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[고3] 2023년 4월 모의고사 - 제목 요지 서머리 정리 (전지문).pdf
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[고3] 2023년 4월 모의고사 (5월 시행) - 한줄해석 (좌지문 우해석)

2023년도 4월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석(좌지문 우해석) 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 전지문 작업했습니다.PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다. 필요에 따라 변형해서 사용하세



[고3] 2023년 4월 모의고사 (5월 시행) - 한줄해석

2023년도 4월 고3 영어 모의고사>의 한줄해석 자료 올립니다.설명문/실용문을 제외한 모든 지문을 포함했습니다. 자료는 PDF와 워드 파일 모두 올립니다.  지문 분석하거나 자료 제작하실 





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[3] 2023 04  18: 법학교수가 인턴 지원 학생을 추천하는 추천서


To whom it may concern, I am writing this letter in regard to Sona Lee applying for an internship in your law firm. I have gotten to know her over the past year, as a student in my Contracts course. The assignments she completed were excellent, and demonstrated a thorough understanding of contract law. She also has remarkable energy and interpersonal skills. She represents her class on the law school's student council and has taken on this responsibility with spirit, interacting with students effectively. I support her application wholeheartedly. Sincerely yours, Conan Stevenson



Possible Titles:

1. Recommendation Letter for Sona Lee's Law Internship Application

2. Endorsement of Sona Lee's Skills and Qualifications for a Legal Internship

3. Detailed Appraisal of Sona Lee's Abilities in Contract Law and Leadership

4. Advocacy for Sona Lee's Candidacy in a Law Internship Position


Main Idea #1:

Sona Lee has demonstrated exceptional understanding and skill in contract law.


Main Idea #2:

Beyond her academic prowess, Sona Lee exhibits strong interpersonal skills and leadership, actively contributing to the student council.



Sona Lee excels in contract law and possesses impressive energy and interpersonal abilities, making her a strong candidate for an internship. Her active participation on the law school's student council showcases her leadership.


Key Points:

1. Sona Lee has excellent academic achievements in contract law.

2. Her assignments reflect a deep understanding of legal principles.

3. She has remarkable energy and interpersonal skills.

4. Sona Lee is an effective representative on the student council, showing leadership.



[3] 2023 04  19: 은행 계좌 도난 사건에 대한 대화


"5,000 dollars has been deposited? Thank you. I'll check it out now." Jerry Shaw hung up with a smile on his face. Humming, he headed to the bank to withdraw some cash. He stopped at the ATM, inserted the card and entered his PIN. The screen flashed the message, "Card not valid ― please see a teller." What? My bonus was deposited just now! Entering the bank, Jerry told the teller what had happened. She studied the screen and frowned. "Mr. Shaw, your account was closed. All your funds were withdrawn when you closed it," she said. "What do you mean? I never did! It must be identity theft!" yelled Jerry, his voice barely under control.



Possible Titles:

1. The Unpleasant Discovery of Jerry Shaw's Account Closure and Suspected Identity Theft

2. Jerry Shaw's Encounter with a Closed Bank Account and Fraudulent Activity

3. Unexpected Account Closure and Identity Theft: Jerry Shaw's Banking Dilemma

4. The Shocking Realization of Identity Theft and Account Closure for Jerry Shaw


Main Idea #1:

Jerry Shaw's anticipated withdrawal turns into a shocking discovery of his closed and emptied bank account.


Main Idea #2:

Upon attempting to access his deposited bonus at the bank, Jerry Shaw learns of unauthorized account closure and potential identity theft.



Jerry Shaw is surprised when his bank informs him of an unauthorized account closure and withdrawal, suspecting identity theft after his deposit fails to process.


Key Points:

1. Jerry Shaw is informed his bank account was closed and emptied without his knowledge.

2. He initially visits the bank to withdraw his newly deposited bonus.

3. The ATM rejects his transaction, prompting him to consult a teller.

4. Identity theft is suspected as the reason behind the account's unauthorized closure.



[3] 2023 04  20: 인류학이 글로벌 문제 해결에 기여하는 중요성


Anthropology has become relevant for addressing global issues. This is not to deny the vital role of 'hard' sciences in addressing these problems. However, if we are to solve global problems we need a new way of thinking based in humanities and social sciences. It is impossible to resolve global issues merely by looking at numbers and statistics. Anthropology thus becomes crucial, as a discipline and a profession enabling the collection and interpretation of 'thick data' ― in addition to 'big data' ― and helps us to understand the world we live in more comprehensively. Why is a brand new and expensive 'smart' building a disaster? What will happen in the future with passenger cars? In answering such questions, we should stop relying only on quantitative data analytics; instead, the most important decisions should also be informed by anthropological qualitative approaches which provide a more complete and nuanced picture of people's lives.



Possible Titles:

1. The Crucial Role of Anthropology in Understanding Global Challenges Beyond Statistics

2. Integrating Anthropology with Hard Sciences to Address Complex Global Issues

3. The Importance of Thick Data in Comprehending and Solving Worldwide Problems

4. Enhancing Global Problem-Solving with Anthropological Insights and Qualitative Data


Main Idea #1:

Anthropology is essential in providing a deeper understanding of global issues through the lens of 'thick data' and qualitative analysis.


Main Idea #2:

To effectively address global challenges, it is crucial to combine the perspectives of anthropology with quantitative methods from the hard sciences, offering a more holistic view of the issues at hand.



Anthropology's role in addressing global issues lies in its ability to supplement 'big data' with 'thick data,' providing a nuanced understanding that quantitative methods alone cannot achieve. This integration helps solve complex problems by considering the qualitative aspects of human life.


Key Points:

1. Anthropology is vital for a comprehensive understanding of global challenges.

2. The discipline provides crucial qualitative insights that complement quantitative data.

3. Anthropologists interpret complex human behaviors that impact global issues.

4. The field helps answer intricate questions about modern developments and future scenarios.



[3] 2023 04  21: 스테레오타입에 대한 반응을 연구한 심리학 실험


Our brains light up when our predicted reality and actual reality match. Our brains love to be right. We also don't like to be wrong, and we feel threatened when our stereotyped predictions don't come true. Psychologist Wendy Mendes asked White and Asian college students to interact with Latino students who had been hired as actors by the researchers. Some of the Latino students portrayed themselves as socioeconomically "high status," with lawyer fathers, professor mothers, and summers spent volunteering in Europe. Others portrayed themselves as "low status," with unemployed parents and part-time summer jobs. The researchers found that when participants interacted with the Latino students who appeared to come from wealth and thus challenged American stereotypes, they responded physiologically as if to a threat: their blood vessels constricted and their heart activity changed. In these interactions, participants also saw the students who violated stereotypes as less likable. In this way, stereotypes that are descriptive can easily become prescriptive. The phenomenon, it turns out, may have a neuroscientific explanation: it's an angry protest from the brain's reward system.



Possible Titles:

1. The Neuroscientific Impact of Stereotype Violation on Perception and Physiological Response

2. Exploring the Physiological Reactions to Stereotype Discrepancies in Social Interactions

3. The Effects of Socioeconomic Status Stereotypes on Physical and Emotional Responses

4. Stereotype Threat and Its Impact on Heart Activity and Social Perceptions


Main Idea #1:

Interactions that defy stereotypes can trigger a physiological threat response, illustrating the deep-seated nature of stereotypical thinking.


Main Idea #2:

When stereotypes are challenged, especially concerning socioeconomic status, it leads to increased physiological stress and a reduction in likability, highlighting the brain's resistance to unexpected social scenarios.



Challenging stereotypes, particularly socioeconomic ones, elicits a physiological threat response, causing constriction of blood vessels and changes in heart activity. This response not only indicates the brain's discomfort with being wrong but also affects social perceptions, making the stereotype-defying individuals seem less likable.


Key Points:

1. Stereotypes influence physiological responses during social interactions.

2. Challenging stereotypes triggers the brain’s threat detection mechanisms.

3. Physiological changes include constricted blood vessels and altered heart activity.

4. Defying stereotypes leads to negative social perceptions of the individuals involved.



[3] 2023 04  22: 자연수 사용이 정보 전달에 효과적임을 설명


We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with. On the other hand, partial numbers ― decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios ― simply don't register as real to our minds. We may be able to work with them for a given time when we're in math mode, but if we're asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble grasping the concept. In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren't natural numbers, the message is unlikely to make sense to them. Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there's a good chance they never even envision what we're describing in the first place ― because the number attached isn't solid. Use natural numbers whenever you can to make your message real. For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers. If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, using "1 out of 500" makes this abstract percentage into a real thing.



Possible Titles:

1. The Cognitive Challenges of Processing Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages

2. Why Natural Numbers Resonate More Effectively in Communication

3. The Impact of Number Presentation on Understanding and Recall

4. Transforming Abstract Quantities into Concrete Numerical Concepts


Main Idea #1:

Our brains more readily understand and retain natural numbers than complex fractions, decimals, and percentages.


Main Idea #2:

Using natural numbers enhances comprehension and memory retention, whereas abstract numerical forms like percentages and ratios are often not conceptualized effectively by our brains.



Natural numbers are inherently easier for the human brain to process and remember compared to decimals and fractions. To improve understanding and retention, it's beneficial to translate abstract numerical forms, such as percentages, into more tangible natural number equivalents.


Key Points:

1. Natural numbers align better with our cognitive abilities than partial numbers.

2. Decimals, fractions, and percentages are challenging for the brain to conceptualize as real.

3. Communicating with natural numbers increases clarity and the likelihood of retention.

4. Converting abstract numbers into natural number ratios can aid in making the data more relatable and understandable.



[3] 2023 04  23: 지구적인 문제에 대한 개인적 연결감의 중요성


Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem overwhelming. Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference. Working through fears of what could be depends on connecting with the abstract. Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, translates conceptual ideas into concrete emotions. Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more frequent floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, evokes feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt ― feelings that inspire us to act. A recent study found that when people feel personally affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies. Forming emotional connections to potential futures helps us move from denial and despair to action.



Possible Titles:

1. Transforming Abstract Climate Challenges into Personal Motivations for Action

2. The Role of Emotional Engagement in Inspiring Climate Change Activism

3. How Personalizing Global Issues Spurs Community and Individual Action

4. Connecting Climate Change to Personal Experiences to Foster Proactive Responses


Main Idea #1:

Personal experiences and emotional responses to potential impacts of climate change motivate individuals to support and advocate for environmental policies.


Main Idea #2:

Linking the abstract concept of climate change to tangible effects on personal and local levels can transform feelings of helplessness into actionable concern, driving support for proactive measures.



By making the abstract impacts of climate change feel personal, through considerations of threats to local environments and lifestyles, individuals are moved by emotions such as anger or sadness to support proactive environmental policies.


Key Points:

1. Personal impact feelings increase support for climate action.

2. Emotional responses to local environmental changes can inspire activism.

3. Personalizing global issues like climate change can overcome apathy.

4. Emotional connections lead to practical support for carbon reduction efforts.



[3] 2023 04  24: 목성의 위성 관찰을 통해 빛의 속도 이해


There was once a certain difficulty with the moons of Jupiter that is worth remarking on. These satellites were studied very carefully by Roemer, who noticed that the moons sometimes seemed to be ahead of schedule, and sometimes behind. They were ahead when Jupiter was particularly close to the earth and they were behind when Jupiter was farther from the earth. This would have been a very difficult thing to explain according to the law of gravitation. If a law does not work even in one place where it ought to, it is just wrong. But the reason for this discrepancy was very simple and beautiful: it takes a little while to see the moons of Jupiter because of the time it takes light to travel from Jupiter to the earth. When Jupiter is closer to the earth the time is a little less, and when it is farther from the earth, the time is more. This is why moons appear to be, on the average, a little ahead or a little behind, depending on whether they are closer to or farther from the earth.



Possible Titles:

1. Roemer's Discovery of Light Travel Time Through Observations of Jupiter's Moons

2. The Impact of Light Speed on Observations of Celestial Bodies: Jupiter's Moons Case Study

3. Understanding Astronomical Phenomena: The Influence of Distance on Light Travel Time

4. How the Variations in Distance from Earth Affect Observations of Jupiter's Moons


Main Idea #1:

The apparent discrepancies in the timing of Jupiter’s moons' orbits were explained by the time light takes to travel from Jupiter to Earth, varying with distance.


Main Idea #2:

Roemer's observations of Jupiter's moons revealing that their apparent position changes due to the light travel time helped refine and support existing astronomical laws, rather than contradicting them.



Roemer's study of Jupiter’s moons showed that their perceived timing inconsistencies were due to the light travel time from Jupiter to Earth, which changes with the planet's distance, thereby aligning with established astronomical laws instead of challenging them.


