부교재/능률 Reading Expert

능률 Advanced Reading Expert Level 1 [2020 개정] - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

flowedu 2024. 5. 13. 11:44




NE능률 Advanced Reading Expert Level 1 [2020 개정] 

한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료입니다.


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능률 Advanced Reading Expert Level 2 [2020 개정] - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

NE능률 Advanced Reading Expert Level 2 [2020 개정]의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료입니다. 이번에는 일부 학교에서 부교재로 사용되는NE능률의 Reading Expert 시리즈에 대해한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 작업



NE능률 Reading Expert 1 [2020 개정] - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

NE능률 Reading Expert 1 [2020 개정]의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료입니다. 이번에는 일부 학교에서 부교재로 사용되는NE능률의 Reading Expert 시리즈에 대해한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 작업했습니다. 





전체 내용


Unit 01. Food - Reading 1: Food Additives
① Much of the food that is available today is full of chemicals and processed substances. 오늘날 구입할 수 있는 식품 대부분은 화학 약품 및가공 물질로 가득하다.
② Called "additives," they are used to give food more flavor and better texture and to increase its shelf life. '첨가물'이라고 불리는 그것은 식품에 풍미를 더하고식감을 좋게 하거나, 유통기한을 늘리기 위해 사용되고 있다.
③ However, some of the most common additives have been shown to cause serious health problems. 하지만 가장 흔히 쓰이고 있는 첨가제 중 일부는 심각한 건강 문제를 야기하는 것으로 드러나고 있다.
④ Aspartame, one of the most common food additives, is an artificial sweetener used in foods that are labeled "diet" and "sugar free." 가장 흔한 식품 첨가물 중 하나인 아스파르템은 '다이어트'와 '무설탕'이라고 붙여진 식품에 사용되는인공 감미료이다.
⑤ Studies have linked it to various types of cancer, diabetes, anxiety, and many other diseases and conditions. 연구들이 이 물질과 다양한 유형의 암, 당뇨, 불안감및 여러 다른 질병 및 상태를 연관지어왔다.
⑥ It is found in a wide variety of foods: diet and sugar-free soft drinks, sugar-free gum and breath mints, various desserts, toothpaste, and even chewable vitamins! 이 물질은 아주 다양한 음식에서 찾아볼 수 있는데, 다이어트 및 무설탕 탄산음료, 무설탕 껌, 구취 제거민트, 다양한 후식, 치약, 그리고 심지어 씹어 먹는비타민에도 들어있다!
⑦ Another dangerous artificial sweetener is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). 또 다른 위험한 인공 감미료는 액상과당이다.
⑧ It increases levels of LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, damages bodily tissues, and causes people to gain weight. 이것은 '나쁜' 콜레스테롤인 LDL 수치를 증가시키고, 신체 조직을 손상시키며, 사람들의 체중을 증가시킨다.
⑨ Amazingly, because it is used in nearly all processed foods, it has become one of the main sources of calories for many people. 놀랍게도, 이 물질이 거의 모든 가공 식품에 사용되고 있기 때문에 이것은 많은 사람들의 주요 열량 공급원 중 하나가 되었다.
⑩ Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is used to enhance the flavor of soups, salad dressings, snacks, frozen foods, and more. 글루탐산소다. 즉 MSG는 수프, 샐러드 드레싱, 과자, 냉동식품 등의 맛을 증진시키기 위해 사용된다.
⑪ Because it turns off the brain's neurological pathways that make you feel full, it leads many people to overeat. 이 물질이 포만감을 느끼게 하는 뇌의 신경 통로를차단하기 때문에, 이로 인해 많은 사람들이 과식을하게 된다.
⑫ MSG also seriously damages cells, and studies have linked regular consumption of the additive to depression, eye damage, fatigue, and headaches. MSG는 또한 심각하게 세포를 손상시키며, 정기적으로 이 첨가제를 섭취하는 것이 우울증, 시력 손상, 피로감 및 두통과 연관이 있다는 연구가 나오고 있다.
⑬ Finally, trans fat, which is found in fast food, margarine, and other processed foods, also enhances food's natural flavor. 마지막으로 패스트푸드, 마가린 및 다른 가공 식품에 들어있는 트랜스 지방 또한 음식 천연의 맛을 증진시켜준다.
⑭ However, not only does it increase levels of LDL cholesterol, but it also decreases levels of HDL, or "good" cholesterol. 하지만 이것은 LDL 콜레스테롤 수치를 높일 뿐만아니라, '좋은' 콜레스테롤인 HDL 수치를 낮춘다.
⑮ It has been linked to all kinds of health problems, from diabetes to heart disease. 이 물질은 당뇨병에서부터 심장병까지 모든 종류의건강 문제와 연관되어지고 있다.
⑯ In fact, it is considered so dangerous that it is now either highly restricted or banned in countries such as Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden. 이 물질은 실제로 너무 위험하다고 여겨져 덴마크, 아이슬란드, 스웨덴 같은 나라에서는 요즘 엄격히제한되거나 금지되고 있다.
⑰ Unfortunately, food additives have become so common that they can be hard to avoid. 유감스럽게도 식품 첨가물은 너무 흔해졌기 때문에피하기가 어렵다.
⑱ However, there are things you can do to start eating healthier. 하지만 더 건강하게 먹기 위해 할 수 있는 일이 몇가지 있다.
⑲ Instead of eating fast food and processed foods, eat home cooked meals as often as you can. 패스트푸드나 가공 식품을 먹기 보다는 가능한 자주집에서 요리한 음식을 먹어라.
⑳ And when you buy groceries, remember to read the food labels, which list the ingredients and any additives that the food contains. 그리고 식료품을 살 때, 그 식품에 포함된 성분과 첨가물이 나열된 식품 라벨을 읽는 것을 기억하라.
㉑ Finally, buy as many organic products as you can. 마지막으로 가능한 한 많이 유기농 제품을 구입해라.
㉒ The more often you eat natural, whole foods, the healthier you will be! 더 자주 천연의 무첨가 식품을 먹을수록 더 건강해질 것이다!




Unit 01. Food - Reading 2: Energy Drink
① Why do people drink soda? 사람들은 왜 탄산음료를 마시는가?
② It's probably because they think it tastes good. 아마도 탄산음료가 맛이 좋다고 생각하기 때문일 것이다.
③ But lately the soft drink market has been flooded with products that claim to have an effect beyond taste. 하지만 최근 탄산음료 시장은 맛을 넘어 효능이 있다고 주장하는 제품들로 넘쳐나고 있다.
④ Energy drinks are one of these newcomers on the soft drink scene. 에너지 음료는 이렇게 탄산음료 시장에 새롭게 등장한 것들 중 하나이다.
⑤ As their name implies, they claim to supply an energy boost. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이, 에너지 음료는 에너지를 증강시켜 준다고 주장한다.
⑥ They're designed for students, athletes, and anyone else who wants an extra energy kick. 에너지 음료는 학생, 운동 선수 및 에너지 증강을 원하는 그 밖의 모든 사람들을 위해 고안되었다.
⑦ But there are worries about the true effect they can have on the body. 그러나 그것들이 신체에 미치는 진정한 효과에 대한우려들이 있다.
⑧ Energy drinks provide physical and mental stimulation over a short period of time. 에너지 음료는 단기간에 신체적 및 정신적 자극을유발한다.
⑨ But this is not because energy drinks contain a variety of vitamins and health additives. 하지만 이것은 에너지 음료에 각종 비타민과 건강첨가물이 함유되어 있기 때문이 아니다.
⑩ The real effect drinkers feel comes from the simple combination of sugar and caffeine. 마시는 사람이 느끼는 실제 효능은 순전히 설탕과카페인의 혼합에서 기인하는 것이다.
⑪ A single energy drink typically contains more than twice as much caffeine as a can of soda. 에너지 음료 한 개에는 일반적으로 탄산음료 캔 한개보다 두 배 이상의 카페인이 함유되어 있다.
⑫ Caffeine inhibits the production of adenosine, which promotes sleep, and increases adrenaline and dopamine, which can make a person feel alert. 카페인은 잠을 유발하는 아데노신의 생성을 억제하고, 사람의 정신을 맑게 할 수 있는 아드레날린과 도파민을 증가시킨다.
⑬ The risks of consuming energy drinks are, therefore, roughly the same as those of drinking coffee. 그러므로 에너지 음료를 마시는 것의 위험성은 커피를 마시는 것의 위험성과 거의 같다.
⑭ Some people complain of an increase in their heart rate, feelings of anxiety, and trouble sleeping. 어떤 사람들은 심장 박동수 증가, 불안감, 수면 장애를 호소한다.
⑮ And as caffeine has an addictive quality, energy drink consumers may find it difficult to limit themselves to the recommended maximum of 500 ml per day as indicated on the product labels of many of the large energy drink manufacturers. 그리고 카페인은 중독성이 있기 때문에 에너지 음료소비자들은 많은 대형 에너지 음료 제조업체들의 제품 라벨에 표시되어 있는 대로 하루 최대 500ml의권장량을 지키는 게 어렵다는 것을 알게 될 수도 있다.
⑯ Unlike sports drinks, which assist in rehydrating the body during physical exercise, energy drinks actually act as a diuretic, thereby decreasing the amount of water retained in one's body. 신체 운동 중 몸에 수분을 보충하는 데 도움을 주는스포츠 음료와는 달리, 에너지 음료는 실제로 이뇨제 역할을 하며, 그렇게 함으로써 몸이 보유하고 있는 물의 양을 감소시킨다.
⑰ It is easy to see, therefore, that consuming energy drinks during prolonged periods of exercise can be dangerous. 따라서 장기간의 운동 중에 에너지 음료를 마시면위험할 수 있음은 알기 쉽다.
⑱ The potential hazards, however, go beyond the risk of dehydration. 그러나 잠재된 위험은 탈수의 위험을 넘어선다.
⑲ Some energy drinks also contain ephedrine, a stimulant often used in diet pills that has been linked to heart problems, along with other ingredients whose effects are not yet fully understood. 일부 에너지 음료에는 효능이 아직 충분히 검증되지않은 다른 성분들과 더불어 심장 질환과 연관있고살 빼는 약들에 흔히 사용되는 흥분제인 에페드린도함유되어 있다.
⑳ When used in moderation, energy drinks can be a safe source of stimulation for people who are feeling listless. 적당히 사용되면 에너지 음료는 활기없는 사람들에게 안전한 자극원이 될 수 있다.
㉑ It is important, however, to understand exactly what we are putting into our bodies and the effects it may have. 그러나 우리가 몸 속에 무엇을 집어넣고 있는지 그리고 그것이 끼칠 수 있는 영향을 정확하게 이해하는 것이 중요하다.




Unit 02. Economy - Reading 1: Economic Decision Making
① Individuals ought to focus on what they're good at. 개개인은 그들이 잘하는 무언가에 집중해야 한다.
② For example, great actors should dedicate their time to filming movies; it would be a waste of their talent not to. 예를 들어, 훌륭한 배우들은 그들의 시간을 영화를촬영하는 데 헌신해야 한다. 그렇지 않는 것은 그들의 재능을 낭비하는 것이다.
③ But people can be skilled at other things as well. 하지만 사람들은 다른 일에도 능숙할 수 있다.
④ For instance, let's say that an actor is particularly good at mowing lawns. 예를 들어 배우가 특히 잔디를 잘 깎는다고 하자.
⑤ Does that mean that he should mow the huge lawn around his mansion by himself? 그렇다고 그가 자신의 저택 주변의 엄청난 잔디를스스로 깎아야 하는 것일까?
⑥ Looking at the economic concepts of absolute advantage, opportunity cost and comparative advantage may help us answer this question. 절대우위, 기회비용과 비교우위라는 경제 용어를 살펴보는 것이 이 질문에 대한 답을 하는 데 도움을 줄수도 있다.
⑦ Suppose the actor can mow his lawn in four hours and that it would take a teenage boy from his neighborhood eight hours to do the same job. 그 배우가 4시간 안에 잔디를 깎을 수 있고, 같은 일을 하는 데 이웃의 10대 남자아이는 8시간이 걸릴것이라고 가정해 보자.
⑧ If we compare their productivity, economists would say that the actor has an absolute advantage over the teenager because he would invest half the input to get the same result. 그들의 생산성을 비교하면 같은 결과를 내기 위해절반만 투입하면 되기 때문에 그 배우가 10대 남자아이보다 절대우위에 있다고 경제학자들은 말할 것이다.
⑨ In other words, the actor is more efficient when considering the quantity of time required to do the job. 즉, 일을 하기 위해 필요한 시간의 양을 고려했을 때그 배우가 더 효율적인 것이다.
⑩ However, the value of his time should also be taken into account. 하지만 그의 시간의 가치도 또한 참작되어야 한다.
⑪ During those four hours, the actor could film a television commercial and make $50,000. 그 4시간 동안 배우는 TV 광고를 찍고 50,000달러를 벌 수 있다.
⑫ These potential earnings are the actor's opportunity cost of choosing to mow his lawn instead of filming the commercial. 이 잠재적인 수입은 광고를 찍는 대신 잔디를 깎기로 선택한 것에 대한 배우의 기회비용이다.
⑬ The concept of opportunity cost refers to what we lose when we decide on a certain action. 기회비용의 개념은 어떤 행위를 하겠다고 결정했을때 잃게 되는 것을 말한다.
⑭ It should be considered when determining whether doing something is worth the loss associated with the action. 어떤 일을 하는 것이 그 행동과 연관된 손실을 감수할 만한지를 결정할 때 기회비용은 고려되어야 한다.
⑮ If the teenager would only earn $80 working for eight hours at a fast-food restaurant instead, he would lose much less than the actor would. 그 10대 아이가 패스트푸드 점에서 8시간 일해서80 달러밖에 벌지 못한다면 배우가 잃게 되는 것보다 훨씬 적게 잃는 것이다.
⑯ This comparison of opportunity cost is the key to determining who should mow the lawn. 이러한 기회비용의 비교가 누가 잔디를 깎아야 하는지를 결정하는 열쇠이다.
⑰ This is how comparative advantage is calculated. 이렇게 비교우위가 계산되는 것이다.
⑱ According to this concept, whoever has the lower opportunity cost has a comparative advantage and should perform the action. 이 개념에 따르면 기회비용이 적은 사람이 비교우위를 가지게 되고 그 행위를 해야 하는 것이다.
⑲ In this case, that would be the teenager, as long as he makes more than $80 and it costs the actor less than $50,000. 이 경우에는 10대 아이가 80달러 이상을 벌고 그 배우가 50,000달러 이하의 비용이 드는 한 10대 아이에게 비교우위가 있는 것이다.
⑳ Both the teenager and actor would be better off if the actor hired the boy to mow his lawn while he filmed the commercial. 그 배우가 광고를 찍는 동안 남자아이가 잔디를 깎도록 고용한다면 10대 아이와 배우 모두에게 이익이 될 것이다.
㉑ Similarly, governments consider opportunity cost and comparative advantage when looking at the production of various countries to determine optimal gains from trade. 마찬가지로 정부는 무역에서 오는 최적의 이익을 결정하기 위해 여러 나라의 제품을 살펴볼 때 기회비용과 비교우위를 고려한다.
㉒ By doing this, they ensure that every country benefits from trading goods with other countries. 이렇게 함으로써 모든 국가가 다른 나라와 상품을무역하면서 이익을 얻을 수 있도록 보장하는 것이다.




Unit 02. Economy - Reading 2: TOEFL (Demarketing)
① Marketing can be defined as the act of creating, maintaining and expanding a demand for a specific product or service. 마케팅은 특정 제품이나 서비스에 대한 수요를 창출하고 유지하며 늘리는 행위로 정의될 수 있다.
② Certain scenarios exist, however, in which organizations seek to discourage this same demand. 그러나 기업들이 이와 같은 수요를 억제하려고 하는특정 시나리오들이 존재한다.
③ In these cases, a process known as "demarketing" is employed. 이런 경우 '디마케팅'이라고 알려져 있는 방법이 사용된다.
④ Generally speaking, demarketing can be broken down into three categories, the first of which is known as general demarketing. 일반적으로 말하면 디마케팅은 세 가지 범주로 나뉠수 있는데, 그 첫번째는 일반적 디마케팅이라고 알려져 있다.
⑤ This occurs when a product is demarketed to all users, often in times of shortage, when governments seek to persuade citizens to limit their consumption of a resource such as gasoline or electricity. 이것은 모든 사용자들을 대상으로 제품의 수요가 억제될 때 발생하는데, 이때는 정부가 국민들에게 휘발유나 전기와 같은 자원의 소비를 제한하도록 설득하려고 하는 때인 주로 부족현상의 시기이다.
⑥ It is also implemented when a product is deemed to be a risk to public health. 이것은 또한 제품이 대중의 건강에 위협이 될 것으로 여겨질 때도 시행된다.
⑦ Selective demarketing, on the other hand, is aimed at a specific segment of the population. 반면에 선택적 디마케팅은 특정 고객층을 대상으로한다.
⑧ Businesses will generally use selective demarketing on a group of customers that has proven to be less profitable. 가업들은 일반적으로 이익이 덜 나는 것으로 판명된 고객층에게 선택적 디마케팅을 사용할 것이다.
⑨ These fringe users are discouraged, and marketing resources are focused on a more profitable core. 이러한 비우량 고객들의 수요는 제한되고, 마케팅자원은 보다 이익이 되는 핵심층에 집중된다.
⑩ Some banks, for example, offer specialized services for customers with large balances, while low profit customers must queue up for a turn at the ATM. 예를 들어, 일부 은행들은 잔고가 많은 고객들에게는 특화된 서비스를 제공하는 반면에 이익이 덜 되는 고객들에게는 자동입출금기에 줄을 서서 순서를기다리게 한다.
⑪ The third category, ostensible demarketing, is exemplified by situations in which a business withholds the availability of a product in order to heighten its appeal. 세 번째 범주인 표면적 디마케팅은 기업이 제품의매력을 강화하기 위해 제품의 입수 가능성을 억제하는 상황들이 좋은 예가 된다.
⑫ This type of demarketing is often applied to high-end toys during the Christmas season, as the difficulties consumers face in purchasing the item increase its value in their eyes. 이 유형의 디마케팅은 흔히 크리스마스 시즌 동안에최고급 장난감에 적용되는데, 제품을 구매하는 데소비자가 직면하는 어려움은 그들의 눈에 그 제품의가치를 증가시킨다.
⑬ Therefore, demand is actually raised, rather than lowered. 그러므로, 실제로 수요는 적어지기 보다는 많아진다.
⑭ Some companies that are seeking to create an upscale image demarket their products by limiting the scope of their advertising. 고급 이미지 창출을 위해 노력하는 일부 기업들은광고의 범위를 제한함으로써 제품을 디마케팅한다.
⑮ A jewelry company might advertise only in a handful of magazines, giving their products the illusion of exclusivity. 귀금속 기업은 소수의 잡지에만 광고하면서 자사 제품에 한정성이라는 환상을 심어줄지도 모른다.
⑯ Similarly, other companies demarket by limiting the scope of their distribution, such as a liquor manufacturer that only sells their whiskey in expensive bars. 이와 유사하게 다른 기업들은 자사 위스키를 비싼술집에서만 판매하는 주류 제조업체와 같이 배급의범위를 제한함으로써 디마케팅한다.
⑰ Another approach is the use of warning labels outlining health risks associated with a product. 또 다른 방법은 제품과 관련된 건강상의 위험성들을약술하는 경고 라벨을 사용하는 것이다.
⑱ Tobacco companies use such labels to educate current users while making themselves seem more compassionate. 담배 회사들은 그런 라벨을 사용하여 현 사용자들을일깨우는 동시에 자사가 보다 인정이 많아 보이도록만든다.
⑲ Through these methods, companies can create a luxurious brand image or improve their corporate image. 이런 방법들을 통해 기업들은 고급스러운 브랜드 이미지를 창출하거나 기업의 이미지를 향상시킬 수 있다.
⑳ To look at demarketing as nothing more than the opposite of marketing would be a gross oversimplification. 디마케팅을 단지 마케팅의 반대말 정도로 보는 것은굉장히 지나친 단순화일 것이다.
㉑ It is a nuanced business strategy that can be employed in a variety of situations to help control the tides of public demand. 이것은 대중 수요의 흐름을 통제하는 데 도움이 되도록 여러 상황에서 사용될 수 있는 미묘한 경영 전략이다.




