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오늘은 <고2 2024년도 10월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

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1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 



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[Flow Edu] 24년 고2 10월 기출 #1_27문항.pdf




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[고2] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (71문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 71문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일



[고1] 2024년도 10월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (48문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2024년도 10월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,문항당 비슷





[2] 2024 10 – 35: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명


Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget). Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the "commons" to support. Traffic jams, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyone ─ the tragedy of the commons! If the new resource cannot be expanded or provided with additional space, it becomes a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or walkers or competing users. The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, both begin to fall after a peak, leading to a crash. What makes the "tragedy of commons" tragic is the crash dynamic ─ the destruction or degeneration of the common resource's ability to regenerate itself.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Archetype 4. Tragedy of the Commons

Management Principle: Continuous Increase in Use of a Common Resource Will Eventually Overstrain the Resource Until It Crashes

Any new resource (e.g., a new expressway, a new airport, a new mall, a new charter school, a children's park, a new credit union) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget). Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the “commons” to support; congestion, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyone ~ the tragedy of the commons! If the new resource cannot be expanded or replenished with additional space, it becomes a constraint, a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or pedestrians or competing users. The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but both begin to fall after a peak, the latter faster than the former. Eventually, if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, the total activity will also hit a peak and crash. What makes the “tragedy of commons” tragic is the crash dynamic - the destruction or degeneration of the common resource's ability to regenerate itself. The tragedy of the commons, thus, is a corollary of the “limits to growth” archetype.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[2] 2024 10 – 36: 뇌가 시각 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 방식으로 에너지를 절약


Theoretically, our brain would have the capacity to store all experiences throughout life, reaching the quality of a DVD. However, this theoretical capacity is offset by the energy demand associated with the process of storing and retrieving information in memory. As a result, the brain develops efficient strategies, becoming dependent on shortcuts. When we observe a face, the visual image captured by the eyes is highly variable, depending on the point of view, lighting conditions and other contextual factors. Nevertheless, we are able to recognize the face as the same, maintaining the underlying identity. The brain, rather than focusing on the details of visualization, creates and stores general patterns that allow for consistent recognition across diverse circumstances. This ability to match what we see with general visual memory patterns serves as an effective mechanism for optimizing brain performance and saving energy. The brain, being naturally against unnecessary effort, constantly seeks to simplify and generalize information to facilitate the cognitive process.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가



원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 37: 과학 연구에서 창의적 해석이 이론 형성에 미치는 영향


Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience. However, this paradigm sometimes conceals the fact that theories are deeply loaded with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence. Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts. They construct frameworks for systematically chosen data in order to provide a consistent and meaningful explanation of what is observed. Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others. When we neglect the creative contributions of such scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts ─ even worse, as facts including all of reality ─ we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Mechanistic Stories in Humane Practices

Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience. However, and as Misak has explained, this mode of operation sometimes disguises the fact that theories are deeply laden with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence. Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts. They construct frameworks for—they “emplot”—systematically chosen data in order to provide a coherent and meaningful explanation of what is observed. Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others. When we neglect the creative contributions of the scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts—even worse, as facts exhaustive of reality—we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 38: 문학이 사회적 변화를 촉진하거나 방해할  있는 방식


We encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action. Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce social change. At best it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is. But on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements. Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with their lives and eager for something new. By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, and race, books may promote a fellowship that discourages struggle; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible. Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Uncle Tom's Cabin, a best-seller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

We also encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action. Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce change. At best, it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is. But, on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements. Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with the lives they inherit and eager for something new—whether life in big cities or romance or revolution. By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, race, nation, and age, books promote a ‘fellow-feeling’ that may discourage struggle but may also produce identifications and a keen sense of injustice that make progressive struggles possible. Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Harriet Beecher Stowe’s *Uncle Tom’s Cabin*, a bestseller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)





[2] 2024 10 – 39: Hobbes 자연 상태에서 인간의 본성과 도덕적 자유의 한계


According to Hobbes, man is not a being who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in the state of nature. Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where a sovereign power, namely the state, emerges. Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man's life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short". It means when people live without a general power to control them all, they are indeed in a state of war. In other words, Hobbes, who accepted that human beings are not social and political beings in the state of nature, believes that without the power human beings in the state of nature are "antisocial and rational based on their selfishness". Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes. It is, rather, mutual fear of men's present and future that assembles them, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

By continuing the same logic, Hobbes claims that the equality and freedom of people in terms of obtaining anything on nature leads to the enmity among individuals, for “if any two men desire the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies; and in the way to their end (which is principally their own conservation, and sometimes their delectation only) endeavour to destroy or subdue one another” (Ibid). The important point that can be drawn from this Hobbesian description of the emergence of enmity among individuals in state of nature is the reality of scarce resources in nature which highly possibly lead to the enmity. In such a state of nature, for Hobbes, three principles lead to the state of war which are: “First competition; secondly, diffidence; thirdly, glory” (Ibid: 77). So, according to Hobbes, if there is no sovereign power over people, morality and so moral freedom will not be in question. Man is not a man who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in such a state of nature. Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where state emerges. That is, in state of nature everyone will be always at war all against all unless there exists a sovereign power, namely state. Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man’s life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short” (Ibid: 78). In other words, when people live without a general power to fear them all, they are indeed in a state of war, and this war is the war of all against all (Ibid: 94). Hobbes, who accepted that human being is not social and political being in the state of nature (not zoon politikon in Aristotelian sense) (Ibid: 22), believes that human being in state of nature is an “antisocial and rational based on selfishness”. Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes. Rather, it is mutual fear of man’s present and future that brings them together, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature (Ibid: 24-25).



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 40: 인지적 요소가  인식에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구


There is research that supports the idea that cognitive factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world. Delk and Fillenbaum asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background. Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color. These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart. Other objects were presented that are not usually associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell. However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard. Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red. They had to make the background color match the color of the figures. The researchers found that red-associated objects required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that are not associated with the color red. This implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 가능하지만 텍스트에 접근 불가능



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

The view that cognitive and emotional factors influence the phenomenology of perception is known as cognitive penetration (Marchi & Newen, 2015). Cognitive penetration means that nonperceptual factors affect what we see, hear, taste, and feel. The opposing view is that perception is not affected by cognitive factors and that only our reporting of perception is. This view is called cognitive impenetrability (Firestone & Scholl, 2016). Impenetrability implies that our perception remains the same, regardless of our cognitive and emotional state. What changes instead is attention, expectation, or our mood state, which is different than our perceptual state. The dominant view in the field is that perception is cognitive impenetrable. However, recent research supports some instances in which cognitive or emotional factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world.

Delk and Fillenbaum (1965) asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background. Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color. These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart. Other objects were presented that are not typically associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell. However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard. Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red. They had to make the background color the same as the color of the figures. Delk and Fillenbaum found that red-associated objects (e.g., the apple) required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that were not associated with the color red. This suggests that the knowledge of the objects was influencing people to perceive them as being more red than other objects (Figure 1.22). Hansen, Olkkonen, Walter, and Gegenfurtner (2006) replicated this basic finding. They presented participants with photographs of fruit such as bananas and simple patches of colors. Participants were asked to adjust the color of the object (banana or patch) to the uniform gray background. Hansen et al. found that participants adjusted the fruits differently than the patches of equivalent color. For example, participants added more blue to the banana in order to cancel out the more perceived yellowness of it (we will discuss color cancellation more in Chapter 6). Hansen and colleagues suggest that this implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 41~42: 유전체 복제 과정에서 발생하는 돌연변이의 누적 원리 설명


In each round of genome copying in our body, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of chromosomes will have an error. With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate. This is similar to alterations in medieval books. Each time a copy was made by hand, some changes were introduced accidentally; as changes stacked up, the copies may have acquired meanings at variance with the original. Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have gathered more mistakes. To make things worse, mutations may damage genes responsible for error checking and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations. Most genome mutations do not have any noticeable effects. It is just like changing the i for a y in "kingdom" would not distort the word's readability. But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors. Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body's cells multiplied to form skin. If mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously? The answer lies in the cell lineage, the developmental history of a tissue from particular cells through to their fully differentiated state. If the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

A full 1 percent of our genes are involved in proofreading and correcting chromosomes. But despite this substantial investment in error correction, DNA copying is not perfect. In each cell division, there are 6 billion letter pairs to copy, check, and correct. The chance for one specific DNA letter pair to be mutated in one such duplication round (the mutation rate) is about 1 in 10 billion. Thus, in each round of genome copying, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of letters will have a typo. This number is optimistic, because it assumes that you lead a healthy life. Your genomes can suffer even more changes through toxic chemicals (such as those in cigarette smoke or burned meat) or exposure to ultraviolet radiation (from the sun or visits to tanning salons). Such mutations can be single letters exchanged for others, as in the example above, but in some cases, entire segments of the DNA molecule (whole stretches of letters) are removed or are duplicated and added at seemingly random places. Because of these mutations, you do not have one single genome, but instead many billions of slightly different genomes, one for each of your cells.

With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate. This is analogous to alterations in medieval books, which were copied by hand. Each time a copy was made, some changes were introduced inadvertently; over time, as changes accumulated, the copies may have accrued meanings at variance with the original. Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have accumulated more mistakes. To make things worse, mutations may damage those genes responsible for the proofreading and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations.

Most mutations do not have any noticeable effects, just like changing the *i* for a *y* in “kingdom” would not distort the word’s legibility or meaning. But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors. Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body’s cells multiplied to form skin.

But if mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously? Were all of the millions of cells in the iris of a girl with a blue patch in an otherwise brown eye struck by the same mutation? The answer lies in the cell lineage: if the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)


관련 자료 바로가기


[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (20~24번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 20번: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 함 To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to



[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~34번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 29번: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법 Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. Researchers train them to associate one place with an experienc





[2] 2024 10 – 29: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법


Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. Researchers train them to associate one place with an experience such as food or a loud noise and another place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens. The two places are made obviously different to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there. The animal's preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places. If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time for the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it. Conversely, if it now avoids the place the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus unpleasant. For example, mice with cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine, a drug used to relieve pain, rather than where they have received saline whereas healthy mice developed no such preference. This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

While there are some situations, like the cow lying experiment, when giving an animal repeated experiences is just practically difficult and cumbersome, there are some situations where it is actually impossible for an animal to have the repeated experiences that are needed for it to give an ‘informed’ opinion of what is happening to it. For example, with a one-off medical procedure such as removal of a tumour, a question might be whether an animal (or a human) would prefer to have post-operative care with drug A or with drug B. It would be quite impossible to carry out same the operation repeatedly with different drugs and then see which one is chosen as the sequence of operations progressed. Fortunately, it is now possible to devise choice tests that avoid repeated testing but still ensure the animal has the relevant experience.

Conditioned Place Preference (CPP) is a way of finding out what animals want by training them to associate one place with a single experience such as food or a loud noise and a second place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens (Dixon et al. 2013). The two places are made very obviously different, such as being painted with different colours or patterns, to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there. The animal’s preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places.

If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time so that it starts to spend more time where it obtained the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it (Bardo and Bevins 2000). Conversely, if it now avoids the place where the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place where it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus aversive and wanted to get away from it. The advantage of this method is that it can work with just one experience, provided that the animal is clever enough to make the association.

CPP is commonly used in pharmacology to test how animals respond to different drugs (Bardo and Bevins 2000). For example, mice with bladder cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine rather than where they have received saline, whereas healthy controls developed no such preference (Roughan et al. 2014). This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine.

Its opposite, Conditioned Place Aversion, has been demonstrated in a number of different species, including fish. Gilt-head bream, Sparus aurata, showed a conditioned avoidance to a place where they had been chased with a dip net compared with a distinctively different place in another part of their tank where they had not been chased (Millot et al. 2014). The fish showed that they did not want to be chased with a net by choosing the place where they had not been chased.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 30: 새들의 번식 계절이 환경에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 설명


Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined. They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. It's for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity. Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Breeding seasons

On and near the equator, many species of bird breed more or less all year round. But in the rest of the world, particularly in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined.

They are triggered mainly by changes in day length, although rising temperatures also play a part. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times—they are physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shuts down and shrinks, an adaptation that helps flying birds save weight.

The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species, such as Zebra Finches and Budgerigars. These can “switch on” their breeding cycle within days of rain to make the most of the sudden breeding opportunity.

When the breeding season is in progress, different species divide it up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood, often consisting of one young. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months.

In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows can raise five successive broods—a marathon reproductive effort.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 31: 학습 자원 인식 부족이 학생들의 창의성에 미치는 영향


One factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students' learning. Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them. Different resources may be compulsory for specific learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity's performance. For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects. There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, equipment, and chemicals required for the experiment. It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be about human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and equipment for their learning where applicable. Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students' creativity. It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Another factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students’ learning. Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them. Different resources may be compulsory for specific HE learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity’s performance. For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects. There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, apparatuses, and chemicals required for the experiment. It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and apparatus for their learning where applicable. Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students’ creativity. It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)





[2] 2024 10 – 32: 번역 작업이 다양한 출처와 독자의 기대에 의존하는 방식


All translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work. And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people. The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer's Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own. He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French ─ and of course he had dictionaries. Translators always draw on more than one source text. Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person's linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations. And then his or her idea of the translation's purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for. In both these senses every translation is a crowd translation.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

In fact, all translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work. And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people. The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer’s Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own. He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French—and of course he had dictionaries. Translators always draw on more than one source text. Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person’s linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations. And then his or her idea of the translation’s purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for. In both these senses (this is our third key discovery) every translation is a crowd translation.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 33: 읽기 행위를 단일 개념으로 정의하기 어려운 이유


Some people argue that there is a single, logically consistent concept known as reading that can be neatly set apart from everything else people do with books. Is reading really that simple? The most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, as Ludwig Wittgenstein used the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait. Consequently, efforts to distinguish reading from nonreading are destined to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place. The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term's flexible boundaries. Thus, it is worth attempting to collect together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to establish the boundaries where reading begins and ends. The attempt moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is expansive enough to accommodate the distinct reading activities.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR


The idea for this book came while I was finishing another one looking into debates over what counts as “real” reading. Time and again I encountered people who insisted on drawing a sharp line between reading and closely related activities they judged to be impostors (in that case, listening to audio books). It was not their verdicts that held my attention so much as the confidence that there was a single, coherent entity known as reading that could be neatly set apart from everything else people did with books. Is reading really that simple?

As this book contends, the most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s understanding of the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait. Consequently, efforts to cordon off reading from nonreading are doomed to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place. The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term’s elastic boundaries. My book attempts to marshal together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to patrol the boundaries over where reading begins and ends. *Reader’s Block* moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is capacious enough to accommodate the disparate activities documented in the following chapters along with any new ones that will inevitably surface beyond its pages.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 34: Weber 법칙으로 자극의 강도에 따른 차이 인식 설명


Weber's law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli. It suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 mm and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long. Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room. But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle. Therefore, the Just-noticeable difference (JND) varies as a function of the strength of the signals. For example, the JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much more quiet sounds. When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder. When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder. Thus, Weber's law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Weber, Fechner, and the Birth of Psychophysics

Helmholtz and Hering both approached sensation and perception from the perspective of physiology. Around the same time as Helmholtz and Hering were looking at the relation of physiology and perception, other German scientists were doing work with a more psychological perspective. Ernst Heinrich Weber (1795-1878) discovered Weber's law (though it was Gustav Fechner, another German scientist, who named the law after Weber). 

Weber's law states that a just-noticeable difference (JND) between two stimuli is related to the magnitude or strength of the stimuli. What does this mean? Well, it concerns two stimuli that are very similar. Can we detect the difference between two very close red colors, or can we detect the difference between 1.44 mg of sugar dissolved in a cup of water and 1.48 mg of sugar dissolved in a cup of water? Thus, Weber’s law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli. For more examples, do we hear the difference between a 1,000-Hz tone and one of 1,005 Hz? Another example is whether we see the difference in length between a line 466 mm long and one that is 467 mm long. 

Weber's law suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long. Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room. But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle. 

The JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much quieter sounds. When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder. When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder. Thus, Weber's law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli. To repeat, Weber's law states that a “just-noticeable difference” (JND) between two stimuli is related to the magnitude or strength of the stimuli.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



관련 자료 바로가기


[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (20~24번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 20번: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 함 To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to



[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (35~42번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 35번: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명 Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the





[2] 2024 10 – 20: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 


To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems. Dealing with such complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirroring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing mathematical teaching methods. Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking. Therefore, making decisions, even qualitatively, is not possible without using mathematics and critical thinking. Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process. They can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

3.5 Mathematics and Citizenship

To be mathematically literate means to be able to reflect on societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems. Several papers focus on the fact that the demand for future citizens as well as the workforce of the future depends on educating students who can deal with complex problems that transcend traditional disciplines and make informed decisions. Dealing with complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirtoring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing teaching. Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking. Making decisions without using mathematics, even qualitatively, and critical thinking is not possible. Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process. Mathematics education should provide tasks that support the development of the two citizenship competencies. With reference to Malthus and the club of Rome, the theoretical connection among decision making, interdisciplinarity, and mathematical modeling is vindicated. Thus, critical thinking and decision making can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[2] 2024 10 – 21: 덕목은 일시적 충동이 아니라 지속적인 도덕적 습관에서 형성됨


Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present after taking a generosity booster. How would you feel? Undoubtedly, there is something praiseworthy about the action. You'd be pleased to receive the gift. You'd say 'thank you', and mean it. But his change of heart is not entirely satisfying. According to Zagzebski, an American philosopher, he is not really generous. When we praise someone's character, we use words for various virtues: 'generous', 'kind', 'courageous', etc. A person who gives one gift isn't generous. Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person's 'moral identity', an emotional habit that is part of who you are. Thus virtues, as opposed to nontypical impulse, are the result of your personal history. They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed. Instant virtue is therefore impossible. Popping a pill cannot make you a better person.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

What about the pills to make you a better person? According to Linda Zagzebski, writing in 1996, there is no recommended dose: in small amounts they are useless, in large ones fatal. Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present. Then you learn that they ve taken a generosity booster. How would you feel? Undoubtedly, there is something commendable about the action. You'd be pleased to receive the gift. You'd say 'thank you', and mean it. But their change of heart is not entirely satisfying. According to Zagzebski, they are not really generous. When we commend someone's character, we use words for various virtues: 'generous', 'kind', 'courageous', etc. A person who gives one gift isn't generous. Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person's 'moral identity', an emotional habit that is part of who you are. Thus virtues, as opposed to atypical whims, are the result of your personal history. They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed. Instant virtue is therefore impossible, so popping a pill cannot make you a better person.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 22: 이중성 시스템을 활용해 별의 질량을 계산하는 방법 설명


To determine the mass of my bowling ball, I might put it onto a balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams. Things get much more complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star. How do I measure it? We can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various theories. If we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period and a certain instance of Kepler's Third Law, to calculate the mass. In other words, in order to "measure" the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass. Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

2.3.3 Theory-Ladenness of Measurement

Suppose I want to determine the mass of my bowling ball. To that end, I might put it onto an ordinary balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams. Things get more - much more - complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star. Obviously, I cant put it onto any balance. So how do I measure it? The details are actually quite complicated, but we can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various background theories. For example, if we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period (the time it takes to complete one orbit around each other) and a certain instance of Kepler's Third Law, to calculate the mass. In other words, in order to "measure" the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass. Obviously, the correctness of such a “measurement” not only depends on the correctness of other measurements (in this case, at least that of the period), but also on the correctness of certain background assumptions, such as Kepler's Laws. Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but often a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[2] 2024 10 – 23: 쾌락과 고통의 균형이 신체의 항상성을 유지하는 방식


Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain. Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions. Without the body's effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving. Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another and keep balance. If you imagine pleasure and pain as the two opposite points on a scale, you can easily understand that as one of the two points rises, the other must correspondingly fall. We've all heard the expression, "No pain, no gain." Well, according to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, there may be some truth to these words. She says that our attempts to escape being miserable are in fact making us even more miserable. This is because pain is actually an essential component of our ability to maintain a neutral state, and allowing it will in turn reset our internal scale back to balance.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가


원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 24: 지속적인 제품 업그레이드 주기로 소비자의 욕구를 형성하는 방식


Manufacturers masterfully sow seeds of doubt about the adequacy of our current devices. Suddenly, the phone that was your lifeline a year ago is now a museum piece, unable to keep pace with your digital demands. And thus, the itch to upgrade begins, often before there's a genuine need. This cycle isn't just confined to our digital companions. It spills over into almost every aspect of consumer electronics, from the self-driving car to the smart fridge. Every product seems to be on an unstoppable march towards the next version, the next generation that promises to revolutionize your life. What's fascinating, or perhaps disturbing, is the utter efficacy of this cycle in shaping our desires. It's not so much that we want the newest device; we're led to believe we need it. The distinction between want and need blurs, shifting our financial priorities in favor of staying current with trends. For all the logical arguments against this ceaseless upgrading, the temptation remains compelling.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가


원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



관련 자료 바로가기


[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~34번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 29번: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법 Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. Researchers train them to associate one place with an experienc



[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (35~42번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 35번: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명 Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the








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블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





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[고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).pdf
[고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).docx




관련 자료 바로가기


[고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 한줄해석

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2023년도 11월 고2 영어 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일



[고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2023년도 11월 고2 영어 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PD



[고1~고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 지문 정리 (문제 제작용 hwp 한글 파일)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2023년도 11월 고1~2 영어 모의고사>의 지문 텍스트만한글 파일 hwpx와 pdf 파일로 정리해서 올립니다.변형문제 출제를 위해 해당 지문들을 hwp 한글 파



[고2] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (71문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 71문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일




전체 내용

[2] 2023 11 – 18: 농구 코트 소음 문제 해결을 요청하는 민원 제기


To whom it may concern, I am writing to inform you of an ongoing noise issue that I am experiencing. My apartment faces the basketball courts of the community center. While I fully support the community center's services, I am constantly being disrupted by individuals playing basketball late at night. Many nights, I struggle to fall asleep because I can hear people bouncing balls and shouting on the basketball courts well after 11 p.m.. Could you restrict the time the basketball court is open to before 9 p.m.? I'm sure I'm not the only person in the neighborhood that is affected by this noise issue. I appreciate your assistance. Sincerely, Ian Baldwin



Possible Titles:

1. Addressing Noise Concerns From Late-Night Basketball Games 

2. Request to Limit Community Center Basketball Court Hours 

3. Late-Night Noise Disruption: A Concern for Neighborhood Peace 

4. Seeking Resolution for Ongoing Noise from Basketball Courts 


Main Idea #1:

A resident requests restricting basketball court hours to reduce late-night noise disturbances. 


Main Idea #2:

Ian Baldwin expresses concern over consistent late-night noise from the community center's basketball courts and suggests limiting their operation to before 9 p.m. to maintain neighborhood peace. 



Ian Baldwin requests limiting the operating hours of the community center’s basketball courts due to late-night noise disturbances affecting his sleep. He suggests closing the courts by 9 p.m. to address the issue for himself and other affected neighbors. 


Key Points:

1. Ian Baldwin experiences late-night noise from the community center’s basketball courts. 

2. Noise from basketball games disrupts his sleep, especially after 11 p.m. 

3. He supports the community center’s services but suggests restricting court hours to before 9 p.m. 

4. Baldwin believes other neighbors are also likely affected by the issue.



[2] 2023 11 – 19: 부족 의식에서 아버지의 존재로 안정감을 얻음


Chaske, a Cherokee boy, was sitting on a tree stump. As a rite of passage for youths in his tribe, Chaske had to survive one night in the forest wearing a blindfold, not knowing he was observed by his father. After the sunset, Chaske could hear all kinds of noises. The wind blew the grass and shook his stump. A sense of dread swept through his body. What if wild beasts are looking at me? I can't stand this! Just as he was about to take off the blindfold to run away, a voice came in from somewhere. "I'm here around you. Don't give up, and complete your mission." It was his father's voice. He has been watching me from nearby! With just the presence of his father, the boy regained stability. What panicked him awfully a moment ago vanished into thin air.



Possible Titles:

1. A Cherokee Rite of Passage and the Power of Parental Support 

2. Facing Fear: Chaske’s Journey Through the Forest 

3. Overcoming Dread with Trust and Guidance in the Wild 

4. A Father’s Silent Vigil in a Cherokee Youth’s Trial 


Main Idea #1:

Chaske learns to overcome fear during a Cherokee rite of passage with the unseen support of his father. 


Main Idea #2:

In a Cherokee rite of passage, Chaske faces his fears while blindfolded in the forest, regaining courage when he hears his father’s reassuring voice, which helps him complete his trial. 



Chaske, a Cherokee boy, participates in a rite of passage requiring him to stay blindfolded in the forest overnight. Overwhelmed by fear, he regains stability upon hearing his father’s supportive voice, realizing his father has been watching nearby. 


Key Points:

1. Chaske undergoes a Cherokee rite of passage involving an overnight stay in the forest. 

2. Fear and panic overcome him as he imagines wild beasts around him. 

3. His father’s unseen presence and voice provide reassurance and courage. 

4. Chaske successfully completes his trial, overcoming his fear with his father’s support.



[2] 2023 11 – 20: 농업의 발전과 지속 가능성을 위한 해결책 필요


Agriculture includes a range of activities such as planting, harvesting, fertilizing, pest management, raising animals, and distributing food and agricultural products. It is one of the oldest and most essential human activities, dating back thousands of years, and has played a critical role in the development of human civilizations, allowing people to create stable food supplies and settle in one place. Today, agriculture remains a vital industry that feeds the world's population, supports rural communities, and provides raw materials for other industries. However, agriculture faces numerous challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, soil degradation, and biodiversity loss. As the world's population continues to grow, it is essential to find sustainable solutions to address the challenges facing agriculture and ensure the continued production of food and other agricultural products.



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolution and Challenges of Modern Agriculture 

2. Agriculture: Past, Present, and Future Sustainability Needs 

3. Balancing Food Production and Environmental Conservation in Agriculture 

4. Addressing Global Challenges in Agriculture for a Growing Population 


Main Idea #1:

Agriculture has been essential to human development, enabling stable food supplies and societal growth. 


Main Idea #2:

While agriculture continues to support global populations and industries, it faces challenges like climate change and resource scarcity, requiring sustainable solutions for future food production. 



Agriculture, a cornerstone of human civilization, supports global food production and industries but faces critical challenges like climate change, water scarcity, and soil degradation. Sustainable solutions are essential to meet the growing demands of a rising population. 


Key Points:

1. Agriculture includes planting, harvesting, raising animals, and distributing food. 

2. It has been crucial for human development and civilization. 

3. Modern agriculture faces challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, and biodiversity loss. 

4. Sustainable approaches are necessary to ensure future food security.



[2] 2023 11 – 21: 예술은 어려운 주제를 다루며 변화를 촉진함


The arts and aesthetics offer emotional connection to the full range of human experience. "The arts can be more than just sugar on the tongue," Anjan Chatterjee, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, says. "In art, when there's something challenging, which can also be uncomfortable, this discomfort, if we're willing to engage with it, offers the possibility of some change, some transformation. That can also be a powerful aesthetic experience." The arts, in this way, become vehicles to contend with ideas and concepts that are difficult and uncomfortable otherwise. When Picasso painted his masterpiece Guernica in 1937, he captured the heartbreaking and cruel nature of war, and offered the world a way to consider the universal suffering caused by the Spanish Civil War. When Lorraine Hansberry wrote her play A Raisin in the Sun, she gave us a powerful story of people struggling with racism, discrimination, and the pursuit of the American dream while also offering a touching portrait of family life.



Possible Titles:

1. How the Arts Transform Emotions and Challenge Perspectives 

2. Exploring Human Experience Through Aesthetic and Emotional Connections 

3. The Role of Art in Addressing Difficult and Universal Themes 

4. From Picasso to Hansberry: Art as a Catalyst for Change 


Main Idea #1:

The arts provide emotional connections that help us engage with challenging and transformative aspects of human experience. 


Main Idea #2:

Art serves as a medium for grappling with complex, uncomfortable issues, offering transformative insights, as seen in works like Picasso’s *Guernica* and Hansberry’s *A Raisin in the Sun*. 



The arts connect us to the full spectrum of human emotions and experiences, allowing engagement with challenging ideas and offering transformative insights. Iconic works like *Guernica* and *A Raisin in the Sun* address universal themes like war and racism, illustrating the power of art to inspire reflection and change. 


Key Points:

1. The arts provide emotional connections to the range of human experiences. 

2. Challenging art offers transformative opportunities despite its discomfort. 

3. *Guernica* highlights the suffering caused by war through Picasso’s lens. 

4. *A Raisin in the Sun* explores racism, discrimination, and family dynamics.



[2] 2023 11 – 22: 기계식 시계가 시간 개념과 경제 발전에 기여


Many historians have pointed to the significance of accurate time measurement to Western economic progress. The French historian Jacques Le Goff called the birth of the public mechanical clock a turning point in Western society. Until the late Middle Ages, people had sun or water clocks, which did not play any meaningful role in business activities. Market openings and activities started with the sunrise and typically ended at noon when the sun was at its peak. But when the first public mechanical clocks were introduced and spread across European cities, market times were set by the stroke of the hour. Public clocks thus greatly contributed to public life and work by providing a new concept of time that was easy for everyone to understand. This, in turn, helped facilitate trade and commerce. Interactions and transactions between consumers, retailers, and wholesalers became less irregular. Important town meetings began to follow the pace of the clock, allowing people to better plan their time and allocate resources in a more efficient manner.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Public Clocks in Shaping Western Economic Development 

2. How Accurate Time Measurement Revolutionized Trade and Commerce 

3. The Birth of Public Clocks and Its Impact on Western Society 

4. The Influence of Timekeeping on Economic Organization and Efficiency 


Main Idea #1:

The introduction of public mechanical clocks marked a crucial turning point in Western economic development by standardizing time. 


Main Idea #2:

Public clocks facilitated trade, business, and public life by introducing a new, standardized concept of time, allowing for more efficient planning and resource allocation. 



The invention of public mechanical clocks in Europe was a key development in Western economic progress. It standardized time, helping businesses, markets, and public meetings become more organized and efficient, fostering smoother interactions and improving economic practices. 


Key Points:

1. Before mechanical clocks, time was measured by sun or water clocks, which had limited utility for business. 

2. Public mechanical clocks introduced a standardized concept of time, improving market operations. 

3. Time regulation made interactions between consumers, retailers, and wholesalers more regular. 

4. Public meetings and activities became more organized, enhancing resource allocation and planning.



[2] 2023 11 – 23: 쇼핑카트 사용 장려를 위한 마케팅 전략 전환


Sylvan Goldman invented the shopping cart and introduced it in his stores in 1937. It was an excellent device that would make it easy for shoppers to buy as much as they wanted without getting tired or seeking others' help. But Goldman discovered that in spite of his repeated advertisements and explanations, he could not persuade his shoppers to use the wheeled carts. Men were reluctant because they thought they would appear weak if they pushed such carts instead of carrying their shopping. Women wouldn't touch them because the carts reminded them of baby carriages. It was only a few elderly shoppers who used them. That made the carts even less attractive to the majority of the shoppers. Then Goldman hit upon an idea. He hired several models, men and women, of different ages and asked them to wheel the carts in the store and shop. A young woman employee standing near the entrance told the regular shoppers, 'Look, everyone is using the carts. Why don't you?' That was the turning point. A few shills disguised as regular shoppers easily accomplished what logic, explanations, and advertisements failed to do. Within a few weeks shoppers readily accepted those carts.



Possible Titles:

1. The Shopping Cart: How an Invention Overcame Social Resistance 

2. Sylvan Goldman and the Creative Marketing of the Shopping Cart 

3. Breaking Social Barriers: The Adoption of the Shopping Cart 

4. How Models Helped Popularize a Revolutionary Shopping Tool 


Main Idea #1:

Sylvan Goldman invented the shopping cart, but initial resistance from shoppers prevented its adoption. 


Main Idea #2:

By using hired models to demonstrate the convenience of shopping carts, Goldman overcame social resistance and made the carts widely accepted by shoppers. 



Sylvan Goldman’s invention of the shopping cart initially faced rejection due to social perceptions. By hiring models to showcase their use, he convinced shoppers of their convenience, leading to the widespread acceptance of shopping carts in stores. 


Key Points:

1. Goldman invented the shopping cart in 1937 to make shopping easier. 

2. Shoppers initially resisted due to gender norms and social perceptions. 

3. Goldman hired models to act as shoppers and demonstrate cart usage. 

4. The strategy succeeded, and carts became a popular shopping tool.



[2] 2023 11 – 24: 로봇의 인간적 특성이 신뢰와 속임수 모두 유발 가능


In response to human-like care robots, critics might charge that human-robot interactions create moral hazards for dementia patients. Even if deception is sometimes allowed when it serves worthy goals, should it be allowed for vulnerable users? Just as children on the autism spectrum with robot companions might be easily fooled into thinking of robots as friends, older adults with cognitive deficits might be. According to Alexis Elder, a professor at UMD, robots are false friends, inferior to true friendship. Reasoning along similar lines, John Sullins, a professor at Sonoma State University, holds that robots should "remain iconic or cartoonish so that they are easily distinguished as synthetic even by unsophisticated users." At least then no one is fooled. Making robots clearly fake also avoids the so-called "uncanny valley," where robots are perceived as scary because they so closely resemble us, but not quite. Other critics of robot deception argue that when care recipients are deceived into thinking that robots care, this crosses a line and violates human dignity.



Possible Titles:

1. Ethical Concerns in Human-Like Care Robots for Vulnerable Populations 

2. The Debate Over Deception and Human-Robot Interaction 

3. Robots as Caregivers: Balancing Utility and Human Dignity 

4. Why Deception in Care Robots Raises Moral and Ethical Questions 


Main Idea #1:

Critics argue that human-like care robots may deceive vulnerable users, raising ethical concerns about dignity and moral hazards. 


Main Idea #2:

While some experts advocate for clearly artificial robots to avoid deception and the uncanny valley, others argue that deceiving care recipients into believing robots care violates their dignity and creates false relationships. 



Human-like care robots raise ethical concerns about deception, especially for vulnerable users like dementia patients. Critics suggest robots should appear clearly synthetic to avoid false friendships, preserve dignity, and prevent discomfort from the uncanny valley effect. 


Key Points:

1. Critics argue that care robots may deceive vulnerable users, creating moral hazards. 

2. Elder calls robots "false friends," inferior to real human relationships. 

3. Sullins advocates for cartoonish robots to avoid deception and the uncanny valley. 

4. Deceiving care recipients into believing robots care is viewed as a violation of dignity.



[2] 2023 11 – 25: 미국 연령별 온라인 광고 견해 조사 결과 분석


The graph above shows the results of a 2019 survey on the views of American age groups on targeted online advertising. In total, while 51% of the respondents said targeted ads were intrusive, 27% said they were interesting. The percentage of respondents who believed that targeted ads were interesting was the highest in the age group of 18 to 24. The percentage of respondents aged 25 to 34 who said that targeted ads were intrusive was the same as that of respondents aged 45 to 54 who said the same. Among all age groups, the gap between respondents who said targeted ads were interesting and those who believed them to be intrusive was the largest in the 35-to-44 age group. The age group of 55 and above was the only group where the percentage of respondents who believed targeted ads were intrusive was more than 50%.



Possible Titles:

1. American Age Groups’ Perceptions of Targeted Online Advertising in 2019 

2. Insights into Generational Views on Targeted Advertising 

3. Intrusion vs. Interest: How Americans View Targeted Ads by Age 

4. Generational Differences in Opinions on Online Targeted Ads 


Main Idea #1:

A 2019 survey revealed differing perceptions of targeted online ads across American age groups, with younger people finding them more interesting and older people viewing them as more intrusive. 


Main Idea #2:

While most respondents viewed targeted ads as intrusive, younger age groups (18–24) were more likely to find them interesting, and older age groups (55+) were the most critical, with over 50% finding them intrusive, highlighting a generational divide in opinions. 



The 2019 survey showed that younger age groups, especially 18–24, found targeted ads more interesting, while older respondents, particularly those 55 and above, found them more intrusive. The 35–44 group exhibited the largest gap between interest and intrusion, and over half of respondents overall found targeted ads intrusive. 


Key Points:

1. 51% of respondents overall found targeted ads intrusive, and 27% found them interesting. 

2. The 18–24 age group had the highest percentage finding targeted ads interesting. 

3. Respondents aged 25–34 and 45–54 reported equal percentages finding targeted ads intrusive. 

4. The 55+ age group was the only one where more than 50% found targeted ads intrusive.



[2] 2023 11 – 26: Maggie Walker 금융 개혁과 커뮤니티 기여


Maggie L. Walker achieved national prominence as a businesswoman and community leader. She was among the earliest Black students to attend newly-established public schools for African Americans. After graduating, she worked as a teacher for three years at the Valley School, where she had studied. In the early 1900s, Virginia banks owned by white bankers were unwilling to do business with African American organizations or individuals. The racial discrimination by white bankers drove her to study banking and financial laws. She established a newspaper to promote closer communication between the charitable organization she belonged to and the public. Soon after, she founded the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, which survived the Great Depression and merged with two other banks. It thrived as the oldest continually African American-operated bank until 2009. Walker achieved successes with the vision to make improvements in the way of life for African Americans.



Possible Titles:

1. Maggie L. Walker: A Pioneer in African American Banking and Leadership 

2. Breaking Barriers: Maggie L. Walker’s Legacy in Business and Community 

3. Maggie L. Walker’s Contributions to Banking and Social Equality 

4. How Maggie L. Walker Empowered African Americans Through Finance 


Main Idea #1:

Maggie L. Walker became a prominent leader by addressing racial discrimination in banking and supporting African American communities. 


Main Idea #2:

Through her leadership, Maggie L. Walker founded a bank, promoted communication via a newspaper, and worked to improve African Americans' lives, leaving a lasting legacy in finance and community empowerment. 



Maggie L. Walker, a pioneering leader, addressed racial discrimination in banking by founding the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, which supported African Americans and survived the Great Depression. She also used a newspaper to strengthen community ties and worked tirelessly to improve African American lives. 


Key Points:

1. Maggie L. Walker was among the first Black students to attend public schools for African Americans. 

2. Discrimination by white bankers motivated her to study banking and found her own bank. 

3. She established the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, which survived the Great Depression. 

4. Walker used a newspaper to promote communication and improve African Americans’ lives.



[2] 2023 11 – 29: 렉틴 과잉 섭취가 건강에 미치는 부정적 영향


Lectins are large proteins that serve as a crucial weapon that plants use to defend themselves. The lectins in most plants bind to carbohydrates as we consume the plant. They also bind to sugar molecules found in the gut, in the brain, between nerve endings, in joints and in all bodily fluids. According to Dr. Steven Gundry, these sticky proteins can interrupt messaging between cells and cause toxic and inflammatory reactions. Brain fog is just one result of lectins interrupting communication between nerves. An upset stomach is another common symptom of lectin overload. Dr. Gundry lists a wide range of other health problems including aching joints, dementia, headaches and infertility that have been resolved in his patients once they eliminated lectins from their diets. Dr. Paul Saladino writes that the hypothesis that lectins are involved in Parkinson's disease is also gaining support, with animal studies showing that 'lectins, once eaten, may be damaging the gut and travelling to the brain, where they appear to be toxic to dopaminergic neurons'.



Possible Titles:

1. The Potential Health Risks of Lectins in the Human Body 

2. How Plant Lectins Affect Gut, Brain, and Overall Health 

3. Exploring the Link Between Lectins and Inflammatory Disorders 

4. Lectins: Plant Defense Proteins and Their Impact on Human Health 


Main Idea #1:

Lectins, plant defense proteins, can disrupt cell communication and cause toxic and inflammatory reactions in the human body. 


Main Idea #2:

Health issues such as brain fog, upset stomachs, and neurological damage, potentially linked to lectins, have led researchers like Dr. Steven Gundry and Dr. Paul Saladino to explore their role in conditions like Parkinson’s disease and other disorders. 



Lectins, plant defense proteins, bind to sugars in the body and may cause inflammatory reactions, disrupting nerve communication and leading to symptoms like brain fog and stomach upset. Studies suggest their involvement in diseases like Parkinson’s, as these proteins may damage the gut and affect neurons in the brain. 


