[고3] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 지문 요약 by ChatGPT 4.0
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[고3] 2023년 6월 모의고사 - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)
오늘은 2023년도 6월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서
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[고3 2023년 06월 – 18번: 공원 재개장 행사 및 무료 입장 안내]
Dear Custard Valley Park members, Custard Valley Park's grand reopening event will be held on June 1st. For this exciting occasion, we are offering free admission to all visitors on the reopening day. There will be a food stand selling ice cream and snacks. We would like to invite you, our valued members, to celebrate this event. Please come and explore the park's new features such as tennis courts and a flower garden. Just relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery. We are confident that you will love the new changes, and we are looking forward to seeing you soon.
Possible Titles:
1. Custard Valley Park Invites Members to the Grand Reopening Event
2. Celebrate Custard Valley Park's Reopening with Free Admission and New Attractions
3. Join the Festivities at Custard Valley Park's Grand Reopening on June 1st
4. Explore the New Tennis Courts and Flower Garden at Custard Valley Park's Reopening
Main Idea #1:
Custard Valley Park will offer free admission for its grand reopening event on June 1st.
Main Idea #2:
Members can enjoy new features like tennis courts and a flower garden, as well as refreshments from a food stand, at the reopening event.
Custard Valley Park's grand reopening on June 1st will feature free admission, new attractions like tennis courts and a flower garden, and ice cream and snacks for purchase. Members are warmly invited to explore the park's new features and enjoy the day.
Key Points:
1. Custard Valley Park's grand reopening will take place on June 1st.
2. Admission is free for all visitors on reopening day.
3. New features include tennis courts and a flower garden.
4. A food stand will sell ice cream and snacks during the event.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 19번: 자동차 수리 비용에 대한 걱정과 그 해소]
While the mechanic worked on her car, Jennifer walked back and forth in the waiting room. She was deeply concerned about how much it was going to cost to get her car fixed. Her car's engine had started making noises and kept losing power that morning, and she had heard that replacing an engine could be very expensive. After a few minutes, the mechanic came back into the waiting room. "I've got some good news. It was just a dirty spark plug. I already wiped it clean and your car is as good as new." He handed her the bill and when she checked it, the overall cost of repairs came to less than ten dollars. That was far less than she had expected and she felt at ease, knowing she could easily afford it.
Possible Titles:
1. Relief in the Waiting Room: How a Simple Fix Eased Jennifer's Concerns
2. From Anxiety to Ease: Jennifer's Unexpectedly Affordable Car Repair
3. When a Small Issue Solves a Big Worry: Jennifer's Car Repair Story
4. The Surprising Solution: How a Dirty Spark Plug Saved the Day
Main Idea #1:
Jennifer was anxious about the potential high cost of fixing her car's engine.
Main Idea #2:
The mechanic identified the problem as a dirty spark plug, which he quickly cleaned, resulting in a repair bill of less than ten dollars, much to Jennifer's relief.
Jennifer was worried about her car's engine issues, fearing an expensive repair. The mechanic found the problem to be a dirty spark plug and fixed it quickly, leaving Jennifer relieved as the bill came to less than ten dollars.
Key Points:
1. Jennifer's car had engine problems that made her worry about repair costs.
2. The mechanic discovered that the issue was just a dirty spark plug.
3. He cleaned the spark plug, bringing the total repair cost to under ten dollars.
4. Jennifer felt relieved and could easily afford the unexpectedly low bill.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 20번: 창의성 개발을 위한 분야 간 지식 전이의 필요성]
Certain hindrances to multifaceted creative activity may lie in premature specialization, i.e., having to choose the direction of education or to focus on developing one ability too early in life. However, development of creative ability in one domain may enhance effectiveness in other domains that require similar skills, and flexible switching between generality and specificity is helpful to productivity in many domains. Excessive specificity may result in information from outside the domain being underestimated and unavailable, which leads to fixedness of thinking, whereas excessive generality causes chaos, vagueness, and shallowness. Both tendencies pose a threat to the transfer of knowledge and skills between domains. What should therefore be optimal for the development of cross-domain creativity is support for young people in taking up creative challenges in a specific domain and coupling it with encouragement to apply knowledge and skills in, as well as from, other domains, disciplines, and tasks.
Possible Titles:
1. Balancing Specialization and Generality for Optimal Creative Development
2. How Premature Specialization Can Hinder Cross-Domain Creativity
3. Fostering Creative Flexibility Across Domains by Encouraging Exploration
4. Developing Cross-Domain Creativity: The Key to Overcoming Excessive Specialization
Main Idea #1:
Premature specialization can hinder creativity by narrowing focus too early, limiting cross-domain skill development.
Main Idea #2:
Combining specific training with the encouragement of cross-domain exploration supports creative growth, preventing the limitations of both excessive specialization and generality.
Premature specialization can hinder cross-domain creativity by limiting skill development, while too much generality leads to vagueness. Supporting creative challenges in one domain, while encouraging skill application across others, promotes optimal creativity.