Unit 03. Technology - Reading 1: Biometrics
① You might forget your password, you could misplace your keys, but you'll never leave home without yourself. 당신은 비밀번호를 잊어버릴 수도 있고, 열쇠를 엉뚱한 곳에 둘 수도 있지만, 절대 당신 자신을 두고집을 나가지는 않을 것이다.
② Hailed as a safer alternative to passcodes, high-tech biometric authentication systems are beginning to replace traditional security measures. 암호의 보다 안전한 대안으로 환영 받고 있는 첨단기술의 생체 인증 시스템이 종래의 보안 장치들을대체하기 시작하고 있다.
③ Biometric systems authenticate the identity of individuals by recognizing their unique physical or behavioral traits. 생체 시스템은 독특한 신체적 및 행동적 특징들을인식함으로써 개인의 신분을 인증한다.
④ These systems are automated, highly accurate, and don't take a lot of time or training to use. 이 시스템은 자동화되어 있고, 아주 정밀하며, 사용하는 데 있어 오랜 시간이나 많은 훈련을 필요로 하지 않는다.
⑤ Their advantage over traditional security systems is that they don't rely on components that can be lost or easily stolen. 종래의 보안 시스템에 비해 이것의 이점은 분실되거나 쉽게 도난당할 수 있는 요소에 의존하지 않는다는 것이다.
⑥ The first step in utilizing a biometric authentication system is enrollment. 생체 인증 시스템을 이용하기 위한 첫 번째 단계는등록이다.
⑦ This involves the use of a sensor to detect and compile basic biometric information on each individual who will use the system. 이 단계에서는 이 시스템을 이용할 각 개인에 대한기초적인 생체 정보를 탐지하고 수집하는 센서가 사용된다.
⑧ Storage occurs next as the information is converted into mathematical algorithms and entered into a computer database. 다음으로 이 정보가 수학적 알고리즘으로 전환되어컴퓨터 데이터베이스에 입력되면서 저장이 이루어진다.
⑨ The final step is comparison. 마지막 단계는 비교이다.
⑩ Relevant biometric traits are scanned, and the results are compared using a software program, with the information stored in the database. 관련된 생체 특징들이 검색되고, 그 결과들이 소프트웨어 프로그램을 사용하여 데이터베이스에 저장된 정보와 비교된다.
⑪ If they match, the subject's identity has been authenticated and access is granted. 만일 그것들이 일치하면 그 대상의 신분이 인증되고접근이 허용된다.
⑫ There are a variety of biometric analyses that can confirm an individual's identity. 개인의 신분을 확인할 수 있는 다양한 생체 분석들이 있다.
⑬ Handwriting is one such option. 필체가 그 중 하나이다.
⑭ Subjects write a word on a touch pad, and the system analyzes such diverse factors as speed, rhythm, pressure of writing, and the angle of the pen. 대상이 터치패드에 단어를 쓰면 시스템이 필기의 속도, 리듬, 압력 펜의 각도와 같은 다양한 요소들을분석한다.
⑮ Iris scanning is another popular form of biometric analysis. 홍채 검사는 또 다른 인기 있는 생체 분석 형태이다.
⑯ After the system's camera takes a picture of the eye, it authenticates the individual by measuring and analyzing the pupil, iris, eyelid, and eyelashes using near-infrared light. 시스템의 카메라가 눈 사진을 찍은 후 그것이 근적외선을 사용하여 동공, 홍채, 눈꺼풀, 속눈썹을 측정하고 분석함으로써 개인을 인증한다.
⑰ Another unique physical attribute utilized in biometrics is vein geometry. 생체 측정에 사용되는 또 하나의 독특한 신체적 특성은 정맥 구조이다.
⑱ This system analyzes the shape and location of the vein structure using a camera with infrared light. 이 시스템은 적외선이 나오는 카메라를 사용하여 정맥 구조의 형태와 위치를 분석한다.
⑲ Biometrics offers a more reliable means of identification than traditional security systems. 생체 측정법은 종래의 보안 시스템보다 더욱 믿을만한 신분 증명 수단을 제공한다.
⑳ There are, however, some privacy concerns. 그러나 약간의 사생활과 관련된 문제들이 있다.
㉑ Once the biometric data has been captured by a system, it can potentially be forwarded to other locations and put to many different uses without the owner's consent. 일단 생체 정보가 시스템에 등록되었다면, 그것은다른 곳에 전송되어 본인의 허락도 없이 여러 다른용도로 사용될 수가 있다.
㉒ If tech-savvy thieves can reproduce users' biometric IDs, the users may be faced with a lifelong problem, since personal traits can't be changed or reset. 만약 기술에 정통한 도둑들이 사용자의 생체 ID를복사할 수 있다면, 개인의 특징은 변경되거나 다시고쳐질 수 없기 때문에 사용자는 평생토록 문제를안고 살아야 할지도 모른다.
㉓ These issues will have to be addressed if biometrics is to become an everyday fixture in our lives. 생체 측정법아 우리 삶의 일상적인 요소가 되려면이 문제들이 처리되어야 할 것이다.




Unit 03. Technology - Reading 2: Bluetooth
① King Harald Bluetooth of Denmark made history by uniting his kingdom with Norway in the tenth century. 덴마크의 Harald Bluetooth 왕은 10세기에 자신의왕국을 노르웨이와 통일시킴으로써 역사에 이름을남겼다.
② Hundreds of years later, a new Bluetooth is making its own reputation by bringing together electronic devices through wireless technology. 수백 년이 지난 후 새로운 블루투스(Bluetooth)가무선 기술을 통해 전자 장치를 통합함으로써 자신의명성을 쌓고 있다.
③ Named in honor of King Harald, Bluetooth technology was developed by Ericsson, a Swedish telecommunications company, as a means of eliminating cumbersome cable connections between portable electronic devices, such as laptops, mobile phones, and digital cameras. Harald 왕을 기념하여 이름 지어진 블루투스 기술은스웨덴 통신사인 Ericsson에 의해 휴대용 컴퓨터,휴대전화, 디지털 카메라와 같은 휴대용 전자 장치들 간에 성가신 케이블 연결을 제거하기 위한 수단으로 개발되었다.
④ Data normally shared through these cables is instead communicated through the medium of radio waves. 주로 이런 케이블을 통해 공유되던 데이터는 대신전파라는 매체를 통해 전달된다.
⑤ These waves can be transmitted up to distances of 10 m, seeking out and connecting with other wireless devices. 이 전파는 다른 무선 장치들을 찾아 그에 접속할 때10m의 거리에까지 전달될 수 있다.
⑥ Bluetooth isn't a heavy power consumer, it doesn't require any expensive hardware, and it sets up networks quickly and easily. 블루투스는 전력을 많아 소비하는 장치가 아니며,값비싼 하드웨어를 필요로 하지도 않고, 빠르고 쉽게 네트워크를 구성한다.
⑦ There are a myriad of conveniences we can enjoy thanks to Bluetooth: 블루투스 덕분에 우리가 누릴 수 있는 편리함은 무수히 많다.
⑧ We can talk on our mobile phones through wireless headsets while walking or driving; keyboards and mouses can be connected to our computers without wires, allowing for more flexibility and freedom of movement while we're confined to our desks; and we can transfer music files to our iPods with ease or effortlessly download photos from our digital cameras. 걸어다니거나 운전을 하면서 무선 헤드셋을 통해 휴대전화로 통화를 할 수 있게 해주고, 키보드와 마우스를 전선 없이 컴퓨터에 연결할 수 있어서 책상 앞에 앉아 있는 동안 움직임이 보다 유연하고 자유롭도록 해주며, 음악 파일을 아이팟에 쉽게 전송하거나 디지털 카메라에 담긴 사진을 어려움 없이 다운로드할 수 있게 해준다.
⑨ Bluetooth technology is also a factor in the facilitation of social networking, allowing strangers to exchange personal profiles, messages, or business cards by sensing all other Bluetooth-enabled devices in range and automatically establishing temporary networks. 블루투스 기술은 또한 사회적 네트워크를 용이하게해주는 요소이기도 하여, 모르는 사람들이 사정거리내에서 블루투스가 가능한 모든 다른 장치들을 감지하고 자동적으로 일시적인 네트워크를 형성함으로써개인 프로필, 메시지, 명함을 주고 받을 수 있게 해준다.
⑩ However, the ease with which Bluetooth creates connections can also be the source of some security concerns. 그러나 블루투스가 가능케 해주는 네트워크 형성의용이 함은 또한 일부 보안 문제의 원인이 될 수 있다.
⑪ Bluejacking is the practice of sending anonymous text messages that resemble system-generated warnings. 블루재킹(Bluejacking)은 시스템에서 발생하는 경고와 유사한 익명의 문자 메시지를 보내는 행위이다.
⑫ It's a harmless prank but can be distressing to inexperienced users. 그것은 해로운 장난은 아니지만 경험이 없는 사용자들을 괴롭게 할 수 있다.
⑬ Bluesnarling is a more critical security threat. 블루스날링(Bluesnarling)은 보다 심각한 보안 위협이다.
⑭ If hackers manage to covertly create a connection through Bluetooth, they can take control of your wireless device and use it as a vehicle for transmitting viruses. 만일 해커들이 블루투스를 통해 몰래 네트워크를 형성한다면, 그둘은 당신의 무선 장치를 통제할 수 있으며 그것을 바이러스를 유포하는 전달 수단으로 사용할 수 있다.
⑮ Practices that can prevent this type of threat include turning off Bluetooth when your device is not in use and hiding your device from unknown Bluetooth users by switching off the discovery mode. 이런 종류의 위협을 예방할 수 있는 조치들에는 장치를 사용하고 있지 않을 때는 블루투스를 꺼놓는것과 발견 모드를 꺼놓아서 모르는 블루투스 사용자들로부터 당신의 장치를 숨기는 것이 포함된다.
⑯ Firewalls and anti-virus software can also be installed for enhanced safety. 보안 강화를 위해 방화벽과 안티바이러스 소프트웨어를 설치할 수도 있다.
⑰ Despite these security challenges, Bluetooth continues to reign as the industry standard for wireless technology, making it easier than ever to bring together all our portable electronic devices. 이러한 보안문제들에도 불구하고, 블루투스는 무선기술 분야의 산업 표준으로서 계속해서 널리 퍼져가고 있으며, 우리의 모든 휴대용 전자 장치들을 연결하는 것을 그 어느 때보다 더 쉽게 만들어주고 있다.




Unit 04. Art - Reading 1: Minimalism
① Minimalism is a style of art that exists free of outside influences and deeper meanings. 미니멀리즘(최소한 표현주의)은 외부의 영향과 보다심오한 의미에서 벗어나서 존재하는 예술 양식이다.
② It is unconcerned with social issues or the artist's emotions, focusing instead on the creation of beauty by using a minimum of components. 이것은 사회 문제나 예술가의 감정과는 관계가 없고, 대신 최소한의 요소를 사용함으로써 미를 창조하는 데 초점을 둔다.
③ The term minimalism was first used in the United States in 1929 to describe an exhibit by the artist John Graham. 미니멀리즘이라는 용어는 1929년에 화가 John Graham의 전시회를 묘사하기 위해 미국에서 처음사용되었다.
④ Minimalism became a household word in the 1960s when it was resurrected to describe what would eventually become known as the minimalist movement. 미니멀리즘은 결국 미니멀리즘 운동으로 알려지게된 것을 설명하기 위해 부활되었던 1960년대에 자주 쓰이는 용어가 되었다.
⑤ The movement was focused on precision, with roots in mathematics and geometry. 이 운동은 수학과 기하학에 뿌리를 두면서 정확성에초점을 두었다.
⑥ The artwork featured repetitive patterns of simple colors, with no hidden themes or meanings. 그 예술 작품은 숨겨진 주제나 의미 없이 단순한 색상의 반복적 패턴을 특징으로 했다.
⑦ The minimalists felt complex compositions, deep symbolism, and social themes diminished the experience of appreciating the object itself. 미니멀리즘 작가들은 복잡한 구성, 심오한 상징, 사회적 주제들이 대상 자체에 대한 감상 경험을 감소시킨다고 생각했다.
⑧ It was this appreciation that minimalists focused on. 미니멀리즘 작가들이 중점을 둔 것은 바로 이러한감상이었다.
⑨ Their art was not self-expression; it was pure visual effect. 그들의 예술은 자기표현이 아니라 순수한 시각적 결과였다.
⑩ They didn't want viewers to be distracted by the need to figure it out. 그들은 관람객들이 예술을 이해하고자 하는 요구에의해 산만해지는 것을 원하지 않았다.
⑪ The term minimalism can be used to describe anything that is created with a similar raw aesthetic, and it has been applied to a wide range of mediums, including music, design, architecture, and literature. 미니멀리즘이라는 용어는 이와 유사한 가공하지 않은 미의식으로 만들어진 것이면 어떤 것이든지 그것을 묘사하는 데 사용될 수 있어서, 음악, 디자인, 건축 문학을 포함한 다양한 범주의 매체에 적용되어왔다.
⑫ In music, minimalism features repetitive sounds and a steady beat. 음악에서의 미니멀리즘은 반복적인 소리와 일정한박자를 특징으로 한다.
⑬ Minimalist design relies on basic shapes and clean lines. 미니멀리즘 디자인은 기본적인 형태와 깔끔한 선에의존한다.
⑭ Minimalist architecture also makes the most of little decoration, stressing the importance of empty spaces and subscribing to the credo of "less is more." 미니멀리즘 건축은 또한 빈 공간의 중요성을 강조하고 '적을수록 더 가치가 있다.'는 신조에 동의하면서극히 적은 장식을 최대한 활용한다.
⑮ And literary minimalism uses words economically, describing only the basic outlines of a situation and featuring characters who are ordinary people living ordinary lives. 그리고 문학에서의 미니멀리즘은 단어를 경제적으로 사용하여, 상황의 기초적인 개요만을 묘사하고평범한 삶을 살아가는 평범한 사람들인 등장 인물들을 특징으로 한다.
⑯ Not surprisingly, minimalism has been subjected to a flood of criticism. 놀랄 일도 아니겠지만, 미니멀리즘은 엄청난 비판의대상이 되어 왔다.
⑰ It has been dismissed as being less than true art or as being heartless and mechanical. 그것은 진정한 예술이라고 보기에는 부족한 것으로혹은 감정 없고 기계적인 것으로 치부되어 왔다.
⑱ Minimalists essentially forced the art world to confront a fundamental question: When meaning and motives are removed from art, what is left behind? 미니멀리즘 작가들은 본질적으로 예술계로 하여금'예술에 의미와 동기가 빠지면 무엇이 남는가?'라는근본적인 질문에 봉착하도록 했다.
⑲ Critics would likely say it was "a soulless collection of colors and lines." 비판론자들은 그것이 "색과 선으로 이루어진 영혼없는 집합체''라고 말할 것이다.
⑳ Proponents of minimalism, on the other hand, might claim that the answer is "pure beauty." 반대로 미니멀리즘 옹호론자들은 그에 대한 답은"순수미"라고 주장할 것이다.
㉑ Regardless of personal opinions about its artistic merit, there is little doubt that minimalism has had a significant impact on the postmodern art scene. 그것의 예술적 가치에 대한 개인적인 의견에 관계없이, 미니멀리즘이 후기모더니즘 예술계에 중대한 영향을 미쳤다는 것에는 의심의 여지가 거의 없다.




Unit 04. Art - Reading 2: TOEFL (Op Art)
① The twentieth century witnessed the creation of many innovative and experimental disciplines in the visual arts. 20세기에는 시각예술에서 혁신적이고 실험적인 분야가 많이 만들어졌다.
② Among them was what came to be known as "op art," or "optical art." 그것들 중에 '옵아트,' 즉 '옵티컬 아트'라고 알려지게 된 것아 있었다.
③ Found primarily in paintings, op art utilizes certain abstract geometric patterns and color contrasts to create a sense of movement in the mind of the observer. 주로 그림에서 발견되는 옵아트는 보는 이가 움직이는 듯한 느낌을 받을 수 있도록 일정한 추상적인 기하학 패턴과 색채대비를 활용한다.
④ By tricking the eye with such optical illusions, op art explores the relationship between the act of seeing and the act of perceiving what is seen. 옵아트는 그러한 착시 현상으로 눈속임을 일으키는것을 통해 보는 행위와 보여지는 것을 인지하는 행위 간의 관계를 탐구한다.
⑤ Though its foundations were laid as far back as the 1920s and artists have been experimenting with it ever since then, op art did not gain much recognition until the mid-1960s. 비록 옵아트의 시작이 1920년대까지 거슬러 올라가고, 그 이후로 예술가들이 그것에 대한 실험을 해왔지만, 옵아트는 1960년대 중반이 되어서야 비로소많은 인정을 받기 시작했다.
⑥ An exhibition of international op artists in New York City in 1965 called The Responsive Eye was much celebrated by the public. 1965년 뉴욕에서 〈반응하는 눈〉이라는 국제적인 옵아트 작가들의 전시회는 대중에게 좋은 반응을 얻었다.
⑦ Art critics were less impressed, but the popularity of op art continued to grow during the remainder of the decade. 예술 비평가들은 감명을 덜 받았지만 1960년대 후반 동안 옵아트의 인기는 꾸준히 증가했다.
⑧ The dominant quality of op-art paintings is that the images appear to be moving or vibrating. 옵아트 그림의 두드러진 특징은 이미지가 움직이거나 진동하는 것처럼 보인다는 것이다.
⑨ Many early op-art works were done primarily in black and white, and they relied on geometric patterns and the repetition of lines to give a two-dimensional picture a sense of depth, shape, and movement. 초기의 많은 옵아트 작품들은 주로 흑백으로 이루어졌고, 2차원적인 그림에 깊이감, 형태감, 운동감을주기 위해 기하학적인 패턴과 선의 반복에 의존했다.
⑩ Such techniques could even create the illusion of color. 그러한 기법들은 심지어 색깔의 착시 현상을 일으키기도 했다.
⑪ Later paintings that were done in color seemed to flicker or vibrate in the viewer's eye as a result of the contrast generated when opposing colors were placed close together. 칼라로 이루어진 후기 그림들은 보색들이 서로 가까이 놓일 때 생기는 대비 현상의 결과로 보는 이의 눈에 깜박거리거나 진동하는 것 같이 보였다.
⑫ Even though op-art paintings could create the illusion of a third dimension, it was often difficult to ascertain which aspects of the picture were in the background and which occupied the foreground. 비록 옵아트 그림이 3차원 같은 착각을 일으킬 수있기는 했지만, 그림의 어느 부분이 배경(背景)이고어느 부분이 전경(前景)인지를 규명하는 것은 종종어려웠다.
⑬ In fact, as another type of simulated movement, the foreground and background might appear to be continuously switching places. 사실 또 다른 유형의 가상의 움직임처럼, 전경과 배경이 계속 자리를 바꾸는 것처럼 보일지도 모른다.
⑭ The op-art movement was truly an international one. 옵아트 운동은 실로 국제적인 운동이다.
⑮ Two of the most recognized artists in the discipline were Bridget Riley of England, whose pieces were mostly black and white, and the Hungarian Victor Vasarely, who often painted in color. 이 분야에서 가장 많은 인정을 받은 예술가들 중 두명은 주로 흑백 작품을 그린 영국의 Bridget Riley와 종종 칼라로 작품을 그린 헝가리의 Victor Vasarely였다.
⑯ Thanks to the recognition received by these artists, op art's popularity skyrocketed in the 1960s, and it began to appear in graphic designs and fabrics. 이 예술가들이 얻은 인정 덕분에 1960년대에 옵아트의 인기가 치솟았고, 그래픽 디자인과 직물 분야에서 옵아트가 등장하기 시작했다.
⑰ For example, the women's fashion industry incorporated the black-and-white style made famous by Riley. 예를 들어, 여성패션 산업계는 RiIey에 의해 유명해진 흑백 스타일을 도입했다.
⑱ Demand for op art faded with the start of a new decade, but artists continue to experiment with it today, and exhibitions are held regularly. 옵아트에 대한 수요는 1970년대에 접어들면서 줄어들었지만, 예술가들은 오늘날에도 그에 대한 실험을계속하고 있으며 전시회도 정기적으로 열리고 있다.