Key Points:

1. Lectins are plant proteins that bind to carbohydrates and sugars in the human body. 

2. They can disrupt cell communication, causing inflammatory and toxic reactions. 

3. Symptoms linked to lectins include brain fog, stomach upset, and aching joints.

4. Research suggests lectins may contribute to Parkinson’s disease by damaging gut and brain neurons.



[2] 2023 11 – 30: 기술 발전이 프라이버시 재정의의 필요성을 강조


Technology changes how individuals and societies understand the concept of privacy. The fact that someone has a new ability to access information or watch the actions of another does not justify doing so. Rather, advances in technology require citizens and policy makers to consider how privacy protections should be expanded. For example, when cameras first became available for commercial and private use, nations and citizens struggled over whether new laws should be enacted to protect individuals from being photographed without their permission. The reconsideration of privacy brought about by this new technology re-affirmed a distinction between private and public spaces. It was determined by most cultures that people automatically gave consent to being seen ― and thus recorded ― once they voluntarily stepped into a public space. Although some people might be uncomfortable with the spread of surveillance cameras, citizens in most cultures have adjusted to the fact that giving up the right not to be observed in these circumstances causes less harm to the community than failing to have surveillance.



Possible Titles:

1. How Technology Redefines Privacy and Public Spaces 

2. Balancing Privacy and Surveillance in a Technological Era 

3. The Impact of New Technologies on Privacy Protections 

4. Privacy, Consent, and the Spread of Surveillance Cameras 


Main Idea #1:

Technological advancements challenge traditional concepts of privacy, requiring citizens and policymakers to adapt protections. 


Main Idea #2:

The introduction of new technologies, such as cameras, has led societies to distinguish between private and public spaces, with many cultures accepting reduced privacy in public areas to balance individual discomfort and community safety. 



Advancements in technology, like the spread of cameras, challenge privacy norms, prompting societies to establish boundaries between private and public spaces. Most cultures accept reduced privacy in public spaces, prioritizing community safety over individual discomfort from surveillance. 


Key Points:

1. Technology reshapes how privacy is understood and protected. 

2. The introduction of cameras required debates on privacy laws and public consent. 

3. Societies distinguish private from public spaces in privacy considerations. 

4. Many cultures accept surveillance in public spaces as a necessary trade-off for safety.



[2] 2023 11 – 31: 기적은 인간 무지에서 비롯되며 탐구로 설명 가능


Coincidence that is statistically impossible seems to us like an irrational event, and some define it as a miracle. But, as Montaigne has said, "the origin of a miracle is in our ignorance, at the level of our knowledge of nature, and not in nature itself." Glorious miracles have been later on discovered to be obedience to the laws of nature or a technological development that was not widely known at the time. As the German poet, Goethe, phrased it: "Things that are mysterious are not yet miracles." The miracle assumes the intervention of a "higher power" in its occurrence that is beyond human capability to grasp. Yet there are methodical and simple ways to "cause a miracle" without divine revelation and inspiration. Instead of checking it out, investigating and finding the source of the event, we define it as a miracle. The miracle, then, is the excuse of those who are too lazy to think.



Possible Titles:

1. Rethinking Miracles: From Mysteries to Natural Laws 

2. The Thin Line Between Miracles and Misunderstood Science 

3. How Ignorance Shapes Our Perception of Miracles 

4. Exploring Miracles as Misinterpretations of Nature 


Main Idea #1:

Miracles are often perceived as divine interventions but can frequently be explained by natural laws or technological advancements. 


Main Idea #2:

Miracles stem from ignorance or lack of understanding, as mysteries are often resolved through investigation, with the label "miracle" used by those unwilling to explore the true causes of events. 



What we call miracles are often events beyond current understanding, rooted in natural laws or unexplored phenomena. Mislabeling them as miracles arises from ignorance or unwillingness to investigate their true origins, as demonstrated by thinkers like Montaigne and Goethe. 


Key Points:

1. Miracles are often defined as events beyond human understanding or natural laws. 

2. Many perceived miracles are later explained by science or technology. 

3. Goethe and Montaigne suggest miracles arise from ignorance, not divine intervention. 

4. Labeling events as miracles can stem from a reluctance to investigate their causes.



[2] 2023 11 – 32: 외부 정보가 사건 기억에 영향을 미칠  있음


Information encountered after an event can influence subsequent remembering. External information can easily integrate into a witness's memory, especially if the event was poorly encoded or the memory is from a distant event, in which case time and forgetting have degraded the original memory. With reduced information available in memory with which to confirm the validity of post-event misinformation, it is less likely that this new information will be rejected. Instead, especially when it fits the witness's current thinking and can be used to create a story that makes sense to him or her, it may be integrated as part of the original experience. This process can be explicit (i.e., the witness knows it is happening), but it is often unconscious. That is, the witness might find himself or herself thinking about the event differently without awareness. Over time, the witness may not even know the source of information that led to the (new) memory. Sources of misinformation in forensic contexts can be encountered anywhere, from discussions with other witnesses to social media searches to multiple interviews with investigators or other legal professionals, and even in court.



Possible Titles:

1. How Post-Event Information Alters Witness Memory 

2. The Role of Misinformation in Shaping Witness Testimonies 

3. Memory Distortion: The Unconscious Integration of External Information 

4. Sources and Impacts of Misinformation in Forensic Contexts 


Main Idea #1:

Post-event information can influence and alter a witness’s memory, particularly when the original memory is weak or distant. 


Main Idea #2:

Misinformation can unconsciously integrate into a witness’s memory, reshaping their recollection of events, with sources of distortion ranging from social media to legal proceedings, complicating forensic accuracy. 



Post-event information can modify a witness’s memory, especially when the original event was poorly encoded or distant. Misinformation may unconsciously integrate into their recollection, with potential sources including discussions, social media, or legal proceedings, leading to altered testimonies. 


Key Points:

1. Witness memories are vulnerable to influence from post-event information. 

2. Weak or distant memories are more susceptible to misinformation. 

3. Integration of misinformation can occur unconsciously, reshaping recollections.

4. Sources of misinformation include other witnesses, social media, and legal interviews.



[2] 2023 11 – 33: 상관관계는 인과관계보다 명확한 통찰을 제공


Correlations are powerful because the insights they offer are relatively clear. These insights are often covered up when we bring causality back into the picture. For instance, a used-car dealer supplied data to statisticians to predict which of the vehicles available for purchase at an auction were likely to have problems. A correlation analysis showed that orange-colored cars were far less likely to have defects. Even as we read this, we already think about why it might be so: Are orange-colored car owners likely to be car enthusiasts and take better care of their vehicles? Or, is it because orange-colored cars are more noticeable on the road and therefore less likely to be in accidents, so they're in better condition when resold? Quickly we are caught in a web of competing causal hypotheses. But our attempts to illuminate things this way only make them cloudier. Correlations exist; we can show them mathematically. We can't easily do the same for causal links. So we would do well to hold off from trying to explain the reason behind the correlations.



Possible Titles:

1. The Clarity of Correlation Versus the Complexity of Causality 

2. Why Correlations Provide Insights Without the Need for Causal Explanations 

3. The Dangers of Overthinking Correlations with Causal Hypotheses 

4. Embracing Correlation: Insights Without Causal Assumptions 


Main Idea #1:

Correlations offer clear insights, but attempts to explain them through causality often complicate understanding. 


Main Idea #2:

While correlations are mathematically demonstrable and provide actionable insights, introducing causal hypotheses often clouds clarity, as seen in the example of orange-colored cars and their lower defect rates. 



Correlations provide clear and measurable insights, as shown in the example of orange-colored cars having fewer defects. Attempts to explain these insights with causality often lead to conflicting hypotheses, making the situation more complex and less clear. 


Key Points:

1. Correlations offer straightforward insights that are mathematically provable. 

2. Introducing causality complicates understanding and creates conflicting hypotheses. 

3. The example of orange-colored cars shows how causal assumptions can cloud correlation analysis. 

4. Focusing on correlation alone can yield actionable and clear insights.



[2] 2023 11 – 34: 기후 변화가 동물 크기 감소에 영향을 미침


Most mice in the wild are eaten or die before their life span of two years is over. They die from external causes, such as disease, starvation, or predators, not due to internal causes, such as aging. That is why nature has made mice to live, on average, for no longer than two years. Now we have arrived at an important point: The average life span of an animal species, or the rate at which it ages, is determined by the average time that this animal species can survive in the wild. That explains why a bat can live to be 30 years old. In contrast to mice, bats can fly, which is why they can escape from danger much faster. Thanks to their wings, bats can also cover longer distances and are better able to find food. Every genetic change in the past that made it possible for a bat to live longer was useful, because bats are much better able than mice to flee from danger, find food, and survive.



Possible Titles:

1. How Survival in the Wild Determines Animal Life Spans 

2. The Role of Predation and Adaptation in Aging Rates of Animals 

3. Why Mice Live Short Lives and Bats Defy Longevity Expectations 

4. Natural Selection and the Evolution of Life Spans in Animals 


Main Idea #1:

The life span of an animal is shaped by its average survival time in the wild. 


Main Idea #2:

Animals like bats, which can escape predators and find food efficiently, have evolved longer life spans compared to species like mice, whose high vulnerability in the wild limits their longevity. 



The life span of a species is influenced by its average survival time in the wild. While mice live short lives due to high predation and environmental risks, bats live longer because their ability to fly helps them escape predators and find food, making longer life spans evolutionarily advantageous. 


Key Points:

1. Most wild mice die from external causes before their natural life span of two years. 

2. Life span and aging rates are linked to average survival times in the wild. 

3. Bats, unlike mice, live longer due to their ability to escape predators and find food. 

4. Evolution favors longevity in species with better survival adaptations like flight.



[2] 2023 11 – 35: 도덕적 우수성은 학습과 발달로 지속 가능


Moral excellence, according to Aristotle, is the result of habit and repetition, though modern science would also suggest that it may have an innate, genetic component. This means that moral excellence will be broadly set early in our lives, which is why the question of how early to teach it is so important. Freud suggested that we don't change our personality much after age five or thereabouts, but as in many other things, Freud was wrong. Recent psychological research shows that personality traits stabilize around age thirty in both men and women and regardless of ethnicity as the human brain continues to develop, both neuroanatomically and in terms of cognitive skills, until the mid-twenties. The advantage of this new understanding is that we can be a bit more optimistic than Aristotle and Freud about being able to teach moral excellence.



Possible Titles:

1. The Development of Moral Excellence: Aristotle, Freud, and Modern Science 

2. Teaching Morality: Insights from Ancient Philosophy and Modern Psychology 

3. How Habit, Genetics, and Development Shape Moral Excellence 

4. Rethinking Moral Development: Beyond Aristotle and Freud 


Main Idea #1:

Aristotle believed moral excellence is developed through habit, but modern research shows it is influenced by both genetics and lifelong personality development. 


Main Idea #2:

Contrary to Freud's view that personality is fixed early in life, recent research indicates personality traits stabilize by age thirty, allowing moral excellence to be cultivated well into adulthood. 



Aristotle saw moral excellence as a result of habit, while modern research suggests it is also shaped by genetics and personality traits, which stabilize around age thirty. This understanding allows for optimism about teaching morality beyond early childhood, countering Freud's outdated theory. 


Key Points:

1. Aristotle linked moral excellence to habit and repetition. 

2. Modern science adds that genetics may also play a role in moral development. 

3. Freud wrongly claimed personality stabilizes by age five, while research shows stabilization around age thirty. 

4. Moral excellence can be cultivated into adulthood due to ongoing brain and cognitive development.



[2] 2023 11 – 36: 동물 크기는 환경 적응과 생존 전략의 결과


The size of a species is not accidental. It's a fine-tuned interaction between a species and the world it inhabits. Over large periods of time, size fluctuations have often signalled significant changes in the environment. Generally speaking, over the last five hundred million years, the trend has been towards animals getting larger. It's particularly notable in marine animals, whose average body size has increased 150-fold in this time. But we are beginning to see changes in this trend. Scientists have discovered that many animals are shrinking. Around the world, species in every category have been found to be getting smaller, and one major cause appears to be the heat. Animals living in the Italian Alps, for example, have seen temperatures rise by three to four degrees Celsius since the 1980s. To avoid overheating, chamois goats now spend more of their days resting rather than searching for food, and as a result, in just a few decades, the new generations of chamois are 25 percent smaller.



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolution of Animal Size and Its Environmental Connections 

2. How Climate Change Is Shrinking Animal Species Worldwide 

3. The Historical and Modern Trends in Animal Body Size 

4. Rising Temperatures and Their Impact on Animal Size Reduction 


Main Idea #1:

Animal size is closely tied to environmental changes, with larger sizes historically dominant over millions of years. 


Main Idea #2:

Climate change is reversing historical trends, causing species like chamois goats in the Italian Alps to shrink as rising temperatures impact their behavior and access to food. 



Animal size has historically increased over millions of years, especially in marine species. However, rising global temperatures are now causing many species to shrink, as seen in chamois goats in the Italian Alps, which have become 25% smaller due to heat-induced behavioral changes. 


Key Points:

1. Animal size reflects a long-term interaction with environmental factors. 

2. Over the last 500 million years, animal body sizes generally increased. 

3. Climate change is reversing this trend, with species shrinking globally. 

4. Chamois goats in the Italian Alps have decreased in size by 25% due to rising temperatures and reduced foraging.



[2] 2023 11 – 37: 전체 데이터 사용이 샘플링보다   통찰 제공


For a long time, random sampling was a good shortcut. It made analysis of large data problems possible in the pre-digital era. But much as converting a digital image or song into a smaller file results in loss of data, information is lost when sampling. Having the full (or close to the full) dataset provides a lot more freedom to explore, to look at the data from different angles or to look closer at certain aspects of it. A fitting example may be the light-field camera, which captures not just a single plane of light, as with conventional cameras, but rays from the entire light field, some 11 million of them. The photographers can decide later which element of an image to focus on in the digital file. There is no need to focus at the beginning, since collecting all the information makes it possible to do that afterwards. Because rays from the entire light field are included, it is closer to all the data. As a result, the information is more "reuseable" than ordinary pictures, where the photographer has to decide what to focus on before she presses the shutter.



Possible Titles:

1. The Limitations of Sampling in the Era of Big Data 

2. Why Full Datasets Are Superior to Random Sampling in Analysis 

3. The Light-Field Camera: A Metaphor for Comprehensive Data Collection 

4. Moving Beyond Sampling: The Power of Complete Data in Analysis 


Main Idea #1:

Random sampling, while useful in the past, loses information compared to full datasets, which allow for greater flexibility and reuse in analysis. 


Main Idea #2:

Comprehensive data collection, as exemplified by the light-field camera, offers the advantage of retaining all information, enabling detailed exploration and decision-making without initial constraints. 



Random sampling, useful in the pre-digital era, sacrifices data and limits flexibility in analysis. Full datasets, like the complete light-field data captured by advanced cameras, provide greater freedom to analyze and refocus on specific aspects later, making the information more reusable and versatile. 


Key Points:

1. Random sampling was a practical solution before digital advancements but loses data. 

2. Full datasets allow for more flexibility in analysis and detailed exploration. 

3. Light-field cameras illustrate the advantage of collecting all information upfront. 

4. Comprehensive data enables reusability and eliminates the need for initial focus constraints.



[2] 2023 11 – 38: 내향적 리더십의 섬김 철학이 긍정적 효과를 가짐


Introverted leaders do have to overcome the strong cultural presumption that extroverts are more effective leaders. Although the population splits into almost equal parts between introverts and extroverts, more than 96 percent of managers and executives are extroverted. In a study done in 2006, 65 percent of senior corporate executives viewed introversion as a barrier to leadership. We must reexamine this stereotype, however, as it doesn't always hold true. Regent University found that a desire to be of service to others and to empower them to grow, which is more common among introverts than extroverts, is a key factor in becoming a leader and retaining leadership. So-called servant leadership, dating back to ancient philosophical literature, adheres to the belief that a company's goals are best achieved by helping workers or customers achieve their goals. Such leaders do not seek attention but rather want to shine a light on others' wins and achievements; servant leadership requires humility, but that humility ultimately pays off.



Possible Titles:

1. Examining Introverted Leaders' Effectiveness in Modern Organizations 

2. Understanding Servant Leadership and Its Historical Roots 

3. The Role of Humility in Leadership Success 

4. Breaking Stereotypes About Introversion and Leadership 


Main Idea #1:

Cultural biases favor extroverted leaders despite introverts possessing valuable leadership traits. 


Main Idea #2:

Servant leadership, often associated with introverts, prioritizes empowering others and achieving organizational success through humility and support. 



Although introverts are often seen as less effective leaders, their approach to servant leadership emphasizes empowering others and achieving mutual goals. This leadership style, rooted in humility, aligns with ancient philosophies and fosters long-term success. Cultural stereotypes should be challenged to recognize introverts' unique contributions. 


Key Points:

1. Most leaders are extroverts due to cultural biases about leadership effectiveness. 

2. Many executives perceive introversion as a leadership barrier. 

3. Servant leadership focuses on empowering others and achieving shared goals. 

4. Humility in leadership enhances team and organizational success.



[2] 2023 11 – 39: 불완전성을 허용하면 데이터 활용 가능성 증가


By the nineteenth century, France had developed a system of precisely defined units of measurement to capture space, time, and more, and had begun to get other nations to adopt the same standards. Just half a century later, in the 1920s, the discoveries of quantum mechanics forever destroyed the dream of comprehensive and perfect measurement. And yet, outside a relatively small circle of physicists, the mindset of humankind's drive to flawlessly measure continued among engineers and scientists. In the world of business it even expanded, as the precision-oriented sciences of mathematics and statistics began to influence all areas of commerce. However, contrary to the trend of the past several decades, in many new situations that are occurring today, allowing for imprecision ― for messiness ― may be a positive feature, not a shortcoming. As a tradeoff for relaxing the standards of allowable errors, one can get a hold of much more data. It isn't just that "more is better than some," but that, in fact, sometimes "more is greater than better."



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolution of Measurement Standards and Their Impact on Society 

2. Embracing Imprecision in Modern Data Analysis and Decision-Making 

3. From Perfect Measurement to Valuing Messiness in New Contexts 

4. The Transition from Precision to Flexibility in Science and Business 


Main Idea #1:

Quantum mechanics undermined the vision of perfect measurement but did not halt humanity's pursuit of precision. 


Main Idea #2:

While precision has dominated science and business, embracing imprecision can yield broader and more effective insights in modern contexts. 



The dream of perfect measurement faded with quantum mechanics, yet precision remained a driving force in science and business. Today, relaxing precision standards allows access to larger datasets, which can sometimes provide more valuable insights than traditional exactness. This shift marks a new approach to leveraging data in a complex world. 


Key Points:

1. France pioneered precise measurement systems and promoted global adoption. 

2. Quantum mechanics disrupted the notion of perfect measurement. 

3. Precision has strongly influenced science, engineering, and business practices.

4. Allowing for imprecision in modern contexts can lead to more valuable insights.



[2] 2023 11 – 40: 협력적 행동이 공동체  신뢰와 지위를 강화


Multiple laboratory studies show that cooperative people tend to receive social advantages from others. One way to demonstrate this is to give people the opportunity to act positively or negatively toward contributors. For example, Pat Barclay, a professor at the University of Guelph, had participants play a cooperative game where people could contribute money toward a group fund which helped all group members, and then allowed participants to give money to other participants based on their reputations. People who contributed more to the group fund were given responsibility for more money than people who contributed less. Similar results have been found by other researchers. People who contribute toward their groups are also chosen more often as interaction partners, preferred as leaders, rated as more desirable partners for long-term relationships, and are perceived to be trustworthy and have high social status. Uncooperative people tend to receive verbal criticism or even more severe punishment. -> Studies suggest that individuals who act with generosity toward their communities are more likely to be viewed as deserving of benefit by members of that community than those who don't.



Possible Titles:

1. Social Benefits of Generosity in Cooperative Communities 

2. The Role of Cooperation in Leadership and Social Status 

3. How Generosity Shapes Perception and Interpersonal Success 

4. Cooperative Behavior as a Pathway to Social Advantage 


Main Idea #1:

Cooperative individuals gain social advantages and positive recognition from their communities. 


Main Idea #2:

Studies reveal that generous behavior leads to rewards such as leadership opportunities, enhanced trust, and higher social status, while uncooperative individuals face criticism and penalties. 



Cooperative behavior in group settings earns individuals rewards such as trust, leadership roles, and positive social status. Experiments show that contributors are preferred as leaders and partners, while uncooperative individuals often face criticism or punishment. Generosity is a key factor in gaining social recognition and benefits. 


Key Points:

1. Cooperative individuals are entrusted with greater responsibility in group settings. 

2. Generosity is linked to higher trust, leadership selection, and desirability as partners. 

3. Uncooperative behavior often leads to verbal criticism or punishment. 

4. Social advantages are more likely for those who contribute positively to their communities.



[2] 2023 11 – 41~42: 공연에서 관객 참여가 예술적 경험을 증폭


In Western society, many music performance settings make a clear distinction between performers and audience members: the performers are the "doers" and those in the audience take a decidedly passive role. The performance space itself may further reinforce the distinction with a physical separation between the stage and audience seating. Perhaps because this distinction is so common, audiences seem to greatly value opportunities to have special "access" to performers that affords understanding about performers' style of music. Some performing musicians have won great approval by regularly incorporating "audience participation" into their concerts. Whether by leading a sing-along activity or teaching a rhythm to be clapped at certain points, including audience members in the music making can boost the level of engagement and enjoyment for all involved. Performers who are uncomfortable leading audience participation can still connect with the audience simply by giving a special glimpse of the performer perspective. It is quite common in classical music to provide audiences with program notes. Typically, this text in a program gives background information about pieces of music being performed and perhaps biographical information about historically significant composers. What may be of more interest to audience members is background information about the very performers who are onstage, including an explanation of why they have chosen the music they are presenting. Such insight can make audience members feel near to the musicians onstage, both metaphorically and emotionally. This connection will likely enhance the expressive and communicative experience.



Possible Titles:

1. Bridging the Gap Between Performers and Audiences in Music 

2. Enhancing Engagement Through Audience Participation in Concerts 

3. The Role of Performer-Audience Connection in Musical Experiences 

4. Exploring the Benefits of Audience Involvement in Performances 


Main Idea #1:

Performers and audiences are traditionally divided, but bridging this gap enhances engagement and enjoyment. 


Main Idea #2:

Audience participation or insights into performers' perspectives can foster emotional connections, making the musical experience more expressive and communicative. 



Western music performances often emphasize a division between performers and audiences, but involving audiences through participation or sharing performer perspectives strengthens engagement. Activities like sing-alongs or providing background on performers' choices enhance emotional connections and enrich the concert experience. 


Key Points:

1. Western music settings often separate performers and audiences physically and socially. 

2. Audience participation activities, like sing-alongs, boost engagement and enjoyment. 

3. Providing insight into performers' perspectives fosters emotional connections. 

4. Program notes can deepen audience understanding and enhance the concert experience.



[2] 2023 11 – 43~45: 다툰 형제가 목수의 다리로 화해와 관계 회복


Once upon a time, two brothers, Robert and James, who lived on neighboring farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious fight in 40 years of farming side by side. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major argument, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence. One morning there was a knock on Robert's door. He opened it to find a carpenter with a toolbox. Looking at Robert, the carpenter said, "I'm looking for a few days' work. Do you have anything to repair?" "I have nothing to be repaired, but I have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm. Last week, my younger brother James took his bulldozer and put that creek in the meadow between us. Well, I will do even worse. I want you to build me an 8-foot tall fence which will block him from seeing my place," said Robert. The carpenter seemed to understand the situation. Robert prepared all the materials the carpenter needed. The next day, Robert left to work on another farm, so he couldn't watch the carpenter for some days. When Robert returned and saw the carpenter's work, his jaw dropped. Instead of a fence, the carpenter had built a bridge that stretched from one side of the creek to the other. His brother was walking over, waving his hand in the air. Robert laughed and said to the carpenter, "You really can fix anything." The two brothers stood awkwardly for a moment, but soon met on the bridge and shook hands. They saw the carpenter leaving with his toolbox. "No, wait! Stay a few more days." Robert told him. "Thank you for your invitation. But I need to go build more bridges. Don't forget. The fence leads to isolation and the bridge to openness," said carpenter. The two brothers nodded at the carpenter's words.



Possible Titles:

1. The Carpenter's Lesson: From Isolation to Reconnection 

2. Building Bridges: A Tale of Forgiveness and Understanding 

3. Mending Family Ties Through Unexpected Acts of Kindness 

4. How a Bridge Rekindled a Brotherly Bond After Conflict 


Main Idea #1:

A carpenter helps two estranged brothers reconcile by building a bridge instead of a fence. 


Main Idea #2:

Through an act of creativity and wisdom, the carpenter transforms a symbol of division into one of connection, teaching the brothers the value of openness and reconciliation. 



After a bitter conflict, two brothers on neighboring farms become estranged. One hires a carpenter to build a fence to isolate himself, but the carpenter builds a bridge instead. The bridge rekindles the brothers' relationship, teaching them the importance of connection and forgiveness. 


Key Points:

1. Robert and James' conflict leads to weeks of silence and bitterness. 

2. Robert hires a carpenter to build a fence to isolate himself from James. 

3. The carpenter builds a bridge instead, encouraging reconciliation. 

4. The brothers reunite on the bridge, learning the value of openness over division.








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오늘은 <2023년도 11월 고2 영어 모의고사(12월 시행)> 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.
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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





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[고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석).pdf
[고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석).docx




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[고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 한줄해석

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2023년도 11월 고2 영어 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일



[고1~고2] 2023년 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 지문 정리 (문제 제작용 hwp 한글 파일)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2023년도 11월 고1~2 영어 모의고사>의 지문 텍스트만한글 파일 hwpx와 pdf 파일로 정리해서 올립니다.변형문제 출제를 위해 해당 지문들을 hwp 한글 파



[고2] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (71문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 71문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일





전체 내용

[2] 2023 11 – 18: 농구 코트 소음 문제 해결을 요청하는 민원 제기
 To whom it may concern, 관계자 귀하,
 I am writing to inform you of an ongoing noise issue that I am experiencing. 저는 제가 겪고 있는 지속되는 소음 문제에 대해 알려 드리기 위해  편지를 씁니다.
 My apartment faces the basketball courts of the community center. 저의 아파트는 문화 센터의 농구 코트를 향하고 있습니다.
 While I fully support the community center's services, I am constantly being disrupted by individuals playing basketball late at night. 저는 문화 센터의 서비스를 전적으로 지지하고 있지만, 밤늦게 농구를 하는 사람들에 의해 끊임없이 방해받고 있습니다.
 Many nights, I struggle to fall asleep because I can hear people bouncing balls and shouting on the basketball courts well after 11 p.m.. 많은 밤마다,  11시가 한참 넘어서도 저는 사람들이 농구 코트에서 공을 튀기고 소리치는 것을 들어야 해서 잠을 자는  애를 먹습니다.
 Could you restrict the time the basketball court is open to before 9 p.m.? 당신은 농구 코트를 여는 시간을  9 이전으로제한해 주실  있으십니까?
 I'm sure I'm not the only person in the neighborhood that is affected by this noise issue. 저는  근처에서  소음 문제에 의해 영향받는 유일한 사람이 아님을 확신합니다.
 I appreciate your assistance. 당신의 협조에 감사드립니다.
 Sincerely, Ian Baldwin 진심을 담아, Ian Baldwin




[2] 2023 11 – 19: 부족 의식에서 아버지의 존재로 안정감을 얻음
 Chaske, a Cherokee boy, was sitting on a tree stump. 체로키족 소년인 Chaske 나무 그루터기에 앉아있었다.
 As a rite of passage for youths in his tribe, Chaske had to survive one night in the forest wearing a blindfold, not knowing he was observed by his father. 그의 부족 청년들에 대한 통과 의례로, Chaske그의 아버지가 지켜보는 것을 모른 채로 눈가리개를쓰고 숲속에서 하룻밤을 살아남아야 했다.
 After the sunset, Chaske could hear all kinds of noises. 해가 지고  후에, Chaske 모든 종류의 소리를들을  있었다.
 The wind blew the grass and shook his stump. 바람이 풀을 휘저으며 그의 그루터기를 흔들었다.
 A sense of dread swept through his body. 두려움이 그의 몸을 휩쓸었다.
 What if wild beasts are looking at me? I can't stand this! '만약 야생 짐승들이 나를 바라보고 있다면 어떡하지? 나는 이것을 견딜 수가 없어!'
 Just as he was about to take off the blindfold to run away, a voice came in from somewhere. 그가 도망가기 위해 눈가리개를  벗으려고 했을 어디선가  음성이 들려왔다.
 "I'm here around you. Don't give up, and complete your mission." "나는 여기  주변에 있어. 포기하지 말고 너의 임무를 완수해."
 It was his father's voice. 그것은 그의 아버지의 목소리였다.
 He has been watching me from nearby! '그가 근처에서 나를 지켜보고 있었구나!'
 With just the presence of his father, the boy regained stability. 그의 아버지의 존재만으로도 소년은 안정을 되찾았다.
 What panicked him awfully a moment ago vanished into thin air. 조금 전까지 그를 끔찍하게 겁에 질리게  것들이온데간데없이 사라졌다.




[2] 2023 11 – 20: 농업의 발전과 지속 가능성을 위한 해결책 필요
 Agriculture includes a range of activities such as planting, harvesting, fertilizing, pest management, raising animals, and distributing food and agricultural products. 농업은 파종, 수확, 비료 주기, 해충 관리, 동물 사육, 그리고 식량  농산물 분배와 같은 다양한 활동들을 포함한다.
 It is one of the oldest and most essential human activities, dating back thousands of years, and has played a critical role in the development of human civilizations, allowing people to create stable food supplies and settle in one place. 그것은 수천  전으로 거슬러 올라가는 가장 오래되고 필수적인 인간 활동  하나이고, 인류 문명의발전에 중요한 역할을  왔으며, 사람들이 안정적인 식량을 생산하고 한곳에 정착할  있게 허락해주었다.
 Today, agriculture remains a vital industry that feeds the world's population, supports rural communities, and provides raw materials for other industries. 오늘날, 농업은  세계 인구를 먹여 살리고 농업공동체를 지원하며 다른 산업에 원료를 공급하는중요한 산업으로 남아 있다.
 However, agriculture faces numerous challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, soil degradation, and biodiversity loss. 그러나, 농업은 기후 변화,  부족, 토질 저하, 생물 다양성 손실과 같은 수많은 문제에 직면하고 있다.
 As the world's population continues to grow, it is essential to find sustainable solutions to address the challenges facing agriculture and ensure the continued production of food and other agricultural products. 세계 인구가 계속해서 증가함에 따라, 농업이 직면한 문제를 다루고 식량과 다른 농산물의 지속적인생산을 보장하기 위한 지속 가능한 해결책을 찾는것이 필수적이다.




[2] 2023 11 – 21: 예술은 어려운 주제를 다루며 변화를 촉진함
 The arts and aesthetics offer emotional connection to the full range of human experience. 예술과 미학은 다양한 인간 경험에 대한 정서적인연결을 제공한다.
 "The arts can be more than just sugar on the tongue," Anjan Chatterjee, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, says. "예술은 단순히  위의 설탕 이상의 것이   있다,"라고 Pennsylvania 대학교의 교수인 Anjan Chatterjee 말한다.
 "In art, when there's something challenging, which can also be uncomfortable, this discomfort, if we're willing to engage with it, offers the possibility of some change, some transformation. "예술에서, 무언가 도전적인 것이 있고 그것이 또한불편할  있을 ,  불편은, 만약 우리가 기꺼이그것에 참여하려 한다면, 어떤 변화, 어떤 변형의 가능성을 제공한다.
 That can also be a powerful aesthetic experience." 그것은 또한 강력한 미적 경험이   있다."
 The arts, in this way, become vehicles to contend with ideas and concepts that are difficult and uncomfortable otherwise. 예술은, 이런 방식으로, 그렇지 않았더라면 어렵고불편한 아이디어  개념들과 싸우는 매개체가 된다.
 When Picasso painted his masterpiece Guernica in 1937, he captured the heartbreaking and cruel nature of war, and offered the world a way to consider the universal suffering caused by the Spanish Civil War. Picasso 그의 걸작 Guernica 1937년에 그렸을 , 그는 가슴 아프고 잔인한 전쟁의 본질을 포착했고, 스페인 내전으로 인한 보편적인 고통을 숙고할 방법을 세상에 제공했다.
 When Lorraine Hansberry wrote her play A Raisin in the Sun, she gave us a powerful story of people struggling with racism, discrimination, and the pursuit of the American dream while also offering a touching portrait of family life. Lorraine Hansberry 그녀의 희곡 A Raisin in the Sun 썼을 , 그녀는 또한 가족생활에 대한감동적인 초상화를 제공하면서 인종 차별, 차별, 아메리칸드림의 추구를 위해 고군분투하는 사람들의강력한 이야기를 우리에게 주었다.




[2] 2023 11 – 22: 기계식 시계가 시간 개념과 경제 발전에 기여
 Many historians have pointed to the significance of accurate time measurement to Western economic progress. 많은 역사가들은 서양의 경제적 진보에 있어서 정확한 시간 측정의 중요성을 시사해 왔다.
 The French historian Jacques Le Goff called the birth of the public mechanical clock a turning point in Western society. 프랑스 역사가 Jacques Le Goff 공공 기계 시계의 탄생을 서구 사회에서의 전환점이라고 불렀다.
 Until the late Middle Ages, people had sun or water clocks, which did not play any meaningful role in business activities. 중세 말기까지, 사람들은 해시계와 물시계를 가지고 있었는데, 그것들은 경제 활동에 있어서 아무런의미 있는 역할을 하지 못했다.
 Market openings and activities started with the sunrise and typically ended at noon when the sun was at its peak. 시장 개장과 활동들은 일출과 함께 시작했고 태양이최고점에 이르는 정오에 일반적으로 끝났다.
 But when the first public mechanical clocks were introduced and spread across European cities, market times were set by the stroke of the hour. 그러나 최초의 공공 기계 시계들이 도입되고 유럽도시들 전역으로 확산되었을 , 시장 시간은 시간을 알리는 소리에 의해 정해졌다.
 Public clocks thus greatly contributed to public life and work by providing a new concept of time that was easy for everyone to understand. 따라서 공공 시계들은 모든 사람이 이해하기 쉬운시간의 새로운 개념을 제공함으로써 공공의 생활과일에 크게 기여했다.
 This, in turn, helped facilitate trade and commerce.  결과, 이것은 무역과 상업을 촉진하는  도움을주었다.
 Interactions and transactions between consumers, retailers, and wholesalers became less irregular. 소비자, 소매업자, 그리고 도매업자 간의 상호 작용과 거래는  불규칙해졌다.
 Important town meetings began to follow the pace of the clock, allowing people to better plan their time and allocate resources in a more efficient manner. 중요한 마을 회의들은 시계의 페이스를 따르기 시작했고, 이것은 사람들이 그들의 시간을   계획하고  효율적인 방식으로 자원들을 분배하는 것을허락해 주었다.




[2] 2023 11 – 23: 쇼핑카트 사용 장려를 위한 마케팅 전략 전환
 Sylvan Goldman invented the shopping cart and introduced it in his stores in 1937. Sylvan Goldman 쇼핑 카트를 발명하고 1937년에 그의 가게들에 그것을 도입했다.
 It was an excellent device that would make it easy for shoppers to buy as much as they wanted without getting tired or seeking others' help. 그것은 쇼핑객들이 지치거나 다른 사람들의 도움을구하지 않고 그들이 원했던 만큼 구매하는 것을 쉽게 만들어  훌륭한 장치였다.
 But Goldman discovered that in spite of his repeated advertisements and explanations, he could not persuade his shoppers to use the wheeled carts. 하지만 Goldman 그의 반복적인 광고와 설명에도 불구하고, 그의 쇼핑객들에게 바퀴 달린 카트들을 사용하도록 설득할  없다는 것을 알게 됐다.
 Men were reluctant because they thought they would appear weak if they pushed such carts instead of carrying their shopping. 남성들은 그들의 쇼핑한 물건을 들고 다니는 대신만약 그들이 그런 카트들을 민다면 그들이 나약해보일 것으로 생각했기 때문에 꺼렸다.
 Women wouldn't touch them because the carts reminded them of baby carriages. 여성들은 카트들이 그들에게 유모차를 연상시키기때문에 그것들에 손대려 하지 않았다.
 It was only a few elderly shoppers who used them. 그것들을 사용하는 사람들은 오직  명의 노인 쇼핑객들뿐이었다.
 That made the carts even less attractive to the majority of the shoppers. 그것은 카트들을 대다수 쇼핑객들에게 훨씬  매력적이도록 만들었다.
 Then Goldman hit upon an idea. 그때 Goldman  아이디어를 떠올렸다.
 He hired several models, men and women, of different ages and asked them to wheel the carts in the store and shop. 그는 다른 연령대의 남자와 여자 모델들을 고용했고, 그들에게 상점에서 카트들을 밀고 쇼핑하도록요청했다.
 A young woman employee standing near the entrance told the regular shoppers, 'Look, everyone is using the carts. Why don't you?' 입구 근처에  있던  젊은 여성 직원이 일반 쇼핑객들에게 '보세요, 모든 사람이 카트를 사용하고있습니다.  보는  어떠세요?'라고 말했다.
 That was the turning point. 그것이 전환점이었다.
 A few shills disguised as regular shoppers easily accomplished what logic, explanations, and advertisements failed to do. 일반 쇼핑객들로 위장한 바람잡이들이 논리, 설명, 그리고 광고가 하지 못한 것을 쉽게 달성했다.
 Within a few weeks shoppers readily accepted those carts.   만에 쇼핑객들은  카트들을 기꺼이 받아들였다.




[2] 2023 11 – 24: 로봇의 인간적 특성이 신뢰와 속임수 모두 유발 가능
 In response to human-like care robots, critics might charge that human-robot interactions create moral hazards for dementia patients. 인간을 닮은 돌봄 로봇들에 대한 반응으로, 비평가들은 인간-로봇의 상호 작용이 치매 환자들에게 도덕적 위험을 만들어 낸다고 비난할지도 모른다.
 Even if deception is sometimes allowed when it serves worthy goals, should it be allowed for vulnerable users? 속임수가 그것이 가치 있는 목표를 달성할  때때로 허용된다고 하더라도, 취약한 사용자들에게 그것이 허용되어야 할까?
 Just as children on the autism spectrum with robot companions might be easily fooled into thinking of robots as friends, older adults with cognitive deficits might be. 로봇 친구가 있는 자폐성 스펙트럼을 가진 아이들이 로봇을 친구로 생각하도록 쉽게 속을  있는 것처럼, 인지 결함을 가진 노인들도 그럴  있다.
 According to Alexis Elder, a professor at UMD, robots are false friends, inferior to true friendship. UMD 교수인 Alexis Elder 따르면, 로봇은 진정한 우정보다, 열등한 '가짜' 친구이다.
 Reasoning along similar lines, John Sullins, a professor at Sonoma State University, holds that robots should "remain iconic or cartoonish so that they are easily distinguished as synthetic even by unsophisticated users." 비슷한 방향에서 생각하자면, Sonoma 주립 대학교 교수인 John Sullins 로봇이 '심지어 순수한사용자들에 의해서도 그것들이 진짜가 아닌 것으로쉽게 구별될  있도록 상징적이거나 만화같이 남아 있어야 한다.'라고 주장한다.
 At least then no one is fooled. 적어도 그러면 아무도 속지 않는다.
 Making robots clearly fake also avoids the so-called "uncanny valley," where robots are perceived as scary because they so closely resemble us, but not quite. 로봇을 명백히 가짜로 만드는 것은 또한 로봇이 우리를 완전히는 아니지만, 아주 가깝게 닮았기 때문에 무섭다고 인지되는 소위 '불쾌한 골짜기'라고 불리는 것을 피하게 한다.
 Other critics of robot deception argue that when care recipients are deceived into thinking that robots care, this crosses a line and violates human dignity. 로봇 속임수에 대한 다른 비평가들은 돌봄을 받는사람들이 로봇이 돌봐 준다고 생각하도록 속임을당할 , 이것은 선을 넘고 인간의 '존엄성' 침해한다고 주장한다.




[2] 2023 11 – 25: 미국 연령별 온라인 광고 견해 조사 결과 분석
 The graph above shows the results of a 2019 survey on the views of American age groups on targeted online advertising. 위의 그래프는 표적 온라인 광고에 대한 미국 연령층들의 견해에 관한 2019 설문 조사의 결과를 보여 준다.
 In total, while 51% of the respondents said targeted ads were intrusive, 27% said they were interesting. 전체적으로, 응답자의 51% 표적 광고들이 침해적이라고 말한 반면, 27% 그것들이 흥미롭다고대답하였다.
 The percentage of respondents who believed that targeted ads were interesting was the highest in the age group of 18 to 24. 표적 광고들이 흥미롭다고 믿는 응답자들의 비율은18세에서 24 연령층에서 가장 높았다.
 The percentage of respondents aged 25 to 34 who said that targeted ads were intrusive was the same as that of respondents aged 45 to 54 who said the same. 표적 광고들이 침해적이라고 응답한 25세에서 34 응답자들의 비율은 똑같이 응답한 45세에서 54 응답자들의 그것과 똑같았다.
 Among all age groups, the gap between respondents who said targeted ads were interesting and those who believed them to be intrusive was the largest in the 35-to-44 age group. 모든 연령층에서, 표적 광고들이 흥미롭다고 말한응답자들과 그것들이 침해적이라고 믿는 응답자들간의 차이는 35세에서 44 연령층에서 가장 컸다.
 The age group of 55 and above was the only group where the percentage of respondents who believed targeted ads were intrusive was more than 50%. 55 이상의 연령층은 표적 광고들이 침해적이라고믿는 응답자들의 비율이 50% 넘는 유일한 집단이었다.




