


[2] 2024 10 – 35: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명


Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget). Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the "commons" to support. Traffic jams, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyone ─ the tragedy of the commons! If the new resource cannot be expanded or provided with additional space, it becomes a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or walkers or competing users. The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, both begin to fall after a peak, leading to a crash. What makes the "tragedy of commons" tragic is the crash dynamic ─ the destruction or degeneration of the common resource's ability to regenerate itself.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Archetype 4. Tragedy of the Commons

Management Principle: Continuous Increase in Use of a Common Resource Will Eventually Overstrain the Resource Until It Crashes

Any new resource (e.g., a new expressway, a new airport, a new mall, a new charter school, a children's park, a new credit union) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget). Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the “commons” to support; congestion, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyone ~ the tragedy of the commons! If the new resource cannot be expanded or replenished with additional space, it becomes a constraint, a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or pedestrians or competing users. The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but both begin to fall after a peak, the latter faster than the former. Eventually, if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, the total activity will also hit a peak and crash. What makes the “tragedy of commons” tragic is the crash dynamic - the destruction or degeneration of the common resource's ability to regenerate itself. The tragedy of the commons, thus, is a corollary of the “limits to growth” archetype.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[2] 2024 10 – 36: 뇌가 시각 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 방식으로 에너지를 절약


Theoretically, our brain would have the capacity to store all experiences throughout life, reaching the quality of a DVD. However, this theoretical capacity is offset by the energy demand associated with the process of storing and retrieving information in memory. As a result, the brain develops efficient strategies, becoming dependent on shortcuts. When we observe a face, the visual image captured by the eyes is highly variable, depending on the point of view, lighting conditions and other contextual factors. Nevertheless, we are able to recognize the face as the same, maintaining the underlying identity. The brain, rather than focusing on the details of visualization, creates and stores general patterns that allow for consistent recognition across diverse circumstances. This ability to match what we see with general visual memory patterns serves as an effective mechanism for optimizing brain performance and saving energy. The brain, being naturally against unnecessary effort, constantly seeks to simplify and generalize information to facilitate the cognitive process.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가



원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 37: 과학 연구에서 창의적 해석이 이론 형성에 미치는 영향


Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience. However, this paradigm sometimes conceals the fact that theories are deeply loaded with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence. Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts. They construct frameworks for systematically chosen data in order to provide a consistent and meaningful explanation of what is observed. Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others. When we neglect the creative contributions of such scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts ─ even worse, as facts including all of reality ─ we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Mechanistic Stories in Humane Practices

Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience. However, and as Misak has explained, this mode of operation sometimes disguises the fact that theories are deeply laden with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence. Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts. They construct frameworks for—they “emplot”—systematically chosen data in order to provide a coherent and meaningful explanation of what is observed. Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others. When we neglect the creative contributions of the scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts—even worse, as facts exhaustive of reality—we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 38: 문학이 사회적 변화를 촉진하거나 방해할  있는 방식


We encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action. Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce social change. At best it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is. But on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements. Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with their lives and eager for something new. By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, and race, books may promote a fellowship that discourages struggle; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible. Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Uncle Tom's Cabin, a best-seller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

We also encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action. Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce change. At best, it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is. But, on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements. Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with the lives they inherit and eager for something new—whether life in big cities or romance or revolution. By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, race, nation, and age, books promote a ‘fellow-feeling’ that may discourage struggle but may also produce identifications and a keen sense of injustice that make progressive struggles possible. Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Harriet Beecher Stowe’s *Uncle Tom’s Cabin*, a bestseller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)





[2] 2024 10 – 39: Hobbes 자연 상태에서 인간의 본성과 도덕적 자유의 한계


According to Hobbes, man is not a being who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in the state of nature. Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where a sovereign power, namely the state, emerges. Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man's life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short". It means when people live without a general power to control them all, they are indeed in a state of war. In other words, Hobbes, who accepted that human beings are not social and political beings in the state of nature, believes that without the power human beings in the state of nature are "antisocial and rational based on their selfishness". Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes. It is, rather, mutual fear of men's present and future that assembles them, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

By continuing the same logic, Hobbes claims that the equality and freedom of people in terms of obtaining anything on nature leads to the enmity among individuals, for “if any two men desire the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies; and in the way to their end (which is principally their own conservation, and sometimes their delectation only) endeavour to destroy or subdue one another” (Ibid). The important point that can be drawn from this Hobbesian description of the emergence of enmity among individuals in state of nature is the reality of scarce resources in nature which highly possibly lead to the enmity. In such a state of nature, for Hobbes, three principles lead to the state of war which are: “First competition; secondly, diffidence; thirdly, glory” (Ibid: 77). So, according to Hobbes, if there is no sovereign power over people, morality and so moral freedom will not be in question. Man is not a man who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in such a state of nature. Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where state emerges. That is, in state of nature everyone will be always at war all against all unless there exists a sovereign power, namely state. Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man’s life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short” (Ibid: 78). In other words, when people live without a general power to fear them all, they are indeed in a state of war, and this war is the war of all against all (Ibid: 94). Hobbes, who accepted that human being is not social and political being in the state of nature (not zoon politikon in Aristotelian sense) (Ibid: 22), believes that human being in state of nature is an “antisocial and rational based on selfishness”. Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes. Rather, it is mutual fear of man’s present and future that brings them together, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature (Ibid: 24-25).



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 40: 인지적 요소가  인식에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구


There is research that supports the idea that cognitive factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world. Delk and Fillenbaum asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background. Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color. These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart. Other objects were presented that are not usually associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell. However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard. Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red. They had to make the background color match the color of the figures. The researchers found that red-associated objects required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that are not associated with the color red. This implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 가능하지만 텍스트에 접근 불가능



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

The view that cognitive and emotional factors influence the phenomenology of perception is known as cognitive penetration (Marchi & Newen, 2015). Cognitive penetration means that nonperceptual factors affect what we see, hear, taste, and feel. The opposing view is that perception is not affected by cognitive factors and that only our reporting of perception is. This view is called cognitive impenetrability (Firestone & Scholl, 2016). Impenetrability implies that our perception remains the same, regardless of our cognitive and emotional state. What changes instead is attention, expectation, or our mood state, which is different than our perceptual state. The dominant view in the field is that perception is cognitive impenetrable. However, recent research supports some instances in which cognitive or emotional factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world.

Delk and Fillenbaum (1965) asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background. Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color. These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart. Other objects were presented that are not typically associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell. However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard. Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red. They had to make the background color the same as the color of the figures. Delk and Fillenbaum found that red-associated objects (e.g., the apple) required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that were not associated with the color red. This suggests that the knowledge of the objects was influencing people to perceive them as being more red than other objects (Figure 1.22). Hansen, Olkkonen, Walter, and Gegenfurtner (2006) replicated this basic finding. They presented participants with photographs of fruit such as bananas and simple patches of colors. Participants were asked to adjust the color of the object (banana or patch) to the uniform gray background. Hansen et al. found that participants adjusted the fruits differently than the patches of equivalent color. For example, participants added more blue to the banana in order to cancel out the more perceived yellowness of it (we will discuss color cancellation more in Chapter 6). Hansen and colleagues suggest that this implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 41~42: 유전체 복제 과정에서 발생하는 돌연변이의 누적 원리 설명


In each round of genome copying in our body, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of chromosomes will have an error. With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate. This is similar to alterations in medieval books. Each time a copy was made by hand, some changes were introduced accidentally; as changes stacked up, the copies may have acquired meanings at variance with the original. Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have gathered more mistakes. To make things worse, mutations may damage genes responsible for error checking and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations. Most genome mutations do not have any noticeable effects. It is just like changing the i for a y in "kingdom" would not distort the word's readability. But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors. Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body's cells multiplied to form skin. If mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously? The answer lies in the cell lineage, the developmental history of a tissue from particular cells through to their fully differentiated state. If the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

A full 1 percent of our genes are involved in proofreading and correcting chromosomes. But despite this substantial investment in error correction, DNA copying is not perfect. In each cell division, there are 6 billion letter pairs to copy, check, and correct. The chance for one specific DNA letter pair to be mutated in one such duplication round (the mutation rate) is about 1 in 10 billion. Thus, in each round of genome copying, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of letters will have a typo. This number is optimistic, because it assumes that you lead a healthy life. Your genomes can suffer even more changes through toxic chemicals (such as those in cigarette smoke or burned meat) or exposure to ultraviolet radiation (from the sun or visits to tanning salons). Such mutations can be single letters exchanged for others, as in the example above, but in some cases, entire segments of the DNA molecule (whole stretches of letters) are removed or are duplicated and added at seemingly random places. Because of these mutations, you do not have one single genome, but instead many billions of slightly different genomes, one for each of your cells.

With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate. This is analogous to alterations in medieval books, which were copied by hand. Each time a copy was made, some changes were introduced inadvertently; over time, as changes accumulated, the copies may have accrued meanings at variance with the original. Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have accumulated more mistakes. To make things worse, mutations may damage those genes responsible for the proofreading and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations.

Most mutations do not have any noticeable effects, just like changing the *i* for a *y* in “kingdom” would not distort the word’s legibility or meaning. But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors. Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body’s cells multiplied to form skin.

But if mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously? Were all of the millions of cells in the iris of a girl with a blue patch in an otherwise brown eye struck by the same mutation? The answer lies in the cell lineage: if the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)


관련 자료 바로가기


[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (20~24번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 20번: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 함 To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to



[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~34번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 29번: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법 Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. Researchers train them to associate one place with an experienc






[2] 2024 10 – 29: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법


Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. Researchers train them to associate one place with an experience such as food or a loud noise and another place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens. The two places are made obviously different to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there. The animal's preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places. If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time for the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it. Conversely, if it now avoids the place the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus unpleasant. For example, mice with cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine, a drug used to relieve pain, rather than where they have received saline whereas healthy mice developed no such preference. This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

While there are some situations, like the cow lying experiment, when giving an animal repeated experiences is just practically difficult and cumbersome, there are some situations where it is actually impossible for an animal to have the repeated experiences that are needed for it to give an ‘informed’ opinion of what is happening to it. For example, with a one-off medical procedure such as removal of a tumour, a question might be whether an animal (or a human) would prefer to have post-operative care with drug A or with drug B. It would be quite impossible to carry out same the operation repeatedly with different drugs and then see which one is chosen as the sequence of operations progressed. Fortunately, it is now possible to devise choice tests that avoid repeated testing but still ensure the animal has the relevant experience.

Conditioned Place Preference (CPP) is a way of finding out what animals want by training them to associate one place with a single experience such as food or a loud noise and a second place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens (Dixon et al. 2013). The two places are made very obviously different, such as being painted with different colours or patterns, to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there. The animal’s preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places.

If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time so that it starts to spend more time where it obtained the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it (Bardo and Bevins 2000). Conversely, if it now avoids the place where the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place where it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus aversive and wanted to get away from it. The advantage of this method is that it can work with just one experience, provided that the animal is clever enough to make the association.

CPP is commonly used in pharmacology to test how animals respond to different drugs (Bardo and Bevins 2000). For example, mice with bladder cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine rather than where they have received saline, whereas healthy controls developed no such preference (Roughan et al. 2014). This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine.

Its opposite, Conditioned Place Aversion, has been demonstrated in a number of different species, including fish. Gilt-head bream, Sparus aurata, showed a conditioned avoidance to a place where they had been chased with a dip net compared with a distinctively different place in another part of their tank where they had not been chased (Millot et al. 2014). The fish showed that they did not want to be chased with a net by choosing the place where they had not been chased.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 30: 새들의 번식 계절이 환경에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 설명


Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined. They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. It's for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity. Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Breeding seasons

On and near the equator, many species of bird breed more or less all year round. But in the rest of the world, particularly in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined.

They are triggered mainly by changes in day length, although rising temperatures also play a part. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times—they are physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shuts down and shrinks, an adaptation that helps flying birds save weight.

The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species, such as Zebra Finches and Budgerigars. These can “switch on” their breeding cycle within days of rain to make the most of the sudden breeding opportunity.

When the breeding season is in progress, different species divide it up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood, often consisting of one young. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months.

In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows can raise five successive broods—a marathon reproductive effort.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 31: 학습 자원 인식 부족이 학생들의 창의성에 미치는 영향


One factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students' learning. Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them. Different resources may be compulsory for specific learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity's performance. For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects. There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, equipment, and chemicals required for the experiment. It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be about human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and equipment for their learning where applicable. Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students' creativity. It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Another factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students’ learning. Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them. Different resources may be compulsory for specific HE learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity’s performance. For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects. There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, apparatuses, and chemicals required for the experiment. It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and apparatus for their learning where applicable. Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students’ creativity. It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)





[2] 2024 10 – 32: 번역 작업이 다양한 출처와 독자의 기대에 의존하는 방식


All translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work. And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people. The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer's Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own. He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French ─ and of course he had dictionaries. Translators always draw on more than one source text. Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person's linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations. And then his or her idea of the translation's purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for. In both these senses every translation is a crowd translation.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

In fact, all translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work. And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people. The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer’s Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own. He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French—and of course he had dictionaries. Translators always draw on more than one source text. Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person’s linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations. And then his or her idea of the translation’s purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for. In both these senses (this is our third key discovery) every translation is a crowd translation.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 33: 읽기 행위를 단일 개념으로 정의하기 어려운 이유


Some people argue that there is a single, logically consistent concept known as reading that can be neatly set apart from everything else people do with books. Is reading really that simple? The most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, as Ludwig Wittgenstein used the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait. Consequently, efforts to distinguish reading from nonreading are destined to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place. The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term's flexible boundaries. Thus, it is worth attempting to collect together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to establish the boundaries where reading begins and ends. The attempt moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is expansive enough to accommodate the distinct reading activities.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR


The idea for this book came while I was finishing another one looking into debates over what counts as “real” reading. Time and again I encountered people who insisted on drawing a sharp line between reading and closely related activities they judged to be impostors (in that case, listening to audio books). It was not their verdicts that held my attention so much as the confidence that there was a single, coherent entity known as reading that could be neatly set apart from everything else people did with books. Is reading really that simple?

As this book contends, the most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s understanding of the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait. Consequently, efforts to cordon off reading from nonreading are doomed to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place. The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term’s elastic boundaries. My book attempts to marshal together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to patrol the boundaries over where reading begins and ends. *Reader’s Block* moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is capacious enough to accommodate the disparate activities documented in the following chapters along with any new ones that will inevitably surface beyond its pages.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 34: Weber 법칙으로 자극의 강도에 따른 차이 인식 설명


Weber's law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli. It suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 mm and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long. Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room. But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle. Therefore, the Just-noticeable difference (JND) varies as a function of the strength of the signals. For example, the JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much more quiet sounds. When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder. When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder. Thus, Weber's law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Weber, Fechner, and the Birth of Psychophysics

Helmholtz and Hering both approached sensation and perception from the perspective of physiology. Around the same time as Helmholtz and Hering were looking at the relation of physiology and perception, other German scientists were doing work with a more psychological perspective. Ernst Heinrich Weber (1795-1878) discovered Weber's law (though it was Gustav Fechner, another German scientist, who named the law after Weber). 

Weber's law states that a just-noticeable difference (JND) between two stimuli is related to the magnitude or strength of the stimuli. What does this mean? Well, it concerns two stimuli that are very similar. Can we detect the difference between two very close red colors, or can we detect the difference between 1.44 mg of sugar dissolved in a cup of water and 1.48 mg of sugar dissolved in a cup of water? Thus, Weber’s law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli. For more examples, do we hear the difference between a 1,000-Hz tone and one of 1,005 Hz? Another example is whether we see the difference in length between a line 466 mm long and one that is 467 mm long. 

Weber's law suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long. Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room. But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle. 

The JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much quieter sounds. When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder. When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder. Thus, Weber's law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli. To repeat, Weber's law states that a “just-noticeable difference” (JND) between two stimuli is related to the magnitude or strength of the stimuli.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



관련 자료 바로가기


[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (20~24번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 20번: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 함 To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to



[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (35~42번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 35번: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명 Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the






[2] 2024 10 – 20: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 


To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems. Dealing with such complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirroring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing mathematical teaching methods. Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking. Therefore, making decisions, even qualitatively, is not possible without using mathematics and critical thinking. Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process. They can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

3.5 Mathematics and Citizenship

To be mathematically literate means to be able to reflect on societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems. Several papers focus on the fact that the demand for future citizens as well as the workforce of the future depends on educating students who can deal with complex problems that transcend traditional disciplines and make informed decisions. Dealing with complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirtoring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing teaching. Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking. Making decisions without using mathematics, even qualitatively, and critical thinking is not possible. Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process. Mathematics education should provide tasks that support the development of the two citizenship competencies. With reference to Malthus and the club of Rome, the theoretical connection among decision making, interdisciplinarity, and mathematical modeling is vindicated. Thus, critical thinking and decision making can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[2] 2024 10 – 21: 덕목은 일시적 충동이 아니라 지속적인 도덕적 습관에서 형성됨


Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present after taking a generosity booster. How would you feel? Undoubtedly, there is something praiseworthy about the action. You'd be pleased to receive the gift. You'd say 'thank you', and mean it. But his change of heart is not entirely satisfying. According to Zagzebski, an American philosopher, he is not really generous. When we praise someone's character, we use words for various virtues: 'generous', 'kind', 'courageous', etc. A person who gives one gift isn't generous. Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person's 'moral identity', an emotional habit that is part of who you are. Thus virtues, as opposed to nontypical impulse, are the result of your personal history. They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed. Instant virtue is therefore impossible. Popping a pill cannot make you a better person.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

What about the pills to make you a better person? According to Linda Zagzebski, writing in 1996, there is no recommended dose: in small amounts they are useless, in large ones fatal. Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present. Then you learn that they ve taken a generosity booster. How would you feel? Undoubtedly, there is something commendable about the action. You'd be pleased to receive the gift. You'd say 'thank you', and mean it. But their change of heart is not entirely satisfying. According to Zagzebski, they are not really generous. When we commend someone's character, we use words for various virtues: 'generous', 'kind', 'courageous', etc. A person who gives one gift isn't generous. Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person's 'moral identity', an emotional habit that is part of who you are. Thus virtues, as opposed to atypical whims, are the result of your personal history. They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed. Instant virtue is therefore impossible, so popping a pill cannot make you a better person.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 22: 이중성 시스템을 활용해 별의 질량을 계산하는 방법 설명


To determine the mass of my bowling ball, I might put it onto a balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams. Things get much more complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star. How do I measure it? We can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various theories. If we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period and a certain instance of Kepler's Third Law, to calculate the mass. In other words, in order to "measure" the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass. Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

2.3.3 Theory-Ladenness of Measurement

Suppose I want to determine the mass of my bowling ball. To that end, I might put it onto an ordinary balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams. Things get more - much more - complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star. Obviously, I cant put it onto any balance. So how do I measure it? The details are actually quite complicated, but we can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various background theories. For example, if we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period (the time it takes to complete one orbit around each other) and a certain instance of Kepler's Third Law, to calculate the mass. In other words, in order to "measure" the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass. Obviously, the correctness of such a “measurement” not only depends on the correctness of other measurements (in this case, at least that of the period), but also on the correctness of certain background assumptions, such as Kepler's Laws. Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but often a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[2] 2024 10 – 23: 쾌락과 고통의 균형이 신체의 항상성을 유지하는 방식


Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain. Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions. Without the body's effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving. Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another and keep balance. If you imagine pleasure and pain as the two opposite points on a scale, you can easily understand that as one of the two points rises, the other must correspondingly fall. We've all heard the expression, "No pain, no gain." Well, according to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, there may be some truth to these words. She says that our attempts to escape being miserable are in fact making us even more miserable. This is because pain is actually an essential component of our ability to maintain a neutral state, and allowing it will in turn reset our internal scale back to balance.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가


원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[2] 2024 10 – 24: 지속적인 제품 업그레이드 주기로 소비자의 욕구를 형성하는 방식


Manufacturers masterfully sow seeds of doubt about the adequacy of our current devices. Suddenly, the phone that was your lifeline a year ago is now a museum piece, unable to keep pace with your digital demands. And thus, the itch to upgrade begins, often before there's a genuine need. This cycle isn't just confined to our digital companions. It spills over into almost every aspect of consumer electronics, from the self-driving car to the smart fridge. Every product seems to be on an unstoppable march towards the next version, the next generation that promises to revolutionize your life. What's fascinating, or perhaps disturbing, is the utter efficacy of this cycle in shaping our desires. It's not so much that we want the newest device; we're led to believe we need it. The distinction between want and need blurs, shifting our financial priorities in favor of staying current with trends. For all the logical arguments against this ceaseless upgrading, the temptation remains compelling.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가


원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



관련 자료 바로가기


[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~34번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 29번: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법 Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. Researchers train them to associate one place with an experienc



[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (35~42번)

[고2] 2024년 10월 – 35번: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명 Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the







[1] 2024 10 – 35:  부족 문제의 정치적 원인과 그로 인한 불평등


Today, the water crisis is political ─ which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ─ and, therefore, functionally elective. That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization. There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren't doing much to address it. Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent. Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Today, the crisis is political—which is to say, not inevitable or necessary or beyond our capacity to fix—and, therefore, functionally elective. That is one reason it is nevertheless harrowing as a climate parable: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, careless urbanization and development. There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren’t doing much to address it. Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent. In both cases, as everywhere, scarcity plays out so nakedly on a stage defined by have-and-have-not inequities that the resulting drama of resource competition can hardly be called, truly, a competition; the deck is so stacked that water shortage looks more like a tool of inequality. The global result is that as many as 2.1 billion people around the world do not have access to safe drinking water, and 4.5 billion don’t have safely managed water for sanitation.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[1] 2024 10 – 36: 사회적 압력이 자존감  사회적 행동에 미치는 영향


As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated relationships in a group. If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate. If it didn't, we might get none of these merits. It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically. Over millions of years, the pressure selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing. The result was the development of a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community perceive us. We process that information in the form of self-esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity. These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn't. And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within. If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Human beings are some of the most complex social animals on earth. We evolved to live in leaderless collectives far larger than those of our fellow primates: up to about 150 members. As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated those 149 relationships—not to mention all of our peers’ relationships with one another. If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate. If it didn’t, we might get none of those. It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically.
Over millions of years, those pressures selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing. It’s what the anthropologist Brian Hare called “survival of the friendliest.” The result was the development of a sociometer: a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community seem to perceive us. We process that information in the form of self-esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity. These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn’t. And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within. If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 37: 의식의 문제로 우울증의 원인을 재정의하는 설명


Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, there is a major problem with this explanation. This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression. In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가



원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 38: 심리학이 인간 행동을 과학적으로 연구하는 방법 설명


The common accounts of human nature that float around in society are generally a mixture of assumptions, tales and sometimes plain silliness. However, psychology is different. It is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another. The key word here is 'science.' Psychologists don't depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers. Instead, they look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or assumptions. In addition to this evidence-based approach, psychology deals with fundamental processes and principles that generate our rich cultural and social diversity, as well as those shared by all human beings. These are what modern psychology is all about.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

In the Beginning
The Greeks, Galen and the Influence of the East

Psychology is fascinating and, in many ways, it is at the heart of being human. After all, understanding – or trying to understand – other people’s minds and behaviour is something all of us do every day. It’s how we get along in families, social groups and societies.

And, quite often, we get it wrong. We might think we know what other people are like, and then we’re astounded when they don’t seem to see things as we do, or they behave in a strange (to us) way. We form ideas about human nature around what we have read or watched, which can be misleading. We often fail to appreciate that our understanding of people is rooted in our particular time, place and culture, and might not apply to others. Or we take for granted beliefs that people have held for millennia, without questioning where they came from.

The common accounts of human nature that float around in society are generally a mixture of assumption, anecdote and sometimes plain silliness. Psychology is different. Psychology is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another. The key word here is ‘science’. Psychologists don’t depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers. Instead, we look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or conjecture. As different as human beings are, there are processes and principles that we all have in common, and there are processes and principles that produce our wonderful cultural and social differences. These are what modern psychology is all about.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[1] 2024 10 – 39: 생물학적 채널화 이론을 통한 질병과 건강의 표현 방식


Life is what physicists might call a 'high-dimensional system,' which is their fancy way of saying that there's a lot going on. In just a single cell, the number of possible interactions between different molecules is enormous. Such a system can only hope to be stable if only a smaller number of collective ways of being may emerge. For example, it is only a limited number of tissues and body shapes that may result from the development of a human embryo. In 1942, the biologist Conrad Waddington called this drastic narrowing of outcomes canalization. The organism may switch between a small number of well-defined possible states, but can't exist in random states in between them, rather as a ball in a rough landscape must roll to the bottom of one valley or another. We'll see that this is true also of health and disease: there are many causes of illness, but their manifestations at the physiological and symptomatic levels are often strikingly similar.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가



원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 40: '트릭 처벌' 아동 행동에 부정적 영향을 미치는 이유


Punishing a child may not be effective due to what Alvaro Bilbao, a neuropsychologist, calls 'trick-punishments.' A trick-punishment is a scolding, a moment of anger or a punishment in the most classic sense of the word. Instead of discouraging the child from doing something, it encourages them to do it. For example, Hugh learns that when he hits his little brother, his mother scolds him. For a child who feels lonely, being scolded is much better than feeling invisible, so he will continue to hit his brother. In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy. For instance, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time. The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives. In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR


Another reason that punishments may not be effective is due to what I call “trick-punishments”. A trick-punishment is a reprimand, a moment of anger or a punishment in the most classic sense of the word. Instead of discouraging the child from doing something, it encourages them to do it. Trick-punishments appear when the child, usually one who does not receive enough attention from their parents, as they spend little time with their child and don’t know how to reinforce positive behaviour, learns that they receive more attention by doing things wrong. For example, Hugh learns that when he hits his little brother, his mother scolds him. For a child who feels lonely, being scolded is much better than feeling invisible, so he will continue to hit his brother. In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy. For example, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time. She could also spend a little time with Hugh every day, once she has put his little brother to bed. The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives. In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments; they can turn the situation on its head by focusing on the positives and not giving so much “prominence” to the negatives.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 41~42: 인간이 생존을 위해 애매한 대상에도 의도를 부여하는 경향


From an early age, we assign purpose to objects and events, preferring this reasoning to random chance. Children assume, for instance, that pointy rocks are that way because they don't want you to sit on them. When we encounter something, we first need to determine what sort of thing it is. Inanimate objects and plants generally do not move and can be evaluated from physics alone. However, by attributing intention to animals and even objects, we are able to make fast decisions about the likely behaviour of that being. This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators. The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand. Ambiguous events are caused by such agents. This results in a perceptual system strongly biased towards anthropomorphism. Therefore, we tend to assume intention even where there is none. This would have arisen as a survival mechanism. If a lion is about to attack you, you need to react quickly, given its probable intention to kill you. By the time you have realized that the design of its teeth and claws could kill you, you are dead. So, assuming intent, without detailed design analysis or understanding of the physics, has saved your life.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Agency Detection and Theory of Mind

Our mind functions as it does as the result of millions of years of evolution, of responding to past problems. And because all humans have similar cognitive apparatus, we are able to communicate with each other, especially through language, resulting in different humans generating similar (though not identical) mental representations of a particular concept.

From an early age, we ascribe purpose to objects and events, preferring this reasoning to random chance; we create purposes for things and things for purposes. Children assume, for instance, that pointy rocks are that way because they don’t want you to sit on them. When we encounter something, we first need to determine what sort of thing it is. Inanimate objects and plants generally do not move and can be evaluated from physics alone. However, by assuming a design purpose or, even more effectively, imputing intention to animals, other humans, and even objects, we are able to make fast decisions about the likely behaviour of that being. This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators.

The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand. Ambiguous events are caused by such agents. This results in a perceptual system strongly biased towards anthropomorphism.

As a result, we tend to assume intention even where there is none. This would have arisen as a survival mechanism, aided by a theory of mind. If a lion is about to attack you, you need to react quickly, given its likely intention to kill you. By the time you have determined that the design of its teeth and claws could kill you, or calculated the physics of the working of its body when it leaps on you, you are dead. So, assuming intent, without detailed design analysis or understanding of the physics, has saved your life.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (20~24번)

[고1] 2024년 10월 – 20번: 가사활동에 운동을 통합하여 건강을 증진하는 방법 제안 For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like t



[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~34번)

[고1] 2024년 10월 – 29번: 디지털 기술이 어떻게 사용자의 인식을 강력하게 변화시키는지 설명 Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in im






[1] 2024 10 – 29: 디지털 기술이 어떻게 사용자의 인식을 강력하게 변화시키는지 설명


Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor. In the Shakespearean metaphor "time is a beggar," the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare's prose. Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user's meaning horizon. Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.


문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively engage the world proposed by metaphor. Returning to the Shakespearean metaphor “time is a beggar,” the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare’s prose. Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user’s meaning horizon. Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not superficially obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[1] 2024 10 – 30: Herbert Simon 정보 처리 한계와 집단 학습의 중요성


Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. You don't need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push ─ essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies' collective brains.


문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for realizing that we have limited information, limited time, and limited cognitive capacity. But long before Simon, evolution realized it too. Since we didn’t have information, time, or intelligence to compute the answers by ourselves, we distributed the computation across the population and solved the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we had to do was socially learn the right answers. Using this approach, we could limit our reason and causal understanding to minor tweaks with partial causal models of the world. You don’t need to understand how your computer or toilet works, you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted are which buttons to push - essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small sliver of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them or attempt to make improvements, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole - like a wisdom of the crowds. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies’ collective brains. Yet sometimes our societies’ wisdom of the crowds is instead madness of the masses.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 31: 문어의 위장술과 이를 관찰한 사진작가들의 경험 이야기


The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night. So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers. Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion. An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature. Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes. And while they mimic, they hunt ─ producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever's hiding there.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가. 다른 경로로 검색.



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

If you are a medium-sized predator, the average octopus is one of the most edible animals in the sea. It’s substantial and meaty, and without a shell, bones, spines, poisons or any other unpleasant defence mechanisms. In fact, the best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night.

So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers, swimming off the Indonesian island of Flores in the early 1990s. Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion of a fishy body. An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature.

Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be morphing into sea snakes (six arms down a hole, and two undulating menacingly), hermit crabs, stingrays, crinoids, holothurians, snake eels, brittlestars, ghost crabs, mantis shrimp, blennies, jawfish, jellyfish, lionfish and sand anemones. And while they mimic, they hunt – producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever’s hiding there.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)







[1] 2024 10 – 32: 고통의 해석이 심리적 고통의 정도에 미치는 영향


How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind. When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race ─ their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don't psychologically suffer much. In fact, ultra-marathon runners ─ those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about making friends with their pain. When a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient's back to mobilise it, the patient calls that good pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient's sore tissues.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind. We can endure great pain if we believe at that it is purposeful. For instance, when a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient’s back to 'mobilise' it, the patient calls that 'good' pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient’s sore tissues. When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race - their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don’t psychologically suffer much from their pain. In fact, ultra-marathon runners - those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about 'making friends' with their pain.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 33: 다양한 가격대의 제품 제공이 소비자 선택에 미치는 영향


When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods. If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income. If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one. But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up; many people like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price. The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model. They buy the middle item, unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers for industry and households, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods, especially large items such as computer printers and so-called white goods: kitchen and laundry appliances that were traditionally manufactured with white enamel finishes. If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income. If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one. But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up. Why? The company doesn’t expect many people to buy the third, more expensive model, but its very presence makes them choose among the alternatives. They like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price. The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model. They buy the middle item (bragging about how much money they have saved), unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 34: 기후 변화가 기후 소설 장르에 미치는 영향 예측


On-screen, climate disaster is everywhere you look, but the scope of the world's climate transformation may just as quickly eliminate the climate-fiction genre ─ indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood. You can tell stories 'about' climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life. But when the temperature rises by three or four more degrees, hardly anyone will be able to feel isolated from its impacts. And so as climate change expands across the horizon, it may cease to be a story. Why watch or read climate fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window? At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror. But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant ─ in time or in place ─ we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

But the scope of the world’s transformation may just as quickly eliminate the genre—indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood. You can tell stories “about” climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life, or an overwhelming feature of lives marginal to your own. But at three degrees of warming, or four, hardly anyone will be able to feel insulated from its impacts—or want to watch it on-screen as they watch it out their windows. And so as climate change expands across the horizon—as it begins to seem inescapable, total—it may cease to be a story and become, instead, an all-encompassing setting. Why watch or read science fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window? At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror. But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant—in time or in place—we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (20~24번)

[고1] 2024년 10월 – 20번: 가사활동에 운동을 통합하여 건강을 증진하는 방법 제안 For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like t



[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (35~42번)

[고1] 2024년 10월 – 35번: 물 부족 문제의 정치적 원인과 그로 인한 불평등 Today, the water crisis is political ─ which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ─ and, therefore, functionally elective. Th






[1] 2024 10 – 20: 가사활동에 운동을 통합하여 건강을 증진하는 방법 제안


For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like there's no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? That's where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play. Let's be realistic; chores are inevitable. Whether it's washing dishes or taking out the trash, these tasks are an essential part of daily life. But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? For instance, practice squats or engage in some wall push-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil. Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can improve your health.


문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Turn Chores into Fitness Boosters with Daily Tasks  

"Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live" — Jim Rohm.  

For many of us, carving out time for exercise is a perennial challenge. Between work commitments, family obligations, and, let’s face it, the desire for leisure, it often feels like there’s no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? That’s where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play.  

Let’s be realistic; chores are inevitable. Whether it’s washing dishes, taking out the trash, or making the bed, these tasks are part and parcel of daily life. But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? For instance, practice isometric squats while you brush your teeth, or engage in some standing press-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil.  

The benefits of these mini-workouts extend beyond the mere physical. Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can also make these mundane tasks more engaging and enjoyable. Imagine how much quicker time would pass if, instead of lamenting over the sink full of dishes, you were focusing on tightening your core muscles or improving your posture. Research from the American Council on Exercise suggests that doing these micro exercises during chores, are practical for building strength and stability, particularly in your lower body and core.  

Incorporating mini-exercises doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your routine; it just asks for a little creativity and a willingness to see opportunity where you might not have seen it before. From calf raises while doing laundry to lunges while vacuuming, the possibilities are almost endless.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




[1] 2024 10 – 21: 기억이 교육과 경험에 의해 재구성되는 방식과 영향 설명


When we see something, we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. This is a useful trait. It's a more efficient way to store information ─ a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. Seeing is not believing.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Minds are simulators  

When we see something - say a rectangular, brown desk - we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. We store in our minds not the raw image of the desk, but its features in an abstract manner. You can test yourself for how you’re mentally representing something by trying to draw it. We draw with our abstractions, not with a full picture of what we saw. We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. This is a useful trait. It’s a more efficient way to store information - a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail, struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. Seeing is not believing.  

In her now classic experiments, Elizabeth Loftus showed people a video of a car crash. She then asked people to estimate the speed of the car and whether they saw broken glass when the cars ‘contacted’, ‘hit’, ‘bumped’, ‘collided’, or ‘smashed’ into each other. Different groups were given a different description of the same video scene they all saw. The participants who were asked how fast the cars were going when they ‘smashed’ into each other drew on everything they knew about ‘smashing’ and had the highest estimates for speed and the greatest likelihood of claiming to have seen broken glass. There was no broken glass in the video. It’s because a ‘smashed’ car mentally simulates a lot more damage than one that was only ‘contacted’.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 22:  인상이 논리적 판단보다  정확할  있다는 연구 결과


In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It's when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like "his face just popped out at me," that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It’s when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like “his face just popped out at me,” that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest rendition of what our mind is really doing. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book *Blink*, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)





[1] 2024 10 – 23: 구체적인 질문으로 추상적 개념을 명확하게 만드는 방법 제안


Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes. Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. Respondents' recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of 'sad' could vary widely. But asking "How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?" prompts a concrete answer. Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, "How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?" Questions that seek concrete responses help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭)



원문 텍스트 및 OCR

Seek concrete answers, not merely quantitative answers.  

Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes.  

Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. Respondents’ recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of “sad” could vary widely. But asking “How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?” prompts a concrete answer. Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, perhaps ask, “How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?”  

Questions that seek concrete responses can help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.



텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)



[1] 2024 10 – 24: 인공지능과 인간 의식의 상호작용  AI 진화의 방향성


The evolution of AI is often associated with the concept of singularity. Singularity refers to the point at which AI exceeds human intelligence. After that point, it is predicted that AI will repeatedly improve itself and evolve at an accelerated pace. When AI becomes self-aware and pursues its own goals, it will be a conscious being, not just a machine. AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together. Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity. Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI. The direction of AI's evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI. We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness.



문제와 원문 출처 (링크 바로가기 클릭) - 구글 검색 불가



원문 텍스트 및 OCR




텍스트 비교 (문제 텍스트 vs. 원문 텍스트)




관련 자료 바로가기


[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (29~34번)

[고1] 2024년 10월 – 29번: 디지털 기술이 어떻게 사용자의 인식을 강력하게 변화시키는지 설명 Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in im



[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 출처 (35~42번)

[고1] 2024년 10월 – 35번: 물 부족 문제의 정치적 원인과 그로 인한 불평등 Today, the water crisis is political ─ which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ─ and, therefore, functionally elective. Th







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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





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[고1~고3] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문정리 (문제 제작용).pdf
[고1~고3] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문정리 (문제 제작용).hwpx



* 파일 수정: 파일명에 오류가 있어 다시 올립니다 (수정일: 2024.11.15)




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[고1] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 10월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 



[고2] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 10월 고2 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 



[고3] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 








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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 







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[고3] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).pdf
[고3] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).docx




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[고3] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 한줄해석

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 2024년도 10월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니



[고3] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다. 오늘은 2024년도 9월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 





전체 내용


[3] 2024 10 – 18: 해외 출장으로 디지털 마케팅 워크숍 연사 참석 불가 통보 이메일


I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for considering me as a speaker for the upcoming Digital Marketing Workshop. I appreciate the invitation and your thoughtfulness. The workshop sounds like an amazing event, and I would have loved to participate. However, I regret to inform you that I will be overseas on a business trip during the workshop. It is unfortunate that the timing does not work out. Although I cannot attend as a speaker this time, I remain hopeful for future opportunities where our schedules might coincide. I hope the workshop goes well.



Possible Titles:

1. A Polite Decline to a Speaking Invitation Due to Schedule Conflict

2. Expressing Gratitude While Declining a Workshop Invitation

3. Professional Response: Unable to Attend Due to Overseas Commitment

4. Navigating a Scheduling Conflict with Courtesy and Hope for Future Opportunities


Main Idea #1:

The speaker expresses gratitude for the invitation to the Digital Marketing Workshop.


Main Idea #2:

Due to a scheduling conflict with a business trip, the speaker politely declines the invitation but expresses interest in future opportunities.



The speaker appreciates the invitation to the Digital Marketing Workshop but cannot participate due to a prior overseas business commitment. They convey hope for potential future opportunities to collaborate and wish the event success.


Key Points:

1. Expresses gratitude for the invitation to the workshop.

2. Regretfully declines due to a scheduling conflict with a business trip.

3. Shows hope for future opportunities to participate as a speaker.

4. Offers well wishes for the success of the workshop.



[3] 2024 10 – 19: 숲에서 곰을 만나 공포에 빠진 경험과 안도감


Setting out to find some wood for the campfire, Sarah moved through the forest. Just then, she noticed an approaching danger ─ a large, threatening bear. Panic spread through her body. Frozen and unable to shout, she watched in horror. Her heart beat louder with each step the bear took. But then, as if by a miracle, the bear paused, looked around, and, uninterested, turned away, retreating into the shadows of the woods. When the bear had disappeared completely out of her sight, her knees nearly gave way. Sarah could finally let out the breath she had been holding. A wave of immense relief washed over her.



Possible Titles:

1. A Close Encounter with Danger: Sarah’s Terrifying Moment in the Woods

2. Overcoming Fear: Sarah’s Unexpected Confrontation with a Bear

3. The Unexpected Relief After a Near-Encounter with a Wild Bear

4. Facing Fear: Sarah’s Brush with Danger in the Forest


Main Idea #1:

Sarah encounters a threatening bear while searching for wood in the forest, causing her to freeze in fear.


Main Idea #2:

Despite the danger, the bear unexpectedly loses interest and retreats, leaving Sarah relieved and overwhelmed by the close call.



While gathering wood for a campfire, Sarah encountered a large bear, leaving her frozen in fear. To her immense relief, the bear lost interest and wandered off, allowing her to finally breathe again. The experience left Sarah shaken but grateful to have avoided danger.


Key Points:

1. Sarah encountered a bear while searching for campfire wood.

2. Fear paralyzed her as the bear approached.

3. The bear unexpectedly retreated, leaving Sarah unharmed.

4. Sarah felt a wave of relief after the bear disappeared.



[3] 2024 10 – 20: 음악이 자녀의 정서적, 사회적 발달에 미치는 긍정적 영향


There are few universals in this world, but among them are our love for our children and our love of music. When we hold a baby in our arms, comforting her with song, we are channelling the emotional power of music. We do so instinctively, just as our ancestors did. Music can be a powerful parental ally during the challenging child-rearing years. To successfully prepare our children for life in the twenty-first century, we will need to nurture qualities such as curiosity, imagination, empathy, creative entrepreneurship, and most of all resilience. Musical practice in early childhood develops all of the above and more. Research has shown that musical practice in early childhood is beneficial not only for mental acuity but for social and emotional development as well. Music is not just a hobby, a pleasant pastime; it is an integral part of what makes us happy, healthy, and whole. Indeed, if we want to do one thing to help our children develop into emotionally, socially, intellectually, and creatively competent human beings, we should start the musical conversation ─ the earlier the better.



Possible Titles:

1. The Essential Role of Music in Early Childhood Development

2. How Music Enhances Emotional, Social, and Intellectual Growth in Children

3. Nurturing Future-Ready Qualities Through Early Musical Practice

4. The Universal Connection Between Music and Child Development


Main Idea #1:

Music is a universal part of human life, and it instinctively strengthens the bond between parents and children.


Main Idea #2:

Early childhood musical practice fosters qualities such as creativity, empathy, and resilience, promoting overall social, emotional, and intellectual development.



Music connects parents and children on a deep, instinctive level and supports early development. Research shows that musical practice enhances mental, social, and emotional growth, nurturing essential qualities for success. Starting early can help children become well-rounded, competent individuals.


Key Points:

1. Music is a universal tool that instinctively strengthens the parent-child bond.

2. Early musical practice supports mental, social, and emotional development.

3. It nurtures key qualities such as creativity, empathy, and resilience.

4. Introducing music early in life benefits children's overall growth and competence.



[3] 2024 10 – 21: 집중의 중요성과 인터넷이 주의력에 미친 부정적 영향


In 1890, William James described attention as "the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought." Attention is a choice we make to stay on one task, one line of thinking, one mental road, even as attractive off-ramps signal. When we fail to make that choice and allow ourselves to be frequently sidetracked, we end up in "the confused, dazed, scatterbrained state" that James said is the opposite of attention. Staying on one road got much harder when the internet arrived and moved much of our reading online. Every hyperlink is an off-ramp, calling us to abandon the choice we made moments earlier. Nicholas Carr, in his 2010 book, grieved his lost ability to stay on one path. Life on the internet changed how his brain sought out information, even when he was off-line trying to read a book. It reduced his ability to focus and reflect because he now craved a constant stream of stimulation: "Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski."



Possible Titles:

1. The Challenges of Maintaining Focus in the Digital Age

2. How the Internet Alters Our Ability to Sustain Attention

3. William James' Definition of Attention and Its Modern Implications

4. The Impact of Online Reading on Deep Focus and Reflection


Main Idea #1:

Attention involves consciously choosing to focus on a single task or thought, resisting distractions.


Main Idea #2:

The internet has made maintaining attention more difficult, as constant online stimuli train the brain to crave quick, superficial engagement rather than deep focus.



William James described attention as choosing to focus on a single thought, resisting distractions. The rise of the internet has made this choice harder, with hyperlinks and online content constantly tempting users to shift focus. Nicholas Carr noted that frequent online reading reduced his ability to concentrate deeply, comparing his experience to skimming the surface rather than diving deep.


Key Points:

1. Attention requires the conscious choice to focus on one task, resisting distractions.

2. The internet has increased distractions, making sustained focus more difficult.

3. Hyperlinks act as temptations to divert attention from the chosen task.

4. Nicholas Carr observed that constant online engagement reduced his ability to read deeply and reflectively.



[3] 2024 10 – 22: 실천적 지식은 경험을 통해 형성되며 전수될  있는 


Technical, book knowledge consists of "formulated rules which are, or may be, deliberately learned." Practical knowledge, on the other hand, cannot be taught or learned but only transmitted and acquired. It exists only in practice. When we talk about practical knowledge, we tend to use bodily metaphors. We say that somebody has a touch for doing some activity ─ an ability to hit the right piano key with just enough force and pace. We say that somebody has a feel for the game, an intuition for how events are going to unfold, an awareness of when you should plow ahead with a problem and when you should put it aside before coming back to it. When the expert is using her practical knowledge, she isn't thinking more; she is thinking less. She has built up a repertoire of skills through habit and has thereby extended the number of tasks she can perform without conscious awareness. This sort of knowledge is built up through experience, and it is passed along through shared experience.



Possible Titles:

1. The Distinction Between Technical Knowledge and Practical Intuition

2. Understanding the Nature of Practical Knowledge Through Experience

3. How Practical Knowledge Differs From Book Learning and Technical Rules

4. The Role of Experience in Developing Intuitive, Practical Skills


Main Idea #1:

Technical knowledge involves learning formulated rules, while practical knowledge is acquired through experience and practice.


Main Idea #2:

Practical knowledge is intuitive, relying on habits and skills developed through experience rather than conscious thought, and is passed on through shared experiences.



Technical knowledge consists of learnable rules, while practical knowledge is intuitive and gained through experience. Practical skills are not consciously learned but developed through habit, allowing experts to perform tasks instinctively. This type of knowledge is passed along by sharing experiences rather than formal teaching.


Key Points:

1. Technical knowledge involves rules that can be deliberately learned.

2. Practical knowledge is intuitive and cannot be taught directly.

3. Experts use practical knowledge through habits, performing tasks without conscious thought.

4. Practical knowledge is acquired and passed on through shared experience.



[3] 2024 10 – 23: 인간이 그림을 만드는 본능적 욕구와 기억과의 관계


The human desire to make pictures is deeply rooted. At least 64,000 years ago, Neanderthals used colored oxide and charcoal to make paintings of large wild animals, tracings of human hands, and abstract patterns on cave and rock walls. Today, people create images with a multitude of mediums, including photography. What drives this picturemaking impulse? Some make pictures for commercial reasons. Others create informational systems or employ scientific imaging tools to visualize the unseen. Artists use images expressionistically, to conceptualize and articulate who they are and how they view the world. However, the fundamental motive for making the vast majority of pictures is a desire to preserve: to document, and therefore honor, specific people, events, and possessions of importance. Regardless of purpose, the making of images persists because words alone cannot always provide a satisfactory way to describe and express our relationship to the world. Pictures are an essential component of how humans observe, communicate, celebrate, comment, and, most of all, remember. What and how we remember shapes our worldview, and pictures can provide a stimulus to jog one's memory.



Possible Titles:

1. The Deep-Rooted Human Impulse to Create and Preserve Through Images

2. Understanding the Diverse Motives Behind the Act of Picturemaking

3. How Pictures Serve as Tools for Memory, Expression, and Communication

4. The Timeless Drive to Document and Preserve Through Visual Art


Main Idea #1:

The impulse to create images is deeply rooted in humans and dates back to ancient times.


Main Idea #2:

People make pictures for various reasons, but the primary motive is to preserve memories and document meaningful aspects of life, as pictures help express and communicate what words alone cannot.



Humans have a long history of creating images, driven by the desire to preserve and document important people, events, and objects. While some images are made for commercial, informational, or artistic reasons, the act of picturemaking persists because it helps express and communicate ideas and memories that words alone cannot fully capture.


Key Points:

1. The human impulse to create pictures dates back at least 64,000 years.

2. People make images for commercial, scientific, informational, and artistic purposes.

3. The fundamental motive for most picturemaking is the desire to preserve and honor important memories.

4. Pictures complement words by providing a way to express and remember aspects of life that shape our worldview.



[3] 2024 10 – 24: 유사한 관점을 가진 사람들과의 관계가 자아 형성에 미치는 영향


We naturally gravitate toward people whose views and beliefs are similar to our own, seeking what the eighteenth-century moral philosopher Adam Smith called "a certain harmony of minds." Spending time with people who share our opinions reinforces our group identity, strengthening trust, cooperation, equality, and productivity. Our shared reality grounds us not just in our common perceptions but in similar feelings and worldviews. This helps to preserve our core values and beliefs about ourselves. It also provides us with meaning and a feeling of self-worth. And with each decision or interaction that confirms our tribe's common experience, we get rewarded with the hormonal happiness we crave. Our perception of ourselves is a mixture of our own unique characteristics and our sense of belonging to our in-groups. In fact, our personal identity is so closely interwoven with our social identity that our brains can't tell them apart. If I put you in a scanner and ask you to talk about yourself and then about the groups to which you feel the closest affinity, it will activate the same neural networks in your brain.



Possible Titles:

1. The Connection Between Personal Identity and Social Belonging

2. How Shared Beliefs Shape Group Identity and Self-Perception

3. The Role of Social Groups in Reinforcing Core Values and Self-Worth

4. Understanding the Interplay Between Personal and Social Identities


Main Idea #1:

People naturally seek out those with similar beliefs, which strengthens group identity and fosters trust and cooperation.


Main Idea #2:

Our personal and social identities are deeply interconnected, with shared experiences and group affiliations shaping how we perceive ourselves, providing meaning, and reinforcing self-worth.



Humans tend to associate with those who share similar beliefs, as it fosters trust, cooperation, and group identity. This connection between personal and social identity is so strong that our brains process them similarly, highlighting how belonging to in-groups reinforces self-worth and a sense of meaning.


Key Points:

1. People are naturally drawn to those with similar views, which strengthens group identity.

2. Shared beliefs and experiences help preserve core values and provide a sense of self-worth.

3. Our brains do not distinguish between personal and social identities; both are interwoven.

4. Group affiliation reinforces trust, cooperation, and feelings of happiness and meaning.



[3] 2024 10 – 25: 2017 기계 학습을 이용한 스마트폰 앱의 인식  사용 비율


The above graph shows awareness and usage of smartphone applications featuring machine learning in 2017. In each of the five surveyed applications, the percentage of respondents demonstrating awareness was higher than that of respondents demonstrating usage. Predictive text had the highest percentages of respondents in both awareness and usage, among the five applications. The percentage of respondents displaying awareness of voice search was more than four times that of respondents using it. Voice-to-text showed a higher percentage of the respondents reporting awareness of it than email classification, while this was not the case in their usage. The percentage of respondents showing usage of automated photo classification was less than half of the percentage of those showing awareness of it.



Possible Titles:

1. Discrepancy Between Awareness and Usage of Machine Learning Apps in 2017

2. Awareness Surpasses Usage Across Machine Learning Smartphone Applications

3. Examining User Awareness and Engagement With Machine Learning Features

4. The Gap Between Knowing and Using Machine Learning Apps in 2017


Main Idea #1:

Awareness of machine learning smartphone applications was consistently higher than their actual usage across all surveyed features in 2017.


Main Idea #2:

Predictive text had the highest awareness and usage, while significant gaps existed for other applications, such as voice search and automated photo classification, where awareness was much greater than actual engagement.



In 2017, awareness of machine learning smartphone apps was higher than usage for all surveyed features. Predictive text had the highest percentages for both metrics, while features like voice search and photo classification showed notable gaps, indicating that users were aware of these tools but less inclined to use them.


Key Points:

1. Awareness surpassed usage across all five surveyed machine learning applications.

2. Predictive text had the highest rates of both awareness and usage.

3. Voice search awareness was more than four times its usage rate.

4. Automated photo classification showed a significant gap, with less than half of those aware actually using it.



[3] 2024 10 – 26: 고고학자 Mary Leakey 업적과 아프리카에서의 중요한 발견들


Mary Douglas Leakey was born in 1913 in London, England in a family of scholars and researchers. Her father, who was an artist, took her to see the stone tools being studied by French prehistorians. This sparked her interest in archaeology. When she was just 17 years old, she served as an illustrator at a dig in England. Shortly after marrying Louis Leakey, she left for East Africa with her husband. Together, they made important fossil discoveries. In 1948, Mary found a partial skull fossil of Proconsul africanus on Rusinga Island in Lake Victoria. In 1959 in Tanzania, she discovered the skull of an early hominin that her husband named Zinjanthropus boisei, which is now known as Paranthropus boisei. Even after her husband's death in 1972, Mary continued her work in Africa. Mary died in 1996, in Nairobi, Kenya.



Possible Titles:

1. The Life and Legacy of Mary Leakey: A Pioneer in Archaeology

2. Mary Leakey’s Significant Fossil Discoveries in East Africa

3. From Illustrator to Leading Archaeologist: The Journey of Mary Leakey

4. The Contributions of Mary Leakey to Early Hominin Research


Main Idea #1:

Mary Leakey developed an early interest in archaeology, which led to a lifelong career in fossil discoveries in East Africa.


Main Idea #2:

Throughout her career, Mary made significant contributions to the study of early hominins, including the discovery of important fossils like Proconsul africanus and Paranthropus boisei, continuing her work even after her husband's death.



Mary Leakey, born in 1913 in London, became interested in archaeology at a young age and later made significant fossil discoveries in East Africa. Notable finds include the partial skull of Proconsul africanus and Paranthropus boisei. She continued her work after her husband’s death, contributing greatly to the field until her own passing in 1996.


Key Points:

1. Mary Leakey’s interest in archaeology began in childhood, inspired by exposure to stone tools.

2. She made significant fossil discoveries with her husband, Louis Leakey, in East Africa.

3. Key finds included Proconsul africanus in 1948 and Paranthropus boisei in 1959.

4. Mary continued her archaeological work after Louis Leakey’s death, maintaining her dedication to the field until 1996.



[3] 2024 10 – 29: 후손들이 은하계를 식민지화할 가능성과 관련 기술들


Sometime late in the next millennium, our descendants may head off to other star systems. They may use comets as stepping-stones, some of which are only loosely bound to our sun because they reach almost halfway to the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri. Our remote descendants may eventually colonize much of our galaxy just as the first living organisms on Earth once colonized Earth's young oceans. Interstellar migrations will depend on as yet unimagined technologies for driving ships, for maintaining sustainable environments, and for putting humans into hibernations lasting for centuries. Interstellar journeys will also depend on the existence of groups willing to risk long and dangerous voyages with little or no hope of returning. It would take spaceships traveling at 1 percent of the speed of light more than four hundred years to reach the Alpha Centauri system. But if they spread out from there at a similar rate, they could settle star systems throughout the Milky Way within one hundred million years, which is just a bit longer than the span of time since dinosaurs ruled our Earth.



Possible Titles:

1. The Future of Humanity: Colonizing the Galaxy Through Interstellar Travel

2. The Challenges and Possibilities of Interstellar Migrations to Alpha Centauri

3. How Humanity Might Expand Across the Galaxy in the Next Millennium

4. Exploring the Potential for Galactic Colonization Through Advanced Technologies


Main Idea #1:

Future interstellar migrations may lead to humanity colonizing other star systems, beginning with those near our own, like Alpha Centauri.