Unit 05. Health - Reading 1: Macrobiotic Diet
① Most of us have heard the expression "you are what you eat." 우리들 중 대부분이 '당신의 현재 모습은 당신이 먹은 것의 결과이다.'라는 말을 들어보았을 것이다.
② According to the creator of the macrobiotic diet, however, food influences our lives to a much greater degree than the wisdom of that saying suggests. 하지만 매크로바이오틱 식이요법(장수식(長壽食))의 창시자에 따르면, 음식은 앞서 언급한 경구가 암시하는 것보다 훨씬 더 많이 우리의 삶에 영향을 미친다.
③ Although its name stems from the Greek words "macro" (long) and "bios" (life), the macrobiotic diet isn't simply designed to extend lifespans. 이 이름이 그리스어 'macro'(긴)와 'bios'(생명)에서 유래하지만, 매크로바이오틱 식이요법이 단순히수명 연장을 위해 고안된 것은 아니다.
④ It also aims to make people happier and give them a greater sense of well-being. 그것은 사람들을 더 행복하게 만들고 그들이 더 넓은 의미의 웰빙을 누리게 하는 것 또한 목표로 한다.
⑤ The diet is the creation of Japanese philosopher George Ohsawa, who borrowed the twin principles of Yin and Yang from Taoism to formulate his macrobiotic diet. 이 식이요법은 일본인 철학자인 George Ohsawa가창안한 것으로, 그는 매크로바이오틱 식이요법을 체계화하기 위하여 도교의 음양(陰陽)이 원론을 차용했다.
⑥ Yin foods are usually water-based, lighter, refreshing, and high in potassium. 음에 해당하는 음식은 주로 묽고 보다 가벼우며 신선하고 칼륨이 풍부하다.
⑦ Yang foods are more solid, and although they are easy to digest, they provide robust energy. 양에 해당하는 음식은 보다 단단하며 소화시키기는쉬우면서도 강한 에너지를 제공해 준다.
⑧ Just as Taoism encourages practitioners to balance their lives between the forces of Yin and Yang, the macrobiotic diet proposes consuming foods in a manner that strikes a similar balance. 도교가 실천가들에게 음과 양의 힘 사이에서 삶의균형을 장려하는 것처럼, 매크로바이오틱 식이요법도 유사한 균형을 찾아가는 방식으로 음식을 먹을것을 제안한다.
⑨ Owing to the cycles of nature, different foods are recommended at different times of the year and even different times of the day. 자연의 주기 덕분에 각 계절마다 그리고 심지어는각 끼니마다 추천되는 음식이 서로 다르다.
⑩ Preferred foods include whole grains, brown rice, cereals, vegetables, fruits, and fish. 선호하는 음식에는 통곡식(껍질을 깎아내지 않은 곡물), 현미, 시리얼, 야채, 과일, 그리고 생선이 포함된다.
⑪ The macrobiotic diet recommends that its followers consume locally grown organic foods rather than processed or imported items. 매크로바이오틱 식이요법은 실천가들이 가공되었거나 수입된 식품보다는 현지에서 재배된 유기농 식품을 먹도록 권한다.
⑫ It even suggests that meals be prepared by traditional methods rather than modern ones using electric stoves or microwaves. 그것은 심지어 식사를 전기스토브나 전자레인지를사용하는 현대적 방식보다는 전통적 방식으로 준비하라고 제안한다.
⑬ Finally, the macrobiotic diet teaches us not to waste any of the ingredients during the preparation of meals. 마지막으로 매크로바이오틱 식이요법은 우리에게 식사 준비 과정에서 어떤 재료도 버리지 않도록 가르친다.
⑭ Research into the macrobiotic diet indicates that because of its low-fat and high-fiber content, it benefits people by reducing cholesterol, working toward the prevention of heart disease, reducing the risk of cancer, assisting with weight management, and strengthening the immune system. 매크로바이오틱 식이요법에 대한 연구 결과 낮은 지방 함유량과 높은 섬유질 함유량이 사람들로 하여금콜레스테롤을 줄여 주고, 심장병의 예방에 효과가있으며, 암 발병률을 줄여 주고, 체중 조절에 도움을주며, 면역체계를 강화시켜 주는 이로움이 있다고한다.
⑮ Critics, on the other hand, point out that there is no convincing scientific proof to the extravagant claims that the macrobiotic diet can help cure those stricken with serious diseases like cancer. 반면에 비판자들은 매크로바이오틱 식이요법이 암과같은 중환에 걸린 사람들의 치료에 도움을 줄 수 있다는 터무니없는 주장에 대해 납득이 가는 과학적증거가 없음을 지적 한다.
⑯ They also voice concerns that the diet is too restrictive, lacking protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12. 그들은 또한 이 식이요법은 너무 제한적이어서 단백질, 철분, 칼슘, 비타민 B12가 부족하다는 우려의목소리를 내고 있다.
⑰ The macrobiotic diet does, however, remind us of the important link between living well and eating well. 그러나 매크로바이오틱 식이요법은 우리에게 잘 사는 것과 잘 먹는 것 사이의 중요한 연관성을 상기시켜 준다.
⑱ As our lives become busier and more stressful, we might all benefit from rediscovering traditional approaches to what we eat and how we eat it. 우리의 생활이 보다 분주해지고 스트레스가 많아짐에 따라, 우리가 먹는 것과 그것을 먹는 방법에 대한전통적인 접근법을 재발견함으로써 우리 모두가 혜택을 볼지도 모른다.




Unit 05. Health - Reading 2: Biofeedback
① What if we could live in a world without medicine? 의술이 없는 세상에서 살 수 있다면 어떻게 될까?
② What if human beings had the ability to heal themselves with the power of their own minds? 사람에게 자신의 정신력으로 스스로를 치료할 수 있는 능력이 있다면 어떻게 될까?
③ It may sound like science fiction, but a real life therapy method called "biofeedback" is training people to use their brains to control what ails their bodies. 공상 과학처럼 들리겠지만, '바이오피드백(생체자기제어)'이 라고 일컬어지는 실재의 치료 방법이 신체를 고통스럽게 하는 것을 조절하기 위해 뇌를 사용하도록 사람들을 훈련시키고 있다.
④ Biofeedback therapists train patients to control bodily responses, such as changes in their blood pressure and brain activity that are usually considered to be involuntary. 바이오피드백 치료사들은 환자들을 흔히 무의식적인 것으로 여겨지는 혈압 및 뇌 활동에서의 변화와같은 신체 반응을 조절할 수 있도록 훈련시킨다.
⑤ Sometimes it is used to treat specific problems. 때로는 특정 질병을 치료하는 데 사용되기도 한다.
⑥ A physical therapist might train stroke victims to regain proper use of their muscles, a psychologist can help people learn how to relax, and a medical specialist might teach patients how to deal with pain through biofeedback. 바이오피드백을 통해 물리치료사는 뇌졸중 환자들이 그들의 근육을 적절히 다시 사용할 수 있도록 훈련시킬 수 있고, 심리학자는 사람들이 느긋한 마음을 갖는 법을 배우도록 도울 수 있으며, 전문의는 환자들에게 고통에 대처하는 방법을 가르칠 수 있다.
⑦ At other times it is used simply to promote general good health. 또 어떤 때에는 단순히 전반적인 건강을 증진시키기위해 사용되기도 한다.
⑧ Biofeedback works by providing tangible feedback on how the body reacts to stressful situations. 바이오피드백은 신체가 스트레스 상황들에 반응하는 방법에 대해 눈에 보이는 결과를 제공함으로써작용한다.
⑨ During a typical session, electrical sensors are attached to the body as a measuring device. 전형적인 치료 과정 시 측정 장치인 전기 센서가 몸에 부착된다.
⑩ These sensors can record the body's various reactions to stress, such as sweat or muscle contractions. 이 센서들은 발한 혹은 근육 수축과 같이 스트레스에 대한 신체의 다양한 반응들을 기록할 수 있다.
⑪ The therapist then uses an indicator, perhaps a light or a sound, to create a visual or aural association for the patient. 그런 다음 치료사는 환자에게 시각적 혹은 청각적연상을 형성시키려고 빛이나 소리 같은 지표를 사용한다.
⑫ Every time the body reacts in a certain way, the indicator goes off. 신체가 특정 방식으로 반응할 때마다 지표가 나타난다.
⑬ The patient is then instructed to try to control the sound or light, and in doing so learns to control his or her body. 그러면 환자는 소리나 빛을 조절하기 위해 애쓰도록지시를 받으며, 그렇게 하는 동안에 신체를 조절하는 법을 배운다.
⑭ Different forms of biofeedback therapy deal with different disorders. 바아오피드백 치료는 다양한 형태로 여러 가지 질환들을 다룬다.
⑮ Electromyograms, for example, measure muscle tension and can be helpful in treating backaches and headaches. 예를 들어 근전도는 근육의 긴장도를 측정하며, 요통이나 두통 치료에 도움이 될 수 있다.
⑯ Patients with circulatory problems and migraines benefit from temperature biofeedback, which records the temperature of the skin. 순환기 장애나 편두통을 앓는 환자들은 피부의 체온을 기록하는 체온 바이오피드백으로 효과를 얻는다.
⑰ Galvanic skin response training measures perspiration, and is helpful in dealing with anxiety-related disorders. 전기 피부반응훈련은 땀을 측정하며 불안 관련 질환치료에 도움이 된다.
⑱ And brainwaves can be charted and then used to treat insomnia; they also have the potential to be applied to a variety of neurological disorders. 그리고 뇌파는 도표화되어 불면증 치료에 사용될 수있으며, 그것은 또한 여러 신경 질환에도 적용될 수있는 가능성이 있다.
⑲ Biofeedback seems effective in reducing patients' dependency on medicine and raising their awareness of how their bodies work. 바이오피드백은 의술에 대한 환자의 의존도를 줄이고 신체의 작용 방법에 대한 환자의 의식을 고취시키는 데 효과적인 것으로 보인다.
⑳ It also has the potential to significantly reduce medical costs. 그것은 또한 의료비를 상당히 줄여줄 가능성도 있다.
㉑ But the true medical value of biofeedback is still in question. 그러나 바이오피드백의 진정한 의학적 가치는 여전히 의문스럽다.
㉒ Until scientists can accurately explain how the therapy works and the exact means by which patients can control their bodily responses, a shadow of doubt will remain. 과학자들이 이 치료법이 어떻게 작용하는지와 환자들이 자신의 신체 반응을 조절할 수 있는 정확한 수단에 대해 정확하게 설명할 수 있을 때까지 의심의그림자는 남아있을 것이다.




Unit 06. Language - Reading 1: Code-switching
① In linguistics, the type of speech a person uses is referred to as a code. 언어학에서 개인이 사용하는 화법의 유형은 코드(말하는 방식)라고 불린다.
② A code can be a language, a dialect, or even an intonation or style. 코드는 언어, 방언, 혹은 심지어 억양이나 말씨가 될수도 있다.
③ Code-switching occurs when a person changes his or her code during a conversation. 코드변환은 개인이 대화 중에 코드를 변경할 때 이루어진다.
④ Sometimes there is a very practical reason for this change. 때때로 이러한 변환에는 아주 실용적인 이유가 있다.
⑤ If a person is unable to express a thought in one code, he or she will switch to another. 만일 개인이 하나의 코드로 생각을 표현할 수 없다면 그 사람은 다른 코드로 변환할 것이다.
⑥ Other times, however, the motivations behind code-switching can have more complex social implications. 그러나 또 어떤 때는 코드 변환 이면에 있는 동기들이 보다 복잡한 사회적 의미들을 내포할 수 있다.
⑦ It can be a way of identifying a reassuring similarity with someone from the same geographic or socioeconomic background, such as with people who have immigrated to a new country. 그것은 새로운 나라로 이민을 간 사람과 같이 동일한 지리적 또는 사회 경제적 배경을 가진 어떤 사람과의 위안을 주는 유사성을 확인하는 방법이 될 수있다.
⑧ During the day, they'll speak their adopted language, but at home they mix it together with their native tongue. 그들은 주간에는 차용어로 말하지만 집에서는 모국어를 섞어 말할 것이다.
⑨ Code-switching can also be used to express perceived intellectual superiority. 코드 변환은 또한 인지된 지적 우월성을 표현하기위해 사용될 수도 있다.
⑩ For instance, educated English speakers may add Latin or French phrases to flaunt their language skills. 예를 들어, 교육을 받은 영어 화자들은 그들의 언어능력을 과시하기 위해 라틴어나 프랑스어 어구를 덧붙일 수 있다.
⑪ Depending on the motivation behind the change, code-switching can be categorized as one of two types. 변환 이면에 있는 동기에 따라 코드 변환은 두 개 유형 중 하나의 범주에 속할 수 있다.
⑫ Situational code-switching, as the name implies, occurs because of a change in situation. 상황적 코드 변환은 그 명칭이 암시하듯이 상황의변화로 인해 발생한다.
⑬ For example, a child at school might speak a dialect of urban slang in the playground but switch to standard English when entering the classroom. 예를 들어 학교에 있는 학생은 운동장에서는 도시속어가 들어간 말씨를 쓰다가 교실에 들어가서는 표준 영어로 변환할 것이다.
⑭ The motivation behind metaphorical code-switching, on the other hand, is a change in the topic of conversation. 반면에 은유적 코드 변환 이면의 동기는 대화 주제의 변화이다.
⑮ In Norway, official business is usually conducted in the Bokmal dialect. 노르웨이에서 공식적 업무는 주로 북몰어로 이루어진다.
⑯ But when the topic changes to more casual subjects, the speakers will switch to the Nynorsk dialect. 그러나 보다 일상적인 내용으로 주제가 바뀔 경우화자는 니노르스크어로 변환할 것이다.
⑰ Another qualification of code-switching is whether it is internal or external. 코드 변환의 또 다른 요건은 그것이 내적이냐 외적이냐이다.
⑱ Internal code-switching occurs within a single language, with a change in tone or dialect. 내적 코드 변환은 하나의 언어 속에서 어조나 말씨의 변화로 발생한다.
⑲ External code-switching occurs between two different languages. 외적 코드 변환은 두 개의 다른 언어 사이에서 발생한다.
⑳ In multilingual countries, such as India, external code-switching often happens in everyday conversation without even being noticed. 인도와 같이 여러 언어를 사용하는 나라에서는 외적코드 변환이 일상 대화 속에서 무심결에 종종 발생한다.
㉑ Both internal and external code-switching can occur with either situational or metaphorical code-switching and vice versa. 내적 코드 변환과 외적 코드 변환 모두 상황적 코드변환이나 은유적 코드 변환 중 하나와 함께 발생할수 있으며, 그 반대도 마찬가지이다.
㉒ Not everyone is bilingual, but most people have the ability to use more than one code. 모든 사람이 2개 국어를 하는 것은 아니지만, 대부분의 사람들은 한가지 코드 이상을 사용할 수 있는능력을 가지고 있다.
㉓ The ability to know when to switch from one to another is an integral part of the set of conversational skills that humans rely on to effectively express their feelings. 하나의 코드에서 다른 코드로 언제 변환해야 하는지를 아는 능력은 사람이 자신의 느낌을 효과적으로표현하기 위해 의존하는 일련의 대화 기술에서 없어서는 안 될 부분이다.




Unit 06. Language - Reading 2: TOEFL (Globish)
① Globalization brings people of different cultures into contact with each other, often highlighting language barriers. 세계화는 다른 문화권의 사람들을 서로 접촉하게 하면서 종종 언어 장벽을 드러나게 한다.
② Some believe that the best way to deal with language barriers is to create a completely artificial language for all the world's inhabitants to learn. 어떤 이들은 언어장벽을 해결할 최선의 방법이 전세계 주민들이 배울 수 있는 전혀 새로운 언어를 만들어 내는 것이라고 생각한다.
③ Others, however, insist that this is impractical, proposing instead the simplification or alteration of a language that is already in widespread use. 그러나 또 어떤 이들은 이것은 비실용적이라고 주장하면서 대신 이미 통용되고 있는 언어의 단순화 혹은 변경을 제안한다.
④ The creation of Globish, a condensed version of English, was inspired by this idea. 영어의 간결판인 글로비쉬의 창안은 이러한 생각으로부터 고무된 것이었다.
⑤ Former vice president of IBM Jean-Paul Nerriere invented Globish after observing an interesting phenomenon in his professional travels. IBM의 전 부회장인 Jean-Paul Nerriere는 출장 중에 흥미로운 현상을 관찰한 후 글로비쉬를 고안했다.
⑥ As a non-native English speaker, he experienced more success in communicating with other non-native speakers than his native-speaking associates did. 비(非)영어 원어민인 그는 영어 원어민인 동료들보다 다른 비영어 원어민들과 의사소통을 더 잘했다.
⑦ He concluded that non-native speakers do not actually speak standard English, but rather a simplified version of it. 그는 비영어 원어민들이 사실 표준 영어가 아니라그것을 약간 간결화한 것을 말하는 것이라고 결론지었다.
⑧ Combining the words "global" and "English," Nerriere termed this language system Globish; he then created an official list of its vocabulary and began promoting it as a tool for increasing the efficiency of international communication. Nerriere는 'global'과 'English' 단어를 합쳐 이 언어 체계를 글로비쉬라고 칭한 후, 공식적인 어휘 목록을 만들어 국제적 의사 소통의 효율성 증대를 위한 도구로서 이를 홍보하기 시작했다.
⑨ Central to Nerriere's creation are its differences from such wholly artificial languages as Esperanto and Interlingua. Nerriere의 (글로비쉬) 창안에 있어서의 핵심은 에스페란토나 인터링구아와 같은 완전한 인공 언어들과의 차이점들이다.
⑩ Because it is based on the English language, Globish builds on linguistic knowledge that people already possess instead of requiring them to learn a completely new language. 글로비쉬는 영어를 기초로 하고 있기 때문에 사람들에게 완전히 새로운 언어 학습을 요구하는 대신 사람들이 이미 가지고 있는 언어적 지식을 토대로 한다.
⑪ In fact, Nerriere maintains that Globish is not a separate language at all since it does not represent a unique culture or history. 사실 Nerriere는 글로비쉬가 독자적인 문화나 역사를 나타내지 않기 때문에 전혀 별개의 언어가 아니라고 주장한다.
⑫ Its aim is simply to take the basic and most essential elements of English and disregard its more complex aspects. 그것의 목표는 단순히 영어의 기본적이고 가장 필수적인 요소는 취하고 보다 복잡한 측면은 무시하는것이다.
⑬ Speakers of Globish can communicate using only 1,500 words. 글로비쉬 사용자는 1,500 단어만을 사용하여 의사소통할 수 있다.
⑭ For example, instead of learning the word "nephew," a speaker relies on the simpler phrase "the son of my brother" to communicate the same idea. 예를 들어 'nephew'라는 단어를 학습하는 대신 화자는 같은 의미를 전달하기 위해 보다 간단한 어구인 '내 남자 형제의 아들'을 사용한다.
⑮ Also, Globish employs only the most elementary of English's grammatical structures, and it holds that our assessment of pronunciation should be based on intelligibility, not perfection. 또한 글로비쉬는 가장 기본적인 영어 문법 구조만을사용하며, 발음에 대한 우리의 평가가 완벽성이 아니라 이해에 토대를 두어야 한다고 주장한다.
⑯ Not all linguistic experts agree on the usefulness of Globish, however. 그러나 모든 언어학 전문가들이 글로비쉬의 유용성에 동의하는 것은 아니다.
⑰ One of the most frequent criticisms is with the selection of Globish's vocabulary. 가장 흔한 비판 중 하나는 글로비쉬의 어휘 선택에관한 것이다.
⑱ It is not clear how the 1,500 words were chosen, and certain additions and omissions are seen as arbitrary. 1,500 단어가 어떻게 선정되었는지가 분명하지 않으며, 특정 어휘의 가감은 임의적으로 보인다.
⑲ Furthermore, Nerriere's book explaining the pronunciation and grammar of Globish contains various inconsistencies, causing confusion among learners of the system. 더욱이 글로비쉬의 발음과 문법을 설명하는Nerriere의 책에는 여러 가지 모순되는 내용이 들어있어서 이 체계를 배우고자 하는 학습자들 간에 혼란을 야기시키고 있다.
⑳ Considering these issues, Globish will probably require further development before it can be accepted on a larger scale. 이러한 문제점들을 생각해 볼 때, 글로비쉬가 보다널리 인정받을 수 있기 전에 더 심도 있게 개발될 필요가 있을 것 같다.