[2] 2023 11 – 26: Maggie Walker 금융 개혁과 커뮤니티 기여
 Maggie L. Walker achieved national prominence as a businesswoman and community leader. Maggie L. Walker 여성 사업가와 커뮤니티 리더로서 전국적 명성을 얻었다.
 She was among the earliest Black students to attend newly-established public schools for African Americans. 그녀는 아프리카계 미국인들을 위해 새롭게 설립된공립 학교에 다닌 초기 흑인 학생들  하나였다.
 After graduating, she worked as a teacher for three years at the Valley School, where she had studied. 졸업 이후, 그녀는 그녀가 공부했던 Valley School에서 교사로서 3 동안 근무했다.
 In the early 1900s, Virginia banks owned by white bankers were unwilling to do business with African American organizations or individuals. 1900년대 초반에, 백인 은행가들에 의해 소유된Virginia 은행들은 아프리카계 미국인의 단체나개인들과 거래하기를 꺼렸다.
 The racial discrimination by white bankers drove her to study banking and financial laws. 백인 은행가들에 의한 인종 차별은 그녀로 하여금은행 금융법을 공부하게 만들었다.
 She established a newspaper to promote closer communication between the charitable organization she belonged to and the public. 그녀는 그녀가 속한 자선 단체와 대중 간의  긴밀한 소통을 장려하고자 신문사를 설립했다.
 Soon after, she founded the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, which survived the Great Depression and merged with two other banks. 곧이어, 그녀는 St. Luke Penny Savings Bank설립했는데, 그것은 대공황에서 살아남아  개의다른 은행들과 합병했다.
 It thrived as the oldest continually African American-operated bank until 2009. 그것은 2009년까지 지속적으로 아프리카계 미국인에 의해 운영되는 가장 오래된 은행으로서 번창했다.
 Walker achieved successes with the vision to make improvements in the way of life for African Americans. Walker 아프리카계 미국인들을 위한 삶의 방식에서 개선을 이루고자 하는 비전으로 성공을 거두었다.




[2] 2023 11 – 29: 렉틴 과잉 섭취가 건강에 미치는 부정적 영향
 Lectins are large proteins that serve as a crucial weapon that plants use to defend themselves. 렉틴은 식물들이 그들 스스로를 방어하기 위해 사용하는 중요한 무기로서 역할을 하는 커다란 단백질이다.
 The lectins in most plants bind to carbohydrates as we consume the plant. 대부분의 식물에 있는 렉틴은 우리가 식물을 섭취할 탄수화물과 결합한다.
 They also bind to sugar molecules found in the gut, in the brain, between nerve endings, in joints and in all bodily fluids. 그것들은 또한 , , 신경 말단 사이, 관절  모든 체액에서 발견되는  분자들과 결합한다.
 According to Dr. Steven Gundry, these sticky proteins can interrupt messaging between cells and cause toxic and inflammatory reactions. Dr. Steven Gundry 따르면, 이러한 끈적끈적한단백질은 세포들 간의 메시지 전달을 방해하고 독성 염증성의 반응을 일으킬  있다.
 Brain fog is just one result of lectins interrupting communication between nerves.  피로 현상은 렉틴이 신경들 간의 소통을 방해하는 단지 하나의 결과에 지나지 않는다.
 An upset stomach is another common symptom of lectin overload. 위장 장애는 렉틴 과다의  다른 흔한 증상이다.
 Dr. Gundry lists a wide range of other health problems including aching joints, dementia, headaches and infertility that have been resolved in his patients once they eliminated lectins from their diets. Dr. Gundry 그의 환자들이 자신의 식단에서 렉틴을 제거하였을  해결되어 왔던 관절통, 치매, 두통, 그리고 불임을 포함한 광범위한 다양한 건강문제들을 나열한다.
 Dr. Paul Saladino writes that the hypothesis that lectins are involved in Parkinson's disease is also gaining support, with animal studies showing that 'lectins, once eaten, may be damaging the gut and travelling to the brain, where they appear to be toxic to dopaminergic neurons'. Dr. Paul Saladino 렉틴이 파킨슨병과 관련이 있다는 가설이 '렉틴이 일단 섭취되면, 장에 손상을 입히고 뇌로 이동해 그곳에서 그것들이 도파민 작동성신경 세포에 독성을 일으키는 것처럼 보인다.' 것을 보여 주는 동물 연구들과 함께 또한 지지를 얻고있다고 기록한다.




[2] 2023 11 – 30: 기술 발전이 프라이버시 재정의의 필요성을 강조
 Technology changes how individuals and societies understand the concept of privacy. 기술은 개인들과 사회가 사생활의 개념을 이해하는방식을 변화시킨다.
 The fact that someone has a new ability to access information or watch the actions of another does not justify doing so. 누군가가 정보에 접근하거나 다른 사람의 행동을관찰하는 새로운 능력을 갖추고 있다는 사실은 그렇게 하는 것을 정당화하지 않는다.
 Rather, advances in technology require citizens and policy makers to consider how privacy protections should be expanded. 오히려, 기술의 발전은 시민들과 정책 입안자들이어떻게 사생활 보호가 확장되어야 하는지 고려할것을 요구한다.
 For example, when cameras first became available for commercial and private use, nations and citizens struggled over whether new laws should be enacted to protect individuals from being photographed without their permission. 예를 들어, 카메라들이 상업적이고 사적인 용도로처음 사용될  있게 되었을 , 국가들과 시민들은그들의 허가 없이 개인들이 사진에 찍히는 것으로부터 보호하기 위해 새로운 법들이 제정되어야 하는지에 대해 투쟁했다.
 The reconsideration of privacy brought about by this new technology re-affirmed a distinction between private and public spaces.  새로운 기술이 가져온 사생활에 대한 재고는 사적  공적 공간의 구별을 재확인했다.
 It was determined by most cultures that people automatically gave consent to being seen ― and thus recorded ― once they voluntarily stepped into a public space. 일단 사람들이 자발적으로 공공장소에 발을 들여놓으면, 보여지고, 따라서 녹화되는 것에 자동적으로동의하는 것으로 대부분의 문화에서 결정되었다.
 Although some people might be uncomfortable with the spread of surveillance cameras, citizens in most cultures have adjusted to the fact that giving up the right not to be observed in these circumstances causes less harm to the community than failing to have surveillance. 일부 사람들은 감시 카메라들의 확산을 불편하게여길지도 모르지만, 대부분의 문화권에 있는 시민들은 이러한 상황에서 관찰되지 않을 권리를 포기하는 것이 감시받지 못하는 것보다 지역 사회에 적은 해를 끼친다는 사실에 순응해 왔다.




[2] 2023 11 – 31: 기적은 인간 무지에서 비롯되며 탐구로 설명 가능
 Coincidence that is statistically impossible seems to us like an irrational event, and some define it as a miracle. 통계적으로 불가능한 우연은 우리에게 비이성적인사건처럼 보이고, 어떤 이들은 그것을 기적으로 정의한다.
 But, as Montaigne has said, "the origin of a miracle is in our ignorance, at the level of our knowledge of nature, and not in nature itself." 그러나, Montaigne 말했듯이, "기적의 기원은 자연  자체가 아니라 자연에 대한 우리의 지식수준에서, 우리의 무지에 있다."
 Glorious miracles have been later on discovered to be obedience to the laws of nature or a technological development that was not widely known at the time. 영광스러운 기적들은 자연의 법칙에 대한 순응으로서, 혹은 당시에는 널리 알려지지 않았던 기술적 발전으로서 나중에 발견되어 왔다.
 As the German poet, Goethe, phrased it: "Things that are mysterious are not yet miracles." 독일 시인 Goethe 그것을 표현했듯이, "'신비한'것들은 아직 '기적' '아니다'."
 The miracle assumes the intervention of a "higher power" in its occurrence that is beyond human capability to grasp. 기적은 그것의 발생에 있어서 인간이 이해할  있는 능력 너머의 ' 높은 ' 개입을 가정한다.
 Yet there are methodical and simple ways to "cause a miracle" without divine revelation and inspiration. 하지만, 신적인 계시와 영감 없이 '기적을 일으키는' 체계적이고 간단한 방법들이 있다.
 Instead of checking it out, investigating and finding the source of the event, we define it as a miracle. 그것을 확인하는 , ,  사건의 근원을 조사하고 찾는  대신에, 우리는 그것을 기적으로 정의한다.
 The miracle, then, is the excuse of those who are too lazy to think. 그렇다면, 기적은 생각하는  너무 게으른 사람들의 핑계이다.




[2] 2023 11 – 32: 외부 정보가 사건 기억에 영향을 미칠  있음
 Information encountered after an event can influence subsequent remembering. 사건 후에 마주친 정보는 이후의 기억하는 것에 영향을 미칠  있다.
 External information can easily integrate into a witness's memory, especially if the event was poorly encoded or the memory is from a distant event, in which case time and forgetting have degraded the original memory. 특히 사건이 불충분하게 부호화되었거나,  기억이 시간과 망각이 원래의 기억을 저하시켜   사건으로부터  것이라면, 외부 정보는 목격자의 기억에 쉽게 통합될  있다.
 With reduced information available in memory with which to confirm the validity of post-event misinformation, it is less likely that this new information will be rejected. 사건 후의 잘못된 정보의 유효성을 확인하기 위해기억에서 사용할  있는 줄어든 정보를 가지면, 새로운 정보가  거부될 듯하다.
 Instead, especially when it fits the witness's current thinking and can be used to create a story that makes sense to him or her, it may be integrated as part of the original experience. 대신에, 특히 그것이 목격자의 현재 생각과 맞고 또는 그녀에게 이해되는 하나의 이야기를 만드는 사용될  있을 , 그것은 원래 경험의 일부로서 통합될  있다.
 This process can be explicit (i.e., the witness knows it is happening), but it is often unconscious.  과정은 명시적일  있지만(, 목격자는 그것이일어나고 있다는 것을 알고 있다), 그것은 흔히 무의식적이다.
 That is, the witness might find himself or herself thinking about the event differently without awareness. , 목격자는 의식하지 못한   사건에 대해 다르게 생각하는  자신 또는 그녀 자신을 발견할지도 모른다.
 Over time, the witness may not even know the source of information that led to the (new) memory. 시간이 지남에 따라, 목격자는 (새로운) 기억으로이끄는 정보의 출처조차 모를지도 모른다.
 Sources of misinformation in forensic contexts can be encountered anywhere, from discussions with other witnesses to social media searches to multiple interviews with investigators or other legal professionals, and even in court. 법정의 상황에서의 잘못된 정보의 출처는 다른 목격자들과의 토론에서부터 소셜 미디어 조사들, 수사관 또는 기타 법률 전문가들과의 다중 인터뷰들, 심지어 법정에서까지 어디에서나 마주쳐질  있다.




[2] 2023 11 – 33: 상관관계는 인과관계보다 명확한 통찰을 제공
 Correlations are powerful because the insights they offer are relatively clear. 상관관계는 그것들이 제공하는 통찰력이 비교적 명확하기 때문에 강력하다.
 These insights are often covered up when we bring causality back into the picture. 이러한 통찰력은 종종 우리가 인과 관계를  상황으로 다시 가져올  가려진다.
 For instance, a used-car dealer supplied data to statisticians to predict which of the vehicles available for purchase at an auction were likely to have problems. 예를 들어,  중고차 딜러가 경매에서 구입할 있는 차량들  어떤 차량에 문제가 발생할 가능성이 있는지를 예측하기 위한 데이터를 통계학자들에게 제공했다.
 A correlation analysis showed that orange-colored cars were far less likely to have defects.  상관관계 분석은 주황색 차들이 결함이 있을 가능성이 훨씬 적다는 것을 보여 줬다.
 Even as we read this, we already think about why it might be so: 심지어 우리가 이것을 읽으면서도, 우리는 이미 그럴지에 대해 생각한다.
 Are orange-colored car owners likely to be car enthusiasts and take better care of their vehicles? 주황색 차를 소유한 사람들이 자동차 애호가여서그들의 차량을   관리할 가능성이 있는가?
 Or, is it because orange-colored cars are more noticeable on the road and therefore less likely to be in accidents, so they're in better condition when resold? 아니면, 주황색 차들이 도로에서  눈에 띄고, 그래서 사고가  가능성이 적어 재판매될  그것들이 상태가  좋은 것이기 때문인가?
 Quickly we are caught in a web of competing causal hypotheses.  우리는 경쟁적인 인과 가설의 함정에 빠진다.
 But our attempts to illuminate things this way only make them cloudier. 하지만 이런 식으로 무언가를 설명하려는 우리의시도는 그것들을  흐리게 만들 뿐이다.
 Correlations exist; we can show them mathematically. 상관관계는 존재하며 우리는 그것들을 수학적으로보여줄  있다.
 We can't easily do the same for causal links. 우리는 인과 관계에 대해서는 쉽게 똑같이   없다.
 So we would do well to hold off from trying to explain the reason behind the correlations. 따라서 우리는 상관관계의 배후에 있는 이유를 설명하려 하지 않는 것이 좋다.




[2] 2023 11 – 34: 기후 변화가 동물 크기 감소에 영향을 미침
 Most mice in the wild are eaten or die before their life span of two years is over. 야생에 있는 대부분의 쥐들은 2년의 수명이 끝나기전에 잡아먹히거나 죽는다.
 They die from external causes, such as disease, starvation, or predators, not due to internal causes, such as aging. 그들은 노화와 같은 '내부적인 원인들' 때문이 아니라 질병, 굶주림 또는 포식자와 같은 '외부적인 원인들' 죽는다.
 That is why nature has made mice to live, on average, for no longer than two years. 그것이 자연이 쥐를 평균적으로 2 이상 살지 못하게 만든 이유이다.
 Now we have arrived at an important point: 이제 우리는 중요한 지점에 도달했다.
 The average life span of an animal species, or the rate at which it ages, is determined by the average time that this animal species can survive in the wild. 동물 종의 평균 수명, 또는 그것이 노화하는 속도는 동물 종이 야생에서 생존할  있는 평균 시간에의해 결정된다.
 That explains why a bat can live to be 30 years old. 그것은  박쥐가 30세까지   있는지를 설명해준다.
 In contrast to mice, bats can fly, which is why they can escape from danger much faster. 쥐와 대조적으로 박쥐는   있고, 이것은 그들이위험에서 훨씬  빨리 도망칠  있는 이유이다.
 Thanks to their wings, bats can also cover longer distances and are better able to find food. 그들의 날개 덕분에, 박쥐들은 또한   거리를이동할  있고 먹이를   찾을  있다.
 Every genetic change in the past that made it possible for a bat to live longer was useful, because bats are much better able than mice to flee from danger, find food, and survive. 박쥐가  오래 사는 것을 가능하게   과거의모든 유전적 변화는 박쥐가 쥐보다 위험으로부터도망치고, 먹이를 찾고, 생존하는 것을 훨씬  잘할  있기 때문에 유용했다.




[2] 2023 11 – 35: 도덕적 우수성은 학습과 발달로 지속 가능
 Moral excellence, according to Aristotle, is the result of habit and repetition, though modern science would also suggest that it may have an innate, genetic component. 비록 현대 과학은 그것이 선천적, , 유전적인 요소를 가지고 있다고 또한 주장하지만, Aristotle따르면 도덕적 우수성은 습관과 반복의 결과물이다.
 This means that moral excellence will be broadly set early in our lives, which is why the question of how early to teach it is so important. 이것은 도덕적 우수성이 우리 삶에 있어서 이른 시기에 광범위하게 설정될 것임을 의미하며, 이것이얼마나 일찍 그것을 가르쳐야 할지에 대한 질문이매우 중요한 이유이다.
 Freud suggested that we don't change our personality much after age five or thereabouts, but as in many other things, Freud was wrong. Freud 우리가 5 혹은  무렵 이후에는 우리의성격을 많이 바꾸지 않는다고 제시했지만, 다른 많은 것들에서처럼 Freud 틀렸다.
 Recent psychological research shows that personality traits stabilize around age thirty in both men and women and regardless of ethnicity as the human brain continues to develop, both neuroanatomically and in terms of cognitive skills, until the mid-twenties. 최근의 심리 연구는 20 중반까지 신경 해부학적으로 그리고 인지 기능 면에서 인간의 뇌가 계속해서 발달함에 따라 남성과 여성 모두에게 있어서 그리고 민족에 상관없이 성격 특성이 30 무렵에 안정된다는 것을 보여 준다.
 The advantage of this new understanding is that we can be a bit more optimistic than Aristotle and Freud about being able to teach moral excellence.  새로운 이해의 이점은 우리가 Aristotle이나Freud보다 도덕적 우수성을 가르칠  있다는 점에서 조금  낙관적   있다는 것이다.




[2] 2023 11 – 36: 동물 크기는 환경 적응과 생존 전략의 결과
 The size of a species is not accidental. 종의 크기는 우연한 것이 아니다.
 It's a fine-tuned interaction between a species and the world it inhabits. 그것은  종과 그것이 서식하는 세계 사이의 미세조정된 상호 작용이다.
 Over large periods of time, size fluctuations have often signalled significant changes in the environment. 오랜 시간에 걸쳐, 크기의 변동은 종종 환경에서의상당한 변화를 나타내 왔다.
 Generally speaking, over the last five hundred million years, the trend has been towards animals getting larger. 일반적으로 말해서, 지난 5  동안,  경향은동물들이 점점 커지는 쪽으로 되어 왔다.
 It's particularly notable in marine animals, whose average body size has increased 150-fold in this time. 그것은 특히 해양 동물들에게서 두드러지는데, 그들의 평균  크기는  시기에 150배로 증가해 왔다.
 But we are beginning to see changes in this trend. 하지만 우리는  경향에서 변화를 관찰하기 시작하고 있다.
 Scientists have discovered that many animals are shrinking. 과학자들은 많은 동물이 작아지고 있다는 것을 발견해 왔다.
 Around the world, species in every category have been found to be getting smaller, and one major cause appears to be the heat.  세계적으로, 모든 범주의 종들이 점점 작아지고있는 것으로 발견되어 왔고,  가지 주요 원인은열인 것으로 보인다.
 Animals living in the Italian Alps, for example, have seen temperatures rise by three to four degrees Celsius since the 1980s. 예를 들어, 이탈리아 알프스에 살고 있는 동물들은1980년대 이후로 기온이 섭씨 3에서 4도까지 상승하는 것을 보아 왔다.
 To avoid overheating, chamois goats now spend more of their days resting rather than searching for food, and as a result, in just a few decades, the new generations of chamois are 25 percent smaller. 과열을 피하기 위해서, 샤무아 염소들은 이제 먹이를 찾는 것보다 휴식을 취하는   많은 그들의날들을 보내고, 결과적으로, 단지    만에, 새로운 세대들의 샤무아는 25%  작아져 있다.




[2] 2023 11 – 37: 전체 데이터 사용이 샘플링보다   통찰 제공
 For a long time, random sampling was a good shortcut. 오랫동안, 무작위 추출법은 좋은 지름길이었다.
 It made analysis of large data problems possible in the pre-digital era. 그것은 디지털 시대 이전에 상당한 데이터 문제 분석을 가능하게 했다.
 But much as converting a digital image or song into a smaller file results in loss of data, information is lost when sampling. 그러나 디지털 이미지나 노래를  작은 파일로 변환하는 것이 데이터 손실을 유발하는 것과 마찬가지로, 추출을   정보가 손실된다.
 Having the full (or close to the full) dataset provides a lot more freedom to explore, to look at the data from different angles or to look closer at certain aspects of it. 전체(또는 전체에 가까운) 데이터 세트를 가지는 것은 탐색하거나 다른 각도에서 데이터를 살펴보거나그것의 특정 측면들을  자세히 보게 하는 자유를훨씬  많이 제공한다.
 A fitting example may be the light-field camera, which captures not just a single plane of light, as with conventional cameras, but rays from the entire light field, some 11 million of them. 라이트 필드 카메라가 적절한 비유가   있는데,그것은 기존 카메라처럼  평면의 빛만 포착할 뿐만 아니라  1,100 개에 달하는 전체 라이트 필드로부터의 광선들도 포착한다.
 The photographers can decide later which element of an image to focus on in the digital file. 사진사들은 디지털 파일에서 이미지의 어느 요소에초점을 맞출지를 나중에 결정할  있다.
 There is no need to focus at the beginning, since collecting all the information makes it possible to do that afterwards. 모든 정보를 수집하는 것은 그것을 나중에 하는 것을 가능하게 만들기 때문에, 처음에 초점을 맞출 필요는 없다.
 Because rays from the entire light field are included, it is closer to all the data. 전체 라이트 필드의 빛이 포함되기 때문에, 그것은모든 데이터에  가깝다.
 As a result, the information is more "reuseable" than ordinary pictures, where the photographer has to decide what to focus on before she presses the shutter. 결과적으로 사진사가 셔터를 누르기 전에 그녀가무엇에 초점을 맞출지를 결정해야 하는 일반 사진들보다  정보는  '재사용 가능'하다.




[2] 2023 11 – 38: 내향적 리더십의 섬김 철학이 긍정적 효과를 가짐
 Introverted leaders do have to overcome the strong cultural presumption that extroverts are more effective leaders. 내향적인 리더들은 외향적인 사람들이  유능한리더라는 강력한 문화적 억측을 극복해야 한다.
 Although the population splits into almost equal parts between introverts and extroverts, more than 96 percent of managers and executives are extroverted. 비록 인구는 내향적인 사람과 외향적인 사람 사이에서 거의 동등한 비율로 나뉘지만, 관리자와 임원의 96% 이상이 외향적이다.
 In a study done in 2006, 65 percent of senior corporate executives viewed introversion as a barrier to leadership. 2006년에 실시된  연구에서, 기업 고위 임원의65% 내향성을 리더십의 장애물로 간주했다.
 We must reexamine this stereotype, however, as it doesn't always hold true. 하지만 그것이 항상 맞는 것은 아니기 때문에 우리는  고정 관념을 재검토해야 한다.
 Regent University found that a desire to be of service to others and to empower them to grow, which is more common among introverts than extroverts, is a key factor in becoming a leader and retaining leadership. Regent 대학교는 다른 사람들에게 도움이 되고 그들이 성장할  있도록 힘을 주고자 하는 열망이 리더가 되고 리더십을 유지하는  핵심적인 요소이고, 그것이 외향적인 사람들보다 내향적인 사람들사이에서  일반적이라는 것을 발견했다.
 So-called servant leadership, dating back to ancient philosophical literature, adheres to the belief that a company's goals are best achieved by helping workers or customers achieve their goals. 고대 철학 문헌으로 거슬러 올라가는 소위 서번트리더십은  회사의 목표가 근로자나 고객이 그들의 목표를 달성하도록 도움으로써 가장  달성된다는 믿음을 고수한다.
 Such leaders do not seek attention but rather want to shine a light on others' wins and achievements; servant leadership requires humility, but that humility ultimately pays off. 그런 리더들은 관심을 추구하는 것이 아니라 오히려 다른 사람들의 승리와 업적에 빛을 비추고 싶어하고, 서번트 리더십은 겸손을 필요로 하지만, 겸손은 궁극적으로 결실을 맺는다.




[2] 2023 11 – 39: 불완전성을 허용하면 데이터 활용 가능성 증가
 By the nineteenth century, France had developed a system of precisely defined units of measurement to capture space, time, and more, and had begun to get other nations to adopt the same standards. 19세기까지, 프랑스는 공간, 시간, 그리고  많은것을 포착하기 위해 정밀하게 규정된 측정 단위의체계를 개발했고, 다른 국가들이 동일한 기준을 채택하도록 만들기 시작했었다.
 Just half a century later, in the 1920s, the discoveries of quantum mechanics forever destroyed the dream of comprehensive and perfect measurement. 불과 반세기 , 1920년대에, 양자 역학의 발견은포괄적이고 완벽한 측정에 대한 꿈을 영원히 깨버렸다.
 And yet, outside a relatively small circle of physicists, the mindset of humankind's drive to flawlessly measure continued among engineers and scientists. 그러나 비교적 소수 집단의 물리학자를 제외하고는공학자와 과학자 사이에서 완벽하게 측정하려고 하는 인류의 추진 정신은 계속되었다.
 In the world of business it even expanded, as the precision-oriented sciences of mathematics and statistics began to influence all areas of commerce. 정확성을 지향하는 수학과 통계학이라는 과학이 상업의 모든 영역에 영향을 미치기 시작하면서 비즈니스의 세계에서 그것은 심지어 확장되었다.
 However, contrary to the trend of the past several decades, in many new situations that are occurring today, allowing for imprecision ― for messiness ― may be a positive feature, not a shortcoming. 그러나, 지난 수십 년간의 경향과 반대로, 오늘날발생하는 많은 새로운 상황에서 부정확성, , 번잡함을 허용하는 것은 단점이 아니라 긍정적인 특성이   있다.
 As a tradeoff for relaxing the standards of allowable errors, one can get a hold of much more data. 허용할 오류의 기준을 완화하기 위한 거래로서 사람은 훨씬  많은 데이터를 얻을  있다.
 It isn't just that "more is better than some," but that, in fact, sometimes "more is greater than better." 그것은 단순히 ' 많은 것이 조금보다  나을' 뿐만 아니라, 사실은 때때로 ' 많은 것이  좋은 것보다  훌륭하기' 하다.




[2] 2023 11 – 40: 협력적 행동이 공동체  신뢰와 지위를 강화
 Multiple laboratory studies show that cooperative people tend to receive social advantages from others. 여러 실험실 연구들은 협력적인 사람들이 다른 사람들로부터 사회적인 혜택들을 받는 경향이 있다는것을 보여 준다.
 One way to demonstrate this is to give people the opportunity to act positively or negatively toward contributors. 이것을 증명하는  가지 방법은 사람들에게 기여자들을 향해 긍정적이거나 부정적으로 행동할 기회를 주는 것이다.
 For example, Pat Barclay, a professor at the University of Guelph, had participants play a cooperative game where people could contribute money toward a group fund which helped all group members, and then allowed participants to give money to other participants based on their reputations. 예를 들어, Guelph 대학교의 교수인, Pat Barclay 참가자들로 하여금 모든 집단 구성원들을 도와주는 집단 기금에 사람들이 돈을 기부할  있는 협동 게임을 하도록  다음, 참가자들이 그들의 평판을 바탕으로 다른 참가자들에게 돈을   있도록허락했다.
 People who contributed more to the group fund were given responsibility for more money than people who contributed less. 집단 기금에  많이 기부한 사람들은  기부한 사람들보다  많은 돈에 대한 책임이 주어졌다.
 Similar results have been found by other researchers. 유사한 결과들이 다른 연구자들에 의해 발견되었다.
 People who contribute toward their groups are also chosen more often as interaction partners, preferred as leaders, rated as more desirable partners for long-term relationships, and are perceived to be trustworthy and have high social status. 또한 그들의 집단에 기여하는 사람들은 상호 작용파트너로서  자주 선택되고, 리더로서 선호되며, 장기적인 관계를 위한  바람직한 파트너들로서평가되고, 신뢰할  있고 사회적 지위가 높은 것으로 인식된다.
 Uncooperative people tend to receive verbal criticism or even more severe punishment. 비협조적인 사람들은 언어적인 비판이나 심지어 심한 벌을 받는 경향이 있다.
 -> Studies suggest that individuals who act with generosity toward their communities are more likely to be viewed as deserving of benefit by members of that community than those who don't. -> 연구들은 그들의 공동체에 관대함을 가지고 행동하는 사람들이 그렇게 하지 않은 사람들보다 공동체의 구성원들에 의해 혜택을 누릴 만하다고보여질 가능성이  크다고 이야기한다.




[2] 2023 11 – 41~42: 공연에서 관객 참여가 예술적 경험을 증폭
 In Western society, many music performance settings make a clear distinction between performers and audience members: the performers are the "doers" and those in the audience take a decidedly passive role. 서양 사회에서, 많은 음악 공연 상황은 공연자와 청중 사이에 명확한 구분을 만든다. 공연자들은 '행위자들'이고, 청중  사람들은 분명히 수동적인 역할을 맡는다.
 The performance space itself may further reinforce the distinction with a physical separation between the stage and audience seating. 공연 공간  자체가 무대와 청중석 사이의 물리적분리로 구분을  강화할  있다.
 Perhaps because this distinction is so common, audiences seem to greatly value opportunities to have special "access" to performers that affords understanding about performers' style of music. 아마도 이러한 구분이 너무 흔하기 때문에, 청중들은 공연자의 음악 스타일에 대한 이해를 제공하는공연자에 대한 특별한 '접근'  기회들에 크게 가치를 부여하는 것처럼 보인다.
 Some performing musicians have won great approval by regularly incorporating "audience participation" into their concerts. 일부 공연 음악가는 정기적으로 그들의 콘서트에'청중 참여' 포함함으로써  호응을 받아왔다.
 Whether by leading a sing-along activity or teaching a rhythm to be clapped at certain points, including audience members in the music making can boost the level of engagement and enjoyment for all involved. 함께 노래 부르기 활동을 하든지 지정된 지점에서박수를 치도록 리듬을 가르치든지, 음악을 만드는 있어서 청중 구성원을 포함하는 것은 모든 참여자의 참여와 즐거움의 수준을 높일  있다.
 Performers who are uncomfortable leading audience participation can still connect with the audience simply by giving a special glimpse of the performer perspective. 청중 참여를 이끄는 것에 불편함을 느끼는 공연자들은 단순히  공연자 관점을 특별히 흘끗 보여줌으로써 청중과 여전히 이어질  있다.
 It is quite common in classical music to provide audiences with program notes. 클래식 음악에서는 청중에게 프로그램 해설을 제공하는 것이 상당히 흔하다.
 Typically, this text in a program gives background information about pieces of music being performed and perhaps biographical information about historically significant composers. 전형적으로, 이러한 프로그 램의 텍스트는 연주되는 음악 작품에 대한 배경 정보와 아마도 역사적으로 중요한 작곡가들에 대한 전기(傳꾼) 정보를 제공한다.
 What may be of more interest to audience members is background information about the very performers who are onstage, including an explanation of why they have chosen the music they are presenting. 청중들에게  흥미로울 수도 있는 것은 공연자들이 그들이 선보이고 있는 음악을  선택했는지에대한 설명을 포함한, 무대 위에 있는 바로  연주가에 관한 배경 정보이다.
 Such insight can make audience members feel near to the musicians onstage, both metaphorically and emotionally. 그러한 통찰력은 청중들이 무대 위에 있는 음악가들에게 비유적이고 감정적으로  가까이 느끼게만들  있다.
 This connection will likely enhance the expressive and communicative experience. 이러한 연결은 표현적이고 소통적인 경험을 아마향상시킬 것이다.




[2] 2023 11 – 43~45: 다툰 형제가 목수의 다리로 화해와 관계 회복
 Once upon a time, two brothers, Robert and James, who lived on neighboring farms fell into conflict. 옛날 옛적에, 가까운 농장에 사는  형제인Robert James 갈등에 빠졌다.
 It was the first serious fight in 40 years of farming side by side. 그것은 함께 나란히 농사를 지은  40 만에 최초의 심각한 싸움이었다.
 It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major argument, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence. 그것은 작은 오해로 시작하여 보다 중대한 논쟁이되었고, 마침내 그것은 독설을 주고받는 것으로 폭발했고  주간의 침묵이 뒤따랐다.
 One morning there was a knock on Robert's door. 어느  아침 Robert 문에 노크가 있었다.
 He opened it to find a carpenter with a toolbox. (Robert) 그것을 열고 공구 상자를 가진 목수를 발견했다.
 Looking at Robert, the carpenter said, "I'm looking for a few days' work. Do you have anything to repair?" Robert 바라보며  목수는 말했다. "저는 며칠동안  일을 찾고 있어요. 당신(Robert) 수리할것이 있나요?"
 "I have nothing to be repaired, but I have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm. "수리될 것은 없지만 당신이   일이 있어요. 샛강 저편에  농장을 보세요.
 Last week, my younger brother James took his bulldozer and put that creek in the meadow between us. 지난주에,  동생 James 그의 불도저를 가지고우리 사이의 초원에 샛강을 만들었어요.
 Well, I will do even worse. , (Robert) 훨씬  나쁘게  거예요.
 I want you to build me an 8-foot tall fence which will block him from seeing my place," said Robert. 저는 당신이 그가  장소를 보지 못하게 막는 8피트 높이의 울타리를 지어 주기를 원해요." Robert 말했다.
 The carpenter seemed to understand the situation. 목수는  상황을 이해한 것처럼 보였다.
 Robert prepared all the materials the carpenter needed. Robert  목수가 필요로 하는 모든 재료들을 준비해 주었다.
 The next day, Robert left to work on another farm, so he couldn't watch the carpenter for some days. 다음 , Robert  다른 농장으로 일하러 떠났고, 그래서 그는 며칠 동안  목수를   없었다.
 When Robert returned and saw the carpenter's work, his jaw dropped. Robert 돌아와서  목수의 작업을 보았을 , 그의 입이  벌어졌다.
 Instead of a fence, the carpenter had built a bridge that stretched from one side of the creek to the other. 울타리 대신에,  목수는 샛강의 한쪽에서 다른 쪽까지 펼쳐진 다리 하나를 만들었다.
 His brother was walking over, waving his hand in the air. 그의 동생은 (James) 손을 공중에 흔들며 걸어오고 있었다.
 Robert laughed and said to the carpenter, "You really can fix anything." Robert 웃었고  목수에게 말했다. "당신은 정말로 어떤 것이든 고칠  있군요."
 The two brothers stood awkwardly for a moment, but soon met on the bridge and shook hands.   형제는 잠시 동안 어색하게  있었지만, 다리 위에서 만나 악수를 했다.
 They saw the carpenter leaving with his toolbox. 그들은  목수가 그의 공구 상자를 가지고 떠나는것을 보았다.
 "No, wait! Stay a few more days." Robert told him. "안돼요, 기다려 주세요! 며칠  머물러 주세요." Robert 그에게 말했다.
 "Thank you for your invitation. But I need to go build more bridges. "당신의(Robert) 초대에 감사드립니다. 하지만 저는  많은 다리들을 만들러 가야 해요.
 Don't forget. The fence leads to isolation and the bridge to openness," said carpenter. 잊지 마세요. 울타리는 고립으로 이끌고 다리는 관대함으로 이끕니다." 목수가 말했다.
 The two brothers nodded at the carpenter's words.   형제는 목수의 말에 끄덕여 동의를 표시했다.







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<2023년도 11월 고2 영어 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
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[고2] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (71문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 71문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일




전체 내용

[2] 2023 11 – 18: 농구 코트 소음 문제 해결을 요청하는 민원 제기

 To whom it may concern,

 관계자 귀하,

 I am writing to inform you of an ongoing noise issue that I am experiencing.

 저는 제가 겪고 있는 지속되는 소음 문제에 대해 알려 드리기 위해  편지를 씁니다.

 My apartment faces the basketball courts of the community center.

 저의 아파트는 문화 센터의 농구 코트를 향하고 있습니다.

 While I fully support the community center's services, I am constantly being disrupted by individuals playing basketball late at night.

 저는 문화 센터의 서비스를 전적으로 지지하고 있지만, 밤늦게 농구를 하는 사람들에 의해 끊임없이 방해받고 있습니다.

 Many nights, I struggle to fall asleep because I can hear people bouncing balls and shouting on the basketball courts well after 11 p.m..

 많은 밤마다,  11시가 한참 넘어서도 저는 사람들이 농구 코트에서 공을 튀기고 소리치는 것을 들어야 해서 잠을 자는  애를 먹습니다.

 Could you restrict the time the basketball court is open to before 9 p.m.?

 당신은 농구 코트를 여는 시간을  9 이전으로 제한해 주실  있으십니까?

 I'm sure I'm not the only person in the neighborhood that is affected by this noise issue.

 저는  근처에서  소음 문제에 의해 영향받는 유일한 사람이 아님을 확신합니다.

 I appreciate your assistance.

 당신의 협조에 감사드립니다.

 Sincerely, Ian Baldwin

 진심을 담아, Ian Baldwin


[2] 2023 11 – 19: 부족 의식에서 아버지의 존재로 안정감을 얻음

 Chaske, a Cherokee boy, was sitting on a tree stump.

 체로키족 소년인 Chaske 나무 그루터기에 앉아 있었다.

 As a rite of passage for youths in his tribe, Chaske had to survive one night in the forest wearing a blindfold, not knowing he was observed by his father.

 그의 부족 청년들에 대한 통과 의례로, Chaske 그의 아버지가 지켜보는 것을 모른 채로 눈가리개를 쓰고 숲속에서 하룻밤을 살아남아야 했다.

 After the sunset, Chaske could hear all kinds of noises.

 해가 지고  후에, Chaske 모든 종류의 소리를 들을  있었다.

 The wind blew the grass and shook his stump.

 바람이 풀을 휘저으며 그의 그루터기를 흔들었다.

 A sense of dread swept through his body.

 두려움이 그의 몸을 휩쓸었다.

 What if wild beasts are looking at me? I can't stand this!

 '만약 야생 짐승들이 나를 바라보고 있다면 어떡하지? 나는 이것을 견딜 수가 없어!'

 Just as he was about to take off the blindfold to run away, a voice came in from somewhere.

 그가 도망가기 위해 눈가리개를  벗으려고 했을  어디선가  음성이 들려왔다.

 "I'm here around you. Don't give up, and complete your mission."

 "나는 여기  주변에 있어. 포기하지 말고 너의 임무를 완수해."

 It was his father's voice.

 그것은 그의 아버지의 목소리였다.

 He has been watching me from nearby!

 '그가 근처에서 나를 지켜보고 있었구나!'

 With just the presence of his father, the boy regained stability.

 그의 아버지의 존재만으로도 소년은 안정을 되찾았다.

 What panicked him awfully a moment ago vanished into thin air.

 조금 전까지 그를 끔찍하게 겁에 질리게  것들이 온데간데없이 사라졌다.


[2] 2023 11 – 20: 농업의 발전과 지속 가능성을 위한 해결책 필요

 Agriculture includes a range of activities such as planting, harvesting, fertilizing, pest management, raising animals, and distributing food and agricultural products.

 농업은 파종, 수확, 비료 주기, 해충 관리, 동물 사육, 그리고 식량  농산물 분배와 같은 다양한 활동들을 포함한다.

 It is one of the oldest and most essential human activities, dating back thousands of years, and has played a critical role in the development of human civilizations, allowing people to create stable food supplies and settle in one place.

 그것은 수천  전으로 거슬러 올라가는 가장 오래되고 필수적인 인간 활동  하나이고, 인류 문명의 발전에 중요한 역할을  왔으며, 사람들이 안정적인 식량을 생산하고 한곳에 정착할  있게 허락해 주었다.

 Today, agriculture remains a vital industry that feeds the world's population, supports rural communities, and provides raw materials for other industries.

 오늘날, 농업은  세계 인구를 먹여 살리고 농업 공동체를 지원하며 다른 산업에 원료를 공급하는 중요한 산업으로 남아 있다.

 However, agriculture faces numerous challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, soil degradation, and biodiversity loss.

 그러나, 농업은 기후 변화,  부족, 토질 저하, 생물 다양성 손실과 같은 수많은 문제에 직면하고 있다.

 As the world's population continues to grow, it is essential to find sustainable solutions to address the challenges facing agriculture and ensure the continued production of food and other agricultural products.

 세계 인구가 계속해서 증가함에 따라, 농업이 직면한 문제를 다루고 식량과 다른 농산물의 지속적인 생산을 보장하기 위한 지속 가능한 해결책을 찾는 것이 필수적이다.


[2] 2023 11 – 21: 예술은 어려운 주제를 다루며 변화를 촉진함

 The arts and aesthetics offer emotional connection to the full range of human experience.

 예술과 미학은 다양한 인간 경험에 대한 정서적인 연결을 제공한다.

 "The arts can be more than just sugar on the tongue," Anjan Chatterjee, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, says.