Key Points:

1. Roemer observed that Jupiter’s moons appeared ahead of schedule when Jupiter was close to Earth and behind when farther away.

2. The discrepancies were attributed to the varying light travel time due to the distance between Jupiter and Earth.

3. This observation supported the laws of celestial mechanics by accounting for light speed.

4. Roemer’s findings highlight the importance of considering light travel time in astronomical observations.



[3] 2023 04  25: 유럽 국가들의 치매 환자  증가 예측 그래프


The graph above shows the number of dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants in six European countries in 2021 and in 2050 (The number in 2050 is estimated). By 2050, the number of dementia patients per 1,000 people is expected to increase by more than 10 in all given countries compared to 2021. In 2021, Italy recorded the highest proportion of dementia patients out of the six countries and it is expected to do so in 2050 as well. The proportion of dementia patients in Spain was lower than that of Germany in 2021, but is expected to exceed that of Germany in 2050. Switzerland and the Netherlands had the same proportion of dementia patients in 2021, and by 2050 those proportions are both projected to more than double. Among the six countries, Belgium shows the smallest gap between the number of dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants in 2021 and in 2050.



Possible Titles:

1. Projected Increase of Dementia Patients per Thousand Inhabitants in Europe by 2050

2. Comparative Analysis of Dementia Prevalence in Six European Countries: 2021 vs. 2050

3. Trends in Dementia Rates Across Selected European Nations Through Mid-Century

4. The Growing Burden of Dementia in Europe: A Forecast into 2050


Main Idea #1:

By 2050, the number of dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants is expected to significantly rise in six European countries, with Italy maintaining the highest proportion.


Main Idea #2:

While Italy remains the country with the highest dementia rates, Spain is projected to surpass Germany by 2050, and both Switzerland and the Netherlands are expected to see their rates more than double.



In six European countries, the proportion of dementia patients per 1,000 people is projected to increase substantially by 2050. Italy is expected to continue having the highest rate, Spain's rate will surpass Germany's, and the rates in Switzerland and the Netherlands will more than double. Belgium will experience the smallest increase.


Key Points:

1. All six countries will see an increase of over 10 dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants by 2050.

2. Italy recorded the highest proportion in 2021 and will continue to do so in 2050.

3. Spain's dementia rates will overtake Germany's by 2050.

4. The rates in Switzerland and the Netherlands will more than double from their 2021 figures.

5. Belgium will have the smallest relative increase in dementia patients.



[3] 2023 04  26: Josef Frank 비엔나 모더니즘에 대한 비판


Josef Frank, born in Austria of Jewish heritage, studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology. He then taught at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts from 1919 to 1925. He founded an interior design firm together with some architect colleagues in 1925. He was one of early Vienna modernism's most important figures, but already in the beginning of the 1920s he started to question modernism's growing pragmatism. He had little appreciation for the French architect Le Corbusier's belief that a house should be "a machine for living in." He was against the standardized interior design trend of the time, fearing that it would make people all too uniform. He moved to Sweden with his Swedish wife in 1933 to escape growing Nazi discrimination and gained citizenship in 1939. He was the most prestigious designer at his Stockholm design company. In addition to his architectural work he created numerous designs for furniture, fabric, wallpaper and carpet.



Possible Titles:

1. Josef Frank: From Vienna Modernism to Swedish Design Icon

2. The Architectural Journey of Josef Frank: Questioning Modernism and Embracing Diversity

3. Josef Frank: A Legacy of Varied Design Against the Modernist Grain

4. The Evolution of Josef Frank: Architectural Modernism to Swedish Design Mastery


Main Idea #1:

Josef Frank, a pivotal figure in early Vienna modernism, critiqued the movement's pragmatism and standardized aesthetics, promoting more individualistic and diverse designs.


Main Idea #2:

After moving to Sweden in 1933 to escape Nazi persecution, Josef Frank significantly influenced Swedish design with his versatile creations in architecture, furniture, and textiles.



Josef Frank, originally a major figure in Vienna modernism, rejected its growing pragmatism and standardization. Escaping Nazi discrimination by moving to Sweden, he became a leading designer, known for his eclectic and personalized designs in various mediums including furniture and textiles.


Key Points:

1. Josef Frank played a critical role in early Vienna modernism and later critiqued its principles.

2. He opposed Le Corbusier's utilitarian views, advocating for more diverse and personal interior designs.

3. Frank relocated to Sweden in 1933, becoming a celebrated designer and gaining citizenship in 1939.

4. His contributions to design extended beyond architecture to include furniture, fabrics, wallpapers, and carpets.



[3] 2023 04  29: 음악 교육에서 세부적인 피드백의 중요성


Providing feedback to students is a critical task of teachers. General psychology has shown that knowledge of results is necessary for improving a skill. Advanced musicians are able to self-critique their performances, but developing music students rely on teachers to supply evaluative feedback. The most constructive feedback is that which expresses the discrepancies between a student's performance of a piece of music and an optimal version. Expert teachers give more detailed feedback than general appraisals, and music educators generally recognize that more specific teacher feedback facilitates student performance improvement. Researchers also have explored whether the feedback of effective teachers is more often positively or negatively expressed, that is, constituting praise or criticism. One might intuitively think that positive comments are more motivating to students and, as a result, are more associated with effective teaching. The research, however, paints a slightly different picture. Although positive feedback is likely more helpful with younger learners and in one-on-one instruction, more advanced music students seem to accept and benefit from greater levels of criticism in lessons.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Specific Feedback in the Development of Music Students

2. The Impact of Teacher Feedback on Student Musical Performance

3. Constructive Criticism vs. Praise: Effective Feedback in Music Education

4. Enhancing Music Learning: The Importance of Teacher Feedback Dynamics


Main Idea #1:

Effective music education relies heavily on detailed feedback from teachers to highlight discrepancies between a student’s performance and the optimal execution.


Main Idea #2:

While positive feedback benefits younger learners, advanced music students often gain more from specific and critical feedback, which aids in their skill development.



In music education, the effectiveness of teacher feedback is crucial for student improvement. Detailed critiques that compare student performances with ideal standards help refine skills, especially for advanced learners who benefit more from critical rather than solely positive feedback.


Key Points:

1. Knowledge of results is essential for skill improvement in music students.

2. Expert teachers provide detailed feedback rather than general comments.

3. Specific feedback helps identify and correct discrepancies in student performances.

4. Advanced students benefit more from critical feedback, which facilitates deeper learning.



[3] 2023 04  30: 호르몬이 몸에서 반응을 유발하는 과정 설명


How do hormones trigger reactions in the body? When a hormone is released from a gland, it travels in the bloodstream through the body in search of its target. Organs, tissues and other glands in the body have receptor sites that hormones must bind to in order to deliver their message and cause an effect. But because every hormone has its own unique shape, they are designed to act only on the parts of the body that have a receptor site with the corresponding shape. This mode of action can be likened to a lock and key mechanism ― if the key doesn't fit the lock, then nothing will happen. When a hormone binds to its receptor, it sets off a chain of other signaling pathways to create a change in the body. Once the desired effect has taken place and there is too much hormone circulating in the blood, this signal is fed back to the glands to reduce further hormone release. This is called a feedback loop and, when functioning correctly, it allows the endocrine system to ensure the conditions in your body remain in balance.



Possible Titles:

1. The Lock and Key Mechanism of Hormonal Action in the Human Body

2. How Hormones Function: Binding, Signaling, and Feedback in the Endocrine System

3. Understanding the Specificity and Regulatory Roles of Hormones in the Body

4. The Dynamics of Hormonal Interaction: Target Sites and Feedback Loops


Main Idea #1:

Hormones trigger specific reactions in the body by binding to uniquely shaped receptor sites on target organs and tissues, initiating signaling pathways that lead to physiological changes.


Main Idea #2:

The hormone-receptor interaction functions as a lock and key mechanism, where only hormones with a matching shape to the receptor can bind, thus ensuring precise control over bodily processes through feedback loops that maintain balance.



Hormones regulate bodily functions by traveling through the bloodstream to bind with specific receptor sites on target tissues, akin to a lock and key mechanism. This binding initiates signaling pathways that alter physiological states. Excess hormones trigger feedback loops that instruct glands to adjust hormone production, maintaining systemic balance.


Key Points:

1. Hormones are released by glands and travel through the bloodstream to find their target.

2. Each hormone has a unique shape that fits specific receptors on target tissues.

3. Hormone-receptor binding activates signaling pathways that result in physiological changes.

4. Feedback loops help regulate hormone levels, ensuring the body remains in balance.



[3] 2023 04  31: 유사한 행동 스타일이 초기 매력에 미치는 영향


Although a balance or harmony between partners clearly develops over time in a relationship, it is also a factor in initial attraction and interest in a partner. That is, to the extent that two people share similar verbal and nonverbal habits in a first meeting, they will be more comfortable with one another. For example, fast-paced individuals talk and move quickly and are more expressive, whereas slow-paced individuals have a different tempo and are less expressive. Initial interactions between people at opposite ends of such a continuum may be more difficult than those between similar types. In the case of contrasting styles, individuals may be less interested in pursuing a relationship than if they were similar in interaction styles. Individuals with similar styles, however, are more comfortable and find that they just seem to "click" with one another. Thus, behavioral coordination may provide a selection filter for the initiation of a relationship.



Possible Titles:

1. The Role of Behavioral Coordination in Initial Relationship Attraction

2. How Similar Interaction Styles Influence Initial Attraction and Comfort in Relationships

3. The Impact of Verbal and Nonverbal Habits on Early Relationship Dynamics

4. Matching Tempos: How Similarities in Pace and Expression Facilitate Relationship Formation


Main Idea #1:

Similar verbal and nonverbal behaviors between individuals enhance comfort and interest during initial encounters, influencing the likelihood of a relationship.


Main Idea #2:

Behavioral coordination, or the similarity in interaction styles, acts as a selection filter at the beginning of a relationship, helping individuals to feel an immediate connection and ease with each other.



In initial interactions, individuals with similar verbal and nonverbal habits are more likely to feel comfortable and connected, thereby increasing the chances of pursuing a relationship. This behavioral coordination serves as a crucial filter in selecting potential partners.


Key Points:

1. Similar interaction styles in initial meetings promote comfort and mutual interest.

2. Contrasting behavioral tempos can make initial interactions more challenging.

3. Behavioral coordination can significantly influence the decision to pursue a relationship.

4. Similarity in verbal and nonverbal expressions helps partners to "click" right from the start.



[3] 2023 04  32: 보어버드가 복잡한 구조물을 만드는 예술성


Animals arguably make art. The male bowerbirds of New Guinea and Australia dedicate huge fractions of their time and energy to creating elaborate structures from twigs, flowers, berries, beetle wings, and even colorful trash. These are the backdrops to their complex mating dances, which include acrobatic moves and even imitations of other species. What's most amazing about the towers and "bowers" they construct is that they aren't stereotyped like a beehive or hummingbird nest. Each one is different. Artistic skill, along with fine craftsbirdship, is rewarded by the females. Many researchers suggest these displays are used by the females to gauge the cognitive abilities of her potential mates, but Darwin thought that she was actually attracted to their beauty. In other words, the bowers aren't simply signals of mate quality; they are appreciated by the females for their own sake, much as we appreciate a painting or a bouquet of spring flowers. A 2013 study looked at whether bowerbirds that did better on cognitive tests were more successful at attracting mates. They were not, suggesting whatever the females are looking for, it isn't a straightforward indicator of cognitive ability.



Possible Titles:

1. The Artistic Expressions of Bowerbirds: Nature's Craftsmen in Mating Displays

2. Beyond Instinct: The Role of Art and Aesthetics in Bowerbird Mating Rituals

3. Creativity and Courtship: How Bowerbirds Use Art to Attract Mates

4. The Evolution of Aesthetic Appreciation: Artistic Displays in Bowerbirds


Main Idea #1:

Male bowerbirds create unique and elaborate structures as part of their mating rituals, showcasing a form of artistic expression that is evaluated by potential mates.


Main Idea #2:

The intricate and varied structures built by bowerbirds are appreciated not just for their functional role in mating but also for their aesthetic value, similar to how humans appreciate art.



Bowerbirds invest significant effort in constructing unique, artistic structures that serve as stages for their mating dances, suggesting these creations are appreciated for their beauty and not solely as indicators of mate quality. Despite their efforts, success in attracting mates does not directly correlate with the males' cognitive abilities.


Key Points:

1. Male bowerbirds dedicate substantial time to building elaborate and unique bowers.

2. These structures are part of complex mating dances that include acrobatics and mimicry.

3. Females may appreciate the aesthetic aspects of the bowers, akin to human appreciation of art.

4. A 2013 study found no direct link between the cognitive abilities of bowerbirds and mating success, indicating that the aesthetic appeal of the bowers plays a significant role.