Unit 07. Environment - Reading 1: Eco Fashion
① Environmentalism has become a hot topic in recent years. 최근 몇 년간 환경 보호 문제가 뜨거운 주제로 떠올랐다.
② We are starting to take a long look at the way we do things and then trying to find eco-friendly alternatives. 우리는 우리의 행동 방식에 대해 심사숙고하기 시작했고, 그리고는 환경친화적인 대안을 찾아내려고 노력하고 있다.
③ When we think about protecting the planet, however, we don't usually think too much about the clothes we wear. 그러나 지구 보호에 대해 생각할 때, 우리는 대개 우리가 입는 옷에 대해서는 그다지 많이 생각하지 않는다.
④ But consider this: 그러나 이것을 생각해 보라.
⑤ Clothing manufacturers have been rapidly producing cheap garments in an effort to keep up with ever-changing fashion trends. 의류 제조업자들이 늘 변화하는 유행 추세에 발맞추기 위한 노력으로 값싼 의류를 신속하게 생산해 오고 있다.
⑥ The clothes may look good, but they are not made to last. 그 옷이 좋아 보일지는 모르겠지만 오래 입도록 만들어지지는 않았다.
⑦ They call it "fast fashion," and it's taking a toll on the environment. 그것은 '패스트패션(fast fashion)' 이라고 일컬어지는데, 환경에 해를 끼치고 있다.
⑧ The textiles that companies elect to make their clothing from, cheap, nonbiodegradable synthetic materials such as nylon and polyester, are a big part of the problem. 기업들이 옷을 만들기 위해 선택하는 직물 원료인나일론이나 폴리에스테르와 같이 값싸고 자연 분해가 되지 않는 합성 물질들이 문제의 커다란 부분을차지한다.
⑨ These fabrics are created through a manufacturing process that pollutes the atmosphere, and when they are thrown away they can end up in landfills that pollute our ground water for years and years. 이 직물들은 대기를 오염시키는 제조 과정을 통해만들어지고, 버려질 경우 매립지에서 수년간 지하수를 오염시키는 결과를 낳을 수 있다.
⑩ Not only synthetic textiles but also the natural materials used in fast fashion, such as cotton, can damage the environment. 합성 직물뿐만 아니라 면처럼 패스트패션에 사용되는 천연 물질도 환경을 훼손시킬 수 있다.
⑪ There are more pesticides used in the commercial farming of cotton than with most other crops, and many of these textiles are later bleached or colored with artificial dyes, which adds to the ever-growing number of chemicals poisoning our world. 면을 상업적으로 재배할 때는 대부분의 다른 농작물들의 경우보다 살충제가 더 많이 사용되며, 이 직물의 대부분은 나중에 인공 색소로 표백되거나 염색되는데, 이는 지구를 오염시키는 끊임없이 늘어나는화학물질들의 수를 증가시킨다.
⑫ Eco fashion was born as an environmentally friendly response to these unsound practices. 이러한 불건전한 관행에 대한 환경친화적 대응으로에코패션(eco fashion)이 탄생했다.
⑬ Instead of manufacturing clothes from harmful materials, eco fashion makes use of ecofriendly fibers, such as hemp, linen, and cotton that is grown organically. 해로운 물질로 옷을 제조하는 대신에 에코패션은삼, 리넨, 유기농법으로 재배한 면과 같은 환경친화적 섬유를 사용한다.
⑭ By coloring these fabrics with natural dyes made from plants and roots, companies can drastically reduce the amount of chemicals that goes into making each garment. 이 섬유들을 식물이나 뿌리로 만든 천연염료로 염색함으로써 기업에서 각 의류를 만드는 데 들어가는화학물질의 양을 대폭 감소시킬 수 있다.
⑮ Eco fashion also utilizes old or discarded clothing and other recyclable materials to make new clothes and accessories, creating fashionable garments from items as diverse and unlikely as plastic bottles and bicycle tires. 에코패션은 또한 새로운 옷과 액세서리를 만들기 위해 오래되었거나 버려진 의류 및 기타 재활용 물질을 사용하며, 플라스틱병과 자전거 타이어와 같이다양하고 어울릴 것 같지 않은 물품들로 최신 유행의 옷을 만든다.
⑯ By recycling existing materials, the amount of waste that ends up in landfills is minimized and energy expenditure is reduced by cutting back on the amount of textiles shipped from abroad. 기존 재료를 재활용함으로써 매립지로 전락하는 쓰레기 양이 최소화되고, 해외에서 운송되는 직물의양을 줄임으로써 에너지 비용이 감소한다.
⑰ Although the eco fashion industry is still in its infancy, it represents a growing understanding of the importance of the decisions we make as consumers. 아직 에코패션 산업이 걸음마 단계에 있지만, 그것은 소비자로서 우리가 내리는 결정의 중요성에 대한점진적 이해를 나타낸다.
⑱ What we choose to buy really can make a difference. 우리가 구매하기로 결정하는 것아 실로 큰 변화를가져올 수 있다.




Unit 07. Environment - Reading 2: Endocrine Disruptors
① Technological advances over the past century have allowed human civilization to flourish. 지난 세기 동안 과학기술의 진보는 인간 문명이 번영할 수 있도록 해주었다.
② We live at a level of comfort and convenience that previous generations could scarcely have imagined. 우리는 이전 세대들이 좀처럼 상상할 수 없었던 안락과 편리의 수준에서 살고 있다.
③ Unfortunately, some of these advances have come at a troubling cost - endocrine disruptors. 유감스럽게도 이러한 진보의 일부 결과들은 고통스러운 대가를 가져왔는데, 바로 환경 호르몬이다.
④ The hormones our bodies produce are essential to our well-being since they play a role in a wide variety of vital life processes, including growth and reproduction. 우리 몸이 생산해 내는 호르몬은 성장과 생식을 포함한 다양한 필수 생존 과정에서 일익을 담당하기때문에 우리가 제대로 살아가는 데 없어서는 안 된다.
⑤ Endocrine disruptors are synthetic chemicals that adversely affect the production, distribution, and behavior of these hormones, a disruption that can have catastrophic effects. 환경호르몬은 이러한 호르몬의 생성, 분배 기능에악영향을 미치는 합성화학물질이며, 심각한 폐해를가져올 수 있는 파괴 물질이다.
⑥ Animals have long suffered from exposure to these contaminants, and there is reason to believe that humans are being directly affected as well. 동물들은 이러한 오염물질들에 노출되면서 오랫동안 고통을 당해 왔고, 사람 역시 직접적으로 영향을받고 있다고 생각하는 데는 근거가 있다.
⑦ Endocrine disruptors are found in a variety of man-made materials. 환경호르몬은 다양한 인공 물질에서 발견된다.
⑧ When such materials are dumped into the environment, these harmful chemicals accumulate in the fat of fish and animals that live nearby. 이런 물질들이 환경 속으로 버려질 때 이 해로운 화학물질들은 근처에 사는 어류와 동물들의 지방에 축적된다.
⑨ If people eat these contaminated fish or animals, the endocrine disruptors can enter their systems. 만일 사람이 이렇게 오염된 어류나 동물을 섭취하면환경호르몬이 사람의 몸 속으로 들어갈 수 있다.
⑩ These chemicals can also become airborne during the manufacture or disposal of products that contain them, leading to the possibility of contamination through inhalation. 이 화학물질들은 또한 그것들을 함유한 제품의 제조및 처분 과정 중에 공기로도 운반될 수 있어서 호흡을 통해 오염될 가능성이 있다.
⑪ They can also be absorbed through the skin by direct contact with pesticides, detergents, and other substances. 그것들은 또한 살충제, 세제 및 기타 물질들과 직접접촉함으로써 피부를 통해 흡수될 수도 있다.
⑫ So what happens to living organisms which have been exposed? 그렇다면 (환경호르몬에) 노출된 생명체에게는 어떤 일이 일어나는가?
⑬ Scientists have observed severe consequences in a variety of animal species, from alligators to eagles, including birth defects, malformed reproductive systems, and immune problems. 과학자들은 악어에서 독수리까지의 여러 종의 동물에서 선천적 결함 기형의 생식 기관, 면역력 문제 등을 포함한 심각한 결과들을 관찰했다.
⑭ Endocrine disruptors affect growth and development, and because of this there is a fear that unborn children are at the greatest risk. 환경호르몬은 성장과 발육에 영향을 미치며, 이런이유로 인해 태아들이 커다란 위험에 처해 있다는우려가 있다.
⑮ There is also evidence tying endocrine disruptors to an increase in the incidence of reproductive cancer in young men. 환경호르몬이 젊은 남성들의 생식기와 관련된 암 발병률을 증가시키는 것과 관련이 있다는 증거도 있다.
⑯ The risk of exposure to endocrine disruptors can be reduced by eating organic food and avoiding the use of pesticides in your home. 유기농 음식을 먹고 가정 내 살충제 사용을 피함으로써 환경호르몬에의 노출 위험을 줄일 수 있다.
⑰ Fatty foods, such as cheese and meat, are best eaten in moderation and should not be stored in plastic containers or plastic wrap. 치즈와 육류 같은 지방질 음식은 적당량을 먹는 것이 가장 좋으며 플라스틱 용기나 식품 포장용 랩에저장해서는 안 된다.
⑱ No foods should be heated in any form of plastic. 어떤 음식도 플라스틱 형태의 제품에 담아 가열해서는 안 된다.
⑲ These steps may help you avoid contamination, but they won't solve the problem faced by our society. 이러한 조치들은 당신이 오염을 피하도록 하는 데도움이 될 수는 있겠지만 우리 사회가 직면한 문제를 해결하지는 못할 것이다.
⑳ Science and technology must come up with an effective way to clean up the mess they have made. 과학과 기술은 스스로가 만든 곤란한 상황을 해결하기 위해 효과적인 방법을 마련해야 한다.




Unit 08. Archaeology - Reading 1: Moray
① In Peru, approximately 50 km northwest of the former Incan capital city of Cuzco and about 3,500 meters above sea level, there is a stunning and mysterious series of Inca ruins. 페루에 있는 예전 잉카의 수도인 쿠스코에서 북서쪽으로 약 50km, 해발 약 3,500m 위에 놀랍고 신비스러운 잉카 문명의 유적이 연속해서 존재한다.
② Called Moray, this archaeological site is composed of several enormous, bowl-like depressions, each formed by a series of circular terraces. 모라이라고 불리는 이 고고학적 유적지는 여러 개의거대하고, 그릇처럼 움푹 패인 부분들로 이루어져있는데, 각각 연속적인 원형 계단식 논을 형성하고있다.
③ Although the purpose that these depressions served is uncertain, most archaeologists agree that they were used to carry out agricultural research. 비록 이 움푹 패인 곳이 어떤 목적을 위한 것이었는지는 불확실하지만, 대부분의 고고학자들은 농업 연구를 시행하기 위해 사용되었다는 데에 의견을 일치하고 있다.
④ Moray has several amazing characteristics that would make it an ideal place for conducting agricultural research. 모라이가 가지고 있는 여러 놀라운 특징들이 이곳을농업 연구를 행하기 위한 이상적인 장소로 만들었을것이다.
⑤ First, there is a remarkable difference in temperature, as much as 15 'C, from the tops of the depressions to their lowest points. 첫째로, 움푹 패인 곳의 가장 윗 부분에서 가장 낮은지점까지 15도 만큼의 상당한 온도 차가 존재한다.
⑥ The result is that, much like a modern day greenhouse, each depression contains several microclimate zones, small areas with their own unique climates. 그 결과, 오늘날 온실과 흡사하게 각 움푹 패인 곳은, 특정 기후를 가지고 있는 좁은 지역인 여러 미기후 지역을 포함하게 된다.
⑦ Even more incredibly, these different temperatures correspond to the natural climates of surrounding areas, from coastal farmland to high-elevation terraces. 이보다 더 믿기 힘든 것은, 이러한 다른 온도 차가해안가 농지에서부터 고지대 계단식 논에 이르는 주변 지역의 자연 기후와 일치한다는 것이다.
⑧ This would have allowed the Inca to study how different climatic conditions affected crops all in one place. 이것은 잉카 사람들이 상이한 온도 조건이 농작물에어떤 영향을 끼치는지에 대하여 한 곳에서 모두 연구할 수 있도록 만들었을 것이다.
⑨ Pollen studies have even shown that soils from different regions of the Inca Empire were imported to Moray. 심지어 꽃가루 연구에서도 잉카 제국의 여러 지역에서 온 흙이 모라이로 유입되었음을 보여주고 있다.
⑩ This would have made it possible to recreate the growing conditions in these different regions almost exactly. 이는 다른 지역의 재배 조건을 거의 완벽하게 다시만드는 것을 가능케 했었을 것이다.
⑪ The second remarkable feature of Moray is its drainage system. 모라이의 두 번째 놀라운 특징은 배수 장치이다.
⑫ Because of the depressions' bowl-shaped design, it seems like the lower parts of the depressions would easily fill up with water during heavy rain. 움푹 패인 곳의 그릇 형태의 모양 때문에 폭우 기간에 움푹 패인 곳의 낮은 부분들은 쉽게 물로 가득 찰것 같아 보인다.
⑬ Even in heavy downpours, though, the structures never flood. 하지만 폭우 속에서도 그 구조물은 절대 범람하지않는다.
⑭ How the depressions drain remains a mystery, but it has been suggested that underground channels at the bottom may carry the water away. 그 움푹 패인 곳에서 어떻게 물이 빠지는지는 미스터리로 남아있지만, 바닥에 있는 지하 수로가 아마물을 뺀다는 설이 있다.
⑮ Another theory suggests that the depressions are located over a natural rock formation that is highly porous, which would enable water to steadily filter out. 또 다른 이론은 움푹 패인 곳이 아주 투과성이 높은천연 암석 위에 위치해 있어 물이 끊임없이 여과될수 있다고 제시하고 있다.
⑯ Amazingly, about 60 percent of the world's food crops, including hundreds of varieties of maize and thousands of varieties of potato, originated in the Andes Mountains. 놀랍게도 수백 가지 종류의 다양한 옥수수와 수천가지의 다양한 감자를 포함한 세계 식용 작물의 약60퍼센트가 안데스 산맥에서 비롯되었다.
⑰ This shows how good the indigenous population was at developing crops that were well suited to the region's different climates. 이것은 지역 토착민들이 그 지역의 각기 다른 기후에 잘 맞는 작물을 재배하는 데 얼마나 능숙했는지를 보여준다.
⑱ Although we may never know conclusively why Moray was constructed, it is highly likely that the site was used to learn how to make the best use of the Inca Empire's diverse lands. 비록 모라이가 왜 만들어졌는지 결코 확실히 알 수는 없겠지만, 그 장소가 잉카 제국의 다양한 토지를최대한 활용하기 위한 방법을 배우기 위해 사용됐을가능성은 아주 높다.




Unit 08. Archaeology - Reading 2: TOEFL (Decoding Egyptian Hieroglyphs)
① In 1799, French troops reconstructing a fort near an Egyptian town once known as Rosetta discovered an interesting object. 1799년에 한때 Rosetta라고 알려졌던 이집트 마을근처에 요새를 재건하던 프랑스 군대가 흥미로운 물체를 발견했다.
② Named the "Rosetta Stone," it turned out to be the key to deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script. '로제타석(Rosetta Stone)'이라고 이름 지어진 이것은 고대 이집트의 상형문자 해독의 열쇠임이 드러났다.
③ The Rosetta Stone was created in 196 B.C., the first anniversary of the coronation of Ptolemy V Epiphanes, ruler of Egypt. 로제타석은 이집트의 통치자 Ptolemy V Epiphanes의 대관식 1주년이던 기원전 196년에 만들어졌다.
④ Its inscriptions declare Egyptian priests' support of Ptolemy and list the ways the country had benefited under his rule. 비문은 이집트 성직자들이 Ptolemy를 지지한다는내용을 말하고 있고 그의 통치하에 국가가 입은 혜택의 내용을 나열하고 있다.
⑤ They also mention various honors and privileges granted to the ruler by the priests. 그것은 또한 성직자들이 그 통치자에게 수여한 여러가지 영예와 특권을 언급하고 있다.
⑥ Scholars believe the stone was one of many such official acts designed to increase loyalty to Ptolemy among all Egyptians. 학자들은 그 돌이 모든 이집트인들 사이에서Ptolemy에 대한 충성을 강화하기 위해 계획된 그런여러 공식적 행위 중 하나였다고 믿는다.
⑦ A smooth, dark gray slab that is about 112 centimeters tall and 75 centimeters wide, the Rosetta Stone bears inscriptions of the exact same text in three different writing styles. 세로 약 112cm, 가로 약 75cm 크기인 매끄럽고 짙은 회색의 석판인 로제타석에는 정확하게 똑같은 내용의 비문이 세 개의 서로 다른 문자로 기록되어 있다.
⑧ First is Egyptian hieroglyphics, an ancient script used primarily for important religious documents of the time. 첫째는 주로 당시의 중요한 종교 문서에 사용되었던고대 활자인 이집트 상형문자이다.
⑨ Second is Demotic, a cursive-like script utilized by commoners during Ptolemy's reign. 둘째는 Ptolemy의 통치 기간 동안 평민들이 사용한초서체 유형의 활자인 데모틱 문자이다.
⑩ The final script is Greek, as the administrative heads of Egypt in this era, and indeed Ptolemy himself, were of Greek origin. 마지막 활자는 그리스어인데, 이는 이 시대의 이집트관리 수뇌들과 실제로 Ptolemy 자신도, 그리스 출신이었기 때문이다.
⑪ The Rosetta Stone's importance to *Egyptology is immense. 이집트학에 있어서 로제타석의 중요성은 엄청나다.
⑫ Almost all ancient Egyptian texts were written in hieroglyphics, yet knowledge of this writing system had disappeared around A.D. 400 when it ceased to be used. 거의 모든 고대 이집트 문서는 상형문자로 쓰였는데이 글자 체계에 대한 지식은 그것이 쓰이지 않게 된서기 400년경에 사라졌다.
⑬ For this reason, Egyptologists before 1800 had no way of accessing the information contained in such texts. 이런 이유로 1800년 이전의 이집트학자들은 그런문서에 담긴 정보를 알아낼 방법이 없었다.
⑭ The significance of the Rosetta Stone was that it provided a point of comparison between hieroglyphic writing and the Greek language, allowing scholars to use the Greek inscription as a key to the translation of the hieroglyphs. 로제타석의 중요성은 그것이 상형문자와 그리스어간의 비교점을 제공해 주어 학자들이 상형문자 해독의 열쇠로 그리스어 비문을 사용할 수 있게 하였다는점이다.
⑮ In the course of studying the stone, French Egyptologist Jean-Francois Champollion made a momentous discovery. 로제타석 연구 과정 중에 프랑스의 이집트학자Jean-Francois Champollion은 중대한 발견을 했다.
⑯ Previously, it had been assumed that the hieroglyphic script was only intended to be read, not spoken. 이전에는 상형문자가 말하기 위해서가 아니라 오로지 읽혀지기 위한 것이라고 여겨졌었다.
⑰ In other words, Egyptologists did not think the hieroglyphs corresponded to specific spoken sounds. 다시 말해, 이집트 학자들은 상형문자가 특정 구어의음과 대응하지 않는다고 생각했다.
⑱ Champollion's conclusion to the contrary proved to be an enormous breakthrough, allowing researchers to translate countless hieroglyphic texts and gain invaluable information about ancient Egyption civilization. 이와 반대되는 Champollion의 결론은 획기적인 전환이 되어 연구원들로 하여금 수많은 상형문자 문서를 해독하고 고대 이집트 문명에 대해 아주 귀중한정보를 얻을 수 있게 하였다.
⑲ Because of his work and that of many others, this chance discovery by French troops in 1799 is responsible for much of what we now know about ancient Egypt. 그와 그 외 많은 이들의 작업 덕분에, 1799년에 프랑스 군대에 의한 이 우연한 발견이 우리가 현재 고대 이집트에 대해 알고 있는 많은 것들을 얻는 계기가 되었다.