Key Points:
1. Premature specialization limits creative potential by narrowing focus too soon.
2. Excessive specificity leads to rigid thinking and an inability to utilize cross-domain knowledge.
3. Excessive generality results in vague and shallow creative output.
4. Encouraging young people to engage in specific challenges while applying skills across domains fosters cross-domain creativity.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 21번: 소유권의 다양한 측면을 설명하는 '지분 다발' 은유]
Lawyers sometimes describe ownership as a bundle of sticks. This metaphor was introduced about a century ago, and it has dramatically transformed the teaching and practice of law. The metaphor is useful because it helps us see ownership as a grouping of interpersonal rights that can be separated and put back together. When you say It's mine in reference to a resource, often that means you own a lot of the sticks that make up the full bundle: the sell stick, the rent stick, the right to mortgage, license, give away, even destroy the thing. Often, though, we split the sticks up, as for a piece of land: there may be a landowner, a bank with a mortgage, a tenant with a lease, a plumber with a license to enter the land, an oil company with mineral rights. Each of these parties owns a stick in the bundle.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding Property Rights: Ownership as a Bundle of Sticks
2. The Bundle of Sticks Metaphor: A Modern Approach to Property Law
3. How Dividing Ownership Sticks Clarifies Property Rights
4. Splitting the Bundle: The Fragmentation of Property Ownership
Main Idea #1:
The "bundle of sticks" metaphor portrays ownership as a collection of rights that can be divided among different parties.
Main Idea #2:
In property law, the metaphor demonstrates how ownership rights can be split, allowing various parties to hold different rights, or "sticks," such as mortgage, lease, and mineral rights.
The "bundle of sticks" metaphor illustrates ownership as a set of rights that can be divided and shared among different parties. This approach, transformative in law, allows for the separation of rights, like leasing and licensing, ensuring each stakeholder controls their specific "stick" in the bundle.
Key Points:
1. The "bundle of sticks" metaphor helps explain the complexity of ownership rights.
2. Ownership rights include the ability to sell, rent, mortgage, or license a resource.
3. Different parties can own various rights (or "sticks") associated with a single property.
4. This metaphor has transformed how law is taught and practiced, clarifying property rights.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 22번: 온라인 정보에 대한 적절한 경계심의 필요성]
When it comes to the Internet, it just pays to be a little paranoid (but not a lot). Given the level of anonymity with all that resides on the Internet, it's sensible to question the validity of any data that you may receive. Typically it's to our natural instinct when we meet someone coming down a sidewalk to place yourself in some manner of protective position, especially when they introduce themselves as having known you, much to your surprise. By design, we set up challenges in which the individual must validate how they know us by presenting scenarios, names or acquaintances, or evidence by which to validate (that is, photographs). Once we have received that information and it has gone through a cognitive validation, we accept that person as more trustworthy. All this happens in a matter of minutes but is a natural defense mechanism that we perform in the real world. However, in the virtual world, we have a tendency to be less defensive, as there appears to be no physical threat to our well-being.
Possible Titles:
1. Balancing Caution and Trust: Navigating Anonymity on the Internet
2. Applying Real-World Defense Mechanisms to the Virtual World
3. Trust and Anonymity Online: Why a Little Paranoia is Useful
4. How Cognitive Validation Can Enhance Online Safety
Main Idea #1:
It's important to approach the Internet with a level of caution due to its anonymity and the questionable validity of the data received.
Main Idea #2:
In real life, people instinctively validate a stranger's identity before trusting them, but online interactions often lack similar defense mechanisms, as the absence of a physical threat makes people less cautious.
In the virtual world, where anonymity is prevalent, it's crucial to verify information and be cautiously skeptical. Unlike in real-life interactions, where natural defense mechanisms prompt people to validate strangers, the perceived lack of physical threat online often reduces users' defensive behavior.
Key Points:
1. The Internet's anonymity requires cautious scrutiny of information received.
2. In-person interactions involve validating strangers before trusting them.
3. Online, people are less defensive due to the absence of a physical threat.
4. Being moderately paranoid about data validity on the Internet is sensible.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 23번: 박물관의 전시 공간 중심 운영에 따른 문제점]
There are pressures within the museum that cause it to emphasise what happens in the galleries over the activities that take place in its unseen zones. In an era when museums are forced to increase their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door. In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their budgets often prioritise those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops. The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, are at best presented as service areas that process objects for the exhibition halls. And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and serve their complex conservation needs.
Possible Titles:
1. Balancing Visibility and Preservation: The Hidden Struggles of Museum Storage
2. How Museums Sacrifice Storage for Gallery Appeal in a Competitive Economy
3. The Pressure to Modernize: How Museums Neglect Conservation Needs
4. Behind the Scenes: Why Museum Storage Suffers in Favor of Public Galleries
Main Idea #1:
Museums prioritize their public galleries and exhibitions due to economic pressures, often neglecting their less visible storage and conservation needs.
Main Idea #2:
The focus on modernizing galleries and creating infotainment for visitors can lead to inadequate resources and space for storerooms, leaving them underfunded and overshadowed.
Museums, aiming to attract more visitors and boost earnings, emphasize gallery exhibitions and consumer services while neglecting the storerooms. The hidden areas are often underfunded, inadequately modernized, and given less space for expanding collections and conservation needs.
Key Points:
1. Museums face economic pressures to focus on publicly visible galleries.
2. Modernizing galleries and mounting temporary exhibitions attract more visitors.
3. Storerooms are often overshadowed and underfunded, viewed only as service areas.
4. Conservation and storage needs are frequently compromised due to budget priorities.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 24번: 도시화로 인한 이동성 증가와 그에 따른 문제점]
Hyper-mobility ― the notion that more travel at faster speeds covering longer distances generates greater economic success ― seems to be a distinguishing feature of urban areas, where more than half of the world's population currently reside. By 2005, approximately 7.5 billion trips were made each day in cities worldwide. In 2050, there may be three to four times as many passenger-kilometres travelled as in the year 2000, infrastructure and energy prices permitting. Freight movement could also rise more than threefold during the same period. Mobility flows have become a key dynamic of urbanization, with the associated infrastructure invariably constituting the backbone of urban form. Yet, despite the increasing level of urban mobility worldwide, access to places, activities and services has become increasingly difficult. Not only is it less convenient ― in terms of time, cost and comfort ― to access locations in cities, but the very process of moving around in cities generates a number of negative externalities. Accordingly, many of the world's cities face an unprecedented accessibility crisis, and are characterized by unsustainable mobility systems.