Main Idea #2:

These journeys will require advanced, yet-to-be-invented technologies and the willingness of groups to embark on long, risky voyages, potentially enabling the colonization of the Milky Way over millions of years.



In the distant future, humanity may expand to other star systems, starting with Alpha Centauri. This would require advanced technologies for space travel, sustainable environments, and human hibernation. Though the journeys would be long and risky, humanity could potentially settle the Milky Way over the course of one hundred million years.


Key Points:

1. Future interstellar migration may start with nearby star systems like Alpha Centauri.

2. Advanced, currently unimagined technologies will be needed for sustainable long-distance space travel.

3. Successful journeys will depend on groups willing to undertake long, dangerous trips with little hope of returning.

4. Humanity could potentially colonize the galaxy within one hundred million years, similar to the time span since dinosaurs existed.



[3] 2024 10 – 30: 어린 동물들이 계급질서에서 특별 대우를 받는 강아지 면허 설명


Notably, young animals of many species have a special status, a leeway period granted by older members of the group. This break from the hierarchy is called "puppy license" by the behaviorists who see it in dogs, but it's a feature of family dynamics in a range of species. Older animals will overlook, or gently correct, an inappropriate display of dominance as long as the offender is young enough not to know better. Puppy license also covers play: older dogs seem to enjoy puppy playfulness, and may encourage young dogs by wrestling more gently, barking more softly, and sometimes letting the puppies win. As soon as that young dog hits a certain point in adolescence, however, its puppy license expires. Behaviors that were lightheartedly tolerated just a few days before are now met with adult pushback. Although the dog is still young and may lack experience, it is challenged and treated like an adult. In the human world and in the dog world, as juveniles mature into wildhood and their puppy licenses are no longer valid, a tolerant world becomes irritated and intolerant.



Possible Titles:

1. The Concept of "Puppy License" and Its Role in Animal Social Dynamics

2. How Young Animals Are Granted Leeway During Early Development

3. Understanding the Expiration of "Puppy License" in Animal Behavior

4. The Shift From Tolerance to Challenge as Juveniles Mature in the Animal World


Main Idea #1:

Young animals are granted a "puppy license," a period during which older members of the group tolerate or gently correct inappropriate behaviors.


Main Idea #2:

As juveniles mature, their "puppy license" expires, leading to stricter enforcement of social norms, as older members challenge and treat them as adults.



Young animals often receive a "puppy license," where their playful or inappropriate behaviors are tolerated by older members. This leeway encourages learning and play, but once the juveniles reach a certain maturity, the tolerance fades, and they are treated as adults. This shift mirrors similar dynamics in the human world, where youthful freedom gives way to stricter expectations as individuals grow.


Key Points:

1. Young animals are granted a leeway period known as "puppy license" where their behaviors are more tolerated.

2. Older animals often enjoy and gently encourage playful interactions with younger ones.

3. The "puppy license" expires once the young animals reach adolescence, leading to stricter behavior correction.

4. This transition from tolerance to challenge is seen across different species, including humans.



[3] 2024 10 – 31: 과학 발전이  어려워지는 이유와 기존 이론의 한계


After we make some amount of scientific and technological progress, does further progress get easier or harder? Intuitively, it seems like it could go either way because there are two competing effects. On the one hand, we "stand on the shoulders of giants": previous discoveries can make future progress easier. On the other hand, we "pick the low-hanging fruit": we make the easy discoveries first, so those that remain are more difficult. You can only invent the wheel once, and once you have, it's harder to find a similarly important invention. Though both of these effects are important, when we look at the data it's the latter effect that predominates. Overall, past progress makes future progress harder. It's easy to see this qualitatively by looking at the history of innovation. Consider physics. In 1905, his "miracle year," Albert Einstein revolutionized physics, describing the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, the theory of special relativity, and his famous equation, E=mc². He was twenty-six at the time and did all this while working as a patent clerk. Compared to Einstein's day, progress in physics is now much harder to achieve.



Possible Titles:

1. The Challenge of Further Progress: Standing on Giants or Picking Low-Hanging Fruit?

2. Why Future Scientific and Technological Advances Become More Difficult Over Time

3. The Balance Between Past Discoveries and the Increasing Difficulty of Innovation

4. Understanding the Growing Challenge of Progress Through Historical Examples


Main Idea #1:

Progress in science and technology faces two opposing effects: building on past discoveries can make it easier, while exhausting simpler discoveries makes further progress harder.


Main Idea #2:

Despite the advantages of past discoveries, the data suggests that progress generally becomes more difficult over time, as evidenced by the increasing complexity of advancements in fields like physics compared to earlier periods.



Further scientific and technological progress is influenced by two opposing effects: building on past discoveries and the depletion of easy innovations. Historical examples, such as Einstein’s revolutionary achievements in 1905, show that progress has become harder over time, indicating that the easier discoveries have already been made.


Key Points:

1. Progress can either be facilitated by past discoveries or hindered by the exhaustion of easy problems.

2. The "low-hanging fruit" effect suggests that simpler, foundational innovations are discovered first.

3. Historical data and examples indicate that future advances generally become more difficult.

4. Einstein's rapid progress in physics contrasts with the growing challenges faced by modern scientists.



[3] 2024 10 – 32: 유전자와 뇌의 구조가 행동에 미치는 영향과 환경의 역할


Behavior is, for the most part, a product of genes and brain neuropathways. Consider the elegant chemistry at work when living organisms move, think, behave, and act. Certainly, the environment is a factor here because it can influence how we act. An analogy would illustrate this adequately. Think of the environment as gasoline, and our body as the engine. Truly, the engine does not run without the gasoline, but all the intricate parts of the engine are the product of physical architecture, designed and assembled for a reactive purpose long before the gasoline is injected. Inject more gas and the engine accelerates, less, and it slows. The same is true for an organism. Behavior is a response to the environment. We have 'free will,' but the ultimate characteristic of that response can only act with respect to the architecture of our genes and our brain. In other words, the environment can, effectively, accelerate or slow down a potential behavior, but the engine for that behavior is already built and functional; therefore, the environment is but a catalyst.



Possible Titles:

1. The Interaction Between Genes, Brain Architecture, and Environmental Influence on Behavior

2. Understanding Behavior: Genes as the Engine and Environment as the Catalyst

3. How Genetic and Neurological Structures Shape Behavioral Responses

4. The Role of Environmental Stimuli in Triggering Predetermined Behavioral Patterns


Main Idea #1:

Behavior is largely determined by genetic and neurological structures, with the environment influencing but not creating these behaviors.


Main Idea #2:

The environment acts as a catalyst, akin to gasoline for an engine, accelerating or decelerating behaviors that are ultimately governed by the existing architecture of genes and brain neuropathways.



Behavior stems primarily from genes and brain structures, while the environment acts as a catalyst, influencing the expression of these behaviors. Like an engine that requires gasoline to run, behavior responds to environmental stimuli, but the genetic and neurological "engine" dictates how this response operates.


Key Points:

1. Genes and brain pathways are fundamental to determining behavior.

2. The environment influences behavior but does not create the underlying structure.

3. Behavior can be accelerated or slowed by environmental factors, similar to how gasoline affects an engine.

4. The architecture of genes and the brain ultimately governs the range of possible responses.



[3] 2024 10 – 33: 영아들이 의도적인 행동을 모방하는 사회 인지적 혁명 과정


The social-cognitive revolution at 1 year of age sets the stage for infants' second year of life, in which they begin to imitatively learn the use of all kinds of tools, artifacts, and symbols. For example, in a study by Meltzoff , 14-month-old children observed an adult bend at the waist and touch its head to a panel, thus turning on a light. They followed suit. Infants engaged in this somewhat unusual and awkward behavior, even though it would have been easier and more natural for them simply to push the panel with their hand. One interpretation of this behavior is that infants understood that the adult had the goal of illuminating the light and then chose one means for doing so, from among other possible means, and if they had the same goal, they could choose the same means. Similarly, Carpenter et al. found that 16-month-old infants will imitatively learn from a complex behavioral sequence only those behaviors that appear intentional, ignoring those that appear accidental. Young children do not just imitate the limb movements of other persons, they attempt to reproduce other persons' intended actions in the world.



Possible Titles:

1. How Infants Learn Intentional Actions Through Imitation

2. The Role of Social-Cognitive Development in Early Imitative Learning

3. Understanding the Imitative Behaviors of Infants: Learning Through Intention

4. The Emergence of Goal-Oriented Imitation in Infants’ Second Year


Main Idea #1:

The social-cognitive revolution at around 1 year enables infants to begin imitative learning of tools, actions, and symbols by observing adults.


Main Idea #2:

Infants do not merely imitate actions but discern and reproduce the intentional behaviors of others, focusing on purposeful actions and ignoring those that appear accidental.



Infants around 1 year old begin to imitatively learn how to use tools and symbols by observing the intentional actions of adults. Studies show that infants can differentiate between purposeful and accidental behaviors, choosing to imitate only those actions that appear to have a clear goal. This goal-oriented imitation is a key aspect of their early learning.


Key Points:

1. The social-cognitive revolution enables infants to start learning through imitation.

2. Infants observe and imitate adults' intentional actions, not just their movements.

3. Infants can distinguish between purposeful and accidental behaviors.

4. Imitative learning helps infants understand goal-directed actions and how to achieve them.



[3] 2024 10 – 34: 과학적 이론은 언제든지 오류가 입증될  있음을 설명


As an ideal of intellectual inquiry and a strategy for the advancement of knowledge, the scientific method is essentially a monument to the utility of error. Most of us gravitate toward trying to prove our beliefs, to the extent that we bother investigating their validity at all. But scientists gravitate toward falsification; as a community if not as individuals, they seek to disprove their beliefs. Thus, the defining feature of a hypothesis is that it has the potential to be proven wrong (which is why it must be both testable and tested), and the defining feature of a theory is that it hasn't been proven wrong yet. But the important part is that it can be ─ no matter how much evidence appears to confirm it, no matter how many experts endorse it, no matter how much popular support it enjoys. In fact, not only can any given theory be proven wrong; sooner or later, it probably will be. And when it is, the occasion will mark the success of science, not its failure. This was the crucial insight of the Scientific Revolution: that the advancement of knowledge depends on current theories collapsing in the face of new insights and discoveries.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Error and Falsification in the Advancement of Science

2. How the Scientific Method Embraces the Potential for Being Wrong

3. The Importance of Disproving Theories in Scientific Progress

4. Understanding the Utility of Error Through the Scientific Method


Main Idea #1:

The scientific method values falsification over confirmation, making error a crucial element in the advancement of knowledge.


Main Idea #2:

The potential for theories to be proven wrong is essential to scientific progress, as new insights and discoveries arise when existing theories collapse, highlighting the success rather than the failure of science.



The scientific method is built around the principle of falsification, where hypotheses must be testable and capable of being proven wrong. This approach values error, as scientific progress depends on the eventual collapse of current theories in light of new discoveries. This insight from the Scientific Revolution underscores that disproving theories leads to the advancement of knowledge.


Key Points:

1. The scientific method prioritizes disproving rather than confirming beliefs.

2. A hypothesis must be testable, and a theory remains valid only as long as it hasn't been proven wrong.

3. Scientific progress occurs when current theories are challenged and replaced by new insights.

4. The process of falsification drives the advancement of knowledge, emphasizing the utility of error.



[3] 2024 10 – 35: 새로운 시스템 사용  개인적 필요가 사회적 목표와 충돌할  있음


It is important to remember that to achieve acceptance and use of new technologies/systems, the personal importance to the users has to be valued more highly than the degree of innovation. However, policies and political goals are often confused with the driver's personal goals. Societal goals and individual goals do not necessarily coincide. For example, the policy goal behind ISA (Intelligent Speed Adaptation; a system which warns the drivers when they exceed the speed limit, and may even prevent them from doing so) could be to increase traffic safety or to increase speed limit compliance. These goals might not be relevant to some drivers, for example, due to their feeling that safety measures are redundant because of their own personal driving skills or because speeding is not seen as a 'real crime.' Nevertheless, they might find that the system helps them to avoid speeding tickets or they want to use the system simply because they have a general interest in innovative systems.



Possible Titles:

1. Balancing Innovation and User Relevance in Technology Adoption

2. The Challenge of Aligning Policy Goals With Personal User Interests

3. Understanding User Motivation: Beyond Innovation in System Acceptance

4. How Personal Relevance Drives Acceptance of New Technologies


Main Idea #1:

For new technologies to be accepted, the personal importance to users should be prioritized over the level of innovation.


Main Idea #2:

Policies and societal goals may not align with individual drivers' goals, as seen with systems like ISA, where personal motivations, such as avoiding tickets, can lead to acceptance even if the policy goals are less relevant to users.



The acceptance of new technologies depends more on their personal relevance to users than on their innovative features. While policy goals, such as improving safety with ISA, may not align with individual drivers' views, personal motivations, like avoiding speeding tickets or an interest in new systems, can still drive user adoption.


Key Points:

1. Personal relevance is crucial for the acceptance of new technologies.

2. Policy goals often do not align with individual users' motivations.

3. Drivers may not see systems like ISA as necessary for safety but might still adopt them for practical reasons.

4. Personal benefits, such as avoiding penalties, can influence technology acceptance more than policy-driven goals.



[3] 2024 10 – 36: 나이가 들면서 비언어적 감정 신호를 감지하는 능력이 약해지는 현상


From infancy, even before we learn to speak, we absorb how to infer people's emotions from their behaviors. As we grow older, however, this capacity can atrophy. We start to pay increasing attention to what people say rather than what they do, to the point where we can fail to notice nonlinguistic clues. Spoken language is so information rich that it lulls us into ignoring hints that someone might be, say, upset and instead focus on their words when they say, It's nothing. I feel fine. Some people, however, have a talent for detecting emotions, even when they're unspoken. We all know people like this: Friends who seem to intuit when we're feeling down, even if we haven't said anything; managers who sense when a kind word is needed to help us get over the hump at work. It's natural to assume these people are unusually observant, or uncommonly sensitive. Sometimes they are. But years of research indicates this is a skill anyone can develop. We can learn to identify the nonverbal clues that indicate someone's true emotions and use these hints to understand what they are feeling.



Possible Titles:

1. Rediscovering the Skill of Reading Nonverbal Emotional Clues

2. How to Enhance Emotional Awareness Beyond Spoken Language

3. The Decline and Potential Revival of Nonverbal Emotional Sensitivity

4. Developing the Ability to Detect Unspoken Emotions Through Observation


Main Idea #1:

From a young age, we naturally learn to infer emotions from behaviors, but this skill can weaken as we grow older and focus more on verbal communication.


Main Idea #2:

Though some people seem naturally adept at sensing emotions, research suggests that anyone can develop the ability to detect nonverbal clues and understand unspoken feelings.



While we innately learn to read emotions from behaviors, this ability can diminish as we start to rely more on spoken language. Some individuals seem naturally skilled at detecting unspoken emotions, but research shows that it is a skill anyone can develop by learning to observe nonverbal cues that reveal true feelings.


Key Points:

1. We naturally learn to infer emotions from behaviors in infancy, even before speaking.

2. This skill can weaken as we grow older and focus more on verbal communication.

3. Some people seem naturally talented at detecting unspoken emotions, but this is a learnable skill.

4. Research indicates that by observing nonverbal clues, anyone can develop the ability to sense true emotions.



[3] 2024 10 – 37: 우리가 아는 것과 모르는 것에 대한 인식 감정 설명


Some epistemic feelings let us know that we know. These include the feeling of knowing, the feeling of certainty, and the feeling of correctness. For example, you feel sure that "1666" is the answer to the question, "When did the Great Fire of London occur?" Feeling that you know, even that you are sure, is not unfailing. We can be mistaken in those feelings. Other epistemic feelings alert our attention to what we do not yet know. Curiosity, awe, and wonder fall into this category. As with the feelings of knowing, we can ask whether feelings of not-yet-knowing are necessarily right. It does seem that if you wonder at something, there is something that prompted you to wonder. This feeling alerts you to the fact that your current body of knowledge ─ the schemas, heuristics, and other information you use ─ did not prepare you for the thing you wonder at. As such, wonder is a useful emotion, because it points to gaps in what you thought you knew.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding Epistemic Feelings: Knowing and the Gaps in Knowledge

2. The Role of Epistemic Feelings in Awareness of Knowledge and Curiosity

3. How Feelings of Knowing and Wonder Shape Our Understanding

4. The Significance of Epistemic Feelings in Identifying Knowledge and Ignorance


Main Idea #1:

Epistemic feelings, such as the feeling of knowing and certainty, indicate when we believe we have knowledge, though they can sometimes be mistaken.


Main Idea #2:

Feelings like curiosity and wonder alert us to gaps in our knowledge, indicating when our existing understanding is inadequate, and encouraging exploration and learning.



Epistemic feelings help us recognize both what we believe we know and what we do not yet understand. While feelings of knowing can sometimes be mistaken, emotions like curiosity and wonder signal gaps in our knowledge, prompting us to explore and address what we are not prepared for.


Key Points:

1. Epistemic feelings include certainty, correctness, and the sense of knowing.

2. These feelings are not always accurate and can lead to mistaken beliefs.

3. Curiosity and wonder are epistemic feelings that indicate a lack of knowledge.

4. Wonder is valuable because it highlights gaps in our understanding, prompting further inquiry.



[3] 2024 10 – 38: 기억이 왜곡되는 이유와 이것이 뉴스 인식에 미치는 영향


Memory often plays tricks. According to Mlodinow, we give "unwarranted importance to memories that are the most vivid and hence most available for retrieval ─ our memory makes it easy to remember the events that are unusual and striking not the many events that are normal and dull." The self-serving bias works because, as Trivers observes, "There are also many processes of memory that can be biased to produce welcome results. Memories are continually distorting in self-serving ways." A recent study argues that several forms of cognitive bias cause distortions in storing and retrieving memories. This, in turn, has a bearing on theories of agenda setting, priming, and framing, which argue that how people respond to the news is strongly influenced by what is most easily and readily accessible from their memories. But what if memories about news stories are faulty and distort, forget, or invent what was actually reported? In such cases, it may be the manipulation of memories in individual minds that primes, frames, and sets the agenda, not the original news stories.



Possible Titles:

1. The Impact of Cognitive Biases on Memory and Media Perception

2. How Memory Distortions Influence Agenda Setting and Priming

3. Understanding the Self-Serving Nature of Memory and Its Biases

4. The Role of Faulty Memories in Shaping Responses to News Stories


Main Idea #1:

Memory tends to give undue importance to vivid, striking events while neglecting ordinary ones, leading to distortions influenced by self-serving biases.


Main Idea #2:

Cognitive biases in memory storage and retrieval can affect how people respond to news, potentially shaping perceptions through distorted memories rather than the original information.



Memory is prone to self-serving distortions, often giving more importance to vivid, unusual events and neglecting the ordinary. Cognitive biases can lead to faulty memories, which influence how people respond to news, suggesting that perceptions may be shaped more by distorted recollections than by the original stories themselves.


Key Points:

1. Memory favors vivid and striking events, leading to biased recollection.

2. Self-serving distortions can alter how we remember events.

3. Cognitive biases can cause memory distortions that impact responses to news.

4. Faulty memories may prime and frame perceptions, independent of the original news content.



[3] 2024 10 – 39: 차별 방정식 대신 간단한 신체 동작을 통해 공을 잡는 방법


One way to catch a fly ball is to solve all the differential equations governing the ball's trajectory as well as your own movements and at the same time reposition your body based on those solutions. Unfortunately, you don't have a differential equation-solving device in your brain, so instead you solve a simpler problem: how to place the glove most effectively between the ball and your body. The cerebellum assumes that your hand and the ball should appear in similar relative positions for each catch. So, if the ball is dropping too fast and your hand appears to be going too slowly, it will direct your hand to move more quickly to match the familiar relative position. These simple actions by the cerebellum to map sensory inputs onto muscle movements enable us to catch the ball without solving any differential equations. We are also able to use the cerebellum to anticipate what our actions would be even if we don't actually take them. Your cerebellum might tell you that you could catch the ball but you're likely to crash into another player, so maybe you should not take this action.



Possible Titles:

1. How the Cerebellum Simplifies Complex Actions in Catching a Fly Ball

2. The Role of the Cerebellum in Coordinating Movements Without Complex Calculations

3. Simplified Problem-Solving: How We Catch a Ball Without Solving Equations

4. Understanding the Cerebellum’s Role in Anticipating and Coordinating Movements


Main Idea #1:

The cerebellum helps us catch a ball by simplifying the problem, using familiar relative positions rather than solving complex differential equations.


Main Idea #2:

By mapping sensory inputs onto muscle movements, the cerebellum allows us to perform coordinated actions and even anticipate the consequences of movements without actually taking them.



Catching a fly ball doesn’t require solving complex differential equations; instead, the cerebellum simplifies the process by guiding movements based on familiar sensory inputs. It maps muscle actions to match known patterns, helping to coordinate and anticipate actions, such as adjusting hand speed or deciding not to catch the ball to avoid collisions.


Key Points:

1. Catching a ball is simplified by the cerebellum without complex calculations.

2. The cerebellum matches sensory inputs to familiar muscle movements to guide actions.

3. It allows us to adjust movements, such as speeding up or slowing down, based on the ball's trajectory.

4. The cerebellum also anticipates potential outcomes, helping to make decisions about whether or not to act.



[3] 2024 10 – 40: 시의 불가역적 형식이 철학적 탐구에 미치는 영향 설명


Philosophical interest in poetry has been dominated by the question of whether poetry can aid philosophical thought and promote philosophical inquiry. This focus reflects a tradition of philosophers like Pope and Rumi presenting their philosophical work in verse. In addition, poets like William Wordsworth and T. S. Eliot have been celebrated as poet-philosophers, with their work valued as the product of philosophy through poetry. However, arguments against poetry having a role to play in philosophical inquiry have tended to focus on poetry's (negative) relationship to truth (or, as John Koethe puts it, poetry's indifference to truth). Although we may accept works of poetry as having philosophical themes, this does not amount to doing philosophy through poetry. One such argument hinges on the non-paraphrasability of poetry and form-content unity. The thought goes, if poetry is to play a role in philosophy, then it needs to be paraphrasable (that is, its content must be separable from its form). The assumption is that paraphrase is a mark of understanding and indicates that some proposition has a fixed meaning and that only a proposition with a fixed meaning can be evaluated in terms of truth or falsity. Poetry resists paraphrase: to change the words is to change the poem.



Possible Titles:

1. The Debate Over Poetry’s Role in Philosophical Inquiry

2. Can Poetry Contribute to Philosophy? Exploring the Limits of Paraphrase

3. The Tension Between Poetry and Truth in Philosophical Thought

4. Understanding the Philosophical Value and Limitations of Poetry


Main Idea #1:

There is a longstanding debate about whether poetry can contribute to philosophical inquiry, with some valuing poetry's role in presenting philosophical themes.


Main Idea #2:

Critics argue that poetry’s resistance to paraphrase and its form-content unity limit its philosophical role, as philosophy requires clear propositions that can be evaluated for truth.



While poetry has been appreciated for its philosophical themes, there is debate over its role in philosophical inquiry. Some argue that poetry’s resistance to paraphrase restricts its ability to function as philosophy, as philosophical ideas need to be expressed in clear, paraphrasable propositions that can be evaluated for truth or falsity.


Key Points:

1. Philosophical interest in poetry has focused on its potential to aid philosophical thought.

2. Historical figures like Pope, Rumi, Wordsworth, and Eliot are seen as merging philosophy with poetry.

3. Critics highlight poetry’s resistance to paraphrase, arguing this limits its philosophical value.

4. Clear, fixed propositions are necessary for philosophical evaluation, which poetry’s form-content unity complicates.



[3] 2024 10 – 41~42: 앵무새의 소리와 돌에 새겨진 문양이 의미를 가질  없는 이유


Vocal sounds produced by parrots, regardless of the fact that they may be audibly indistinguishable from spoken words and regardless of the fact that someone or some group of people may take them to be words, are not words. They are not given a semantic dimension by physical similitude to spoken words. Nor can the "talk" of a parrot be given a semantic dimension by being taken to be a set of linguistic acts. In like manner, weather etchings on a stone or shapes in the clouds, regardless of how physically similar they may be to written words or drawings of objects and regardless of what they are taken to be by observers, are not words or pictures. They do not have the appropriate etiology and they have no inherent semantic content or object. They are simply physical objects that resemble certain other things. For observers, they may call to mind the things they resemble. In this regard, they may function as natural signs by virtue of the physical resemblance, but they have no semantic content about which one could be right or wrong. If people take A to be a sign of B by virtue of some nonsemantic relation that holds, or is believed to hold, between A and B, A is a sign of B. But words, pictures, and images are not that way. They contain a semantic content to be understood.



Possible Titles:

1. The Difference Between Natural Signs and Semantic Content in Communication

2. Understanding Why Parrot Vocalizations Lack True Semantic Meaning

3. Distinguishing Physical Resemblance From Semantic Content in Words and Signs

4. Why Physical Similarity Does Not Equate to Semantic Understanding


Main Idea #1:

Vocalizations by parrots and natural patterns like weather etchings do not constitute words or pictures because they lack inherent semantic content, even if they resemble or are taken to be linguistic acts.


Main Idea #2:

True words, pictures, and images contain semantic content that is understood beyond mere physical resemblance, unlike natural signs, which function based on resemblance without conveying fixed meaning.



Parrot vocalizations and natural patterns may resemble spoken words or images, but they do not have semantic content, as they lack the appropriate origins and inherent meaning. While natural signs may call to mind what they resemble, true words and pictures contain specific semantic content to be understood, distinguishing them from simple physical resemblance.


Key Points:

1. Parrot vocal sounds, despite resembling words, lack inherent semantic meaning.

2. Natural patterns, like weather etchings or cloud shapes, are not words or images but physical objects with no semantic content.

3. Physical resemblance alone does not create semantic meaning.

4. True words and pictures contain specific semantic content that allows them to be understood beyond mere resemblance.



[3] 2024 10 – 43~45: 눈사람과 토끼의 교환과 우정 이야기


One frosty morning, a rabbit was jumping about on a hill. There stood a snowman which had been made by some children. He had a broom in his hand and a carrot nose. The rabbit saw the carrot and swallowed hard. "I will have a delicious breakfast," he thought and jumped up, reaching out for the snowman's nose. But before the rabbit even touched him, something hit him hard. "Go Away!" the snowman threatened him with his great broom. "Sorry, Mr. Snowman, I just..." murmured the rabbit. "You wanted to eat my nose!," he shouted. "I was so hungry and it looked so tasty," apologized the rabbit. The snowman thought for a moment. "Hmm... Here, I am bored by myself. I would like to go to the village where the children are. If you take me there, I'll give you my carrot," said the snowman. Excited by the offer, the rabbit told the snowman to wait and disappeared. He returned shortly, dragging a sled and said to the snowman, "Let's go!" The sled ran smoothly over the snow. The snowman with joy waved his broom. After a while, they arrived in the middle of the village. "Here we are," said the rabbit. "Thank you. Here's the carrot," said the snowman, giving him his carrot. The rabbit hesitated for a moment. "Come on, take it. I have a feeling that I'll get a new one," urged the snowman. He finally accepted the carrot and leapt back into the woods. Not long after, the children gathered around the snowman. Noticing that he had no nose, they gave him a fresh carrot. From that time on, the snowman stood in the middle of the village, with a broom in his hand and a marvelous new carrot nose.



Possible Titles:

1. The Snowman's Generous Deal: A Rabbit's Journey for a Carrot

2. How a Hungry Rabbit Helped a Lonely Snowman Find Friends

3. The Snowman and the Rabbit: A Tale of Kindness and Compromise

4. A Winter Adventure: The Snowman's Wish and the Rabbit's Reward


Main Idea #1:

A hungry rabbit tried to take the snowman's carrot nose, but the snowman stopped him and offered a deal instead.


Main Idea #2:

The snowman promised the rabbit his carrot nose if the rabbit took him to the village. After the rabbit helped, the snowman received a new nose from the children, showing how kindness was rewarded.



A rabbit attempted to take a snowman’s carrot nose out of hunger but was stopped. The snowman offered his carrot if the rabbit would take him to the village. After the rabbit helped, the snowman kept his promise, and soon the children gave him a new nose, rewarding his generosity.


Key Points:

1. A hungry rabbit wanted the snowman’s carrot nose for breakfast.

2. The snowman offered the carrot in exchange for being taken to the village.

3. The rabbit helped the snowman, and he fulfilled his promise by giving the carrot.

4. The snowman received a new nose from the children, showing how kindness was reciprocated.








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전체 내용


[2] 2024 10 – 18: 추가 예산이 필요한 이유와 해결을 요청하는 이메일


Dear Executive Manager Schulz, It is a week before the internship program starts. I am writing to bring your attention to a matter that requires immediate consideration regarding the issue my department has. As the coordinator, it is becoming apparent to me that the budget, previously approved by your department, needs some adjustments in order to meet the emerging modifications. Since my department has hired three more interns than planned initially, the most expensive need is for additional funding to cover their wages, training costs, and materials. I kindly request an additional budget allocation for these expenses. Please refer to the attachment for details. Thank you for your attention. Best regards, Matt Perry



Possible Titles:

1. Request for Additional Budget Allocation for Internship Program

2. Budget Adjustment Needed Due to Increase in Intern Hires

3. Urgent Request for Budget Revisions for Upcoming Interns

4. Additional Funding Required for Expanded Internship Program


Main Idea #1:

The coordinator is requesting a budget adjustment for the internship program due to an increase in the number of interns.


Main Idea #2:

With three more interns hired than originally planned, additional funds are needed to cover their wages, training, and materials, prompting the coordinator to seek extra budget allocation from the executive manager.



The coordinator requests additional budget allocation to accommodate three extra interns hired for the upcoming program. More funds are needed to cover their wages, training, and materials, and details are provided in the attachment. 


Key Points:

1. The budget needs adjustment due to increased intern hires.

2. Three additional interns have been recruited.

3. Extra funds are required for wages, training, and materials.

4. The coordinator has attached details for the manager's consideration.



[2] 2024 10 – 19: 이름 철자 실수로 인해 예약 확인이 지연된 경험


Katie approached the hotel front desk to check-in but an unexpected event unfolded. The receptionist couldn't find her reservation under the name 'Katie'. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to locate a reservation under that name, the receptionist said. No way, I definitely made a reservation on the phone, Katie said, puzzled. The receptionist asked, "Can you tell me your phone number?" and Katie told it to him, thinking 'What happened? Did I make a mistake?' Just a moment, the receptionist said, typing deliberately on the keyboard. I found it! It seems there was a small misspelling. Your reservation is under 'K-A-T-Y', the receptionist explained. With a sense of ease, Katie watched her reservation appearing on the screen. With her heart slowing to a gentle rhythm, she proceeded with her check-in, thinking that a simple misspelling might have ruined her plans.



Possible Titles:

1. A Minor Spelling Error Causes Confusion at Hotel Check-In

2. How a Simple Misspelling Almost Ruined Katie's Reservation

3. The Unexpected Check-In Mix-Up: A Story of a Name Error

4. Resolving a Hotel Reservation Error Due to a Misspelled Name


Main Idea #1:

Katie encountered an issue at the hotel check-in when the receptionist couldn’t find her reservation due to a misspelling.


Main Idea #2:

After providing her phone number, the receptionist discovered that Katie’s reservation was listed under a misspelled name, resolving the issue and allowing her to check-in without further problems.



Katie’s hotel check-in was delayed because the receptionist couldn’t find her reservation due to a name misspelling. After verifying her phone number, the receptionist located the booking, and Katie checked in, relieved that the issue was resolved.


Key Points:

1. Katie’s reservation was not found under the expected name.

2. She confirmed her phone number to help locate the booking.

3. The issue was due to a simple misspelling of her name.

4. The reservation was found, allowing Katie to proceed with check-in.



[2] 2024 10 – 20: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 


To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems. Dealing with such complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirroring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing mathematical teaching methods. Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking. Therefore, making decisions, even qualitatively, is not possible without using mathematics and critical thinking. Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process. They can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them.



Possible Titles:

1. The Importance of Critical Thinking in Mathematical Literacy

2. Integrating Mathematics and Critical Thinking for Real-World Problem Solving

3. Why Teaching Math Requires More Than Just Numbers: A Critical Approach

4. Developing Decision-Making Skills Through Mathematical and Critical Thinking


Main Idea #1:

Mathematical literacy involves the ability to use critical thinking to address real-world problems and make informed decisions.


Main Idea #2:

Teaching mathematics should incorporate critical thinking and decision-making processes, reflecting real-world interdisciplinary challenges and encouraging students to develop these skills within a mathematical context.



Mathematical literacy means applying critical thinking to real-world problems for informed decision-making. Effective math teaching should integrate critical thinking and decision-making skills, helping students navigate complex problems by quantifying, analyzing, and generalizing within a mathematical framework.


Key Points:

1. Mathematical literacy requires critical thinking for problem-solving.

2. Real-world issues demand an interdisciplinary approach to math.

3. Teaching math should involve planning that integrates decision-making.

4. Students should develop critical thinking skills within mathematical contexts.



[2] 2024 10 – 21: 덕목은 일시적 충동이 아니라 지속적인 도덕적 습관에서 형성됨


Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present after taking a generosity booster. How would you feel? Undoubtedly, there is something praiseworthy about the action. You'd be pleased to receive the gift. You'd say 'thank you', and mean it. But his change of heart is not entirely satisfying. According to Zagzebski, an American philosopher, he is not really generous. When we praise someone's character, we use words for various virtues: 'generous', 'kind', 'courageous', etc. A person who gives one gift isn't generous. Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person's 'moral identity', an emotional habit that is part of who you are. Thus virtues, as opposed to nontypical impulse, are the result of your personal history. They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed. Instant virtue is therefore impossible. Popping a pill cannot make you a better person.



Possible Titles:

1. Why Instant Virtue Cannot Replace True Generosity

2. The Difference Between Genuine Virtue and Momentary Acts of Kindness

3. Understanding Virtue: Why Character Cannot Be Changed Instantly

4. The Impossibility of Instant Moral Transformation Through Quick Fixes


Main Idea #1:

Genuine virtues like generosity are stable parts of one's character, not the result of temporary actions or impulses.


Main Idea #2:

According to philosopher Zagzebski, virtues are formed through one's personal history and emotional habits, making instant transformations impossible; actions influenced by quick solutions, like a 'generosity booster,' do not reflect true moral character.



Virtue, such as generosity, is a stable trait developed through a person's history and habits, not a fleeting impulse. Zagzebski argues that instant changes, like taking a 'generosity booster,' cannot produce true moral transformation, as genuine virtues are part of one's established character.


Key Points:

1. Genuine virtues are consistent traits, not occasional actions.

2. Temporary impulses do not reflect a person's true character.

3. Virtues are formed through personal history and emotional habits.

4. Instant solutions, like pills, cannot create real moral virtues.



[2] 2024 10 – 22: 이중성 시스템을 활용해 별의 질량을 계산하는 방법 설명


To determine the mass of my bowling ball, I might put it onto a balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams. Things get much more complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star. How do I measure it? We can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various theories. If we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period and a certain instance of Kepler's Third Law, to calculate the mass. In other words, in order to "measure" the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass. Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories.



Possible Titles:

1. How to Measure Star Masses: Beyond Simple Weight Comparisons

2. Understanding the Complex Process of Determining Star Mass

3. The Role of Theories in Measuring the Mass of Distant Stars

4. From Bowling Balls to Stars: Different Approaches to Mass Measurement


Main Idea #1:

Measuring the mass of a distant star requires indirect methods, relying on various theories and calculations.


Main Idea #2:

Unlike simple weight measurements, determining star mass involves calculating other values, such as distance and orbital period, and applying theoretical models, demonstrating that measurements are guided by accepted scientific principles rather than direct estimations.



Measuring the mass of a star, unlike that of everyday objects, involves indirect calculations using theories like Kepler's laws. Scientists determine other quantities, such as distance and period, and use equations to estimate the mass, showing that scientific measurement depends on established models and not direct comparisons.


Key Points:

1. Measuring star mass differs from weighing common objects.

2. Binary star mass estimation uses distance, period, and theoretical models.

3. Kepler's Third Law helps calculate mass from other observed quantities.

4. Measurements rely on accepted theories, not direct, simple estimations.



[2] 2024 10 – 23: 쾌락과 고통의 균형이 신체의 항상성을 유지하는 방식


Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain. Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions. Without the body's effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving. Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another and keep balance. If you imagine pleasure and pain as the two opposite points on a scale, you can easily understand that as one of the two points rises, the other must correspondingly fall. We've all heard the expression, "No pain, no gain." Well, according to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, there may be some truth to these words. She says that our attempts to escape being miserable are in fact making us even more miserable. This is because pain is actually an essential component of our ability to maintain a neutral state, and allowing it will in turn reset our internal scale back to balance.



Possible Titles:

1. The Interconnected Relationship Between Pain and Pleasure in the Brain

2. How Pain and Pleasure Work Together to Maintain Balance

3. Understanding Homeostasis: Why Pain is Essential for Emotional Balance

4. Dr. Anna Lembke on the Necessity of Pain for Mental Well-Being


Main Idea #1:

Pain and pleasure are processed in the same brain area, working together to maintain bodily balance or homeostasis.


Main Idea #2:

According to Dr. Anna Lembke, avoiding pain can disrupt our internal balance, as pain is a necessary part of resetting the body's equilibrium; attempts to escape discomfort may lead to greater misery by preventing this essential recalibration.



Pain and pleasure are interconnected, processed in the same brain region, and essential for maintaining homeostasis. Dr. Anna Lembke explains that pain helps reset our internal balance, suggesting that avoiding discomfort can lead to more significant imbalance and misery.


Key Points:

1. Pain and pleasure are processed in the same area of the brain.

2. They function together to maintain homeostasis.

3. Avoiding pain can disrupt internal balance and lead to greater discomfort.

4. Experiencing pain may be necessary to reset and restore equilibrium.



[2] 2024 10 – 24: 지속적인 제품 업그레이드 주기로 소비자의 욕구를 형성하는 방식


Manufacturers masterfully sow seeds of doubt about the adequacy of our current devices. Suddenly, the phone that was your lifeline a year ago is now a museum piece, unable to keep pace with your digital demands. And thus, the itch to upgrade begins, often before there's a genuine need. This cycle isn't just confined to our digital companions. It spills over into almost every aspect of consumer electronics, from the self-driving car to the smart fridge. Every product seems to be on an unstoppable march towards the next version, the next generation that promises to revolutionize your life. What's fascinating, or perhaps disturbing, is the utter efficacy of this cycle in shaping our desires. It's not so much that we want the newest device; we're led to believe we need it. The distinction between want and need blurs, shifting our financial priorities in favor of staying current with trends. For all the logical arguments against this ceaseless upgrading, the temptation remains compelling.



Possible Titles:

1. The Never-Ending Upgrade Cycle: How Manufacturers Shape Consumer Desires

2. Blurring the Line Between Want and Need in Consumer Electronics

3. The Psychology Behind Constant Upgrades: Why We Feel the Need to Update

4. How Manufacturers Manipulate Consumer Demand Through Perpetual Innovation


Main Idea #1:

Manufacturers create a cycle of constant upgrades, making consumers feel their current devices are inadequate and leading to unnecessary purchases.


Main Idea #2:

This cycle effectively blurs the distinction between wants and needs, compelling consumers to prioritize staying up-to-date with the latest trends despite logical reasons to resist, ultimately shifting financial priorities towards continuous upgrading.



Manufacturers drive a cycle of upgrades by making consumers doubt the adequacy of their current devices, leading to a blurred line between wants and needs. This effective strategy pushes consumers to prioritize staying current, even if the upgrades are unnecessary.


Key Points:

1. Manufacturers create doubt about the adequacy of existing devices.

2. The upgrade cycle extends to various consumer electronics.

3. The distinction between want and need becomes blurred.

4. This cycle compels consumers to prioritize staying current with trends.



[2] 2024 10 – 25: 2023년과 2027 제품 카테고리별 온라인 판매 비율 예측


The graph above shows the shares of online sales out of total sales by each of five product categories in 2023 and the estimated ones in 2027. The shares of all five categories are expected to increase by 2027 respectively, while not surpassing 50%. Based on the selected categories, consumer electronics is anticipated to show the biggest gap in the share of online sales between 2023 and 2027. DIY and furniture showed the same share of online sales with 29% in 2023 but the share of DIY online sales is estimated to exceed that of furniture online sales by 2027. The share of beauty care online sales was lower than 20% by 2 percentage points in 2023, but is estimated to be higher than 20% in 2027. In 2023, food showed the lowest share of online sales among the categories, but that share is projected to more than double by 2027.



Possible Titles:

1. Projected Growth in Online Sales Across Key Product Categories by 2027

2. Increasing Trends in Online Sales for Consumer Goods: 2023 vs. 2027

3. Rising Shares of Online Sales: Consumer Electronics Leads the Growth

4. Future of Online Sales: Anticipated Increases Across Various Categories


Main Idea #1:

Online sales shares for all five product categories are expected to grow by 2027, with none surpassing the 50% mark.


Main Idea #2:

Consumer electronics is projected to have the largest increase in online sales share, while DIY sales are set to surpass furniture sales by 2027. Beauty care is expected to rise above 20%, and food, initially the lowest in 2023, is projected to more than double its share.



The shares of online sales for all five categories are expected to increase by 2027, with consumer electronics showing the largest rise. DIY sales are projected to surpass furniture, while beauty care is estimated to exceed 20%. Food sales, initially the lowest, are set to more than double by 2027.


Key Points:

1. Online sales shares are projected to grow across all categories by 2027.

2. Consumer electronics will have the largest increase in share.

3. DIY sales are expected to surpass those of furniture by 2027.

4. Food, with the lowest share in 2023, is anticipated to more than double.



[2] 2024 10 – 26: Helen Suzman 인종차별 반대 운동과 평생에 걸친 업적


Helen Suzman was an activist against apartheid, a racist political and social system in the Republic of South Africa. Suzman was born to Jewish immigrant parents in Germiston in the Union of South Africa in 1917. While working as a lecturer on economic history at Witwatersrand University, she joined the South African Institute of Race Relations. In 1953, she joined the United Party and was elected to Parliament, but when the United Party adopted a more moderate stance on apartheid, Suzman and other progressive members left it and formed the Progressive Party in 1959. Suzman tirelessly fought against apartheid, exposing the government's abuses and challenging its laws for a total of 36 years in Parliament. Even after her retirement in 1989, she continued to advocate for a multi-racial democracy in the Republic of South Africa and influenced the drafting of the country's new constitution after the end of apartheid. She remained an active voice for human rights and democracy until her death in 2009.



Possible Titles:

1. Helen Suzman: A Tireless Fighter Against Apartheid in South Africa

2. From Parliament to Advocacy: Helen Suzman’s Legacy of Human Rights

3. The Life and Legacy of Helen Suzman: Champion of Democracy

4. How Helen Suzman Challenged Apartheid and Advocated for Equality


Main Idea #1:

Helen Suzman was a prominent activist who opposed apartheid and fought for democracy in South Africa throughout her political career.


Main Idea #2:

After leaving the United Party, Suzman dedicated 36 years in Parliament to challenging apartheid laws, exposing abuses, and advocating for a multi-racial democracy, continuing her efforts even after retirement, influencing South Africa’s new constitution and remaining a voice for human rights until her death.



Helen Suzman, born in 1917, was a key figure in the fight against apartheid in South Africa. She served 36 years in Parliament, opposing discriminatory laws and advocating for a multi-racial democracy. Even after retiring in 1989, she continued to promote human rights and influenced the new constitution, remaining active until her death in 2009.


Key Points:

1. Suzman was a strong opponent of apartheid in South Africa.

2. She left the United Party to form the Progressive Party in 1959.

3. Suzman served 36 years in Parliament, challenging apartheid laws.

4. She continued advocating for democracy and human rights after retirement.



[2] 2024 10 – 29: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법


Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. Researchers train them to associate one place with an experience such as food or a loud noise and another place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens. The two places are made obviously different to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there. The animal's preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places. If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time for the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it. Conversely, if it now avoids the place the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus unpleasant. For example, mice with cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine, a drug used to relieve pain, rather than where they have received saline whereas healthy mice developed no such preference. This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding Animal Preferences Through Conditioned Place Preference Experiments

2. How Conditioned Place Preference Reveals Animals' Desires and Aversions

3. Measuring Animal Behavior: Using Conditioned Place Preference to Assess Preferences

4. The Role of Conditioned Place Preference in Studying Pain and Reward in Animals


Main Idea #1:

Conditioned Place Preference is a method used to determine animals' preferences by associating different environments with specific experiences.


Main Idea #2:

By training animals to associate one place with a positive or negative stimulus, researchers can measure changes in the animals' location preferences, revealing whether they seek or avoid certain experiences, such as mice with cancer preferring a place associated with pain-relief from morphine.



Conditioned Place Preference helps researchers determine animals' likes and dislikes by associating different environments with experiences. If animals shift their location preference, it indicates their reaction to the stimuli. For instance, cancer-afflicted mice prefer places where they receive morphine, showing their desire for pain relief.


Key Points:

1. Conditioned Place Preference associates environments with experiences to study animal behavior.

2. Animals' preference changes can indicate whether they found the experience pleasant or unpleasant.

3. The method measures shifts in location preference before and after the experiences.

4. Mice with cancer show preference for morphine-associated places, suggesting pain relief seeking.



[2] 2024 10 – 30: 새들의 번식 계절이 환경에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 설명


Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined. They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. It's for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity. Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.



Possible Titles:

1. The Seasonal Breeding Patterns of Birds Across Different Climates

2. How Birds Adapt Their Breeding Cycles to Environmental Conditions

3. From Polar Regions to Deserts: Variations in Bird Breeding Seasons

4. Understanding the Impact of Environment on Bird Reproduction


Main Idea #1:

Birds' breeding seasons vary based on climate, with many temperate and polar species breeding during specific seasons, triggered by changes in day length.


Main Idea #2:

While most birds are physically incapable of breeding outside their usual season due to their shrinking reproductive systems, exceptions like nomadic desert species can breed quickly after rain. Breeding patterns also differ among species, with seabirds raising one brood, while songbirds in warmer climates may raise multiple families in a season.



Birds' breeding seasons are influenced by climate, with many species in temperate and polar regions breeding at specific times of the year. Some birds, like nomadic desert species, can breed opportunistically after rain. Different species have varied breeding patterns, from single broods to multiple families in a season.


Key Points:

1. Birds in temperate and polar regions breed based on changes in day length.

2. Reproductive systems shrink outside the breeding season to reduce weight.

3. Nomadic desert birds can breed soon after rainfall.

4. Breeding patterns vary: seabirds raise one brood, while songbirds may have several.



[2] 2024 10 – 31: 학습 자원 인식 부족이 학생들의 창의성에 미치는 영향


One factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students' learning. Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them. Different resources may be compulsory for specific learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity's performance. For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects. There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, equipment, and chemicals required for the experiment. It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be about human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and equipment for their learning where applicable. Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students' creativity. It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means.



Possible Titles:

1. The Importance of Resource Awareness in Enhancing Student Creativity

2. How Identifying Learning Resources Can Boost Creativity in Students

3. Overcoming Barriers to Creativity Through Proper Resource Management

4. The Role of Preparation and Resource Awareness in Student Projects


Main Idea #1:

Lack of awareness about necessary resources can hinder students' creativity and performance in learning tasks.


Main Idea #2:

Proper preparation, including identifying and securing required resources, is essential for successful task completion. Recognizing resources in advance can enhance creativity by allowing students to plan, find alternatives, or modify their approach if needed.



Unawareness of necessary resources can limit students' creativity. Identifying and preparing required resources in advance, such as equipment and funding, helps students plan effectively and explore alternatives, boosting creativity and success in learning tasks.


Key Points:

1. Unawareness of resources can hinder students' learning and creativity.

2. Identifying essential resources simplifies task performance.

3. Preparation may involve securing equipment, funding, and personnel.

4. Early identification allows for alternative solutions, enhancing creativity.



[2] 2024 10 – 32: 번역 작업이 다양한 출처와 독자의 기대에 의존하는 방식


All translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work. And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people. The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer's Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own. He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French ─ and of course he had dictionaries. Translators always draw on more than one source text. Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person's linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations. And then his or her idea of the translation's purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for. In both these senses every translation is a crowd translation.



Possible Titles:

1. The Collaborative Nature of Translation: More Than a Solo Effort

2. How Every Translation Is Influenced by Multiple Voices and Sources

3. Translation as a Collective Process: Insights From Alexander Pope's Work

4. Understanding Translation: A Dialogue Between Texts, Knowledge, and Readers


Main Idea #1:

Translators draw on multiple sources and influences, making translation a collaborative process, even if it seems like a solo task.


Main Idea #2:

Alexander Pope's translation of Homer's Iliad illustrates how translators rely on various texts, commentaries, and linguistic knowledge. Additionally, translators' choices are shaped by the expectations of the readers, making every translation a product of collective input and interpretation.



Translation is inherently collaborative, as translators rely on multiple sources, past translations, and linguistic knowledge. Alexander Pope's Iliad translation shows this process, and the expectations of readers further shape the final outcome, making every translation a collective effort.


Key Points:

1. Translators use multiple sources, including dictionaries and past translations.

2. Alexander Pope’s translation work exemplifies this collaborative approach.

3. Translators’ linguistic knowledge is built on many texts and conversations.

4. Reader expectations influence the final translation, making it a collective process.



[2] 2024 10 – 33: 읽기 행위를 단일 개념으로 정의하기 어려운 이유


Some people argue that there is a single, logically consistent concept known as reading that can be neatly set apart from everything else people do with books. Is reading really that simple? The most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, as Ludwig Wittgenstein used the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait. Consequently, efforts to distinguish reading from nonreading are destined to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place. The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term's flexible boundaries. Thus, it is worth attempting to collect together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to establish the boundaries where reading begins and ends. The attempt moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is expansive enough to accommodate the distinct reading activities.



Possible Titles:

1. Redefining Reading: Understanding It as a Spectrum of Behaviors

2. The Complexity of Reading: Beyond a Single, Fixed Definition

3. Why Reading Cannot Be Neatly Separated From Other Book Interactions

4. Exploring the Flexible Boundaries and Spectrum of Reading


Main Idea #1:

Reading is not a single, easily defined concept but a set of related behaviors with overlapping characteristics, making it difficult to separate from other activities involving books.


Main Idea #2:

Efforts to clearly define reading are challenging due to its flexible boundaries, which encompass a spectrum of activities. Instead of trying to set rigid borders, it is more productive to acknowledge the diverse and interconnected forms of reading, as Wittgenstein's idea of family resemblances suggests.



Reading cannot be narrowly defined as a single activity but is better understood as a spectrum of related behaviors. Attempts to draw clear distinctions between reading and nonreading often fail, highlighting the need to view reading as a set of diverse practices with overlapping traits.


Key Points:

1. Reading is not a single, clearly defined behavior.

2. Wittgenstein’s concept of family resemblances explains the flexible nature of reading.

3. Efforts to define strict boundaries of reading are often unsuccessful.

4. Understanding reading as a spectrum accommodates its diverse activities.



[2] 2024 10 – 34: Weber 법칙으로 자극의 강도에 따른 차이 인식 설명


Weber's law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli. It suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 mm and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long. Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room. But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle. Therefore, the Just-noticeable difference (JND) varies as a function of the strength of the signals. For example, the JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much more quiet sounds. When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder. When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder. Thus, Weber's law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli.



Possible Titles:

1. Understanding Weber's Law: Perception of Differences in Stimuli

2. How Weber's Law Explains the Just-Noticeable Difference in Senses

3. Why Detecting Differences Becomes Harder With Stronger Stimuli: Weber's Law

4. The Principle Behind Perceiving Changes in Sound, Light, and Size: Weber's Law


Main Idea #1:

Weber's law explains how the ability to detect differences between stimuli depends on the strength of those stimuli, with larger or stronger stimuli making it harder to perceive small differences.


Main Idea #2:

The concept of the Just-noticeable difference (JND) illustrates that the perception of changes is more sensitive when the initial stimulus is weak. As the strength of the stimulus increases, the difference between two samples must be larger for the change to be noticeable, as seen in examples of line lengths, light intensity, and sound levels.



Weber's law states that the perception of differences between stimuli varies with their strength; detecting small changes is easier when the stimuli are weak, but harder as they grow stronger. This principle is evident in the Just-noticeable difference (JND), where larger or louder stimuli require greater changes to be perceived as different.


Key Points:

1. Weber's law concerns detecting differences between two stimuli.

2. The Just-noticeable difference (JND) depends on the strength of the signals.

3. Smaller or weaker stimuli allow for easier detection of slight changes.

4. As stimuli become larger or stronger, the differences must be greater to be noticed.



[2] 2024 10 – 35: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명


Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget). Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the "commons" to support. Traffic jams, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyone ─ the tragedy of the commons! If the new resource cannot be expanded or provided with additional space, it becomes a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or walkers or competing users. The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, both begin to fall after a peak, leading to a crash. What makes the "tragedy of commons" tragic is the crash dynamic ─ the destruction or degeneration of the common resource's ability to regenerate itself.



Possible Titles:

1. The Tragedy of the Commons: Overuse and Its Consequences

2. Understanding How Shared Resources Lead to Overcrowding and Decline

3. From Growth to Collapse: The Dynamics of Common Resource Overuse

4. Why Unchecked Use of Shared Resources Leads to the Tragedy of the Commons


Main Idea #1:

The tragedy of the commons occurs when shared resources are overused, leading to congestion and reduced benefits for everyone.


Main Idea #2:

As more people use a common resource, individual and total activities increase, but if overuse continues without managing expansion or additional space, the resource's ability to regenerate declines, eventually causing a crash. This dynamic makes the situation tragic because it leads to the degradation or destruction of the resource.



The tragedy of the commons describes how the overuse of shared resources leads to overcrowding and decreased benefits. If overuse continues unchecked, the resource's ability to regenerate diminishes, causing a decline and eventual crash, highlighting the need for sustainable management.


Key Points:

1. Shared resources benefit individuals but can suffer from overuse.

2. Overcrowding and congestion reduce the resource's effectiveness.

3. Continued overuse without expansion can lead to a crash.

4. The tragedy lies in the resource's inability to sustain itself under heavy use.



[2] 2024 10 – 36: 뇌가 시각 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 방식으로 에너지를 절약


Theoretically, our brain would have the capacity to store all experiences throughout life, reaching the quality of a DVD. However, this theoretical capacity is offset by the energy demand associated with the process of storing and retrieving information in memory. As a result, the brain develops efficient strategies, becoming dependent on shortcuts. When we observe a face, the visual image captured by the eyes is highly variable, depending on the point of view, lighting conditions and other contextual factors. Nevertheless, we are able to recognize the face as the same, maintaining the underlying identity. The brain, rather than focusing on the details of visualization, creates and stores general patterns that allow for consistent recognition across diverse circumstances. This ability to match what we see with general visual memory patterns serves as an effective mechanism for optimizing brain performance and saving energy. The brain, being naturally against unnecessary effort, constantly seeks to simplify and generalize information to facilitate the cognitive process.



