In each year, American Indians/Alaska Natives showed the lowest college enrollment rate.
[고3] 2023년09월– 26번:피아니스트이자작가인Charles Rosen의생애와업적
①Charles Rosen, a virtuoso pianist and distinguished writer, was born in New York in 1927.
①거장피아니스트이자저명한작가인Charles Rosen은1927년뉴욕에서태어났다.
②Rosen displayed a remarkable talent for the piano from his early childhood.
③In 1951, the year he earned his doctoral degree in French literature at Princeton University, Rosen made both his New York piano debut and his first recordings.
⑥Rosen was also the author of many widely admired books about music.
⑦His most famous book, The Classical Style, was first published in 1971 and won the U.S. National Book Award the next year.
⑦그의가장유명한책은The Classical Style은1971년에처음출판되었고이듬해에U.S. National Book Award를수상했다.
⑧This work, which was reprinted in an expanded edition in 1997, remains a landmark in the field.
⑨While writing extensively, Rosen continued to perform as a pianist for the rest of his life until he died in 2012.
⑨폭넓게글쓰기를하면서, Rosen은2012년사망할때까지여생동안피아니스트로서공연을계속했다.
[고3] 2023년09월– 29번:스트레스반응을긍정적으로받아들이는것이도움이됨
①Viewing the stress response as a resource can transform the physiology of fear into the biology of courage.
②It can turn a threat into a challenge and can help you do your best under pressure.
③Even when the stress doesn't feel helpful ― as in the case of anxiety ― welcoming it can transform it into something that is helpful: more energy, more confidence, and a greater willingness to take action.
②From a historical perspective, until the 1700s textile production was a hand process using the fibers available within a particular geographic region, for example, cotton, wool, silk, and flax.
③Trade among regions increased the availability of these fibers and associated textiles made from the fibers.
④The First Industrial Revolution and subsequent technological advancements in manufactured fibers added to the fact that fibers and textiles were no longer "place-bound."
⑤Fashion companies created and consumers could acquire textiles and products made from textiles with little or no connection to where, how, or by whom the products were made.
⑥This resulted in a disconnect between consumers and the products they use on a daily basis, a loss of understanding and appreciation in the skills and resources necessary to create these products, and an associated disregard for the human and natural resources necessary for the products' creation.
⑦Therefore, renewing a value on place reconnects the company and the consumer with the people, geography, and culture of a particular location.
[고3] 2023년09월– 31번:제2차세계대전후교외지역으로의이동과자동차의존증가
①In the post-World War II years after 1945, unparalleled economic growth fueled a building boom and a massive migration from the central cities to the new suburban areas.
②The suburbs were far more dependent on the automobile, signaling the shift from primary dependence on public transportation to private cars.
③Soon this led to the construction of better highways and freeways and the decline and even loss of public transportation.
④With all of these changes came a privatization of leisure.
⑤As more people owned their own homes, with more space inside and lovely yards outside, their recreation and leisure time was increasingly centered around the home or, at most, the neighborhood.
⑥One major activity of this home-based leisure was watching television.
⑦No longer did one have to ride the trolly to the theater to watch a movie; similar entertainment was available for free and more conveniently from television.
⑤The underlying machinery is straightforward ― we apply image classification and object detection methods and tag the image with the output words.
⑥But tags aren't a comprehensive description of what is happening in an image.
⑦It matters who is doing what, and tags don't capture this.
⑧For example, tagging a picture of a cat in the street with the object categories "cat", "street", "trash can" and "fish bones" leaves out the information that the cat is pulling the fish bones out of an open trash can on the street.
③An overly futuristic, unconventional, or visionary invention can fail initially (it may lack essential not-yet-invented materials or a critical market or proper understanding) yet succeed later, when the ecology of supporting ideas catches up.
④Gregor Mendel's 1865 theories of genetic heredity were correct but ignored for 35 years.
④Gregor Mendel의1865년유전이론은옳았지만35년동안무시되었다.
⑤His sharp insights were not accepted because they did not explain the problems biologists had at the time, nor did his explanation operate by known mechanisms, so his discoveries were out of reach even for the early adopters.
⑥Decades later science faced the urgent questions that Mendel's discoveries could answer.
⑦Now his insights were only one step away.
⑧Within a few years of one another, three different scientists each independently rediscovered Mendel's forgotten work, which of course had been there all along.
①Prior to photography, places did not travel well.
②While painters have always lifted particular places out of their 'dwelling' and transported them elsewhere, paintings were time-consuming to produce, relatively difficult to transport and one-of-a-kind.
③The multiplication of photographs especially took place with the introduction of the half-tone plate in the 1880s that made possible the mechanical reproduction of photographs in newspapers, periodicals, books and advertisements.
④Photography became coupled to consumer capitalism and the globe was now offered 'in limitless quantities, figures, landscapes, events which had not previously been utilised either at all, or only as pictures for one customer'.
⑤With capitalism's arrangement of the world as a 'department store', 'the proliferation and circulation of representations ... achieved a spectacular and virtually inescapable global magnitude'.
⑥Gradually photographs became cheap massproduced objects that made the world visible, aesthetic and desirable.
⑦Experiences were 'democratised' by translating them into cheap images.
⑧Light, small and mass-produced photographs became dynamic vehicles for the spatiotemporal circulation of places.
[고3] 2023년09월– 35번:재택근무프로그램의제한요소와장래전망
①Although organizations are offering telecommuting programs in greater numbers than ever before, acceptance and use of these programs are still limited by a number of factors.
②These factors include manager reliance on face-to-face management practices, lack of telecommuting training within an organization, misperceptions of and discomfort with flexible workplace programs, and a lack of information about the effects of telecommuting on an organization's bottom line.
④Continuing advances in information technology, the expansion of a global workforce, and increased desire to balance work and family are only three of the many factors that will gradually reduce the current barriers to telecommuting as a dominant workforce development.
⑤With implications for organizational cost savings, especially with regard to lower facility costs, increased employee flexibility, and productivity, telecommuting is increasingly of interest to many organizations.
①The intuitive ability to classify and generalize is undoubtedly a useful feature of life and research, but it carries a high cost, such as in our tendency to stereotype generalizations about people and situations.
③But, in fact, stereotypes do not differ in principle from all other generalizations; generalizations about groups of people are not necessarily always negative.
④Intuitively and quickly, we mentally sort things into groups based on what we perceive the differences between them to be, and that is the basis for stereotyping.
⑥Our brain performs these tasks efficiently and automatically, usually without our awareness.
⑦The real danger of stereotypes is not their inaccuracy, but their lack of flexibility and their tendency to be preserved, even when we have enough time to stop and consider.
①Plants show finely tuned adaptive responses when nutrients are limiting.
②Gardeners may recognize yellow leaves as a sign of poor nutrition and the need for fertilizer.
③But if a plant does not have a caretaker to provide supplemental minerals, it can proliferate or lengthen its roots and develop root hairs to allow foraging in more distant soil patches.
⑥Plants that have experienced variable nutrient availability in the past tend to exhibit risk-taking behaviors, such as spending energy on root lengthening instead of leaf production.
⑦In contrast, plants with a history of nutrient abundance are risk averse and save energy.
⑧At all developmental stages, plants respond to environmental changes or unevenness so as to be able to use their energy for growth, survival, and reproduction, while limiting damage and nonproductive uses of their valuable energy.
⑤In addition, digitally converted sounds could be manipulated simply by programming digital messages rather than using physical tools, simplifying the editing process significantly.
⑥For example, while editing once involved razor blades to physically cut and splice audiotapes, it now involved the cursor and mouse-click of the computer-based sequencer program, which was obviously less time consuming.
⑦Because the manipulation of digitally converted sounds meant the reprogramming of binary information, editing operations could be performed with millisecond precision.
⑧This microlevel access at once made it easier to conceal any traces of manipulations (such as joining tracks in silent spots) and introduced new possibilities for manipulating sounds in audible and experimental ways.
①Acknowledging the making of artworks does not require a detailed, technical knowledge of, say, how painters mix different kinds of paint, or how an image editing tool works.
②All that is required is a general sense of a significant difference between working with paints and working with an imaging application.
③This sense might involve a basic familiarity with paints and paintbrushes as well as a basic familiarity with how we use computers, perhaps including how we use consumer imaging apps.
④In the case of specialists such as art critics, a deeper familiarity with materials and techniques is often useful in reaching an informed judgement about a work.
⑤This is because every kind of artistic material or tool comes with its own challenges and affordances for artistic creation.
⑥Critics are often interested in the ways artists exploit different kinds of materials and tools for particular artistic effect.
⑦They are also interested in the success of an artist's attempt ― embodied in the artwork itself ― to push the limits of what can be achieved with certain materials and tools.
①Research for historical fiction may focus on under-documented ordinary people, events, or sites.
②Fiction helps portray everyday situations, feelings, and atmosphere that recreate the historical context.
③Historical fiction adds "flesh to the bare bones that historians are able to uncover and by doing so provides an account that while not necessarily true provides a clearer indication of past events, circumstances and cultures."
⑥Fiction can allow users to see parts of the past that have never ― for lack of archives ― been represented.
⑦In fact, Gilden Seavey explains that if producers of historical fiction had strongly held the strict academic standards, many historical subjects would remain unexplored for lack of appropriate evidence.
⑧Historical fiction should, therefore, not be seen as the opposite of professional history, but rather as a challenging representation of the past from which both public historians and popular audiences may learn.
③Knowing where and when you learned something is usually called context information, and context is handled by different memory processes than memory for the content.
④Thus, it's quite possible to retain content without remembering the context.
⑤For example, if someone mentions a movie and you think to yourself that you heard it was terrible but can't remember where you heard that, you're recalling the content, but you've lost the context.
⑥Context information is frequently easier to forget than content, and it's the source of a variety of memory illusions.
⑦For instance, people are unconvinced by a persuasive argument if it's written by someone who is not very credible (e.g., someone with a clear financial interest in the topic).
①In July, people in the city often escaped to relax in the mountains.
②Sean didn't yet know it, but he was about to have the experience of a lifetime.
③"When I look around, all I see is the work I haven't finished and the bills I haven't paid," he complained over the phone to his friend and doctor, Alex.
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[고2] 2023년09월– 18번: No. 35번버스가중간정류장에정차하지않는문제해결요청
①To whom it may concern,
②I would like to draw your attention to a problem that frequently occurs with the No. 35 buses.
③There is a bus stop about halfway along Fenny Road, at which the No. 35 buses are supposed to stop.
③Fenny Road를따라중간쯤버스정류장이있고,그곳에서35번버스가정차하게되어있습니다.
④It would appear, however, that some of your drivers are either unaware of this bus stop or for some reason choose to ignore it, driving past even though the buses are not full.
④Avoid making suggestions to employees about personal traits they should change; instead suggest more acceptable ways of performing.
⑤For example, instead of focusing on a person's "unreliability," a manager might focus on the fact that the employee "has been late to work seven times this month."
⑥It is difficult for employees to change who they are; it is usually much easier for them to change how they act.
[고2] 2023년09월– 21번:균형잡힌숲생태계를위한다양한나무종의중요성
①I suspect fungi are a little more forward "thinking" than their larger partners.