Possible Titles:
1. Hyper-Mobility and Its Challenges: The Accessibility Crisis in Urban Areas
2. How Hyper-Mobility Leads to Unsustainable Urban Transportation Systems
3. Urban Accessibility Crisis: The Consequences of Rapid Mobility Growth
4. Navigating Hyper-Mobility: Balancing Economic Growth and Sustainable Access in Cities
Main Idea #1:
Hyper-mobility, characterized by faster travel over longer distances, is a feature of urban areas where most of the world's population resides.
Main Idea #2:
Despite the rapid growth in urban travel, cities face an unprecedented accessibility crisis due to negative externalities like time, cost, and congestion, leading to unsustainable mobility systems.
Hyper-mobility defines urban areas where rapid, long-distance travel is linked to economic growth. Despite this increase, cities struggle with an accessibility crisis due to congestion, cost, and time, making mobility systems unsustainable.
Key Points:
1. Hyper-mobility is a defining feature of urban areas, with rapid travel linked to economic success.
2. Urban travel is expected to increase significantly by 2050, for both passengers and freight.
3. Despite the growth in mobility, cities face accessibility issues like time, cost, and congestion.
4. These challenges have led to unsustainable urban mobility systems globally.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 25번: 2017년 EU 국가별 연령대에 따른 관광 참여 비율 그래프]
The above graph shows the share of the EU-28 population participating in tourism in 2017 by age group and destination category. The share of people in the No Trips category was over 30% in each of the five age groups. The percentage of people in the Outbound Trips Only category was higher in the 25-34 age group than in the 35-44 age group. In the 35-44 age group, the percentage of people in the Domestic Trips Only category was 34.2%. The percentage of people in the Domestic & Outbound Trips category was lower in the 45-54 age group than in the 55-64 age group. In the 65 or over age group, the percentage of people in the No Trips category was more than 50%.
Possible Titles:
1. EU-28 Tourism Participation in 2017: Comparing Age Groups and Destinations
2. Analyzing Tourism Patterns in the EU-28 by Age and Destination in 2017
3. Tourism Trends Among EU-28 Age Groups: Domestic vs. Outbound Travel in 2017
4. Understanding EU-28 Tourism Preferences in 2017 Across Different Age Groups
Main Idea #1:
In 2017, over 30% of people in each EU-28 age group didn't travel, with the 65 and over group seeing more than 50% in the No Trips category.
Main Idea #2:
Outbound-only travel was more common among those aged 25-34 than 35-44, while the 35-44 group had a 34.2% participation rate in domestic-only trips. Combined domestic and outbound travel was less frequent in the 45-54 age group than in the 55-64 group.
In 2017, more than 30% of EU-28 residents in each age group did not travel, with the rate exceeding 50% among those 65 and over. Outbound-only travel was higher in the 25-34 group than in the 35-44 group, where domestic-only travel was at 34.2%. The 45-54 age group traveled less domestically and abroad compared to those aged 55-64.
Key Points:
1. Over 30% of each EU-28 age group didn't travel, with over 50% among those 65 or older.
2. Outbound-only travel was higher in the 25-34 group than in the 35-44 group.
3. The 35-44 age group saw 34.2% taking domestic-only trips.
4. Combined domestic and outbound travel was less common in the 45-54 age group than in the 55-64 group.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 26번: 영화감독 장 르노아르의 생애 소개]
Jean Renoir (1894-1979), a French film director, was born in Paris, France. He was the son of the famous painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir. He and the rest of the Renoir family were the models of many of his father's paintings. At the outbreak of World War I, Jean Renoir was serving in the French army but was wounded in the leg. In 1937, he made La Grande Illusion, one of his better-known films. It was enormously successful but was not allowed to show in Germany. During World War II, when the Nazis invaded France in 1940, he went to Hollywood in the United States and continued his career there. He was awarded numerous honors and awards throughout his career, including the Academy Honorary Award in 1975 for his lifetime achievements in the film industry. Overall, Jean Renoir's influence as a film-maker and artist endures.
Possible Titles:
1. The Legacy and Achievements of Director Jean Renoir
2. Jean Renoir: From World War I Soldier to Acclaimed Filmmaker
3. Artistic and Cinematic Influences of Jean Renoir's Career
4. Jean Renoir's Hollywood Journey and Lifetime Achievements
Main Idea #1:
Jean Renoir made significant contributions to cinema, creating acclaimed films like *La Grande Illusion*.
Main Idea #2:
Despite early challenges, including injuries during World War I and displacement during World War II, Jean Renoir successfully continued his filmmaking career in the United States, receiving multiple awards and recognition for his lasting impact on cinema.
Jean Renoir, the son of painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, was wounded in World War I before directing many influential films like *La Grande Illusion*. He moved to Hollywood during World War II and was honored with the Academy Honorary Award for his lifetime achievements.