Unit 09. Film - Reading 1: Performance Capture
① You've seen them come to life on the movie screen. 당신은 그들이 영화 속 화면에서 살아나는 것을 보았다.
② They're not really alive, but their movements seem real and their faces show emotion. 그들은 실제로 살아 있지는 않지만 그들의 움직임은실제처럼 보이고 그들의 얼굴은 감정을 드러낸다.
③ So what makes the characters in movies like Polar Express and Avatar seem so life like? 그렇다면 무엇이 〈폴라 익스프레스〉와 〈아바타〉와 같은 영화 속에 나오는 등장인물들을 그렇게 살아 있는 것처럼 보이게 하는 걸까?
④ It's the fact that they were all created with a combination of acting and digital effects called "performance capture." 그것은 그것들이 모두 연기와 '퍼포먼스 캡처'라고불리는 디지털 효과의 결합으로 만들어졌기 때문이다.
⑤ Performance capture is a refinement of a special effects technique called motion capture. 퍼포먼스 캡처는 모션 캡처라고 불리는 특수 효과기술의 진보된 형태이다.
⑥ Motion capture is what makes artificial figures move so realistically in animation movies and video games. 모션 캡처는 애니메이션 영화와 비디오게임에서 가상 인물이 매우 사실적으로 움직이게 해주는 것이다.
⑦ It's created by capturing the motions of an actual person and applying them to a computer-generated character. 그것은 실제 인물의 움직임들을 포착해서 그것들을컴퓨터로 만들어 낸 등장인물에 적용함으로써 창조된다.
⑧ But performance capture takes this one step further, recording not only general body movements but also subtle facial expressions. 그러나 퍼포먼스 캡처는 이것을 한 단계 더 진보시켜 일반적인 신체의 움직임뿐만 아니라 미세한 얼굴표정까지도 포착해 낸다.
⑨ To bring a character to life through performance capture, an actor's face and body are first covered in small sensors. 퍼포먼스 캡처로 하나의 등장인물이 살아나게 하가위해, 우선 배우의 얼굴과 신체를 작은 감지기들로뒤덮는다.
⑩ The actor then enters a special black box and performs while infrared cameras record the action from four angles, creating a three-dimensional effect. 그런 다음 배우가 검정색 특수 상자 안으로 들어가서 연기를 하는 동안 적외선 카메라는 3차원의 효과가 나도록 네 군데 각도에서 그 움직임을 기록한다.
⑪ Using these recordings, software digitally transfers the actor's performance onto computer-generated characters. 이렇게 기록한 것들을 이용해 소프트웨어가 배우의연기를 디지털화하여 컴퓨터로 만들어 낸 등장 인물들에게 전이시킨다.
⑫ The characters are then projected onto a highly detailed virtual set, complete with virtual props and virtual costumes, and the illusion of reality is complete. 그런 다음 이 등장인물들이 가상의 소품과 가상의의상이 완비된 아주 섬세한 가상 세트에 투영되면서실제와 같은 환상이 이루어진다.
⑬ For a filmmaker, performance capture offers a faster alternative to traditional time-consuming animation methods; it also creates movements and facial expressions that are more natural. 퍼포먼스 캡처는 영화 제작자에게 시간이 많이 걸리는 종래의 애니메이션 방법에 대해 보다 신속한 대안을 제공하며, 보다 자연스러운 움직임과 얼굴 표정을 만들어 주기도 한다.
⑭ And, compared to scenes using live actors, there is more control over the editing process. 그리고 실제 배우를 사용하는 장면들과 비교해볼때, 편집 과정이 보다 통제 가능하다.
⑮ If something goes wrong with the shot, it doesn't need to be re-filmed. 만일 장면에서 원가가 잘못되었을 경우, 그것을 다시 찍을 필요가 없다.
⑯ It can just be retouched on the computer. 그냥 컴퓨터로 수정하면 그만이다.
⑰ And from an actor's point of view, performance capture is advantageous because it lets him or her act using complex facial expressions that in the past would have been lost beneath latex masks or special effects. 또한 배우 입장에서도 퍼포먼스 캡처는 과거에 라텍스 마스크나 특수 효과로 가려졌을 복잡한 얼굴 표정을 사용하면서 연기를 할 수 있게 하기 때문에 이득이 된다.
⑱ It can even allow a single actor to play multiple roles, such as in Polar Express, where Tom Hanks portrayed five different characters, including Santa Claus and a young boy. 그것은 심지어 Tom Hanks가 산타클로스와 어린소년을 포함한 5명의 다른 등장인물들을 연기한 〈풀라 익스프레스〉에서와 같이 한 사람의 배우가 다수의 역할을 할 수 있게 한다.
⑲ Performance capture brings filmmakers the best of both worlds, affording a workable balance between the skills of actors and the abilities of special effects technicians. 퍼포먼스 캡처는 영화 제작자들에게 배우의 능력과특수 효과 전문가들의 역량 사이에서 작업 균형을이루게 하면서 두 분야에서 최선의 능력을 발휘하게한다.
⑳ As a result, millions of viewers are rewarded with dazzling scenes of movie magic. 그 결과 수백만 관객들은 마술과 같은 눈부신 영화장면들을 접하게 된다.




Unit 09. Film - Reading 2: Method Acting
① The famous actor Marlon Brando is known for his powerhouse performances in some of Hollywood's biggest blockbusters. 유명 배우인 Marlon Brando는 몇 편의 할리우드 최고 흥행작에서의 명연기로 이름이 알려져 있다.
② Marilyn Monroe and James Dean are both movie legends, admired even after death for the film personas they created. Marilyn Monroe와 James Dean은 둘 다 사망 이후에조차 그들이 만들어 낸 영화 속 인물들로 칭송되고 있는 영화계의 전설들이다.
③ And all three of them cast their on-screen spells using a technique known as "method acting." 그리고 이들 셋은 모두 '메소드 연기'로 알려진 기법을 사용하여 영화에 마술을 부렸다.
④ Method actors seek to create realistic performances by analyzing and understanding the psychological motivations behind the actions of the characters they portray. 메소드 배우들은 자신이 배역을 맡은 등장 인물들의행동 이면에 있는 심리적 동기를 분석하고 이해함으로써 사실적인 연기를 하려고 노력한다.
⑤ The technique was initially developed by Konstantin Stanislavski in Russia around the turn of the 20th century. 이 기법은 20세기 전환기 즈음에 러시아의Konstantin Stanislavski에 의해 처음 개발되었다.
⑥ And it enjoyed a resurgence in the United States in the 1950s when it was popularized by Lee Strasberg, an American director, producer, and acting teacher. 그리고 그것은 미국의 감독이자 프로듀서이고 연기교사였던 Lee Strasberg에 의해 인기를 얻게 된1950년대에 미국에서 다시 부활되었다.
⑦ Method acting places great demands upon the actors who use it, requiring them to create complex emotions for people that don't exist outside of a script. 메소드 연기는 대본 밖에서는 존재하지 않는 사람들에 대해 복잡한 감정을 부여할 것을 요구하기 때문에그것을 사용하는 배우들에게 많은 부담을 준다.
⑧ They construct entire histories for the characters they are playing, using imaginary experiences and events in order to better understand why the characters act and feel the way they do. 배우들은 왜 등장인물들이 그러한 방법으로 행동하고 느끼는지를 더 잘 이해하기 위해 가상의 경험과사건을 이용하면서 그들이 연기하고 있는 등장인물의 전체적인 이력을 세워 놓는다.
⑨ The actors then attempt to recreate these feelings within themselves, delving into their personal memories for experiences that generate similar emotions. 그런 다음 배우들은 유사한 감정을 만들어 주는 경험에 대한 자신의 개인적인 기억들을 깊이 더듬어 보면서 이러한 감정들을 자신들 속에서 재창조하려고 노력한다.
⑩ If method acting is done correctly, the actors become completely immersed, and it can result in frighteningly realistic performances, the kind that movie-goers don't easily forget. 만일 메소드 연기가 제대로 되면 배우들은 완전히 몰입하여, 그 결과 영화 관객들이 쉽게 잊지 못할 아주사실적인 연기를 이끌어 낼 수 있게 된다.
⑪ But method acting requires a great deal of discipline and can take a severe mental and physical toll on performers. 그러나 메소드 연기는 많은 훈련을 필요로 하며 연기자에게 정신적, 신체적 손해를 많이 끼칠 수 있다.
⑫ Some actors immerse themselves so deeply that they place themselves in danger. 어떤 배우들은 너무 깊이 몰입한 나머지 위험에 처하기도 한다.
⑬ This has manifested itself in such things as experimental drug use, which in the case of River Phoenix actually led to death from a drug overdose. 이는 실험적 마약 복용과 같은 것으로 나타났었는데, River Phoenix의 경우 이것이 마약 과다 복용으로 인한 사망을 초래했다.
⑭ A more common and less serious negative result is simply bad acting. 보다 일반적이고 덜 심각한 부정적인 결과는 바로 서툰 연기이다.
⑮ Poorly executed method acting has resulted in some of the least impressive performances in movie history. 제대로 구현되지 못한 메소드 연기는 영화 역사에 있어 일부 가장 볼품없는 연기를 초래했다.
⑯ But along with unskilled performers who are unable to pull off the demanding requirements of method acting, there have been some modern Hollywood stars who have successfully applied it to their roles, including Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, and Dustin Hoffman. 메소드 연기의 힘든 요구 조건들을 훌륭히 해내지 못하는 재능 없는 연기자들도 있지만, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, 그리고 Dustin Hoffman 등 자신의 역할에 그것을 성공적으로 적용시킨 몇몇 현대 할리우드 배우들이 있다.
⑰ The power of their performances proves that there is potential for exceptional results from this unique approach to acting. 그들의 연기력은 연기에 대한 이 독특한 점근으로부터 빼어난 결과를 얻어낼 수 있는 가능성이 있음을증명한다.




Unit 10. Psychology - Reading 1: Freud's Categorization of the Human Mind
① Describing Sigmund Freud's ideas about the mind, someone once said that the human personality is "basically a battlefield ... a dark cellar in which a well-bred spinster and a pleasure-seeking monkey are forever engaged in mortal combat, the struggle being refereed by a rather nervous bank clerk." 혹자가 한번은 정신에 대한 Sigmund Freud의 견해를 묘사하면서 인간의 인성은 '근본적으로 전쟁터, 즉 예의 바른 미혼 여성과 쾌락을 추구하는 원숭이가 상당히 신경질적인 은행 직원이 심판을 보는가운데 끊임없이 사투를 벌이는 어두운 지하실'이라고 말한 적이 있다.
② To understand what these odd characters have to do with personality, one must analyze the makeup of the mind as Freud imagined it. 이 기이한 등장 인물들이 성격과 어떤 관계가 있는지를 이해하기 위해서는 Freud가 생각한 정신의 구조를 분석해야 한다.
③ Think of the mind as an iceberg. 정신을 빙산이라고 생각해 보라.
④ The visible tip of the iceberg is comparable to our conscious, the small portion of the mind that we are aware of. 눈에 보이는 빙산의 꼭대기 부분은 우리가 인식하고있는 정신의 작은 영역인 의식에 견주어진다.
⑤ The vast majority of the mind is our unconscious, lying below our awareness like the mass of an iceberg immersed in water. 정신의 대부분을 차지하는 영역은 무의식으로서, 물속에 잠긴 거대한 빙산처럼 우리의 의식 밑에 깔려있다.
⑥ Freud's partitioning of the mind into these two sectors was later incorporated into a more comprehensive conception, the structural theory, which attempted to better describe the mind's complexity by dividing it into three parts: the id, the superego, and the ego. Freud가 정신을 이 두 영역으로 나눈 것은 추후에보다 포괄적인 개념인 구조이론으로 통합되었는데, 이 이론은 정신을 이드, 초자아, 자아라는 세 가지영역으로 나눔으로써 정신의 복잡함을 보다 정확히묘사하려 했다.
⑦ According to Freud's theory, the id is the part of the mind that is completely buried in the unconscious. Freud의 이론에 따르면 이드는 무의식 속에 완전히묻혀 있는 정신의 한 영역이다.
⑧ The instinctive drives that motivate humans to pursue pleasure and avoid pain originate there. 사람으로 하여금 쾌락을 추구하고 고통을 회피하게하는 본능적인 충동은 이곳에서 기인한다.
⑨ The next partition of the human mind is termed the superego. 인간 정신의 또 다른 영역은 초자아로 불린다.
⑩ Partly conscious, the superego acts as a moral conscience, regulating the desires of the id with its concepts of right and wrong. 부분적으로 의식 영역을 차지하고 있는 초자아는 도덕적 양심역할을 하여, 그것이 정하는 선악의 기준으로 이드의 욕구를 조절한다.
⑪ Finally, Freud's third division of the mind, the ego, operates mostly at the level of conscious thought. 마지막으로 Freud의 세 번째 정신 영역인 자아는 주로 의식적 사고 수준에서 활동한다.
⑫ Concerned with external reality, the ego is aware of others' needs and perceives that the tendencies of the id and the superego need to be tempered. 외부 현실에 신경을 쓰는 자아는 타인의 욕구를 의식하며 이드와 초자아의 습성이 조절되어야 한다는것을 인식하고 있다.
⑬ It is obvious that the interplay of the three parts of the mind is quite essential, for they mesh together to form a personality that interacts smoothly with the world. 이 세 가지 정신 영역의 상호 작용이 아주 필수적이라는 사실은 분명한데 이것들이 서로 맞물려 세상과원활히 상호 작용하는 인격을 형성하기 때문이다.
⑭ With overpowering ids, people would only care about the fulfillment of their desires and have no concern for others. 이드가 지나치게 지배하게 되면 사람이 오직 자신의욕구 충족에만 신경을 쓰고 타인에게 전혀 무관심할것이다.
⑮ With dominating superegos, people would be extremely narrow-minded and would likely lead lonely lives due to their inability to accept moral faults in others. 초자아가 지배하면 사람이 아주 편협해져서 타인의도덕적 결점을 수용하는 능력 부족으로 외로운 삶을영위할 것이다.
⑯ And finally, the ego is indispensable to a balanced personality, because without it people would be unable to harmonize the contrasting desires of the id and the superego. 결국 균형 잡힌 인격에는 자아가 필수불가결한데,이것이 없으면 사람이 이드와 초자아의 서로 다른욕구를 조화롭게 할 수 없을 것이기 때문이다.




Unit 10. Psychology - Reading 2: TOEFL (Cognitive Dissonance)
① A person's worldview is made up of countless cognitions, pieces of information including facts, beliefs, values, and feelings. 사람의 세계관은 수많은 인지, 즉 사실, 믿음, 가치관, 감정 등의 정보 조각으로 이루어져 있다.
② Throughout life, a person continually takes on new cognitions as new information is encountered. 전 생애에 걸쳐 사람은 새로운 정보에 직면할 때 계속해서 새로운 인지를 하게 된다.
③ If, during the process, a new cognition conflicts with a previously held cognition, the result is called "cognitive dissonance." 그 과정에서 새로운 인지가 이전에 지니고 있던 인지와 마찰을 일으키면 '인지 부조화'라는 결과를 가져온다.
④ Cognitive dissonance creates a sense of discomfort. 인지 부조화는 불안감을 조성한다.
⑤ For example, a man buys an expensive car because he thinks it gets good gas mileage. 예를 들어, 한 남자가 비싼 자동차는 연비가 좋다고생각하여 비싼 자동차를 산다.
⑥ He then sees a commercial for a cheaper car that gets even better mileage. 그 후 그는 연비가 훨씬 좋은 좀 더 저렴한 자동차에대한 광고를 본다.
⑦ The man naturally feels upset because his initial cognition is in conflict with the new cognition. 자신이 처음 지니고 있던 인지가 새로운 인지와 충돌하기 때문에 남자는 당연히 속이 상한다.
⑧ People have a natural urge to avoid cognitive dissonance, and this can be done in many ways. 사람에게는 원래 인지 부조화를 회피하고 싶은 욕구가 있고, 이것은 여러 가지 방법으로 해결될 수 있다.
⑨ The man in the previous example could simply choose to ignore the commercial. 앞의 예에서 남자는 그저 광고를 무시하는 쪽을 택할 수 있다.
⑩ Then, in the future, he might attempt to avoid watching television commercials. 그런 다음 그 후로 그 TV 광고를 보지 않으려고 할지도 모른다.
⑪ Another method of eliminating the dissonance would be to introduce new cognitions to the situation. 인지 부조화를 제거하는 또 하나의 방법은 그 상황에 새로운 인지를 도입하는 것이다.
⑫ The man could begin to emphasize other positive features of his car, thereby lessening the importance of gas mileage and price. 남자는 자신이 소유하고 있는 자동차의 다른 긍정적인 특징들을 강조하기 시작하여 연비와 가격의 중요도를 축소시킬 수 있다.
⑬ And, if the feeling of dissonance became extreme enough, the man might trade in his car for the second one. 그리고 만일 인지 부조화 정도가 극도로 심해지면남자는 자신의 자동차를 그 저가의 자동차로 바꿀지도 모른다.
⑭ It is easy to discount the power of cognitive dissonance, but it has been proven in various experiments. 인지 부조화의 영향력을 경시하기 쉬운데, 이것은여러 실험에서 입증되어 왔다.
⑮ In the 1950s, researcher Leon Festinger studied the members of a cult who had been told by their leader that aliens would destroy Earth on a certain date. 1950년대에 연구원 Leon Festinger는 교주로부터외계인들이 특정 날짜에 지구를 파괴할 것이라는 말을 들은 어느 신흥 종교 신자들을 연구했다.
⑯ After the day came and nothing happened, cult members became even more loyal to their leader. 그 날이 왔고 아무 일도 일어나지 않은 이후 이 종교신자들은 자신들의 교주에 대한 믿음이 훨씬 더 커졌다.
⑰ Festinger explained that, instead of accepting the cognition that they had been fooled, members chose to believe the leader's new message - the aliens had spared the planet to save the cult. Festinger의 설명에 의하면 신자들은 자신들이 속았다는 인지를 받아들이기보다는 외계인들이 자신들의종교를 구하기 위해 지구를 그대로 둔 것이라는 교주의 새로운 메시지를 믿는 쪽을 택한 것이라고 한다.
⑱ Obviously, cognitive dissonance can lead people to act in nonsensical ways. 확실히 인지 부조화는 사람들로 하여금 비이성적인방법으로 행동하게끔 할 수 있다.
⑲ However, it also has the potential for positive uses, such as conflict resolution. 그러나 그것은 또한 분쟁 해결과 같이 긍정적으로사용될 가능성도 있다.
⑳ Cognitive dissonance challenges previously held beliefs and values and can force people to revise them. 인지 부조화는 이전에 지니고 있던 믿음과 가치관에제동을 걸어 사람들로 하여금 그것들을 바꾸게 할수 있다.
㉑ In a war, each side may view the other as inhuman or even evil. 전쟁에서 각 진영은 상대를 비인간적이나 심지어 사악하다고 여길 수 있다.
㉒ A tactic to counter this cognition might be to discuss or give examples of the enemy's family life and emphasize similarities between the two groups. 이러한 인지에 맞설 수 있는 한 가지 방법으로 적군의 가정생활에 대해 얘기하거나 그 예를 들어 주며두 진영의 유사점을 강조하는 것이 될지도 모른다.
㉓ By showing each side aspects of the other's humanity, the initial stereotype can be challenged and possibly overcome by the power of cognitive dissonance. 각 진영에게 상대의 인간적인 측면을 보여 줌으로써처음 가졌던 고정관념이 인지 부조화의 영향에 도전을 받게 되어 극복될 수도 있는 것이다.