②Among trees, each species fights other species.
③Let's assume the beeches native to Central Europe could emerge victorious in most forests there.
④Would this really be an advantage?
⑤What would happen if a new pathogen came along that infected most of the beeches and killed them?
⑥In that case, wouldn't it be more advantageous if there were a certain number of other species around ― oaks, maples, or firs ― that would continue to grow and provide the shade needed for a new generation of young beeches to sprout and grow up?
⑧Because fungi are also very dependent on stable conditions, they support other species underground and protect them from complete collapse to ensure that one species of tree doesn't manage to dominate.
①It's remarkable that positive fantasies help us relax to such an extent that it shows up in physiological tests.
②If you want to unwind, you can take some deep breaths, get a massage, or go for a walk ― but you can also try simply closing your eyes and fantasizing about some future outcome that you might enjoy.
③But what about when your objective is to make your wish a reality?
④The last thing you want to be is relaxed.
⑤You want to be energized enough to get off the couch and lose those pounds or find that job or study for that test, and you want to be motivated enough to stay engaged even when the inevitable obstacles or challenges arise.
⑦You put yourself in a temporary state of complete happiness, calmness ― and inactivity.
[고2] 2023년09월– 23번:요리의외주화가현대생활에미친긍정적영향
①If cooking is as central to human identity, biology, and culture as the biological anthropologist Richard Wrangham suggests, it stands to reason that the decline of cooking in our time would have serious consequences for modern life, and so it has.
③The outsourcing of much of the work of cooking to corporations has relieved women of what has traditionally been their exclusive responsibility for feeding the family, making it easier for them to work outside the home and have careers.
④It has headed off many of the domestic conflicts that such a large shift in gender roles and family dynamics was bound to spark.
⑤It has relieved other pressures in the household, including longer workdays and overscheduled children, and saved us time that we can now invest in other pursuits.
⑥It has also allowed us to diversify our diets substantially, making it possible even for people with no cooking skills and little money to enjoy a whole different cuisine.
⑧They contribute 50 percent of their profits to the construction of toilets around the world, and we're genuinely happy to spend our money on this special toilet paper each month.
⑨Remember that the corporate world is built on consumers, so as a consumer you have the power to vote with your wallet and encourage companies to embrace healthier and more sustainable practices with every purchase you choose to make.
②In each year from 2013 to 2020, the percentage of male respondents who used smart TVs to access the Internet was higher than that of female respondents.
⑤For male respondents, 2017 was the only year that saw a decrease in the percentage of those accessing the Internet via smart TVs compared to the previous year, during the given period.
⑥In 2014, the percentage of females using smart TVs to access the Internet was the lowest during the given period at 6%, and it was still below 10% in 2015.
①Camille Flammarion was born at Montigny-le-Roi, France.
①Camille Flammarion은프랑스Montigny-le-Roi에서태어났다.
②He became interested in astronomy at an early age, and when he was only sixteen he wrote a book on the origin of the world.
③The manuscript was not published at the time, but it came to the attention of Urbain Le Verrier, the director of the Paris Observatory.
③그원고는그당시출판되지않았지만, Paris Observatory의관리자인Urbain Le Verrier의관심을끌게되었다.
④He became an assistant to Le Verrier in 1858 and worked as a calculator.
④그는1858년에Le Verrier의조수가되었고계산원으로일했다.
⑤At nineteen, he wrote another book called The Plurality of Inhabited Worlds, in which he passionately claimed that life exists outside the planet Earth.
⑤19세에그는The Plurality of Inhabited Worlds라는또다른책을썼는데,이책에서그는외계에생명체가존재한다고열정적으로주장했다.
⑥His most successful work, Popular Astronomy, was published in 1880, and eventually sold 130,000 copies.
④But we all make our own judgement about sell-by dates; those brought up during the Second World War are often scornful of the terrible waste they believe such caution encourages.
⑤The manufacturer of the food has a view when making or growing something that by the time the product reaches the shelves it has already been travelling for so many days and possibly many miles.
⑥The manufacturer then decides that a product can reasonably be consumed within say 90 days and 90 days minus so many days for travelling gives the sell-by date.
③Based in large part on genetics, some people have a more efficient version of the enzyme that degrades caffeine, allowing the liver to rapidly clear it from the bloodstream.
④These rare individuals can drink an espresso with dinner and fall fast asleep at midnight without a problem.
⑤Others, however, have a slower-acting version of the enzyme.
⑥It takes far longer for their system to eliminate the same amount of caffeine.
⑦As a result, they are very sensitive to caffeine's effects.
⑧One cup of tea or coffee in the morning will last much of the day, and should they have a second cup, even early in the afternoon, they will find it difficult to fall asleep in the evening.
⑨Aging also alters the speed of caffeine clearance: the older we are, the longer it takes our brain and body to remove caffeine, and thus the more sensitive we become in later life to caffeine's sleep-disrupting influence.
④If I want you to consider an idea, and know you strongly reject popular opinion in favor of maintaining your independence and uniqueness, I would present the majority option first, which you would reject in favor of my actual preference.
⑤We are often tricked when we try to maintain a position of defiance.
⑥People use this reversal to make us "independently" choose an option which suits their purposes.
⑦Some brands have taken full effect of our defiance towards the mainstream and positioned themselves as rebels; which has created even stronger brand loyalty.
①A typical soap opera creates an abstract world, in which a highly complex web of relationships connects fictional characters that exist first only in the minds of the program's creators and are then recreated in the minds of the viewer.
②If you were to think about how much human psychology, law, and even everyday physics the viewer must know in order to follow and speculate about the plot, you would discover it is considerable ─ at least as much as the knowledge required to follow and speculate about a piece of modern mathematics, and in most cases, much more.
⑤Because, of course, the abstraction is built on an extremely familiar framework.
⑥The characters in a soap opera and the relationships between them are very much like the real people and relationships we experience every day.
⑦The abstraction of a soap opera is only a step removed from the real world.
⑧The mental "training" required to follow a soap opera is provided by our everyday lives.
[고2] 2023년09월– 33번:박쥐와나방의감각적군비경쟁
①As always happens with natural selection, bats and their prey have been engaged in a life-or-death sensory arms race for millions of years.
②It's believed that hearing in moths arose specifically in response to the threat of being eaten by bats.
③(Not all insects can hear.)
④Over millions of years, moths have evolved the ability to detect sounds at ever higher frequencies, and, as they have, the frequencies of bats' vocalizations have risen, too.
⑤Some moth species have also evolved scales on their wings and a fur-like coat on their bodies; both act as "acoustic camouflage," by absorbing sound waves in the frequencies emitted by bats, thereby preventing those sound waves from bouncing back.
①Much of human thought is designed to screen out information and to sort the rest into a manageable condition.
②The inflow of data from our senses could create an overwhelming chaos, especially given the enormous amount of information available in culture and society.
③Out of all the sensory impressions and possible information, it is vital to find a small amount that is most relevant to our individual needs and to organize that into a usable stock of knowledge.
④Expectancies accomplish some of this work, helping to screen out information that is irrelevant to what is expected, and focusing our attention on clear contradictions.
②For more than a millennium after the fall of Rome, European rulers lacked the ability to assess what their people were producing and to levy substantial taxes based on this.
③The most striking way to illustrate European weakness is to show how little revenue they collected.
④Europeans would eventually develop strong systems of revenue collection, but it took them an awfully long time to do so.
⑤In medieval times, and for part of the early modern era, Chinese emperors and Muslim caliphs were able to extract much more of economic production than any European ruler with the exception of small city-states.
④The temptation is to see advertising as driving up the price of a product without any benefit to the consumer.
⑤However, this misconception doesn't account for why firms advertise.
⑥In markets where competitors sell slightly differentiated products, advertising enables firms to inform their customers about new products and services.
⑦Yes, costs rise, but consumers also gain information to help make purchasing decisions.
⑧Consumers also benefit from added variety, and we all get a product that's pretty close to our vision of a perfect good ─ and no other market structure delivers that outcome.
②Yet consider the Elbphilharmonie, a new concert hall in Hamburg, which contains a remarkably beautiful auditorium composed of ten thousand interlocking acoustic panels.
③It is the sort of space that makes one instinctively think that only a human being ─ and a human with a remarkably refined creative sensibility, at that ─ could design something so aesthetically impressive.
①The brain is a high-energy consumer of glucose, which is its fuel.
②Although the brain accounts for merely 3 percent of a person's body weight, it consumes 20 percent of the available fuel.
③Your brain can't store fuel, however, so it has to "pay as it goes."
④Since your brain is incredibly adaptive, it economizes its fuel resources.
⑤Thus, during a period of high stress, it shifts away from the analysis of the nuances of a situation to a singular and fixed focus on the stressful situation at hand.
⑥You don't sit back and speculate about the meaning of life when you are stressed.
⑦Instead, you devote all your energy to trying to figure out what action to take.
⑧Sometimes, however, this shift from the higher-thinking parts of the brain to the automatic and reflexive parts of the brain can lead you to do something too quickly, without thinking.
①Much research has been carried out on the causes of engagement, an issue that is important from both a theoretical and practical standpoint: identifying the drivers of work engagement may enable us to manipulate or influence it.
②The causes of engagement fall into two major camps: situational and personal.
③The most influential situational causes are job resources, feedback and leadership, the latter, of course, being responsible for job resources and feedback.
④Indeed, leaders influence engagement by giving their employees honest and constructive feedback on their performance, and by providing them with the necessary resources that enable them to perform their job well.
⑤It is, however, noteworthy that although engagement drives job performance, job performance also drives engagement.
⑥In other words, when employees are able to do their jobs well ─ to the point that they match or exceed their own expectations and ambitions ─ they will engage more, be proud of their achievements, and find work more meaningful.
⑦This is especially evident when people are employed in jobs that align with their values.
[고2] 2023년09월– 40번:이타적동기가지속적인지원을유발하는이유
①In 2006, researchers conducted a study on the motivations for helping after the September 11th terrorist attacks against the United States.
②In the study, they found that individuals who gave money, blood, goods, or other forms of assistance because of other-focused motives (giving to reduce another's discomfort) were almost four times more likely to still be giving support one year later than those whose original motivation was to reduce personal distress.
⑦[요약문] A study found that the act of giving was less likely to be sustained when driven by self-centered motives rather than by other-focused motives, possibly because of the decline in emotional arousal.
①In England in the 1680s, it was unusual to live to the age of fifty.
②This was a period when knowledge was not spread widely, there were few books and most people could not read.
③As a consequence, knowledge passed down through the oral traditions of stories and shared experiences.
④And since older people had accumulated more knowledge, the social norm was that to be over fifty was to be wise.
⑤This social perception of age began to shift with the advent of new technologies such as the printing press.
⑥Over time, as more books were printed, literacy increased, and the oral traditions of knowledge transfer began to fade.
⑦With the fading of oral traditions, the wisdom of the old became less important and as a consequence being over fifty was no longer seen as signifying wisdom.
⑨In a video produced by the AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons), young people were asked to do various activities 'just like an old person'.
⑨AARP(이전의American Association of Retired Persons)에의해제작된영상에서젊은이들은다양한활동을'마치꼭노인처럼'하도록요청받았다.