Key Points:
1. Jean Renoir was born in Paris and modeled for his father's paintings.
2. He was injured in World War I while serving in the French army.
3. He directed *La Grande Illusion* in 1937, a critically acclaimed film.
4. After relocating to Hollywood in 1940, he received the Academy Honorary Award in 1975.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 29번: 마법사 오즈의 이야기에 담긴 동기 부여의 의미]
Consider The Wizard of Oz as a psychological study of motivation. Dorothy and her three friends work hard to get to the Emerald City, overcoming barriers, persisting against all adversaries. They do so because they expect the Wizard to give them what they are missing. Instead, the wonderful (and wise) Wizard makes them aware that they, not he, always had the power to fulfill their wishes. For Dorothy, home is not a place but a feeling of security, of comfort with people she loves; it is wherever her heart is. The courage the Lion wants, the intelligence the Scarecrow longs for, and the emotions the Tin Man dreams of are attributes they already possess. They need to think about these attributes not as internal conditions but as positive ways in which they are already relating to others. After all, didn't they demonstrate those qualities on the journey to Oz, a journey motivated by little more than an expectation, an idea about the future likelihood of getting something they wanted?
Possible Titles:
1. Psychological Insights into Motivation from The Wizard of Oz
2. Exploring Self-Realization and Expectation in The Wizard of Oz
3. How The Wizard of Oz Reflects Motivation and Self-Belief
4. Understanding Dorothy and Friends' Journey as a Study in Motivation
Main Idea #1:
The Wizard of Oz explores the characters' realization that they already possess the traits they seek.
Main Idea #2:
Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion are motivated to reach the Emerald City, driven by the belief that the Wizard can grant their wishes, only to discover that their desired attributes already exist within them.
In *The Wizard of Oz*, Dorothy and her friends are motivated to find the Wizard to fulfill their wishes but learn that they already possess the qualities they seek, which are revealed through their actions and relationships during the journey.
Key Points:
1. Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion believe the Wizard can grant them missing qualities.
2. They already exhibit these qualities during their journey to the Emerald City.
3. The Wizard helps them recognize their existing inner strengths.
4. Motivation is driven by their belief in a future outcome rather than the immediate present.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 30번: 기계 지능의 자율성 수준에 대한 설명]
To the extent that an agent relies on the prior knowledge of its designer rather than on its own percepts, we say that the agent lacks autonomy. A rational agent should be autonomous ― it should learn what it can to compensate for partial or incorrect prior knowledge. For example, a vacuum-cleaning agent that learns to foresee where and when additional dirt will appear will do better than one that does not. As a practical matter, one seldom requires complete autonomy from the start: when the agent has had little or no experience, it would have to act randomly unless the designer gave some assistance. So, just as evolution provides animals with enough built-in reflexes to survive long enough to learn for themselves, it would be reasonable to provide an artificial intelligent agent with some initial knowledge as well as an ability to learn. After sufficient experience of its environment, the behavior of a rational agent can become effectively independent of its prior knowledge. Hence, the incorporation of learning allows one to design a single rational agent that will succeed in a vast variety of environments.
Possible Titles:
1. The Importance of Learning for Autonomous Rational Agents
2. Balancing Prior Knowledge and Learning in Rational Agent Design
3. Building Rational Agents with Effective Learning Capabilities
4. Achieving Autonomy in Artificial Intelligent Agents Through Learning
Main Idea #1:
Agents that depend solely on prior knowledge lack autonomy, emphasizing the need for learning to improve rationality.
Main Idea #2:
Initial guidance combined with autonomous learning enables rational agents to adapt to various environments and eventually act independently of their initial programming.
Agents require some initial knowledge to avoid random behavior early on, but learning capabilities are crucial to achieving autonomy, allowing rational agents to adapt and function effectively in diverse environments.
Key Points:
1. Prior knowledge alone limits an agent's autonomy.
2. Learning helps agents correct partial or incorrect initial knowledge.
3. Initial guidance is important for inexperienced agents.
4. Through learning, rational agents adapt and thrive in diverse environments.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 31번: 물질적 소비에서 라이프스타일 소비로의 전환]
People have always needed to eat, and they always will. Rising emphasis on self-expression values does not put an end to material desires. But prevailing economic orientations are gradually being reshaped. People who work in the knowledge sector continue to seek high salaries, but they place equal or greater emphasis on doing stimulating work and being able to follow their own time schedules. Consumption is becoming progressively less determined by the need for sustenance and the practical use of the goods consumed. People still eat, but a growing component of food's value is determined by its nonmaterial aspects. People pay a premium to eat exotic cuisines that provide an interesting experience or that symbolize a distinctive life-style. The publics of postindustrial societies place growing emphasis on "political consumerism," such as boycotting goods whose production violates ecological or ethical standards. Consumption is less and less a matter of sustenance and more and more a question of life-style ― and choice.
Possible Titles:
1. Transitioning Economic Priorities: From Material Needs to Lifestyle Choices
2. The Shifting Values in Consumption: Political Consumerism and Lifestyle Emphasis
3. Redefining Consumption: From Sustenance to Self-Expression and Ethics
4. How Self-Expression Shapes Economic Orientations in Postindustrial Societies
Main Idea #1:
Economic orientations are shifting towards valuing stimulating work, flexible schedules, and nonmaterial aspects of consumption.
Main Idea #2:
In postindustrial societies, consumption increasingly reflects lifestyle choices, with people prioritizing ethical standards and unique experiences, often paying premiums for goods that symbolize a distinctive lifestyle.
In postindustrial societies, people prioritize stimulating work and nonmaterial consumption. Increasingly, they choose goods that align with lifestyle preferences and ethical standards rather than focusing solely on sustenance or practical utility.