Unit 11. Social Issues - Reading 1: Twixters
① The word "twixter" was coined to refer to a new social group that exists somewhere between adolescence and adulthood, a group that is rapidly growing all around the world. 단어 '트윅스터(twixter)'는 전 세계적으로 급속히늘어나고 있는 집단인 청소년기와 성인기 사이 어딘가에 존재하는 새로운 사회 집단을 칭하기 위해 만들어졌다.
② It was derived from the word "betwixt," which has the same meaning as "between." 그것은 'between'과 같은 의미를 지니는 단어'betwixt'에서 유래했다.
③ Twixters are "twentysomethings" who are no longer adolescents, but are not yet behaving like typical adults. 트윅스터는 더 이상 청소년이 아니면서 아직 전형적인 어른처럼 행동하지 않고 있는 '20대'이다.
④ They're more concerned with enjoying their lives than saving up money, changing jobs often as they expect a lot more from a job than a paycheck. 그들은 돈을 모으는 것보다 삶을 즐기는 것에 더 관심이 많고, 직장으로부터 급여 외에 훨씬 더 많은 것을 기대하기 때문에 직장을 자주 바꾼다.
⑤ Many of them still live at home, relying on their parents for financial support. 그들 중 많은 이들은 재정적 지원을 받기 위해 부모에게 의지하면서 여전히 본가에 산다.
⑥ Without a proper income, twixters are reluctant to pursue two of the basic elements by which our society defines adulthood: marriage and a home. 적정 수입이 없이 트윅스터들은 우리 사회가 성인기를 규정하는 두 가지 기초 요소인 결혼과 집을 추구할 마음이 없다.
⑦ No one cause can be singled out as being responsible for the twixter lifestyle. 트윅스터식 생활양식에 대해 책임이 있는 것으로 꼽을 수 있는 한 가지 원인은 없다.
⑧ Instead, it appears to be a combination of various factors. 대신 여러 요인들이 결합되어 있는 것 같다.
⑨ Rising unemployment rates and slow economic growth have made it more difficult than ever to start a career. 늘어나는 실업률과 느린 경제 성장은 일자리를 구하는 것을 그 어느 때보다도 힘들게 하고 있다.
⑩ It has also been suggested that the college experience isn't properly preparing students for real-world jobs. 대학 경험이 학생들에게 실제 직업에 대한 대비를적절히 해주지 못하고 있다는 말도 나오고 있다.
⑪ Furthermore, the rising costs of higher education mean that many twixters graduate under the burden of heavy debt, extending the time it takes to achieve financial independence. 게다가 계속 오르는 고등 교육비는 많은 트윅스터들이 과중한 부채 부담을 안고 졸업하여 경제적 독립을 이루는 데 걸리는 시간이 늘어남을 의미한다.
⑫ As twixters continue to increase in numbers, they are beginning to reveal themselves as a serious burden on society. 트윅스터들의 수가 계속 증가함에 따라 그들은 사회에 심각한 부담으로 드러나기 시작하고 있다.
⑬ Some economists see them as a bleak omen of a future in which succeeding generations become caught in the same destructive economic cycle. 일부 경제학자들은 그들을 이후 세대들이 동일한 경제적 악순환에 빠지게 되는 미래에 대한 어두운 징조로 본다.
⑭ If twixters never fully accept their adulthood, the world may be faced with a generation devoid of economic and political leaders. 만일 트윅스터들이 자신의 성인기를 제대로 받아들이지 못한다면, 세상은 경제 및 정치 지도자가 없는세대를 맞이하게 될지도 모른다.
⑮ Views on twixters differ. 트윅스터를 보는 시각들은 다르다.
⑯ Some sociologists and psychologists focus on the positive aspects. 일부 사회학자 및 심리학자들은 긍정적인 측면에 초점을 둔다.
⑰ They feel the twixters are simply taking advantage of the benefits that an affluent society offers. 그들은 트윅스터들이 그저 풍족한 사회가 제공하는혜택들을 이용하고 있는 것일 뿐이라고 생각한다.
⑱ They're extending the relatively carefree years of adolescence in order to prepare for the rigors of adulthood, trying out different career paths and lifestyles before committing to one. 그들은 성인기의 어려움을 준비하기 위해 상대적으로 걱정이 없는 청소년기를 연장하면서 한가지 진로나 생활양식에 전념하기 전에 여러 가지 경우를 경험하고 있다는 것이다.
⑲ But others see them in a more negative light, as failed adults who are not equipped with the necessary tools to survive on their own. 그러나 어떤 이들은 그들을 스스로 생존하는 데 필요한 도구를 갖추고 있지 못한 실패한 어른과 같이보다 부정적인 시각으로 바라본다.
⑳ So for some, twixters represent a generation of idealists, while for others they are nothing more than an unwanted social group who never outgrow their laziness. 그래서 어떤 이들에게는 트윅스터가 이상주의 세대를 대표하는 반면, 어떤 이들에게는 게으름에서 벗어나지 못한 사람들의 불필요한 사회 집단에 불과하다.




Unit 11. Social Issues - Reading 2: Terrorism
① Terrorism seeks to bring about social or political changes through the generation of fear. 테러는 공포를 불러일으켜 사회적 혹은 정치적 변화를 일으키고자 한다.
② This fear is usually used to weaken the power and influence of the status quo. 이러한 공포는 주로 현 상태의 지배력과 영향력을약화시키기 위해 사용된다.
③ Although the modern concept of terrorism has been around since the late 19th century, the sheer scale of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States sent shock waves of fear across the entire world. 비록 테러에 대한 현대적 개념이 19세기 후반 이래로 존재해오긴 했지만, 2001년 미국의 9.11테러 공격의 엄청난 규모는 전 세계에 공포의 충격을 안겨주었다.
④ Terrorism has existed throughout history. 테러는 역사와 같이 공존해 왔다.
⑤ Groups that have been alienated because of religious persecution, political oppression, economic exploitation, cultural domination, ethnic discrimination, or any combination of these usually perpetrate it. 종교적 박해, 정치적 억압, 경제적 착취, 문화적 지배, 인종 차별 혹은 이런 것들이 결합된 형태의 이유로 인해 소외되어 왔던 단체들이 주로 테러를 저질렀다.
⑥ In some cases, extremists who believe that their faith is the one true religion have turned to terrorism. 어떤 경우에는 자신의 신앙이 유일한 진짜 종교라고믿는 극단주의자들이 테러에 가담해 왔다.
⑦ Sometimes, terrorist acts are committed by people who feel that their rights are being denied or that they have no legal outlets. 때때로 테러 행위는 자신들의 권리가 묵인되거나 자신들에게 아무런 법적 출구가 없다고 생각하는 사람들에 의해 자행된다.
⑧ Modern terrorism is often incited by the wide disparities in wealth we see throughout the world. 현대적 테러는 흔히 우리가 전 세계적으로 보게 되는 만연한 부의 불균형에 의해 유발된다.
⑨ The September 11th terrorist attacks were extreme, but they serve as a prime example of the increasing deadliness of modern terrorism. 9.11테러 공격은 극단적이었으나 현대적 테러가 점점 더 치명적으로 되어감을 보여 주는 중요한 예에해당한다.
⑩ Terrorism is not made up of random acts of violence. 테러는 임의대로 이루어지는 폭력 행위들로 이루어지지 않는다.
⑪ Each attack is planned carefully as a means to a specific end. 각각의 공격은 특정 목적을 이루기 위한 수단으로치밀하게 계획되어진다.
⑫ Targets are meticulously chosen, often selected to maximize fear by taking the lives of innocent civilians. 대상들은 세심하게 선정되는데, 흔히 무고한 시민들의 목숨을 희생시킴으로써 공포를 극대화할 수 있도록 선정된다.
⑬ These efforts are coordinated with great precision, all in the interest of creating fear and gaining media attention. 이러한 노력들은 모두 공포를 불러일으키고 매체의관심을 끌기 위해서 아주 정확하게 조율된다.
⑭ And as terrorist groups seek international attention in today's globalized society, they've been progressively escalating their attacks in order to achieve this aim. 그리고 테러 단체들은 오늘날의 세계화된 사회에서국제적인 관심을 얻으려고 하기 때문에 이 목적을달성하기 위해 점점 공격을 확대해 나가고 있다.
⑮ Although the most obvious effect of terrorism is the loss of human life, it also has the potential to strike an economic blow. 비록 테러의 가장 명백한 결과가 인명의 피해이기는하지만 그것은 또한 경제적 타격을 입힐 가능성도있다.
⑯ Property damage and subsequent insurance claims after an attack often add up to enormous amounts. 재산 손실액 및 공격 이후 잇따르는 보험 청구액의총계는 종종 엄청난 액수에 이른다.
⑰ The financial world can be disrupted by fear, which sometimes even causes stock markets to crash. 금융업계는 공포에 의해 혼란에 빠져, 때로는 주식시장의 붕괴까지 초래된다.
⑱ Because of this, terrorism has the potential to stunt economic growth, or perhaps even to collapse a national economy. 이런 이유로 테러는 경제 성장을 저해하거나 혹은심지어 국가 경제를 무너뜨릴 가능성도 있다.
⑲ And as terrorism steps up to a global scale, it is the global economy that is affected. 그리고 테러가 국제적인 규모로 커짐에 따라 영향을받는 것도 국제경제가 되고 있다.
⑳ If modern terrorism is to be prevented, its causes must be understood. 현대적 테러가 예방되려면 그 원인들이 이해되어야한다.
㉑ Whatever the underlying motivations of terrorist groups are, there is no excuse for vicious actions that affect innocent civilians. 테러 단체의 저번 동기가 무엇이든지 간에 무고한시민들에게 영향을 미치는 악의적인 행위에 대해서는 변명의 여지가 없다.




Unit 12. Education - Reading 1: Temperament
① It has long been recognized that both biological and environmental factors are involved in shaping personalities. 생물학적 요인 및 환경적 요인 둘 다 인격 형성에 관련이 있다고 오랫동안 여겨져 왔다.
② Those traits that are genetically determined are referred to as an individual's "temperament." 유전적으로 결정되는 특징들은 개인의 '기질'이라고일컬어진다.
③ Researchers have identified nine temperament traits that characterize young children during their early years of development. 연구자들은 초기 발달 단계에 있는 어린 아동들을특징짓는 아홉 가지 기질적 특징들을 밝혀냈다.
④ None of these traits are absolute; rather, every child exhibits each of these traits to a greater or lesser extent. 이 특징들은 절대적인 것이라기보다는 아동에 따라각각의 특징을 더 많이 혹은 더 적게 보인다고 할 수있다.
⑤ Specifically, the behaviors relate to physical energy, the regularity of biological functions, initial response to an unfamiliar environment or new people, adaptability to long-term change, the intensity of a child's reaction to a situation, a predisposition to being distracted by external events, persistence in task-solving, general sensitivity to the environment, and overall mood or demeanor. 구체적으로 말하자면 각 행동은 신체 에너지, 생리적 기능의 규칙성, 낯선 환경이나 새로운 사람들에대한 초기 반응, 장기적 변화 때의 순응성, 어떤 상황에 대한 아동의 반응 강도, 외부 환경에 의한 주의산만도, 문제 해결에 대한 끈기, 환경에의 일반적 민감성, 전반적인 기분 및 행실과 연관이 있다.
⑥ Based upon which of these traits are manifest, a child's personality can be categorized as belonging to one of three types. 이 특징들 중 어느 것이 명백히 드러나는가를 토대로 아동의 인성은 세 가지 유형 중 하나에 속하는 것으로 분류될 수 있다.
⑦ The "easy" child tends to adapt easily to new environments, has smooth biological functions, and is usually cheerful and in a good mood. '순한' 아이 (easy child)는 새로운 환경에 쉽게 적응하는 경향을 보이고, 생리적 기능이 고르며, 대체로 성격이 밝고 좋은 기분 상태에 있다.
⑧ The "difficult" child, on the other hand, has irregular biological functions, shows a negative response to new situations, and is slow to adapt to new environments or people. 반면에 '까다로운' 아이(difficult child)는 생리적 기능이 불규칙적이고, 새로운 상황에 부정적인 반응을보이며, 새로운 환경이나 사람에게 적응하는 것이느리다.
⑨ Somewhere in-between is the "slow-to-warm-up" child who has a slightly negative response to new situations but can adapt more easily than the latter type. 둘의 중간쯤에 있는 '더디게 반응하는' 아이(slow-to-warm-up child)는 새로운 상황에 약간 부정적인 반응을 보이기는 하지만 후자의 유형(까다로운아이)보다 좀 더 쉽게 적응할 수 있다.
⑩ In addition, their bodily functions are not as regular as the "easy" child. 또 이들의 신체 기능은 '순한' 아이만큼 규칙적이지는 않다.
⑪ The inborn temperament of children will obviously have an impact on family life. 아동의 선천적 기질은 분명 가정생활에 영향을 미칠것이다.
⑫ An "easy" child will adapt more readily to family life and routines, thereby lessening the likelihood of adding additional stress to the family network. '순한' 아이는 가정생활과 일상생활에 보다 쉽게 적응할 것이며, 이 때문에 가족 구성원들에게 부가적인 스트레스를 줄 가능성을 줄여 준다.
⑬ More intense children will likely generate greater tension between themselves, parents, and siblings by upsetting family dynamics that may already be quite volatile, particularly if the other family members are also of a difficult nature. 보다 까다로운 아이들은 특히 다른 가족 구성원들도까다로운 성격일 경우, 이미 상당히 불안정할지도모르는 가족간의 역학관계를 망쳐 그들 자신과 부모및 형제들간에 보다 심한 긴장 상태를 유발할 가능성이 있다.
⑭ Parents should analyze the temperament of their children, not simply as an academic exercise, but as a means for better understanding them both as individuals and members of the family unit. 부모는 자녀들의 기질을 단순히 이론적인 사용으로서가 아니라 개인 및 가족 구성원 모두로서 그들을보다 잘 이해하기 위한 수단으로서 분석해야 한다.
⑮ By recognizing the inborn traits of their children, parents can respond to them in a positive way and try to influence their personal growth rather than simply compel them to change. 자녀들의 타고난 특징을 인식함으로써 부모는 긍정적인 방향으로 그들에게 대응할 수 있고, 그저 그들에게 변하기를 강요하기보다는 그들의 개인적인 성장에 영향을 미치려고 노력할 수 있다.
⑯ This will help children learn how to deal with others in socially acceptable ways and lead to less friction within the home. 이것은 자녀들이 사회적으로 용인되는 방법으로 남을 대하는 법을 배우고 가정 내에서 마찰을 덜 일으키도록 도울 것이다.




Unit 12. Education - Reading 2: TOEFL (The Montessori Teaching Method)
① The Montessori Teaching Method Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952), the first woman in Italy to qualify as a physician, became interested in child development through her work on childhood diseases. 이탈리아에서 의사 자격을 취득한 최초의 여성인Maria Montessori 박사(1870-1952)는 아동 질병에 대한 연구를 통해 아동 발달에 관심을 갖게 되였다.
② Over time, she cultivated a particular interest in children deemed unable to be educated. 시간이 흐르면서 그녀는 교육이 불가능한 것으로 여겨지는 아동들에 대해 특별한 관심을 쏟았다.
③ From her observations of such children, she went on to create the Montessori method for the education of low-income students. 그런 아동들에 대한 관찰에서 더 나아가 그녀는 저소득층 학생들의 교육을 위해 몬테소리 방법을 창안했다.
④ Montessori's notions were strongly influenced by the 18th century philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who set out his views on education in the classic work Emile. 몬테소리의 견해는 18세기 철학자 Jean-Jacques Rousseau의 영향을 강하게 받았는데, 그는 대작인〈에밀〉에서 교육에 대한 자신의 견해를 제시했다.
⑤ The Montessori method later became a well-known alternative to conventional educational techniques. 몬테소리 방법은 나중에 전통적인 교육 기법에 대한유명한 대안이 되었다.
⑥ The goal of the Montessori teaching method is to provide students with a stimulating environment. 몬테소리 교수법의 목표는 학생들에게 자극적인 환경을 제공하는 것이다.
⑦ One of Dr. Montessori's learning principles was "first the education of the senses, then the education of the intellect." Montessori 박사의 학습 원칙 중 하나는 '감각 교육의 선행, 지능 교육의 후행'이었다.
⑧ As such, Montessori classrooms reflect a truly "hands-on" approach to learning, as activities and learning objects are designed to engage all the senses during the learning process. 그런 만큼 몬테소리 교실은 활동들과 교구들이 학습과정에서 모든 감각을 사용하게끔 고안되어 있기 때문에 '개인이 적극 참여하는' 학습 방법을 정확하게반영한다.
⑨ At the primary level, students are divided into two age groups: from birth to age six, and from six through twelve. 초기 단계에서 학생들은 출생부터 6세까지와 6세부터 12세까지의 두 나이 집단으로 나뉜다.
⑩ Montessori schools for students older than this are not as widespread, but they do exist. 이보다 더 나이가 많은 학생들을 위한 몬테소리 학교는 그렇게 널리 퍼져 있지는 않지만 존재하기는한다.
⑪ The initial level is called the "children's house" and focuses on individual learning and self-paced development. 첫 번째 단계는 '어린이들의 집'이라고 불리며 개별학습과 학습자의 속도에 맞춘 발달에 초점을 둔다.
⑫ At the second level, students undergo "cosmic education," in which collaboration with others is encouraged as part of their development. 두 번째 단계에서 학생들은 '우주 교육'을 받는데, 이때는 타인과의 협력이 발달의 일부분으로 장려된다.
⑬ Rather than teacher-centered approaches that tend to dominate in the traditional school system, Montessori classrooms are student-centered, encouraging each student to develop uniquely. 몬테소리 교실은 전통적인 학교 제도에서 대세인 교사 중심의 방법이라기보다 학생 중심이기 때문에 각학생들이 개성있게 성장하도록 장려한다.
⑭ Every activity that students undertake is self-contained and leads to a new level of understanding upon completion. 학생들이 하는 모든 활동에는 필요한 것이 다 갖추어져 있어서, 마치고나면 새로운 이해 단계에 이르게 된다.
⑮ Although activities are sequenced, there is no prescribed timetable as to when tasks should be finished. 비록 활동들이 차례대로 진행되기는 하지만 언제 과제가 끝나야 하는지에 관한 규정된 시간표가 없다.
⑯ A Montessori instructor, much like the teacher in Emile, observes rather than instructs students, providing them with appropriate lessons at appropriate times. 〈에밀〉의 교사와 아주 흡사한 몬테소리 교사는 학생들을 가르치기보다는 관찰을 하며 적절한 때에 그들에게 적절한 수업을 제공한다.
⑰ There have been a number of criticisms brought against the Montessori method. 몬테소리 방법에 반대하는 많은 비판들이 제기되어왔다.
⑱ Some believe that the sequenced learning activities stifle, rather than foster, a child's creativity. 일부는 차례대로 진행되는 학습 활동들이 아동의 창의성을 북돋아 주기보다는 저해한다고 믿는다.
⑲ Others find fault with the fact that Montessori pupils are rarely assigned homework as it would be troublesome because of the teaching methodology and the learning materials used in class. 또 다른 일부는 몬테소리 교실에서 사용되는 교수방법론과 학습 자료들로 인해 곤란할 것이라는 이유로 몬테소리 학생들에게 숙제가 거의 주어지지 않는다는 사실을 비난한다.
⑳ Yet despite its critics, Montessori schools continue to be popular with a certain segment of the population a half century after their founder's death. 그러나 그렇게 비판하는 사람들이 있음에도 불구하고 창안자의 사망 후 반세기가 지났지만 몬테소리학교는 여전히 특정 집단에게 인기가 있다.