 "예술은 단순히  위의 설탕 이상의 것이   있다,"라고 Pennsylvania 대학교의 교수인 Anjan Chatterjee 말한다.

 "In art, when there's something challenging, which can also be uncomfortable, this discomfort, if we're willing to engage with it, offers the possibility of some change, some transformation.

 "예술에서, 무언가 도전적인 것이 있고 그것이 또한 불편할  있을 ,  불편은, 만약 우리가 기꺼이 그것에 참여하려 한다면, 어떤 변화, 어떤 변형의 가능성을 제공한다.

 That can also be a powerful aesthetic experience."

 그것은 또한 강력한 미적 경험이   있다."

 The arts, in this way, become vehicles to contend with ideas and concepts that are difficult and uncomfortable otherwise.

 예술은, 이런 방식으로, 그렇지 않았더라면 어렵고 불편한 아이디어  개념들과 싸우는 매개체가 된다.

 When Picasso painted his masterpiece Guernica in 1937, he captured the heartbreaking and cruel nature of war, and offered the world a way to consider the universal suffering caused by the Spanish Civil War.

 Picasso 그의 걸작 Guernica 1937년에 그렸을 , 그는 가슴 아프고 잔인한 전쟁의 본질을 포착했고, 스페인 내전으로 인한 보편적인 고통을 숙고할 방법을 세상에 제공했다.

 When Lorraine Hansberry wrote her play A Raisin in the Sun, she gave us a powerful story of people struggling with racism, discrimination, and the pursuit of the American dream while also offering a touching portrait of family life.

 Lorraine Hansberry 그녀의 희곡 A Raisin in the Sun 썼을 , 그녀는 또한 가족생활에 대한 감동적인 초상화를 제공하면서 인종 차별, 차별, 아메리칸드림의 추구를 위해 고군분투하는 사람들의 강력한 이야기를 우리에게 주었다.


[2] 2023 11 – 22: 기계식 시계가 시간 개념과 경제 발전에 기여

 Many historians have pointed to the significance of accurate time measurement to Western economic progress.

 많은 역사가들은 서양의 경제적 진보에 있어서 정확한 시간 측정의 중요성을 시사해 왔다.

 The French historian Jacques Le Goff called the birth of the public mechanical clock a turning point in Western society.

 프랑스 역사가 Jacques Le Goff 공공 기계 시계의 탄생을 서구 사회에서의 전환점이라고 불렀다.

 Until the late Middle Ages, people had sun or water clocks, which did not play any meaningful role in business activities.

 중세 말기까지, 사람들은 해시계와 물시계를 가지고 있었는데, 그것들은 경제 활동에 있어서 아무런 의미 있는 역할을 하지 못했다.

 Market openings and activities started with the sunrise and typically ended at noon when the sun was at its peak.

 시장 개장과 활동들은 일출과 함께 시작했고 태양이 최고점에 이르는 정오에 일반적으로 끝났다.

 But when the first public mechanical clocks were introduced and spread across European cities, market times were set by the stroke of the hour.

 그러나 최초의 공공 기계 시계들이 도입되고 유럽 도시들 전역으로 확산되었을 , 시장 시간은 시간을 알리는 소리에 의해 정해졌다.

 Public clocks thus greatly contributed to public life and work by providing a new concept of time that was easy for everyone to understand.

 따라서 공공 시계들은 모든 사람이 이해하기 쉬운 시간의 새로운 개념을 제공함으로써 공공의 생활과 일에 크게 기여했다.

 This, in turn, helped facilitate trade and commerce.

  결과, 이것은 무역과 상업을 촉진하는  도움을 주었다.

 Interactions and transactions between consumers, retailers, and wholesalers became less irregular.

 소비자, 소매업자, 그리고 도매업자 간의 상호 작용과 거래는  불규칙해졌다.

 Important town meetings began to follow the pace of the clock, allowing people to better plan their time and allocate resources in a more efficient manner.

 중요한 마을 회의들은 시계의 페이스를 따르기 시작했고, 이것은 사람들이 그들의 시간을   계획하고  효율적인 방식으로 자원들을 분배하는 것을 허락해 주었다.


[2] 2023 11 – 23: 쇼핑카트 사용 장려를 위한 마케팅 전략 전환

 Sylvan Goldman invented the shopping cart and introduced it in his stores in 1937.

 Sylvan Goldman 쇼핑 카트를 발명하고 1937년에 그의 가게들에 그것을 도입했다.

 It was an excellent device that would make it easy for shoppers to buy as much as they wanted without getting tired or seeking others' help.

 그것은 쇼핑객들이 지치거나 다른 사람들의 도움을 구하지 않고 그들이 원했던 만큼 구매하는 것을 쉽게 만들어  훌륭한 장치였다.

 But Goldman discovered that in spite of his repeated advertisements and explanations, he could not persuade his shoppers to use the wheeled carts.

 하지만 Goldman 그의 반복적인 광고와 설명에도 불구하고, 그의 쇼핑객들에게 바퀴 달린 카트들을 사용하도록 설득할  없다는 것을 알게 됐다.

 Men were reluctant because they thought they would appear weak if they pushed such carts instead of carrying their shopping.

 남성들은 그들의 쇼핑한 물건을 들고 다니는 대신 만약 그들이 그런 카트들을 민다면 그들이 나약해 보일 것으로 생각했기 때문에 꺼렸다.

 Women wouldn't touch them because the carts reminded them of baby carriages.

 여성들은 카트들이 그들에게 유모차를 연상시키기 때문에 그것들에 손대려 하지 않았다.

 It was only a few elderly shoppers who used them.

 그것들을 사용하는 사람들은 오직  명의 노인 쇼핑객들뿐이었다.

 That made the carts even less attractive to the majority of the shoppers.

 그것은 카트들을 대다수 쇼핑객들에게 훨씬  매력적이도록 만들었다.

 Then Goldman hit upon an idea.

 그때 Goldman  아이디어를 떠올렸다.

 He hired several models, men and women, of different ages and asked them to wheel the carts in the store and shop.

 그는 다른 연령대의 남자와 여자 모델들을 고용했고, 그들에게 상점에서 카트들을 밀고 쇼핑하도록 요청했다.

 A young woman employee standing near the entrance told the regular shoppers, 'Look, everyone is using the carts. Why don't you?'

 입구 근처에  있던  젊은 여성 직원이 일반 쇼핑객들에게 '보세요, 모든 사람이 카트를 사용하고 있습니다.  보는  어떠세요?'라고 말했다.

 That was the turning point.

 그것이 전환점이었다.

 A few shills disguised as regular shoppers easily accomplished what logic, explanations, and advertisements failed to do.

 일반 쇼핑객들로 위장한 바람잡이들이 논리, 설명, 그리고 광고가 하지 못한 것을 쉽게 달성했다.

 Within a few weeks shoppers readily accepted those carts.

   만에 쇼핑객들은  카트들을 기꺼이 받아들였다.


[2] 2023 11 – 24: 로봇의 인간적 특성이 신뢰와 속임수 모두 유발 가능

 In response to human-like care robots, critics might charge that human-robot interactions create moral hazards for dementia patients.

 인간을 닮은 돌봄 로봇들에 대한 반응으로, 비평가들은 인간-로봇의 상호 작용이 치매 환자들에게 도덕적 위험을 만들어 낸다고 비난할지도 모른다.

 Even if deception is sometimes allowed when it serves worthy goals, should it be allowed for vulnerable users?

 속임수가 그것이 가치 있는 목표를 달성할  때때로 허용된다고 하더라도, 취약한 사용자들에게 그것이 허용되어야 할까?

 Just as children on the autism spectrum with robot companions might be easily fooled into thinking of robots as friends, older adults with cognitive deficits might be.

 로봇 친구가 있는 자폐성 스펙트럼을 가진 아이들이 로봇을 친구로 생각하도록 쉽게 속을  있는 것처럼, 인지 결함을 가진 노인들도 그럴  있다.

 According to Alexis Elder, a professor at UMD, robots are false friends, inferior to true friendship.

 UMD 교수인 Alexis Elder 따르면, 로봇은 진정한 우정보다, 열등한 '가짜' 친구이다.

 Reasoning along similar lines, John Sullins, a professor at Sonoma State University, holds that robots should "remain iconic or cartoonish so that they are easily distinguished as synthetic even by unsophisticated users."

 비슷한 방향에서 생각하자면, Sonoma 주립 대학교 교수인 John Sullins 로봇이 '심지어 순수한 사용자들에 의해서도 그것들이 진짜가 아닌 것으로 쉽게 구별될  있도록 상징적이거나 만화같이남아 있어야 한다.'라고 주장한다.

 At least then no one is fooled.

 적어도 그러면 아무도 속지 않는다.

 Making robots clearly fake also avoids the so-called "uncanny valley," where robots are perceived as scary because they so closely resemble us, but not quite.

 로봇을 명백히 가짜로 만드는 것은 또한 로봇이 우리를 완전히는 아니지만, 아주 가깝게 닮았기 때문에 무섭다고 인지되는 소위 '불쾌한 골짜기'라고 불리는 것을 피하게 한다.

 Other critics of robot deception argue that when care recipients are deceived into thinking that robots care, this crosses a line and violates human dignity.

 로봇 속임수에 대한 다른 비평가들은 돌봄을 받는 사람들이 로봇이 돌봐 준다고 생각하도록 속임을 당할 , 이것은 선을 넘고 인간의 '존엄성' 침해한다고 주장한다.


[2] 2023 11 – 25: 미국 연령별 온라인 광고 견해 조사 결과 분석

 The graph above shows the results of a 2019 survey on the views of American age groups on targeted online advertising.

 위의 그래프는 표적 온라인 광고에 대한 미국 연령층들의 견해에 관한 2019 설문 조사의 결과를 보여 준다.

 In total, while 51% of the respondents said targeted ads were intrusive, 27% said they were interesting.

 전체적으로, 응답자의 51% 표적 광고들이 침해적이라고 말한 반면, 27% 그것들이 흥미롭다고 대답하였다.

 The percentage of respondents who believed that targeted ads were interesting was the highest in the age group of 18 to 24.

 표적 광고들이 흥미롭다고 믿는 응답자들의 비율은 18세에서 24 연령층에서 가장 높았다.

 The percentage of respondents aged 25 to 34 who said that targeted ads were intrusive was the same as that of respondents aged 45 to 54 who said the same.

 표적 광고들이 침해적이라고 응답한 25세에서 34 응답자들의 비율은 똑같이 응답한 45세에서 54 응답자들의 그것과 똑같았다.

 Among all age groups, the gap between respondents who said targeted ads were interesting and those who believed them to be intrusive was the largest in the 35-to-44 age group.

 모든 연령층에서, 표적 광고들이 흥미롭다고 말한 응답자들과 그것들이 침해적이라고 믿는 응답자들 간의 차이는 35세에서 44 연령층에서 가장 컸다.

 The age group of 55 and above was the only group where the percentage of respondents who believed targeted ads were intrusive was more than 50%.

 55 이상의 연령층은 표적 광고들이 침해적이라고 믿는 응답자들의 비율이 50% 넘는 유일한 집단이었다.


[2] 2023 11 – 26: Maggie Walker 금융 개혁과 커뮤니티 기여

 Maggie L. Walker achieved national prominence as a businesswoman and community leader.

 Maggie L. Walker 여성 사업가와 커뮤니티 리더로서 전국적 명성을 얻었다.

 She was among the earliest Black students to attend newly-established public schools for African Americans.

 그녀는 아프리카계 미국인들을 위해 새롭게 설립된 공립 학교에 다닌 초기 흑인 학생들  하나였다.

 After graduating, she worked as a teacher for three years at the Valley School, where she had studied.

 졸업 이후, 그녀는 그녀가 공부했던 Valley School에서 교사로서 3 동안 근무했다.

 In the early 1900s, Virginia banks owned by white bankers were unwilling to do business with African American organizations or individuals.

 1900년대 초반에, 백인 은행가들에 의해 소유된 Virginia 은행들은 아프리카계 미국인의 단체나 개인들과 거래하기를 꺼렸다.

 The racial discrimination by white bankers drove her to study banking and financial laws.

 백인 은행가들에 의한 인종 차별은 그녀로 하여금 은행 금융법을 공부하게 만들었다.

 She established a newspaper to promote closer communication between the charitable organization she belonged to and the public.

 그녀는 그녀가 속한 자선 단체와 대중 간의  긴밀한 소통을 장려하고자 신문사를 설립했다.

 Soon after, she founded the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, which survived the Great Depression and merged with two other banks.

 곧이어, 그녀는 St. Luke Penny Savings Bank 설립했는데, 그것은 대공황에서 살아남아  개의 다른 은행들과 합병했다.

 It thrived as the oldest continually African American-operated bank until 2009.

 그것은 2009년까지 지속적으로 아프리카계 미국인에 의해 운영되는 가장 오래된 은행으로서 번창했다.

 Walker achieved successes with the vision to make improvements in the way of life for African Americans.

 Walker 아프리카계 미국인들을 위한 삶의 방식에서 개선을 이루고자 하는 비전으로 성공을 거두었다.


[2] 2023 11 – 29: 렉틴 과잉 섭취가 건강에 미치는 부정적 영향

 Lectins are large proteins that serve as a crucial weapon that plants use to defend themselves.

 렉틴은 식물들이 그들 스스로를 방어하기 위해 사용하는 중요한 무기로서 역할을 하는 커다란 단백질이다.

 The lectins in most plants bind to carbohydrates as we consume the plant.

 대부분의 식물에 있는 렉틴은 우리가 식물을 섭취할  탄수화물과 결합한다.

 They also bind to sugar molecules found in the gut, in the brain, between nerve endings, in joints and in all bodily fluids.

 그것들은 또한 , , 신경 말단 사이, 관절  모든 체액에서 발견되는  분자들과 결합한다.

 According to Dr. Steven Gundry, these sticky proteins can interrupt messaging between cells and cause toxic and inflammatory reactions.

 Dr. Steven Gundry 따르면, 이러한 끈적끈적한 단백질은 세포들 간의 메시지 전달을 방해하고 독성  염증성의 반응을 일으킬  있다.

 Brain fog is just one result of lectins interrupting communication between nerves.

  피로 현상은 렉틴이 신경들 간의 소통을 방해하는 단지 하나의 결과에 지나지 않는다.

 An upset stomach is another common symptom of lectin overload.

 위장 장애는 렉틴 과다의  다른 흔한 증상이다.

 Dr. Gundry lists a wide range of other health problems including aching joints, dementia, headaches and infertility that have been resolved in his patients once they eliminated lectins from their diets.

 Dr. Gundry 그의 환자들이 자신의 식단에서 렉틴을 제거하였을  해결되어 왔던 관절통, 치매, 두통, 그리고 불임을 포함한 광범위한 다양한 건강 문제들을 나열한다.

 Dr. Paul Saladino writes that the hypothesis that lectins are involved in Parkinson's disease is also gaining support, with animal studies showing that 'lectins, once eaten, may be damaging the gut and travelling to the brain, where they appear to be toxic to dopaminergic neurons'.

 Dr. Paul Saladino 렉틴이 파킨슨병과 관련이 있다는 가설이 '렉틴이 일단 섭취되면, 장에 손상을 입히고 뇌로 이동해 그곳에서 그것들이 도파민 작동성 신경 세포에 독성을 일으키는 것처럼 보인다.' 것을 보여 주는 동물 연구들과 함께 또한 지지를 얻고 있다고 기록한다.


[2] 2023 11 – 30: 기술 발전이 프라이버시 재정의의 필요성을 강조

 Technology changes how individuals and societies understand the concept of privacy.

 기술은 개인들과 사회가 사생활의 개념을 이해하는 방식을 변화시킨다.

 The fact that someone has a new ability to access information or watch the actions of another does not justify doing so.

 누군가가 정보에 접근하거나 다른 사람의 행동을 관찰하는 새로운 능력을 갖추고 있다는 사실은 그렇게 하는 것을 정당화하지 않는다.

 Rather, advances in technology require citizens and policy makers to consider how privacy protections should be expanded.

 오히려, 기술의 발전은 시민들과 정책 입안자들이 어떻게 사생활 보호가 확장되어야 하는지 고려할 것을 요구한다.

 For example, when cameras first became available for commercial and private use, nations and citizens struggled over whether new laws should be enacted to protect individuals from being photographed without their permission.

 예를 들어, 카메라들이 상업적이고 사적인 용도로 처음 사용될  있게 되었을 , 국가들과 시민들은 그들의 허가 없이 개인들이 사진에 찍히는 것으로부터 보호하기 위해 새로운 법들이 제정되어야하는지에 대해 투쟁했다.

 The reconsideration of privacy brought about by this new technology re-affirmed a distinction between private and public spaces.

  새로운 기술이 가져온 사생활에 대한 재고는 사적  공적 공간의 구별을 재확인했다.

 It was determined by most cultures that people automatically gave consent to being seen ― and thus recorded ― once they voluntarily stepped into a public space.

 일단 사람들이 자발적으로 공공장소에 발을 들여놓으면, 보여지고, 따라서 녹화되는 것에 자동적으로 동의하는 것으로 대부분의 문화에서 결정되었다.

 Although some people might be uncomfortable with the spread of surveillance cameras, citizens in most cultures have adjusted to the fact that giving up the right not to be observed in these circumstances causes less harm to the community than failing to have surveillance.

 일부 사람들은 감시 카메라들의 확산을 불편하게 여길지도 모르지만, 대부분의 문화권에 있는 시민들은 이러한 상황에서 관찰되지 않을 권리를 포기하는 것이 감시받지 못하는 것보다 지역 사회에 적은 해를 끼친다는 사실에 순응해 왔다.


[2] 2023 11 – 31: 기적은 인간 무지에서 비롯되며 탐구로 설명 가능

 Coincidence that is statistically impossible seems to us like an irrational event, and some define it as a miracle.

 통계적으로 불가능한 우연은 우리에게 비이성적인 사건처럼 보이고, 어떤 이들은 그것을 기적으로 정의한다.

 But, as Montaigne has said, "the origin of a miracle is in our ignorance, at the level of our knowledge of nature, and not in nature itself."

 그러나, Montaigne 말했듯이, "기적의 기원은 자연  자체가 아니라 자연에 대한 우리의 지식수준에서, 우리의 무지에 있다."

 Glorious miracles have been later on discovered to be obedience to the laws of nature or a technological development that was not widely known at the time.

 영광스러운 기적들은 자연의 법칙에 대한 순응으로서, 혹은 당시에는 널리 알려지지 않았던 기술적 발전으로서 나중에 발견되어 왔다.

 As the German poet, Goethe, phrased it: "Things that are mysterious are not yet miracles."

 독일 시인 Goethe 그것을 표현했듯이, "'신비한' 것들은 아직 '기적' '아니다'."

 The miracle assumes the intervention of a "higher power" in its occurrence that is beyond human capability to grasp.

 기적은 그것의 발생에 있어서 인간이 이해할  있는 능력 너머의 ' 높은 ' 개입을 가정한다.

 Yet there are methodical and simple ways to "cause a miracle" without divine revelation and inspiration.

 하지만, 신적인 계시와 영감 없이 '기적을 일으키는' 체계적이고 간단한 방법들이 있다.

 Instead of checking it out, investigating and finding the source of the event, we define it as a miracle.

 그것을 확인하는 , ,  사건의 근원을 조사하고 찾는  대신에, 우리는 그것을 기적으로 정의한다.

 The miracle, then, is the excuse of those who are too lazy to think.

 그렇다면, 기적은 생각하는  너무 게으른 사람들의 핑계이다.


[2] 2023 11 – 32: 외부 정보가 사건 기억에 영향을 미칠  있음

 Information encountered after an event can influence subsequent remembering.

 사건 후에 마주친 정보는 이후의 기억하는 것에 영향을 미칠  있다.

 External information can easily integrate into a witness's memory, especially if the event was poorly encoded or the memory is from a distant event, in which case time and forgetting have degraded the original memory.

 특히 사건이 불충분하게 부호화되었거나,  기억이 시간과 망각이 원래의 기억을 저하시켜   사건으로부터  것이라면, 외부 정보는 목격자의 기억에 쉽게 통합될  있다.

 With reduced information available in memory with which to confirm the validity of post-event misinformation, it is less likely that this new information will be rejected.

 사건 후의 잘못된 정보의 유효성을 확인하기 위해 기억에서 사용할  있는 줄어든 정보를 가지면,  새로운 정보가  거부될 듯하다.

 Instead, especially when it fits the witness's current thinking and can be used to create a story that makes sense to him or her, it may be integrated as part of the original experience.

 대신에, 특히 그것이 목격자의 현재 생각과 맞고  또는 그녀에게 이해되는 하나의 이야기를 만드는  사용될  있을 , 그것은 원래 경험의 일부로서 통합될  있다.

 This process can be explicit (i.e., the witness knows it is happening), but it is often unconscious.

  과정은 명시적일  있지만(, 목격자는 그것이 일어나고 있다는 것을 알고 있다), 그것은 흔히 무의식적이다.

 That is, the witness might find himself or herself thinking about the event differently without awareness.

 , 목격자는 의식하지 못한   사건에 대해 다르게 생각하는  자신 또는 그녀 자신을 발견할지도 모른다.

 Over time, the witness may not even know the source of information that led to the (new) memory.

 시간이 지남에 따라, 목격자는 (새로운) 기억으로 이끄는 정보의 출처조차 모를지도 모른다.

 Sources of misinformation in forensic contexts can be encountered anywhere, from discussions with other witnesses to social media searches to multiple interviews with investigators or other legal professionals, and even in court.

 법정의 상황에서의 잘못된 정보의 출처는 다른 목격자들과의 토론에서부터 소셜 미디어 조사들, 수사관 또는 기타 법률 전문가들과의 다중 인터뷰들, 심지어 법정에서까지 어디에서나 마주쳐질  있다.


[2] 2023 11 – 33: 상관관계는 인과관계보다 명확한 통찰을 제공

 Correlations are powerful because the insights they offer are relatively clear.

 상관관계는 그것들이 제공하는 통찰력이 비교적 명확하기 때문에 강력하다.

 These insights are often covered up when we bring causality back into the picture.

 이러한 통찰력은 종종 우리가 인과 관계를  상황으로 다시 가져올  가려진다.

 For instance, a used-car dealer supplied data to statisticians to predict which of the vehicles available for purchase at an auction were likely to have problems.

 예를 들어,  중고차 딜러가 경매에서 구입할  있는 차량들  어떤 차량에 문제가 발생할 가능성이 있는지를 예측하기 위한 데이터를 통계학자들에게 제공했다.

 A correlation analysis showed that orange-colored cars were far less likely to have defects.

  상관관계 분석은 주황색 차들이 결함이 있을 가능성이 훨씬 적다는 것을 보여 줬다.

 Even as we read this, we already think about why it might be so:

 심지어 우리가 이것을 읽으면서도, 우리는 이미  그럴지에 대해 생각한다.

 Are orange-colored car owners likely to be car enthusiasts and take better care of their vehicles?

 주황색 차를 소유한 사람들이 자동차 애호가여서 그들의 차량을   관리할 가능성이 있는가?

 Or, is it because orange-colored cars are more noticeable on the road and therefore less likely to be in accidents, so they're in better condition when resold?

 아니면, 주황색 차들이 도로에서  눈에 띄고, 그래서 사고가  가능성이 적어 재판매될  그것들이 상태가  좋은 것이기 때문인가?

 Quickly we are caught in a web of competing causal hypotheses.

  우리는 경쟁적인 인과 가설의 함정에 빠진다.

 But our attempts to illuminate things this way only make them cloudier.

 하지만 이런 식으로 무언가를 설명하려는 우리의 시도는 그것들을  흐리게 만들 뿐이다.

 Correlations exist; we can show them mathematically.

 상관관계는 존재하며 우리는 그것들을 수학적으로 보여줄  있다.

 We can't easily do the same for causal links.

 우리는 인과 관계에 대해서는 쉽게 똑같이   없다.

 So we would do well to hold off from trying to explain the reason behind the correlations.

 따라서 우리는 상관관계의 배후에 있는 이유를 설명하려 하지 않는 것이 좋다.


[2] 2023 11 – 34: 기후 변화가 동물 크기 감소에 영향을 미침

 Most mice in the wild are eaten or die before their life span of two years is over.

 야생에 있는 대부분의 쥐들은 2년의 수명이 끝나기 전에 잡아먹히거나 죽는다.

 They die from external causes, such as disease, starvation, or predators, not due to internal causes, such as aging.

 그들은 노화와 같은 '내부적인 원인들' 때문이 아니라 질병, 굶주림 또는 포식자와 같은 '외부적인 원인들' 죽는다.

 That is why nature has made mice to live, on average, for no longer than two years.

 그것이 자연이 쥐를 평균적으로 2 이상 살지 못하게 만든 이유이다.

 Now we have arrived at an important point:

 이제 우리는 중요한 지점에 도달했다.

 The average life span of an animal species, or the rate at which it ages, is determined by the average time that this animal species can survive in the wild.

 동물 종의 평균 수명, 또는 그것이 노화하는 속도는  동물 종이 야생에서 생존할  있는 평균 시간에 의해 결정된다.

 That explains why a bat can live to be 30 years old.

 그것은  박쥐가 30세까지   있는지를 설명해 준다.

 In contrast to mice, bats can fly, which is why they can escape from danger much faster.

 쥐와 대조적으로 박쥐는   있고, 이것은 그들이 위험에서 훨씬  빨리 도망칠  있는 이유이다.

 Thanks to their wings, bats can also cover longer distances and are better able to find food.

 그들의 날개 덕분에, 박쥐들은 또한   거리를 이동할  있고 먹이를   찾을  있다.

 Every genetic change in the past that made it possible for a bat to live longer was useful, because bats are much better able than mice to flee from danger, find food, and survive.

 박쥐가  오래 사는 것을 가능하게   과거의 모든 유전적 변화는 박쥐가 쥐보다 위험으로부터 도망치고, 먹이를 찾고, 생존하는 것을 훨씬  잘할  있기 때문에 유용했다.


[2] 2023 11 – 35: 도덕적 우수성은 학습과 발달로 지속 가능

 Moral excellence, according to Aristotle, is the result of habit and repetition, though modern science would also suggest that it may have an innate, genetic component.

 비록 현대 과학은 그것이 선천적, , 유전적인 요소를 가지고 있다고 또한 주장하지만, Aristotle 따르면 도덕적 우수성은 습관과 반복의 결과물이다.

 This means that moral excellence will be broadly set early in our lives, which is why the question of how early to teach it is so important.

 이것은 도덕적 우수성이 우리 삶에 있어서 이른 시기에 광범위하게 설정될 것임을 의미하며, 이것이 얼마나 일찍 그것을 가르쳐야 할지에 대한 질문이 매우 중요한 이유이다.

 Freud suggested that we don't change our personality much after age five or thereabouts, but as in many other things, Freud was wrong.

 Freud 우리가 5 혹은  무렵 이후에는 우리의 성격을 많이 바꾸지 않는다고 제시했지만, 다른 많은 것들에서처럼 Freud 틀렸다.

 Recent psychological research shows that personality traits stabilize around age thirty in both men and women and regardless of ethnicity as the human brain continues to develop, both neuroanatomically and in terms of cognitive skills, until the mid-twenties.

 최근의 심리 연구는 20 중반까지 신경 해부학적으로 그리고 인지 기능 면에서 인간의 뇌가 계속해서 발달함에 따라 남성과 여성 모두에게 있어서 그리고 민족에 상관없이 성격 특성이 30 무렵에안정된다는 것을 보여 준다.

 The advantage of this new understanding is that we can be a bit more optimistic than Aristotle and Freud about being able to teach moral excellence.

  새로운 이해의 이점은 우리가 Aristotle이나 Freud보다 도덕적 우수성을 가르칠  있다는 점에서 조금  낙관적   있다는 것이다.


[2] 2023 11 – 36: 동물 크기는 환경 적응과 생존 전략의 결과

 The size of a species is not accidental.

 종의 크기는 우연한 것이 아니다.

 It's a fine-tuned interaction between a species and the world it inhabits.

 그것은  종과 그것이 서식하는 세계 사이의 미세 조정된 상호 작용이다.

 Over large periods of time, size fluctuations have often signalled significant changes in the environment.

 오랜 시간에 걸쳐, 크기의 변동은 종종 환경에서의 상당한 변화를 나타내 왔다.

 Generally speaking, over the last five hundred million years, the trend has been towards animals getting larger.

 일반적으로 말해서, 지난 5  동안,  경향은 동물들이 점점 커지는 쪽으로 되어 왔다.

 It's particularly notable in marine animals, whose average body size has increased 150-fold in this time.

 그것은 특히 해양 동물들에게서 두드러지는데, 그들의 평균  크기는  시기에 150배로 증가해 왔다.

 But we are beginning to see changes in this trend.

 하지만 우리는  경향에서 변화를 관찰하기 시작하고 있다.

 Scientists have discovered that many animals are shrinking.

 과학자들은 많은 동물이 작아지고 있다는 것을 발견해 왔다.

 Around the world, species in every category have been found to be getting smaller, and one major cause appears to be the heat.

  세계적으로, 모든 범주의 종들이 점점 작아지고 있는 것으로 발견되어 왔고,  가지 주요 원인은 열인 것으로 보인다.

 Animals living in the Italian Alps, for example, have seen temperatures rise by three to four degrees Celsius since the 1980s.

 예를 들어, 이탈리아 알프스에 살고 있는 동물들은 1980년대 이후로 기온이 섭씨 3에서 4도까지 상승하는 것을 보아 왔다.

 To avoid overheating, chamois goats now spend more of their days resting rather than searching for food, and as a result, in just a few decades, the new generations of chamois are 25 percent smaller.

 과열을 피하기 위해서, 샤무아 염소들은 이제 먹이를 찾는 것보다 휴식을 취하는   많은 그들의 날들을 보내고, 결과적으로, 단지    만에, 새로운 세대들의 샤무아는 25%  작아져 있다.


[2] 2023 11 – 37: 전체 데이터 사용이 샘플링보다   통찰 제공

 For a long time, random sampling was a good shortcut.

 오랫동안, 무작위 추출법은 좋은 지름길이었다.

 It made analysis of large data problems possible in the pre-digital era.

 그것은 디지털 시대 이전에 상당한 데이터 문제 분석을 가능하게 했다.

 But much as converting a digital image or song into a smaller file results in loss of data, information is lost when sampling.

 그러나 디지털 이미지나 노래를  작은 파일로 변환하는 것이 데이터 손실을 유발하는 것과 마찬가지로, 추출을   정보가 손실된다.

 Having the full (or close to the full) dataset provides a lot more freedom to explore, to look at the data from different angles or to look closer at certain aspects of it.

 전체(또는 전체에 가까운) 데이터 세트를 가지는 것은 탐색하거나 다른 각도에서 데이터를 살펴보거나 그것의 특정 측면들을  자세히 보게 하는 자유를 훨씬  많이 제공한다.

 A fitting example may be the light-field camera, which captures not just a single plane of light, as with conventional cameras, but rays from the entire light field, some 11 million of them.

 라이트 필드 카메라가 적절한 비유가   있는데, 그것은 기존 카메라처럼  평면의 빛만 포착할 뿐만 아니라  1,100 개에 달하는 전체 라이트 필드로부터의 광선들도 포착한다.

 The photographers can decide later which element of an image to focus on in the digital file.

 사진사들은 디지털 파일에서 이미지의 어느 요소에 초점을 맞출지를 나중에 결정할  있다.

 There is no need to focus at the beginning, since collecting all the information makes it possible to do that afterwards.

 모든 정보를 수집하는 것은 그것을 나중에 하는 것을 가능하게 만들기 때문에, 처음에 초점을 맞출 필요는 없다.

 Because rays from the entire light field are included, it is closer to all the data.

 전체 라이트 필드의 빛이 포함되기 때문에, 그것은 모든 데이터에  가깝다.

 As a result, the information is more "reuseable" than ordinary pictures, where the photographer has to decide what to focus on before she presses the shutter.

 결과적으로 사진사가 셔터를 누르기 전에 그녀가 무엇에 초점을 맞출지를 결정해야 하는 일반 사진들보다  정보는  '재사용 가능'하다.


[2] 2023 11 – 38: 내향적 리더십의 섬김 철학이 긍정적 효과를 가짐

 Introverted leaders do have to overcome the strong cultural presumption that extroverts are more effective leaders.

 내향적인 리더들은 외향적인 사람들이  유능한 리더라는 강력한 문화적 억측을 극복해야 한다.

 Although the population splits into almost equal parts between introverts and extroverts, more than 96 percent of managers and executives are extroverted.

 비록 인구는 내향적인 사람과 외향적인 사람 사이에서 거의 동등한 비율로 나뉘지만, 관리자와 임원의 96% 이상이 외향적이다.

 In a study done in 2006, 65 percent of senior corporate executives viewed introversion as a barrier to leadership.

 2006년에 실시된  연구에서, 기업 고위 임원의 65% 내향성을 리더십의 장애물로 간주했다.

 We must reexamine this stereotype, however, as it doesn't always hold true.

 하지만 그것이 항상 맞는 것은 아니기 때문에 우리는  고정 관념을 재검토해야 한다.

 Regent University found that a desire to be of service to others and to empower them to grow, which is more common among introverts than extroverts, is a key factor in becoming a leader and retaining leadership.

 Regent 대학교는 다른 사람들에게 도움이 되고 그들이 성장할  있도록 힘을 주고자 하는 열망이 리더가 되고 리더십을 유지하는  핵심적인 요소이고, 그것이 외향적인 사람들보다 내향적인 사람들 사이에서  일반적이라는 것을 발견했다.

 So-called servant leadership, dating back to ancient philosophical literature, adheres to the belief that a company's goals are best achieved by helping workers or customers achieve their goals.

 고대 철학 문헌으로 거슬러 올라가는 소위 서번트 리더십은  회사의 목표가 근로자나 고객이 그들의 목표를 달성하도록 도움으로써 가장  달성된다는 믿음을 고수한다.

 Such leaders do not seek attention but rather want to shine a light on others' wins and achievements; servant leadership requires humility, but that humility ultimately pays off.

 그런 리더들은 관심을 추구하는 것이 아니라 오히려 다른 사람들의 승리와 업적에 빛을 비추고 싶어 하고, 서번트 리더십은 겸손을 필요로 하지만,  겸손은 궁극적으로 결실을 맺는다.


[2] 2023 11 – 39: 불완전성을 허용하면 데이터 활용 가능성 증가

 By the nineteenth century, France had developed a system of precisely defined units of measurement to capture space, time, and more, and had begun to get other nations to adopt the same standards.

 19세기까지, 프랑스는 공간, 시간, 그리고  많은 것을 포착하기 위해 정밀하게 규정된 측정 단위의 체계를 개발했고, 다른 국가들이 동일한 기준을 채택하도록 만들기 시작했었다.

 Just half a century later, in the 1920s, the discoveries of quantum mechanics forever destroyed the dream of comprehensive and perfect measurement.

 불과 반세기 , 1920년대에, 양자 역학의 발견은 포괄적이고 완벽한 측정에 대한 꿈을 영원히 깨버렸다.

 And yet, outside a relatively small circle of physicists, the mindset of humankind's drive to flawlessly measure continued among engineers and scientists.

 그러나 비교적 소수 집단의 물리학자를 제외하고는 공학자와 과학자 사이에서 완벽하게 측정하려고 하는 인류의 추진 정신은 계속되었다.

 In the world of business it even expanded, as the precision-oriented sciences of mathematics and statistics began to influence all areas of commerce.

 정확성을 지향하는 수학과 통계학이라는 과학이 상업의 모든 영역에 영향을 미치기 시작하면서 비즈니스의 세계에서 그것은 심지어 확장되었다.

 However, contrary to the trend of the past several decades, in many new situations that are occurring today, allowing for imprecision ― for messiness ― may be a positive feature, not a shortcoming.

 그러나, 지난 수십 년간의 경향과 반대로, 오늘날 발생하는 많은 새로운 상황에서 부정확성, , 번잡함을 허용하는 것은 단점이 아니라 긍정적인 특성이   있다.

 As a tradeoff for relaxing the standards of allowable errors, one can get a hold of much more data.

 허용할 오류의 기준을 완화하기 위한 거래로서 사람은 훨씬  많은 데이터를 얻을  있다.

 It isn't just that "more is better than some," but that, in fact, sometimes "more is greater than better."

 그것은 단순히 ' 많은 것이 조금보다  나을' 뿐만 아니라, 사실은 때때로 ' 많은 것이  좋은 것보다  훌륭하기' 하다.


[2] 2023 11 – 40: 협력적 행동이 공동체  신뢰와 지위를 강화

 Multiple laboratory studies show that cooperative people tend to receive social advantages from others.

 여러 실험실 연구들은 협력적인 사람들이 다른 사람들로부터 사회적인 혜택들을 받는 경향이 있다는 것을 보여 준다.

 One way to demonstrate this is to give people the opportunity to act positively or negatively toward contributors.

 이것을 증명하는  가지 방법은 사람들에게 기여자들을 향해 긍정적이거나 부정적으로 행동할 기회를 주는 것이다.

 For example, Pat Barclay, a professor at the University of Guelph, had participants play a cooperative game where people could contribute money toward a group fund which helped all group members, and then allowed participants to give money to other participants based on their reputations.

 예를 들어, Guelph 대학교의 교수인, Pat Barclay 참가자들로 하여금 모든 집단 구성원들을 도와주는 집단 기금에 사람들이 돈을 기부할  있는 협동 게임을 하도록  다음, 참가자들이 그들의평판을 바탕으로 다른 참가자들에게 돈을   있도록 허락했다.

 People who contributed more to the group fund were given responsibility for more money than people who contributed less.

 집단 기금에  많이 기부한 사람들은  기부한 사람들보다  많은 돈에 대한 책임이 주어졌다.

 Similar results have been found by other researchers.

 유사한 결과들이 다른 연구자들에 의해 발견되었다.

 People who contribute toward their groups are also chosen more often as interaction partners, preferred as leaders, rated as more desirable partners for long-term relationships, and are perceived to be trustworthy and have high social status.

 또한 그들의 집단에 기여하는 사람들은 상호 작용 파트너로서  자주 선택되고, 리더로서 선호되며, 장기적인 관계를 위한  바람직한 파트너들로서 평가되고, 신뢰할  있고 사회적 지위가 높은것으로 인식된다.

 Uncooperative people tend to receive verbal criticism or even more severe punishment.

 비협조적인 사람들은 언어적인 비판이나 심지어  심한 벌을 받는 경향이 있다.

 -> Studies suggest that individuals who act with generosity toward their communities are more likely to be viewed as deserving of benefit by members of that community than those who don't.

 -> 연구들은 그들의 공동체에 관대함을 가지고 행동하는 사람들이 그렇게 하지 않은 사람들보다  공동체의 구성원들에 의해 혜택을 누릴 만하다고 보여질 가능성이  크다고 이야기한다.


[2] 2023 11 – 41~42: 공연에서 관객 참여가 예술적 경험을 증폭

 In Western society, many music performance settings make a clear distinction between performers and audience members: the performers are the "doers" and those in the audience take a decidedly passive role.

 서양 사회에서, 많은 음악 공연 상황은 공연자와 청중 사이에 명확한 구분을 만든다. 공연자들은 '행위자들'이고, 청중  사람들은 분명히 수동적인 역할을 맡는다.

 The performance space itself may further reinforce the distinction with a physical separation between the stage and audience seating.

 공연 공간  자체가 무대와 청중석 사이의 물리적 분리로 구분을  강화할  있다.

 Perhaps because this distinction is so common, audiences seem to greatly value opportunities to have special "access" to performers that affords understanding about performers' style of music.

 아마도 이러한 구분이 너무 흔하기 때문에, 청중들은 공연자의 음악 스타일에 대한 이해를 제공하는 공연자에 대한 특별한 '접근'  기회들에 크게 가치를 부여하는 것처럼 보인다.

 Some performing musicians have won great approval by regularly incorporating "audience participation" into their concerts.

 일부 공연 음악가는 정기적으로 그들의 콘서트에 '청중 참여' 포함함으로써  호응을 받아왔다.

 Whether by leading a sing-along activity or teaching a rhythm to be clapped at certain points, including audience members in the music making can boost the level of engagement and enjoyment for all involved.

 함께 노래 부르기 활동을 하든지 지정된 지점에서 박수를 치도록 리듬을 가르치든지, 음악을 만드는  있어서 청중 구성원을 포함하는 것은 모든 참여자의 참여와 즐거움의 수준을 높일  있다.

 Performers who are uncomfortable leading audience participation can still connect with the audience simply by giving a special glimpse of the performer perspective.

 청중 참여를 이끄는 것에 불편함을 느끼는 공연자들은 단순히  공연자 관점을 특별히 흘끗 보여줌으로써 청중과 여전히 이어질  있다.