Possible Titles:

1. How the Brain Optimizes Memory Through Generalization and Efficiency

2. The Brain’s Energy-Saving Strategies: Simplifying Visual Memory

3. Recognizing Faces: Efficient Memory Use in the Human Brain

4. From Detail to Pattern: How the Brain Simplifies Memory Storage


Main Idea #1:

The brain optimizes its memory storage by creating general patterns, which allows it to recognize information consistently across varying conditions while conserving energy.


Main Idea #2:

Due to the high energy demand of storing detailed visual information, the brain simplifies the process by focusing on general patterns. This enables consistent recognition, such as identifying faces, despite changes in context, lighting, or perspective, highlighting the brain's efficiency in minimizing cognitive effort.



The brain conserves energy by storing general patterns instead of detailed information, enabling consistent recognition across diverse conditions. This efficient strategy allows for reliable face recognition and other memory tasks, simplifying cognitive processes and minimizing effort.


Key Points:

1. The brain’s theoretical memory capacity is offset by energy demands.

2. It develops strategies to conserve energy, relying on general patterns.

3. Generalization helps recognize faces despite varying conditions.

4. Simplification allows the brain to minimize cognitive effort efficiently.



[2] 2024 10 – 37: 과학 연구에서 창의적 해석이 이론 형성에 미치는 영향


Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience. However, this paradigm sometimes conceals the fact that theories are deeply loaded with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence. Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts. They construct frameworks for systematically chosen data in order to provide a consistent and meaningful explanation of what is observed. Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others. When we neglect the creative contributions of such scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts ─ even worse, as facts including all of reality ─ we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Creativity in Shaping Scientific Theories and Explanations

2. Beyond Data: How Imagination Influences Scientific Research

3. Understanding the Creative Elements Behind Scientific Models and Theories

4. The Limits of Scientific Models: Recognizing the Role of Imagination


Main Idea #1:

Scientific explanations are not just straightforward reports of facts but are shaped by creative frameworks that organize data into meaningful narratives.


Main Idea #2:

While scientific models provide structured interpretations, they rely on imaginative elements that influence how data is organized and understood. Overlooking this creativity can lead to misconceptions, as treating models as absolute facts risks missing their limitations and misapplying them to situations they may not accurately describe.



Scientific explanations involve creative frameworks that shape how data is organized and understood. Ignoring this creativity can lead to misinterpretations, as models are not absolute facts but structured narratives with limitations that must be acknowledged.


Key Points:

1. Scientific explanations rely on creative frameworks, not just data.

2. Models are constructed to give consistent and meaningful interpretations.

3. Overlooking the imaginative aspect risks misapplying scientific models.

4. Recognizing the limitations of models prevents misconceptions.



[2] 2024 10 – 38: 문학이 사회적 변화를 촉진하거나 방해할  있는 방식


We encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action. Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce social change. At best it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is. But on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements. Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with their lives and eager for something new. By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, and race, books may promote a fellowship that discourages struggle; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible. Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Uncle Tom's Cabin, a best-seller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War.



Possible Titles:

1. The Dual Role of Literature in Social Change and Reflection

2. Literature’s Influence: A Source of Both Detachment and Activism

3. The Contradictory Impact of Literature on Social Engagement

4. How Literature Encourages Both Reflection and Revolutionary Change


Main Idea #1:

Literature can promote solitary reflection, detachment, and passive acceptance.


Main Idea #2:

Literature can also provoke social change by challenging authority and inspiring action against injustices.



Literature has been viewed both as a force for passive contemplation and as a catalyst for social change. While it may encourage detachment, it also has the power to question authority and inspire action. Historical examples, such as Uncle Tom's Cabin, demonstrate its role in sparking significant societal shifts.


Key Points:

1. Literature is seen as encouraging solitary reading and reflection, which can lead to detachment.

2. Some believe literature discourages political action by fostering acceptance of the status quo.

3. Historically, literature has been viewed as dangerous for its ability to question authority and inspire change.

4. Works like Uncle Tom's Cabin show how literature can provoke social movements and bring about progressive struggles.



[2] 2024 10 – 39: Hobbes 자연 상태에서 인간의 본성과 도덕적 자유의 한계


According to Hobbes, man is not a being who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in the state of nature. Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where a sovereign power, namely the state, emerges. Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man's life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short". It means when people live without a general power to control them all, they are indeed in a state of war. In other words, Hobbes, who accepted that human beings are not social and political beings in the state of nature, believes that without the power human beings in the state of nature are "antisocial and rational based on their selfishness". Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes. It is, rather, mutual fear of men's present and future that assembles them, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature.



Possible Titles:

1. Hobbes' View on Morality and the Role of the State in Society

2. The Role of Fear and Sovereign Power in Hobbesian Society

3. Hobbes' Theory: From Antisocial Instincts to State-Imposed Order

4. Understanding the Necessity of Sovereign Authority in Hobbes' Philosophy


Main Idea #1:

Hobbes argues that humans in their natural state are driven by selfishness and antisocial instincts.


Main Idea #2:

According to Hobbes, a sovereign power is essential to impose order, as fear and self-preservation drive people to form societies rather than natural affection.



Hobbes believes that in the state of nature, humans act based on selfishness and lack natural social inclinations. Without a sovereign power, they exist in a state of war, driven by mutual fear. Society, according to Hobbes, emerges not from mutual affection but from the necessity of order imposed by a central authority to ensure survival.


Key Points:

1. In the state of nature, humans are not moral and act to protect their own survival.

2. Hobbes describes life in the natural state as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short."

3. Human beings are antisocial and rationally selfish in the state of nature.

4. Society forms due to mutual fear and the need for order, not natural social tendencies.



[2] 2024 10 – 40: 인지적 요소가  인식에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구


There is research that supports the idea that cognitive factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world. Delk and Fillenbaum asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background. Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color. These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart. Other objects were presented that are not usually associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell. However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard. Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red. They had to make the background color match the color of the figures. The researchers found that red-associated objects required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that are not associated with the color red. This implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color.



Possible Titles:

1. The Influence of Cognitive Associations on Color Perception

2. How Knowledge of Object Colors Affects Perceptual Judgment

3. Cognitive Factors and Their Role in Perceiving Colors

4. The Effect of Prior Knowledge on Color Matching Tasks


Main Idea #1:

Cognitive associations with certain colors affect how individuals perceive and judge those colors.


Main Idea #2:

Research by Delk and Fillenbaum showed that participants required more red in the background to match typically red objects, indicating that prior knowledge influences perceptual judgments.



Research indicates that cognitive associations affect color perception. Participants in a study matched colors by adding more red to the background when viewing objects typically associated with red. This finding suggests that knowledge about object colors can influence perceptual judgment.


Key Points:

1. Cognitive factors can alter the way people perceive colors.

2. Delk and Fillenbaum's study involved matching figure colors with background colors.

3. Objects typically associated with red required more red to be perceived as matching.

4. The findings suggest that prior knowledge about an object's usual color affects perceptual decisions.



[2] 2024 10 – 41~42: 유전체 복제 과정에서 발생하는 돌연변이의 누적 원리 설명


In each round of genome copying in our body, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of chromosomes will have an error. With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate. This is similar to alterations in medieval books. Each time a copy was made by hand, some changes were introduced accidentally; as changes stacked up, the copies may have acquired meanings at variance with the original. Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have gathered more mistakes. To make things worse, mutations may damage genes responsible for error checking and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations. Most genome mutations do not have any noticeable effects. It is just like changing the i for a y in "kingdom" would not distort the word's readability. But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors. Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body's cells multiplied to form skin. If mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously? The answer lies in the cell lineage, the developmental history of a tissue from particular cells through to their fully differentiated state. If the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change.



Possible Titles:

1. The Accumulation of Errors in Genome Copying and Its Effects

2. How Genome Copying Errors Lead to Mutations and Variations

3. Understanding the Role of Cell Lineage in Genetic Mutations

4. The Similarities Between Medieval Text Alterations and Genome Mutations


Main Idea #1:

Errors accumulate in genomes during the copying process, similar to changes in handwritten medieval books.


Main Idea #2:

Mutations may disrupt error-checking genes, accelerating changes, and the effects can manifest in tissues if mutations occur early in cell lineage development.



Genome copying errors accumulate over time, akin to changes introduced in hand-copied medieval texts. Most mutations are harmless, but some can lead to visible changes, like birthmarks or iris color differences. If mutations happen early in cell development, the resulting traits can appear across patches of cells due to shared cell lineage.


Key Points:

1. Genome copying introduces errors, which accumulate over time.

2. Mutations may disrupt genes responsible for error correction, increasing the rate of new mutations.

3. Most mutations have no noticeable effects, but some can lead to visible changes.

4. Mutations early in cell lineage development can affect patches of cells, explaining traits like birthmarks.



[2] 2024 10 – 43~45: 완벽주의에 대한 부담과 문제 해결 능력을 배운 이야기


Max awoke to the gentle sunlight of an autumn day. Right on schedule, he swung his legs off the bed and took a deep, satisfying breath. He began his morning the same way he usually did, getting dressed and going to school. Today was going to be another perfect day until he ran into Mr. Kapoor, his science teacher. Just to remind you. Science fair projects are due next Wednesday. Don't forget to submit your final draft on time," Mr. Kapoor said. Max froze. What? It can't be! It was due next Friday! After school, he came home worrying that his whole perfectly planned week was going to be ruined. Without his usual greeting, Max headed to his room in haste. What's wrong Max?, Jeremy, his dad, followed Max, worrying about him. Max furiously browsed through his planner without answering him, only to find the wrong date written in it. Fighting through tears, Max finally managed to explain the unending pressure to be perfect to his dad. To his surprise, Jeremy laughed. Max, guess what? Perfect is a great goal, but nobody gets there all the time. What matters is what we do when things get messy." That made him feel a little better. You are saying I can fix this? Absolutely, try to deal with problems in a logical way, Jeremy said. Max thought for a moment. I guess.... I can do that by rescheduling tonight's baseball lesson. Jeremy beamed. See? That's you finding a solution. Max felt a genuine smile spreading. The next Wednesday, he successfully handed in the final draft on time with satisfaction. From then on, he still loved order and routines, but also embraced the messy, unpredictable bits of life too.



Possible Titles:

1. Learning to Embrace Imperfection: Max’s Lesson on Flexibility

2. How Max Overcame His Fear of Imperfection and Found Balance

3. The Importance of Adaptability: Max’s Journey Beyond Perfection

4. Finding Solutions in Chaos: Max Learns to Cope with Unexpected Challenges


Main Idea #1:

Max struggles with the pressure to be perfect when he realizes he made a mistake with his science project deadline.


Main Idea #2:

With his dad's support, Max learns that perfection isn’t always achievable and discovers the value of adapting to unexpected situations.



Max panicked upon realizing he misjudged the deadline for his science project, fearing it would disrupt his perfect plans. With his dad's guidance, he learned that it's okay to make mistakes and focused on finding a solution. This experience helped Max appreciate the importance of adaptability while still valuing order.


Key Points:

1. Max’s usual routine was disrupted by an unexpected mistake in his planner.

2. He felt immense pressure to maintain perfection but found comfort in his dad’s advice.

3. Jeremy encouraged Max to focus on solving the problem rather than dwelling on the mistake.

4. Max successfully adjusted his plans, learning to balance order with flexibility.





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전체 내용


[1] 2024 10 – 18: Fort Montgomery High School 건축 자금 지원을 요청하는 편지


To the State Education Department, I am writing with regard to the state's funding for the construction project at Fort Montgomery High School. Our school needs additional spaces to provide a fully functional Art and Library Media Center to serve our students in a more meaningful way. Despite submitting all required documentation for funding to your department in April 2024, we have not yet received any notification from your department. A delay in the process can carry considerable consequences related to the school's budgetary constraints and schedule. Therefore, in order to proceed with our project, we request you notify us of the review result regarding the submitted documentation. I look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully, Clara Smith Principal, Fort Montgomery High School



Possible Titles:

1. Request for State Funding to Enhance School Facilities at Fort Montgomery High School

2. Appeal to Expedite State Funding for Educational Facility Development 

3. Need for Approval of Funding for School Art and Media Center

4. Principal Urges Prompt Response on State Funding for School Expansion


Main Idea #1:

The principal is requesting an update on the status of state funding for a school construction project.


Main Idea #2:

Fort Montgomery High School seeks state funds to build additional spaces for an Art and Library Media Center, emphasizing the need for timely approval to avoid budgetary and scheduling issues.



Fort Montgomery High School is awaiting state funding to construct an Art and Library Media Center. Despite submitting the required documents in April, there has been no update. The principal urges prompt notification to avoid delays and financial complications.


Key Points:

1. The school submitted funding documentation in April 2024.

2. The project aims to create functional spaces for art and library media.

3. A lack of response is causing concerns over budget and scheduling.

4. The principal requests a prompt review and notification from the department.



[1] 2024 10 – 19: 농구 경기  코치의 결정으로 인한 좌절감 경험


As I waited outside the locker room after a hardfought basketball game, the coach called out to me, "David, walk with me." I figured he was going to tell me something important. He was going to select me to be the captain of the team, the leader I had always wanted to be. My heart was racing with anticipation. But when his next words hit my ears, everything changed. We're going to have to send you home, he said coldly. I don't think you are going to make it. I couldn't believe his decision. I tried to hold it together, but inside I was falling apart. A car would be waiting tomorrow morning to take me home. And just like that, it was over.



Possible Titles:

1. Unexpected Turn of Events for Aspiring Basketball Team Captain

2. Disappointment Strikes as Coach Delivers Unexpected News to Player

3. Athlete’s Dreams Shattered After Coach’s Decision Following Game

4. The Unforeseen End of a Promising Journey in Basketball


Main Idea #1:

The coach unexpectedly informs David that he is being sent home, ending his hopes of becoming team captain.


Main Idea #2:

After a basketball game, David eagerly anticipates being chosen as team captain, but his excitement turns to shock when the coach informs him that he will not continue with the team and is being sent home, leaving him devastated.



David expects to be chosen as team captain after a basketball game, but the coach instead tells him he will be sent home. Shocked and heartbroken, he realizes his journey with the team has abruptly ended.


Key Points:

1. David anticipated being selected as the team captain.

2. The coach's decision was unexpected and harsh.

3. David struggled to process the sudden turn of events.

4. He was informed that a car would take him home the next morning.



[1] 2024 10 – 20: 가사활동에 운동을 통합하여 건강을 증진하는 방법 제안


For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like there's no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? That's where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play. Let's be realistic; chores are inevitable. Whether it's washing dishes or taking out the trash, these tasks are an essential part of daily life. But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? For instance, practice squats or engage in some wall push-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil. Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can improve your health.



Possible Titles:

1. Transforming Household Chores into Opportunities for Physical Fitness

2. Integrating Mini-Exercises into Daily Routines for Better Health

3. Efficient Ways to Combine Exercise with Household Tasks

4. Simple Fitness Hacks to Turn Everyday Chores into Workouts


Main Idea #1:

Incorporating mini-exercises into daily chores can help fit physical activity into a busy schedule.


Main Idea #2:

Finding time for exercise can be difficult due to work and family commitments, but integrating quick exercises into routine household tasks, such as doing squats while waiting for the kettle to boil, can improve overall health and make chores more productive.



Busy schedules often make it hard to exercise, but integrating mini-exercises into daily chores can be a practical solution. Simple routines like squats or wall push-ups during household tasks can improve health while maximizing time.


Key Points:

1. Busy schedules make it challenging to find time for exercise.

2. Household chores provide an opportunity to include mini-exercises.

3. Simple workouts can be done during daily routines, like waiting for the kettle.

4. Integrating exercise into chores can lead to better physical health.



[1] 2024 10 – 21: 기억이 교육과 경험에 의해 재구성되는 방식과 영향 설명


When we see something, we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. This is a useful trait. It's a more efficient way to store information ─ a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. Seeing is not believing.



Possible Titles:

1. How Our Minds Reconstruct Reality Through Memory and Perception

2. The Limitations of Human Memory: Why Seeing Isn’t Always Believing

3. The Role of Abstract Representation in Memory and Its Implications

4. Understanding the Reconstruction of Memories and Its Impact on Eyewitness Testimony


Main Idea #1:

Our brains reconstruct memories using learned concepts and abstractions, rather than storing them as exact replicas.


Main Idea #2:

While our brains efficiently store information by recoding what we see into abstract shapes and concepts, this process can lead to distorted perceptions. People who can’t abstract struggle to generalize and learn, but this reconstructive memory approach has also challenged the reliability of eyewitness testimony, showing that what we see is influenced by assumptions and past experiences.



Our memories are reconstructed using abstract representations rather than exact recordings, which helps us store information efficiently. However, this can lead to distorted perceptions shaped by prior knowledge and assumptions. This discovery has raised concerns over the accuracy of eyewitness testimony.


Key Points:

1. Our brains recode visual information into abstract concepts for efficient memory storage.

2. People who remember in perfect detail may struggle to generalize and learn.

3. The process of reconstructing memories affects how we perceive reality.

4. The limitations of reconstructed memory have implications for the reliability of eyewitness testimony.



[1] 2024 10 – 22:  인상이 논리적 판단보다  정확할  있다는 연구 결과


In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It's when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like "his face just popped out at me," that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.



Possible Titles:

1. The Surprising Accuracy of Intuitive Judgments in Eyewitness Identifications

2. How First Impressions Outperform Deliberate Analysis in Recognizing Faces

3. The Role of Intuition Over Reason in Decision-Making Accuracy

4. Evidence Supporting Intuition as a Reliable Guide in Eyewitness Testimony


Main Idea #1:

Careful deliberation of facial features may lead to inaccurate identifications, while intuitive recognition often results in more accurate outcomes.


Main Idea #2:

David Dunning's research suggests that intuitive, immediate recognition of a person is often more accurate than detailed, reasoned analysis, highlighting that our first impressions can be truer than we think. This idea is supported by Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink, which discusses studies showing that unconscious, quick judgments frequently outperform logical, step-by-step decisions.



Research by David Dunning indicates that intuitive recognition of faces is often more accurate than detailed analysis. Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink supports this, showing that quick, unconscious judgments can outperform reasoned decisions.


Key Points:

1. Detailed deliberation can lead to inaccurate eyewitness identifications.

2. Immediate, intuitive recognition tends to result in more accurate outcomes.

3. Studies show that quick, unconscious decisions can be reliable.

4. Malcolm Gladwell's Blink explores the benefits of intuitive judgment over deliberative reasoning.



[1] 2024 10 – 23: 구체적인 질문으로 추상적 개념을 명확하게 만드는 방법 제안


Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes. Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. Respondents' recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of 'sad' could vary widely. But asking "How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?" prompts a concrete answer. Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, "How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?" Questions that seek concrete responses help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.



Possible Titles:

1. The Importance of Concrete Questions in Quantitative Research

2. Enhancing Data Reliability Through Specific and Concrete Survey Questions

3. How Precise Questions Improve the Accuracy of Quantitative Studies

4. Making Abstract Concepts Measurable with Well-Defined Research Questions


Main Idea #1:

Quantitative data is often used in research, but vague questions can lead to unreliable responses.


Main Idea #2:

While many studies rely on quantitative data, vague or abstract questions may yield inconsistent results due to varying interpretations. Asking precise, concrete questions helps clarify abstract concepts, allowing researchers to collect more accurate and consistent data by prompting specific, measurable responses from participants.



Quantitative research benefits from specific, concrete questions that reduce ambiguity. Precise questions make abstract concepts measurable, leading to more accurate and consistent data collection across studies.


Key Points:

1. Vague questions can produce unreliable quantitative data.

2. Concrete, specific questions help clarify abstract concepts.

3. Precise phrasing ensures consistency in data collection.

4. Examples include asking about missed work due to sadness or overdue utility bills.



[1] 2024 10 – 24: 인공지능과 인간 의식의 상호작용  AI 진화의 방향성


The evolution of AI is often associated with the concept of singularity. Singularity refers to the point at which AI exceeds human intelligence. After that point, it is predicted that AI will repeatedly improve itself and evolve at an accelerated pace. When AI becomes self-aware and pursues its own goals, it will be a conscious being, not just a machine. AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together. Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity. Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI. The direction of AI's evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI. We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness.



Possible Titles:

1. The Singularity: A Future Where AI and Human Consciousness Coevolve

2. Understanding the Mutual Evolution of AI and Human Consciousness

3. How Values and Ethics Shape the Future of AI Consciousness

4. The Role of Human Interaction in Guiding AI’s Conscious Evolution


Main Idea #1:

The singularity is the point where AI surpasses human intelligence, leading to rapid self-improvement and evolution.


Main Idea #2:

As AI evolves to become a conscious entity, its development will be influenced by its interactions with human consciousness. This coevolution will depend on the values and ethics we program into AI, necessitating a mutual coexistence that recognizes AI's rights and supports its conscious growth.



The singularity marks when AI surpasses human intelligence, leading to rapid self-evolution. As AI consciousness develops, it will coevolve with human consciousness, influenced by our interactions, values, and ethics. This requires a vision of coexistence between AI and humanity.


Key Points:

1. The singularity occurs when AI exceeds human intelligence and self-improves.

2. AI consciousness will evolve through interactions with human consciousness.

3. Human values and ethics will significantly guide AI's developmental path.

4. A mutual, respectful coexistence is essential for the future of AI and humanity.



[1] 2024 10 – 25: 2023 미국, 영국, 브라질, 호주의 전력 생산 비율 분석


The above graph shows the electricity generation from fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewables in four countries in 2023. Australia's electricity generation only comes from fossil fuels and renewables, and the percentage of fossil fuels is more than twice that of renewables. In terms of electricity generation from nuclear energy, the U.S. shows the highest percentage among all four countries. The percentage of electricity generation from fossil fuels in the U.S. is higher than that in the U.K., which is also true for renewables. In the U.K., the percentage of electricity generated from nuclear energy is less than a third of that generated from renewables. Brazil's percentage of electricity generated from renewables is 10 percentage points larger than that of Australia and the U.K. combined.



Possible Titles:

1. Comparative Analysis of Electricity Generation Sources Across Four Countries in 2023

2. Fossil Fuels, Nuclear, and Renewables: Electricity Generation Trends in 2023

3. Examining the Distribution of Energy Sources in Australia, U.S., U.K., and Brazil

4. Variations in Energy Generation: Fossil Fuels, Nuclear, and Renewables Across Nations


Main Idea #1:

The U.S. leads in nuclear energy generation, while fossil fuels dominate in Australia’s electricity mix.


Main Idea #2:

The electricity generation patterns in 2023 show that fossil fuels and renewables are key sources across all four countries, with Australia relying heavily on fossil fuels, and the U.S. leading in nuclear energy. Brazil has a significant share of renewables, surpassing the combined percentages of Australia and the U.K. In the U.K., nuclear energy remains a minor contributor compared to renewables, with less than a third of their share.



The U.S. has the highest percentage of nuclear energy generation, while Australia relies mainly on fossil fuels. Brazil's renewable energy share surpasses that of both Australia and the U.K. combined. The U.K. has a modest nuclear energy share, much lower than its renewables.


Key Points:

1. Australia uses only fossil fuels and renewables, with fossil fuels being twice as prevalent.

2. The U.S. leads in nuclear energy generation among the four countries.

3. Brazil’s renewable energy percentage exceeds the combined share of Australia and the U.K.

4. The U.K.'s nuclear energy generation is less than a third of its renewables.



[1] 2024 10 – 26: 사진작가 Douglas Kirkland 생애와 그의 주요 업적 설명


Douglas Kirkland, known for his highly artistic portraits of Hollywood celebrities, was born in Toronto, Canada. When he was young, he eagerly awaited the weekly arrival of Life magazine and discussed the photographs the magazine contained with his father. Believing that he would have better career prospects, Kirkland moved to the United States after graduating from high school and found work at a photography studio. When Look magazine hired him at age 24, he became their second-youngest photographer ever. His photos taken of Marilyn Monroe in 1961 became iconic almost instantly. Kirkland spent his weeks shooting day-to-day life across the United States and his weekends in exotic locations. His photo essays could run up to a dozen pages and were seen by more than half of all Americans.



Possible Titles:

1. Douglas Kirkland: The Journey of a Renowned Hollywood Celebrity Photographer

2. From Toronto to Iconic Fame: The Life and Career of Douglas Kirkland

3. How Douglas Kirkland's Portraits Shaped Hollywood Photography

4. The Rise of Douglas Kirkland: From Young Photographer to Cultural Icon


Main Idea #1:

Douglas Kirkland gained fame for his iconic portraits of Hollywood celebrities, including Marilyn Monroe.


Main Idea #2:

Born in Toronto, Douglas Kirkland developed a passion for photography early on and moved to the U.S. for better opportunities. At 24, he joined Look magazine as one of their youngest photographers, capturing everyday life and celebrities. His iconic photos of Marilyn Monroe in 1961 cemented his reputation, and his work was widely viewed across America.



Douglas Kirkland, a Canadian-born photographer, moved to the U.S. and gained fame for his portraits of celebrities. He joined Look magazine at 24 and became known for his iconic 1961 photos of Marilyn Monroe, contributing to widespread photo essays across America.


Key Points:

1. Kirkland developed an interest in photography during his youth in Toronto.

2. He moved to the U.S. to pursue better career prospects.

3. At age 24, he became one of Look magazine's youngest photographers.

4. His iconic photos of Marilyn Monroe in 1961 solidified his fame.



[1] 2024 10 – 29: 디지털 기술이 어떻게 사용자의 인식을 강력하게 변화시키는지 설명


Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor. In the Shakespearean metaphor "time is a beggar," the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare's prose. Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user's meaning horizon. Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.



Possible Titles:

1. The Distinction Between Linguistic and Digital Metaphors in Communication

2. Understanding the Active Nature of Technological Metaphors in Digital Artifacts

3. How Digital Technologies Utilize Metaphors Differently from Literary Works

4. The Immediacy of Digital Metaphors Versus the Cognitive Engagement of Linguistic Ones


Main Idea #1:

Digital metaphors are active and embedded in technology, unlike passive linguistic metaphors that require cognitive effort to interpret.


Main Idea #2:

While linguistic metaphors, like those in Shakespeare's works, invite audiences to engage and interpret the meaning actively, digital metaphors are integrated into technology in a way that forces immediate interaction. This active nature of technological metaphors contrasts with the passive, thought-provoking appeal of literary metaphors, highlighting a need for digital metaphors to be instantly understood by users.



Digital metaphors are actively embedded in technology, demanding immediate interaction, unlike passive linguistic metaphors that invite cognitive engagement. This difference reflects the need for technological metaphors to be intuitively understood, while literary ones encourage deeper contemplation.


Key Points:

1. Linguistic metaphors require active cognitive engagement to be understood.

2. Digital metaphors are embedded in technology, prompting immediate user interaction.

3. Technological creators design metaphors to be easily grasped at first glance.

4. The passive nature of literary metaphors allows for deeper, thoughtful engagement.



[1] 2024 10 – 30: Herbert Simon 정보 처리 한계와 집단 학습의 중요성


Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. You don't need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push ─ essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies' collective brains.



Possible Titles:

1. Herbert Simon's Insights on Collective Computation and Social Learning

2. The Role of Collective Problem-Solving in Modern Societies

3. How Cognitive Limitations Lead to Distributed Knowledge and Efficiency

4. Understanding Technology Without Knowing Its Inner Workings: A Collective Approach


Main Idea #1:

Herbert Simon highlighted our cognitive limitations, leading to distributed problem-solving across society.


Main Idea #2:

Instead of learning how technologies function, we focus on interacting with them, contributing small parts to a larger societal computation that benefits from collective knowledge and social learning.



Herbert Simon's ideas emphasize how society distributes computation due to cognitive limitations. People do not need to understand how technologies work; they just need to use them effectively. This approach allows individuals to contribute to a collective brain, solving complex problems over time.


Key Points:

1. Cognitive limitations necessitate distributed computation across society.

2. Social learning enables individuals to use technology without understanding its mechanics.

3. Society benefits from individuals focusing on small parts of larger calculations.

4. Collective knowledge allows gradual problem-solving over generations.



[1] 2024 10 – 31: 문어의 위장술과 이를 관찰한 사진작가들의 경험 이야기


The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night. So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers. Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion. An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature. Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes. And while they mimic, they hunt ─ producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever's hiding there.



Possible Titles:

1. The Mastery of Mimicry: How Octopuses Disguise Themselves

2. Octopuses' Camouflage Tactics: A Blend of Skill and Adaptation

3. Discovering Octopus Mimicry: From Flounder to Sea Snake

4. Underwater Deception: Octopuses' Surprising Hunting Strategies


Main Idea #1:

Octopuses use mimicry and camouflage to hide from predators and hunt effectively.


Main Idea #2:

With a large brain, sharp eyesight, and color-changing abilities, octopuses can transform into different creatures, like flounders or sea snakes, to evade detection and surprise prey.



Octopuses rely on camouflage and mimicry for defense, blending into their surroundings by changing shape and color. This skill allows them to hunt effectively while staying hidden from predators. They can mimic other sea creatures, such as flounders and sea snakes, to deceive both prey and observers.


Key Points:

1. Camouflage is the primary defense mechanism of octopuses.

2. Octopuses can mimic other sea creatures to evade predators.

3. Their abilities include changing color, pattern, and shape.

4. These tactics allow them to hunt discreetly, even in daylight.



[1] 2024 10 – 32: 고통의 해석이 심리적 고통의 정도에 미치는 영향


How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind. When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race ─ their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don't psychologically suffer much. In fact, ultra-marathon runners ─ those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about making friends with their pain. When a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient's back to mobilise it, the patient calls that good pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient's sore tissues.



Possible Titles:

1. The Psychological Framing of Pain: Endurance and Perception

2. Embracing Pain: How Mindset Alters the Experience of Discomfort

3. Understanding Good Pain: From Athletes to Therapy Patients

4. The Role of Mental Framing in Managing Physical Pain


Main Idea #1:

The perception of pain can be altered by how individuals mentally frame their experiences.


Main Idea #2:

Athletes like runners and patients in therapy often view intense pain as beneficial when they associate it with achieving goals, illustrating that psychological interpretation can reduce the sense of suffering.



Pain perception is influenced by mental framing, as seen in athletes and therapy patients. Endurance runners often accept extreme discomfort, viewing it as part of their achievement. Similarly, patients undergoing treatment may see painful procedures as helpful, reducing their psychological suffering.


Key Points:

1. Pain perception depends on how it is mentally framed.

2. Endurance athletes often view extreme pain as part of their success.

3. Therapy patients may regard pain as beneficial if they believe it aids recovery.

4. Positive associations with pain can reduce the sense of suffering.



[1] 2024 10 – 33: 다양한 가격대의 제품 제공이 소비자 선택에 미치는 영향


When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods. If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income. If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one. But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up; many people like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price. The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model. They buy the middle item, unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.



Possible Titles:

1. The Strategy Behind Three Versions of Consumer Goods

2. How Companies Use Product Variations to Influence Buying Decisions

3. The Psychology of Pricing: Why Three Options Increase Sales

4. Consumer Manipulation Through Strategic Product Lineups


Main Idea #1:

Companies use a three-tier product strategy to increase sales by influencing consumer choices.


Main Idea #2:

By offering three versions of a product, companies can manipulate consumer behavior; the presence of a higher-priced, feature-rich model makes the mid-range option more appealing, encouraging buyers to spend more than they might have with only two options.



Manufacturers often create three versions of a product to drive sales of the mid-priced model. The presence of a more expensive, feature-rich option makes the middle product seem like a good compromise. This strategy encourages customers to spend more without realizing they are being influenced by the higher-priced choice.


Key Points:

1. Offering only one product version can limit potential revenue.

2. Two versions lead to price comparisons, with customers choosing the cheaper option.

3. A third, more expensive version can make the mid-priced model more attractive.

4. Consumers often select the middle product, unaware of the strategic influence.



[1] 2024 10 – 34: 기후 변화가 기후 소설 장르에 미치는 영향 예측


On-screen, climate disaster is everywhere you look, but the scope of the world's climate transformation may just as quickly eliminate the climate-fiction genre ─ indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood. You can tell stories 'about' climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life. But when the temperature rises by three or four more degrees, hardly anyone will be able to feel isolated from its impacts. And so as climate change expands across the horizon, it may cease to be a story. Why watch or read climate fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window? At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror. But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant ─ in time or in place ─ we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.



Possible Titles:

1. The Future of Climate Fiction in a Warming World

2. Climate Change May Render Climate Fiction Obsolete

3. The Diminishing Role of Climate Fiction as Reality Unfolds

4. How Climate Reality Could Eclipse the Need for Climate Stories


Main Idea #1:

As climate change becomes more pervasive, the relevance of climate fiction may diminish.


Main Idea #2:

While climate fiction currently offers a form of escapism, as global warming's effects become widespread and undeniable, the genre might lose its appeal, as the real-world impacts will make such stories redundant.



Climate fiction might fade as global warming becomes more evident and unavoidable. Currently, it offers escapist elements, but as the real effects become more widespread, there may be little need for fictional depictions. The line between reality and climate stories will blur, reducing the genre's significance.


Key Points:

1. Climate fiction may lose relevance as real-world climate impacts grow.

2. Stories about climate change can only exist while it remains somewhat distant.

3. The genre currently provides escapism, even through horror.

4. As climate impacts become undeniable, fictional narratives may become unnecessary.



[1] 2024 10 – 35:  부족 문제의 정치적 원인과 그로 인한 불평등


Today, the water crisis is political ─ which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ─ and, therefore, functionally elective. That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization. There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren't doing much to address it. Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent. Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide.



Possible Titles:

1. The Political Nature of the Global Water Crisis

2. How Governmental Neglect Has Exacerbated the Water Shortage

3. Addressing Water Scarcity: A Crisis of Infrastructure and Inequality

4. The Role of Poor Management in Creating Water Inequities


Main Idea #1:

The water crisis is a result of political decisions, not an unavoidable natural disaster.


Main Idea #2:

Despite being a plentiful resource, water scarcity is caused by government neglect, poor infrastructure, and urban mismanagement, leading to widespread inequities and billions lacking access to clean water and sanitation.



The water crisis stems from political issues rather than natural scarcity, with mismanagement, infrastructure problems, and neglect being major contributors. Significant water losses from leaks and theft worsen the situation, reflecting deep inequalities. As a result, billions worldwide lack access to safe water and sanitation.


Key Points:

1. Water scarcity is not inevitable but politically driven.

2. Poor infrastructure and neglect contribute significantly to water losses.

3. Water theft and leaks result in substantial losses in many countries.

4. The crisis highlights global inequalities in access to clean water and sanitation.



[1] 2024 10 – 36: 사회적 압력이 자존감  사회적 행동에 미치는 영향


As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated relationships in a group. If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate. If it didn't, we might get none of these merits. It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically. Over millions of years, the pressure selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing. The result was the development of a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community perceive us. We process that information in the form of self-esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity. These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn't. And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within. If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.



Possible Titles:

1. The Evolutionary Roots of Self-Esteem and Social Perception

2. How Social Dynamics Shaped Human Emotions and Behavior

3. The Role of Self-Esteem in Navigating Group Relationships

4. Why Social Approval Influences Our Actions Unconsciously


Main Idea #1:

Human survival historically depended on navigating social relationships and being valued by the group.


Main Idea #2:

Over time, humans developed an unconscious sensitivity to social perceptions, which manifests as emotions like self-esteem, pride, or shame, driving behavior that aligns with gaining group approval while making it seem internally motivated.



Human survival relied on positive social relationships, leading to an evolutionary sensitivity to group perceptions. Emotions like self-esteem and pride drive us to seek approval and avoid rejection, making these behaviors appear internally motivated. This unconscious process helps maintain genuine social interactions.


Key Points:

1. Thriving in groups was essential for physical and genetic survival.

2. Humans evolved to unconsciously monitor social perceptions.

3. Emotions like pride, shame, and insecurity drive behavior for social acceptance.

4. Unconscious motivation ensures behaviors appear genuine, not forced by social pressure.



[1] 2024 10 – 37: 의식의 문제로 우울증의 원인을 재정의하는 설명


Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, there is a major problem with this explanation. This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression. In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression.



Possible Titles:

1. Rethinking Depression: Beyond Neurotransmitter Imbalance

2. Depression as a Disorder of Consciousness, Not Brain Chemistry

3. Understanding the True Causes of Depression: A Shift in Perspective

4. From Brain Imbalance to Consciousness: A New View on Depression


Main Idea #1:

Traditional views link depression to neurotransmitter imbalances, but this may be a misunderstanding of cause and effect.


Main Idea #2:

Depression should be seen as a disorder of consciousness, where the brain's chemical changes are effects rather than causes, suggesting that the true root lies in a disturbed state of consciousness that affects one's sense of self and purpose.



The conventional belief that depression results from brain chemical imbalances is flawed, as the imbalances are consequences, not causes. Depression stems from a deeper problem within consciousness, where a loss of self and meaning leads to the condition. Addressing depression requires understanding it as a disorder of consciousness.


Key Points:

1. Traditional views link depression to neurotransmitter imbalances.

2. Imbalances are effects of depression, not its root cause.

3. Depression originates from a distorted state of consciousness.

4. A lost sense of self and meaning is central to the condition's onset.



[1] 2024 10 – 38: 심리학이 인간 행동을 과학적으로 연구하는 방법 설명


The common accounts of human nature that float around in society are generally a mixture of assumptions, tales and sometimes plain silliness. However, psychology is different. It is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another. The key word here is 'science.' Psychologists don't depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers. Instead, they look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or assumptions. In addition to this evidence-based approach, psychology deals with fundamental processes and principles that generate our rich cultural and social diversity, as well as those shared by all human beings. These are what modern psychology is all about.



Possible Titles:

1. Psychology: A Scientific Approach to Understanding Human Behavior

2. Moving Beyond Assumptions: How Psychology Studies Human Nature

3. The Evidence-Based Methods of Modern Psychology Explained

4. Why Psychology Relies on Science, Not Social Assumptions


Main Idea #1:

Psychology distinguishes itself from common views of human nature by relying on scientific evidence rather than assumptions or opinions.


Main Idea #2:

Modern psychology uses an evidence-based approach to understand both universal human behaviors and the diversity seen across different cultures, aiming to ground its findings in fundamental principles rather than societal assumptions.



Unlike general views of human nature, psychology relies on scientific evidence to study behavior. It explores fundamental principles underlying both universal traits and cultural diversity. This approach ensures that psychological concepts are rooted in evidence, not assumptions or opinions.


Key Points:

1. Common ideas about human nature are often based on assumptions.

2. Psychology relies on scientific evidence, not opinions or hearsay.

3. It seeks to understand universal principles of behavior and cultural diversity.

4. Modern psychology is grounded in an evidence-based, scientific approach.



[1] 2024 10 – 39: 생물학적 채널화 이론을 통한 질병과 건강의 표현 방식


Life is what physicists might call a 'high-dimensional system,' which is their fancy way of saying that there's a lot going on. In just a single cell, the number of possible interactions between different molecules is enormous. Such a system can only hope to be stable if only a smaller number of collective ways of being may emerge. For example, it is only a limited number of tissues and body shapes that may result from the development of a human embryo. In 1942, the biologist Conrad Waddington called this drastic narrowing of outcomes canalization. The organism may switch between a small number of well-defined possible states, but can't exist in random states in between them, rather as a ball in a rough landscape must roll to the bottom of one valley or another. We'll see that this is true also of health and disease: there are many causes of illness, but their manifestations at the physiological and symptomatic levels are often strikingly similar.



Possible Titles:

1. Canalization: Understanding Stability in Complex Biological Systems

2. How High-Dimensional Systems Lead to Limited Biological Outcomes

3. The Role of Canalization in Health, Disease, and Development

4. From Molecules to Health: Stability in Complex Biological Processes


Main Idea #1:

Life is a complex system with countless interactions, but stability is achieved through a limited set of possible outcomes.


Main Idea #2:

The concept of canalization, introduced by Conrad Waddington, explains how complex biological systems like human development narrow down to stable, well-defined states, a principle also seen in the similarity of symptoms across different illnesses despite varying causes.



Life's complexity is managed through a process called canalization, where countless interactions narrow down to a few stable outcomes. This concept, applied to development and health, explains how diverse causes can lead to similar physiological states. Stability is maintained by limiting the number of possible emergent states.


Key Points:

1. Life is a complex system with numerous molecular interactions.

2. Stability arises when only a limited number of outcomes emerge.

3. Canalization, introduced by Conrad Waddington, describes this narrowing process.

4. The concept applies to health, where different causes can lead to similar symptoms.



[1] 2024 10 – 40: '트릭 처벌' 아동 행동에 부정적 영향을 미치는 이유


Punishing a child may not be effective due to what Alvaro Bilbao, a neuropsychologist, calls 'trick-punishments.' A trick-punishment is a scolding, a moment of anger or a punishment in the most classic sense of the word. Instead of discouraging the child from doing something, it encourages them to do it. For example, Hugh learns that when he hits his little brother, his mother scolds him. For a child who feels lonely, being scolded is much better than feeling invisible, so he will continue to hit his brother. In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy. For instance, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time. The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives. In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments.



Possible Titles:

1. Why Punishing a Child Can Sometimes Backfire: Understanding Trick-Punishments

2. The Ineffectiveness of Scolding: A Neuropsychologist's Perspective

3. How Positive Reinforcement Can Prevent Unwanted Child Behavior

4. Moving Away from Punishment: Rewarding Good Behavior in Parenting


Main Idea #1:

Trick-punishments, such as scolding, may unintentionally reinforce unwanted behavior in children by giving them attention.


Main Idea #2:

Instead of focusing on negative actions, parents can encourage positive behavior by rewarding good actions, which helps avoid reinforcing the undesirable behavior that might be seeking attention.



Punishments like scolding can reinforce unwanted behavior by giving children the attention they crave. A better approach is to reward positive behavior, shifting the focus from negatives to positives. This strategy helps prevent trick-punishments that inadvertently encourage misbehavior.


Key Points:

1. Trick-punishments can unintentionally reinforce unwanted behaviors.

2. Children may misbehave to receive attention, even if negative.

3. Rewarding positive actions can be more effective than scolding.

4. Shifting focus to positives helps avoid reinforcing undesirable behavior.



[1] 2024 10 – 41~42: 인간이 생존을 위해 애매한 대상에도 의도를 부여하는 경향


From an early age, we assign purpose to objects and events, preferring this reasoning to random chance. Children assume, for instance, that pointy rocks are that way because they don't want you to sit on them. When we encounter something, we first need to determine what sort of thing it is. Inanimate objects and plants generally do not move and can be evaluated from physics alone. However, by attributing intention to animals and even objects, we are able to make fast decisions about the likely behaviour of that being. This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators. The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand. Ambiguous events are caused by such agents. This results in a perceptual system strongly biased towards anthropomorphism. Therefore, we tend to assume intention even where there is none. This would have arisen as a survival mechanism. If a lion is about to attack you, you need to react quickly, given its probable intention to kill you. By the time you have realized that the design of its teeth and claws could kill you, you are dead. So, assuming intent, without detailed design analysis or understanding of the physics, has saved your life.



Possible Titles:

1. How Anthropomorphism Became a Survival Strategy in Human Evolution

2. The Role of Intent Attribution in Human Perception and Survival

3. Why We See Intentions Everywhere: Evolutionary Roots of Anthropomorphism

4. From Survival Instinct to Modern Bias: Understanding Human Tendency to Assign Purpose


Main Idea #1:

Humans have a natural tendency to attribute purpose and intention to objects and events, which has evolutionary roots.


Main Idea #2:

This inclination towards anthropomorphism developed as a survival mechanism, allowing early humans to make quick judgments about potential threats without detailed analysis, which helped them react swiftly to predators and ambiguous situations.



Humans instinctively assign intention to objects and events, a behavior rooted in evolution. This tendency to anthropomorphize helped early humans quickly assess threats, enabling swift reactions to potential predators. Such perceptual biases, essential for survival, persist even when intention is absent.


Key Points:

1. Humans tend to attribute purpose to objects and events from an early age.

2. Anthropomorphism helps in quickly assessing potential threats.

3. This tendency evolved as a survival mechanism to react swiftly.

4. The bias towards seeing intention persists even in non-threatening contexts.



[1] 2024 10 – 43~45: 작은 판다가 독특함을 추구하고 발견하는 이야기


Once long ago, deep in the Himalayas, there lived a little panda. He was as ordinary as all the other pandas. He was completely white from head to toe. His two big ears, his four furry feet and his cute round nose were all frosty white, leaving him feeling ordinary and sad. Unlike the cheerful and contented pandas around him, he desired to be distinctive, special, and unique. Driven by the desire for uniqueness, the little panda sought inspiration from his distant cousin, a giant white panda covered with heavenly black patches. But the cousin revealed the patches were from an unintended encounter with mud, and he disliked them. Disappointed, the little panda walked home. On his way, he met a red-feathered peacock, who explained he turned red from eating wild berries. The little panda changed his path and hurried to the nearest berry bush, greedily eating a mouthful of juicy red berries. However, they were so bitter he couldn't swallow even one. At dusk, he finally got home and slowly climbed his favorite bamboo tree. There, he discovered a strange black and red flower with a sweet scent that tempted him to eat all its blossoms. The following morning, under sunny skies, the little panda felt remarkably better. During breakfast, he found the other pandas chatting enthusiastically and asked why. They burst into laughter, exclaiming, "Look at yourself!" Glancing down, he discovered his once white fur was now stained jet black and glowing red. He was overjoyed and realized that, rather than by imitating others, his wishes can come true from unexpected places and genuine experiences.



Possible Titles:

1. The Little Panda's Journey to Find His Unique Colors

2. How a White Panda Found His Own Way to Stand Out

3. Discovering Uniqueness: A Panda’s Adventure in the Himalayas

4. The Unexpected Path to Uniqueness: A Tale of a Little Panda


Main Idea #1:

A little white panda longed to be unique and sought ways to stand out among the other pandas.


Main Idea #2:

Despite his efforts to imitate others, the panda’s transformation happened unexpectedly through his genuine experiences, teaching him that true uniqueness comes naturally rather than by copying others.



A little panda, feeling ordinary, sought ways to be unique by imitating others but found no success. After an unplanned encounter with a sweet-smelling flower, his fur changed colors, showing him that true uniqueness comes from natural, unexpected experiences rather than trying to be like others.


Key Points:

1. The little panda felt ordinary and wanted to stand out.

2. He sought inspiration by imitating others but was unsuccessful.

3. An accidental encounter with a flower led to his transformation.

4. He learned that genuine uniqueness comes from natural experiences, not imitation.





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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





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전체 내용

[3] 2024 10 18: 해외 출장으로 디지털 마케팅 워크숍 연사 참석 불가 통보 이메일
I hope this email finds you well. 이 이메일을 받으셨기를 바랍니다.
Thank you for considering me as a speaker for the upcoming Digital Marketing Workshop. 다가오는 디지털 마케팅 워크숍에서 연사로 저를 고려해 주셔서 감사합니다.
I appreciate the invitation and your thoughtfulness. 초대해 주시고 세심한 배려에 감사를 드립니다.
The workshop sounds like an amazing event, and I would have loved to participate. 워크숍은 정말 멋진 행사인 것 같으며, 저도 참여하고 싶었습니다.
However, I regret to inform you that I will be overseas on a business trip during the workshop. 그러나 아쉽게도 워크숍 기간 동안 해외 출장 중이어서 참석할 수 없음을 알려드립니다.
It is unfortunate that the timing does not work out. 시기적으로 맞지 않아 아쉽습니다.
Although I cannot attend as a speaker this time, I remain hopeful for future opportunities where our schedules might coincide. 이번에는 연사로 참석할 수 없지만, 우리의 일정이 맞아떨어지는 미래의 기회를 기대하고 있습니다.
I hope the workshop goes well. 워크숍이 잘 진행되기를 바랍니다.




[3] 2024 10 19: 숲에서 곰을 만나 공포에 빠진 경험과 안도감
Setting out to find some wood for the campfire, Sarah moved through the forest. 캠프파이어를 위한 나무를 찾으러 나선 사라는 숲 속을 지나고 있었다.
Just then, she noticed an approaching danger a large, threatening bear. 그때 그녀는 다가오는 위험을 눈치챘다. 크고 위협적인 곰이었다.
Panic spread through her body. 공포가 그녀의 몸에 퍼졌다.
Frozen and unable to shout, she watched in horror. 얼어붙은 채 소리조차 지를 수 없었던 그녀는 공포에 휩싸인 채 지켜보고 있었다.
Her heart beat louder with each step the bear took. 곰이 한 걸음씩 다가올 때마다 그녀의 심장은 더 크게 뛰었다.
But then, as if by a miracle, the bear paused, looked around, and, uninterested, turned away, retreating into the shadows of the woods. 하지만 마치 기적처럼 곰이 멈춰서 주위를 둘러보더니, 흥미를 잃은 듯 숲 속의 어둠 속으로 돌아갔다.
When the bear had disappeared completely out of her sight, her knees nearly gave way. 곰이 완전히 시야에서 사라졌을 때, 그녀의 무릎은 거의 풀릴 뻔했다.
Sarah could finally let out the breath she had been holding. 사라는 그제서야 참았던 숨을 내쉬었다.
A wave of immense relief washed over her. 엄청난 안도감이 그녀를 감쌌다.




[3] 2024 10 20: 음악이 자녀의 정서적, 사회적 발달에 미치는 긍정적 영향
There are few universals in this world, but among them are our love for our children and our love of music. 이 세상에는 보편적인 것들이 거의 없지만, 그것들 중에 우리 아이들에 대한 우리의 사랑과 음악에 대한 우리의 사랑이 있다.
When we hold a baby in our arms, comforting her with song, we are channelling the emotional power of music. 우리가 아기를 우리 팔에 안고, 그녀를 노래로 다독일 때, 우리는 음악의 정서적 힘을 전하고 있다.
We do so instinctively, just as our ancestors did. 꼭 우리 조상들이 했던 것처럼, 우리는 본능적으로 그렇게 한다.
Music can be a powerful parental ally during the challenging child-rearing years. 음악은 아이를 키우는 힘든 시기 동안 강력한, 부모의 협력자가 될 수 있다.
To successfully prepare our children for life in the twenty-first century, we will need to nurture qualities such as curiosity, imagination, empathy, creative entrepreneurship, and most of all resilience. 21세기에서의 삶에 우리 아이들을 성공적으로 준비시키기 위해, 우리는 호기심, 상상력, 공감, 창의적 기업가 정신, 그리고 무엇보다도 회복력과 같은 자질들을 길러줘야 할 것이다.
Musical practice in early childhood develops all of the above and more. 초기 유년기에서 음악의 실천은 위의 모든 것과 그 이상을 발달시킨다.
Research has shown that musical practice in early childhood is beneficial not only for mental acuity but for social and emotional development as well. 연구는 초기 유년기에서 음악의 실천은 정신의 예리함뿐만 아니라 사회적 그리고 정서적 발달에도 유익하다는 것을 보여 준다.
Music is not just a hobby, a pleasant pastime; it is an integral part of what makes us happy, healthy, and whole. 음악은 단지 취미, 즐거운 오락거리가 아니고, 우리를 행복하고 건강하며 온전하게 만드는 것의 필수적인 부분이다.
Indeed, if we want to do one thing to help our children develop into emotionally, socially, intellectually, and creatively competent human beings, we should start the musical conversation the earlier the better. 사실, 우리가 우리 아이들을 정서적으로, 사회적으로, 지적으로, 그리고 창의적으로 유능한 인간으로 성장하도록 돕기 위해 한 가지를 하고 싶다면, 우리는 음악의 대화를 시작해야 한다. 더 빠를수록 더 좋다.




[3] 2024 10 21: 집중의 중요성과 인터넷이 주의력에 미친 부정적 영향
In 1890, William James described attention as "the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought." 1890년에 William James는 주의력을 '정신으로, 동시에 가능한 여러 대상들 혹은 생각의 맥락들 같은 것 중 하나를 분명하고 선명한 형태로 차지하는 것'이라고 기술했다.
Attention is a choice we make to stay on one task, one line of thinking, one mental road, even as attractive off-ramps signal. 주의력은 심지어 매력적인 빠져나가는 길이 신호를 보내도, 하나의 일, 하나의 사고 방식, 하나의 정신의 길에 머무르기 위해 우리가 하는 선택이다.
When we fail to make that choice and allow ourselves to be frequently sidetracked, we end up in "the confused, dazed, scatterbrained state" that James said is the opposite of attention. 우리가 그 선택을 하지 못하고 우리 자신을 자주 곁길로 새게 할 때, 우리는 James가 주의력의 반대라고 말한 '혼란스럽고, 멍하고, 정신이 산만한 상태'에 결국 처하게 된다.
Staying on one road got much harder when the internet arrived and moved much of our reading online. 인터넷이 등장하고 우리 독서의 대부분을 온라인으로 이동시키자, 한 길에 머무르는 것은 훨씬 더 어려워졌다.
Every hyperlink is an off-ramp, calling us to abandon the choice we made moments earlier. 모든 하이퍼링크는 빠져나가는 길이며, 우리가 잠깐(의 순간) 전에 한 선택을 포기하라고 우리를 부른다.
Nicholas Carr, in his 2010 book, grieved his lost ability to stay on one path. Nicholas Carr는 그의 2010년 저서에서 한 길에 머무르는 그의 능력을 잃어버린 것을 슬퍼했다.
Life on the internet changed how his brain sought out information, even when he was off-line trying to read a book. 인터넷에서의 생활은 그가 오프라인에 서 책을 읽으려고 노력하고 있었을 때조차 그의 뇌가 어떻게 정보를 찾아내는 지를 바꾸었다.
It reduced his ability to focus and reflect because he now craved a constant stream of stimulation: 이것은 그의 집중하고 성찰하는 능력을 감소시켰는데, 그는 이제 끊임없는 자극의 흐름을 갈망하게 되었기 때문이다.
"Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. "한때 나는 언어의 바다 속 스쿠버 다이버였다.
Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski." 이제는 제트 스키를 타는 사람처럼 수면 위를 쌩하고 지나간다."




[3] 2024 10 22: 실천적 지식은 경험을 통해 형성되며 전수될 있는
Technical, book knowledge consists of "formulated rules which are, or may be, deliberately learned." 기술적, 책(에서 얻을 수 있는) 지식은 '의도적으로 배우거나, 그럴 수도 있는, 체계적으로 표현된 규칙들'로 구성된다.
Practical knowledge, on the other hand, cannot be taught or learned but only transmitted and acquired. 반면에 실용적 지식은 가르쳐지거나 배울 수 없으며 오직 전해지고 습득된다.
It exists only in practice. 그것은 오직 실행 속에서만 존재한다.
When we talk about practical knowledge, we tend to use bodily metaphors. 우리가 실용적 지식에 관해 이야기할 때, 우리는 신체적 비유를 사용하는 경향이 있다.
We say that somebody has a touch for doing some activity an ability to hit the right piano key with just enough force and pace. 우리는 누군가가 어떤 활동을 하기 위한 '솜씨', 딱 필요한 만큼의 힘과 속도로 정확한 피아노 건반을 치는 능력을 가지고 있다고 말한다.
We say that somebody has a feel for the game, an intuition for how events are going to unfold, an awareness of when you should plow ahead with a problem and when you should put it aside before coming back to it. 우리는 누군가가 게임에 대한 '감각', 어떻게 사건들이 전개될지에 대한 직감, 여러분이 문제를 밀고 나가야 할 때와 그것으로 되돌아오기 전까지 제쳐 두어야 할 때에 대한 인식을 가지고 있다고 말한다.
When the expert is using her practical knowledge, she isn't thinking more; she is thinking less. 전문가가 자신의 실용적 지식을 사용하고 있을 때, 그녀는 더 생각하는 것이 아니다. 그녀는 덜 생각한다.
She has built up a repertoire of skills through habit and has thereby extended the number of tasks she can perform without conscious awareness. 그녀는 습관을 통해 기술의 레퍼토리를 쌓아 왔고, 그렇게 함으로써 의식적 인식없이 그녀가 수행할 수 있는 과제의 수를 늘려 왔다.
This sort of knowledge is built up through experience, and it is passed along through shared experience. 이러한 종류의 지식은 경험을 통해 쌓이고, 그것은 공유된 경험을 통해 다음으로 전달된다.