⑩When older people joined them in the video, the gap between the stereotype and the older people's actual behaviour was striking.
⑪It is clear that in today's world our social norms need to be updated quickly.
[고2] 2023년09월– 43~45번:본인의길을선택한Jack의용기와그로인한성취
①When Jack was a young man in his early twenties during the 1960s, he had tried to work in his father's insurance business, as was expected of him.
⑩In the face of his father's fury, Jack felt confusion and fear.
⑩아버지의분노앞에서, Jack은혼란과두려움을느꼈다.
⑪His resolve became weak.
⑫But then a force filled his chest and he stood firm in his decision.
⑬In following his path, Jack not only ran three flourishing hair shops, but also helped his clients experience their inner beauty by listening and encouraging them when they faced dark times.
⑭His love for his work led to donating time and talent at nursing homes, which in turn led to becoming a hospice volunteer, and eventually to starting fundraising efforts for the hospice program in his community.
⑮And all this laid a strong stepping stone for another courageous move in his life.
⑯When, after having two healthy children of their own, Jack and his wife, Michele, decided to bring an orphaned child into their family, his father threatened to disown them.
⑧Therefore show your child good examples of life by your action.
⑨In our daily lives, we can show our children that we respect others.
⑩We can show them our compassion and concern when others are suffering, and our own self-discipline, courage and honesty as we make difficult decisions.
②If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it fall, does it make a sound?
③The correct answer is no.
④Sound is more than pressure waves, and indeed there can be no sound without a hearer.
⑤And similarly, scientific communication is a two-way process.
⑥Just as a signal of any kind is useless unless it is perceived, a published scientific paper (signal) is useless unless it is both received and understood by its intended audience.
④This old-school, adversarial approach may be useful in a one-off negotiation where you will probably not deal with that person again.
⑤However, such transactions are becoming increasingly rare, because most of us deal with the same people repeatedly ─ our spouses and children, our friends and colleagues, our customers and clients.
⑥In view of this, it's essential to achieve successful results for ourselves and maintain a healthy relationship with our negotiating partners at the same time.
①The interaction of workers from different cultural backgrounds with the host population might increase productivity due to positive externalities like knowledge spillovers.
②This is only an advantage up to a certain degree.
③When the variety of backgrounds is too large, fractionalization may cause excessive transaction costs for communication, which may lower productivity.
④Diversity not only impacts the labour market, but may also affect the quality of life in a location.
⑤A tolerant native population may value a multicultural city or region because of an increase in the range of available goods and services.
⑥On the other hand, diversity could be perceived as an unattractive feature if natives perceive it as a distortion of what they consider to be their national identity.
⑦They might even discriminate against other ethnic groups and they might fear that social conflicts between different foreign nationalities are imported into their own neighbourhood.
④Before these ancestors got the idea to erect standing stones some 12,000 years ago, they were hunter-gatherers.
⑤It appears that the erection of the multiple rings of megalithic stones took so long, and so many successive generations, that these innovators were forced to settle down to complete the construction works.
⑧Evans became famous for recordings made from the late-1950s through the 1960s.
⑨He won his first Grammy Award in 1964 for his album Conversations with Myself.
⑨그는자신의앨범Conversations with Myself로1964년에자신의첫번째그래미상을수상했다.
⑩Evans' expressive piano works and his unique harmonic approach inspired a whole generation of musicians.
[고1] 2023년09월– 29번:스포츠경영전문가들이비전문적조언에직면하는상황
①There is a reason the title "Monday Morning Quarterback" exists.
①'Monday Morning Quarterback'이라는이름이존재하는이유가있다.
②Just read the comments on social media from fans discussing the weekend's games, and you quickly see how many people believe they could play, coach, and manage sport teams more successfully than those on the field.
④Students and professionals with years of training and specialized degrees in sport business may also find themselves being given advice on how to do their jobs from friends, family, or even total strangers without any expertise.
⑦Very few people tell their doctor how to perform surgery or their accountant how to prepare their taxes, but many people provide feedback on how sport organizations should be managed.
⑤But their decision to drive is based solely on emotion, not logic.
⑥Logic says that statistically, the odds of dying in a car crash are around 1 in 5,000, while the odds of dying in a plane crash are closer to 1 in 11 million.
①The famous primatologist Frans de Waal, of Emory University, says humans downplay similarities between us and other animals as a way of maintaining our spot at the top of our imaginary ladder.
①Emory대학의유명한영장류학자Frans de Waal은인간은상상속사다리의꼭대기에서우리의위치를유지하는방법으로우리와다른동물들사이의유사성을경시한다고말한다.
②Scientists, de Waal points out, can be some of the worst offenders ─ employing technical language to distance the other animals from us.
③They call "kissing" in chimps "mouth-to-mouth contact"; they call "friends" between primates "favorite affiliation partners"; they interpret evidence showing that crows and chimps can make tools as being somehow qualitatively different from the kind of toolmaking said to define humanity.
④If an animal can beat us at a cognitive task ─ like how certain bird species can remember the precise locations of thousands of seeds ─ they write it off as instinct, not intelligence.
④All of them had dyslexia and had had significant problems with reading throughout their school years.
⑤While she expected to find that they had avoided reading and discovered ways to bypass it or compensate with other strategies for learning, she found the opposite.
⑧The pattern Fink discovered was that all of her subjects had been passionate in some personal interest.
⑨The areas of interest included religion, math, business, science, history, and biography.
⑩What mattered was that they read voraciously to find out more.
[고1] 2023년09월– 34번:능력을자신가치의유일한기준으로삼는문제
①For many people, ability refers to intellectual competence, so they want everything they do to reflect how smart they are ─ writing a brilliant legal brief, getting the highest grade on a test, writing elegant computer code, saying something exceptionally wise or witty in a conversation.
②You could also define ability in terms of a particular skill or talent, such as how well one plays the piano, learns a language, or serves a tennis ball.
④However ability may be defined, a problem occurs when it is the sole determinant of one's self-worth.
⑤The performance becomes the only measure of the person; nothing else is taken into account.
⑥An outstanding performance means an outstanding person; an average performance means an average person. Period.
[고1] 2023년09월– 35번:감각신경과운동신경이신체기능을제어하는방식
①Sensory nerves have specialized endings in the tissues that pick up a particular sensation.
②If, for example, you step on a sharp object such as a pin, nerve endings in the skin will transmit the pain sensation up your leg, up and along the spinal cord to the brain.
⑤They will also connect to motor nerves that travel back down the spinal cord, and to the muscles in your leg that now contract quickly to lift your foot away from the painful object.
⑥Sensory and motor nerves control almost all functions in the body ─ from the beating of the heart to the movement of the gut, sweating and just about everything else.
⑥Crystals come in a variety of shapes that scientists call habits.
⑦Common crystal habits include squares, triangles, and six-sided hexagons.
⑧Usually crystals form when liquids cool, such as when you create ice cubes.
⑨Many times, crystals form in ways that do not allow for perfect shapes.
⑩If conditions are too cold, too hot, or there isn't enough source material, they can form strange, twisted shapes.
⑪But when conditions are right, we see beautiful displays.
⑫Usually, this involves a slow, steady environment where the individual atoms have plenty of time to join and fit perfectly into what's known as the crystal lattice.
②Individuals differ in how they like to manage their time to meet work and outside responsibilities.
③Some people prefer to separate or segment roles so that boundary crossings are minimized.
④For example, these people might keep separate email accounts for work and family and try to conduct work at the workplace and take care of family matters only during breaks and non-work time.
⑦Other individuals prefer integrating work and family roles all day long.
⑧This might entail constantly trading text messages with children from the office, or monitoring emails at home and on vacation, rather than returning to work to find hundreds of messages in their inbox.
①A "complementary good" is a product that is often consumed alongside another product.
②For example, popcorn is a complementary good to a movie, while a travel pillow is a complementary good for a long plane journey.
③When the popularity of one product increases, the sales of its complementary good also increase.
④By producing goods that complement other products that are already (or about to be) popular, you can ensure a steady stream of demand for your product.
①It's not news to anyone that we judge others based on their clothes.
②In general, studies that investigate these judgments find that people prefer clothing that matches expectations ─ surgeons in scrubs, little boys in blue ─ with one notable exception.
③A series of studies published in an article in June 2014 in the Journal of Consumer Research explored observers' reactions to people who broke established norms only slightly.
③Journal of Consumer Research의2014년6월기사에실린일련의연구는확립된규범을아주약간어긴사람들에대한관찰자들의반응을탐구했다.
④In one scenario, a man at a black-tie affair was viewed as having higher status and competence when wearing a red bow tie.
⑤The researchers also found that valuing uniqueness increased audience members' ratings of the status and competence of a professor who wore red sneakers while giving a lecture.
⑥The results suggest that people judge these slight deviations from the norm as positive because they suggest that the individual is powerful enough to risk the social costs of such behaviors.
①Claims that local food production cut greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the burning of transportation fuel are usually not well founded.
②Transport is the source of only 11 percent of greenhouse gas emissions within the food sector, so reducing the distance that food travels after it leaves the farm is far less important than reducing wasteful energy use on the farm.
③Food coming from a distance can actually be better for the climate, depending on how it was grown.
④For example, field-grown tomatoes shipped from Mexico in the winter months will have a smaller carbon footprint than local winter tomatoes grown in a greenhouse.
⑤In the United Kingdom, lamb meat that travels 11,000 miles from New Zealand generates only one-quarter the carbon emissions per pound compared to British lamb because farmers in the United Kingdom raise their animals on feed (which must be produced using fossil fuels) rather than on clover pastureland.
⑦Bulk loads of food can travel halfway around the world by ocean freight with a smaller carbon footprint, per pound delivered, than foods traveling just a short distance but in much smaller loads.
⑧For example, 18-wheelers carry much larger loads than pickup trucks so they can move food 100 times as far while burning only one-third as much gas per pound of food delivered.
오늘은 <고2 2023년도 9월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 두번째 자료를 올립니다. [고2] 2023년 9월 기출모음 #2 - 168문항
과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,
문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.
혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게
유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)
블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요.
여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다!
자료 이용시 주의사항
1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음) 2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다.
오늘은 <고1 2023년도 9월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 2번째 자료를 올립니다. [고1] 2023년 9월 기출모음 #2 - 165문항
과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,
문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.
혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게
유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)
블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요.
여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다!
자료 이용시 주의사항
1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음) 2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다.
오늘은 <고2 2023년도 9월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 첫번째 자료를 올립니다. [고2] 2023년 9월 기출모음 #1 - 197문항
과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,
문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.
혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게
유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)
블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요.
여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다!
자료 이용시 주의사항
1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음) 2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다.
오늘은 <고1 2023년도 9월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 첫번째 자료를 올립니다. [고1] 2023년 9월 기출모음 #1 - 212문항
과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,
문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.
혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게
유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)
블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요.
여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다!
자료 이용시 주의사항
1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음) 2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다.