Unit 13. Chemistry - Reading 1: Luminol
① Its chemical name is C8H7N3O2. 이것의 화학명은 C8H7N3O2이다.
② In its natural state, it is a yellowish crystal that is quite unremarkable. 자연 상태일 때, 이것은 특별할 것 없는 노르스름한결정체이다.
③ However, when mixed with an appropriate oxidant such as hydrogen peroxide, it becomes anything but ordinary. 그러나 과산화수소와 같은 적절한 산화제와 혼합되면 이것은 아주 특별해진다.
④ It can bring evidence to light at crime scenes that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye. 아것은 범죄 현장에서 빛을 내어 그렇지 않으면 육안으로는 보이지 않을 증거를 드러나게 한다.
⑤ Known as "luminol," this compound will glow a certain color when activated by a catalyst. '루미놀'이라고 알려진 이 화합물은 촉매에 의해 활성화될 경우 특정 색깔로 빛을 낼 것이다.
⑥ Luminol takes on a bright blue-green glow in the presence of certain paints, chemical products, plants, and most importantly, iron. 루미놀은 특정 페인트, 화학제품, 식물, 그리고 가장중요하게는 철분이 있을 때 밝은 청록색 빛을 띤다.
⑦ Since blood contains some iron, luminol allows investigators to detect blood, even when it has been cleaned away or has remained at the crime scene for years. 혈액에는 약간의 철분이 들어 있기 때문에 루미놀은수사관들이 심지어 혈흔이 깨끗이 씻기었거나 범죄현장에 수년간 그대로 남아 있을 때라도 혈흔을 찾아낼 수 있게 해준다.
⑧ When luminol is sprayed on a suspicious area in a darkened room, it will glow blue-green if there are any traces of blood. 어두운 방에서 의심스런 부분에 루미놀을 뿌리면,혈혼이 있을 경우 그것은 청록색 빛을 낼 것이다.
⑨ The chemistry behind this is rather straightforward. 이 현상 이면에 있는 화학적 작용은 꽤 간단하다.
⑩ The iron acts to accelerate an oxidized chemical reaction between the hydrogen peroxide and luminol. 철분은 과산화수소와 루미놀 간의 화학적 산화 반응을 가속화시키는 역할을 한다.
⑪ During this reaction, the luminol loses hydrogen and nitrogen atoms while gaining oxygen atoms, resulting in a new chemical compound in a highly energized state. 이 반응 과정에서 루미놀은 수소와 질소 원자를 잃는 반면 산소 원자를 얻어 아주 높은 에너지 상태의새로운 화학적 화합물이 된다.
⑫ Most atoms that have this boosted energy, however, return almost immediately back to their previous states, releasing excess energy along the way. 그러나 이렇게 높은 에너지 상태의 원자 대부분은도중에 여분의 에너지를 방출하면서 거의 즉각적으로 이 전의 상태로 되돌아간다.
⑬ Therefore, in the case of luminol, the electrons in the oxygen atoms return to a lower energy level and release their extra energy as a bluish green glow. 따라서, 루미놀의 경우 산소 원자 속의 전자는 보다낮은 에너지 수준으로 되돌아가며 청록색 빛으로 여분의 에너지를 방출한다.
⑭ One would think that luminol would routinely be used during violent crime investigations. 사람들은 루미놀이 폭력 범죄 수사 시 일상적으로사용될 것이라고 생각할 것이다.
⑮ However, the fact is that it is usually resorted to when other methods of investigation have been exhausted. 그러나 실제로 그것은 주로 다른 수사 방법들이 고갈되었을 때 사용된다.
⑯ The reason for this is that luminol breaks down genetic material that it comes into contact with. 그 이유는 루미놀이 그것이 닿은 유전자 물질을 파괴하기 때문이다.
⑰ Its greatest asset - being able to detect even minute traces of blood - is, ironically, its greatest risk to investigators. 미세한 혈흔조차 탐지할 수 있는 그것의 가장 커다란 강점이 모순되게도 수사관들에게 가장 커다란 위험이 되고 있다.
⑱ Because these blood samples are so small originally, spraying luminol on them can render them useless as *forensic evidence. 이러한 혈액 샘플들은 애초에 너무 소량이기 때문에거기에 루미놀을 뿌리는 것은 그것들을 법의학적 증거로서 무용지물이 되게 할 수 있다.
⑲ Yet, when investigators are unable to find evidence of blood on their own, they hope that the luminol gamble will pay off by providing them with usable samples. 그러나 수사관들이 스스로 혈흔의 증거를 발견하지못할 경우, 그들은 루미놀 도박이 유용한 샘플을 제공해줌으로써 성과를 거두기를 바란다.




Unit 13. Chemistry - Reading 2: Aerogel
① If you were to put on a white glove and plunge your hand into a tub of black ink, you'd naturally expect the result to be a wet, black glove. 만일 당신이 흰색 장갑을 끼고 손을 검정색 잉크통에 집어넣으면, 당신은 당연히 그 결과가 젖은 검정색 장갑이 될 것이라고 예상할 것이다.
② But what if you first covered your hand with a strange man-made material known as frozen smoke? 그러나 냉동 연기로 알려진 색다른 인공 물질로 먼저 손을 감싸면 어떻게 될까?
③ You'd end up with a dry hand and a white glove. 물기 없는 손과 흰색 장갑 그대로일 것이다.
④ Frozen smoke's proper name is "aerogel," and it was created by Steven Kistler in 1931 in an attempt to win a bet that he could replace the liquid inside of a jar with gas without causing any shrinkage. 냉동 연기의 정식 명칭은 '에어로젤'로 1931년 병에든 액체를 양의 감소 없이 기체로 대체시키겠다는내기에서 이기려는 시도 중에 Steven Kistler에 의해 만들어졌다.
⑤ Kistler won the bet and, in the process, discovered aerogel. Kistler는 내기에서 이겼고, 그 과정에서 에어로젤을발견했다.
⑥ However, the fragility of the material, along with the costly and difficult manufacturing process it required, hampered widespread production until recently. 그러나 이 물질이 필요로 하는 값비싸고 어려운 제조 과정과 더불어 이 물질의 부서지기 쉬운 성질은최근까지 광범위한 생산을 어렵게 했다.
⑦ Aerogel is semi-transparent, bluish-white and dry to the touch, with a texture similar to that of foam. 에어로젤은 반투명의 푸르스름한 백색을 띄며 만지면 물기가 없고 거품과 비슷한 감촉이 난다.
⑧ Structurally, it is extremely porous, which means it is full of small holes. 그것은 구조적으로 극도의 다공성을 띠는데, 이는에어로젤이 작은 구멍들로 가득 차 있다는 것을 의미한다.
⑨ Because of this, it's incredibly lightweight: If you were to try to lift a chunk of aerogel the size of a person, you'd find that it weighs less than a pound. 이런 이유로 그것은 믿을 수 없을 정도로 가벼워서, 사람 크기 정도의 에어로젤 뭉치를 들어 올리려고할 경우 그것의 무게가 1파운드도 안된다는 것을 알게 될 것이다.
⑩ Despite this, it is strong enough to hold more than 2,000 times its own weight, although if enough pressure is applied, it will shatter like glass. 이러한 사실에도 불구하고, 그것은 충분한 압력이가해지면 유리처럼 산산 조각이 나기는 하지만 자신의 무게의 2,000배 이상을 지탱할 만큼 충분히 강하다.
⑪ Although aerogel is a solid material, it is made up of up to 99.8 percent air. 에어로젤은 고체 물질이기는 하지만 최대 99.8%가공기로 이루어져 있다.
⑫ It can be produced from a variety of chemicals by removing the liquid from a gel and replacing it with gas. 그것은 겔에서 액체를 제거하고 이를 기체로 대체함으로써 다양한 화학물질들로부터 생산될 수 있다.
⑬ Commercially speaking, the most significant characteristic of aerogel is its insulating ability. 상업적으로 말하자면, 에어로젤의 가장 두드러진 특징은 절연 능력이다.
⑭ Aerogel is effective at blocking sound and electricity, but its thermal insulation properties have the most promising applications. 에어로젤은 소리와 전기를 차단하는 데 효과적이지만, 그것의 단열성이 가장 응용 가능성이 크다.
⑮ It has already been used to insulate the Rover, a robotic probe that was sent to Mars. 그것은 화성으로 보내진 로봇 탐사선인 Rover의 단열재로 이미 사용되었다.
⑯ During the mission, the temperature on Mars dropped as low as -67 degrees Celsius, but aerogel kept the sensitive electronic components inside of Rover warm and functioning. 그 임무 기간 동안 화성의 기온은 최저 섭씨 영하67도까지 내려갔었지만, 에어로젤은 Rover의 내부에 있는 민감한 전자 부품들이 얼지 않고 제 기능을수행하도록 유지시켜 주었다.
⑰ Another potential usage of aerogel is as a substitute for glass in windows. 에어로젤의 또 다른 잠재 용도는 창문의 유리 대체물로서이다.
⑱ Because it has 20 times the insulating ability of standard glass, aerogel windows could save homeowners money by minimizing heat loss. 일반 유리 단열 능력의 20배를 가지고 있기 때문에, 에어로젤 창은 열 손실을 최소화하여 집주인들이 돈을 절약할 수 있도록 한다.
⑲ It can be employed in various other ways, too, making aerogel a truly versatile material. 에어로젤은 또한 다양한 다른 방법들로도 사용될 수있어서 진정한 다용도 물질이 되고 있다.




Unit 14. Biology - Reading 1: Animal Camouflage
① Survival in the wild can hinge on the ability to remain unseen. 야생에서의 생존은 눈에 보이지 않게 존재하는 능력여하에 달려 있을 수 있다.
② Many species of animals accomplish this through camouflage, whether the purpose is to conceal themselves from predators or to sneak up on prey. 많은 종류의 동물들은 그 목적이 포식동물로부터 스스로를 숨기는 것이든, 먹이에게 몰래 다가가는 것이든 위장을 통해 이를 달성한다.
③ In either case, the effectiveness of this concealment is often based on an animal's ability to blend into its natural habitat. 어떤 경우이든 간에 이러한 장복의 효과는 흔히 자연 서식지에 동화될 수 있는 동물의 능력에 기반한것이다.
④ Blending in can be accomplished through adopting a color that resembles the surrounding environment. 동화는 주변 환경을 닮은 색을 취함으로써 이루어질수 있다.
⑤ For example, deer are the reddish-brown color of the earth around them, whereas sharks are a bluish- gray color, matching the hue of the sea. 예를 들어, 사슴은 주변 땅 색깔인 적갈색인 반면 상어는 바다 빛깔과 일치하는 청회색이다.
⑥ Other animals utilize pattern or texture to disguise themselves either within their environment or among large same-species groups. 또 어떤 동물들은 환경 속이나 동일 종의 거대한 무리 사이에 스스로를 숨기기 위해 무늬나 문양을 이용한다.
⑦ Tigers, for example, are striped so as to blend into the tall grasslands they roam in search of food. 예를 들어, 호랑이는 먹이를 찾아 돌아다니는 높은풀숲에 동화되도록 줄무늬가 나 있다.
⑧ The stripes of zebras, however, work quite differently. 그러나 얼룩말의 줄무늬는 아주 다르게 작용한다.
⑨ When zebras herd together, their black and white stripes serve as a visual disruption; that is, they make it very difficult for a predator to single out one animal among many. 얼룩말이 떼를 지어 모여 있을 때 그들의 흑백 줄무늬는 시각적 혼란을 일으키는 역할을 한다. 즉, 흑백줄무늬는 많은 얼룩말 중에서 포식동물이 하나를 골라내는 일을 아주 어렵게 만든다.
⑩ The method by which animals adapt their colors to their environment depends on physiology. 동물들이 자신의 색깔을 환경에 맞게 변화시키는 방법은 생리 기능에 따라 다르다.
⑪ Birds and mammals are generally covered in fur or feathers, which cannot change color; thus there's the need to grow a new coat. 조류와 포유동물들은 일반적으로 털이나 깃털로 뒤덮여 있어서, 색깔을 변화시킬 수 없으므로 새로운외피를 자라게 할 필요가 있다.
⑫ Some species, on the other hand, are able to change the appearance of their skin through cells that determine coloration, known as chromatophores. 반면, 어떤 종들은 색소 세포로 알려진 천연색을 결정하는 세포를 통해 자신의 피부 외양을 바꿀 수 있다.
⑬ Cuttlefish, for example, manipulate skin cells to change colors and patterns, and marine snails alter their color to match their environment by changing their diet. 예를 들어, 갑오징어는 색과 무늬를 바꾸기 위해 피부 세포를 조작하며, 바다 달팽이는 먹이를 바꿈으로써 환경과 일치하도록 색을 바꾼다.
⑭ Another type of camouflage is known as mimicry. 또 다른 유형의 위장은 모방으로 알려져 있다.
⑮ Some species of insects use mimicry to appear to be an inanimate object or even a different kind of animal. 일부 곤충의 종은 생명이 없는 물체나 심지어 다른종류의 동물인 것처럼 보이기 위해서 모방을 이용한다.
⑯ When predators approach stick insects, for example, they stand still and are often mistaken for twigs. 예를 들어, 포식동물이 접근해 오면 대벌레는 움직이지 않고 가만히 있어서 종종 나뭇가지로 오인된다.
⑰ And, hawk moth caterpillars scare away predators with a pattern on their back that resembles a snake's head. 그리고 박각시나방 애벌레는 뱀의 머리를 닮은 등의무늬로 포식동물들을 쫓아버린다.
⑱ A predator that might want to eat a caterpillar probably wouldn't choose to attack a snake. 애벌레를 먹고 싶어할지도 모르는 포식동물은 아마도 뱀을 공격하지는 않을 것이다.
⑲ Each of these camouflaging devices was developed gradually through the process of natural selection. 이러한 각각의 위장 장치는 자연 선택의 과정을 통해 서서히 발달되었다.
⑳ An animal that is more difficult to see than other members of its species has a better chance of surviving, and therefore has the opportunity to reproduce and ensure that its genes are passed on to the next generation. 그 종의 다른 구성원들보다 찾아내기가 더 어려운동물은 생존 가능성이 더 많으며, 따라서 번식을 하고 자신의 유전자를 확실히 다음 세대에게 물려줄수 있는 기회를 갖게 된다.




Unit 14. Biology - Reading 2: TOEFL (The Venus Flytrap)
① The Venus flytrap is a small, carnivorous plant that grows only in the wetlands of the southeastern United States. 파리지옥은 미국 남동부의 습지에서만 자라는 작은식충 식물이다.
② The plant's odd name, thought to be a reference to the Roman goddess of love, was chosen by botanists who compared the plant's ability to trap insects to a beautiful woman's ability to ensnare men. 로마의 사랑의 여신을 가리키는 것으로 여겨지는 이식물의 기이 한 이름은 곤충을 잡는 이 식물의 능력을 남자를 유혹하는 아름다운 여인의 능력에 비유했던 식물학자들에 의해 선정되었다.
③ It is, in fact, the Venus flytrap's predatory nature that makes it stand out in the world of botany. 사실 식물학계에서 파리지옥을 눈에 띄게 하는 것은바로 그것의 포식성이다.
④ Although the plants are able to synthesize glucose through photosynthesis, the marshy soil in which they grow lacks other essential nutrients, such as nitrogen. 비록 이 식물이 광합성을 통해 포도당을 합성할 수있기는 하지만, 이것이 자라나는 습지 토양에는 질소와 같은 다른 필수 영양소들이 부족하다.
⑤ Venus flytraps make up for this deficiency by consuming live prey, such as insects and spiders. 파리지옥은 이러한 결핍을 곤충과 거미 같은 살아있는 먹이를 섭취함으로써 보충한다.
⑥ Because Venus flytraps don't have brains and muscles like most carnivores, they rely on a series of mechanical and chemical processes. 파리지옥은 대부분의 육식동물들처럼 뇌와 근육을갖고 있지 않기 때문에 기계적이고 화학적인 일련의과정에 의존한다.
⑦ The plants attract their prey into their traps - specially formed leaves that resemble an open mouth - with sweet-smelling nectar. 이 식물은 달콤한 향기가 나는 과즙을 사용하여 벌린 입처럼 생긴 특별한 형태의 잎인 그들의 덫으로먹이를 유인한다.
⑧ These leaves are covered in sensitive "trigger hairs." 이 잎은 민감한 '감각모(感짬毛)'로 덮여 있다.
⑨ When an insect touches one of them, the plant is alerted to its presence. 곤충이 감각모 중 하나를 건드리면 이 식물은 곤충의 존재에 경계 태세를 취한다.
⑩ If a trigger hair is touched for a second time in quick succession, the leaf responds by closing partly shut, trapping the insect with stiff *protuberances that interlock to form a cage. 만일 감각모를 연달아 두 번째로 건드리면, 잎이 일부분 닫히면서 반응을 하는데, 서로 맞물려 우리를형성하는 뻣뻣한 돌기들로 그 곤충을 가둔다.
⑪ The trap, however, will not completely close unless the trigger hairs are activated again. 그러나 덫은 감각모가 다시 반응하지 않는다면 완전히 닫히지 않을 것이다.
⑫ This is how the plant differentiates between live prey and other objects that may fall onto its leaves. 이런 방식으로 이 식물은 살아 있는 먹이와 잎에 우연히 떨어질지도 모르는 기타 물체들을 구별한다.
⑬ An inanimate twig or leaf, for example, will not reactivate the hairs. 예를 들어, 생명이 없는 나뭇가지나 잎은 감각모를다시 움직이게 하지 않을 것이다.
⑭ If the trigger hairs are not reactivated, the leaves slowly open again, an effort that takes about 12 hours, allowing the unwanted object to fall free. 만일 감각모가 다시 반응하지 않으면 잎은 다시 서서히 열리는데, 약 12시간이 걸리는 작용이며, 불필요한 물체가 자유롭게 떨어져 나가게 해준다.
⑮ This process is designed to allow the plant to avoid wasting precious energy attempting to digest something inedible. 이 과정은 그 식물이 먹을 수 없는 것을 소화시키려고 하면서 귀중한 에너지를 낭비하는 일을 피하기위한 것이다.
⑯ Once the leaves have sealed completely shut, trapping the insect inside, the plant begins to feed by producing acidic liquids that act like the digestive fluids in an animal's stomach. 일단 잎이 완전히 닫혀 곤충을 내부에 가두면, 이 식물은 동물 위 속의 소화액처럼 작용을 하는 산성액을 만들어 먹이를 먹기 시작한다.
⑰ The prey is slowly dissolved over the course of the next several days, and its nutrients are absorbed by the plant. 먹이는 다음 며칠 간의 기간에 걸쳐 서서히 용해되고 영양소는 식물에 의해 흡수된다.
⑱ Once the nutrients are gone, the trap reopens and the remains are allowed to fall away. 영양소가 다 섭취되면 덫이 다시 열리고 찌꺼기가떨어져 나간다.
⑲ When the next unsuspecting creature stumbles into the trap, the process will begin again. 그 다음에 의심을 하지 않는 생물이 우연히 덫에 걸리면 이 과정은 다시 시작될 것이다.