[3] 2023 04  33: 소비자 만족도를 높이기 위한 제품 경험 연결


Running a business that sells goods and services to consumers requires getting to know the products they like. More than that, however, you want to link positive experiences to the products they purchase. In traditional or online sales, people are bound to favorably regard the vendor and product that they could easily inquire about and quickly acquire in good order. Using the product can increase or decrease their satisfaction, and they will remember to repurchase products that meet and exceed their expectations. Traditional stores make the shopping experience pleasant by their displays and personal service. Internet retailers lead buyers to products they want through speedy searches and clicks. A new online selling method that can generate millions of dollars in purchases within a few minutes is livestream selling. That's when hosts streaming their shows live demonstrate a product and even interactively receive comments and answer questions from their viewers through the power of social media. If they like the product, they buy it immediately through an e-commerce feature on the platform. Buyers say that the experience is so convenient, it is like talking to a friend.



Possible Titles:

1. Enhancing Customer Satisfaction in E-Commerce Through Live Stream Selling

2. The Evolution of Online Shopping: From Clicks to Live Streams

3. Connecting with Consumers: Live Streaming as a Powerful Sales Tool

4. How Live Stream Selling Transforms Online Shopping Experiences


Main Idea #1:

Businesses enhance customer satisfaction by linking positive experiences to the products through easy access, quick acquisition, and ensuring the products meet or exceed expectations.


Main Idea #2:

Live stream selling, an emerging online sales method, combines real-time product demonstrations with interactive elements, significantly enhancing consumer engagement and simplifying the purchasing process.



Businesses aiming to increase customer loyalty focus on creating positive shopping experiences, both in traditional stores and online. The innovative method of live stream selling on social media platforms offers interactive, real-time engagement, resembling a conversation with a friend, and facilitates instant purchases, reflecting the evolution of consumer preferences in digital commerce.


Key Points:

1. Positive customer experiences are crucial for repurchase decisions in both traditional and online settings.

2. Traditional stores use displays and personal service to enhance the shopping experience.

3. Online retailers use efficient search functionalities, while live stream selling adds interactivity to the buying process.

4. Live stream selling rapidly drives sales by combining product demonstrations with real-time viewer interaction.



[3] 2023 04  34: 헤겔의 철학에서 개체와 보편성의 상호작용


In Hegel's philosophy, even though there is interaction and interrelation between the universal and the individual, the universal still has more priority than the individual. For Hegel, individuals are not distinguished in terms of Reason. In Philosophy of Right Hegel stresses particularity and universality as follows: "A man, who acts perversely, exhibits particularity. The rational is the highway on which everyone travels, and no one is specially marked." Here, Hegel maintains that individuals can be differentiated from each other in terms of their acts but they are not differentiated with respect to reason. There are specific thoughts, but they are finally resolved into the universal. One might say that Hegel seems to focus on the individual like Aristotle but in reality, he subtly treats the universal as fundamental whereas Aristotle considers the individual as primary substance and universal as secondary substance; in so doing Aristotle emphasizes the universal to be subordinate to the individual in contrast to Hegel.



Possible Titles:

1. The Priority of the Universal Over the Individual in Hegel's Philosophy

2. Hegel vs. Aristotle: Differing Views on Universality and Individuality

3. The Role of Reason in Differentiating Individuals According to Hegel

4. Hegel's Emphasis on Universality: A Contrast to Aristotelian Thought


Main Idea #1:

In Hegel's philosophy, the universal is given priority over the individual, as individuals are seen as indistinct in terms of Reason.


Main Idea #2:

While individuals can be differentiated by their actions, they converge in the realm of Reason, where specific thoughts are ultimately absorbed into the universal, underscoring the dominance of the universal in Hegel's thought.



Hegel emphasizes the supremacy of the universal over the individual, arguing that while individuals can be distinguished by their actions, they are unified under the universal aspect of Reason. This contrasts with Aristotle's view, where the individual is the primary substance and the universal is secondary, highlighting a fundamental philosophical divergence between the two thinkers.


Key Points:

1. Hegel prioritizes the universal over the individual, asserting that individual distinctions are not made in the realm of Reason.

2. Individual actions may differ, but these are reconciled within the universal framework according to Hegel.

3. Hegel's philosophical approach views the universal as fundamental, in contrast to Aristotle who sees the individual as primary.

4. This contrast highlights a significant philosophical difference regarding the relationship between universality and individuality in the work of Hegel and Aristotle.



[3] 2023 04  35: 언어의 구조와 현실 표현의 문제점 탐구


One of the branches of postmodernism examines the structure of language and how it is used. It challenges the assumption that language can be precisely used to represent reality. Meanings of words are ambiguous, as words are only signs or labels given to concepts (what is signified) and therefore there is no necessary correspondence between the word and the meaning, the signifier and the signified. The use of signs (words) and their meaning can vary depending on the flow of the text in which they are used, leading to the possibility of 'deconstructing' text to reveal its underlying inconsistencies. This approach can be applied to all forms of representation ― pictures, films, etc. that gain added or alternative meanings by the overlaying of references to previous uses. This can be seen particularly in the media, where it is difficult to distinguish the real from the unreal ― everything is representation, there is no reality.



Possible Titles:

1. The Postmodern Challenge to Language: Understanding Signifiers and Signifieds

2. Deconstructing Language and Reality in Postmodern Thought

3. Exploring the Ambiguity of Language in Postmodernism

4. Representation and Reality: A Postmodern Perspective on Media and Language


Main Idea #1:

Postmodernism questions the ability of language to accurately represent reality, highlighting the inherent ambiguity in the meanings of words.


Main Idea #2:

In postmodern theory, language is seen as a system of signs that do not directly correspond to reality, allowing for the deconstruction of texts to expose their inherent inconsistencies and multiple meanings.



Postmodernism scrutinizes the structure of language, challenging the notion that words can precisely convey reality. It posits that words are mere signs with ambiguous meanings, leading to the possibility of deconstructing texts to reveal underlying contradictions and varied interpretations in all forms of representation, such as media, where the distinction between real and unreal blurs.


Key Points:

1. Postmodernism disputes the precision of language in representing reality.

2. Words are viewed as signs with ambiguous meanings that do not necessarily correspond to the concepts they signify.

3. The variability of meaning in language allows for the deconstruction of texts to uncover inconsistencies.

4. This approach extends to various forms of representation, complicating the distinction between reality and representation in media.



[3] 2023 04  36: 지구 형성 과정과 초기 조건에 대한 설명


The Earth formed from rocky and metallic fragments during the construction of the solar system ― debris that was swept up by an initial nucleus and attracted together into a single body by the force of gravity. The original materials were cold as outer space and dry as dust; whatever water and gases they contained were locked inside individual fragments as chemical compounds. As the fragments joined, the Earth's gravity increased, attracting larger and larger objects to impact the Earth. This increasing gravity, combined with the timeless radioactive decay of elements like uranium and thorium, caused the new Earth to heat up. The internal temperature and pressure were high enough for many compounds to break down or melt, releasing their water and gases. Even solid material could begin to move and flow under such conditions. Separation by density began, and the Earth started to organize into its present layered structure. The heaviest metals sank to the center; the lightest materials migrated outward.



Possible Titles:

1. The Formation of Earth: From Cosmic Debris to Structured Planet

2. Understanding the Early Stages of Earth’s Formation and Layered Structure

3. The Role of Gravity and Radioactive Decay in Earth's Primordial Development

4. How Earth's Internal Heating Shaped Its Layered Composition


Main Idea #1:

Earth formed from the accretion of rocky and metallic fragments in the early solar system, influenced by gravitational forces that attracted these materials into a single planetary body.


Main Idea #2:

The internal heating of the Earth, due to gravitational compression and radioactive decay, caused the breakdown of compounds, releasing gases and water and enabling the differentiation into layers based on density.



The Earth originated from cold, dry fragments in the solar system, which coalesced under the force of gravity. Increasing gravitational pull and radioactive decay heated the planet, causing compounds to release water and gases and facilitating the movement of materials. This process led to the Earth's layered structure, with dense metals sinking to the core and lighter materials forming the crust.


Key Points:

1. Earth was formed from the aggregation of rocky and metallic debris in the solar system.

2. Gravitational forces played a crucial role in attracting and assembling these fragments into a planet.

3. Radioactive decay of elements like uranium and thorium contributed to the internal heating of the Earth.

4. This heating led to the breakdown of compounds, release of gases, and initiation of material flow, resulting in the differentiation of the Earth into layers.



[3] 2023 04  37: 표현의 권력이 문화 지배에 미치는 영향


Representation is control. The power to represent the world is the power to represent us in it or it in us, for the final stage of representing merges the representor and the represented into one. Imperializing cultures produce great works of art (great representations) which can be put to work intellectually as armies and trading houses work militarily and economically. Shakespeare, Jane Austen and maps were as important to English Imperial power as was the East India Company, the British army and the churches of England. It is no coincidence that modern Europe, the Europe of colonization, was also the Europe of "great art," and no coincidence either that it was the Europe of great map makers. That is because unless we can control the world intellectually by maps we cannot control it militarily or economically. Mercator, Moliere, Columbus and Captain Cook imperialized in different ways, but they all imperialized, and ultimately the effectiveness of one depended upon and supported the effectiveness of all the others. Similarly the US form of contemporary colonization, which involves occupying economies and political parties rather than physical territories, is accompanied by the power of both Hollywood and the satellite to represent the world to and for the US.



Possible Titles:

1. The Intersection of Representation, Art, and Imperial Power

2. The Role of Cultural Representation in Imperial and Economic Control

3. How Art, Mapping, and Media Facilitate Imperial Domination

4. The Power of Representation in Shaping Imperial Agendas


Main Idea #1:

Representation plays a crucial role in imperial control, merging the creator and creation to influence both intellectual and physical domains.


Main Idea #2:

Historically, the production of cultural artifacts such as art and maps has been integral to the expansion and maintenance of imperial power, with representation serving as a tool for intellectual and territorial domination.



Representation is a form of control, crucial in establishing and maintaining imperial power. Artistic and cultural outputs, from Shakespeare to modern Hollywood, have not only reflected imperial ambitions but have actively shaped and supported them, functioning alongside military and economic efforts to dominate globally.


Key Points:

1. Cultural representations, including art and maps, have historically played a key role in supporting imperial ambitions.

2. Great works of art and accurate cartography were as instrumental to the British Empire as its military and economic enterprises.

3. Representation merges the identity of the creator with the creation, influencing how cultures perceive and interact with the world.

4. Contemporary forms of imperialism, such as the U.S.'s economic and political influence, also rely heavily on media and technology to project power and control perceptions.



[3] 2023 04  38: '동물'이라는 단어가 인간과 동물 구분 강조


Language, and the word "animal," deceives us. The word "animal" categorizes all non-human animals and distances humans from other animals. Seeing all other animals as one group in contrast to humans reinforces anthropocentrism, which contributes to the legitimization of practices in which other animals are used for human benefit. Jacques Derrida argues that instead of one line between Man on the one side and Animal on the other, there is a multiple and heterogeneous border; beyond the edge of the "so-called human," we find a heterogeneous plurality of the living. To account for this multitude, using the word "animot" has been proposed. In speech it refers to the plural, the multiplicity of animals, which is necessary because there is no one "animal." The "mot" in "animot" refers to the act of naming and the risks involved in drawing a distinction between human and animal by the human. It reminds us of the fact that it is a word for animals, not a reference to an existing group of animals.



Possible Titles:

1. Beyond 'Animal': Derrida's Challenge to Anthropocentric Language

2. The Linguistic Deception of the Word 'Animal' and Its Implications

3. Deconstructing 'Animal': Jacques Derrida's Concept of 'Animot'

4. Reimagining Animal Identity: From Singular to Plural with 'Animot'


Main Idea #1:

The word "animal" simplifies and generalizes a diverse group, creating a false dichotomy between humans and other forms of life, thereby reinforcing anthropocentrism.


Main Idea #2:

Jacques Derrida proposes the term "animot" to reflect the diversity and multiplicity of non-human life, challenging the conventional, homogenizing language that separates humans from other animals.



The term "animal" misleads by lumping all non-human species together, which supports anthropocentric views and justifies the exploitation of these beings. Jacques Derrida introduces the term "animot" to emphasize the variety and complexity among living beings, advocating for a linguistic shift that acknowledges this diversity instead of obscuring it.


Key Points:

1. The word "animal" groups all non-human animals together, obscuring their diversity and reinforcing human centrality.

2. This categorization supports practices that exploit non-human animals for human benefits.

3. Derrida argues for a complex, heterogeneous conception of life beyond the human-animal dichotomy.

4. The term "animot" is suggested to highlight the plurality and challenge the anthropocentric misuse of the word "animal".