Dear Staff, My name is Laura Miller, the Human Resources Manager. As part of our efforts to reduce traffic on newly built area roadways, we are starting to offer flextime working hours to eligible employees. Under the plan, staffers could begin work 60 to 90 minutes before or after ordinary business hours, adjusting their scheduled departure time accordingly. All requests for flextime must be submitted to departmental supervisors and will be approved if they do not conflict with the staffing needs of the company. In addition, flextime schedules will be reviewed every four months to assure that they do not adversely affect company goals. Best regards, Laura Miller
Possible Titles:
1. New Flextime Policy Introduced to Alleviate Traffic Congestion
2. Flextime Working Hours Available for Eligible Employees
3. Company Implements Flexible Working Hours to Reduce Traffic
4. New Schedule Options Announced for Eligible Staff Members
Main Idea #1:
Introduction of flextime working hours for eligible employees to reduce traffic.
Main Idea #2:
Employees can start work 60 to 90 minutes before or after regular business hours, subject to approval and review every four months.
Laura Miller, the HR Manager, announced a flextime policy to reduce traffic. Employees can adjust their work start times by 60 to 90 minutes, subject to supervisor approval and periodic review. The policy ensures it aligns with company staffing needs and goals.
Key Points:
1. Flextime aims to reduce traffic on new roadways.
2. Employees can start work 60 to 90 minutes earlier or later.
3. Flextime requests must be approved by supervisors.
4. Schedules are reviewed every four months to ensure alignment with company goals.
[고3] 2024년07월– 19번:열심히준비한발표가무산된후직업에대한실망
Joshua had spent ten weeks crafting a presentation for an upcoming meeting. He had worked very hard on analyzing data, making beautiful plots and projections, and he had often stayed in the office past midnight polishing his presentation. He was delighted with the outcome and happily e-mailed the presentation to his boss, who was going to make the presentation at the all-important meeting. His boss e-mailed him back a few hours later: Sorry, Joshua, but just yesterday we learned that the deal is off. I did look at your presentation, and it is an impressive and fine piece of work. Well done." Joshua realized that his presentation would never see the light of day. The fact that all his effort had served no ultimate purpose created a deep rift between him and his job. He'd quickly gone from feeling useful and happy in his work to feeling dissatisfied and that his efforts were in vain.
Possible Titles:
1. Hard Work and Dedication Lead to Disappointment for Joshua
2. Ten Weeks of Effort Rendered Useless Due to Unexpected News
3. Joshua's Unseen Presentation Highlights Challenges in the Workplace
4. The Emotional Impact of Unused Work on Employee Morale
Main Idea #1:
Joshua's extensive effort on a presentation ended up being futile due to the cancellation of a deal.
Main Idea #2:
Joshua's sense of purpose and satisfaction in his job was shattered when his presentation was rendered unnecessary, causing him to feel his hard work was wasted.
Joshua spent ten weeks creating a detailed presentation, only to learn it wouldn't be used because a deal fell through. Despite his boss's praise, he felt his effort was wasted, leading to dissatisfaction and a loss of purpose in his job.
Key Points:
1. Joshua dedicated ten weeks to preparing a presentation.
2. The deal the presentation was for was unexpectedly canceled.
3. His boss acknowledged the quality of his work despite the cancellation.
4. Joshua felt his efforts were wasted, causing dissatisfaction with his job.
[고3] 2024년07월– 20번:성공적인소설가가되기위해서는지속적으로책을출판해야한다는조언
Walk into a bookstore and you'll see some authors have a whole shelf. Authors with just one book are hard to find and it's the same for digital shelf-space. Look at the most loved and top-selling authors and they all have a lot of books. One book is not enough to build a career as a fiction author if that is a goal of yours. So, don't obsess over that one book, consider it just the beginning, and get writing on the next one. Of course, first-time authors don't want to hear this! I certainly didn't when I put my first book out. I've tried every single marketing tool possible and I still continue to experiment with new forms. But after 27 books, writing more books is what I personally keep coming back to as the best marketing tool and the best way to increase my income as a writer. Because every time a new book comes out, more readers discover the backlist. You also have another chance to 'break out'.
Possible Titles:
1. Building a Successful Writing Career: The Power of Multiple Books
2. Why One Book Isn't Enough for Aspiring Fiction Authors
3. The Importance of Writing Continuously for Authorial Success
4. How Publishing More Books Can Boost Your Writing Career
Main Idea #1:
One book is insufficient for building a successful fiction writing career.
Main Idea #2:
Consistently writing and publishing more books is the most effective way to market oneself and increase income as an author.
Successful authors often have numerous books, making it clear that one book isn't enough for a lasting career. Writing more books enhances marketing efforts and income, as each new release can attract readers to an author's previous works, providing more opportunities for success.
Key Points:
1. Top authors typically have multiple books.
2. One book alone is not enough to establish a career.
3. Writing more books is a crucial marketing tool.
4. New releases help readers discover an author's backlist and increase income.
[고3] 2024년07월– 21번:즉흥연기에서의소통기술이일상대화에적용되는방법
In improv, the actors have no control of the conversation or the direction it takes. They can only react to the other actors' words or nonverbal communication. Because of this, the actors become experts at reading body language and reading between the lines of what is said. If they are unable to do this, they are left in the dark and the performance crumbles. This applies to our daily conversations, but we're usually too self-centered to notice. Just like the improv actors become adept at picking up on the breadcrumbs of the conversation, we need to do the same. When people want to talk about something specific, rarely will they come out and just say it. 99 percent of people won't say, "Hey, let's talk about my dog now. So...." Instead, they will hint at it. When they bring up a topic unprompted, or ask questions about it, they want to talk about it. Sometimes, when the other person seems to not pick up on these signals, they will keep redirecting the conversation to that specific topic. If they seem excited whenever the topic comes up, they want to talk about it.
Possible Titles:
1. The Importance of Reading Between the Lines in Conversations
2. How Improv Techniques Enhance Everyday Communication Skills
3. Understanding Nonverbal Cues for Effective Communication
4. Improving Conversations by Picking Up on Subtle Hints
Main Idea #1:
Improv actors excel at interpreting body language and subtle hints due to their reactive nature in performances.
Main Idea #2:
Everyday conversations often involve subtle cues about preferred topics, which we should learn to recognize for better communication.
Improv actors become skilled at reading body language and subtle hints because they must react to their fellow actors. This skill is crucial in daily conversations, where people often hint at what they want to discuss. Recognizing these cues can significantly improve communication.
Key Points:
1. Improv actors rely on reading body language and subtle hints.
2. Daily conversations also involve hints about preferred topics.
3. Most people do not explicitly state what they want to talk about.
4. Picking up on these cues can enhance communication effectiveness.
[고3] 2024년07월– 22번:과학적접근이결여된경영의사결정의문제점
The relevance of science in understanding organizational behavior can start with asking this question: Why do good managers make bad decisions? Too often managers make mistakes when it comes to fostering conditions that inspire positive outcomes in the workplace, such as performance, satisfaction, team cohesion, and ethical behavior. Why does this happen? Part of the reason is that rather than relying on a clearly validated set of scientific discoveries, managers use less reliable sources of insight such as gut feel, intuition, the latest trend, what a highly paid consultant might say, or what is being done in another company. Like most of us, managers tend to rely on their own strengths and experiences when making choices about how to get the best from others. But what works for one manager may not work for another. In the absence of a scientific approach, managers tend to make mistakes, offer ill-conceived incentives, misinterpret employee behavior, and fail to account for the many possible explanations for why employees might perform poorly.
Possible Titles:
1. The Pitfalls of Intuition in Managerial Decision-Making
2. Why Good Managers Make Bad Decisions in the Workplace
3. The Necessity of Science in Understanding Organizational Behavior
4. Avoiding Managerial Mistakes Through Scientific Approaches
Main Idea #1:
Managers often make poor decisions by relying on intuition and unreliable sources instead of scientific evidence.
Main Idea #2:
Without a scientific approach, managers frequently misinterpret employee behavior, offer ineffective incentives, and fail to create positive workplace conditions.
Managers often make mistakes by relying on intuition and unreliable sources rather than scientific evidence. This approach leads to poor decision-making, ineffective incentives, and misinterpretation of employee behavior. Adopting a scientific approach can help avoid these common managerial pitfalls.
Key Points:
1. Managers frequently rely on intuition and trends for decision-making.
2. This approach leads to ineffective workplace strategies and outcomes.
3. A scientific approach can provide more reliable insights into organizational behavior.
4. Understanding and applying scientific discoveries can improve performance, satisfaction, and team cohesion.
[고3] 2024년07월– 23번:고령화문제와자연재해대응의차이점
Natural disasters and aging are two problems that societies have been dealing with for all of human history. Governments must respond to both, but their dynamics are entirely different and this has profound consequences for the nature of the response. Simply by plotting the aging slope, policy makers go a long way toward understanding the problem: People get older at a constant and reliable rate. There can be disagreements over how to solve the aging problem (this is political complexity), but the nature of the problem is never in dispute. Plotting the number of people killed in natural disasters does very little to advance understanding of this problem other than emphasizing the randomness of natural disasters. Preparing a policy response is, therefore, much easier in some areas than in others. When inputs are reliable and easy to predict, it greatly facilitates information processing and allows for anticipatory problem-solving. When problems are causally complex and multivariate, determining the appropriate response is a reactionary endeavor.
Possible Titles:
1. The Challenge of Predicting and Responding to Natural Disasters vs. Aging
2. Understanding Policy Responses to Aging and Natural Disasters
3. The Predictability of Aging Versus the Randomness of Natural Disasters
4. Policy Making: Addressing Predictable Aging and Unpredictable Natural Disasters
Main Idea #1:
Aging is predictable and constant, making it easier for policymakers to address compared to the unpredictable nature of natural disasters.
Main Idea #2:
Effective policy responses are facilitated when problems, like aging, are predictable, whereas the randomness of natural disasters makes planning more complex and reactive.
Aging is a predictable problem that allows for anticipatory policy responses, while natural disasters are random, requiring reactive solutions. The predictability of aging simplifies policy making, whereas the complexity of natural disasters complicates it.
Key Points:
1. Aging occurs at a constant and reliable rate.
2. Natural disasters are random and unpredictable.
3. Predictable problems allow for anticipatory problem-solving.
A scholar Eve Tuck urges researchers to move away from what she calls "damage-based research," or "research that operates, even benevolently, from a theory of change that establishes harm or injury in order to achieve reparation." Citing studies in education that sought to increase resources for marginalized youths by documenting the "illiteracies" of indigenous youths and youths of color, Tuck explains that damage-based research is a popular mechanism by which "pain and loss are documented in order to obtain particular political or material gains." While damage-based studies have proven successful in attaining political or material gains in the form of funding, attention, and increased awareness related to the struggles of marginalized communities, Tuck points researchers to the ongoing violence damage-based research inflicts on marginalized communities, even under benevolent or perceivably beneficial circumstances. Among the many issues associated with damage-based research are the underlying assumptions this type of work makes and sustains about marginalized people; namely, that marginalized communities lack communication, civility, intellect, desires, assets, innovation, and ethics.