Key Points:
1. Workers in the knowledge sector value flexible schedules and stimulating work.
2. Nonmaterial aspects influence people's food consumption choices.
3. Consumers often pay more for unique cuisine or lifestyle symbolism.
4. Political consumerism encourages avoiding goods that violate ecological or ethical standards.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 32번: 노동 분담 집단의 상부상조 정신]
In labor-sharing groups, people contribute labor to other people on a regular basis (for seasonal agricultural work such as harvesting) or on an irregular basis (in the event of a crisis such as the need to rebuild a barn damaged by fire). Labor sharing groups are part of what has been called a "moral economy" since no one keeps formal records on how much any family puts in or takes out. Instead, accounting is socially regulated. The group has a sense of moral community based on years of trust and sharing. In a certain community of North America, labor sharing is a major economic factor of social cohesion. When a family needs a new barn or faces repair work that requires group labor, a barn-raising party is called. Many families show up to help. Adult men provide manual labor, and adult women provide food for the event. Later, when another family needs help, they call on the same people.
Possible Titles:
1. Moral Economy and Social Cohesion in Labor-Sharing Communities
2. Labor Sharing Groups: The Role of Trust and Reciprocity in Community Building
3. Social Cohesion through Labor Sharing: The Tradition of Barn-Raising Parties
4. How Informal Labor Sharing Sustains Communities through Trust and Reciprocity
Main Idea #1:
Labor-sharing groups operate on principles of trust and reciprocity, with contributions governed by a shared sense of moral obligation.
Main Idea #2:
In a North American community, labor sharing fosters social cohesion through events like barn-raising parties, where families provide mutual assistance in times of need without keeping formal accounts.
Labor-sharing groups, relying on mutual trust and moral obligation, bring communities together through barn-raising events where families help one another with manual labor or food, fostering social cohesion and solidarity.
Key Points:
1. Labor-sharing groups operate on regular and irregular bases, depending on needs.
2. These groups function without formal accounting, relying on shared moral values.
3. Barn-raising parties involve men providing labor and women supplying food.
4. The practice strengthens community ties through mutual assistance and reciprocity.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 33번: 예술과 과학이 현실을 바라보는 상반된 태도]
Whatever their differences, scientists and artists begin with the same question: can you and I see the same thing the same way? If so, how? The scientific thinker looks for features of the thing that can be stripped of subjectivity ― ideally, those aspects that can be quantified and whose values will thus never change from one observer to the next. In this way, he arrives at a reality independent of all observers. The artist, on the other hand, relies on the strength of her artistry to effect a marriage between her own subjectivity and that of her readers. To a scientific thinker, this must sound like magical thinking: you're saying you will imagine something so hard it'll pop into someone else's head exactly the way you envision it? The artist has sought the opposite of the scientist's observer-independent reality. She creates a reality dependent upon observers, indeed a reality in which human beings must participate in order for it to exist at all.
Possible Titles:
1. Contrasting Perspectives: How Scientists and Artists Approach Reality
2. The Diverging Realities of Scientists and Artists: Objectivity vs. Subjectivity
3. Exploring the Observer-Dependent and Independent Realities of Art and Science
4. How Scientists and Artists Perceive and Create Different Forms of Reality
Main Idea #1:
Scientists strive to identify observer-independent features, aiming for a reality that remains constant across all perspectives.
Main Idea #2:
Artists rely on their creativity to bridge the gap between their subjective vision and their audience's, creating a reality that is dependent on the observer's participation.
Scientists seek an objective reality that is observer-independent, while artists create subjective realities that rely on shared imagination with their audience, presenting contrasting ways of seeing and understanding the world.
Key Points:
1. Scientists focus on quantifiable features that remain constant across observers.
2. Artists blend their subjective vision with that of their audience to create a shared reality.
3. Scientists and artists differ in their approaches to reality: one seeks objectivity, the other subjectivity.
4. Art requires active audience participation for the imagined reality to exist.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 34번: 감각 지각과 이성적 인식의 차이]
One of the common themes of the Western philosophical tradition is the distinction between sensual perceptions and rational knowledge. Since Plato, the supremacy of rational reason is based on the assertion that it is able to extract true knowledge from experience. As the discussion in the Republic helps to explain, perceptions are inherently unreliable and misleading because the senses are subject to errors and illusions. Only the rational discourse has the tools to overcome illusions and to point towards true knowledge. For instance, perception suggests that a figure in the distance is smaller than it really is. Yet, the application of logical reasoning will reveal that the figure only appears small because it obeys the laws of geometrical perspective. Nevertheless, even after the perspectival correction is applied and reason concludes that perception is misleading, the figure still appears small, and the truth of the matter is revealed not in the perception of the figure but in its rational representation.
Possible Titles:
1. The Divide Between Sensory Perception and Rational Knowledge in Western Philosophy
2. Plato's Republic: How Rational Discourse Unveils True Knowledge Beyond Illusions
3. Understanding the Supremacy of Rational Reason Over Sensory Perception
4. Rational Knowledge vs. Sensory Perception: The Philosophical Legacy of Plato
Main Idea #1:
Western philosophy distinguishes between sensory perception and rational knowledge, emphasizing the supremacy of rational reasoning.
Main Idea #2:
Plato's *Republic* illustrates how rational discourse reveals true knowledge by correcting the illusions presented by sensory perception, such as when logical reasoning explains the geometrical perspective of a distant figure.
Western philosophy, since Plato, asserts that rational reasoning can reveal true knowledge by correcting the illusions of sensory perception, as shown when logical reasoning identifies perspective laws affecting distant figures.