[3] 2023 04  39: 바빌로니아 천문학이 과학적 방법에 미친 영향


Babylonian astronomers created detailed records of celestial movements in the heavens, using the resulting tables to sieve out irregularities and, with them, the favour of the gods. This was the seed of what we now call the scientific method ― a demonstration that accurate observations of the world could be used to forecast its future. The importance of measurement in this sort of cosmic comprehension did not develop smoothly over the centuries. Indeed, in the Middle Ages in Europe, calculating by hand and eye was sometimes seen as producing a rather shabby sort of knowledge, inferior to that of abstract thought. The suspicion was due to the influence of ancient Greeks in the era's scholasticism, particularly Plato and Aristotle, who stressed that the material world was one of unceasing change and instability. They emphasized that reality was best understood by reference to immaterial qualities, be they Platonic forms or Aristotelian causes. It would take the revelations of the scientific revolution to fully displace these instincts, with observations of the night sky once again proving decisive.



Possible Titles:

1. From Babylon to the Scientific Revolution: The Evolution of Empirical Observation

2. The Historical Journey of the Scientific Method from Ancient Astronomy to Modern Science

3. The Impact of Babylonian Astronomy on the Development of Scientific Inquiry

4. Reconciling the Material with the Immaterial: A History of Scientific Thought from Plato to Galileo


Main Idea #1:

Babylonian astronomers laid the groundwork for the scientific method by using detailed celestial records to predict future events, demonstrating the power of systematic observation.


Main Idea #2:

The evolution of scientific thought faced challenges, especially during the Middle Ages in Europe, where empirical knowledge was often viewed as inferior to abstract philosophical concepts derived from ancient Greek thinkers like Plato and Aristotle.



The foundations of the scientific method can be traced back to Babylonian astronomers, who used precise observations to predict celestial events. However, this approach to knowledge faced resistance in medieval Europe, where empirical methods were undervalued compared to the abstract ideals of Greek philosophy. It was not until the scientific revolution that empirical observation regained prominence, reaffirming its critical role in understanding and predicting the natural world.


Key Points:

1. Babylonian astronomers' detailed observations and predictions marked an early form of the scientific method.

2. In medieval Europe, empirical knowledge was often seen as less valuable than philosophical abstraction.

3. Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle influenced this view by emphasizing the impermanence and instability of the material world.

4. The scientific revolution eventually highlighted the importance of empirical evidence in gaining a deeper understanding of reality.



[3] 2023 04  40: 동물이 과장된 자극을 선호하는 실험 결과


Experiments suggest that animals, just like humans, tend to prefer exaggerated, supernormal stimuli, and that a preference can rapidly propel itself to extreme levels (peak shift effect). In one experiment, through food rewards rats were conditioned to prefer squares to other geometric forms. In the next step, a non-square rectangle was introduced and associated with an even larger reward than the square. As expected, the rats learned to reliably prefer the rectangle. Less predictable was the third part of the experiment. The rats were offered the opportunity to choose between the rectangle they already knew and associated with large rewards and another rectangle, the proportions of which were even more different from those of a square. Interestingly, rats picked this novel variant, without undergoing any reward-based conditioning in favor of it. A possible explanation is thus that they chose the larger difference from the original square (i.e., the exaggeration of non-squareness).



Possible Titles:

1. The Influence of Supernormal Stimuli on Animal Preference: Insights from Rat Behavior

2. Exploring Peak Shift Effects in Rats Through Geometric Form Preferences

3. Rats and the Attraction to Exaggerated Stimuli: A Study of Behavioral Shifts

4. The Dynamics of Preference Evolution in Rats: From Squares to Extreme Rectangles


Main Idea #1:

Experiments with rats demonstrate that animals, like humans, develop preferences for exaggerated stimuli, showcasing a rapid escalation to extreme preferences, known as the peak shift effect.


Main Idea #2:

In a controlled experiment, rats initially trained to prefer squares over other shapes eventually chose increasingly exaggerated non-square shapes, illustrating their inherent preference for more pronounced deviations from their conditioned stimuli.



Through a series of experiments, rats were conditioned to prefer squares and then larger rewards were used to shift their preference to rectangles. Surprisingly, without additional conditioning, the rats preferred an even more exaggerated rectangle variant, indicating a natural inclination towards more distinct deviations from the initial square shape, a phenomenon reflecting the peak shift effect.


Key Points:

1. Rats were conditioned to prefer squares through food rewards.

2. Preferences shifted to rectangles associated with larger rewards.

3. Without reward conditioning, rats chose an even more exaggerated rectangle.

4. The choice of the more exaggerated shape suggests an innate preference for more distinct deviations, a manifestation of the peak shift effect.



[3] 2023 04  41~42: 인간의 느린 발달이 다양한 환경 적응을 가능하게 


Although we humans are equipped with reflexive responses for survival, at birth we are helpless. We spend about a year unable to walk, about two more before we can articulate full thoughts, and many more years unable to provide for ourselves. We are totally dependent on those around us for our survival. Now compare this to many other mammals. Dolphins, for instance, are born swimming; giraffes learn to stand within hours; a baby zebra can run within forty-five minutes of birth. Across the animal kingdom, our cousins are strikingly independent soon after they're born. On the face of it, that seems like a great advantage for other species ― but in fact it signifies a limitation. Baby animals develop quickly because their brains are wiring up according to a largely preprogrammed routine. But that preparedness trades off with flexibility. Imagine if some unfortunate rhinoceros found itself on the Arctic tundra, or on top of a mountain in the Himalayas, or in the middle of a metropolis. It would have no capacity to adapt (which is why we don't find rhinos in those areas). This strategy of arriving with a pre-arranged brain works inside a particular niche in the ecosystem ― but put an animal outside of that niche, and its chances of thriving are low. In contrast, humans are able to thrive in many different environments, from the frozen tundra to the high mountains to crowded urban centers. This is possible because the human brain is born remarkably incomplete. Instead of arriving with everything wired up ― let's call it "hardwired" ― a human brain allows itself to be shaped by the details of life experience. This leads to long periods of helplessness as the young brain slowly molds to its environment. It's "livewired."



Possible Titles:

1. The Unique Development of Human Flexibility: Livewired for Adaptation

2. Comparing Human Helplessness at Birth with Mammalian Independence: A Study of Brain Plasticity

3. The Advantage of Human Developmental Vulnerability: Adapting Across Ecosystems

4. Why Human Infancy Extends Beyond Mammalian Independence: The Role of Brain Wiring


Main Idea #1:

Humans experience prolonged helplessness at birth, a stark contrast to many mammals that exhibit independence shortly after birth, due to the uniquely adaptive and flexible wiring of the human brain.


Main Idea #2:

While immediate independence in animals like dolphins and giraffes is linked to their brains being largely preprogrammed, humans' prolonged developmental period allows their brains to adapt to a wide range of environments, demonstrating a trade-off between early independence and adaptive flexibility.



Humans are born in a state of extended helplessness compared to other mammals, which quickly adapt to their environments. This vulnerability is due to the human brain’s capacity to be shaped by its surroundings over time, a process termed "livewiring." Unlike animals with "hardwired" brains prepared for a specific ecological niche, humans can thrive in diverse environments, from arctic tundras to urban landscapes, thanks to this neural adaptability.


Key Points:

1. Many mammals are born with the ability to perform survival functions immediately, while humans require years of dependency.

2. The rapid development in other mammals is due to brains that are preprogrammed for specific tasks and environments.

3. Humans' extended dependency period is linked to the flexibility of the brain to be shaped by its environment, enhancing adaptability.

4. This "livewired" brain allows humans to thrive in a variety of ecological niches, unlike animals with more limited adaptability.



[3] 2023 04  43~45: 과도한 관심이 독립성을 저해할  있음을 비유


There were two neighbors living next to each other. One was a professor and the other was a merchant who had an unmotivated son. Both of them had planted the same kind of plant in each of their gardens. The professor gave a small amount of water to his plants and didn't always give his full attention to them. Meanwhile, in the merchant's garden, the merchant gave a lot of water to his plants and looked after them well. The professor's plants were simple but looked good, while the merchant's plants were much fuller and greener. One night, there was a heavy storm. After the storm was over, both of the neighbors inspected the damage to their gardens. The merchant saw that his plants had come out from the roots and were totally destroyed by the storm. But, the plants of his neighbor were not damaged at all and were standing firm. The merchant was surprised to see this because he thought he had given his plants better care than the professor. He went to his neighbor and said, "Only my plants came out from the roots. How is that possible?" The professor smiled and said, "You gave your plants so much attention and water that they didn't need to work for themselves." "Is that really a problem?" said the merchant with a curious look on his face. The professor continued his explanation, "I gave my plants just an adequate amount of water and let their roots search for more. Their roots went deeper and grew stronger." At that moment, the merchant recalled the image of his son, still lazy and dependent on his parents. "Is that how you approach teaching?" asked the merchant. The professor said, "Yes. Students are like plants. Sometimes guiding is better than giving." Nodding silently, the merchant began to rethink what education is.



Possible Titles:

1. The Tale of Two Gardens: Lessons on Resilience and Overprotection

2. Roots and Resilience: A Parable of Two Neighbors and Their Gardens

3. The Storm and the Strength: A Story of Guiding Versus Over-Giving

4. The Professor, the Merchant, and the Philosophy of Growth


Main Idea #1:

The professor and the merchant used different gardening techniques that reflected their approaches to care and resilience, leading to contrasting outcomes during a storm.


Main Idea #2:

The professor's method of giving minimal water encouraged his plants to develop deeper roots, which made them more resilient during the storm, unlike the merchant’s well-watered but weaker plants.



In a story of two neighbors, the professor’s plants survived a storm due to their deep and strong roots formed by minimal watering, whereas the merchant's overwatered plants, though initially lush, were uprooted. This outcome led the merchant to reflect on the parallels between his gardening style and his overindulgent parenting, understanding from the professor that less direct provision fosters greater independence and resilience.


Key Points:

1. The professor watered his plants minimally, forcing their roots to grow deeper in search of moisture.

2. The merchant frequently watered his plants, which kept their roots shallow and dependent on regular watering.

3. After a storm, the merchant's plants were uprooted due to their weak root systems, while the professor's plants remained standing.

4. The professor used this experience as an analogy to teach the merchant about the benefits of encouraging independence and resilience through less direct provision, both in gardening and in parenting.






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전체 내용


[3] 2023 04  18: 법학교수가 인턴 지원 학생을 추천하는 추천서

 To whom it may concern,

 관계자 귀하,

 I am writing this letter in regard to Sona Lee applying for an internship in your law firm.

 저는 당신의 법률 회사에 인턴십을 지원한 Sona Lee와 관련하여 이 편지를 씁니다.

 I have gotten to know her over the past year, as a student in my Contracts course.

 저는 지난 한 해 동안 저의 계약법 수업의 학생으로 그녀를 알게 되었습니다.

 The assignments she completed were excellent, and demonstrated a thorough understanding of contract law.

 그녀가 완성한 과제들은 훌륭했고, 계약법에 대한 완전한 이해를 보여 주었습니다.

 She also has remarkable energy and interpersonal skills.

 그녀는 또한 놀라운 에너지와 대인 관계 능력을 지니고 있습니다.

 She represents her class on the law school's student council and has taken on this responsibility with spirit, interacting with students effectively.

 그녀는 이 법학 전문 대학원의 학생회에서 그녀의 반을 대표하고 있고 학생들과 효과적으로 상호 작용하며 활기차게 이 책임을 맡아 왔습니다.

 I support her application wholeheartedly.

 저는 그녀의 지원을 진심으로 지지합니다.

 Sincerely yours, Conan Stevenson

 Conan Stevenson 드림


[3] 2023 04  19: 은행 계좌 도난 사건에 대한 대화

 "5,000 dollars has been deposited? Thank you. I'll check it out now."

 "5,000달러가 입금되었다고요? 감사합니다. 바로 확인해 보겠습니다."

 Jerry Shaw hung up with a smile on his face.

 Jerry Shaw는 그의 얼굴에 미소를 띤 채 전화를 끊었다.

 Humming, he headed to the bank to withdraw some cash.

 콧노래를 부르며 그는 약간의 현금을 인출하기 위해 은행으로 향했다.

 He stopped at the ATM, inserted the card and entered his PIN.

 그는 현금 인출기에 멈춰서 카드를 넣고 비밀번호를 눌렀다.

 The screen flashed the message, "Card not valid ― please see a teller."

 화면에 "카드가 유효하지 않습니다. 창구 직원에게 문의하세요."라는 메시지가 떴다.

 What? My bonus was deposited just now!

 '무슨 일이지? 내 보너스가 방금 입금되었다고!'

 Entering the bank, Jerry told the teller what had happened.