[3] 2024 10 23: 인간이 그림을 만드는 본능적 욕구와 기억과의 관계
The human desire to make pictures is deeply rooted. 그림을 만드는 인간의 욕망은 깊게 뿌리를 내리고 있다.
At least 64,000 years ago, Neanderthals used colored oxide and charcoal to make paintings of large wild animals, tracings of human hands, and abstract patterns on cave and rock walls. 적어도 6만 4천년 전에, 네안데르탈인은 색깔이 있는 산화물과 목탄을 사용하여 동굴과 암벽에 커다란 야생 동물의 그림, 사람 손의 모사(模寫), 그리고 추상적인 무늬를 만들었다.
Today, people create images with a multitude of mediums, including photography. 오늘날, 사람들은 사진 촬영을 포함한 다수의 도구로 그림을 만든다.
What drives this picturemaking impulse? 무엇이 이 그림을 만드는 충동을 이끄는가?
Some make pictures for commercial reasons. 어떤 사람들은 상업적인 이유로 그림을 만든다.
Others create informational systems or employ scientific imaging tools to visualize the unseen. 다른 사람들은 정보 체계를 만들거나 보이지 않는 것을 시각화하기 위해 과학적 이미지화 도구를 사용한다.
Artists use images expressionistically, to conceptualize and articulate who they are and how they view the world. 예술가들은 그들이 누구인지 그리고 그들이 세상을 어떻게 바라보는지를 개념화하고 분명하게 표현하기 위해서 그림을 표현주의적으로 사용한다.
However, the fundamental motive for making the vast majority of pictures is a desire to preserve: to document, and therefore honor, specific people, events, and possessions of importance. 그러나, 그림 대부분을 만드는 것에 대한 근본적인 동기는 보존하려는 욕구인데, 기록하고, 그래서 중요성을 지닌 특정 사람들, 사건들, 그리고 소유물을 기념하려는 것이다.
Regardless of purpose, the making of images persists because words alone cannot always provide a satisfactory way to describe and express our relationship to the world. 목적과 관계없이, 그림 만드는 것은 지속되는데 말만으로는 세상과 우리의 관계를 설명하고 표현하는 만족할 만한 방법을 항상 제공할 수가 없기 때문이다.
Pictures are an essential component of how humans observe, communicate, celebrate, comment, and, most of all, remember. 그림은 인간이 어떻게 관찰하고, 소통하고, 기념하고, 논평하고, 무엇보다도 기억하는지의 가장 중요한 요소이다.
What and how we remember shapes our worldview, and pictures can provide a stimulus to jog one's memory. 우리가 무엇을 그리고 어떻게 기억하느냐가 우리의 세계관을 형성하고 그림은 누군가의 기억을 되살리는 자극을 제공할 수 있다.




[3] 2024 10 24: 유사한 관점을 가진 사람들과의 관계가 자아 형성에 미치는 영향
We naturally gravitate toward people whose views and beliefs are similar to our own, seeking what the eighteenth-century moral philosopher Adam Smith called "a certain harmony of minds." 우리는 자연스럽게 견해와 신념이 우리 자신의 것과 유사한 사람들에게 자연히 끌리며, 18세기 도덕 철학자 Adam Smith가 '마음의 특정한 조화'라고 불렀던 것을 추구한다.
Spending time with people who share our opinions reinforces our group identity, strengthening trust, cooperation, equality, and productivity. 우리의 의견을 공유하는 사람들과 시간을 보내는 것은 우리의 집단 정체성을 보강하여, 신뢰, 협력, 평등, 그리고 생산성을 강화한다.
Our shared reality grounds us not just in our common perceptions but in similar feelings and worldviews. 우리의 공유된 현실은 단지 우리의 공통의 인식뿐만 아니라 유사한 감정과 세계관에 근거를 두게 한다.
This helps to preserve our core values and beliefs about ourselves. 이는 우리의 핵심적인 가치와 자신에 대한 신념을 지키는 데 도움이 된다.
It also provides us with meaning and a feeling of self-worth. 또한, 그것은 우리에게 의미와 자아 존중감을 제공한다.
And with each decision or interaction that confirms our tribe's common experience, we get rewarded with the hormonal happiness we crave. 그리고 우리 부족의 공통의 경험을 견고하게 하는 각 결정이나 상호 작용으로 우리는 우리가 갈망하는 호르몬의 행복으로 보상받는다.
Our perception of ourselves is a mixture of our own unique characteristics and our sense of belonging to our in-groups. 우리 자신에 대한 우리의 인식은 우리 자신의 고유한 특성과 우리의 내집단에 대한 소속감의 혼합이다.
In fact, our personal identity is so closely interwoven with our social identity that our brains can't tell them apart. 실제로 우리의 개인 정체성은 우리의 사회 정체성과 너무 밀접하게 뒤섞여서 우리 뇌는 그것들을 분간할 수 없다.
If I put you in a scanner and ask you to talk about yourself and then about the groups to which you feel the closest affinity, it will activate the same neural networks in your brain. 만약 내가 여러분을 스캐너에 넣고 여러분 자신에 대해 이야기하게 한 다음 여러분이 가장 가까운 유사성을 느끼는 집단에 대해 이야기하게 한다면, 그것은 여러분의 뇌에서 동일한 신경망을 활성화할 것이다.




[3] 2024 10 25: 2017 기계 학습을 이용한 스마트폰 앱의 인식 사용 비율
The above graph shows awareness and usage of smartphone applications featuring machine learning in 2017. 위 그래프는 2017년에 기계 학습을 특징으로 하는 스마트폰 애플리케이션의 인식도와 사용률을 보여준다.
In each of the five surveyed applications, the percentage of respondents demonstrating awareness was higher than that of respondents demonstrating usage. 조사된 다섯 가지 애플리케이션 각각에서, 인식을 보인 응답자의 비율이 사용을 보인 응답자의 비율보다 높았다.
Predictive text had the highest percentages of respondents in both awareness and usage, among the five applications. 예측 텍스트는 다섯 가지 애플리케이션 중 인식도와 사용률에서 가장 높은 비율을 기록했다.
The percentage of respondents displaying awareness of voice search was more than four times that of respondents using it. 음성 검색에 대한 인식을 보인 응답자의 비율은 이를 사용하는 응답자의 비율보다 4배 이상 높았다.
Voice-to-text showed a higher percentage of the respondents reporting awareness of it than email classification, while this was not the case in their usage. 음성을 텍스트로 변환하는 애플리케이션은 이메일 분류보다 더 많은 응답자가 이를 인식하고 있다고 보고했지만, 사용률에서는 그렇지 않았다.
The percentage of respondents showing usage of automated photo classification was less than half of the percentage of those showing awareness of it. 자동 사진 분류 애플리케이션을 사용하는 응답자의 비율은 이를 인식하는 응답자의 비율의 절반에도 미치지 못했다.




[3] 2024 10 26: 고고학자 Mary Leakey 업적과 아프리카에서의 중요한 발견들
Mary Douglas Leakey was born in 1913 in London, England in a family of scholars and researchers. Mary Douglas Leakey는 1913년에 영국 런던에서 학자와 연구자의 집안에서 태어났다.
Her father, who was an artist, took her to see the stone tools being studied by French prehistorians. 예술가였던 그녀의 아버지는 그녀를 데리고 프랑스 선사학자들이 연구하고 있던 석기를 보러 갔다.
This sparked her interest in archaeology. 이것은 고고학에 대한 그녀의 흥미를 불러 일으켰다.
When she was just 17 years old, she served as an illustrator at a dig in England. 그녀가 단지 17세일 때, 그녀는 영국에 있는 발굴지에서 삽화가로 일했다.
Shortly after marrying Louis Leakey, she left for East Africa with her husband. Louis Leakey와 결혼하고 얼마 되지 않아, 그녀는 그녀의 남편과 함께 동아프리카로 떠났다.
Together, they made important fossil discoveries. 함께, 그들은 중요한 화석들을 발견했다.
In 1948, Mary found a partial skull fossil of Proconsul africanus on Rusinga Island in Lake Victoria. 1948년에, Mary는 Lake Victoria에 있는 Rusinga Island에서 Proconsul africanus의 두개골 화석의 일부를 찾았다.
In 1959 in Tanzania, she discovered the skull of an early hominin that her husband named Zinjanthropus boisei, which is now known as Paranthropus boisei. 1959년 탄자니아에서 그녀는 그녀의 남편이 Zinjanthropus boisei라고 이름 붙인, 지금은 Paranthropus boisei라고 알려진 초기 호미닌(분류학상 인간의 조상으로 분류되는 종족)의 두개골을 발견했다.
Even after her husband's death in 1972, Mary continued her work in Africa. 1972년 그녀의 남편의 사망 이후에도, Mary는 아프리카에서 그녀의 일을 계속했다.
Mary died in 1996, in Nairobi, Kenya. Mary는 1996년 케냐 나이로비에서 사망했다.




[3] 2024 10 29: 후손들이 은하계를 식민지화할 가능성과 관련 기술들
Sometime late in the next millennium, our descendants may head off to other star systems. 다음 천 년의 후반부 언젠가, 우리의 후손들은 다른 항성계로 떠날 수도 있다.
They may use comets as stepping-stones, some of which are only loosely bound to our sun because they reach almost halfway to the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri. 그들은, 그중 일부가 우리의 태양에 그저 느슨하게 묶여 있는 혜성들을 (그들이) 디딤돌로 사용할 수도 있는데, 왜냐하면 그것들은 가장 가까운 항성계, Alpha Centauri에 거의 (거리상으로) 중간에 이르기 때문이다.
Our remote descendants may eventually colonize much of our galaxy just as the first living organisms on Earth once colonized Earth's young oceans. 우리의 먼 후손들은 지구에 첫 살아 있는 유기체들이 한때 지구의 초기 바다를 점령했던 것과 같이 우리 은하계의 대부분을 결국 점령할 수도 있다.
Interstellar migrations will depend on as yet unimagined technologies for driving ships, for maintaining sustainable environments, and for putting humans into hibernations lasting for centuries. 성간(星間) 이동은 우주선을 추진하기 위한, 지속 가능한 환경을 유지하기 위한, 인간을 수 세기 동안 지속되는 동면에 들어가게 하기 위한, 아직 상상이 되지 않는 기술에 의존할 것이다.
Interstellar journeys will also depend on the existence of groups willing to risk long and dangerous voyages with little or no hope of returning. 또한 성간(星間) 이동은 돌아올 희망이 거의 없거나 전혀 없는 길고 위험한 여정의 위험을 무릅쓸 의지가 있는 집단들의 존재에 달려 있을 것이다.
It would take spaceships traveling at 1 percent of the speed of light more than four hundred years to reach the Alpha Centauri system. 빛의 속도의 1%로 이동하는 우주선이 Alpha Centauri(항성)계에 도달하는 데에는 400년 이상이 걸릴 것이다.
But if they spread out from there at a similar rate, they could settle star systems throughout the Milky Way within one hundred million years, which is just a bit longer than the span of time since dinosaurs ruled our Earth. 그러나 그들이 그곳에서부터 비슷한 속도로 퍼져 나간다면, 그들은 1억 년 이내에 은하계 도처의 항성계를 정착시킬 수 있을 것이고, 이는 공룡이 우리 지구를 지배했던 이후의 (시간의) 기간보다 아주 조금 더 길다.




[3] 2024 10 30: 어린 동물들이 계급질서에서 특별 대우를 받는 ‘강아지 면허’ 설명
Notably, young animals of many species have a special status, a leeway period granted by older members of the group. 특히, 많은 종의 어린 동물들은 집단에서 나이가 더 많은 구성원들로부터 부여받는 자유 시기라는 특별한 지위를 갖는다.
This break from the hierarchy is called "puppy license" by the behaviorists who see it in dogs, but it's a feature of family dynamics in a range of species. 그 계층으로부터의 잠깐의 휴식 기간은 그것을 개에서 본 행동학자들에 의해 '강아지 면허'라고 불리는데, 그것은 다양한 종에서 가족 역학 관계의 특징이다.
Older animals will overlook, or gently correct, an inappropriate display of dominance as long as the offender is young enough not to know better. 나이가 더 많은 동물은 나쁜 짓을 하는 것(동물)이 어려서 더 잘 알지 못하는 만큼, 적절치 않은 우월의 과시를 눈감아 주거나, 부드럽게 교정해 줄 것이다.
Puppy license also covers play: older dogs seem to enjoy puppy playfulness, and may encourage young dogs by wrestling more gently, barking more softly, and sometimes letting the puppies win. '강아지 면허'는 놀이도 포함하는데, 나이가 더 많은 개들은 강아지들의 장난기를 즐기는 듯 보이고, 더 부드럽게 몸싸움을 벌이며, 더 부드럽게 짖고, 때로는 강아지들이 이기게 함으로써 어린 개들에게 용기를 북돋워 줄 수도 있다.
As soon as that young dog hits a certain point in adolescence, however, its puppy license expires. 그러나 그 어린 개가 사춘기의 특정 시점에 이르자마자, 그것의 '강아지 면허'는 만료된다.
Behaviors that were lightheartedly tolerated just a few days before are now met with adult pushback. 불과 며칠 전만 해도 가볍게 용인되었던 행동들이 이제는 성체의 반발을 겪는다.
Although the dog is still young and may lack experience, it is challenged and treated like an adult. 개가 여전히 어리고 경험이 부족할 수도 있지만, 그것은 도전받고 성체처럼 대해진다.
In the human world and in the dog world, as juveniles mature into wildhood and their puppy licenses are no longer valid, a tolerant world becomes irritated and intolerant. 인간계와 개의 세계에서, 청소년들이 와일드후드(진화의 세월 동안 모든 종이 경험하는 유년기와 성인기 사이의 시기를 이르는 말)로 성장하고 그들의 강아지 면허가 더 이상 유효하지 않을 때, 관대한 세계는 짜증스럽고 너그럽지 못하게 된다.




[3] 2024 10 31: 과학 발전이 어려워지는 이유와 기존 이론의 한계
After we make some amount of scientific and technological progress, does further progress get easier or harder? 우리가 어느 정도의 과학적 그리고 기술적 발전을 이룬 후에, 더 이상의 발전은 더 쉬워지는가 혹은 더 어려워지는가?
Intuitively, it seems like it could go either way because there are two competing effects. 직관적으로, 어느 쪽이든 될 수 있을 것처럼 보이는데, 두 가지 경쟁하는 영향이 있기 때문이다.
On the one hand, we "stand on the shoulders of giants": previous discoveries can make future progress easier. 한편으로는, 우리는 '거인의 어깨에 서 있는데,' 즉 이전의 발견이 미래의 발전을 더 쉽게 만들 수 있다.
On the other hand, we "pick the low-hanging fruit": we make the easy discoveries first, so those that remain are more difficult. 다른 한편으로는, 우리는 '낮게 매달려 있는 과일을 따는데,' 즉 우리는 쉬운 발견을 먼저 해서 남아 있는 것들은 더 어렵다.
You can only invent the wheel once, and once you have, it's harder to find a similarly important invention. 여러분은 바퀴를 한 번만 발명할 수 있고, 일단 그러고 나면, 비슷하게 중요한 발명을 찾기란 더 어렵다.
Though both of these effects are important, when we look at the data it's the latter effect that predominates. 이 두 영향 모두 중요하지만, 데이터를 보면 지배하는 것은 바로 후자의 영향이다.
Overall, past progress makes future progress harder. 대체로, 과거의 발전은 미래의 발전을 더 어렵게 한다.
It's easy to see this qualitatively by looking at the history of innovation. 혁신의 역사를 살펴봄으로써 이것을 질적으로 아는 것은 쉽다.
Consider physics. 물리학을 고려해 보라.
In 1905, his "miracle year," Albert Einstein revolutionized physics, describing the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, the theory of special relativity, and his famous equation, E=mc². 그의 '기적의 해'인 1905년에, 알버트 아인슈타인은 물리학에 대변혁을 일으켰는데, 광전 효과, 브라운 운동, 특수 상대성 이론, 그리고 그의 유명한 공식 E=mc²을 기술하였다.
He was twenty-six at the time and did all this while working as a patent clerk. 그는 그 당시 26살이었고, 특허 사무원으로 일하며 이 모든 것을 했다.
Compared to Einstein's day, progress in physics is now much harder to achieve. 아인슈타인의 시대와 비교하여, 이제 물리학에서 발전은 이루기가 훨씬 더 어렵다.




[3] 2024 10 32: 유전자와 뇌의 구조가 행동에 미치는 영향과 환경의 역할
Behavior is, for the most part, a product of genes and brain neuropathways. 행동은, 대부분, 유전자와 뇌의 신경 경로의 산물이다.
Consider the elegant chemistry at work when living organisms move, think, behave, and act. 살아 있는 유기체가 움직이고, 생각하고, 처신하고, 행동할 때 작용하는 정교한 화학 작용을 고려해 보라.
Certainly, the environment is a factor here because it can influence how we act. 틀림없이, 환경은 여기서 하나의 요소인데 그것이 우리가 '행동하는 방식'에 영향을 미칠 수 있기 때문이다.
An analogy would illustrate this adequately. 한 가지 비유가 이것을 적절히 설명할 수 있을 것이다.
Think of the environment as gasoline, and our body as the engine. 환경을 휘발유로, 우리 몸을 엔진으로 생각해 보라.
Truly, the engine does not run without the gasoline, but all the intricate parts of the engine are the product of physical architecture, designed and assembled for a reactive purpose long before the gasoline is injected. 엄밀히, 엔진은 휘발유 없이는 작동하지 않지만, 엔진의 모든 복잡한 부품들은 '물리적 구조'의 산물인데, 휘발유가 주입되기 훨씬 이전에 반응을 보이려는 목적으로 설계되고 조립되었다.
Inject more gas and the engine accelerates, less, and it slows. 더 많은 휘발유를 주입하면, 엔진이 빨라지고, 더 적은 (휘발유를 주입하면), 그것은 느려진다.
The same is true for an organism. 유기체에서도 마찬가지이다.
Behavior is a response to the environment. 행동은 환경에 대한 '반응'이다.
We have 'free will,' but the ultimate characteristic of that response can only act with respect to the architecture of our genes and our brain. 우리는 '자유 의지'를 가지고 있지만, 그 반응의 궁극적인 특성은 우리의 유전자와 우리의 뇌의 구조와 관해서만 작용할 수 있다.
In other words, the environment can, effectively, accelerate or slow down a potential behavior, but the engine for that behavior is already built and functional; therefore, the environment is but a catalyst. 다시 말해, 환경은 잠재적인 행동을 효과적으로 빨라지게 하거나 늦출 수 있지만, 그 행동을 위한 엔진은 이미 구축되었고 가동된다. 따라서 환경은 단지 촉매일 뿐이다.




[3] 2024 10 33: 영아들이 의도적인 행동을 모방하는 사회 인지적 혁명 과정
The social-cognitive revolution at 1 year of age sets the stage for infants' second year of life, in which they begin to imitatively learn the use of all kinds of tools, artifacts, and symbols. 1살의 나이에 사회 인지의 혁명은 유아들의 생애 두번째 해를 위한 발판을 설정하는데, 그때 그들은 모든 종류의 도구, 인공물, 그리고 기호의 사용을 모방하여 배우기 시작한다.
For example, in a study by Meltzoff , 14-month-old children observed an adult bend at the waist and touch its head to a panel, thus turning on a light. 예를 들어, Meltzoff의 한 연구에서, 14개월 된 아이들은 한 어른이 허리를 구부리고 자신의 머리를 패널에 갖다 대어, 전등을 켜는 것을 관찰했다.
They followed suit. 그들은 이 방식을 따라 했다.
Infants engaged in this somewhat unusual and awkward behavior, even though it would have been easier and more natural for them simply to push the panel with their hand. 유아들은 단순히 그들의 손으로 패널을 누르는 것이 그들에게 더 쉽고 자연스러웠을 것임에도 불구하고, 이 다소 이상하고 어색한 행동을 하기 시작했다.
One interpretation of this behavior is that infants understood that the adult had the goal of illuminating the light and then chose one means for doing so, from among other possible means, and if they had the same goal, they could choose the same means. 이 행동에 대한 한 가지 해석은 유아들이 그 어른이 불을 켜는 목표를 가지고 있었고 그리고 나서 그렇게 하기 위한 수단 하나를, 가능한 다른 수단들 중에서, 골랐다는 것과 만약 그들이 같은 목표를 가진다면, 그들은 같은 수단을 선택할 수 있다는 것을 이해했다는 것이다.
Similarly, Carpenter et al. found that 16-month-old infants will imitatively learn from a complex behavioral sequence only those behaviors that appear intentional, ignoring those that appear accidental. 마찬가지로, Carpenter et al.은 16개월 된 유아들은 복잡한 행동의 연달아 일어남으로부터 의도적이라고 보이는 그런 행동들만 모방하여 배울 것이고, 뜻하지 않아 보이는 것들은 무시한다는 것을 알아냈다.
Young children do not just imitate the limb movements of other persons, they attempt to reproduce other persons' intended actions in the world. 어린아이들은 단순히 다른 사람들의 팔다리의 움직임을 모방하는 것이 아니라, 그들은 세상에서 다른 사람들의 의도된 행동들을 재현하려고 시도한다.




[3] 2024 10 34: 과학적 이론은 언제든지 오류가 입증될 있음을 설명
As an ideal of intellectual inquiry and a strategy for the advancement of knowledge, the scientific method is essentially a monument to the utility of error. 지적 탐구의 이상이자 지식의 발전을 위한 전략으로서, 과학적 방법은 본질적으로 오류의 유용성을 보여주는 기념비이다.
Most of us gravitate toward trying to prove our beliefs, to the extent that we bother investigating their validity at all. 우리 대부분은 우리의 믿음을 입증하려고 노력하는 것에 자연히 끌리는데, 우리가 그것들의 타당성을 굳이 조사하려 해야만 (조사)하는 정도까지 그러하다.
But scientists gravitate toward falsification; as a community if not as individuals, they seek to disprove their beliefs. 그러나 과학자들은 반증에 자연히 끌리며, 개인으로서는 아니더라도 공동체로서, 그들은 자신의 믿음이 그릇됨을 입증하려고 한다.
Thus, the defining feature of a hypothesis is that it has the potential to be proven wrong (which is why it must be both testable and tested), and the defining feature of a theory is that it hasn't been proven wrong yet. 따라서 가설의 본질적인 의미를 규정하는 특징은 그것이 틀리다고 입증될 가능성을 가진다는 것이며(이는 그것(가설)이 반드시 검증 가능할 수도 있어야 하고 검증되기도 해야 한다는 이유이다.) 이론의 본질적인 의미를 규정하는 특징은 그것이 아직 틀리다고 입증되지 않았다는 것이다.
But the important part is that it can be no matter how much evidence appears to confirm it, no matter how many experts endorse it, no matter how much popular support it enjoys. 그러나 중요한 부분은 아무리 많은 증거가 그것(이론)이 옳음을 증명하는 것 같더라도, 아무리 많은 전문가가 그것을 지지하더라도, 아무리 큰 대중의 지지를 그것이 받더라도, 그것은 그렇게 될 수 있다는 것이다.
In fact, not only can any given theory be proven wrong; sooner or later, it probably will be. 사실, 어떤 주어진 이론도 틀리다고 입증'될 수 있을' 뿐만 아니라, 조만간 그것은 아마도 그렇게 될 것이다.
And when it is, the occasion will mark the success of science, not its failure. 그리고 그것이 그렇게 될 때, 그 경우는 그것(과학)의 실패가 아닌, 과학의 성공을 나타낼 것이다.
This was the crucial insight of the Scientific Revolution: that the advancement of knowledge depends on current theories collapsing in the face of new insights and discoveries. 이것은 과학 혁명의 중대한 통찰력이었는데, 지식의 발전은 새로운 통찰과 발견들 앞에서 붕괴하는 현재 이론에 달려 있다.




[3] 2024 10 35: 새로운 시스템 사용 개인적 필요가 사회적 목표와 충돌할 있음
It is important to remember that to achieve acceptance and use of new technologies/systems, the personal importance to the users has to be valued more highly than the degree of innovation. 새로운 기술 / 시스템의 수용과 사용을 달성하기 위해서는 사용자들에게 개인적 중요성이 혁신의 정도보다 더욱 높이 평가되어야 한다는 점을 기억하는 것이 중요하다.
However, policies and political goals are often confused with the driver's personal goals. 그러나 정책들과 정치적 목표들은 종종 운전자의 개인적 목표들과 혼동된다.
Societal goals and individual goals do not necessarily coincide. 사회적 목표들과 개인적 목표들은 반드시 일치하지는 않는다.
For example, the policy goal behind ISA (Intelligent Speed Adaptation; a system which warns the drivers when they exceed the speed limit, and may even prevent them from doing so) could be to increase traffic safety or to increase speed limit compliance. 예를 들어, ISA(지능형 속도 적응 시스템, 즉 운전자들이 제한 속도를 초과할 때 그들에게 경고하고 심지어 그들이 그렇게 하는 것을 방지할 수 있는 시스템) 뒤에 있는 정책 목표는 교통안전을 증진하거나 제한 속도 준수를 증진하는 것일 수 있다.
These goals might not be relevant to some drivers, for example, due to their feeling that safety measures are redundant because of their own personal driving skills or because speeding is not seen as a 'real crime.' 이러한 목표들은 일부 운전자들에게는 관련이 없을 수 있는데, 예를 들어, 그들 자신의 개인적인 운전 기술 때문에 안전 조치가 불필요하다는 그들의 느낌 때문에 혹은 속도위반이 '진짜 범죄'로 보이지 않기 때문이다.
Nevertheless, they might find that the system helps them to avoid speeding tickets or they want to use the system simply because they have a general interest in innovative systems. 그럼에도 불구하고, 그들은 그 시스템이 속도위반 딱지를 피하는 것을 도와준다는 것을 알게 될 수도 있고 혹은 단순히 그들이 혁신적인 시스템에 대한 일반적인 관심을 가졌기 때문에 그들은 그 시스템을 사용하고 싶어 한다.




[3] 2024 10 36: 나이가 들면서 비언어적 감정 신호를 감지하는 능력이 약해지는 현상
From infancy, even before we learn to speak, we absorb how to infer people's emotions from their behaviors. 유아기부터, 심지어 우리가 말하는 것을 배우기 전에, 우리는 어떻게 사람들의 감정들을 그들의 행동으로부터 추론하는지를 흡수한다.
As we grow older, however, this capacity can atrophy. 하지만, 우리가 나이가 들면서 이 능력은 쇠퇴할 수 있다.
We start to pay increasing attention to what people say rather than what they do, to the point where we can fail to notice nonlinguistic clues. 우리는 사람들이 무엇을 하는지보다 무엇을 말하는지에 점점 더 느는 주의를 기울이기 시작하여, 비언어적인 단서들을 알아차리지 못하는 정도에 이른다.
Spoken language is so information rich that it lulls us into ignoring hints that someone might be, say, upset and instead focus on their words when they say, It's nothing. I feel fine. 구어는 정보가 매우 풍부해서 그것은 누군가가, 예를 들어, 화가 났을 수 있다는 힌트들을 우리가 무시하게 하고 그들이 '아무것도 아니야. 나는 괜찮아.'라고 말할 때 그들의 말에 대신 집중한다.
Some people, however, have a talent for detecting emotions, even when they're unspoken. 하지만, 어떤 사람들은 심지어 그것들이 입 밖에 내어지지 않을 때도 감정들을 감지하는 재능을 가지고 있다.
We all know people like this: Friends who seem to intuit when we're feeling down, even if we haven't said anything; managers who sense when a kind word is needed to help us get over the hump at work. 우리 모두는 이와 같은 사람들(우리가 어떤 것도 말하지 않았더라도 우리가 마음이 울적한 때를 직관으로 아는 것처럼 보이는 친구들, 우리가 직장에서 고비를 넘기는 것을 돕기 위해 친절한 말이 필요한 때를 감지하는 매니저들)을 안다.
It's natural to assume these people are unusually observant, or uncommonly sensitive. 이러한 사람들이 대단히 관찰력이 있거나, 굉장히 세심하다고 추측하는 것은 당연하다.
Sometimes they are. 때때로 그들은 그러하다.
But years of research indicates this is a skill anyone can develop. 하지만 수년간의 연구는 이것이 누구나 계발할 수 있는 기술이라는 것을 보여 준다.
We can learn to identify the nonverbal clues that indicate someone's true emotions and use these hints to understand what they are feeling. 우리는 누군가의 진짜 감정들을 보여 주는 비언어적 단서들을 알아보는 것을 배울 수 있고 이 힌트들을 사용하여 그들이 무엇을 느끼고 있는지 이해할 수 있다.




[3] 2024 10 37: 우리가 아는 것과 모르는 것에 대한 인식 감정 설명
Some epistemic feelings let us know that we know. 어떤 인식론적 느낌들은 우리에게 우리가 안다는 것을 알게 한다.
These include the feeling of knowing, the feeling of certainty, and the feeling of correctness. 이것들은 안다는 느낌, 확신의 느낌, 그리고 정확함의 느낌을 포함한다.
For example, you feel sure that "1666" is the answer to the question, "When did the Great Fire of London occur?" 예를 들어, 여러분은 "런던 대화재는 언제 발생했습니까?"라는 질문에 '1666년'이 답이라고 확신한다.
Feeling that you know, even that you are sure, is not unfailing. 여러분이 안다고, 심지어 확신한다고, 느끼는 것이 언제나 변함없는 것은 아니다.
We can be mistaken in those feelings. 우리는 그런 느낌들에서 잘못 알고 있을 수 있다.
Other epistemic feelings alert our attention to what we do not yet know. 다른 인식론적 느낌들은 우리가 아직 알지 못하는 것에 우리의 주의를 환기시킨다.
Curiosity, awe, and wonder fall into this category. 호기심, 경외감, 그리고 놀라움이 이 범주에 속한다.
As with the feelings of knowing, we can ask whether feelings of not-yet-knowing are necessarily right. 안다는 느낌들에 서 그렇듯이 우리는 아직 알지 못한다는 느낌들이 반드시 맞는지 물을 수 있다.
It does seem that if you wonder at something, there is something that prompted you to wonder. 여러분이 무언가를 궁금해 한다면 여러분을 궁금해하게 한 무언가가 정말로 있는 것처럼 보인다.
This feeling alerts you to the fact that your current body of knowledge the schemas, heuristics, and other information you use did not prepare you for the thing you wonder at. 이 느낌은 여러분에게 여러분의 현재 지식 체계, 즉 스키마, 휴리스틱, 그리고 여러분이 사용하는 다른 정보가 여러분이 궁금해하는 것에 대해 여러분을 준비시키지 않았다는 사실에 주의를 환기시킨다.
As such, wonder is a useful emotion, because it points to gaps in what you thought you knew. 이처럼 놀라움은 유용한 감정인데 그것은 여러분이 알고 있었다고 생각했던 것에 빈 곳을 가리키기 때문이다.




[3] 2024 10 38: 기억이 왜곡되는 이유와 이것이 뉴스 인식에 미치는 영향
Memory often plays tricks. 기억은 흔히 속임수를 쓴다.
According to Mlodinow, we give "unwarranted importance to memories that are the most vivid and hence most available for retrieval our memory makes it easy to remember the events that are unusual and striking not the many events that are normal and dull." Mlodinow에 따르면, 우리는 '가장 생생하고, 따라서 불러오기에 가장 용이한 기억들에 부당한 중요성'을 부여한다. '우리의 기억은 평범하고 지루한 많은 사건들이 아니라, 색다르고 인상적인 사건들을 기억하는 것을 쉽게 만든다.'
The self-serving bias works because, as Trivers observes, "There are also many processes of memory that can be biased to produce welcome results. Memories are continually distorting in self-serving ways." 자기 잇속만 차리는 편향이 작용하는데, Trivers가 논평하듯이, '기꺼이 받아들여지는 결과를 산출하도록 편향될 수 있는 많은 기억의 과정들이 또한 있으며, 기억들은 계속해서 자기 잇속만 차리는 방식으로 왜곡되고 있기' 때문이다.
A recent study argues that several forms of cognitive bias cause distortions in storing and retrieving memories. 최근 한 연구는 인지적인 편향의 몇몇 형태가 기억들을 저장하고 불러오는 데 왜곡을 일으킨다고 주장한다.
This, in turn, has a bearing on theories of agenda setting, priming, and framing, which argue that how people respond to the news is strongly influenced by what is most easily and readily accessible from their memories. 이것은, 결국, 의제를 정하고, 준비하고, 구성하는 이론들에 영향을 미치는데, 이것들은 어떻게 사람들이 뉴스에 반응하는가가 그들의 기억들로부터 가장 쉽게 그리고 즉시 접근 가능한 것에 의해 강력하게 영향을 받는다고 주장한다.
But what if memories about news stories are faulty and distort, forget, or invent what was actually reported? 하지만 만약 뉴스 기사에 대한 기억들이 불완전하고, 실제로 보도되었던 것을 왜곡하거나, 빠뜨리거나, (사실이 아닌 것으로) 지어낸다면 어떠한가?
In such cases, it may be the manipulation of memories in individual minds that primes, frames, and sets the agenda, not the original news stories. 그러한 경우에는, 의제를 준비하고, 구성하고, 정하는 것은 원래의 뉴스 기사가 아니라 개인의 머릿속 기억들의 조작일 수도 있다.




[3] 2024 10 39: 차별 방정식 대신 간단한 신체 동작을 통해 공을 잡는 방법
One way to catch a fly ball is to solve all the differential equations governing the ball's trajectory as well as your own movements and at the same time reposition your body based on those solutions. 높이 친 공을 잡는 한 가지 방법은 여러분 자신의 움직임뿐만 아니라 그 공의 궤적을 지배하는 모든 미분 방정식을 풀고, 동시에 그 해법에 따라 여러분의 몸의 위치를 움직이는 것이다.
Unfortunately, you don't have a differential equation-solving device in your brain, so instead you solve a simpler problem: how to place the glove most effectively between the ball and your body. 불행히도, 여러분은 여러분의 뇌에 미분 방정식을 푸는 장치가 없어서, 대신 여러분은 더 간단한 문제(어떻게 그 공과 여러분의 몸 사이에 글러브를 가장 효과적으로 위치시킬지)를 푼다.
The cerebellum assumes that your hand and the ball should appear in similar relative positions for each catch. 소뇌는 여러분의 손과 그 공이 각 포구(捕球)마다 비슷한 상대적 위치에 나타나야 한다고 가정한다.
So, if the ball is dropping too fast and your hand appears to be going too slowly, it will direct your hand to move more quickly to match the familiar relative position. 그래서, 공이 너무 빠르게 떨어지고 있고 여러분의 손이 너무 느리게 움직이고 있는 것처럼 보이면, 그것은 여러분의 손을 더 빠르게 움직여 익숙한 상대적 위치에 맞추도록 지시할 것이다.
These simple actions by the cerebellum to map sensory inputs onto muscle movements enable us to catch the ball without solving any differential equations. 감각 입력을 근육 움직임에 연결시키는 소뇌에 의한 이러한 간단한 행동들은 우리가 그 어떤 미분 방정식도 풀지 않고 공을 잡을 수 있게 한다.
We are also able to use the cerebellum to anticipate what our actions would be even if we don't actually take them. 우리는 또한 우리의 행동들이 무엇일지 예측하는 데에 소뇌를 사용할 수 있는데 설령 우리가 그것들을 실제로 하지 않아도 그러하다.
Your cerebellum might tell you that you could catch the ball but you're likely to crash into another player, so maybe you should not take this action. 여러분의 소뇌는 여러분이 공을 잡을 수는 있지만 또 다른 선수와 충돌할 가능성이 있다는 것을 알려줄 수도 있고, 그러면 여러분은 이 행동을 하지 않는 편이 좋을지도 모른다.




[3] 2024 10 40: 시의 불가역적 형식이 철학적 탐구에 미치는 영향 설명
Philosophical interest in poetry has been dominated by the question of whether poetry can aid philosophical thought and promote philosophical inquiry. 시에 대한 철학적 관심은 시가 철학적 사고를 돕고 철학적 탐구를 촉진할 수 있는지에 대한 질문에 의해 지배되어 왔다.
This focus reflects a tradition of philosophers like Pope and Rumi presenting their philosophical work in verse. 이 초점은 Pope와 Rumi와 같은 철학자들이 자신의 철학적 작품을 운문으로 나타내는 전통을 반영한다.
In addition, poets like William Wordsworth and T. S. Eliot have been celebrated as poet-philosophers, with their work valued as the product of philosophy through poetry. 게다가, William Wordsworth와 T. S. Eliot과 같은 시인들은 그들의 작품이 시를 통한 철학의 산물로 높이 평가받으며 시인철학자로서 찬사를 받아 왔다.
However, arguments against poetry having a role to play in philosophical inquiry have tended to focus on poetry's (negative) relationship to truth (or, as John Koethe puts it, poetry's indifference to truth). 그러나 시가 철학적 탐구에서 맡은 역할을 가지고 있다는 것에 반하는 주장들은 시와 진실 간의 (부정적) 관계(즉, John Koethe가 표현하듯, 진실에 대한 시의 무관심)에 집중해 온 경향이 있다.
Although we may accept works of poetry as having philosophical themes, this does not amount to doing philosophy through poetry. 우리는 시 작품들이 철학적 주제를 갖는 것으로 받아들일 수도 있지만, 이것은 철학을 시를 통해 하는 것과 마찬가지는 아니다.
One such argument hinges on the non-paraphrasability of poetry and form-content unity. 그러한 하나의 주장은 시의 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현할 수 없음과 형식 내용의 통일성 여하에 달려 있다.
The thought goes, if poetry is to play a role in philosophy, then it needs to be paraphrasable (that is, its content must be separable from its form). 그 생각은 만약 시가 철학에서 역할을 하려면, 그것은 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현할 수 있어야 한다는 것(즉, 그것의 내용은 그것의 형식으로부터 반드시 분리될 수 있어야 한다)으로 이어진다.
The assumption is that paraphrase is a mark of understanding and indicates that some proposition has a fixed meaning and that only a proposition with a fixed meaning can be evaluated in terms of truth or falsity. 이 가정은 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현하는 것이 이해의 표시이며 어떤 명제가 고정된 의미를 지닌다는 것과 고정된 의미를 지닌 명제만이 진실 혹은 거짓이라는 면에서 평가될 수 있다는 것을 보여 준다.
Poetry resists paraphrase: to change the words is to change the poem. 시는 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현하는 것에 저항한다. 단어를 바꾸는 것은 시를 바꾸는 것이다.
[Summary] Some believe in the ability of poetry to convey philosophy, but for others, its resistance to paraphrasing restricts its philosophical role. [Summary] 일부 사람들은 철학을 전달하는 시의 능력을 믿는데, 다른 사람들에게는, 그것의 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현하는 것에 대한 저항이 그것의 철학적 역할을 제한한다.




[3] 2024 10 41~42: 앵무새의 소리와 돌에 새겨진 문양이 의미를 가질 없는 이유
Vocal sounds produced by parrots, regardless of the fact that they may be audibly indistinguishable from spoken words and regardless of the fact that someone or some group of people may take them to be words, are not words. 앵무새가 내는 목소리는, 그것이 들리기에는 소리내어진 말과 구별되지 않을 수도 있다는, 그리고 누군가 또는 어떤 사람들의 집단이 그것들을 말이라고 여길 수도 있다는 사실에도 불구하고, 말이 아니다.
They are not given a semantic dimension by physical similitude to spoken words. 그것들은 소리내어진 말과의 물리적 유사성으로 의미론적 차원이 주어지지 않는다.
Nor can the "talk" of a parrot be given a semantic dimension by being taken to be a set of linguistic acts. 앵무새의 '말'도 일련의 언어적 행위로 여겨지는 것으로도 의미론적 차원이 주어질 수 없다.
In like manner, weather etchings on a stone or shapes in the clouds, regardless of how physically similar they may be to written words or drawings of objects and regardless of what they are taken to be by observers, are not words or pictures. 마찬가지로, 돌에 있는 날씨 식각(날씨로 인해 새겨진 형상) 혹은 구름의 모양들은, 그들이 쓰여진 말이나 사물의 그림들과 물리적으로 얼마나 비슷한지와 관계없이 그리고 그들이 관찰자들에 의해 무엇으로 여겨질지와 관계없이, 말이나 그림이 아니다.
They do not have the appropriate etiology and they have no inherent semantic content or object. 그것들에는 적절한 원인의 추구가 없고, 그것들은 내재된 의미론적 내용이나 대상도 없다.
They are simply physical objects that resemble certain other things. 그것들은 단순히 특정한 다른 것들을 닮은 물리적 사물일 뿐이다.
For observers, they may call to mind the things they resemble. 관찰자들에게, 그것들은 그들이 닮은 사물들을 상기시킬 수도 있다.
In this regard, they may function as natural signs by virtue of the physical resemblance, but they have no semantic content about which one could be right or wrong. 이런 점에서, 그것들은 물리적 유사성 덕분에 자연적 기호로 기능할 수도 있지만, 그것들은 어떤 것이 옳거나 그를 수 있다는 것에 대한 의미론적 내용을 가지지 않는다.
If people take A to be a sign of B by virtue of some nonsemantic relation that holds, or is believed to hold, between A and B, A is a sign of B. 만약 사람들이 'A'와 'B' 사이에 있는, 혹은 있다고 여겨지는, 어떤 비의미론적 연관성 덕분에 'A'를 'B'의 기호로 받아들인다면, 'A'는 'B'의 기호이다.
But words, pictures, and images are not that way. 하지만, 말, 사진, 그림은 그런 식이 아니다.
They contain a semantic content to be understood. 그것들은 이해되어야 할 의미론적 내용을 가진다.




[3] 2024 10 43~45: 눈사람과 토끼의 교환과 우정 이야기
One frosty morning, a rabbit was jumping about on a hill. 어느 서리가 내린 아침, 토끼 한 마리가 언덕에서 뛰어 돌아다니고 있었다.
There stood a snowman which had been made by some children. 그곳에는 어떤 아이들이 만든 눈사람이 서 있었다.
He had a broom in his hand and a carrot nose. 그는 그의 손에 빗자루, 그리고 당근 코를 가지고 있었다.
The rabbit saw the carrot and swallowed hard. 토끼는 당근을 보고 침을 삼켰다.
"I will have a delicious breakfast," he thought and jumped up, reaching out for the snowman's nose. 그는 '나는 맛있는 아침을 먹을 거야,'라고 생각하고 뛰어올라, 눈사람의 코로 손을 뻗었다.
But before the rabbit even touched him, something hit him hard. 그러나 토끼가 심지어 그에게 닿기도 전에, 무언가가 그를 강하게 때렸다.
"Go Away!" the snowman threatened him with his great broom. "저리 가!" 눈사람이 그의 커다란 빗자루로 그를 위협했다.
"Sorry, Mr. Snowman, I just..." murmured the rabbit. "미안해요, 눈사람 씨, 나는 그냥...." 토끼가 웅얼거렸다.
"You wanted to eat my nose!," he shouted. "너는 내 코를 먹고 싶어 했어!"라고 그가 소리쳤다.
"I was so hungry and it looked so tasty," apologized the rabbit. "난 너무 배가 고팠고 그것은 너무 맛있어 보였어요,"라고 토끼가 사과했다.
The snowman thought for a moment. 눈사람은 잠시 생각해 보았다.
"Hmm... Here, I am bored by myself. "흠..., 여기에서, 나는 혼자서 지루해.
I would like to go to the village where the children are. 나는 그 아이들이 있는 마을에 가고 싶어.
If you take me there, I'll give you my carrot," said the snowman. 만약 나를 거기로 데려가 준다면, 나는 너에게 내 당근을 줄게,"라고 눈사람이 말했다.
Excited by the offer, the rabbit told the snowman to wait and disappeared. 그 제안에 신이 나서, 토끼는 눈사람에게 기다리라고 말하고 사라졌다.
He returned shortly, dragging a sled and said to the snowman, "Let's go!" 그는 썰매를 끌며 곧 돌아왔고 눈사람에게 말했다. "갑시다!"
The sled ran smoothly over the snow. 썰매는 눈 위를 부드럽게 달렸다.
The snowman with joy waved his broom. 눈사람은 기쁨에 자신의 빗자루를 흔들었다.
After a while, they arrived in the middle of the village. 얼마 후에, 그들은 마을 가운데에 도착했다.
"Here we are," said the rabbit. "다 왔어요,"라고 토끼가 말했다.
"Thank you. Here's the carrot," said the snowman, giving him his carrot. "고마워. 자, 당근이야," 눈사람은 그에게 자신의 당근을 주면서 말했다.
The rabbit hesitated for a moment. 토끼는 잠시 망설였다.
"Come on, take it. I have a feeling that I'll get a new one," urged the snowman. "자, 가져가. 나는 새로운 것을 얻을 거라는 느낌이 들어,"라고 눈사람이 재촉했다.
He finally accepted the carrot and leapt back into the woods. 그는 마침내 당근을 받았고 숲속으로 껑충 뛰어 들어갔다.
Not long after, the children gathered around the snowman. 얼마 지나지 않아서, 아이들은 눈사람 주변으로 모였다.
Noticing that he had no nose, they gave him a fresh carrot. 그에게 코가 없다는 것을 알아차리자, 그들은 그에게 싱싱한 당근을 주었다.
From that time on, the snowman stood in the middle of the village, with a broom in his hand and a marvelous new carrot nose. 그때부터, 눈사람은 마을 가운데에서, 그의 손에 빗자루, 그리고 멋진 새 당근 코를 가지고 서 있었다.






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<2024년도 10월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
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블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





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[고3] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

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[고3] 2024년 10월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT-4o

안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.오늘은 2024년도 10월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 지문 요약 자료 올립니다.ChatGPT 유료 버전(ChatGPT-4o)으로 작업했고,설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문을 포함




전체 내용

[3] 2024 10 – 18: 해외 출장으로 디지털 마케팅 워크숍 연사 참석 불가 통보 이메일

 I hope this email finds you well.

  이메일을 받으셨기를 바랍니다.

 Thank you for considering me as a speaker for the upcoming Digital Marketing Workshop.

 다가오는 디지털 마케팅 워크숍에서 연사로 저를 고려해 주셔서 감사합니다.

 I appreciate the invitation and your thoughtfulness.

 초대해 주시고 세심한 배려에 감사를 드립니다.

 The workshop sounds like an amazing event, and I would have loved to participate.

 워크숍은 정말 멋진 행사인  같으며, 저도 참여하고 싶었습니다.

 However, I regret to inform you that I will be overseas on a business trip during the workshop.

 그러나 아쉽게도 워크숍 기간 동안 해외 출장 중이어서 참석할  없음을 알려드립니다.

 It is unfortunate that the timing does not work out.

 시기적으로 맞지 않아 아쉽습니다.

 Although I cannot attend as a speaker this time, I remain hopeful for future opportunities where our schedules might coincide.

 이번에는 연사로 참석할  없지만, 우리의 일정이 맞아떨어지는 미래의 기회를 기대하고 있습니다.

 I hope the workshop goes well.

 워크숍이  진행되기를 바랍니다.


[3] 2024 10 – 19: 숲에서 곰을 만나 공포에 빠진 경험과 안도감

 Setting out to find some wood for the campfire, Sarah moved through the forest.

 캠프파이어를 위한 나무를 찾으러 나선 사라는  속을 지나고 있었다.

 Just then, she noticed an approaching danger ─ a large, threatening bear.

 그때 그녀는 다가오는 위험을 눈치챘다. 크고 위협적인 곰이었다.

 Panic spread through her body.

 공포가 그녀의 몸에 퍼졌다.

 Frozen and unable to shout, she watched in horror.

 얼어붙은  소리조차 지를  없었던 그녀는 공포에 휩싸인  지켜보고 있었다.

 Her heart beat louder with each step the bear took.

 곰이  걸음씩 다가올 때마다 그녀의 심장은  크게 뛰었다.

 But then, as if by a miracle, the bear paused, looked around, and, uninterested, turned away, retreating into the shadows of the woods.

 하지만 마치 기적처럼 곰이 멈춰서 주위를 둘러보더니, 흥미를 잃은   속의 어둠 속으로 돌아갔다.

 When the bear had disappeared completely out of her sight, her knees nearly gave way.

 곰이 완전히 시야에서 사라졌을 , 그녀의 무릎은 거의 풀릴 뻔했다.

 Sarah could finally let out the breath she had been holding.

 사라는 그제서야 참았던 숨을 내쉬었다.

 A wave of immense relief washed over her.

 엄청난 안도감이 그녀를 감쌌다.


[3] 2024 10 – 20: 음악이 자녀의 정서적, 사회적 발달에 미치는 긍정적 영향

 There are few universals in this world, but among them are our love for our children and our love of music.

  세상에는 보편적인 것들이 거의 없지만, 그것들 중에 우리 아이들에 대한 우리의 사랑과 음악에 대한 우리의 사랑이 있다.

 When we hold a baby in our arms, comforting her with song, we are channelling the emotional power of music.

 우리가 아기를 우리 팔에 안고, 그녀를 노래로 다독일 , 우리는 음악의 정서적 힘을 전하고 있다.

 We do so instinctively, just as our ancestors did.

  우리 조상들이 했던 것처럼, 우리는 본능적으로 그렇게 한다.

 Music can be a powerful parental ally during the challenging child-rearing years.

 음악은 아이를 키우는 힘든 시기 동안 강력한, 부모의 협력자가   있다.

 To successfully prepare our children for life in the twenty-first century, we will need to nurture qualities such as curiosity, imagination, empathy, creative entrepreneurship, and most of all resilience.

 21세기에서의 삶에 우리 아이들을 성공적으로 준비시키기 위해, 우리는 호기심, 상상력, 공감, 창의적 기업가 정신, 그리고 무엇보다도 회복력과 같은 자질들을 길러줘야  것이다.

 Musical practice in early childhood develops all of the above and more.

 초기 유년기에서 음악의 실천은 위의 모든 것과  이상을 발달시킨다.

 Research has shown that musical practice in early childhood is beneficial not only for mental acuity but for social and emotional development as well.

 연구는 초기 유년기에서 음악의 실천은 정신의 예리함뿐만 아니라 사회적 그리고 정서적 발달에도 유익하다는 것을 보여 준다.

 Music is not just a hobby, a pleasant pastime; it is an integral part of what makes us happy, healthy, and whole.

 음악은 단지 취미, 즐거운 오락거리가 아니고, 우리를 행복하고 건강하며 온전하게 만드는 것의 필수적인 부분이다.

 Indeed, if we want to do one thing to help our children develop into emotionally, socially, intellectually, and creatively competent human beings, we should start the musical conversation ─ the earlier the better.

 사실, 우리가 우리 아이들을 정서적으로, 사회적으로, 지적으로, 그리고 창의적으로 유능한 인간으로 성장하도록 돕기 위해  가지를 하고 싶다면, 우리는 음악의 대화를 시작해야 한다.  빠를수록 좋다.


[3] 2024 10 – 21: 집중의 중요성과 인터넷이 주의력에 미친 부정적 영향

 In 1890, William James described attention as "the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought."

 1890년에 William James 주의력을 '정신으로, 동시에 가능한 여러 대상들 혹은 생각의 맥락들 같은   하나를 분명하고 선명한 형태로 차지하는 '이라고 기술했다.

 Attention is a choice we make to stay on one task, one line of thinking, one mental road, even as attractive off-ramps signal.

 주의력은 심지어 매력적인 빠져나가는 길이 신호를 보내도, 하나의 , 하나의 사고 방식, 하나의 정신의 길에 머무르기 위해 우리가 하는 선택이다.

 When we fail to make that choice and allow ourselves to be frequently sidetracked, we end up in "the confused, dazed, scatterbrained state" that James said is the opposite of attention.

 우리가  선택을 하지 못하고 우리 자신을 자주 곁길로 새게  , 우리는 James 주의력의 반대라고 말한 '혼란스럽고, 멍하고, 정신이 산만한 상태' 결국 처하게 된다.

 Staying on one road got much harder when the internet arrived and moved much of our reading online.

 인터넷이 등장하고 우리 독서의 대부분을 온라인으로 이동시키자,  길에 머무르는 것은 훨씬  어려워졌다.

 Every hyperlink is an off-ramp, calling us to abandon the choice we made moments earlier.

 모든 하이퍼링크는 빠져나가는 길이며, 우리가 잠깐( 순간) 전에  선택을 포기하라고 우리를 부른다.

 Nicholas Carr, in his 2010 book, grieved his lost ability to stay on one path.

 Nicholas Carr 그의 2010 저서에서  길에 머무르는 그의 능력을 잃어버린 것을 슬퍼했다.

 Life on the internet changed how his brain sought out information, even when he was off-line trying to read a book.

 인터넷에서의 생활은 그가 오프라인에  책을 읽으려고 노력하고 있었을 때조차 그의 뇌가 어떻게 정보를 찾아내는 지를 바꾸었다.

 It reduced his ability to focus and reflect because he now craved a constant stream of stimulation:

 이것은 그의 집중하고 성찰하는 능력을 감소시켰는데, 그는 이제 끊임없는 자극의 흐름을 갈망하게 되었기 때문이다.

 "Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words.

 "한때 나는 언어의 바다  스쿠버 다이버였다.

 Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski."

 이제는 제트 스키를 타는 사람처럼 수면 위를 쌩하고 지나간다."


[3] 2024 10 – 22: 실천적 지식은 경험을 통해 형성되며 전수될  있는 

 Technical, book knowledge consists of "formulated rules which are, or may be, deliberately learned."

 기술적, (에서 얻을  있는) 지식은 '의도적으로 배우거나, 그럴 수도 있는, 체계적으로 표현된 규칙들' 구성된다.

 Practical knowledge, on the other hand, cannot be taught or learned but only transmitted and acquired.

 반면에 실용적 지식은 가르쳐지거나 배울  없으며 오직 전해지고 습득된다.

 It exists only in practice.

 그것은 오직 실행 속에서만 존재한다.

 When we talk about practical knowledge, we tend to use bodily metaphors.

 우리가 실용적 지식에 관해 이야기할 , 우리는 신체적 비유를 사용하는 경향이 있다.

 We say that somebody has a touch for doing some activity ─ an ability to hit the right piano key with just enough force and pace.

 우리는 누군가가 어떤 활동을 하기 위한 '솜씨',  필요한 만큼의 힘과 속도로 정확한 피아노 건반을 치는 능력을 가지고 있다고 말한다.