Possible Titles:
1. Rethinking Damage-Based Research and Its Impact on Marginalized Communities
2. The Harmful Assumptions of Damage-Based Research in Education
3. Moving Beyond Damage-Based Research to Empower Marginalized Groups
4. The Unintended Consequences of Documenting Harm in Marginalized Communities
Main Idea #1:
Eve Tuck criticizes damage-based research for perpetuating harmful assumptions about marginalized communities.
Main Idea #2:
Despite its success in securing political and material gains, damage-based research inflicts ongoing violence on marginalized communities by portraying them negatively.
Eve Tuck argues against damage-based research, which, while successful in obtaining resources and awareness for marginalized groups, perpetuates harmful assumptions and inflicts ongoing violence on these communities. This approach often portrays marginalized people as lacking essential qualities, despite its benevolent intentions.
Key Points:
1. Damage-based research operates from a theory of harm to achieve reparation.
2. This type of research often portrays marginalized communities negatively.
3. Successful in gaining resources and awareness, it still causes ongoing harm.
4. Tuck urges researchers to recognize and move away from these harmful assumptions.
[고3] 2024년07월– 25번:유제품과식물성우유의환경적영향비교
The above graph shows the environmental footprints in terms of greenhouse gas emissions (measured per kilogram) and freshwater use (measured per liter) of dairy and the four plant-based milks in 2018. Dairy milk had the largest environmental footprint of both greenhouse gas emissions and freshwater use. Rice milk used more than ten times the amount of fresh water that soy milk did. Oat milk ranked fourth in both environmental footprint categories. In the category of greenhouse gas emissions, the gap between soy milk and oat milk was less than the gap between oat milk and almond milk. Among plant-based milks, almond milk consumed the largest amount of freshwater, yet emitted the least amount of greenhouse gas.
Possible Titles:
1. Comparing Environmental Footprints of Dairy and Plant-Based Milks
2. The Impact of Dairy and Plant-Based Milks on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Freshwater Use
3. Environmental Consequences of Dairy Milk Versus Plant-Based Milk Alternatives
4. Evaluating the Environmental Costs of Different Types of Milk
Main Idea #1:
Dairy milk has the highest environmental footprint in terms of both greenhouse gas emissions and freshwater use.
Main Idea #2:
Among plant-based milks, almond milk uses the most freshwater but emits the least greenhouse gas, while oat milk ranks fourth in both categories.
Dairy milk has the largest environmental footprint, with the highest greenhouse gas emissions and freshwater use. Rice milk uses significantly more water than soy milk, and oat milk ranks fourth in both emission and water use categories. Almond milk, while using the most freshwater among plant-based options, emits the least greenhouse gas.
Key Points:
1. Dairy milk has the highest greenhouse gas emissions and freshwater use.
2. Rice milk uses over ten times more water than soy milk.
3. Oat milk ranks fourth in both greenhouse gas emissions and freshwater use.
4. Almond milk consumes the most freshwater but emits the least greenhouse gas among plant-based milks.
[고3] 2024년07월– 26번:노벨생리의학상수상자John Carew Eccles의생애
John Carew Eccles was born on 27 January 1903 in Melbourne, Australia. Both his parents were school teachers, who home-schooled him until he was 12. In 1915, Eccles began his secondary schooling and after four years, prior to entering the University of Melbourne, he studied science and mathematics for another year at Melbourne High School. He completed his medical course in February 1925, and left Melbourne for Oxford the same year. From 1928 to 1931 he was a research assistant to Sir Charles Sherrington, and published eight papers conjointly. Returning to Australia with his family in 1937, he gave lectures to third-year medical students at the University of Sydney from 1938 to 1940. Eccles was the co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine along with A.L. Hodgkin and A.F. Huxley in 1963. In 1975, he voluntarily retired and moved to Switzerland to dedicate himself to work on the mind-brain problem.
Possible Titles:
1. The Academic Journey of Nobel Laureate John Carew Eccles
2. From Home-Schooling to Nobel Prize: The Life of John Carew Eccles
3. John Carew Eccles: A Pioneering Neuroscientist’s Path to Success
4. The Life and Achievements of John Carew Eccles in Neuroscience
Main Idea #1:
John Carew Eccles was a distinguished neuroscientist born in Melbourne who made significant contributions to physiology and medicine.
Main Idea #2:
Eccles' educational journey and research career, including his collaboration with Sir Charles Sherrington and winning the Nobel Prize, highlight his dedication and impact on neuroscience.
John Carew Eccles, born in Melbourne, Australia, was home-schooled by his teacher parents before attending Melbourne High School and the University of Melbourne. After completing his medical course, he studied under Sir Charles Sherrington at Oxford. Eccles returned to Australia in 1937, later winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1963. He retired in 1975 to focus on the mind-brain problem in Switzerland.
Key Points:
1. Eccles was born on 27 January 1903 in Melbourne, Australia.
2. He was home-schooled until age 12 by his schoolteacher parents.
3. He studied at the University of Melbourne and then at Oxford under Sir Charles Sherrington.
4. Eccles returned to Australia in 1937 and later won the Nobel Prize in 1963.
5. He retired in 1975 to work on the mind-brain problem in Switzerland.
[고3] 2024년07월– 29번:잠재력평가시초기능력보다는성장가능성에집중해야한다는주장
When we assess potential, we make the cardinal error of focusing on starting points - the abilities that are immediately visible. In a world obsessed with innate talent, we assume the people with the most promise are the ones who stand out right away. But high achievers vary dramatically in their initial aptitudes. If we judge people only by what they can do on day one, their potential remains hidden. You can't tell where people will land from where they begin. With the right opportunity and motivation to learn, anyone can build the skills to achieve greater things. Potential is not a matter of where you start, but of how far you travel. We need to focus less on starting points and more on distance traveled. For every Mozart who makes a big splash early, there are multiple Bachs who ascend slowly and bloom late. They're not born with invisible superpowers; most of their gifts are homegrown or homemade.
Possible Titles:
1. Rethinking Potential: Beyond Initial Abilities and Innate Talent
2. The Journey to Achievement: Why Starting Points Don’t Define Potential
3. Focusing on Growth: The Importance of Distance Traveled Over Innate Talent
4. Hidden Potential: How Opportunity and Motivation Lead to Success
Main Idea #1:
Focusing on initial abilities can hide a person's true potential, which is better measured by their growth and achievements over time.
Main Idea #2:
Achievement is more about the journey and the opportunities to develop skills than about innate talent or early aptitudes, as demonstrated by many late bloomers.
Potential should not be judged by initial abilities but by how far one progresses with the right opportunities and motivation. High achievers vary in their starting points, and many successful individuals develop their talents over time. Emphasizing growth over innate talent reveals hidden potential.
Key Points:
1. Initial abilities often mislead assessments of potential.
2. Growth and achievement over time are better indicators of potential.
3. Many successful people develop their skills gradually.
4. Opportunity and motivation are crucial for realizing potential.
[고3] 2024년07월– 30번:미래의나와의심리적연결이의사결정에미치는영향
The outcomes of want-should conflicts are affected not only by what we think our future self will choose but also by how close we feel to our future self. Want-should conflicts fundamentally involve tradeoffs between options that satisfy the present self's desires (wants) and options that benefit the future self (shoulds). As a result, when we do not feel psychologically connected to our future self, we should be less interested in taking actions to benefit this self and thus shy away from should options. Indeed, an emerging stream of research suggests that people are more impatient the more disconnected they feel from their future self. For example, people prefer smaller-sooner rewards over larger-later rewards at a higher rate when they anticipate experiencing life-changing events (rather than events that are unlikely to change their identity and beliefs), since life-changing events induce a greater disassociation between their image of their present self and their image of their future self. More generally, when people are told that their identity will change considerably over time, they are more likely to accept immediate benefits (wants) and forsake larger deferred benefits (shoulds). On the other hand, farsighted decision making can be facilitated by making people feel closer to their future self.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding Want-Should Conflicts and the Role of Future Self Connection
2. How Psychological Distance from Future Self Affects Decision Making
3. The Impact of Future Self Perception on Present Choices and Impatience
4. Enhancing Farsighted Decisions by Strengthening Connection to Future Self
Main Idea #1:
The degree of psychological connection to our future self influences our choices in want-should conflicts, affecting our tendency to prioritize immediate desires over future benefits.
Main Idea #2:
People are more likely to choose immediate rewards over future gains when they feel disconnected from their future self, especially during anticipated life-changing events. Strengthening this connection can promote farsighted decision-making.
Our choices in want-should conflicts are influenced by how connected we feel to our future self. Greater disconnection leads to preference for immediate rewards over future benefits, especially during life-changing events. Enhancing this connection can encourage more farsighted decisions.
Key Points:
1. Want-should conflicts involve tradeoffs between present desires and future benefits.
2. Feeling disconnected from the future self increases preference for immediate rewards.
3. Life-changing events heighten the disconnection, leading to more impatient choices.
4. Strengthening the psychological connection to the future self can promote farsighted decision-making.
[고3] 2024년07월– 31번:동기부여를위한환경통제방법
Motivation doesn't have to be accidental. For example, you don't have to wait for hours until a certain song that picks up your spirits comes on the radio. You can control what songs you hear. If there are certain songs that always lift you up, make a mix of those songs and have it ready to play in your car. Go through all of your music and create a "greatest motivational hits" playlist for yourself. Use the movies, too. How many times do you leave a movie feeling inspired and ready to take on the world? Whenever that happens, put the name of the movie in a special notebook that you might label "the right buttons." Six months to a year later, you can watch the movie and get the same inspired feeling. Most movies that inspire us are even better the second time around. You have much more control over your environment than you realize. You can begin programming yourself consciously to be more and more focused and motivated.
Possible Titles:
1. How to Actively Cultivate Motivation Through Music and Movies
2. Taking Control of Your Environment to Boost Motivation
3. Creating a Personal Motivation Toolkit: Music and Movies
4. Proactively Inspiring Yourself: Harnessing Music and Films for Motivation
Main Idea #1:
You can actively control your environment to boost motivation by creating playlists of uplifting songs and keeping a list of inspiring movies.
Main Idea #2:
By consciously programming your environment with motivational music and movies, you can increase your focus and motivation over time, rather than waiting for accidental inspiration.
Motivation can be intentionally cultivated by creating playlists of uplifting songs and maintaining a list of inspiring movies to watch. By controlling these elements of your environment, you can program yourself to be more focused and motivated.
Key Points:
1. Create playlists of songs that uplift your spirits.
2. Keep a notebook of inspiring movies to revisit.
3. Consciously use music and movies to enhance motivation.
4. Recognize and harness the control you have over your environment.
[고3] 2024년07월– 32번:청각적결함이시각적결함보다더큰영향을미친다는주장
We are less forgiving of technical sound mistakes than we are of visual ones. We notice and dislike breaks in audio, defects in audio, and static in audio. A bit less so for things on the visual side. For example, if a video has some scan lines in it, within a short period, you will start to ignore them. If the visual signal streams in 1080 instead of 4k, eventually you'll get used to it. However, if there is static in the audio, you will want to shut it off rather than endure the whole program. Or if the audio continues to drop out, you also will barely be able to tolerate it. In fact, probably more than any other aspect of filmmaking, it is via the audio that people determine silently to themselves, "Good, professional quality" or "low-budget student production" as soon as the film begins. These reactions are not just from seasoned filmmakers and educators, but the instinctual, natural reaction of all audiences.