 It is quite common in classical music to provide audiences with program notes.

 클래식 음악에서는 청중에게 프로그램 해설을 제공하는 것이 상당히 흔하다.

 Typically, this text in a program gives background information about pieces of music being performed and perhaps biographical information about historically significant composers.

 전형적으로, 이러한 프로그 램의 텍스트는 연주되는 음악 작품에 대한 배경 정보와 아마도 역사적으로 중요한 작곡가들에 대한 전기(傳꾼) 정보를 제공한다.

 What may be of more interest to audience members is background information about the very performers who are onstage, including an explanation of why they have chosen the music they are presenting.

 청중들에게  흥미로울 수도 있는 것은 공연자들이 그들이 선보이고 있는 음악을  선택했는지에 대한 설명을 포함한, 무대 위에 있는 바로  연주가에 관한 배경 정보이다.

 Such insight can make audience members feel near to the musicians onstage, both metaphorically and emotionally.

 그러한 통찰력은 청중들이 무대 위에 있는 음악가들에게 비유적이고 감정적으로  가까이 느끼게 만들  있다.

 This connection will likely enhance the expressive and communicative experience.

 이러한 연결은 표현적이고 소통적인 경험을 아마 향상시킬 것이다.


[2] 2023 11 – 43~45: 다툰 형제가 목수의 다리로 화해와 관계 회복

 Once upon a time, two brothers, Robert and James, who lived on neighboring farms fell into conflict.

 옛날 옛적에, 가까운 농장에 사는  형제인 Robert James 갈등에 빠졌다.

 It was the first serious fight in 40 years of farming side by side.

 그것은 함께 나란히 농사를 지은  40 만에 최초의 심각한 싸움이었다.

 It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major argument, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.

 그것은 작은 오해로 시작하여 보다 중대한 논쟁이 되었고, 마침내 그것은 독설을 주고받는 것으로 폭발했고  주간의 침묵이 뒤따랐다.

 One morning there was a knock on Robert's door.

 어느  아침 Robert 문에 노크가 있었다.

 He opened it to find a carpenter with a toolbox.

 (Robert) 그것을 열고 공구 상자를 가진 목수를 발견했다.

 Looking at Robert, the carpenter said, "I'm looking for a few days' work. Do you have anything to repair?"

 Robert 바라보며  목수는 말했다. "저는 며칠 동안  일을 찾고 있어요. 당신(Robert) 수리할 것이 있나요?"

 "I have nothing to be repaired, but I have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm.

 "수리될 것은 없지만 당신이   일이 있어요. 샛강 저편에  농장을 보세요.

 Last week, my younger brother James took his bulldozer and put that creek in the meadow between us.

 지난주에,  동생 James 그의 불도저를 가지고 우리 사이의 초원에 샛강을 만들었어요.

 Well, I will do even worse.

 , (Robert) 훨씬  나쁘게  거예요.

 I want you to build me an 8-foot tall fence which will block him from seeing my place," said Robert.

 저는 당신이 그가  장소를 보지 못하게 막는 8피트 높이의 울타리를 지어 주기를 원해요." Robert 말했다.

 The carpenter seemed to understand the situation.

 목수는  상황을 이해한 것처럼 보였다.

 Robert prepared all the materials the carpenter needed.

 Robert  목수가 필요로 하는 모든 재료들을 준비해 주었다.

 The next day, Robert left to work on another farm, so he couldn't watch the carpenter for some days.

 다음 , Robert  다른 농장으로 일하러 떠났고, 그래서 그는 며칠 동안  목수를   없었다.

 When Robert returned and saw the carpenter's work, his jaw dropped.

 Robert 돌아와서  목수의 작업을 보았을 , 그의 입이  벌어졌다.

 Instead of a fence, the carpenter had built a bridge that stretched from one side of the creek to the other.

 울타리 대신에,  목수는 샛강의 한쪽에서 다른 쪽까지 펼쳐진 다리 하나를 만들었다.

 His brother was walking over, waving his hand in the air.

 그의 동생은 (James) 손을 공중에 흔들며 걸어오고 있었다.

 Robert laughed and said to the carpenter, "You really can fix anything."

 Robert 웃었고  목수에게 말했다. "당신은 정말로 어떤 것이든 고칠  있군요."

 The two brothers stood awkwardly for a moment, but soon met on the bridge and shook hands.

   형제는 잠시 동안 어색하게  있었지만,  다리 위에서 만나 악수를 했다.

 They saw the carpenter leaving with his toolbox.

 그들은  목수가 그의 공구 상자를 가지고 떠나는 것을 보았다.

 "No, wait! Stay a few more days." Robert told him.

 "안돼요, 기다려 주세요! 며칠  머물러 주세요." Robert 그에게 말했다.

 "Thank you for your invitation. But I need to go build more bridges.

 "당신의(Robert) 초대에 감사드립니다. 하지만 저는  많은 다리들을 만들러 가야 해요.

 Don't forget. The fence leads to isolation and the bridge to openness," said carpenter.

 잊지 마세요. 울타리는 고립으로 이끌고 다리는 관대함으로 이끕니다." 목수가 말했다.

 The two brothers nodded at the carpenter's words.

   형제는 목수의 말에 끄덕여 동의를 표시했다.








안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 3번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #3 - 163문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




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[Flow Edu] 22년 고2 11월 기출 #3_163문항.pdf



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[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (217문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 217문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문



[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #2 (184문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 2번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #2 - 184문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문






안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 2번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #2 - 184문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)



블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 



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[Flow Edu] 22년 고2 11월 기출 #2_184문항.pdf



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[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (217문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 217문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문



[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #3 (163문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 3번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #3 - 163문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항







안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 217문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 



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[Flow Edu] 22년 고2 11월 기출 #1_217문항.pdf



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[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #2 (184문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 2번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #2 - 184문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문



[고2] 2022년도 11월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #3 (163문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2022년도 11월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 3번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2022년 11월 기출모음 #3 - 163문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항







안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


오늘은 <고2 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.
[고2] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 71문항


이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일에 시행되어 대부분의 학교에서 2학기 기말고사에 출제되지 않았습니다.

따라서 아쉽게도 기출문제가 많지 않네요. 이번 자료가 올해는 처음이자 마지막이 될 것 같습니다 ㅠ.ㅠ

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




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파일 다운로드

[Flow Edu] 23년 고2 11월 기출 #1_71문항.pdf



관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행) - 기출문제 모음 #1 (103문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고1 2023년도 11월 모의고사(12월 시행)>의 기출문제 모음 1번째 자료를 올립니다.[고1] 2023년 11월 기출모음 #1 - 103문항 이번 모의고사는 2023년 12월 19일






안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.

오늘은 <2024년도 10월 고2 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료 올립니다.

ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,
설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함했습니다. 
(PDF 및 Word 파일)  

지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 때 참고하세요~♡



블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





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[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).pdf
[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).docx




관련 자료 바로가기


[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024년도 10월 고2 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니



[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 10월 고2 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 





전체 내용


[2] 2024 10 – 18: 추가 예산이 필요한 이유와 해결을 요청하는 이메일


Dear Executive Manager Schulz, It is a week before the internship program starts. I am writing to bring your attention to a matter that requires immediate consideration regarding the issue my department has. As the coordinator, it is becoming apparent to me that the budget, previously approved by your department, needs some adjustments in order to meet the emerging modifications. Since my department has hired three more interns than planned initially, the most expensive need is for additional funding to cover their wages, training costs, and materials. I kindly request an additional budget allocation for these expenses. Please refer to the attachment for details. Thank you for your attention. Best regards, Matt Perry



Possible Titles:

1. Request for Additional Budget Allocation for Internship Program

2. Budget Adjustment Needed Due to Increase in Intern Hires

3. Urgent Request for Budget Revisions for Upcoming Interns

4. Additional Funding Required for Expanded Internship Program


Main Idea #1:

The coordinator is requesting a budget adjustment for the internship program due to an increase in the number of interns.


Main Idea #2:

With three more interns hired than originally planned, additional funds are needed to cover their wages, training, and materials, prompting the coordinator to seek extra budget allocation from the executive manager.



The coordinator requests additional budget allocation to accommodate three extra interns hired for the upcoming program. More funds are needed to cover their wages, training, and materials, and details are provided in the attachment. 


Key Points:

1. The budget needs adjustment due to increased intern hires.

2. Three additional interns have been recruited.

3. Extra funds are required for wages, training, and materials.

4. The coordinator has attached details for the manager's consideration.



[2] 2024 10 – 19: 이름 철자 실수로 인해 예약 확인이 지연된 경험


Katie approached the hotel front desk to check-in but an unexpected event unfolded. The receptionist couldn't find her reservation under the name 'Katie'. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to locate a reservation under that name, the receptionist said. No way, I definitely made a reservation on the phone, Katie said, puzzled. The receptionist asked, "Can you tell me your phone number?" and Katie told it to him, thinking 'What happened? Did I make a mistake?' Just a moment, the receptionist said, typing deliberately on the keyboard. I found it! It seems there was a small misspelling. Your reservation is under 'K-A-T-Y', the receptionist explained. With a sense of ease, Katie watched her reservation appearing on the screen. With her heart slowing to a gentle rhythm, she proceeded with her check-in, thinking that a simple misspelling might have ruined her plans.



Possible Titles:

1. A Minor Spelling Error Causes Confusion at Hotel Check-In

2. How a Simple Misspelling Almost Ruined Katie's Reservation

3. The Unexpected Check-In Mix-Up: A Story of a Name Error

4. Resolving a Hotel Reservation Error Due to a Misspelled Name


Main Idea #1:

Katie encountered an issue at the hotel check-in when the receptionist couldn’t find her reservation due to a misspelling.


Main Idea #2:

After providing her phone number, the receptionist discovered that Katie’s reservation was listed under a misspelled name, resolving the issue and allowing her to check-in without further problems.



Katie’s hotel check-in was delayed because the receptionist couldn’t find her reservation due to a name misspelling. After verifying her phone number, the receptionist located the booking, and Katie checked in, relieved that the issue was resolved.


Key Points:

1. Katie’s reservation was not found under the expected name.

2. She confirmed her phone number to help locate the booking.

3. The issue was due to a simple misspelling of her name.

4. The reservation was found, allowing Katie to proceed with check-in.



[2] 2024 10 – 20: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 


To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems. Dealing with such complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirroring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing mathematical teaching methods. Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking. Therefore, making decisions, even qualitatively, is not possible without using mathematics and critical thinking. Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process. They can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them.



Possible Titles:

1. The Importance of Critical Thinking in Mathematical Literacy

2. Integrating Mathematics and Critical Thinking for Real-World Problem Solving

3. Why Teaching Math Requires More Than Just Numbers: A Critical Approach

4. Developing Decision-Making Skills Through Mathematical and Critical Thinking


Main Idea #1:

Mathematical literacy involves the ability to use critical thinking to address real-world problems and make informed decisions.


Main Idea #2:

Teaching mathematics should incorporate critical thinking and decision-making processes, reflecting real-world interdisciplinary challenges and encouraging students to develop these skills within a mathematical context.



Mathematical literacy means applying critical thinking to real-world problems for informed decision-making. Effective math teaching should integrate critical thinking and decision-making skills, helping students navigate complex problems by quantifying, analyzing, and generalizing within a mathematical framework.


Key Points:

1. Mathematical literacy requires critical thinking for problem-solving.

2. Real-world issues demand an interdisciplinary approach to math.

3. Teaching math should involve planning that integrates decision-making.

4. Students should develop critical thinking skills within mathematical contexts.



[2] 2024 10 – 21: 덕목은 일시적 충동이 아니라 지속적인 도덕적 습관에서 형성됨


Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present after taking a generosity booster. How would you feel? Undoubtedly, there is something praiseworthy about the action. You'd be pleased to receive the gift. You'd say 'thank you', and mean it. But his change of heart is not entirely satisfying. According to Zagzebski, an American philosopher, he is not really generous. When we praise someone's character, we use words for various virtues: 'generous', 'kind', 'courageous', etc. A person who gives one gift isn't generous. Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person's 'moral identity', an emotional habit that is part of who you are. Thus virtues, as opposed to nontypical impulse, are the result of your personal history. They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed. Instant virtue is therefore impossible. Popping a pill cannot make you a better person.



Possible Titles:

1. Why Instant Virtue Cannot Replace True Generosity

2. The Difference Between Genuine Virtue and Momentary Acts of Kindness

3. Understanding Virtue: Why Character Cannot Be Changed Instantly

4. The Impossibility of Instant Moral Transformation Through Quick Fixes


Main Idea #1:

Genuine virtues like generosity are stable parts of one's character, not the result of temporary actions or impulses.


Main Idea #2:

According to philosopher Zagzebski, virtues are formed through one's personal history and emotional habits, making instant transformations impossible; actions influenced by quick solutions, like a 'generosity booster,' do not reflect true moral character.



Virtue, such as generosity, is a stable trait developed through a person's history and habits, not a fleeting impulse. Zagzebski argues that instant changes, like taking a 'generosity booster,' cannot produce true moral transformation, as genuine virtues are part of one's established character.


Key Points:

1. Genuine virtues are consistent traits, not occasional actions.

2. Temporary impulses do not reflect a person's true character.

3. Virtues are formed through personal history and emotional habits.

4. Instant solutions, like pills, cannot create real moral virtues.



[2] 2024 10 – 22: 이중성 시스템을 활용해 별의 질량을 계산하는 방법 설명


To determine the mass of my bowling ball, I might put it onto a balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams. Things get much more complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star. How do I measure it? We can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various theories. If we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period and a certain instance of Kepler's Third Law, to calculate the mass. In other words, in order to "measure" the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass. Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories.



Possible Titles:

1. How to Measure Star Masses: Beyond Simple Weight Comparisons

2. Understanding the Complex Process of Determining Star Mass

3. The Role of Theories in Measuring the Mass of Distant Stars

4. From Bowling Balls to Stars: Different Approaches to Mass Measurement


Main Idea #1:

Measuring the mass of a distant star requires indirect methods, relying on various theories and calculations.


Main Idea #2:

Unlike simple weight measurements, determining star mass involves calculating other values, such as distance and orbital period, and applying theoretical models, demonstrating that measurements are guided by accepted scientific principles rather than direct estimations.



Measuring the mass of a star, unlike that of everyday objects, involves indirect calculations using theories like Kepler's laws. Scientists determine other quantities, such as distance and period, and use equations to estimate the mass, showing that scientific measurement depends on established models and not direct comparisons.


Key Points:

1. Measuring star mass differs from weighing common objects.

2. Binary star mass estimation uses distance, period, and theoretical models.

3. Kepler's Third Law helps calculate mass from other observed quantities.

4. Measurements rely on accepted theories, not direct, simple estimations.



[2] 2024 10 – 23: 쾌락과 고통의 균형이 신체의 항상성을 유지하는 방식


Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain. Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions. Without the body's effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving. Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another and keep balance. If you imagine pleasure and pain as the two opposite points on a scale, you can easily understand that as one of the two points rises, the other must correspondingly fall. We've all heard the expression, "No pain, no gain." Well, according to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, there may be some truth to these words. She says that our attempts to escape being miserable are in fact making us even more miserable. This is because pain is actually an essential component of our ability to maintain a neutral state, and allowing it will in turn reset our internal scale back to balance.



Possible Titles:

1. The Interconnected Relationship Between Pain and Pleasure in the Brain

2. How Pain and Pleasure Work Together to Maintain Balance

3. Understanding Homeostasis: Why Pain is Essential for Emotional Balance

4. Dr. Anna Lembke on the Necessity of Pain for Mental Well-Being


Main Idea #1:

Pain and pleasure are processed in the same brain area, working together to maintain bodily balance or homeostasis.


Main Idea #2:

According to Dr. Anna Lembke, avoiding pain can disrupt our internal balance, as pain is a necessary part of resetting the body's equilibrium; attempts to escape discomfort may lead to greater misery by preventing this essential recalibration.



Pain and pleasure are interconnected, processed in the same brain region, and essential for maintaining homeostasis. Dr. Anna Lembke explains that pain helps reset our internal balance, suggesting that avoiding discomfort can lead to more significant imbalance and misery.


Key Points:

1. Pain and pleasure are processed in the same area of the brain.

2. They function together to maintain homeostasis.

3. Avoiding pain can disrupt internal balance and lead to greater discomfort.

4. Experiencing pain may be necessary to reset and restore equilibrium.



[2] 2024 10 – 24: 지속적인 제품 업그레이드 주기로 소비자의 욕구를 형성하는 방식


Manufacturers masterfully sow seeds of doubt about the adequacy of our current devices. Suddenly, the phone that was your lifeline a year ago is now a museum piece, unable to keep pace with your digital demands. And thus, the itch to upgrade begins, often before there's a genuine need. This cycle isn't just confined to our digital companions. It spills over into almost every aspect of consumer electronics, from the self-driving car to the smart fridge. Every product seems to be on an unstoppable march towards the next version, the next generation that promises to revolutionize your life. What's fascinating, or perhaps disturbing, is the utter efficacy of this cycle in shaping our desires. It's not so much that we want the newest device; we're led to believe we need it. The distinction between want and need blurs, shifting our financial priorities in favor of staying current with trends. For all the logical arguments against this ceaseless upgrading, the temptation remains compelling.



Possible Titles:

1. The Never-Ending Upgrade Cycle: How Manufacturers Shape Consumer Desires

2. Blurring the Line Between Want and Need in Consumer Electronics

3. The Psychology Behind Constant Upgrades: Why We Feel the Need to Update

4. How Manufacturers Manipulate Consumer Demand Through Perpetual Innovation


Main Idea #1:

Manufacturers create a cycle of constant upgrades, making consumers feel their current devices are inadequate and leading to unnecessary purchases.


Main Idea #2:

This cycle effectively blurs the distinction between wants and needs, compelling consumers to prioritize staying up-to-date with the latest trends despite logical reasons to resist, ultimately shifting financial priorities towards continuous upgrading.



Manufacturers drive a cycle of upgrades by making consumers doubt the adequacy of their current devices, leading to a blurred line between wants and needs. This effective strategy pushes consumers to prioritize staying current, even if the upgrades are unnecessary.


Key Points:

1. Manufacturers create doubt about the adequacy of existing devices.

2. The upgrade cycle extends to various consumer electronics.

3. The distinction between want and need becomes blurred.

4. This cycle compels consumers to prioritize staying current with trends.



[2] 2024 10 – 25: 2023년과 2027 제품 카테고리별 온라인 판매 비율 예측


The graph above shows the shares of online sales out of total sales by each of five product categories in 2023 and the estimated ones in 2027. The shares of all five categories are expected to increase by 2027 respectively, while not surpassing 50%. Based on the selected categories, consumer electronics is anticipated to show the biggest gap in the share of online sales between 2023 and 2027. DIY and furniture showed the same share of online sales with 29% in 2023 but the share of DIY online sales is estimated to exceed that of furniture online sales by 2027. The share of beauty care online sales was lower than 20% by 2 percentage points in 2023, but is estimated to be higher than 20% in 2027. In 2023, food showed the lowest share of online sales among the categories, but that share is projected to more than double by 2027.



Possible Titles:

1. Projected Growth in Online Sales Across Key Product Categories by 2027

2. Increasing Trends in Online Sales for Consumer Goods: 2023 vs. 2027

3. Rising Shares of Online Sales: Consumer Electronics Leads the Growth

4. Future of Online Sales: Anticipated Increases Across Various Categories


Main Idea #1:

Online sales shares for all five product categories are expected to grow by 2027, with none surpassing the 50% mark.


Main Idea #2:

Consumer electronics is projected to have the largest increase in online sales share, while DIY sales are set to surpass furniture sales by 2027. Beauty care is expected to rise above 20%, and food, initially the lowest in 2023, is projected to more than double its share.



The shares of online sales for all five categories are expected to increase by 2027, with consumer electronics showing the largest rise. DIY sales are projected to surpass furniture, while beauty care is estimated to exceed 20%. Food sales, initially the lowest, are set to more than double by 2027.


Key Points:

1. Online sales shares are projected to grow across all categories by 2027.

2. Consumer electronics will have the largest increase in share.

3. DIY sales are expected to surpass those of furniture by 2027.

4. Food, with the lowest share in 2023, is anticipated to more than double.



[2] 2024 10 – 26: Helen Suzman 인종차별 반대 운동과 평생에 걸친 업적


Helen Suzman was an activist against apartheid, a racist political and social system in the Republic of South Africa. Suzman was born to Jewish immigrant parents in Germiston in the Union of South Africa in 1917. While working as a lecturer on economic history at Witwatersrand University, she joined the South African Institute of Race Relations. In 1953, she joined the United Party and was elected to Parliament, but when the United Party adopted a more moderate stance on apartheid, Suzman and other progressive members left it and formed the Progressive Party in 1959. Suzman tirelessly fought against apartheid, exposing the government's abuses and challenging its laws for a total of 36 years in Parliament. Even after her retirement in 1989, she continued to advocate for a multi-racial democracy in the Republic of South Africa and influenced the drafting of the country's new constitution after the end of apartheid. She remained an active voice for human rights and democracy until her death in 2009.



Possible Titles:

1. Helen Suzman: A Tireless Fighter Against Apartheid in South Africa

2. From Parliament to Advocacy: Helen Suzman’s Legacy of Human Rights

3. The Life and Legacy of Helen Suzman: Champion of Democracy

4. How Helen Suzman Challenged Apartheid and Advocated for Equality


Main Idea #1:

Helen Suzman was a prominent activist who opposed apartheid and fought for democracy in South Africa throughout her political career.


Main Idea #2:

After leaving the United Party, Suzman dedicated 36 years in Parliament to challenging apartheid laws, exposing abuses, and advocating for a multi-racial democracy, continuing her efforts even after retirement, influencing South Africa’s new constitution and remaining a voice for human rights until her death.



Helen Suzman, born in 1917, was a key figure in the fight against apartheid in South Africa. She served 36 years in Parliament, opposing discriminatory laws and advocating for a multi-racial democracy. Even after retiring in 1989, she continued to promote human rights and influenced the new constitution, remaining active until her death in 2009.


Key Points:

1. Suzman was a strong opponent of apartheid in South Africa.

2. She left the United Party to form the Progressive Party in 1959.

3. Suzman served 36 years in Parliament, challenging apartheid laws.

4. She continued advocating for democracy and human rights after retirement.



[2] 2024 10 – 29: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법


Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. Researchers train them to associate one place with an experience such as food or a loud noise and another place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens. The two places are made obviously different to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there. The animal's preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places. If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time for the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it. Conversely, if it now avoids the place the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus unpleasant. For example, mice with cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine, a drug used to relieve pain, rather than where they have received saline whereas healthy mice developed no such preference. This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding Animal Preferences Through Conditioned Place Preference Experiments

2. How Conditioned Place Preference Reveals Animals' Desires and Aversions

3. Measuring Animal Behavior: Using Conditioned Place Preference to Assess Preferences

4. The Role of Conditioned Place Preference in Studying Pain and Reward in Animals


Main Idea #1:

Conditioned Place Preference is a method used to determine animals' preferences by associating different environments with specific experiences.


Main Idea #2:

By training animals to associate one place with a positive or negative stimulus, researchers can measure changes in the animals' location preferences, revealing whether they seek or avoid certain experiences, such as mice with cancer preferring a place associated with pain-relief from morphine.



Conditioned Place Preference helps researchers determine animals' likes and dislikes by associating different environments with experiences. If animals shift their location preference, it indicates their reaction to the stimuli. For instance, cancer-afflicted mice prefer places where they receive morphine, showing their desire for pain relief.


Key Points:

1. Conditioned Place Preference associates environments with experiences to study animal behavior.

2. Animals' preference changes can indicate whether they found the experience pleasant or unpleasant.

3. The method measures shifts in location preference before and after the experiences.

4. Mice with cancer show preference for morphine-associated places, suggesting pain relief seeking.



[2] 2024 10 – 30: 새들의 번식 계절이 환경에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 설명


Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined. They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. It's for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity. Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.



Possible Titles:

1. The Seasonal Breeding Patterns of Birds Across Different Climates

2. How Birds Adapt Their Breeding Cycles to Environmental Conditions

3. From Polar Regions to Deserts: Variations in Bird Breeding Seasons

4. Understanding the Impact of Environment on Bird Reproduction


Main Idea #1:

Birds' breeding seasons vary based on climate, with many temperate and polar species breeding during specific seasons, triggered by changes in day length.


Main Idea #2:

While most birds are physically incapable of breeding outside their usual season due to their shrinking reproductive systems, exceptions like nomadic desert species can breed quickly after rain. Breeding patterns also differ among species, with seabirds raising one brood, while songbirds in warmer climates may raise multiple families in a season.



Birds' breeding seasons are influenced by climate, with many species in temperate and polar regions breeding at specific times of the year. Some birds, like nomadic desert species, can breed opportunistically after rain. Different species have varied breeding patterns, from single broods to multiple families in a season.


Key Points:

1. Birds in temperate and polar regions breed based on changes in day length.

2. Reproductive systems shrink outside the breeding season to reduce weight.

3. Nomadic desert birds can breed soon after rainfall.

4. Breeding patterns vary: seabirds raise one brood, while songbirds may have several.



[2] 2024 10 – 31: 학습 자원 인식 부족이 학생들의 창의성에 미치는 영향


One factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students' learning. Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them. Different resources may be compulsory for specific learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity's performance. For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects. There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, equipment, and chemicals required for the experiment. It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be about human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and equipment for their learning where applicable. Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students' creativity. It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means.



Possible Titles:

1. The Importance of Resource Awareness in Enhancing Student Creativity

2. How Identifying Learning Resources Can Boost Creativity in Students

3. Overcoming Barriers to Creativity Through Proper Resource Management

4. The Role of Preparation and Resource Awareness in Student Projects


Main Idea #1:

Lack of awareness about necessary resources can hinder students' creativity and performance in learning tasks.


Main Idea #2:

Proper preparation, including identifying and securing required resources, is essential for successful task completion. Recognizing resources in advance can enhance creativity by allowing students to plan, find alternatives, or modify their approach if needed.



Unawareness of necessary resources can limit students' creativity. Identifying and preparing required resources in advance, such as equipment and funding, helps students plan effectively and explore alternatives, boosting creativity and success in learning tasks.


Key Points:

1. Unawareness of resources can hinder students' learning and creativity.

2. Identifying essential resources simplifies task performance.

3. Preparation may involve securing equipment, funding, and personnel.

4. Early identification allows for alternative solutions, enhancing creativity.



[2] 2024 10 – 32: 번역 작업이 다양한 출처와 독자의 기대에 의존하는 방식


All translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work. And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people. The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer's Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own. He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French ─ and of course he had dictionaries. Translators always draw on more than one source text. Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person's linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations. And then his or her idea of the translation's purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for. In both these senses every translation is a crowd translation.



Possible Titles:

1. The Collaborative Nature of Translation: More Than a Solo Effort

2. How Every Translation Is Influenced by Multiple Voices and Sources

3. Translation as a Collective Process: Insights From Alexander Pope's Work

4. Understanding Translation: A Dialogue Between Texts, Knowledge, and Readers


Main Idea #1:

Translators draw on multiple sources and influences, making translation a collaborative process, even if it seems like a solo task.


Main Idea #2:

Alexander Pope's translation of Homer's Iliad illustrates how translators rely on various texts, commentaries, and linguistic knowledge. Additionally, translators' choices are shaped by the expectations of the readers, making every translation a product of collective input and interpretation.



Translation is inherently collaborative, as translators rely on multiple sources, past translations, and linguistic knowledge. Alexander Pope's Iliad translation shows this process, and the expectations of readers further shape the final outcome, making every translation a collective effort.


Key Points:

1. Translators use multiple sources, including dictionaries and past translations.

2. Alexander Pope’s translation work exemplifies this collaborative approach.

3. Translators’ linguistic knowledge is built on many texts and conversations.

4. Reader expectations influence the final translation, making it a collective process.



[2] 2024 10 – 33: 읽기 행위를 단일 개념으로 정의하기 어려운 이유


Some people argue that there is a single, logically consistent concept known as reading that can be neatly set apart from everything else people do with books. Is reading really that simple? The most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, as Ludwig Wittgenstein used the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait. Consequently, efforts to distinguish reading from nonreading are destined to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place. The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term's flexible boundaries. Thus, it is worth attempting to collect together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to establish the boundaries where reading begins and ends. The attempt moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is expansive enough to accommodate the distinct reading activities.



Possible Titles:

1. Redefining Reading: Understanding It as a Spectrum of Behaviors

2. The Complexity of Reading: Beyond a Single, Fixed Definition

3. Why Reading Cannot Be Neatly Separated From Other Book Interactions

4. Exploring the Flexible Boundaries and Spectrum of Reading


Main Idea #1:

Reading is not a single, easily defined concept but a set of related behaviors with overlapping characteristics, making it difficult to separate from other activities involving books.


Main Idea #2:

Efforts to clearly define reading are challenging due to its flexible boundaries, which encompass a spectrum of activities. Instead of trying to set rigid borders, it is more productive to acknowledge the diverse and interconnected forms of reading, as Wittgenstein's idea of family resemblances suggests.



Reading cannot be narrowly defined as a single activity but is better understood as a spectrum of related behaviors. Attempts to draw clear distinctions between reading and nonreading often fail, highlighting the need to view reading as a set of diverse practices with overlapping traits.


Key Points:

1. Reading is not a single, clearly defined behavior.

2. Wittgenstein’s concept of family resemblances explains the flexible nature of reading.

3. Efforts to define strict boundaries of reading are often unsuccessful.

4. Understanding reading as a spectrum accommodates its diverse activities.



[2] 2024 10 – 34: Weber 법칙으로 자극의 강도에 따른 차이 인식 설명


Weber's law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli. It suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 mm and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long. Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room. But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle. Therefore, the Just-noticeable difference (JND) varies as a function of the strength of the signals. For example, the JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much more quiet sounds. When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder. When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder. Thus, Weber's law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding Weber's Law: Perception of Differences in Stimuli

2. How Weber's Law Explains the Just-Noticeable Difference in Senses

3. Why Detecting Differences Becomes Harder With Stronger Stimuli: Weber's Law

4. The Principle Behind Perceiving Changes in Sound, Light, and Size: Weber's Law


Main Idea #1:

Weber's law explains how the ability to detect differences between stimuli depends on the strength of those stimuli, with larger or stronger stimuli making it harder to perceive small differences.


Main Idea #2:

The concept of the Just-noticeable difference (JND) illustrates that the perception of changes is more sensitive when the initial stimulus is weak. As the strength of the stimulus increases, the difference between two samples must be larger for the change to be noticeable, as seen in examples of line lengths, light intensity, and sound levels.



Weber's law states that the perception of differences between stimuli varies with their strength; detecting small changes is easier when the stimuli are weak, but harder as they grow stronger. This principle is evident in the Just-noticeable difference (JND), where larger or louder stimuli require greater changes to be perceived as different.


Key Points:

1. Weber's law concerns detecting differences between two stimuli.

2. The Just-noticeable difference (JND) depends on the strength of the signals.

3. Smaller or weaker stimuli allow for easier detection of slight changes.

4. As stimuli become larger or stronger, the differences must be greater to be noticed.



[2] 2024 10 – 35: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명


Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget). Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the "commons" to support. Traffic jams, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyone ─ the tragedy of the commons! If the new resource cannot be expanded or provided with additional space, it becomes a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or walkers or competing users. The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, both begin to fall after a peak, leading to a crash. What makes the "tragedy of commons" tragic is the crash dynamic ─ the destruction or degeneration of the common resource's ability to regenerate itself.



Possible Titles:

1. The Tragedy of the Commons: Overuse and Its Consequences

2. Understanding How Shared Resources Lead to Overcrowding and Decline

3. From Growth to Collapse: The Dynamics of Common Resource Overuse

4. Why Unchecked Use of Shared Resources Leads to the Tragedy of the Commons


Main Idea #1:

The tragedy of the commons occurs when shared resources are overused, leading to congestion and reduced benefits for everyone.


Main Idea #2:

As more people use a common resource, individual and total activities increase, but if overuse continues without managing expansion or additional space, the resource's ability to regenerate declines, eventually causing a crash. This dynamic makes the situation tragic because it leads to the degradation or destruction of the resource.



The tragedy of the commons describes how the overuse of shared resources leads to overcrowding and decreased benefits. If overuse continues unchecked, the resource's ability to regenerate diminishes, causing a decline and eventual crash, highlighting the need for sustainable management.


Key Points:

1. Shared resources benefit individuals but can suffer from overuse.

2. Overcrowding and congestion reduce the resource's effectiveness.

3. Continued overuse without expansion can lead to a crash.

4. The tragedy lies in the resource's inability to sustain itself under heavy use.



[2] 2024 10 – 36: 뇌가 시각 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 방식으로 에너지를 절약


Theoretically, our brain would have the capacity to store all experiences throughout life, reaching the quality of a DVD. However, this theoretical capacity is offset by the energy demand associated with the process of storing and retrieving information in memory. As a result, the brain develops efficient strategies, becoming dependent on shortcuts. When we observe a face, the visual image captured by the eyes is highly variable, depending on the point of view, lighting conditions and other contextual factors. Nevertheless, we are able to recognize the face as the same, maintaining the underlying identity. The brain, rather than focusing on the details of visualization, creates and stores general patterns that allow for consistent recognition across diverse circumstances. This ability to match what we see with general visual memory patterns serves as an effective mechanism for optimizing brain performance and saving energy. The brain, being naturally against unnecessary effort, constantly seeks to simplify and generalize information to facilitate the cognitive process.



Possible Titles:

1. How the Brain Optimizes Memory Through Generalization and Efficiency

2. The Brain’s Energy-Saving Strategies: Simplifying Visual Memory

3. Recognizing Faces: Efficient Memory Use in the Human Brain

4. From Detail to Pattern: How the Brain Simplifies Memory Storage


Main Idea #1:

The brain optimizes its memory storage by creating general patterns, which allows it to recognize information consistently across varying conditions while conserving energy.


Main Idea #2:

Due to the high energy demand of storing detailed visual information, the brain simplifies the process by focusing on general patterns. This enables consistent recognition, such as identifying faces, despite changes in context, lighting, or perspective, highlighting the brain's efficiency in minimizing cognitive effort.



The brain conserves energy by storing general patterns instead of detailed information, enabling consistent recognition across diverse conditions. This efficient strategy allows for reliable face recognition and other memory tasks, simplifying cognitive processes and minimizing effort.


Key Points:

1. The brain’s theoretical memory capacity is offset by energy demands.

2. It develops strategies to conserve energy, relying on general patterns.

3. Generalization helps recognize faces despite varying conditions.

4. Simplification allows the brain to minimize cognitive effort efficiently.



[2] 2024 10 – 37: 과학 연구에서 창의적 해석이 이론 형성에 미치는 영향


Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience. However, this paradigm sometimes conceals the fact that theories are deeply loaded with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence. Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts. They construct frameworks for systematically chosen data in order to provide a consistent and meaningful explanation of what is observed. Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others. When we neglect the creative contributions of such scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts ─ even worse, as facts including all of reality ─ we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Creativity in Shaping Scientific Theories and Explanations

2. Beyond Data: How Imagination Influences Scientific Research

3. Understanding the Creative Elements Behind Scientific Models and Theories

4. The Limits of Scientific Models: Recognizing the Role of Imagination


Main Idea #1:

Scientific explanations are not just straightforward reports of facts but are shaped by creative frameworks that organize data into meaningful narratives.


Main Idea #2:

While scientific models provide structured interpretations, they rely on imaginative elements that influence how data is organized and understood. Overlooking this creativity can lead to misconceptions, as treating models as absolute facts risks missing their limitations and misapplying them to situations they may not accurately describe.



Scientific explanations involve creative frameworks that shape how data is organized and understood. Ignoring this creativity can lead to misinterpretations, as models are not absolute facts but structured narratives with limitations that must be acknowledged.


Key Points:

1. Scientific explanations rely on creative frameworks, not just data.

2. Models are constructed to give consistent and meaningful interpretations.

3. Overlooking the imaginative aspect risks misapplying scientific models.

4. Recognizing the limitations of models prevents misconceptions.



[2] 2024 10 – 38: 문학이 사회적 변화를 촉진하거나 방해할  있는 방식


We encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action. Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce social change. At best it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is. But on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements. Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with their lives and eager for something new. By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, and race, books may promote a fellowship that discourages struggle; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible. Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Uncle Tom's Cabin, a best-seller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War.



Possible Titles:

1. The Dual Role of Literature in Social Change and Reflection

2. Literature’s Influence: A Source of Both Detachment and Activism

3. The Contradictory Impact of Literature on Social Engagement

4. How Literature Encourages Both Reflection and Revolutionary Change


Main Idea #1:

Literature can promote solitary reflection, detachment, and passive acceptance.


Main Idea #2:

Literature can also provoke social change by challenging authority and inspiring action against injustices.



Literature has been viewed both as a force for passive contemplation and as a catalyst for social change. While it may encourage detachment, it also has the power to question authority and inspire action. Historical examples, such as Uncle Tom's Cabin, demonstrate its role in sparking significant societal shifts.


Key Points:

1. Literature is seen as encouraging solitary reading and reflection, which can lead to detachment.

2. Some believe literature discourages political action by fostering acceptance of the status quo.

3. Historically, literature has been viewed as dangerous for its ability to question authority and inspire change.

4. Works like Uncle Tom's Cabin show how literature can provoke social movements and bring about progressive struggles.



[2] 2024 10 – 39: Hobbes 자연 상태에서 인간의 본성과 도덕적 자유의 한계


According to Hobbes, man is not a being who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in the state of nature. Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where a sovereign power, namely the state, emerges. Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man's life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short". It means when people live without a general power to control them all, they are indeed in a state of war. In other words, Hobbes, who accepted that human beings are not social and political beings in the state of nature, believes that without the power human beings in the state of nature are "antisocial and rational based on their selfishness". Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes. It is, rather, mutual fear of men's present and future that assembles them, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature.



Possible Titles:

1. Hobbes' View on Morality and the Role of the State in Society

2. The Role of Fear and Sovereign Power in Hobbesian Society

3. Hobbes' Theory: From Antisocial Instincts to State-Imposed Order

4. Understanding the Necessity of Sovereign Authority in Hobbes' Philosophy


Main Idea #1:

Hobbes argues that humans in their natural state are driven by selfishness and antisocial instincts.


Main Idea #2:

According to Hobbes, a sovereign power is essential to impose order, as fear and self-preservation drive people to form societies rather than natural affection.



Hobbes believes that in the state of nature, humans act based on selfishness and lack natural social inclinations. Without a sovereign power, they exist in a state of war, driven by mutual fear. Society, according to Hobbes, emerges not from mutual affection but from the necessity of order imposed by a central authority to ensure survival.


Key Points:

1. In the state of nature, humans are not moral and act to protect their own survival.

2. Hobbes describes life in the natural state as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short."

3. Human beings are antisocial and rationally selfish in the state of nature.

4. Society forms due to mutual fear and the need for order, not natural social tendencies.



[2] 2024 10 – 40: 인지적 요소가  인식에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구


There is research that supports the idea that cognitive factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world. Delk and Fillenbaum asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background. Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color. These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart. Other objects were presented that are not usually associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell. However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard. Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red. They had to make the background color match the color of the figures. The researchers found that red-associated objects required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that are not associated with the color red. This implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color.



Possible Titles:

1. The Influence of Cognitive Associations on Color Perception

2. How Knowledge of Object Colors Affects Perceptual Judgment

3. Cognitive Factors and Their Role in Perceiving Colors

4. The Effect of Prior Knowledge on Color Matching Tasks


Main Idea #1:

Cognitive associations with certain colors affect how individuals perceive and judge those colors.


Main Idea #2:

Research by Delk and Fillenbaum showed that participants required more red in the background to match typically red objects, indicating that prior knowledge influences perceptual judgments.



Research indicates that cognitive associations affect color perception. Participants in a study matched colors by adding more red to the background when viewing objects typically associated with red. This finding suggests that knowledge about object colors can influence perceptual judgment.


Key Points:

1. Cognitive factors can alter the way people perceive colors.

2. Delk and Fillenbaum's study involved matching figure colors with background colors.

3. Objects typically associated with red required more red to be perceived as matching.

4. The findings suggest that prior knowledge about an object's usual color affects perceptual decisions.



[2] 2024 10 – 41~42: 유전체 복제 과정에서 발생하는 돌연변이의 누적 원리 설명


In each round of genome copying in our body, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of chromosomes will have an error. With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate. This is similar to alterations in medieval books. Each time a copy was made by hand, some changes were introduced accidentally; as changes stacked up, the copies may have acquired meanings at variance with the original. Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have gathered more mistakes. To make things worse, mutations may damage genes responsible for error checking and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations. Most genome mutations do not have any noticeable effects. It is just like changing the i for a y in "kingdom" would not distort the word's readability. But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors. Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body's cells multiplied to form skin. If mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously? The answer lies in the cell lineage, the developmental history of a tissue from particular cells through to their fully differentiated state. If the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change.