 은행에 들어간 후, Jerry는 창구 직원에게 무슨 일이 일어났는지 말했다.

 She studied the screen and frowned.

 그녀는 화면을 살펴보고 얼굴을 찌푸렸다.

 "Mr. Shaw, your account was closed. All your funds were withdrawn when you closed it," she said.

 "Shaw, 당신의 계좌는 해지되었습니다. 당신이 계좌를 해지했을 때 당신의 모든 예금이 인출되었습니다."라고 그녀가 말했다.

 "What do you mean? I never did! It must be identity theft!" yelled Jerry, his voice barely under control.

 "그게 무슨 뜻이죠? 난 절대 그러지 않았어요! 그것은 신분 도용이 틀림없어요!" 라고 Jerry는 그의 목소리가 거의 통제되지 않은 상태로 소리쳤다.


[3] 2023 04  20: 인류학이 글로벌 문제 해결에 기여하는 중요성

 Anthropology has become relevant for addressing global issues.

 인류학은 글로벌 문제를 다루는 데 적절해졌다.

 This is not to deny the vital role of 'hard' sciences in addressing these problems.

 이것은 이러한 문제를 다루는 데 있어 '딱딱한' 과학의 중요한 역할을 부정하는 것이 아니다.

 However, if we are to solve global problems we need a new way of thinking based in humanities and social sciences.

 그러나 우리가 글로벌 문제를 해결하려면 우리는 인문학과 사회 과학에 기반한 새로운 사고방식이 필요하다.

 It is impossible to resolve global issues merely by looking at numbers and statistics.

 단지 숫자와 통계를 보는 것만으로 글로벌 문제를 해결하는 것은 불가능하다.

 Anthropology thus becomes crucial, as a discipline and a profession enabling the collection and interpretation of 'thick data' ― in addition to 'big data' ― and helps us to understand the world we live in more comprehensively.

 따라서 인류학은 '빅 데이터' 외에도 '심층적 데이터'의 수집과 해석을 가능하게 하는 학문과 전문 직업으로서 중요해지고 우리가 살고 있는 세상을 우리가 더 포괄적으로 이해하도록 도와준다.

 Why is a brand new and expensive 'smart' building a disaster?

 왜 새롭고 값비싼 '스마트' 빌딩이 재앙인가?

 What will happen in the future with passenger cars?

 미래에 승용차는 어떻게 될 것인가?

 In answering such questions, we should stop relying only on quantitative data analytics; instead, the most important decisions should also be informed by anthropological qualitative approaches which provide a more complete and nuanced picture of people's lives.

 그러한 질문에 대답할 때, 우리는 양적인 데이터 분석에만 의존하는 것을 멈추어야 한다. 대신에, 가장 중요한 결정은 또한 사람들의 삶의 더 온전하고 미묘한 그림을 제공하는 인류학의 질적 접근법을 통해 정보를 얻어야 한다.


[3] 2023 04  21: 스테레오타입에 대한 반응을 연구한 심리학 실험

 Our brains light up when our predicted reality and actual reality match.

 우리의 뇌는 우리의 예상되는 현실과 실제 현실이 일치할 때 환해진다.

 Our brains love to be right.

 우리의 뇌는 맞기를 좋아 한다.

 We also don't like to be wrong, and we feel threatened when our stereotyped predictions don't come true.

 우리는 또한 틀리기를 좋아하지 않으며, 우리의 고정 관념에 기반한 예측이 이루어지지 않을 때 우리는 위협을 느낀다.

 Psychologist Wendy Mendes asked White and Asian college students to interact with Latino students who had been hired as actors by the researchers.

 심리학자 Wendy Mendes는 백인과 아시아인 대학생들에게 연구원들에 의해 배우로 고용된 라틴계 학생들과 상호 작용하도록 요청했다.

 Some of the Latino students portrayed themselves as socioeconomically "high status," with lawyer fathers, professor mothers, and summers spent volunteering in Europe.

 라틴계 학생들의 일부는 자신을 변호사 아버지, 교수 어머니, 그리고 유럽에서 자원봉사를 하며 보내는 여름을 가진 사회 경제적으로 '높은 계층'으로 묘사했다.

 Others portrayed themselves as "low status," with unemployed parents and part-time summer jobs.

 다른 사람들은 자신을 실업자인 부모님과 여름에 아르바이트 일을 가진 '낮은 계층'으로 묘사했다.

 The researchers found that when participants interacted with the Latino students who appeared to come from wealth and thus challenged American stereotypes, they responded physiologically as if to a threat: their blood vessels constricted and their heart activity changed.

 연구자들은 참가자들이 부유한 가정 출신으로 보이고 그래서 미국인의 고정 관념에 이의를 제기하는 라틴계 학생들과 상호 작용했을 때 그들이 마치 위협을 대하는 것처럼 생리적으로 반응한다는 것을 알아냈는데, 즉 그들의 혈관은 수축되었고 그들 의 심장 활동은 변화했다.

 In these interactions, participants also saw the students who violated stereotypes as less likable.

 이러한 상호 작용에서 참가자들은 또한 고정 관념을 깨뜨린 학생들을 덜 호감이 가는 것으로 간주했다.

 In this way, stereotypes that are descriptive can easily become prescriptive.

 이러한 방식으로 '기술적인' 고정 관념은 쉽게 '규범적이게' 될 수 있다.

 The phenomenon, it turns out, may have a neuroscientific explanation: it's an angry protest from the brain's reward system.

 그 현상은 신경 과학적인 설명을 가질 수 있다고 판명 되는데, 즉 그것은 뇌의 보상 체계로부터의 격렬한 항의이다.


[3] 2023 04  22: 자연수 사용이 정보 전달에 효과적임을 설명

 We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with.

 우리는 자연수를 온전한 물체, 다시 말해 우리의 수렵채집인 뇌가 다룰 수 있는 것들로 상상할 수 있다.

 On the other hand, partial numbers ― decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios ― simply don't register as real to our minds.

 반면에 소수, 분수, 백분율과 비율과 같은 부분을 나타내는 수는 간단히 우리 머릿속에 실재하는 것으로 인식되지 않는다.

 We may be able to work with them for a given time when we're in math mode, but if we're asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble grasping the concept.

 우리가 수학 모드일 때는 주어진 시간 동안 그것들을 다룰 수 있을지도 모르지만, 만약 우리가 다른 때에 질문을 받으면 개념을 이해하는 데 어려움을 겪는 경향이 있다.

 In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren't natural numbers, the message is unlikely to make sense to them.

 다시 말하면, 우리가 청중에게 자연수가 아닌 숫자를 제시할 때마다 그 메시지는 그들에게 이해될 가능성이 낮다.

 Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there's a good chance they never even envision what we're describing in the first place ― because the number attached isn't solid.

 그들이 그 숫자들을 기억하고 계산하는 데 실수를 하기 쉬울 뿐 아니라 그들은 애초에 우리가 설명하는 것을 머릿속에 전혀 그리지도 못할 가능성이 높은데 왜냐하면 부여된 숫자가 온전하지 않기 때문이다.

 Use natural numbers whenever you can to make your message real.

 메시지를 실재적으로 만들기 위해 가능하면 언제든지 자연수를 사용해라.

 For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers.

 1보다 작은 숫자의 경우 대상들이 자연수처럼 보이기 시작하도록 하는 전략을 사용할 수 있다.

 If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, using "1 out of 500" makes this abstract percentage into a real thing.

 만약 당신이 0.2%의 사람들이 어떤 특성을 가지고 있다는 것을 발견한다면, '500명 중 1 '을 사용하는 것은 이러한 추상적인 백분율을 실재적인 것으로 만든다.


[3] 2023 04  23: 지구적인 문제에 대한 개인적 연결감의 중요성

 Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem overwhelming.

 대규모의 장기적인 변화에 직면하는 것은 대응할 수 없는 것처럼 보인다.

 Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference.

 세계적인 전염이나 경제적 불평등 같은 문제는 너무 복잡해서 어떠한 개입이 변화를 가져올 것이라고 믿기가 어려울 수 있다.

 Working through fears of what could be depends on connecting with the abstract.

 무슨 일이 있을지에 대한 두려움을 극복하는 것은 추상적인 것과 연결하는 것에 달려 있다.

 Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, translates conceptual ideas into concrete emotions.

 예를 들어 기후 변화와 같은 문제를 우리 자신의 이웃, 직업 그리고 관계와 연결하는 것은 개념적인 생각을 구체적인 감정으로 바꾼다.

 Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more frequent floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, evokes feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt ― feelings that inspire us to act.

 우리가 사랑하는 해변이 어떻게 사라질 것인지, 더 빈번한 홍수가 어떻게 우리의 집을 파괴할 것인지 혹은 증가하는 산불 위험에서 달아나기 위해 어떻게 우리가 이동해야 할지에 대해 생각하는 것은 분노, 슬픔 혹은 죄책감 같은 감정, 즉 우리가 행동하도록 자극하는 감정을 불러일으킨다.

 A recent study found that when people feel personally affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies.

 최근의 한 연구는 사람들이 잠재적인 기후 변화 에 의해 개인적으로 영향을 받는다고 느낄 때 그들이 탄소 감소 노력을 지지하고 예방적인 정책을 요구할 가능성이 더 높다는 점을 발견했다.

 Forming emotional connections to potential futures helps us move from denial and despair to action.

 잠재적인 미래와의 감정적인 연결을 형성하는 것은 우리가 부정과 절망에서 행동으로 이동하도록 도와준다.


[3] 2023 04  24: 목성의 위성 관찰을 통해 빛의 속도 이해

 There was once a certain difficulty with the moons of Jupiter that is worth remarking on.

 한때 목성의 위성들에는 주목할 만한 가치가 있는 어떤 어려움이 있었다.

 These satellites were studied very carefully by Roemer, who noticed that the moons sometimes seemed to be ahead of schedule, and sometimes behind.

 이 위성들은 Roemer에 의해 매우 면밀히 연구되었는데, 그는 위성들이 때로는 예정보다 앞서고 때로는 뒤처지는 것처럼 보였다는 것을 알아차렸다.

 They were ahead when Jupiter was particularly close to the earth and they were behind when Jupiter was farther from the earth.

 그것들은 목성이 지구에 특히 '가까울' 때는 '앞섰고' 목성이 지구에서 '더 멀' 때는 '뒤처졌다'.

 This would have been a very difficult thing to explain according to the law of gravitation.

 이것은 중력의 법칙에 따라 설명하기 매우 어려운 것이었을 것이다.

 If a law does not work even in one place where it ought to, it is just wrong.

 법칙이 작용해야 할 '한 곳'에서라도 작용하지 않는다면 그것은 그냥 틀린 것이다.

 But the reason for this discrepancy was very simple and beautiful: it takes a little while to see the moons of Jupiter because of the time it takes light to travel from Jupiter to the earth.

 하지만 이 불일치의 이유는 매우 간단하고 아름다웠는데, 그것은 빛이 목성에서 지구로 이동하는 데 걸리는 시간 때문에 목성의 위성들을 '보는' 데 약간의 시간이 걸린다는 것이다.

 When Jupiter is closer to the earth the time is a little less, and when it is farther from the earth, the time is more.

 목성이 지구에 더 가까울 때는 그 시간이 조금 더 짧으며 지구에서 더 멀 때는 그 시간이 더 길다.

 This is why moons appear to be, on the average, a little ahead or a little behind, depending on whether they are closer to or farther from the earth.

 이것이 위성들이 지구에 더 가깝거나 더 먼지에 따라 대체로 조금 앞서거나 조금 뒤처지는 것처럼 보이는 이유이다.


[3] 2023 04  25: 유럽 국가들의 치매 환자  증가 예측 그래프

 The graph above shows the number of dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants in six European countries in 2021 and in 2050 (The number in 2050 is estimated).

 위의 그래프는 6개 유럽 국가의 2021년과 2050년의 거주자 1,000명당 치매 환자 수를 보여 준다(2050년의 숫자는 예측된 것이다).

 By 2050, the number of dementia patients per 1,000 people is expected to increase by more than 10 in all given countries compared to 2021.

 2050년까지 1,000명당 치매 환자 수는 모든 주어진 국가들에서 2021년에 비해 10명 넘게 증가할 것으로 예측된다.

 In 2021, Italy recorded the highest proportion of dementia patients out of the six countries and it is expected to do so in 2050 as well.

 2021년에는 이탈리아가 6개 국가 중에 가장 높은 치매 환자 비율을 기록했고 2050년에도 역시 그러할 것으로 예측된다.

 The proportion of dementia patients in Spain was lower than that of Germany in 2021, but is expected to exceed that of Germany in 2050.