Possible Titles:
1. The Critical Importance of Audio Quality in Media Production
2. Why Audio Flaws Are Less Tolerable Than Visual Imperfections
3. The Impact of Audio Quality on Perceived Professionalism in Film
4. Audience Sensitivity to Audio Defects Versus Visual Imperfections
Main Idea #1:
People are more sensitive to and less forgiving of audio defects than visual imperfections in media.
Main Idea #2:
Audio quality significantly influences the audience's perception of a production's professionalism, with defects often deemed intolerable compared to visual flaws.
Audiences are more sensitive to audio defects than visual imperfections, often finding static or dropouts in audio intolerable. These audio issues can lead to perceptions of low-budget quality, affecting the overall reception of a film or program, unlike minor visual flaws which are more easily ignored.
Key Points:
1. Audiences are less tolerant of audio defects than visual ones.
2. Visual imperfections are more easily ignored over time.
3. Audio quality heavily influences perceptions of professionalism.
4. All audiences instinctively react to audio quality, impacting their overall experience.
[고3] 2024년07월– 33번:순환경제로의전환필요성과그로인한사업기회
Businesses are realizing that the way they operate and the impact they have on the environment greatly impacts their ability to maintain customers. Transitioning from a linear way of producing products to a circular one won't be necessary only from an environmental perspective, but from a social and economic perspective as well. To minimize the negative impact on the environment, businesses will need to adjust the relationship they have with customers to maximize the value of the products they create. Rather than businesses viewing success as the number of products made per year, they will instead base their bottom line on the number of products kept in use per year. Though waste certainly creates a demand for companies to continue selling new products, eliminating waste doesn't have to eliminate demand. By prolonging the ownership of a product rather than selling it, new business opportunities emerge in the world of maintenance and repair. Though eliminating waste minimizes the need for new products, it certainly increases the need to service existing products. The circular economy will demand that new business models focus on maintaining products rather than on making new products.
Possible Titles:
1. Transitioning to a Circular Economy: The Future of Sustainable Business
2. From Production to Maintenance: Redefining Business Success
3. How a Circular Economy Benefits Business, Society, and the Environment
4. The Economic and Social Imperatives of Sustainable Business Practices
Main Idea #1:
Businesses need to transition from a linear to a circular economy to sustain customer relationships and maximize product value.
Main Idea #2:
Focusing on product maintenance and repair instead of continuous production creates new business opportunities and reduces environmental impact.
Businesses must shift to a circular economy to sustain customer relationships and minimize environmental impact. This involves focusing on maintaining and repairing products rather than producing new ones, creating new business opportunities while reducing waste.
Key Points:
1. Transitioning to a circular economy is essential for environmental, social, and economic reasons.
2. Businesses should maximize the value of products by prolonging their use.
3. Success will be measured by the number of products kept in use, not produced.
4. New business models will focus on maintenance and repair services.
[고3] 2024년07월– 34번:어미나무의역할과어린나무돌보기
The term Mother Tree comes from forestry. It has been clear for centuries that tree parents play such an important role in raising their offspring that they can be compared to human parents. A mother tree identifies which neighboring seedlings are hers using her roots. She then, via delicate connections, supports the seedlings with a solution of sugar, a process similar to a human mother nursing her child. Shade provided by parents is another form of care, as it curbs the growth of youngsters living under their crowns. Without the shade and exposed to full sunlight, the young trees would shoot up and expand the width of their trunks so quickly they'd be exhausted after just a century or two. If, however, the young trees stand strong in the shadows for decades ─ or even centuries ─ they can live to a great age. Shade means less sunlight and therefore considerably less sugar. The slow pace of life gently imposed by the mother tree is no accident, as generations of foresters have observed. To this day, they talk of what is known in German as erzieherischer Schatten or "instructive shade."
Possible Titles:
1. The Role of Mother Trees in Nurturing Forest Ecosystems
2. How Mother Trees Support and Sustain Their Offspring
3. The Importance of Instructive Shade in Tree Growth and Longevity
4. Mother Trees: Nature's Way of Raising Resilient Forests
Main Idea #1:
Mother trees play a crucial role in supporting and nurturing their offspring through roots and shade.
Main Idea #2:
The shade provided by mother trees ensures the slow and steady growth of young trees, promoting their long-term health and longevity.
Mother trees support their offspring by identifying and nourishing them through their roots, similar to human parenting. They provide shade, ensuring young trees grow slowly and steadily, which is crucial for their long-term survival and health. This nurturing process, known as instructive shade, helps young trees thrive for centuries.
Key Points:
1. Mother trees identify and nourish their seedlings through roots.
2. Shade from mother trees regulates the growth pace of young trees.
3. Slow growth under shade promotes longevity and resilience in young trees.
4. The concept of instructive shade highlights the intentional care provided by mother trees.
[고3] 2024년07월– 35번:알고리즘에의해형성되는현대인의개별성
In a context in which the cultural obligation to produce the self as a distinctive, authentic individual is difficult to fulfill, the burdensome work of individualizing the self is turned over increasingly to algorithms. The "personalization" that is promised on every front ─ in the domains of search, shopping, health, news, advertising, learning, music, and entertainment ─ depends on ever more refined algorithmic constructions of individuality. As it becomes more difficult to produce our digital selves as unique individuals, we are increasingly being produced as unique individuals from the outside. Individuality is redefined from a cultural practice and reflexive project to an algorithmic process. Our unique selfhood is no longer something for which we are wholly responsible; it is algorithmically guaranteed.
Possible Titles:
1. The Algorithmic Construction of Individuality in the Digital Age
2. How Algorithms Redefine Personal Identity in Modern Culture
3. From Cultural Practice to Algorithmic Process: The New Individuality
4. The Shift from Self-Created to Algorithmically Produced Individuality
Main Idea #1:
As cultural pressures to produce a unique self become challenging, algorithms increasingly take on the task of individualizing people.
Main Idea #2:
The concept of individuality is shifting from a personal cultural practice to an algorithmically guaranteed process, where digital selves are constructed externally.
In an era where creating a unique self is challenging, algorithms increasingly handle this task across various domains. This shift redefines individuality from a personal, cultural practice to an externally driven, algorithmic process, where unique selfhood is algorithmically guaranteed rather than self-produced.
Key Points:
1. Cultural pressures to be a distinctive individual are hard to fulfill.
2. Algorithms are taking over the task of individualizing people.
3. Individuality is shifting from a personal, cultural practice to an algorithmic process.
4. Our unique selfhood is increasingly constructed externally through algorithms.
[고3] 2024년07월– 36번:기술관료주의와기술결정과정에서의전문가역할
Technocracy can be thought to influence technological decision-making in one of two ways. An idealized science and technology replaces politics and technical experts become the decision-makers, planning and organizing societies according to whatever scientific principles the evidence supports. This form of technocracy is rarely found in practice. In contrast, a more moderate form in which experts advise and politicians decide is found in many democratic societies. Also called the 'decisionist model', this form of technocracy institutionalizes a division of labour based on the distinction between facts and values and allows specialist experts to wield significant power. This is because policy-makers work within the constraints set by the experts and choose from the options those experts provide. The technocratic element is clear: experts set the agenda and political judgements are parasitic on the judgements of experts.
Possible Titles:
1. The Role of Experts in Technocratic Decision-Making
2. Technocracy: Balancing Expertise and Political Decision-Making
3. Understanding the Decisionist Model in Technocratic Societies
4. The Influence of Technocracy on Policy and Governance
Main Idea #1:
Technocracy can manifest as either idealized science-based decision-making by experts or a moderate form where experts advise and politicians decide.
Main Idea #2:
In the decisionist model of technocracy, experts set the agenda and provide options for policy-makers, giving them significant influence over political decisions.
Technocracy influences decision-making through two models: an idealized, seldom-seen form where experts directly make decisions, and a more common moderate form where experts advise and politicians decide. In the decisionist model, experts set the agenda, and their input significantly shapes policy-making within democratic societies.
Key Points:
1. Technocracy can involve either expert decision-making or expert advisement.
2. The decisionist model is prevalent in democratic societies.
3. Experts provide options and constraints for policy-makers.
4. Political decisions are heavily influenced by expert judgements.
[고3] 2024년07월– 37번:토지이용변화가기후에미치는영향
Land use change can be good or bad for the climate. Plants use photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide from the air and water to carbohydrates. Those carbohydrates provide the energy plants need to live, and the building blocks for plant growth, as well as food for animals and microorganisms. In healthy ecosystems the plants pull more carbon out of the atmosphere than they, and the animals and microorganisms that consume them, need. That extra carbon is stored in living biomass like tree trunks and soil bacteria and fungi, and as carbon compounds in the soil. But when actions like deforestation or plowing severely disturb a plant community, the remaining plants cannot photosynthesize enough to feed themselves, plus all the animals and microorganisms that depend on them. In those conditions microorganisms consume carbon that has been stored in the soil and in plants and animals, and respire that stored carbon back to atmosphere as CO2. If the original ecosystem was a forest, much of the carbon stored in the trees may also be converted to CO2 through burning.
Possible Titles:
1. The Impact of Land Use Change on Carbon Storage and Climate
2. How Deforestation and Plowing Affect Carbon Dynamics in Ecosystems
3. The Role of Photosynthesis and Land Use in Climate Change
4. Balancing Land Use Practices to Mitigate Climate Change Effects
Main Idea #1:
Land use changes can affect the climate by disrupting the balance of carbon storage in plants, soil, and microorganisms.
Main Idea #2:
Disturbances like deforestation and plowing reduce the ability of plants to photosynthesize and store carbon, leading to increased CO2 emissions as stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere.
Land use changes impact the climate by altering the carbon balance in ecosystems. Plants usually store excess carbon, but disturbances like deforestation and plowing reduce this capacity, causing stored carbon to be released as CO2. This release contributes to climate change, especially when forests are converted to CO2 through burning.
Key Points:
1. Plants use photosynthesis to convert CO2 into carbohydrates for energy and growth.
2. Healthy ecosystems store excess carbon in biomass and soil.
3. Disturbances like deforestation and plowing disrupt carbon storage.
4. Disrupted ecosystems release stored carbon as CO2, contributing to climate change.
[고3] 2024년07월– 38번:이타적인행동의두가지경로
Prosocial behavior ─ that is, behavior that is intended to help another person ─ can be motivated by two different pathways, according to Daniel Batson at the University of Kansas. One pathway, the egoistic pathway, is largely self-focused: we provide help if the rewards to us outweigh the costs. This pathway is the one that is operating if we hand a homeless person a dollar to make ourselves feel better. Doing so costs us very little ─ only a dollar ─ and the reward of doing so ─ avoiding the guilt we'd feel from simply walking by ─ is greater. But according to Batson's hypothesis, there is another pathway, which is other-focused ─ it's motivated by a genuine desire to help the other person, even if we incur a cost for doing so. Following this pathway, we act altruistically when we feel empathy for a person and can truly imagine a situation from their perspective. This ability to see the world from someone else's perspective can lead us to help, even if there are considerable costs.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding the Two Pathways to Prosocial Behavior
2. The Motivations Behind Helping Others: Egoistic vs. Altruistic Pathways
3. How Empathy and Self-Interest Drive Prosocial Actions
4. Exploring Daniel Batson's Theory on Prosocial Behavior
Main Idea #1:
Prosocial behavior can be motivated by egoistic self-interest or by altruistic empathy, as explained by Daniel Batson.