Key Points:
1. Western philosophy emphasizes a distinction between sensory perception and rational knowledge.
2. Plato's *Republic* argues that senses are inherently unreliable.
3. Rational reasoning reveals true knowledge by correcting perceptual illusions.
4. The appearance of a distant figure is explained through the laws of geometrical perspective.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 35번: 전문가와 초심자의 인지 부하 차이]
Interestingly, experts do not suffer as much as beginners when performing complex tasks or combining multiple tasks. Because experts have extensive practice within a limited domain, the key component skills in their domain tend to be highly practiced and more automated. Each of these highly practiced skills then demands relatively few cognitive resources, effectively lowering the total cognitive load that experts experience. Thus, experts can perform complex tasks and combine multiple tasks relatively easily. This is not because they necessarily have more cognitive resources than beginners; rather, because of the high level of fluency they have achieved in performing key skills, they can do more with what they have. Beginners, on the other hand, have not achieved the same degree of fluency and automaticity in each of the component skills, and thus they struggle to combine skills that experts combine with relative ease and efficiency.
Possible Titles:
1. How Expertise Reduces Cognitive Load During Complex Tasks
2. The Role of Skill Fluency in Expert Performance of Complex Tasks
3. Comparing Experts and Beginners: The Impact of Practice on Cognitive Resources
4. Automaticity and Fluency: How Experts Manage Multiple Tasks with Ease
Main Idea #1:
Experts have practiced and automated key skills in their domain, reducing the cognitive resources needed for complex tasks.
Main Idea #2:
Experts perform complex tasks more efficiently than beginners, not due to greater cognitive resources, but because their well-practiced skills require less mental effort.
Experts handle complex tasks efficiently due to their practiced and automated skills, which lower their cognitive load, while beginners struggle because they haven't yet achieved the same level of fluency and automaticity.
Key Points:
1. Experts have extensively practiced their skills within a limited domain.
2. Their automated skills require fewer cognitive resources, reducing cognitive load.
3. Experts do not possess more cognitive resources than beginners but use them more efficiently.
4. Beginners find it harder to combine skills due to a lack of fluency and practice.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 36번: 소프트웨어 버그 증가가 안전에 미치는 영향]
The growing complexity of computer software has direct implications for our global safety and security, particularly as the physical objects upon which we depend ― things like cars, airplanes, bridges, tunnels, and implantable medical devices ― transform themselves into computer code. Physical things are increasingly becoming information technologies. Cars are "computers we ride in," and airplanes are nothing more than "flying Solaris boxes attached to bucketfuls of industrial control systems." As all this code grows in size and complexity, so too do the number of errors and software bugs. According to a study by Carnegie Mellon University, commercial software typically has twenty to thirty bugs for every thousand lines of code ― 50 million lines of code means 1 million to 1.5 million potential errors to be exploited. This is the basis for all malware attacks that take advantage of these computer bugs to get the code to do something it was not originally intended to do. As computer code grows more elaborate, software bugs flourish and security suffers, with increasing consequences for society at large.
Possible Titles:
1. The Risks of Software Complexity on Global Safety and Security
2. How Software Bugs in Information Technologies Threaten Society's Security
3. Understanding Malware Vulnerabilities in an Increasingly Digital World
4. From Cars to Airplanes: How Software Bugs Impact Physical Technologies
Main Idea #1:
The increasing complexity of computer software directly affects global safety as physical objects depend more on code.
Main Idea #2:
As software code expands, the prevalence of bugs and errors makes critical systems vulnerable to malware attacks, posing a significant threat to society's safety and security.
With physical technologies becoming more reliant on complex software, bugs and errors in the growing lines of code pose significant safety and security risks, making systems vulnerable to malware attacks that exploit these flaws.
Key Points:
1. Physical technologies like cars and airplanes increasingly rely on complex software.
2. As software grows, so do errors, averaging 20 to 30 bugs per thousand lines of code.
3. Malware exploits these bugs to manipulate the code for unintended purposes.
4. The growing complexity of code amplifies global safety and security risks.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 37번: 체면 손상에 대한 사과 의미로서의 얼굴 붉힘]
Darwin saw blushing as uniquely human, representing an involuntary physical reaction caused by embarrassment and self-consciousness in a social environment. If we feel awkward, embarrassed or ashamed when we are alone, we don't blush; it seems to be caused by our concern about what others are thinking of us. Studies have confirmed that simply being told you are blushing brings it on. We feel as though others can see through our skin and into our mind. However, while we sometimes want to disappear when we involuntarily go bright red, psychologists argue that blushing actually serves a positive social purpose. When we blush, it's a signal to others that we recognize that a social norm has been broken; it is an apology for a faux pas. Maybe our brief loss of face benefits the long-term cohesion of the group. Interestingly, if someone blushes after making a social mistake, they are viewed in a more favourable light than those who don't blush.
Possible Titles:
1. The Positive Social Impact of Blushing in Human Interaction
2. Darwin's Observations on Blushing and Its Role in Social Norms
3. The Apologetic Nature of Blushing and Its Effect on Social Cohesion
4. Understanding How Blushing Reinforces Social Bonds Despite Embarrassment
Main Idea #1:
Blushing is a uniquely human, involuntary response triggered by embarrassment and self-consciousness in social settings.
Main Idea #2:
Blushing serves a positive social role by signaling recognition of a broken norm and serving as a nonverbal apology, which helps maintain group cohesion and fosters a more favorable perception of the blusher.
Blushing, an involuntary reaction to social embarrassment, signals recognition of a faux pas and functions as a nonverbal apology, ultimately reinforcing social bonds and eliciting a more favorable perception of those who blush.