 스페인에서 치매 환자 비율은 2021년에는 독일의 그것보다 낮았지만 2050년에는 독일의 그것을 초과할 것으로 예측된다.

 Switzerland and the Netherlands had the same proportion of dementia patients in 2021, and by 2050 those proportions are both projected to more than double.

 스위스와 네덜란드는 2021년에 동일한 치매 환자 비율을 가지고 있었으며 2050년까지 둘 다 그 비율이 두 배가 넘을 것으로 예상된다.

 Among the six countries, Belgium shows the smallest gap between the number of dementia patients per 1,000 inhabitants in 2021 and in 2050.

 6개 국가 중 벨기에는 2021년과 2050년 사이의 거주자 1,000명당 치매 환자 수에서 가장 적은 격차를 보인다.


[3] 2023 04  26: Josef Frank 비엔나 모더니즘에 대한 비판

 Josef Frank, born in Austria of Jewish heritage, studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology.

 유태인 혈통으로 오스트리아에서 태어난 Josef Frank Vienna University of Technology에서 건축학을 공부했다.

 He then taught at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts from 1919 to 1925.

 그는 그러고 나서 1919년부터 1925년까지 Vienna School of Arts and Crafts에서 가르쳤다.

 He founded an interior design firm together with some architect colleagues in 1925.

 1925년에 그는 몇몇 건축가 동료들과 함께 인테리어 디자인 회사를 설립했다.

 He was one of early Vienna modernism's most important figures, but already in the beginning of the 1920s he started to question modernism's growing pragmatism.

 그는 초기 비엔나 모더니즘의 가장 중요한 인물 중 한 명이었지만 이미 1920년대 초에 모더니즘의 고조되는 실용주의에 의문을 제기하기 시작했다.

 He had little appreciation for the French architect Le Corbusier's belief that a house should be "a machine for living in."

 그는 집이 '생활을 위한 기계'여야 한다는 프랑스 건축가 Le Corbusier의 신념에 거의 공감하지 않았다.

 He was against the standardized interior design trend of the time, fearing that it would make people all too uniform.

 그는 당시의 표준화된 인테리어 디자인 경향에 반대했고 그것이 사람들을 너무 획일적으로 만들 것을 두려워했다.

 He moved to Sweden with his Swedish wife in 1933 to escape growing Nazi discrimination and gained citizenship in 1939.

 그는 심해지는 나치의 차별을 피해 1933년에 스웨덴인 아내와 함께 스웨덴으로 가서 1939년에 시민권을 얻었다.

 He was the most prestigious designer at his Stockholm design company.

 그는 자신의 스톡홀름의 디자인 회사에서 가장 명성 있는 디자이너였다.

 In addition to his architectural work he created numerous designs for furniture, fabric, wallpaper and carpet.

 자신의 건축 작업 외에도 그는 가구, 직물, 벽지 그리고 카펫의 수많은 디자인을 만들었다.


[3] 2023 04  29: 음악 교육에서 세부적인 피드백의 중요성

 Providing feedback to students is a critical task of teachers.

 학생들에게 피드백을 제공하는 것은 교사에게 중요한 과제이다.

 General psychology has shown that knowledge of results is necessary for improving a skill.

 일반 심리학은 결과에 대한 지식이 기량을 향상시키는 데 필요하다는 것을 보여 주었다.

 Advanced musicians are able to self-critique their performances, but developing music students rely on teachers to supply evaluative feedback.

 숙련된 음악가들은 자신의 연주를 스스로 비판할 수 있지만 성장하고 있는 음악을 배우는 학생들은 평가적 피드백을 제공하는 교사에 의존한다.

 The most constructive feedback is that which expresses the discrepancies between a student's performance of a piece of music and an optimal version.

 가장 건설적인 피드백은 음악 한 곡에 대한 학생의 연주와 최적의 버전 사이의 불일치를 표현하는 것이다.

 Expert teachers give more detailed feedback than general appraisals, and music educators generally recognize that more specific teacher feedback facilitates student performance improvement.

 숙련된 교사는 일반적인 평가보다 더 상세한 피드백을 주고 음악 교육자는 더 구체적인 교사 피드백이 학생의 연주 향상을 촉진한다고 보통 인정한다.

 Researchers also have explored whether the feedback of effective teachers is more often positively or negatively expressed, that is, constituting praise or criticism.

 연구자들은 또한 유능한 교사의 피드백이 더 자주 긍정적으로 혹은 부정적으로 표현되는지, 즉 칭찬 혹은 비판을 이루는지 탐구했다.

 One might intuitively think that positive comments are more motivating to students and, as a result, are more associated with effective teaching.

 사람들은 긍정적인 의견이 학생들에게 더욱 동기를 부여하고 결과적으로 효과적인 가르침과 더욱 연관되어 있다고 직관적으로 생각할 지도 모른다.

 The research, however, paints a slightly different picture.

 그러나 그 연구는 약간 다른 그림을 그린다.

 Although positive feedback is likely more helpful with younger learners and in one-on-one instruction, more advanced music students seem to accept and benefit from greater levels of criticism in lessons.

 긍정적인 피드백이 어린 학습자와 일대일 교수에서는 더욱 도움이 되는 것 같지만 음악을 배우는 더 숙련된 학생들은 수업에서 더 높은 수준의 비평을 받아들이고 이익을 얻는 것처럼 보인다.


[3] 2023 04  30: 호르몬이 몸에서 반응을 유발하는 과정 설명

 How do hormones trigger reactions in the body?

 호르몬은 어떻게 우리 몸에서 반응을 일으키는가?

 When a hormone is released from a gland, it travels in the bloodstream through the body in search of its target.

 호르몬이 분비선에서 분비되면 그것의 표적을 찾아서 혈류 내에서 온몸으로 이동한다.

 Organs, tissues and other glands in the body have receptor sites that hormones must bind to in order to deliver their message and cause an effect.

 몸의 기관, 조직, 그리고 다른 분비선은 호르몬이 그들의 메시지를 전달하고 효과를 일으키기 위해서 결합해야 하는 수용체 부위를 가지고 있다.

 But because every hormone has its own unique shape, they are designed to act only on the parts of the body that have a receptor site with the corresponding shape.

 하지만 모든 호르몬은 자신만의 독특한 모양을 가지고 있기 때문에 그에 상응하는 모양의 수용체 부위를 지닌 인체의 부분에만 작용하도록 설계되어 있다.

 This mode of action can be likened to a lock and key mechanism ― if the key doesn't fit the lock, then nothing will happen.

 이러한 작용 방식은 자물쇠와 열쇠 매커니즘에 비유될 수 있는데, 만약 열쇠가 자물쇠에 맞지 않으면 아무 일도 일어나지 않을 것이다.

 When a hormone binds to its receptor, it sets off a chain of other signaling pathways to create a change in the body.

 호르몬이 수용체에 결합되면 몸에 변화를 일으키기 위해서 일련의 다른 신호 전달 경로를 유발한다.

 Once the desired effect has taken place and there is too much hormone circulating in the blood, this signal is fed back to the glands to reduce further hormone release.

 일단 바라던 결과가 일어나고 혈액 내에서 순환하는 너무 많은 호르몬이 있으면 이 신호는 추가적인 호르몬 분비를 억제하기 위해 분비선으로 다시 보내진다.

 This is called a feedback loop and, when functioning correctly, it allows the endocrine system to ensure the conditions in your body remain in balance.

 이것은 피드백 고리라고 불리고 올바르게 기능하면 그것은 내분비계로 하여금 여러분의 몸 상태가 균형을 유지하는 것을 확실히 하도록 한다.


[3] 2023 04  31: 유사한 행동 스타일이 초기 매력에 미치는 영향

 Although a balance or harmony between partners clearly develops over time in a relationship, it is also a factor in initial attraction and interest in a partner.

 파트너 사이의 균형이나 조화는 관계에서 시간이 지남에 따라 분명히 발전하지만, 그것은 파트너에 대한 초기 매력과 관심의 요인이기도 하다.

 That is, to the extent that two people share similar verbal and nonverbal habits in a first meeting, they will be more comfortable with one another.

 , 두 사람이 첫 만남에서 비슷한 언어적 그리고 비언어적 습관을 공유하는 정도까지 그들은 서로 더 편안할 것이다.

 For example, fast-paced individuals talk and move quickly and are more expressive, whereas slow-paced individuals have a different tempo and are less expressive.

 예를 들어, 속도가 빠른 사람들은 빠르게 말을 하고 움직이며 더 표현력이 있는 반면, 속도가 느린 사람들은 다른 속도를 가지고 표현력이 덜 하다.

 Initial interactions between people at opposite ends of such a continuum may be more difficult than those between similar types.

 이러한 연속체의 반대쪽 끝에 있는 사람들 간의 초기 상호 작용은 유사한 유형 간의 그것들보다 더 어려울 수 있다.

 In the case of contrasting styles, individuals may be less interested in pursuing a relationship than if they were similar in interaction styles.

 대조적인 유형의 경우 사람들은 그들이 상호 작용 유형에 있어서 유사한 경우보다 관계를 추구하는 것에 관심이 적을 수 있다.

 Individuals with similar styles, however, are more comfortable and find that they just seem to "click" with one another.

 그러나 비슷한 유형의 사람들은 더 편안하고 그들이 단지 서로 '즉시 마음이 통하는' 것 같다는 것을 느낀다.

 Thus, behavioral coordination may provide a selection filter for the initiation of a relationship.

 따라서 행동의 조화는 관계의 시작을 위한 선택 필터를 제공할 수 있다.


[3] 2023 04  32: 보어버드가 복잡한 구조물을 만드는 예술성

 Animals arguably make art.

 동물은 거의 틀림없이 예술을 만든다.

 The male bowerbirds of New Guinea and Australia dedicate huge fractions of their time and energy to creating elaborate structures from twigs, flowers, berries, beetle wings, and even colorful trash.

 뉴기니와 오스트레일리아의 수컷 바우어새는 나뭇가지, , 딸기류, 딱정벌레 날개 그리고 심지어 다채로운 잡동사니로부터 정교한 구조물을 만드는 데 그들의 시간과 에너지의 큰 부분을 바친다.

 These are the backdrops to their complex mating dances, which include acrobatic moves and even imitations of other species.

 이것들은 그들의 복잡한 짝짓기 춤을 위한 배경이며 그 춤은 곡예 동작과 심지어 다른 종들의 모방까지 포함한다.

 What's most amazing about the towers and "bowers" they construct is that they aren't stereotyped like a beehive or hummingbird nest.

 그들이 지은 탑과 '바우어'의 가장 놀라운 점은 그것들이 벌집이나 벌새 둥지처럼 정형화되어 있지 않다는 것이다.

 Each one is different.

 각각의 것은 다르다.

 Artistic skill, along with fine craftsbirdship, is rewarded by the females.

 새의 정교한 장인 정신과 함께 예술적 기술은 암컷에 의해 보상받는다.

 Many researchers suggest these displays are used by the females to gauge the cognitive abilities of her potential mates, but Darwin thought that she was actually attracted to their beauty.

 많은 연구자들은 이 과시가 자신의 잠재적 짝의 인지적 능력을 측정하기 위해서 암컷에 의해 이용된다고 말하지만 다윈은 암컷이 실제로 그것들의 '아름다움'에 끌렸다고 생각했다.

 In other words, the bowers aren't simply signals of mate quality; they are appreciated by the females for their own sake, much as we appreciate a painting or a bouquet of spring flowers.

 다시 말해, 바우어는 단순히 짝의 자질의 신호만인 것은 아니다. 그것들은 우리가 그림이나 봄꽃 한 다발을 감상하는 것처럼 그 자체의 목적을 위해 감상된다.

 A 2013 study looked at whether bowerbirds that did better on cognitive tests were more successful at attracting mates.

 2013년의 한 연구는 인지 검사에서 더 잘했던 바우어새가 짝을 유혹하는 데 더 성공적이었는지를 살펴보았다.

 They were not, suggesting whatever the females are looking for, it isn't a straightforward indicator of cognitive ability.

 그들은 그러지 않았고, 이것은 암컷이 찾는 것이 무엇이든지 그것이 인지 능력의 직접적인 지표는 아니라는 것을 시사한다.


[3] 2023 04  33: 소비자 만족도를 높이기 위한 제품 경험 연결

 Running a business that sells goods and services to consumers requires getting to know the products they like.

 소비자에게 상품과 서비스를 판매하는 사업을 운영하는 것은 그들이 좋아하는 제품을 알아가는 것을 필요로 한다.

 More than that, however, you want to link positive experiences to the products they purchase.

 그러나 그 이상으로 여러분은 긍정적인 경험을 그들이 구매하는 제품에 연결하는 것이 좋다.

 In traditional or online sales, people are bound to favorably regard the vendor and product that they could easily inquire about and quickly acquire in good order.