Main Idea #2:
The egoistic pathway involves helping others to gain personal rewards, while the altruistic pathway is driven by empathy and the genuine desire to help, even at a personal cost.
Prosocial behavior, or helping others, can be motivated by egoistic self-interest or altruistic empathy. The egoistic pathway involves helping when personal rewards outweigh costs, while the altruistic pathway, driven by empathy, leads to helping even at a personal cost. Daniel Batson's theory explains these two distinct motivations for prosocial actions.
Key Points:
1. Prosocial behavior is intended to help others.
2. The egoistic pathway is self-focused, seeking personal rewards.
3. The altruistic pathway is other-focused, driven by empathy.
4. Genuine empathy can motivate helping behavior, even with significant costs.
[고3] 2024년07월– 39번:외적동기와내적동기연결의중요성
Our behaviour can be modified externally without there being strong personal motivation. Everything from our supermarket shopping and online browsing choices are examples of how our actions are shaped without our conscious choice or motivation. However, when processes police us but fail to truly influence us, we do not continue with the behaviours after the processes are removed. This is passive engagement rather than ownership. A better way in which we can be externally supported to take action is by having friends who encourage us. You may not be sold on going vegan, but yet give veganism a try at the start of the year because some of your friends suggest you do it together. Without the anchor of intrinsic motivation however, even a small bump in the road may reset you back; we may go back to eating meat in February when the social support has disappeared. Resonance helps us connect to our internal motivation to change rather than being 'pushed' from the outside, and in turn helps us form a habit, where our self-concept makes a shift from 'someone who does not like cycling' to 'someone who cycles'.
Possible Titles:
1. How External Influences and Social Support Shape Our Behavior
2. The Difference Between Passive Engagement and True Behavioral Change
3. The Role of Intrinsic Motivation and Social Support in Forming Habits
4. From External Influence to Internal Motivation: Building Lasting Habits
Main Idea #1:
Behavior can be influenced externally without strong personal motivation, but such changes are often temporary and lack lasting impact.
Main Idea #2:
True behavioral change requires internal motivation and resonance, supported by social encouragement, to shift self-concept and form lasting habits.
Our actions can be shaped by external influences like supermarket layouts or friends' suggestions, but these changes are often short-lived without intrinsic motivation. True, lasting behavior change occurs when internal motivation is resonated and supported by social encouragement, leading to a shift in self-concept and habit formation.
Key Points:
1. External factors can modify behavior without personal motivation.
2. Temporary behavior changes occur without internal motivation.
3. Social support can initiate new behaviors, but intrinsic motivation is needed for lasting change.
4. Resonance with internal motivation helps form lasting habits and shifts self-concept.
[고3] 2024년07월– 40번:대화에서대칭적소통과보완적소통의차이
Communication is decisively influenced by how the partners define their relationship with each other at every moment of the communication process. If the communication is symmetrical, this means that both communication partners strive for equality and interact accordingly. They behave as mirror images of each other, so to speak. Strength is mirrored with strength, weakness is mirrored with weakness, or hardness is mirrored with hardness, etc. Complementary communication shows a matching difference in behaviour. It is not a matter of up and down, strong and weak, or good and bad, but of matching and expected difference. Such complementary relationships occur between teachers and students, mother and child, or managers and employees, etc. What the expectations are in such relationships depends, among other things, on the cultural background. If the expectations of complementarity are not met, communication breakdowns occur. For example, if an older person in Japan is not treated with a certain respect by a younger person, this circumstance can significantly impair communication or even make it impossible. [요약문] The way the communication partners perceive their relationship determines the types of communication; symmetrical communication revolves around the pursuit of equality and the corresponding interaction between them, whereas complementary communication involves aligning with matching and expected differences based on cultural background.
Possible Titles:
1. The Influence of Relationship Dynamics on Communication Styles
2. Symmetrical vs. Complementary Communication: Understanding Relationship Roles
3. How Relationship Perception Shapes Communication Effectiveness
4. Cultural Expectations in Symmetrical and Complementary Communication
Main Idea #1:
Communication styles are influenced by how partners perceive their relationship, with symmetrical communication striving for equality and complementary communication based on matching differences.
Main Idea #2:
Cultural expectations play a crucial role in complementary communication, and mismatched expectations can lead to communication breakdowns.
The way communication partners define their relationship shapes their communication style. Symmetrical communication aims for equality, with partners mirroring each other, while complementary communication is based on expected differences influenced by cultural background. Mismatched expectations in complementary relationships can cause communication breakdowns.
Key Points:
1. Communication is influenced by relationship perception.
2. Symmetrical communication involves striving for equality.
3. Complementary communication involves expected differences.
4. Cultural background influences expectations in complementary communication.
5. Mismatched expectations can lead to communication breakdowns.
[고3] 2024년07월– 41~42번: '슈링크플레이션'현상과그영향
We have seen a clear rise in something called 'shrinkflation'. A basket of products is measured for inflation by price, not by volume or weight. If the products shrink in size but the price stays the same, technically no price increase has occurred. But people aren't stupid, they know what that means. You can see this in everything from the reduced amount of cereal in a box to smaller-sized chocolate bars. You can see it in the form of ever-larger apertures in toothpaste tubes and powders of various sorts. The purpose of these changes is to make the consumer use up the product faster and to pay more per weight. Toilet paper and paper towel rolls have ever-larger tube centres and ever-fewer sheets, while the price remains the same. There are fewer potato crisps in the bag and cookies in the box. Bottles of liquids such as perfumes have ever-larger dimples on the bottom that displace the product and create the illusion of more inside than there is. Shrinkflation is not restricted to retail products. Apartments are shrinking, too. Micro apartments are smaller than anything we lived in before but cost more per square foot. Shrinkflation is a signal that tells us that companies are facing higher costs. It is a signal that price pressures are starting to build.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding Shrinkflation: Hidden Inflation in Everyday Products
2. The Rising Trend of Shrinkflation: What Consumers Need to Know
3. Shrinkflation: How Companies Reduce Product Sizes to Manage Costs
4. The Impact of Shrinkflation on Consumers and Housing
Main Idea #1:
Shrinkflation involves reducing the size or volume of products while keeping prices the same, effectively increasing the price per unit without a noticeable price change.
Main Idea #2:
This practice is not limited to retail products; it also affects housing, with micro apartments costing more per square foot, indicating rising cost pressures for companies.
Shrinkflation occurs when companies reduce the size or volume of products without changing the price, making consumers pay more per unit. This trend, seen in various products and housing, signals that companies face higher costs and price pressures are building.
Key Points:
1. Shrinkflation involves reducing product size while maintaining price.
2. Common examples include smaller cereal boxes, chocolate bars, and fewer sheets in toilet paper rolls.
3. Shrinkflation is also evident in housing with micro apartments.
4. This trend indicates rising costs for companies and increasing price pressures.
On the northwestern coastline of Lake Superior is the city of Duluth, the westernmost port for transatlantic cargo ships. A lot of cargo comes into Duluth: coal, iron ore, grain, clothing and, in November 1962, a mongoose from India. The merchant seamen had enjoyed his company on the long journey and had sat drinking tea with him, but they decided he deserved a life on dry land so they presented him as a gift to the city's Lake Superior Zoo. Lloyd Hackl, the director of the zoo, was delighted and named his new mongoose Mr. Magoo. His fate took an unexpected turn when, labeled an invasive species, federal agents sentenced him to death. The citizens of Duluth were not taking the death sentence lying down. It was pointed out that, as the only mongoose in the country, Mr. Magoo was never going to be able to reproduce, so the country was unlikely to be overrun by the species. They demanded he be allowed to live out his days in peace. Petitions were signed and sent to powerful figures like the U.S. Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall, U.S. Senator Hubert Humphrey, and Duluth Mayor George Johnson. A campaign, brilliantly nicknamed No Noose for the Mongoose, was backed by more than 10,000 citizens. There were even suggestions that the zoo director should take him into hiding. Thanks to the efforts of the citizens of Duluth, Mr. Magoo was pardoned. A statement from Udall read, "Acting on the authority that permits importation of prohibited mammals ─ including mongooses ─ for zoological, education, medical and scientific purposes, I recommend that Mr. Magoo be granted non-political asylum in the United States." He added that it was dependent upon Mr. Magoo maintaining his "bachelor existence." The News Tribune joyfully proclaimed, "MAGOO TO STAY. U.S. Asylum Granted." President Kennedy declared: "Let the story of the saving of Magoo stand as a classic example of government by the people." Living out his days in the zoo, Mr. Magoo became a beloved figure. His daily routine included enjoying an egg, sipping tea, and charming zoo workers with his friendly nature. Popular among visitors, especially children, he received numerous letters and Christmas cards. When Mr. Magoo died peacefully in January 1968, his obituary in the Duluth Herald read: "OUR MR. MAGOO OF ZOO IS DEAD." The new zoo director, Basil Norton, vowed not to replace him: Another mongoose could never take his place in the hearts and affections of Duluth people, he said.
Possible Titles:
1. The Extraordinary Tale of Mr. Magoo: Duluth’s Beloved Mongoose
2. No Noose for the Mongoose: How a City United to Save Mr. Magoo
3. From India to Duluth: The Journey and Legacy of Mr. Magoo
4. The Heartwarming Battle to Save Mr. Magoo, Duluth's Famous Mongoose
Main Idea #1:
The citizens of Duluth rallied to save Mr. Magoo, a mongoose brought to their city, from being euthanized as an invasive species.
Main Idea #2:
Mr. Magoo became a beloved figure in Duluth, living out his days in the Lake Superior Zoo after a successful campaign saved his life.
In 1962, a mongoose named Mr. Magoo was gifted to Duluth’s Lake Superior Zoo. Federal agents deemed him an invasive species, sentencing him to death. The citizens of Duluth, backed by a campaign and petitions, successfully fought for his pardon. Mr. Magoo lived out his days as a cherished zoo resident, becoming a beloved local figure until his death in 1968.
Key Points:
1. Mr. Magoo was a mongoose gifted to the Lake Superior Zoo in Duluth.
2. Federal agents labeled him an invasive species and sentenced him to death.
3. Duluth citizens launched a successful campaign, No Noose for the Mongoose, to save him.
4. Mr. Magoo lived out his days at the zoo, becoming a beloved figure in the community.
5. Upon his death in 1968, the zoo decided not to replace him due to his unique place in the hearts of the people.
오늘은 <2024년도 7월 고3 영어 모의고사>의한줄해석(좌지문 우해석)자료 올립니다. 설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 사용하세요. 유용한 자료가 되길 바랍니다~♡ 혹시 자료에 오류가 있으면 댓글 달아주세요. 바로 수정해 놓겠습니다.
④Under the plan, staffers could begin work 60 to 90 minutes before or after ordinary business hours, adjusting their scheduled departure time accordingly.