Possible Titles:

1. The Accumulation of Errors in Genome Copying and Its Effects

2. How Genome Copying Errors Lead to Mutations and Variations

3. Understanding the Role of Cell Lineage in Genetic Mutations

4. The Similarities Between Medieval Text Alterations and Genome Mutations


Main Idea #1:

Errors accumulate in genomes during the copying process, similar to changes in handwritten medieval books.


Main Idea #2:

Mutations may disrupt error-checking genes, accelerating changes, and the effects can manifest in tissues if mutations occur early in cell lineage development.



Genome copying errors accumulate over time, akin to changes introduced in hand-copied medieval texts. Most mutations are harmless, but some can lead to visible changes, like birthmarks or iris color differences. If mutations happen early in cell development, the resulting traits can appear across patches of cells due to shared cell lineage.


Key Points:

1. Genome copying introduces errors, which accumulate over time.

2. Mutations may disrupt genes responsible for error correction, increasing the rate of new mutations.

3. Most mutations have no noticeable effects, but some can lead to visible changes.

4. Mutations early in cell lineage development can affect patches of cells, explaining traits like birthmarks.



[2] 2024 10 – 43~45: 완벽주의에 대한 부담과 문제 해결 능력을 배운 이야기


Max awoke to the gentle sunlight of an autumn day. Right on schedule, he swung his legs off the bed and took a deep, satisfying breath. He began his morning the same way he usually did, getting dressed and going to school. Today was going to be another perfect day until he ran into Mr. Kapoor, his science teacher. Just to remind you. Science fair projects are due next Wednesday. Don't forget to submit your final draft on time," Mr. Kapoor said. Max froze. What? It can't be! It was due next Friday! After school, he came home worrying that his whole perfectly planned week was going to be ruined. Without his usual greeting, Max headed to his room in haste. What's wrong Max?, Jeremy, his dad, followed Max, worrying about him. Max furiously browsed through his planner without answering him, only to find the wrong date written in it. Fighting through tears, Max finally managed to explain the unending pressure to be perfect to his dad. To his surprise, Jeremy laughed. Max, guess what? Perfect is a great goal, but nobody gets there all the time. What matters is what we do when things get messy." That made him feel a little better. You are saying I can fix this? Absolutely, try to deal with problems in a logical way, Jeremy said. Max thought for a moment. I guess.... I can do that by rescheduling tonight's baseball lesson. Jeremy beamed. See? That's you finding a solution. Max felt a genuine smile spreading. The next Wednesday, he successfully handed in the final draft on time with satisfaction. From then on, he still loved order and routines, but also embraced the messy, unpredictable bits of life too.



Possible Titles:

1. Learning to Embrace Imperfection: Max’s Lesson on Flexibility

2. How Max Overcame His Fear of Imperfection and Found Balance

3. The Importance of Adaptability: Max’s Journey Beyond Perfection

4. Finding Solutions in Chaos: Max Learns to Cope with Unexpected Challenges


Main Idea #1:

Max struggles with the pressure to be perfect when he realizes he made a mistake with his science project deadline.


Main Idea #2:

With his dad's support, Max learns that perfection isn’t always achievable and discovers the value of adapting to unexpected situations.



Max panicked upon realizing he misjudged the deadline for his science project, fearing it would disrupt his perfect plans. With his dad's guidance, he learned that it's okay to make mistakes and focused on finding a solution. This experience helped Max appreciate the importance of adaptability while still valuing order.


Key Points:

1. Max’s usual routine was disrupted by an unexpected mistake in his planner.

2. He felt immense pressure to maintain perfection but found comfort in his dad’s advice.

3. Jeremy encouraged Max to focus on solving the problem rather than dwelling on the mistake.

4. Max successfully adjusted his plans, learning to balance order with flexibility.




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전체 내용

[2] 2024 10  18: 추가 예산이 필요한 이유와 해결을 요청하는 이메일
 Dear Executive Manager Schulz, Schulz 부장님께,
 It is a week before the internship program starts. 인턴십 프로그램을 시작하기 일주일 전입니다.
 I am writing to bring your attention to a matter that requires immediate consideration regarding the issue my department has. 저희 부서의 사안과 관련하여 즉각적인 고려가 필요한 문제에 대해 당신의 관심을 환기하기 위해 이 글을 씁니다.
 As the coordinator, it is becoming apparent to me that the budget, previously approved by your department, needs some adjustments in order to meet the emerging modifications. 업무 담당자로서 최근 생겨난 수정 사항을 충족시키기 위해서, 이전에 당신의 부서로부터 승인받은 예산은 약간의 조정이 필요함이 분명해지고 있습니다.
 Since my department has hired three more interns than planned initially, the most expensive need is for additional funding to cover their wages, training costs, and materials. 우리 부서에서 처음에 계획됐던 것보다 세 명의 인턴을 더 고용했기 때문에, 가장 비용이 많이 드는 부족한 부분은 그들의 임금, 훈련 비용, 물품들을 다루기 위한 추가적인 자금입니다.
 I kindly request an additional budget allocation for these expenses. 이 비용들을 위해 추가적인 예산 배당을 정중하게 요청합니다.
 Please refer to the attachment for details. 자세한 사항은 첨부물을 참고해 주세요.
 Thank you for your attention. 당신의 관심에 감사 드립니다.
 Best regards, Matt Perry Matt Perry 드림




[2] 2024 10  19: 이름 철자 실수로 인해 예약 확인이 지연된 경험
 Katie approached the hotel front desk to check-in but an unexpected event unfolded. Katie는 체크인을 하기 위해 호텔 안내 데스크에 다가갔으나 예상하지 못한 사건이 전개되었다.
 The receptionist couldn't find her reservation under the name 'Katie'. 접수 담당자는 'Katie'라는 이름으로 된 예약을 찾을 수 없었다.
 I'm sorry, but I can't seem to locate a reservation under that name, the receptionist said. 죄송하지만, 그 이름으로 된 예약을 찾을 수 없는 것 같습니다.라고 접수 담당자가 말했다.
 No way, I definitely made a reservation on the phone, Katie said, puzzled. 말도 안 돼요, 저는 분명히 전화로 예약했어요.라고Katie가 어리둥절해하며 말했다.
 The receptionist asked, "Can you tell me your phone number?" and Katie told it to him, thinking 'What happened? Did I make a mistake?' 접수 담당자가 "당신의 전화번호를 말해 주실 수 있을까요?"라고 물어 보았고, Katie '무슨 일이지? 내가 실수를 저질렀나?'라고 생각하며 전화번호를 그에게 알려 주었다.
 Just a moment, the receptionist said, typing deliberately on the keyboard. 잠시만요.라고 접수 담당자가 키보드를 신중하게 치면서 말했다.
 I found it! It seems there was a small misspelling. Your reservation is under 'K-A-T-Y', the receptionist explained. 알아냈습니다! 작은 오타가 있었던 것 같습니다. 당신의 예약은 'K-A-T-Y'로 되어 있어요.라고 접수 담당자가 설명했다.
 With a sense of ease, Katie watched her reservation appearing on the screen. 편안한 기분으로 Katie는 그녀의 예약이 화면에 나타나는 것을 지켜봤다.
 With her heart slowing to a gentle rhythm, she proceeded with her check-in, thinking that a simple misspelling might have ruined her plans. 그녀의 심장이 완만한 리듬으로 느려지면서, 그녀는 단순한 오타가 그녀의 계획들을 망쳤을지도 모른다고 생각하며 체크인을 진행했다.




[2] 2024 10  20: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 
 To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems. 수학적 문해력이 있다는 것은 수학과 관련된 사회적 이슈에 대해 이러한 문제들을 어떻게 해결할지에 대한 정보에 입각한 결정을 하기 위해서 비판적으로 생각할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다.
 Dealing with such complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirroring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing mathematical teaching methods. 범교과적인 접근법을 통해 그러한 복잡한 문제들을 다루는 과정에서 실생활 문제들을 반영하는 것은 수학적 교수 방법을 계획하고 조직하는 혁신적인 방법들을 요구한다.
 Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking. 우리의 세계를 탐색한다는 것은 비판적 사고 안에서 그리고 비판적 사고를 사용할 때 수량화하고, 측정하고, 추산하고, 분류하고, 비교하고, 패턴을 찾고, 추측하고, 근거를 제시하고, 증명하고, 일반화할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다.
 Therefore, making decisions, even qualitatively, is not possible without using mathematics and critical thinking. 그러므로, 수학과 비판적 사고를 사용하지 않고 의사 결정을 하는 것은 질적 인 경우에라도 가능하지 않다.
 Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process. 따라서, 수학을 가르치는 것은 의사 결정 과정과 함께 비판적 사고와의 상호 작용 안에서 이루어져야 한다.
 They can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them. 그것들은 수학적인 맥락 안에서 발전될 수 있고, 학생들이 그것들을 발전시킬 수 있도록 명시적으로 도움을 주지 않을 경우 변명의 여지가 없다.




[2] 2024 10  21: 덕목은 일시적 충동이 아니라 지속적인 도덕적 습관에서 형성됨
 Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present after taking a generosity booster. 평소에 인색한 여러분의 친구가 관대함 효능 촉진제를 먹고 난 이후에 여러분에게 크리스마스 선물을 사 주며 매우 기뻐한다고 상상해 보라.
 How would you feel? 여러분은 어떻게 느끼겠는가?
 Undoubtedly, there is something praiseworthy about the action. 의심할 여지없이, 그 행동에는 칭찬할 만한 점이 있다.
 You'd be pleased to receive the gift. 여러분은 선물을 받아서 기뻐할 것이다.
 You'd say 'thank you', and mean it. 여러분은 '고마워'라고 말하고, 그것은 진심일 것이다.
 But his change of heart is not entirely satisfying. 하지만 그의 마음의 변화는 완전히 만족스럽지는 않다.
 According to Zagzebski, an American philosopher, he is not really generous. 미국의 철학자인 Zagzebski에 따르면, 그는 진정으로 관대한 것이 아니다.
 When we praise someone's character, we use words for various virtues: 'generous', 'kind', 'courageous', etc. 우리가 누군가의 인품을 칭찬할 때 '관대한,' '친절한,' '용기있는' 등 다양한 미덕에 대한 단어를 사용한다.
 A person who gives one gift isn't generous. 선물을 하나 준 사람이 관대한 것은 아니다.
 Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person's 'moral identity', an emotional habit that is part of who you are. 대신에, 관대함은 누군가의 '도덕적 정체성'의 안정된 일부인데 그것은 여러분의 모습의 일부인 정서적 습관이다.
 Thus virtues, as opposed to nontypical impulse, are the result of your personal history. 따라서 미덕은, 비전형적인 충동과는 달리, 여러분 개인 역사의 결과이다.
 They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed. 그것들이 여러분의 인품이 형성되었던 방식의 일부이기 때문에 그것들은 여러분의 모습 중 일부이다.
 Instant virtue is therefore impossible. 그러므로 즉각적인 미덕은 있을 수 없다.
 Popping a pill cannot make you a better person. 약 한 알을 먹는 것이 여러분을 더 나은 사람으로 만들 수는 없다.




[2] 2024 10  22: 이중성 시스템을 활용해 별의 질량을 계산하는 방법 설명
 To determine the mass of my bowling ball, I might put it onto a balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams. 볼링공 질량을 측정하기 위해, 나는 그것을 저울에 올려놓고 각 1g, 10g, 또는 100g이 나가는 여러 개의 금속 큐브 같은 이미 알고 있는 질량과 그것을 비교할 수 있다.
 Things get much more complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star. 만약 내가 먼 별의 질량을 알고 싶다면 상황은 훨씬 더 복잡해진다.
 How do I measure it? 나는 어떻게 그것을 측정할까?
 We can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various theories. 우리는 별의 질량을 측정하는 것은 다양한 이론을 포함한다고 대략적으로 말할 수 있다.
 If we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period and a certain instance of Kepler's Third Law, to calculate the mass. 우리가 쌍성의 질량을 측정하기를 원한다면, 질량을 계산하기 위해 우리는 먼저 두 별들 사이의 질량 중심을, 그 다음에 우리가 그제서야 사용할 수 있는 그 중심으로부터 떨어진 그것들의 거리를 공전 주기의 값과 케플러 제3 법칙의 특정한 사례를 가지고 측정한다.
 In other words, in order to "measure" the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass. 다시 말해서, 별의 질량을 '측정'하기 위해서 우리는 다양한 수치들을 측정하고 그 값들을 특정 방정식들과 함께 사용하여 질량을 계산한다.
 Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories. 측정은 독립적으로 존재하는 값들의 단순하고 중재되지 않은 측정이 아니라, 이미 정립된 여러 이론들을 바탕으로 특정 크기들을 계산하는 것이다.




[2] 2024 10  23: 쾌락과 고통의 균형이 신체의 항상성을 유지하는 방식
 Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain. 뇌 과학의 발견들에 따르면, 고통과 쾌락은 뇌의 같은 영역에서 형성되고 처리된다.
 Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions. 우리 몸은 끊임없이 항상성을 추구하는데, 그것은 몸의 기능들의 균형이라고 정의된다.
 Without the body's effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving. 잠재적인 변동을 완화시킬 수 있는 몸의 효과적인 보상 기제가 없다면 우리는 생존할 수 없을 것이다.
 Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another and keep balance. 쾌락과 고통은 동일한 동전의 두 면과 같아서 그들은 함께 작동하는 것 같으며 서로 상당히 의존하고 있고 균형을 유지한다.
 If you imagine pleasure and pain as the two opposite points on a scale, you can easily understand that as one of the two points rises, the other must correspondingly fall. 만약에 여러분이 쾌락과 고통을 저울 위의 두 반대 지점으로 상상한다면, 여러분은 두 지점 중 한 지점이 올라가면 다른 한 지점이 상응하여 틀림없이 내려갈 것임을 쉽게 이해할 수 있을 것이다.
 We've all heard the expression, "No pain, no gain." 우리는 '고통 없이는, 얻는 것도 없다.'라는 표현을 모두 들어본 적이 있다.
 Well, according to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, there may be some truth to these words. , 정신과 의사인 Dr. Anna Lembke에 따르면, 이 말에는 어느 정도의 진실이 있을 수 있다.
 She says that our attempts to escape being miserable are in fact making us even more miserable. 그녀는 우리가 비참함에서 벗어나려는 우리의 시도가 사실 우리를 훨씬 더 비참하게 만들고 있다고 말한다.
 This is because pain is actually an essential component of our ability to maintain a neutral state, and allowing it will in turn reset our internal scale back to balance. 이는 고통이 실제로 중립적인 상태를 유지하기 위한 우리 능력의 필수적인 구성 요소이기 때문이고, 그것을 허용하는 것은 결과적으로 우리의 내부 저울을 균형 상태로 다시 맞출 것이다.




[2] 2024 10  24: 지속적인 제품 업그레이드 주기로 소비자의 욕구를 형성하는 방식
 Manufacturers masterfully sow seeds of doubt about the adequacy of our current devices. 생산자들은 노련하게 우리의 현재 기기들의 적절성에 대한 의심의 씨앗을 뿌린다.
 Suddenly, the phone that was your lifeline a year ago is now a museum piece, unable to keep pace with your digital demands. 갑자기, 1년 전의 당신의 목숨줄이었던 휴대폰이 지금은 당신의 디지털 수요를 따라가지 못하는, 시대에 뒤떨어진 것이 되었다.
 And thus, the itch to upgrade begins, often before there's a genuine need. 그래서 종종 진짜 필요가 있기 이전에 업그레이드에 대한 욕구가 시작된다.
 This cycle isn't just confined to our digital companions. 이러한 순환은 단지 우리의 디지털 용품에 국한되지 않는다.
 It spills over into almost every aspect of consumer electronics, from the self-driving car to the smart fridge. 이것은 자율 주행 자동차부터 스마트 냉장고에 이르기까지 소비자 전자 기기들의 거의 모든 영역까지 번져나간다.
 Every product seems to be on an unstoppable march towards the next version, the next generation that promises to revolutionize your life. 모든 제품은 다음 버전, , 당신의 삶에 변혁을 일으키겠다는 약속을 하는 다음 세대를 향한 멈출 수 없는 행진을 하는 것으로 보인다.
 What's fascinating, or perhaps disturbing, is the utter efficacy of this cycle in shaping our desires. 흥미로운 점, 또는 어쩌면 당황스러운 점은 우리의 욕구를 형성하는 이 순환의 절대적인 효과이다.
 It's not so much that we want the newest device; we're led to believe we need it. 우리가 가장 최신기기를 원하는 것이 아니라, 우리가 그것을 원한다고 믿도록 유도된 것이다.
 The distinction between want and need blurs, shifting our financial priorities in favor of staying current with trends. 최신 트렌드를 유지하는 것을 선호하는 쪽으로 우리의 재정적인 우선순위를 바꾸면서, 원하는 것과 필요한 것 사이의 구분이 흐릿해진다.
 For all the logical arguments against this ceaseless upgrading, the temptation remains compelling. 이런 끊임없는 업그레이드를 하는 것에 대한 논리적인 논쟁에도 불구하고, 매력은 여전히 강력하다.




[2] 2024 10  25: 2023년과 2027 제품 카테고리별 온라인 판매 비율 예측
 The graph above shows the shares of online sales out of total sales by each of five product categories in 2023 and the estimated ones in 2027. 위 그래프는 5개 제품군별 2023년 전체 판매 중 온라인 판매의 점유율과 2027년의 추정 점유율을 나타낸 것이다.
 The shares of all five categories are expected to increase by 2027 respectively, while not surpassing 50%. 5개 제품군 모두의 점유율은 2027년까지 각각 증가할 것으로 예상되나 50%를 넘기지는 못할 것으로 예상된다.
 Based on the selected categories, consumer electronics is anticipated to show the biggest gap in the share of online sales between 2023 and 2027. 선정된 제품군 중에서 소비자 가전은 2023년과 2027년의 온라인 판매 점유율에서 가장 큰 격차를 보일 것으로 예상된다.
 DIY and furniture showed the same share of online sales with 29% in 2023 but the share of DIY online sales is estimated to exceed that of furniture online sales by 2027. DIY와 가구는 2023년에 29%로 동일한 온라인 판매 점유율을 나타냈지만, 2027년에는 DIY 온라인 판매 점유율이 가구 온라인 판매 점유율을 넘어설 것으로 추정된다.
 The share of beauty care online sales was lower than 20% by 2 percentage points in 2023, but is estimated to be higher than 20% in 2027. 뷰티 케어 온라인 판매 점유율은 2023년에 20%보다2퍼센티지포인트 낮았지만 2027년에는 20%보다 높을 것으로 추정된다.
 In 2023, food showed the lowest share of online sales among the categories, but that share is projected to more than double by 2027. 2023년에 식품은 제품군 중 가장 낮은 온라인 판매 점유율을 보였지만 그 점유율은 2027년에는 두 배 이상 증가할 것으로 예상된다.




[2] 2024 10  26: Helen Suzman 인종차별 반대 운동과 평생에 걸친 업적
 Helen Suzman was an activist against apartheid, a racist political and social system in the Republic of South Africa. Helen Suzman은 남아프리카 공화국의 인종 차별적인 정치 및 사회 체제인 아파르트헤이트에 대항하는 운동가였다.
 Suzman was born to Jewish immigrant parents in Germiston in the Union of South Africa in 1917. 1917년에 남아프리카 연방의 Germiston에서 유대인 이민자 부모 밑에서 태어났다.
 While working as a lecturer on economic history at Witwatersrand University, she joined the South African Institute of Race Relations. Witwaterstand 대학에서 경제사 강사로 일하던 중 그녀는 남아프리카 인종 관계 연구소에 들어갔다.
 In 1953, she joined the United Party and was elected to Parliament, but when the United Party adopted a more moderate stance on apartheid, Suzman and other progressive members left it and formed the Progressive Party in 1959. 1953년에 그녀는 통합당에 가입했고 의회에 선출되었지만 통합당이 아파르트헤이트에 대해 더 온건한 입장을 채택했을 때, Suzman과 다른 진보적인 구성원들은 탈당하여 1959년에 진보당을 만들었다.
 Suzman tirelessly fought against apartheid, exposing the government's abuses and challenging its laws for a total of 36 years in Parliament. Suzman은 의회에서 총 36년 동안 정권의 남용을 폭로하고 그것의 법에 도전하며 아파르트헤이트에 맞서 지칠 줄 모르고 싸웠다.
 Even after her retirement in 1989, she continued to advocate for a multi-racial democracy in the Republic of South Africa and influenced the drafting of the country's new constitution after the end of apartheid. 1989년에 그녀가 은퇴한 후에도, 그녀는 남아프리카 공화국의 다인종 민주주의를 계속해서 지지했고 아파르트헤이트가 끝난 후 그 나라의 새 헌법의 작성에 영향을 주었다.
 She remained an active voice for human rights and democracy until her death in 2009. 그녀는 2009년에 사망할 때까지 인권과 민주주의의 적극적인 대변자로 남아 있었다.




[2] 2024 10  29: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법
 Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. 조건부 장소 선호도는 동물들이 무엇을 원하는지 알아내는 하나의 방법이다.
 Researchers train them to associate one place with an experience such as food or a loud noise and another place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens. 연구자들은 그것들이 한 장소를 음식이나 시끄러운 소리와 같은 경험과 연관시키고 또 다른 장소를 완벽히 다른 어떤 것과 연관시키도록 훈련시키는데 대개 그곳에서는 아무것도 일어나지 않는다.
 The two places are made obviously different to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there. 그 두 장소는 그 동물이 각 장소를 거기에서 그것에게 일어난 일과 연관시키는 것을 가능한 한 쉽게 만들기 위해 명백히 다르게 만들어진다.
 The animal's preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places. 한 장소나 다른 장소에 있는 것에 대한 그 동물의 선호도는 두 장소에서 경험하기 전과 후에 모두 측정된다.
 If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time for the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it. 만약 동물이 보상을 위해 어디에서 시간을 보내기로 선택하는지에 변화가 있다면, 이것은 그것이 그 경험을 좋아했고 그것을 반복하려고 노력하는 중이라는 것을 시사한다.
 Conversely, if it now avoids the place the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus unpleasant. 반대로, 만약 그것이 이제 자극이 나타났던 장소를 피하고 그것이 그것을 경험하지 않았던 장소를 선호하기 시작한다면, 그러면 이것은 그것이 그 자극을 불쾌하게 느꼈다는 것을 시사한다.
 For example, mice with cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine, a drug used to relieve pain, rather than where they have received saline whereas healthy mice developed no such preference. 예를 들어, 암에 걸린 쥐가 식염수를 받아 왔었던 곳보다 통증을 완화시키는 데 사용되는 약인 모르핀이 주어졌었던 장소에 대한 선호를 보여 준 반면, 건강한 쥐는 그러한 선호가 생기지 않았다.
 This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine. 이것은 암에 걸린 쥐가 그 모르핀을 원했음을 시사한다.




[2] 2024 10  30: 새들의 번식 계절이 환경에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 설명
 Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. 적도 근처에서, 새의 많은 종들은 일 년 내내 번식한다.
 But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined. 하지만 온대와 극지방에서는 새들의 번식기들이 대개 뚜렷하게 정해진다.
 They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. 그것들은 주로 낮의 길이의 변화에 의해 촉발된다.
 If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. 만약에 모든 것이 잘 진행된다면, 결과는 새들이 먹이 공급이 최고조에 이를 때 새끼들을 기르는 것이다.
 Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. 대부분의 새들은 다른 때에 번식하기를 단지 꺼리는 것뿐만 아니라 또한 신체적으로 그렇게 할 수 없는 것이다.
 This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. 이것은 왜냐하면 그들의 번식 기관이 줄어들기 때문이고, 이 사실은 나는 새들이 몸무게를 줄일 수 있도록 도와준다.
 The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. 유목성 사막 종은 이 규칙의 주요 예외이다.
 These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. 이들은 비가 오는 날들에 번식 주기를 시작할 수 있다.
 It's for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity. 그것은 갑작스러운 번식 기회를 최대한으로 활용하기 위한 것이다.
 Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. 또한, 다른 종들은 번식 기간을 다른 방식으로 나눈다.
 Most seabirds raise a single brood. 대부분의 바닷새들은 한 무리의 함께 태어난 새끼를 기른다.
 In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. 그러나, 따뜻한 지역에서는, 명금(鳴禽)들이 몇 달 안에 여러 자녀들을 기를 수도 있다.
 In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort. 유난히 좋은 해에는 명금(鳴禽)의 한 종류인 참새 한 쌍은 마라톤과 같은 번식 노력을 통해 잇따라 태어난 여러 무리의 함께 태어난 새끼들을 기를 수 있다.




[2] 2024 10  31: 학습 자원 인식 부족이 학생들의 창의성에 미치는 영향
 One factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students' learning. 창의성을 방해할 수도 있는 한 가지 요소는 학생들의 학습에서 각 활동에 요구되는 자원에 대한 인식이 없다는 것이다.
 Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them. 종종 학생들은 그들에게 요구되는 과제를 수행하는 데 필요한 자원들을 식별할 수 없다.
 Different resources may be compulsory for specific learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity's performance. 여러 가지의 자원들이 특정 학습 과제들에 대해 필수적일 수 있어서 그것들을 인식하는 것은 활동의 수행을 평이하게 해 줄 수도 있다.
 For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects. 예를 들어, 학생들이 프로젝트에서 어떤 실험을 수행하기를 원할 수도 있다.
 There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, equipment, and chemicals required for the experiment. 학생들이 실험에 요구되는 실험실, 장비, 그리고 화학 물질에 접근할 수 있을지 여부에 대한 사전 조사가 있어야 한다.
 It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be about human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and equipment for their learning where applicable. 그것은 학생들이 성공하기 위해 준비가 필수적이라는 것을 의미하며, 그들의 학습을 위해 적용할 수 있는 경우에 그것은 실험실 기술자, 화학 물질 구입 자금, 그리고 장비와 같은 인적 그리고 재정적 자원에 대한 것일 수도 있다.
 Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students' creativity. 과제에 요구되는 자원들 중 일부가 이용 가능하지 않을 수도 있지만, 사전에 그것들을 식별하는 것은 학생들의 창의성에 도움이 될 수도 있다.
 It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means. 그것은 심지어 주제 변경, 대체 자원들 찾기, 그리고 다른 방법으로 이어질 수도 있다.




[2] 2024 10  32: 번역 작업이 다양한 출처와 독자의 기대에 의존하는 방식
 All translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work. 모든 번역가들은 그들이 대상으로 작업하고 있는 독자들의 공동체로부터 약간의 압박을 느낀다.
 And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people. 그리고 모든 번역가들은 다른 사람들과의 대화에서 그들의 해석에 도달한다.
 The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer's Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own. 영국의 시인 알렉산더 포프는 그리스어를 꽤 잘했지만, 18세기 초에 호머의 'Iliad'를 번역하는 것에 대해 착수했을 때 그는 혼자 한 것이 아니었다.
 He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French  and of course he had dictionaries. 그는 참고할 그리스어 해설과 이미 영어, 라틴어, 프랑스어로 된 번역본을 가지고 있었고, 물론 사전도 가지고 있었다.
 Translators always draw on more than one source text. 번역가들은 항상 한 가지 이상의 원문을 활용한다.
 Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person's linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations. 심지어 번역 현장이 하나의 펜, 종이, 그리고 번역 중인 책을 가진 단 한 사람으로 구성되어 있거나, 한 사람이 다른 사람을 위해 구두로 번역 중일 때에도, 그 사람의 언어적 지식은 많은 다른 텍스트와 다른 대화에서 발생한다.
 And then his or her idea of the translation's purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for. 그러고 나서 번역의 목적에 대한 그 또는 그녀의 생각은 이것의 대상이 되는 사람 또는 사람들의 기대에 의해 영향을 받는다.
 In both these senses every translation is a crowd translation. 이 두 가지 의미에서 모든 번역은 군중 번역이다.




[2] 2024 10  33: 읽기 행위를 단일 개념으로 정의하기 어려운 이유
 Some people argue that there is a single, logically consistent concept known as reading that can be neatly set apart from everything else people do with books. 몇몇 사람들은 사람들이 책을 가지고 하는 모든 다른 행동들로부터 깔끔하게 분리될 수 있는, 읽기로 알려진 유일하고 논리적으로 일관성 있는 개념이 있다고 주장한다.
 Is reading really that simple? 읽기는 정말로 그렇게 단순할까?
 The most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, as Ludwig Wittgenstein used the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait. 읽기에 대해 생각하는 가장 생산적인 방식은 하나의 명백한 특성을 공통적으로 가지지 않은 채 Ludwig Wittgenstein이 그 어구를 사용한 것처럼 가족 유사성 때문에 함께 속하게 되는 헐겁게 연결된 행동의 묶음으로서이다.
 Consequently, efforts to distinguish reading from nonreading are destined to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place. 결론적으로, 읽기와 읽기가 아닌 것을 구분하려는 노력은 실패로 돌아가는데, 왜냐하면 애초에 무엇이 읽기로서의 자격을 주는가에 대한 동의가 없기 때문이다.
 The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term's flexible boundaries. 읽기와 읽기가 아닌 것 사이의 경계가 어디에 있는가를 알려고 하면 할수록, 더욱 많은 특이 사례들이 그 용어의 유연한 경계를 확장하고 있다는 것이 밝혀질 것이다.
 Thus, it is worth attempting to collect together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to establish the boundaries where reading begins and ends. 그러므로, 이러한 예외적인 읽기의 형태들을 모두 함께 하나의 토론의 장으로 모으려는 시도는 해 볼 가치가 있으며, 그 토론의 장은 어디서 읽기가 시작되고 끝나는가에 대한 경계를 정하기를 원하는 누구나에 의해 마주하게 될 어려움들을 돋보이게 한다.
 The attempt moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is expansive enough to accommodate the distinct reading activities. 그러한 시도는 별개의 읽기 활동들을 다 수용할 만큼 충분히 광범위한 스펙트럼으로서 읽기를 이해하는 것으로 발전한다.




[2] 2024 10  34: Weber 법칙으로 자극의 강도에 따른 차이 인식 설명
 Weber's law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli. 베버의 법칙은 두 자극 사이의 차이에 대한 감지에 관한 것이다.
 It suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 mm and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long. 이것은 우리가 466mm 467mm 길이인 선들을 볼 때1mm의 차이를 감지할 수 없지만, 우리가 2mm 길이와3mm 길이인 선을 비교할 때는 1mm의 차이를 감지할 수 있을지도 모른다는 것을 암시한다.
 Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room. 이 원리의 또 다른 예는 촛불이 켜지지 않았으면 어두웠을 방안에 하나의 촛불이 켜졌을 때 이것을 감지할 수 있다는 것이다.
 But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle. 그러나 100개의 촛불이 이미 타고 있는 방에 하나의 촛불이 켜졌을 때, 우리는 이 촛불의 빛을 알아차리지 못할지도 모른다.
 Therefore, the Just-noticeable difference (JND) varies as a function of the strength of the signals. 그러므로, 겨우 알아차릴 수 있는 차이(JND)는 신호의 세기에 대한 함수에 의해 달라진다.
 For example, the JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much more quiet sounds. 예를 들어, JND는 훨씬 더 작은 소리에 대한 것보다 매우 큰 소음에 대해 더 크다.
 When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder. 한 소리가 매우 약할 때, 우리는 그것이 간신히 더 클지라도, 또 다른 소리가 더 크다는 것을 구분할 수 있다.
 When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder. 어떤 소리가 매우 클 때, 다른 소리가 훨씬 더 크다는 것을 구분하기 위해서는, 그 소리는 훨씬 더 커야 한다.
 Thus, Weber's law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli. 그러므로, 베버의 법칙은 그 표본들이 자극의 수준이 더 크거나 강할 때 두 표본을 구별하기가 더 어렵다는 것을 의미한다.




[2] 2024 10  35: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명
 Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget). 어떤 새로운 자원(예를 들어, 새로운 공항, 새로운 쇼핑센터)은 항상 공동의 자원(예를 들어, 시 또는 주 예산)을 공유함으로써 사람들이 개별적으로 이익을 얻으면서 시작된다.
 Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the "commons" to support. , 어느 시점에서, 교통량은 '공유지'가 견디기에 너무 커진다.
 Traffic jams, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyone  the tragedy of the commons! 교통 체증, 과밀, 그리고 과도한 사용은 모두를 위한 공유 자원의 혜택을 줄이는데, 이것은 즉 공유지의 비극이다!
 If the new resource cannot be expanded or provided with additional space, it becomes a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or walkers or competing users. 만약 새로운 자원이 확장될 수 없거나 추가적인 공간이 제공될 수 없다면, 이것은 문제가 되고, 여러분은 여러분의 동료 운전자나 보행자 또는 경쟁 사용자들로부터 고립된 상태로 혼자서 문제를 해결할 수 없다.
 The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, both begin to fall after a peak, leading to a crash. 이 새로운 자원에 대한 총활동은 계속 증가하고, 개인 활동도 증가한다. 그러나 만약 공동 사용과 과도한 사용의 역학이 너무 오래 지속되면, 둘 다 정점 이후에 떨어지기 시작하고, 몰락으로 이어진다.
 What makes the "tragedy of commons" tragic is the crash dynamic the destruction or degeneration of the common resource's ability to regenerate itself. '공유지의 비극'을 더 비극적이게 만드는 것은 몰락 역학, 즉 그 스스로를 재생산할 수 있는 공동 자원의 능력의 파괴 또는 퇴보이다.




[2] 2024 10  36: 뇌가 시각 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 방식으로 에너지를 절약
 Theoretically, our brain would have the capacity to store all experiences throughout life, reaching the quality of a DVD. 이론적으로는 우리의 뇌는 DVD의 품질에 도달할 정도로, 삶의 모든 경험들을 저장할 수 있는 수용력을 가지고 있을 것이다.
 However, this theoretical capacity is offset by the energy demand associated with the process of storing and retrieving information in memory. 그러나, 이 이론상의 수용력은 기억에 정보를 저장하고 상기하는 과정과 관련된 에너지 수요로 인해 상쇄된다.
 As a result, the brain develops efficient strategies, becoming dependent on shortcuts. 그 결과, 뇌는 효율적인 전략들을 수립하고, 지름길에 의존하게 된다.
 When we observe a face, the visual image captured by the eyes is highly variable, depending on the point of view, lighting conditions and other contextual factors. 우리가 얼굴을 관찰할 때, 눈에 의해 포착되는 시각적 이미지는 시점, 조명 조건 및 기타 상황적 요인들에 따라 매우 다양하다.
 Nevertheless, we are able to recognize the face as the same, maintaining the underlying identity. 그럼에도 불구하고, 우리는 근본적인 정체성을 유지하면서 얼굴을 같은 것으로 인식할 수 있다.
 The brain, rather than focusing on the details of visualization, creates and stores general patterns that allow for consistent recognition across diverse circumstances. 뇌는 시각화의 세부 사항에 집중하기보다 다양한 상황들에서 일관된 인식을 가능하게 하는 일반적인 패턴을 생성하고 저장한다.
 This ability to match what we see with general visual memory patterns serves as an effective mechanism for optimizing brain performance and saving energy. 우리가 보는 것과 일반적인 시각 기억 패턴을 일치시키는 이 능력은 뇌의 수행을 최적화하고 에너지를 절약하는 효과적인 기제로 작용한다.
 The brain, being naturally against unnecessary effort, constantly seeks to simplify and generalize information to facilitate the cognitive process. 불필요한 노력에 자연스럽게 대항하는 뇌는 인지 과정을 돕기 위해서 끊임없이 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 것을 추구한다.




[2] 2024 10  37: 과학 연구에서 창의적 해석이 이론 형성에 미치는 영향
 Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience. 과학 연구에 관해서는, 설명하는 이야기들이 실험의 데이터에 엄밀히 충실할 것으로 기대되고 경험의 규칙적이고 예측 가능한 특징들을 밝힐 것으로 기대된다.
 However, this paradigm sometimes conceals the fact that theories are deeply loaded with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence. 그러나, 이러한 패러다임은 때때로 이론들이 연구 프로젝트의 구성과 증거의 해석을 형성하는 창의적인 요소들로 철저히 채워져 있다는 사실을 감춘다.
 Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts. 과학적 설명들은 단순히 사실들의 연대기를 말하는 것은 아니다.
 They construct frameworks for systematically chosen data in order to provide a consistent and meaningful explanation of what is observed. 그것들은 관찰된 것에 대한 일관적이고 의미 있는 설명을 제공하기 위해 체계적으로 선택된 데이터에 대한 틀을 구축한다.
 Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others. 그러한 구성들은 우리가 특정한 유형의 관계에서 구체적인 종류의 주제를 상상하도록 하며, 그것들이 고취하는 줄거리는 다른 것들보다 경험의 일부 특징을 분석하는 데 더 효과적일 것으로 판명될 것이다.
 When we neglect the creative contributions of such scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts  even worse, as facts including all of reality  we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies. 우리가 그러한 과학적 상상의 창의적 기여를 무시하고 모델과 해석적 설명을 단순한 사실, 훨씬 더 심하게는 현실을 전부 포괄하는 사실로 간주할 때, 우리는 주어진 모델의 한계에 대해 우리 스스로를 눈멀게 하며 그것이 잘못 적용되는 상황에 대해 오해할 가능성을 알아차리지 못할 수 있다.




[2] 2024 10  38: 문학이 사회적 변화를 촉진하거나 방해할  있는 방식
 We encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action. 우리는 문학과 행동의 관계에 대한 상반된 주장들과 마주한다.
 Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce social change. 이론가들은 문학이 세상과 관계를 맺는 방법으로써 고독한 독서와 성찰을 장려하고 따라서 사회 변화를 일으킬 수 있을지도 모르는 사회적이고 정치적인 활동들에 거스른다고 주장해 왔다.
 At best it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is. 기껏해야 이것은 단절 또는 복잡성에 대한 인정을, 최악의 경우 수동성과 있는 그대로에 대한 수용을 조장한다.
 But on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements. 그러나 다른 한편으로, 문학은 역사적으로 권위와 사회적 합의에 대한 의문을 제기하는 것을 조장하므로 위험하다고 여겨져 왔다.
 Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with their lives and eager for something new. 플라톤은 그들이 해를 끼치는 것만 할 수 있기 때문에 그의 이상적인 공화국으로부터 시인들을 추방했고, 소설은 사람들이 그들의 삶에 불만을 품게 만들고 새로운 무언가를 갈망하도록 하는 것으로 오랫동안 믿어져 왔다.
 By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, and race, books may promote a fellowship that discourages struggle; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible. 계급, 성별, 그리고 인종의 경계를 넘어 동일시를 촉진함으로써, 책들은 투쟁을 단념시키는 동료 의식을 장려할 수 있을지 모르지만, 이것들은 또한 진보적인 투쟁들을 가능하게 만드는 강한 불의의 감정을 일으킬 수 있다.
 Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Uncle Tom's Cabin, a best-seller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War. 역사적으로, 문학 작품은 변화를 만드는 것으로 믿어져 왔는데 그 시대의 베스트셀러인 '톰 아저씨의 오두막'은 미국 남북 전쟁을 가능하게 만든 노예제에 대한 혐오감을 조성하는 것을 도왔다.




[2] 2024 10  39: Hobbes 자연 상태에서 인간의 본성과 도덕적 자유의 한계
 According to Hobbes, man is not a being who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in the state of nature. 홉스에 따르면, 인간은 자연 상태에서 자신의 존재를 보호하려는 그의 본능을 무릅쓰고 도덕적으로 행동할 수 있는 존재가 아니다.
 Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where a sovereign power, namely the state, emerges. 따라서, 도덕과 도덕적 자유가 적용을 찾기 시작하는 유일한 곳은 군림하는 권력, 즉 국가가 출현하는 곳에서 나타난다.
 Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man's life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short". 따라서 홉스는 자연 상태를 인간의 삶이 '고독하고, 가난하며, 불결하고, 잔인하고, 짧은' 상황으로 묘사한다.
 It means when people live without a general power to control them all, they are indeed in a state of war. 그것은 사람들이 그들 모두를 통제할 일반적인 권력 없이 살아갈 때, 그들은 실로 전쟁 상태에 놓여 있는 것임을 의미한다.
 In other words, Hobbes, who accepted that human beings are not social and political beings in the state of nature, believes that without the power human beings in the state of nature are "antisocial and rational based on their selfishness". 즉 다시 말해, 자연 상태에 있는 인간은 사회적이고 정치적인 존재가 아니라는 것을 인정한 홉스는 그 권력이 없이 자연 상태에 있는 인간은 '이기심에 기초해 반사회적이고 이성적'이라고 믿는다.
 Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes. 게다가, 사회는 자연적인 현상이 아니며 사람들을 하나로 모으는 자연적인 힘도 없기 때문에, 홉스에 따르면 그들을 사회로 함께 모이게 하는 것은 상호 간의 애정이 아니다.
 It is, rather, mutual fear of men's present and future that assembles them, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature. 두려움으로부터의 동기가 자연 상태에 있는 사람들 사이의 공통된 추진력이기 때문에, 오히려, 그들을 모으는 것은 인간의 현재와 미래에 대한 상호 간의 두려움이다.