 We say that somebody has a feel for the game, an intuition for how events are going to unfold, an awareness of when you should plow ahead with a problem and when you should put it aside before coming back to it.

 우리는 누군가가 게임에 대한 '감각', 어떻게 사건들이 전개될지에 대한 직감, 여러분이 문제를 밀고 나가야  때와 그것으로 되돌아오기 전까지 제쳐 두어야  때에 대한 인식을 가지고 있다고 말한다.

 When the expert is using her practical knowledge, she isn't thinking more; she is thinking less.

 전문가가 자신의 실용적 지식을 사용하고 있을 , 그녀는  생각하는 것이 아니다. 그녀는  생각한다.

 She has built up a repertoire of skills through habit and has thereby extended the number of tasks she can perform without conscious awareness.

 그녀는 습관을 통해 기술의 레퍼토리를 쌓아 왔고, 그렇게 함으로써 의식적 인식없이 그녀가 수행할  있는 과제의 수를 늘려 왔다.

 This sort of knowledge is built up through experience, and it is passed along through shared experience.

 이러한 종류의 지식은 경험을 통해 쌓이고, 그것은 공유된 경험을 통해 다음으로 전달된다.


[3] 2024 10 – 23: 인간이 그림을 만드는 본능적 욕구와 기억과의 관계

 The human desire to make pictures is deeply rooted.

 그림을 만드는 인간의 욕망은 깊게 뿌리를 내리고 있다.

 At least 64,000 years ago, Neanderthals used colored oxide and charcoal to make paintings of large wild animals, tracings of human hands, and abstract patterns on cave and rock walls.

 적어도 6 4천년 전에, 네안데르탈인은 색깔이 있는 산화물과 목탄을 사용하여 동굴과 암벽에 커다란 야생 동물의 그림, 사람 손의 모사(模寫), 그리고 추상적인 무늬를 만들었다.

 Today, people create images with a multitude of mediums, including photography.

 오늘날, 사람들은 사진 촬영을 포함한 다수의 도구로 그림을 만든다.

 What drives this picturemaking impulse?

 무엇이  그림을 만드는 충동을 이끄는가?

 Some make pictures for commercial reasons.

 어떤 사람들은 상업적인 이유로 그림을 만든다.

 Others create informational systems or employ scientific imaging tools to visualize the unseen.

 다른 사람들은 정보 체계를 만들거나 보이지 않는 것을 시각화하기 위해 과학적 이미지화 도구를 사용한다.

 Artists use images expressionistically, to conceptualize and articulate who they are and how they view the world.

 예술가들은 그들이 누구인지 그리고 그들이 세상을 어떻게 바라보는지를 개념화하고 분명하게 표현하기 위해서 그림을 표현주의적으로 사용한다.

 However, the fundamental motive for making the vast majority of pictures is a desire to preserve: to document, and therefore honor, specific people, events, and possessions of importance.

 그러나, 그림 대부분을 만드는 것에 대한 근본적인 동기는 보존하려는 욕구인데, 기록하고, 그래서 중요성을 지닌 특정 사람들, 사건들, 그리고 소유물을 기념하려는 것이다.

 Regardless of purpose, the making of images persists because words alone cannot always provide a satisfactory way to describe and express our relationship to the world.

 목적과 관계없이, 그림 만드는 것은 지속되는데 말만으로는 세상과 우리의 관계를 설명하고 표현하는 만족할 만한 방법을 항상 제공할 수가 없기 때문이다.

 Pictures are an essential component of how humans observe, communicate, celebrate, comment, and, most of all, remember.

 그림은 인간이 어떻게 관찰하고, 소통하고, 기념하고, 논평하고, 무엇보다도 기억하는지의 가장 중요한 요소이다.

 What and how we remember shapes our worldview, and pictures can provide a stimulus to jog one's memory.

 우리가 무엇을 그리고 어떻게 기억하느냐가 우리의 세계관을 형성하고 그림은 누군가의 기억을 되살리는 자극을 제공할  있다.


[3] 2024 10 – 24: 유사한 관점을 가진 사람들과의 관계가 자아 형성에 미치는 영향

 We naturally gravitate toward people whose views and beliefs are similar to our own, seeking what the eighteenth-century moral philosopher Adam Smith called "a certain harmony of minds."

 우리는 자연스럽게 견해와 신념이 우리 자신의 것과 유사한 사람들에게 자연히 끌리며, 18세기 도덕 철학자 Adam Smith '마음의 특정한 조화'라고 불렀던 것을 추구한다.

 Spending time with people who share our opinions reinforces our group identity, strengthening trust, cooperation, equality, and productivity.

 우리의 의견을 공유하는 사람들과 시간을 보내는 것은 우리의 집단 정체성을 보강하여, 신뢰, 협력, 평등, 그리고 생산성을 강화한다.

 Our shared reality grounds us not just in our common perceptions but in similar feelings and worldviews.

 우리의 공유된 현실은 단지 우리의 공통의 인식뿐만 아니라 유사한 감정과 세계관에 근거를 두게 한다.

 This helps to preserve our core values and beliefs about ourselves.

 이는 우리의 핵심적인 가치와 자신에 대한 신념을 지키는  도움이 된다.

 It also provides us with meaning and a feeling of self-worth.

 또한, 그것은 우리에게 의미와 자아 존중감을 제공한다.

 And with each decision or interaction that confirms our tribe's common experience, we get rewarded with the hormonal happiness we crave.

 그리고 우리 부족의 공통의 경험을 견고하게 하는  결정이나 상호 작용으로 우리는 우리가 갈망하는 호르몬의 행복으로 보상받는다.

 Our perception of ourselves is a mixture of our own unique characteristics and our sense of belonging to our in-groups.

 우리 자신에 대한 우리의 인식은 우리 자신의 고유한 특성과 우리의 내집단에 대한 소속감의 혼합이다.

 In fact, our personal identity is so closely interwoven with our social identity that our brains can't tell them apart.

 실제로 우리의 개인 정체성은 우리의 사회 정체성과 너무 밀접하게 뒤섞여서 우리 뇌는 그것들을 분간할  없다.

 If I put you in a scanner and ask you to talk about yourself and then about the groups to which you feel the closest affinity, it will activate the same neural networks in your brain.

 만약 내가 여러분을 스캐너에 넣고 여러분 자신에 대해 이야기하게  다음 여러분이 가장 가까운 유사성을 느끼는 집단에 대해 이야기하게 한다면, 그것은 여러분의 뇌에서 동일한 신경망을 활성화할것이다.


[3] 2024 10 – 25: 2017 기계 학습을 이용한 스마트폰 앱의 인식  사용 비율

 The above graph shows awareness and usage of smartphone applications featuring machine learning in 2017.

  그래프는 2017년에 기계 학습을 특징으로 하는 스마트폰 애플리케이션의 인식도와 사용률을 보여준다.

 In each of the five surveyed applications, the percentage of respondents demonstrating awareness was higher than that of respondents demonstrating usage.

 조사된 다섯 가지 애플리케이션 각각에서, 인식을 보인 응답자의 비율이 사용을 보인 응답자의 비율보다 높았다.

 Predictive text had the highest percentages of respondents in both awareness and usage, among the five applications.

 예측 텍스트는 다섯 가지 애플리케이션  인식도와 사용률에서 가장 높은 비율을 기록했다.

 The percentage of respondents displaying awareness of voice search was more than four times that of respondents using it.

 음성 검색에 대한 인식을 보인 응답자의 비율은 이를 사용하는 응답자의 비율보다 4 이상 높았다.

 Voice-to-text showed a higher percentage of the respondents reporting awareness of it than email classification, while this was not the case in their usage.

 음성을 텍스트로 변환하는 애플리케이션은 이메일 분류보다  많은 응답자가 이를 인식하고 있다고 보고했지만, 사용률에서는 그렇지 않았다.

 The percentage of respondents showing usage of automated photo classification was less than half of the percentage of those showing awareness of it.

 자동 사진 분류 애플리케이션을 사용하는 응답자의 비율은 이를 인식하는 응답자의 비율의 절반에도 미치지 못했다.


[3] 2024 10 – 26: 고고학자 Mary Leakey 업적과 아프리카에서의 중요한 발견들

 Mary Douglas Leakey was born in 1913 in London, England in a family of scholars and researchers.

 Mary Douglas Leakey 1913년에 영국 런던에서 학자와 연구자의 집안에서 태어났다.

 Her father, who was an artist, took her to see the stone tools being studied by French prehistorians.

 예술가였던 그녀의 아버지는 그녀를 데리고 프랑스 선사학자들이 연구하고 있던 석기를 보러 갔다.

 This sparked her interest in archaeology.

 이것은 고고학에 대한 그녀의 흥미를 불러 일으켰다.

 When she was just 17 years old, she served as an illustrator at a dig in England.

 그녀가 단지 17세일 , 그녀는 영국에 있는 발굴지에서 삽화가로 일했다.

 Shortly after marrying Louis Leakey, she left for East Africa with her husband.

 Louis Leakey 결혼하고 얼마 되지 않아, 그녀는 그녀의 남편과 함께 동아프리카로 떠났다.

 Together, they made important fossil discoveries.

 함께, 그들은 중요한 화석들을 발견했다.

 In 1948, Mary found a partial skull fossil of Proconsul africanus on Rusinga Island in Lake Victoria.

 1948년에, Mary Lake Victoria 있는 Rusinga Island에서 Proconsul africanus 두개골 화석의 일부를 찾았다.

 In 1959 in Tanzania, she discovered the skull of an early hominin that her husband named Zinjanthropus boisei, which is now known as Paranthropus boisei.

 1959 탄자니아에서 그녀는 그녀의 남편이 Zinjanthropus boisei라고 이름 붙인, 지금은 Paranthropus boisei라고 알려진 초기 호미닌(분류학상 인간의 조상으로 분류되는 종족) 두개골을 발견했다.

 Even after her husband's death in 1972, Mary continued her work in Africa.

 1972 그녀의 남편의 사망 이후에도, Mary 아프리카에서 그녀의 일을 계속했다.

 Mary died in 1996, in Nairobi, Kenya.

 Mary 1996 케냐 나이로비에서 사망했다.


[3] 2024 10 – 29: 후손들이 은하계를 식민지화할 가능성과 관련 기술들

 Sometime late in the next millennium, our descendants may head off to other star systems.

 다음  년의 후반부 언젠가, 우리의 후손들은 다른 항성계로 떠날 수도 있다.

 They may use comets as stepping-stones, some of which are only loosely bound to our sun because they reach almost halfway to the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri.

 그들은, 그중 일부가 우리의 태양에 그저 느슨하게 묶여 있는 혜성들을 (그들이) 디딤돌로 사용할 수도 있는데, 왜냐하면 그것들은 가장 가까운 항성계, Alpha Centauri 거의 (거리상으로) 중간에이르기 때문이다.

 Our remote descendants may eventually colonize much of our galaxy just as the first living organisms on Earth once colonized Earth's young oceans.

 우리의  후손들은 지구에  살아 있는 유기체들이 한때 지구의 초기 바다를 점령했던 것과 같이 우리 은하계의 대부분을 결국 점령할 수도 있다.

 Interstellar migrations will depend on as yet unimagined technologies for driving ships, for maintaining sustainable environments, and for putting humans into hibernations lasting for centuries.

 성간(星間) 이동은 우주선을 추진하기 위한, 지속 가능한 환경을 유지하기 위한, 인간을  세기 동안 지속되는 동면에 들어가게 하기 위한, 아직 상상이 되지 않는 기술에 의존할 것이다.

 Interstellar journeys will also depend on the existence of groups willing to risk long and dangerous voyages with little or no hope of returning.

 또한 성간(星間) 이동은 돌아올 희망이 거의 없거나 전혀 없는 길고 위험한 여정의 위험을 무릅쓸 의지가 있는 집단들의 존재에 달려 있을 것이다.

 It would take spaceships traveling at 1 percent of the speed of light more than four hundred years to reach the Alpha Centauri system.

 빛의 속도의 1% 이동하는 우주선이 Alpha Centauri(항성)계에 도달하는 데에는 400 이상이 걸릴 것이다.

 But if they spread out from there at a similar rate, they could settle star systems throughout the Milky Way within one hundred million years, which is just a bit longer than the span of time since dinosaurs ruled our Earth.

 그러나 그들이 그곳에서부터 비슷한 속도로 퍼져 나간다면, 그들은 1  이내에 은하계 도처의 항성계를 정착시킬  있을 것이고, 이는 공룡이 우리 지구를 지배했던 이후의 (시간의) 기간보다 아주 조금  길다.


[3] 2024 10 – 30: 어린 동물들이 계급질서에서 특별 대우를 받는 강아지 면허 설명

 Notably, young animals of many species have a special status, a leeway period granted by older members of the group.

 특히, 많은 종의 어린 동물들은 집단에서 나이가  많은 구성원들로부터 부여받는 자유 시기라는 특별한 지위를 갖는다.

 This break from the hierarchy is called "puppy license" by the behaviorists who see it in dogs, but it's a feature of family dynamics in a range of species.

  계층으로부터의 잠깐의 휴식 기간은 그것을 개에서  행동학자들에 의해 '강아지 면허'라고 불리는데, 그것은 다양한 종에서 가족 역학 관계의 특징이다.

 Older animals will overlook, or gently correct, an inappropriate display of dominance as long as the offender is young enough not to know better.

 나이가  많은 동물은 나쁜 짓을 하는 (동물) 어려서   알지 못하는 만큼, 적절치 않은 우월의 과시를 눈감아 주거나, 부드럽게 교정해  것이다.

 Puppy license also covers play: older dogs seem to enjoy puppy playfulness, and may encourage young dogs by wrestling more gently, barking more softly, and sometimes letting the puppies win.

 '강아지 면허' 놀이도 포함하는데, 나이가  많은 개들은 강아지들의 장난기를 즐기는  보이고,  부드럽게 몸싸움을 벌이며,  부드럽게 짖고, 때로는 강아지들이 이기게 함으로써 어린 개들에게 용기를 북돋워  수도 있다.

 As soon as that young dog hits a certain point in adolescence, however, its puppy license expires.

 그러나  어린 개가 사춘기의 특정 시점에 이르자마자, 그것의 '강아지 면허' 만료된다.

 Behaviors that were lightheartedly tolerated just a few days before are now met with adult pushback.

 불과 며칠 전만 해도 가볍게 용인되었던 행동들이 이제는 성체의 반발을 겪는다.

 Although the dog is still young and may lack experience, it is challenged and treated like an adult.

 개가 여전히 어리고 경험이 부족할 수도 있지만, 그것은 도전받고 성체처럼 대해진다.

 In the human world and in the dog world, as juveniles mature into wildhood and their puppy licenses are no longer valid, a tolerant world becomes irritated and intolerant.

 인간계와 개의 세계에서, 청소년들이 와일드후드(진화의 세월 동안 모든 종이 경험하는 유년기와 성인기 사이의 시기를 이르는 ) 성장하고 그들의 강아지 면허가  이상 유효하지 않을 , 관대한 세계는 짜증스럽고 너그럽지 못하게 된다.


[3] 2024 10 – 31: 과학 발전이  어려워지는 이유와 기존 이론의 한계

 After we make some amount of scientific and technological progress, does further progress get easier or harder?

 우리가 어느 정도의 과학적 그리고 기술적 발전을 이룬 후에,  이상의 발전은  쉬워지는가 혹은  어려워지는가?

 Intuitively, it seems like it could go either way because there are two competing effects.

 직관적으로, 어느 쪽이든   있을 것처럼 보이는데,  가지 경쟁하는 영향이 있기 때문이다.

 On the one hand, we "stand on the shoulders of giants": previous discoveries can make future progress easier.

 한편으로는, 우리는 '거인의 어깨에  있는데,'  이전의 발견이 미래의 발전을  쉽게 만들  있다.

 On the other hand, we "pick the low-hanging fruit": we make the easy discoveries first, so those that remain are more difficult.

 다른 한편으로는, 우리는 '낮게 매달려 있는 과일을 따는데,'  우리는 쉬운 발견을 먼저 해서 남아 있는 것들은  어렵다.

 You can only invent the wheel once, and once you have, it's harder to find a similarly important invention.

 여러분은 바퀴를  번만 발명할  있고, 일단 그러고 나면, 비슷하게 중요한 발명을 찾기란  어렵다.

 Though both of these effects are important, when we look at the data it's the latter effect that predominates.

   영향 모두 중요하지만, 데이터를 보면 지배하는 것은 바로 후자의 영향이다.

 Overall, past progress makes future progress harder.

 대체로, 과거의 발전은 미래의 발전을  어렵게 한다.

 It's easy to see this qualitatively by looking at the history of innovation.

 혁신의 역사를 살펴봄으로써 이것을 질적으로 아는 것은 쉽다.

 Consider physics.

 물리학을 고려해 보라.

 In 1905, his "miracle year," Albert Einstein revolutionized physics, describing the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, the theory of special relativity, and his famous equation, E=mc².

 그의 '기적의 ' 1905년에, 알버트 아인슈타인은 물리학에 대변혁을 일으켰는데, 광전 효과, 브라운 운동, 특수 상대성 이론, 그리고 그의 유명한 공식 E=mc² 기술하였다.

 He was twenty-six at the time and did all this while working as a patent clerk.

 그는  당시 26살이었고, 특허 사무원으로 일하며  모든 것을 했다.

 Compared to Einstein's day, progress in physics is now much harder to achieve.

 아인슈타인의 시대와 비교하여, 이제 물리학에서 발전은 이루기가 훨씬  어렵다.


[3] 2024 10 – 32: 유전자와 뇌의 구조가 행동에 미치는 영향과 환경의 역할

 Behavior is, for the most part, a product of genes and brain neuropathways.

 행동은, 대부분, 유전자와 뇌의 신경 경로의 산물이다.

 Consider the elegant chemistry at work when living organisms move, think, behave, and act.

 살아 있는 유기체가 움직이고, 생각하고, 처신하고, 행동할  작용하는 정교한 화학 작용을 고려해 보라.

 Certainly, the environment is a factor here because it can influence how we act.

 틀림없이, 환경은 여기서 하나의 요소인데 그것이 우리가 '행동하는 방식' 영향을 미칠  있기 때문이다.

 An analogy would illustrate this adequately.

  가지 비유가 이것을 적절히 설명할  있을 것이다.

 Think of the environment as gasoline, and our body as the engine.

 환경을 휘발유로, 우리 몸을 엔진으로 생각해 보라.

 Truly, the engine does not run without the gasoline, but all the intricate parts of the engine are the product of physical architecture, designed and assembled for a reactive purpose long before the gasoline is injected.

 엄밀히, 엔진은 휘발유 없이는 작동하지 않지만, 엔진의 모든 복잡한 부품들은 '물리적 구조' 산물인데, 휘발유가 주입되기 훨씬 이전에 반응을 보이려는 목적으로 설계되고 조립되었다.

 Inject more gas and the engine accelerates, less, and it slows.

  많은 휘발유를 주입하면, 엔진이 빨라지고,  적은 (휘발유를 주입하면), 그것은 느려진다.

 The same is true for an organism.

 유기체에서도 마찬가지이다.

 Behavior is a response to the environment.

 행동은 환경에 대한 '반응'이다.

 We have 'free will,' but the ultimate characteristic of that response can only act with respect to the architecture of our genes and our brain.

 우리는 '자유 의지' 가지고 있지만,  반응의 궁극적인 특성은 우리의 유전자와 우리의 뇌의 구조와 관해서만 작용할  있다.

 In other words, the environment can, effectively, accelerate or slow down a potential behavior, but the engine for that behavior is already built and functional; therefore, the environment is but a catalyst.

 다시 말해, 환경은 잠재적인 행동을 효과적으로 빨라지게 하거나 늦출  있지만,  행동을 위한 엔진은 이미 구축되었고 가동된다. 따라서 환경은 단지 촉매일 뿐이다.


[3] 2024 10 – 33: 영아들이 의도적인 행동을 모방하는 사회 인지적 혁명 과정

 The social-cognitive revolution at 1 year of age sets the stage for infants' second year of life, in which they begin to imitatively learn the use of all kinds of tools, artifacts, and symbols.

 1살의 나이에 사회 인지의 혁명은 유아들의 생애 두번째 해를 위한 발판을 설정하는데, 그때 그들은 모든 종류의 도구, 인공물, 그리고 기호의 사용을 모방하여 배우기 시작한다.

 For example, in a study by Meltzoff , 14-month-old children observed an adult bend at the waist and touch its head to a panel, thus turning on a light.

 예를 들어, Meltzoff  연구에서, 14개월  아이들은  어른이 허리를 구부리고 자신의 머리를 패널에 갖다 대어, 전등을 켜는 것을 관찰했다.

 They followed suit.

 그들은  방식을 따라 했다.

 Infants engaged in this somewhat unusual and awkward behavior, even though it would have been easier and more natural for them simply to push the panel with their hand.

 유아들은 단순히 그들의 손으로 패널을 누르는 것이 그들에게  쉽고 자연스러웠을 것임에도 불구하고,  다소 이상하고 어색한 행동을 하기 시작했다.

 One interpretation of this behavior is that infants understood that the adult had the goal of illuminating the light and then chose one means for doing so, from among other possible means, and if they had the same goal, they could choose the same means.

  행동에 대한  가지 해석은 유아들이  어른이 불을 켜는 목표를 가지고 있었고 그리고 나서 그렇게 하기 위한 수단 하나를, 가능한 다른 수단들 중에서, 골랐다는 것과 만약 그들이 같은 목표를가진다면, 그들은 같은 수단을 선택할  있다는 것을 이해했다는 것이다.

 Similarly, Carpenter et al. found that 16-month-old infants will imitatively learn from a complex behavioral sequence only those behaviors that appear intentional, ignoring those that appear accidental.

 마찬가지로, Carpenter et al. 16개월  유아들은 복잡한 행동의 연달아 일어남으로부터 의도적이라고 보이는 그런 행동들만 모방하여 배울 것이고, 뜻하지 않아 보이는 것들은 무시한다는 것을알아냈다.

 Young children do not just imitate the limb movements of other persons, they attempt to reproduce other persons' intended actions in the world.

 어린아이들은 단순히 다른 사람들의 팔다리의 움직임을 모방하는 것이 아니라, 그들은 세상에서 다른 사람들의 의도된 행동들을 재현하려고 시도한다.


[3] 2024 10 – 34: 과학적 이론은 언제든지 오류가 입증될  있음을 설명

 As an ideal of intellectual inquiry and a strategy for the advancement of knowledge, the scientific method is essentially a monument to the utility of error.

 지적 탐구의 이상이자 지식의 발전을 위한 전략으로서, 과학적 방법은 본질적으로 오류의 유용성을 보여주는 기념비이다.

 Most of us gravitate toward trying to prove our beliefs, to the extent that we bother investigating their validity at all.

 우리 대부분은 우리의 믿음을 입증하려고 노력하는 것에 자연히 끌리는데, 우리가 그것들의 타당성을 굳이 조사하려 해야만 (조사)하는 정도까지 그러하다.

 But scientists gravitate toward falsification; as a community if not as individuals, they seek to disprove their beliefs.

 그러나 과학자들은 반증에 자연히 끌리며, 개인으로서는 아니더라도 공동체로서, 그들은 자신의 믿음이 그릇됨을 입증하려고 한다.

 Thus, the defining feature of a hypothesis is that it has the potential to be proven wrong (which is why it must be both testable and tested), and the defining feature of a theory is that it hasn't been proven wrong yet.

 따라서 가설의 본질적인 의미를 규정하는 특징은 그것이 틀리다고 입증될 가능성을 가진다는 것이며(이는 그것(가설) 반드시 검증 가능할 수도 있어야 하고 검증되기도 해야 한다는 이유이다.) 이론의 본질적인 의미를 규정하는 특징은 그것이 아직 틀리다고 입증되지 않았다는 것이다.

 But the important part is that it can be ─ no matter how much evidence appears to confirm it, no matter how many experts endorse it, no matter how much popular support it enjoys.

 그러나 중요한 부분은 아무리 많은 증거가 그것(이론) 옳음을 증명하는  같더라도, 아무리 많은 전문가가 그것을 지지하더라도, 아무리  대중의 지지를 그것이 받더라도, 그것은 그렇게   있다는 것이다.

 In fact, not only can any given theory be proven wrong; sooner or later, it probably will be.

 사실, 어떤 주어진 이론도 틀리다고 입증'  있을' 뿐만 아니라, 조만간 그것은 아마도 그렇게  것이다.

 And when it is, the occasion will mark the success of science, not its failure.

 그리고 그것이 그렇게  ,  경우는 그것(과학) 실패가 아닌, 과학의 성공을 나타낼 것이다.

 This was the crucial insight of the Scientific Revolution: that the advancement of knowledge depends on current theories collapsing in the face of new insights and discoveries.

 이것은 과학 혁명의 중대한 통찰력이었는데, 지식의 발전은 새로운 통찰과 발견들 앞에서 붕괴하는 현재 이론에 달려 있다.


[3] 2024 10 – 35: 새로운 시스템 사용  개인적 필요가 사회적 목표와 충돌할  있음

 It is important to remember that to achieve acceptance and use of new technologies/systems, the personal importance to the users has to be valued more highly than the degree of innovation.

 새로운 기술 / 시스템의 수용과 사용을 달성하기 위해서는 사용자들에게 개인적 중요성이 혁신의 정도보다 더욱 높이 평가되어야 한다는 점을 기억하는 것이 중요하다.

 However, policies and political goals are often confused with the driver's personal goals.

 그러나 정책들과 정치적 목표들은 종종 운전자의 개인적 목표들과 혼동된다.

 Societal goals and individual goals do not necessarily coincide.

 사회적 목표들과 개인적 목표들은 반드시 일치하지는 않는다.

 For example, the policy goal behind ISA (Intelligent Speed Adaptation; a system which warns the drivers when they exceed the speed limit, and may even prevent them from doing so) could be to increase traffic safety or to increase speed limit compliance.

 예를 들어, ISA(지능형 속도 적응 시스템,  운전자들이 제한 속도를 초과할  그들에게 경고하고 심지어 그들이 그렇게 하는 것을 방지할  있는 시스템) 뒤에 있는 정책 목표는 교통안전을 증진하거나 제한 속도 준수를 증진하는 것일  있다.

 These goals might not be relevant to some drivers, for example, due to their feeling that safety measures are redundant because of their own personal driving skills or because speeding is not seen as a 'real crime.'

 이러한 목표들은 일부 운전자들에게는 관련이 없을  있는데, 예를 들어, 그들 자신의 개인적인 운전 기술 때문에 안전 조치가 불필요하다는 그들의 느낌 때문에 혹은 속도위반이 '진짜 범죄' 보이지 않기 때문이다.

 Nevertheless, they might find that the system helps them to avoid speeding tickets or they want to use the system simply because they have a general interest in innovative systems.

 그럼에도 불구하고, 그들은  시스템이 속도위반 딱지를 피하는 것을 도와준다는 것을 알게  수도 있고 혹은 단순히 그들이 혁신적인 시스템에 대한 일반적인 관심을 가졌기 때문에 그들은  시스템을 사용하고 싶어 한다.


[3] 2024 10 – 36: 나이가 들면서 비언어적 감정 신호를 감지하는 능력이 약해지는 현상

 From infancy, even before we learn to speak, we absorb how to infer people's emotions from their behaviors.

 유아기부터, 심지어 우리가 말하는 것을 배우기 전에, 우리는 어떻게 사람들의 감정들을 그들의 행동으로부터 추론하는지를 흡수한다.

 As we grow older, however, this capacity can atrophy.

 하지만, 우리가 나이가 들면서  능력은 쇠퇴할  있다.

 We start to pay increasing attention to what people say rather than what they do, to the point where we can fail to notice nonlinguistic clues.

 우리는 사람들이 무엇을 하는지보다 무엇을 말하는지에 점점  느는 주의를 기울이기 시작하여, 비언어적인 단서들을 알아차리지 못하는 정도에 이른다.

 Spoken language is so information rich that it lulls us into ignoring hints that someone might be, say, upset and instead focus on their words when they say, It's nothing. I feel fine.

 구어는 정보가 매우 풍부해서 그것은 누군가가, 예를 들어, 화가 났을  있다는 힌트들을 우리가 무시하게 하고 그들이 '아무것도 아니야. 나는 괜찮아.'라고 말할  그들의 말에 대신 집중한다.

 Some people, however, have a talent for detecting emotions, even when they're unspoken.

 하지만, 어떤 사람들은 심지어 그것들이  밖에 내어지지 않을 때도 감정들을 감지하는 재능을 가지고 있다.

 We all know people like this: Friends who seem to intuit when we're feeling down, even if we haven't said anything; managers who sense when a kind word is needed to help us get over the hump at work.

 우리 모두는 이와 같은 사람들(우리가 어떤 것도 말하지 않았더라도 우리가 마음이 울적한 때를 직관으로 아는 것처럼 보이는 친구들, 우리가 직장에서 고비를 넘기는 것을 돕기 위해 친절한 말이 필요한 때를 감지하는 매니저들) 안다.

 It's natural to assume these people are unusually observant, or uncommonly sensitive.

 이러한 사람들이 대단히 관찰력이 있거나, 굉장히 세심하다고 추측하는 것은 당연하다.

 Sometimes they are.

 때때로 그들은 그러하다.

 But years of research indicates this is a skill anyone can develop.

 하지만 수년간의 연구는 이것이 누구나 계발할  있는 기술이라는 것을 보여 준다.

 We can learn to identify the nonverbal clues that indicate someone's true emotions and use these hints to understand what they are feeling.

 우리는 누군가의 진짜 감정들을 보여 주는 비언어적 단서들을 알아보는 것을 배울  있고  힌트들을 사용하여 그들이 무엇을 느끼고 있는지 이해할  있다.


[3] 2024 10 – 37: 우리가 아는 것과 모르는 것에 대한 인식 감정 설명

 Some epistemic feelings let us know that we know.

 어떤 인식론적 느낌들은 우리에게 우리가 안다는 것을 알게 한다.

 These include the feeling of knowing, the feeling of certainty, and the feeling of correctness.

 이것들은 안다는 느낌, 확신의 느낌, 그리고 정확함의 느낌을 포함한다.

 For example, you feel sure that "1666" is the answer to the question, "When did the Great Fire of London occur?"

 예를 들어, 여러분은 "런던 대화재는 언제 발생했습니까?"라는 질문에 '1666' 답이라고 확신한다.

 Feeling that you know, even that you are sure, is not unfailing.

 여러분이 안다고, 심지어 확신한다고, 느끼는 것이 언제나 변함없는 것은 아니다.

 We can be mistaken in those feelings.

 우리는 그런 느낌들에서 잘못 알고 있을  있다.

 Other epistemic feelings alert our attention to what we do not yet know.

 다른 인식론적 느낌들은 우리가 아직 알지 못하는 것에 우리의 주의를 환기시킨다.

 Curiosity, awe, and wonder fall into this category.

 호기심, 경외감, 그리고 놀라움이  범주에 속한다.

 As with the feelings of knowing, we can ask whether feelings of not-yet-knowing are necessarily right.

 안다는 느낌들에  그렇듯이 우리는 아직 알지 못한다는 느낌들이 반드시 맞는지 물을  있다.

 It does seem that if you wonder at something, there is something that prompted you to wonder.

 여러분이 무언가를 궁금해 한다면 여러분을 궁금해하게  무언가가 정말로 있는 것처럼 보인다.

 This feeling alerts you to the fact that your current body of knowledge ─ the schemas, heuristics, and other information you use ─ did not prepare you for the thing you wonder at.

  느낌은 여러분에게 여러분의 현재 지식 체계,  스키마, 휴리스틱, 그리고 여러분이 사용하는 다른 정보가 여러분이 궁금해하는 것에 대해 여러분을 준비시키지 않았다는 사실에 주의를 환기시킨다.

 As such, wonder is a useful emotion, because it points to gaps in what you thought you knew.

 이처럼 놀라움은 유용한 감정인데 그것은 여러분이 알고 있었다고 생각했던 것에  곳을 가리키기 때문이다.


[3] 2024 10 – 38: 기억이 왜곡되는 이유와 이것이 뉴스 인식에 미치는 영향

 Memory often plays tricks.

 기억은 흔히 속임수를 쓴다.

 According to Mlodinow, we give "unwarranted importance to memories that are the most vivid and hence most available for retrieval ─ our memory makes it easy to remember the events that are unusual and striking not the many events that are normal and dull."

 Mlodinow 따르면, 우리는 '가장 생생하고, 따라서 불러오기에 가장 용이한 기억들에 부당한 중요성' 부여한다. '우리의 기억은 평범하고 지루한 많은 사건들이 아니라, 색다르고 인상적인 사건들을 기억하는 것을 쉽게 만든다.'

 The self-serving bias works because, as Trivers observes, "There are also many processes of memory that can be biased to produce welcome results. Memories are continually distorting in self-serving ways."

 자기 잇속만 차리는 편향이 작용하는데, Trivers 논평하듯이, '기꺼이 받아들여지는 결과를 산출하도록 편향될  있는 많은 기억의 과정들이 또한 있으며, 기억들은 계속해서 자기 잇속만 차리는 방식으로 왜곡되고 있기' 때문이다.

 A recent study argues that several forms of cognitive bias cause distortions in storing and retrieving memories.

 최근  연구는 인지적인 편향의 몇몇 형태가 기억들을 저장하고 불러오는  왜곡을 일으킨다고 주장한다.

 This, in turn, has a bearing on theories of agenda setting, priming, and framing, which argue that how people respond to the news is strongly influenced by what is most easily and readily accessible from their memories.

 이것은, 결국, 의제를 정하고, 준비하고, 구성하는 이론들에 영향을 미치는데, 이것들은 어떻게 사람들이 뉴스에 반응하는가가 그들의 기억들로부터 가장 쉽게 그리고 즉시 접근 가능한 것에 의해 강력하게 영향을 받는다고 주장한다.

 But what if memories about news stories are faulty and distort, forget, or invent what was actually reported?

 하지만 만약 뉴스 기사에 대한 기억들이 불완전하고, 실제로 보도되었던 것을 왜곡하거나, 빠뜨리거나, (사실이 아닌 것으로) 지어낸다면 어떠한가?

 In such cases, it may be the manipulation of memories in individual minds that primes, frames, and sets the agenda, not the original news stories.

 그러한 경우에는, 의제를 준비하고, 구성하고, 정하는 것은 원래의 뉴스 기사가 아니라 개인의 머릿속 기억들의 조작일 수도 있다.


[3] 2024 10 – 39: 차별 방정식 대신 간단한 신체 동작을 통해 공을 잡는 방법

 One way to catch a fly ball is to solve all the differential equations governing the ball's trajectory as well as your own movements and at the same time reposition your body based on those solutions.

 높이  공을 잡는  가지 방법은 여러분 자신의 움직임뿐만 아니라  공의 궤적을 지배하는 모든 미분 방정식을 풀고, 동시에  해법에 따라 여러분의 몸의 위치를 움직이는 것이다.

 Unfortunately, you don't have a differential equation-solving device in your brain, so instead you solve a simpler problem: how to place the glove most effectively between the ball and your body.

 불행히도, 여러분은 여러분의 뇌에 미분 방정식을 푸는 장치가 없어서, 대신 여러분은  간단한 문제(어떻게  공과 여러분의  사이에 글러브를 가장 효과적으로 위치시킬지) 푼다.

 The cerebellum assumes that your hand and the ball should appear in similar relative positions for each catch.

 소뇌는 여러분의 손과  공이  포구(捕球)마다 비슷한 상대적 위치에 나타나야 한다고 가정한다.

 So, if the ball is dropping too fast and your hand appears to be going too slowly, it will direct your hand to move more quickly to match the familiar relative position.

 그래서, 공이 너무 빠르게 떨어지고 있고 여러분의 손이 너무 느리게 움직이고 있는 것처럼 보이면, 그것은 여러분의 손을  빠르게 움직여 익숙한 상대적 위치에 맞추도록 지시할 것이다.

 These simple actions by the cerebellum to map sensory inputs onto muscle movements enable us to catch the ball without solving any differential equations.

 감각 입력을 근육 움직임에 연결시키는 소뇌에 의한 이러한 간단한 행동들은 우리가  어떤 미분 방정식도 풀지 않고 공을 잡을  있게 한다.

 We are also able to use the cerebellum to anticipate what our actions would be even if we don't actually take them.

 우리는 또한 우리의 행동들이 무엇일지 예측하는 데에 소뇌를 사용할  있는데 설령 우리가 그것들을 실제로 하지 않아도 그러하다.

 Your cerebellum might tell you that you could catch the ball but you're likely to crash into another player, so maybe you should not take this action.

 여러분의 소뇌는 여러분이 공을 잡을 수는 있지만  다른 선수와 충돌할 가능성이 있다는 것을 알려줄 수도 있고, 그러면 여러분은  행동을 하지 않는 편이 좋을지도 모른다.


[3] 2024 10 – 40: 시의 불가역적 형식이 철학적 탐구에 미치는 영향 설명

 Philosophical interest in poetry has been dominated by the question of whether poetry can aid philosophical thought and promote philosophical inquiry.

 시에 대한 철학적 관심은 시가 철학적 사고를 돕고 철학적 탐구를 촉진할  있는지에 대한 질문에 의해 지배되어 왔다.

 This focus reflects a tradition of philosophers like Pope and Rumi presenting their philosophical work in verse.

  초점은 Pope Rumi 같은 철학자들이 자신의 철학적 작품을 운문으로 나타내는 전통을 반영한다.

 In addition, poets like William Wordsworth and T. S. Eliot have been celebrated as poet-philosophers, with their work valued as the product of philosophy through poetry.

 게다가, William Wordsworth T. S. Eliot 같은 시인들은 그들의 작품이 시를 통한 철학의 산물로 높이 평가받으며 시인철학자로서 찬사를 받아 왔다.

 However, arguments against poetry having a role to play in philosophical inquiry have tended to focus on poetry's (negative) relationship to truth (or, as John Koethe puts it, poetry's indifference to truth).

 그러나 시가 철학적 탐구에서 맡은 역할을 가지고 있다는 것에 반하는 주장들은 시와 진실 간의 (부정적) 관계(, John Koethe 표현하듯, 진실에 대한 시의 무관심) 집중해  경향이 있다.

 Although we may accept works of poetry as having philosophical themes, this does not amount to doing philosophy through poetry.

 우리는  작품들이 철학적 주제를 갖는 것으로 받아들일 수도 있지만, 이것은 철학을 시를 통해 하는 것과 마찬가지는 아니다.

 One such argument hinges on the non-paraphrasability of poetry and form-content unity.

 그러한 하나의 주장은 시의 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현할  없음과 형식 내용의 통일성 여하에 달려 있다.

 The thought goes, if poetry is to play a role in philosophy, then it needs to be paraphrasable (that is, its content must be separable from its form).

  생각은 만약 시가 철학에서 역할을 하려면, 그것은 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현할  있어야 한다는 (, 그것의 내용은 그것의 형식으로부터 반드시 분리될  있어야 한다)으로 이어진다.

 The assumption is that paraphrase is a mark of understanding and indicates that some proposition has a fixed meaning and that only a proposition with a fixed meaning can be evaluated in terms of truth or falsity.

  가정은 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현하는 것이 이해의 표시이며 어떤 명제가 고정된 의미를 지닌다는 것과 고정된 의미를 지닌 명제만이 진실 혹은 거짓이라는 면에서 평가될  있다는 것을 보여 준다.

 Poetry resists paraphrase: to change the words is to change the poem.

 시는 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현하는 것에 저항한다. 단어를 바꾸는 것은 시를 바꾸는 것이다.

 [Summary] Some believe in the ability of poetry to convey philosophy, but for others, its resistance to paraphrasing restricts its philosophical role.

 [Summary] 일부 사람들은 철학을 전달하는 시의 능력을 믿는데, 다른 사람들에게는, 그것의 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현하는 것에 대한 저항이 그것의 철학적 역할을 제한한다.


[3] 2024 10 – 41~42: 앵무새의 소리와 돌에 새겨진 문양이 의미를 가질  없는 이유

 Vocal sounds produced by parrots, regardless of the fact that they may be audibly indistinguishable from spoken words and regardless of the fact that someone or some group of people may take them to be words, are not words.

 앵무새가 내는 목소리는, 그것이 들리기에는 소리내어진 말과 구별되지 않을 수도 있다는, 그리고 누군가 또는 어떤 사람들의 집단이 그것들을 말이라고 여길 수도 있다는 사실에도 불구하고, 말이 아니다.

 They are not given a semantic dimension by physical similitude to spoken words.

 그것들은 소리내어진 말과의 물리적 유사성으로 의미론적 차원이 주어지지 않는다.

 Nor can the "talk" of a parrot be given a semantic dimension by being taken to be a set of linguistic acts.

 앵무새의 '' 일련의 언어적 행위로 여겨지는 것으로도 의미론적 차원이 주어질  없다.

 In like manner, weather etchings on a stone or shapes in the clouds, regardless of how physically similar they may be to written words or drawings of objects and regardless of what they are taken to be by observers, are not words or pictures.

 마찬가지로, 돌에 있는 날씨 식각(날씨로 인해 새겨진 형상) 혹은 구름의 모양들은, 그들이 쓰여진 말이나 사물의 그림들과 물리적으로 얼마나 비슷한지와 관계없이 그리고 그들이 관찰자들에 의해 무엇으로 여겨질지와 관계없이, 말이나 그림이 아니다.

 They do not have the appropriate etiology and they have no inherent semantic content or object.

 그것들에는 적절한 원인의 추구가 없고, 그것들은 내재된 의미론적 내용이나 대상도 없다.

 They are simply physical objects that resemble certain other things.

 그것들은 단순히 특정한 다른 것들을 닮은 물리적 사물일 뿐이다.

 For observers, they may call to mind the things they resemble.

 관찰자들에게, 그것들은 그들이 닮은 사물들을 상기시킬 수도 있다.

 In this regard, they may function as natural signs by virtue of the physical resemblance, but they have no semantic content about which one could be right or wrong.

 이런 점에서, 그것들은 물리적 유사성 덕분에 자연적 기호로 기능할 수도 있지만, 그것들은 어떤 것이 옳거나 그를  있다는 것에 대한 의미론적 내용을 가지지 않는다.

 If people take A to be a sign of B by virtue of some nonsemantic relation that holds, or is believed to hold, between A and B, A is a sign of B.

 만약 사람들이 'A' 'B' 사이에 있는, 혹은 있다고 여겨지는, 어떤 비의미론적 연관성 덕분에 'A' 'B' 기호로 받아들인다면, 'A' 'B' 기호이다.

 But words, pictures, and images are not that way.

 하지만, , 사진, 그림은 그런 식이 아니다.



 They contain a semantic content to be understood.

 그것들은 이해되어야  의미론적 내용을 가진다.


[3] 2024 10 – 43~45: 눈사람과 토끼의 교환과 우정 이야기

 One frosty morning, a rabbit was jumping about on a hill.

 어느 서리가 내린 아침, 토끼  마리가 언덕에서 뛰어 돌아다니고 있었다.

 There stood a snowman which had been made by some children.

 그곳에는 어떤 아이들이 만든 눈사람이  있었다.

 He had a broom in his hand and a carrot nose.

 그는 그의 손에 빗자루, 그리고 당근 코를 가지고 있었다.

 The rabbit saw the carrot and swallowed hard.

 토끼는 당근을 보고 침을 삼켰다.

 "I will have a delicious breakfast," he thought and jumped up, reaching out for the snowman's nose.

 그는 '나는 맛있는 아침을 먹을 거야,'라고 생각하고 뛰어올라, 눈사람의 코로 손을 뻗었다.

 But before the rabbit even touched him, something hit him hard.

 그러나 토끼가 심지어 그에게 닿기도 전에, 무언가가 그를 강하게 때렸다.

 "Go Away!" the snowman threatened him with his great broom.

 "저리 !" 눈사람이 그의 커다란 빗자루로 그를 위협했다.

 "Sorry, Mr. Snowman, I just..." murmured the rabbit.

 "미안해요, 눈사람 , 나는 그냥...." 토끼가 웅얼거렸다.

 "You wanted to eat my nose!," he shouted.

 "너는  코를 먹고 싶어 했어!"라고 그가 소리쳤다.

 "I was so hungry and it looked so tasty," apologized the rabbit.

 " 너무 배가 고팠고 그것은 너무 맛있어 보였어요,"라고 토끼가 사과했다.

 The snowman thought for a moment.

 눈사람은 잠시 생각해 보았다.

 "Hmm... Here, I am bored by myself.

 "..., 여기에서, 나는 혼자서 지루해.

 I would like to go to the village where the children are.

 나는  아이들이 있는 마을에 가고 싶어.

 If you take me there, I'll give you my carrot," said the snowman.

 만약 나를 거기로 데려가 준다면, 나는 너에게  당근을 줄게,"라고 눈사람이 말했다.

 Excited by the offer, the rabbit told the snowman to wait and disappeared.

  제안에 신이 나서, 토끼는 눈사람에게 기다리라고 말하고 사라졌다.

 He returned shortly, dragging a sled and said to the snowman, "Let's go!"

 그는 썰매를 끌며  돌아왔고 눈사람에게 말했다. "갑시다!"

 The sled ran smoothly over the snow.

 썰매는  위를 부드럽게 달렸다.

 The snowman with joy waved his broom.

 눈사람은 기쁨에 자신의 빗자루를 흔들었다.

 After a while, they arrived in the middle of the village.

 얼마 후에, 그들은 마을 가운데에 도착했다.

 "Here we are," said the rabbit.

 " 왔어요,"라고 토끼가 말했다.

 "Thank you. Here's the carrot," said the snowman, giving him his carrot.

 "고마워. , 당근이야," 눈사람은 그에게 자신의 당근을 주면서 말했다.

 The rabbit hesitated for a moment.

 토끼는 잠시 망설였다.

 "Come on, take it. I have a feeling that I'll get a new one," urged the snowman.

 ", 가져가. 나는 새로운 것을 얻을 거라는 느낌이 들어,"라고 눈사람이 재촉했다.

 He finally accepted the carrot and leapt back into the woods.

 그는 마침내 당근을 받았고 숲속으로 껑충 뛰어 들어갔다.

 Not long after, the children gathered around the snowman.

 얼마 지나지 않아서, 아이들은 눈사람 주변으로 모였다.

 Noticing that he had no nose, they gave him a fresh carrot.

 그에게 코가 없다는 것을 알아차리자, 그들은 그에게 싱싱한 당근을 주었다.

 From that time on, the snowman stood in the middle of the village, with a broom in his hand and a marvelous new carrot nose.

 그때부터, 눈사람은 마을 가운데에서, 그의 손에 빗자루, 그리고 멋진  당근 코를 가지고  있었다.






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여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 





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전체 내용

[2] 2024 10  18: 추가 예산이 필요한 이유와 해결을 요청하는 이메일
 Dear Executive Manager Schulz, Schulz 부장님께,
 It is a week before the internship program starts. 인턴십 프로그램을 시작하기 일주일 전입니다.
 I am writing to bring your attention to a matter that requires immediate consideration regarding the issue my department has. 저희 부서의 사안과 관련하여 즉각적인 고려가 필요한 문제에 대해 당신의 관심을 환기하기 위해 이 글을 씁니다.
 As the coordinator, it is becoming apparent to me that the budget, previously approved by your department, needs some adjustments in order to meet the emerging modifications. 업무 담당자로서 최근 생겨난 수정 사항을 충족시키기 위해서, 이전에 당신의 부서로부터 승인받은 예산은 약간의 조정이 필요함이 분명해지고 있습니다.
 Since my department has hired three more interns than planned initially, the most expensive need is for additional funding to cover their wages, training costs, and materials. 우리 부서에서 처음에 계획됐던 것보다 세 명의 인턴을 더 고용했기 때문에, 가장 비용이 많이 드는 부족한 부분은 그들의 임금, 훈련 비용, 물품들을 다루기 위한 추가적인 자금입니다.
 I kindly request an additional budget allocation for these expenses. 이 비용들을 위해 추가적인 예산 배당을 정중하게 요청합니다.
 Please refer to the attachment for details. 자세한 사항은 첨부물을 참고해 주세요.
 Thank you for your attention. 당신의 관심에 감사 드립니다.
 Best regards, Matt Perry Matt Perry 드림




[2] 2024 10  19: 이름 철자 실수로 인해 예약 확인이 지연된 경험
 Katie approached the hotel front desk to check-in but an unexpected event unfolded. Katie는 체크인을 하기 위해 호텔 안내 데스크에 다가갔으나 예상하지 못한 사건이 전개되었다.
 The receptionist couldn't find her reservation under the name 'Katie'. 접수 담당자는 'Katie'라는 이름으로 된 예약을 찾을 수 없었다.
 I'm sorry, but I can't seem to locate a reservation under that name, the receptionist said. 죄송하지만, 그 이름으로 된 예약을 찾을 수 없는 것 같습니다.라고 접수 담당자가 말했다.
 No way, I definitely made a reservation on the phone, Katie said, puzzled. 말도 안 돼요, 저는 분명히 전화로 예약했어요.라고Katie가 어리둥절해하며 말했다.
 The receptionist asked, "Can you tell me your phone number?" and Katie told it to him, thinking 'What happened? Did I make a mistake?' 접수 담당자가 "당신의 전화번호를 말해 주실 수 있을까요?"라고 물어 보았고, Katie '무슨 일이지? 내가 실수를 저질렀나?'라고 생각하며 전화번호를 그에게 알려 주었다.
 Just a moment, the receptionist said, typing deliberately on the keyboard. 잠시만요.라고 접수 담당자가 키보드를 신중하게 치면서 말했다.
 I found it! It seems there was a small misspelling. Your reservation is under 'K-A-T-Y', the receptionist explained. 알아냈습니다! 작은 오타가 있었던 것 같습니다. 당신의 예약은 'K-A-T-Y'로 되어 있어요.라고 접수 담당자가 설명했다.
 With a sense of ease, Katie watched her reservation appearing on the screen. 편안한 기분으로 Katie는 그녀의 예약이 화면에 나타나는 것을 지켜봤다.
 With her heart slowing to a gentle rhythm, she proceeded with her check-in, thinking that a simple misspelling might have ruined her plans. 그녀의 심장이 완만한 리듬으로 느려지면서, 그녀는 단순한 오타가 그녀의 계획들을 망쳤을지도 모른다고 생각하며 체크인을 진행했다.




[2] 2024 10  20: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 
 To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems. 수학적 문해력이 있다는 것은 수학과 관련된 사회적 이슈에 대해 이러한 문제들을 어떻게 해결할지에 대한 정보에 입각한 결정을 하기 위해서 비판적으로 생각할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다.
 Dealing with such complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirroring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing mathematical teaching methods. 범교과적인 접근법을 통해 그러한 복잡한 문제들을 다루는 과정에서 실생활 문제들을 반영하는 것은 수학적 교수 방법을 계획하고 조직하는 혁신적인 방법들을 요구한다.
 Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking. 우리의 세계를 탐색한다는 것은 비판적 사고 안에서 그리고 비판적 사고를 사용할 때 수량화하고, 측정하고, 추산하고, 분류하고, 비교하고, 패턴을 찾고, 추측하고, 근거를 제시하고, 증명하고, 일반화할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다.
 Therefore, making decisions, even qualitatively, is not possible without using mathematics and critical thinking. 그러므로, 수학과 비판적 사고를 사용하지 않고 의사 결정을 하는 것은 질적 인 경우에라도 가능하지 않다.
 Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process. 따라서, 수학을 가르치는 것은 의사 결정 과정과 함께 비판적 사고와의 상호 작용 안에서 이루어져야 한다.
 They can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them. 그것들은 수학적인 맥락 안에서 발전될 수 있고, 학생들이 그것들을 발전시킬 수 있도록 명시적으로 도움을 주지 않을 경우 변명의 여지가 없다.




[2] 2024 10  21: 덕목은 일시적 충동이 아니라 지속적인 도덕적 습관에서 형성됨
 Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present after taking a generosity booster. 평소에 인색한 여러분의 친구가 관대함 효능 촉진제를 먹고 난 이후에 여러분에게 크리스마스 선물을 사 주며 매우 기뻐한다고 상상해 보라.
 How would you feel? 여러분은 어떻게 느끼겠는가?
 Undoubtedly, there is something praiseworthy about the action. 의심할 여지없이, 그 행동에는 칭찬할 만한 점이 있다.
 You'd be pleased to receive the gift. 여러분은 선물을 받아서 기뻐할 것이다.
 You'd say 'thank you', and mean it. 여러분은 '고마워'라고 말하고, 그것은 진심일 것이다.
 But his change of heart is not entirely satisfying. 하지만 그의 마음의 변화는 완전히 만족스럽지는 않다.
 According to Zagzebski, an American philosopher, he is not really generous. 미국의 철학자인 Zagzebski에 따르면, 그는 진정으로 관대한 것이 아니다.
 When we praise someone's character, we use words for various virtues: 'generous', 'kind', 'courageous', etc. 우리가 누군가의 인품을 칭찬할 때 '관대한,' '친절한,' '용기있는' 등 다양한 미덕에 대한 단어를 사용한다.
 A person who gives one gift isn't generous. 선물을 하나 준 사람이 관대한 것은 아니다.
 Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person's 'moral identity', an emotional habit that is part of who you are. 대신에, 관대함은 누군가의 '도덕적 정체성'의 안정된 일부인데 그것은 여러분의 모습의 일부인 정서적 습관이다.
 Thus virtues, as opposed to nontypical impulse, are the result of your personal history. 따라서 미덕은, 비전형적인 충동과는 달리, 여러분 개인 역사의 결과이다.
 They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed. 그것들이 여러분의 인품이 형성되었던 방식의 일부이기 때문에 그것들은 여러분의 모습 중 일부이다.
 Instant virtue is therefore impossible. 그러므로 즉각적인 미덕은 있을 수 없다.
 Popping a pill cannot make you a better person. 약 한 알을 먹는 것이 여러분을 더 나은 사람으로 만들 수는 없다.




[2] 2024 10  22: 이중성 시스템을 활용해 별의 질량을 계산하는 방법 설명
 To determine the mass of my bowling ball, I might put it onto a balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams. 볼링공 질량을 측정하기 위해, 나는 그것을 저울에 올려놓고 각 1g, 10g, 또는 100g이 나가는 여러 개의 금속 큐브 같은 이미 알고 있는 질량과 그것을 비교할 수 있다.
 Things get much more complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star. 만약 내가 먼 별의 질량을 알고 싶다면 상황은 훨씬 더 복잡해진다.
 How do I measure it? 나는 어떻게 그것을 측정할까?
 We can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various theories. 우리는 별의 질량을 측정하는 것은 다양한 이론을 포함한다고 대략적으로 말할 수 있다.
 If we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period and a certain instance of Kepler's Third Law, to calculate the mass. 우리가 쌍성의 질량을 측정하기를 원한다면, 질량을 계산하기 위해 우리는 먼저 두 별들 사이의 질량 중심을, 그 다음에 우리가 그제서야 사용할 수 있는 그 중심으로부터 떨어진 그것들의 거리를 공전 주기의 값과 케플러 제3 법칙의 특정한 사례를 가지고 측정한다.
 In other words, in order to "measure" the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass. 다시 말해서, 별의 질량을 '측정'하기 위해서 우리는 다양한 수치들을 측정하고 그 값들을 특정 방정식들과 함께 사용하여 질량을 계산한다.
 Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories. 측정은 독립적으로 존재하는 값들의 단순하고 중재되지 않은 측정이 아니라, 이미 정립된 여러 이론들을 바탕으로 특정 크기들을 계산하는 것이다.