Key Points:
1. Blushing is uniquely human and is linked to social embarrassment.
2. It is an involuntary signal that acknowledges a social norm has been broken.
3. This nonverbal apology benefits long-term group cohesion.
4. People who blush after a mistake are viewed more favorably than those who don't.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 38번: 제도와 관행의 내재화 과정]
As particular practices are repeated over time and become more widely shared, the values that they embody are reinforced and reproduced and we speak of them as becoming 'institutionalized'. In some cases, this institutionalization has a formal face to it, with rules and protocols written down, and specialized roles created to ensure that procedures are followed correctly. The main institutions of state ― parliament, courts, police and so on ― along with certain of the professions, exhibit this formal character. Other social institutions, perhaps the majority, are not like this; science is an example. Although scientists are trained in the substantive content of their discipline, they are not formally instructed in 'how to be a good scientist'. Instead, much like the young child learning how to play 'nicely', the apprentice scientist gains his or her understanding of the moral values inherent in the role by absorption from their colleagues ― socialization. We think that these values, along with the values that inform many of the professions, are under threat, just as the value of the professions themselves is under threat.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding Institutionalization: How Repeated Practices Shape Social Values
2. Formal and Informal Aspects of Institutionalization in Social Practices
3. The Role of Socialization in Shaping Scientific and Professional Values
4. The Impact of Institutionalization on Professional and Scientific Norms
Main Idea #1:
Institutionalization reinforces specific values through the repetition of practices, with some institutions formalized through explicit rules and others guided informally.
Main Idea #2:
While formal institutions have clear rules and protocols, scientists learn values through socialization with colleagues, but these values are increasingly under threat, as is the integrity of the professions.
Institutionalization, through repeated practices, reinforces values, either through formal rules or informal socialization. Although scientists learn their professional values informally, these values, along with those of other professions, face significant challenges.
Key Points:
1. Institutionalization occurs as values are reinforced through repeated practices.
2. Formal institutions have explicit rules and specialized roles.
3. Scientists internalize values through socialization rather than formal instruction.
4. Professional values are increasingly under threat, endangering their integrity.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 39번: 숲 전체와 개별 나무 사이의 상호의존성]
When trees grow together, nutrients and water can be optimally divided among them all so that each tree can grow into the best tree it can be. If you "help" individual trees by getting rid of their supposed competition, the remaining trees are bereft. They send messages out to their neighbors unsuccessfully, because nothing remains but stumps. Every tree now grows on its own, giving rise to great differences in productivity. Some individuals photosynthesize like mad until sugar positively bubbles along their trunk. As a result, they are fit and grow better, but they aren't particularly long-lived. This is because a tree can be only as strong as the forest that surrounds it. And there are now a lot of losers in the forest. Weaker members, who would once have been supported by the stronger ones, suddenly fall behind. Whether the reason for their decline is their location and lack of nutrients, a passing sickness, or genetic makeup, they now fall prey to insects and fungi.
Possible Titles:
1. The Importance of Forest Unity: How Tree Collaboration Supports Health and Longevity
2. Understanding How Tree Cooperation Promotes Growth and Reduces Vulnerability
3. The Consequences of Isolating Trees: Increased Susceptibility and Reduced Productivity
4. The Dangers of Isolation: Why Individual Trees Rely on the Collective Support of Forests
Main Idea #1:
Trees thrive when growing together, as resources are optimally shared among them, enhancing the health and longevity of the entire forest.
Main Idea #2:
Isolated trees, left without neighboring support, may initially grow stronger but are more vulnerable to diseases and pests, demonstrating that the well-being of individual trees is closely tied to the health of the surrounding forest.
Trees rely on collective growth, as isolating individual trees leads to vulnerability and health decline due to the absence of shared resources, support, and protection.
Key Points:
1. Nutrients and water are optimally shared among trees that grow together.
2. Isolating trees increases differences in productivity and reduces overall health.
3. Isolated trees become more susceptible to diseases, pests, and fungi.
4. A tree's strength is inherently linked to the surrounding forest's health.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 40번: 진화의 결과물이 최적의 상태는 아님]
The evolutionary process works on the genetic variation that is available. It follows that natural selection is unlikely to lead to the evolution of perfect, 'maximally fit' individuals. Rather, organisms come to match their environments by being 'the fittest available' or 'the fittest yet': they are not 'the best imaginable'. Part of the lack of fit arises because the present properties of an organism have not all originated in an environment similar in every respect to the one in which it now lives. Over the course of its evolutionary history, an organism's remote ancestors may have evolved a set of characteristics ― evolutionary 'baggage' ― that subsequently constrain future evolution. For many millions of years, the evolution of vertebrates has been limited to what can be achieved by organisms with a vertebral column. Moreover, much of what we now see as precise matches between an organism and its environment may equally be seen as constraints: koala bears live successfully on Eucalyptus foliage, but, from another perspective, koala bears cannot live without Eucalyptus foliage.
Possible Titles:
1. How Evolutionary Constraints Shape Organisms' Adaptation to Their Environment
2. Understanding Evolutionary "Baggage": Constraints on the Evolution of Vertebrates
3. The Fittest Yet: How Genetic Variation Limits Evolutionary Perfection
4. Environmental Matching in Evolution: Imperfect Adaptation and the Role of Constraints
Main Idea #1:
Natural selection favors organisms that are the fittest available within the constraints of existing genetic variation and evolutionary history.
Main Idea #2:
Organisms' adaptations to their environments are not perfect due to evolutionary "baggage," which constrains future evolution and limits adaptability to specific ecological niches.
Natural selection leads to the evolution of organisms that are the fittest available, not perfectly adapted, due to inherited evolutionary constraints, which shape their ability to adapt to specific environments.