Unit 15. Politics - Reading 1: Ombudsman
① An ombudsman is an official who serves as a liaison between the public and an organization by receiving and investigating complaints. 옴부즈맨은 불만 사항을 받고 조사함으로써 대중과조직 사이에서 연락자 역할을 하는 관리이다.
② The odd-sounding title comes from the Swedish language but has been adopted into standard English. 이상하게 들리는 이 명칭은 스웨덴어에서 유래하지만 표준 영어로 사용되어 왔다.
③ The first modern official ombudsmen were appointed by the Swedish government early in the 19th century, although similar positions existed in a variety of cultures around the world. 비록 전 세계 여러 문화권에서 유사한 직책들이 존재하기는 했지만 근대 최초의 공식적 옴부즈맨은19세기 초 스웨덴 정부에 의해 임명되었다.
④ Ombudsmen traditionally serve a political role, acting as representatives of common citizens who have complaints against their elected officials. 옴부즈맨은 선출된 관리들에 대해 불만이 있는 일반시민들의 대표자 역할을 하면서 전통적으로 정치적역할을 수행한다.
⑤ Although ombudsmen are appointed by the government as opposed to being elected by the people, they maintain their impartiality by operating independently outside of the system. 비록 옴부즈맨은 국민들에 의해 선출되는 것과 반대로 정부에 의해 임명될지라도 그들은 조직 외부에서독자적으로 활동함으로써 그들의 공정성을 유지한다.
⑥ They generally don't have the power to take legal action against the government if evidence of wrongdoing is found, but they can bring the situation under investigation by publishing a report on their findings. 그들은 일반적으로 부정 행위의 증거가 발견될지라도 정부에 대해 법적 조치를 취할 권한은 없지만, 그들의 발견에 대한 보고를 공포함으로써 그 상황을조사에 착수시킬 수 있다.
⑦ Whenever possible, they seek to resolve situations before they go to the courts. 가능한 한 그들은 법정으로까지 가기 전에 상황을해결하려고 노력한다.
⑧ These days, however, the position of ombudsman is also being utilized in a variety of non-governmental institutions, such as universities, private businesses, hospitals, and nonprofit organizations. 그러나 오늘날 옴부즈맨의 지위는 대학, 사기업, 병원, 비영리단체와 같은 다양한 비정부 기관에서도활용되고 있다.
⑨ It is critical that organizational ombudsmen remain impartial. 기관 옴부즈맨은 공정함을 유지하는 것이 중요하다.
⑩ They are charged primarily with safeguarding the legal and ethical interests of company employees. 그들은 주로 회사 직원의 법적, 윤리적 이익을 보호할 책임이 있다.
⑪ They also monitor new issues that may affect their employers, addressing them before they can cause problems. 그들은 또한 그들의 고용주에게 영향을 미칠 수도있는 새로운 문제들을 감시하여, 문제를 일으키기전에 이를 처리한다.
⑫ Organizational ombudsmen are high-ranking officials but are not part of the company's management, often reporting to a board of directors. 기관 옴부즈맨은 고위 관리이지만 회사 경영진의 일부는 아니며, 종종 이사진에게 보고를 한다.
⑬ The news ombudsman is another non-governmental variation of the position, usually employed by media outlets. 뉴스 옴부즈맨은 또 다른 형태의 비정부 지위로 주로 매체에 의해 고용된다.
⑭ The position provides the public with an avenue for their complaints and keeps journalists in touch with the public's views. 이 지위는 대중들에게 그들의 불만을 토로하는 통로를 제공해 주며 언론인들이 대중의 의견을 계속 접할 수 있게 해준다.
⑮ News ombudsmen listen to complaints about the accuracy and balance of news stories and then present suggestions to the journalists and editors involved. 뉴스 옴부즈맨은 보도 기사들의 정확성과 공정성에대한 불만을 경청하고 나서 관련된 언론인과 편집자에게 제안을 한다.
⑯ By doing so, they ensure that future news coverage will be fair and balanced, while encouraging readers or viewers by allowing them to have their say. 그렇게 함으로써, 그들은 독자들이나 시청자들이 발언권을 가질 수 있게 그들을 장려하는 한편 앞으로의 뉴스 보도가 공정하고 균형을 유지할 수 있도록보장한다.
⑰ It has become increasingly apparent that ombudsmen can play an important role in any sort of organization that deals with the public, providing citizens with not only an ear for their complaints but also a voice. 국민들에게 그들의 불만을 들어주는 귀뿐만이 아니라 목소리도 제공하면서, 옴부즈맨이 대중을 다루는어떤 종류의 기관에서든지 중요한 역할을 할 수 있다는 사실은 점점 더 분명해지고 있다.




Unit 15. Politics - Reading 2: Populism
① Populism generally refers to political activities or ideals that claim to promote the interests of the public. 대중주의(populism)는 일반적으로 대중의 이익을향상시키는 것을 주장하는 정치적 활동이나 이상을말한다.
② Often, populism is understood to be a political party's strategy of utilizing the public's interests to its advantage as a means to gain or maintain power. 종종 대중주의는 권력을 얻거나 유지하기 위한 수단으로서, 대중의 이익을 유리하게 이용하는 정당의전략으로 이해된다.
③ The term populism originated from the Populist Party, or the People's Party, which was first organized in the U.S. in 1891. 대중주의라는 용어는 1891년에 미국에서 처음 조직된 파퓰리스트당 혹은 인민당에서 유래했다.
④ It came up with mass appeal policies to compete against other parties. 그것온 다른 정당들과 경쟁하기 위해서 대중에게 호소하는 정책을 내놓았다.
⑤ This strategy later came to be known as a typical characteristic of populism. 이 전략은 후에 대중주의의 전형적인 특징으로 알려지게 되었다.
⑥ Argentina's former presidential couple, Juan and Eva Peron, are well-known examples of populists. 아르헨티나의 전 대통령 부부인 Juan Peron과 Eva Peron은 대중주의정치가의 잘 알려진 예이다.
⑦ Juan Peron, who was elected president on a wave of public support after World War II, adopted pro-labor policies to maintain his power. 2차 세계 대전 후 대중의 지지에 힘입어 대통령에선출된 Juan Peron은 자신의 권력을 유지하기 위해친노동 정책을 채택했다.
⑧ He also provided unlimited material support to the public, justifying his policies as being reformative. 그는 또한 대중에게 무제한의 물질적 지원을 제공하여 자신의 정책을 개혁적인 것으로 정당화했다.
⑨ Meanwhile, his wife, Eva Peron, was revered as the "mother of Argentina." 한편 그의 아내 Eva Peron은 '아르헨티나의 어머니'로 존경받았다.
⑩ She acted cold-heartedly toward the rich and was kind and charitable to the poor. 그녀는 부자들에게는 냉담하게 대했고 가난한 사람들에게는 친절하고 관대했다.
⑪ But as a result of their radical reforms, Argentina fell deep into debt and faced abrupt economic ruin. 그러나 그들의 급진적인 개혁의 결과로 아르헨티나는 심한 부채에 빠졌고 갑작스런 경제 위기에 직면했다.
⑫ Having been a top five world economic power until the 1940s, Argentina is still struggling today from the consequences of populism. 1940년대까지 세계 5대 경제 강국의 하나였던 아르헨티나는 오늘날에도 여전히 대중주의의 결과로 어려움을 겪고 있다.
⑬ Behind the policies of populism always lies the intention to acquire public support. 대중주의 정책들 이면에는 항상 대중의 지지를 얻으려는 의도가 있다.
⑭ Populists often adopt paternalistic attitudes by having direct dialogues with the public and presenting their ideas through writing. 대중주의정치인들은 종종 대중과 직접적인 대화를갖고 그들의 생각을 글로 표현함으로써 온정적인 태도를 취한다.
⑮ They also attack the privileges of the rich and the powerful while appealing to the middle and lower classes with their anti-elitist ideals. 그들은 또한 부자들과 권력자들의 특권을 비난하며,한편으로는 그들의 반엘리트 사상으로 중산층과 하류층에게 호소한다.
⑯ That is why they often employ policies that prioritize the distribution of wealth. 그것이 바로 그들이 종종 부의 분배를 우선하는 정책을 쓰는 이유이다.
⑰ At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with populist policies, since they appear to benefit the public. 얼핏 보면 대중들에게 이익이 되는 것처럼 보이기때문에 대중주의 정책에는 잘못된 것이 없는 것처럼보인다.
⑱ However, policies that call for extreme distribution of wealth can cause tremendous financial loss and inflation. 그러나 지나친 부의 분배를 요구하는 정책은 엄청난재정적 손실과 인플레이션을 일으킬 수 있다.
⑲ This leads to a vicious cycle of low growth, causing lower wages for the public and ultimately threatening the national economy. 이는 저성장이라는 악순환에 이르게 하여, 대중에게저임금을 안겨주고 궁극적으로는 국가 경제를 위협한다.
⑳ All around the globe, many politicians are still relying on populist sentiment to gain support. 전 세계적으로 많은 정치인들은 지지를 얻기 위해여전히 대중주의 정서에 의존하고 있다.
㉑ Hopefully, behind the rhetoric lies the wisdom to turn popular support for policies into a foundation for national growth, instead of allowing it to be utilized as a means to seize political power. 바라건대, 그런 언변 이면에 정책에 대한 대중의 지지를 정치적 권력을 잡기 위한 수단으로 사용되게하는 것이 아니라, 국가 성장을 위한 초석이 되도록하는 지혜가 있었으면 한다.




Unit 16. Law - Reading 1: The Statue of Limitations
① In an ideal legal system, all criminals would be immediately brought to court and punished for their offenses. 이상적인 법치 체제에서는 모든 범죄자들은 재판에즉시 회부되어 범죄에 대해 처벌을 받을 것이다.
② But in reality, there are laws that actually free criminals from the burden of being brought to court for their crimes once a certain amount of time has passed. 그러나 실제로는 일단 특정 기간이 경과되면 범죄자들을 범죄로 인해 재판에 회부되는 부담에서 벗어나게 하는 법이 있다.
③ Tracing their roots back to Roman times, these laws are known as "statutes of limitations." 그 기원이 로마 시대로 거슬러 올라가는 이 법은 '공소시효(출소기한법)'로 알려져 있다.
④ The expiration periods set by statutes of limitations vary depending on the types of cases, and there are certain case types that are not covered by such statutes. 공소시효에 의해 정해진 만료기간은 소송 사건의 유형에 따라 다르며 그러한 법령이 적용되지 않는 일부 소송 사건의 유형들도 있다.
⑤ In most states in the U.S., there is no statute of limitations for murder cases, and the right to file lawsuits against murder suspects never expires. 미국 대부분의 주에서는 살인 사건에 대한 공소시효가 없으며, 살인 용의자에 대해 소송을 제기할 수 있는 권리에 대한 공소 시한도 전혀 없다.
⑥ However, in many countries, statutes of limitations apply even to murder cases. 그러나 많은 국가에서 공소시효는 심지어 살인 사건에도 적용된다.
⑦ Each country sets different expiration periods for murder; for example, it is 25 years in Korea and 30 years in Taiwan. 나라마다 살인에 대한 만료기간을 서로 다르게 정해놓고 있는데, 예를 들어 한국은 25년이고 대만은30년이다.
⑧ Advocates of statutes of limitations claim there are valid reasons why lawmakers enacted these laws. 공소시효를 지지하는 사람들은 입법자들이 이 법을제정한 데에는 타당한 이유가 있다고 주장한다.
⑨ One purpose of statutes of limitations is to maintain fairness. 공소시효의 한 가지 목적은 공정성을 유지하는 것이다.
⑩ In other words, memories fade, evidence can be damaged, and witnesses disappear with the passing of time, making circumstances unsuitable for court trials. 다시 말해서, 시간이 경과함에 따라 기억들은 사라지고 증거는 손상될 수 있으며 목격자가 사라져서정황들이 법정 재판에 부적합해 질 수 있다.
⑪ Another reason for statutes of limitations is closure or certainty, meaning society and law enforcement agencies will eventually stop investing effort and public resources in trying to investigate old cases that are unlikely to be resolved, and instead turn their attention to recent crimes. 공소시효를 지지하는 또 다른 이유는 종결 혹은 확실성으로, 사회와 법 집행기관들이 결국 해결될 것같지 않은 오래된 사건들을 조사하는 데 노력과 공공 자원을 들이는 것을 멈추고, 대신 그들의 관심을최근 범죄로 들리는 것을 의미한다.
⑫ Opponents of statutes of limitations see them as an irrelevance and call for the legal system to be updated accordingly. 공소시효를 반대하는 사람들은 그것을 부적절한 것으로 보며, 법제도가 시대에 맞게 갱신되어야 한다고 주장한다.
⑬ They point, first, to advances in scientific investigation. 그들은 첫째로 과학 수사에서의 진보를 지적한다.
⑭ Modern techniques used in evidence recovery and analysis mean that a crime can be proven long after it was committed. 증거 복원과 분석에 사용되는 현대 기술들은 범죄가행해진지 한참 뒤에도 증명될 수 있다는 것을 의미한다.
⑮ Secondly, they believe that certain crimes should never be sent to the unsolved file and that criminals should be made to pay for their crimes no matter what the circumstances are. 둘째로 그들은 특정 범죄들이 절대로 미결사건 파일로 분류되어서는 안 되며, 범인들은 반드시 자신의죄에 대한 대가를 치러야 한다고 믿는다.
⑯ Allowing the perpetrators of murder or child rape to escape unpunished, they argue, may even encourage such criminal behavior. 그들은 살인범이나 아동 성폭행범들이 처벌받지 않고 달아나게 두는 것은 그런 범죄 행위를 조장하는것일 수도 있다고 주장한다.
⑰ Whether legally or morally justifiable, statutes of limitations must at the very least reflect social interest. 법적으로 정당하든 도덕적으로 정당하든 간에 공소시효는 적어도 사회적 관심을 반영해야만 한다.
⑱ Lawmakers must remain mindful of the fact that punishment is a tool of social order, but that so too is faith in the law. 입법자들은 처벌이 사회 질서의 도구이기도 하지만법에 대한 신뢰 역시 그렇다는 사실을 반드시 유념해야 한다.




Unit 16. Law - Reading 2: TOEFL (Trial by Jury)
① In the U.S., as in many countries around the world, accused criminals are tried under a jury system. 전 세계의 여러 국가에서처럼 미국에서도 기소된 범죄자들은 배심원제도 하에서 재판을 받는다.
② A panel of ordinary citizens is charged with hearing the facts in a case and delivering a verdict. 일반인으로 구성된 배심원단은 소송 사건에서 사실들을 심리하고 평결을 내리는 일을 부여받는다.
③ A judge presides over the trial to ensure that all appropriate laws and rules of conduct are followed, but he or she does not interfere with the jury's decision. 판사가 모든 적법한 법률들과 행동 지침들이 잘 준수되도록 하기 위해 재판을 주재하지만 배심원의 결정에는 간섭하지 않는다.
④ Variations of this concept have been implemented since ancient times, but an early version of the modern jury system was introduced by the Magna Carta, an English document granting certain people the right to be tried before a group of their peers. 이러한 개념의 여러 가지 형태가 고대 이후로 실행되어 왔지만, 현대 배심원 제도의 초기 형태는 일부국민들에게 동료 집단 앞에서 재판을 받을 수 있는권리를 허용하는 영국 문서인 〈마그나카르타〉에 의해 도입되었다.
⑤ A jury is made up of individual jurors, in most instances numbering 12. 배심원단은 대부분의 경우 12명에 이르는 각각의배심원들로 구성된다.
⑥ The jurors listen to the testimonies and arguments presented by both the defense and prosecution, consider these facts, and agree on a verdict of either guilty or not guilty. 배심원들은 피고측과 기소자측 모두에 의해 제시되는 증언과 주장을 듣고 이러한 사실들을 고려해서유죄 또는 무죄 평결을 내린다.
⑦ Different situations dictate different requirements for reaching a verdict, ranging from a simple majority to a unanimous decision by the jury. 단순한 과반수에서부터 배심원단의 만장일치에 이르기까지, 상황에 따라 평결을 내리는데 요구되는조건들이 다르다.
⑧ American jurors are chosen at random from lists of registered voters and licensed drivers. 미국의 배심원들은 등록된 유권자와 면허가 있는 운전자 목록에서 무작위로 선발된다.
⑨ However, many people are excluded from jury duty - those whose jobs do not allow them to take the time to serve on a jury and people with medical conditions, criminal records, or conflicting religious beliefs. 그러나 많은 사람들이 배심원 자격에서 제외되는데,배심원단으로 봉사할 시간을 낼 수 없는 직업의 사람들과 질병 범죄 기록, 상충되는 종교적 믿음을 가진 사람들이다.
⑩ Potential jurors must also be examined to verify their lack of bias and outside interest in the case before they are accepted by the defense and prosecution. 예비 배심원들은 또한 피고측과 기소자 측에 의해인정되기에 앞서 소송 사건에 있어서 편견이나 외부적 이해관계가 없음을 증명하기 위해 조사를 받아야한다.
⑪ During the trial, jurors are forbidden from obtaining any information about the case outside of the trial setting. 재판 기간 동안 배심원들은 재판 장소 밖에서 소송사건에 대한 어떤 정보의 입수도 금지되어 있다.
⑫ This allows them to focus solely on the facts that are presented by the defense and prosecution. 이것은 그들로 하여금 피고측과 기소자측에 의해 제시된 사실들에만 집중하게 한다.
⑬ Once the trial is concluded, the jury assembles to deliberate on a verdict in the case. 일단 재판이 끝나면 배심원단은 소송 사건에 대한평결을 심의하기 위해 모인다.
⑭ There is no set time limit for deliberations, and American criminal trials require a unanimous decision, so juries have been known to take days to reach a verdict. 심의에 대해 정해진 기한은 없으며, 미국의 형사 재판은 만장일치의 판결을 요구해서 배심원단이 평결을 내리는 데 며칠이 걸리는 것으로 알려져 있다.
⑮ The jury system is seen as a vital part of democratic government, as it allows ordinary people to take part in the administration of justice. 배심원 제도는 일반인이 법의 집행에 참여할 수 있도록 허용하기 때문에 민주주의 정부의 필수 요소로보인다.
⑯ Because the selection process is random, juries represent a diverse and accurate sampling of local populations. 선발 과정이 무작위이기 때문에 배심원들은 지역 인구의 다양하고 정확한 표본을 나타낸다.
⑰ In this way, the criminal justice system is integrally connected to the community, not above or at odds with it. 이런 식으로 하여 형사 재판 제도는 지역사회의 우위에 있거나 지역사회와 대립하지 않고 긴밀하게 연계되어 있다.