[2] 2024 10  40: 인지적 요소가  인식에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구
 There is research that supports the idea that cognitive factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world. 인지적 요인들이 지각된 세계의 현상학에 영향을 미친다는 생각을 뒷받침하는 연구가 있다.
 Delk and Fillenbaum asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background. Delk Fillenbaum은 참가자들에게 형상들의 색상을 배경 색상과 맞추도록 요청했다.
 Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color. 몇몇 형상들은 특정 색상과 연관된 물체들을 묘사했다.
 These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart. 그것들은 사과, 입술, 상징적인 하트 모양과 같이 전형적인 빨간색 물체를 포함했다.
 Other objects were presented that are not usually associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell. 버섯이나 종과 같이 빨간색과 일반적으로 연관이 되지 않는 다른 물체들도 제시되었다.
 However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard. 그러나, 모든 형상들은 동일한 다홍색 판지로 만들어졌다.
 Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red. 그러고 나서 참가자들은 그 형상을 진한 빨간색에서 연한 빨간색까지 다양한 배경색과 맞춰야 했다.
 They had to make the background color match the color of the figures. 그들은 배경색이 형상들의 색과 일치하게 해야 했다.
 The researchers found that red-associated objects required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that are not associated with the color red. 연구자들은 빨간색과 연관된 물체들이 빨간색과 연관이 없는 물체가 그러한 것보다 배경과 일치한다고 판단되기 위해서 배경에서 더 빨간 색을 요구한다는 것을 발견했다.
 This implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color. 이것은 색과 물체의 인지적 연관성이 우리가 그 색을 어떻게 지각하는가에 영향을 미친다는 것을 함의한다.
 [Summary] In one study, participants chose greater redness when asked to match the color of objects that are usually red to a background with the same color, which showed that their knowledge about the colors of objects influenced their perceptual judgment. [Summary] 한 연구에서, 참가자들은 일반적으로 빨간색인 물체의 색상과 같은 색상의 배경을 일치시키도록 요청받았을 때, 더 진한 빨강을 선택했는데, 이는 물체들의 색상에 대한 그들의 지식이 그들의 지각적 판단에 영향을 미쳤다는 것을 보여 준다.


[2] 2024 10  41~42: 유전체 복제 과정에서 발생하는 돌연변이의 누적 원리 설명
 In each round of genome copying in our body, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of chromosomes will have an error. 우리 몸속 게놈 복제의 각 과정마다, 적어도 한 쌍의 염색체들이 오류를 가질 확률이 여전히 약 70%이다.
 With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate. 게놈 복제의 각 과정마다, 오류들이 쌓인다.
 This is similar to alterations in medieval books. 이것은 중세 서적에 있어서의 변화와 유사하다.
 Each time a copy was made by hand, some changes were introduced accidentally; as changes stacked up, the copies may have acquired meanings at variance with the original. 하나의 복사본이 사람 손으로 만들어질 때마다, 일부 변화들이 우연히 도입되었고, 변화들이 쌓이면서, 복사본은 원본과 불일치하는 의미를 축적했을 것이다.
 Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have gathered more mistakes. 마찬가지로, 더 많은 복제 과정들을 거친 게놈은 더 많은 실수들을 축적하게 될 것이다.
 To make things worse, mutations may damage genes responsible for error checking and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations. 설상가상으로, 변이들은 게놈의 오류 확인과 복구를 책임지는 유전자를 훼손해 변이들의 도입을 더욱 가속할 수도 있다.
 Most genome mutations do not have any noticeable effects. 대부분의 게놈 변이들은 어떠한 뚜렷한 영향이 없다.
 It is just like changing the i for a y in "kingdom" would not distort the word's readability. 그것은 마치 'kingdom'에서 'i' 'y'로 변경하는 것이 그 단어의 가독성을 왜곡하지 않는 것과 같다.
 But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors. 그러나 예를 들어, 때때로 인간 유전자에 대한 변이는 홍채가 두 가지 다른 색을 띠는 눈을 초래하기도 한다.
 Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body's cells multiplied to form skin. 마찬가지로, 거의 모두가 모반이 있는데, 이는 우리 몸의 세포가 피부를 형성하기 위하여 증식하면서 발생한 변이들 때문이다.
 If mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously? 만약 변이들이 하나의 특정 세포의 게놈에 대한 변화라면, 많은 개별적인 세포들로 구성된 홍채의 세포 집단이나 피부 전체 세포 집단이 어떻게 동시에 영향을 받을 수 있을까?
 The answer lies in the cell lineage, the developmental history of a tissue from particular cells through to their fully differentiated state. 그 대답은 세포 계보, 즉 특정 세포에서 그들의 완전히 차별화된 상태까지의 조직 발달 변천에 있다.
 If the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change. 만약 발달 중인 홍채의 계보 초기에 변이가 발생했다면, 그렇다면 그 세포 집단의 모든 세포는 그 변화를 물려받아 왔을 것이다.




[2] 2024 10  43~45: 완벽주의에 대한 부담과 문제 해결 능력을 배운 이야기
 Max awoke to the gentle sunlight of an autumn day. Max는 가을날의 부드러운 햇빛에 잠에서 깼다.
 Right on schedule, he swung his legs off the bed and took a deep, satisfying breath. 시간에 맞추어 그는 다리를 침대 밖으로 휙 내려 놓았고 깊고 만족스러운 숨을 내쉬었다.
 He began his morning the same way he usually did, getting dressed and going to school. 그는 평소와 똑같은 방식으로 아침을 시작했고 옷을 입고 학교에 갔다.
 Today was going to be another perfect day until he ran into Mr. Kapoor, his science teacher. 오늘은 과학 선생님인 Kapoor 선생님을 만나기 전까지는 또 다른 완벽한 날이 될 예정이었다.
 Just to remind you. Science fair projects are due next Wednesday. 그냥 너(Max)에게 알려 주는 거야. 과학 박람회 프로젝트가 다음 주 수요일까지야.
 Don't forget to submit your final draft on time," Mr. Kapoor said. 제 시간에 최종안을 제출하는 것을 잊어 버리지 마."라고 Kapoor 선생님이 말했다.
 Max froze. Max는 얼어붙었다.
 What? It can't be! It was due next Friday! '뭐라고? 그럴 순 없어! 이건 다음 주 금요일까지였다고!'
 After school, he came home worrying that his whole perfectly planned week was going to be ruined. 학교를 마친 후에, 그는 그의 완벽히 계획된 일주일이 망쳐질 것을 걱정하며 집으로 돌아왔다.
 Without his usual greeting, Max headed to his room in haste. 그의 일상적인 인사 없이, Max는 급하게 그의 방으로 향했다.
 What's wrong Max?, Jeremy, his dad, followed Max, worrying about him. 무슨 일이니 Max? 그의 아버지인 Jeremy는 그를 걱정하며 Max를 따라갔다.
 Max furiously browsed through his planner without answering him, only to find the wrong date written in it. Max는 그(Jeremy)에게 대답하지 않고 열성적으로 그의 일정표를 뒤적거렸지만, 거기에 잘못 적힌 날짜를 발견할 뿐이었다.
 Fighting through tears, Max finally managed to explain the unending pressure to be perfect to his dad. 울음을 참으며, Max는 마침내 가까스로 그의(Max) 아버지에게 완벽해야 한다는 끝나지 않는 압박에 대해 설명했다.
 To his surprise, Jeremy laughed. 놀랍게도, Jeremy는 웃었다.
 Max, guess what? Perfect is a great goal, but nobody gets there all the time. Max, 있잖아? 완벽은 훌륭한 목표지만, 누구도 항상 거기에 도달할 수는 없단다.
 What matters is what we do when things get messy." 중요한 건 일이 어질러졌을 때 우리가 무엇을 하는가야."
 That made him feel a little better. 그것이 그의 기분을 조금 더 나아지게 만들어 주었다.
 You are saying I can fix this? 아빠는 제가(Max) 이것을 해결할 수 있다고 말씀하시는 거예요?
 Absolutely, try to deal with problems in a logical way, Jeremy said. 물론이지. 논리적인 방식으로 문제를 처리해봐.라고Jeremy가 말했다.
 Max thought for a moment. Max는 잠시 동안 생각했다.
 I guess.... I can do that by rescheduling tonight's baseball lesson. 아마.... 제가 오늘 밤 야구 레슨 일정을 변경함으로써 그렇게 할 수 있을 것 같아요.
 Jeremy beamed. Jeremy가 활짝 웃었다.
 See? That's you finding a solution. 봤지? 네가 해결책을 찾아냈잖니.
 Max felt a genuine smile spreading. Max는 진심 어린 미소가 퍼지는 것을 느꼈다.
 The next Wednesday, he successfully handed in the final draft on time with satisfaction. 다음 주 수요일에 그(Max)는 만족하며 성공적으로 최종안을 제시간에 제출했다.
 From then on, he still loved order and routines, but also embraced the messy, unpredictable bits of life too. 그 이후로 그는 여전히 순서와 정해진 일과를 좋아했지만, 또한 어지럽고 예측 불가능한 삶의 부분들도 기꺼이 맞이했다.





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전체 내용

[2] 2024 10 – 18: 추가 예산이 필요한 이유와 해결을 요청하는 이메일

 Dear Executive Manager Schulz,

 Schulz 부장님께,

 It is a week before the internship program starts.

 인턴십 프로그램을 시작하기 일주일 전입니다.

 I am writing to bring your attention to a matter that requires immediate consideration regarding the issue my department has.

 저희 부서의 사안과 관련하여 즉각적인 고려가 필요한 문제에 대해 당신의 관심을 환기하기 위해  글을 씁니다.

 As the coordinator, it is becoming apparent to me that the budget, previously approved by your department, needs some adjustments in order to meet the emerging modifications.

 업무 담당자로서 최근 생겨난 수정 사항을 충족시키기 위해서, 이전에 당신의 부서로부터 승인받은 예산은 약간의 조정이 필요함이 분명해지고 있습니다.

 Since my department has hired three more interns than planned initially, the most expensive need is for additional funding to cover their wages, training costs, and materials.

 우리 부서에서 처음에 계획됐던 것보다  명의 인턴을  고용했기 때문에, 가장 비용이 많이 드는 부족한 부분은 그들의 임금, 훈련 비용, 물품들을 다루기 위한 추가적인 자금입니다.

 I kindly request an additional budget allocation for these expenses.

  비용들을 위해 추가적인 예산 배당을 정중하게 요청합니다.

 Please refer to the attachment for details.

 자세한 사항은 첨부물을 참고해 주세요.

 Thank you for your attention.

 당신의 관심에 감사 드립니다.

 Best regards, Matt Perry

 Matt Perry 드림


[2] 2024 10 – 19: 이름 철자 실수로 인해 예약 확인이 지연된 경험

 Katie approached the hotel front desk to check-in but an unexpected event unfolded.

 Katie 체크인을 하기 위해 호텔 안내 데스크에 다가갔으나 예상하지 못한 사건이 전개되었다.

 The receptionist couldn't find her reservation under the name 'Katie'.

 접수 담당자는 'Katie'라는 이름으로  예약을 찾을  없었다.

 I'm sorry, but I can't seem to locate a reservation under that name, the receptionist said.

 죄송하지만,  이름으로  예약을 찾을  없는  같습니다.라고 접수 담당자가 말했다.

 No way, I definitely made a reservation on the phone, Katie said, puzzled.

 말도  돼요, 저는 분명히 전화로 예약했어요.라고 Katie 어리둥절해하며 말했다.

 The receptionist asked, "Can you tell me your phone number?" and Katie told it to him, thinking 'What happened? Did I make a mistake?'

 접수 담당자가 "당신의 전화번호를 말해 주실  있을까요?"라고 물어 보았고, Katie '무슨 일이지? 내가 실수를 저질렀나?'라고 생각하며 전화번호를 그에게 알려 주었다.

 Just a moment, the receptionist said, typing deliberately on the keyboard.

 잠시만요.라고 접수 담당자가 키보드를 신중하게 치면서 말했다.

 I found it! It seems there was a small misspelling. Your reservation is under 'K-A-T-Y', the receptionist explained.

 알아냈습니다! 작은 오타가 있었던  같습니다. 당신의 예약은 'K-A-T-Y' 되어 있어요.라고 접수 담당자가 설명했다.

 With a sense of ease, Katie watched her reservation appearing on the screen.

 편안한 기분으로 Katie 그녀의 예약이 화면에 나타나는 것을 지켜봤다.

 With her heart slowing to a gentle rhythm, she proceeded with her check-in, thinking that a simple misspelling might have ruined her plans.

 그녀의 심장이 완만한 리듬으로 느려지면서, 그녀는 단순한 오타가 그녀의 계획들을 망쳤을지도 모른다고 생각하며 체크인을 진행했다.


[2] 2024 10 – 20: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 

 To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems.

 수학적 문해력이 있다는 것은 수학과 관련된 사회적 이슈에 대해 이러한 문제들을 어떻게 해결할지에 대한 정보에 입각한 결정을 하기 위해서 비판적으로 생각할  있다는 것을 의미한다.

 Dealing with such complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirroring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing mathematical teaching methods.

 범교과적인 접근법을 통해 그러한 복잡한 문제들을 다루는 과정에서 실생활 문제들을 반영하는 것은 수학적 교수 방법을 계획하고 조직하는 혁신적인 방법들을 요구한다.

 Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking.

 우리의 세계를 탐색한다는 것은 비판적 사고 안에서 그리고 비판적 사고를 사용할  수량화하고, 측정하고, 추산하고, 분류하고, 비교하고, 패턴을 찾고, 추측하고, 근거를 제시하고, 증명하고, 일반화할  있다는 것을 의미한다.

 Therefore, making decisions, even qualitatively, is not possible without using mathematics and critical thinking.

 그러므로, 수학과 비판적 사고를 사용하지 않고 의사 결정을 하는 것은 질적  경우에라도 가능하지 않다.

 Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process.

 따라서, 수학을 가르치는 것은 의사 결정 과정과 함께 비판적 사고와의 상호 작용 안에서 이루어져야 한다.

 They can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them.

 그것들은 수학적인 맥락 안에서 발전될  있고, 학생들이 그것들을 발전시킬  있도록 명시적으로 도움을 주지 않을 경우 변명의 여지가 없다.


[2] 2024 10 – 21: 덕목은 일시적 충동이 아니라 지속적인 도덕적 습관에서 형성됨

 Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present after taking a generosity booster.

 평소에 인색한 여러분의 친구가 관대함 효능 촉진제를 먹고  이후에 여러분에게 크리스마스 선물을  주며 매우 기뻐한다고 상상해 보라.

 How would you feel?

 여러분은 어떻게 느끼겠는가?

 Undoubtedly, there is something praiseworthy about the action.

 의심할 여지없이,  행동에는 칭찬할 만한 점이 있다.

 You'd be pleased to receive the gift.

 여러분은 선물을 받아서 기뻐할 것이다.

 You'd say 'thank you', and mean it.

 여러분은 '고마워'라고 말하고, 그것은 진심일 것이다.

 But his change of heart is not entirely satisfying.

 하지만 그의 마음의 변화는 완전히 만족스럽지는 않다.

 According to Zagzebski, an American philosopher, he is not really generous.

 미국의 철학자인 Zagzebski 따르면, 그는 진정으로 관대한 것이 아니다.

 When we praise someone's character, we use words for various virtues: 'generous', 'kind', 'courageous', etc.

 우리가 누군가의 인품을 칭찬할  '관대한,' '친절한,' '용기있는'  다양한 미덕에 대한 단어를 사용한다.

 A person who gives one gift isn't generous.

 선물을 하나  사람이 관대한 것은 아니다.

 Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person's 'moral identity', an emotional habit that is part of who you are.

 대신에, 관대함은 누군가의 '도덕적 정체성' 안정된 일부인데 그것은 여러분의 모습의 일부인 정서적 습관이다.

 Thus virtues, as opposed to nontypical impulse, are the result of your personal history.

 따라서 미덕은, 비전형적인 충동과는 달리, 여러분 개인 역사의 결과이다.

 They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed.

 그것들이 여러분의 인품이 형성되었던 방식의 일부이기 때문에 그것들은 여러분의 모습  일부이다.

 Instant virtue is therefore impossible.

 그러므로 즉각적인 미덕은 있을  없다.

 Popping a pill cannot make you a better person.

   알을 먹는 것이 여러분을  나은 사람으로 만들 수는 없다.


[2] 2024 10 – 22: 이중성 시스템을 활용해 별의 질량을 계산하는 방법 설명

 To determine the mass of my bowling ball, I might put it onto a balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams.

 볼링공 질량을 측정하기 위해, 나는 그것을 저울에 올려놓고  1g, 10g, 또는 100g 나가는 여러 개의 금속 큐브 같은 이미 알고 있는 질량과 그것을 비교할  있다.

 Things get much more complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star.

 만약 내가  별의 질량을 알고 싶다면 상황은 훨씬  복잡해진다.

 How do I measure it?

 나는 어떻게 그것을 측정할까?

 We can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various theories.

 우리는 별의 질량을 측정하는 것은 다양한 이론을 포함한다고 대략적으로 말할  있다.

 If we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period and a certain instance of Kepler's Third Law, to calculate the mass.

 우리가 쌍성의 질량을 측정하기를 원한다면, 질량을 계산하기 위해 우리는 먼저  별들 사이의 질량 중심을,  다음에 우리가 그제서야 사용할  있는  중심으로부터 떨어진 그것들의 거리를 공전 주기의 값과 케플러 3 법칙의 특정한 사례를 가지고 측정한다.

 In other words, in order to "measure" the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass.

 다시 말해서, 별의 질량을 '측정'하기 위해서 우리는 다양한 수치들을 측정하고  값들을 특정 방정식들과 함께 사용하여 질량을 계산한다.

 Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories.

 측정은 독립적으로 존재하는 값들의 단순하고 중재되지 않은 측정이 아니라, 이미 정립된 여러 이론들을 바탕으로 특정 크기들을 계산하는 것이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 23: 쾌락과 고통의 균형이 신체의 항상성을 유지하는 방식

 Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain.

  과학의 발견들에 따르면, 고통과 쾌락은 뇌의 같은 영역에서 형성되고 처리된다.

 Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions.

 우리 몸은 끊임없이 항상성을 추구하는데, 그것은 몸의 기능들의 균형이라고 정의된다.

 Without the body's effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving.

 잠재적인 변동을 완화시킬  있는 몸의 효과적인 보상 기제가 없다면 우리는 생존할  없을 것이다.

 Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another and keep balance.

 쾌락과 고통은 동일한 동전의  면과 같아서 그들은 함께 작동하는  같으며 서로 상당히 의존하고 있고 균형을 유지한다.

 If you imagine pleasure and pain as the two opposite points on a scale, you can easily understand that as one of the two points rises, the other must correspondingly fall.

 만약에 여러분이 쾌락과 고통을 저울 위의  반대 지점으로 상상한다면, 여러분은  지점   지점이 올라가면 다른  지점이 상응하여 틀림없이 내려갈 것임을 쉽게 이해할  있을 것이다.

 We've all heard the expression, "No pain, no gain."

 우리는 '고통 없이는, 얻는 것도 없다.'라는 표현을 모두 들어본 적이 있다.

 Well, according to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, there may be some truth to these words.

 , 정신과 의사인 Dr. Anna Lembke 따르면,  말에는 어느 정도의 진실이 있을  있다.

 She says that our attempts to escape being miserable are in fact making us even more miserable.

 그녀는 우리가 비참함에서 벗어나려는 우리의 시도가 사실 우리를 훨씬  비참하게 만들고 있다고 말한다.

 This is because pain is actually an essential component of our ability to maintain a neutral state, and allowing it will in turn reset our internal scale back to balance.

 이는 고통이 실제로 중립적인 상태를 유지하기 위한 우리 능력의 필수적인 구성 요소이기 때문이고, 그것을 허용하는 것은 결과적으로 우리의 내부 저울을 균형 상태로 다시 맞출 것이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 24: 지속적인 제품 업그레이드 주기로 소비자의 욕구를 형성하는 방식

 Manufacturers masterfully sow seeds of doubt about the adequacy of our current devices.

 생산자들은 노련하게 우리의 현재 기기들의 적절성에 대한 의심의 씨앗을 뿌린다.

 Suddenly, the phone that was your lifeline a year ago is now a museum piece, unable to keep pace with your digital demands.

 갑자기, 1 전의 당신의 목숨줄이었던 휴대폰이 지금은 당신의 디지털 수요를 따라가지 못하는, 시대에 뒤떨어진 것이 되었다.

 And thus, the itch to upgrade begins, often before there's a genuine need.

 그래서 종종 진짜 필요가 있기 이전에 업그레이드에 대한 욕구가 시작된다.

 This cycle isn't just confined to our digital companions.

 이러한 순환은 단지 우리의 디지털 용품에 국한되지 않는다.

 It spills over into almost every aspect of consumer electronics, from the self-driving car to the smart fridge.

 이것은 자율 주행 자동차부터 스마트 냉장고에 이르기까지 소비자 전자 기기들의 거의 모든 영역까지 번져나간다.

 Every product seems to be on an unstoppable march towards the next version, the next generation that promises to revolutionize your life.

 모든 제품은 다음 버전, , 당신의 삶에 변혁을 일으키겠다는 약속을 하는 다음 세대를 향한 멈출  없는 행진을 하는 것으로 보인다.

 What's fascinating, or perhaps disturbing, is the utter efficacy of this cycle in shaping our desires.

 흥미로운 , 또는 어쩌면 당황스러운 점은 우리의 욕구를 형성하는  순환의 절대적인 효과이다.

 It's not so much that we want the newest device; we're led to believe we need it.

 우리가 가장 최신기기를 원하는 것이 아니라, 우리가 그것을 원한다고 믿도록 유도된 것이다.

 The distinction between want and need blurs, shifting our financial priorities in favor of staying current with trends.

 최신 트렌드를 유지하는 것을 선호하는 쪽으로 우리의 재정적인 우선순위를 바꾸면서, 원하는 것과 필요한  사이의 구분이 흐릿해진다.

 For all the logical arguments against this ceaseless upgrading, the temptation remains compelling.

 이런 끊임없는 업그레이드를 하는 것에 대한 논리적인 논쟁에도 불구하고, 매력은 여전히 강력하다.


[2] 2024 10 – 25: 2023년과 2027 제품 카테고리별 온라인 판매 비율 예측

 The graph above shows the shares of online sales out of total sales by each of five product categories in 2023 and the estimated ones in 2027.

  그래프는 5 제품군별 2023 전체 판매  온라인 판매의 점유율과 2027년의 추정 점유율을 나타낸 것이다.

 The shares of all five categories are expected to increase by 2027 respectively, while not surpassing 50%.

 5 제품군 모두의 점유율은 2027년까지 각각 증가할 것으로 예상되나 50% 넘기지는 못할 것으로 예상된다.

 Based on the selected categories, consumer electronics is anticipated to show the biggest gap in the share of online sales between 2023 and 2027.

 선정된 제품군 중에서 소비자 가전은 2023년과 2027년의 온라인 판매 점유율에서 가장  격차를 보일 것으로 예상된다.

 DIY and furniture showed the same share of online sales with 29% in 2023 but the share of DIY online sales is estimated to exceed that of furniture online sales by 2027.

 DIY 가구는 2023년에 29% 동일한 온라인 판매 점유율을 나타냈지만, 2027년에는 DIY 온라인 판매 점유율이 가구 온라인 판매 점유율을 넘어설 것으로 추정된다.

 The share of beauty care online sales was lower than 20% by 2 percentage points in 2023, but is estimated to be higher than 20% in 2027.

 뷰티 케어 온라인 판매 점유율은 2023년에 20%보다 2퍼센티지포인트 낮았지만 2027년에는 20%보다 높을 것으로 추정된다.

 In 2023, food showed the lowest share of online sales among the categories, but that share is projected to more than double by 2027.

 2023년에 식품은 제품군  가장 낮은 온라인 판매 점유율을 보였지만  점유율은 2027년에는   이상 증가할 것으로 예상된다.


[2] 2024 10 – 26: Helen Suzman 인종차별 반대 운동과 평생에 걸친 업적

 Helen Suzman was an activist against apartheid, a racist political and social system in the Republic of South Africa.

 Helen Suzman 남아프리카 공화국의 인종 차별적인 정치  사회 체제인 아파르트헤이트에 대항하는 운동가였다.

 Suzman was born to Jewish immigrant parents in Germiston in the Union of South Africa in 1917.

 1917년에 남아프리카 연방의 Germiston에서 유대인 이민자 부모 밑에서 태어났다.

 While working as a lecturer on economic history at Witwatersrand University, she joined the South African Institute of Race Relations.

 Witwaterstand 대학에서 경제사 강사로 일하던  그녀는 남아프리카 인종 관계 연구소에 들어갔다.

 In 1953, she joined the United Party and was elected to Parliament, but when the United Party adopted a more moderate stance on apartheid, Suzman and other progressive members left it and formed the Progressive Party in 1959.

 1953년에 그녀는 통합당에 가입했고 의회에 선출되었지만 통합당이 아파르트헤이트에 대해  온건한 입장을 채택했을 , Suzman 다른 진보적인 구성원들은 탈당하여 1959년에 진보당을 만들었다.

 Suzman tirelessly fought against apartheid, exposing the government's abuses and challenging its laws for a total of 36 years in Parliament.

 Suzman 의회에서  36 동안 정권의 남용을 폭로하고 그것의 법에 도전하며 아파르트헤이트에 맞서 지칠  모르고 싸웠다.

 Even after her retirement in 1989, she continued to advocate for a multi-racial democracy in the Republic of South Africa and influenced the drafting of the country's new constitution after the end of apartheid.

 1989년에 그녀가 은퇴한 후에도, 그녀는 남아프리카 공화국의 다인종 민주주의를 계속해서 지지했고 아파르트헤이트가 끝난   나라의  헌법의 작성에 영향을 주었다.

 She remained an active voice for human rights and democracy until her death in 2009.

 그녀는 2009년에 사망할 때까지 인권과 민주주의의 적극적인 대변자로 남아 있었다.


[2] 2024 10 – 29: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법

 Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want.

 조건부 장소 선호도는 동물들이 무엇을 원하는지 알아내는 하나의 방법이다.

 Researchers train them to associate one place with an experience such as food or a loud noise and another place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens.

 연구자들은 그것들이  장소를 음식이나 시끄러운 소리와 같은 경험과 연관시키고  다른 장소를 완벽히 다른 어떤 것과 연관시키도록 훈련시키는데 대개 그곳에서는 아무것도 일어나지 않는다.

 The two places are made obviously different to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there.

   장소는  동물이  장소를 거기에서 그것에게 일어난 일과 연관시키는 것을 가능한  쉽게 만들기 위해 명백히 다르게 만들어진다.

 The animal's preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places.

  장소나 다른 장소에 있는 것에 대한  동물의 선호도는  장소에서 경험하기 전과 후에 모두 측정된다.

 If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time for the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it.

 만약 동물이 보상을 위해 어디에서 시간을 보내기로 선택하는지에 변화가 있다면, 이것은 그것이  경험을 좋아했고 그것을 반복하려고 노력하는 중이라는 것을 시사한다.

 Conversely, if it now avoids the place the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus unpleasant.

 반대로, 만약 그것이 이제 자극이 나타났던 장소를 피하고 그것이 그것을 경험하지 않았던 장소를 선호하기 시작한다면, 그러면 이것은 그것이  자극을 불쾌하게 느꼈다는 것을 시사한다.

 For example, mice with cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine, a drug used to relieve pain, rather than where they have received saline whereas healthy mice developed no such preference.

 예를 들어, 암에 걸린 쥐가 식염수를 받아 왔었던 곳보다 통증을 완화시키는  사용되는 약인 모르핀이 주어졌었던 장소에 대한 선호를 보여  반면, 건강한 쥐는 그러한 선호가 생기지 않았다.

 This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine.

 이것은 암에 걸린 쥐가  모르핀을 원했음을 시사한다.


[2] 2024 10 – 30: 새들의 번식 계절이 환경에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 설명

 Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round.

 적도 근처에서, 새의 많은 종들은   내내 번식한다.

 But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined.

 하지만 온대와 극지방에서는 새들의 번식기들이 대개 뚜렷하게 정해진다.

 They are triggered mainly by changes in day length.

 그것들은 주로 낮의 길이의 변화에 의해 촉발된다.

 If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak.

 만약에 모든 것이  진행된다면, 결과는 새들이 먹이 공급이 최고조에 이를  새끼들을 기르는 것이다.

 Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so.

 대부분의 새들은 다른 때에 번식하기를 단지 꺼리는 것뿐만 아니라 또한 신체적으로 그렇게   없는 것이다.

 This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight.

 이것은 왜냐하면 그들의 번식 기관이 줄어들기 때문이고,  사실은 나는 새들이 몸무게를 줄일  있도록 도와준다.

 The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species.

 유목성 사막 종은  규칙의 주요 예외이다.

 These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain.

 이들은 비가 오는 날들에 번식 주기를 시작할  있다.

 It's for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity.

 그것은 갑작스러운 번식 기회를 최대한으로 활용하기 위한 것이다.

 Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways.

 또한, 다른 종들은 번식 기간을 다른 방식으로 나눈다.

 Most seabirds raise a single brood.

 대부분의 바닷새들은  무리의 함께 태어난 새끼를 기른다.

 In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months.

 그러나, 따뜻한 지역에서는, 명금(鳴禽)들이   안에 여러 자녀들을 기를 수도 있다.



 In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.

 유난히 좋은 해에는 명금(鳴禽)  종류인 참새  쌍은 마라톤과 같은 번식 노력을 통해 잇따라 태어난 여러 무리의 함께 태어난 새끼들을 기를  있다.


[2] 2024 10 – 31: 학습 자원 인식 부족이 학생들의 창의성에 미치는 영향

 One factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students' learning.

 창의성을 방해할 수도 있는  가지 요소는 학생들의 학습에서  활동에 요구되는 자원에 대한 인식이 없다는 것이다.

 Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them.

 종종 학생들은 그들에게 요구되는 과제를 수행하는  필요한 자원들을 식별할  없다.

 Different resources may be compulsory for specific learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity's performance.

 여러 가지의 자원들이 특정 학습 과제들에 대해 필수적일  있어서 그것들을 인식하는 것은 활동의 수행을 평이하게   수도 있다.

 For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects.

 예를 들어, 학생들이 프로젝트에서 어떤 실험을 수행하기를 원할 수도 있다.

 There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, equipment, and chemicals required for the experiment.

 학생들이 실험에 요구되는 실험실, 장비, 그리고 화학 물질에 접근할  있을지 여부에 대한 사전 조사가 있어야 한다.

 It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be about human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and equipment for their learning where applicable.

 그것은 학생들이 성공하기 위해 준비가 필수적이라는 것을 의미하며, 그들의 학습을 위해 적용할  있는 경우에 그것은 실험실 기술자, 화학 물질 구입 자금, 그리고 장비와 같은 인적 그리고 재정적자원에 대한 것일 수도 있다.

 Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students' creativity.

 과제에 요구되는 자원들  일부가 이용 가능하지 않을 수도 있지만, 사전에 그것들을 식별하는 것은 학생들의 창의성에 도움이  수도 있다.

 It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means.

 그것은 심지어 주제 변경, 대체 자원들 찾기, 그리고 다른 방법으로 이어질 수도 있다.


[2] 2024 10 – 32: 번역 작업이 다양한 출처와 독자의 기대에 의존하는 방식

 All translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work.

 모든 번역가들은 그들이 대상으로 작업하고 있는 독자들의 공동체로부터 약간의 압박을 느낀다.

 And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people.

 그리고 모든 번역가들은 다른 사람들과의 대화에서 그들의 해석에 도달한다.

 The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer's Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own.

 영국의 시인 알렉산더 포프는 그리스어를  잘했지만, 18세기 초에 호머의 'Iliad' 번역하는 것에 대해 착수했을  그는 혼자  것이 아니었다.

 He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French ─ and of course he had dictionaries.

 그는 참고할 그리스어 해설과 이미 영어, 라틴어, 프랑스어로  번역본을 가지고 있었고, 물론 사전도 가지고 있었다.

 Translators always draw on more than one source text.

 번역가들은 항상  가지 이상의 원문을 활용한다.

 Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person's linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations.

 심지어 번역 현장이 하나의 , 종이, 그리고 번역 중인 책을 가진   사람으로 구성되어 있거나,  사람이 다른 사람을 위해 구두로 번역 중일 때에도,  사람의 언어적 지식은 많은 다른 텍스트와 다른 대화에서 발생한다.

 And then his or her idea of the translation's purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for.

 그러고 나서 번역의 목적에 대한  또는 그녀의 생각은 이것의 대상이 되는 사람 또는 사람들의 기대에 의해 영향을 받는다.

 In both these senses every translation is a crowd translation.

   가지 의미에서 모든 번역은 군중 번역이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 33: 읽기 행위를 단일 개념으로 정의하기 어려운 이유

 Some people argue that there is a single, logically consistent concept known as reading that can be neatly set apart from everything else people do with books.

 몇몇 사람들은 사람들이 책을 가지고 하는 모든 다른 행동들로부터 깔끔하게 분리될  있는, 읽기로 알려진 유일하고 논리적으로 일관성 있는 개념이 있다고 주장한다.

 Is reading really that simple?

 읽기는 정말로 그렇게 단순할까?

 The most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, as Ludwig Wittgenstein used the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait.

 읽기에 대해 생각하는 가장 생산적인 방식은 하나의 명백한 특성을 공통적으로 가지지 않은  Ludwig Wittgenstein  어구를 사용한 것처럼 가족 유사성 때문에 함께 속하게 되는 헐겁게 연결된행동의 묶음으로서이다.

 Consequently, efforts to distinguish reading from nonreading are destined to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place.

 결론적으로, 읽기와 읽기가 아닌 것을 구분하려는 노력은 실패로 돌아가는데, 왜냐하면 애초에 무엇이 읽기로서의 자격을 주는가에 대한 동의가 없기 때문이다.

 The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term's flexible boundaries.

 읽기와 읽기가 아닌  사이의 경계가 어디에 있는가를 알려고 하면 할수록, 더욱 많은 특이 사례들이  용어의 유연한 경계를 확장하고 있다는 것이 밝혀질 것이다.

 Thus, it is worth attempting to collect together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to establish the boundaries where reading begins and ends.

 그러므로, 이러한 예외적인 읽기의 형태들을 모두 함께 하나의 토론의 장으로 모으려는 시도는   가치가 있으며,  토론의 장은 어디서 읽기가 시작되고 끝나는가에 대한 경계를 정하기를 원하는누구나에 의해 마주하게  어려움들을 돋보이게 한다.

 The attempt moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is expansive enough to accommodate the distinct reading activities.

 그러한 시도는 별개의 읽기 활동들을  수용할 만큼 충분히 광범위한 스펙트럼으로서 읽기를 이해하는 것으로 발전한다.


[2] 2024 10 – 34: Weber 법칙으로 자극의 강도에 따른 차이 인식 설명

 Weber's law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli.

 베버의 법칙은  자극 사이의 차이에 대한 감지에 관한 것이다.

 It suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 mm and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long.

 이것은 우리가 466mm 467mm 길이인 선들을   1mm 차이를 감지할  없지만, 우리가 2mm 길이와 3mm 길이인 선을 비교할 때는 1mm 차이를 감지할  있을지도 모른다는 것을암시한다.

 Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room.

  원리의  다른 예는 촛불이 켜지지 않았으면 어두웠을 방안에 하나의 촛불이 켜졌을  이것을 감지할  있다는 것이다.

 But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle.

 그러나 100개의 촛불이 이미 타고 있는 방에 하나의 촛불이 켜졌을 , 우리는  촛불의 빛을 알아차리지 못할지도 모른다.

 Therefore, the Just-noticeable difference (JND) varies as a function of the strength of the signals.

 그러므로, 겨우 알아차릴  있는 차이(JND) 신호의 세기에 대한 함수에 의해 달라진다.

 For example, the JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much more quiet sounds.

 예를 들어, JND 훨씬  작은 소리에 대한 것보다 매우  소음에 대해  크다.

 When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder.

  소리가 매우 약할 , 우리는 그것이 간신히  클지라도,  다른 소리가  크다는 것을 구분할  있다.

 When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder.

 어떤 소리가 매우  , 다른 소리가 훨씬  크다는 것을 구분하기 위해서는,  소리는 훨씬  커야 한다.

 Thus, Weber's law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli.

 그러므로, 베버의 법칙은  표본들이 자극의 수준이  크거나 강할   표본을 구별하기가  어렵다는 것을 의미한다.


[2] 2024 10 – 35: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명

 Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget).

 어떤 새로운 자원(예를 들어, 새로운 공항, 새로운 쇼핑센터) 항상 공동의 자원(예를 들어,  또는  예산) 공유함으로써 사람들이 개별적으로 이익을 얻으면서 시작된다.

 Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the "commons" to support.

 , 어느 시점에서, 교통량은 '공유지' 견디기에 너무 커진다.

 Traffic jams, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyone ─ the tragedy of the commons!

 교통 체증, 과밀, 그리고 과도한 사용은 모두를 위한 공유 자원의 혜택을 줄이는데, 이것은  공유지의 비극이다!

 If the new resource cannot be expanded or provided with additional space, it becomes a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or walkers or competing users.

 만약 새로운 자원이 확장될  없거나 추가적인 공간이 제공될  없다면, 이것은 문제가 되고, 여러분은 여러분의 동료 운전자나 보행자 또는 경쟁 사용자들로부터 고립된 상태로 혼자서 문제를 해결할  없다.

 The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, both begin to fall after a peak, leading to a crash.

  새로운 자원에 대한 총활동은 계속 증가하고, 개인 활동도 증가한다. 그러나 만약 공동 사용과 과도한 사용의 역학이 너무 오래 지속되면,   정점 이후에 떨어지기 시작하고, 몰락으로 이어진다.

 What makes the "tragedy of commons" tragic is the crash dynamic ─ the destruction or degeneration of the common resource's ability to regenerate itself.

 '공유지의 비극'  비극적이게 만드는 것은 몰락 역학,   스스로를 재생산할  있는 공동 자원의 능력의 파괴 또는 퇴보이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 36: 뇌가 시각 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 방식으로 에너지를 절약

 Theoretically, our brain would have the capacity to store all experiences throughout life, reaching the quality of a DVD.

 이론적으로는 우리의 뇌는 DVD 품질에 도달할 정도로, 삶의 모든 경험들을 저장할  있는 수용력을 가지고 있을 것이다.

 However, this theoretical capacity is offset by the energy demand associated with the process of storing and retrieving information in memory.

 그러나,  이론상의 수용력은 기억에 정보를 저장하고 상기하는 과정과 관련된 에너지 수요로 인해 상쇄된다.

 As a result, the brain develops efficient strategies, becoming dependent on shortcuts.

  결과, 뇌는 효율적인 전략들을 수립하고, 지름길에 의존하게 된다.

 When we observe a face, the visual image captured by the eyes is highly variable, depending on the point of view, lighting conditions and other contextual factors.

 우리가 얼굴을 관찰할 , 눈에 의해 포착되는 시각적 이미지는 시점, 조명 조건  기타 상황적 요인들에 따라 매우 다양하다.

 Nevertheless, we are able to recognize the face as the same, maintaining the underlying identity.

 그럼에도 불구하고, 우리는 근본적인 정체성을 유지하면서 얼굴을 같은 것으로 인식할  있다.

 The brain, rather than focusing on the details of visualization, creates and stores general patterns that allow for consistent recognition across diverse circumstances.

 뇌는 시각화의 세부 사항에 집중하기보다 다양한 상황들에서 일관된 인식을 가능하게 하는 일반적인 패턴을 생성하고 저장한다.

 This ability to match what we see with general visual memory patterns serves as an effective mechanism for optimizing brain performance and saving energy.