Key Points:
1. Natural selection works with the genetic variation currently available.
2. Organisms evolve with constraints from characteristics inherited from their ancestors.
3. Evolutionary "baggage" limits future adaptation to some extent.
4. Koala bears, for instance, depend on Eucalyptus foliage, representing both adaptation and constraint.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 41~42번: 협상에서 고정 관념에 사로잡히면 통합적 해결책을 찾기 어려움]
Many negotiators assume that all negotiations involve a fixed pie. Negotiators often approach integrative negotiation opportunities as zero-sum situations or win-lose exchanges. Those who believe in the mythical fixed pie assume that parties' interests stand in opposition, with no possibility for integrative settlements and mutually beneficial trade-offs, so they suppress efforts to search for them. In a hiring negotiation, a job applicant who assumes that salary is the only issue may insist on $75,000 when the employer is offering $70,000. Only when the two parties discuss the possibilities further do they discover that moving expenses and starting date can also be negotiated, which may facilitate resolution of the salary issue. The tendency to see negotiation in fixed-pie terms varies depending on how people view the nature of a given conflict situation. This was shown in a clever experiment by Harinck, de Dreu, and Van Vianen involving a simulated negotiation between prosecutors and defense lawyers over jail sentences. Some participants were told to view their goals in terms of personal gain (e.g., arranging a particular jail sentence will help your career), others were told to view their goals in terms of effectiveness (a particular sentence is most likely to prevent recidivism), and still others were told to focus on values (a particular jail sentence is fair and just). Negotiators focusing on personal gain were most likely to come under the influence of fixed-pie beliefs and approach the situation competitively. Negotiators focusing on values were least likely to see the problem in fixed-pie terms and more inclined to approach the situation cooperatively. Stressful conditions such as time constraints contribute to this common misperception, which in turn may lead to less integrative agreements.
Possible Titles:
1. Understanding the Myth of the Fixed Pie in Negotiation
2. Exploring the Impact of Mindsets on Negotiation Outcomes and Cooperation
3. Moving Beyond Fixed-Pie Beliefs for More Integrative Negotiation Strategies
4. How Values-Based Thinking Encourages Cooperative Solutions in Negotiations
Main Idea #1:
Negotiators often mistakenly view all negotiations as zero-sum games, assuming opposing interests and ignoring opportunities for integrative solutions.
Main Idea #2:
Negotiators' perspectives influence their approach to conflict resolution, with those focused on values more likely to seek cooperative solutions, while those driven by personal gain tend to fall into fixed-pie thinking.
Negotiators frequently perceive negotiations as win-lose scenarios, driven by fixed-pie thinking, but research shows that value-based perspectives promote cooperative solutions, while those focused on personal gain are more competitive.
Key Points:
1. Fixed-pie thinking leads to suppressing efforts to find mutually beneficial trade-offs.
2. Salary isn't always the sole issue in hiring negotiations; other factors like moving expenses can resolve conflicts.
3. Harinck, de Dreu, and Van Vianen's experiment showed negotiators focused on values are more cooperative.
4. Time constraints can reinforce fixed-pie thinking, reducing integrative agreements.
[고3 2023년 06월 – 43~45번: 아버지 생일 선물 분실 후 카페에서 되찾은 경험]
When invited by her mother to go shopping after lunch, Ellen hesitantly replied, "Sorry, Mom. I have an English essay assignment I need to finish." Her mother persisted, "Come on! Your father's birthday is just around the corner, and you wanted to buy his birthday present by yourself." Ellen suddenly realized that her father's birthday was just two days away. So she altered her original plan to do the assignment in the library and decided to go to the shopping mall with her mother. Upon arrival at the shopping center, her mother inquired, "Ellen, have you decided what to buy for his birthday present?" She quickly replied, "I would like to buy him a pair of soccer shoes." Ellen knew that her father had joined the morning soccer club recently and needed some new soccer shoes. She entered a shoe store and selected a pair of red soccer shoes. After buying the present, she told her mother, "Mom, now, I'm going to do my assignment in the cafe while you are shopping." Ellen wanted to get a strawberry smoothie in the cafe, but it was sold out. So she bought a yogurt smoothie instead. The cafe was not very busy for a Saturday afternoon, and Ellen settled at a large table to work on her assignment. However, after a while, a group of students came in, and there weren't any large tables left. One of them came over to Ellen's table and politely asked, "Could you possibly move to that smaller table?" Ellen replied, "It's okay. I was just leaving anyway." She hurriedly gathered her assignment leaving the shoe bag behind under the table. "It must be in the cafe," Ellen suddenly exclaimed when she realized the gift for her father was missing upon returning home. She felt so disheartened, worrying it would be impossible to find it. "Why don't you call the cafe?" suggested her mother. When she phoned the cafe and asked about the shoe bag, the manager said that she would check and let her know. After a few minutes, she called back and told Ellen that she had just discovered it. Ellen was so pleased that the birthday gift had been found.
Possible Titles:
1. Ellen's Journey: A Misplaced Birthday Gift and Finding Solutions
2. Navigating Surprises and Solutions: Ellen's Shopping and Assignment Day
3. Balancing Priorities: How Ellen Found Her Father's Birthday Gift
4. From Essay Plans to Birthday Gifts: Ellen's Unintended Adventure
Main Idea #1:
Ellen initially hesitates to go shopping but adjusts her plans to find a gift for her father.
Main Idea #2:
Ellen successfully buys soccer shoes for her father but leaves them behind at a café, and, with the manager's help, finds them again.
Ellen decides to buy a birthday present for her father, chooses red soccer shoes, and leaves them in a café by mistake. Fortunately, the manager helps her retrieve them, and she feels relieved.
Key Points:
1. Ellen chooses to shop with her mother for her father's birthday instead of doing her assignment.
2. She selects a pair of red soccer shoes for her father's birthday.
3. After accidentally leaving the shoes in a café, she calls to recover them with the manager's assistance.
4. Ellen feels pleased and relieved when she successfully retrieves the gift.