[2] 2024 10  23: 쾌락과 고통의 균형이 신체의 항상성을 유지하는 방식
 Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain. 뇌 과학의 발견들에 따르면, 고통과 쾌락은 뇌의 같은 영역에서 형성되고 처리된다.
 Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions. 우리 몸은 끊임없이 항상성을 추구하는데, 그것은 몸의 기능들의 균형이라고 정의된다.
 Without the body's effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving. 잠재적인 변동을 완화시킬 수 있는 몸의 효과적인 보상 기제가 없다면 우리는 생존할 수 없을 것이다.
 Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another and keep balance. 쾌락과 고통은 동일한 동전의 두 면과 같아서 그들은 함께 작동하는 것 같으며 서로 상당히 의존하고 있고 균형을 유지한다.
 If you imagine pleasure and pain as the two opposite points on a scale, you can easily understand that as one of the two points rises, the other must correspondingly fall. 만약에 여러분이 쾌락과 고통을 저울 위의 두 반대 지점으로 상상한다면, 여러분은 두 지점 중 한 지점이 올라가면 다른 한 지점이 상응하여 틀림없이 내려갈 것임을 쉽게 이해할 수 있을 것이다.
 We've all heard the expression, "No pain, no gain." 우리는 '고통 없이는, 얻는 것도 없다.'라는 표현을 모두 들어본 적이 있다.
 Well, according to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, there may be some truth to these words. , 정신과 의사인 Dr. Anna Lembke에 따르면, 이 말에는 어느 정도의 진실이 있을 수 있다.
 She says that our attempts to escape being miserable are in fact making us even more miserable. 그녀는 우리가 비참함에서 벗어나려는 우리의 시도가 사실 우리를 훨씬 더 비참하게 만들고 있다고 말한다.
 This is because pain is actually an essential component of our ability to maintain a neutral state, and allowing it will in turn reset our internal scale back to balance. 이는 고통이 실제로 중립적인 상태를 유지하기 위한 우리 능력의 필수적인 구성 요소이기 때문이고, 그것을 허용하는 것은 결과적으로 우리의 내부 저울을 균형 상태로 다시 맞출 것이다.




[2] 2024 10  24: 지속적인 제품 업그레이드 주기로 소비자의 욕구를 형성하는 방식
 Manufacturers masterfully sow seeds of doubt about the adequacy of our current devices. 생산자들은 노련하게 우리의 현재 기기들의 적절성에 대한 의심의 씨앗을 뿌린다.
 Suddenly, the phone that was your lifeline a year ago is now a museum piece, unable to keep pace with your digital demands. 갑자기, 1년 전의 당신의 목숨줄이었던 휴대폰이 지금은 당신의 디지털 수요를 따라가지 못하는, 시대에 뒤떨어진 것이 되었다.
 And thus, the itch to upgrade begins, often before there's a genuine need. 그래서 종종 진짜 필요가 있기 이전에 업그레이드에 대한 욕구가 시작된다.
 This cycle isn't just confined to our digital companions. 이러한 순환은 단지 우리의 디지털 용품에 국한되지 않는다.
 It spills over into almost every aspect of consumer electronics, from the self-driving car to the smart fridge. 이것은 자율 주행 자동차부터 스마트 냉장고에 이르기까지 소비자 전자 기기들의 거의 모든 영역까지 번져나간다.
 Every product seems to be on an unstoppable march towards the next version, the next generation that promises to revolutionize your life. 모든 제품은 다음 버전, , 당신의 삶에 변혁을 일으키겠다는 약속을 하는 다음 세대를 향한 멈출 수 없는 행진을 하는 것으로 보인다.
 What's fascinating, or perhaps disturbing, is the utter efficacy of this cycle in shaping our desires. 흥미로운 점, 또는 어쩌면 당황스러운 점은 우리의 욕구를 형성하는 이 순환의 절대적인 효과이다.
 It's not so much that we want the newest device; we're led to believe we need it. 우리가 가장 최신기기를 원하는 것이 아니라, 우리가 그것을 원한다고 믿도록 유도된 것이다.
 The distinction between want and need blurs, shifting our financial priorities in favor of staying current with trends. 최신 트렌드를 유지하는 것을 선호하는 쪽으로 우리의 재정적인 우선순위를 바꾸면서, 원하는 것과 필요한 것 사이의 구분이 흐릿해진다.
 For all the logical arguments against this ceaseless upgrading, the temptation remains compelling. 이런 끊임없는 업그레이드를 하는 것에 대한 논리적인 논쟁에도 불구하고, 매력은 여전히 강력하다.




[2] 2024 10  25: 2023년과 2027 제품 카테고리별 온라인 판매 비율 예측
 The graph above shows the shares of online sales out of total sales by each of five product categories in 2023 and the estimated ones in 2027. 위 그래프는 5개 제품군별 2023년 전체 판매 중 온라인 판매의 점유율과 2027년의 추정 점유율을 나타낸 것이다.
 The shares of all five categories are expected to increase by 2027 respectively, while not surpassing 50%. 5개 제품군 모두의 점유율은 2027년까지 각각 증가할 것으로 예상되나 50%를 넘기지는 못할 것으로 예상된다.
 Based on the selected categories, consumer electronics is anticipated to show the biggest gap in the share of online sales between 2023 and 2027. 선정된 제품군 중에서 소비자 가전은 2023년과 2027년의 온라인 판매 점유율에서 가장 큰 격차를 보일 것으로 예상된다.
 DIY and furniture showed the same share of online sales with 29% in 2023 but the share of DIY online sales is estimated to exceed that of furniture online sales by 2027. DIY와 가구는 2023년에 29%로 동일한 온라인 판매 점유율을 나타냈지만, 2027년에는 DIY 온라인 판매 점유율이 가구 온라인 판매 점유율을 넘어설 것으로 추정된다.
 The share of beauty care online sales was lower than 20% by 2 percentage points in 2023, but is estimated to be higher than 20% in 2027. 뷰티 케어 온라인 판매 점유율은 2023년에 20%보다2퍼센티지포인트 낮았지만 2027년에는 20%보다 높을 것으로 추정된다.
 In 2023, food showed the lowest share of online sales among the categories, but that share is projected to more than double by 2027. 2023년에 식품은 제품군 중 가장 낮은 온라인 판매 점유율을 보였지만 그 점유율은 2027년에는 두 배 이상 증가할 것으로 예상된다.




[2] 2024 10  26: Helen Suzman 인종차별 반대 운동과 평생에 걸친 업적
 Helen Suzman was an activist against apartheid, a racist political and social system in the Republic of South Africa. Helen Suzman은 남아프리카 공화국의 인종 차별적인 정치 및 사회 체제인 아파르트헤이트에 대항하는 운동가였다.
 Suzman was born to Jewish immigrant parents in Germiston in the Union of South Africa in 1917. 1917년에 남아프리카 연방의 Germiston에서 유대인 이민자 부모 밑에서 태어났다.
 While working as a lecturer on economic history at Witwatersrand University, she joined the South African Institute of Race Relations. Witwaterstand 대학에서 경제사 강사로 일하던 중 그녀는 남아프리카 인종 관계 연구소에 들어갔다.
 In 1953, she joined the United Party and was elected to Parliament, but when the United Party adopted a more moderate stance on apartheid, Suzman and other progressive members left it and formed the Progressive Party in 1959. 1953년에 그녀는 통합당에 가입했고 의회에 선출되었지만 통합당이 아파르트헤이트에 대해 더 온건한 입장을 채택했을 때, Suzman과 다른 진보적인 구성원들은 탈당하여 1959년에 진보당을 만들었다.
 Suzman tirelessly fought against apartheid, exposing the government's abuses and challenging its laws for a total of 36 years in Parliament. Suzman은 의회에서 총 36년 동안 정권의 남용을 폭로하고 그것의 법에 도전하며 아파르트헤이트에 맞서 지칠 줄 모르고 싸웠다.
 Even after her retirement in 1989, she continued to advocate for a multi-racial democracy in the Republic of South Africa and influenced the drafting of the country's new constitution after the end of apartheid. 1989년에 그녀가 은퇴한 후에도, 그녀는 남아프리카 공화국의 다인종 민주주의를 계속해서 지지했고 아파르트헤이트가 끝난 후 그 나라의 새 헌법의 작성에 영향을 주었다.
 She remained an active voice for human rights and democracy until her death in 2009. 그녀는 2009년에 사망할 때까지 인권과 민주주의의 적극적인 대변자로 남아 있었다.




[2] 2024 10  29: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법
 Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. 조건부 장소 선호도는 동물들이 무엇을 원하는지 알아내는 하나의 방법이다.
 Researchers train them to associate one place with an experience such as food or a loud noise and another place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens. 연구자들은 그것들이 한 장소를 음식이나 시끄러운 소리와 같은 경험과 연관시키고 또 다른 장소를 완벽히 다른 어떤 것과 연관시키도록 훈련시키는데 대개 그곳에서는 아무것도 일어나지 않는다.
 The two places are made obviously different to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there. 그 두 장소는 그 동물이 각 장소를 거기에서 그것에게 일어난 일과 연관시키는 것을 가능한 한 쉽게 만들기 위해 명백히 다르게 만들어진다.
 The animal's preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places. 한 장소나 다른 장소에 있는 것에 대한 그 동물의 선호도는 두 장소에서 경험하기 전과 후에 모두 측정된다.
 If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time for the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it. 만약 동물이 보상을 위해 어디에서 시간을 보내기로 선택하는지에 변화가 있다면, 이것은 그것이 그 경험을 좋아했고 그것을 반복하려고 노력하는 중이라는 것을 시사한다.
 Conversely, if it now avoids the place the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus unpleasant. 반대로, 만약 그것이 이제 자극이 나타났던 장소를 피하고 그것이 그것을 경험하지 않았던 장소를 선호하기 시작한다면, 그러면 이것은 그것이 그 자극을 불쾌하게 느꼈다는 것을 시사한다.
 For example, mice with cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine, a drug used to relieve pain, rather than where they have received saline whereas healthy mice developed no such preference. 예를 들어, 암에 걸린 쥐가 식염수를 받아 왔었던 곳보다 통증을 완화시키는 데 사용되는 약인 모르핀이 주어졌었던 장소에 대한 선호를 보여 준 반면, 건강한 쥐는 그러한 선호가 생기지 않았다.
 This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine. 이것은 암에 걸린 쥐가 그 모르핀을 원했음을 시사한다.




[2] 2024 10  30: 새들의 번식 계절이 환경에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 설명
 Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. 적도 근처에서, 새의 많은 종들은 일 년 내내 번식한다.
 But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined. 하지만 온대와 극지방에서는 새들의 번식기들이 대개 뚜렷하게 정해진다.
 They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. 그것들은 주로 낮의 길이의 변화에 의해 촉발된다.
 If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. 만약에 모든 것이 잘 진행된다면, 결과는 새들이 먹이 공급이 최고조에 이를 때 새끼들을 기르는 것이다.
 Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. 대부분의 새들은 다른 때에 번식하기를 단지 꺼리는 것뿐만 아니라 또한 신체적으로 그렇게 할 수 없는 것이다.
 This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. 이것은 왜냐하면 그들의 번식 기관이 줄어들기 때문이고, 이 사실은 나는 새들이 몸무게를 줄일 수 있도록 도와준다.
 The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. 유목성 사막 종은 이 규칙의 주요 예외이다.
 These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. 이들은 비가 오는 날들에 번식 주기를 시작할 수 있다.
 It's for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity. 그것은 갑작스러운 번식 기회를 최대한으로 활용하기 위한 것이다.
 Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. 또한, 다른 종들은 번식 기간을 다른 방식으로 나눈다.
 Most seabirds raise a single brood. 대부분의 바닷새들은 한 무리의 함께 태어난 새끼를 기른다.
 In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. 그러나, 따뜻한 지역에서는, 명금(鳴禽)들이 몇 달 안에 여러 자녀들을 기를 수도 있다.
 In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort. 유난히 좋은 해에는 명금(鳴禽)의 한 종류인 참새 한 쌍은 마라톤과 같은 번식 노력을 통해 잇따라 태어난 여러 무리의 함께 태어난 새끼들을 기를 수 있다.




[2] 2024 10  31: 학습 자원 인식 부족이 학생들의 창의성에 미치는 영향
 One factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students' learning. 창의성을 방해할 수도 있는 한 가지 요소는 학생들의 학습에서 각 활동에 요구되는 자원에 대한 인식이 없다는 것이다.
 Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them. 종종 학생들은 그들에게 요구되는 과제를 수행하는 데 필요한 자원들을 식별할 수 없다.
 Different resources may be compulsory for specific learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity's performance. 여러 가지의 자원들이 특정 학습 과제들에 대해 필수적일 수 있어서 그것들을 인식하는 것은 활동의 수행을 평이하게 해 줄 수도 있다.
 For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects. 예를 들어, 학생들이 프로젝트에서 어떤 실험을 수행하기를 원할 수도 있다.
 There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, equipment, and chemicals required for the experiment. 학생들이 실험에 요구되는 실험실, 장비, 그리고 화학 물질에 접근할 수 있을지 여부에 대한 사전 조사가 있어야 한다.
 It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be about human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and equipment for their learning where applicable. 그것은 학생들이 성공하기 위해 준비가 필수적이라는 것을 의미하며, 그들의 학습을 위해 적용할 수 있는 경우에 그것은 실험실 기술자, 화학 물질 구입 자금, 그리고 장비와 같은 인적 그리고 재정적 자원에 대한 것일 수도 있다.
 Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students' creativity. 과제에 요구되는 자원들 중 일부가 이용 가능하지 않을 수도 있지만, 사전에 그것들을 식별하는 것은 학생들의 창의성에 도움이 될 수도 있다.
 It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means. 그것은 심지어 주제 변경, 대체 자원들 찾기, 그리고 다른 방법으로 이어질 수도 있다.




[2] 2024 10  32: 번역 작업이 다양한 출처와 독자의 기대에 의존하는 방식
 All translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work. 모든 번역가들은 그들이 대상으로 작업하고 있는 독자들의 공동체로부터 약간의 압박을 느낀다.
 And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people. 그리고 모든 번역가들은 다른 사람들과의 대화에서 그들의 해석에 도달한다.
 The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer's Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own. 영국의 시인 알렉산더 포프는 그리스어를 꽤 잘했지만, 18세기 초에 호머의 'Iliad'를 번역하는 것에 대해 착수했을 때 그는 혼자 한 것이 아니었다.
 He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French  and of course he had dictionaries. 그는 참고할 그리스어 해설과 이미 영어, 라틴어, 프랑스어로 된 번역본을 가지고 있었고, 물론 사전도 가지고 있었다.
 Translators always draw on more than one source text. 번역가들은 항상 한 가지 이상의 원문을 활용한다.
 Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person's linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations. 심지어 번역 현장이 하나의 펜, 종이, 그리고 번역 중인 책을 가진 단 한 사람으로 구성되어 있거나, 한 사람이 다른 사람을 위해 구두로 번역 중일 때에도, 그 사람의 언어적 지식은 많은 다른 텍스트와 다른 대화에서 발생한다.
 And then his or her idea of the translation's purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for. 그러고 나서 번역의 목적에 대한 그 또는 그녀의 생각은 이것의 대상이 되는 사람 또는 사람들의 기대에 의해 영향을 받는다.
 In both these senses every translation is a crowd translation. 이 두 가지 의미에서 모든 번역은 군중 번역이다.




[2] 2024 10  33: 읽기 행위를 단일 개념으로 정의하기 어려운 이유
 Some people argue that there is a single, logically consistent concept known as reading that can be neatly set apart from everything else people do with books. 몇몇 사람들은 사람들이 책을 가지고 하는 모든 다른 행동들로부터 깔끔하게 분리될 수 있는, 읽기로 알려진 유일하고 논리적으로 일관성 있는 개념이 있다고 주장한다.
 Is reading really that simple? 읽기는 정말로 그렇게 단순할까?
 The most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, as Ludwig Wittgenstein used the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait. 읽기에 대해 생각하는 가장 생산적인 방식은 하나의 명백한 특성을 공통적으로 가지지 않은 채 Ludwig Wittgenstein이 그 어구를 사용한 것처럼 가족 유사성 때문에 함께 속하게 되는 헐겁게 연결된 행동의 묶음으로서이다.
 Consequently, efforts to distinguish reading from nonreading are destined to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place. 결론적으로, 읽기와 읽기가 아닌 것을 구분하려는 노력은 실패로 돌아가는데, 왜냐하면 애초에 무엇이 읽기로서의 자격을 주는가에 대한 동의가 없기 때문이다.
 The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term's flexible boundaries. 읽기와 읽기가 아닌 것 사이의 경계가 어디에 있는가를 알려고 하면 할수록, 더욱 많은 특이 사례들이 그 용어의 유연한 경계를 확장하고 있다는 것이 밝혀질 것이다.
 Thus, it is worth attempting to collect together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to establish the boundaries where reading begins and ends. 그러므로, 이러한 예외적인 읽기의 형태들을 모두 함께 하나의 토론의 장으로 모으려는 시도는 해 볼 가치가 있으며, 그 토론의 장은 어디서 읽기가 시작되고 끝나는가에 대한 경계를 정하기를 원하는 누구나에 의해 마주하게 될 어려움들을 돋보이게 한다.
 The attempt moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is expansive enough to accommodate the distinct reading activities. 그러한 시도는 별개의 읽기 활동들을 다 수용할 만큼 충분히 광범위한 스펙트럼으로서 읽기를 이해하는 것으로 발전한다.




[2] 2024 10  34: Weber 법칙으로 자극의 강도에 따른 차이 인식 설명
 Weber's law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli. 베버의 법칙은 두 자극 사이의 차이에 대한 감지에 관한 것이다.
 It suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 mm and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long. 이것은 우리가 466mm 467mm 길이인 선들을 볼 때1mm의 차이를 감지할 수 없지만, 우리가 2mm 길이와3mm 길이인 선을 비교할 때는 1mm의 차이를 감지할 수 있을지도 모른다는 것을 암시한다.
 Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room. 이 원리의 또 다른 예는 촛불이 켜지지 않았으면 어두웠을 방안에 하나의 촛불이 켜졌을 때 이것을 감지할 수 있다는 것이다.
 But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle. 그러나 100개의 촛불이 이미 타고 있는 방에 하나의 촛불이 켜졌을 때, 우리는 이 촛불의 빛을 알아차리지 못할지도 모른다.
 Therefore, the Just-noticeable difference (JND) varies as a function of the strength of the signals. 그러므로, 겨우 알아차릴 수 있는 차이(JND)는 신호의 세기에 대한 함수에 의해 달라진다.
 For example, the JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much more quiet sounds. 예를 들어, JND는 훨씬 더 작은 소리에 대한 것보다 매우 큰 소음에 대해 더 크다.
 When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder. 한 소리가 매우 약할 때, 우리는 그것이 간신히 더 클지라도, 또 다른 소리가 더 크다는 것을 구분할 수 있다.
 When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder. 어떤 소리가 매우 클 때, 다른 소리가 훨씬 더 크다는 것을 구분하기 위해서는, 그 소리는 훨씬 더 커야 한다.
 Thus, Weber's law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli. 그러므로, 베버의 법칙은 그 표본들이 자극의 수준이 더 크거나 강할 때 두 표본을 구별하기가 더 어렵다는 것을 의미한다.




[2] 2024 10  35: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명
 Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget). 어떤 새로운 자원(예를 들어, 새로운 공항, 새로운 쇼핑센터)은 항상 공동의 자원(예를 들어, 시 또는 주 예산)을 공유함으로써 사람들이 개별적으로 이익을 얻으면서 시작된다.
 Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the "commons" to support. , 어느 시점에서, 교통량은 '공유지'가 견디기에 너무 커진다.
 Traffic jams, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyone  the tragedy of the commons! 교통 체증, 과밀, 그리고 과도한 사용은 모두를 위한 공유 자원의 혜택을 줄이는데, 이것은 즉 공유지의 비극이다!
 If the new resource cannot be expanded or provided with additional space, it becomes a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or walkers or competing users. 만약 새로운 자원이 확장될 수 없거나 추가적인 공간이 제공될 수 없다면, 이것은 문제가 되고, 여러분은 여러분의 동료 운전자나 보행자 또는 경쟁 사용자들로부터 고립된 상태로 혼자서 문제를 해결할 수 없다.
 The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, both begin to fall after a peak, leading to a crash. 이 새로운 자원에 대한 총활동은 계속 증가하고, 개인 활동도 증가한다. 그러나 만약 공동 사용과 과도한 사용의 역학이 너무 오래 지속되면, 둘 다 정점 이후에 떨어지기 시작하고, 몰락으로 이어진다.
 What makes the "tragedy of commons" tragic is the crash dynamic the destruction or degeneration of the common resource's ability to regenerate itself. '공유지의 비극'을 더 비극적이게 만드는 것은 몰락 역학, 즉 그 스스로를 재생산할 수 있는 공동 자원의 능력의 파괴 또는 퇴보이다.




[2] 2024 10  36: 뇌가 시각 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 방식으로 에너지를 절약
 Theoretically, our brain would have the capacity to store all experiences throughout life, reaching the quality of a DVD. 이론적으로는 우리의 뇌는 DVD의 품질에 도달할 정도로, 삶의 모든 경험들을 저장할 수 있는 수용력을 가지고 있을 것이다.
 However, this theoretical capacity is offset by the energy demand associated with the process of storing and retrieving information in memory. 그러나, 이 이론상의 수용력은 기억에 정보를 저장하고 상기하는 과정과 관련된 에너지 수요로 인해 상쇄된다.
 As a result, the brain develops efficient strategies, becoming dependent on shortcuts. 그 결과, 뇌는 효율적인 전략들을 수립하고, 지름길에 의존하게 된다.
 When we observe a face, the visual image captured by the eyes is highly variable, depending on the point of view, lighting conditions and other contextual factors. 우리가 얼굴을 관찰할 때, 눈에 의해 포착되는 시각적 이미지는 시점, 조명 조건 및 기타 상황적 요인들에 따라 매우 다양하다.
 Nevertheless, we are able to recognize the face as the same, maintaining the underlying identity. 그럼에도 불구하고, 우리는 근본적인 정체성을 유지하면서 얼굴을 같은 것으로 인식할 수 있다.
 The brain, rather than focusing on the details of visualization, creates and stores general patterns that allow for consistent recognition across diverse circumstances. 뇌는 시각화의 세부 사항에 집중하기보다 다양한 상황들에서 일관된 인식을 가능하게 하는 일반적인 패턴을 생성하고 저장한다.
 This ability to match what we see with general visual memory patterns serves as an effective mechanism for optimizing brain performance and saving energy. 우리가 보는 것과 일반적인 시각 기억 패턴을 일치시키는 이 능력은 뇌의 수행을 최적화하고 에너지를 절약하는 효과적인 기제로 작용한다.
 The brain, being naturally against unnecessary effort, constantly seeks to simplify and generalize information to facilitate the cognitive process. 불필요한 노력에 자연스럽게 대항하는 뇌는 인지 과정을 돕기 위해서 끊임없이 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 것을 추구한다.




[2] 2024 10  37: 과학 연구에서 창의적 해석이 이론 형성에 미치는 영향
 Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience. 과학 연구에 관해서는, 설명하는 이야기들이 실험의 데이터에 엄밀히 충실할 것으로 기대되고 경험의 규칙적이고 예측 가능한 특징들을 밝힐 것으로 기대된다.
 However, this paradigm sometimes conceals the fact that theories are deeply loaded with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence. 그러나, 이러한 패러다임은 때때로 이론들이 연구 프로젝트의 구성과 증거의 해석을 형성하는 창의적인 요소들로 철저히 채워져 있다는 사실을 감춘다.
 Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts. 과학적 설명들은 단순히 사실들의 연대기를 말하는 것은 아니다.
 They construct frameworks for systematically chosen data in order to provide a consistent and meaningful explanation of what is observed. 그것들은 관찰된 것에 대한 일관적이고 의미 있는 설명을 제공하기 위해 체계적으로 선택된 데이터에 대한 틀을 구축한다.
 Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others. 그러한 구성들은 우리가 특정한 유형의 관계에서 구체적인 종류의 주제를 상상하도록 하며, 그것들이 고취하는 줄거리는 다른 것들보다 경험의 일부 특징을 분석하는 데 더 효과적일 것으로 판명될 것이다.
 When we neglect the creative contributions of such scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts  even worse, as facts including all of reality  we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies. 우리가 그러한 과학적 상상의 창의적 기여를 무시하고 모델과 해석적 설명을 단순한 사실, 훨씬 더 심하게는 현실을 전부 포괄하는 사실로 간주할 때, 우리는 주어진 모델의 한계에 대해 우리 스스로를 눈멀게 하며 그것이 잘못 적용되는 상황에 대해 오해할 가능성을 알아차리지 못할 수 있다.




[2] 2024 10  38: 문학이 사회적 변화를 촉진하거나 방해할  있는 방식
 We encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action. 우리는 문학과 행동의 관계에 대한 상반된 주장들과 마주한다.
 Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce social change. 이론가들은 문학이 세상과 관계를 맺는 방법으로써 고독한 독서와 성찰을 장려하고 따라서 사회 변화를 일으킬 수 있을지도 모르는 사회적이고 정치적인 활동들에 거스른다고 주장해 왔다.
 At best it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is. 기껏해야 이것은 단절 또는 복잡성에 대한 인정을, 최악의 경우 수동성과 있는 그대로에 대한 수용을 조장한다.
 But on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements. 그러나 다른 한편으로, 문학은 역사적으로 권위와 사회적 합의에 대한 의문을 제기하는 것을 조장하므로 위험하다고 여겨져 왔다.
 Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with their lives and eager for something new. 플라톤은 그들이 해를 끼치는 것만 할 수 있기 때문에 그의 이상적인 공화국으로부터 시인들을 추방했고, 소설은 사람들이 그들의 삶에 불만을 품게 만들고 새로운 무언가를 갈망하도록 하는 것으로 오랫동안 믿어져 왔다.
 By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, and race, books may promote a fellowship that discourages struggle; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible. 계급, 성별, 그리고 인종의 경계를 넘어 동일시를 촉진함으로써, 책들은 투쟁을 단념시키는 동료 의식을 장려할 수 있을지 모르지만, 이것들은 또한 진보적인 투쟁들을 가능하게 만드는 강한 불의의 감정을 일으킬 수 있다.
 Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Uncle Tom's Cabin, a best-seller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War. 역사적으로, 문학 작품은 변화를 만드는 것으로 믿어져 왔는데 그 시대의 베스트셀러인 '톰 아저씨의 오두막'은 미국 남북 전쟁을 가능하게 만든 노예제에 대한 혐오감을 조성하는 것을 도왔다.




[2] 2024 10  39: Hobbes 자연 상태에서 인간의 본성과 도덕적 자유의 한계
 According to Hobbes, man is not a being who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in the state of nature. 홉스에 따르면, 인간은 자연 상태에서 자신의 존재를 보호하려는 그의 본능을 무릅쓰고 도덕적으로 행동할 수 있는 존재가 아니다.
 Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where a sovereign power, namely the state, emerges. 따라서, 도덕과 도덕적 자유가 적용을 찾기 시작하는 유일한 곳은 군림하는 권력, 즉 국가가 출현하는 곳에서 나타난다.
 Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man's life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short". 따라서 홉스는 자연 상태를 인간의 삶이 '고독하고, 가난하며, 불결하고, 잔인하고, 짧은' 상황으로 묘사한다.
 It means when people live without a general power to control them all, they are indeed in a state of war. 그것은 사람들이 그들 모두를 통제할 일반적인 권력 없이 살아갈 때, 그들은 실로 전쟁 상태에 놓여 있는 것임을 의미한다.
 In other words, Hobbes, who accepted that human beings are not social and political beings in the state of nature, believes that without the power human beings in the state of nature are "antisocial and rational based on their selfishness". 즉 다시 말해, 자연 상태에 있는 인간은 사회적이고 정치적인 존재가 아니라는 것을 인정한 홉스는 그 권력이 없이 자연 상태에 있는 인간은 '이기심에 기초해 반사회적이고 이성적'이라고 믿는다.
 Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes. 게다가, 사회는 자연적인 현상이 아니며 사람들을 하나로 모으는 자연적인 힘도 없기 때문에, 홉스에 따르면 그들을 사회로 함께 모이게 하는 것은 상호 간의 애정이 아니다.
 It is, rather, mutual fear of men's present and future that assembles them, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature. 두려움으로부터의 동기가 자연 상태에 있는 사람들 사이의 공통된 추진력이기 때문에, 오히려, 그들을 모으는 것은 인간의 현재와 미래에 대한 상호 간의 두려움이다.




[2] 2024 10  40: 인지적 요소가  인식에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구
 There is research that supports the idea that cognitive factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world. 인지적 요인들이 지각된 세계의 현상학에 영향을 미친다는 생각을 뒷받침하는 연구가 있다.
 Delk and Fillenbaum asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background. Delk Fillenbaum은 참가자들에게 형상들의 색상을 배경 색상과 맞추도록 요청했다.
 Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color. 몇몇 형상들은 특정 색상과 연관된 물체들을 묘사했다.
 These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart. 그것들은 사과, 입술, 상징적인 하트 모양과 같이 전형적인 빨간색 물체를 포함했다.
 Other objects were presented that are not usually associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell. 버섯이나 종과 같이 빨간색과 일반적으로 연관이 되지 않는 다른 물체들도 제시되었다.
 However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard. 그러나, 모든 형상들은 동일한 다홍색 판지로 만들어졌다.
 Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red. 그러고 나서 참가자들은 그 형상을 진한 빨간색에서 연한 빨간색까지 다양한 배경색과 맞춰야 했다.
 They had to make the background color match the color of the figures. 그들은 배경색이 형상들의 색과 일치하게 해야 했다.
 The researchers found that red-associated objects required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that are not associated with the color red. 연구자들은 빨간색과 연관된 물체들이 빨간색과 연관이 없는 물체가 그러한 것보다 배경과 일치한다고 판단되기 위해서 배경에서 더 빨간 색을 요구한다는 것을 발견했다.
 This implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color. 이것은 색과 물체의 인지적 연관성이 우리가 그 색을 어떻게 지각하는가에 영향을 미친다는 것을 함의한다.
 [Summary] In one study, participants chose greater redness when asked to match the color of objects that are usually red to a background with the same color, which showed that their knowledge about the colors of objects influenced their perceptual judgment. [Summary] 한 연구에서, 참가자들은 일반적으로 빨간색인 물체의 색상과 같은 색상의 배경을 일치시키도록 요청받았을 때, 더 진한 빨강을 선택했는데, 이는 물체들의 색상에 대한 그들의 지식이 그들의 지각적 판단에 영향을 미쳤다는 것을 보여 준다.


[2] 2024 10  41~42: 유전체 복제 과정에서 발생하는 돌연변이의 누적 원리 설명
 In each round of genome copying in our body, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of chromosomes will have an error. 우리 몸속 게놈 복제의 각 과정마다, 적어도 한 쌍의 염색체들이 오류를 가질 확률이 여전히 약 70%이다.
 With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate. 게놈 복제의 각 과정마다, 오류들이 쌓인다.
 This is similar to alterations in medieval books. 이것은 중세 서적에 있어서의 변화와 유사하다.
 Each time a copy was made by hand, some changes were introduced accidentally; as changes stacked up, the copies may have acquired meanings at variance with the original. 하나의 복사본이 사람 손으로 만들어질 때마다, 일부 변화들이 우연히 도입되었고, 변화들이 쌓이면서, 복사본은 원본과 불일치하는 의미를 축적했을 것이다.
 Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have gathered more mistakes. 마찬가지로, 더 많은 복제 과정들을 거친 게놈은 더 많은 실수들을 축적하게 될 것이다.
 To make things worse, mutations may damage genes responsible for error checking and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations. 설상가상으로, 변이들은 게놈의 오류 확인과 복구를 책임지는 유전자를 훼손해 변이들의 도입을 더욱 가속할 수도 있다.
 Most genome mutations do not have any noticeable effects. 대부분의 게놈 변이들은 어떠한 뚜렷한 영향이 없다.
 It is just like changing the i for a y in "kingdom" would not distort the word's readability. 그것은 마치 'kingdom'에서 'i' 'y'로 변경하는 것이 그 단어의 가독성을 왜곡하지 않는 것과 같다.
 But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors. 그러나 예를 들어, 때때로 인간 유전자에 대한 변이는 홍채가 두 가지 다른 색을 띠는 눈을 초래하기도 한다.
 Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body's cells multiplied to form skin. 마찬가지로, 거의 모두가 모반이 있는데, 이는 우리 몸의 세포가 피부를 형성하기 위하여 증식하면서 발생한 변이들 때문이다.
 If mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously? 만약 변이들이 하나의 특정 세포의 게놈에 대한 변화라면, 많은 개별적인 세포들로 구성된 홍채의 세포 집단이나 피부 전체 세포 집단이 어떻게 동시에 영향을 받을 수 있을까?
 The answer lies in the cell lineage, the developmental history of a tissue from particular cells through to their fully differentiated state. 그 대답은 세포 계보, 즉 특정 세포에서 그들의 완전히 차별화된 상태까지의 조직 발달 변천에 있다.
 If the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change. 만약 발달 중인 홍채의 계보 초기에 변이가 발생했다면, 그렇다면 그 세포 집단의 모든 세포는 그 변화를 물려받아 왔을 것이다.




[2] 2024 10  43~45: 완벽주의에 대한 부담과 문제 해결 능력을 배운 이야기
 Max awoke to the gentle sunlight of an autumn day. Max는 가을날의 부드러운 햇빛에 잠에서 깼다.
 Right on schedule, he swung his legs off the bed and took a deep, satisfying breath. 시간에 맞추어 그는 다리를 침대 밖으로 휙 내려 놓았고 깊고 만족스러운 숨을 내쉬었다.
 He began his morning the same way he usually did, getting dressed and going to school. 그는 평소와 똑같은 방식으로 아침을 시작했고 옷을 입고 학교에 갔다.
 Today was going to be another perfect day until he ran into Mr. Kapoor, his science teacher. 오늘은 과학 선생님인 Kapoor 선생님을 만나기 전까지는 또 다른 완벽한 날이 될 예정이었다.
 Just to remind you. Science fair projects are due next Wednesday. 그냥 너(Max)에게 알려 주는 거야. 과학 박람회 프로젝트가 다음 주 수요일까지야.
 Don't forget to submit your final draft on time," Mr. Kapoor said. 제 시간에 최종안을 제출하는 것을 잊어 버리지 마."라고 Kapoor 선생님이 말했다.
 Max froze. Max는 얼어붙었다.
 What? It can't be! It was due next Friday! '뭐라고? 그럴 순 없어! 이건 다음 주 금요일까지였다고!'
 After school, he came home worrying that his whole perfectly planned week was going to be ruined. 학교를 마친 후에, 그는 그의 완벽히 계획된 일주일이 망쳐질 것을 걱정하며 집으로 돌아왔다.
 Without his usual greeting, Max headed to his room in haste. 그의 일상적인 인사 없이, Max는 급하게 그의 방으로 향했다.
 What's wrong Max?, Jeremy, his dad, followed Max, worrying about him. 무슨 일이니 Max? 그의 아버지인 Jeremy는 그를 걱정하며 Max를 따라갔다.
 Max furiously browsed through his planner without answering him, only to find the wrong date written in it. Max는 그(Jeremy)에게 대답하지 않고 열성적으로 그의 일정표를 뒤적거렸지만, 거기에 잘못 적힌 날짜를 발견할 뿐이었다.
 Fighting through tears, Max finally managed to explain the unending pressure to be perfect to his dad. 울음을 참으며, Max는 마침내 가까스로 그의(Max) 아버지에게 완벽해야 한다는 끝나지 않는 압박에 대해 설명했다.
 To his surprise, Jeremy laughed. 놀랍게도, Jeremy는 웃었다.
 Max, guess what? Perfect is a great goal, but nobody gets there all the time. Max, 있잖아? 완벽은 훌륭한 목표지만, 누구도 항상 거기에 도달할 수는 없단다.
 What matters is what we do when things get messy." 중요한 건 일이 어질러졌을 때 우리가 무엇을 하는가야."
 That made him feel a little better. 그것이 그의 기분을 조금 더 나아지게 만들어 주었다.
 You are saying I can fix this? 아빠는 제가(Max) 이것을 해결할 수 있다고 말씀하시는 거예요?
 Absolutely, try to deal with problems in a logical way, Jeremy said. 물론이지. 논리적인 방식으로 문제를 처리해봐.라고Jeremy가 말했다.
 Max thought for a moment. Max는 잠시 동안 생각했다.
 I guess.... I can do that by rescheduling tonight's baseball lesson. 아마.... 제가 오늘 밤 야구 레슨 일정을 변경함으로써 그렇게 할 수 있을 것 같아요.
 Jeremy beamed. Jeremy가 활짝 웃었다.
 See? That's you finding a solution. 봤지? 네가 해결책을 찾아냈잖니.
 Max felt a genuine smile spreading. Max는 진심 어린 미소가 퍼지는 것을 느꼈다.
 The next Wednesday, he successfully handed in the final draft on time with satisfaction. 다음 주 수요일에 그(Max)는 만족하며 성공적으로 최종안을 제시간에 제출했다.
 From then on, he still loved order and routines, but also embraced the messy, unpredictable bits of life too. 그 이후로 그는 여전히 순서와 정해진 일과를 좋아했지만, 또한 어지럽고 예측 불가능한 삶의 부분들도 기꺼이 맞이했다.






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전체 내용

[2] 2024 10 – 18: 추가 예산이 필요한 이유와 해결을 요청하는 이메일

 Dear Executive Manager Schulz,

 Schulz 부장님께,

 It is a week before the internship program starts.

 인턴십 프로그램을 시작하기 일주일 전입니다.

 I am writing to bring your attention to a matter that requires immediate consideration regarding the issue my department has.

 저희 부서의 사안과 관련하여 즉각적인 고려가 필요한 문제에 대해 당신의 관심을 환기하기 위해  글을 씁니다.

 As the coordinator, it is becoming apparent to me that the budget, previously approved by your department, needs some adjustments in order to meet the emerging modifications.

 업무 담당자로서 최근 생겨난 수정 사항을 충족시키기 위해서, 이전에 당신의 부서로부터 승인받은 예산은 약간의 조정이 필요함이 분명해지고 있습니다.

 Since my department has hired three more interns than planned initially, the most expensive need is for additional funding to cover their wages, training costs, and materials.

 우리 부서에서 처음에 계획됐던 것보다  명의 인턴을  고용했기 때문에, 가장 비용이 많이 드는 부족한 부분은 그들의 임금, 훈련 비용, 물품들을 다루기 위한 추가적인 자금입니다.

 I kindly request an additional budget allocation for these expenses.

  비용들을 위해 추가적인 예산 배당을 정중하게 요청합니다.

 Please refer to the attachment for details.

 자세한 사항은 첨부물을 참고해 주세요.

 Thank you for your attention.

 당신의 관심에 감사 드립니다.

 Best regards, Matt Perry

 Matt Perry 드림


[2] 2024 10 – 19: 이름 철자 실수로 인해 예약 확인이 지연된 경험

 Katie approached the hotel front desk to check-in but an unexpected event unfolded.

 Katie 체크인을 하기 위해 호텔 안내 데스크에 다가갔으나 예상하지 못한 사건이 전개되었다.

 The receptionist couldn't find her reservation under the name 'Katie'.

 접수 담당자는 'Katie'라는 이름으로  예약을 찾을  없었다.

 I'm sorry, but I can't seem to locate a reservation under that name, the receptionist said.

 죄송하지만,  이름으로  예약을 찾을  없는  같습니다.라고 접수 담당자가 말했다.

 No way, I definitely made a reservation on the phone, Katie said, puzzled.

 말도  돼요, 저는 분명히 전화로 예약했어요.라고 Katie 어리둥절해하며 말했다.

 The receptionist asked, "Can you tell me your phone number?" and Katie told it to him, thinking 'What happened? Did I make a mistake?'

 접수 담당자가 "당신의 전화번호를 말해 주실  있을까요?"라고 물어 보았고, Katie '무슨 일이지? 내가 실수를 저질렀나?'라고 생각하며 전화번호를 그에게 알려 주었다.

 Just a moment, the receptionist said, typing deliberately on the keyboard.

 잠시만요.라고 접수 담당자가 키보드를 신중하게 치면서 말했다.

 I found it! It seems there was a small misspelling. Your reservation is under 'K-A-T-Y', the receptionist explained.

 알아냈습니다! 작은 오타가 있었던  같습니다. 당신의 예약은 'K-A-T-Y' 되어 있어요.라고 접수 담당자가 설명했다.

 With a sense of ease, Katie watched her reservation appearing on the screen.

 편안한 기분으로 Katie 그녀의 예약이 화면에 나타나는 것을 지켜봤다.

 With her heart slowing to a gentle rhythm, she proceeded with her check-in, thinking that a simple misspelling might have ruined her plans.

 그녀의 심장이 완만한 리듬으로 느려지면서, 그녀는 단순한 오타가 그녀의 계획들을 망쳤을지도 모른다고 생각하며 체크인을 진행했다.


[2] 2024 10 – 20: 수학적 비판적 사고를 교육과 의사결정 과정에서 강조해야 

 To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems.

 수학적 문해력이 있다는 것은 수학과 관련된 사회적 이슈에 대해 이러한 문제들을 어떻게 해결할지에 대한 정보에 입각한 결정을 하기 위해서 비판적으로 생각할  있다는 것을 의미한다.

 Dealing with such complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirroring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing mathematical teaching methods.

 범교과적인 접근법을 통해 그러한 복잡한 문제들을 다루는 과정에서 실생활 문제들을 반영하는 것은 수학적 교수 방법을 계획하고 조직하는 혁신적인 방법들을 요구한다.

 Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking.

 우리의 세계를 탐색한다는 것은 비판적 사고 안에서 그리고 비판적 사고를 사용할  수량화하고, 측정하고, 추산하고, 분류하고, 비교하고, 패턴을 찾고, 추측하고, 근거를 제시하고, 증명하고, 일반화할  있다는 것을 의미한다.

 Therefore, making decisions, even qualitatively, is not possible without using mathematics and critical thinking.

 그러므로, 수학과 비판적 사고를 사용하지 않고 의사 결정을 하는 것은 질적  경우에라도 가능하지 않다.

 Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process.

 따라서, 수학을 가르치는 것은 의사 결정 과정과 함께 비판적 사고와의 상호 작용 안에서 이루어져야 한다.

 They can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them.

 그것들은 수학적인 맥락 안에서 발전될  있고, 학생들이 그것들을 발전시킬  있도록 명시적으로 도움을 주지 않을 경우 변명의 여지가 없다.


[2] 2024 10 – 21: 덕목은 일시적 충동이 아니라 지속적인 도덕적 습관에서 형성됨

 Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present after taking a generosity booster.

 평소에 인색한 여러분의 친구가 관대함 효능 촉진제를 먹고  이후에 여러분에게 크리스마스 선물을  주며 매우 기뻐한다고 상상해 보라.

 How would you feel?

 여러분은 어떻게 느끼겠는가?

 Undoubtedly, there is something praiseworthy about the action.

 의심할 여지없이,  행동에는 칭찬할 만한 점이 있다.

 You'd be pleased to receive the gift.

 여러분은 선물을 받아서 기뻐할 것이다.

 You'd say 'thank you', and mean it.

 여러분은 '고마워'라고 말하고, 그것은 진심일 것이다.

 But his change of heart is not entirely satisfying.

 하지만 그의 마음의 변화는 완전히 만족스럽지는 않다.

 According to Zagzebski, an American philosopher, he is not really generous.

 미국의 철학자인 Zagzebski 따르면, 그는 진정으로 관대한 것이 아니다.

 When we praise someone's character, we use words for various virtues: 'generous', 'kind', 'courageous', etc.

 우리가 누군가의 인품을 칭찬할  '관대한,' '친절한,' '용기있는'  다양한 미덕에 대한 단어를 사용한다.

 A person who gives one gift isn't generous.

 선물을 하나  사람이 관대한 것은 아니다.

 Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person's 'moral identity', an emotional habit that is part of who you are.

 대신에, 관대함은 누군가의 '도덕적 정체성' 안정된 일부인데 그것은 여러분의 모습의 일부인 정서적 습관이다.

 Thus virtues, as opposed to nontypical impulse, are the result of your personal history.

 따라서 미덕은, 비전형적인 충동과는 달리, 여러분 개인 역사의 결과이다.

 They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed.

 그것들이 여러분의 인품이 형성되었던 방식의 일부이기 때문에 그것들은 여러분의 모습  일부이다.

 Instant virtue is therefore impossible.

 그러므로 즉각적인 미덕은 있을  없다.

 Popping a pill cannot make you a better person.

   알을 먹는 것이 여러분을  나은 사람으로 만들 수는 없다.


[2] 2024 10 – 22: 이중성 시스템을 활용해 별의 질량을 계산하는 방법 설명

 To determine the mass of my bowling ball, I might put it onto a balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams.

 볼링공 질량을 측정하기 위해, 나는 그것을 저울에 올려놓고  1g, 10g, 또는 100g 나가는 여러 개의 금속 큐브 같은 이미 알고 있는 질량과 그것을 비교할  있다.

 Things get much more complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star.

 만약 내가  별의 질량을 알고 싶다면 상황은 훨씬  복잡해진다.

 How do I measure it?

 나는 어떻게 그것을 측정할까?

 We can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various theories.

 우리는 별의 질량을 측정하는 것은 다양한 이론을 포함한다고 대략적으로 말할  있다.

 If we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period and a certain instance of Kepler's Third Law, to calculate the mass.

 우리가 쌍성의 질량을 측정하기를 원한다면, 질량을 계산하기 위해 우리는 먼저  별들 사이의 질량 중심을,  다음에 우리가 그제서야 사용할  있는  중심으로부터 떨어진 그것들의 거리를 공전 주기의 값과 케플러 3 법칙의 특정한 사례를 가지고 측정한다.

 In other words, in order to "measure" the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass.

 다시 말해서, 별의 질량을 '측정'하기 위해서 우리는 다양한 수치들을 측정하고  값들을 특정 방정식들과 함께 사용하여 질량을 계산한다.

 Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories.

 측정은 독립적으로 존재하는 값들의 단순하고 중재되지 않은 측정이 아니라, 이미 정립된 여러 이론들을 바탕으로 특정 크기들을 계산하는 것이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 23: 쾌락과 고통의 균형이 신체의 항상성을 유지하는 방식

 Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain.

  과학의 발견들에 따르면, 고통과 쾌락은 뇌의 같은 영역에서 형성되고 처리된다.

 Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions.

 우리 몸은 끊임없이 항상성을 추구하는데, 그것은 몸의 기능들의 균형이라고 정의된다.

 Without the body's effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving.

 잠재적인 변동을 완화시킬  있는 몸의 효과적인 보상 기제가 없다면 우리는 생존할  없을 것이다.

 Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another and keep balance.

 쾌락과 고통은 동일한 동전의  면과 같아서 그들은 함께 작동하는  같으며 서로 상당히 의존하고 있고 균형을 유지한다.

 If you imagine pleasure and pain as the two opposite points on a scale, you can easily understand that as one of the two points rises, the other must correspondingly fall.

 만약에 여러분이 쾌락과 고통을 저울 위의  반대 지점으로 상상한다면, 여러분은  지점   지점이 올라가면 다른  지점이 상응하여 틀림없이 내려갈 것임을 쉽게 이해할  있을 것이다.

 We've all heard the expression, "No pain, no gain."

 우리는 '고통 없이는, 얻는 것도 없다.'라는 표현을 모두 들어본 적이 있다.

 Well, according to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, there may be some truth to these words.

 , 정신과 의사인 Dr. Anna Lembke 따르면,  말에는 어느 정도의 진실이 있을  있다.

 She says that our attempts to escape being miserable are in fact making us even more miserable.

 그녀는 우리가 비참함에서 벗어나려는 우리의 시도가 사실 우리를 훨씬  비참하게 만들고 있다고 말한다.

 This is because pain is actually an essential component of our ability to maintain a neutral state, and allowing it will in turn reset our internal scale back to balance.

 이는 고통이 실제로 중립적인 상태를 유지하기 위한 우리 능력의 필수적인 구성 요소이기 때문이고, 그것을 허용하는 것은 결과적으로 우리의 내부 저울을 균형 상태로 다시 맞출 것이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 24: 지속적인 제품 업그레이드 주기로 소비자의 욕구를 형성하는 방식

 Manufacturers masterfully sow seeds of doubt about the adequacy of our current devices.

 생산자들은 노련하게 우리의 현재 기기들의 적절성에 대한 의심의 씨앗을 뿌린다.

 Suddenly, the phone that was your lifeline a year ago is now a museum piece, unable to keep pace with your digital demands.

 갑자기, 1 전의 당신의 목숨줄이었던 휴대폰이 지금은 당신의 디지털 수요를 따라가지 못하는, 시대에 뒤떨어진 것이 되었다.

 And thus, the itch to upgrade begins, often before there's a genuine need.

 그래서 종종 진짜 필요가 있기 이전에 업그레이드에 대한 욕구가 시작된다.

 This cycle isn't just confined to our digital companions.

 이러한 순환은 단지 우리의 디지털 용품에 국한되지 않는다.

 It spills over into almost every aspect of consumer electronics, from the self-driving car to the smart fridge.

 이것은 자율 주행 자동차부터 스마트 냉장고에 이르기까지 소비자 전자 기기들의 거의 모든 영역까지 번져나간다.

 Every product seems to be on an unstoppable march towards the next version, the next generation that promises to revolutionize your life.

 모든 제품은 다음 버전, , 당신의 삶에 변혁을 일으키겠다는 약속을 하는 다음 세대를 향한 멈출  없는 행진을 하는 것으로 보인다.

 What's fascinating, or perhaps disturbing, is the utter efficacy of this cycle in shaping our desires.

 흥미로운 , 또는 어쩌면 당황스러운 점은 우리의 욕구를 형성하는  순환의 절대적인 효과이다.

 It's not so much that we want the newest device; we're led to believe we need it.

 우리가 가장 최신기기를 원하는 것이 아니라, 우리가 그것을 원한다고 믿도록 유도된 것이다.

 The distinction between want and need blurs, shifting our financial priorities in favor of staying current with trends.

 최신 트렌드를 유지하는 것을 선호하는 쪽으로 우리의 재정적인 우선순위를 바꾸면서, 원하는 것과 필요한  사이의 구분이 흐릿해진다.

 For all the logical arguments against this ceaseless upgrading, the temptation remains compelling.

 이런 끊임없는 업그레이드를 하는 것에 대한 논리적인 논쟁에도 불구하고, 매력은 여전히 강력하다.


[2] 2024 10 – 25: 2023년과 2027 제품 카테고리별 온라인 판매 비율 예측

 The graph above shows the shares of online sales out of total sales by each of five product categories in 2023 and the estimated ones in 2027.

  그래프는 5 제품군별 2023 전체 판매  온라인 판매의 점유율과 2027년의 추정 점유율을 나타낸 것이다.

 The shares of all five categories are expected to increase by 2027 respectively, while not surpassing 50%.

 5 제품군 모두의 점유율은 2027년까지 각각 증가할 것으로 예상되나 50% 넘기지는 못할 것으로 예상된다.

 Based on the selected categories, consumer electronics is anticipated to show the biggest gap in the share of online sales between 2023 and 2027.

 선정된 제품군 중에서 소비자 가전은 2023년과 2027년의 온라인 판매 점유율에서 가장  격차를 보일 것으로 예상된다.

 DIY and furniture showed the same share of online sales with 29% in 2023 but the share of DIY online sales is estimated to exceed that of furniture online sales by 2027.

 DIY 가구는 2023년에 29% 동일한 온라인 판매 점유율을 나타냈지만, 2027년에는 DIY 온라인 판매 점유율이 가구 온라인 판매 점유율을 넘어설 것으로 추정된다.

 The share of beauty care online sales was lower than 20% by 2 percentage points in 2023, but is estimated to be higher than 20% in 2027.

 뷰티 케어 온라인 판매 점유율은 2023년에 20%보다 2퍼센티지포인트 낮았지만 2027년에는 20%보다 높을 것으로 추정된다.

 In 2023, food showed the lowest share of online sales among the categories, but that share is projected to more than double by 2027.

 2023년에 식품은 제품군  가장 낮은 온라인 판매 점유율을 보였지만  점유율은 2027년에는   이상 증가할 것으로 예상된다.


[2] 2024 10 – 26: Helen Suzman 인종차별 반대 운동과 평생에 걸친 업적

 Helen Suzman was an activist against apartheid, a racist political and social system in the Republic of South Africa.

 Helen Suzman 남아프리카 공화국의 인종 차별적인 정치  사회 체제인 아파르트헤이트에 대항하는 운동가였다.

 Suzman was born to Jewish immigrant parents in Germiston in the Union of South Africa in 1917.

 1917년에 남아프리카 연방의 Germiston에서 유대인 이민자 부모 밑에서 태어났다.

 While working as a lecturer on economic history at Witwatersrand University, she joined the South African Institute of Race Relations.

 Witwaterstand 대학에서 경제사 강사로 일하던  그녀는 남아프리카 인종 관계 연구소에 들어갔다.

 In 1953, she joined the United Party and was elected to Parliament, but when the United Party adopted a more moderate stance on apartheid, Suzman and other progressive members left it and formed the Progressive Party in 1959.

 1953년에 그녀는 통합당에 가입했고 의회에 선출되었지만 통합당이 아파르트헤이트에 대해  온건한 입장을 채택했을 , Suzman 다른 진보적인 구성원들은 탈당하여 1959년에 진보당을 만들었다.

 Suzman tirelessly fought against apartheid, exposing the government's abuses and challenging its laws for a total of 36 years in Parliament.

 Suzman 의회에서  36 동안 정권의 남용을 폭로하고 그것의 법에 도전하며 아파르트헤이트에 맞서 지칠  모르고 싸웠다.

 Even after her retirement in 1989, she continued to advocate for a multi-racial democracy in the Republic of South Africa and influenced the drafting of the country's new constitution after the end of apartheid.

 1989년에 그녀가 은퇴한 후에도, 그녀는 남아프리카 공화국의 다인종 민주주의를 계속해서 지지했고 아파르트헤이트가 끝난   나라의  헌법의 작성에 영향을 주었다.

 She remained an active voice for human rights and democracy until her death in 2009.

 그녀는 2009년에 사망할 때까지 인권과 민주주의의 적극적인 대변자로 남아 있었다.


[2] 2024 10 – 29: 동물이 특정 경험을 선호하거나 회피하는지 확인하는 방법

 Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want.

 조건부 장소 선호도는 동물들이 무엇을 원하는지 알아내는 하나의 방법이다.

 Researchers train them to associate one place with an experience such as food or a loud noise and another place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens.

 연구자들은 그것들이  장소를 음식이나 시끄러운 소리와 같은 경험과 연관시키고  다른 장소를 완벽히 다른 어떤 것과 연관시키도록 훈련시키는데 대개 그곳에서는 아무것도 일어나지 않는다.