 전통적인 판매나 온라인 판매에서 사람들은 쉽게 문의할 수 있고 좋은 상태로 빨리 얻을 수 있는 제품과 판매자를 좋게 생각할 수밖에 없다.

 Using the product can increase or decrease their satisfaction, and they will remember to repurchase products that meet and exceed their expectations.

 제품을 사용하는 것은 그들의 만족도를 증가시키거나 감소시킬 수 있으며, 그들은 기대를 충족시키고 뛰어넘는 제품을 재구매할 것을 기억할 것이다.

 Traditional stores make the shopping experience pleasant by their displays and personal service.

 전통적인 상점은 그것의 진열과 개인 서비스로 쇼핑 경험을 즐겁게 만든다.

 Internet retailers lead buyers to products they want through speedy searches and clicks.

 인터넷 소매업체는 빠른 검색과 클릭을 통해 구매자를 그들이 원하는 제품으로 유도한다.

 A new online selling method that can generate millions of dollars in purchases within a few minutes is livestream selling.

 몇 분 안에 수백만 달러의 구매를 창출할 수 있는 새로운 온라인 판매 방법은 실시간 스트리밍 판매이다.

 That's when hosts streaming their shows live demonstrate a product and even interactively receive comments and answer questions from their viewers through the power of social media.

 그것은 그들의 쇼를 실시간으로 스트리밍하는 호스트가 제품을 시연하고 심지어 소셜 미디어의 힘을 통해 양방향으로 그들의 시청자로부터 의견을 받고 질문에 답하는 경우이다.

 If they like the product, they buy it immediately through an e-commerce feature on the platform.

 그들은 그 제품이 마음에 들면 플랫폼의 전자 상거래 기능을 통해 즉시 그것을 구매한다.

 Buyers say that the experience is so convenient, it is like talking to a friend.

 구매자는 경험이 매우 편리하고, 그것은 친구와 이야기하는 것과 같다고 말한다.


[3] 2023 04  34: 헤겔의 철학에서 개체와 보편성의 상호작용

 In Hegel's philosophy, even though there is interaction and interrelation between the universal and the individual, the universal still has more priority than the individual.

 헤겔의 철학에서 비록 보편자와 개별자 사이에 상호 작용과 상호 관계가 있긴 하지만 보편자는 여전히 개별자보다 더 많은 우위를 갖는다.

 For Hegel, individuals are not distinguished in terms of Reason.

 헤겔에게 개인은 '이성'의 관점에서는 구별되지 않는다.

 In Philosophy of Right Hegel stresses particularity and universality as follows:

 Philosophy of Right에서 헤겔은 다음과 같이 특수성과 보편성을 강조한다.

 "A man, who acts perversely, exhibits particularity.

 '사람은 별나게 행동하는데, 특수성을 보여 준다.

 The rational is the highway on which everyone travels, and no one is specially marked."

 이성적인 것은 모든 사람이 이동하는 고속도로이며, 아무도 특별하게 표시되지 않는다.'

 Here, Hegel maintains that individuals can be differentiated from each other in terms of their acts but they are not differentiated with respect to reason.

 여기서 헤겔은 개인이 그들의 행동의 관점에서는 서로 구별될 수 있지만 이성의 측면에서는 구별되지 않는다고 주장한다.

 There are specific thoughts, but they are finally resolved into the universal.

 특수한 생각은 있지만 그것들은 결국 보편자로 귀착된다.

 One might say that Hegel seems to focus on the individual like Aristotle but in reality, he subtly treats the universal as fundamental whereas Aristotle considers the individual as primary substance and universal as secondary substance; in so doing Aristotle emphasizes the universal to be subordinate to the individual in contrast to Hegel.

 혹자는 헤겔이 아리 스토텔레스처럼 개별자에만 초점을 맞춘 것으로 보인다고 말할 수도 있지만 아리스토텔레스가 개별자를 제일(-) 실체로, 보편자를 제이(第二) 실체로 여기고, 그렇게 하는 것을 통해 헤겔과는 반대로 보편자가 개별자에게 종속된다고 강조하는 것과는 달리 실제로 그(헤겔)는 미묘하게 보편자를 근본적인 것으로 다룬다.


[3] 2023 04  35: 언어의 구조와 현실 표현의 문제점 탐구

 One of the branches of postmodernism examines the structure of language and how it is used.

 포스트모더니즘의 분파 중 하나는 언어의 구조와 그것이 어떻게 사용되는지를 살펴본다.

 It challenges the assumption that language can be precisely used to represent reality.

 그것은 언어가 현실을 나타내는 데 정확하게 사용될 수 있다는 가정에 이의를 제기한다.

 Meanings of words are ambiguous, as words are only signs or labels given to concepts (what is signified) and therefore there is no necessary correspondence between the word and the meaning, the signifier and the signified.

 단어는 단지 개념(의 미되는 바)에 주어진 기호 또는 표호이고 따라서 단어와 그 의미, 즉 기표(꾼標)와 기의(꾼意) 사이에는 필연적인 상응이 존재하지 않기 때문에 단어의 의미는 모호하다.

 The use of signs (words) and their meaning can vary depending on the flow of the text in which they are used, leading to the possibility of 'deconstructing' text to reveal its underlying inconsistencies.

 기호(단어)의 사용과 그것의 의미는 그것이 사용되는 텍스트의 흐름에 따라 다양할 수 있고, 이것은 그것의 기저에 있는 불일치성을 드러내기 위해 텍스트를 '해체할' 가능성으로 이어진다.

 This approach can be applied to all forms of representation ― pictures, films, etc. that gain added or alternative meanings by the overlaying of references to previous uses.

 이러한 접근법은 모든 형태의 표상, 즉 외연을 이전의 사용에 덧씌움을 통해 추가된 혹은 대안적인 의미를 얻는 사진, 영화 등에 적용될 수 있다.

 This can be seen particularly in the media, where it is difficult to distinguish the real from the unreal ― everything is representation, there is no reality.

 이것은 특히 미디어에서 보여질 수 있는데, 여기에서 실제와 가상을 구별하기 어려우며 모든 것은 표상이고 현실은 없다.


[3] 2023 04  36: 지구 형성 과정과 초기 조건에 대한 설명

 The Earth formed from rocky and metallic fragments during the construction of the solar system ― debris that was swept up by an initial nucleus and attracted together into a single body by the force of gravity.

 지구는 태양계의 형성 도중 암석과 금속 조각들로부터 만들어졌는데, 이것들은 초기 핵에 의해 휩쓸리고 중력의 힘에 의해 하나의 덩어리로 끌어들여진 파편들이다.

 The original materials were cold as outer space and dry as dust; whatever water and gases they contained were locked inside individual fragments as chemical compounds.

 원래 물질들은 우주 공간처럼 차갑고 먼지처럼 건조했는데, 그것들이 포함하는 물과 가스는 무엇이든지 화학 혼합물로서 개별 조각 안에 갇혀 있었다.

 As the fragments joined, the Earth's gravity increased, attracting larger and larger objects to impact the Earth.

 그 조각들이 모이면서 지구의 중력이 증가했고, 이것은 점점 더 큰 물체들을 끌어당겨 지구에 충돌하게 했다.

 This increasing gravity, combined with the timeless radioactive decay of elements like uranium and thorium, caused the new Earth to heat up.

 이러한 증가하는 중력은 우라늄과 토륨과 같은 원소의 끝없는 방사선 붕괴와 결합하여 새로운 지구가 가열되는 것을 유발했다.

 The internal temperature and pressure were high enough for many compounds to break down or melt, releasing their water and gases.

 내부 온도와 압력은 많은 혼합물이 분해되거나 녹을 정도로 충분히 높았고, 물과 가스를 방출했다.

 Even solid material could begin to move and flow under such conditions.

 심지어 고체 물질도 그러한 상태에서 움직이고 흐르기 시작할 수 있었다.

 Separation by density began, and the Earth started to organize into its present layered structure.

 밀도에 의한 분리가 시작되었고, 지구는 그것의 현재 지층 구조로 구성되기 시작했다.

 The heaviest metals sank to the center; the lightest materials migrated outward.

 가장 무거운 금속은 중심부로 가라앉았고, 가장 가벼운 물질은 바깥으로 이동했다.


[3] 2023 04  37: 표현의 권력이 문화 지배에 미치는 영향

 Representation is control.

 표현은 지배력이다.

 The power to represent the world is the power to represent us in it or it in us, for the final stage of representing merges the representor and the represented into one.

 세상을 표현하는 힘은 그것 속에 있는 우리 또는 우리 속에 있는 그것을 표 현하는 힘인데, 왜냐하면 표현하기의 최종 단계는 표현하는 것과 표현되는 것을 하나로 병합하기 때문이다.

 Imperializing cultures produce great works of art (great representations) which can be put to work intellectually as armies and trading houses work militarily and economically.

 제국주의화하는 문화는 군대와 무역 회사가 군사적, 경제적으로 작동하는 것과 마찬가지로 지적으로 작동할 수 있는 훌륭한 예술 작품을 생산한다.

 Shakespeare, Jane Austen and maps were as important to English Imperial power as was the East India Company, the British army and the churches of England.

 셰익스피어, 제인 오스틴 그리고 지도는 동인도 회사, 영국 군대 그리고 영국의 교회만큼 영국 제국의 힘에 중요했다.

 It is no coincidence that modern Europe, the Europe of colonization, was also the Europe of "great art," and no coincidence either that it was the Europe of great map makers.

 식민지화의 유럽인 현대 유럽이 '위대한 예술'의 유럽이기도 했다는 것은 우연이 아니며, 위대한 지도 제작자들의 유럽이었다는 것도 우연이 아니다.

 That is because unless we can control the world intellectually by maps we cannot control it militarily or economically.

 그것은 우리가 지도로 세상을 지적으로 지배할 수 없다면 군사적으로나 경제적으로 지배할 수 없기 때문이다.

 Mercator, Moliere, Columbus and Captain Cook imperialized in different ways, but they all imperialized, and ultimately the effectiveness of one depended upon and supported the effectiveness of all the others.

 메르카토르, 몰리에르, 콜럼버스 그리고 쿡 선장은 서로 다른 방식으로 제국주의화했지만 그들은 모두 제국주의화했고 궁극적으로 하나의 유효성은 다른 모든 것들의 유효성에 의존하고 그것을 뒷받침했다.

 Similarly the US form of contemporary colonization, which involves occupying economies and political parties rather than physical territories, is accompanied by the power of both Hollywood and the satellite to represent the world to and for the US.

 마찬가지로 물리적 영토라기보다는 경제와 정당을 차지하는 것을 포함하는 미국의 현대 식민지화 형태는 세계를 미국에 그리고 미국을 위해 표현하기 위해 할리우드와 인공위성 둘 다의 힘에 의해 동반된다.


[3] 2023 04  38: '동물'이라는 단어가 인간과 동물 구분 강조

 Language, and the word "animal," deceives us.

 언어, 그중에서도 '동물'이라는 단어는 우리를 속인다.

 The word "animal" categorizes all non-human animals and distances humans from other animals.

 '동물'이라는 단어는 인간이 아닌 모든 동물 을 분류하고 인간을 다른 동물로부터 떼어 놓는다.

 Seeing all other animals as one group in contrast to humans reinforces anthropocentrism, which contributes to the legitimization of practices in which other animals are used for human benefit.

 모든 다른 동물을 인간과 대조되는 하나의 그룹으로 보는 것은 인간 중심주의를 강화하는데, 이는 다른 동물이 인간의 이득을 위해 이용되는 관행의 정당화에 기여한다.

 Jacques Derrida argues that instead of one line between Man on the one side and Animal on the other, there is a multiple and heterogeneous border; beyond the edge of the "so-called human," we find a heterogeneous plurality of the living.

 Jacques Derrida는 한쪽에 있는 '인간'과 다른 한쪽에 있는 '동물' 사이의 하나의 선 대신에 복합적이고 이질적인 경계가 있다고 주장하는데, '소위 인간'의 가장자리 너머에서 우리는 살아 있는 것들의 이질적인 복수성을 발견한다.

 To account for this multitude, using the word "animot" has been proposed.

 이 다양성을 설명하기 위해 'animot'이라는 단어를 사용할 것이 제안되어 왔다.

 In speech it refers to the plural, the multiplicity of animals, which is necessary because there is no one "animal."

 언어에서 그것은 복수, 즉 동물의 다양성을 가리키는데, 이는 하나의 '동물'만 있지는 않기 때문에 필요하다.

 The "mot" in "animot" refers to the act of naming and the risks involved in drawing a distinction between human and animal by the human.

 'animot' 'mot'은 명명하는 행위 와 인간에 의한 인간과 동물 사이의 구분을 짓는 데 수반되는 위험을 나타낸다.