⑤All requests for flextime must be submitted to departmental supervisors and will be approved if they do not conflict with the staffing needs of the company.
①Joshua had spent ten weeks crafting a presentation for an upcoming meeting.
②He had worked very hard on analyzing data, making beautiful plots and projections, and he had often stayed in the office past midnight polishing his presentation.
③He was delighted with the outcome and happily e-mailed the presentation to his boss, who was going to make the presentation at the all-important meeting.
①Walk into a bookstore and you'll see some authors have a whole shelf.
②Authors with just one book are hard to find and it's the same for digital shelf-space.
③Look at the most loved and top-selling authors and they all have a lot of books.
④One book is not enough to build a career as a fiction author if that is a goal of yours.
⑤So, don't obsess over that one book, consider it just the beginning, and get writing on the next one.
⑥Of course, first-time authors don't want to hear this!
⑦I certainly didn't when I put my first book out.
⑧I've tried every single marketing tool possible and I still continue to experiment with new forms.
⑨But after 27 books, writing more books is what I personally keep coming back to as the best marketing tool and the best way to increase my income as a writer.
⑫If they seem excited whenever the topic comes up, they want to talk about it.
[고3] 2024년07월– 22번:과학적접근이결여된경영의사결정의문제점
①The relevance of science in understanding organizational behavior can start with asking this question:
②Why do good managers make bad decisions?
③Too often managers make mistakes when it comes to fostering conditions that inspire positive outcomes in the workplace, such as performance, satisfaction, team cohesion, and ethical behavior.
⑤Part of the reason is that rather than relying on a clearly validated set of scientific discoveries, managers use less reliable sources of insight such as gut feel, intuition, the latest trend, what a highly paid consultant might say, or what is being done in another company.
⑦But what works for one manager may not work for another.
⑧In the absence of a scientific approach, managers tend to make mistakes, offer ill-conceived incentives, misinterpret employee behavior, and fail to account for the many possible explanations for why employees might perform poorly.
⑥Plotting the number of people killed in natural disasters does very little to advance understanding of this problem other than emphasizing the randomness of natural disasters.
⑨When problems are causally complex and multivariate, determining the appropriate response is a reactionary endeavor.
[고3] 2024년07월– 24번:연구에서의'피해기반접근'의문제점과대안제시
①A scholar Eve Tuck urges researchers to move away from what she calls "damage-based research," or "research that operates, even benevolently, from a theory of change that establishes harm or injury in order to achieve reparation."
②Citing studies in education that sought to increase resources for marginalized youths by documenting the "illiteracies" of indigenous youths and youths of color, Tuck explains that damage-based research is a popular mechanism by which "pain and loss are documented in order to obtain particular political or material gains."
③While damage-based studies have proven successful in attaining political or material gains in the form of funding, attention, and increased awareness related to the struggles of marginalized communities, Tuck points researchers to the ongoing violence damage-based research inflicts on marginalized communities, even under benevolent or perceivably beneficial circumstances.
④Among the many issues associated with damage-based research are the underlying assumptions this type of work makes and sustains about marginalized people; namely, that marginalized communities lack communication, civility, intellect, desires, assets, innovation, and ethics.
①The above graph shows the environmental footprints in terms of greenhouse gas emissions (measured per kilogram) and freshwater use (measured per liter) of dairy and the four plant-based milks in 2018.
②Both his parents were school teachers, who home-schooled him until he was 12.
③In 1915, Eccles began his secondary schooling and after four years, prior to entering the University of Melbourne, he studied science and mathematics for another year at Melbourne High School.
③1915년에Eccles는중등교육을시작했고4년뒤에, University of Melbourne에입학하기전에,과학과수학을Melbourne High School에서한해더공부했다.
④He completed his medical course in February 1925, and left Melbourne for Oxford the same year.
⑤From 1928 to 1931 he was a research assistant to Sir Charles Sherrington, and published eight papers conjointly.
⑤1928년부터1931년까지그는Sir Charles Sherrington의연구조교였고,공동으로출판된8개의논문이있었다.
⑥Returning to Australia with his family in 1937, he gave lectures to third-year medical students at the University of Sydney from 1938 to 1940.
⑥그의가족들과1937년에Australia로돌아와서,그는University of Sydney에서의대3학년학생들에게1938년부터1940년까지강의를했다.
⑦Eccles was the co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine along with A.L. Hodgkin and A.F. Huxley in 1963.
⑩They're not born with invisible superpowers; most of their gifts are homegrown or homemade.
[고3] 2024년07월– 30번:미래의나와의심리적연결이의사결정에미치는영향
①The outcomes of want-should conflicts are affected not only by what we think our future self will choose but also by how close we feel to our future self.
②Want-should conflicts fundamentally involve tradeoffs between options that satisfy the present self's desires (wants) and options that benefit the future self (shoulds).
③As a result, when we do not feel psychologically connected to our future self, we should be less interested in taking actions to benefit this self and thus shy away from should options.
④Indeed, an emerging stream of research suggests that people are more impatient the more disconnected they feel from their future self.
⑤For example, people prefer smaller-sooner rewards over larger-later rewards at a higher rate when they anticipate experiencing life-changing events (rather than events that are unlikely to change their identity and beliefs), since life-changing events induce a greater disassociation between their image of their present self and their image of their future self.
⑥More generally, when people are told that their identity will change considerably over time, they are more likely to accept immediate benefits (wants) and forsake larger deferred benefits (shoulds).
⑤If the visual signal streams in 1080 instead of 4k, eventually you'll get used to it.
⑥However, if there is static in the audio, you will want to shut it off rather than endure the whole program.
⑦Or if the audio continues to drop out, you also will barely be able to tolerate it.
⑧In fact, probably more than any other aspect of filmmaking, it is via the audio that people determine silently to themselves, "Good, professional quality" or "low-budget student production" as soon as the film begins.
②Transitioning from a linear way of producing products to a circular one won't be necessary only from an environmental perspective, but from a social and economic perspective as well.
③To minimize the negative impact on the environment, businesses will need to adjust the relationship they have with customers to maximize the value of the products they create.
④Rather than businesses viewing success as the number of products made per year, they will instead base their bottom line on the number of products kept in use per year.
⑤Shade provided by parents is another form of care, as it curbs the growth of youngsters living under their crowns.
⑥Without the shade and exposed to full sunlight, the young trees would shoot up and expand the width of their trunks so quickly they'd be exhausted after just a century or two.
①In a context in which the cultural obligation to produce the self as a distinctive, authentic individual is difficult to fulfill, the burdensome work of individualizing the self is turned over increasingly to algorithms.
②The "personalization" that is promised on every front ─ in the domains of search, shopping, health, news, advertising, learning, music, and entertainment ─ depends on ever more refined algorithmic constructions of individuality.
③As it becomes more difficult to produce our digital selves as unique individuals, we are increasingly being produced as unique individuals from the outside.
⑤Our unique selfhood is no longer something for which we are wholly responsible; it is algorithmically guaranteed.
[고3] 2024년07월– 36번:기술관료주의와기술결정과정에서의전문가역할
①Technocracy can be thought to influence technological decision-making in one of two ways.
②An idealized science and technology replaces politics and technical experts become the decision-makers, planning and organizing societies according to whatever scientific principles the evidence supports.
③This form of technocracy is rarely found in practice.
④In contrast, a more moderate form in which experts advise and politicians decide is found in many democratic societies.
⑤Also called the 'decisionist model', this form of technocracy institutionalizes a division of labour based on the distinction between facts and values and allows specialist experts to wield significant power.
⑥But when actions like deforestation or plowing severely disturb a plant community, the remaining plants cannot photosynthesize enough to feed themselves, plus all the animals and microorganisms that depend on them.
⑦In those conditions microorganisms consume carbon that has been stored in the soil and in plants and animals, and respire that stored carbon back to atmosphere as CO2.
①Prosocial behavior ─ that is, behavior that is intended to help another person ─ can be motivated by two different pathways, according to Daniel Batson at the University of Kansas.
①University of Kansas의Daniel Batson에따르면,친사회적행동─다시말해,다른사람을돕기위해의도된행동─은두가지다른경로로동기부여될수있다.
②One pathway, the egoistic pathway, is largely self-focused: we provide help if the rewards to us outweigh the costs.
⑤But according to Batson's hypothesis, there is another pathway, which is other-focused ─ it's motivated by a genuine desire to help the other person, even if we incur a cost for doing so.
①Our behaviour can be modified externally without there being strong personal motivation.
②Everything from our supermarket shopping and online browsing choices are examples of how our actions are shaped without our conscious choice or motivation.
⑦Without the anchor of intrinsic motivation however, even a small bump in the road may reset you back; we may go back to eating meat in February when the social support has disappeared.
⑧Resonance helps us connect to our internal motivation to change rather than being 'pushed' from the outside, and in turn helps us form a habit, where our self-concept makes a shift from 'someone who does not like cycling' to 'someone who cycles'.
③They behave as mirror images of each other, so to speak.
④Strength is mirrored with strength, weakness is mirrored with weakness, or hardness is mirrored with hardness, etc.
⑤Complementary communication shows a matching difference in behaviour.
⑥It is not a matter of up and down, strong and weak, or good and bad, but of matching and expected difference.
⑦Such complementary relationships occur between teachers and students, mother and child, or managers and employees, etc.
⑧What the expectations are in such relationships depends, among other things, on the cultural background.
⑨If the expectations of complementarity are not met, communication breakdowns occur.
⑩For example, if an older person in Japan is not treated with a certain respect by a younger person, this circumstance can significantly impair communication or even make it impossible.
⑪[요약문] The way the communication partners perceive their relationship determines the types of communication; symmetrical communication revolves around the pursuit of equality and the corresponding interaction between them, whereas complementary communication involves aligning with matching and expected differences based on cultural background.
⑨There are fewer potato crisps in the bag and cookies in the box.
⑩Bottles of liquids such as perfumes have ever-larger dimples on the bottom that displace the product and create the illusion of more inside than there is.
③The merchant seamen had enjoyed his company on the long journey and had sat drinking tea with him, but they decided he deserved a life on dry land so they presented him as a gift to the city's Lake Superior Zoo.
⑤His fate took an unexpected turn when, labeled an invasive species, federal agents sentenced him to death.
⑥The citizens of Duluth were not taking the death sentence lying down.
⑦It was pointed out that, as the only mongoose in the country, Mr. Magoo was never going to be able to reproduce, so the country was unlikely to be overrun by the species.
⑧They demanded he be allowed to live out his days in peace.
⑨Petitions were signed and sent to powerful figures like the U.S. Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall, U.S. Senator Hubert Humphrey, and Duluth Mayor George Johnson.
⑪There were even suggestions that the zoo director should take him into hiding.
⑫Thanks to the efforts of the citizens of Duluth, Mr. Magoo was pardoned.
⑫Duluth의시민들의노력덕분에, Mr. Magoo는사면을받았다.
⑬A statement from Udall read, "Acting on the authority that permits importation of prohibited mammals ─ including mongooses ─ for zoological, education, medical and scientific purposes, I recommend that Mr. Magoo be granted non-political asylum in the United States."