 우리가 보는 것과 일반적인 시각 기억 패턴을 일치시키는  능력은 뇌의 수행을 최적화하고 에너지를 절약하는 효과적인 기제로 작용한다.

 The brain, being naturally against unnecessary effort, constantly seeks to simplify and generalize information to facilitate the cognitive process.

 불필요한 노력에 자연스럽게 대항하는 뇌는 인지 과정을 돕기 위해서 끊임없이 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 것을 추구한다.


[2] 2024 10 – 37: 과학 연구에서 창의적 해석이 이론 형성에 미치는 영향

 Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience.

 과학 연구에 관해서는, 설명하는 이야기들이 실험의 데이터에 엄밀히 충실할 것으로 기대되고 경험의 규칙적이고 예측 가능한 특징들을 밝힐 것으로 기대된다.

 However, this paradigm sometimes conceals the fact that theories are deeply loaded with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence.

 그러나, 이러한 패러다임은 때때로 이론들이 연구 프로젝트의 구성과 증거의 해석을 형성하는 창의적인 요소들로 철저히 채워져 있다는 사실을 감춘다.

 Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts.

 과학적 설명들은 단순히 사실들의 연대기를 말하는 것은 아니다.

 They construct frameworks for systematically chosen data in order to provide a consistent and meaningful explanation of what is observed.

 그것들은 관찰된 것에 대한 일관적이고 의미 있는 설명을 제공하기 위해 체계적으로 선택된 데이터에 대한 틀을 구축한다.

 Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others.

 그러한 구성들은 우리가 특정한 유형의 관계에서 구체적인 종류의 주제를 상상하도록 하며, 그것들이 고취하는 줄거리는 다른 것들보다 경험의 일부 특징을 분석하는   효과적일 것으로 판명될 것이다.

 When we neglect the creative contributions of such scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts ─ even worse, as facts including all of reality ─ we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies.

 우리가 그러한 과학적 상상의 창의적 기여를 무시하고 모델과 해석적 설명을 단순한 사실, 훨씬  심하게는 현실을 전부 포괄하는 사실로 간주할 , 우리는 주어진 모델의 한계에 대해 우리 스스로를 눈멀게 하며 그것이 잘못 적용되는 상황에 대해 오해할 가능성을 알아차리지 못할  있다.


[2] 2024 10 – 38: 문학이 사회적 변화를 촉진하거나 방해할  있는 방식

 We encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action.

 우리는 문학과 행동의 관계에 대한 상반된 주장들과 마주한다.

 Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce social change.

 이론가들은 문학이 세상과 관계를 맺는 방법으로써 고독한 독서와 성찰을 장려하고 따라서 사회 변화를 일으킬  있을지도 모르는 사회적이고 정치적인 활동들에 거스른다고 주장해 왔다.

 At best it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is.

 기껏해야 이것은 단절 또는 복잡성에 대한 인정을, 최악의 경우 수동성과 있는 그대로에 대한 수용을 조장한다.

 But on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements.

 그러나 다른 한편으로, 문학은 역사적으로 권위와 사회적 합의에 대한 의문을 제기하는 것을 조장하므로 위험하다고 여겨져 왔다.

 Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with their lives and eager for something new.

 플라톤은 그들이 해를 끼치는 것만   있기 때문에 그의 이상적인 공화국으로부터 시인들을 추방했고, 소설은 사람들이 그들의 삶에 불만을 품게 만들고 새로운 무언가를 갈망하도록 하는 것으로오랫동안 믿어져 왔다.

 By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, and race, books may promote a fellowship that discourages struggle; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible.

 계급, 성별, 그리고 인종의 경계를 넘어 동일시를 촉진함으로써, 책들은 투쟁을 단념시키는 동료 의식을 장려할  있을지 모르지만, 이것들은 또한 진보적인 투쟁들을 가능하게 만드는 강한 불의의감정을 일으킬  있다.

 Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Uncle Tom's Cabin, a best-seller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War.

 역사적으로, 문학 작품은 변화를 만드는 것으로 믿어져 왔는데  시대의 베스트셀러인 ' 아저씨의 오두막' 미국 남북 전쟁을 가능하게 만든 노예제에 대한 혐오감을 조성하는 것을 도왔다.


[2] 2024 10 – 39: Hobbes 자연 상태에서 인간의 본성과 도덕적 자유의 한계

 According to Hobbes, man is not a being who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in the state of nature.

 홉스에 따르면, 인간은 자연 상태에서 자신의 존재를 보호하려는 그의 본능을 무릅쓰고 도덕적으로 행동할  있는 존재가 아니다.

 Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where a sovereign power, namely the state, emerges.

 따라서, 도덕과 도덕적 자유가 적용을 찾기 시작하는 유일한 곳은 군림하는 권력,  국가가 출현하는 곳에서 나타난다.

 Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man's life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short".

 따라서 홉스는 자연 상태를 인간의 삶이 '고독하고, 가난하며, 불결하고, 잔인하고, 짧은' 상황으로 묘사한다.

 It means when people live without a general power to control them all, they are indeed in a state of war.

 그것은 사람들이 그들 모두를 통제할 일반적인 권력 없이 살아갈 , 그들은 실로 전쟁 상태에 놓여 있는 것임을 의미한다.

 In other words, Hobbes, who accepted that human beings are not social and political beings in the state of nature, believes that without the power human beings in the state of nature are "antisocial and rational based on their selfishness".

  다시 말해, 자연 상태에 있는 인간은 사회적이고 정치적인 존재가 아니라는 것을 인정한 홉스는  권력이 없이 자연 상태에 있는 인간은 '이기심에 기초해 반사회적이고 이성적'이라고 믿는다.

 Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes.

 게다가, 사회는 자연적인 현상이 아니며 사람들을 하나로 모으는 자연적인 힘도 없기 때문에, 홉스에 따르면 그들을 사회로 함께 모이게 하는 것은 상호 간의 애정이 아니다.

 It is, rather, mutual fear of men's present and future that assembles them, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature.

 두려움으로부터의 동기가 자연 상태에 있는 사람들 사이의 공통된 추진력이기 때문에, 오히려, 그들을 모으는 것은 인간의 현재와 미래에 대한 상호 간의 두려움이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 40: 인지적 요소가  인식에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

 There is research that supports the idea that cognitive factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world.

 인지적 요인들이 지각된 세계의 현상학에 영향을 미친다는 생각을 뒷받침하는 연구가 있다.

 Delk and Fillenbaum asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background.

 Delk Fillenbaum 참가자들에게 형상들의 색상을 배경 색상과 맞추도록 요청했다.

 Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color.

 몇몇 형상들은 특정 색상과 연관된 물체들을 묘사했다.

 These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart.

 그것들은 사과, 입술, 상징적인 하트 모양과 같이 전형적인 빨간색 물체를 포함했다.

 Other objects were presented that are not usually associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell.

 버섯이나 종과 같이 빨간색과 일반적으로 연관이 되지 않는 다른 물체들도 제시되었다.

 However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard.

 그러나, 모든 형상들은 동일한 다홍색 판지로 만들어졌다.

 Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red.

 그러고 나서 참가자들은  형상을 진한 빨간색에서 연한 빨간색까지 다양한 배경색과 맞춰야 했다.

 They had to make the background color match the color of the figures.

 그들은 배경색이 형상들의 색과 일치하게 해야 했다.

 The researchers found that red-associated objects required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that are not associated with the color red.

 연구자들은 빨간색과 연관된 물체들이 빨간색과 연관이 없는 물체가 그러한 것보다 배경과 일치한다고 판단되기 위해서 배경에서  빨간 색을 요구한다는 것을 발견했다.

 This implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color.

 이것은 색과 물체의 인지적 연관성이 우리가  색을 어떻게 지각하는가에 영향을 미친다는 것을 함의한다.

 [Summary] In one study, participants chose greater redness when asked to match the color of objects that are usually red to a background with the same color, which showed that their knowledge about the colors of objects influenced their perceptual judgment.

 [Summary]  연구에서, 참가자들은 일반적으로 빨간색인 물체의 색상과 같은 색상의 배경을 일치시키도록 요청받았을 ,  진한 빨강을 선택했는데, 이는 물체들의 색상에 대한 그들의 지식이그들의 지각적 판단에 영향을 미쳤다는 것을 보여 준다.


[2] 2024 10 – 41~42: 유전체 복제 과정에서 발생하는 돌연변이의 누적 원리 설명

 In each round of genome copying in our body, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of chromosomes will have an error.

 우리 몸속 게놈 복제의  과정마다, 적어도  쌍의 염색체들이 오류를 가질 확률이 여전히  70%이다.

 With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate.

 게놈 복제의  과정마다, 오류들이 쌓인다.

 This is similar to alterations in medieval books.

 이것은 중세 서적에 있어서의 변화와 유사하다.

 Each time a copy was made by hand, some changes were introduced accidentally; as changes stacked up, the copies may have acquired meanings at variance with the original.

 하나의 복사본이 사람 손으로 만들어질 때마다, 일부 변화들이 우연히 도입되었고, 변화들이 쌓이면서, 복사본은 원본과 불일치하는 의미를 축적했을 것이다.

 Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have gathered more mistakes.

 마찬가지로,  많은 복제 과정들을 거친 게놈은  많은 실수들을 축적하게  것이다.

 To make things worse, mutations may damage genes responsible for error checking and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations.

 설상가상으로, 변이들은 게놈의 오류 확인과 복구를 책임지는 유전자를 훼손해 변이들의 도입을 더욱 가속할 수도 있다.

 Most genome mutations do not have any noticeable effects.

 대부분의 게놈 변이들은 어떠한 뚜렷한 영향이 없다.

 It is just like changing the i for a y in "kingdom" would not distort the word's readability.

 그것은 마치 'kingdom'에서 'i' 'y' 변경하는 것이  단어의 가독성을 왜곡하지 않는 것과 같다.

 But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors.

 그러나 예를 들어, 때때로 인간 유전자에 대한 변이는 홍채가  가지 다른 색을 띠는 눈을 초래하기도 한다.

 Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body's cells multiplied to form skin.

 마찬가지로, 거의 모두가 모반이 있는데, 이는 우리 몸의 세포가 피부를 형성하기 위하여 증식하면서 발생한 변이들 때문이다.

 If mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously?

 만약 변이들이 하나의 특정 세포의 게놈에 대한 변화라면, 많은 개별적인 세포들로 구성된 홍채의 세포 집단이나 피부 전체 세포 집단이 어떻게 동시에 영향을 받을  있을까?

 The answer lies in the cell lineage, the developmental history of a tissue from particular cells through to their fully differentiated state.

  대답은 세포 계보,  특정 세포에서 그들의 완전히 차별화된 상태까지의 조직 발달 변천에 있다.

 If the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change.

 만약 발달 중인 홍채의 계보 초기에 변이가 발생했다면, 그렇다면  세포 집단의 모든 세포는  변화를 물려받아 왔을 것이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 43~45: 완벽주의에 대한 부담과 문제 해결 능력을 배운 이야기

 Max awoke to the gentle sunlight of an autumn day.

 Max 가을날의 부드러운 햇빛에 잠에서 깼다.

 Right on schedule, he swung his legs off the bed and took a deep, satisfying breath.

 시간에 맞추어 그는 다리를 침대 밖으로  내려 놓았고 깊고 만족스러운 숨을 내쉬었다.

 He began his morning the same way he usually did, getting dressed and going to school.

 그는 평소와 똑같은 방식으로 아침을 시작했고 옷을 입고 학교에 갔다.

 Today was going to be another perfect day until he ran into Mr. Kapoor, his science teacher.

 오늘은 과학 선생님인 Kapoor 선생님을 만나기 전까지는  다른 완벽한 날이  예정이었다.

 Just to remind you. Science fair projects are due next Wednesday. 

 그냥 (Max)에게 알려 주는 거야. 과학 박람회 프로젝트가 다음  수요일까지야.

 Don't forget to submit your final draft on time," Mr. Kapoor said.

  시간에 최종안을 제출하는 것을 잊어 버리지 ."라고 Kapoor 선생님이 말했다.

 Max froze.

 Max 얼어붙었다.

 What? It can't be! It was due next Friday!

 '뭐라고? 그럴  없어! 이건 다음  금요일까지였다고!'

 After school, he came home worrying that his whole perfectly planned week was going to be ruined.

 학교를 마친 후에, 그는 그의 완벽히 계획된 일주일이 망쳐질 것을 걱정하며 집으로 돌아왔다.

 Without his usual greeting, Max headed to his room in haste.

 그의 일상적인 인사 없이, Max 급하게 그의 방으로 향했다.

 What's wrong Max?, Jeremy, his dad, followed Max, worrying about him.

 무슨 일이니 Max? 그의 아버지인 Jeremy 그를 걱정하며 Max 따라갔다.

 Max furiously browsed through his planner without answering him, only to find the wrong date written in it.

 Max (Jeremy)에게 대답하지 않고 열성적으로 그의 일정표를 뒤적거렸지만, 거기에 잘못 적힌 날짜를 발견할 뿐이었다.

 Fighting through tears, Max finally managed to explain the unending pressure to be perfect to his dad.

 울음을 참으며, Max 마침내 가까스로 그의(Max) 아버지에게 완벽해야 한다는 끝나지 않는 압박에 대해 설명했다.

 To his surprise, Jeremy laughed.

 놀랍게도, Jeremy 웃었다.

 Max, guess what? Perfect is a great goal, but nobody gets there all the time. 

 Max, 있잖아? 완벽은 훌륭한 목표지만, 누구도 항상 거기에 도달할 수는 없단다.

 What matters is what we do when things get messy."

 중요한  일이 어질러졌을  우리가 무엇을 하는가야."

 That made him feel a little better.

 그것이 그의 기분을 조금  나아지게 만들어 주었다.

 You are saying I can fix this?

 아빠는 제가(Max) 이것을 해결할  있다고 말씀하시는 거예요?

 Absolutely, try to deal with problems in a logical way, Jeremy said.

 물론이지. 논리적인 방식으로 문제를 처리해봐.라고 Jeremy 말했다.

 Max thought for a moment.

 Max 잠시 동안 생각했다.

 I guess.... I can do that by rescheduling tonight's baseball lesson.

 아마.... 제가 오늘  야구 레슨 일정을 변경함으로써 그렇게   있을  같아요.

 Jeremy beamed.

 Jeremy 활짝 웃었다.

 See? That's you finding a solution.

 봤지? 네가 해결책을 찾아냈잖니.

 Max felt a genuine smile spreading.

 Max 진심 어린 미소가 퍼지는 것을 느꼈다.

 The next Wednesday, he successfully handed in the final draft on time with satisfaction.

 다음  수요일에 (Max) 만족하며 성공적으로 최종안을 제시간에 제출했다.

 From then on, he still loved order and routines, but also embraced the messy, unpredictable bits of life too.

  이후로 그는 여전히 순서와 정해진 일과를 좋아했지만, 또한 어지럽고 예측 불가능한 삶의 부분들도 기꺼이 맞이했다.





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블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 








자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 



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[고2] 2022년도 9월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (214문항)

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[고2] 2022년도 9월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #2 (188문항)

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[고2] 2022년 9월 기출모음 #2 - 188문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

혼공하는 학생들이나 자료 필요한 분들에게

유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)




블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 








자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 




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[고2] 2022년도 9월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (214문항)

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[고2] 2022년도 9월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #3 (178문항)

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[고2] 2022년 9월 기출모음 #1 - 214문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

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블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 








자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 



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[고2] 2022년도 9월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #2 (188문항)

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[고2] 2022년도 9월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #3 (178문항)

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[고2] 2023년 9월 기출모음 #3 - 161문항

과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항별로 수집한 자료이며,

문항당 비슷한 유형의 문제가 중복되어 있을 수 있으니 감안해서 사용하세요.

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유용한 자료가 될 수 있길 바랍니다 :)





자료 이용시 주의사항

1) 빈칸이나 순서 등의 문제에 중복이 있을 수 있습니다. (학교마다 비슷한 문제가 출제될 수 있음)
2) 정답이 대체로 맞지만, 오답이 있을 수 있습니다. 감안해서 이용하세요. (오답이 있는 경우 댓글 남겨주시면, 확인 후 수정할게요.) 
3) 다양한 이유로 기출모음 자료는 별다른 공지 없이 내려갈 수 있습니다. 



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[Flow Edu] 23년 고2 9월 기출 #3_161문항.pdf




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[고2] 2023년도 9월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #1 (197문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2023년도 9월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 첫번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2023년 9월 기출모음 #1 - 197문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항



[고2] 2023년도 9월 모의고사 - 기출문제 모음 #2 (168문항)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 고2 2023년도 9월 모의고사>의 기출문제 모음 두번째 자료를 올립니다.[고2] 2023년 9월 기출모음 #2 - 168문항과거 학교에서 출제됐던 기출 문제들을 문항




[고2] 2024년 09월 – 36번: 너무 유능한 사람은 오히려 덜 호감 가는 이유

It would seem obvious that the more competent someone is, the more we will like that person. By "competence," I mean a cluster of qualities: smartness, the ability to get things done, wise decisions, etc. We stand a better chance of doing well at our life tasks if we surround ourselves with people who know what they're doing and have a lot to teach us. But the research evidence is paradoxical: In problem-solving groups, the participants who are considered the most competent and have the best ideas tend not to be the ones who are best liked. Why? One possibility is that, although we like to be around competent people, those who are too competent make us uncomfortable. They may seem unapproachable, distant, superhuman ― and make us look bad (and feel worse) by comparison. If this were true, we might like people more if they reveal some evidence of fallibility. For example, if your friend is a brilliant mathematician, superb athlete, and gourmet cook, you might like him or her better if, every once in a while, they screwed up.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)

원문 출처 검색 불가


원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[고2] 2024년 09월 – 37번: 꿀벌의 춤과 컴퓨터 알고리즘의 차이

A computational algorithm that takes input data and generates some output from it doesn't really embody any notion of meaning. Certainly, such a computation does not generally have as its purpose its own survival and well-being. It does not, in general, assign value to the inputs. Compare, for example, a computer algorithm with the waggle dance of the honeybee, by which means a foraging bee conveys to others in the hive information about the source of food (such as nectar) it has located. The "dance" ― a series of stylized movements on the comb ― shows the bees how far away the food is and in which direction. But this input does not simply program other bees to go out and look for it. Rather, they evaluate this information, comparing it with their own knowledge of the surroundings. Some bees might not bother to make the journey, considering it not worthwhile. The input, such as it is, is processed in the light of the organism's own internal states and history; there is nothing prescriptive about its effects.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Similarly with the idea of life as computation. A computational algorithm that takes input data and generates some output from it doesn't really embody any notion of meaning either. Certainly, such a computation does not generally have as its purpose its own survival and well-being. It does not, in general, assign value to the inputs. Compare, for example, a computer algorithm with the waggle dance of the honeybee, by which means a foraging bee conveys to others in the hive information about the source of food (such as nectar) it has located. The "dance" ― a series of stylized movements on the comb ― shows the bees how far away the food is and in which direction. But this input does not simply program other bees to go out and look for it. Rather, they evaluate this information, comparing it with their own knowledge of the surroundings. Some bees might not bother to make the journey, deeming it not worthwhile. The input, such as it is, is processed in the light of the organism's own internal states and history; there is nothing prescriptive about its effects.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)


considering = deeming 


consider (v) 고려하다, 여기다, 생각하다

deem (v) ~로 여기다, 생각하다



[고2] 2024년 09월 – 38번: 행동 전염과 바이러스 전염의 유사점과 차이점

There are deep similarities between viral contagion and behavioral contagion. For example, people in close or extended proximity to others infected by a virus are themselves more likely to become infected, just as people are more likely to drink excessively when they spend more time in the company of heavy drinkers. But there are also important differences between the two types of contagion. One is that visibility promotes behavioral contagion but inhibits the spread of infectious diseases. Solar panels that are visible from the street, for instance, are more likely to stimulate neighboring installations. In contrast, we try to avoid others who are visibly ill. Another important difference is that whereas viral contagion is almost always a bad thing, behavioral contagion is sometimes negative ― as in the case of smoking ― but sometimes positive, as in the case of solar installations.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

There are deep similarities between viral contagion and behavioral contagion. For example, people in close or extended proximity to others infected by a virus are themselves more likely to become infected, just as people are more likely to drink excessively when they spend more time in the company of heavy drinkers. But there are also important differences between the two types of contagion. One is that visibility promotes behavioral contagion but inhibits the spread of infectious diseases. Solar panels that are visible from the street, for instance, are more likely to stimulate neighboring installations. In contrast, we try to avoid others who are visibly ill. Another important difference is that whereas viral contagion is almost always a bad thing, behavioral contagion is sometimes negative—as in the case of smoking—but sometimes positive, as in the case of solar installations.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[고2] 2024년 09월 – 39번: 동물의 동면과 수면의 차이

Sleep is clearly about more than just resting. One curious fact is that animals that are hibernating also have periods of sleep. It comes as a surprise to most of us, but hibernation and sleep are not the same thing at all, at least not from a neurological and metabolic perspective. Hibernating is more like being anesthetized: the subject is unconscious but not actually asleep. So a hibernating animal needs to get a few hours of conventional sleep each day within the larger unconsciousness. A further surprise to most of us is that bears, the most famous of wintry sleepers, don't actually hibernate. Real hibernation involves profound unconsciousness and a dramatic fall in body temperature ― often to around 32 degrees Fahrenheit. By this definition, bears don't hibernate, because their body temperature stays near normal and they are easily awakened. Their winter sleeps are more accurately called a state of torpor.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Sleep is clearly about more than just resting.** One curious fact is that animals that are hibernating also have periods of sleep. It comes as a surprise to most of us, but hibernation and sleep are not the same thing at all, at least not from a neurological and metabolic perspective. Hibernating is more like being concussed or anesthetized: the subject is unconscious but not actually asleep. So a hibernating animal needs to get a few hours of conventional sleep each day within the larger unconsciousness. A further surprise to most of us is that bears, the most famous of wintry slumberers, don’t actually hibernate. Real hibernation involves profound unconsciousness and a dramatic fall in body temperature—often to around 0°C. By this definition, bears don’t hibernate because their body temperature stays near normal and they are easily roused. Their winter slumbers are more accurately called a state of torpor.

Whatever sleep gives us, it is more than just a period of recuperative inactivity. Something must make us crave it deeply to leave ourselves so vulnerable to attack by brigands or predators, yet as far as can be told sleep does nothing for us that couldn’t equally be done while we were awake but resting. We also do not know why we pass much of the night experiencing the surreal and often unsettling hallucinations that we call dreams. Being chased by zombies or finding yourself unaccountably naked at a bus stop doesn’t seem, on the face of it, a terribly restorative way to while away the hours of darkness.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




sleepers = slumberer

awakened = roused


concuss (v) 뇌진탕을 일으키다

concussed (a) 뇌진탕이 일어난

slumber (n) 잠, 수면 (v) 잠을 자다 

slumberer (n) 잠자는 사람, 게으른 잠꾸러기

rouse (v) (특히 깊이 잠든 사람을) 깨우다





[고2] 2024년 09월 – 40번: 나이별로 타인의 평가를 의식하는 행동 차이

The concern about how we appear to others can be seen in children, though work by the psychologist Ervin Staub suggests that the effect may vary with age. In a study where children heard another child in distress, young children (kindergarten through second grade) were more likely to help the child in distress when with another child than when alone. But for older children ― in fourth and sixth grade ― the effect reversed: they were less likely to help a child in distress when they were with a peer than when they were alone. Staub suggested that younger children might feel more comfortable acting when they have the company of a peer, whereas older children might feel more concern about being judged by their peers and fear feeling embarrassed by overreacting. Staub noted that "older children seemed to discuss the distress sounds less and to react to them less openly than younger children." In other words, the older children were deliberately putting on a poker face in front of their peers.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

This concern about how we appear to others can also be seen in children, though work by the psychologist Ervin Staub suggests that the effect may vary with age. In a study where children heard another child in distress, young children (kindergarten through second grade) were more likely to help the child in distress when with another child than when alone. But for older children—in fourth and sixth grade—the effect reversed: they were less likely to help a child in distress when they were with a peer than when they were alone. Staub suggested that younger children might feel more comfortable acting when they have the company of a peer, whereas older children might feel more concern about being judged by their peers and fear feeling embarrassed by overreacting. Staub noted that "older children seemed to discuss the distress sounds less and to react to them less openly than younger children." In other words, the older children were deliberately putting on a poker face in front of their peers.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[고2] 2024년 09월 – 41~42번: 어린 시절 권위에 대한 질문의 중요성과 성인의 대응 방식

What makes questioning authority so hard? The difficulties start in childhood, when parents - the first and most powerful authority figures - show children "the way things are." This is a necessary element of learning language and socialization, and certainly most things learned in early childhood are noncontroversial: the English alphabet starts with A and ends with Z, the numbers 1 through 10 come before the numbers 11 through 20, and so on. Children, however, will spontaneously question things that are quite obvious to adults and even to older kids. The word "why?" becomes a challenge, as in, "Why is the sky blue?" Answers such as "because it just is" or "because I say so" tell children that they must unquestioningly accept what authorities say "just because," and children who persist in their questioning are likely to find themselves dismissed or yelled at for "bothering" adults with "meaningless" or "unimportant" questions. But these questions are in fact perfectly reasonable. Why is the sky blue? Many adults do not themselves know the answer. And who says the sky's color needs to be called "blue," anyway? How do we know that what one person calls "blue" is the same color that another calls "blue"? The scientific answers come from physics, but those are not the answers that children are seeking. They are trying to understand the world, and no matter how irritating the repeated questions may become to stressed and time-pressed parents, it is important to take them seriously to encourage kids to question authority to think for themselves.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

What makes questioning authority so hard? The difficulties start in childhood, when parents—the first and most powerful authority figures—show children "the way things are." This is a necessary element of learning language and socialization, and certainly most things learned in early childhood are noncontroversial: the English alphabet starts with A and ends with Z, the numbers 1 through 10 come before the numbers 11 through 20, and so on. Children, however, will spontaneously question things that are quite obvious to adults and even to older kids. The word “why?” becomes a challenge, as in, “Why is the sky blue?” Answers such as “because it just is” or “because I say so” tell children that they must unquestioningly accept what authorities say “just because,” and children who persist in their questioning are likely to find themselves dismissed or yelled at for “bothering” adults with "meaningless" or "unimportant" questions.

But these questions are in fact perfectly reasonable. Why is the sky blue? Many adults do not themselves know the answer. And who says the sky’s color needs to be called "blue," anyway? How do we know that what one person calls “blue” is the same color that another calls “blue”? The scientific answers come from physics, but those are not the answers that children are seeking. They are trying to understand the world, and no matter how irritating the repeated questions may become to stressed and time-pressed parents, it is important to take them seriously to encourage kids to question authority to think for themselves.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)






관련 자료 바로가기


[고2] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (20~24번)

[고2] 2024년 09월 – 20번: 걱정은 통제 가능한 감정이라는 점을 자녀에게 가르치는 방법Merely convincing your children that worry is senseless and that they would be more content if they didn't worry isn't goi



[고2] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~35번)

[고2] 2024년 09월 – 29번: 경제 중심 사고에서 생태적 건강을 중시하는 관점으로의 변화One well-known shift took place when the accepted view ― that the Earth was the center of the universe ― changed to one where we understoo




[고2] 2024년 09월 – 29번: 경제 중심 사고에서 생태적 건강을 중시하는 관점으로의 변화

One well-known shift took place when the accepted view ― that the Earth was the center of the universe ― changed to one where we understood that we are only inhabitants on one planet orbiting the Sun. With each person who grasped the solar system view, it became easier for the next person to do so. So it is with the notion that the world revolves around the human economy. This is slowly being replaced by the view that the economy is a part of the larger system of material flows that connect all living things. When this perspective shifts into place, it will be obvious that our economic well-being requires that we account for, and respond to, factors of ecological health. Unfortunately we do not have a century or two to make the change. By clarifying the nature of the old and new perspectives, and by identifying actions on which we might cooperate to move the process along, we can help accelerate the shift.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Problems arise, however, when circumstances in the world change and conventional wisdom does not. With its multitude of individual components, and its roots reaching back centuries and millennia, conventional wisdom does not shift easily.

One well-known shift took place when the accepted view — that the Earth was the center of the universe — changed to one where we understood that we are only inhabitants on one planet orbiting the Sun. With each person who grasped the solar system view, it became easier for the next person to do so. So it is with the notion that the world revolves around the human economy. This is slowly being replaced by the view that the economy is a part of the larger system of material flows that connect all living things. When this perspective shifts into place, it will be obvious that our economic well-being requires that we account for, and respond to, factors of ecological health. Unfortunately, we do not have a century or two to make the change. By clarifying the nature of the old and new perspectives, and by identifying actions on which we might cooperate to move the process along, we can help accelerate the shift.

Most people seek only to lead good lives. Without dedicating a lot of time to re-imagining the world, they accept the conventional wisdom and use it to make judgments. At present, the broad perception of what is good and proper is thoroughly saturated with conventional economic views. For effective change to take place, the goal of growth, which has been primary since ancient times, must move to second place, behind living within planetary limits.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[고2] 2024년 09월 – 30번: 인류의 진화 과정에서 도구 사용과 식단 변화가 중요한 역할을 함

The first human beings probably evolved in tropical regions where survival was possible without clothing. It is likely that they had very dark skin because light skin would have given little protection against the burning rays of the sun. There is a debate about whether these people spread into other parts of the world or, instead, whether people developed independently in various parts of the world. Whichever the case, it is believed that in time they became capable of spreading out from Africa, eventually to most of the world. This was probably because their physical characteristics changed. For instance, early hominids probably did not walk upright, but when they developed that ability, they could travel more efficiently. More important, perhaps, was their development of tool making. With tools, they could hunt other animals, so they could consume more protein and fat than their low-energy vegetarian diet would have provided. Not only their bodies but also their brains would have been changed with more energy. The brain needs lots of energy to grow. As their diet expanded, hominids could physically and intellectually expand their territory.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

The first human beings, or their humanlike precursors, probably evolved in tropical regions where survival was possible without clothing. It is likely that they had very dark skin because light skin would have given little protection against the burning rays of the sun. There is debate about whether these people spread into other parts of the world or, instead, whether people developed independently in various parts of the world. Whichever the case, it is believed that in time they became capable of spreading out from Africa, eventually to most of the world. This was probably because their physical characteristics changed. For instance, early hominids probably did not walk upright, but when they developed that ability, they could travel more efficiently. More important, perhaps, was their development of tool making. With tools, they could hunt or scavenge other animals, so they could consume more protein and fat than their low-energy vegetarian diet would have provided. Not only their bodies but also their brains would have been changed with more energy. The brain needs lots of energy to grow. As their diet expanded, hominids could physically and intellectually expand their territory.

Although all early hominids were probably dark-skinned, as they moved, that changed. In the most northern of the territories into which they expanded, the sun was very weak, especially in the long winters, and was often hidden by clouds or fog. Dark skin, which had been an advantage in warm, sunny climates, became a disadvantage because the sun’s rays, by penetrating human skin, help produce vitamin D, which is an essential element in nutrition. Populations that remained in these colder regions for very long periods of time—perhaps 100,000 years or more—seem gradually, through gene mutations and the process of natural selection, to have developed much lighter shades of skin.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




precursor (n) 선구자, 전임자, 전조

scavenge (v) (먹을 것 등을 찾아) 쓰레기 더미를 뒤지다, (직접 사냥한 것이 아닌) 죽은 고기를 먹다


[고2] 2024년 09월 – 31번: 불공정한 절차가 위로를 제공하는 이유와 공정한 절차의 심리적 영향

When we get an unfavorable outcome, in some ways the last thing we want to hear is that the process was fair. As outraging as the combination of an unfavorable outcome and an unfair process is, this combination also brings with it a consolation prize: the possibility of attributing the bad outcome to something other than ourselves. We may reassure ourselves by believing that our bad outcome had little to do with us and everything to do with the unfair process. If the process is fair, however, we cannot nearly as easily externalize the outcome; we got what we got "fair and square." When the process is fair we believe that our outcome is deserved, which is another way of saying that there must have been something about ourselves (what we did or who we are) that caused the outcome.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

When we get an unfavorable outcome, in some ways the last thing we want to hear is that the process was fair. As outraging as the combination of an unfavorable outcome and an unfair process is (it “multiplies insult times injury”), this combination also brings with it a consolation prize: the possibility of attributing the bad outcome to something other than ourselves. We may reassure ourselves by believing that our bad outcome had little to do with us and everything to do with the unfair process. If the process is fair, however, we cannot nearly as easily externalize the outcome; we got what we got “fair and square.” When the process is fair we believe that our outcome is deserved, which is another way of saying that there must have been something about ourselves (what we did or who we are) that caused the outcome.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[고2] 2024년 09월 – 32번: 서양 여성 드레스의 형태 변화를 분석한 연구 결과

The well-known American ethnologist Alfred Louis Kroeber made a rich and in-depth study of women's evening dress in the West, stretching back about three centuries and using reproductions of engravings. Having adjusted the dimensions of these plates due to their diverse origins, he was able to analyse the constant elements in fashion features and to come up with a study that was neither intuitive nor approximate, but precise, mathematical and statistical. He reduced women's clothing to a certain number of features: length and size of the skirt, size and depth of the neckline, height of the waistline. He demonstrated unambiguously that fashion is a profoundly regular phenomenon which is not located at the level of annual variations but on the scale of history. For practically 300 years, women's dress was subject to a very precise periodic cycle: forms reach the furthest point in their variations every fifty years. If, at any one moment, skirts are at their longest, fifty years later they will be at their shortest; thus skirts become long again fifty years after being short and a hundred years after being long.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Fashion poses a more acute and more paradoxical problematic to historians than it does to sociologists. The sort of public opinion maintained and promoted by the press and its letters pages, etc., presents fashion as an essentially capricious phenomenon, based on the creative faculty of the designer. According to public opinion, fashion is still located within a mythology of unfettered creativity that enables it to evade both the systematic and the habitual, resting upon a rather romantic notion of an inexhaustible abundance of spontaneous creativity. Isn't it said that fashion designers can do anything with nothing?

Historians, or to be more accurate, ethnologists, have studied this creative aspect of fashion. The well-known American ethnologist Kroeber made a rich and in-depth study of women’s evening dress in the West, stretching back about three centuries and using reproductions of engravings. Having adjusted the dimensions of these plates due to their diverse origins, he was able to analyze the constant elements in fashion features and to come up with a study that was neither intuitive nor approximate, but precise, mathematical, and statistical. He reduced women's clothing to a certain number of features: the length and size of the skirt, the size and depth of the neckline, and the height of the waistline. He demonstrated unambiguously that fashion is a profoundly regular phenomenon, which is not located at the level of annual variations but on the scale of history. For practically 300 years, women’s dress was subject to a very precise periodic oscillation: forms reach the furthest point in their variations every fifty years. If, at any one moment, skirts are at their longest, fifty years later they will be at their shortest; thus, skirts become long again fifty years after being short, and a hundred years after being long.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)


cycle = oscillation 


cycle (n) 순환, 주기

oscillation (n) (두 가지 사이의 규칙적인) 진동



[고2] 2024년 09월 – 33번: 기술 발전으로 인한 불평등과 노동 시장의 붕괴 가능성

Over the last few centuries, humanity's collective prosperity has skyrocketed, as technological progress has made us far wealthier than ever before. To share out those riches, almost all societies have settled upon the market mechanism, rewarding people in various ways for the work that they do and the things that they own. But rising inequality, itself often driven by technology, has started to put that mechanism under strain. Today, markets already provide immense rewards to some people but leave many others with very little. And now, technological unemployment threatens to become a more radical version of the same story, taking place in the particular market we rely upon the most: the labor market. As that market begins to break down, more and more people will be in danger of not receiving a share of society's prosperity at all.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)


원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Over the last few centuries, humanity’s collective prosperity has skyrocketed, as technological progress has made us far wealthier than ever before. To share out those riches, almost all societies have settled upon the market mechanism, rewarding people in various ways for the work that they do and the things that they own. But rising inequality, itself often driven by technology, has started to put that mechanism under strain. Today, markets already provide immense rewards to some people but leave many others with very little. And now, technological unemployment threatens to become a more radical version of the same story, taking place in the particular market we rely upon the most: the labour market. As that market begins to break down, more and more people will be in danger of not receiving a share of society’s prosperity at all.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[고2] 2024년 09월 – 34번: 전문가들이 기초 지식을 가르치기 어려운 이유

It's often said that those who can't do, teach. It would be more accurate to say that those who can do, can't teach the basics. A great deal of expert knowledge is implicit, not explicit. The further you progress toward mastery, the less conscious awareness you often have of the fundamentals. Experiments show that skilled golfers and wine aficionados have a hard time describing their putting and tasting techniques ― even asking them to explain their approaches is enough to interfere with their performance, so they often stay on autopilot. When I first saw an elite diver do four and a half somersaults, I asked how he managed to spin so fast. His answer: "Just go up in a ball." Experts often have an intuitive understanding of a route, but they struggle to clearly express all the steps to take. Their brain dump is partially filled with garbage.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)


원문 텍스트 및 OCR

It's often said that those who can’t do, teach. It would be more accurate to say that those who can do, can’t teach the basics. A great deal of expert knowledge is tacit—it’s implicit, not explicit. The further you progress toward mastery, the less conscious awareness you often have of the fundamentals. Experiments show that skilled golfers and wine aficionados have a hard time describing their putting and tasting techniques—even asking them to explain their approaches is enough to interfere with their performance, so they often stay on autopilot. When I first saw an elite diver do four and a half somersaults, I asked how he managed to spin so fast. His answer: “Just go up in a ball.” Experts often have an intuitive understanding of a route, but they struggle to articulate all the steps to take. Their brain dump is partially filled with garbage.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



implicit = tacit

clearly express = articulate


implicit (a) 암시된, 내포된

tacit (a) 암묵적인, 무언의

articulate (v) (생각·감정을) 분명히 표현하다[설명하다]


[고2] 2024년 09월 – 35번: 곡물 가공과 발효 과정이 영양소 보존에 미치는 영향

Minimal processing can be one of the best ways to keep original flavors and taste, without any need to add artificial flavoring or additives, or too much salt. This would also be the efficient way to keep most nutrients, especially the most sensitive ones such as many vitamins and anti-oxidants. Milling of cereals is one of the most harsh processes which dramatically affect nutrient content. While grains are naturally very rich in micronutrients, anti-oxidants and fiber (i.e. in wholemeal flour or flakes), milling usually removes the vast majority of minerals, vitamins and fibers to raise white flour. Such a spoilage of key nutrients and fiber is no longer acceptable in the context of a sustainable diet aiming at an optimal nutrient density and health protection. In contrast, fermentation of various foodstuffs or germination of grains are traditional, locally accessible, low-energy and highly nutritious processes of sounded interest.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

3.3 Food quality, culinary skills, dietary patterns  
and nutrition education

As introduced before, an overall food quality is a prerequisite for optimal nutrition.

Regarding produced raw food, an optimal quality lies in tasty products, with high nutrient content and no/minimal contaminations by chemical toxicants. The products raised through the agro-ecological methods such as certified organic ones generally fit these two requirements by improving the dry matter and some nutrients contents and minimizing chemical and nitrate contaminations as recently reviewed (Rembialkowska, 2007; FSA, 2009; Lairon, 2010).

Minimal processing can be one of the best ways to keep original flavours and taste, without any need to add artificial flavouring or additives, or too much salt. This would also be the efficient way to keep most nutrients, especially the most sensitive ones such as many vitamins and anti-oxidants. Milling of cereals is one of the most stringent processes which dramatically affect nutrient content. While grains are naturally very rich in micronutrients, anti-oxidants and fibre (i.e. in wholemeal flour or flakes), milling usually removes the vast majority of minerals, vitamins and fibres to raise white flour. 

Such a spoilage of key nutrients and fibre is no longer acceptable in the context of a sustainable diet aiming at an optimal nutrient density and health protection. In contrast, fermentation of various foodstuffs or germination of grains are traditional, locally accessible, low-energy and highly nutritious processes of sounded interest.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



harsh = stringent


harsh (a) 가혹한, 혹독한

stringent (a) 엄격한, 긴박한




관련 자료 바로가기


[고2] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (20~24번)

[고2] 2024년 09월 – 20번: 걱정은 통제 가능한 감정이라는 점을 자녀에게 가르치는 방법Merely convincing your children that worry is senseless and that they would be more content if they didn't worry isn't goi



[고2] 2024년 9월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (36~42번)

[고2] 2024년 09월 – 36번: 너무 유능한 사람은 오히려 덜 호감 가는 이유It would seem obvious that the more competent someone is, the more we will like that person. By "competence," I mean a cluster of qualities: smartness,




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