 It reminds us of the fact that it is a word for animals, not a reference to an existing group of animals.

 그것은 우리로 하여금 그것이 기존의 동물 집단을 가리키는 것이 아니라 동물들을 위한 단어라는 사실을 상기시킨다.


[3] 2023 04  39: 바빌로니아 천문학이 과학적 방법에 미친 영향

 Babylonian astronomers created detailed records of celestial movements in the heavens, using the resulting tables to sieve out irregularities and, with them, the favour of the gods.

 바빌로니아의 천문학자들은 하늘에서의 천체 운동에 대한 자세한 기록을 만들었고, 그 결과표를 사용하여 불규칙성을, 그리고 그것들로 신의 은총을 가려냈다.

 This was the seed of what we now call the scientific method ― a demonstration that accurate observations of the world could be used to forecast its future.

 이것이 우리가 현재 과학적인 방법이라고 부르는 것, 즉 세상에 대한 정확한 관찰이 미래를 예측하기 위해 사용될 수 있다는 것을 보여 주는 씨앗이었다.

 The importance of measurement in this sort of cosmic comprehension did not develop smoothly over the centuries.

 이러한 종류의 우주의 이해에 관한 측정의 중요성은 수 세기 동안 원활하게 발전하지는 않았다.

 Indeed, in the Middle Ages in Europe, calculating by hand and eye was sometimes seen as producing a rather shabby sort of knowledge, inferior to that of abstract thought.

 사실, 유럽의 중세 시대에는 손과 눈으로 측정하는 것은 다소 터무니없는 종류의 지식, 즉 추상적인 사고의 그것보다 열등한 지식을 만들어 낸다고 때때로 여겨졌다.

 The suspicion was due to the influence of ancient Greeks in the era's scholasticism, particularly Plato and Aristotle, who stressed that the material world was one of unceasing change and instability.

 그 의심은 그 당시의 스콜라 철학의 고대 그리스인들, 특히 물질 세계는 끊임없는 변화와 불안정의 하나라고 강조했던 플라톤과 아리스토텔레스의 영향 때문이었다.

 They emphasized that reality was best understood by reference to immaterial qualities, be they Platonic forms or Aristotelian causes.

 그들은 현실이 플라톤적인 형태이 든 아리스토텔레스적인 원인이든 비물질적인 자질을 참조하여 가장 잘 이해된다고 강조했다.

 It would take the revelations of the scientific revolution to fully displace these instincts, with observations of the night sky once again proving decisive.

 이러한 직관을 완전히 대체하기 위해서는 과학적인 혁명이라는 뜻밖의 새로운 발견이 필요했을 것이고 밤하늘의 관찰이 결정적임이 다시 한 번 입증되었다.


[3] 2023 04  40: 동물이 과장된 자극을 선호하는 실험 결과

 Experiments suggest that animals, just like humans, tend to prefer exaggerated, supernormal stimuli, and that a preference can rapidly propel itself to extreme levels (peak shift effect).

 실험들은 동물이 인간과 마찬가지로 과장되고 비범한 자극을 선호하는 경향이 있으며 선호는 빠르게 그 자체를 극단적인 수준으로 나아가게 할 수 있다는 것('정점 변경 효과')을 보여 준다.

 In one experiment, through food rewards rats were conditioned to prefer squares to other geometric forms.

 한 실험에서 음식 보상을 통해 쥐는 정사각형을 다른 기하학 형태보다 선호하도록 조건화되었다.

 In the next step, a non-square rectangle was introduced and associated with an even larger reward than the square.

 다음 단계에서 정사각형이 아닌 직사각형이 내놓아졌고 정사각형보다 훨씬 더 큰 보상과 연관되었다.

 As expected, the rats learned to reliably prefer the rectangle.

 예상했듯이 쥐는 직사각형을 확실히 선호하는 것을 학습했다.

 Less predictable was the third part of the experiment.

 덜 예측 가능했던 것은 그 실험의 세 번째 부분이었다.

 The rats were offered the opportunity to choose between the rectangle they already knew and associated with large rewards and another rectangle, the proportions of which were even more different from those of a square.

 쥐는 그들이 이미 알고 있고 큰 보상과 연관되었던 직사각형과 그것의 비율이 정사각형의 그것과 훨씬 더 차이가 나는 또 다른 직사각형 사이에서 선택을 할 기회를 제공받았다.

 Interestingly, rats picked this novel variant, without undergoing any reward-based conditioning in favor of it.

 흥미롭게도 쥐는 그것을 위한 보상에 기반한 조건화를 조금도 경험하지 않고도 이 새로운 변형을 골랐다.

 A possible explanation is thus that they chose the larger difference from the original square (i.e., the exaggeration of non-squareness).

 따라서 가능한 설명은 그들이 원래의 정사각형보다 더 큰 차이,  '정사각형이 아닌 것'의 과장을 선택했다는 것이다.


[3] 2023 04  41~42: 인간의 느린 발달이 다양한 환경 적응을 가능하게 

 Although we humans are equipped with reflexive responses for survival, at birth we are helpless.

 비록 우리 인간이 생존을 위해 반사 반응을 갖추고 있을지라도 태어날 때 우리는 무력하다.

 We spend about a year unable to walk, about two more before we can articulate full thoughts, and many more years unable to provide for ourselves.

 우리는 대략 1년을 걸을 수 없는 상태로 보내고, 우리가 완전한 생각을 분명히 말할 수 있기까지 대략 2년을 더 보내며, 더 많은 시간을 우리 스스로를 부양할 수 없는 상태로 보낸다.

 We are totally dependent on those around us for our survival.

 우리는 우리의 생존을 위해 우리 주변의 사람들에게 완전히 의존적이다.

 Now compare this to many other mammals.

 이제 이것을 많은 다른 포유동물과 비교해 보아라.

 Dolphins, for instance, are born swimming; giraffes learn to stand within hours; a baby zebra can run within forty-five minutes of birth.

 예를 들어 돌고래는 헤엄치면서 태어난다. 기린은 몇 시간 내에 서는 법을 배운다. 새끼 얼룩말은 태어난 지 45분 내에 달릴 수 있다.

 Across the animal kingdom, our cousins are strikingly independent soon after they're born.

 전체 동물의 왕국에서 우리의 사촌들은 그들이 태어난 직후 놀랍게도 독립적이다.

 On the face of it, that seems like a great advantage for other species ― but in fact it signifies a limitation.

 겉보기에는 그것이 다른 종들에게는 엄청난 이점처럼 보이지만 사실은 그것은 한계를 의미한다.

 Baby animals develop quickly because their brains are wiring up according to a largely preprogrammed routine.

 새끼 동물은 주로 미리 프로그램된 루틴에 따라 그것들의 뇌가 연결되어 있기 때문에 빠르게 성장한다.

 But that preparedness trades off with flexibility.

 하지만 그러한 준비됨은 유연성과 서로 교환된다.

 Imagine if some unfortunate rhinoceros found itself on the Arctic tundra, or on top of a mountain in the Himalayas, or in the middle of a metropolis.

 만약 어떤 운 나쁜 코뿔소가 북극 툰드라에서 또는 히말라야 산맥의 산꼭대기에서 또는 대도시의 한가운데에서 자신을 발견했다고 상상해 보아라.

 It would have no capacity to adapt (which is why we don't find rhinos in those areas).

 그것은 적응할 능력이 없을 것이다(이것이 우리가 코뿔소를 그러한 지역에서 발견할 수 없는 이유이다).

 This strategy of arriving with a pre-arranged brain works inside a particular niche in the ecosystem ― but put an animal outside of that niche, and its chances of thriving are low.

 이러한 미리 배열된 뇌와 함께 오는 전략은 생태계 안의 특정한 적합한 장소 안에서는 잘 작동하지만 어떤 동물을 그 적합한 장소 밖에 두면 그것의 번성할 가능성은 낮다.

 In contrast, humans are able to thrive in many different environments, from the frozen tundra to the high mountains to crowded urban centers.

 대조적으로 인간은 얼어붙은 툰드라에서 높은 산맥, 북적거리는 도시 중심지까지 많은 다른 환경에서 번성할 수 있다.

 This is possible because the human brain is born remarkably incomplete.

 이는 인간의 뇌가 놀랍게도 불완전 한 채로 태어나기 때문에 가능하다.

 Instead of arriving with everything wired up ― let's call it "hardwired" ― a human brain allows itself to be shaped by the details of life experience.

 모든 것이 연결된 채로, 즉 소위 '타고난' 채로 오는 대신에 인간의 뇌는 그것 자체가 삶의 경험의 세세한 것에 의해 형성되는 것을 가능하게 한다.

 This leads to long periods of helplessness as the young brain slowly molds to its environment.

 이것은 미숙 한 뇌가 그것의 환경에 맞게 천천히 형성되어 가면서 오랜 기간의 무력함으로 이어진다.

 It's "livewired."

 그것은 '살아 가면서 연결된다'.


[3] 2023 04  43~45: 과도한 관심이 독립성을 저해할  있음을 비유

 There were two neighbors living next to each other.

 서로 옆에 사는 두 이웃이 있었다.

 One was a professor and the other was a merchant who had an unmotivated son.

 한 이웃은 교수였고, 다른 이웃은 동기 부여가 되지 않은 아들을 가진 상인이었다.

 Both of them had planted the same kind of plant in each of their gardens.

 그들 둘 다 각자의 정원에 같은 종류의 식물을 심었다.

 The professor gave a small amount of water to his plants and didn't always give his full attention to them.

 교수는 그의 식물들에 적은 양의 물을 주었고 그들에게 항상 완전한 주의를 기울이지는 않았다.

 Meanwhile, in the merchant's garden, the merchant gave a lot of water to his plants and looked after them well.

 한편, 상인의 정원에서 상인은 그(상인)의 식물들에 많은 물을 주고 그들을 잘 돌보았다.

 The professor's plants were simple but looked good, while the merchant's plants were much fuller and greener.

 교수의 식물들은 평범하지만 괜찮아 보였던 반면 상인의 식물들은 훨씬 더 풍성하고 푸르렀다.

 One night, there was a heavy storm.

 어느 밤, 강한 폭풍이 있었다.

 After the storm was over, both of the neighbors inspected the damage to their gardens.

 폭풍이 지나간 뒤에, 두 이웃 모두 정원의 피해를 점검했다.

 The merchant saw that his plants had come out from the roots and were totally destroyed by the storm.

 상인은 그의 식물들이 폭풍에 의해 뿌리째 뽑혀서 완전히 파괴된 것을 발견했다.

 But, the plants of his neighbor were not damaged at all and were standing firm.

 하지만, 그의 이웃(교수)의 식물들은 전혀 피해를 입지 않고 단단히 서 있었다.

 The merchant was surprised to see this because he thought he had given his plants better care than the professor.

 상인은 그가 교수보다 식물을 더 잘 보살폈다고 생각했기 때문에 그것을 보고 놀랐다.

 He went to his neighbor and said, "Only my plants came out from the roots. How is that possible?"

 그는 그의 이웃에게 가서 말했다. "(상인)의 식물들만 뿌리째 뽑혔어요. 어떻게 이게 가능하죠?"

 The professor smiled and said, "You gave your plants so much attention and water that they didn't need to work for themselves."

 교수는 웃으며 말했다. "당신이 당신의 식물들에 너무 많은 관심과 물을 주었기에, 그들은 스스로 노력할 필요가 없었던 겁니다."

 "Is that really a problem?" said the merchant with a curious look on his face.

 "그게 정말 문제인가요?" 상인이 그(상인)의 얼굴에 궁금한 표정을 띠며 물었다.

 The professor continued his explanation, "I gave my plants just an adequate amount of water and let their roots search for more.

 교수는 설명을 계속했다. "저는 제 식물들에게 딱 적당한 정도의 물만 주고 그들의 뿌리로 하여금 그 이상을 찾도록 했죠.

 Their roots went deeper and grew stronger."

 그들의 뿌리는 더 깊어졌고 더 강하게 자랐어요."

 At that moment, the merchant recalled the image of his son, still lazy and dependent on his parents.

 그 순간, 상인은 여전히 게으르고 자신의 부모에게 의존하는 그(상인)의 아들의 모습을 생각했다.

 "Is that how you approach teaching?" asked the merchant.

 "그것이 당신이 가르침에 접근하는 방식인가요?" 상인이 물었다.

 The professor said, "Yes. Students are like plants. Sometimes guiding is better than giving."

 교수가 말했다. "맞아요. 학생들은 식물과 같죠. 가끔은 주는 것보다 안내하는 것이 더 좋아요."

 Nodding silently, the merchant began to rethink what education is.

 상인은 조용히 고개를 끄덕이며 교육이 무엇인지 다시 생각하기 시작했다.






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