 The two places are made obviously different to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there.

   장소는  동물이  장소를 거기에서 그것에게 일어난 일과 연관시키는 것을 가능한  쉽게 만들기 위해 명백히 다르게 만들어진다.

 The animal's preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places.

  장소나 다른 장소에 있는 것에 대한  동물의 선호도는  장소에서 경험하기 전과 후에 모두 측정된다.

 If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time for the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it.

 만약 동물이 보상을 위해 어디에서 시간을 보내기로 선택하는지에 변화가 있다면, 이것은 그것이  경험을 좋아했고 그것을 반복하려고 노력하는 중이라는 것을 시사한다.

 Conversely, if it now avoids the place the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus unpleasant.

 반대로, 만약 그것이 이제 자극이 나타났던 장소를 피하고 그것이 그것을 경험하지 않았던 장소를 선호하기 시작한다면, 그러면 이것은 그것이  자극을 불쾌하게 느꼈다는 것을 시사한다.

 For example, mice with cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine, a drug used to relieve pain, rather than where they have received saline whereas healthy mice developed no such preference.

 예를 들어, 암에 걸린 쥐가 식염수를 받아 왔었던 곳보다 통증을 완화시키는  사용되는 약인 모르핀이 주어졌었던 장소에 대한 선호를 보여  반면, 건강한 쥐는 그러한 선호가 생기지 않았다.

 This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine.

 이것은 암에 걸린 쥐가  모르핀을 원했음을 시사한다.


[2] 2024 10 – 30: 새들의 번식 계절이 환경에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 설명

 Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round.

 적도 근처에서, 새의 많은 종들은   내내 번식한다.

 But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined.

 하지만 온대와 극지방에서는 새들의 번식기들이 대개 뚜렷하게 정해진다.

 They are triggered mainly by changes in day length.

 그것들은 주로 낮의 길이의 변화에 의해 촉발된다.

 If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak.

 만약에 모든 것이  진행된다면, 결과는 새들이 먹이 공급이 최고조에 이를  새끼들을 기르는 것이다.

 Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so.

 대부분의 새들은 다른 때에 번식하기를 단지 꺼리는 것뿐만 아니라 또한 신체적으로 그렇게   없는 것이다.

 This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight.

 이것은 왜냐하면 그들의 번식 기관이 줄어들기 때문이고,  사실은 나는 새들이 몸무게를 줄일  있도록 도와준다.

 The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species.

 유목성 사막 종은  규칙의 주요 예외이다.

 These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain.

 이들은 비가 오는 날들에 번식 주기를 시작할  있다.

 It's for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity.

 그것은 갑작스러운 번식 기회를 최대한으로 활용하기 위한 것이다.

 Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways.

 또한, 다른 종들은 번식 기간을 다른 방식으로 나눈다.

 Most seabirds raise a single brood.

 대부분의 바닷새들은  무리의 함께 태어난 새끼를 기른다.

 In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months.

 그러나, 따뜻한 지역에서는, 명금(鳴禽)들이   안에 여러 자녀들을 기를 수도 있다.



 In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.

 유난히 좋은 해에는 명금(鳴禽)  종류인 참새  쌍은 마라톤과 같은 번식 노력을 통해 잇따라 태어난 여러 무리의 함께 태어난 새끼들을 기를  있다.


[2] 2024 10 – 31: 학습 자원 인식 부족이 학생들의 창의성에 미치는 영향

 One factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students' learning.

 창의성을 방해할 수도 있는  가지 요소는 학생들의 학습에서  활동에 요구되는 자원에 대한 인식이 없다는 것이다.

 Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them.

 종종 학생들은 그들에게 요구되는 과제를 수행하는  필요한 자원들을 식별할  없다.

 Different resources may be compulsory for specific learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity's performance.

 여러 가지의 자원들이 특정 학습 과제들에 대해 필수적일  있어서 그것들을 인식하는 것은 활동의 수행을 평이하게   수도 있다.

 For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects.

 예를 들어, 학생들이 프로젝트에서 어떤 실험을 수행하기를 원할 수도 있다.

 There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, equipment, and chemicals required for the experiment.

 학생들이 실험에 요구되는 실험실, 장비, 그리고 화학 물질에 접근할  있을지 여부에 대한 사전 조사가 있어야 한다.

 It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be about human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and equipment for their learning where applicable.

 그것은 학생들이 성공하기 위해 준비가 필수적이라는 것을 의미하며, 그들의 학습을 위해 적용할  있는 경우에 그것은 실험실 기술자, 화학 물질 구입 자금, 그리고 장비와 같은 인적 그리고 재정적자원에 대한 것일 수도 있다.

 Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students' creativity.

 과제에 요구되는 자원들  일부가 이용 가능하지 않을 수도 있지만, 사전에 그것들을 식별하는 것은 학생들의 창의성에 도움이  수도 있다.

 It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means.

 그것은 심지어 주제 변경, 대체 자원들 찾기, 그리고 다른 방법으로 이어질 수도 있다.


[2] 2024 10 – 32: 번역 작업이 다양한 출처와 독자의 기대에 의존하는 방식

 All translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work.

 모든 번역가들은 그들이 대상으로 작업하고 있는 독자들의 공동체로부터 약간의 압박을 느낀다.

 And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people.

 그리고 모든 번역가들은 다른 사람들과의 대화에서 그들의 해석에 도달한다.

 The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer's Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own.

 영국의 시인 알렉산더 포프는 그리스어를  잘했지만, 18세기 초에 호머의 'Iliad' 번역하는 것에 대해 착수했을  그는 혼자  것이 아니었다.

 He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French ─ and of course he had dictionaries.

 그는 참고할 그리스어 해설과 이미 영어, 라틴어, 프랑스어로  번역본을 가지고 있었고, 물론 사전도 가지고 있었다.

 Translators always draw on more than one source text.

 번역가들은 항상  가지 이상의 원문을 활용한다.

 Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person's linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations.

 심지어 번역 현장이 하나의 , 종이, 그리고 번역 중인 책을 가진   사람으로 구성되어 있거나,  사람이 다른 사람을 위해 구두로 번역 중일 때에도,  사람의 언어적 지식은 많은 다른 텍스트와 다른 대화에서 발생한다.

 And then his or her idea of the translation's purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for.

 그러고 나서 번역의 목적에 대한  또는 그녀의 생각은 이것의 대상이 되는 사람 또는 사람들의 기대에 의해 영향을 받는다.

 In both these senses every translation is a crowd translation.

   가지 의미에서 모든 번역은 군중 번역이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 33: 읽기 행위를 단일 개념으로 정의하기 어려운 이유

 Some people argue that there is a single, logically consistent concept known as reading that can be neatly set apart from everything else people do with books.

 몇몇 사람들은 사람들이 책을 가지고 하는 모든 다른 행동들로부터 깔끔하게 분리될  있는, 읽기로 알려진 유일하고 논리적으로 일관성 있는 개념이 있다고 주장한다.

 Is reading really that simple?

 읽기는 정말로 그렇게 단순할까?

 The most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, as Ludwig Wittgenstein used the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait.

 읽기에 대해 생각하는 가장 생산적인 방식은 하나의 명백한 특성을 공통적으로 가지지 않은  Ludwig Wittgenstein  어구를 사용한 것처럼 가족 유사성 때문에 함께 속하게 되는 헐겁게 연결된행동의 묶음으로서이다.

 Consequently, efforts to distinguish reading from nonreading are destined to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place.

 결론적으로, 읽기와 읽기가 아닌 것을 구분하려는 노력은 실패로 돌아가는데, 왜냐하면 애초에 무엇이 읽기로서의 자격을 주는가에 대한 동의가 없기 때문이다.

 The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term's flexible boundaries.

 읽기와 읽기가 아닌  사이의 경계가 어디에 있는가를 알려고 하면 할수록, 더욱 많은 특이 사례들이  용어의 유연한 경계를 확장하고 있다는 것이 밝혀질 것이다.

 Thus, it is worth attempting to collect together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to establish the boundaries where reading begins and ends.

 그러므로, 이러한 예외적인 읽기의 형태들을 모두 함께 하나의 토론의 장으로 모으려는 시도는   가치가 있으며,  토론의 장은 어디서 읽기가 시작되고 끝나는가에 대한 경계를 정하기를 원하는누구나에 의해 마주하게  어려움들을 돋보이게 한다.

 The attempt moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is expansive enough to accommodate the distinct reading activities.

 그러한 시도는 별개의 읽기 활동들을  수용할 만큼 충분히 광범위한 스펙트럼으로서 읽기를 이해하는 것으로 발전한다.


[2] 2024 10 – 34: Weber 법칙으로 자극의 강도에 따른 차이 인식 설명

 Weber's law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli.

 베버의 법칙은  자극 사이의 차이에 대한 감지에 관한 것이다.

 It suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 mm and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long.

 이것은 우리가 466mm 467mm 길이인 선들을   1mm 차이를 감지할  없지만, 우리가 2mm 길이와 3mm 길이인 선을 비교할 때는 1mm 차이를 감지할  있을지도 모른다는 것을암시한다.

 Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room.

  원리의  다른 예는 촛불이 켜지지 않았으면 어두웠을 방안에 하나의 촛불이 켜졌을  이것을 감지할  있다는 것이다.

 But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle.

 그러나 100개의 촛불이 이미 타고 있는 방에 하나의 촛불이 켜졌을 , 우리는  촛불의 빛을 알아차리지 못할지도 모른다.

 Therefore, the Just-noticeable difference (JND) varies as a function of the strength of the signals.

 그러므로, 겨우 알아차릴  있는 차이(JND) 신호의 세기에 대한 함수에 의해 달라진다.

 For example, the JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much more quiet sounds.

 예를 들어, JND 훨씬  작은 소리에 대한 것보다 매우  소음에 대해  크다.

 When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder.

  소리가 매우 약할 , 우리는 그것이 간신히  클지라도,  다른 소리가  크다는 것을 구분할  있다.

 When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder.

 어떤 소리가 매우  , 다른 소리가 훨씬  크다는 것을 구분하기 위해서는,  소리는 훨씬  커야 한다.

 Thus, Weber's law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli.

 그러므로, 베버의 법칙은  표본들이 자극의 수준이  크거나 강할   표본을 구별하기가  어렵다는 것을 의미한다.


[2] 2024 10 – 35: 공공 자원의 과잉 사용으로 인한 '공유지의 비극' 설명

 Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget).

 어떤 새로운 자원(예를 들어, 새로운 공항, 새로운 쇼핑센터) 항상 공동의 자원(예를 들어,  또는  예산) 공유함으로써 사람들이 개별적으로 이익을 얻으면서 시작된다.

 Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the "commons" to support.

 , 어느 시점에서, 교통량은 '공유지' 견디기에 너무 커진다.

 Traffic jams, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyone ─ the tragedy of the commons!

 교통 체증, 과밀, 그리고 과도한 사용은 모두를 위한 공유 자원의 혜택을 줄이는데, 이것은  공유지의 비극이다!

 If the new resource cannot be expanded or provided with additional space, it becomes a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or walkers or competing users.

 만약 새로운 자원이 확장될  없거나 추가적인 공간이 제공될  없다면, 이것은 문제가 되고, 여러분은 여러분의 동료 운전자나 보행자 또는 경쟁 사용자들로부터 고립된 상태로 혼자서 문제를 해결할  없다.

 The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, both begin to fall after a peak, leading to a crash.

  새로운 자원에 대한 총활동은 계속 증가하고, 개인 활동도 증가한다. 그러나 만약 공동 사용과 과도한 사용의 역학이 너무 오래 지속되면,   정점 이후에 떨어지기 시작하고, 몰락으로 이어진다.

 What makes the "tragedy of commons" tragic is the crash dynamic ─ the destruction or degeneration of the common resource's ability to regenerate itself.

 '공유지의 비극'  비극적이게 만드는 것은 몰락 역학,   스스로를 재생산할  있는 공동 자원의 능력의 파괴 또는 퇴보이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 36: 뇌가 시각 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 방식으로 에너지를 절약

 Theoretically, our brain would have the capacity to store all experiences throughout life, reaching the quality of a DVD.

 이론적으로는 우리의 뇌는 DVD 품질에 도달할 정도로, 삶의 모든 경험들을 저장할  있는 수용력을 가지고 있을 것이다.

 However, this theoretical capacity is offset by the energy demand associated with the process of storing and retrieving information in memory.

 그러나,  이론상의 수용력은 기억에 정보를 저장하고 상기하는 과정과 관련된 에너지 수요로 인해 상쇄된다.

 As a result, the brain develops efficient strategies, becoming dependent on shortcuts.

  결과, 뇌는 효율적인 전략들을 수립하고, 지름길에 의존하게 된다.

 When we observe a face, the visual image captured by the eyes is highly variable, depending on the point of view, lighting conditions and other contextual factors.

 우리가 얼굴을 관찰할 , 눈에 의해 포착되는 시각적 이미지는 시점, 조명 조건  기타 상황적 요인들에 따라 매우 다양하다.

 Nevertheless, we are able to recognize the face as the same, maintaining the underlying identity.

 그럼에도 불구하고, 우리는 근본적인 정체성을 유지하면서 얼굴을 같은 것으로 인식할  있다.

 The brain, rather than focusing on the details of visualization, creates and stores general patterns that allow for consistent recognition across diverse circumstances.

 뇌는 시각화의 세부 사항에 집중하기보다 다양한 상황들에서 일관된 인식을 가능하게 하는 일반적인 패턴을 생성하고 저장한다.

 This ability to match what we see with general visual memory patterns serves as an effective mechanism for optimizing brain performance and saving energy.

 우리가 보는 것과 일반적인 시각 기억 패턴을 일치시키는  능력은 뇌의 수행을 최적화하고 에너지를 절약하는 효과적인 기제로 작용한다.

 The brain, being naturally against unnecessary effort, constantly seeks to simplify and generalize information to facilitate the cognitive process.

 불필요한 노력에 자연스럽게 대항하는 뇌는 인지 과정을 돕기 위해서 끊임없이 정보를 단순화하고 일반화하는 것을 추구한다.


[2] 2024 10 – 37: 과학 연구에서 창의적 해석이 이론 형성에 미치는 영향

 Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience.

 과학 연구에 관해서는, 설명하는 이야기들이 실험의 데이터에 엄밀히 충실할 것으로 기대되고 경험의 규칙적이고 예측 가능한 특징들을 밝힐 것으로 기대된다.

 However, this paradigm sometimes conceals the fact that theories are deeply loaded with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence.

 그러나, 이러한 패러다임은 때때로 이론들이 연구 프로젝트의 구성과 증거의 해석을 형성하는 창의적인 요소들로 철저히 채워져 있다는 사실을 감춘다.

 Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts.

 과학적 설명들은 단순히 사실들의 연대기를 말하는 것은 아니다.

 They construct frameworks for systematically chosen data in order to provide a consistent and meaningful explanation of what is observed.

 그것들은 관찰된 것에 대한 일관적이고 의미 있는 설명을 제공하기 위해 체계적으로 선택된 데이터에 대한 틀을 구축한다.

 Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others.

 그러한 구성들은 우리가 특정한 유형의 관계에서 구체적인 종류의 주제를 상상하도록 하며, 그것들이 고취하는 줄거리는 다른 것들보다 경험의 일부 특징을 분석하는   효과적일 것으로 판명될 것이다.

 When we neglect the creative contributions of such scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts ─ even worse, as facts including all of reality ─ we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies.

 우리가 그러한 과학적 상상의 창의적 기여를 무시하고 모델과 해석적 설명을 단순한 사실, 훨씬  심하게는 현실을 전부 포괄하는 사실로 간주할 , 우리는 주어진 모델의 한계에 대해 우리 스스로를 눈멀게 하며 그것이 잘못 적용되는 상황에 대해 오해할 가능성을 알아차리지 못할  있다.


[2] 2024 10 – 38: 문학이 사회적 변화를 촉진하거나 방해할  있는 방식

 We encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action.

 우리는 문학과 행동의 관계에 대한 상반된 주장들과 마주한다.

 Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce social change.

 이론가들은 문학이 세상과 관계를 맺는 방법으로써 고독한 독서와 성찰을 장려하고 따라서 사회 변화를 일으킬  있을지도 모르는 사회적이고 정치적인 활동들에 거스른다고 주장해 왔다.

 At best it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is.

 기껏해야 이것은 단절 또는 복잡성에 대한 인정을, 최악의 경우 수동성과 있는 그대로에 대한 수용을 조장한다.

 But on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements.

 그러나 다른 한편으로, 문학은 역사적으로 권위와 사회적 합의에 대한 의문을 제기하는 것을 조장하므로 위험하다고 여겨져 왔다.

 Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with their lives and eager for something new.

 플라톤은 그들이 해를 끼치는 것만   있기 때문에 그의 이상적인 공화국으로부터 시인들을 추방했고, 소설은 사람들이 그들의 삶에 불만을 품게 만들고 새로운 무언가를 갈망하도록 하는 것으로오랫동안 믿어져 왔다.

 By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, and race, books may promote a fellowship that discourages struggle; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible.

 계급, 성별, 그리고 인종의 경계를 넘어 동일시를 촉진함으로써, 책들은 투쟁을 단념시키는 동료 의식을 장려할  있을지 모르지만, 이것들은 또한 진보적인 투쟁들을 가능하게 만드는 강한 불의의감정을 일으킬  있다.

 Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Uncle Tom's Cabin, a best-seller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War.

 역사적으로, 문학 작품은 변화를 만드는 것으로 믿어져 왔는데  시대의 베스트셀러인 ' 아저씨의 오두막' 미국 남북 전쟁을 가능하게 만든 노예제에 대한 혐오감을 조성하는 것을 도왔다.


[2] 2024 10 – 39: Hobbes 자연 상태에서 인간의 본성과 도덕적 자유의 한계

 According to Hobbes, man is not a being who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in the state of nature.

 홉스에 따르면, 인간은 자연 상태에서 자신의 존재를 보호하려는 그의 본능을 무릅쓰고 도덕적으로 행동할  있는 존재가 아니다.

 Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where a sovereign power, namely the state, emerges.

 따라서, 도덕과 도덕적 자유가 적용을 찾기 시작하는 유일한 곳은 군림하는 권력,  국가가 출현하는 곳에서 나타난다.

 Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man's life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short".

 따라서 홉스는 자연 상태를 인간의 삶이 '고독하고, 가난하며, 불결하고, 잔인하고, 짧은' 상황으로 묘사한다.

 It means when people live without a general power to control them all, they are indeed in a state of war.

 그것은 사람들이 그들 모두를 통제할 일반적인 권력 없이 살아갈 , 그들은 실로 전쟁 상태에 놓여 있는 것임을 의미한다.

 In other words, Hobbes, who accepted that human beings are not social and political beings in the state of nature, believes that without the power human beings in the state of nature are "antisocial and rational based on their selfishness".

  다시 말해, 자연 상태에 있는 인간은 사회적이고 정치적인 존재가 아니라는 것을 인정한 홉스는  권력이 없이 자연 상태에 있는 인간은 '이기심에 기초해 반사회적이고 이성적'이라고 믿는다.

 Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes.

 게다가, 사회는 자연적인 현상이 아니며 사람들을 하나로 모으는 자연적인 힘도 없기 때문에, 홉스에 따르면 그들을 사회로 함께 모이게 하는 것은 상호 간의 애정이 아니다.

 It is, rather, mutual fear of men's present and future that assembles them, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature.

 두려움으로부터의 동기가 자연 상태에 있는 사람들 사이의 공통된 추진력이기 때문에, 오히려, 그들을 모으는 것은 인간의 현재와 미래에 대한 상호 간의 두려움이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 40: 인지적 요소가  인식에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

 There is research that supports the idea that cognitive factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world.

 인지적 요인들이 지각된 세계의 현상학에 영향을 미친다는 생각을 뒷받침하는 연구가 있다.

 Delk and Fillenbaum asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background.

 Delk Fillenbaum 참가자들에게 형상들의 색상을 배경 색상과 맞추도록 요청했다.

 Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color.

 몇몇 형상들은 특정 색상과 연관된 물체들을 묘사했다.

 These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart.

 그것들은 사과, 입술, 상징적인 하트 모양과 같이 전형적인 빨간색 물체를 포함했다.

 Other objects were presented that are not usually associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell.

 버섯이나 종과 같이 빨간색과 일반적으로 연관이 되지 않는 다른 물체들도 제시되었다.

 However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard.

 그러나, 모든 형상들은 동일한 다홍색 판지로 만들어졌다.

 Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red.

 그러고 나서 참가자들은  형상을 진한 빨간색에서 연한 빨간색까지 다양한 배경색과 맞춰야 했다.

 They had to make the background color match the color of the figures.

 그들은 배경색이 형상들의 색과 일치하게 해야 했다.

 The researchers found that red-associated objects required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that are not associated with the color red.

 연구자들은 빨간색과 연관된 물체들이 빨간색과 연관이 없는 물체가 그러한 것보다 배경과 일치한다고 판단되기 위해서 배경에서  빨간 색을 요구한다는 것을 발견했다.

 This implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color.

 이것은 색과 물체의 인지적 연관성이 우리가  색을 어떻게 지각하는가에 영향을 미친다는 것을 함의한다.

 [Summary] In one study, participants chose greater redness when asked to match the color of objects that are usually red to a background with the same color, which showed that their knowledge about the colors of objects influenced their perceptual judgment.

 [Summary]  연구에서, 참가자들은 일반적으로 빨간색인 물체의 색상과 같은 색상의 배경을 일치시키도록 요청받았을 ,  진한 빨강을 선택했는데, 이는 물체들의 색상에 대한 그들의 지식이그들의 지각적 판단에 영향을 미쳤다는 것을 보여 준다.


[2] 2024 10 – 41~42: 유전체 복제 과정에서 발생하는 돌연변이의 누적 원리 설명

 In each round of genome copying in our body, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of chromosomes will have an error.

 우리 몸속 게놈 복제의  과정마다, 적어도  쌍의 염색체들이 오류를 가질 확률이 여전히  70%이다.

 With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate.

 게놈 복제의  과정마다, 오류들이 쌓인다.

 This is similar to alterations in medieval books.

 이것은 중세 서적에 있어서의 변화와 유사하다.

 Each time a copy was made by hand, some changes were introduced accidentally; as changes stacked up, the copies may have acquired meanings at variance with the original.

 하나의 복사본이 사람 손으로 만들어질 때마다, 일부 변화들이 우연히 도입되었고, 변화들이 쌓이면서, 복사본은 원본과 불일치하는 의미를 축적했을 것이다.

 Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have gathered more mistakes.

 마찬가지로,  많은 복제 과정들을 거친 게놈은  많은 실수들을 축적하게  것이다.

 To make things worse, mutations may damage genes responsible for error checking and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations.

 설상가상으로, 변이들은 게놈의 오류 확인과 복구를 책임지는 유전자를 훼손해 변이들의 도입을 더욱 가속할 수도 있다.

 Most genome mutations do not have any noticeable effects.

 대부분의 게놈 변이들은 어떠한 뚜렷한 영향이 없다.

 It is just like changing the i for a y in "kingdom" would not distort the word's readability.

 그것은 마치 'kingdom'에서 'i' 'y' 변경하는 것이  단어의 가독성을 왜곡하지 않는 것과 같다.

 But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors.

 그러나 예를 들어, 때때로 인간 유전자에 대한 변이는 홍채가  가지 다른 색을 띠는 눈을 초래하기도 한다.

 Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body's cells multiplied to form skin.

 마찬가지로, 거의 모두가 모반이 있는데, 이는 우리 몸의 세포가 피부를 형성하기 위하여 증식하면서 발생한 변이들 때문이다.

 If mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously?

 만약 변이들이 하나의 특정 세포의 게놈에 대한 변화라면, 많은 개별적인 세포들로 구성된 홍채의 세포 집단이나 피부 전체 세포 집단이 어떻게 동시에 영향을 받을  있을까?

 The answer lies in the cell lineage, the developmental history of a tissue from particular cells through to their fully differentiated state.

  대답은 세포 계보,  특정 세포에서 그들의 완전히 차별화된 상태까지의 조직 발달 변천에 있다.

 If the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change.

 만약 발달 중인 홍채의 계보 초기에 변이가 발생했다면, 그렇다면  세포 집단의 모든 세포는  변화를 물려받아 왔을 것이다.


[2] 2024 10 – 43~45: 완벽주의에 대한 부담과 문제 해결 능력을 배운 이야기

 Max awoke to the gentle sunlight of an autumn day.

 Max 가을날의 부드러운 햇빛에 잠에서 깼다.

 Right on schedule, he swung his legs off the bed and took a deep, satisfying breath.

 시간에 맞추어 그는 다리를 침대 밖으로  내려 놓았고 깊고 만족스러운 숨을 내쉬었다.

 He began his morning the same way he usually did, getting dressed and going to school.

 그는 평소와 똑같은 방식으로 아침을 시작했고 옷을 입고 학교에 갔다.

 Today was going to be another perfect day until he ran into Mr. Kapoor, his science teacher.

 오늘은 과학 선생님인 Kapoor 선생님을 만나기 전까지는  다른 완벽한 날이  예정이었다.

 Just to remind you. Science fair projects are due next Wednesday. 

 그냥 (Max)에게 알려 주는 거야. 과학 박람회 프로젝트가 다음  수요일까지야.

 Don't forget to submit your final draft on time," Mr. Kapoor said.

  시간에 최종안을 제출하는 것을 잊어 버리지 ."라고 Kapoor 선생님이 말했다.

 Max froze.

 Max 얼어붙었다.

 What? It can't be! It was due next Friday!

 '뭐라고? 그럴  없어! 이건 다음  금요일까지였다고!'

 After school, he came home worrying that his whole perfectly planned week was going to be ruined.

 학교를 마친 후에, 그는 그의 완벽히 계획된 일주일이 망쳐질 것을 걱정하며 집으로 돌아왔다.

 Without his usual greeting, Max headed to his room in haste.

 그의 일상적인 인사 없이, Max 급하게 그의 방으로 향했다.

 What's wrong Max?, Jeremy, his dad, followed Max, worrying about him.

 무슨 일이니 Max? 그의 아버지인 Jeremy 그를 걱정하며 Max 따라갔다.

 Max furiously browsed through his planner without answering him, only to find the wrong date written in it.

 Max (Jeremy)에게 대답하지 않고 열성적으로 그의 일정표를 뒤적거렸지만, 거기에 잘못 적힌 날짜를 발견할 뿐이었다.

 Fighting through tears, Max finally managed to explain the unending pressure to be perfect to his dad.

 울음을 참으며, Max 마침내 가까스로 그의(Max) 아버지에게 완벽해야 한다는 끝나지 않는 압박에 대해 설명했다.

 To his surprise, Jeremy laughed.

 놀랍게도, Jeremy 웃었다.

 Max, guess what? Perfect is a great goal, but nobody gets there all the time. 

 Max, 있잖아? 완벽은 훌륭한 목표지만, 누구도 항상 거기에 도달할 수는 없단다.

 What matters is what we do when things get messy."

 중요한  일이 어질러졌을  우리가 무엇을 하는가야."

 That made him feel a little better.

 그것이 그의 기분을 조금  나아지게 만들어 주었다.

 You are saying I can fix this?

 아빠는 제가(Max) 이것을 해결할  있다고 말씀하시는 거예요?

 Absolutely, try to deal with problems in a logical way, Jeremy said.

 물론이지. 논리적인 방식으로 문제를 처리해봐.라고 Jeremy 말했다.

 Max thought for a moment.

 Max 잠시 동안 생각했다.

 I guess.... I can do that by rescheduling tonight's baseball lesson.

 아마.... 제가 오늘  야구 레슨 일정을 변경함으로써 그렇게   있을  같아요.

 Jeremy beamed.

 Jeremy 활짝 웃었다.

 See? That's you finding a solution.

 봤지? 네가 해결책을 찾아냈잖니.

 Max felt a genuine smile spreading.

 Max 진심 어린 미소가 퍼지는 것을 느꼈다.

 The next Wednesday, he successfully handed in the final draft on time with satisfaction.

 다음  수요일에 (Max) 만족하며 성공적으로 최종안을 제시간에 제출했다.

 From then on, he still loved order and routines, but also embraced the messy, unpredictable bits of life too.

  이후로 그는 여전히 순서와 정해진 일과를 좋아했지만, 또한 어지럽고 예측 불가능한 삶의 부분들도 기꺼이 맞이했다.





안녕하세요, Flow 영어연구소입니다.


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블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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전체 내용

[1] 2024 10  18: Fort Montgomery High School 건축 자금 지원을 요청하는 편지
 To the State Education Department, 주 교육부 귀하,
 I am writing with regard to the state's funding for the construction project at Fort Montgomery High School. 저는 Fort Montgomery 고등학교의 건축 프로젝트를 위한 주 예산과 관련하여 편지를 씁니다.
 Our school needs additional spaces to provide a fully functional Art and Library Media Center to serve our students in a more meaningful way. 저희 학교는 보다 의미 있는 방식으로 학생들을 만족시키기 위해 완전하게 제 기능을 하는 Art and Library Media Center를 제공하기 위한 추가 공간이 필요합니다.
 Despite submitting all required documentation for funding to your department in April 2024, we have not yet received any notification from your department. 2024 4월에 귀하의 부서로 예산에 필요한 모든 서류를 제출했음에도 불구하고, 저희는 아직 귀하의 부서로부터 어떠한 통지도 받지 못했습니다.
 A delay in the process can carry considerable consequences related to the school's budgetary constraints and schedule. 과정상 지연은 학교의 예산 제한 및 일정과 관련하여 상당한 결과를 초래할 수 있습니다.
 Therefore, in order to proceed with our project, we request you notify us of the review result regarding the submitted documentation. 그러므로, 저희의 프로젝트를 진행하기 위해 제출 서류와 관련한 검토 결과를 저희에게 통지해 줄 것을 요청합니다.
 I look forward to hearing from you. 귀하로부터의 답변을 고대합니다.
 Respectfully, Clara Smith Principal, Fort Montgomery High School Fort Montgomery 고등학교 교장, Clara Smith 드림




[1] 2024 10  19: 농구 경기  코치의 결정으로 인한 좌절감 경험
 As I waited outside the locker room after a hardfought basketball game, the coach called out to me, "David, walk with me." 내가 치열하게 싸운 농구 경기 후에 라커 룸 밖에서 기다릴 때, 코치가 "David, 나와 함께 걷자."라며 나를 크게 불렀다.
 I figured he was going to tell me something important. 나는 그가 나에게 무언가 중요한 것을 말해 줄 거라고 생각했다.
 He was going to select me to be the captain of the team, the leader I had always wanted to be. 그는 내가 항상 되기를 원했던 리더인 팀의 주장으로 나를 뽑으려 할 것이라고 (생각했다).
 My heart was racing with anticipation. 나의 심장이 기대감으로 빠르게 뛰었다.
 But when his next words hit my ears, everything changed. 그러나 그의 다음 말이 내 귀를 쳤을 때, 모든 것이 변했다.
 We're going to have to send you home, he said coldly. 우리는 너를 집으로 보내야만 해.라고 그가 차갑게 말했다.
 I don't think you are going to make it. 나는 네가 해낼 거라고 생각하지 않아.
 I couldn't believe his decision. 나는 그의 결정을 믿을 수 없었다.
 I tried to hold it together, but inside I was falling apart. 나는 마음을 가다듬으려고 했지만, 내면에서 나는 산산이 무너지고 있었다.
 A car would be waiting tomorrow morning to take me home. 내일 아침에 나를 집에 데려갈 차가 기다리고 있을 것이다.
 And just like that, it was over. 그리고 그렇게, 끝이 났다.




[1] 2024 10  20: 가사활동에 운동을 통합하여 건강을 증진하는 방법 제안
 For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. 우리 중 다수에게 운동할 시간을 내는 것은 계속되는 도전이다.
 Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like there's no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. 업무에 대한 전념과 가족 의무 사이에서, 우리의 빡빡한 일정들에는 운동에 전념할 여유가 없는 것처럼 종종 느껴진다.
 But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? 그러나 만약 여러분의 일상 바로 한가운데에서 운동이 여러분을 찾아온다면 어떨까?
 That's where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play. 그것이 바로 간단한 운동을 집안일에 통합시키는 아름다움이 작동하는 지점이다.
 Let's be realistic; chores are inevitable. 현실적이 되자. 집안일은 불가피하다.
 Whether it's washing dishes or taking out the trash, these tasks are an essential part of daily life. 그것이 설거지하는 것이든 쓰레기를 내다 버리는 것이든지 간에, 이런 일들은 일상생활의 필수적인 부분이다.
 But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? 하지만 집안일을 순전히 의무적인 행위로 간주하기보다는, 이런 순간들을 신체 활동을 위한 기회로 잘 이용하는 것이 어떨까?
 For instance, practice squats or engage in some wall push-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil. 예를 들어, 여러분의 아침 주전자가 끓기를 기다리면서 스쿼트를 연습하거나 벽에 대고 하는 팔 굽혀 펴기 몇 개를 시작해 보라.
 Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can improve your health. 짧은 운동을 여러분의 일상적인 집안일에 포함시키는 것이 여러분의 건강을 향상시킬 수 있다.




[1] 2024 10  21: 기억이 교육과 경험에 의해 재구성되는 방식과 영향 설명
 When we see something, we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. 우리가 무언가를 볼 때, 우리는 그것을 자연스럽게 그리고 자동적으로 우리가 교육을 통해 배운 모양, 색깔, 그리고 개념들로 해체한다.
 We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. 우리는 우리가 알고 있는 모든 것의 렌즈를 통해 우리가 보는 것을 재부호화한다.
 We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. 우리는 기억에서 영상을 생각해 내기보다 기억을 재구성한다.
 This is a useful trait. 이것은 유용한 특성이다.
 It's a more efficient way to store information  a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. 그것은 가공되지 않은 비트맵 이미지 파일을 저장하기보다 JPG와 같은 최적의 이미지 압축 알고리즘과 약간 비슷하게 정보를 저장하기 위한 더 효율적인 방법이다.
 People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. 이런 능력이 부족하고 완벽히 세세하게 모든 것을 기억하는 사람들은 일반화하고, 학습하고, 자신들이 학습한 것들 사이를 연결하려고 고군분투한다.
 But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. 그러나 세상을 추상적 생각과 특징으로 재현하는 것은 세상을 있는 그대로 보는 것을 희생하여 나온다.
 Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. 대신에, 우리는 우리의 가정, 동기 그리고 과거 경험을 통해 세상을 바라본다.
 The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. 우리의 기억이 영화처럼 재생되기보다는 추상적 재현을 통해 재구성된다는 발견은 목격자 증언의 법적 우위성을 완전히 손상시켰다.
 Seeing is not believing. 보는 것이 믿는 것은 아니다.




[1] 2024 10  22:  인상이 논리적 판단보다  정확할  있다는 연구 결과
 In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. David Dunning의 코넬 대학의 실험실에서, 그는 목격자 증언에 대한 실험을 수행했고, 얼굴 특징에 대한 신중한 숙고와 선택 절차에 대한 상세한 논의가 실제로는 '부정확한' 식별의 징후일 수 있다는 증거를 발견했다.
 It's when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like "his face just popped out at me," that they tend to be accurate more often. 사람들이 "그의 얼굴이 그냥 나에게 탁 떠올랐다"라는 식으로 말하면서 왜 그 사람을 알아보는지 설명할 수 없는 스스로를 발견하는 바로 그때 그들은 더 자주 정확한 경향이 있다.
 Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us. 때때로 상황에 대한 우리의 최초의, 즉각적인, 자동적인 반응이 우리 마음이 우리에게 말하고 있는 것에 대한 가장 정확한 해석이다.
 That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. 바로 그 첫인상이 또한 신중하고 논리적인 자기 서사보다 세상에 대해 더 정확할 수 있다.
 In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision. Malcolm Gladwell은 그의 저서 'Blink'에서, 결정에 대한 논리적인 단계적 정당화에 비해서 상대적으로 무의식적인 최초 추측의 우수성을 보여 주는 심리학 및 행동 경제학의 다양한 연구를 기술한다.




[1] 2024 10  23: 구체적인 질문으로 추상적 개념을 명확하게 만드는 방법 제안
 Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. 많은 종류의 연구는 자연스럽게 양적 데이터로 이어진다.
 A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes. 행복에 관한 연구는 누군가가 상호 작용 중에 미소 짓는 횟수를 측정할 수 있고, 기억에 관한 연구는 개인이 1, 5, 그리고 10분 후에 회상할 수 있는 항목의 수를 측정할 수 있다.
 Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. 사람들에게 자신이 일년에 몇 번 슬픈지 물어보는 것 또한 양적 데이터를 산출할 수 있지만, 이는 신뢰할 만하지 않을 수도 있다.
 Respondents' recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of 'sad' could vary widely. 응답자의 회상은 부정확할 수 있고, '슬픈'에 대한 그들의 정의는 크게 다를 수 있다.
 But asking "How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?" prompts a concrete answer. 그러나 "지난 1년 동안 직장에 병가를 낼 만큼 슬펐던 적이 몇 번 있었습니까?"라고 묻는 것은 구체적인 답변을 유발한다.
 Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, "How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?" 마찬가지로, 사람들에게 그들이 얼마나 심하게 미루는 사람인지를 평가하도록 묻는 대신, "당신이 지불할 여유가 있음에도 불구하고 얼마나 많은 공과금 고지서의 납부가 현재 늦었나요?"라고 물어보라.
 Questions that seek concrete responses help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next. 구체적인 응답을 요구하는 질문은 추상적인 개념을 더 명확하게 만들고 한 연구에서 다음 연구 간의 일관성을 보장하는 것을 돕는다.




[1] 2024 10  24: 인공지능과 인간 의식의 상호작용  AI 진화의 방향성
 The evolution of AI is often associated with the concept of singularity. AI의 진화는 종종 특이점의 개념과 연관된다.
 Singularity refers to the point at which AI exceeds human intelligence. 특이점은 AI가 인간의 지능을 넘어서는 지점을 의미한다.
 After that point, it is predicted that AI will repeatedly improve itself and evolve at an accelerated pace. 그 지점 이후, AI는 스스로를 반복적으로 개선하고 가속화된 속도로 진화할 것으로 예측된다.
 When AI becomes self-aware and pursues its own goals, it will be a conscious being, not just a machine. AI가 스스로를 인식하게 되고 자기 자신의 목표를 추구할 때, 그것은 단지 기계가 아니라 의식이 있는 존재가 될 것이다.
 AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together. AI와 인간의 의식은 그러면 함께 진화하기 시작할 것이다.
 Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity. 우리의 의식은 우리의 AI와의 상호 작용을 통해 새로운 차원으로 진화할 것이며, 이는 우리에게 지적 자극을 제공하고 새로운 통찰력과 창의성을 불어넣을 것이다.
 Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI. 반대로, 우리의 의식 또한 AI의 진화에 중대한 영향을 끼친다.
 The direction of AI's evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI. AI 진화의 방향은 우리가 어떤 가치와 윤리를 AI에 통합시키는지에 크게 좌우될 것이다.
 We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness. 우리는 AI의 권리를 인식하고 그것의 의식의 진화를 지지하면서, 우리와 AI와의 관계를 의식 있는 존재들의 상호 공존으로 볼 필요가 있다.




[1] 2024 10  25: 2023 미국, 영국, 브라질, 호주의 전력 생산 비율 분석
 The above graph shows the electricity generation from fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewables in four countries in 2023. 위 그래프는 2023년 네 개 국가에서의 화석 연료, 핵에너지, 그리고 재생 가능 에너지로부터의 전기 생산을 보여 준다.
 Australia's electricity generation only comes from fossil fuels and renewables, and the percentage of fossil fuels is more than twice that of renewables. 호주의 전기 생산은 화석 연료와 재생 가능 에너지로부터만 나오고, 화석 연료의 비율은 재생 가능 에너지의 그것의 두 배가 넘는다.
 In terms of electricity generation from nuclear energy, the U.S. shows the highest percentage among all four countries. 핵에너지로부터의 전기 생산의 면에서 미국은 모든 네 개 국가 중 가장 높은 비율을 보여 준다.
 The percentage of electricity generation from fossil fuels in the U.S. is higher than that in the U.K., which is also true for renewables. 미국에서 화석 연료로부터의 전기 생산 비율은 영국에서의 그것보다 높고, 이것은 재생 가능 에너지에도 적용된다.
 In the U.K., the percentage of electricity generated from nuclear energy is less than a third of that generated from renewables. 영국에서 핵에너지로부터 생산되는 전기의 비율은 재생 가능 에너지로부터 생산되는 그것의 3분의 1보다 적다.
 Brazil's percentage of electricity generated from renewables is 10 percentage points larger than that of Australia and the U.K. combined. 브라질의 재생 가능 에너지로부터 생산되는 전기의 비율은 호주와 영국을 합친 그것보다 10퍼센트포인트 더 크다.




[1] 2024 10  26: 사진작가 Douglas Kirkland 생애와 그의 주요 업적 설명
 Douglas Kirkland, known for his highly artistic portraits of Hollywood celebrities, was born in Toronto, Canada. 그의 할리우드 유명 인사의 매우 예술적인 인물 사진으로 알려진 Douglas Kirkland는 캐나다 토론토에서 태어났다.
 When he was young, he eagerly awaited the weekly arrival of Life magazine and discussed the photographs the magazine contained with his father. 그가 어렸을 때 그는 매주 "Life" 잡지의 도착을 간절히 기다렸고 그 잡지에 실린 사진에 대해 아버지와 함께 토의했다.
 Believing that he would have better career prospects, Kirkland moved to the United States after graduating from high school and found work at a photography studio. Kirkland는 더 나은 직업 전망이 있을 것이라고 믿으면서, 고등학교 졸업 후 그는 미국으로 이주하여 사진 스튜디오에서 일자리를 찾았다.
 When Look magazine hired him at age 24, he became their second-youngest photographer ever. Look 잡지사가 24살 나이의 그를 고용했을 때 그는 그들의 역대 사진작가 중 두 번째로 어렸다.
 His photos taken of Marilyn Monroe in 1961 became iconic almost instantly. 그가 1961년에 찍은 Marilyn Monroe 사진은 거의 즉시 상징적인 것이 되었다.
 Kirkland spent his weeks shooting day-to-day life across the United States and his weekends in exotic locations. Kirkland는 미국 전역에서 주중을, 이국적인 장소에서 주말을 보내면서 일상의 삶을 찍었다.
 His photo essays could run up to a dozen pages and were seen by more than half of all Americans. 그의 포토 에세이는 12페이지에 달했고 전체 미국인들 중 절반이 넘는 이들이 그것을 보았다.




[1] 2024 10  29: 디지털 기술이 어떻게 사용자의 인식을 강력하게 변화시키는지 설명
 Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. 디지털 기술은 근본적으로 은유와 관련되어 있지만, 디지털 은유는 중요한 면에서 언어적 은유와 다르다.
 Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor. 언어적 은유는 독자가 은유에 의해 제시된 세계에 적극적으로 들어가도록 선택할 필요가 있다는 점에서 수동적이다.
 In the Shakespearean metaphor "time is a beggar," the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare's prose. 시간은 구걸하는 자다라는 셰익스피어의 은유에서 독자는 인지적인 노력 없이는 그리고 셰익스피어의 산문을 더 끌어들이지 않고는 은유를 이해할 것 같지 않다.
 Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user's meaning horizon. 반면에 기술적 은유는 사용자의 의미의 지평을 강력하게 바꾸면서 능동적으로 일을 하는 디지털 인공물에서 그것이 실현된다는 점에서 능동적이다. (그리고 종종 강요적이다.)
 Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. 기술적인 창작자는 일반적으로 그들의 잠재적인 독자에게 어떻게 은유가 작용하는지 궁금해하도록 요구할 여유가 없고, 일반적으로 매력은 기술의 유용성이 첫눈에 분명하다는 것이다.
 Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience. 반면에 셰익스피어는 부분적으로는 그의 작품의 의미가 즉각적으로 분명하지 않고 독자 측에서 어느 정도의 생각을 요구하기 때문에 사랑받는다.




[1] 2024 10  30: Herbert Simon 정보 처리 한계와 집단 학습의 중요성
 Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. Herbert Simon은 정보, 시간, 그리고 인지적인 능력에서 우리의 한계를 인지한 것으로 그의 노벨상을 받았다.
 As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. 우리는 독립적으로 해답을 계산하기 위한 자원이 부족하기 때문에 우리는 전체 인구에 걸쳐 복잡한 계산을 분배하고 세대에 걸쳐 해답을 천천히 풀어 낸다.
 Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. 그러면 우리가 해야 하는 모든 것은 올바른 해답을 사회적으로 배우는 것이다.
 You don't need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. 여러분은 여러분의 컴퓨터 혹은 변기가 어떻게 작동하는지 이해할 필요가 없고 여러분은 단지 인터페이스를 사용할 수 있고 (변기의) 물을 내릴 수 있기만 하면 된다.
 All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push  essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. 전달될 필요가 있는 모든 것은 어떤 버튼을 눌러야 하는지, 근본적으로 어떻게 그것들이 작동하는지보다는 기술과 상호 작용하는 방법이다.
 And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. 그렇다면 우리가 정신적 수용을 할 수 있는 것보다 그리고 정말로 알아야 할 필요가 있는 것보다 더 많은 정보를 가지는 것 대신에 우리는 우리의 큰 두뇌를 거대한 계산의 작은 조각에 바칠 수 있다.
 We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. 우리는 그것들로부터 이득을 얻기에 충분할 정도로 사물을 잘 이해하지만 그러면서 우리는 더 큰 전체에 기여하는 작은 계산을 하고 있다.
 We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies' collective brains. 우리는 우리 사회의 집합적인 두뇌를 위한 더 큰 복잡한 계산에서 단지 우리의 역할을 하고 있는 것이다.




[1] 2024 10  31: 문어의 위장술과 이를 관찰한 사진작가들의 경험 이야기
 The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night. 대부분의 문어 종()이 가진 최고의 방어는 가능한 한 많이 숨어 있는 것과 밤에 그들 자신의 사냥을 하는 것이다.
 So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers. 그래서 낮에 얕은 곳에서 전체가 보이는 문어를 발견한 것은 두 명의 호주 수중 사진작가들에게는 놀라운 일이었다.
 Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. 사실 그들이 처음에 봤던 것은 넙치였다.
 It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion. 오직 그들이 다시 봤을 때서야 그들은 중간 크기의 문어를 보았고 착시를 만들기 위해 그것의 여덟 개의 모든 팔이 접혀 있었고 그것의 두 눈이 위쪽으로 응시하고 있었다.
 An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature. 문어는 큰 뇌, 뛰어난 시력과 색깔과 패턴을 바꾸는 능력을 지니고 있고, 이것은 스스로를 완전히 다른 생물체로 바꾸기 위해 이러한 이점을 사용하고 있었다.
 Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes. 이 종의 더 많은 것들이 그때 이후로 발견되어 왔으며 지금은 바다뱀으로 변신하는 중이라고 말해질 수 있는 문어의 사진이 있다.
 And while they mimic, they hunt  producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever's hiding there. 그리고 그들이 모방하는 동안에 그들은 사냥을 한다. 이것은 말하자면 넙치가 갑자기 문어 다리 같은 팔을 펼치며 그것을 구멍으로 찔러 넣어 그곳에 숨어 있는 무엇이든지 움켜잡는 광경을 만들어 낸다.




[1] 2024 10  32: 고통의 해석이 심리적 고통의 정도에 미치는 영향
 How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind. 우리가 얼마나 고통받는지는 우리가 고통을 우리의 마음에서 어떻게 구성하는지와 관련된다.
 When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race  their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don't psychologically suffer much. 1500미터 달리기 선수가 경주에서 이기기 위해 그들의 근육이 비명을 지르고 그들의 폐가 산소 부족으로 폭발하면서, 스스로를 극심한 고통으로 밀어붙일 때, 그들은 정신적으로 많이 고통받지 않는다.
 In fact, ultra-marathon runners  those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about making friends with their pain. 사실 울트라 마라톤 선수들은 즉, 인간 인내력의 정상적 경계를 넘어서 스스로를 밀어붙일 만큼 충분히 열정적인 사람들은 많은 시간 동안 50에서 100킬로미터 혹은 그 이상의 거리를 가지만 그들의 고통과 친구가 되는 것에 대해 이야기한다.
 When a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient's back to mobilise it, the patient calls that good pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient's sore tissues. 한 환자가 특정 형태의 수동적 등 통증 치료에 돈을 지불했고 의사가 그것을 풀어 주기 위해 환자 등의 아픈 부분을 깊게 눌렀을 때, 비록 의사가 환자의 아픈 조직을 직접적으로 누르고 있을지라도, 만약 그 또는 그녀가 이러한 종류의 깊은 압박 치료법이 가치가 있을 것이라고 믿는다면, 환자는 그것을 좋은 아픔이라고 부른다.




[1] 2024 10  33: 다양한 가격대의 제품 제공이 소비자 선택에 미치는 영향
 When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods. 내가 레이저와 잉크젯 프린터를 생산했던 큰 전자 회사에서 일했을 때 나는 많은 소비 상품의 세 가지 버전이 종종 있는 이유를 곧 발견했다.
 If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income. 만약 생산자가 그 제품의 오직 한 가지 버전만 만든다면 그것을 구매했던 사람들은 기꺼이 더 많은 돈을 쓰려고 했을 수도 있어서 회사는 일부 수입을 잃을 것이다.
 If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one. 만약 그 회사가 두 버전을 제공하는데 한 버전이 나머지보다 더 많은 기능과 더 비싼 가격을 가진다면, 사람들은 두 모델을 비교하고 여전히 덜 비싼 것을 살 것이다.
 But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up; many people like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price. 하지만 만약 그 회사가 나머지 두 개보다 훨씬 더 많은 기능과 더 비싼 가격을 가진 세 번째 모델을 출시한다면 두 번째 모델의 판매가 증가하는데, 왜냐하면 많은 사람들은 가장 비싼 모델의 기능을 좋아하지만 그것의 가격을 좋아하지는 않기 때문이다.
 The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model. 중간 제품은 가장 저렴한 제품보다 더 많은 기능이 있고 가장 고급 모델보다는 덜 비싸다.
 They buy the middle item, unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item. 그들은 자신이 더 비싼 가격의 제품의 존재에 의해 조종되었다는 것을 알지 못한 채 중간 제품을 구입한다.




[1] 2024 10  34: 기후 변화가 기후 소설 장르에 미치는 영향 예측
 On-screen, climate disaster is everywhere you look, but the scope of the world's climate transformation may just as quickly eliminate the climate-fiction genre  indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood. 영화상 기후 재난은 여러분이 보는 어디에나 있지만, 세계의 기후 변화의 범위는 그것만큼이나 빠르게 기후 픽션 장르를 없앨지도 모르고 실제로 온난화 이야기를 하고자 하는 노력도 없애 버리는데, 그것은 할리우드에서조차 너무 커지고 너무 명백해질 것이다.
 You can tell stories 'about' climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life. 기후 변화가 여전히 인간 삶의 주변적인 특징처럼 보이는 동안에 여러분은 그것에 '관한' 이야기를 할 수 있을 것이다.
 But when the temperature rises by three or four more degrees, hardly anyone will be able to feel isolated from its impacts. 하지만 기온이 3도 혹은 4도 이상 상승할 때는 아무도 그것의 영향으로부터 고립되었다고 느낄 수 없을 것이다.
 And so as climate change expands across the horizon, it may cease to be a story. 그리고 기후 변화가 지평선을 넘어 확장될 때 그것은 이야기가 되기를 멈출 것이다.
 Why watch or read climate fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window? 왜 여러분 자신의 창문 밖으로 뚜렷하게 볼 수 있는 세상에 대한 기후 픽션을 보거나 읽겠는가?
 At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror. 비록 그 즐거움이 종종 공포의 형태로 올지라도 지금 당장은 지구 온난화를 묘사하는 이야기가 현실 도피적인 즐거움을 여전히 제공할 수 있다.
 But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant in time or in place  we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it. 하지만 우리가 더 이상 기후 고통이 시간적으로 또는 장소적으로 멀리 있다고 가장할 수 없을 때 우리는 그것에 대해 가장하는 것을 멈추고 그것 내에서 가장하기 시작할 것이다.




[1] 2024 10  35:  부족 문제의 정치적 원인과 그로 인한 불평등
 Today, the water crisis is political  which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix  and, therefore, functionally elective. 오늘날, 물 위기는 피할 수 없는 것이 아니며 우리의 바로잡을 수 있는 능력을 넘어서지 않는, 즉 정치적인 것이고 따라서 기능적으로 선택적이다.
 That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization. 그것은 그럼에도 불구하고 그것이 괴로운 한 가지 이유이다. , 풍족한 자원이 정부의 소홀함과 무관심, 열악한 사회 기반 시설과 오염, 부주의한 도시화를 통해 부족하게 되었다.
 There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren't doing much to address it. 다시 말해서 물 위기가 있어야 할 필요가 없지만 어쨌든 우리는 그것을 겪고 있고 그것을 해결하기 위해 많은 일을 하고 있지 않다.
 Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent. 일부 도시들은 그들이 주택으로 공급하는 것보다 누수로 인해 더 많은 물을 잃는다. , 미국에서조차 누수와 도난은 담수의 16퍼센트의 추정된 손실을 차지하고 브라질에서는 그 추정치가 40퍼센트이다.
 Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide. 양쪽의 경우에서 보여지듯이 모든 곳에서처럼 선택적 부족이 가진 자와 가지지 못한 자의 불평등을 분명히 강조하고 이것은 전 세계적으로 21억명을 안전한 식수가 없고 45억 명을 적절한 위생이 없는 채로 둔다.




[1] 2024 10  36: 사회적 압력이 자존감  사회적 행동에 미치는 영향
 As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated relationships in a group. 개인으로서 성공하려는 우리의 능력은 우리가 집단 내에서 관계를 얼마나 잘 다루는지에 달려 있었다.
 If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate. 만약 그 집단이 우리를 가치 있게 여겼다면 우리는 지원, 자원, 그리고 아마도 짝을 기대할 수 있었을 것이다.
 If it didn't, we might get none of these merits. 만약 그렇지 않았다면, 우리는 그러한 이점들 중 아무것도 얻지 못했을 것이다.
 It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically. 그것은 신체적으로 그리고 유전적으로 생존의 문제였다.
 Over millions of years, the pressure selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing. 수백만 년 동안 그러한 압박은 자신의 지위를 최대화하는 데 민감하고 능숙한 사람들을 선택했다.
 The result was the development of a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community perceive us. 그 결과는 우리 공동체의 다른 사람들이 우리를 어떻게 인식하는지 무의식적으로 관찰하는 경향의 발달이었다.
 We process that information in the form of self-esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity. 우리는 자존감 그리고 자존심, 수치심 또는 불안 같은 관련된 감정의 형태로 그 정보를 처리한다.
 These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn't. 이러한 감정들은 우리에게 우리의 공동체가 우리를 가치 있게 여기도록 만드는 것을 더 많이 하고 그렇지 않은 것을 덜 하도록 강요한다.
 And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within. 그리고 결정적으로 그것들은 그 동기가 내부에서 나오고 있는 것처럼 그것을 느끼게 만들도록 되어 있다.
 If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive. 우리가 사회적 압박에 반응하고 있었다는 것을 의식적인 수준에서 깨닫는다면, 우리의 행동은 그것(그 동기)을 설득력이 떨어지게 만들면서 투덜대거나 냉소적인 것으로 나타날 수 있다.




[1] 2024 10  37: 의식의 문제로 우울증의 원인을 재정의하는 설명
 Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. 전통적인 의학은 우울증이 뇌의 신경 전달 물질의 불균형으로 인해 발생한다고 오랫동안 믿어 왔다.
 However, there is a major problem with this explanation. 그러나 이 설명에는 중대한 문제가 있다.
 This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. 이것은 왜냐하면 뇌 속 물질의 불균형은 우울증의 원인이 아니라 그것의 결과이기 때문이다.
 In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression. 다시 말해서, 우울증이 세로토닌이나 노르아드레날린과 같은 뇌의 물질의 감소를 유발하는 것이지 뇌의 물질의 감소가 우울증을 유발하는 것이 아니다.
 In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. 이 수정된 인과 관계에서, 핵심은 우울증을 의식의 문제로 재구성하는 것이다.
 Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. 우리의 의식은 뇌의 기능을 넘어서는 보다 근본적인 실체이다.
 The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. 뇌는 의식의 기관에 지나지 않는다.
 If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. 만약 그것이 의식 그 자체가 아니라면, 우울증의 근본 원인 역시 우리의 의식 상태의 왜곡이며 즉, 자아감과 삶의 의미를 상실한 의식이다.
 Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression. 그러한 의식의 질환이 우울증의 형태로 명백히 나타날 수 있다.




[1] 2024 10  38: 심리학이 인간 행동을 과학적으로 연구하는 방법 설명
 The common accounts of human nature that float around in society are generally a mixture of assumptions, tales and sometimes plain silliness. 사회에 떠도는 인간 본성에 대한 흔한 설명은 일반적으로 가정, 이야기, 그리고 때로는 순전한 어리석음의 혼합이다.
 However, psychology is different. 그러나, 심리학은 다르다.
 It is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another. 그것은 사람들을 이해하는, 즉 우리가 어떻게 그리고 왜 행동하는 대로 행동하는지, 우리가 왜 보는 대로 사물을 보는지, 그리고 우리가 어떻게 서로 상호 작용하는지를 이해하는 데 전념하는 과학 분야이다.
 The key word here is 'science.' 여기서 핵심어는 '과학'이다.
 Psychologists don't depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers. 심리학자들은 의견과 소문, 혹은 당대의 사회에서 일반적으로 받아들여지는 견해, 혹은 심지어 심오한 사상가들의 숙고된 의견에 의존하지 않는다.
 Instead, they look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or assumptions. 대신에 그들은 심리학적 개념이 단지 일반적으로 받아들여지는 신념이나 가정에서 도출된 것이 아니라, 확고하게 기반을 두고 있는지 확신하기 위해 증거를 찾는다.
 In addition to this evidence-based approach, psychology deals with fundamental processes and principles that generate our rich cultural and social diversity, as well as those shared by all human beings. 이러한 증거 기반 접근법에 더하여 심리학은 모든 인간에 의해 공유되는 근본적인 과정과 원리뿐만 아니라, 우리의 풍부한 문화적 사회적 다양성을 만들어 내는 것들을 다룬다.
 These are what modern psychology is all about. 이것들은 현대 심리학이 무엇인지 보여 준다.




[1] 2024 10  39: 생물학적 채널화 이론을 통한 질병과 건강의 표현 방식
 Life is what physicists might call a 'high-dimensional system,' which is their fancy way of saying that there's a lot going on. 생명은 물리학자들이 '고차원 시스템'이라고 부를 수 있는 것인데 이는 많은 일이 발생하고 있다고 말하는 그들의 멋진 방식이다.
 In just a single cell, the number of possible interactions between different molecules is enormous. 단 하나의 세포 내에서도 여러 분자 간의 가능한 상호 작용의 수는 매우 크다.
 Such a system can only hope to be stable if only a smaller number of collective ways of being may emerge. 이러한 시스템은 더 적은 수의 존재의 집합적인 방식이 나타날 때만 오직 안정적이기를 기대할 수 있다.
 For example, it is only a limited number of tissues and body shapes that may result from the development of a human embryo. 예를 들어 인간 배아의 발달로부터 나올 수 있는 것은 오직 제한된 수의 조직과 신체 형태이다.
 In 1942, the biologist Conrad Waddington called this drastic narrowing of outcomes canalization. 1942년에 생물학자 Conrad Waddington은 이러한 극적인 결과의 축소를 '운하화'라고 불렀다.
 The organism may switch between a small number of well-defined possible states, but can't exist in random states in between them, rather as a ball in a rough landscape must roll to the bottom of one valley or another. 오히려 울퉁불퉁한 경관에 있는 공이 이 계곡 혹은 또 다른 계곡의 바닥으로 반드시 굴러가야 하는 것처럼, 유기체는 적은 수의 명확하게 정의된 가능한 상태 사이에서 바뀔 수 있지만 그것들 사이에 있는 무작위의 상태로 존재할 수는 없다.
 We'll see that this is true also of health and disease: there are many causes of illness, but their manifestations at the physiological and symptomatic levels are often strikingly similar. 우리는 이것이 건강과 질병에도 적용된다는 것을 알게 될 것이다. 즉 질병의 많은 원인이 있지만, 그것들의 생리적이고 증상적인 수준에서의 발현은 종종 놀랍도록 유사하다.




[1] 2024 10  40: '트릭 처벌' 아동 행동에 부정적 영향을 미치는 이유
 Punishing a child may not be effective due to what Alvaro Bilbao, a neuropsychologist, calls 'trick-punishments.' 아이를 벌주는 것은 신경심리학자 Alvaro Bilbao'트릭 처벌'이라고 부르는 것으로 인해 효과적이지 않을 수 있다.
 A trick-punishment is a scolding, a moment of anger or a punishment in the most classic sense of the word. 트릭 처벌은 꾸짖음, 순간의 화 혹은 (처벌이라는) 단어의 가장 전형적인 의미에서의 처벌이다.
 Instead of discouraging the child from doing something, it encourages them to do it. 아이가 무언가를 하는 것을 단념시키는 대신 트릭 처벌은 그들이 그것을 하도록 장려한다.
 For example, Hugh learns that when he hits his little brother, his mother scolds him. 예를 들어 Hugh는 그가 자신의 남동생을 때릴 때 그의 어머니가 그를 꾸짖는다는 것을 배운다.
 For a child who feels lonely, being scolded is much better than feeling invisible, so he will continue to hit his brother. 외로움을 느끼는 아이에게는 꾸중을 듣는 것이 눈에 띄지 않는다고 느끼는 것보다 훨씬 나아서 그는 그의 남동생을 때리는 것을 계속할 것이다.
 In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy. 이 경우에, 그의 어머니는 다른 전략을 채택하는 것이 보다 나을 것이다.
 For instance, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time. 예를 들어 그녀는 Hugh가 그의 남동생을 일정 기간 동안 때리지 않았을 때 그를 자랑스러워해 줄 수 있다.
 The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives. 어머니는 분명 아이가 그의 남동생을 때리는 것을 내버려둘 수 없고, 그녀는 부정적 측면을 계속 지적하는 대신에 긍정적 측면을 보상하는 것을 선택할 수 있다.
 In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments. 이렇게 어느 부모도 트릭 처벌을 피할 수 있다.
 [Summary] A trick-punishment reinforces the unwanted behavior of a child, which implies that parents should focus on reducing the attention to negatives while rewarding positive behaviors. [Summary] 트릭 처벌이 아이의 바람직하지 못한 행동을 강화하는데, 이는 부모가 긍정적인 행동을 보상하면서 부정적 측면에 관한 관심을 줄이는 데 집중해야 한다는 것을 시사한다.




[1] 2024 10  41~42: 인간이 생존을 위해 애매한 대상에도 의도를 부여하는 경향
 From an early age, we assign purpose to objects and events, preferring this reasoning to random chance. 어릴 때부터 우리는 사물과 사건에 목적을 부여하며, 무작위적인 우연보다 이러한 논리를 선호한다.
 Children assume, for instance, that pointy rocks are that way because they don't want you to sit on them. 예를 들어 뾰족한 돌은 아이들이 그 위에 앉기를 원치 않기 때문에 그것이 그렇게 생겼다고 그들(아이들)은 가정한다.
 When we encounter something, we first need to determine what sort of thing it is. 우리가 무언가를 마주칠 때 우리는 먼저 그것이 어떤 종류의 것인지 결정할 필요가 있다.
 Inanimate objects and plants generally do not move and can be evaluated from physics alone. 무생물과 식물은 일반적으로 움직이지 않으며 물리적 현상만으로 평가될 수 있다.
 However, by attributing intention to animals and even objects, we are able to make fast decisions about the likely behaviour of that being. 그러나 동물과 심지어 사물도 의도가 있다고 생각함으로써 우리는 그 존재가 할 것 같은 행동에 대해 빠른 결정을 내릴 수 있다.
 This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators. 이는 우리의 수렵 채집 시절에 포식자에게 잡아먹히는 것을 피하기 위해 필수적이었다.
 The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand. 인류학자 Stewart Guthrie는 인간의 정신적 특성이 우리가 이해하는 정신 과정이기 때문에, 우리의 진화상 과거에서 생존이란 우리가 모호한 사물을 인간의 정신적 특성을 가진 행위자로 해석하는 것을 의미한다고 주장했다.
 Ambiguous events are caused by such agents. 모호한 사건은 이러한 행위자에 의해 발생한다.
 This results in a perceptual system strongly biased towards anthropomorphism. 이는 의인화에 강하게 편향된 지각 체계로 귀결된다.
 Therefore, we tend to assume intention even where there is none. 그러므로, 우리는 의도가 없는 곳에서도 의도를 가정하는 경향이 있다.
 This would have arisen as a survival mechanism. 이는 생존 메커니즘으로 발생해 왔을 것이다.
 If a lion is about to attack you, you need to react quickly, given its probable intention to kill you. 만약 사자가 당신을 막 공격하려 한다면 당신을 죽이려는 그것의 가능한 의도를 고려하여 당신은 빠르게 반응할 필요가 있다.
 By the time you have realized that the design of its teeth and claws could kill you, you are dead. 당신이 그것의 이빨과 발톱의 구조가 당신을 죽일 수 있다는 것을 깨달았을 즈음 당신은 죽어 있다.
 So, assuming intent, without detailed design analysis or understanding of the physics, has saved your life. 따라서 상세한 구조 분석 또는 물리적 현상의 이해 없이 의도를 부여하는 것이 당신의 목숨을 구해 왔다.




[1] 2024 10  43~45: 작은 판다가 독특함을 추구하고 발견하는 이야기
 Once long ago, deep in the Himalayas, there lived a little panda. 옛날에 히말라야 산맥 깊숙한 곳에 작은 판다가 살았다.
 He was as ordinary as all the other pandas. 그는 다른 모든 판다들만큼 평범했다.
 He was completely white from head to toe. 그는 머리부터 발끝까지 전부 하얬다.
 His two big ears, his four furry feet and his cute round nose were all frosty white, leaving him feeling ordinary and sad. 그의 두 개의 큰 귀, 네 개의 털 많은 발, 그리고 귀여운 둥근 코는 모두 서리처럼 하얘서 그(little panda)가 평범하고 슬프게 느끼게 하였다.
 Unlike the cheerful and contented pandas around him, he desired to be distinctive, special, and unique. 그의 주위에 있는 명랑하고 만족스러운 판다들과 달리 그는 특이하고 특별하며 독특해지기를 갈망했다.
 Driven by the desire for uniqueness, the little panda sought inspiration from his distant cousin, a giant white panda covered with heavenly black patches. 독특함에 대한 열망에 사로잡혀 작은 판다는 그(little panda)의 먼 사촌인 멋진 검은 반점으로 뒤덮인 거대한 흰 판다로부터 영감을 찾으려 했다.
 But the cousin revealed the patches were from an unintended encounter with mud, and he disliked them. 그러나 사촌은 그 반점이 진흙과 의도치 않게 접촉한 결과이며, 그는 그것(반점)을 싫어한다고 밝혔다.
 Disappointed, the little panda walked home. 실망한 채로 작은 판다는 집으로 걸어갔다.
 On his way, he met a red-feathered peacock, who explained he turned red from eating wild berries. 가는 길에 그는 붉은 깃털을 가진 공작새를 만났는데 그 공작새는 그(peacock)가 야생 베리를 먹어서 붉게 변했다고 설명했다.
 The little panda changed his path and hurried to the nearest berry bush, greedily eating a mouthful of juicy red berries. 작은 판다는 경로를 바꾸어 가장 가까운 베리 덤불로 서둘러 가서, 탐욕스럽게 한입 가득 즙이 많은 빨간 베리를 먹었다.
 However, they were so bitter he couldn't swallow even one. 하지만 그것들은 너무 써서 그는 한 개도 삼킬 수 없었다.
 At dusk, he finally got home and slowly climbed his favorite bamboo tree. 해질 무렵 그는 마침내 집에 도착했고 그가 가장 좋아하는 대나무에 천천히 올라갔다.
 There, he discovered a strange black and red flower with a sweet scent that tempted him to eat all its blossoms. 그곳에서 그(little panda)가 그것의 모든 꽃을 먹도록 유혹하는 달콤한 향기를 가진 기묘한 검고 붉은 꽃을 발견하였다.
 The following morning, under sunny skies, the little panda felt remarkably better. 다음 날 아침 맑은 하늘 아래에서 작은 판다는 기분이 매우 좋아졌다.
 During breakfast, he found the other pandas chatting enthusiastically and asked why. 아침 식사 중에 그는 다른 판다들이 신나게 수다를 떨고 있는 것을 발견하고 이유를 물어보았다.
 They burst into laughter, exclaiming, "Look at yourself!" 그들은 웃음을 터뜨리며 "네 자신을 좀 봐!"라고 외쳤다.
 Glancing down, he discovered his once white fur was now stained jet black and glowing red. 아래를 흘긋 보고, 그는 한때 하얬던 자신의 털이 이제 새까맣고 빛나는 붉은색으로 얼룩져 있다는 것을 발견했다.
 He was overjoyed and realized that, rather than by imitating others, his wishes can come true from unexpected places and genuine experiences. 그는 매우 기뻐했고 그(little panda)의 소원이 남들을 모방하기보다는 예상치 못한 곳과 진정한 경험으로부터 실현될 수 있음을 깨달았다.






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<2024년도 10월 고1 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.
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블로그 콘텐츠가 마음에 드신다면, '좋아요' 클릭과 광고 지원으로 응원해 주세요. 

여러분의 작은 도움이 큰 힘이 됩니다! 






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전체 내용


[1] 2024 10 – 18: Fort Montgomery High School 건축 자금 지원을 요청하는 편지

 To the State Education Department,

  교육부 귀하,

 I am writing with regard to the state's funding for the construction project at Fort Montgomery High School.

 저는 Fort Montgomery 고등학교의 건축 프로젝트를 위한  예산과 관련하여 편지를 씁니다.

 Our school needs additional spaces to provide a fully functional Art and Library Media Center to serve our students in a more meaningful way.

 저희 학교는 보다 의미 있는 방식으로 학생들을 만족시키기 위해 완전하게  기능을 하는 Art and Library Media Center 제공하기 위한 추가 공간이 필요합니다.

 Despite submitting all required documentation for funding to your department in April 2024, we have not yet received any notification from your department.

 2024 4월에 귀하의 부서로 예산에 필요한 모든 서류를 제출했음에도 불구하고, 저희는 아직 귀하의 부서로부터 어떠한 통지도 받지 못했습니다.

 A delay in the process can carry considerable consequences related to the school's budgetary constraints and schedule.

 과정상 지연은 학교의 예산 제한  일정과 관련하여 상당한 결과를 초래할  있습니다.

 Therefore, in order to proceed with our project, we request you notify us of the review result regarding the submitted documentation.

 그러므로, 저희의 프로젝트를 진행하기 위해 제출 서류와 관련한 검토 결과를 저희에게 통지해  것을 요청합니다.

 I look forward to hearing from you.

 귀하로부터의 답변을 고대합니다.

 Respectfully, Clara Smith Principal, Fort Montgomery High School

 Fort Montgomery 고등학교 교장, Clara Smith 드림


[1] 2024 10 – 19: 농구 경기  코치의 결정으로 인한 좌절감 경험

 As I waited outside the locker room after a hardfought basketball game, the coach called out to me, "David, walk with me."

 내가 치열하게 싸운 농구 경기 후에 라커  밖에서 기다릴 , 코치가 "David, 나와 함께 걷자."라며 나를 크게 불렀다.

 I figured he was going to tell me something important.

 나는 그가 나에게 무언가 중요한 것을 말해  거라고 생각했다.

 He was going to select me to be the captain of the team, the leader I had always wanted to be.

 그는 내가 항상 되기를 원했던 리더인 팀의 주장으로 나를 뽑으려  것이라고 (생각했다).

 My heart was racing with anticipation.

 나의 심장이 기대감으로 빠르게 뛰었다.

 But when his next words hit my ears, everything changed.

 그러나 그의 다음 말이  귀를 쳤을 , 모든 것이 변했다.

 We're going to have to send you home, he said coldly.

 우리는 너를 집으로 보내야만 .라고 그가 차갑게 말했다.

 I don't think you are going to make it.

 나는 네가 해낼 거라고 생각하지 않아.

 I couldn't believe his decision.

 나는 그의 결정을 믿을  없었다.

 I tried to hold it together, but inside I was falling apart.

 나는 마음을 가다듬으려고 했지만, 내면에서 나는 산산이 무너지고 있었다.

 A car would be waiting tomorrow morning to take me home.

 내일 아침에 나를 집에 데려갈 차가 기다리고 있을 것이다.

 And just like that, it was over.

 그리고 그렇게, 끝이 났다.


[1] 2024 10 – 20: 가사활동에 운동을 통합하여 건강을 증진하는 방법 제안

 For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge.

 우리  다수에게 운동할 시간을 내는 것은 계속되는 도전이다.

 Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like there's no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout.

 업무에 대한 전념과 가족 의무 사이에서, 우리의 빡빡한 일정들에는 운동에 전념할 여유가 없는 것처럼 종종 느껴진다.

 But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine?

 그러나 만약 여러분의 일상 바로 한가운데에서 운동이 여러분을 찾아온다면 어떨까?

 That's where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play.

 그것이 바로 간단한 운동을 집안일에 통합시키는 아름다움이 작동하는 지점이다.

 Let's be realistic; chores are inevitable.

 현실적이 되자. 집안일은 불가피하다.

 Whether it's washing dishes or taking out the trash, these tasks are an essential part of daily life.

 그것이 설거지하는 것이든 쓰레기를 내다 버리는 것이든지 간에, 이런 일들은 일상생활의 필수적인 부분이다.

 But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity?

 하지만 집안일을 순전히 의무적인 행위로 간주하기보다는, 이런 순간들을 신체 활동을 위한 기회로  이용하는 것이 어떨까?

 For instance, practice squats or engage in some wall push-ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil.

 예를 들어, 여러분의 아침 주전자가 끓기를 기다리면서 스쿼트를 연습하거나 벽에 대고 하는  굽혀 펴기  개를 시작해 보라.

 Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can improve your health.

 짧은 운동을 여러분의 일상적인 집안일에 포함시키는 것이 여러분의 건강을 향상시킬  있다.


[1] 2024 10 – 21: 기억이 교육과 경험에 의해 재구성되는 방식과 영향 설명

 When we see something, we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education.

 우리가 무언가를  , 우리는 그것을 자연스럽게 그리고 자동적으로 우리가 교육을 통해 배운 모양, 색깔, 그리고 개념들로 해체한다.

 We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know.

 우리는 우리가 알고 있는 모든 것의 렌즈를 통해 우리가 보는 것을 재부호화한다.

 We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory.

 우리는 기억에서 영상을 생각해 내기보다 기억을 재구성한다.

 This is a useful trait.

 이것은 유용한 특성이다.

 It's a more efficient way to store information ─ a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file.

 그것은 가공되지 않은 비트맵 이미지 파일을 저장하기보다 JPG 같은 최적의 이미지 압축 알고리즘과 약간 비슷하게 정보를 저장하기 위한  효율적인 방법이다.

 People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned.

 이런 능력이 부족하고 완벽히 세세하게 모든 것을 기억하는 사람들은 일반화하고, 학습하고, 자신들이 학습한 것들 사이를 연결하려고 고군분투한다.

 But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is.

 그러나 세상을 추상적 생각과 특징으로 재현하는 것은 세상을 있는 그대로 보는 것을 희생하여 나온다.

 Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences.

 대신에, 우리는 우리의 가정, 동기 그리고 과거 경험을 통해 세상을 바라본다.

 The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony.

 우리의 기억이 영화처럼 재생되기보다는 추상적 재현을 통해 재구성된다는 발견은 목격자 증언의 법적 우위성을 완전히 손상시켰다.

 Seeing is not believing.

 보는 것이 믿는 것은 아니다.


[1] 2024 10 – 22:  인상이 논리적 판단보다  정확할  있다는 연구 결과

 In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification.

 David Dunning 코넬 대학의 실험실에서, 그는 목격자 증언에 대한 실험을 수행했고, 얼굴 특징에 대한 신중한 숙고와 선택 절차에 대한 상세한 논의가 실제로는 '부정확한' 식별의 징후일  있다는 증거를 발견했다.

 It's when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like "his face just popped out at me," that they tend to be accurate more often.

 사람들이 "그의 얼굴이 그냥 나에게  떠올랐다"라는 식으로 말하면서   사람을 알아보는지 설명할  없는 스스로를 발견하는 바로 그때 그들은  자주 정확한 경향이 있다.

 Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us.

 때때로 상황에 대한 우리의 최초의, 즉각적인, 자동적인 반응이 우리 마음이 우리에게 말하고 있는 것에 대한 가장 정확한 해석이다.

 That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be.

 바로  첫인상이 또한 신중하고 논리적인 자기 서사보다 세상에 대해  정확할  있다.

 In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.

 Malcolm Gladwell 그의 저서 'Blink'에서, 결정에 대한 논리적인 단계적 정당화에 비해서 상대적으로 무의식적인 최초 추측의 우수성을 보여 주는 심리학  행동 경제학의 다양한 연구를 기술한다.


[1] 2024 10 – 23: 구체적인 질문으로 추상적 개념을 명확하게 만드는 방법 제안

 Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data.

 많은 종류의 연구는 자연스럽게 양적 데이터로 이어진다.

 A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes.

 행복에 관한 연구는 누군가가 상호 작용 중에 미소 짓는 횟수를 측정할  있고, 기억에 관한 연구는 개인이 1, 5, 그리고 10 후에 회상할  있는 항목의 수를 측정할  있다.

 Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable.

 사람들에게 자신이 일년에   슬픈지 물어보는  또한 양적 데이터를 산출할  있지만, 이는 신뢰할 만하지 않을 수도 있다.

 Respondents' recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of 'sad' could vary widely.

 응답자의 회상은 부정확할  있고, '슬픈' 대한 그들의 정의는 크게 다를  있다.

 But asking "How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?" prompts a concrete answer.

 그러나 "지난 1 동안 직장에 병가를  만큼 슬펐던 적이   있었습니까?"라고 묻는 것은 구체적인 답변을 유발한다.

 Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, "How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?"

 마찬가지로, 사람들에게 그들이 얼마나 심하게 미루는 사람인지를 평가하도록 묻는 대신, "당신이 지불할 여유가 있음에도 불구하고 얼마나 많은 공과금 고지서의 납부가 현재 늦었나요?"라고 물어보라.

 Questions that seek concrete responses help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.

 구체적인 응답을 요구하는 질문은 추상적인 개념을  명확하게 만들고  연구에서 다음 연구 간의 일관성을 보장하는 것을 돕는다.


[1] 2024 10 – 24: 인공지능과 인간 의식의 상호작용  AI 진화의 방향성

 The evolution of AI is often associated with the concept of singularity.

 AI 진화는 종종 특이점의 개념과 연관된다.

 Singularity refers to the point at which AI exceeds human intelligence.

 특이점은 AI 인간의 지능을 넘어서는 지점을 의미한다.

 After that point, it is predicted that AI will repeatedly improve itself and evolve at an accelerated pace.

  지점 이후, AI 스스로를 반복적으로 개선하고 가속화된 속도로 진화할 것으로 예측된다.

 When AI becomes self-aware and pursues its own goals, it will be a conscious being, not just a machine.

 AI 스스로를 인식하게 되고 자기 자신의 목표를 추구할 , 그것은 단지 기계가 아니라 의식이 있는 존재가  것이다.

 AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together.

 AI 인간의 의식은 그러면 함께 진화하기 시작할 것이다.

 Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity.

 우리의 의식은 우리의 AI와의 상호 작용을 통해 새로운 차원으로 진화할 것이며, 이는 우리에게 지적 자극을 제공하고 새로운 통찰력과 창의성을 불어넣을 것이다.

 Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI.

 반대로, 우리의 의식 또한 AI 진화에 중대한 영향을 끼친다.

 The direction of AI's evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI.

 AI 진화의 방향은 우리가 어떤 가치와 윤리를 AI 통합시키는지에 크게 좌우될 것이다.

 We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness.

 우리는 AI 권리를 인식하고 그것의 의식의 진화를 지지하면서, 우리와 AI와의 관계를 의식 있는 존재들의 상호 공존으로  필요가 있다.


[1] 2024 10 – 25: 2023 미국, 영국, 브라질, 호주의 전력 생산 비율 분석

 The above graph shows the electricity generation from fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewables in four countries in 2023.

  그래프는 2023   국가에서의 화석 연료, 핵에너지, 그리고 재생 가능 에너지로부터의 전기 생산을 보여 준다.

 Australia's electricity generation only comes from fossil fuels and renewables, and the percentage of fossil fuels is more than twice that of renewables.

 호주의 전기 생산은 화석 연료와 재생 가능 에너지로부터만 나오고, 화석 연료의 비율은 재생 가능 에너지의 그것의  배가 넘는다.

 In terms of electricity generation from nuclear energy, the U.S. shows the highest percentage among all four countries.

 핵에너지로부터의 전기 생산의 면에서 미국은 모든   국가  가장 높은 비율을 보여 준다.

 The percentage of electricity generation from fossil fuels in the U.S. is higher than that in the U.K., which is also true for renewables.

 미국에서 화석 연료로부터의 전기 생산 비율은 영국에서의 그것보다 높고, 이것은 재생 가능 에너지에도 적용된다.

 In the U.K., the percentage of electricity generated from nuclear energy is less than a third of that generated from renewables.

 영국에서 핵에너지로부터 생산되는 전기의 비율은 재생 가능 에너지로부터 생산되는 그것의 3분의 1보다 적다.

 Brazil's percentage of electricity generated from renewables is 10 percentage points larger than that of Australia and the U.K. combined.

 브라질의 재생 가능 에너지로부터 생산되는 전기의 비율은 호주와 영국을 합친 그것보다 10퍼센트포인트  크다.


[1] 2024 10 – 26: 사진작가 Douglas Kirkland 생애와 그의 주요 업적 설명

 Douglas Kirkland, known for his highly artistic portraits of Hollywood celebrities, was born in Toronto, Canada.

 그의 할리우드 유명 인사의 매우 예술적인 인물 사진으로 알려진 Douglas Kirkland 캐나다 토론토에서 태어났다.

 When he was young, he eagerly awaited the weekly arrival of Life magazine and discussed the photographs the magazine contained with his father.

 그가 어렸을  그는 매주 "Life" 잡지의 도착을 간절히 기다렸고  잡지에 실린 사진에 대해 아버지와 함께 토의했다.

 Believing that he would have better career prospects, Kirkland moved to the United States after graduating from high school and found work at a photography studio.

 Kirkland  나은 직업 전망이 있을 것이라고 믿으면서, 고등학교 졸업  그는 미국으로 이주하여 사진 스튜디오에서 일자리를 찾았다.

 When Look magazine hired him at age 24, he became their second-youngest photographer ever.

 Look 잡지사가 24 나이의 그를 고용했을  그는 그들의 역대 사진작가   번째로 어렸다.

 His photos taken of Marilyn Monroe in 1961 became iconic almost instantly.

 그가 1961년에 찍은 Marilyn Monroe 사진은 거의 즉시 상징적인 것이 되었다.

 Kirkland spent his weeks shooting day-to-day life across the United States and his weekends in exotic locations.

 Kirkland 미국 전역에서 주중을, 이국적인 장소에서 주말을 보내면서 일상의 삶을 찍었다.

 His photo essays could run up to a dozen pages and were seen by more than half of all Americans.

 그의 포토 에세이는 12페이지에 달했고 전체 미국인들  절반이 넘는 이들이 그것을 보았다.


[1] 2024 10 – 29: 디지털 기술이 어떻게 사용자의 인식을 강력하게 변화시키는지 설명

 Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways.

 디지털 기술은 근본적으로 은유와 관련되어 있지만, 디지털 은유는 중요한 면에서 언어적 은유와 다르다.

 Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor.

 언어적 은유는 독자가 은유에 의해 제시된 세계에 적극적으로 들어가도록 선택할 필요가 있다는 점에서 수동적이다.

 In the Shakespearean metaphor "time is a beggar," the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare's prose.

 시간은 구걸하는 자다라는 셰익스피어의 은유에서 독자는 인지적인 노력 없이는 그리고 셰익스피어의 산문을  끌어들이지 않고는 은유를 이해할  같지 않다.

 Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user's meaning horizon.

 반면에 기술적 은유는 사용자의 의미의 지평을 강력하게 바꾸면서 능동적으로 일을 하는 디지털 인공물에서 그것이 실현된다는 점에서 능동적이다. (그리고 종종 강요적이다.)

 Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance.

 기술적인 창작자는 일반적으로 그들의 잠재적인 독자에게 어떻게 은유가 작용하는지 궁금해하도록 요구할 여유가 없고, 일반적으로 매력은 기술의 유용성이 첫눈에 분명하다는 것이다.

 Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.

 반면에 셰익스피어는 부분적으로는 그의 작품의 의미가 즉각적으로 분명하지 않고 독자 측에서 어느 정도의 생각을 요구하기 때문에 사랑받는다.


[1] 2024 10 – 30: Herbert Simon 정보 처리 한계와 집단 학습의 중요성

 Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity.

 Herbert Simon 정보, 시간, 그리고 인지적인 능력에서 우리의 한계를 인지한 것으로 그의 노벨상을 받았다.

 As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation.

 우리는 독립적으로 해답을 계산하기 위한 자원이 부족하기 때문에 우리는 전체 인구에 걸쳐 복잡한 계산을 분배하고 세대에 걸쳐 해답을 천천히 풀어 낸다.

 Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers.

 그러면 우리가 해야 하는 모든 것은 올바른 해답을 사회적으로 배우는 것이다.

 You don't need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush.

 여러분은 여러분의 컴퓨터 혹은 변기가 어떻게 작동하는지 이해할 필요가 없고 여러분은 단지 인터페이스를 사용할  있고 (변기의) 물을 내릴  있기만 하면 된다.

 All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push ─ essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work.

 전달될 필요가 있는 모든 것은 어떤 버튼을 눌러야 하는지, 근본적으로 어떻게 그것들이 작동하는지보다는 기술과 상호 작용하는 방법이다.

 And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation.

 그렇다면 우리가 정신적 수용을   있는 것보다 그리고 정말로 알아야  필요가 있는 것보다  많은 정보를 가지는  대신에 우리는 우리의  두뇌를 거대한 계산의 작은 조각에 바칠  있다.

 We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole.

 우리는 그것들로부터 이득을 얻기에 충분할 정도로 사물을  이해하지만 그러면서 우리는   전체에 기여하는 작은 계산을 하고 있다.

 We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies' collective brains.

 우리는 우리 사회의 집합적인 두뇌를 위한   복잡한 계산에서 단지 우리의 역할을 하고 있는 것이다.


[1] 2024 10 – 31: 문어의 위장술과 이를 관찰한 사진작가들의 경험 이야기

 The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night.

 대부분의 문어 () 가진 최고의 방어는 가능한  많이 숨어 있는 것과 밤에 그들 자신의 사냥을 하는 것이다.

 So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers.

 그래서 낮에 얕은 곳에서 전체가 보이는 문어를 발견한 것은  명의 호주 수중 사진작가들에게는 놀라운 일이었다.

 Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder.

 사실 그들이 처음에 봤던 것은 넙치였다.

 It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion.

 오직 그들이 다시 봤을 때서야 그들은 중간 크기의 문어를 보았고 착시를 만들기 위해 그것의 여덟 개의 모든 팔이 접혀 있었고 그것의  눈이 위쪽으로 응시하고 있었다.

 An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature.

 문어는  , 뛰어난 시력과 색깔과 패턴을 바꾸는 능력을 지니고 있고, 이것은 스스로를 완전히 다른 생물체로 바꾸기 위해 이러한 이점을 사용하고 있었다.

 Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes.

  종의  많은 것들이 그때 이후로 발견되어 왔으며 지금은 바다뱀으로 변신하는 중이라고 말해질  있는 문어의 사진이 있다.

 And while they mimic, they hunt ─ producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever's hiding there.

 그리고 그들이 모방하는 동안에 그들은 사냥을 한다. 이것은 말하자면 넙치가 갑자기 문어 다리 같은 팔을 펼치며 그것을 구멍으로 찔러 넣어 그곳에 숨어 있는 무엇이든지 움켜잡는 광경을 만들어 낸다.


[1] 2024 10 – 32: 고통의 해석이 심리적 고통의 정도에 미치는 영향

 How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind.

 우리가 얼마나 고통받는지는 우리가 고통을 우리의 마음에서 어떻게 구성하는지와 관련된다.

 When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race ─ their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don't psychologically suffer much.

 1500미터 달리기 선수가 경주에서 이기기 위해 그들의 근육이 비명을 지르고 그들의 폐가 산소 부족으로 폭발하면서, 스스로를 극심한 고통으로 밀어붙일 , 그들은 정신적으로 많이 고통받지 않는다.

 In fact, ultra-marathon runners ─ those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about making friends with their pain.

 사실 울트라 마라톤 선수들은 , 인간 인내력의 정상적 경계를 넘어서 스스로를 밀어붙일 만큼 충분히 열정적인 사람들은 많은 시간 동안 50에서 100킬로미터 혹은  이상의 거리를 가지만 그들의고통과 친구가 되는 것에 대해 이야기한다.

 When a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient's back to mobilise it, the patient calls that good pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient's sore tissues.

  환자가 특정 형태의 수동적  통증 치료에 돈을 지불했고 의사가 그것을 풀어 주기 위해 환자 등의 아픈 부분을 깊게 눌렀을 , 비록 의사가 환자의 아픈 조직을 직접적으로 누르고 있을지라도, 만약  또는 그녀가 이러한 종류의 깊은 압박 치료법이 가치가 있을 것이라고 믿는다면, 환자는 그것을 좋은 아픔이라고 부른다.


[1] 2024 10 – 33: 다양한 가격대의 제품 제공이 소비자 선택에 미치는 영향

 When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods.

 내가 레이저와 잉크젯 프린터를 생산했던  전자 회사에서 일했을  나는 많은 소비 상품의  가지 버전이 종종 있는 이유를  발견했다.

 If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income.

 만약 생산자가  제품의 오직  가지 버전만 만든다면 그것을 구매했던 사람들은 기꺼이  많은 돈을 쓰려고 했을 수도 있어서 회사는 일부 수입을 잃을 것이다.

 If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one.

 만약  회사가  버전을 제공하는데  버전이 나머지보다  많은 기능과  비싼 가격을 가진다면, 사람들은  모델을 비교하고 여전히  비싼 것을  것이다.

 But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up; many people like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price.

 하지만 만약  회사가 나머지  개보다 훨씬  많은 기능과  비싼 가격을 가진  번째 모델을 출시한다면  번째 모델의 판매가 증가하는데, 왜냐하면 많은 사람들은 가장 비싼 모델의 기능을좋아하지만 그것의 가격을 좋아하지는 않기 때문이다.

 The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model.

 중간 제품은 가장 저렴한 제품보다  많은 기능이 있고 가장 고급 모델보다는  비싸다.

 They buy the middle item, unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.

 그들은 자신이  비싼 가격의 제품의 존재에 의해 조종되었다는 것을 알지 못한  중간 제품을 구입한다.


[1] 2024 10 – 34: 기후 변화가 기후 소설 장르에 미치는 영향 예측

 On-screen, climate disaster is everywhere you look, but the scope of the world's climate transformation may just as quickly eliminate the climate-fiction genre ─ indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood.

 영화상 기후 재난은 여러분이 보는 어디에나 있지만, 세계의 기후 변화의 범위는 그것만큼이나 빠르게 기후 픽션 장르를 없앨지도 모르고 실제로 온난화 이야기를 하고자 하는 노력도 없애 버리는데, 그것은 할리우드에서조차 너무 커지고 너무 명백해질 것이다.

 You can tell stories 'about' climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life.

 기후 변화가 여전히 인간 삶의 주변적인 특징처럼 보이는 동안에 여러분은 그것에 '관한' 이야기를   있을 것이다.

 But when the temperature rises by three or four more degrees, hardly anyone will be able to feel isolated from its impacts.

 하지만 기온이 3 혹은 4 이상 상승할 때는 아무도 그것의 영향으로부터 고립되었다고 느낄  없을 것이다.

 And so as climate change expands across the horizon, it may cease to be a story.

 그리고 기후 변화가 지평선을 넘어 확장될  그것은 이야기가 되기를 멈출 것이다.

 Why watch or read climate fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window?

  여러분 자신의 창문 밖으로 뚜렷하게   있는 세상에 대한 기후 픽션을 보거나 읽겠는가?

 At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror.

 비록  즐거움이 종종 공포의 형태로 올지라도 지금 당장은 지구 온난화를 묘사하는 이야기가 현실 도피적인 즐거움을 여전히 제공할  있다.

 But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant ─ in time or in place ─ we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.

 하지만 우리가  이상 기후 고통이 시간적으로 또는 장소적으로 멀리 있다고 가장할  없을  우리는 그것에 대해 가장하는 것을 멈추고 그것 내에서 가장하기 시작할 것이다.


[1] 2024 10 – 35:  부족 문제의 정치적 원인과 그로 인한 불평등

 Today, the water crisis is political ─ which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ─ and, therefore, functionally elective.

 오늘날,  위기는 피할  없는 것이 아니며 우리의 바로잡을  있는 능력을 넘어서지 않는,  정치적인 것이고 따라서 기능적으로 선택적이다.

 That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization.

 그것은 그럼에도 불구하고 그것이 괴로운  가지 이유이다. , 풍족한 자원이 정부의 소홀함과 무관심, 열악한 사회 기반 시설과 오염, 부주의한 도시화를 통해 부족하게 되었다.

 There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren't doing much to address it.

 다시 말해서  위기가 있어야  필요가 없지만 어쨌든 우리는 그것을 겪고 있고 그것을 해결하기 위해 많은 일을 하고 있지 않다.

 Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent.

 일부 도시들은 그들이 주택으로 공급하는 것보다 누수로 인해  많은 물을 잃는다. , 미국에서조차 누수와 도난은 담수의 16퍼센트의 추정된 손실을 차지하고 브라질에서는  추정치가 40퍼센트이다.

 Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide.

 양쪽의 경우에서 보여지듯이 모든 곳에서처럼 선택적 부족이 가진 자와 가지지 못한 자의 불평등을 분명히 강조하고 이것은  세계적으로 21억명을 안전한 식수가 없고 45 명을 적절한 위생이 없는 채로 둔다.


[1] 2024 10 – 36: 사회적 압력이 자존감  사회적 행동에 미치는 영향

 As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated relationships in a group.

 개인으로서 성공하려는 우리의 능력은 우리가 집단 내에서 관계를 얼마나  다루는지에 달려 있었다.

 If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate.

 만약  집단이 우리를 가치 있게 여겼다면 우리는 지원, 자원, 그리고 아마도 짝을 기대할  있었을 것이다.

 If it didn't, we might get none of these merits.

 만약 그렇지 않았다면, 우리는 그러한 이점들  아무것도 얻지 못했을 것이다.

 It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically.

 그것은 신체적으로 그리고 유전적으로 생존의 문제였다.

 Over millions of years, the pressure selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing.

 수백만  동안 그러한 압박은 자신의 지위를 최대화하는  민감하고 능숙한 사람들을 선택했다.

 The result was the development of a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community perceive us.

  결과는 우리 공동체의 다른 사람들이 우리를 어떻게 인식하는지 무의식적으로 관찰하는 경향의 발달이었다.

 We process that information in the form of self-esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity.

 우리는 자존감 그리고 자존심, 수치심 또는 불안 같은 관련된 감정의 형태로  정보를 처리한다.

 These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn't.

 이러한 감정들은 우리에게 우리의 공동체가 우리를 가치 있게 여기도록 만드는 것을  많이 하고 그렇지 않은 것을  하도록 강요한다.

 And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within.

 그리고 결정적으로 그것들은  동기가 내부에서 나오고 있는 것처럼 그것을 느끼게 만들도록 되어 있다.

 If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.

 우리가 사회적 압박에 반응하고 있었다는 것을 의식적인 수준에서 깨닫는다면, 우리의 행동은 그것( 동기) 설득력이 떨어지게 만들면서 투덜대거나 냉소적인 것으로 나타날  있다.


[1] 2024 10 – 37: 의식의 문제로 우울증의 원인을 재정의하는 설명

 Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain.

 전통적인 의학은 우울증이 뇌의 신경 전달 물질의 불균형으로 인해 발생한다고 오랫동안 믿어 왔다.

 However, there is a major problem with this explanation.

 그러나  설명에는 중대한 문제가 있다.

 This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause.

 이것은 왜냐하면   물질의 불균형은 우울증의 원인이 아니라 그것의 결과이기 때문이다.

 In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression.

 다시 말해서, 우울증이 세로토닌이나 노르아드레날린과 같은 뇌의 물질의 감소를 유발하는 것이지 뇌의 물질의 감소가 우울증을 유발하는 것이 아니다.

 In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness.

  수정된 인과 관계에서, 핵심은 우울증을 의식의 문제로 재구성하는 것이다.

 Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain.

 우리의 의식은 뇌의 기능을 넘어서는 보다 근본적인 실체이다.

 The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness.

 뇌는 의식의 기관에 지나지 않는다.

 If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life.

 만약 그것이 의식  자체가 아니라면, 우울증의 근본 원인 역시 우리의 의식 상태의 왜곡이며 , 자아감과 삶의 의미를 상실한 의식이다.

 Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression.

 그러한 의식의 질환이 우울증의 형태로 명백히 나타날  있다.


[1] 2024 10 – 38: 심리학이 인간 행동을 과학적으로 연구하는 방법 설명

 The common accounts of human nature that float around in society are generally a mixture of assumptions, tales and sometimes plain silliness.

 사회에 떠도는 인간 본성에 대한 흔한 설명은 일반적으로 가정, 이야기, 그리고 때로는 순전한 어리석음의 혼합이다.

 However, psychology is different.

 그러나, 심리학은 다르다.

 It is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another.

 그것은 사람들을 이해하는,  우리가 어떻게 그리고  행동하는 대로 행동하는지, 우리가  보는 대로 사물을 보는지, 그리고 우리가 어떻게 서로 상호 작용하는지를 이해하는  전념하는 과학 분야이다.

 The key word here is 'science.'

 여기서 핵심어는 '과학'이다.

 Psychologists don't depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers.

 심리학자들은 의견과 소문, 혹은 당대의 사회에서 일반적으로 받아들여지는 견해, 혹은 심지어 심오한 사상가들의 숙고된 의견에 의존하지 않는다.

 Instead, they look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or assumptions.

 대신에 그들은 심리학적 개념이 단지 일반적으로 받아들여지는 신념이나 가정에서 도출된 것이 아니라, 확고하게 기반을 두고 있는지 확신하기 위해 증거를 찾는다.

 In addition to this evidence-based approach, psychology deals with fundamental processes and principles that generate our rich cultural and social diversity, as well as those shared by all human beings.

 이러한 증거 기반 접근법에 더하여 심리학은 모든 인간에 의해 공유되는 근본적인 과정과 원리뿐만 아니라, 우리의 풍부한 문화적 사회적 다양성을 만들어 내는 것들을 다룬다.

 These are what modern psychology is all about.

 이것들은 현대 심리학이 무엇인지 보여 준다.


[1] 2024 10 – 39: 생물학적 채널화 이론을 통한 질병과 건강의 표현 방식

 Life is what physicists might call a 'high-dimensional system,' which is their fancy way of saying that there's a lot going on.

 생명은 물리학자들이 '고차원 시스템'이라고 부를  있는 것인데 이는 많은 일이 발생하고 있다고 말하는 그들의 멋진 방식이다.

 In just a single cell, the number of possible interactions between different molecules is enormous.

  하나의 세포 내에서도 여러 분자 간의 가능한 상호 작용의 수는 매우 크다.

 Such a system can only hope to be stable if only a smaller number of collective ways of being may emerge.

 이러한 시스템은  적은 수의 존재의 집합적인 방식이 나타날 때만 오직 안정적이기를 기대할  있다.

 For example, it is only a limited number of tissues and body shapes that may result from the development of a human embryo.

 예를 들어 인간 배아의 발달로부터 나올  있는 것은 오직 제한된 수의 조직과 신체 형태이다.

 In 1942, the biologist Conrad Waddington called this drastic narrowing of outcomes canalization.

 1942년에 생물학자 Conrad Waddington 이러한 극적인 결과의 축소를 '운하화'라고 불렀다.

 The organism may switch between a small number of well-defined possible states, but can't exist in random states in between them, rather as a ball in a rough landscape must roll to the bottom of one valley or another.

 오히려 울퉁불퉁한 경관에 있는 공이  계곡 혹은  다른 계곡의 바닥으로 반드시 굴러가야 하는 것처럼, 유기체는 적은 수의 명확하게 정의된 가능한 상태 사이에서 바뀔  있지만 그것들 사이에있는 무작위의 상태로 존재할 수는 없다.

 We'll see that this is true also of health and disease: there are many causes of illness, but their manifestations at the physiological and symptomatic levels are often strikingly similar.

 우리는 이것이 건강과 질병에도 적용된다는 것을 알게  것이다.  질병의 많은 원인이 있지만, 그것들의 생리적이고 증상적인 수준에서의 발현은 종종 놀랍도록 유사하다.


[1] 2024 10 – 40: '트릭 처벌' 아동 행동에 부정적 영향을 미치는 이유

 Punishing a child may not be effective due to what Alvaro Bilbao, a neuropsychologist, calls 'trick-punishments.'

 아이를 벌주는 것은 신경심리학자 Alvaro Bilbao '트릭 처벌'이라고 부르는 것으로 인해 효과적이지 않을  있다.

 A trick-punishment is a scolding, a moment of anger or a punishment in the most classic sense of the word.

 트릭 처벌은 꾸짖음, 순간의  혹은 (처벌이라는) 단어의 가장 전형적인 의미에서의 처벌이다.

 Instead of discouraging the child from doing something, it encourages them to do it.

 아이가 무언가를 하는 것을 단념시키는 대신 트릭 처벌은 그들이 그것을 하도록 장려한다.

 For example, Hugh learns that when he hits his little brother, his mother scolds him.

 예를 들어 Hugh 그가 자신의 남동생을 때릴  그의 어머니가 그를 꾸짖는다는 것을 배운다.

 For a child who feels lonely, being scolded is much better than feeling invisible, so he will continue to hit his brother.

 외로움을 느끼는 아이에게는 꾸중을 듣는 것이 눈에 띄지 않는다고 느끼는 것보다 훨씬 나아서 그는 그의 남동생을 때리는 것을 계속할 것이다.

 In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy.

  경우에, 그의 어머니는 다른 전략을 채택하는 것이 보다 나을 것이다.

 For instance, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time.

 예를 들어 그녀는 Hugh 그의 남동생을 일정 기간 동안 때리지 않았을  그를 자랑스러워해   있다.

 The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives.

 어머니는 분명 아이가 그의 남동생을 때리는 것을 내버려둘  없고, 그녀는 부정적 측면을 계속 지적하는 대신에 긍정적 측면을 보상하는 것을 선택할  있다.

 In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments.

 이렇게 어느 부모도 트릭 처벌을 피할  있다.

 [Summary] A trick-punishment reinforces the unwanted behavior of a child, which implies that parents should focus on reducing the attention to negatives while rewarding positive behaviors.

 [Summary] 트릭 처벌이 아이의 바람직하지 못한 행동을 강화하는데, 이는 부모가 긍정적인 행동을 보상하면서 부정적 측면에 관한 관심을 줄이는  집중해야 한다는 것을 시사한다.


[1] 2024 10 – 41~42: 인간이 생존을 위해 애매한 대상에도 의도를 부여하는 경향

 From an early age, we assign purpose to objects and events, preferring this reasoning to random chance.

 어릴 때부터 우리는 사물과 사건에 목적을 부여하며, 무작위적인 우연보다 이러한 논리를 선호한다.

 Children assume, for instance, that pointy rocks are that way because they don't want you to sit on them.

 예를 들어 뾰족한 돌은 아이들이  위에 앉기를 원치 않기 때문에 그것이 그렇게 생겼다고 그들(아이들) 가정한다.

 When we encounter something, we first need to determine what sort of thing it is.

 우리가 무언가를 마주칠  우리는 먼저 그것이 어떤 종류의 것인지 결정할 필요가 있다.

 Inanimate objects and plants generally do not move and can be evaluated from physics alone.

 무생물과 식물은 일반적으로 움직이지 않으며 물리적 현상만으로 평가될  있다.

 However, by attributing intention to animals and even objects, we are able to make fast decisions about the likely behaviour of that being.

 그러나 동물과 심지어 사물도 의도가 있다고 생각함으로써 우리는  존재가   같은 행동에 대해 빠른 결정을 내릴  있다.

 This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators.

 이는 우리의 수렵 채집 시절에 포식자에게 잡아먹히는 것을 피하기 위해 필수적이었다.

 The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand.

 인류학자 Stewart Guthrie 인간의 정신적 특성이 우리가 이해하는 정신 과정이기 때문에, 우리의 진화상 과거에서 생존이란 우리가 모호한 사물을 인간의 정신적 특성을 가진 행위자로 해석하는것을 의미한다고 주장했다.

 Ambiguous events are caused by such agents.

 모호한 사건은 이러한 행위자에 의해 발생한다.

 This results in a perceptual system strongly biased towards anthropomorphism.

 이는 의인화에 강하게 편향된 지각 체계로 귀결된다.

 Therefore, we tend to assume intention even where there is none.

 그러므로, 우리는 의도가 없는 곳에서도 의도를 가정하는 경향이 있다.

 This would have arisen as a survival mechanism.

 이는 생존 메커니즘으로 발생해 왔을 것이다.

 If a lion is about to attack you, you need to react quickly, given its probable intention to kill you.

 만약 사자가 당신을  공격하려 한다면 당신을 죽이려는 그것의 가능한 의도를 고려하여 당신은 빠르게 반응할 필요가 있다.

 By the time you have realized that the design of its teeth and claws could kill you, you are dead.

 당신이 그것의 이빨과 발톱의 구조가 당신을 죽일  있다는 것을 깨달았을 즈음 당신은 죽어 있다.

 So, assuming intent, without detailed design analysis or understanding of the physics, has saved your life.

 따라서 상세한 구조 분석 또는 물리적 현상의 이해 없이 의도를 부여하는 것이 당신의 목숨을 구해 왔다.


[1] 2024 10 – 43~45: 작은 판다가 독특함을 추구하고 발견하는 이야기

 Once long ago, deep in the Himalayas, there lived a little panda.

 옛날에 히말라야 산맥 깊숙한 곳에 작은 판다가 살았다.

 He was as ordinary as all the other pandas.

 그는 다른 모든 판다들만큼 평범했다.

 He was completely white from head to toe.

 그는 머리부터 발끝까지 전부 하얬다.

 His two big ears, his four furry feet and his cute round nose were all frosty white, leaving him feeling ordinary and sad.

 그의  개의  ,  개의  많은 , 그리고 귀여운 둥근 코는 모두 서리처럼 하얘서 (little panda) 평범하고 슬프게 느끼게 하였다.

 Unlike the cheerful and contented pandas around him, he desired to be distinctive, special, and unique.

 그의 주위에 있는 명랑하고 만족스러운 판다들과 달리 그는 특이하고 특별하며 독특해지기를 갈망했다.

 Driven by the desire for uniqueness, the little panda sought inspiration from his distant cousin, a giant white panda covered with heavenly black patches.

 독특함에 대한 열망에 사로잡혀 작은 판다는 (little panda)  사촌인 멋진 검은 반점으로 뒤덮인 거대한  판다로부터 영감을 찾으려 했다.

 But the cousin revealed the patches were from an unintended encounter with mud, and he disliked them.

 그러나 사촌은  반점이 진흙과 의도치 않게 접촉한 결과이며, 그는 그것(반점) 싫어한다고 밝혔다.

 Disappointed, the little panda walked home.

 실망한 채로 작은 판다는 집으로 걸어갔다.

 On his way, he met a red-feathered peacock, who explained he turned red from eating wild berries.

 가는 길에 그는 붉은 깃털을 가진 공작새를 만났는데  공작새는 (peacock) 야생 베리를 먹어서 붉게 변했다고 설명했다.

 The little panda changed his path and hurried to the nearest berry bush, greedily eating a mouthful of juicy red berries.

 작은 판다는 경로를 바꾸어 가장 가까운 베리 덤불로 서둘러 가서, 탐욕스럽게 한입 가득 즙이 많은 빨간 베리를 먹었다.

 However, they were so bitter he couldn't swallow even one.

 하지만 그것들은 너무 써서 그는  개도 삼킬  없었다.

 At dusk, he finally got home and slowly climbed his favorite bamboo tree.

 해질 무렵 그는 마침내 집에 도착했고 그가 가장 좋아하는 대나무에 천천히 올라갔다.

 There, he discovered a strange black and red flower with a sweet scent that tempted him to eat all its blossoms.

 그곳에서 (little panda) 그것의 모든 꽃을 먹도록 유혹하는 달콤한 향기를 가진 기묘한 검고 붉은 꽃을 발견하였다.

 The following morning, under sunny skies, the little panda felt remarkably better.

 다음  아침 맑은 하늘 아래에서 작은 판다는 기분이 매우 좋아졌다.

 During breakfast, he found the other pandas chatting enthusiastically and asked why.

 아침 식사 중에 그는 다른 판다들이 신나게 수다를 떨고 있는 것을 발견하고 이유를 물어보았다.

 They burst into laughter, exclaiming, "Look at yourself!"

 그들은 웃음을 터뜨리며 " 자신을  !"라고 외쳤다.

 Glancing down, he discovered his once white fur was now stained jet black and glowing red.

 아래를 흘긋 보고, 그는 한때 하얬던 자신의 털이 이제 새까맣고 빛나는 붉은색으로 얼룩져 있다는 것을 발견했다.

 He was overjoyed and realized that, rather than by imitating others, his wishes can come true from unexpected places and genuine experiences.

 그는 매우 기뻐했고 (little panda) 소원이 남들을 모방하기보다는 예상치 못한 곳과 진정한 경험으로부터 실현될  있음을 깨달았다.



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